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NOMOR 268 TAHUN 2009





Menimbang : a. bahwa untuk melaksanakan ketentuan pasal 93 Peraturan Menteri

Dalam Negeri Nomor 13 Tahun 2006 jo. Peraturan Menteri Dalam
Negeri Nomor 59 Tahun 2007 tentang Perubahan Atas Peraturan
Menteri Dalam Negeri Nomor 13 Tahun 2006 tentang Pedoman
Pengelolaan Keuangan Daerah perlu disusun standar satuan harga
sebagai pedoman oleh Satuan Kerja Perangkat Daerah (SKPD) dalam
penyusunan Rencana Kerja Anggaran (RKA) Tahun Anggaran 2010;
b. bahwa standar satuan harga sebagaimana dimaksud huruf a terdiri dari
Standar Harga Satuan Upah dan Bahan, Standar Harga Satuan Barang-
Barang dan Standar Harga Satuan Pokok Kegiatan Pemerintah provinsi
Nusa tenggara Barat;
c. bahwa berdasarkan pertimbangan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam huruf a
dan huruf b, perlu menetapkan Keputusan Gubernur tentang Standar
Satuan Harga Pemerintah Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat Tahun
Anggaran 2010.
Mengingat : 1. Undang-undang Nomor 64 Tahun 1958 tentang Pembentukan Daerah-
daerah Tingkat I Bali, Nusa Tenggara Barat dan Nusa Tenggara Timur;
2. Undang-Undang Nomor 10 Tahun 2004 tentang Pembentukan
Peraturan Perundang-undangan;
3. Undang-Undang Nomor 32 Tahun 2004 tentang Pemerintahan Daerah
sebagaimana telah diubah beberapa kali terakhir dengan Undang-
Undang Nomor 12 Tahun 2008 tentang Perubahan Kedua Atas
Undang-Undang Nomor 32 Tahun 2004 tentang Pemerintahan Daerah;
4. Undang-Undang Nomor 33 Tahun 2004 tentang Perimbangan
Keuangan Antara Pemerintah Pusat dan Pemerintahan Daerah;
5. Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 6 Tahun 1998 tentang Koordinasi
Kegiatan Instansi Vertikal di Daerah;
6. Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 58 Tahun 2005 tentang Pengelolaan
Keuangan Daerah;
7. Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 79 Tahun 2005 tentang Pedoman
Pembinaan dan Pengawasan Penyelenggaraan Pemerintahan Daerah;
8. Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 38 Tahun 2007 tentang Pembagian
Urusan Pemerintahan Antara Pemerintah, Pemerintahan Daerah
Provinsi dan Pemerintahan Daerah Kabupaten/Kota;
9. Keputusan Presiden Nomor 80 Tahun 2003 tentang Pedoman
Pelaksanaan Pengadaan Barang/Jasa Pemerintah sebagaimana telah
diubah beberapa kali terakhir dengan Peraturan Presiden Nomor 95
Tahun 2007 tentang Perubahan Ketujuh Atas Keputusan Presiden
Nomor 80 Tahun 2003 tentang Pedoman Pelaksanaan Pengadaan
Barang/Jasa Pemerintah;
10. Peraturan Menteri Dalam Negeri Nomor 16 Tahun 2006 tentang
Prosedur Penyusunan Produk Hukum Daerah;
11. Peraturan Menteri Dalam Negeri Nomor 17 Tahun 2007 tentang
Pedoman Teknis Pengelolaan Barang Daerah;
12. Peraturan Menteri Dalam Negeri Nomor 13 Tahun 2006 tentang
Pedoman Pengelolaan Keuangan Daerah sebagaimana telah diubah
dengan Peraturan Menteri Dalam Negeri Nomor 59 Tahun 2007
tentang Perubahan Atas Peraturan Menteri Dalam Negeri Nomor 13
Tahun 2006 tentang Pedoman Pengelolaan Keuangan Daerah;
13. Keputusan Menteri Kesehatan Nomor 302/Menkes/SK/III/2008 tentang
Harga Obat Generik;
14. Keputusan Menteri Kesehatan Nomor 1157/Menkes/SK/XII/2008
tentang Daftar Alat Kesehatan yang berfungsi Sebagai Obat Bagi
Pelayanan Program Kesehatan Pemerintah;
15. Peraturan Daerah Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat Nomor 6 Tahun 2008
tentang Organisasi dan Tata Kerja Sekretariat Daerah Provinsi Nusa
Tenggara Barat dan Sekretariat Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah
Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat;
16. Peraturan Daerah Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat Nomor 3 Tahun 2008
tentang Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Panjang Daerah Provinsi Nusa
Tenggara Barat Tahun 2009-2025;
17. Peraturan Daerah Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat Nomor 13 Tahun 2008
tentang Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Daerah Tahun Anggaran
Menetapkan :
KESATU : Standar Satuan Harga Pemerintah Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat Tahun
Anggaran 2010 sebagaimana tercantum dalam Lampiran I, II dan III
Keputusan ini;
KEDUA : Standar Satuan Harga sebagaimana dimaksud Diktum KESATU sebagai
acuan dalam penyusunan Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Daerah
Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat Tahun Anggara 2010, Perubahan Anggaran
Pendapatan dan Belanja Daerah Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat Tahun
Anggaran 2010 dan bukan untuk penyusunan Harga Perkiraan Sendiri
KETIGA : Standar Satuan Harga sebagaimana dimaksud Diktum KESATU adalah
standar tertinggi sudah termasuk pajak, jasa paling banyak 10% (sepuluh
perseratus) dan pungutan resmi lainnya;
KEEMPAT : Keputusan ini mulai berlaku pada tanggal 1 Januari 2010.
Ditetapkan di Mataram
pada tanggal 12 Mei 2009


TEMBUSAN disampaikan kepada Yth. :
1. Menteri Dalam Negeri di Jakarta;
2. Menteri Negara PPN/Kepala BAPPENAS di Jakarta;
3. Menteri Keuangan di Jakarta;
4. Ketua DPRD Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat di Mataram;
5. Bupati/Walikota se-NTB masing-masing di Tempat;
6. Inspektur Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat di Mataram;
7. Kepala SKPD Lingkup Pemerintah Provinsi NTB masing-masing di Tempat.
NOMOR 268 TAHUN 2009



1.1. Upah Pegawai Tidak Tetap


1 2 3 4 5

1 SD, SLTP (setingkat) OB 832.500

2 SLTA, Akademi, Diploma OB 915.000

3 Sarjana S1 (setingkat) OB 1.000.000

1.2. Upah Tenaga Kerja Kontrak (Outsourcing)


1 2 3 4 5

Tenaga Kerja Kontrak (Outsourcing) OB 1.300.000

1.3. Upah Pekerja

P. Lombok P. Sumbawa
1 2 3 4 5 6

1 Pekerja di Hutan OH 39.550 47.460

2 Tukang Batu OH 56.500 62.150

3 Kepala Tukang Batu OH 62.150 70.060

4 Tukang Kayu OH 58.760 62.150

5 Kepala Tukang Kayu OH 64.500 71.190

6 Tukang Besi Beton OH 56.500 62.150

7 Kepala Tukang Besi Beton OH 62.150 70.060

8 Tukang Las OH 62.150 70.060

9 Kepala Tukang Las OH 64.500 71.190

10 Tukang Pelitur OH 56.500 62.150

11 Tukang Cat OH 56.500 62.150

12 Kepala Tukang Cat OH 62.150 70.060

13 Pemecah Batu OH 36.160 54.240

14 Penggergaji OH 36.160 54.240

15 Mandor Pengisi Bronjong OH 64.975 67.600

16 Pengisi Bronjong OH 32.500 35.000

17 Penganyam Bronjong OH 47.460 54.240

18 Kepala Penganyam Bronjong OH 62.150 70.060

19 Pekerja terlatih OH 39.550 45.200

20 Pekerja OH 35.000 39.550

21 Kepala Tukang OH 62.300 68.600

22 Tukang OH 55.000 60.800

23 Mandor OH 67.800 74.580

24 Sopir OH 61.000 61.000

25 Pembantu sopir OH 38.420 38.420

26 Mekanik OH 64.975 67.800

27 Pembantu Mekanik OH 48.000 54.240

28 Operator alat ringan OH 40.680 40.680

29 Operator alat berat OH 75.710 75.710

30 Pembantu operator OH 47.460 47.460

31 Pemasak aspal OH 40.680 40.680

32 Penunjuk Jalan OH 90.400 90.400

33 Tukang Pipa PVC OH 61.000 67.800

34 Tukang Pipa Besi OH 61.000 67.800

35 Tukang Listrik OH 61.000 67.800

36 Kepala Tukang Listrik OH 65.540 71.190

Standar Harga Satuan Upah Dan Bahan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 1
37 Penjaga malam OH 35.000 39.550

1.4. Honorarium Tertinggi Pengelola Keuangan dan Barang Daerah

Besar Honorarium berdasarkan pagu dana (Rp)
s.d.3 M > 3 M s.d. 5 M > 5M s.d. 10 M > 10 M s.d. 25 M > 25 M s.d. 50 M > 50 M s.d. 100 M > 100 M
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

1 Pejabat Penatausahaan Keuangan (PPK) OB 800.000 824.000 848.000 872.000 896.000 920.000 944.000

2 Bendahara Pengeluaran OB 788.000 812.000 836.000 860.000 884.000 908.000 932.000

3 Bendahara penerimaan OB 542.000 554.000 566.000 578.000 590.000 602.000 614.000

4 Pembantu Bendahara Pengeluaran OB 580.000 592.000 604.000 616.000 628.000 640.000 652.000

5 Pembantu Bendahara penerimaan OB 430.000 442.000 454.000 466.000 478.000 490.000 502.000

6 Pemegang Umum Barang OB 644.000 65.600 668.000 680.000 692.000 704.000 715.000

7 Pengurus Barang OB 542.000 566.000 590.000 614.000 638.000 662.000 686.000

8 Pencatat Pembukuan OB 430.000 442.000 454.000 466.000 478.000 490.000 502.000

9 Pembuat Dokumen OB 430.000 442.000 454.000 466.000 478.000 490.000 502.000

10 Pembuat Daftar Gaji OB 430.000 442.000 454.000 466.000 478.000 490.000 502.000

11 Staf Teknis/Pelaksana/Perencana OB 172.500 186.300 200.100 213.900 227.700 241.500 255.300

12 Staf Administrasi OB 138.000 151.800 165.600 179.400 193.200 207.000 220.800

13 Pengawas Utama OB 207.000 213.900 220.700 227.700 234.600 241.500 248.400

14 Pengawas OB 172.500 179.400 186.300 193.200 200.100 207.000 213.900

15 Pengamat Pengairan/ Jalan OB 213.900 227.700 241.500 255.300 269.100 282.900 296.700

16 Juru Pengairan/ Jalan OB 179.400 193.200 207.000 220.800 234.600 248.400 262.200

17 Juru Pintu Air OB 144.900 158.700 172.500 186.300 200.100 213.900 227.700

1.5. Honorarium Tim Pembina / Pengendali Kegiatan Tingkat Provinsi


1 2 3 4 5

1 Penasehat/Pembina OB 207.600

2 Pengarah OB 172.800

3 Ketua OB 138.000

4 Wakil Ketua OB 132.000

5 Sekretaris OB 124.800

6 Koordinator OB 110.400

7 Anggota OB 97.200

8 Pembantu OB 84.000 sesuai dgn kebutuhan

9 Staf Sekretariat OB 69.600

1.6. Honorarium Panitia/ Pejabat Pengadaan Barang/Jasa Pemerintah

NO Nilai Pagu Pengadaan Barang/Jasa Satuan KETERANGAN
A B C D=90%xC E=80%xC
1 s.d. 50.000.000 kegiatan 300.000 270.000 240.000 Honor Pejabat Pengadaan =
Honor ketua pada lajur 1 kolom
2 > 50.000.000 s.d. 300.000.000 kegiatan 600.000 540.000 480.000 C.

3 > 300.000.000. s.d. 600.000.000 kegiatan 900.000 810.000 720.000

4 > 600.000.000 s.d. kegiatan 1.200.000 1.080.000 960.000

5 > s.d. kegiatan 1.500.000 1.350.000 1.200.000

6 > s.d. kegiatan 1.800.000 1.620.000 1.440.000

7 > kegiatan 2.100.000 1.890.000 1.680.000

1.7. Honorarium Panitia Pemeriksa dan Penerima Barang/Jasa

NO Nilai Pagu Pengadaan Barang/Jasa Satuan KETERANGAN
A B C D=90%xC E=80%xC
1 s.d. 50.000.000 kegiatan 200.000 180.000 160.000

2 > 50.000.000 s.d. 300.000.000 kegiatan 250.000 225.000 200.000

3 > 300.000.000. s.d. 600.000.000 kegiatan 350.000 315.000 280.000

4 > 600.000.000 s.d. kegiatan 450.000 405.000 360.000

5 > s.d. kegiatan 550.000 495.000 440.000

6 > s.d. kegiatan 650.000 585.000 520.000

7 > kegiatan 750.000 675.000 600.000

Standar Harga Satuan Upah Dan Bahan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 2
1.8. Biaya langsung personil untuk tenaga ahli Indonesia berpendidikan S1/S2/S3 dengan undangan nasional berdasarkan pengalaman profesi yang dipersyaratkan (Related
S1 S2 S3
Pengalaman Pengalaman Pengalaman
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

I-A 1 6.130.000
I-B 2 6.290.000
I-C 3 6.290.000
I-D 4 6.990.000
II-A 5 7.320.000 1 8.020.000
II-B 6 7.690.000 2 8.430.000
II-C 7 8.100.000 3 8.840.000
II-D 8 8.510.000 4 9.290.000
III-A 9 8.970.000 5 9.750.000 1 10.940.000
III-B 10 9.420.000 6 10.360.000 2 11.520.000
III-C 11 9.910.000 7 10.780.000 3 12.090.000
III-D 12 10.450.000 8 11.350.000 4 12.670.000
IV-A 13 10.950.000 9 11.930.000 5 13.290.000
IV-B 14 11.560.000 10 12.550.000 6 13.990.000
IV-C 15 12.180.000 11 13.200.000 7 14.640.000
IV-D 16 12.790.000 12 13.900.000 8 15.390.000
V-A 17 13.490.000 13 14.600.000 9 16.170.000
V-B 18 14.190.000 14 15.390.000 10 17.480.000
V-C 19 14.930.000 15 16.210.000 11 18.310.000
V-D 20 15.710.000 16 17.070.000 12 19.210.000
VI-A 21 16.540.000 17 17.980.000 13 20.160.000
VI-B 22 17.440.000 18 18.970.000 14 21.190.000
6. AHLI PEMBINA KEPALA VI-C 23 18.350.000 19 19.950.000 15 22.260.000
VI-D 24 19.350.000 20 21.060.000 16 23.370.000
VI-E 25 20.360.000 21 22.220.000 17 24.560.000


2.1. Ekploitasi dan Pemeliharaan Kendaraan

s.d. 5 Th > 5 Th
1 2 3 4 5 6

1 Truck Unit/Tahun 12.500.000 15.000.000

2 Bus Unit/Tahun 12.500.000 12.500.000

3 Pick Up Unit/Tahun 7.500.000 8.750.000

4 Jeep / Mini Bus Unit/Tahun 7.500.000 8.750.000

5 Sedan Unit/Tahun 8.750.000 10.000.000

6 Kendaraan Roda 2 (dua) Unit/Tahun 1.850.000 2.500.000

2.2. Rekondisi Kendaraan


1 2 3 4 5

1 Truck Unit/Tahun 25.000.000 Kendaraan yang akan direkondisi wajib

mendapat persetujuan dari Sekretaris Daerah
2 Bus Unit/Tahun 150.000.000 Provinsi NTB.

3 Pick Up Unit/Tahun 10.000.000

4 Jeep / Mini Bus Unit/Tahun 15.000.000

5 Sedan Unit/Tahun 15.000.000

6 Kendaraan Roda 2 (dua) Unit/Tahun 1.000.000

2.3. Peralatan Kantor


1 2 3 4 5

1. Mesin Tik Unit/Tahun 500.000

2. AC Unit/Tahun 1.000.000

3. Faximile Unit/Tahun 1.000.000

4. Komputer Unit/Tahun 2.000.000

5. Lap Top/ Notebook Unit/Tahun 2.000.000

6. LCD Projector Unit/Tahun 2.500.000

7. OHP Unit/Tahun 1.000.000

Standar Harga Satuan Upah Dan Bahan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 3
8. Sound System Unit/Tahun 1.000.000

9. Peralatan Studio Unit/Tahun 1.000.000

1 2 3 4 5

10 Mesin Fotocopy Unit/Tahun 2.500.000

11 Rekening Air Unit/Tahun 3.125.000

12 Rekening Listrik Unit/Tahun 7.500.000

13 Rekening Listrik untuk Setda Prov. NTB Unit/Tahun Disesuaikan dgn tagihan rekening Thn 2009

14 Rekening Telepon Unit/Tahun 3.750.000

3.1. Rapat Teknis / Koordinasi


1 2 3 4 5

a. Honorarium

1. Pembina OH 325.000

2. Pengarah OH 300.000

3. K e t u a OH 270.000

4. Wakil Ketua OH 225.000

5. Sekretaris OH 180.000

6. Koordinator / Seksi - seksi OH 162.000

7. Anggota OH 144.000

8. Kepala Sekretariat OH 126.000

9. Staf Sekretariat OH 90.000

b. Biaya Kegiatan dan Bahan-Bahan

1. Alat tulis menulis OK 30.000

2. Dokumentasi dan Publikasi Kegiatan 500.000

3. Sewa ruang aula (gedung pemerintah )*

Kapasitas < 200 Orang Hari *) * ) Sesuai Perda

Kapasitas > 200 Orang Hari *)

4. Konsumsi Rapat

1 x makan + 2 x snack OH 34.200

1 x makan + 1 x snack OH 25.650

1 x snack OH 8.550

5. Pembukaan/Penutupan Kegiatan 700.000

c. Penulisan Laporan

1. Pengumpulan bahan/Materi OH 20.000

2. Pengolahan /Tabulasi Data OH 25.000

3. Penulisan OH 30.000

4. Pengetikan OH 15.000
Penulisan Dokumen RPJPD, RPJMD, Renstra SKPD, RKPD, KUA/PPAS, RKA, DPA,
d. LAKIP Raperda/Rapergub, Naskah Kerjasama, LKPJ, Neraca Daerah, Rancangan OH 120.000
Standar Satuan Harga, DKBD/DKPBD dan Laporan Tahunan.
e. Penulisan data base OH 100.000

f. Nara Sumber :

a. Ahli Utama OJ 144.000

b. Ahli Madya OJ 132.000

c. A h l i OJ 108.000

d. Ahli Muda OJ 90.000

e. Asisten Ahli OJ 72.000

g. Penerjemahan

1 Bahasa Asing ke Bahasa Indonesia

- Bahasa Inggris ke Bahasa Indonesia lembar 35.000

- Bahasa Asing (Non Inggris) ke Bahasa Indonesia lembar 60.000

2 Bahasa Indonesia ke Bahasa Asing

- Bahasa Indonesia ke Bahasa Inggris lembar 60.000

- Bahasa Indonesia ke Bahasa Asing non Bahasa Inggris lembar 96.500

3.2. Honorarium Gubernur/ Wakil Gubernur dan Sekretaris Daerah untuk Rapat Teknis/Koordinasi


1 2 3 4 5

1. Gubernur / Wakil Gubernur OJ 1.000.000

2. Sekretaris Daerah OJ 800.000

Standar Harga Satuan Upah Dan Bahan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 4
4.1. Media Cetak


1 2 3 4 5

1. Artikel Naskah 300.000

4.2. Media Elektronik


1 2 3 4 5

1. Tim Pembuatan Video Dokumenter

- Pemimpin Produksi orang/produksi 2.000.000

- Sutradara orang/produksi 1.500.000

- Penyusun Naskah orang/produksi 1.500.000

- Penata Artistik orang/produksi 1.250.000

- Penata Suara orang/produksi 1.250.000

- Editor orang/produksi 1.250.000

- Dubber orang/produksi 1.000.000

2. Tim Teknis Kehumasan

- Kameramen OB 850.000

- Photografer OB 800.000

- Operator VTR OB 600.000

- Operator Internet OB 600.000

- Penulis Berita OB 600.000

- Editor OB 700.000

- Lightingman OB 500.000

4.3. Tim Penyusun Naskah Sambutan Gubernur


1 2 3 4 5

- Penulis Sambutan OB 1.000.000

- Pembantu Penulisan Sambutan OB 800.000

- Penerjemah OB 800.000

4.4. Tim Penyusun Bulletin


1 2 3 4 5

- Pemimpin Umum OB 750.000

- Penanggung Jawab/Pemimpin Redaksi OB 700.000

- Redaktur Pelaksana OB 600.000

- Koordinator Liputan OB 500.000

- Tim Liputan OB 400.000

- Lay Out OB 400.000

- Administrasi OB 400.000

- Penulis Naskah Buletin OB 350.000



1 2 3 4 5

1 Pengumuman Pengadaan Barang/jasa Pemerintah (hitam putih) mm kolom per tayang 12.500
biaya tayang dapat diperhitungkan sesuai
2 Iklan/Advertorial hitam-putih
Media cetak Nasional ukuran 1/4 halaman per hari 31.000.000

3 Iklan Media cetak :

- Ukuran 1/4 halaman per hari 2.500.000

- Ukuran 1/2 halaman per hari 5.000.000

- Ukuran 1 halaman per hari 10.000.000

Standar Harga Satuan Upah Dan Bahan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 5

1. Seminar, Simposium, Lokakarya, Pertemuan


1 2 3 4 5

1. Honor Panitia Penyelenggara

- Penanggung Jawab OK 240.000

- Ketua OK 210.000

- Sekretaris OK 198.000

- Koordinator / Seksi-seksi OK 186.000

- Anggota OK 174.000

- Staf Sekretariat OK 162.000

2. Penceramah/Pembicara (Pejabat & Tenaga Ahli)

a. Eselon II dan Sederajat OK 600.000

b. Eselon III dan Sederajat OK 480.000

c. Eselon IV dan Sederajat OK 360.000

3 Nara Sumber

a. Eselon II dan Sederajat OK 360.000

b. Eselon III dan Sederajat OK 300.000

c. Eselon IV dan Sederajat OK 240.000

4 Moderator

a.Eselon II dan Sederajat OK 300.000

b. Eselon III dan Sederajat OK 270.000

c. Eselon IV dan Sederajat OK 240.000

5. Notulen OK 210.000

6 Uang Saku Peserta OH 36.000

7 Penulis Kertas Kerja Judul 240.000

8 Alat tulis menulis Orang 30.000

9 Perlengkapan/ Atribut Peserta Orang 60.000

10 Penggadaan Buku/Reproduksi Orang 48.000

11 Laporan Kegiatan 240.000

12 Pembukaan / Penutupan Kegiatan 840.000

13 Transport Lokal Panitia Kegiatan 240.000

14 Dokumentasi Kegiatan 600.000

15 Pembawa Acara (MC) Kegiatan 180.000

2. Kursus, Penataran, Diklat


1 2 3 4 5


1. Penanggung Jawab OK 210.000

2. Ketua OK 198.000

3. Sekretaris OK 150.000

4. Koordinator/Seksi-Seksi OK 174.000

5. Anggota OK 120.000

6. Tenaga Sekretariat OK 90.000

7. Tenaga Dosen/Instruktur/Pengajar

- DIKLATPIM IV Jam Pelajaran 150.000

- DIKLATPIM III Jam Pelajaran 150.000

- DIKLATPIM II Jam Pelajaran 75.000

- Diklat Prajabatan Gol III Jam Pelajaran 100.000

- Diklat Prajabatan Gol. I dan Gol. II Jam Pelajaran 60.000

- Diklat Teknis Fungsional/Mp Jam Pelajaran 72.000

- Diklat Legislatif Jam Pelajaran 780.000

8. Penyusunan Naskah

- DIKLATPIM III Naskah 180.000

- DIKLATPIM II Naskah 180.000

Standar Harga Satuan Upah Dan Bahan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 6
- Teknis Fungsional/ Manajemen Pemerintahan Naskah 180.000

9. Pengawas Ujian OH 24.000

10. Pemeriksa Hasil Ujian Materi 24.000

1 2 3 4 5

11. Uang Saku Peserta/Siswa




- Teknis Fungsional/ Mp OH 54.000

12. Alat-alat Tulis Orang/Angkatan 50.000

13. Penggadaan Buku/Reproduksi Orang/Angkatan 50.000

14. Pembukaan/Penutupan Angkatan 700.000

15. Obat-obatan Angkatan 300.000

16. Piagam/ Sertifikat & Tanda peserta Orang/Angkatan 25.000

17. Dokumentasi dan Publikasi Angkatan 500.000

18. Spanduk buah 150.000

19. Transport :

- Dosen OH 20.000

- Pengamat OH 25.000

- Piket OH 25.000

- Lokal Panitia Angkatan 250.000

20. Pengamat OH 20.000

21. Pakaian Olah Raga Prajabatan set 125.000

22. Pakaian Pol PP set 250.000

3. Diklat Legislatif dan fungsional


1 2 3 4 5

1. Honorarium Pengajar Diklat Legislatif Jam Pelajaran 780.000 Pakar nasional

2. Tas untuk peserta Diklat Legislatif orang/buah 100.000

3. Tas untuk Diklatpim dan Teknis/Fungsional orang/buah 100.000

4. kodal peserta Diklat Legislatif angkatan 2.500.000

5. Kodal Diklatpim dan Teknis/Fungsional angkatan 1.500.000

6. Modul Teknis/Fungsional/ MP orang/set 100.000

7. Modul Prajabatan Gol. III orang/set 150.000 LAN RI

Modul Prajabatan Gol. I dan Gol. II orang/set 150.000 LAN RI

8. Modul Diklatpim Tk. IV orang/set 160.000 LAN RI

9. Modul Diklatpim Tk. III / II orang/set 160.000 LAN RI

4. Garapan Pentas Seni (tari, teater, musik)


1 2 3 4 5

1 Upah

a Artis

- Latihan OH 54.250

- Pentas OH 203.400

b Pelatih

- Latihan OH 108.500

- Pentas OH 339.000

c Rias dan busana artis OK 169.500

d Nara sumber OK 135.600

e Penyusun skenario OK 2.034.000

f Stage Manager OH 203.500

g Penata Artistik OH 203.500

h Penata Cahaya OH 203.500

i Penata Tari, teater dan musik OK 4.068.000

2. Juri lomba OH 203.500


No URAIAN AULA Akomodasi (OH) Konsumsi (OH) KETERANGAN

Standar Harga Satuan Upah Dan Bahan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 7
1 2 3 4 5 6

1. Diklat 200.000 15.000

3 x makan + 2 x snack 57.000

2 x makan + 3 x snack 57.000

1 2 3 4 5 6

2 x makan + 2 x snack 51.500

2 x makan + 1 x snack 43.000

1 x makan + 2 x snack 34.000

2 Hotel Melati 1 200.000 50.000

3 x makan + 2 x snack 57.000

2 x makan + 2 x snack 51.500

1 x makan + 2 x snack 40.000

1 x makan + 1 x snack 34.000

3 Hotel Melati 2 250.000 100.000

3 x makan + 2 x snack 68.500

2 x makan + 2 x snack 45.500

1 x makan + 1 x snack 40.000

4 Hotel Melati 3 450.000 (AC) 150.000

350.000 (non AC)

3 x makan + 2 x snack 91.500

2 x makan + 2 x snack 57.000

1 x makan + 2 x snack 45.500

1 x makan + 1 x snack 40.000

5 Hotel Bintang 1 400.000 175.000

3 x makan + 2 x snack 104.000

2 x makan + 1 x snack 78.500

1 x makan + 2 x snack 66.000

1 x makan + 1 x snack 59.500

6 Hotel Bintang 2 500.000 200.000

3 x makan + 2 x snack 148.000

2 x makan + 2 x snack 74.000

1 x makan + 2 x snack 85.500

1 x makan + 1 x snack 63.000

7 Hotel Bintang 3 1.700.000 600.000

3 x makan + 2 x snack 285.000

2 x makan + 2 x snack 199.500

1 x makan + 2 x snack 142.500

1 x makan + 1 x snack 114.000

8 Hotel Bintang 4 2.000.000 700.000

3 x makan + 2 x snack 353.500

2 x makan + 2 x snack 302.000

1 x makan + 2 x snack 250.000

1 x makan + 1 x snack 239.000

9 Hotel Bintang 5 2.000.000 700.000

3 x makan + 2 x snack 624.000

2 x makan + 2 x snack 342.000

1 x makan + 2 x snack 285.000

1 x makan + 1 x snack 228.000


( Belum termasuk ongkos angkut )


1.1. Bahan Pasangan

1 2 3 4 5 6

1 Batu kali alam m³ 139.100 107.000

2 Batu pecah 5-7 cm m³ 144.000 119.000

3 Batu pecah 3-5 cm m³ 200.000 217.210

4 Batu pecah 2-3 cm m³ 225.000 230.050

5 Kerikil alam 0.5/1 cm m³ 198.000 200.000

6 Kerikil alam 2/3 cm m³ 185.000 170.000

7 Kerikil Alam 1/2 cm m³ 219.000 181.000

Standar Harga Satuan Upah Dan Bahan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 8
8 Kerikil Pecah 2/3 cm m³ 198.000 203.300

9 Kerikil pecah 1/2 cm m³ 245.000 235.000

10 Agregate kasar (stone crusher) m³ 246.100 226.840

11 Agregate halus (stone crusher) m³ 278.200 347.750

1 2 3 4 5 6

12 Bata merah kelas 1 buah 490 430

13 Bata merah kelas 2 buah 430 380

14 Pasir pasang m³ 96.300 117.700

15 Pasir urug m³ 90.950 101.650

16 Sirtu m³ 107.000 96.300

17 Tanah urug Biasa m³ 74.900 66.340

18 Tanah urug Pilihan m³ 100.580 85.600

19 Semen PC. Merk Tiga Roda zak( 50 kg) 64.200 66.340

20 Semen PC. Merk Gresik zak (50 kg) 64.200 65.270

21 Semen PC. Merk Tonasa zak (50 kg) 62.060 65.270

22 Semen PC. Merk Padang zak (50 kg) 54.150 44.780

23 Semen PC. Merk Bosuwa zak (50 kg) 59.390 64.200

24 Semen warna butiran halus kg 13.910 14.130

25 Semen warna butiran kasar kg 12.100 10.810

26 Rumput Gebalan m2 15.840 16.050

27 Kapur gamping kg 4.550 4.280

28 Kapur biasa kg 12.840 6.420

29 List plafon (propil) 64 cm m³ 18.190 19.260

30 Aspal (Aspal Concrete/ AC ) Kg 10.600 10.700

31 Aspal (Medium Curring/ MC) Kg 10.600 10.700

32 Aspal emulsi Kg 10.920 11.240

33 Filler (abu batu ) Kg 2.140 2.680

34 Buton Granular Asphalt (BGA) Kg 1.770 2.040

1.2. Bahan Atap

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 Sirap Kalimantan buah 1.660 1.610 1.890 1.180 1.180 1.770

2 Genteng Lokal buah 970 1.400 700 1.060 860 1.070

3 Genteng Bubungan Lokal buah 2.250 2.090 2.090 4.280 4.390 3.750

4 Genteng Beton/Pres buah 1.820 1.820 1.820 4.070 4.070 4.070

5 Genteng Bumbungan Beton buah 2.250 2.250 2.090 6.420 6.420 6.420

6 Genteng Silang/Kodok buah 1.820 1.720 1.720 3.320 3.320 3.320

7 Genteng Bubungan Silang buah 3.110 2.790 2.790 3.750 3.750 3.750

8 Genteng Pejaten (sudah di cat) buah 2.250 2.250 1.610 2.040 2.040 2.040

9 Genteng Bubungan Pejaten buah 3.750 3.750 3.540 5.350 5.350 5.350

10 Genteng Kaca buah 12.310 12.310 15.040 17.020 17.020 17.120

11 Genteng Keramik buah 10.700 10.700 10.700 19.260 19.260 19.260

12 Genteng Bubungan Keramik buah 10.700 14.980 14.980 21.400 21.400 21.400

13 Asbes type genteng (tyluq) lembar 42.380 43.550 42.800 47.080 47.080 47.080

14 Ijuk Atap kg 18.190 12.950 14.980 15.410 9.630 16.270

15 Asbes Gelombang Kecil 1 x 1,8 m lembar 35.310 32.650 32.050 41.730 43.870 43.870

16 Asbes Gelombang Besar 1 x 2,5 m lembar 113.420 117.700 117.700 123.590 123.590 123.590

17 Asbes Bubungan Glmb. Kecil pasang 26.750 26.750 24.610 36.490 32.640 39.060

18 Asbes Bubungan Glmb. Besar lembar 64.200 65.270 65.270 66.340 66.340 66.340

19 Seng Glmb. Besar BJLS 20 lembar 49.220 49.220 49.220 56.710 53.500 56.710

20 Seng Glmb. Besar BJLS 25 lembar 63.130 69.550 63.130 79.180 79.180 79.180

21 Seng Glmb. Besar BJLS 30 lembar 73.300 79.720 73.300 90.690 99.510 99.510

22 Seng Glmb. Kecil BJLS 20 lembar 51.900 51.900 51.900 61.530 60.990 60.990

23 Plapon Eternit 1x1 m2 lembar 15.520 15.520 16.050 18.530 17.120 17.120

24 Partikel kalsiboard 122x242 lembar 64.200 64.200 64.200 102.940 94.160 94.160

25 Seng Plat BJLS 18 lembar 32.370 32.370 32.370 32.370 32.370 32.370

26 Seng Plat BJLS 20 lembar 55.640 56.710 55.640 72.760 67.410 67.410

27 Seng Plat BJLS 25 lembar 78.110 79.180 79.180 82.390 80.250 80.250

28 Seng Plat BJLS 30 lembar 91.810 92.560 92.560 98.440 98.440 98.440

1.3. Bahan Kayu

Standar Harga Satuan Upah Dan Bahan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 9
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 Papan Kayu Klas I m³ 8.415.550 8.667.000 8.667.000 7.169.000 7.062.000 7.062.000

2 Balok Kayu Klas I m³ 8.415.550 8.667.000 8.667.000 9.309.000 9.309.000 9.309.000

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

3 Papan Kayu Klas II m³ 5.007.600 4.451.200 4.451.200 4.494.000 4.119.500 4.119.500

4 Balok Kayu Klas II m³ 5.007.600 4.451.200 4.451.200 4.494.000 3.638.000 3.638.000

5 Papan Kayu Klas III m³ 4.033.900 4.033.900 4.033.900 4.119.500 2.514.500 2.514.500

6 Balok Kayu Klas III m³ 4.033.900 4.033.900 4.033.900 4.119.500 2.461.000 2.461.000

7 Dolken / Perancah Dia.10 Cm - 4 M batang 100.050 107.000 107.000 107.000 64.200 64.200

8 Papan kayu bekisting m³ 2.295.150 2.354.000 2.295.150 2.140.000 2.140.000 2.011.600

9 Balok kayu bekisting m³ 2.177.450 2.140.000 2.177.450 2.033.000 1.926.000 1.926.000

10 Lumbersering Kls I m² 2.000.900 2.182.800 2.182.800 2.182.800 2.182.800 2.182.800

11 Lumbersering Kls II m² 1.883.200 2.054.400 2.054.400 2.054.400 2.054.400 2.054.400

1.4. Bahan Bambu

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Bambu (dia.12,5 cm, P - 6 m) batang 26.720 29.430 26.720 27.080 27.080 36.920

2 Bambu (dia.10 cm, P- 6 m) batang 23.840 26.720 23.840 23.840 23.840 27.820

3 Bambu (dia.7 cm, P- 6 m) batang 19.430 22.370 19.430 17.770 16.700 19.260

4 Bedek kulitan m² 36.380 37.450 36.380 32.100 32.100 48.150

5 Bedek biasa m² 34.240 35.850 34.240 21.400 16.590 20.330

6 Bedek pagar m² 28.470 28.890 28.470 20.330 15.520 19.260

1.5. Bahan Cetak

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Lubang Angin 10x20 Cm buah 4.280 6.360 5.890 5.350 6.640 6.640

2 Lubang Angin 20x20 Cm buah 5.890 7.770 7.830 6.960 7.280 7.280

3 Lubang Angin 30x30 Cm buah 8.030 8.480 6.420 8.030 9.100 9.100

4 Buis Beton Dia. 10 Cm. bh.L= 0.5M 44.940 52.970 52.970 56.710 52.970 52.970

5 Buis Beton Dia. 20 Cm. bh.L= 0.5M 52.430 61.800 61.800 69.550 66.880 66.880

6 Buis Beton Dia. 30 Cm. bh.L= 0.5M 63.130 65.270 65.270 85.070 77.690 77.690

7 Buis Beton Dia. 40 Cm. bh.L= 0.5M 75.970 81.810 74.900 90.950 90.690 90.690

8 Buis Beton Dia. 60 Cm. bh.L= 0.5M 95.230 111.580 107.000 160.500 139.100 139.100

9 Buis Beton Dia. 80 Cm. bh.L= 0.5M 125.190 137.130 149.800 191.530 181.370 181.370

10 Bataco 10 x 20 x 40 Cm. buah 2.360 2.360 2.360 3.430 3.750 3.750

11 Paving blok press type bata t=8 cm buah 2.140 2.140 2.140 2.310 2.310 2.310

12 Paving blok biasa type bata t=8 cm buah 1.070 1.070 1.070 1.610 1.610 1.610

13 Paving blok press type berlian t= 8 m buah 2.140 2.140 2.140 2.680 2.680 2.680

1.6. Bahan Lantai

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Tegel Abu-abu 20 x 20 m² 34.780 33.170 34.370 42.270 42.800 42.800

2 Tegel Bergaris Abu 20 x 20 Cm. m² 44.020 47.080 47.320 50.290 51.360 51.360

3 Tegel Warna 20 x 20 Cm. m² 37.450 44.940 44.020 49.220 56.180 56.180

4 Tegel Bergaris Warna 20 x 20 Cm. m² 47.320 50.290 51.440 58.850 56.180 56.180

5 Tegel Traso Klas I 30 x 30 m² 50.290 52.030 52.030 56.710 58.850 58.850

6 Tegel Traso Klas II 30 x 30 m² 46.010 48.030 48.030 55.640 56.710 56.710

7 Keramik dinding m² 60.860 60.860 57.780 80.250 80.250 80.250

8 Porselin Kualitas I (Polos) m² 52.430 60.270 58.850 83.460 69.550 69.550

9 Keramik Kualitas I(Motif) m² 78.650 78.650 78.650 82.390 84.530 84.530

10 Keramik Kualitas II (Motif) m² 66.560 66.560 66.560 77.040 79.720 79.720

11 Keramik Kualitas I(polos) m² 53.680 54.740 52.430 55.640 55.640 55.640

12 Keramik Kualitas II(polos) m² 48.260 49.440 48.150 53.500 53.500 53.500

13 Keramik Cutting 30 X 50 m² 129.470 131.610 131.610 139.100 139.100 139.100

14 Marmer Kualitas I m² 318.030 318.030 318.030 372.360 372.360 401.250

15 Marmer Kualitas II m² 270.710 270.710 270.710 270.710 270.710 281.410

1.7. Bahan Besi


Standar Harga Satuan Upah Dan Bahan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1. Besi Beton Ulir kg 13.380 13.380 13.380 18.190 17.450 17.450

2. Besi Beton Polos kg 19.260 20.330 20.330 18.190 17.120 17.120

3. Besi Siku 30x30x3 mm Kg 35.310 35.310 34.780 41.730 41.730 41.730

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

4. Besi Plat Ukuran 3 mm (Uk. 1.20 m x 2.40 m x 3 m) lembar 863.490 863.490 863.490 856.000 856.000 856.000

5. Besi profil siku ( EX KS ) Kg 706.200 706.200 706.200 706.200 706.200 706.200

6. Besi profil canal ( EX KS ) Kg 19.480 19.480 19.480 20.330 23.010 23.010

7. Besi plat ( EX KS ) Kg 20.010 20.010 20.550 25.680 25.680 25.680

8. Pipa blac steel ( S 40 ) m 23.540 23.540 23.540 25.680 25.680 25.680

9. Kawat Ikat Beton kg 18.190 18.190 18.190 21.940 26.540 26.540

10. Kawat Nyamuk Besi m² 18.190 18.190 20.550 15.730 21.080 21.080

11. Kawat Nyamuk Plastik m² 14.450 14.450 18.190 20.330 18.730 18.730

12. Kawat Saringan Pasir m² 18.190 18.190 18.190 24.610 23.540 23.540

13. Kawat Duri rol 90.950 90.950 90.950 145.100 141.240 141.240

14. Kawat bronjong digalvanisir kg 24.190 24.190 22.470 22.470 22.470 22.470

15. Kawat 3 mm (gulungan) kg 12.840 13.100 13.100 13.110 17.660 17.660

16. Kawat 4 mm (gulungan) kg 12.840 13.100 13.100 13.110 19.260 19.260

Kawat bronjong pabrikasi lubang 8x10 Heavy Galv. Uk.
17. unit 423.020 423.020 423.020 423.020 423.020 423.020
2.0 x 1.0 x 0.5 dia 2.7 mm
Kawat bronjong pabrikasi lubang 8x10 Heavy Galv. Uk.
18. unit 476.690 476.690 476.690 476.690 476.690 476.690
2.0 x 1.0 x 0.5 dia 3 mm
Kawat bronjong pabrikasi lubang 8x10 Heavy Galv. & PVC
19. unit 577.680 577.680 577.680 577.680 577.680 577.680
Uk. 2.0 x 1.0 x 0.5 dia 2.7 mm
Kawat bronjong pabrikasi lubang 8x10 Heavy Galv. Uk.
20. unit 628.520 628.520 628.520 628.520 628.520 628.520
3.0 x 1.0 x 0.5 dia 2.7 mm
Kawat bronjong pabrikasi lubang 8x10 Heavy Galv. Uk.
21. unit 701.970 701.970 701.970 701.970 701.970 701.970
3.0 x 1.0 x 0.5 dia 3 mm
Kawat bronjong pabrikasi lubang 8x10 Heavy Galv. & PVC
22. unit 848.860 848.860 848.860 848.860 848.860 848.860
Uk. 3.0 x 1.0 x 0.5 dia 2.7 mm
Kawat bronjong pabrikasi lubang 8x10 Heavy Galv. Uk.
23. unit 875.690 875.690 875.690 875.690 875.690 875.690
3.0 x 1.5 x 0.5 dia 2.7 mm
Kawat bronjong pabrikasi lubang 8x10 Heavy Galv. Uk.
24. unit 977.390 977.390 977.390 977.390 977.390 977.390
3.0 x 1.5 x 0.5 dia 3 mm
Kawat bronjong pabrikasi lubang 8x10 Heavy Galv. & PVC
25. unit 1.194.900 1.194.900 1.194.900 1.194.900 1.194.900 1.194.900
Uk. 3.0 x 1.5 x 0.5 dia 2.7 mm
Kawat bronjong pabrikasi lubang 8x10 Heavy Galv. Uk.
26. unit 822.150 822.150 822.150 822.150 822.150 822.150
4.0 x 1.0 x 0.5 dia 2.7 mm
Kawat bronjong pabrikasi lubang 8x10 Heavy Galv. Uk.
27. unit 920.890 920.890 920.890 920.890 920.890 920.890
4.0 x 1.0 x 0.5 dia 3 mm
Kawat bronjong pabrikasi lubang 8x10 Heavy Galv. & PVC
28. unit 1.122.860 1.122.860 1.122.860 1.122.860 1.122.860 1.122.860
Uk. 4.0 x 1.0 x 0.5 dia 2.7 mm
Kawat bronjong pabrikasi lubang 8x10 Heavy Galv. Uk.
29. unit 468.920 468.920 468.920 468.920 468.920 468.920
1.5 x 1.0 x 1.0 dia 2.7 mm
Kawat bronjong pabrikasi lubang 8x10 Heavy Galv. Uk.
30. unit 522.590 522.590 522.590 522.590 522.590 522.590
1.5 x 1.0 x 1.0 dia 3 mm
Kawat bronjong pabrikasi lubang 8x10 Heavy Galv. & PVC
31. unit 634.170 634.170 634.170 634.170 634.170 634.170
Uk. 1.5 x 1.0 x 1.0 dia 2.7 mm
Kawat bronjong pabrikasi lubang 8x10 Heavy Galv. Uk.
32. unit 652.530 652.530 652.530 652.530 652.530 652.530
2.0 x 1.0 x 1.0 dia 2.7 mm
Kawat bronjong pabrikasi lubang 8x10 Heavy Galv. Uk.
33. unit 725.980 725.980 725.980 725.980 725.980 725.980
2.0 x 1.0 x 1.0 dia 3 mm
Kawat bronjong pabrikasi lubang 8x10 Heavy Galv. & PVC
34. unit 870.040 870.040 870.040 870.040 870.040 870.040
Uk. 2.0 x 1.0 x 1.0 dia 2.7 mm
Kawat bronjong pabrikasi lubang 8x10 Heavy Galv. Uk.
35. unit 920.890 920.890 920.890 920.890 920.890 920.890
3.0 x 1.0 x 1.0 dia 2.7 mm
Kawat bronjong pabrikasi lubang 8x10 Heavy Galv. Uk.
36. unit 1.028.230 1.028.230 1.028.230 1.028.230 1.028.230 1.028.230
3.0 x 1.0 x 1.0 dia 3 mm
Kawat bronjong pabrikasi lubang 8x10 Heavy Galv. & PVC
37. unit 1.254.220 1.254.220 1.254.220 1.254.220 1.254.220 1.254.220
Uk. 3.0 x 1.0 x 1.0 dia 2.7 mm
Kawat bronjong pabrikasi lubang 8x10 Heavy Galv. Uk.
38. unit 1.201.960 1.201.960 1.201.960 1.201.960 1.201.960 1.201.960
4.0 x 1.0 x 1.0 dia 2.7 mm
Kawat bronjong pabrikasi lubang 8x10 Heavy Galv. Uk.
39. unit 1.353.080 1.353.080 1.353.080 1.353.080 1.353.080 1.353.080
4.0 x 1.0 x 1.0 dia 3 mm
Kawat bronjong pabrikasi lubang 8x10 Heavy Galv. & PVC
40. unit 1.627.090 1.627.090 1.627.090 1.627.090 1.627.090 1.627.090
Uk. 4.0 x 1.0 x 1.0 dia 2.7 mm

1.8. Bahan Langit-Langit

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 Eternit 100 x 100 Cm lembar 17.390 17.390 19.480 20.330 18.730 18.730

2 Triplek 120x240x 2 mm lembar 51.470 51.900 52.860 58.850 51.900 52.430

3 Triplek 120x240x 3 mm lembar 55.640 62.060 55.640 69.550 62.060 63.130

4 Triplek 120x240x 6 mm lembar 97.370 90.420 97.370 117.700 119.840 120.910

5 Triplek 120x240x 9 mm lembar 135.630 135.630 132.150 142.850 160.500 160.500

6 Triplek 120x240x 12 mm lembar 187.790 187.250 187.250 237.010 252.520 252.520

7 Triplek 120x240x 18 mm lembar 264.290 267.500 256.800 274.460 295.860 295.860

8 Triplek lapis aluminium lembar 118.240 110.210 111.280 110.210 110.210 110.210

9 Calsiboard 120x240x3,5 mm lembar 74.690 77.040 73.830 102.930 102.930 112.290

10 Calsiboard 120x240x6 mm lembar 92.130 92.140 92.240 95.170 95.170 103.830

Standar Harga Satuan Upah Dan Bahan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 11
11 Playwood 120x240x 3 mm lembar 107.540 107.540 107.000 107.540 107.540 107.540

12 Teakwood 120x240x 3 mm lembar 118.770 118.770 119.840 158.710 158.710 158.710

13 Formika Putih 120 x 240 Cm. lembar 171.200 171.200 171.200 145.480 145.480 158.710

14 Formika Warna 120 x 240 Cm. lembar 192.600 192.600 192.600 197.610 197.610 215.580

15 Gypsum M' 8.890 8.890 8.890 10.490 10.490 10.490

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

16 List Gypsum M' 27.290 27.290 27.290 27.290 27.290 27.290

17 GRC ( 6 mm ) lembar 138.820 138.820 138.820 138.820 138.820 151.430

18 GRC ( 9 mm ) lembar 197.610 197.610 197.610 197.610 197.610 215.580

19 GRC ( 12 mm ) lembar 31.780 31.780 31.780 31.780 31.780 34.670

20 Lem Kayu kg 37.450 37.450 37.450 31.780 37.450 34.670

1.9. Bahan Pipa

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Pipa GI Ø ½" & Accessories M' 32.100 32.640 33.170 33.170 33.170 33.170 Accessories
terdiri dari sock
2 Pipa GI Ø ¾" & Accessories M' 36.380 36.920 37.450 37.450 37.450 37.450 dan knee
3 Pipa GI Ø 1" & Accessories M' 42.800 43.340 43.870 43.870 43.870 43.870
4 Pipa GI Ø 1 ½" & Accessories M' 64.200 65.270 65.270 65.270 65.270 65.270
5 Pipa GI Ø 2" & Accessories M' 107.800 110.750 107.000 111.490 113.850 112.380
6 Pipa GI Ø 3" & Accessories M' 181.630 184.580 181.900 186.060 186.060 186.060
7 Pipa GI Ø 4" & Accessories M' 292.370 295.320 288.900 295.320 295.320 295.320
8 Pipa GI Ø 6" & Accessories M' 431.910 435.600 428.000 435.600 437.080 437.080
9 Pipa GI Ø 8" & Accessories M' 723.540 730.920 695.500 732.400 733.880 733.880
10 Pipa GI Ø 10" & Accessories M' 1.122.220 1.129.600 1.070.000 1.134.030 1.134.770 1.134.770
11 Pipa GI Ø 12" & Accessories M' 1.395.390 1.402.770 1.123.500 1.410.160 1.413.110 1.413.110
12 Pipa GI Ø 14" & Accessories M' 1.716.390 1.723.770 1.712.000 1.731.160 1.734.110 1.734.110
13 Pipa GI Ø 16" & Accessories M' 2.037.390 2.044.770 2.033.000 2.052.160 2.055.110 2.055.110
14 Pipa PVC Ø ½" & Accessories AW M' 4.750 5.420 5.010 5.420 5.560 5.560

15 Pipa PVC Ø ¾" & Accessories M' 6.370 6.770 6.640 6.910 6.980 6.980

16 Pipa PVC Ø 1" & Accessories M' 9.820 10.160 10.160 10.290 10.430 10.430
17 Pipa PVC Ø 1 ½" & Accessories M' 29.780 30.460 30.460 32.080 33.160 33.160

18 Pipa PVC Ø 2" & Accessories M' 37.900 39.260 39.260 39.660 39.940 39.940

19 Pipa PVC Ø 3" & Accessories M' 82.570 84.600 84.600 87.990 87.990 87.990
20 Pipa PVC Ø 4" & Accessories M' 124.940 128.590 129.950 135.360 136.710 136.710

21 Pipa PVC Ø 6" & Accessories M' 261.240 270.710 272.070 285.600 288.310 288.310
22 Pipa PVC Ø 8" & Accessories M' 352.060 362.620 369.660 387.270 396.070 390.790

23 Pipa PVC Ø 10" & Accessories M' 652.420 676.780 683.550 703.850 710.620 710.620

24 Pipa PVC Ø 12" & Accessories M' 1.082.840 1.116.680 1.123.450 1.150.520 1.164.060 1.164.060

25 Pipa PVC Ø 14" & Accessories M' 1.515.980 1.556.590 1.570.120 1.651.340 1.656.750 1.656.750

26 Pipa PVC Ø 16" & Accessories M' 1.928.810 2.030.330 2.010.030 2.098.010 2.098.010 2.098.010

27 Pipa HDPE Ø ¾ " M' 11.250 11.360 11.480 11.950 12.070 11.910
28 Pipa HDPE Ø 1" M' 16.600 16.720 16.950 17.600 17.780 17.540
29 Pipa HDPE Ø 1¼ " M' 26.840 27.080 27.430 28.490 28.720 28.410
30 Pipa HDPE Ø 1½ " M' 41.200 41.730 42.800 43.140 43.670 43.140
31 Pipa HDPE Ø 2 " M' 65.090 65.800 66.510 69.040 69.800 69.010
32 Pipa HDPE Ø 2½ " M' 91.100 92.050 92.990 96.640 97.580 96.590
33 Pipa HDPE Ø 3 " M' 131.480 132.770 134.180 139.360 140.770 139.320
34 Pipa HDPE Ø 4 " M' 198.620 197.150 198.920 206.800 208.920 206.800
35 Pipa HDPE Ø 4½ " M' 250.650 253.180 255.770 265.710 268.360 265.660
36 Pipa HDPE Ø 5 " M' 289.960 292.840 295.790 307.320 310.440 307.320
37 Pipa HDPE Ø 6 " M' 410.350 411.420 412.490 417.300 417.300 417.300
38 Pipa HDPE Ø 7 " M' 477.750 477.870 487.400 506.470 511.530 506.380
39 Pipa HDPE Ø 8 " M' 637.300 638.790 638.790 640.930 640.930 640.930
40 Pipa HDPE Ø 9 " M' 747.520 755.050 762.580 792.360 800.310 792.360
41 Pipa HDPE Ø 10 " M' 914.420 923.480 932.780 969.260 978.920 969.210
42 Pipa HDPE Ø 11 " M' 1.150.230 1.161.700 1.173.360 1.219.260 1.231.500 1.219.260
43 Pipa HDPE Ø 12 " M' 1.455.370 1.469.720 1.484.440 1.542.460 1.557.880 1.542.440
44 Pipa HDPE Ø 14 " M' 1.855.070 1.873.550 1.892.270 1.966.300 1.985.960 1.966.280
45 Pipa HDPE Ø 16 " M' 2.344.470 2.367.890 2.391.550 2.485.240 2.509.960 2.485.060
46 Pipa HDPE Ø 18 " M' 3.305.610 3.338.680 3.372.110 3.503.930 3.539.010 3.503.930
47 Pipa HDPE Ø 20 " M' 4.072.420 4.113.150 4.154.340 4.316.770 4.359.970 4.316.750
48 Pipa HDPE Ø 22 " M' 5.116.190 5.167.510 5.219.060 5.423.150 5.477.410 5.423.150

Standar Harga Satuan Upah Dan Bahan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 12
49 Pipa HDPE Ø 24 " M' 6.468.210 6.532.940 6.598.270 6.856.270 6.924.880 6.856.270
50 Pipa HDPE Ø 28 " M' 8.218.760 8.301.030 8.384.010 8.711.920 8.799.020 8.711.890
51 Pipa HDPE Ø 32 " M' 10.454.350 10.558.870 10.664.450 11.081.460 11.192.330 11.081.460


1 Pipa GI Ø 3" M' 72.420 74.450 80.630 82.690 82.690 82.690

2 Pipa PVC Ø 3" M' 29.440 30.460 29.920 30.460 30.460 30.460
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

3 Pipa PVC Ø 4" M' 36.550 36.550 36.550 36.550 36.550 36.550
4 Pipa Screen Ø 4" bh 19.630 20.310 20.310 20.990 20.990 20.990
5 Pipa PVC Ø 6" M' 84.600 85.960 85.960 86.230 86.230 86.230
6 Bend 90 o Pipa PVC AW Ø 3" bh 116.750 122.500 122.500 123.180 123.180 123.180
7 Reducer PVC Ø 6"- 4" bh 37.230 37.230 37.230 37.230 37.230 37.230
8 Kran Ø 3" bh 396.600 406.070 404.720 406.750 406.750 406.750
9 Lem PVC kg 117.060 117.700 117.700 117.700 117.700 117.700


1 Stop Kran
Dia ½" Buah 54.310 54.570 54.570 54.570 54.570 54.570
Dia ¾" Buah 83.570 84.000 84.000 84.530 84.530 84.530
Dia 1" Buah 205.980 208.650 208.650 208.650 208.650 208.650
Dia 1½" Buah 370.760 372.360 372.360 374.500 374.500 374.500
Dia 2" Buah 549.130 549.980 549.980 551.050 551.050 551.050
Dia 2½'' Buah 1.060.910 1.061.440 1.061.440 1.062.510 1.062.510 1.062.510
Dia 3" Buah 1.497.680 1.498.000 1.498.000 1.498.000 1.498.000 1.498.000

2 Kran

Dia ½" Buah 28.890 28.890 29.960 29.960 29.960 29.960

Dia ¾" Buah 41.730 42.800 42.800 42.800 42.800 42.800
3 Bend GI 90 o (Knee)

Dia ½" Buah 4.500 4.500 4.500 4.500 4.500 4.500

Dia ¾" Buah 5.920 5.920 5.920 5.920 5.920 5.920
Dia 1" Buah 8.830 8.830 8.830 8.830 8.830 8.830
Dia 1½" Buah 17.660 17.660 17.660 17.660 17.660 17.660
Dia 2" Buah 26.970 26.970 26.970 26.970 26.970 26.970
Dia 2½'' Buah 46.230 46.230 46.230 46.230 46.230 46.230
Dia 3" Buah 83.460 83.460 83.460 83.460 83.460 83.460
Dia 4" Buah 141.240 141.240 141.240 141.240 141.240 141.240
Dia 6" Buah 513.600 513.600 513.600 513.600 513.600 513.600
4 Dop GI (Drat Dalam)
Dia ½" Buah 3.700 3.700 3.700 3.700 3.700 3.700
Dia ¾" Buah 4.120 4.120 4.120 4.120 4.120 4.120
Dia 1" Buah 11.770 11.770 11.770 11.770 11.770 11.770
Dia 1½" Buah 18.840 18.840 18.840 18.840 18.840 18.840
Dia 2" Buah 25.040 25.040 25.040 25.040 25.040 25.040
Dia 2½'' Buah 35.310 35.310 35.310 35.310 35.310 35.310
Dia 3" Buah 48.150 48.150 48.150 48.150 48.150 48.150
Dia 4" Buah 74.480 74.480 74.480 74.480 74.480 74.480
Dia 6" Buah 256.800 256.800 256.800 256.800 256.800 256.800
5 Dop GI (Drat Luar)
Dia ½" Buah 3.860 3.860 3.860 3.860 3.860 3.860
Dia ¾" Buah 5.460 5.460 5.460 5.460 5.460 5.460
Dia 1" Buah 7.710 7.710 7.710 7.710 7.710 7.710
Dia 1½" Buah 12.840 12.840 12.840 12.840 12.840 12.840
Dia 2" Buah 19.260 19.260 19.260 19.260 19.260 19.260
Dia 2½'' Buah 25.680 25.680 25.680 25.680 25.680 25.680
Dia 3" Buah 57.780 57.780 57.780 57.780 57.780 57.780
Dia 4" Buah 83.460 83.460 83.460 83.460 83.460 83.460
Dia 6" Buah 243.960 243.960 243.960 243.960 243.960 243.960
6 Tee GI
Dia ½" Buah 6.420 6.420 6.420 6.420 6.420 6.420
Dia ¾" Buah 9.630 9.630 9.630 9.630 9.630 9.630
Dia 1" Buah 13.910 13.910 13.910 13.910 13.910 13.910
Dia 1½" Buah 25.680 25.680 25.680 25.680 25.680 25.680
Dia 2" Buah 38.520 38.520 38.520 38.520 38.520 38.520
Dia 2½'' Buah 89.880 89.880 89.880 89.880 89.880 89.880
Dia 3" Buah 109.140 109.140 109.140 109.140 109.140 109.140
Dia 4" Buah 192.600 192.600 192.600 192.600 192.600 192.600
Dia 6" Buah 642.000 642.000 642.000 642.000 642.000 642.000
7 Gate Valve

Standar Harga Satuan Upah Dan Bahan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 13
Dia 2" Buah 699.890 699.890 699.890 699.890 699.890 699.890
Dia 2½'' Buah 747.670 747.670 747.670 747.670 747.670 747.670
Dia 3" Buah 1.006.340 1.006.340 1.006.340 1.006.340 1.006.340 1.006.340
Dia 4" Buah 1.259.500 1.259.500 1.259.500 1.259.500 1.259.500 1.259.500
Dia 6" Buah 2.349.300 2.349.300 2.349.300 2.349.300 2.349.300 2.349.300
Dia 8" Buah 3.210.000 3.210.000 3.210.000 3.210.000 3.210.000 3.210.000
Dia 10" Buah 7.704.000 7.704.000 7.704.000 7.704.000 7.704.000 7.704.000
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Dia 12" Buah 11.556.000 11.556.000 11.556.000 11.556.000 11.556.000 11.556.000

Dia 14" Buah 18.596.600 18.596.600 18.596.600 18.596.600 18.596.600 18.596.600
Dia 16" Buah 22.470.000 22.470.000 22.470.000 22.470.000 22.470.000 22.470.000
8 Gibolt joint PVC
Dia 2" Buah 160.500 160.500 127.120 127.120 127.120 127.120
Dia 2½'' Buah 171.200 171.200 155.370 155.370 155.370 155.370
Dia 3" Buah 179.390 179.390 179.390 179.390 179.390 179.390
Dia 4" Buah 224.700 224.700 224.700 224.700 224.700 224.700
Dia 6" Buah 353.100 353.100 353.100 353.100 353.100 353.100
Dia 8" Buah 577.800 577.800 577.800 577.800 577.800 577.800
Dia 10" Buah 834.600 834.600 834.600 834.600 834.600 834.600
Dia 12" Buah 1.027.200 1.027.200 1.027.200 1.027.200 1.027.200 1.027.200
Dia 14" Buah 1.219.800 1.219.800 1.219.800 1.219.800 1.219.800 1.219.800
Dia 16" Buah 1.797.600 1.797.600 1.797.600 1.797.600 1.797.600 1.797.600
9 Clamp Sadle
Dia 2½'' Buah 44.940 44.940 44.940 44.940 44.940 44.940
Dia 3" Buah 64.200 64.200 64.200 64.200 64.200 64.200
Dia 4" Buah 91.810 91.810 91.810 91.810 91.810 91.810
Dia 6" Buah 141.240 141.240 141.240 141.240 141.240 141.240
10 Bend PVC 90o ( knee )
Dia ½" Buah 2.570 2.570 2.570 2.570 2.570 2.570
Dia ¾" Buah 4.500 4.500 4.500 4.500 4.500 4.500
Dia 1" Buah 7.710 7.710 7.710 7.710 7.710 7.710
Dia 1½" Buah 19.260 19.260 19.260 19.260 19.260 19.260
Dia 2" Buah 44.940 44.940 44.940 44.940 44.940 44.940
Dia 2½'' Buah 54.570 54.570 54.570 54.570 54.570 54.570
Dia 3" Buah 64.200 64.200 64.200 64.200 64.200 64.200
Dia 4" Buah 102.990 102.990 102.990 102.990 102.990 102.990
Dia 6" Buah 263.190 263.190 263.190 263.190 263.190 263.190
11 Long Bend PVC 90o
Dia 2" Buah 109.140 109.140 109.140 109.140 109.140 109.140
Dia 2½'' Buah 138.780 138.780 138.780 138.780 138.780 138.780
Dia 3" Buah 160.500 160.500 160.500 160.500 160.500 160.500
Dia 4" Buah 256.800 256.800 256.800 256.800 256.800 256.800
Dia 6" Buah 449.400 449.400 449.400 449.400 449.400 449.400
Dia 8" Buah 738.580 738.580 738.580 738.580 738.580 738.580
Dia 10" Buah 1.276.810 1.276.810 1.276.810 1.276.810 1.276.810 1.276.810
Dia 12" Buah 2.118.380 2.118.380 2.118.380 2.118.380 2.118.380 2.118.380
Dia 14" Buah 5.296.500 5.296.500 5.296.500 5.296.500 5.296.500 5.296.500
Dia 16" Buah 7.650.500 7.650.500 7.650.500 7.650.500 7.650.500 7.650.500
12 Tee PVC
Dia 1" Buah 3.860 3.860 3.860 3.860 3.860 3.860
Dia 1½" Buah 12.570 12.570 12.570 12.570 12.570 12.570
Dia 2" Buah 79.080 79.080 79.080 79.080 79.080 79.080
Dia 3" Buah 150.870 150.870 150.870 150.870 150.870 150.870
Dia 4" Buah 217.360 217.360 217.360 217.360 217.360 217.360
Dia 6" Buah 348.300 348.300 348.300 348.300 348.300 348.300
13 Reducer tee all socket PVC
Dia 1" x ¾ " Buah 4.500 4.500 4.500 4.500 4.500 4.500
Dia 1½" x 1" Buah 25.680 25.680 25.680 25.680 25.680 25.680
Dia 1½" x ¾ " Buah 25.680 25.680 25.680 25.680 25.680 25.680
Dia 2" x 1" Buah 88.280 88.280 88.280 88.280 88.280 88.280
Dia 2" x ¾" Buah 88.280 88.280 88.280 88.280 88.280 88.280
Dia 3" x ½" Buah 170.670 170.670 170.670 170.670 170.670 170.670
Dia 3" x 2" Buah 149.560 149.560 149.560 149.560 149.560 149.560
Dia 4" x 1" Buah 247.170 247.170 247.170 247.170 247.170 247.170
Dia 4" x 2" Buah 253.700 253.700 253.700 253.700 253.700 253.700
Dia 4" x 3" Buah 264.030 264.030 264.030 264.030 264.030 264.030
Dia 6" x 2" Buah 399.010 399.010 399.010 399.010 399.010 399.010
Dia 6" x 3" Buah 453.150 453.150 453.150 453.150 453.150 453.150

Standar Harga Satuan Upah Dan Bahan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 14
Dia 6" x 4" Buah 506.110 506.110 506.110 506.110 506.110 506.110
14 Reducer socket PVC
Dia 1" x ¾ " Buah 6.420 6.420 6.420 6.420 6.420 6.420
Dia 1½" x 1" Buah 25.680 25.680 25.680 25.680 25.680 25.680
Dia 1½" x ¾ " Buah 25.680 25.680 25.680 25.680 25.680 25.680
Dia 2" x 1" Buah 48.780 48.780 48.780 48.780 48.780 48.780
Dia 2" x 1 ½" Buah 48.780 48.780 48.780 48.780 48.780 48.780
Dia 2½" x 1 ½" Buah 96.520 96.520 96.520 96.520 96.520 96.520
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Dia 2½" x 2" Buah 96.520 96.520 96.520 96.520 96.520 96.520
Dia 3" x 2" Buah 103.820 103.820 103.820 103.820 103.820 103.820
Dia 3" x 2½" Buah 126.300 126.300 126.300 126.300 126.300 126.300
Dia 4" x 2" Buah 115.560 115.560 115.560 115.560 115.560 115.560
Dia 4" x 2½" Buah 148.730 148.730 148.730 148.730 148.730 148.730
Dia 4" x 3" Buah 155.960 155.960 155.960 155.960 155.960 155.960
Dia 6" x 3" Buah 318.060 318.060 318.060 318.060 318.060 318.060
Dia 6" x 4" Buah 284.680 284.680 284.680 284.680 284.680 284.680
15 End Cop ( dop PVC )
Dia ½" Buah 2.680 2.680 2.680 2.680 2.680 2.680
Dia ¾" Buah 4.690 4.690 4.690 4.690 4.690 4.690
Dia 1" Buah 6.690 6.690 6.690 6.690 6.690 6.690
Dia 1½" Buah 16.720 16.720 16.720 16.720 16.720 16.720
Dia 2" Buah 19.400 19.400 19.400 19.400 19.400 19.400
Dia 2½'' Buah 19.400 19.400 19.400 19.400 19.400 19.400
Dia 3" Buah 53.500 53.500 53.500 53.500 53.500 53.500
Dia 4" Buah 80.250 80.250 80.250 80.250 80.250 80.250
Dia 6" Buah 133.750 133.750 133.750 133.750 133.750 133.750
16 Single air valve ( ventil )
Dia ½" Buah 220.690 220.690 220.690 220.690 220.690 220.690
Dia ¾" Buah 267.500 267.500 267.500 267.500 267.500 267.500
Dia 1" Buah 367.820 367.820 367.820 367.820 367.820 367.820
Dia 2" Buah 647.350 647.350 647.350 647.350 647.350 647.350
Dia 3" Buah 124.770 124.770 124.770 124.770 124.770 124.770
Dia 4" Buah 1.365.320 1.365.320 1.365.320 1.365.320 1.365.320 1.365.320
17 Kunci Pipa

Dia 2" x ½ " Buah 115.560 115.560 115.560 115.560 115.560 115.560

Dia 3" x ½ " Buah 154.080 154.080 154.080 154.080 154.080 154.080

Dia 4" x ½ " Buah 303.830 303.830 303.830 303.830 303.830 303.830

Dia 6" x ½ " Buah 577.800 577.800 577.800 577.800 577.800 577.800

18 Mata gergaji besi Buah 92.880 92.880 92.880 92.880 92.880 92.880

19 Stang gergaji besi Buah 38.520 38.520 21.400 38.520 38.520 38.520
20 Betel besar Buah 23.120 23.120 21.400 23.120 23.120 23.120

21 Betel kecil Buah 11.560 11.560 10.170 11.560 11.560 11.560

1.10. Bahan Kaca

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Kaca Polos 3 mm m² 78.110 78.600 78.110 69.550 78.110 80.250

2 Kaca Polos 5 mm m² 107.000 108.820 111.280 86.670 123.050 123.050

3 Kaca Riben Tebal 3 mm m² 84.530 84.640 84.640 88.810 113.420 113.420

4 Kaca Riben Tebal 5 mm m² 120.910 120.910 125.190 103.790 132.680 132.680

5 Glass Blok buah 26.430 26.430 26.430 31.030 31.030 33.170

6 Kerangka Nako 5 mm m² 84.530 84.530 84.530 117.700 120.910 123.050

7 Kerangka Es 3 mm m² 92.050 92.050 92.050 111.000 111.000 110.960

1.11. Bahan Finishing

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 Ampelas Kayu lembar 3.750 4.870 4.870 5.890 5.350 5.350

2 Plamir Kayu kg 24.610 24.610 24.610 26.750 25.680 25.680

3 Spiritus liter 12.100 12.100 12.100 13.910 16.050 16.050

4 Minyak Cat liter 9.630 9.630 9.630 16.050 11.770 10.700

5 Residu liter 12.310 12.250 12.310 13.540 17.120 17.120

6 Teak Oil liter 32.960 32.960 32.960 42.260 40.660 40.660

7 Melamin lembar 78.650 78.650 78.650 78.280 85.600 85.600

8 Aluminium Pintu Kamar Mandi lembar 103.790 107.000 104.860 89.460 104.860 104.860

Standar Harga Satuan Upah Dan Bahan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 15
9 Meni Besi kg 27.820 27.820 27.820 32.960 28.890 28.890

10 Meni Kayu kg 24.190 24.190 24.190 21.310 25.360 25.360

11 Cat Kayu Mutu Menengah kg 51.360 52.430 52.430 45.440 56.180 56.180
12 Cat Kayu Mutu Tinggi kg 69.550 69.550 69.550 92.050 74.900 77.040

13 Cat Tembok Mutu Menengah Kg 27.820 32.100 32.100 20.990 34.240 34.240

14 Cat Tembok Mutu Tinggi kg/ kaleng 87.740 87.740 87.740 90.630 107.000 107.000

15 Cat Besi kg 74.900 75.970 75.970 101.520 83.460 83.460

16 Plamir Tembok kg 8.350 8.560 8.560 14.980 10.280 10.280

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

17 Teer liter 4.000 7.490 7.490 10.700 10.700 10.700

18 Politur liter 54.570 54.570 54.570 47.560 60.990 60.990

19 Cat Marka Jalan Scalato kg 74.740 74.740 74.740 78.860 78.860 78.860
20 Minyak Cat A Special liter 40.020 40.130 40.130 40.490 40.450 40.450

21 Aqua Proff kg 54.570 55.640 55.640 53.500 53.500 53.500

22 Cat Marka Jalan Biasa kg 65.210 65.210 65.210 67.980 67.950 67.950

23 Cairan Pengupas Cat kg 194.210 194.210 194.210 200.090 200.090 200.090

24 Cairan Pengeras Cat (Hardner) kg 178.910 178.910 178.910 185.380 185.380 185.380

1.12. Bahan Pengunci

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Kunci pintu mutu menengah buah 104.330 107.000 104.330 176.550 117.700 117.700
2 Kunci pintu mutu Tinggi buah 294.250 382.530 382.530 294.250 382.530 382.530
3 Yale Kecil buah 55.640 57.780 57.780 64.740 60.460 60.460
4 Yale Besar buah 102.720 102.720 102.720 84.160 107.000 107.000
5 Kuda Terbang Kecil buah 57.780 59.390 59.390 64.200 69.550 69.550
6 Kuda Terbang Besar buah 72.760 72.760 72.760 78.110 82.390 82.390
7 Royal stel 48.690 48.690 48.690 70.620 53.500 53.500
8 Haag Angin Besar stel 5.570 6.420 6.420 6.100 7.490 7.490
9 Haag Angin Kecil stel 4.280 4.280 4.280 4.820 6.420 6.420
10 Grendel Besar buah 10.700 10.700 10.700 13.600 14.980 14.980
11 Grendel Kecil buah 9.310 9.310 9.310 9.310 9.630 9.630
12 Engsel Nylon ps 12.310 12.310 12.310 9.720 13.910 13.910
13 Engsel H. ps 9.100 9.100 9.100 7.580 10.700 10.700
14 Expagnolet buah 50.290 50.290 50.290 69.550 69.550 69.550

1.13. Bahan Sanitaire

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Closet Duduk (kwalitas no. 1) buah 2.568.000 2.568.000 2.568.000 2.306.920 2.675.000 2.675.000

2 Closet Jongkok Teraso buah 71.690 74.740 75.970 238.610 90.950 93.090

3 Closet Jongkok Porselin buah 160.500 167.990 167.990 171.200 181.900 181.900

4 Wastafel + Acecories (kualitas no. 1) buah 1.605.000 1.605.000 1.605.000 1.605.000 1.712.000 1.712.000

5 Urinoir Porselin (kualitas no. 1) buah 1.872.500 1.872.500 1.872.500 1.872.500 1.926.000 1.926.000
6 Saringan Air Besi Stainless buah 220.100 224.700 219.350 239.520 235.400 235.400

7 Saringan air besi buah 59.920 63.130 64.200 84.750 84.750 84.530

8 Saringan Air Plastik buah 16.050 16.050 16.050 14.890 17.120 17.120

9 Bak Cuci Piring Teraso buah 251.450 251.450 251.450 226.580 256.800 256.800
10 Bak Cuci Piring Logam buah 374.500 374.500 374.500 323.680 385.200 385.200

11 Reservoir Fybg.Kapasitas 1 M3 buah 2.942.500 2.942.500 2.942.500 1.275.280 2.996.000 2.996.000

12 Septictank Kapasitas 1 M3 buah 3.638.000 4.119.500 4.119.500 4.119.500 4.119.500 4.119.500

13 Septictank Kapasitas 2 M3 buah 4.815.000 5.885.000 5.350.000 5.885.000 5.885.000 5.885.000

14 Bak Fyberglass Kap 0,5 M3 buah 802.500 802.500 802.500 802.500 802.500 802.500

15 Bak Mandi Plastik Kap 0,5 M3 buah 3.210.000 3.210.000 3.210.000 3.210.000 3.210.000 3.210.000

16 Bak Mandi Teraso 50 x 50 cm. buah 299.600 321.000 321.000 356.050 368.990 388.410

17 Tangki Air Fiberglass 1 000 Lt. vertikal Buah 5.061.100 5.061.100 5.061.100 5.296.500 5.296.500 5.296.500

18 Tangki Air Fiberglass 2 000 Lt. vertikal Buah 7.650.500 7.650.500 7.650.500 7.827.050 7.827.050 7.827.050

19 Tangki Air Fiberglass 3 000 Lt. vertikal Buah 10.122.200 10.122.200 10.122.200 10.475.300 10.475.300 10.475.300

20 Tangki Air Fiberglass 4 000 Lt. vertikal Buah 14.594.800 14.594.800 14.594.800 15.301.000 15.301.000 15.301.000
21 Tangki Air Fiberglass 5 000 Lt. vertikal Buah 20.244.400 20.244.400 20.244.400 21.656.800 21.656.800 21.656.800

22 Tangki Air Fiberglass 3 000 Lt. Horisontal Buah 28.836.500 28.836.500 28.836.500 30.602.000 30.602.000 30.602.000

23 Tangki Air Fiberglass 4 000 Lt. Horisontal Buah 40.606.500 40.606.500 40.606.500 42.372.000 42.372.000 42.372.000

24 Tangki Air Fiberglass 5 000 Lt. Horisontal Buah 48.139.300 48.139.300 48.139.300 50.611.000 50.611.000 50.611.000

25 Tangki Air Fiberglass 6 000 Lt. Horisontal Buah 55.613.250 55.613.250 55.613.250 58.850.000 58.850.000 58.850.000

Standar Harga Satuan Upah Dan Bahan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 16
1.14. Bahan Paku
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Paku Panjang 1-3 Cm kg 20.330 20.330 20.330 20.330 20.330 20.330

2 Paku Panjang 4-6 Cm kg 19.480 19.480 19.480 19.800 19.800 19.800

3 Paku Panjang 7-12 Cm kg 18.730 18.730 18.730 19.260 19.260 19.260

4 Paku Usuk kg 20.870 27.130 20.870 21.400 21.400 21.400

5 Paku Reng kg 23.540 30.610 23.540 24.080 24.080 24.080

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

6 Paku Eternit kg 26.750 34.780 26.750 27.290 27.290 27.290

7 Paku Seng kg 24.610 24.610 24.610 27.820 27.820 27.820

8 Paku Asbes kg 24.610 24.610 24.610 27.820 27.820 27.820

9 Skrup / Piles 1,5 Cm. Doos Kecil 8.350 8.350 8.350 8.560 8.560 8.560

10 Skrup / Piles 2,0 Cm. Doos Kecil 10.440 10.440 10.440 10.700 10.700 10.700

11 Paku Sumbat kg 26.750 26.750 26.750 26.750 26.750 26.750

12 Besi Beugel/Baut (utk kuda-kuda) kg 27.820 27.820 27.820 27.820 27.820 27.820

1.15. Bahan Instalasi Listrik

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Titik Lampu buah 117.700 117.700 117.700 214.000 192.600 192.600

2 Stop Kontak Tanam buah 117.700 117.700 117.700 214.000 157.290 157.290

3 Stop Kontak Luar buah 117.700 117.700 117.700 214.000 214.000 214.000

4 Saklar buah 13.380 13.380 13.380 25.680 25.680 25.680

5 Zekering Boxes 1 Group buah 267.500 267.500 267.500 267.500 267.500 267.500
6 Zekering Boxs 2 Group buah 347.750 347.750 347.750 347.750 347.750 347.750

7 Zekering Boxs 3 Group buah 428.000 428.000 428.000 428.000 428.000 428.000

1.16. Bahan Tambahan

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Kayu Bakar m³ 170.670 170.670 170.670 170.670 170.670 170.670

2 Olie SAE 30 liter 26.490 26.490 26.490 26.490 26.490 26.490

3 Olie SAE 40 liter 26.490 26.490 26.490 26.490 26.490 26.490

4 Olie SAE 90 liter 35.310 35.310 35.310 35.310 35.310 35.310

5 Olie SAE 100 liter 41.200 41.200 41.200 41.200 41.200 41.200
6 Olie merk mesran liter 38.260 38.260 38.260 38.260 38.260 38.260

7 Olie merk top one liter 45.320 45.320 45.320 45.320 45.320 45.320

8 Olie merk penzoil liter 43.380 43.380 43.380 35.610 35.610 35.610

9 Flux Oil liter 5.890 5.890 5.890 5.890 5.890 5.890

10 Sambungan Rumah 1/2" Set 1.076.420 1.076.420 1.076.420 971.030 971.030 971.030

11 Sambungan Rumah 3/4" Set 1.506.560 1.506.560 1.506.560 1.229.970 1.229.970 1.229.970
12 Sambungan Rumah 1" Set 2.077.410 2.077.410 2.077.410 1.670.170 1.670.170 1.670.170

16 Bentonite Zak 306.020 306.020 306.020 306.020 306.020 306.020

1.17. Bahan Kimia


1 2 3 4 5
1 A. Amino 2,3 dimethyl 1-Phenyl pyra Xoline 10 gr 531.250

2 Acetat Glasial Acid 100% 1000 cc 441.250

3 Ammonia Solution min 25%, pa 1000 600.000

4 Ammonium Acetat 1000 gr 851.250

5 Ammonium Iron II Sulfate 1000 gr 1.191.250

6 Barium Hydoxide 500 gr 1.305.000

7 Boiling chips (Siedes tine) 100 gr 891.250

8 Brucine dihydrate 10 gr 925.000
9 BGLB 500 gr 1.773.750
10 Calcium Carbonate, Precipifated, pa 250 gr 677.500
11 Cobalt II Chloride 250 gr 7.661.250
12 Curcumin 10 gr 898.750
13 Double Streeng ( LB3 ) 500 gr 935.000
14 Di-Sodium Oxalat 1000 gr 3.258.750
15 EBM 500 gr 831.250
16 E. C. Medium 500 gr 1.006.250

Standar Harga Satuan Upah Dan Bahan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 17
17 Ethanol absolut, pa 1000 cc 660.000

18 Ethylen Glycol Mono-methyl ether (2-methoxy-ethanol) 1000 cc 1.208.750

19 Hydrochloric acid 25%, pa 2500 cc 1.052.500

20 Hydroxyl Ammonium Chloride 100 gr 3.206.250

21 Isopropil Alkohol 1000 cc 780.000

22 Iodine Sublibert, pa 100 gr 1.697.500

23 Iron II Sulfate 500 gr 548.000

24 Kertas Saring bebas abu pori 40 um (d = 12,5cm) 100 bh 468.750

25 Kertas Saring bebas abu pori 42 um (d = 12,5cm) 100 bh 468.750

1 2 3 4 5

26 L (+) Ascorbic Acid, pa 100 gr 542.500

27 Lead II acetate 1000 gr 2.321.250

28 Magnesium Chloride (MgC12.6H2O) 250 gr 666.250

29 Magnesium Sulfate 1000 gr 1.028.750

30 Mangan II Sulfate Monohydrate, pa 100 gr 676.250

31 Membran filter Steril 0,45 um ( d = 47 mm) 100 bh 1.288.000

32 Membrane filter 0,45 um (d = 47 mm ) 100 bh 1.287.500

33 Nitric acid 65% 1000 cc 1.178.750

34 Oxalic acid, pa 500 gr 1.012.500

35 1, 10-phenathroline monohidrate 10 gr 1.187.500

36 Pz. Larutan 50 cc 437.500

37 Petroleum Benzane 1000 cc 1.098.750

38 Pottasium Hydroxide 1000 gr 327.500

39 Phenol (C6H5OH) 250 gr 1.375.000

40 Potassium hydrogen phthalate 250 gr 940.000

41 Pottassium Bromate 250 gr 1.876.250

42 Pottassium Bromide 500 gr 867.500
43 Pottassium Chromate, pa 250 gr 2.362.500

44 Pottassium Hexa Cyanoferate III 250 gr 612.500

45 Pottassium Sodium Tartrat, pa 1000 gr 1.483.750

46 Pottassium Sulfate, pa (TA) 500 gr 682.500

47 Single Streeng ( LB1 ) 500 gr 935.000

48 Siver Nitrate, pa 25 gr 1.061.250

49 Sodium Acetate, pa 1000 gr 1.446.250

50 Sodium Azide, extra pure 100 gr 613.750

51 Sodium Carbonate anhydrous, pa 500 gr 1.042.500

52 Sodium Chloride, pa 500 gr 520.000

53 Sodium dihydrogen Phospate 500 gr 942.500

54 Sodium Flouride anhydrous 100 gr 840.000

55 Sodium hydroxide pellets, pa 500 gr 470.000

56 Sodium Iodide 250 gr 2.741.250

57 Sodium Lauryl Sulphate Spcually Pure 1000 gr 988.750

58 Sodium nitrite cristal, pa 500 gr 755.000

59 Sodium Sulfide 1000 gr 742.500

60 Sodium Thiosulfate Pentahydrate, pa 500 gr 617.500

61 Starch Soluble, pa 100 gr 701.875

62 Sulfanilic acid, pa (TA) 100 gr 781.250

63 Sulfuric Acid 95%-97%, pa 2500 cc 472.500

64 Sulfanic Acid 500 gr 831.250

65 Salisilic Acid 500 gr 2.114.000

66 Thymol Blue pH indicator 5 gr 840.000

67 Tin II Chloride 1000 gr 5.700.000

68 Titriplex III (Na-EDTA) 250 gr 992.500

69 Universal indicator, pH 0 - 14 100 bh 812.500

70 Zinc Powder 1000 gr 1.787.500

71 0-1000 mg/l COD (Spectroquant cell test) M.1.14540.0001 Pack of 25 test 2.021.250

72 0-300 mg/l COD (Spectroquant cell test) M.1.14541.0001 Pack of 25 test 2.021.250

73 Calcium Chlorida Difdrate M.1.02382 500 gr 662.500

74 Ammonium Chlorida M.1.01145 500 gr 760.000

75 di-Sodium Hydrogen Phosphate Heptahydrate M.1.06580 500 gr 791.250

76 Sodium Fluride M.1.06449 250 gr 840.000

77 Alizarin Red S.M. 1.05229 25 gr 918.750

Standar Harga Satuan Upah Dan Bahan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 18
78 Zirconium (IV) Oxide chloride octahydrate M.1.08917 100 gr 3.177.500

79 Gliserol M.1.04094 ltr 1.997.500

80 Barium Chloride dohydrate M.1.01719 kg 1.011.250

81 Sodium sulfate anhydrous M.1.06649 kg 303.750

82 Sodium Hydroxide Pellets M.1.06498 kg 518.750

83 Eriochrome Black T M.1.03170 100 gr 7.800.000

84 Murexide M.1.06161 5 gr 917.500

85 Buffer pH 10 M.1.09438 ltr 975.000

86 Dodecyl Sulphate Sodium Salt M.8.22050 kg 1.126.250
1 2 3 4 5

87 Phenolphthalein Indicator M.1.07233 25 835.000

88 Natrium dihydrogen Phosphate Monohydrate M.1.06346 kg 1.183.750

89 Methylene Blue M.1.06076 25 gr 1.211.000

90 di-Sodium Tetraborate Decahydrate M.1.06308 kg 1.676.500

91 Boric Acid M.1.00165 kg 601.250

92 Mercury (II) Iodide M.1.04428 50 gr 1.256.250

93 Potasium Iodide M.1.05043 500 gr 1.678.750

94 Larutan Standard Cr M.1.19779 500 ml 1.044.750

95 Larutan Standard Na M.1.70238 500 ml 1.044.750

96 Larutan Standard K M.1.70230 500 ml 1.044.750

97 Larutan Standard Pb M.1.19776 500 ml 1.044.750

98 Barium Clorida 500 gr 755.788

99 Benzoic Acid 250 gr 2.860.000

100 Brillien Green Lactosa Broth 500 gr 1.987.450

101 EC. Broth 500 gr 2.446.088

102 Hidrogen Peroksida (H2O2) 1000 cc 435.000

103 Lactosa Broth 500 gr 1.528.800
104 Magnesium sulfat 500 gr 876.513

105 n.Hexan 1000 cc 1.943.750

106 Pottasium Iodide 250 gr 1.346.250

107 Pottasium Kromat (K2CrO4) 250 gr 2.242.188

108 Pz. Solusion 1000 cc 101.925

109 Sodium Sulfat 500 gr 503.750

110 Starch Soluble 100 gr 598.988

111 Silver Sulfat 25 gr 1.875.000

112 Tiitriplex III 250 gr 1.784.388

113 Alluminium Standar Solution 1000 ppm 500 cc 758.913

114 Arsenic Standar Solutiun 1000 ppm 500 cc 758.913

115 Bromine 50 cc 1.915.000

116 Brucine dihydrate 10 gr 1.715.400

117 Cadmium Standar Solution 200 ppm 100 cc 758.913

118 Calsium Standar Solution 1000 ppm 500 cc 758.913

119 Chromium Standar Solution 1000 ppm 500 cc 758.913

120 Cloroform 99 % - 99, 4 % 1000 cc 1.740.000

121 Cobalt ( II ) Chloride 250 gr 8.602.050

122 Cobalt Standar Solution 1000 ppm 500 cc 758.913

123 Copper 4 (II) Sulphate 100 gr 721.288

124 Copper Fine Powder, pa 250 gr 955.000

125 Copper Standar Solution 1000 ppm 500 cc 893.763
126 di-Arsenic Trioxide 100 gr 552.888
127 Ditizone 5 gr 1.747.075

128 d-Tartanic Acid 250 gr 831.050

129 Eriochrom Cyanin 25 gr 1.176.000

130 Fluorida Standar Solution 1000 ppm 1000 cc 758.913
131 Hydroflouric acid 40 % 500 cc 763.750
132 Indikator Papar pH 0 -14 rol 178.750
133 Iodine Sublibert, pa 100 gr 2.085.450
134 Iron Powder Extra 1000 gr 1.276.363
135 Iron Standar Solution 1000 ppm 500 cc 798.000
136 Isopropanol 1000 cc 1.238.413
137 Lead Standar Solution 1000 ppm 500 cc 758.913

138 Magnesium Standar Solution 1000 ppm 500 cc 758.913

139 Manganese Standar Solution 1000 ppm 500 cc 758.913

Standar Harga Satuan Upah Dan Bahan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 19
140 Mercury (II) Chloride 250 gr 3.661.250

141 Mercury (II) oxide red 250 gr 5.452.500

142 Mercury (II) Suflate 250 gr 2.733.750

143 Mercury Standar Solution 1000 ppm 500 cc 611.525

144 Methanol 2.500 cc 957.500

145 Neocuproine (2,9 - dimethyl 1.10 5 gr 3.490.375

146 Nickel Standard Solution 25 cc 758.913

147 O-Phosphoric acit 85 % 1000 cc 865.538

148 Phenopthalein pH 8,2 - 9,8 indikator 25 gr 943.938

1 2 3 4 5

149 Pottasium Hydroxide 1000 gr 663.425

150 Pottasium Iodide, pa 250 gr 1.834.563

151 Pottasium Standar Solution 500 cc 758.913

152 Pottasium Cyanide 250 gr 1.759.300

153 Pottasium Hexa Cyanoferate III 250 gr 1.135.238

154 Pyridin 1000 cc 3.668.750

155 Selenium Standar Solution 1000 ppm 500 cc 758.913

156 Silver diethyl di-Thiocarbonate 5 gr 1.005.750

157 Silver Standar Solution 1000 ppm 500 cc 981.575

158 Sodium Standar Solution 1000 ppm 500 cc 758.913

159 Sodium Sulfide 1000 gr 1.960.000

160 Sodium Thiosulfate Pentahydrate, pa 500 gr 693.063

161 Thiosetamide, pa 25 gr 1.187.500

162 Tin Standar Solution 1000 ppm 500 cc 758.913

163 Tri-Ethanolamine 1000 cc 1.287.500

164 Universal indicator, pH 0 -14 100 bh 211.120

165 Vanadium Standar Solution 1000 ppm 500 cc 758.913
166 Zinc Acetate 1000 gr 1.783.750

167 Zinc Chloride 1000 gr 1.733.750

168 Zind Standar Solution 1000 ppm 500 cc 893.763

169 Sodium nitrit 500 gr 1.725.000

170 Kloroform ltr 1.314.925

171 Potasium permanganat 250 gr 996.250

172 Sulfanilamid 100 gr 1.812.500

173 N- ( 1- napthyl) - ethylene diamine dihidrochloride 5 gr 851.250

174 Fero amonium sulfat 500 gr 1.211.763

175 Barium hidroksida 500 gr 1.117.363

176 Kalsium hidroksida 500 gr 1.298.750

177 Potasium nitrat 500 gr 701.250
178 Sodium klorida 500 gr 662.963

179 Asam sulfat 2,5 ltr 456.613

180 Asam klorida 2,5 ltr 379.775

181 Brusin dihydrat 10 gr 1.200.775

182 Asam sulfanilat 100 gr 643.200

183 Natrium arsenit 100 gr 837.638

184 Asam nitrat 2,5 ltr 768.325

185 Kalsium karbonat 250 gr 575.150

186 Kertas saring Whatman 0,45 mm (Celulosa Nitrate) peck 2.492.188

187 Buffer pH 4 1000 ml 356.250

188 Buffer pH 7 ltr 355.000

189 Buffer pH 9 ltr 1.102.500

190 Potasium klorida 500 gr 546.137

190 Potasium dihydrogen phosphate 250 gr 523.750

192 di-Potasium hydrogen phosphate 250 gr 665.000

193 Iron III klorida 250 gr 787.500

194 Calsium klorida 500 gr 724.425

195 1,10 Fenantrolin monohidrat 10 gr 2.150.513

196 Iron II sulfat 500 gr 846.725

197 Potasium dikromat 500 gr 2.412.500

198 Potasium aluminium sulfat atau kg 985.000

199 Ammunium aluminium sulfat kg 1.327.500

200 Amoniak ltr 664.363

Standar Harga Satuan Upah Dan Bahan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 20
201 Sodium hydroksida kg 961.963

202 Silver nitrat 25 gr 954.913

203 Asam sulfamat 500 gr 643.200

204 Metil Orange 25 gr 1.280.000

205 Sodium oksalat 250 gr 1.524.100

206 Asam oksalat 100 gr 591.675

207 Sodium sulfat 500 gr 581.738

208 Mercury kg 15.386.250

209 Trichlor ethanol 100 ml 1.716.888

1 2 3 4 5

210 Magnesium sulfat kg 1.308.500

211 Carbon tetrachlor ltr 2.087.800

213 Natrium Sulfit (NaSO3) 500 gr 588.000

214 Aquadem ltr 10.200

Standar Massa/Revisi Lab. Metrologi

1 Benzoic Acid 250 gr 862.400

2 Brillien Green Lactosa Broth 500 gr 1.561.560

3 EC. Broth 500 gr 1.921.920

4 Hidrogen Peroxide 1000 cc 751.520

5 Lactosa Broth 500 gr 1.201.200

6 Magnesium sulfat 500 gr 688.690

7 n.Hexan 1000 cc 1.626.240

8 Pottasium Iodide 250 gr 1.441.440

9 Pottasium Kromat 250 gr 1.108.800

10 Pz. Solusion 1000 cc 80.080

11 Sodium Sulfat 500 gr 480.480

12 Starch Soluble 100 gr 470.630

13 Silver Sulfat 25 gr 1.758.750

14 Tiitriplex III 250 gr 1.402.020

15 Alluminium Standar Solution 1000 ppm 500 gr 596.290

16 Arsenic Standar Solutiun 1000 ppm 500 gr 596.290

17 Bromine 50 cc 1.724.800
18 Brucine dihydrate 10 gr 1.347.810

19 Cadmium Standar Solution 200 ppm 100 cc 596.290

20 Calsium Standar Solution 1000 ppm 500 cc 596.290

21 Chromium Standar Solution 1000 ppm 500 cc 596.290

22 Cloroform 99 % - 99, 4 % 1000 cc 529.760

23 Cobalt ( II ) Chloride 250 gr 6.758.760

24 Cobalt Standar Solution 1000 ppm 500 cc 596.290

25 Copper 4 (II) Sulphate 100 gr 566.720

26 Copper Fine Powder, pa 250 gr 825.440

27 Copper Standar Solution 1000 ppm 500 cc 596.290

28 di-Arsenic Trioxide 100 gr 434.410

29 Ditizone 5 gr 1.372.700

30 d-Tartanic Acid 250 gr 652.960

31 Eriochrom Cyanin 25 gr 924.000

32 Fluorida Standar Solution 1000 ppm 1000 cc 596.290

33 Hydroflouric acid 40 % 500 cc 579.040

34 Indikator Papar pH 0 -14 1 rol 185.790

35 Iodine Sublibert, pa 100 gr 1.638.560

36 Iron Powder Extra 1000 gr 1.002.850

37 Iron Standar Solution 1000 ppm 500 cc 596.290

38 Isopropanol 1000 cc 973.040

39 Lead Standar Solution 1000 ppm 500 cc 596.290

40 Magnesium Standar Solution 1000 ppm 500 cc 596.290

41 Manganese Standar Solution 1000 ppm 500 cc 702.240

42 Mercury (II) Chloride 250 gr 3.326.400

43 Mercury (II) oxide red 250 gr 3.794.560

44 Mercury (II) Suflate 250 gr 3.257.410

45 Mercury Standar Solution 1000 ppm 500 cc 702.240

46 Methanol 2500 cc 424.550

47 Neocuproine (2,9 - dimethyl 1.10 5 gr 2.742.440

Standar Harga Satuan Upah Dan Bahan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 21
48 Nickel Standard Solution 25 cc 596.290

49 O-Phosphoric acit 85 % 1000 cc 680.070

50 Phenopthalein pH 8,2 - 9,8 indikator 25 gr 741.670

51 Pottasium Hydroxide 1000 gr 521.260

52 Pottasium Iodide, pa 250 gr 1.441.440

53 Pottasium Standar Solution 500 cc 596.290

54 Pottasium Cyanide 250 gr 1.382.310

55 Pottasium Hexa Cyanoferate III 250 gr 891.970

56 Pyridin 1000 cc 3.516.130

1 2 3 4 5

57 Selenium Standar Solution 1000 ppm 500 cc 596.290

58 Silver diethyl di-Thiocarbonate 5 gr 1.584.360

59 Silver Standar Solution 1000 ppm 500 cc 771.240

60 Sodium Standar Solution 1000 ppm 500 cc 596.290

61 Sodium Sulfide 1000 gr 1.540.000

62 Sodium Thiosulfate Pentahydrate, pa 500 gr 544.550

63 Thiosetamide, pa 25 gr 1.222.150

64 Tin Standar Solution 1000 ppm 500 cc 596.290

65 Tri-Ethanolamine 1000 cc 1.584.360

66 Universal indicator, pH 0 -14 100 bh 185.790

67 Vanadium Standar Solution 1000 ppm 500 cc 596.290

68 Zinc Acetate 1000 gr 1.446.370

69 Zinc Chloride 1000 gr 1.808.580

70 Zind Standar Solution 1000 ppm 500 cc 596.290

71 Sodium nitrit 500 gr 1.380.000

72 Kloroform 1 ltr 1.033.160

73 Potasium permanganat 250 gr 518.060
74 Sulfanilamid 100 gr 1.390.190

75 N- ( 1- napthyl) - ethylene diamine 5 gr 655.430

76 Fero amonium sulfat 500 gr 1.254.000

77 Barium hidroksida 500 gr 952.090

78 Kalsium hidroksida 500 gr 877.930

79 Potasium nitrat 500 gr 576.090

80 Sodium klorida 500 gr 624.380

81 Asam sulfat 2,5 ltr 520.890

82 Asam klorida 2,5 ltr 358.760

83 Brusin dihydrat 10 gr 298.400

84 Asam sulfanilat 100 gr 943.470

85 Natrium arsenit 100 gr 505.370
86 Asam nitrat 2,5 ltr 658.140

87 Kalsium karbonat 250 gr 603.680

88 Kertas saring Whatman 0,45 mm 1 pack 451.900

89 Buffer pH 4 1 ltr 1.133.440

90 Buffer pH 7 1 ltr 246.400

91 Buffer pH 9 1 ltr 246.400

92 Potasium klorida 500 gr 722.700

93 Potasium dihydrogen phosphate 250 gr 614.770

94 di-Potasium hydrogen phosphate 250 gr 475.560

95 Iron III klorida 250 gr 854.400

96 Calsium klorida 500 gr 917.230

97 1,10 Fenantrolin monohidrat 10 gr 569.190

98 Iron II sulfat 500 gr 1.689.690

99 Potasium dikromat 500 gr 1.903.750

100 Potasium aluminium sulfat atau 1 kg 2.266.580

101 Ammunium sulfat 1 kg 862.400

102 Amoniak 1 ltr 862.400

103 Sodium hydroksida 1 kg 522.000

104 Silver nitrat 25 gr 755.840

105 Asam sulfamat 500 gr 750.290

106 Metil Orange 25 gr 505.370

107 Sodium oksalat 250 gr 1.156.850

108 Asam oksalat 500 gr 1.197.510

Standar Harga Satuan Upah Dan Bahan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 22
109 Sodium sulfat 500 gr 1.055.210

110 Mercury 1 kg 457.080

111 Trichlor ethanol 100 ml 12.775.230

112 Magnesium sulfat 1 kg 1.348.980

113 Carbon tetrachlor 1 ltr 1.028.110

114 Natrium Sulfit 500 gr 1.640.410

115 Aquadem 1 ltr 462.000

116 Cadmium Standar Solution 1.000 ppm 500 ml 702.240

117 Potasium Nitrat 500 gr 477.840

1 2 3 4 5

118 Potasium Antimony III Oxide Tartrate 250 gr 954.360

119 Potasium Peroxodisulfate 250g 415.800

120 Mercury ( II ) Iodide 50 gr 964.920

121 Calcium Carbonate 250 gr 520.080

122 Alizarin Red 25 g 1.386.000

123 Tin ( II ) Chloride 1000 gr 4.431.240

124 L-Cysteine 10 gr 607.200

125 Ammonium Iron ( II ) Sulfat 1000 gr 1.128.600

126 Ammonium Molibdat 250 gr 999.240

127 Asam Ascorbat 250 gr 5.022.600

128 Buffer Solution pH 9 1000 ml 813.120

129 Kalium Klorida 250 gr 739.200

130 Potasium Nitrat GR 500 gr 491.700

131 Potasium Antimony III Oxide Tartrate 250 gr 982.190

132 Potasium Peroxodisulfate 250 gr 427.930

133 Mercury ( II ) Iodide Red GR 50 gr 888.530

134 Cooper ( Cu) Standard Solution 500 ml 646.580
135 Iron ( Fe ) Standard Solution 500 ml 646.580

136 Zinc ( Zn ) Standard Solution 500 ml 646.580

137 Mangan ( Mn ) Standard Solution 500 ml 646.580

138 Mercury Standard Solution 500 ml 763.620

139 Cadmium Standard Solution 500 ml 765.050

140 Calcium Carbonate 250 gr 563.420

141 Alizarin Red 25 g 1.501.500

142 Tin ( II ) Chloride 1000 gr 4.800.400

143 L-Cysteine 25 g 657.800

144 Ammonium Iron ( II ) Sulfat 1000 gr 1.222.650

145 Ammonium Molibdat 250 gr 1.082.510

146 Asam Ascorbat 1000 gr 5.441.150
147 N-hexane 2500 gr 2.909.500

148 Methyl Orange Indicator 25 gr 948.090

149 Buffer Solution pH 4 1000 ml 277.420

150 Buffer Solution pH 7 1000 ml 277.420

151 Buffer Solution pH 9 1000 ml 880.880

152 Fero Ammonium Sulfat 1000 gr 1.254.000

153 Chloroform 2500 ml 474.380

154 Ammonium Hydroksida (NH4OH) 100 gr 1.160.750

155 Natrium Hipoklorit 5% (NaCIO) 500 gr 875.000

156 Mg. EDTA 100 gr 1.203.000

157 Aceton 100 ml 645.000

158 Kalium Permanganate (KMnO4) 250 gr 637.500

159 Ascorbic Acid 100 gr 387.500

160 Dodecyl Sulfat Natrium Saltz 100 gr 925.000

161 Hidrochloric Acid 2500 ml 853.750

162 Kalium Cianida (KcN) 250 gr 1.766.880

163 Kertas saring Whatman 25 mm (dia. 12,5 cm) pack 375.000

164 Merah Metil 100 gr 1.993.750

165 Sodium Arsenit 1000 ml 907.500

166 Sodium Oxalat 250 gr 1.981.250

167 Potasium Hidrogen Phtalat 250 gr 912.500

168 Sodium Nitroprusida 100 gr 2.652.000

169 Natrium Cianida 1000 gr 1.766.880

Standar Harga Satuan Upah Dan Bahan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 23
170 SPADNS 500 ml 598.000

171 Sulfamic Acid 500 gr 1.471.250

172 Trisodium sitrat 2 hidrat 1000 gr 856.250

173 cd standar solution 500 ml 668.750

1.18. Bahan Pengairan

1 2 3 5

1 Pintu Sorong untuk Tersier

B = 0.25-0.30 buah 524.000

1 2 3 5

B = 0.35-0.40 buah 559.000

B = 0.45-0.50 buah 664.000

B = 0.55-0.60 buah 699.000

2 Pintu Ulir Biasa untuk B.Bagi/sadap

B = 0.25-0.30 buah 1.735.000

B = 0.35-0.40 buah 1.886.000

B = 0.45-0.50 buah 2.445.000

B = 0.55-0.60 buah 2.655.000

B = 0.65-0.70 buah 2.934.000

B = 0.75-0.80 buah 3.493.000

B = 0.85-0.90 buah 4.052.000

B = 0.90-1.00 buah 4.541.000

3 Pintu Ulir Kranwil Tunggal Ulir Satu

B = 0.50-0.60 buah 11.177.000

B =0.65-0.70 buah 14.670.000

B= 0.75-0.80 buah 18.163.000

B= 0.85-0.90 buah 24.798.000
B= 95-1.00 buah 25.148.000

B= 1.10-1.15 buah 26.196.000

B= 1.20-1.30 buah 28.990.000

B= 1.50-1.60 buah 35.626.000

4 Pintu Ulir Kranwil Double Ulir Dua

B= 0.50-0.60 buah 18.861.000

B= 0.65-0.70 buah 20.956.000

B= 0.75-0.80 buah 27.942.000

B= 0.85-0.90 buah 31.784.000

B= 0.95-1.00 buah 32.832.000

B= 1.10-1.15 buah 34.927.000

B= 1.20-1.30 buah 37.372.000

B= 1.50-1.60 buah 39.468.000

5 Nomenklatur buah 70.000

6 Philscale/Mistar Ukur.20-50 buah 140.000

7 Philscale/Mistar Ukur.60-100 buah 245.000


1 Cutter ( alat potong aspal ) set 14.500.000

2 Reflux ( kapasitas 2 -3 liter ) set 10.100.000
3 Oven capasitas 53 liter buah 25.500.000
4 Sample Vessel / Tube, 50 pcs per box box 2.700.000
5 Impinger Cap-For use with RA-31 xx series pcs 1.500.000
6 CPRO P04 03 ROPAK RO System Double-Sides Petretment Pack pak 8.500.000
7 CPMO K05 D2 QPAK 2 Purification Pack Kit Delorized (D1) pak 12.000.000
8 Pompa APG 2900 RPM bh 1.500.000
9 Micropipette, 20 to 200 uL ( w/100 tips ) set 5.500.000
10 Sample Spliter set 1.500.000
11 Pan Stainless Steel bh 700.000
12 Slump test set 2.500.000
13 Proving ring CBR bh 3.000.000
14 Load Gauge 1500 KN bh 8.500.000
15 Becker glass 250 cc bh 200.000
16 Becker glass 500 cc bh 210.000
17 Becker glass 1000 cc bh 215.000
18 Check Pish pasang 2.200.000
19 Check Bolt + Kunci L (3/4") set 500.000
20 Mata Bor Chassing 82 mm ( chasing shoe ) buah 700.000

Standar Harga Satuan Upah Dan Bahan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 24
21 Head Chassing 82 mm buah 600.000

22 Core Barrel Singgle 1.80 m ( 74 mm ) buah 1.500.000

23 Core Barrel Singgle 1.00 m ( 74 mm ) buah 1.000.000

24 Mata Bor Singgle 74 mm buah 500.000

25 Mata Bor Diamond Core 74 mm buah 7.000.000
26 Metal Tip ( mata bor baja ) biji 25.000
27 Crown Singgle 74 mm buah 1.000.000
28 Bay Pass Uji Air buah 1.500.000

29 Pemotongan / Buat Drat Cassing 84 ( 30 drat ) buah 150.000

1 2 3 5

30 Water Swifel buah 500.000

31 Pemotongan / Buat Drat Cassing 84 ( 30 drat ) buah 300.000
32 Lampu Catoda Mercury ( Hg ) buah 6.500.000
33 Lampu Catoda Natrium Kalium ( Na/K ) buah 6.500.000
34 Lampu Catoda Arsen ( As ) buah 6.500.000
35 Lampu Catoda Calsium Magnesium (Ca/Mg) buah 6.500.000
36 Filter Aquadem Millipore Polygard CR 10" JMAS 2292 buah 4.250.000
37 Reflux ( kapasitas 2 -3 liter ) set 10.100.000
38 Thermal Paper For Printe, 10 roll per box box 2.700.000
39 Activated Carbon for Exhaust Filter, 400g per bottel btl 630.000
40 Slang Tubing Polyetileme Carbon mtr 11.700

41 Tabung COD lusin 137.825

42 Beker glass 250 ml bh 13.500

43 Load Gauge 1500 KN bh 8.400.000
44 Becker glass 250 cc bh 200.000
45 Becker glass 500 cc bh 210.000
46 Becker glass 1000 cc bh 215.000
47 Gelas Refflux bh 2.000.000

( Belum termasuk ongkos angkut )
1.1.Bibit/ Benih


1 2 3 4 5

A. Buah -Buahan

1 Mangga Okulasi Batang 7.090

- FS pohon 9.240
- SS pohon 5.890
- ES pohon 6.160
- LMJ pohon 3.090

2 Apel Batang 21.400

3 Apokat Batang 6.160 40 cm

4 Bibit Kweni pohon 2.470

5 Bibit Nenas pohon 630

6 Bibit Pepaya pohon 1.240

7 Cangkokan Sawo Batang 51.720 40 cm

8 CU Bibit Padi kg 2.950

9 Durian Okulasi Batang 26.750 35 cm

- FS pohon 43.070
- SS pohon 39.380

- ES pohon 36.920
- LMJ pohon 30.770

10 Durian anakan Batang 1.860

11 Herkules (ketimun) 10 gram 10.700

12 Jambu Air Okulasi Batang 5.890

13 Jeruk Okulasi Batang 10.380 35 cm

- FS pohon 18.460
- SS pohon 15.390

- ES pohon 12.310
- LMJ pohon 9.240

14 Manggis Anakan Batang 34.420

Manggis Sambungan

Standar Harga Satuan Upah Dan Bahan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 25
- FS pohon 46.150
- SS pohon 4.320

- ES pohon 40.000
- LMJ pohon 36.920

15 Melinjo Sambungan Batang 8.390 20 cm

16 Mustang 5 gram 10.700

17 Nangka Anakan Batang 3.580 40 cm

18 Nangka Okulasi Batang 4.930

- FS pohon 18.460
1 2 3 4 5

- SS pohon 15.390

- ES pohon 12.310
- LMJ pohon 8.630

19 Pisang Anakan / Kultur Jaringan

- FS pohon 9.240
- SS pohon 6.160

- ES pohon 3.090
- LMJ pohon 2.470

20 Rambutan Okulasi Batang 14.720

- FS pohon 18.460
- SS pohon 15.390

- ES pohon 12.310
- LMJ pohon 9.240

21 Sawo Anakan Batang 7.230 35 cm

Sawo Sambungan

- FS pohon 18.460
- SS pohon 15.390

- ES pohon 12.310
- LMJ pohon 9.240

22 Singkong Sari 10 gram 10.700

23 Sirsak Batang 3.210 30 cm

24 Srikaya Batang 3.210

- FS pohon 6.160
- SS pohon 4.320

- ES pohon 3.090
- LMJ pohon 2.470

25 Tomato 5 gram 43.070

B. Padi

1 BS kg 22.150

2 FS kg 10.530

3 SS kg 9.100

4 ES kg 5.530

C. Palawija

Jagung :

1 BS kg 12.300
2 FS kg 11.950
3 SS kg 9.810
4 ES kg 8.390
5 Hibrida kg 44.940
6 Kultur Jagung kg 4.930
D. Kedelai
1 BS kg 12.310
2 FS kg 14.630
3 SS/Ungu kg 12.670
4 ES/Biru kg 10.700
E. Kacang Tanah

1 BS kg 12.310

2 FS kg 17.660

3 SS kg 15.700

4 ES kg 14.630
F. Kacang Hijau

1 BS kg 24.610

Standar Harga Satuan Upah Dan Bahan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 26
2 BR kg 8.010

3 FS kg 14.810

4 SS kg 14.630

5 ES kg 11.600
G. Bawang kg 24.610
Bibit Buah-buahan untuk Lingkungan
1 Durian Batang 7.390
2 Mangga Batang 8.620
3 Kemiri Batang 8.010
4 Cacao Batang 8.130


2.1. Insektisida
1 2 3 4 5

1. Ambush 20 EC 300 CC 34.350

2. Arrivo 30 EC 500 CC 82.390

3. Atabron 50 EC 100 CC 67.150

4. Bassa 50 EC ltr 44.520

5. Cymbush 50 EC 100 CC 21.990

6. Decis 2,5 EC 100 CC 55.640

7. Dharmabas 500 EC CC 50.290 500 CC

8. Dharmachin ltr 107.000

9. Dharmasan 600 EC ltr 80.250

10. Diazinon ltr 18.190 100 ml

11. Dursban 20 EC ltr 56.850 500 ml

12. Furadan 3 G kg 17.660

13. Hopsin 50 EC ltr 62.870

14. Indobas 500 EC ltr 85.600

15. Kanon 400 EC ltr 29.430 500 ml

16. Marshall 200 EC ltr 81.650 500 ml

17. Marshall 25 ST 100 gr 12.310

18. Matador 25 EC ltr 23.010 100 ml

19. Mipsin 50 WP kg 69.820 500 ml / 0,5 kg

20. Petrofur 3 G KG 22.400 2 kg

21. Pounce 25 EC ltr 54.980 500 ml / 0,5 kg

22. Serpa 50 EC 100 CC 14.390

23. Thiodan 35 EC ltr 26.090

24. Wallop ltr 97.200

2.2. Fungisida
1 2 3 4 5

1. Antracol 70 WP Kg 88.280

2. Delsene MX 200 100 gr 19.480

3. Dithan M 45 kg 81.220 200 gram

4. Folirpos 400 HS Kg 231.870

5. Manzate kg 70.200

6. Topcin 500 F Kg 125.840 200 gram

7. Topcin M 70 WP kg 157.830

2.3. Rodentisida


1 2 3 4 5

1. Klerat Kg 44.780

2. Petrocum kg 55.510

3. Phyton Kg 35.310

4. Ramortal kg 42.540

2.4. ZPT (Zat Pengatur Tumbuh)

1 2 3 4 5

1. Atonic (zat perangsang Tumbuh) ltr 15.250

2. Gandasri B kg 21.630

3. Gandasyl B kg 37.990 500 gram / 0,5 kg

Standar Harga Satuan Upah Dan Bahan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 27
4. Gandasyl D kg 36.380 500 gram / 0,5 kg

5. Hidrasil 500 MI 27.180

6. Hortigro Tm kg 58.850

7. Sampurna D kg 7.230 500 gram / 0,5 kg

2.5. Herbisida


1 2 3 4 5

1. Basmilang ltr 83.200

2. Eagle ltr 69.550

1 2 3 4 5

3. Polaris ltr 72.500

4. Roundup ltr 88.280

5. RUP 75 WSG ltr 58.850

6. Sparg 160 AS ltr 40.130

2.6. Agensia Hayati


1 2 3 4 5

1 Belerang Sirus Kg 9.630

2 Beuveria Kg 31.170

3 Mettarhizium Kg 31.170

4 Nimba (Agensia hayati) Kg 10.170

5 Sepecarya sp Kg 19.400

6 Trichoderma Kg 30.770

2.7. Pestisida Nabati


1 2 3 4 5

1 Nimba Kg 9.240

2.8. Buah Buahan


1 2 3 4 5

a. Mangga Okulasi/Sambungan

1. Benih Dasar (BD) pohon 12.310

2. Benih Pokok (BP) pohon 9.240

3. Benih Sebar (BR) pohon 6.160

4. benih LMJ pohon 3.090

b. Nangka Sambungan

1. Benih Dasar (BD) pohon 18.460

2. Benih Pokok (BP) pohon 15.390

3. Benih Sebar (BR) pohon 12.310

4. benih LMJ pohon 9.240

c. Rambutan Okulasi

1. Benih Dasar (BD) pohon 18.460

2. Benih Pokok (BP) pohon 15.390

3. Benih Sebar (BR) pohon 12.310

4. benih LMJ pohon 9.240

d. Jeruk Okulasi

1. Benih Dasar (BD) pohon 18.460

2. Benih Pokok (BP) pohon 15.390

3. Benih Sebar (BR) pohon 12.310

4. benih LMJ pohon 9.240

e. Durian Okulasi/Sambungan

1. Benih Dasar (BD) pohon 43.070

2. Benih Pokok (BP) pohon 39.380

3. Benih Sebar (BR) pohon 36.920

4. benih LMJ pohon 30.770

f. Sawo Sambungan

1. Benih Dasar (BD) pohon 36.920

2. Benih Pokok (BP) pohon 33.850

3. Benih Sebar (BR) pohon 30.770

Standar Harga Satuan Upah Dan Bahan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 28
4. benih LMJ pohon 24.610

g. Manggis Sambungan

1. Benih Dasar (BD) FS pohon 46.150

2. Benih Pokok (BP) SS pohon 43.070

3. Benih Sebar (BR) pohon 40.000

4. benih LMJ pohon 36.920

h. Srikaya

1. Benih Dasar (BD) pohon 6.160

2. Benih Pokok (BP) pohon 4.320

3. Benih Sebar (BR) pohon 3.090

1 2 3 4 5

4. benih LMJ pohon 2.470

i. Pisang Anakan/Kultur Jaringan

1. Benih Dasar (BD) pohon 9.240

2. Benih Pokok (BP) pohon 6.160

3. Benih Sebar (BR) pohon 3.090

4. benih LMJ pohon 2.470


1. Benih Dasar (BD) pohon 9.240

2. Benih Pokok (BP) pohon 7.390

3. Benih Sebar (BR) pohon 4.930


a. Jagung Komposit

1. Benih Dasar (BD) pohon 10.170

2. Benih Pokok (BP) pohon 8.140

3. Benih Sebar (BR) pohon 4.320

b. Jagung Hibrida

1. Benih Dasar (BD) pohon 33.850

c. Kedelai

1. Benih Dasar (BD) pohon 9.240

2. Benih Pokok (BP) pohon 7.390

3. Benih Sebar (BR) pohon 6.160

d. Kacang Tanah (Gelondongan/polong)

1. Benih Dasar (BD) pohon 12.310

2. Benih Pokok (BP) pohon 9.240

3. Benih Sebar (BR) pohon 6.160

e. Kacang Hijau

1. Benih Dasar (BD) pohon 9.850

2. Benih Pokok (BP) pohon 8.620

3. Benih Sebar (BR) pohon 7.390

f. Pupuk

1 Urea Kg 1.860

2 TSP/SP-36 Kg 2.470

3 OST (pupuk organik buatan) Liter 49.220

4 ZA Kg 1.610

5 KCl Kg 3.090

6 ZK Kg 4.930

7 OST Kg 9.240

8 Pupuk kandang Ton 184.580

9 PPC ltr 49.220

10 SP-36 Kg 3.090

11 NPK Kg 4.930

Benih/ Bibit Tanaman Perkebunan


1 2 3 4 5


1 Bibit Kelapa
- Bibit Kelapa dalam Pohon 6.250
- Bibit kelapa genjah pohon 7.230
- Bibit Kelapa Dalam (pertumbuhan 2-3 daun, tinggi + 50 cm) Pohon 6.420

Standar Harga Satuan Upah Dan Bahan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 29
- Bibit Kelapa Salak/ Kelapa Genjah ( pertumbuhan 2-3 daun, tinggi 30 - 50 cm) Pohon 13.380

2 Bibit karet okulasi dlm polybag (pertumbuhan 1-2 payung daun)

- Jenis PB. 260 pohon 8.560

- Jenis IRR 44 pohon 8.560
- Bibit karet sedling (anakan) dlm polybag pohon 3.750
- Bibit karet pohon 3.750

3 Bibit tanaman obat-obatan untuk tanaman perkebunan

- Bibit mimba pohon 2.140
- Bibit ginja pohon 2.140
1 2 3 4 5

- Bibit mindi pohon 2.140

- Bibit ketai pohon 2.140
- Bibit laos pohon 2.140
- Bibit gadung pohon 2.140
- Bibit sere pohon 2.140
- Bibit tube pohon 2.140

4 Bibit Vanili
- Bibit vanili BIO-FOB pohon 14.980
- Bibit vanili klon lokal, gesting pohon 9.630
- Bibit vanili tahan busuk batang produk UGM pohon 74.900

- Bibit Vanili BIO Bebas Fusarium (dalam polybag pertumbuhan 2-3 ruas) Pohon 12.840

- Bibit Stek Vanili ( min 6 ruas/ 1 m) Stek 5.890

- Bibit Vanili (min 2-3 ruas) Pohon 9.630

5 Bibit Asam
- Bibit Asam Jawa pohon 2.680
- Bibit asam Pohon 4.280
- Bibit asam Manis Pohon 13.380

6 Bibit Kopi
- Bibit Kopi Arabica (dalam polybag 60 cm) Pohon 4.820
- Bibit Kopi Robusta (tinggi 30-60 cm) Pohon 4.820
- Bibit kopi Arabica (60 cm) pohon 4.020
- Bibit Kopi Arabica dalam polibag pohon 4.280
- Bibit Kopi Arabica Sambung Batang Bawah (dalam polibag) Pohon 6.960

7 Bibit Jati

- Bibit Jati Kultur Jaringan pohon 26.750

- Bibit Jati Lokal pohon 8.030

8 Bibit Kapuk

- Bibit Kapuk stump 1.070

- Bibit Kapuk Pohon 10.280
- Bibit Kapuk dalam polibag pohon 2.680

9 Bibit Kakao
- Bibit Kakao asal biji hasil persilangan tetua toleran kekeringan Pohon 5.890
- Bibit Kakao Lindak Pohon 5.350
- Bibit kakao klonal pohon 6.960
- Bibit kakao Sambung Batang Bawah Pohon 7.490
- Bibit kakao Anakan Pohon 3.210

10 Bibit Jarak pohon 1.070

11 Bibit Enau pohon 8.560

12 Bibit Rami stek 930

13 Bibit jambu mete kantong plastik uk. 15x15 cm Pohon 3.210

Distum 11.770

Sambung 10.440

14 Bibit Lada (dalam polybag min.2-3 ruas) Pohon 4.820

15 Bibit Pinang pohon 3.750

16 Bibit Kapuk Pohon 10.280
17 Bibit Cengkeh Pohon 8.560


1 Benih Kelapa
- Benih Kelapa dalam/lokal Butir 4.020
- Benih kelapa gading butir 5.890

- Sumber benih Balai Penelitian Jember dan PTP yang ditunjuk. Biji 4.280

Standar Harga Satuan Upah Dan Bahan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 30
2 Benih Jarak
- Benih Jarak Kepyar kg 10.700
- Benih Jarak kg 10.700
- Benih Jarak Pagar unggul lokal kg 10.700
- Benih Jarak Pagar I PIA kg 74.900

3 Benih Kopi Varietas

- Kartika I dan II (asal Balai Penelitian) kg 428.000
- S.792 kg 428.000
- Arabica Varietas S.795 kg 428.000
- USDA kg 267.500
1 2 3 4 5

- Robusta kg 267.500

4 Benih kopi arabica varietas :

- KARTIKA I dan II Kg 203.300
- S 792 Kg 187.250
- Arabica varietas S792 Kg 187.250
- Robusta Kg 128.400

5 Benih Pinang

- Benih Pinang (dalam polybag) Biji 1.070

- Benih pinang biji 7.490

6 Benih Kapas
- Benih Kapas LRA kanesia 7 kg 39.590
- Benih kapas LRA kanesia 7 (Delented) Kg 23.540
- Benih Kapas Hibrida Cina kg 240.750

7 Benih karet mata tidur

- Jenis PB. 260 batang 3.750

- Jenis IRR 44 batang 8.560
- Benih Wijen kg 32.100

- Benih Kakao (asal balai penelitian/Balit Koka) Biji 970

- Stek Lada (min 60 cm) Stek 5.350

- Benih Asam kg 16.050

- Benih Jambu Mete yang diambil dari pohon induk kg 11.240

- Benih lontar Biji 650

- Benih Kapuk kg 13.910
8 Benih/Rimpang Tanaman Obat-Obatan
- Jahe kg 8.030
- Kunyit kg 6.420
- Kunyit Putih kg 7.490
- Temu Ireng kg 7.490
- Temu Lawak kg 6.960
- Kencur kg 13.380
- Lengkuas/ Laos kg 4.280

9 Stek Lada ( 6 ruas ) stek 2.680

10 Pupuk
- Urea kg 2.780
- TSP/SP 36 kg 3.700
- ZA kg 2.410
- KCI kg 4.820
- ZK kg 6.160
- Pupuk kandang ton 321.000
- PPC (Pupuk Organik Cair) liter 26.750
- NPK kg 6.160
- OST (Pupuk Organik Buatan) kg 100.910
- DPA (Pupuk Organik Penyerap Air) kg 171.200
- PMLT (Pupuk organik lepas terkendali) kg 26.750
- Fungisida Organik liter/kg 240.750
- Bayleton liter 353.100
11 Pestisida
- Pestisida Organik liter/kg 267.500
- Dithane M 45 kg 117.700
- Antrocol 70 WP kg 85.600
- Dursban liter 160.500

Standar Harga Satuan Upah Dan Bahan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 31
- Ambush liter 160.500
- Matador liter 187.250
- Decis liter 128.400

12 Agensia hayati
- Asam Cuka liter 26.750
- Trichoderma kg 37.450
- Karet Gelang kg 49.220
- Trichoderma kg 28.890
- Beauveria kg 36.920
- Metarhizium kg 36.920
1 2 3 4 5

- Synematium kg 33.840
- Furadan 3 G kg 24.610
- Bayfidan/bayleton/anvil kg 214.000
- Biotriba liter 69.550
- Mitol 20 EC liter 69.550
- Perekat liter 32.100

1. Ternak Bibit


1 2 3 4 5

1 Sapi Jantan
- Kelas A ekor 3.745.000
- Kelas B ekor 3.210.000
- Kelas C ekor 2.996.000
2 Sapi Betina
- Kelas A ekor 3.531.000
- Kelas B ekor 2.996.000
- Kelas C ekor 3.103.000
3 Sapi Hissar
- Jantan ekor 299.600
- Betina ekor 2.782.000
4 Sapi Bull
- Kelas A ekor 16.050.000
- Kelas B ekor 10.700.000
5. Kerbau Lumpur
- Jantan ekor 2.354.000
- Betina ekor 2.086.500
6. Kuda
- Jantan ekor 2.354.000
- Betina ekor 2.354.000
7. Kambing Kacang
- Jantan ekor 642.000
- Betina ekor 535.000
8. Kambing Peranakan Etawah
- Jantan ekor 749.000
- Betina ekor 668.750
9. Babi Lokal
- Jantan ekor 294.250
- Betina ekor 278.200
10. Itik Lokal
- Jantan ekor 37.450
- Betina ekor 37.450
11. Itik Lokal ( DOD/Meri )
- Jantan ekor 6.960
- Betina ekor 6.960
12. Ayam Buras ( DOC )
- Jantan ekor 4.820
- Betina ekor 4.820
13. Ayam Buras 6-8 bulan
- Jantan ekor 53.500
- Betina ekor 48.150
13. Ayam Ras ( DOC )

Standar Harga Satuan Upah Dan Bahan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 32
- Pedaging ekor 5.200
- Petelur ekor 4.800

2. Ternak Potong


1 2 3 4 5

1. Sapi Potong Jantan (Brt. Hidup)

- Berat 250 s/d 275 Kg 16.590

- Berat 275 s/d 300 Kg 17.260
- Berat 300 s/d 325 Kg 18.190
1 2 3 4 5

- Berat 325 s/d 375 Kg 18.460

- Berat 375 Kg ke atas Kg 19.260

2. Sapi Potong Betina

- Interfil / Majir Ekor 5.002.250

- Umur diatas 7 tahun Ekor 5.002.250

3. Kuda Potong (non produktif)

- jantan ekor 2.942.500

- betina ekor 2.354.000

4. Ayam Pedaging Brt. Hidup Kg 16.320

5. Ayam Petelur (afkir) Brt. Hidup Kg 16.320

6. Kerbau Potong

- Berat 275 s/d 300 kg 14.980

- Berat 300 s/d 329 Kg 17.120
- Berat 330 s/d 379 Kg 17.660
- Berat 380 Kg ke atas Kg 17.660

3. Kompensasi Ternak yang terjangkit penyakit


1 2 3 4 5

1 Kompensasi Unggas ekor 30.770

4. Makanan Ternak


1 2 3 4 5

1. Rumput-rumputan

- Rumput Gajah (basah) Kg 230

- Rumput Raja (basah) Kg 810

2. Dedak Halus Kg 1.340

3. Jagung Giling Kg 4.550

4. Bungkil Kelapa Kg 2.680

5. Ampas Tahu Kg 2.140

6. Makanan Ayam Pedaging Makanan Lengkap/Butiran

- Starter Kg 6.420
- Finisher Kg 6.420

7. Makanan Ayam Petelur

a Makanan Lengkap Butiran

- Starter Kg 6.420
- Grower Kg 6.420
- Layer Kg 6.420

b Makanan Lengkap Tepung

- Starter Kg 2.410
- Grower Kg 2.570
- Layer Kg 3.210

c Makanan Penguat (Konsentrat)

- Starter Kg 6.420
- Grower Kg 6.960
- Layer Kg 6.690

8. Konsentrat sapi kg 5.650

9. Bibit Rumput-rumputan

- Rumput Gajah Stek 120

- Rumput Raja Stek 120

Standar Harga Satuan Upah Dan Bahan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 33
- Rumput Benggala Pols 150
- Branchiaria Decumbens (BD) Pols 150

Bibit Hijauan Makanan Ternak

1. Bibit Leguminosa
a Sirato Kg 31.030

b Centro Pubescens Kg 35.310

c Klitorio Kg 25.900

d Lamtoro Mini Kg 25.900

e Lamtoro Gung Kg 19.480

f Turi Kg 19.430
1 2 3 4 5

g Gamal Kg 45.320

2. Bibit Rumput
a Baranchiari Decumbens (BD) Pols 180

b Benggala Pols 180

c King Grass stek 180

d Rumpu Gajah Stek 180

5. Obat-obatan dan Alat/Bahan Kimia


1 2 3 4 5

A. Obat-obatan/Bahan Kimia

1 Hexaplex 100 ml botol 49.220

2 Vet - Oxy SB 50 ml botol 37.990

3 Vet - Oxy SB 100 ml botol 47.350

4 Injectamin 50 ml botol 84.000

5 Supidon Injection 50 ml botol 27.690

6 Supidon Injection 100 ml botol 35.900

7 Ivomex 50 ml (Ivomec 50 ml) botol 489.530

8 Gusanex 6 OZ tin 150.130

9 Antigen Brucella (300 ds) botol 135.890

10 Vaksin Anthrax 125 cc Dosis 990

11 Vaksin Septivet (SE) Dosis 1.450

12 Rivanol 300 ml botol 6.320

13 Lyson 1 liter botol 16.050

14 Kapas kg 69.550

15 Alkohol 70 % galon 42.800

16 Asentol 10 gr zaset 48.150

17 Asentol 15 gr zaset 74.900

18 Vet Oxy LA 50 ml botol 85.600

19 Injectamin 50 ml botol 77.580

20 Vaksin AI dosis 460

21 Antigen Rapid AI V Test Kit (30 Kit) Box 3.611.250

22 Antigen Rapid AI V Test Kit (25 Kit) Box 3.611.250

23 Spuit Dysposible 2,5 cc Box 161.790

24 Stricnin Powder 1 kg kaleng 9.095.000

25 Verm 0-bolus 12 bolus/box 144.450

26 Vetadryl inj. 150 ml botol 37.450

27 Flukicid bolus 12 bolus/box 171.200

28 Tympanol-SB 100 ml botol 42.800

29 Bio Chick 100 gram saset 34.780

30 Egg ostim 100 gram saset 42.800

31 Virkon 2,5 gram botol 529.650

32 Carbasunt spray tin 53.500

B. Alat-alat

1 Venoject Tube 10 ml tabung 6.160

2 Venoject Needle 18 6x 1 3/8 buah 4.280

3 Venoject Holder buah 1.880

4 Venoject Tybe 10 ml Buah/Tabung 6.000

5 Venoject Needle 18 6 x 1 3/8 Buah 4.500

6 Venoject Holder Buah 1.800

7 Spuit Dysposible 2,5 cc Box 160.500

Standar Harga Satuan Upah Dan Bahan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 34
8 Wear Pack Tyvek " Dupon" Pc 240.750

9 Masker 3 M (N95) 20 Pcs Box 374.500

10 Sarung Tangan (Surgical Gloves) Pasang 10.700

11 Sarung Tangan Panjang (Karet) Pasang 123.050

12 Sepatu Boot Pasang 133.750

13 Sprayer 15 liter (tangki Plastik) Unit 642.000

14 Spuit Outomatis 1 ml (socorex) Set 1.605.000

15 Spuit Nylon Rulox 10 ml Buah 96.300

16 Jarum Spuit Nylon 18 G x 1 3/8 Lusin 96.300

1 2 3 4 5

C. Straw/ Semen Beku Dosis 6.000

D. N2 Cair liter 14.390

E. Pakan Ternak

1 - Stylosanthes ciat 184 kg 41.770

2 - Stylosanthes guyanensis kg 31.330

3 - Sentrosema pubescens kg 20.890

4 - Macproptilium Atropurpureum kg 25.180

5 - Leucaena leucocephala/Turi kg 15.670

6 - Desmanthus virgatus kg 20.890

7 - Glirycidia maculata/Gamal kg 47.080

8 - Sesbania grandiflora kg 15.660

F. Alat - alat Kesehatan hewan

1 - Venoject Tube 10 ml Buah 5.400

2 - Venoject Needle 18 6x1 1/8 Buah 4.200

3 - Venoject Holder Buah 1.800

G. Peralatan Keswan

1 Spuit Plastik 5 cc Buah 5.350

2 Jarum Desposible Box 133.750

3 Spuit Acropleks 30 cc Buah 139.100

4 Spuit Acropleks 20 cc Buah 128.400

5 Jarum Acropleks Box 123.050

6 Spuit Europlex "Rulox" 10 cc Buah 123.050

H. Bahan Pengencer

1 Tries Aminio Methan Gram 4.120

2 Citric Acid Gram 950

3 Laktosa Gram 890

4 Raffinosa Gram 164.780

5 Jeli Tube 82.390

6 Ph Paper Buah 287.830

7 Skim Milk Kotak 211.860

8 Andromed Botol 647.350

9 Mini Straw Batang 590

10 Distil Water Ml 1.480

11 Penicilin Ml 23.540

12 Streptomycine Ml 23.540

13 Egg Yolk Butir 770

14 Glycerol MI 1.180

I. Bahan Pengecer Pembuatan Semen beku

1 Andromed botol 882.750

2 Straw Kosong batang 1.010

3 Nitrogen Kosong liter 14.130

4 Tinta Printing 40 ml buah 205.440

5 Tinner A Special liter 35.310

6 Aqua Injeksi botol 2.360

7 NaCL Fisiologis liter 17.660

8 Spiritus kaleng 94.160

9 Vasselin 1000 gram gram 29.430

J. Peralatan Laboratorium IB

1 Artivicial Vaginoscope (AV) set 3.236.750

2 Rak Straw buah 3.236.750

3 Karet Gelang Filling Sealing buah 11.770

4 Goblet 200 dosis buah 8.830

Standar Harga Satuan Upah Dan Bahan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 35
5 Lifter Goblet buah 4.710

6 Stick Glass lusin 70.620

7 Cover Glas box 205.440

8 Object Glas box 29.430

9 Gelas Ukur dengan penutup 25 ml buah 193.670

10 Gelas Ukur dengan penutup 50 ml buah 205.980

11 Sikat AV buah 14.130

12 Keranjang Straw buah 11.770

6. Hasil Peternakan


1 2 3 4 5

1 Daging Ayam Broiler (Karkas) kg 23.540

2 Daging Sapi Has kg 49.220
3 Daging Sapi Murni kg 51.360
4 Daging Kerbau kg 52.970
5 Hati Sapi kg 52.970
6 Daging Kambing/Domba kg 39.060
7 Daging Babi kg 41.200
8 Telur Ayam Ras butir 1.070
9 Telur Ayam Kampung butir 1.500
10 Telur Itik butir 1.340
11 Telur Itik Asin butir 1.610
12 Kulit Sapi/Kerbau (basah) lebar 18.190
13 Kulit Kambing/Domba (basah) lebar 21.400
14 Susu Segar liter 6.960

7. Pakan Unggas


1 2 3 4 5

1 Petelur Starter kg 4.280

2 Petelur Grower kg 4.280
3 Konsentrat Pet. Grower kg 4.820
4 Petelur Layer kg 4.820
5 Konsentrat Petelur kg 4.820
6 Pedaging Starter kg 4.550
7 Pedaging Finisher kg 4.550

8. Makanan Ternak


1 2 3 4 5


1. Bibit Leguminosa

a Siratro kg 31.080

b Centro Pubescens kg 35.310

c Klitorio kg 25.900

d Lamtoro Mini kg 25.900

e Lamtoro Gung kg 19.480

f Turi kg 19.430

g Gamal kg 45.320

2. Bibit Rumput

a Branchiaria Decumbens (BD) pols 180

b Benggala pols 180

c King Grass stek 180

d Rumput Gajah stek 180

9. Operasional Kesehatan Hewan

1 2 3 4 5

1 OPS. Pengambilan Specimen sampel 4.280

2 Insentif Test RBT sampel 2.680

3 Biaya Test CFT sampel 26.750

4 Ops. Pemisahan Serum sampel 1.610

5 Ops. Recording/labeling sampel 650

Standar Harga Satuan Upah Dan Bahan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 36
6 Insentif Pencucian dan Pengeringan Tabung tabung 810

7 Insentif Pengepakan dan Pendistribusian Tabung tabung 810

8 Insentif Pemakuman Tabung tabung 810

9 Insentif Sterilisasi tabung 810

10 Ops. Vaksinasi Antrhrax dosis 4.280

11 Ops. Vaksinasi SE dosis 4.280

12 Ops. Vaksinasi Unggas dosis 2.140
13 Ops. Pendataan / Registrasi Anjing ekor 3.750
14 Ops. Pengeliminasian Anjing ekor 4.280

1. Biji Kayu-kayuan


1 2 3 4 5

1 Angsana/Nara kg 85.890

2 Binong kg 267.500

3 Cendana kg 410.170

4 Gaharu kg 159.170

5 Garu kg 168.800

6 Jati kg 71.270

7 Johar kg 67.060

8 Kaliandra kg 214.000

9 Kepuh kg 53.500

10. Kesambi kg 53.500

11. Lamtoro kg 38.760

12. Mahoni kg 38.490

13. Melina kg 12.840

14. Gmelina/ Jati Putih kg 90.950

15. Nyamplung kg 14.580

16. Pinus kg 2.675.000

17. Pulai kg 4.280.000

18. Rajumas kg 220.690

19. Secang kg 29.430

20. Sengon kg 179.680

21. Sentul kg 177.620

22. Sono Sp kg 47.710

23. Suren kg 2.140.000

24. Tanjung kg 55.290

25. Trengguli kg 41.470

2. Biji MPTS (Multi Purpose Trees Species) / Tanaman Serbaguna


1 2 3 4 5

1 Aren Kg 17.390

2 Asam Kg 8.700

3 Durian Kg 15.120
4 Empon-empon (Jahe,Kunyit,Laos,kencur) Kg 8.030
5 Jambu Mete Kg 22.470

6 Kawista/Kinca Kg 23.900

7 Kemiri Kg 8.460

8 Kenari Kg 23.370

9 Kluwih Kg 20.170

10 Langsat Kg 19.530

11 Melinjo Kg 37.450

12 Nangka Kg 12.560

13 Randu Kg 5.230

14 Sawo Susu Kg 18.730

15 Srikaya Kg 16.550

3. Stek / Anakan Kayu-Kayuan


1 2 3 4 5

1 Bajur dalam polybag batang 8.030

Standar Harga Satuan Upah Dan Bahan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 37
2 Beringin dalam polybag batang 4.280

3 Binong dalam polybag batang 5.350

4 Dadap batang 810

5 Gaharu dalam polybag batang 8.190

6 Gamal dalam polybag batang 890

7 Imba dalam polybag batang 3.750

8 Ipil dalam polybag batang 4.820

9 Jati lokal dalam polybag batang 4.820

1 2 3 4 5

10 Jati super dalam polybag batang 27.290

11 Johar batang 3.750

12 Kaliandra dalam polybag batang 2.360

13 Kayu manis dalam polibag batang 5.890

14 Kelicung dalam polybag batang 5.890

15 Ketimun dalam polybag batang 6.690

16 Klokos dalam polybag batang 4.280

17 Kepuh batang 2.680

18 Mahoni batang 2.680

19 Mangrove dalam polibag batang 3.210

20 Pala dalam polybag batang 4.280

21 Piling batang 2.140

22 Rajumas dalam polybag batang 6.420

23 Rotan batang 4.020

24 Sengon dalam polybag batang 2.950

25 Sonokeling batang 1.880

26 Tanjung batang 3.750

27 Trengguli batang 3.750

28 Trembesi batang 2.680

4. Stek/Anakan MPTS


1 2 3 4 5

1 Aren dalam polybag batang 6.420

2 Asam dalam polybag batang 2.600

3 Asam belanda dalam polybag batang 4.280

4 Durian dalam polybag batang 5.250

5 Jambu Mete dalam polybag batang 3.480

6 Kelengkeng dalam polybag batang 7.490

7 Kemiri dalam polybag batang 6.690

8 Kenari dalam polybag batang 5.090

9 Kluwih dalam polybag batang 4.550

10 Leci dalam polybag batang 5.350

11. Mangga dalam polybag batang 7.490

12. Melinjo dalam polybag batang 8.030

13. Nangka dalam polybag batang 3.860

14. Pinang dalam polybag batang 6.420

15. Randu dalam polybag batang 2.950

16. Srikaya dalam polybag batang 5.350

17. Sukun dalam polybag batang 4.550

18. Petai batang 3.210

19. Turi batang 1.610

5. Perlebahan


1 2 3 4 5

1 Ekstraktor buah 1.712.000

2 Gunting buah 21.400

3 Kotak Lebah buah 74.900

4 Lebah Lokal koloni 96.300

5 Lebah Unggul koloni 139.100

6 Masker dan Topi buah 69.550

7 Pisau dan Pengungkit buah 64.200

8 Sarung tangan buah 21.400

Standar Harga Satuan Upah Dan Bahan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 38
9 Sikat lebah buah 16.050

10. Smoker buah 680.670

11. Tiang Penyangga ( 7x8x200 ) Cm batang 29.430

6. Bahan dan Alat


1 2 3 4 5

1 Media tumbuh (top soil) kg 160

2 Ajir batang 220

1 2 3 4 5

3 Patok induk tanaman Ø 2cm,pj =1,5 m batang 3.750

4 Patok batas tanaman Ø 10cm, p =2 m batang 13.380

5 Bambu Ø 15 cm, p = 6 m batang 16.050

6 Daun Kelapa pelepah 3.750

7 Alang-alang pikul 48.150

8 Papan Bedeng ukuran (10x20 ) cm buah 3.210

9 Papan Mutasi ukuran ( 100x200 )cm buah 428.000

10 Papan nama pengenal proyek(120x80) cm buah 321.000

11 Papan nama blok/petak ukrn.(80x60)cm buah 214.000

12 Kantong Plastik / polybag

- Ukuran 20 x 12 x 0,04 cm lembar 170
- Ukuran 17,5 x 25 x 0,005 cm lembar 220

13 Parang buah 32.100

14 Sabit buah 17.120

15. Pupuk kandang/ kompos kg 650

16. Polynet/ saron 50 % unit 1.605.000

17. Gempor buah 32.100

18. Cangkul tangkai kayu buah 26.750

19. Sekop buah 26.750

20. Slang plastik 1/2 inchi meter 4.280

21. mesin air Otomatis unit 695.500

7. Upah Tenaga Kerja Kehutanan


1 2 3 4 5

1. Pengisian media ke kantong plastik kantong 40

2. Penyulaman/Penyapihan/Penyiangan OH 26.750

3. Penyiraman OH 26.750

4. Pembuatan bedeng OH 26.750

5. Pembuatan naungan OH 26.750

Pembuatan Tanaman
1. Pembersihan lapangan/lahan OH 26.750

2. Pembuatan lobang (30x30x30) cm OH 26.750

3. Pengangkutan bibit dan penanaman OH 26.750

4. Penyulaman OH 26.750

5. Penyiangan OH 26.750

6. Pendangiran OH 26.750

7. Pengukuran dan pemetaan hutan OH 26.750

8. Inventarisasi hutan/Survey potensi OH 26.750


1. Makanan Ikan dll


1 2 3 4 5

1 Pellet Ikan kg 7.280

2 Pellet Larva Ikan kg 11.770

3 Pellet Udang kg 27.000

4 Pa Net (Poli amid tasik) kg 80.250

5 Tepung Ikan kg 8.390

6 Kapur Tohor kg 2.140

7 Pupuk Instant kg 133.750

8 Pakan/Ikan Rucah Kg 19.800

Standar Harga Satuan Upah Dan Bahan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 39
9 Cryste Artemia Kg 642.000

10 Ovaprim botol 706.200

11 Hormon MT botol 481.500

12 Malachyt Green liter 695.500

13 Kalium Permanganat (PK) kg 321.000

14 Mathiline Blue liter 535.000

15 Oksalat liter 374.500

16 Media/Regensia paket 5.414.200

2. Benih Ikan


1 2 3 4 5

1. Karper ( 1 - 3 ) cm. ekor 240

Karper ( 3 - 5 ) cm. ekor 320

Karper ( 5 - 8 ) cm. ekor 700

Karper ( 8 -12 ) cm. ekor 1.050

Karper ( 1 -2 ) cm. ekor 60

Larva Karver takar (2.000 ekor) 58.850

2. Tawes ( 1 - 3 ) cm. ekor 140

Tawes ( 3 - 5 ) cm. ekor 200

Tawes ( 5 - 8 ) cm. ekor 270

Tawes ( 8 -12 ) cm. ekor 540

3. Nila ( 1 - 3 ) cm. ekor 160

Nila ( 3 - 5 ) cm. ekor 260

Nila ( 5 - 8 ) cm. ekor 430

Nila ( 8 -12 ) cm. ekor 780

Nila ( 1 -2 ) cm. ekor 60

Larva Nila ekor 80.250

4. Gurami ( 1 - 3 ) cm. ekor 490

Gurami ( 3 - 5 ) cm. ekor 970

Gurami ( 5 - 8 ) cm. ekor 2.000

Gurami ( 8 -12) cm. ekor 3.900

5. Lele lokal ( 1 - 3 ) Cm. ekor 290

Lele lokal ( 3 - 5 ) Cm. ekor 600

Lele Lokal ( 5 - 8 ) Cm. ekor 950

Lele Lokal ( 8 -12 ) Cm. ekor 1.190

6. Lele Dumbo ( 1 - 3 ) Cm. ekor 200

Lele Dumbo ( 3 - 5 ) Cm. ekor 380

Lele Dumbo ( 5 - 8 ) Cm. ekor 610

Lele Dumbo ( 8-12 ) Cm. ekor 3.810

7. Grass Carp ( 1-3 ) Cm. ekor 530

Grass Carp ( 3-5 ) Cm. ekor 850

Grass Carp ( 5-8 ) Cm. ekor 1.530

Grass Carp ( 8-12 ) Cm. ekor 2.160

8. Belut ekor 560

9. Benur ekor 430

10. Nener ekor 160

11. Kerapu ( 8-12 ) Cm kg 17.660

12. Benih Siput Mutiara (Spat) (3-5 Cm) kg 19.800

13. Bibit Rumput Laut Kg 2.950

14. Bibit Mangrove Batang 8.860

3. Ikan Konsumsi


1 2 3 4 5

1. Gurami kg 34.410

2 Ikan Rucah kg 8.030

3 Karper kg 26.200
4 Kerapu Lokal kg 22.470

5 Tawes kg 17.390

Standar Harga Satuan Upah Dan Bahan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 40
6 Kakap Lokal kg 22.470

7 Nila kg 20.620

8 Ketambak kg 18.730
9 Lele Lokal kg 26.600

10 Tengiri kg 32.100

11 Lele Dumbo kg 26.200

12 Langoan kg 23.540

13 Bandeng kg 18.730

4. Induk Ikan


1 2 3 4 5

1. Gurami ekor 95.880

2. Karper kg 48.150

3. Tawes kg 24.080

4. Nila kg 34.780
5. Lele Lokal kg 37.450

6. Lele Dumbo kg 32.100

7. Grass carp kg 60.890

8. Induk Siput Mutiara ekor 88.280
9 Ikan Koi ekor 187.250
10 Lele Sangkuriang ekor 37.450

11 Bawal ekor 85.600

12 Patin ekor 214.000

5. Ikan Hias


1 2 3 4 5

A Laut

a. Napoleon, Panjang 10 cm ekor 739.710

b. Triger Kembang, Panjang 7-10 cm ekor 138.770

c. Piyama, Panjang 10 cm ekor 305.290

d. Layaran, Panjang 10 cm ekor 41.760

e. Betmen, Panjang 10 cm ekor 328.090

f. Sapi-sapi, Panjang 10 cm ekor 149.140

g. Lepuk ayam, Panjang 10 cm ekor 77.550

h. Baronang, Panjang 5-6 cm ekor 41.760

i. Kepe-kepe :

- Jenis Angsa 0-7 cm ekor 35.440

- Jenis Bebek 0-7 cm ekor 32.100

- Jenis Tiker 0-7 cm ekor 32.100

B Darat
1. Arwana (10-15 cm)

a. Jenis Silver ekor 7.326.030

b. Jenis Perak ekor 7.058.530

c. Jenis Goald ekor 18.315.060

2. Lauhan (10-10cm)
a. Jenis Mutiara ekor 3.663.020

b. Jenis Gold ekor 21.978.070

3. Koi (10-15 cm) ekor 321.000

4. Koki Ekor Tiga, yang Super (5-7 cm) ekor 321.000

5. Koki Lokal (5-7 cm) ekor 26.750

6. Blida (0-20 cm) ekor 22.149.000

7. Komet (5-10 cm) ekor 3.090

6. Ikan Tambakan


1 2 3 4 5

1 Benih Tambakan ( 1 - 2 ) cm ekor 70

2 Benih Tambakan ( 2 - 3 ) cm ekor 110

3 Benih Tambakan ( 3 - 5 ) cm ekor 220

Standar Harga Satuan Upah Dan Bahan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 41
4 Benih Tambakan ( 5 - 8 ) cm ekor 430

5 Benih Tambakan ( 8 - 12 ) cm ekor 750

7. Peralatan/Bahan Laboratorium/Media Regensia


1 2 3 4 5

A. Bahan
1. Chlorofom Liter 178.670

2. Sodium Hidroksida Kg 719.040

1 2 3 4 5

3. Kalium Sulfat Kg 2.824.800

4 Oksigen Tabung 308.670

5 Kantong Plastik Benih Fise 55.380

6 Hormon Methyl Testosteron Ampul 2.372.840

7 Hormon Ovaprim Botol 617.340

8 Hidrogen Peroksida Liter 308.670

9 Natrium Thiosulfat Kg 1.483.020

10 Boric Acid Kg 1.977.360

11 Methanol Liter 353.100

12 Sodium Sulfat Anyhd Kg 1.271.160

13 Petroleum Benzen Liter 170.910

14 Potasium Dicromat Kg 2.680.030

15 Asam Nitrat Liter 1.320.380

16 Asam Sitrat 500 Gram 644.680

17 Standart Fe 500 ml 660.300

18 Standart La 500 ml 660.300

19 KH2P04 100 Gram 893.350

20 KOH 500 Gram 2.265.730

21 Hexane Liter 660.300

22 EDTA - 2 Na 100 Gram 582.620

23 PCA 500 Gram 2.153.910

24 Bacto Pepton 500 Gram 1.864.370

25 TCBS 500 Gram 2.174.240

26 Hecton Eneric Agar 500 Gram 3.631.370

27 XLD Agar 500 Gram 2.562.650

28 BSA 500 Gram 2.401.080

29 L. EMB 500 Gram 2.118.600

30 TSI 500 Gram 1.483.020

31 LIA 500 Gram 3.146.130

32 Ags Agar 500 Gram 1.786.690

33 Hydrocloric Aciad 2,5 Liter 1.235.850

34 Protease Pepton No. 3 500 Gram 2.330.460

35 Coagulase Plasma 500 Gram 1.785.830

36 Serologi Polyvalen 0 3 ml 2.118.600

37 Serologi Polyvalen H 3 ml 2.118.600

38 Microbact Pack 5.282.380

39 Serobac Salmonella 120 Tes 5.049.330

40 Reagen Biokimia 25 Gram 2.718.870

41 Mgcl 2 5 Gram 4.893.220

42 Kertas Saring 0,45 mm Pack 4.932.700

43 Kertas Saring 0,2 mm Pack 4.932.700

44 Nutrien Agar 500 Gram 2.330.460

45 Antibiotik Medium 5 500 Gram 2.446.020

46 Antibiotik Medium 8 500 Gram 2.330.460

47 Paper Disk 10 mm 341.330

48 Kertas PH Pack 209.720

49 Kjeldahi Tablets (Kertas PH) 250 Tb 1.825.420

50 H2 so 4 95 - 97 % Liter 232.190

51 LTB 500 Gram 3.346.960

52 TTB 500 Gram 1.165.230

Standar Harga Satuan Upah Dan Bahan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 42
53 Kovacs Indole reagent 100 ml 782.170

54 Iodine 125 Gram 1.055.770

55 Salmonella Sigela Agar 500 Gram 1.200.540

56 Briliant green bile 2% Broh 500 Gram 1.412.400

57 Asam Oksalat 500 Gram 2.118.600

58 Alpha Naftol 100 Gram 600.270

59 Phenil Hidrazine clorida 1 Liter 1.471.250

60 Safranin 125 Gram 706.200

61 Selenit cysin broth 500 Gram 1.647.800

62 Potassium Cyanida Broth 500 Gram 2.471.700

1 2 3 4 5

63 Etanol Absolut 4 Liter 588.500

64 Urea Broth 500 Gram 1.812.580

65 Urea Broh Rapid 500 Gram 588.500

66 Nutrien Agar 500 Gram 2.118.600

67 Alkali Pepton Water 500 Gram 2.118.600

68 Broth Hear Infusion 500 Gram 2.601.170

69 Koser Citrat agar 500 Gram 2.118.600

70 Asam Borat 500 Gram 988.680

B Peralatan

1 Ketelitian 0,01 gr (Kap. 400 gr) Buah 10.838.210

2 Ketelitian 0,0001 gr ( Kap. 200 gr) Buah 31.771.940

3 Lab. Blender,transparant front door Buah 39.261.780

4 Disecting set Buah 442.790

5 Micro pipet Kap. 1 - 10 ml. Buah 6.152.420

6 Laminar flow cabinet horizontal/ Biological Safety Cabinet Buah 58.850.000

7 Mikro centrifuge (50 ml) Buah 29.130.750

8 Autoclave 12 liter Buah 15.147.990

9 Circulating waterbath Buah 70.620.000

10 pH meter portable digital Buah 6.028.130

11 Stirrer magnetic plate Buah 14.712.500

12 Colony counter digital Buah 18.255.270

13 Vortex mixer Buah 8.156.610

14 Salinometer Buah 938.020

15 Kertas Lakmus Buah 220.240

17 Seicchi Disk Buah 163.140

18 Termometer Buah 244.700

19 Timbangan Duduk Buah 367.060

20 Blender stainless steel Buah 588.500

21 Blender biasa Buah 411.950

22 Refrigerator Buah 4.708.000

23 Talenan Buah 41.200

24 Pisau Stainless steel Buah 23.540

25 Oven ( draying oven ) 40 C to 200 C Buah 64.735.000

26 Cawan porselen pengabuan Buah 58.850

27 Tongs (penjepit) for crucible Buah 176.550

28 Desicator Cabinet Buah 5.296.500

29 Spatulla Buah 5.890

30 Neraca analitik Buah 35.310.000

31 Tungku pengabuan Buah 14.653.650

32 Kertas saring Aschless Buah 161.840

33 Hot plate Buah 5.023.650

34 Alat pemusing/ Sentrifuge 50ml Buah 44.911.970

35 Tabung Cenrifuge 50ml Buah 61.800

36 Lemari asam tahan zat kimia Buah 17.655.000

37 Botol timbang with stpper cap 15 ml Buah 120.060

38 Botol timbang with stpper cap 45 ml Buah 124.600

39 Labu takar/ Labu ukur : 25 ml Buah 76.510

50 ml Buah 105.930

100 ml Buah 102.400

Standar Harga Satuan Upah Dan Bahan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 43
250 ml Buah 123.590

500 ml Buah 170.670

1.000 ml Buah 253.060

40 Labu erlenmeyer : 125 ml Buah 82.390

250 ml Buah 94.160

500 ml Buah 110.640

1.000 ml Buah 178.910

41 Gelas ukur : 25 ml Buah 106.880

50 ml Buah 115.350

100 ml Buah 117.700

250 ml Buah 120.060

1 2 3 4 5

500 ml Buah 196.560

1.000 ml Buah 250

42 Corong saring ukuran : 100 ml Buah 41.200

43 Corong Pisah ukuran : 60 ml Buah 389.000

140 ml Buah 500.230

450 ml Buah 765.050

750 ml Buah 1.141.690

44 Pipet ( glass ) skala : 1 ml Buah 29.430

10 ml Buah 94.160

15 ml Buah 111.820

25 ml Buah 118.880

50 ml Buah 121.240

45 Pipet volumetrik kapasitas : 5 ml Buah 98.870

10 ml Buah 115.350
25 ml Buah 187.150
50 ml Buah 276.600

46 Gelas piala/ Beaker Glass kapasitas 100 ml Buah 67.090

250 ml Buah 91.810

500 ml Buah 117.700

1.000 ml Buah 185.970

47 Tabung reaksi pyrex ukuran : 25 ml Buah 10.010

30 ml Buah 10.310

48 Labu semprot Buah 64.740

49 Rak tabung reaksi kapasitas 24 tabung stainless steel Buah 296.610

50 Labu alas bulat : 100 ml Buah 58.850

200 ml Buah 66.510

51 Botol reagen 125 ukuran : 125 ml Buah 35.310

250 ml Buah 41.200

500 ml Buah 56.500

1.000 ml Buah 96.520

52 Mikroburet : 5 ml Buah 2.824.800

10 ml Buah 3.295.600

53 Standar buret Buah 2.565.860

54 Thermometer Buah 235.400

55 Homogeniser Batang Buah 14.124.000

56 aquadest/ Botol Semprot Buah 64.740

57 pH indicator/pH Meter Portable Buah 3.715.790

58 Pembakar Bunsen Buah 2.942.500

59 Lumpung porselin Buah 76.510

60 Mercury analyser Buah 182.435.000

61 AAS Buah 2.354.000.000

62 Spektroflourometer Buah 411.950.000

63 Spektrofotometer UV-VIS, Buah 294.250.000

64 Desruksi Protein unit 470.800.000

65 Sikat Tabung Buah 5.890

66 Botol Indikator Buah 214.220

67 Stomacher Buah 29.425.000

68 Autoclave, tekanan 1,2 atm pada 121 °C dan 115 °C Buah 15.301.000

69 Hand tally couter (Bakteri Colony Counter) Buah 8.239.000

70 Mikroskop binokuler Buah 50.022.500

Standar Harga Satuan Upah Dan Bahan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 44
71 Cover glass box 64.740

72 Minyak immersion 100 ml 117.700

73 Cawan petri Buah 72.980

74 Innoculating loop diameter 3 ml, stainless steel Buah 184.260

75 Innoculating loop diameter 5 ml, stainless steel Buah 217.750

76 Tabung durham pak 765.050

77 Keranjang tabung reaksi stainless steel Buah 323.680

78 Kertas pH pak 117.700

79 Kantong plastik tahan di autoclove (15 x 25 cm ) pak 2.942.500

80 Alat penyulingan air/Water Purification Buah 62.381.000

81 Gunting stainless steel Buah 29.430

1 2 3 4 5

82 Kaki tiga diameter 20 cm dan 15 cm tinggi 25 cm Buah 41.200

83 Biological safety Cabinets Buah 52.965.000

84 Ose jarum Buah 147.130



1 2 3 4 5

1 Cetronella Oil liter 191.000

2 Phostoxin buah 4.270

3 Aceton liter 219.090

4 Toluen PA liter 177.520

5 Vilyvinil Acetate kg 393.230

6 Benzotreahol liter 1.522.350

7 Epoxy Resin DF 614 kg 95.500

8 Lem Araldit set 25.290

9 Bagus Swallow buah 10.120

10 Asam Citric/Citric Acid kg 841.510

11 Kamfer kg 12.930

12 Lem buah 5.070

13 Baygon liter 24.720

14 Sabun Cair bungkus


1 2 3 4 5

1 Tenaga Arkeologi OH 11.430

2 Juru Gambar OH 3.810

3 Pembantu Juru Gambar OH 6.360

4 Juri lomba seni dan budaya OK 146.010




1 2 3 4 5

1 Nutrien Agar Botol 1.102.530 Merck 500 gram
2 Muller Hinton Agar Botol 1.054.600 Merck 500 gram
3 Urea 40 % Kit 870.040 Oxoid 10 x 5 ml
4 Antisera Salmonella Kit 299.600 Oxoid / Merck
5 Disc. Antibiotik Ampicilin Box 322.970 Oxoid 5 x 50
6 Disc. Antibiotik Amoxy + Clav Acid Box 322.970 Oxoid 5 x 50
7 Disc. Antibiotik Chloramphenicol Box 322.970 Oxoid 5 x 50
8 Disc. Antibiotik Ofloxacin Box 322.970 Oxoid 5 x 50
9 Disc. Antibiotik Amoxycilin Box 322.970 Oxoid 5 x 50
10 Disc. Antibiotik Cotrimoxazole Box 322.970 Oxoid 5 x 50
11 Disc. Antibiotik Cefotaxime Box 322.970 Oxoid 5 x 50
12 Disc. Antibiotik Cefuraxime Box 322.970 Oxoid 5 x 50
13 Disc. Anti Gentamycin Box 322.970 Oxoid 5 x 50
14 Disc. Antibiotik Cefriaxone Box 322.970 Oxoid 5 x 50
15 Disc. Antibiotik Cefadroxil Box 322.970 Oxoid 5 x 50
16 Disc. Antibiotik Ciprofloxacin Box 322.970 Oxoid 5 x 50

Standar Harga Satuan Upah Dan Bahan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 45
17 Disc. Antibiotik Penicilin G Box 322.970 Oxoid 5 x 50
18 Disc. Antibiotik Erihromicin Box 322.970 Oxoid 5 x 50
19 Disc. Antibiotik Norfloxacin Box 322.970 Oxoid 5 x 50
20 Disc. Antibiotik Pefloxacin Box 322.970 Oxoid 5 x 50
21 Disc. Antibiotik Clarithromycin Box 322.970 Oxoid 5 x 50
22 Disc. Antibiotik Netilmicin Box 322.970 Oxoid 5 x 50
23 Disc. Antibiotik Spiramycin Box 322.970 Oxoid 5 x 50
24 Disc. Antibiotik Nalidixid Acid Box 322.970 Oxoid 5 x 50
25 Disc. Antibiotik Cephradine Box 322.970 Oxoid 5 x 50
26 Disc. Antibiotik Ciprofloxacin Box 322.970 Oxoid 5 x 50
27 Disc. Antibiotik Levofloxacin Box 322.970 Oxoid 5 x 50
28 Cat Gram Kit 86.290 Bio Analitika
1 2 3 4 5

Zaehl Nelsea terdiri dari :

1. Karbol Fuksin, HCL-Alkohol Methylene biru 0,25% (100cc) Kit 101.870
2. Karbol Fuksin, HCL-Alkohol Malachiet (100cc) Kit 95.880
30 Urine Stik Kit 539.280 Combur 10 P
31 Kolesterol Total Kit 1.687.950 Rajawali (4 x 100 ml)
32 HDL - Kolesterol Kit 772.970 Rajawali (4 x 80 ml)
33 Pewarna Rapid Kit 293.610 ST Reagensia
34 PPD Kit 1.797.600 Bio Farma
35 Reagen Test Kehamilan :
- Pregnancy strip 2.5 mm ( 50 test) Kit 89.880
- Pregnancy strip 4.0 mm ( 50 test) Kit 203.730
- Pregnancy strip 4.0 mm (25 test) Kit 76.700
- Pregnancy Device Urine (40 Test) Kit 305.600
- Pregnancy Midsrem (1 test) Kit 31.160
36 Slide Glas Box 22.180 Sail Brand
37 Blood Lancet Box 49.140 Lancet 200
38 Kertas Sysmex Roll 89.880 Thermal
39 Albumine kit 377.030 5 x 25 ml
40 Alkali Phosphatase (DEA) kit 547.550 5 x 20 ml
41 Billirubin Total kit 863.720 5x 20 ml
42 Billirubin Direct kit 780.680 5 x 20 ml
43 Cholesterol PAP kit 677.330 5 x 25 ml
44 HDL Cholesterol Prec kit 1.467.210 6 x 80 ml
45 Creatinine FS kit 327.600 4 x 20 ml
46 Glucose FS kit 448.470 5 x 25 ml
47 Protein FS kit 328.520 4 x 20 ml
48 SGOT kit 695.770 5 x 20 ml
49 SGPT kit 695.770 5 x 20 ml
50 Triglyceride kit 1.106.410 5 x 25 ml
51 Urea CT FS kit 402.360 2 x 25 ml
52 Uric Acid kit 928.280 4 x 20 ml
53 Gamma GT FS kit 909.860 2 x 50 ml
54 Alpha Amylase CC FS kit 3.552.660 5 x 20 ml
55 Alpha BHDH FS kit 762.190 5 x 20 ml
56 CK-NAC FS kit 2.544.810 5 x 20 ml
57 CK-MB FS kit 3.689.880 5 x 20 ml
58 LDH FS kit 725.280 5 x 20 ml
59 Lipase DC FS kit 4.913.440 5 x 20 ml
60 Pancreatic Amylase CC FS kit 6.848.860 5 x 20 ml
61 Calcium AS FS kit 647.140 5 x 25 ml
62 Choride FS kit 745.410 5 x 25 ml
63 Iron FS Ferene kit 723.240 4 x 20 ml
64 Magnesium XL FS kit 645.940 5 x 25 ml
65 Phosphorus UV FS kit 470.380 5 x 25 ml
66 Reagen-reagen Kontrol Kimia :
- Trulab N Assayed 6 x 5 ml 2.214.650
- Trulab P Assayed 6 x 5 ml 2.303.330
- Trulab L (Lipid Control) 3 x 3 ml 2.436.350
- Trulab L CK-MB 10 x 5 ml 1.517.180
67 Albumin CP Kit/test 365.160
68 ALP CP Kit/test 236.640

Standar Harga Satuan Upah Dan Bahan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 46
69 ALT CP Kit/test 441.620
70 AST CP Kit/test 441.620
71 Amylase CP Kit/test 1.457.320
72 Bilirubin Total CP Kit/test 276.840
73 Bilirubin Direct CP Kit/test 205.660
74 Calcium CP Kit/test 996.600
75 Cholesterol CP Kit/test 1.058.790
76 CK NAC CP Kit/test 1.252.330
77 CK MB RTU Kit/test 992.640
78 CO2 RTU Kit/test 1.015.050
79 Creatine CP Kit/test 232.020
80 Fruktosamine Kit/test 12.519.340
1 2 3 4 5

81 GGT CP Kit/test 665.720

82 Glukose HK CP Kit/test 303.200
83 Glukose Pap CP Kit/test 230.700
84 HDL Direct CP Kit/test 3.680.540
85 Iron CP Kit/test 830.500
86 Lactic Acid Kit/test 3.888.810
87 LDH CP Kit/test 591.240
88 LDL Direct CP Kit/test 5.021.850
89 Lipase CP Kit/test 1.952.330
90 Magnesium RTU Kit/test 230.700
91 Phosporus CP Kit/test 177.970
92 Total Protein CP Kit/test 164.780
93 Trigliceride CP Kit/test 1.186.420
94 Urea CP Kit/test 458.990
95 Uric Acid CP Kit/test 280.790
Reagent Tambahan :
1 Clean Chem CP 30 ml 290.020
2 Clean Chem 99 CP 4 x 99 ml 1.239.150
3 Anti Freeze CP 3.961.980
4 Deproteneizer 30 ml 643.310
5 Multical 10 x 3 ml 1.831.040
6 HDL CAL 2 x 1 ml 1.423.700
7 LDL CAL 2 x 1 ml 2.519.170
8 CO2 CAL 3 x 3 ml 142.380
9 Fructo CAL 3 x 1 ml 1.247.070
10 N Control 10 x 5 ml 2.728.760
11 P Control 10 x 5 ml 3.300.880
12 CK Control 3 x 3 ml 1.280.020
13 Fructo Control N 3 x 1 ml 885.870
14 Fructo Control P 3 x 1 ml 885.870
15 CO2 Control 10 ml + 10 ml 726.360
16 Acid Phosphatase M-Test 16 x 2 ml 958.720
17 Acid Phosphatase 6 x 15 ml 1.438.080
18 Albumin Liquicolor ( BCG) 1000 ml 599.200
19 Albumin Liquicolor ( BCG) 4 x 100 ml 299.600
20 ALP (AMP Buffer IFCC) 10 x 10 ml 659.120
21 ALP opt. Liquicolor (DGKC) 10 x 10 ml 479.360
22 ALP opt. Liquicolor (DGKC) 8 x 50 ml 1.498.000
23 ALP opt. Liquicolor (DGKC) 4 x 250 ml 2.996.000
24 ALP opt. Liquicolor (DGKC)/new 16 x 5 ml 808.920
25 a-Amylase Liquicolor,mono reag. (new) 16 x 5 ml 2.696.400
26 a-Amylase Liquicolor,mono reag. 12 x 10 ml 2.996.000
27 a-Amylase Liquicolor,mono reag. (new pack) 6 x 50 ml 6.591.200
28 Billirubin liquicolor 200 ml 539.280
29 Billirubin Total/Direct 2 x 100 ml 480.560
30 Auto Billirubin D liquicolor 375 ml 1.318.240
31 Auto Billirubin T liquicolor 375 ml 1.318.240
32 Auto Creatinine Direct 250 ml 790.950
33 Autocal 4 x 5 ml 1.450.070
34 Calcium liquicolor, mono reagent 200 ml 580.030
35 Chloride liquicolor, mono reagent 200 ml 1.581.890

Standar Harga Satuan Upah Dan Bahan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 47
36 Chol. Liq (CHOD PAP), mono reag 4 x 30 ml 659.120
37 Chol. Liq (CHOD PAP), mono reag 3 x 250 ml 3.427.430
38 Chol. Liq (CHOD PAP), mono reag 4 x 100 ml 2.109.190
39 Cholesterol Standart (200 mg/dl) 9 x 3 ml 725.040
40 HDL Cholesterol Direct liquicolor 1 x 80 ml 263.650
41 HDL Cholesterol Precipitant 4 x 80 ml 988.680
42 LDL Cholesterol Direct Liquicolor 1 x 80 ml 4.811.580
43 CK NAC activated opt M-test 20 x 3 ml 1.450.070
44 CK NAC liqui UV IFCC 10 x 10 ml 1.581.890
45 CK-MB (NAC-Activated) M-Test 20 x 3 ml 2.999.000
46 CK-MB liqui UV 10 x 10 ml 2.768.310
47 Creatinine liquicolor (Jaffe) 200 ml 527.300
1 2 3 4 5

48 Gamma GT liquicolor (new) 16 x 5 ml 988.680

49 Gamma GT liquicolor 10 x 10 ml 757.990
50 Gamma GT liquicolor 8 x 50 ml 2.768.310
51 Gamma GT liquicolor 4 x 250 ml 5.404.790
52 Glucose liquicolor (GOD-PAP) 4 x 100 ml 692.080
53 Glucose liquicolor (GOD-PAP) 1000 ml 1.252.330
54 Deproteinisation Solution 1000 ml 606.400
55 Glucose liqui UV (Hexokinase) mono 1000 ml 2.966.040
56 Deproteinisation Solution 1000 ml 725.040
57 Glucose standart (100 mg/dl) 9 x 3 ml 790.950
58 Glycohemoglobine HbA1 Test 20 test 2.109.190
59 Glycohemoglobine HbA1 Test 100 test 6.591.200
60 HbA1 Controls (norm and abnorm) 2 x 1ml 1.384.160
61 HbA1c % liquidirect 40 ml 4.613.840
62 HbA1c Control set 4 x 1 ml 2.834.220
63 HbA1 c Calibrator set 4 x 1 ml 3.493.340
64 GOT (ASAT) IFCC mod. Liqui UV (new) 16 x 5 ml 889.820
65 GOT (ASAT) IFCC mod. Liqui UV 10 x 10 ml 659.120
66 GOT (ASAT) IFCC mod. Liqui UV 8 x 50 ml 1.581.890
67 GOT (ASAT) IFCC mod. Liqui UV 4 x 250 ml 3.295.600
68 GPT (ALAT) IFCC mod. Liqui UV (new) 16 x 5 ml 889.820
69 GPT (ALAT) IFCC mod. Liqui UV 10 x 10 ml 659.120
70 GPT (ALAT) IFCC mod. Liqui UV 8 x 50 ml 1.581.890
71 GPT (ALAT) IFCC mod. Liqui UV 4 x 250 ml 3.295.600
72 Hemoglobin (Hb-Cyanide) 10 x 500 ml 856.860
73 IRON liquicolor 2 x 30 ml 1.120.510
74 IRON liquicolor 2 x 100ml 2.175.100
75 TIBC (Ttal Iron Binding Capacity) 100 test 856.860
76 LDH liquiUV (SCE mod.)/new 16 x 5 ml 889.820
77 LDH liquiUV (SCE mod.) 10 x 10 ml 725.040
78 LDH liquiUV (SCE mod.) 8 x 50 ml 2.043.280
79 Magnesium liquicolor 200 ml 856.860
80 Phosphorus liquirapid 200 ml 856.860
81 Potassium liquirapid 2 x 50 ml 1.284.690
82 Sodium rapid 60 ml 1.186.420
83 Total Protein liquicolor (biuret) 1000 ml 1000 ml 856.860
84 Total Protein liquicolor (biuret) 4 x 100 ml 4 x 100 ml 395.480
85 TG liquicolor mono (GPO) 4 x 100 ml 3.031.960
86 TG liquicolor mono (GPO) 3 x 250 ml 5.536.610
87 TG GPO liquicolor 9 x 15 ml 1.284.690
88 Triglycerida standart (200 mg/dl) 9 x 3 ml 1.284.690
89 Urea liq (berthelot) complete test kit 2 x 100 ml 527.300
90 Urea liq (berthelot) complete test kit 1 x 1000ml 493.750
91 Urea liquicolor (reagent 2) 1 x 1000ml 493.750
92 Urea liquiUV (GLDH), Complete test kit 8 x 50 ml 1.779.630
93 Urea standart (80 mg/dl) 9 x 3 ml 560.260
94 Uric Acid liquicolor Plus, complete test kit 3 x 100 ml 1.845.540
95 Uric Acid liquicolor, complete test kit 4 x 30 ml 659.120
96 Uric Acid liquicolor, complete test kit 4 x 100 ml 2.241.010
Control Sera :
97 Humatrol N 6 x 5 ml 856.860

Standar Harga Satuan Upah Dan Bahan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 48
98 Humatarol P 6 x 5 ml 856.860
99 Serodos 6 x 5 ml 435.020
100 Serodos Plus 6 x 5 ml 1.647.800
1 Adrenalin/Epinefrin Ktk/30 ampul 12.440
2 Adona inj ampul 7.010
3 Aethoxy sklerol 3 % ampul 38.350
4 Fursultiamin/ Alinamin F inj ampul 10.190
5 Aminofilin 24 mg/ml Ktk/30 ampul 42.850
6 Ampisilin Inj 1000 mg/ml Ktk/10 Vial 34.610
7 Ampisilin Inj 500 mg/ml Ktk/10 Vial 24.650
1 2 3 4 5

8 Antalgin 250 mg/ml (I.M) Ktk/30 ampul 14.670

9 Novalgin ampul 9.710
10 Aqua Pro Injeksi ampul 1.520
11 Asam Tranek./Transamin/ Kalnex 250 mg ampul 7.560
12 Atracurium/Tracrium 25 mg/ml vial 35.960
13 Atropin sulfat 0,25 mg/ml Ktk/30 ampul 13.410
14 Bricasma ampul 13.790
15 Midazolam-Hameln 5 mg/ 1ml ampul 14.390
16 Buscopan inj / Scopamin ampul 7.200
17 Calcium Gluconas 100 mg/ml ampul 7.490
18 Catapres/Klonidin 0,15 mg ampul 30.960
19 Cedantron 4mg/ 2 ml ampul 20.380
20 Cedilanid ampul 2.220
21 Cefotaxim 1 g inj Ktk/2 vial 23.120
22 Ceftriaxon 1 g inj Ktk/2 vial 25.440
23 Ciclosphospamida 1 g ampul 24.850
24 Cimetidine 100 mg/ml (Ulcumet) ampul 6.480
25 Deksametason 5 mg/ml Ktk/100 amp 76.820
26 Diazepam 5 mg/ml (I.V) Ktk/30 ampul 31.390
27 Difenhidramin HCl Ktk/30 ampul 16.540
28 Dormicum inj ampul 24.190
29 Dopamin 20 mg/ml ampul 45.610
30 Ephedrin HCl ampul 8.390
31 Epirubicin 50 mg vial 1.160.060
32 Ethrane (Enflurance) Fls 1.089.470
33 Fentanyl/ morfin 10 mg/ml inj Ktk/10 ampul 11.130
34 Furosemida 10 mg/ml Ktk/25 ampul 31.020
35 Gentamycin 80 mg/ 2 ml inj Ktk/5 ampul 14.980
36 Halotan 0,1 % 250 ml fls 1.006.660
37 Impugan ampul 5.820
38 KCl 7,46 % ampul 1.850
39 Kenacort inj ampul 90.380
40 Klorpromazin 25 mg/ml Ktk/30 ampul 15.050
41 Ketamin 10 mg/ml Ktk/10 Vial 139.020
42 Ketamin /Anesject/KTM 100 mg/ml vial 137.820
43 Lidokain 2 % Ktk/100 amp 54.900
44 Lidokain Adrenalin (Comp.) Ktk/30 vial 16.250
45 Lidokain Hiperbarik 5 % / Lidodek ampul 29.960
46 Magnesium Sulfas 40 % Inj Ktk/10 Vial 23.350
47 Magnesium Sulfas 20 % Inj Ktk/10 Vial 18.460
48 Metil Ergometrin 200mcg/ml / Spasut Ktk/30 ampul 46.440
49 Metoklopramida 5 mg/ml Ktk/10 ampul 10.970
50 Metothrexate inj ampul 29.750
51 Natrium Bicarbonas / Meylon 8,4% ampul 7.070
52 Natrium Thiopental 50 mcg/ml ampul 52.730
53 Neurobion 5000 Amp ampul 4.770
54 Oksitosin 5 IU /ml - Pitogin (I.V) ampul 3.500
55 Oralit Ktk/100 Sach. 41.270
56 Papaverin HCl 40 mg/ml inj Ktk/100 amp 43.150
57 Pankuronium Bromida 2 mg/ml ampul 28.350
58 Pethidin ampul 13.070

Standar Harga Satuan Upah Dan Bahan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 49
59 Penisilin Procain 3 juta IU Ktk/30 Vial 134.820
60 Phenobarbital inj Ktk/30 ampul 24.100
61 Profol 20 cc vial 74.310
62 Primperan ampul 8.990
63 Pronalges supp supp 9.770
64 Prostigmin/Neostigmin Metilsulfat ampul 10.820
65 Ranitidin Ktk/25 ampul 77.000
66 Sevoflurane fls/ 250 ml fls 2.768.310
67 Urografin 76 % 20 ml ampul 43.510
68 Valium inj ampul 27.930
69 Ventolin nebules refill ampul 7.160
70 Vitamin B 12 Inj 500 mcg/ml Ktk/100 amp 48.520
1 2 3 4 5

71 Vitamin B1 100 mg/ml Ktk/30 ampul 16.430

72 Vitamin K Ktk/30 ampul 35.150
73 Xylomidon Inj ampul 3.680
1 A.T.S 1500 IU ampul 71.910
2 SABU ampul 278.810
1 Amoxycillin 500 mg Ktk/100 kap 29.960
2 Antalgin 500 mg Fls/1000 tab 61.820
3 Antasida DOEN Fls/1000 tab 36.600
4 Asam Folat 1 mg Fls/100 tab 3.870
5 Asam Mefenamat 500 mg Ktk/100 kap 13.190
6 Transamin 250 mg tablet 1.200
7 Captopril 12,5 mg Ktk/100 tab 8.510
8 Captopril 25 mg Ktk/100 tab 17.380
9 Captopril 50 mg Ktk/100 tab 28.320
10 Codein HCl 10 mg Fls/1000 tab 368.050
11 Doveri 100 mg tablet 280
12 Doveri 200 mg tablet 430
13 Mineral mix fls/100 ml 19.180
14 New Diatab tablet 430
15 Omeprazole 20 mg Ktk/30 kaps 14.980
16 Paracetamol 500 mg Fls/1000 tab 40.400
1 Albumin 20 % inf fls/ 100 ml 1.357.790
2 Asering fls/ 500 ml 12.480
3 Dextrose 10 % fls/ 500 ml 8.940
4 LM Dextran in RL fls/ 500 ml 58.730
5 Dextrose 5 % + NaCl 0.9 % fls/ 500 ml 8.350
6 Dextrose 5 % fls/ 500 ml 7.620
7 Dextrose 5 % + NACL 0,225 % fls/ 500 ml 8.880
8 Dextrose 40 % ampul 1.770
9 HAES Steril 6 % fls/ 500 ml 195.250
10 KaEn 1 B fls/ 500 ml 12.770
11 KaEn 3 B fls/ 500 ml 12.770
12 KaEn 4 A fls/ 500 ml 12.770
13 Metronidazol inf fls 15.260
14 NaCl 3 % fls 10.950
15 NaCl 0,9 % fls/ 500 ml 7.620
16 R L fls/ 500 ml 8.320
17 Sodalime Gallon 239.680
1 Amoxicillin 125 mg/ml btl/ 100 ml 2.620
2 Ampicillin 125 mv/ 5 ml btl/ 100 ml 2.610
3 Antasida Doen btl/ 100 ml 2.890
4 Cotrimoksazole btl/ 100 ml 3.100
5 O B H syr. btl/ 100 ml 1.370
6 Paracetamol 120 mg/5 ml btl/ 100 ml 1.890
1 Klip Obat plastik (7 x 11 cm) lembar 200
2 Klip Obat plastik (10 x 15 cm) lembar 260

Standar Harga Satuan Upah Dan Bahan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 50
3 Blood Transfusion Set buah 22.180
4 Cat Gut Chromic USP 0 ktk/75 m 1.088.550
5 Cat Gut Chromic USP 1 ktk/75 m 1.165.450
6 Cat Gut Chromic USP 2 ktk/50 m 998.670
7 Cat Gut Chromic USP 2/0 ktk/100 m 1.165.450
8 Cat Gut Chromic USP 3/0 ktk/100 m 1.128.510
9 Cat Gut Chromic USP 4/0 ktk/100 m 1.113.530
10 Cat Gut Plain USP 0 ktk/75 m 1.088.550
11 Cat Gut Plain USP 1 ktk/75 m 1.088.550
12 Cat Gut Plain USP 2/0 ktk/100 m 1.165.450
13 Cat Gut Plain USP 3/0 ktk/100 m 1.128.510
14 Cat Gut Plain USP 4/0 ktk/100 m 1.113.530
1 2 3 4 5

15 Celona Synth. Padding 4" roll 10.790

16 Celona Synth. Padding 6" roll 16.550
17 Celona Xtra Pop 4" roll 22.770
18 Celona Xtra Pop 6" roll 30.560
19 Disp glass buah 190
20 Disp. syringe 1 cc buah 3.070
21 Disp. syringe 1 cc (Insulin) buah 3.360
22 Disp. syringe 10 cc buah 3.480
23 Disp. syringe 2,5 / 3 cc buah 2.230
24 Disp. syringe 20 cc buah 6.130
25 Disp. syringe 5 cc buah 2.700
26 Disp. syringe 50 cc buah 13.430
27 Elastis Verband 4 " (10 cm) roll 58.790
28 Elastis Verband 6 " (15 cm) roll 45.140
29 Elektrode Monitor/Elektrode ECG buah 3.280
30 Endotracheal Tube buah 50.630
31 Folley Catheter No. 10 buah 50.340
32 Folley Catheter No. 12 buah 14.390
33 Folley Catheter No. 14 buah 14.390
34 Folley Catheter No. 16 buah 14.390
35 Folley Catheter No. 18 buah 14.390
36 Folley Catheter No. 20 buah 14.390
37 Folley Catheter No. 22 buah 14.390
38 Folley Catheter No. 24 buah 14.390
39 Folley Catheter No. 8 buah 50.340
40 Gaas Hydrofil 40x80 cm roll 103.070
41 Glucose Test Strip Ktk /50 Str 479.360
42 Gypsona 4" (10 cm ) roll 28.950
43 Gypsona 6" (15 cm ) roll 38.040
44 Handschound No. 6 pasang 4.680
45 Handschound No. 6,5 pasang 4.800
46 Handschound No. 7 pasang 4.800
47 Handschound No. 7,5 pasang 4.800
48 Handschound No. 8 pasang 4.800
49 Handschound S/ XL pasang 490
50 Handyplast buah 150
51 Infusion set anak buah 13.550
52 Infusion set dewasa buah 10.190
53 IV Canula 16 - 22 G buah 10.790
54 IV Canula 24 G buah 14.390
55 IV Catheter No. 16/Abocath buah 21.110
56 IV Catheter No. 18 buah 24.570
57 IV Catheter No. 20 buah 24.570
58 IV Catheter No. 22 buah 24.570
59 IV Catheter No. 24 buah 24.570
60 Jarum Hecting (All Number) Lusin 6.820
61 Jarum Jahit Kulit ( G 8 F ) Lusin 6.000
62 Jarum Jahit Kulit ( GR 8 F ) Lusin 6.000
63 Kapas Lemak kilogram 30.530
64 Kapas Putih (Sari) kilogram 106.130
65 Karet ligasi Ktk/ 100 1.207.990

Standar Harga Satuan Upah Dan Bahan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 51
66 Kasa Steril 16 X 16 cm ktk 5.880
67 Kateter Epidura buah 66.910
68 Kertas CTG Pak 699.100
69 Kertas ECG (50x30 cm) roll 49.030
70 Kertas ECG (63x30 cm) / Channel roll 79.100
71 Kertas Indikator roll 199.780
72 Kertas USG roll 261.480
73 Mouth cup buah 3.150
74 Nasal Oksigen Canula (200 cm) buah 20.020
75 Papan Spalk 100 cm buah 4.030
76 Papan Spalk 50 cm buah 2.050
77 Plester Anak 5 cm x 5 m (Hypafix) buah 44.440
1 2 3 4 5

78 Plester Dewasa 5 cm X 4.5 m roll 21.670

79 Sapu Lidi buah 1.800
80 Scalpel Blades No. 11/15/20/22 buah 2.440
81 Scalvien needle 21-27 G buah 9.890
82 Silk Black USP 0 ktk/100 m 578.830
83 Silk Black USP 1 ktk/75 m 595.610
84 Silk Black USP 1/0 ktk/100 m 491.650
85 Silk Black USP 2/0 ktk/100 m 486.200
86 Silk Black USP 3/0 ktk/100 m 487.750
87 Silk Black USP 5/0 ktk/100 m 455.400
88 Soffband 4" buah 20.680
89 Soffband 6" buah 30.610
90 Spinal Needle 20 G buah 21.580
91 Spinal Needle 27 G buah 21.580
92 Spons 200x120x2 cm lembar 49.020
93 Stomach Tube Fr 10 buah 9.590
94 Stomach Tube Fr 12 buah 17.980
95 Stomach Tube Fr 14 buah 17.980
96 Stomach Tube Fr 16 buah 17.980
97 Stomach Tube Fr 18/Maagslang buah 17.980
98 Stomach Tube Fr 20 buah 7.200
99 Stomach Tube Fr 8 buah 9.590
100 Suction Catheter Dsp buah 9.590
101 Three Way + slang 10 cm buah 21.800
102 Urine Bag buah 3.170
103 Verband 10 cm roll 1.200
1 Alkohol 70 % fls/ 1 ltr 20.980
2 Alkohol 96 %/ Alkohol 95 % fls/ 1 ltr 21.580
3 Betadine skin cleanser fls/ 4,55 ltr 606.400
4 Chloraethyl 100 ml flas 110.260
5 First aid / Hibicet/savlon Gal / 5 ltr 909.840
6 Formalin Cair flas/1Ltr 18.730
7 Glycerin flas/ 1 ltr 31.210
8 Hibiscrub Gal / 5 lt 942.550
9 Jelly ECG / EKG flas 29.960
10 Jelly EEG Tube 169.780
11 Jelly USG Tube 335.560
12 KY Jelly tube 26.970
13 Parafin Liquid flas/ 1 ltr 56.930
14 Perhidrol 50 % Liter 59.430
15 Povidone Iodine fls/ 1 ltr 45.770
16 Xylocain 10% Spray flas 231.540


1 Formalin tablet fls/100 41.610

2 Iodium Kristal kg 269.640
3 KCl kg 47.940
4 Presept R 5 g tab 5.030
5 Talk powder kg 10.910
6 Vaselin album kg 26.020

Standar Harga Satuan Upah Dan Bahan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 52
1 Barium sulfat Kg 442.210
2 Developer Auto set 590.820
3 Film Gigi lembar 6.000
4 Film Mamografi lembar 23.370
5 Film CT Scan 28x35 cm lembar 34.680
6 Film Panoramic lembar 9.060
7 Film X-Ray 18x24 cm lembar 5.560
8 Film X-Ray 24x30 cm lembar 9.290
9 Film X-Ray 30x40 cm lembar 15.470

10 Film X-Ray 35x35 cm lembar 16.310

11 Fixer Auto Set 364.320

1 2 3 4 5


1 Acrilic bubuk heat cure Kg 239.680

2 Acrilic bubuk self cure kg 299.600
3 Acrilic liq heat cure Liter 179.760
4 Acrilic liq self cure Liter 209.720
5 Alvogyl flas 239.680
6 Amalgam kapsul box/ 50 329.560
7 Arsenic pasta flas 251.670
8 CHKM btl 50.940
9 Citoject unit 3.115.840
10 Cold Mould Seal Liter 203.730
11 Elite cement ( ZnO Cemen ) Set 92.280
12 Eugenol flas 50.940
13 Field cone buah 35.960
14 Fletcher powder flas 11.390
15 Fresser buah 53.930
16 Gigi full set set 50.340
17 Gigi RA/RB Anterior Set 14.390
18 Gigi RA/RB posterior Set 14.390
19 Gips Biru kilogram 19.780
20 Gips Putih kilogram 2.400
21 Hot Curing Akrilik (Powder+Liq) Set 281.630
22 Karpul Citoject Box / 100 89.880
23 Kawat Klamer 0,7 mm meter 4.330
24 Kawat Klamer 0,8 mm meter 5.400
25 Malam Merah / wax kotak/ 25 89.880
26 N2 Medical (Normal ) buah 311.590
27 Self Curing (powder+liq) Set 122.240
28 Silikate (powder + liquid/Luxilit) GI set 179.760
29 Spongostan Dental ktk/50 239.680
30 T K F flas 50.940
31 Tambalan Sementara/Cavit flas 59.920
32 Xylestesin A Inj Kaleng/50 249.640
33 Komposite light cure tube 191.750
34 Prime&Bond NT flas/4.5 ml 599.200
35 Liquid etching Fls/ 10 ml 53.930
36 Microbrush Fls/150 pc 143.810
37 Ceram-X Compact Starter Kit Set 1.096.540
1 Salep Mata Cendo Mycos tube 39.460
2 Salep mata cendo Fenicol tube 28.490
3 Salep Mata Cendo Mycetin tube 25.870
4 Salep Mata Gentamicyn 0,3 % tube 27.300
5 Salep Mata Terramycin 1% tube 17.880
6 Tetes Mata Cendo Mycos botol 39.810
7 Tetes Mata Cendo Asthenof botol 31.590
8 Tetes Mata Cendo Catarlent botol 45.930
9 Tetes Mata Cendo Efrisel botol 29.920
10 Tetes Mata Cendo Midriatyl botol 32.900
11 Tetes Mata Cendo Pantocain botol 24.440
12 Tetes Mata Cendo Timolol 0,5% botol 70.550

Standar Harga Satuan Upah Dan Bahan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 53
13 Tetes Mata Cenfres botol 35.280
14 Tetes Mata Siloxan botol 49.940
15 Tetes Hidung Iliadin Kinder / Spray Oxymetazoline 0,05% botol 31.590
16 Tetes Telinga Kloramfenikol @ 5 ml botol 3.820
17 Tetes Telinga Otolin botol 29.250
18 Tetes Telinga Otopain botol 40.640
19 Tetes Telinga Otopraf botol 38.260
20 Efrisel TM fls 18.280
21 Kemicetin SM tube 3.490
22 Kemicetin SK tube 8.710
23 Kloramfenikol SM Tube 1.720
24 Mydriatil 0,5 % TM fls/5 ml 24.720
1 2 3 4 5

25 Pantocain 0,5 % TM fls/5 ml 14.540

26 Tropin 0,5 % fls/5 ml 13.490
27 Xytrol TM fls/5 ml 28.170
1 Hemoglobin Kit 1.346.200
2 Bilirubin Kit 901.310
3 Ureum Kit 932.050
4 Creatinin Kit 1.012.050
5 Glucose Kit 1.188.220
6 Glucose Test Strip Tube 191.750
7 Urine Glucose Test Tube 130.600
8 Antisera Golongan Darah Set 267.650
9 Blood Lancet Kotak 44.350
10 Glucosure Plus Unit 1.536.950
1 Albothyl Buah 24.370
2 Diazepam 5 mg Supp./Stesolid Rec tube 17.980
3 Dulcolax Supp 10 mg supp 10.780
4 Dulcolax Supp 5 mg Supp 9.080
5 Pronalges supp supp 12.710
1 Acyclovir SK Tube 3.280
2 Gentamicin 0.1 % SK Tube 1.800
3 Hydrocortison 0.1 % SK Tube 3.090
4 Levertran SK Tube 1.770
5 Miconazol SK Tube 3.280
1 CB (Cygnet Bleach)/Pemutih kg 48.540
2 CS (Cygnet Sowur)/Penetral kg 48.540
3 Klorin granular 90% Gal (50kg) 5.992.000
4 Sabun bubuk CLAX 3FP kg 33.390
5 Sabun bubuk HAMIX kg 38.650
6 Sarung tangan karet pasang 23.020
7 Short plastik miks lembar 29.670

1. Bahan dan Alat Kesehatan


1 2 3 4 5

1 Aqua bidest (500 cc/btl) botol 11.870
2 Betadin liter 236.090
3 Hibitan Concentrate 5 % liter 223.990
4 1,10 Phenantroline Monohidrate/C12H8N2 2H2O Gram 119.400
5 Aceton GR liter 126.140
6 Acetonitril Kit 1.033.620
7 Acetic Acid Kg 269.640
8 Advia pak 9.151.290
9 Aquadest, 20 liter jerigen 112.350
10 AIM TB Rapid Card kit 1.753.110
11 Alkohol 95% pa liter 146.810

Standar Harga Satuan Upah Dan Bahan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 54
12 Aluminium Foil kotak 52.430
13 Amikacyn Kit 314.580
14 Ammonia 25% GR liter 250.920
15 Amoniak/NH3 Liter 3.960
16 Amonium Hiptamolibdate(NH4)6Mo7024 4H2O Gram 1.070
17 Amoxicilin kit 311.140
18 Amoxicillin 500 mg cap OGB Box 94.260
19 Amphetamine kit 1.123.500
20 Anisol botol 524.300
21 Anti D / Rhesus botol 527.300
22 Anti HCV kit 988.680
23 Anti HIV 1-2/GO kit 4.317.840
1 2 3 4 5

24 Anti Hp tes 48.690

25 Anti Sera V. Cholero Agawa Kit 846.370
26 Anti Sera V. Cholero Inciba Kit 846.370
27 Anti Sera A,B,AB,D kit 449.400
28 Anti Sera Dijsentrieol Kit 846.370
29 Anti Sera E. coli 1-5 bio farma kit 846.370
30 Anti sera E. coli 6-11 Bio Farma kit 846.370
31 Anti Sera E. Coli, 1-5 Kit 846.370
32 Anti Sera E. Coli, 6-11 Kit 846.370
33 Anti Sera Shicjella Flexneri Kit 846.370
34 Anti Sera Shicjella Sonei Kit 846.370
35 Antigen Brucella Dosis 750
36 Antigen Widal murex Set 2.254.490
37 Antis Mili 36.520
38 Antisera Vibrio cholera inaba vial 651.930
39 Antisera Vibrio cholera ogawa vial 651.930
40 Aquades liter 134.820
41 Aquadest gram 4.500
42 Aquadest Botol 7.490
43 Aquadest steril ofsuka Liter 25.470
44 Arang aktif p.a gram 2.700
45 Arsen Oksix gram 959.170
46 Asam ASetat Glacial 100% pa liter 185.760
47 Asam barbiturat gram 412.250
48 Asam Citrat Botol 262.150
49 Asam Mefenamat 500 mg Box 56.930
50 Asam nitrat (HNO3) Kit 395.480
51 Asecton liter 558.760
52 ASeton P.A Merck liter 575.190
53 Aspar K Liderli Box 334.720
54 Autoclave tape gulung 470.320
55 Autoclove Electric Unit 95.881.740
56 Auzym Monoclonal kit 4.307.350
57 Bacto pipton Lembar 1.246.340
58 Bak Stainles Buah 115.350
59 Batang Pengaduk biji 3.000
60 Batang pengaduk kecil Biji 6.000
61 Baterai Senter Besar Emergezer Buah 3.840
62 Bayclin Liter 16.930
63 Beker Glas 1000 ml Pyrek Buah 134.820
64 Beker Glas 2000 ml pyek Buah 239.680
65 Benang Mata 10.0 W.9003G Ethicon Box 3.138.670
66 Benang Mata 5.0 W.528 Ethicon Box 2.397.180
67 Benang Mata 8.0 W.1822 Ethicon Box 3.265.910
68 Benang Opthalmic 10,0 Ethicon Sacet 293.610
69 Benang Opthalmic 8,0 Ethicon Sacet 293.610
70 Bensodiazepine kit 1.123.500
71 Benzotreazol kg 1.892.580
72 BGLB Buah 1.635.820
73 BGLB lb 1.919.690
74 Biconus Buah 344.540

Standar Harga Satuan Upah Dan Bahan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 55
75 Bilirubin D-T 10291 Kit 778.960
76 Blade Scalpel No. 4 kotak 374.500
77 Blade scalpel No.4 Box 576.730
78 Blood agar plate Buah 2.011.670
79 Blood Control kit 1.042.260
80 Bokasi Botol 41.200
81 Boric Acid Crystal/H3BO3 Gram 2.020
82 Bornemec Dosis 6.000
83 Botol Tutup Karet bh 360
84 Buffer Sol pH4 Liter 808.920
85 Buffer Sol pH7 Liter 808.920
86 Buffer Sol pH7 Liter 808.920
1 2 3 4 5

87 Buku Tes Buta Warna Ishara Buah 575.240

88 Ca Cl 2 kit 524.300
89 Ca Cl 20,025 m Vial 224.700
90 CaCI2 vial 210.920
91 Calcium Carbonat?CaCO3 Gram 88.390
92 Calcium Hidroxide/Ca(OH)2 Gram 1.300
93 Calsium Chlorida gram 1.050
94 Calsium Nitrate4-hydrat gram 1.110
95 Camphaon sulfa Kit 314.580
96 Cannabinoide kit 1.123.500
97 Carbon Tetrachlor/CC14 Liter 1.415.610
98 Cartridge Loading Divice For 0,25 Straw Buah 7.490.000
99 Cat BTA kit 449.400
100 Cawan Schot merk schot Buah 95.880
101 Cecetric Acid liter 876.330
102 Centrifuge Unit 61.605.250
103 Cholesterol Bio Merriux kit 2.309.570
104 Choloform botol 778.220
105 Cimon Citrat Lembar 2.005.830
106 Cleaning Solution botol 1.123.500
107 Clidamicin Kit 314.580
108 Clyndamycin merk oxoid kit 311.120
109 COD Hach kit 13.630.310
110 Copper II Sulfat 5 H2o pa Kg 988.680
111 Cover Glass 18 x 18 mm ( 50 buah / kotak ) Kotak 52.430
112 Cover glass asistent Biji 23.970
113 Creatinin merck Kotak 838.880
114 Crystal Violet, 25 gram botol 621.670
115 Curah Hujan otomatis Buah 27.600.650
116 Curcumin Gram 7.720
117 Cuter for Semen Straws Buah 164.780
118 Cholest 4 x 100 kit 23.105.940
119 Dengue Blood Kit (DBD) AIM kit 2.247.000
120 Dengue Stick IgM kit 2.475.300
121 Dengue trypline kit 3.641.640
122 Detergent l 1.944.560
123 Diastik merk Bayer kit 322.140
124 Diethyl Ether pa liter 357.280
125 Dilluent l 1.944.560
126 Diperser 1-5 ml untuk Nacl Solution Buah 6.591.200
127 Dipottasium Hidrogen Phosphat/KH2PO4 Gram 1.550
128 Director Cone From Latex Buah 299.600
129 Di-Sodium Hydrogen Phosphate/Na2HPo4 Gram 495.090
130 Dispenser bh 1.460.550
131 Dispossible Capilarutube (1000 bh / bag ) Bag 434.420
132 Dispossible Pipate Tip Buah 520
133 Double Stick Tape Thin Verson 0,12 mm Buah 3.370.500
134 Drabkin ml 366.490
135 Drabkin merk Humam kit 805.330
136 Dranching gun Unit 711.550
137 DST Agar botol 823.900

Standar Harga Satuan Upah Dan Bahan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 56
138 EC medium Lembar 2.258.240
139 EDTA Kristal kit 1.123.500
140 EDTA Kristal mg 194.220
141 Ektran neutral liter 461.390
142 Ema Botol 37.450
143 Emiter ( Jaringan teknologi irigasi tetes) Buah 4.650
144 Erlemeyer 1000 ml pyek Buah 157.290
145 Erlemeyer Pyrex Buah 38.350
146 Erygon Liter 104.860
147 Eter,1 Liter botol 464.380
148 Ethanol, 500 ml botol 411.950
149 Extran liter 426.930
1 2 3 4 5

150 Extrcin Netral 2,5 liter Kit 835.890

151 Filing Head With 6 Nozzles for Mini Straw 0,25 cc Buah 2.921.100
152 Filling and Sealing System Buah 52.430
153 Filter 405 mm Buah 5.016.480
154 Filter 492 mm Buah 4.954.780
155 Filter 578 mm Buah 4.954.780
156 Floating Freezer Rack for 0,25 cc Straw Buah 47.187.000
157 Gaas Gulung 40 cm x 80 cm Kasalflusad/BB Rol 151.890
158 Gaas Kotak 16 x 16 Kasalflusad/BB Pak 3.750
159 Gas Acetyline Tabung 1.685.250
160 Gas Asitilen tabung 1.273.300
161 Gelas Ukur (Peralatan Dist & Pengolahan Semen) Buah 100.370
162 Gelas ukur 100 ml pyneks Buah 68.160
163 Gentamaycin 80 mg inj OGB Vial 10.120
164 Giemsa ml 1.148.970
165 Giemsa, 100 ml botol 380.500
166 Gilserol Botol 419.440
167 Glass Botle 250 ml Buah 67.410
168 Glass Ukur 100 ml Buah 104.860
169 Glass Ukur 250 ml Buah 194.740
170 Glicerin, 250 gram botol 734.020
171 Gliserin Box 381.990
172 Gliserol/C8H8o3 Liter 840
173 Glucosa PAP kit 852.140
174 Glucosse Bio Merriux kit 833.140
175 Gluko Test Stik Kit 214.220
176 Glukose Anhidrous botol 1.123.500
177 Glukose Fosfat Broth botol 1.123.500
178 Glukose merk Rajawali kit 853.270
179 Golongan Darah ABO Set 439.460
180 Gresang Stik For AV Buah 524.300
181 Gunting Lurus Besar 18 cm Buah 52.430
182 Gusanec spray Buah 134.820
183 Haemocytometer Unit 749.000
184 Handle Scalpel No. 4 Buah 37.450
185 Hayem l 222.910
186 HC1, 1 liter botol 187.250
187 HCI PA Kit 389.480
188 Hexaplex 100 ml Buah 29.960
189 Hydroxyl Ammonium Chloride/HONH3C1 Gram 128.380
190 Inne Liner For AV dan Karet Buah 322.070
191 Insemination Glove, 5 Fingers Buah 2.658.950
192 Instalated Clamp for The Handling Canester Buah 269.640
193 IOL Rohto/Alcon Buah 778.960
194 Jam ARR theis Buah 9.722.020
195 Jarum 1 25 G x 1/2 Terumo/BD Box 84.440
196 Jarum 26 G x 1/2 Terumo/BD Box 84.440
197 Jarum 5 23 G x 1 1/4 Terumo/BD Box 84.440
198 Jarum disposible 18 G 13/8 Biji 1.500
199 Jarum jahit kit Bungkus 112.350
200 Jarum lufus abuket Buah 52.430

Standar Harga Satuan Upah Dan Bahan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 57
201 Kaca penutup kamar hitung Buah 29.960
202 kalium lodida gram 10.490
203 Kanamicin kit 311.140
204 Kapsul Yodium kapsul 1.410
205 Kapur barus kg 34.460
206 Karet filter germany Buah 116.850
207 Kartu Golongan Darah biji 1.130
208 Kasa Gulung - 143.810
209 Kawat Ose Kaca Buah 11.240
210 Kawat Saring lbr 2.400
211 Kertas ECG roll 26.970
212 Kertas Karton lbr 970
1 2 3 4 5

213 Kertas lensa Biji 30.540

214 Kertas Minyak lbr 1.500
215 Kertas PH botol 1.123.500
216 Kertas Saring lbr 9.590
217 Kertas saring Whtman No. 42 Diameter 125 mm pak 695.800
218 Kertas Whatman bh 492.700
219 Ketamil 50 ml Botol 636.650
220 Kidmey Bain (Nierbeken) Buah 38.950
221 KNO3 gram 1.190
222 Kontainer Jumbo-12, ex India Unit 24.192.700
223 Lacrose plat Buah 1.246.340
224 Lactose broth lb 1.572.900
225 Laktose Monohidrat botol 1.123.500
226 Lampu Buah 419.870
227 Lampu 12 V/ 20 W Buah 419.870
228 Lampu 220 V/ 30 W Buah 486.850
229 Lampu Buncen Buah 32.960
230 Lampu Halogen bh 359.150
231 Lapisan asbes 0,20 cm x 1,22 x 2,44 Buah 1.228.590
232 Larutan Asam Alkohol 3% botol 13.490
233 Larutan BCB botol 823.900
234 Larutan Drabkin botol 1.429.100
235 Larutan Drabkin Rajawali kit 1.429.100
236 Larutan Drobkin Vial 1.438.080
237 Larutan Methilen Blue 0,3% botol 16.860
238 Larutan Ress - Ecker Botol 164.780
239 Larutan Truck Botol 164.780
240 Larutan Turk ml 153.400
241 Larutan Turuk botol 37.450
242 Lem Anamnesa dan Pem Fisik (RM 3a, 3b) Lembar 230
243 Lienersion Buah 414.950
244 Loading and Counting Device Buah 7.190.400
245 Lodida pa gram 3.600
246 Lyse l 1.801.350
247 Lysin Lembar 584.220
248 Lysin Decarbosylase merk Oxoid kit 435.270
249 M.Q.A Inami Box 638.150
250 Mac Concey agar (MCA) lbr 2.366.840
251 Mac Conkey 0 + C4O4 lbr 1.081.440
252 Macro Cuvette untuk SDM 5 Buah 1.090
253 Magnesium Sulpat Heptahydrat Pro Analysis gram 749.000
254 Magnetic Stirrer Bar, 30 mm Buah 91.380
255 Magnetic Stirrer Without Heather Buah 10.560.900
256 Manitol for mikrobiologi botol 1.123.500
257 Manual Printer HDR 65/133 for Mini Straw Unit 126.655.900
258 Masker Lokal Biji 2.870
259 Mc Counkey Agar botol 1.123.500
260 Mefinamid Acid 250 mg Tanabe Box 38.650
261 Menocyclin Kit 314.580
262 Metal Type Buah 22.470
263 Meter Air ukuran 0,50 inchi Unit 599.200

Standar Harga Satuan Upah Dan Bahan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 58
264 Meter Air ukuran 0,75 inchi Unit 1.123.500
265 Meter Air ukuran 1,00 inchi Unit 2.471.700
266 Meter Air ukuran 1,25 inchi Unit 2.846.200
267 Meter Air ukuran 1,50 inchi Unit 3.520.300
268 Meter Air ukuran 1,75 inchi Unit 5.992.000
269 Meter Air ukuran 2,00 inchi Unit 7.115.500
270 Meter Air ukuran 2,50 inchi Unit 8.776.790
271 Meter Air ukuran 3,00 inchi Unit 9.774.450
272 Meter Air ukuran 4,00 inchi Unit 11.984.000
273 Methanol liter 330.610
274 Methanol, 500 ml botol 209.720
275 Methyl Orange Indikator/C14H12N3NaO3 Gram 26.200
1 2 3 4 5

276 Micri Slide 76 x 26 mm ( 50 buah / kotak ) Buah 71.160

277 Microscope Phase Contras CH 20 Unit 44.940.000
278 Mikro pipet tip Bungkus 419.440
279 Mikrococor rol 29.710
280 Mikroskop monokuler Unit 8.613.500
281 Mini Straw 0,25 cc - 900
282 Minyak sereh liter 7.640
283 Monitor salt agar Lembar 973.700
284 Monitor Surgeli Set Set 69.797.440
285 Morphine HCl Vial 486.850
286 MQA (Depper ) Inami Kotak 614.180
287 Multi vitamin anjing Buah 112.350
288 Multistik 10 SG pcs 584.220
289 Myo Inositol gram 53.180
290 Na Citrat Kristal mg 52.430
291 Na CL PA merak kg 352.030
292 NA OH merak Kg 314.580
293 Natrium Molibdate gram 37.450
294 Natrium Hidroxide Kg 1.123.500
295 Natrium Sulfat gram 2.366.840
296 Neir Beken biji 704.060
297 NH4NO3 gram 37.450
298 Nirro Furorain Kit 179.760
299 Nistatin Kit 311.140
300 Nitrogen Cair Liter 29.960
301 Novaldon 100 ml (100 ml) Botol 89.880
302 Obat semprot malaria Kg 1.123.500
303 Obat-obatan (B.12) Ampul 30.540
304 Object glass merk Sail Brand Box 1.207.390
305 Obstrik instrumne Unit 14.980
306 OBT kit 38.350
307 Obyek Glass Box 2.247.000
308 Obyek glass Sail brand Box 381.990
309 Obyek gllas sail brand Kotak 2.247.000
310 Oil slul kompor solar Set 269.640
311 ONPG Kit 659.120
312 ONPG merk oxoid kit 231.009.580
313 Opiate kit 115.945.200
314 Optatip Kartu Untuk Buta Huruf Lembar 29.960
315 Optatip Kartu Untuk Melek Huruf Lembar 52.510
316 Optem Cauter Akon / Aron Biji 57.380
317 Optic Diagnostik Set Biji 61.800
318 Ose biji 112.350
319 Oxytral 100 ml Buah 53.180
320 Oxytral 100 ml (100 ml) Botol 52.430
321 Panacur 2,5 % (500 ml) obat-obatan Botol 352.030
322 Panicilin G Kit 314.580
323 Pasir Kuarsa Kg 37.450
324 PDD kit 1.123.500
325 PCA Lb 2.366.840
326 Pembakar Bunson Kit 704.060

Standar Harga Satuan Upah Dan Bahan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 59
327 Pembasmi hama liter 37.450
328 Pengering bulu Buah 179.760
329 Penicilin kit 311.140
330 Penicillin 3.000 UI Botol 29.960
331 Penjepit / Kerontang biji 89.880
332 Penol Red botol 1.123.500
333 Penutup Kamar Hitung bh 30.540
334 Pepron water buah 1.207.390
335 Perban Gip Buah 14.980
336 Petridish bh 38.350
337 Petrolium Benzen Set 2.247.000
338 Petrolium Benzen 1Liter 381.990
1 2 3 4 5

339 PH Meter Soitester DM 15 Set 2.247.000

340 Phenol, 250 gram botol 269.640
341 Phostoxin tbg/btl 659.120
342 Photometer Unit 231.009.580
343 Photometer SDM 5 Unit 115.945.200
344 PinSet Anatomi 14 cm Buah 29.960
345 Pipet 1 ml bh 52.510
346 Pipet 10 ml bh 57.380
347 Pipet 5 ml bh 61.800
348 Pipet beserta Karet kotak 112.350
349 Pipet HB Buah 44.940
350 Pipet LED Wintrom Buah 48.690
351 Pipet Leucosit Buah 49.440
352 Plasma Coagulan level - 1 Vial 254.660
353 Plasma Cog Control L VL.1 vial 242.560
354 Plate count agar Lembar 2.142.140
355 Poladium Clorida gram 2.725.620
356 Polimixin B Kit 314.580
357 Polypinil Alkohol (PVA) btl/lte 876.330
358 Postasium lodida buah 771.470
359 Pot Plastik Buah 450
360 Pot Urine bh 1.760
361 Potasium Pormanganat GR gram 1.350
362 Potasium Sulfat pa Kg 494.340
363 Pottasium Dihidrogen Phospahat/KH2PO4 gram 3.790
364 Pottasium Dihidrogen Pthalate/C8H4KO4 Gram 973.700
365 Pottasium Nitrat/KNO3 gram 720
366 Pottasium Permaganat/KMnO4 Gram 2.560
367 PPD 5 TU kit 347.070
368 PPD Mantoux vial 647.140
369 Prassure Gauge/Manometer (25 Ton,500KN,2000KN) Buah 5.243.000
370 Precinorm U kit 2.621.500
371 Precinorm U kit 1.226.870
372 PrinSet biji 32.960
373 Propoxure Vial 486.850
374 Protecting Glove for Liquid Nitrogen Buah 2.471.700
375 Pump body Buah 604.090
376 Pyrodoxsin Hcl gram 2.700
377 Quicklock (A.I.Gun) Unit 269.640
378 Rack for 24 Test Tubes 18 mm in 2 Rows, Widht 50 mm Buah 696.570
379 Rack for Freezing 100 pcs Mini Straw 0,25 cc Buah 2.891.140
380 Rack for Water Bath, for 10 Bottle Buah 1.033.620
381 Rak Tabung Besar Lab. Aid biji 179.760
382 Rak Tabung Kecil Lab. Aid biji 131.080
383 Rak tabung reaksi stines Buah 52.430
384 Rangkaian detektor Set 2.724.720
385 Reagen Golongan Darah Tulip kit 383.490
386 Reagen Katalase botol 823.900
387 Reagen Oxidase Stix kit 2.247.000
388 Reagen Staphy kit 1.123.500
389 Reesecker pcs 43.820

Standar Harga Satuan Upah Dan Bahan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 60
390 Roborantia Botol 127.330
391 RPHA kotak 545.280
392 Sabun (bahan kimia desinfectan) Buah 3.000
393 Sarung Tangan kotak 262.150
394 Sealing Ball, Metal for Straw 0,25 cc Straw - 190
395 Sealing System Buah 486.850
396 Selenith Broth Base botol 1.123.500
397 Selotip bening rol 19.180
398 Semen Collection Vial Buah 82.390
399 Set of Alpha-Numerical Character Unit 554.260
400 Set of Alpha-Numerical Characters 9.886.800
401 Silet pak Goal Pak 12.440
1 2 3 4 5

402 Silver Nitrat/AgNo3 Gram 39.850

403 Simon Sitrat Agar botol 1.123.500
404 Single Bor Buah 1.123.500
405 Slide mikroskop Box 52.430
406 Slide stroge Box kayu Buah 29.960
407 Slide stroge Box plastik Buah 37.450
408 Sodium Hidroxide Pellets/NaOH Gram 860
409 Sodium Hydroksida pa Kg 262.150
410 Sodium Iodid/Nal Gram 6.800
411 Spectinomycin merk oxoid kit 311.120
412 Speculum kecil Biji 89.880
413 Speculum sedang Biji 89.880
414 Sprit Kulox L1 (20 ml) Botol 134.820
415 Spritus Botol 19.480
416 Spuit 5 ml bd 263.650
417 SS Agar botol 1.123.500
418 Standard BP Buah 352.030
419 Standard BPMC Vial 486.850
420 Standard Carbofuran Vial 486.850
421 Standard DDT Vial 486.850
422 Standard Diazimon Vial 486.850
423 Standard Dichloroposh Vial 486.850
424 Standard Fenitrotion Vial 486.850
425 Stang Sondir Meter 449.400
426 Sterilizer Sterivar Unit 67.559.800
427 Straw Cartridge cap 36 x 0,25 cc Straw Buah 202.230
428 Strechmin powder Buah 5.992.000
429 Streptomicin kit 311.140
430 Strer biji 23.020
431 Stromatolyser 3 WP SRP-200 A kit 3.370.500
432 Sucion Head With 6 Nozzles for Mini Straw 0,25 cc Buah 2.921.100
433 Sufit indol metilyty Lembar 1.937.670
434 Sukrose for Mikrobiologi botol 1.123.500
435 Sulfolyser SLS-210 A kit 3.370.500
436 Sulfuric Acid 95% pa liter 128.830
437 Tabramycin merk Oxoid kit 311.120
438 Tabung Durham bh 3.150
439 Tabung Erlenmeyer 250 ml Buah 247.170
440 Tabung Erlenmeyer 250 ml Buah 449.400
441 Tabung kapiler heparin Buah 55.430
442 Tabung Nesier Pyrek Buah 134.820
443 Tabung Reaksi 15 ml bh 7.080
444 Tabung Reaksi 20 ml bj 6.820
445 Tabung Reaksi 5 ml bh 5.140
446 Tabung Serologi bh 3.900
447 Tali Rafia Kg 18.730
448 TCBS Agar Lembar 1.518.980
449 Telur bebek biji 2.100
450 Tempat makan anjing Buah 7.490
451 Tes Indol botol 2.107.690
452 Test card Benzodiazepam Kit 1.314.500

Standar Harga Satuan Upah Dan Bahan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 61
453 Test card Cocain Kit 1.314.500
454 Test card MDMA Kit 1.314.500
455 Test card Methampetamin Kit 1.314.500
456 Test card morphin Kit 1.314.500
457 Test card THC Kit 1.314.500
458 Testiter antibody (injectamin 50 ml) Buah 58.880
459 Tetracilin Disk Oxoid kit 310.390
460 Thermohigrometer Buah 2.996.000
461 Thermometer Buah 269.640
462 Thermometer Digital Buah 973.700
463 Thiamin HCL gram 2.700
464 Thinner for ER Printing Ink Buah 2.396.800
1 2 3 4 5

465 Thromboplastin vial 284.620

466 Timer Up dan Down Buah 183.660
467 Tinta Tanda Imunisasi Buah 5.250
468 Tissue Gulung Nicc Creatinin Bio Merriux rol 4.500
469 Tobramicin Kit 314.580
470 Toluen pa liter 240.130
471 Topi Lokal/Dispomed Biji 38.270
472 Total Protein VDRL kit 503.330
473 Tri-Calsium Phosphate kg 1.153.460
474 Tries Aminomethan (bahan prosessing mani beku) Botol 449.400
475 Triple sugar iron Lembar 1.402.130
476 Trombolplstin Vial 292.110
477 Trombosil Vial 329.560
478 Trombosil kit 2.247.000
479 Trombosil vial 316.380
480 Tromol 13 cc Biji 467.380
481 Tromol 27 cc Biji 370.010
482 Twiezers for Semen Straw Crank Shape 26 cm Buah 277.130
483 Twiezers Stainless Steel 30 cm Straw Buah 599.200
484 Twiezers With Tip 45 Degree Angke Length 30 cm Buah 868.840
485 untuk mini straw 0,25 cc Straw Unit 106.657.600
486 Urea agar base Lb 2.372.840
487 Urea merk Bio Merieux kit 717.550
488 Uric Acid kit 3.355.520
489 Ureum kit 838.880
490 Vacumtainer 3 ml biji 3.600
491 Vacumtainer 5 ml biji 4.050
492 Vacuum With Adjustable Valve Buah 10.456.040
493 Vancomicin Kit 314.580
494 Vancomycin merk Oxoid kit 311.120
495 Varicon Speculum Buah 217.210
496 Varipete 10-100 ui dengan Digital Buah 9.212.700
497 Venoject 5 ml BD biji 4.500
498 Venoject holder Buah 1.500
499 Venoject needle18 gx 13/8 Buah 4.120
500 Venoject tube 10 ml Buah 5.250
501 Vocum Tarner 5 ml Kit 1.378.160
502 Warning Cabinet Unit 78.045.800
503 Wasner for Filing and Suction Nozzles Buah 340
504 Waterbath With Electronic Temperature Control Unit 15.729.000
505 Widal set 3.826.350
506 Widal Slide Murck Set 2.254.350
507 Zycol, 200 ml botol 296.610
Habis pakai
1 Kapas kompres 40/40 steril bungkus 1.710
2 Kasa pembalut 2 x 80 cm bungkus 10.720
3 Kasa pembalut hidrofil 4 m x 15 cm bungkus 4.110
4 Pembalut Gips bungkus 7.400
5 Plester 5 yard x 2 inc bungkus 8.750
6 Catgut/benang bedah no.2/0 - 3/0 dengan jarum bedah 24 x 70 cm/kotak 259.740

Standar Harga Satuan Upah Dan Bahan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 62
7 Silk (benang bedah sutera) no.3/0 dengan jarum bedah 13x3x75 cm/kotak 251.530
8 Benang ethicon silk 8,0 (Virgin Silk) pack 6.111.840
9 Benang Mata Atraumatic black slik 5,0 Double Needle pack 4.434.080
10 Benang Mata Atraumatic nylon 10,0 Sharppin pack 3.834.880
11 Hearing Aid AXVA buah 587.220
12 Intra ocular lens, Posterior, 17,0 - 18,0 D pack 230.100
13 Intra ocular lens, Posterior, 19,0 - 20,0 D buah 230.100
14 Masker operasi disposible (50/box) box 147.890
15 MQA dapper pack 632.760
16 Optemp cauter USA buah 572.840
17 Suture Dexon 6,0 pack 1.557.920
18 Suture Nylon 8,0 pack 3.725.830
1 2 3 4 5

19 Topi disposible (100 buah/box) box 143.810

20 Viscoelastis Vitrax / Appevisc 3 mm with Springe buah 131.830
21 Cutisorb Sterile 10 cm x 10 cm ( 50 lbr/box ) box 17.050
22 Disposible syringe 1 cc ( 100 bh/pack ) box 500.720
23 Disposible syringe 2,5 cc ( 100 bh/pack ) box 314.830
24 Disposible syringe 5 cc ( 100 bh/pack ) box 404.440
25 Disposible syrinnge 10 cc ( 100 bh/pack ) box 539.690
26 Hibitan Concentrate 5 % (ltr) liter 289.450
27 Elastis Verban (elastomull), 8 cm x 4 m (rol) rol 46.490
28 First-Aid Antiseptik (ltr) liter 288.150
29 Intra ocular lens, Posterior, 170,0 - 18,0 D ( 1 bh/pack ) pack 280.630
30 Intra ocular lens, Posterior, 19,0 - 20,0 D ( 1 bh/pack ) pack 280.630
31 Kapas ( kg ) kg 123.110
32 Kassa Steril ( kotak ) kotak 14.550
33 Kassa 40 m x 80 cm ( gulung ) gulung 177.800
34 Masker operasi ( 50/box ) box 191.140
35 Mata pisau no 11 (100 / box) box 110.350
36 MQA Dapper (12 bgks/pack) pack 765.190
37 Optemp cauter ( pack ) USA buah 630.490
38 Plester kecil 5 m x 1,25 cm Leukofix ( 20 rol/box ) box 309.890
39 Plester kecil 9,2 m x 1,25 cm Leukofix ( 20 rol/box ) box 417.070
40 Sarung tangan 6,5 ( bh ) / ( 50 bh/box ) box 762.640
41 Sarung tangan 7 ( bh ) / ( 50bh/box ) box 762.640
42 Sarung tangan 7,5 ( bh ) / ( 50 bh/box ) box 762.640
43 Shield Eye (buah) buah 4.890
44 Suture Dexon 6,0 ( 12 pcs/pack ) (St 1625 USS DG) pack 1.970.220
45 Suture Nylon 8,0 ( 12 pcs/pack ) pack 4.254.060
46 Symcoe ( pcs ) 1/A Canula USA buah 706.400
47 Topi disposible (100/box) box 185.900
48 Viscoelastis Vitrax / Appevisc 3 mm with Springe buah 151.820

2. Binatang Percobaan

No Uraian Satuan HARGA (Rp) KETERANGAN

1 2 3 4 5

1. Harga hewan percobaan :

- Kambing ekor 647.790

2. Biaya pemeliharaan
- Kambing ekor/hari 5.920

3. Obat Pelayanan Kesehatan Dasar

No Uraian Satuan HARGA (Rp) KETERANGAN

1 2 3 4 5

A. Obat Sangat Esensial

1 Albendazol tablet 400 mg 30 tablet 10.960

2 Amoksisilin kapsul 250 mg 120 kapsul 23.950

3 Garam oralit serbuk 100 sanchet 36.510

4 Glukosa larutan infus 5 % steril botol 500 ml 4.580

5 Glukosa larutan infus 10 % steril botol 500 ml 4.930

6 Glukosa larutan infus 40 % steril 10 amp@25 ml 12.470

7 Iodiol kapsul lunak 100 kapsul 111.460

Standar Harga Satuan Upah Dan Bahan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 63
8 Kloramfenikol kapsul 250 mg 250 kapsul 45.880

9 Klorokuin tablet 150 mg 1000 tablet 70.040

10 Kodein fosfat tablet 10 mg 250 tablet 116.390

11 Kombinasi pirimetamin 25 mg + Sulfadoxin 500 mg 100 tablet 12.310

Kotrimoksazol Tablet Kombinasi : sulfametoksazol 400 mg + Trimetprin
12 100 tablet 11.990
80 mg
13 Sulfametoksazol 100 mg + Trimetoprin 20 mg 100 tablet 5.990

14 Kuinin (kina) tablet 200 mg 60 tablet 17.950

15 Kuinin dihidroklorida injeksi 25 % - 2 ml 30 ampul 42.120

16 Natrium klorida larutan infus 0,9 % steril botol 500 ml 4.870

17 Oksitosin injeksi 10 IU/ml - 1 ml 30 ampul 64.180

18 Pirantel tablet 125 mg 60 tablet 13.480

1 2 3 4 5

19 Prazikuantel tablet 600 mg 100 tablet 191.750

20 Prednison tablet 5 mg 1000 tablet 45.670

21 Primakuin tablet 15 mg 1000 tablet 35.960

22 Ringer laktat larutan infus steril botol 500 ml 5.780

23 Serum anti bisa ular polivalen injeksi 5 ml (ABU I) 10 vial/kotak 848.350

24 Serum anti bisa ular polivalen injeksi 50 ml (ABU II) 1 vial/kotak 32.337.600

25 Serum anti difteri injeksi 20.000 IU/vial (A.B.S) 10 vial/kotak 2.318.570

26 serum anti tetanus injeksi 1.500 Iu/ampul (A.T.S) 10 ampul/kotak 181.230

27 serum anti tetanus injeksi 20.000 Iu/ampul (A.T.S) 10 vial/kotak 1.258.210

28 Tiopental natrium serb inj 1000 mg/amp ampul@10ml 76.420

29 Vaksin rabies vero 1 kuur/set 369.110

30 Obat Gigi

- Devitalisasi pasta (non arsen) botol/kotak 466.180

- Etil klorida semprot botol 100 ml 97.550

- Glass ionomer cement (GC IX) set/botol 479.360

- Kalsium hidroksida pasta 2 tube/kotak 245.360

- Klorfenol kamfer menthol (CHKM) botol 10 ml 58.450

- Mummifying pasta botol/kotak 165.210

- Semen zeng fosfat serbuk dan cairan set@30 gr/botol 96.670

- Temporary stopping fletcher (Fletcher) serbuk dan cairan set@100 gr/botol 8.230

B. Obat Esensial

1 Alopurinol tablet 100 mg 100 tablet/kotak 14.390

2 Aminofilin tablet 200 mg 100 tablet/kotak 9.630

3 Amitriptilin HCI tablet salut 25 mg 100 tablet/kotak 11.050

4 Anti Bakteri DOEN salep kombinasi : 25 tube@5gr/kotak 51.540

5 Antihemoroid DOEN Kombinasi 10 supp/kotak 17.630

6 Antifungsi DOEN Kombinasi 24 pot @30 g/kotak 33.210

7 Antimigren

Ergotamin Tartrat 1 mg + Cafein 50 mg 100 tablet/botol 12.330

8 Antifarkinson DOEN tablet kombinasi : 100 tablet/kotak 116.360

9 Aqua pro injeksi steril, bebas pirogen 10 vial@20 ml/kotak 17.980

10 Asam Askorbat (Vit. C) tablet 50 mg 1000 tablet/botol 22.350

11 Asam Askorbat (Vit. C) tablet 250 mg 250 tablet/botol 22.180

12 Asetosal tablet 100 mg 100 tablet/kotak 7.140

13 Asetosal tablet 500 mg 100 tablet/kotak 11.950

14 Atropin sulfat tablet 0,5 mg 500 tablet/botol 15.710

15 Atropin sulfat tetes mata 0,5 % 24 btl@5ml/kotak 80.570

16 Betametason krim 0,1 % 25 tube@5 gr/kotak 53.930

17 Deksametason tablet 0,5 mg 1000 tablet/botol 28.870

18 Dekstran 70 - larutan infus 6 % steril botol 500 ml 44.830

19 Dektrometorfan sirup 10 mg/5 ml botol 60 ml 2.880

20 Dektrometorfan tablet 15 mg 1000 tablet/kotak 42.720

21 Diazepam tablet 2 mg 1000 tablet/kotak 15.830

22 Diazepam tablet 5 mg 250 tablet/kotak 8.630

23 Digoksin tablet 0,25 mg 100 tablet/kotak 9.980

24 Efedrin HCL tablet 25 mg 1000 tablet/botol 42.430

25 Ekstrak Belladon tablet 10 mg 1000 tablet/botol 21.450

26 Etakridin (Rivanol) larutan 0,1 % botol 300 ml 1.590

27 Fenitoin Natrium injeksi 50 mg/ml ampul@2 ml/kotak 61.030

28 Fenitoin Natrium kapsul 30 mg 250 kapsul/botol 17.400

Standar Harga Satuan Upah Dan Bahan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 64
29 Fenitoin Natrium kapsul 100 mg 250 kapsul/botol 28.050

30 Fenobarbital tablet 30 mg 1000 tablet/botol 25.450

31 Fenobarbital tablet 100 mg 250 tablet/botol 13.670

32 Fenoksimetil Penisilina tablet 250 mg 100 tablet/botol 25.290

33 Fenoksimetil Penisilina tablet 500 mg 100 tablet/botol 44.430

34 Fenol Gliserol tetes telinga 10 % 24 bt l@ 5 ml/ kotak 22.180

35 Fitomenadion (Vit. K1) tablet salut gula 10 mg 100 tablet/botol 81.570

36 Furosemid tablet 40 mg 250 tablet/botol 16.770

37 Gameksan lotion 1% botol 30 ml 2.650

38 Gentian Violet larutan 1 % botol 10 ml 550

39 Glibenklamida tablet 5 mg 100 tablet/kotak 5.840

1 2 3 4 5

40 Gliseril Guayakolat tablet 100 mg 1000 tablet/botol 27.870

41 Gliserin botol 100 ml 5.020

42 Griseofulvin tablet 125 mg. Micronized 100 tablet/botol 13.310

43 Haloperidol tablet 0,5 mg 101 tablet/botol 7.230

44 Haloperidol tablet 1,5 mg 100 tablet/kotak 9.900

45 Hidroklortiazida (HCT) tablet 25 mg 1000 tablet/botol 20.380

46 Hidrokortison krim 2,5 % 24 tube@5 gr/kotak 71.470

47 Ibuprofen tablet 200 mg 100 tablet/botol 8.800

48 Ibuprofen tablet 400 mg 100 tablet/botol 17.690

49 Isosorbid Dinitrat tablet sublingual 5 mg 100 tablet/kotak 7.830

50 Kalsium Laktat (Kalk) tablet 500 mg 1000 tablet/botol 47.140

51 Karbamazepin tablet 200 mg 100 tablet/kotak 29.550

52 Klofazimin kapsul 100 mg micronize 100 kapsul/botol 276.810

53 Kloramfenikol tetes telinga 3 % 24 tube@ 5 ml/kotak 28.770

54 Klorfeniramin Maleat (CTM) tablet 4 mg 1000 tablet/botol 7.790

55 Klorpromazin HCl injeksi 25 mg/ml-2 ml 30 ampul/kotak 15.050

56 Klorpromazin HCl tablet salut 25 mg 1000 tablet/botol 29.310

57 Klorpromazin HCl tablet salut 100 mg 250 tablet/botol 23.810

58 Magnesium Sulfat serbuk 30 gram 10 sase@30 gr/kotak 12.310

59 Mebendazol sirup 100 mg/5 ml botol 30 ml 2.440

60 Mebendazol tablet 100 mg 30 tablet/botol 5.080

61 Metanol botol 100 ml 28.270

Metilergometrin Maleat Inj. 0,200 mg-1 ml (Metilergometrin) tablet salut
62 100 tablet/kotak 13.190
0,125 mg
63 Metronidazol tablet 250 mg 100 tablet/kotak 10.170

64 Natrium Bikarbonat tablet 500 mg 1000 tablet/botol 11.690

65 Natrium Fluoresein tetes mata 2% 24 btl@5ml/kotak 112.920

66 Natrium Tiosulfat injeksi 25%-10 ml 10 ampul/kotak 17.710

67 Nistatin tablet vaginal 100.000 IU/g 100 tablet/ktk vaginal 34.630

68 Nistatin tablet salut 500.000 IU 100 tablet/kotak 55.270

69 Obat Batuk Hitam (O.B.H.) cairan botol 100 ml 1.500

70 Oksitetrasiklin HCl salep mata 1% 25 tube@3,5 gr/kotak 37.120

71 Oksitetrasiklin HCl injeksi I.m. 50mg/ml-10 ml 10 vial/kotak 24.710

72 Oksitetrasiklin HCl salep 1% 25 tube@ 5gr/kotak 38.010

73 parasetamol tablet 100 mg 100 tablet/botol 3.090

74 Perfenazin HCl tablet 4 mg 100 tablet/botol 5.090

75 Pilokarpin HCl/Nitrat tetes mata 2% btl @ 5 ml/kotak 6.290

76 Piridoksin HCl (Vit. B6) tablet 10 mg 1000 tablet/botol 11.990

77 Povidon lodida 10% botol 30 ml 2.400

78 Povidon lodida 10% botol 300 ml 17.380

79 Propiltiourasil tablet 100 mg 100 tablet/botol 37.020

80 Propanolol HCl tablet 40 mg 100 tablet/botol 9.860

81 Reserpin tablet 0,10 mg 250 tablet/botol 7.790

82 Reserpin tablet 0,25 mg 1000 tablet/botol 53.930

83 Salbutamol tablet 2 mg kotak 10x10 tablet 10.610

84 salep 2-4 Kombinasi : Asam Salisilat 2%+Belerang endap 4% 24 pot @30 g/kotak 23.740

85 Salisil bedak 2% 50 gr/kotak 1.240

86 Sulfasetamida Natrium tetes mata 15% 24 btl @ 5 ml/kotak 99.100

87 Tetrakain HCl tetes mata 0,5% 24 btl @ 5 ml/kotak 97.700
88 Tetrasiklin HCI Kapsul 250 mg 1000 kapsul/botol 64.370
89 Tetrasiklin HCI Kapsul 500 mg 100 kapsul/kotak 22.290

Standar Harga Satuan Upah Dan Bahan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 65
90 Tiamin HCI/ Mononitrat (vit.B1) tablet 50 mg. 1000 tablet/botol 28.630
91 Triheksifenidil Hidroklorida tablet 2 mg 100 tablet/kotak 4.890
92 Vitamin B Komplek tablet 1000 tablet/kotak 26.620
93 Obat gigi
- Devitalisasi Pasta (Non Arsen) btl/ktk 466.180
- Etil Klorida Spray vial/can/100ml 97.550
- Eugenol Cairan 12 btl @ 10 ml/dus,kotak 45.700
- Glass Ionomer Cement ART set/btl 479.360
- Kalsium Hidrosikda Pasta ktk 2 tube 245.360
- Klorfenol Kamfer Menthol (CHKM) btk 10 ml 58.450
- Mummifiying Pasta btl/ktk 165.210
- Semen Seng Fosfat serbuk dan cairan set @ 30 gr/btl 96.670
- Temporary Stopping Fletcher (Fletcher) serbuk dan cairan set @ 100 gr/btl 8.230

4 Alat Kesehatan yang berfungsi Sebagai Obat Bagi Pelayanan Program Kesehatan

No Uraian Satuan HARGA (Rp) KETERANGAN

1 2 3 4 5

1. Ballloon 4.068.630
2. Bare Metal Stent (Stent) 6.542.070
3. Drug Eluting Stent (DES) 21.604.550
4. Basic Implant Set :
a. Bone Screws 225.160
b. Bone Plates 1.375.000
5. Small Implant Set :
a. Bone Screws 135.000
b. Bone Plates 570.630
6. Mini Implant Set :
a. Bone Screws 97.020
b. Bone Plates 570.630
7. Implant Wire 461.430
8. Reagensia uji :
a. Bilirubin Total/Direct Botol 4 x 50 ml 465.850
b. Kolesterol Botol 5 x 100 ml 1.391.500
c. Kreatinin Botol 2 x 125 ml 387.200
d. Glukosa Botol 5 x 100 ml 665.500
e. Total Protein Botol 2 x 125 ml 514.250
f. Ureum Kit 2 x 100 ml 535.430
g. Asam Urat Kit 4 x 30 ml 667.800
h. Trigliserida Botol 6 x 50 ml 1.911.250
i. SGOT Botol 2 x 62,5 ml 544.500
j. SGPT Botol 2 x 62,5 ml 544.500
k. Kalsium Botol 2 x 125 ml 514.250
l. Albumin Botol 2 x 125 ml 356.950
m. Alkalin fosfatase Botol 2 x 62,5 ml 453.750
n. Gamma-Glutamyl Transferase Botol 2 x 62,5 ml 738.100
o. Natrium Botol R1 4x 45 ml 7.130.530
p. Kalium Dus / 100 tes 1.772.650
q. Klorida Botol 2 x 125 ml 617.100
r. HIV Test Kit/40 tes 1.089.000
s. HbsAg Test Dus / 50 Pcs 589.880
t. HCV Test Dus / 50 Pcs 934.730
u. VDRL Dus 1 x 10 ml 417.450
v. TB Test Kit / 30 tes 1.343.100
w. Dengue Test Kit / 25 tes 2.548.720
x. Malaria Test Dus / 25 tes 963.470
8 Alat suntik sekali pakai 1 ml 100 set / kotak 87.360
9 Alat suntik sekali pakai 2,5 ml 100 set / kotak 65.340
10 Alat suntik sekali pakai 5 ml 100 set / kotak 81.790
11 Catgut / Benang Bedah No. 2/0 dengan jarum bedah 24 x 70 cm / kotak 234.880
12 Catgut / Benang Bedah No. 2/0 dengan jarum bedah 24 x 70 cm / kotak 234.880
13 Infusion set anak set /kantong 4.040
14 Infusion set dewasa set /kantong 4.040
15 IV Chatheter No. 20 G 50 bh / kotak 363.000
16 IV Chatheter No. 22 G 50 bh / kotak 363.000
17 IV Chatheter No. 24 G 50 bh / kotak 363.000
18 Kapas Berlemak 500 gram Bungkus 15.180
19 Kapas Pembalut / Absorben 250 gram Bungkus 12.550
20 Kasa Kompres 40/40 steril Bungkus 1.540
21 Kasa Pembalut 2 m x 80 cm Rol 9.680
22 Kasa Pembalut Hidrofil 4 m x 3 cm elastic Rol 810

Standar Harga Satuan Upah Dan Bahan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 66
23 Kasa Pembalut Hidrofil 4 m x 15 cm elastic Rol 3.720
24 Pembalut Gips Rol 6.680
25 Plester 5 yards x 2 inch Rol 7.910
26 Silk (Benang Bedah Sutera) No. 3/0 dengan jarum bedah 12 x 3 x 75 cm / kotak 227.460
27 Wing Needle No. 21 G 100 bh / kotak 235.950
28 Wing Needle No. 23 G 100 bh / kotak 235.950
29 Wing Needle No. 25 G 100 bh / kotak 235.950
30 Wing Needle No. 27 G 100 bh / kotak 235.950

5 Obat Generik

No Uraian Satuan HARGA (Rp) KETERANGAN

1 2 3 4 5

1 ACT (Artesunate 50 mg + Amodiaquine anhydrida tablet 200 mg ) tablet 1.380 2 blister @ 12

2 ACT (Artesunate 50 mg + Amodiaquine anhydrida tablet 200 mg ) tablet 1.380 blister @ 8 tablet
1 2 3 4 5

3 Alat Kontrasepsi
- Pil KB I : Ethinylestradiol 0,03 mg + Levonorgestrel 0,15 mg tablet dlm blister 1.980 1 blister
- Pil KB II: Lynestrenol 0,5 mg tablet dlm blister 3.140 1 blister
- Pil KB III Desogestrel 0,15 mg + Ethinyles0,03 mg tablet dlm blister 3.580 1 blister
- Obat Suntik KB I : Medroxyprogesteron Acetat 150 mg larutan 3 ml/ vial 5.970 1 vial
- Obat Suntik KB II Medroxyprogesteron Acetat 25 mg + Estradiol
larutan 0,5 ml/ vial 4.460 1 vial
Cypionate 5 mg
- Susuk KB I : Etonogestrel 68 mg implant 269.840 1 set 1 implant
- Susuk KB II : Levonogestrel 75 mg implant 95.840 1 set 2 implant
- Susuk KB III : Levonogestrel 36 mg implant 47.240 1 set 6 implant
4 Albendazol tablet 400 mg tablet 310 ktk 5 x 6
5 Alopurinol tablet 100 mg tablet 120 ktk 10 x 10
6 Alopurinol tablet 300 mg tablet 230 ktk 3 x 10
7 Alprazolam tablet 0,25 mg tablet 290 ktk 10 x 10
7 Alprazolam tablet 0,25 mg tablet 490 ktk 10 x 10
8 Alprazolam tablet 0,5 mg tablet 590 ktk 10 x 10
9 Alprazolam tablet 1 mg tablet 900 ktk 10 x 10
10 Ambroxol sirup 15 mg/ml sirup 60 ml 2.590 btl 60 ml
11 Ambroxol tablet 30 mg tablet 120 ktk 10 x 10
12 Amilorida tablet 5 mg (HCl) tablet 90 ktk 10 x 10
13 Aminofilin injeksi 24 mg/ml larutan 10 ml / ampul 1.200 ktk 30 ampul
14 Aminofilin tablet 150 mg tablet 40 btl 1000
15 Aminofilin tablet 200 mg tablet 70 btl 1000
16 Aminofilin tablet 200 mg tablet 90 btl 100
17 Amitriptilin tablet salut 25 mg (HCl) tablet salut 100 ktk 10 x 10
18 Amoksisilin Anhidrat kapsul 250 mg kapsul 240 ktk 10 x 10
19 Amoksisilin kapsul 250 mg kapsul 240 ktk 12 x 10
20 Amoksisilin kaplet 500 mg kaplet 370 ktk 10 x 10
21 Amoksisilin serbuk injeksi 1000 mg serbuk dalam vial 4.640 ktk 10 vial
22 Amoksisilin sirup kering 125 mg/ 5 ml granul dalam botol 3.400 btl 60 ml
23 Ampisilin kaplet 250 mg kaplet 240 ktk 10 x 10
24 Ampisilin kaplet 500 mg kaplet 370 ktk 10 x 10
serbuk 1000 mg/ml dalam
25 Ampisilin serbuk injeksi i.m./i.v. 1000 mg/ml 3.180 ktk 10 vial
26 Ampisilin serbuk injeksi i.m./i.v. 500 mg/vial serbuk 500 mg/vial 2.060 ktk 10 vial
27 Ampisilin sirup kering 125 mg/5ml granul dalam botol 3.400 btl 60 ml
Antasida DOEN I tablet kunyah, kombinasi : Aluminium Hidroksida 200
28 tablet kunyah 40 btl 1000
mg Magnesium Hidroksida 200 mg
Antasida DOEN I tablet kunyah, kombinasi : Aluminium Hidroksida 200
29 tablet kunyah 100 ktk 10 x10
mg Magnesium Hidroksida 200 mg
Antasida DOEN II suspensi, kombinasi : Aluminium Hidroksida 200
30 suspensi 60 ml 2.650 btl 60 ml
mg/5 ml Magnesium Hidroksida 200 mg/5 ml
Anti Bakteri DOEN salep kombinasi: Basitrasin 500 IU/g + Polimiksin
31 salep 5 gram / tube 1.720 ktk 25 tube
10.000 IU/g
Antifungi DOEN Kombinasi: Asam Benzoat 6% + Asam Salisilat
32 salep 30 gram / pot 1.160 ktk 24 pot
Antihemoroid DOEN kombinasi : Bismut subgalat 150 mg Heksaklorofen
33 supp 2.000 ktk 10
2,5 mg
34 Antimalaria DOEN kombinasi : Pirimetamin 25 mg Sulfadoksin 500 mg tablet 480 ktk 10 x 10

35 Antimigren: Ergotamin Tartrat 1 mg + Kofein 50 mg tablet 110 btl 100

Antiparkinson DOEN tablet kombinasi : Karbidopa 25 mg Levodopa 250
36 tablet 780 ktk 10 x 10
37 Aqua pro Injeksi steril, bebas pirogen larutan 20 ml / vial 1.500 ktk 10 vial
38 Artemether injeksi 1ml : 80 mg larutan 1 ml / ampul 12.500 ktk 6 ampul
39 Artesunate injeksi, vial 60 mg 60 mg / vial 19.000 ktk 8 vial
40 Asam Asetilsalisilat tablet 100 mg (Asetosal) tablet 60 ktk 10 x 10
41 Asam Asetilsalisilat tablet 500 mg (Asetosal) tablet 100 ktk 10 x 10
42 Asam Askorbat (Vitamin C) tablet 250 mg tablet 80 btl 250

Standar Harga Satuan Upah Dan Bahan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 67
43 Asam Askorbat (Vitamin C) tablet 50 mg tablet 20 btl 1000
44 Asam Askorbat (Vitamin C) tablet 100 mg tablet 30 btl 1000
45 Asam Folat tablet 1 mg tablet 40 btl 100
46 Asam Folat tablet 5 mg tablet 40 btl 1000
47 Asam Mefenamat kapsul 250 mg kapsul 80 ktk 10 x 10
48 Asam Mefenamat tablet salut selaput 500 mg kaplet 130 ktk 10 x 10
49 Asetazolamid tablet 250 mg tablet 190 btl 100
50 Asiklovir krim 5% krim 5 gram / tube 3.000 tube 5 gram
51 Asiklovir tablet 200 mg tablet 500 ktk 3 x 10
52 Asiklovir tablet 200 mg tablet 550 ktk 5 x 10
53 Asiklovir tablet 200 mg tablet 410 ktk 10 x 10
54 Asiklovir tablet 400 mg tablet 750 ktk 3 x 10
55 Asiklovir tablet 400 mg tablet 650 ktk 5 x 10
1 2 3 4 5

56 Asiklovir tablet 400 mg tablet 590 ktk 10 x 10

57 Atenolol tablet 50 mg tablet 270 ktk 10 x 10
58 Atenolol tablet 100 mg tablet 510 ktk 5 x 10
59 Atropin injeksi i.m./i.v./s.k. 0,25 mg/ml (Sulfat) larutan 1 ml / ampul 380 ktk 30 amp
60 Atropin Sulfat tablet 0,5 mg tablet 30 btl 500
61 Atropin tablet 0,5 mg tablet 30 btl 100
62 Atropin Sulfat tetes mata 0,5% larutan 0,5%/5 ml / botol 2.810 ktk 24 btl
63 Atropin tetes mata 0,5 % (Sulfat) larutan 0,5%/5 ml / botol 3.030 btl 5 ml
64 Azatioprin tablet 50 mg tablet 210 ktk 10 x 10
65 Benzatin Benzil Penisilin 1,2 juta IU/ vial larutan 20 ml / vial 3.810 ktk 10 vial
66 Benzatin Benzil Penisilin 2,4 juta IU/vial larutan 20 ml / vial 5.400 ktk 10 vial
67 Besi (II) sulfat 7 H2O tablet salut 300 mg tablet salut 30 btl 1000
Besi II Sulfat 200 mg + Asam Folat 0,25 mg tablet (tablet tambah darah
68 tablet 30 100 sase
kombinasi )
69 Betahistin Mesilat tablet 6 mg tablet 930 ktk 3 x 10
70 Betametason krim 0,1 % (sebagai Valerat) krim 5 gram / tube 2.030 tube 5 gram
71 Betametason krim 0.1% krim 5 gram / tube 1.800 ktk 25 tube
72 Betametason tablet 0,5 mg tablet 70 ktk 10 x 10
73 Bisoprolol tablet 5 mg tablet 2.450 ktk 3 x 10
74 Bromheksin tablet 8 mg tablet 50 ktk 10 x 10
75 Cetirizine tablet 10 mg tablet 330 ktk 3 x 10
76 Cetirizine tablet 10 mg tablet 320 ktk 5 x 10
77 Cisapride tablet 5 mg tablet 790 ktk 10 x 10
78 Cisapride tablet 10 mg tablet 1.360 ktk 10 x 10
79 Clobazam tablet 10 mg tablet 950 ktk 10 x 10
80 Clobetasol krim 0,05% krim 10 gram / tube 11.710 tube 10 gram
81 Dapson tablet 100 mg tablet 40 btl 1000
82 Deksametason injeksi i.v. 5 mg/ml larutan 1 ml / ampul 650 ktk 100 amp
83 Deksametason tablet 0,5 mg tablet 60 ktk 10 x 10
84 Deksametason tablet 0,5 mg tablet 30 btl 1000
85 Dekstran 70 larutan infus 6% steril larutan 500 ml / botol 35.530 btl 500 ml
86 Dekstrometorfan sirup 10 mg/5 ml (HBr) sirup 60 ml / botol 2.400 btl 60 ml
87 Dekstrometorfan tablet 15 mg (HBr) tablet 100 ktk 10 x 10
88 Dekstrometorfan tablet 15 mg (HBr) tablet 40 btl 1000
89 Diazepam injeksi 5 mg/ml larutan 2 ml / ampul 880 ktk 30 ampul
90 Diazepam tablet 2 mg tablet 20 btl 1000
91 Diazepam tablet 5 mg tablet 30 btl 250
92 Diazepam tablet 5 mg tablet 40 btl 1000
93 Dietilkarbamazin Sitrat tablet 100 mg tablet 80 ktk 10 x 10
94 Difenhidramin injeksi i.m. 10 mg/ml (HCl) larutan 1 ml / ampul 460 ktk 30 ampul
95 Digoksin tablet 0,0625 mg tablet 70 btl 100
96 Digoksin tablet 0,25 mg tablet 90 ktk 10 x 10
97 Dikloksasilin kapsul 125 mg kapsul 240 ktk 100
98 Dikloksasilin kapsul 250 mg kapsul 340 ktk 25 x 4
99 Dikloksasilin kapsul 500 mg kapsul 450 ktk 25 x 4
100 Diltiazem HCl tablet 30 mg tablet 160 ktk 10 x 10
101 Dimenhidrinat tablet 50 mg tablet 90 btl 100
102 Disopiramid kapsul 100 mg kapsul 250 btl 100
103 Doksisiklin kapsul 100 mg kapsul 220 ktk 10 x 10
104 Domperidon tablet 10 mg tablet 420 ktk 10 x 10
105 Domperidon suspensi 5 mg/5 ml suspensi 60 ml / botol 12.650 btl 60 ml
106 Efedrin tablet 25 mg (HCl) tablet 40 btl 1000
107 Ekstraks Belladona tablet 10 mg tablet 20 btl 1000

Standar Harga Satuan Upah Dan Bahan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 68
108 Epinefrin (Adrenalin) injeksi 0,1 % (sebagai HCl) larutan 1 ml / ampul 350 ktk 30 ampul
109 Eritromisin kapsul 250 mg kapsul 340 ktk 10 x 10
110 Eritromisin kapsul 250 mg kapsul 340 ktk 12 x 10
111 Eritromisin kapsul 500 mg kapsul 540 ktk 10 x 10
112 Eritromisin sirup 200 mg/ 5 ml sirup 60 ml / botol 5.220 btl 60 ml
113 Etakridin larutan 0,1% larutan 300 ml / botol 1.260 btl 300 ml
114 Etambutol tablet 250 mg tablet 220 ktk 10 x 10
115 Etambutol tablet 250 mg (HCl) tablet 190 ktk 20 x 10
116 Etambutol tablet salut 500 mg (HCl) tablet salut 310 ktk 10 x 10
117 Etoposid kapsul 100 mg kapsul 7.350 btl 10
118 Famotidine tablet 20 mg tablet 120 ktk 5 x 10
119 Famotidine tablet 40 mg tablet 180 ktk 5 x 10
120 Fenilbutason tablet 200 mg tablet 80 btl 1000
1 2 3 4 5

121 Fenitoin kapsul 100 mg kapsul 100 btl 250

122 Fenitoin Natrium kapsul 30 mg kapsul 60 btl 250
123 Fenitoin Natrium injeksi 50 mg/ml larutan 2 ml / ampul 48.370 ampul 2 ml
124 Fenobarbital injeksi i.m./i.v. 50 mg/ml larutan 1 ml / ampul 670 ktk 30 ampul
125 Fenobarbital tablet 30 mg tablet 30 btl 1000
126 Fenobarbital tablet 100 mg tablet 50 btl 250
127 Fenobarbital tablet 100 mg tablet 50 btl 1000
128 Fenoksimetil Penisilin tablet 250 mg tablet 220 ktk 10 x 10
129 Fenoksimetil Penisilin tablet 500 mg tablet 380 ktk 10 x 10
130 Fenol Gliserol tetes telinga 10% larutan 5 ml / botol 780 ktk 24 btl
131 Ferro Sulfat tablet 300 mg tablet 30 btl 1000
132 Fitomenadion (Vit.K1) tablet salut gula 10 mg tablet 690 btl 100
133 Fitomenadion (Vitamin K) injeksi 10 mg/ml larutan 1 ml / ampul 980 ktk 30 amp
134 Flukonazol kapsul 50 mg kapsul 490 ktk 10
135 Fluoride tablet 0,5 mg tablet 40 btl 100
136 Fluoride tablet 1 mg tablet 50 btl 100
137 Furosemid injeksi i.v./i.m. 10 mg/ml larutan 2 ml / ampul 1.040 ktk 25 amp
138 Furosemid tablet 40 mg tablet 80 ktk 20 x 10
139 Furosemid tablet 40 mg tablet 70 ktk 10 x 10
140 Furosemid tablet 40 mg tablet 60 btl 250
141 Gameksan lotion 1 % lotion 30 ml / botol 2.200 btl 30 ml
Garam Oralit I serbuk, kombinasi : Natrium 0,70 g Kalium klorida 0,30 g
142 serbuk dalam sachet 310 ktk 100 sachet
Trinatrium sitrat dihidrat 0,58 g Glukosa Anhidrat 4 g
Garam Oralit I serbuk, kombinasi : Natrium 0,70 g Kalium klorida 0,30 g
143 serbuk dalam sachet 360 ktk 25 sachet
Trinatrium sitrat dihidrat 0,58 g Glukosa Anhidrat 4 g
144 Gemfibrozil kapsul 300 mg kapsul 270 ktk 12 x 10
145 Gemfibrozil tablet 600 mg tablet 480 ktk 10 x 10
146 Gentamisin injeksi 80 mg/2ml (sebagai Sulfat) larutan 2 ml / vial 2.570 ktk 1 vial
147 Gentamisin injeksi 80 mg/2 ml larutan 2 ml / ampul 2.500 ktk 5 ampul
148 Gentamisin salep kulit 0.1% salep 5 gram / tube 1.650 ktk 10 tube
149 Gentamisin Sulfat tetes mata 0,3 % larutan 5 ml / botol 2.980 btl 5 ml
150 Gentian Violet larutan 1 % larutan 10 ml / botol 450 btl 10 ml
151 Glibenklamida tablet 5 mg tablet 60 ktk 10 x 10
152 Glimepiride tablet 1 mg tablet 920 ktk 5 x 10
153 Glimepiride tablet 2 mg tablet 1.730 ktk 5 x 10
154 Glimepiride tablet 3 mg tablet 2.360 ktk 5 x 10
155 Glimepiride tablet 4 mg tablet 3.140 ktk 5 x 10
156 Glipizid tablet 5 mg tablet 320 ktk 30
157 Gliquidon tablet 30 mg tablet 620 ktk 10 x10
158 Gliseril guaiakolat tablet 100 mg tablet 30 btl 1000
159 Gliserin cairan 100 ml / botol 4.180 btl 100 ml
160 Glukosa larutan infus 10 % larutan 500 ml / botol 4.100 btl 500 ml
161 Glukosa larutan infus 40 % steril (Produk lokal) larutan 25 ml / ampul 1.040 ktk 10 ampul
162 Glukosa larutan infus 5 % larutan 500 ml / botol 3.830 btl 500 ml
163 Griseofulvin tablet 125 mg, Micronized tablet 120 ktk 10 x 10
164 Griseofulvin micronized tablet 250 mg tablet 240 ktk 10 x 10
165 Haloperidol tablet 0,5 mg tablet 70 ktk 10 x 10
166 Haloperidol tablet 5 mg tablet 130 ktk 10 x 10
167 Haloperidol tablet 1,5 mg tablet 90 ktk 10 x 10
168 Haloperidol tablet 2 mg tablet 100 ktk 10 x 10
169 Hidroklorotiazida tablet 25 mg tablet 30 btl 1000
170 Hidrokortison krim 1% krim 5 gram / tube 1.750 tube 5 gram
171 Hidrokortison krim 2,5 % krim 5 gram / tube 2.490 ktk 24 tube

Standar Harga Satuan Upah Dan Bahan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 69
172 Hidrokortison krim 2,5 % krim 5 gram / tube 2.830 tube 5 gram
173 Hyoscine -N-Butilbromide tablet 10 mg tablet 300 ktk 10 x 10
174 Ibuprofen tablet 200 mg tablet 80 btl 100
175 Ibuprofen tablet 400 mg tablet 150 ktk 10 x 10
176 Indometasin kapsul 25 mg kapsul 40 ktk 10 x 10
177 Iodiol kapsul lunak kapsul 930 btl 100
178 Isoniazid tablet 100 mg tablet 30 btl 1000
179 Isoniazid tablet 300 mg, tablet 70 btl 1000
180 Isosorbid Dinitrat tablet sublingual 5 mg tablet 70 ktk 10 x 10
181 Itrakonazol kapsul 100 mg kapsul 1.520 ktk 3 x 10
182 Kalium Diklofenak tablet 25 mg tablet 400 ktk 5 x 10
183 Kalium Diklofenak tablet 50 mg tablet 710 ktk 5 x 10
184 Kalium Klorida tablet 300 mg tablet 290 tube 10
185 Kalsium Folinat (Leukovorin Ca) tablet 15 mg tablet 390 btl 10
1 2 3 4 5

186 Kalsium Karbonat tablet 500 mg tablet 50 btl 100

187 Kalsium Laktat (Kalk) tablet 500 mg tablet 40 btl 1000
188 Kaptopril tablet 12,5 mg tablet 80 ktk 10 x 10
189 Kaptopril tablet 12,5 mg tablet 80 ktk 6 x 10
190 Kaptopril tablet 25 mg tablet 140 ktk 10 x 10
191 Kaptopril tablet 25 mg tablet 150 ktk 6 x 10
192 Kaptopril tablet 50 mg tablet 240 ktk 10 x 10
193 Karbamazepin tablet 200 mg tablet 250 ktk 10 x 10
194 Ketamin injeksi 10 mg/ml larutan 20 ml / vial 11.020 ktk 10 vial
195 Ketokonazol krim 2% krim 15 gram / tube 7.000 tube 15 gram
196 Ketokonazol tablet 200 mg tablet 380 ktk 5 x 10
197 Ketoprofen injeksi 100 mg larutan 1 ml / ampul 5.200 ktk 6 ampul
198 Ketoprofen tablet 100 mg tablet 1.230 ktk 10 x 10
199 Ketorolac injeksi 10 mg larutan 1 ml / ampul 9.900 ktk 6 ampul
200 Ketorolac injeksi 30 mg larutan 1 ml / ampul 14.850 ktk 6 ampul
201 Klindamisin kapsul 150 mg kapsul 510 ktk 5 x 10
202 Klindamisin kapsul 150 mg kapsul 680 ktk 10 x 10
203 Klindamisin kapsul 300 mg kapsul 900 ktk 5 x 10
204 Klindamisin kapsul 300 mg kapsul 760 ktk 10 x 10
205 Klofazimin kapsul 100 mg micronize kapsul 2.310 btl 100
206 Klomifen tablet 50 mg tablet 1.770 btl 10
207 Klonidin tablet 0,15 mg tablet 210 ktk 10 x 10
208 Kloramfenikol kapsul 250 mg kapsul 160 btl 1000
209 Kloramfenikol kapsul 250 mg kapsul 190 ktk 12 X 10
210 Kloramfenikol kapsul 250 mg kapsul 160 btl 250
211 Kloramfenikol salep mata 1 % salep 5 gram / tube 1.570 tube 5 gram
212 Kloramfenikol suspensi 125 mg/ 5 ml suspensi 60 ml / botol 3.370 btl 60 ml
213 Kloramfenikol tetes mata 0,5 % larutan 5 ml / botol 2.500 btl 5 ml
214 Kloramfenikol tetes telinga 3 % larutan 5 ml / botol 1.000 ktk 24 btl
215 Klorfeniramina Maleat (CTM) tablet 4 mg tablet 10 btl 1000
216 Klorokuin tablet 150 mg tablet 60 btl 1000
217 Klorokuin tablet 250 mg tablet 70 btl 1000
218 Klorpromazin injeksi i.m 5 mg/ml - 2 ml (HCl) larutan 2 ml / ampul 380 ktk 30 ampul
219 Klorpromazin injeksi i.m. 25 mg/ml (HCl) larutan 2 ml / ampul 420 ktk 30 amp
220 Klorpromazin tablet salut 25 mg (HCl) tablet salut 30 btl 1000
221 Klorpromazin tablet salut 100 mg (HCl) tablet 80 btl 250
222 Klorpromazin tablet salut 100 mg (HCl) tablet salut 90 btl 1000
226 Kodein tablet 10 mg tablet 310 btl 1000
223 Kodein tablet 10 mg tablet 390 btl 250
224 Kodein tablet 15 mg tablet 670 btl 250
225 Kodein tablet 20 mg tablet 870 btl 250
227 Kodein tablet 30 mg (fosfat) tablet 330 btl 20
228 Kolkisin tablet 500 mcg tablet 280 ktk 10 x 10
Kotrimoksazol DOEN I (dewasa) kombinasi : Sulfametoksazol 400 mg
229 tablet 100 ktk 10 x 10
Trimetoprim 80 mg
Kotrimoksazol DOEN II (pediatrik) kombinasi : Sulfametoksazol 100 mg
230 tablet 50 ktk 10 x 10
Trimetoprim 20 mg
Kotrimoksazol Suspensi komb: Sulfametoksazol 200 mg + Trimetoprim
231 suspensi 60 ml / botol 2.840 btl 60 ml
40 mg / 5 ml
232 Kuinidin tablet 100 mg tablet 160 btl 1000
233 Kuinidin tablet 200 mg tablet 310 btl 1000
234 Kuinidin tablet 200 mg tablet 420 ktk 10 x 10
235 Kuinin (Kina) tablet 200 mg tablet 250 ktk 60

Standar Harga Satuan Upah Dan Bahan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 70
236 Kuinin Dihidroklorida injeksi 25% -2 ml larutan 2 ml / ampul 1.180 ktk 30 ampul
237 Kuinin injeksi i.v. 25% (sebagai 2 HCl) larutan 2 ml / ampul 1.350 ktk 100 ampul
238 Kuinin tablet 222 mg (H2SO4.7H2O) tablet 250 btl 1000
239 Lamivudine tablet 150 mg tablet 1.760 btl 60
240 Lanzoprazol kapsul 30 mg kapsul 1.760 ktk 2 x 10
241 Levamisol tablet 50 mg tablet 130 btl 25
242 Levamisol tablet 50 mg tablet 90 ktk 4 x 9
243 Levofloksasin tablet 500 mg tablet 1.220 ktk 5 x 10
244 Lidokain injeksi 2% larutan 2 ml / ampul 580 ktk 100 ampul
245 Lidokain injeksi 2% (HCl) + Epinefrin 1 : 80.000 - 2ml larutan 2 ml / vial 460 ktk 30 vial
246 Linkomisin kapsul 250 mg kapsul 280 ktk 5 x 12
247 Linkomisin kapsul 250 mg tablet 280 ktk 10 x 10
248 Linkomisin kapsul 500 mg kapsul 650 ktk 5 x 10
249 Linkomisin kapsul 500 mg kapsul 650 ktk 5 x 12
250 Lisinopril tablet 10 mg tablet 650 ktk 3 x 10
1 2 3 4 5

251 Lisinopril tablet 20 mg tablet 820 ktk 3 x 10

252 Lisinopril tablet 5 mg tablet 380 ktk 3 x 10
253 Loperamid tablet 2 mg tablet 100 ktk 10 x 10
254 Loratadin tablet 10 mg tablet 350 ktk 5 x 10
255 Magnesium Sulfat inj (IV) 20% - 25 ml larutan 25 ml / vial 1.540 ktk 10 vial
256 Magnesium Sulfat inj (IV) 40% - 25 ml larutan 25 ml / vial 1.950 ktk 10 vial
257 Magnesium Sulfat serbuk 30 gram serbuk dalam sase 1.030 ktk 10 sase
258 Mebendazol sirup 100 mg / 5 ml sirup 30 ml / botol 2.040 btl 30 ml
259 Mebendazol tablet 500 mg tablet 180 ktk 10 x 10
260 Mebendazol tablet 100 mg tablet 150 ktk 5 x 6
261 Meloksikam suppositoria supp 7.700 supp
262 Meloksikam tablet 7,5 mg tablet 990 ktk 5 x 10
263 Meloksikam tablet 15 mg tablet 1.490 ktk 5 x 10
264 Merkaptopurin tablet 50 mg tablet 220 btl 25
265 Metampiron injeksi 250 mg larutan 2 ml / ampul 410 ktk 30 ampul
266 Metampiron tablet 500 mg tablet 60 btl 1000
267 Metampiron tablet 500 mg tablet 90 ktk 10 x 10
268 Metformin HCl tablet 500 mg tablet 130 ktk 10 x 10
269 Metformin HCl tablet 850 mg tablet 210 ktk 10 x 10
270 Metildopa tablet 250 mg tablet 280 btl 100
271 Metilergometrin Maleat (Metilergometrin) tablet salut 0,125 mg tablet 110 ktk 10 x 10
272 Metilergometrin Maleat injeksi 0,200 mg-1 ml larutan 1 ml / ampul 1.300 ktk 30 ampul
273 Metilprednisolon tablet 16 mg tablet 1.420 ktk 3 x 10
274 Metilprednisolon tablet 16 mg tablet 1.420 ktk 10 x 10
275 Metilprednisolon tablet 4 mg tablet 530 ktk 10 x 10
276 Metilprednisolon tablet 8 mg tablet 710 ktk 10 x 10
277 Metoklopramide injeksi 5 mg/ml larutan 2 ml / ampul 920 ktk 10 ampul
278 Metoklopramide sirup 5 mg/ml sirup 60 ml / botol 1.920 btl 60 ml
279 Metoklopramide tablet 10 mg tablet 80 ktk 10 x 10
280 Metoklopramide tablet 5 mg tablet 80 ktk 10 x 10
281 Metronidazol infus 500 mg/100 ml larutan 100 ml / botol 19.800 btl 100 ml
282 Metronidazol tablet 250 mg tablet 90 ktk 10 x 10
283 Metronidazol tablet 500 mg tablet 120 ktk 10 x 10
284 Mikonazol krim/salep 2 % (Nitrat) krim/salep 10 gram / tube 3.000 tube 10 gr
285 Momethason krim 0,1 % krim 10 gram / tube 24.750 tube 10 gram
286 Momethason krim 0,1 % krim 5 gram / tube 14.850 tube 5 gram
287 Morfin injeksi 10 mg/ml larutan 1 ml / ampul 10.210 ktk 10 ampul
288 Morfin tablet 10 mg tablet 1.210 btl 30
289 Natrium Bikarbonat tablet 500 mg tablet 10 btl 1000
290 Natrium Diklofenak tablet 50 mg tablet 220 ktk 5 x 10
291 Natrium Diklofenak tablet 25 mg tablet 170 ktk 5 x 10
292 Natrium Fluoresein tetes mata 2% larutan 5 ml / botol 3.930 ktk 24 btl
293 Natrium Klorida larutan infus 0,9 % larutan 500 ml / botol 4.060 btl 500 ml
294 Natrium Thiosulfat injeksi i.v. 25% larutan 10 ml / ampul 1.480 ktk 10 ampul
295 Neomisin kapsul 500 mg kapsul 340 ktk 10 x 10
296 Nevirapin tablet 200 mg tablet 2.750 btl 60
297 Nifedipin tablet 10 mg tablet 110 ktk 10 x 10
298 Nistatin tablet salut 500.000 IU/ g tablet salut 470 ktk 10 x 10
299 Nistatin vaginal tablet 100.000 IU/ g tablet vaginal 290 ktk 10 x 10
300 Nitrofurantoin tablet 100 mg tablet 70 btl 100

Standar Harga Satuan Upah Dan Bahan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 71
301 Obat Antituberkulosis Kategori 1 dewasa tablet/kapsul dalam paket 236.000 Paket / dos
302 Obat Antituberkulosis Kategori 2 dewasa tablet/kapsul dalam paket 376.500 Paket / dos
303 Obat Antituberkulosis Kategori 3 dewasa tablet/kapsul dalam paket 154.000 Paket / dos
304 Obat Antituberkulosis Kategori anak tablet/kapsul dalam paket 127.200 Paket / dos
305 Obat Antituberkulosis Sisipan dewasa tablet/kapsul dalam paket 66.000 Paket / dos
306 Obat Batuk Hitam ( O.B.H. ) larutan 100 ml / botol 1.250 btl 100 ml
307 Obat Batuk Hitam ( O.B.H. ) larutan 200 ml / botol 2.500 btl 200 ml
308 Obat Gigi
- Devitalisasi Pasta (Non Arsen) btl / ktk 389.000 btl / ktk
vial / can / 100
- Etil Klorida spray aerosol 100 ml / vial 81.400
- Eugenol cairan cairan 10 ml / botol 3.180 ktk 12 btl
- Glass Ionomer Cement ART set / btl 400.000 set / btl
- Kalsium Hidroksida Pasta pasta dalam tube 102.370 ktk 2 tube
- Klorfenol kamfer Menthol ( CHKM ) larutan 10 ml / botol 48.770 btl 10 ml
- Mummifying Pasta pasta dalam botol 137.860 btl / ktk
30 gr serbuk dan cairan /
- Semen Seng Fosfat serbuk dan cairan 80.660 botol
1 2 3 4 5
100 gr serbuk dan cairan /
- Temporary Stopping Fletcher (Fletcher) serbuk dan cairan 6.870 botol
309 Ofloxacin tablet 200 mg tablet 610 ktk 5 x 10
310 Ofloxacin tablet 400 mg tablet 900 ktk 5 x 10
311 Oksitetrasiklin HCl salep mata 1 % salep 3,5 gram / tube 1.240 ktk 25 tube
312 Oksitetrasiklin HCl injeksi i.m. 50 mg/ml-10 ml larutan 10 ml / vial 2.070 ktk 10 vial
313 Oksitetrasiklin salep mata 1 % (HCl) salep 3,5 gram / tube 1.360 tube 3,5 gram
314 Oksitetrasiklin salep kulit 3% salep 5 gram / tube 1.680 tube 5 gram
315 Oksitosin injeksi 10 IU/ml - 1 ml larutan 1 ml / ampul 1.790 ktk 30 ampul
316 Omeprazol kapsul 20 mg kapsul 790 btl 7 kapsul
317 Omeprazol kapsul 20 mg kapsul 420 ktk 3 x 10
318 Papaverin injeksi 40 mg/ml larutan 1 ml / ampul 360 ktk 100 ampul
319 Papaverin tablet 40 mg tablet 70 btl 1000
320 Parasetamol sirup 120 mg / 5 ml sirup 60 ml / botol 1.730 btl 60 ml
321 Parasetamol tablet 100 mg tablet 30 btl 100
322 Parasetamol tablet 500 mg tablet 40 btl 1000
323 Parasetamol tablet 500 mg tablet 80 ktk 10 x 10
324 Pentoksifilin injeksi 300 mg/15 ml larutan 15 ml / vial 16.630 ktk 10 vial
325 Pentoksifilin tablet 400 mg tablet 1.360 ktk 10 x 10
326 Perfenazin tablet 4 mg (HCl) tablet 50 btl 100
327 Perfenazin tablet 2 mg tablet 50 ktk 15 x 10
328 Perfenazin tablet 8 mg tablet 70 ktk 15 x 10
329 Petidin injeksi 50 mg/ml larutan 1 ml / ampul 12.000 ktk 10 ampul
330 Pilokarpin tetes mata 2 % (HCl/ Nitrat) larutan 5 ml / botol 5.220 btl 5 ml
331 Piracetam injeksi 1 g/5 ml larutan 5 ml / ampul 6.270 ktk 10 ampul
332 Piracetam injeksi 3 g/15 ml larutan 15 ml / ampul 19.800 ktk 4 ampul
333 Piracetam tablet 400 mg tablet 510 ktk 10 x 10
334 Piracetam tablet 800 mg tablet 840 ktk 10 x 10
335 Piracetam tablet 1200 mg tablet 1.320 ktk 10 x 10
336 Pirantel tab. scored (base) 125 mg tablet scored 200 ktk 25 x 4
337 Pirantel tab. scored (base) 125 mg tablet scored 150 ktk 30 x 2
338 Pirantel sirup 125 mg/5 ml sirup 60 ml / botol 3.200 btl 60 ml
339 Pirazinamid tablet 500 mg tablet 220 ktk 10 x 10
340 Piridoksin (Vitamin B6) tablet 10 mg (HCl) tablet 10 btl 1000
341 Piridoksin (Vitamin B6) tablet 25 mg (HCl) tablet 20 btl 1000
342 Piroksikam tablet 10 mg tablet 80 ktk 10 x 10
343 Piroksikam tablet 20 mg kaplet 110 ktk 12 x 10
344 Piroksikam tablet 20 mg tablet 110 ktk 10 x 10
345 Piroksikam kapsul 10 mg kapsul 80 ktk 12 x10
346 Povidon Iodida larutan 10% larutan 1000 ml / botol 42.000 btl 1000 ml
347 Povidon Iodida larutan 10% larutan 300 ml / botol 14.500 btl 300 ml
348 Povidon Iodida larutan 10% larutan 60 ml / botol 3.300 btl 60 ml
349 Povidon Iodida larutan 10% larutan 30 ml / botol 2.000 btl 30 ml
350 Pravastatin tablet 10 mg tablet 1.820 ktk 3 x 10
351 Pravastatin tablet 20 mg tablet 3.030 ktk 3 x 10
352 Pravastatin tablet 20 mg tablet 3.030 ktk 5 x 10
353 Prazikuantel tablet 300 mg tablet 770 btl 1000
354 Prazikuantel tablet 600 mg tablet 1.600 btl 100
355 Prednison tablet 5 mg tablet 40 btl 1000
356 Primakuin tablet 15 mg tablet 30 btl 1000

Standar Harga Satuan Upah Dan Bahan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 72
357 Prokain Benzil Penisilin G. injeksi 3 jt IU/vial larutan 15 ml / vial 3.750 ktk 30 vial
358 Prometazin tablet 25 mg tablet 60 ktk 100
359 Propanolol tablet 10 mg ( HCl ) tablet 60 ktk 10 x 10
360 Propanolol tablet 40 mg (HCl) tablet 90 btl 100
361 Propilitiourasil tablet 50 mg tablet 220 btl 1000
362 Propilitiourasil tablet 100 mg tablet 310 btl 100
363 Ramipril tablet 2,5 mg tablet 320 ktk 10 x 10
364 Ramipril tablet 5 mg tablet 540 ktk 10 x 10
365 Ranitidin injeksi 25 mg/ml larutan 2 ml / ampul 2.570 ktk 25 ampul
366 Ranitidin tablet 150 mg tablet 200 ktk 3 x 10
367 Ranitidin tablet 150 mg tablet 200 ktk 10 x 10
368 Reserpin tablet 0,10 mg tablet 40 btl 250
369 Reserpin tablet 0,25 mg tablet 60 btl 1000
370 Retinol (Vitamin A) 100.000 IU kapsul lunak kapsul lunak 260 btl 50
371 Retinol (Vitamin A) 200.000 IU kapsul lunak kapsul lunak 340 btl 50
372 Retinol (Vitamin A) tablet 50.000 IU tablet 160 btl 1000
273 Metilprednisolon tablet 16 mg tablet 1.420 ktk 3 x 10
1 2 3 4 5

274 Metilprednisolon tablet 16 mg tablet 1.420 ktk 10 x 10

275 Metilprednisolon tablet 4 mg tablet 530 ktk 10 x 10
276 Metilprednisolon tablet 8 mg tablet 710 ktk 10 x 10
277 Metoklopramide injeksi 5 mg/ml larutan 2 ml / ampul 920 ktk 10 ampul
278 Metoklopramide sirup 5 mg/ml sirup 60 ml / botol 1.920 btl 60 ml
279 Metoklopramide tablet 10 mg tablet 80 ktk 10 x 10
280 Metoklopramide tablet 5 mg tablet 80 ktk 10 x 10
281 Metronidazol infus 500 mg/100 ml larutan 100 ml / botol 19.800 btl 100 ml
282 Metronidazol tablet 250 mg tablet 90 ktk 10 x 10
283 Metronidazol tablet 500 mg tablet 120 ktk 10 x 10
284 Mikonazol krim/salep 2 % (Nitrat) krim/salep 10 gram / tube 3.000 tube 10 gr
285 Momethason krim 0,1 % krim 10 gram / tube 24.750 tube 10 gram
286 Momethason krim 0,1 % krim 5 gram / tube 14.850 tube 5 gram
287 Morfin injeksi 10 mg/ml larutan 1 ml / ampul 10.210 ktk 10 ampul
288 Morfin tablet 10 mg tablet 1.210 btl 30
289 Natrium Bikarbonat tablet 500 mg tablet 10 btl 1000
290 Natrium Diklofenak tablet 50 mg tablet 220 ktk 5 x 10
291 Natrium Diklofenak tablet 25 mg tablet 170 ktk 5 x 10
292 Natrium Fluoresein tetes mata 2% larutan 5 ml / botol 3.930 ktk 24 btl
293 Natrium Klorida larutan infus 0,9 % larutan 500 ml / botol 4.060 btl 500 ml
294 Natrium Thiosulfat injeksi i.v. 25% larutan 10 ml / ampul 1.480 ktk 10 ampul
295 Neomisin kapsul 500 mg kapsul 340 ktk 10 x 10
296 Nevirapin tablet 200 mg tablet 2.750 btl 60
297 Nifedipin tablet 10 mg tablet 110 ktk 10 x 10
298 Nistatin tablet salut 500.000 IU/ g tablet salut 470 ktk 10 x 10
299 Nistatin vaginal tablet 100.000 IU/ g tablet vaginal 290 ktk 10 x 10
300 Nitrofurantoin tablet 100 mg tablet 70 btl 100
301 Obat Antituberkulosis Kategori 1 dewasa tablet/kapsul dalam paket 236.000 Paket / dos
302 Obat Antituberkulosis Kategori 2 dewasa tablet/kapsul dalam paket 376.500 Paket / dos
303 Obat Antituberkulosis Kategori 3 dewasa tablet/kapsul dalam paket 154.000 Paket / dos
304 Obat Antituberkulosis Kategori anak tablet/kapsul dalam paket 127.200 Paket / dos
305 Obat Antituberkulosis Sisipan dewasa tablet/kapsul dalam paket 66.000 Paket / dos
306 Obat Batuk Hitam ( O.B.H. ) larutan 100 ml / botol 1.250 btl 100 ml
307 Obat Batuk Hitam ( O.B.H. ) larutan 200 ml / botol 2.500 btl 200 ml
308 Obat Gigi
- Devitalisasi Pasta (Non Arsen) btl / ktk 389.000 btl / ktk
- Etil Klorida spray aerosol 100 ml / vial 81.400 vial / can / 100 ml
- Eugenol cairan cairan 10 ml / botol 3.180 ktk 12 btl

- Glass Ionomer Cement ART set / btl 400.000 set / btl

- Kalsium Hidroksida Pasta pasta dalam tube 102.370 ktk 2 tube

- Klorfenol kamfer Menthol ( CHKM ) larutan 10 ml / botol 48.770 btl 10 ml

- Mummifying Pasta pasta dalam botol 137.860 btl / ktk

30 gr serbuk dan cairan /
- Semen Seng Fosfat serbuk dan cairan 80.660 botol
100 gr serbuk dan cairan /
- Temporary Stopping Fletcher (Fletcher) serbuk dan cairan 6.870 botol
309 Ofloxacin tablet 200 mg tablet 610 ktk 5 x 10
310 Ofloxacin tablet 400 mg tablet 900 ktk 5 x 10
311 Oksitetrasiklin HCl salep mata 1 % salep 3,5 gram / tube 1.240 ktk 25 tube

Standar Harga Satuan Upah Dan Bahan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 73
312 Oksitetrasiklin HCl injeksi i.m. 50 mg/ml-10 ml larutan 10 ml / vial 2.070 ktk 10 vial

313 Oksitetrasiklin salep mata 1 % (HCl) salep 3,5 gram / tube 1.360 tube 3,5 gram

314 Oksitetrasiklin salep kulit 3% salep 5 gram / tube 1.680 tube 5 gram

315 Oksitosin injeksi 10 IU/ml - 1 ml larutan 1 ml / ampul 1.790 ktk 30 ampul

316 Omeprazol kapsul 20 mg kapsul 790 btl 7 kapsul

317 Omeprazol kapsul 20 mg kapsul 420 ktk 3 x 10
318 Papaverin injeksi 40 mg/ml larutan 1 ml / ampul 360 ktk 100 ampul
319 Papaverin tablet 40 mg tablet 70 btl 1000
320 Parasetamol sirup 120 mg / 5 ml sirup 60 ml / botol 1.730 btl 60 ml
321 Parasetamol tablet 100 mg tablet 30 btl 100
322 Parasetamol tablet 500 mg tablet 40 btl 1000
323 Parasetamol tablet 500 mg tablet 80 ktk 10 x 10
324 Pentoksifilin injeksi 300 mg/15 ml larutan 15 ml / vial 16.630 ktk 10 vial
325 Pentoksifilin tablet 400 mg tablet 1.360 ktk 10 x 10
326 Perfenazin tablet 4 mg (HCl) tablet 50 btl 100
327 Perfenazin tablet 2 mg tablet 50 ktk 15 x 10
328 Perfenazin tablet 8 mg tablet 70 ktk 15 x 10
1 2 3 4 5

329 Petidin injeksi 50 mg/ml larutan 1 ml / ampul 12.000 ktk 10 ampul

330 Pilokarpin tetes mata 2 % (HCl/ Nitrat) larutan 5 ml / botol 5.220 btl 5 ml

331 Piracetam injeksi 1 g/5 ml larutan 5 ml / ampul 6.270 ktk 10 ampul

332 Piracetam injeksi 3 g/15 ml larutan 15 ml / ampul 19.800 ktk 4 ampul

333 Piracetam tablet 400 mg tablet 510 ktk 10 x 10
334 Piracetam tablet 800 mg tablet 840 ktk 10 x 10
335 Piracetam tablet 1200 mg tablet 1.320 ktk 10 x 10
336 Pirantel tab. scored (base) 125 mg tablet scored 200 ktk 25 x 4
337 Pirantel tab. scored (base) 125 mg tablet scored 150 ktk 30 x 2
338 Pirantel sirup 125 mg/5 ml sirup 60 ml / botol 3.200 btl 60 ml
339 Pirazinamid tablet 500 mg tablet 220 ktk 10 x 10
340 Piridoksin (Vitamin B6) tablet 10 mg (HCl) tablet 10 btl 1000
341 Piridoksin (Vitamin B6) tablet 25 mg (HCl) tablet 20 btl 1000
342 Piroksikam tablet 10 mg tablet 80 ktk 10 x 10
343 Piroksikam tablet 20 mg kaplet 110 ktk 12 x 10
344 Piroksikam tablet 20 mg tablet 110 ktk 10 x 10
345 Piroksikam kapsul 10 mg kapsul 80 ktk 12 x10
346 Povidon Iodida larutan 10% larutan 1000 ml / botol 42.000 btl 1000 ml

347 Povidon Iodida larutan 10% larutan 300 ml / botol 14.500 btl 300 ml

348 Povidon Iodida larutan 10% larutan 60 ml / botol 3.300 btl 60 ml

349 Povidon Iodida larutan 10% larutan 30 ml / botol 2.000 btl 30 ml

350 Pravastatin tablet 10 mg tablet 1.820 ktk 3 x 10
351 Pravastatin tablet 20 mg tablet 3.030 ktk 3 x 10
352 Pravastatin tablet 20 mg tablet 3.030 ktk 5 x 10
353 Prazikuantel tablet 300 mg tablet 770 btl 1000
354 Prazikuantel tablet 600 mg tablet 1.600 btl 100
355 Prednison tablet 5 mg tablet 40 btl 1000
356 Primakuin tablet 15 mg tablet 30 btl 1000
357 Prokain Benzil Penisilin G. injeksi 3 jt IU/vial larutan 15 ml / vial 3.750 ktk 30 vial
358 Prometazin tablet 25 mg tablet 60 ktk 100
359 Propanolol tablet 10 mg ( HCl ) tablet 60 ktk 10 x 10
360 Propanolol tablet 40 mg (HCl) tablet 90 btl 100
361 Propilitiourasil tablet 50 mg tablet 220 btl 1000
362 Propilitiourasil tablet 100 mg tablet 310 btl 100
363 Ramipril tablet 2,5 mg tablet 320 ktk 10 x 10
364 Ramipril tablet 5 mg tablet 540 ktk 10 x 10
365 Ranitidin injeksi 25 mg/ml larutan 2 ml / ampul 2.570 ktk 25 ampul
366 Ranitidin tablet 150 mg tablet 200 ktk 3 x 10
367 Ranitidin tablet 150 mg tablet 200 ktk 10 x 10
368 Reserpin tablet 0,10 mg tablet 40 btl 250
369 Reserpin tablet 0,25 mg tablet 60 btl 1000
370 Retinol (Vitamin A) 100.000 IU kapsul lunak kapsul lunak 260 btl 50
371 Retinol (Vitamin A) 200.000 IU kapsul lunak kapsul lunak 340 btl 50
372 Retinol (Vitamin A) tablet 50.000 IU tablet 160 btl 1000
373 Rifampisin kapsul 300 mg kapsul 350 ktk 12 x 10
374 Rifampisin kapsul 300 mg kapsul 350 ktk 10 x 10
375 Rifampisin tablet salut 450 mg tablet salut 450 ktk 10 x 10

Standar Harga Satuan Upah Dan Bahan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 74
376 Rifampisin kaplet 600 mg kaplet 710 ktk 10 x 10
377 Ringer Laktat larutan infus larutan 500 ml / botol 4.820 btl 500 ml
378 Risperidon tablet 1 mg tablet 1.980 ktk 2 x 10
379 Risperidon tablet 1 mg tablet 1.980 ktk 5 x 10
380 Risperidon tablet 2 mg tablet 2.500 ktk 5 x 10
381 Risperidon tablet 3 mg tablet 3.000 ktk 2 x 10
382 Risperidon tablet 3 mg tablet 3.000 ktk 5 x 10
383 Salbutamol tablet 2 mg (sebagai Sulfat) tablet 90 ktk 10 x 10
384 Salbutamol tablet 4 mg (sebagai Sulfat) tablet 110 ktk 10 x 10
385 Salep 2-4 , Kombinasi: Asam Salisilat 2% + Belerang endap 4% salep 30 gram / pot 830 ktk 24 pot
386 Salisil Bedak 2 % serbuk 50 gram / kotak 1.030 ktk 50 gram

387 Sefadroksil sirup kering 125 mg/5ml granul dalam botol 7.230 btl 60 ml
388 Sefadroksil kapsul 250 mg kapsul 450 ktk 10 x 10
389 Sefadroksil kapsul 250 mg kapsul 450 ktk 3 x 10
390 Sefadroksil kapsul 500 mg kapsul 700 ktk 5 x 10
391 Sefadroksil kapsul 500 mg kapsul 700 ktk 10 x 10
392 Sefaklor kapsul 250 mg kapsul 1.260 ktk 3 x 10
393 Sefaklor kapsul 500 mg kapsul 2.300 ktk 3 x 10
1 2 3 4 5

394 Sefaleksin kapsul 250 mg kapsul 690 ktk 5 x 10

395 Sefaleksin kapsul 500 mg kapsul 1.320 ktk 5 x 10

396 Sefazolin injeksi 1 g serbuk dalam vial 23.940 ktk 2 vial

397 Sefiksim kapsul 100 mg kapsul 2.400 ktk 5 x 10

398 Sefiksim sirup kering 100 mg/ 5 ml granul dalam botol 30.250 btl 30 ml

399 Sefotaksim injeksi 0,5 g serbuk dalam vial 4.830 ktk 2 vial

400 Sefotaksim injeksi 1 g serbuk dalam vial 9.650 ktk 2 vial

401 Sefotaksim serbuk injeksi 1 g / vial serbuk dalam vial 9.270 ktk 1 vial

402 Seftazidim injeksi 1 g serbuk dalam vial 41.800 ktk 2 vial

403 Seftriakson injeksi 1 g serbuk dalam vial 10.610 ktk 2 vial

404 Seftriakson serbuk injeksi 1 g/ vial serbuk dalam vial 10.610 ktk 1 vial

405 Sefuroksim serbuk injeksi 750 mg/vial serbuk dalam vial 12.540 ktk 2 vial

406 Sianokobalamin (vitamin B12) injeksi 500 mcg larutan 1 ml / ampul 520 ktk 100 amp

407 Sianokobalamin (vitamin B12) tablet 50 mcg tablet 20 btl 1000

408 Siklofosfamid tablet 50 mg tablet 1.780 btl 50

409 Siklosporin kapsul lunak 25 mg kapsul 2.580 btl 50

410 Simetidin tablet 200 mg tablet 80 ktk 10 x 10

411 Simvastatin tablet 5 mg tablet 270 ktk 3 x 10

412 Simvastatin tablet 10 mg tablet 540 ktk 3 x 10

413 Simvastatin tablet 10 mg tablet 540 ktk 5 x 10

414 Simvastatin tablet 20 mg tablet 1.080 ktk 3 x 10

415 Simvastatin tablet 20 mg tablet 1.080 ktk 5 x 10

416 Siprofloksasin tablet 250 mg tablet 250 ktk 3 x 10

417 Siprofloksasin tablet 250 mg tablet 250 ktk 5 x 10

418 Siproflokasasin tablet 250 mg tablet 250 ktk 10 x 10

419 Siprofloksasin tablet 500 mg (sebagai HCl) tablet 240 ktk 5 x 10

420 Siprofloksasin tablet 500 mg (sebagai HCl) tablet 270 ktk 10 x 10

421 Siprofloksasin tetes mata 0,3 % larutan 10 ml / botol 3.880 btl 10 ml

422 Siprofloksasin infus 2% larutan 100 ml / botol 60.000 btl 100 ml

423 Spiramisin tablet 250 mg tablet 630 ktk 5 x 10

424 Spiramisin tablet 500 mg tablet 1.230 ktk 5 x 10

425 Spironolakton tablet 25 mg tablet 390 ktk 10 x 10

426 Spironolakton tablet 100 mg tablet 1.250 ktk 10 x 10

427 Streptomisin serbuk injeksi i.v 1500 mg/ml serbuk dalam vial 1.830 ktk 30 vial

428 Sulfadiazin tablet 500 mg tablet 120 btl 100

429 Sulfametoksazol tablet 400 mg tablet 80 ktk 10 x 10

430 Sulfasalazin tablet 500 mg tablet 390 btl 500 ml

431 Sulfasetamida Natrium tetes mata 15 % larutan 5 ml / botol 3.450 ktk 24 btl

432 Tamoksifen tablet 20 mg tablet 1.380 btl 30

433 Teofilin tablet 150 mg tablet 60 ktk 10 x 10

Standar Harga Satuan Upah Dan Bahan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 75
434 Terbutalin tablet 2,5 mg tablet 100 ktk 5 x 10

435 Tetrakain HCl tetes mata 0,5% larutan 5 ml / botol 3.400 ktk 24 btl

436 Tetrasiklin kapsul 250 mg kapsul 80 btl 1000

437 Tetrasiklin kapsul 500 mg kapsul 190 ktk 10 x 10

438 Tiamfenikol kapsul 250 mg kapsul 220 ktk 10 x 10

439 Tiamfenikol kapsul 500 mg kapsul 410 ktk 10 x 10

440 Tiamin (Vitamin B1) injeksi 100 mg/ml larutan 1 ml / ampul 460 ktk 30 amp

441 Tiamin (Vitamin B1) tablet 50 mg (HCl/ Nitrat) tablet 30 btl 1000

442 Tiopental Natrium serbuk injeksi 1000 mg/amp serbuk dalam ampul 60.580 ampul 10 ml

443 Tramadol injeksi 50 mg/ml larutan 1 ml / ampul 6.920 ktk 5 ampul

444 Tramadol kapsul 50 mg kapsul 360 ktk 5 x 10

445 Tramadol tablet 50 mg tablet 360 ktk 5 x 10

446 Trifluoperazin tablet 1 mg tablet 250 ktk 10 x 10

447 Trifluoperazin tablet 5 mg tablet 400 ktk 10 x 10

448 Triheksifenidil tablet 2 mg tablet 50 ktk 10 x 10

449 Trimetoprim tablet scored 200 mg tablet scored 100 btl 100

1 2 3 4 5

450 Valproat tablet 150 mg tablet 250 btl 50

451 Valproat tablet 250 mg tablet 370 btl 50

452 Verapamil tablet 80 mg (HCl) tablet 360 ktk 10 x 10

453 Vitamin B Kompleks tablet tablet 30 btl 1000

454 Zidovudin tablet 100 mg tablet 1.180 btl 60

455 Zidovudin 300 mg + Lamivudine 150 mg tablet 3.580 btl 60



Standar Harga Satuan Upah Dan Bahan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 76
NOMOR 268 TAHUN 2009




1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Amplop Berkop * Bahan Kertas Lenen segi empat
- Uk. 23 1/2 x 10 1/2 cm, isi 100 lbr kotak/pak 31.030
* Bahan Kertas casing segi empat
- Kecil , isi 100 lbr kotak/pak 32.100
- Sedang, isi 100 lbr kotak/pak 45.480
- Besar , isi 100 lbr kotak/pak 64.200
* Bahan Kertas Samson segi empat
- Kecil , isi 100 lbr kotak/pak 64.200
- Sedang, isi 100 lbr kotak/pak 80.250
- Besar , isi 100 lbr kotak/pak 107.000
2 Amplop Film/Radiologi Kertas Samson ukuran :
- 32 X 26 cm kotak/pak 80.250
- 32 X 42 cm kotak/pak 96.300
- 32 1/2 X 21 1/2 cm kotak/pak 74.900
- 37 X 37 cm kotak/pak 112.350
3 Blanko SPPD Bahan kertas HVS warna-warni:
Uk.Folio isi 50 set (1 set 7 lbr) 102.990
4 Cetak Blangko dan sejenisnya Bahan kertas HVS warna-warni:
* Uk. DF 1 muka
- 1 s/d 1.000 lembar 540
- 1.001 s/d 5.000 lembar 490
- 5.001 s/d 10.000 lembar 430
- 10.001 keatas lembar 380
* Uk. DF 2 muka
- 1 s/d 1.000 lembar 810
- 1.001 s/d 5.000 lembar 750
- 5.001 s/d 10.000 lembar 700
- 10.001 keatas lembar 650
* Uk folio 1 muka
- 1 s/d 1.000 lembar 270
- 1.001 s/d 5.000 lembar 220
- 5.001 s/d 10.000 lembar 170
- 10.001 keatas lembar 150
* Uk folio 2 muka
- 1 s/d 1.000 lembar 410
- 1.001 s/d 5.000 lembar 380
- 5.001 s/d 10.000 lembar 350
- 10.001 keatas lembar 330
Bahan kertas HVS putih:
* Uk. DF 1 muka
- 1 s/d 1.000 lembar 540
- 1.001 s/d 5.000 lembar 490
- 5.001 s/d 10.000 lembar 430
- 10.001 keatas lembar 380
* Uk. DF 2 muka
- 1 s/d 1.000 lembar 810
- 1.001 s/d 5.000 lembar 750
- 5.001 s/d 10.000 lembar 700
- 10.001 keatas lembar 650
* Uk folio 1 muka
- 1 s/d 1.000 lembar 270
- 1.001 s/d 5.000 lembar 220
- 5.001 s/d 10.000 lembar 190
- 10.001 keatas lembar 170
* Uk folio 2 muka
- 1 s/d 1.000 lembar 380
- 1.001 s/d 5.000 lembar 370

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 1
1 2 3 4 5 6
- 5.001 s/d 10.000 lembar 360
- 10.001 keatas lembar 350
5 Cetak Kop Surat Bahan kertas HVS putih 70 gr (logo berwarna)
- 1 s/d 10 rim 160.500
- 11 s/d 20 rim 149.800
- 20 s/d 50 rim 139.100
- 51 keatas rim 128.400
Bahan kertas HVS putih 70 gr (logo hitam putih)
- 1 s/d 10 rim 107.000
- 11 s/d 20 rim 93.630
- 20 s/d 50 rim 80.250
- 51 keatas rim 74.900
6 Blanko Indek Surat Kertas HVS 60 gr , uk. 16 X 16 1/2 cm, isi 50 x 3 lbr buku 16.050
7 Blanko Clain ASKES Kertas HVS 70 gr folio, isi 50 x 3 lbr buku 32.100
8 Blanko copy RF biasa ahipweak Rf kecil Kertas HVS 60 gr Uk.10 1/2 X 16 1/2 cm lembar 70
9 Blanko RF besar Kertas HVS 60 gr Uk.21 1/2 x 16 1/2 cm lembar 110
10 Blanko Pemeriksaan Kertas HVS 60 gr Uk.21 1/2 X 16 1/2 cm lembar 110
11 Blanko Kwitansi Bahan kertas HVS 60 gr putih
- Uk folio 25 set (1 set 7 lembar) buku 37.450
- Uk folio 50 set (1 set 7 lembar) buku 74.900
- Uk 1/2 folio 25 set (1 set 7 lembar) buku 18.730
- Uk 1/2 folio 50 set (1 set 7 lembar) buku 37.450
Bahan kertas NCR warna warni
- Uk folio 25 set (1 set 7 lembar) buku 56.180
- Uk folio 50 set (1 set 7 lembar) buku 112.350
- Uk 1/2 folio 25 set (1 set 7 lembar) buku 28.090
- Uk 1/2 folio 50 set (1 set 7 lembar) buku 56.180
12 Blanko SPM/ SP2D 1 buku isi 100 set, 1 set terdiri dari 6 lembar
kertas NCR warna warni :
- 1 s/d 50 buku 160.500
- 51 s/d 100 buku 154.080
- 101 keatas buku 144.450
1 buku isi 50 set, 1 set terdiri dari 6 lembar
kertas NCR warna warni :
- 1 s/d 50 buku 80.250
- 51 s/d 100 buku 77.040
- 101 keatas buku 72.230
13 Blanko Nota Pembayaran Kertas NCR, 1 buku 50 set (1 set 4 lembar) buku 53.500
14 Blanko Model DK Bahan kertas HVS ef 70 gr,cetak bolak balik :
- 1 s/d 500 lembar 330
- 501 s/d 1000 lembar 300
- 1001 s/d 5000 lembar 270
- 5001 s/d 10000 lembar 270
- 10001 keatas lembar 260
Blanko Model DP3 lembar 1.070
15 Blanko Grafik Ardlys Bahan kertas HVS Uk. : 43 1/2 X 33 cm (A3) lembar 810
16 Blanko Register - Blanko Register B.I SPMU Keseluruhan buku 401.250
* 1 buku isi 500 lbr; Bahan kertas HVS 60 gr, dicetak bolak balik
- Blanko Register B.II SPMU beban Sementara buku 401.250
* 1 buku isi 500 lbr; Bahan kertas HVS 60 gr, dicetak bolak balik
17 Cetak Blanko - STTB lembar 4.020
- DANEM lembar 5.350
- SPPKB lembar 330
- Rincian Rawat inap buku 37.450
- Permintaan UUDP (Bend.1, 2, 3, dan 4) buku 80.250
- Bend.16 buku 59.920
- Bend.26 buku 59.920
- Bend.26 Rumah Sakit buku 59.920
- Kumpulan Bukti-bukti lembar 330
- STPD (Surat tagihan pajak daerah) set 1.070
- Daf. Rincian Jml Pembayaran Pajak Pada Kantor Bersama Samsat lembar 330

- Sumbangan pihak ke 3 kertas HVS warna warni, isi 75 set (1set 3 lbr) buku 60.190

18 Cetak Cover dan Jilid Bahan Kertas Gelori/ kingstrik/ buffalo/ hamer (karton/plastik) Berwarna

Ukuran :

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 2
1 2 3 4 5 6
- Doble folio/double kwarto buku 37.450
- Folio/kwarto buku 32.100
- 1/2 folio buku 18.730
Bahan Kertas Gelori/ kingstrik/ buffalo/ hamer Berwarna
Ukuran :
- Doble folio/double kwarto buku 32.100
- Folio/kwarto buku 18.730
- 1/2 folio buku 10.700
Bahan Kertas Gelori/ kingstrik/ buffalo/ hamer hitam putih
Ukuran :
- Doble folio/double kwarto buku 24.080
- Folio/kwarto buku 12.040
- 1/2 folio buku 6.420
19 Fotocopy Bahan HVS 70 gr
- 1 muka lembar 170
- 2 muka lembar 330
20 Cetak buku dan sejenisnya - Cetak buku lembar disposisi 15 X 21 cm isi 100 lbr buku 32.100
- Cetak blanko pengeluaran barang bolak - balik ef buku 26.750
- Cetak buku pengeluaran barang isi 50 lbr df buku 26.750
- Cetak buku penerimaan barang isi 50 lbr df buku 11.510
- Cetak Buku Memo 1/2 100 lbr buku 810
- Cetak Stiker inventaris barang berwarna lembar 1.340
- Cetak Stiker OBGAB berwarna lembar 37.990
- Cetak Stiker Identitas Kendaraan lembar 810
- Cetak Kartu KIB Tanah (brifcar) lembar 810
- Cetak Kartu KIB Gedung (brifcar) lembar 810
- Cetak Kartu KIB Kendaraan (brifcar) lembar 810
- Cetak Kartu KIB Barang (brifcar) lembar 810
- Cetak Kartu Inventaris Ruangan (brifcar) lembar 1.340
Bahan kertas Doorslag berwarna Uk. 1/4 folio :isi 50 set, (1 set 3 lbr) Lbr ke
21 Buku Kertas Kendali
1 HVS, Lbr ke 2 dan 3 Doorslag warna.
- 1 s/d 500 buku 9.630
- 501 s/d 1000 buku 8.030
- 1001 keatas buku 6.420
Ukuran folio :
- 1 s/d 1000 buku 38.520
- 501 s/d 1000 buku 32.100
- 1001 keatas buku 28.890
Bahan kertas Kulit Brifkard 170 gr, Isi Kertas 80 gr Uk.21x15 cm (1 buku isi
22 Buku Raport SD
12 lbr)
- 1 s/d 500 buku
- 501 s/d 1000 buku 5.780
- 1001 s/d 5000 buku 5.680
- 5001 s/d 10000 buku 5.570
- 10001 keatas buku 5.350
23 Buku Raport SLTP - 1 s/d 500 buku 7.490
- 501 s/d 1000 buku 7.280
- 1001 s/d 5000 buku 7.070
- 5001 s/d 10000 buku 6.850
- 10001 keatas buku 6.640
24 Buku Raport SMU - 1 s/d 500 buku 7.490
- 501 s/d 1000 buku 7.280
- 1001 s/d 5000 buku 7.070
- 5001 s/d 10000 buku 6.850
- 10001 keatas buku 6.640
25 Buku Raport SMK - 1 s/d 500 buku 7.490
- 501 s/d 1000 buku 7.280
- 1001 s/d 5000 buku 7.070
- 5001 s/d 10000 buku 6.850
- 10001 keatas buku 6.640
26 Buku Kumpulan/Himpunan Peraturan Kulit Karton tebal, lapis kain dijahit,
Perundang-undangan. bahan kertas HVS ukuran folio/kwarto :
- 1 s/d 500 buku 69.550
- 501 s/d 1000 buku 64.200
- 1001 s/d 5000 buku 58.850
- 5001 keatas buku 53.500

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 3
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Ukuran 1/2 folio/kwarto :
- 1 s/d 500 buku 34.780
- 501 s/d 1000 buku 32.100
- 1001 s/d 5000 buku 29.430
- 5001 keatas buku 26.750
27 Buku R/kaca mata dll Kertas HVS, Uk. 22 X 17 1/2 cm isi 100 lembar buku 13.910
28 Buku R/kecil kertas HVS Uk. 16 X 10 cm isi 100 lembar buku 6.420

29 Buku Register B.V (Pengeluaran) Masing-masing buku isi 500 lbr dari kertas HVS 80 gr cetak bolak-balik buku 374.500

30 Buku Regester B.IV ( Penerimaan ) Masing-masing buku isi 500 lembar dari kertas HVS 80 gr cetak bolak balik buku 374.500

31 Buku Harian Samsat - buku 133.750

32 Buku Pengantar Surat Rutin warna uk.folio 1 set isi 3 lbr (1 buku 50 set) Bahan HVS dan doorslag buku 37.450
33 Buku Register Kendaraan HVS 80 gr buku 240.750
26 Buku Register Buku Register Beban Tetap Cetak bolak balik Kulit Karton isi 500 lbr buku 411.950

Buku Register Beban Sementara Cetak bolak balik Kulit Karton isi 500 lbr buku 411.950

Buku Register SPMU Cetak bolak-balik kulit Karton isi 500 lbr buku 411.950
Buku Register SPK / Kontrak Kulit bufallow Buku Kwitansi Bahan Kertas
buku 38.520
NCR 1 buku isi 25 set 1 set 7 lembar
- Buku Kwitansi utk Pemerintah uk.1/2 ef isi 100 lbr buku 13.380
27 Buku Kas Umum Daerah - bahan kertas HVS dan doorslag warna warni buku 58.850
28 Buku Surat Keterangan dokter Kertas HVS Uk. 16 1/2 X 10 1/2 buku 7.490
29 Buku Akuntabilitas Kinerja - buku 37.450
30 Buku Memory Akhir Tugas - buku 64.200
31 Buku Profil * Desa/Kelurahan :
- Uk. Kwarto, isi B/B, HVS 80 gr Cover Kertas King Strik 300 gr, 50 warna
buku 133.750
cover Block warna 1 buku isi 313 halaman
32 Blanko SPPKB Pendaftaran -Uk.Folio lembar 330

-Bahan Kertas HVS 70 gram,Isi tulisan Bolak-balik, pakai nomor Seri

33 Brosur berwarna dan sejenisnya Bahan kertas HVS folio 1 muka :

- 1 s/d 500 lembar 3.750

- 501 s/d 1000 lembar 3.210
- 1001 keatas lembar 2.680
Bahan kertas HVS folio 2 muka :
- 1 s/d 500 lembar 4.280
- 501 s/d 1000 lembar 3.750
- 1001 keatas lembar 3.210
Bahan kertas HVS df 1 muka :
- 1 s/d 500 lembar 6.420
- 501 s/d 1000 lembar 5.890
- 1001 keatas lembar 5.350
Bahan kertas HVS df 2 muka :
- 1 s/d 500 lembar 7.490
- 501 s/d 1000 lembar 6.960
- 1001 keatas lembar 6.420
Bahan kertas kingstrik Uk. ef 1 muka :
- 1 s/d 500 lembar 5.140
- 501 s/d 1000 lembar 4.930
- 1001 keatas lembar 4.710
Bahan kertas kingstrik Uk. ef 2 muka :
- 1 s/d 500 lembar 5.570
- 501 s/d 1000 lembar 5.350
- 1001 keatas lembar 5.140
Bahan kertas kingstrik Uk. df 1 muka :
- 1 s/d 500 lembar 8.560
- 501 s/d 1000 lembar 8.350
- 1001 keatas lembar 8.140
Bahan kertas kingstrik Uk. df 2 muka :
- 1 s/d 500 lembar 9.630
- 501 s/d 1000 lembar 9.420
- 1001 keatas lembar 9.210
Bahan kertas kingstrik Uk. 3 folio 1 muka :
- 1 s/d 500 lembar 12.840
- 501 s/d 1000 lembar 11.770
- 1001 keatas lembar 10.700
Bahan kertas kingstrik Uk.3 folio 2 muka :

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 4
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- 1 s/d 500 lembar 14.450
- 501 s/d 1000 lembar 13.910
- 1001 keatas lembar 13.380
Bahan kertas kilat Uk.folio 2 muka lembar 12.840
34 Surat Kabar dan sejenisnya Bahan kertas CD 4 X folio :
- 1 s/d 500 lembar 4.280
- 501 s/d 1000 lembar 3.750
- 1001 keatas lembar 3.210
35 Buku Verifikasi Pembayaran BBNKB -Uk.Double Folio buku 80.250
Tambahan dan Pengurangan PKB -Bahan Kertas HVS 70 gr
-Isi 100 lbr
36 Brosur - Uk.kertas 14 x 21 cm Jenis kertas Art expl 16.050
Cartoon 210 gr Isi Matt Art 120 gr
Warna Full Colour 4/4
37 Buku Program Audio
- Petunjuk Pemanfaatan Kulit kertas Ipori Full Color, Isi Kertas HVS 80 gr, 20 halaman expl 10.170

- Lembar Kegiatan Siswa Kulit kertas Ipori Full ColorIsi Kertas HVS 80 gr, 16 halaman expl 10.170

38 Buku Petunjuk (Guide Book) - Uk.kertas 14x21 cm Jenis kertas Art Carton buku 48.150
210 gr Isi Matt Art 120 gr Warna Full Colour 4/4
Warna Full Colour 1/ Terdiri dari 103 halaman
39 Cetak Buku kertas HVS Uk. 1/2 folio 1 muka
- hitam putih lembar 270
- warna penuh/ full colour lembar 1.340
kertas HVS Uk. folio/ kwarto 1 muka
- hitam putih lembar 380
- warna penuh/ full colour lembar 2.680
kertas HVS Uk. 1/2 folio 2 muka
- hitam putih lembar 270
- warna penuh/ full colour lembar 1.880
kertas HVS Uk. folio/ kwarto 2 muka
- hitam putih lembar 380
- warna penuh/ full colour lembar 3.750
40 Cetak Buku kerja uk 1/2 folio kertas HVS buku 80.250
41 Buku Subyek Induk Pajak buku 85.600
42 Format Perencanaan Persalinan - Uk kertas 21,5 x 33 cm lembar 810
- Manila halus warna putih
- B/W (black white) bolak balik
43 Format Kesepakatan/Perencanaan Persalinan - Uk kertas 21,5 x 33 cm lembar 1.340
(berwarna) - Manila halus warna putih
- Full Colour
44 Format Pegangan Dukun (Buku Dukun Bayi) - Uk kertas 15,5 x 23,5 cm buku 8.030
- Kertas Cover Ivory 210 gr
- Kertas Isi Art Paper 90 gr
- Cetak Cover Full Colour
- Cetak Isi Full Colour
45 Cetak stop map khusus STNK, BBN, BPKB, Bahan kertas brifkard/buffalo/glori :
SWDKLLJ dan Sejenisnya - 1 s/d 500 buah 3.750
- 501 s/d 1000 buah 3.480
- 1001 s/d 5000 buah 3.380
- 5001 s/d 10000 buah 3.210
- 10001 keatas buah 2.950
- Uk. Kertas = 28 x 21 cm; Jenis Kertas = Art Paper; Isi Buku 42 Halaman
46 Cetak Buletin dan sejenisnya Full Colour; Ilustrasi; Cetak Kulit Lambang Daerah Berwarna (Cover Muka buku 32.100
Full Colour) & Belakang Pakai Kertas Brikard
- bahan cover kingstrik (berwarna) Uk. Kertas = 28 x 21 cm; Jenis Kertas
buku 26.750
HVS 80 gr 2 muka,
47 Daftar Penguji ( Advislies ) Ukuran folio kertas HVS, Doorslag warna warni isi 200 lembar buku 53.500
48 Det Dju/Slip Kembali lembar 300
49 Executive Sumary RIK - Bergambar warna buku 74.900
50 Formulir SKO pembangunan Ukuran folio kertas HVS isi 100 lembar buku 26.750
51 Fiskal Antar Daerah - Kertas NCR buku 37.450
52 Karcis Poliklinik Kertas HVS Uk. 16 1/2 X 10 1/2 cm isi 100 lembar. buku 3.750
53 Karcis Berobat blok 13.380
54 Karcis Leges PKB lembar 13.380
55 Kartu loket / Kupon Ukuran 1/2 folio kertas HVS,warna isi 1 block 100 lembar :

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 5
1 2 3 4 5 6
- 1 s/d 500 block 13.380
- 501 s/d 1000 block 12.840
- 1001 s/d 5000 block 12.310
- 5001 s/d 10000 block 11.770
- 10001 keatas block 10.700
Kertas CD berwarna :
- 1 s/d 500 block 8.300
- 501 s/d 1000 block 8.030
- 1001 s/d 5000 block 7.760
- 5001 s/d 10000 block 7.490
- 10001 keatas block 7.230
Bahan kertas Manila Ukuran : 48 X 28 cm :
- 1 s/d 500 lembar 2.140
- 501 s/d 1000 lembar 1.880
- 1001 s/d 5000 lembar 1.610
- 5001 s/d 10000 lembar 1.340
- 10001 keatas lembar 1.070
Bahan kertas Bufalow Ukuran : 58 1/2 X 36 1/2 cm:
- 1 s/d 500 lembar 2.950
- 501 s/d 1000 lembar 2.680
- 1001 s/d 5000 lembar 2.410
- 5001 s/d 10000 lembar 2.140
- 10001 keatas lembar 1.880
Bahan kertas Manila Ukuran : 58 1/2 X 36 1/2 cm :
- 1 s/d 500 lembar 1.880
- 501 s/d 1000 lembar 1.770
- 1001 s/d 5000 lembar 1.610
- 5001 s/d 10000 lembar 1.450
- 10001 keatas lembar 1.340
Kartu Undangan lengkap sampul pakai Lbg
56 Ukuran Cabinet isi 5 lembar
- 1 s/d 500 set 8.300
- 501 s/d 1000 set 8.030
- 1001 keatas set 7.760
Uk. folio, kertas Brifkard warna biru, Uk. folio kertas HVS jilid isi 100
57 Kartu belanja pegawai harian tetap lembar 2.950
58 Kartu Data Laporan SGR Uk. df, Kertas Brifkard lembar 1.500
59 Kartu Pengunjung Kertas BC folio 2 muka lembar 750
60 Kartu Pemeriksaan umum Mata, gigi dll. Kertas BC dicetak 2 muka Ukuran 21 1/2 X 16 1/2 cm lembar 2.950
61 Kartu status penyakit kandungan Kertas BC lembar 1.340
Kartu status penyakit anak, dalam bedah
62 Cetak 2 muka Uk. 43 X 35 cm lembar 1.610
kebidanan & kandungan
63 Kartu Indek penyakit Kertas BC dicetak 2 muka Uk. 29 1/2 X 21 1/2 cm. lembar 700
64 Kartu UKS/KMS utk anak sekolah - lembar 2.950
65 Kartu Pengenal - set 4.020
66 Kartu Anggota Perpustakaan lembar 300
67 Kartu Buku lembar 300
68 Kartu Induk Pengawasan Kartu BC-Super warna kuning Uk. 33 x 34 cm Lembar 810
69 Kartu Pengawasan / Kendali Kertas BC - super warna merah Uk. 33 x 21,5 cm Lembar 650
70 Cetak kartu kendali - gaji lembar 270
- Barang lembar 270
- Persediaan barang lembar 270
- Barang ( Bend.22) lembar 970
- Persediaan barang (Bend.23) lembar 970
- Pesanan Barang lembar 970
- Pemeliharaan barang rim 96.300
- Kendali keuangan rim 96.300
- Kendali lembar 270
- Barang lembar 910
- Pemeliharaan Barang lembar 1.340
71 Kertas Kop Gubernur - rim 117.700
72 Kertas Racium/ICU Kertas BC folio lembar 810
73 Kantong Buku lembar 300
74 Label Buku lembar 140
- Uk.kertas 68x49 cm Jenis kertas Art Cartoon 210 gr Isi Matt Art 120 gr
75 Leaflet expl 11.770
Warna Full Colour 4/4
76 Map Album Arsip - buah 6.690

77 Map Plastik UJ - buah 50.830

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 6
1 2 3 4 5 6
78 Map KOP Unit Kerja buah 3.210

79 Map Cetak - Kertas BC - Super Warna Biru Uk. 46 x 33 cm Logo Setda Berwarna lembar 1.770
Uk. 24 cm panjang 10 cm bahan lbr pertama kertas HVS 80 gr, lbr 2,3 & 4
79 Notice Pajak set 5.890
kertas NCR warna warni
80 Pening Pajak - set 2.680
81 Poster Berwarna lembar 8.300
82 Poster Pulau Lombok Prov. NTB - Bahan : Artpaper 150 gr lembar 12.840
(Bahan Media Promosi) -Uk. 50x70 cm; Cetak Sparasi; Finishing(Fullcolor)4/1
Quantity : Varnish (Glossy); Berat 4,5 kg
83 Peta Lokasi Rumah Dinas Milik Pemprov. NTB - Kertas A1 (di cetak dg Uk. A2) lembar 401.250
84 Surat Peringatan OPGAB buku 37.450
85 Cetak Stiker OPGAB Bahan Cutting lbr 1.980
86 Surat Perjanjian OPGAB Kendaraan Bermotor buku 48.150
Surat Tanda Bukti Penahanan Sementara
87 buku 50.830
Kendaraan Bermotor
88 SPPKB Pendaftaran lembar 750
89 Sertifikat pakai Lbg Daerah berwarna Bahan kertas linen/permika :
- 1 s/d 500 lembar 4.820
- 501 s/d 1000 lembar 4.550
- 1001 keatas lembar 4.280
90 Sertifikat pakai Lbg Daerah hitam putih Bahan kertas linen/permika :
- 1 s/d 500 lembar 2.950
- 501 s/d 1000 lembar 2.680
- 1001 keatas lembar 2.410
91 Blanko S K P D - set 1.560
92 Surat Keterangan Pelunasan -Uk.18 x 25 cm, Bahan kertas Buffalo lembar 3.750
93 Surat Keterangan Kematian -Uk.18 x 25 cm, Bahan kertas Buffalo lembar 3.750
94 Undangan lengkap Isi Undangan :
- Undangan Pengukuhan lembar 1.880
- Undangan Renungaan lembar 1.880
- Undangan Detik-detik Proklamasi lembar 2.950
- Undangan Penurunan Bendera lembar 2.950
- Undangan Pawai Pem/Arak-arakan lembar 2.680
- Undangan Peresmian Proyek lembar 4.120
Sampul undangan : lembar 2.680
Undangan Voucher HUT RI lembar 970
95 Surat Ijin Penghunian (SIP)
Cetak Blangko SIP Tebal lembar 3.000
Tipis lembar 1.500
1 Amplop: * Lenen segi empat
- Uk. 15 1/2 x 12 1/2 cm, isi 100 lbr kotak/pak 18.730
* Lenen panjang Uk. 23 1/2 x 10 1/2 cm, isi 100 lbr kotak/pak 26.750
Enbose lenen putih uk.79/109 cm uk besar lembar 8.030
- Lenen kabinet panjang kotak/pak 26.750
- Lenen kabinet pendek kotak/pak 18.730
2 Asbak Rokok -Halus buah 69.550
-Sedang buah 48.150
-Biasa buah 8.030
- Besar buah 37.450
3 Album foto LVR Ukuran besar, isi 20 lembar buah 98.980
4 Buku: * Ekpedisi :
- Uk.11 x 32 cm, isi 100 lbr buah 6.420
- Uk.32 x 21 cm, isi 50 lbr buah 4.820
* Agenda :
- Uk. 21 x 32 cm, isi 100 lbr buah 20.330
- Uk.22 1/2 x 15 cm, isi 225 lbr buah 48.150
* Register : Uk. 32 x 21 cm, isi 100 lbr buah 18.730
* Buku Kas Pembantu (Kwarto) :
Uk. 10 x 21 cm, isi 100 lbr buah 10.700
Uk. 28 x 21 cm, isi 50 lbr buah 8.300
Uk. 28 x 21 cm, isi 100 lbr buah 16.590
Uk. 16,5 x 21 cm, isi 200 lbr buah 21.400
* Buku Kas Pembantu (Folio) :
- Uk. 21 x 32 cm, isi 100 lbr buah 26.750
- Uk.32 x 21 cm, isi 50 lbr buah 13.380
* Buku Tulis : Biasa uk.28 x 21 cm isi 50 lbr buah 4.820
- Kwarto isi 200 lbr ef buah 26.750

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 7
1 2 3 4 5 6
* Buku Kerja Pemprov. NTB buah 69.550
* Nota Kontan :
- Uk.32 x 21 cm, isi 40 lbr buah 16.050
* Menjahit folio :
- Uk. 23 x 21 cm, isi 100 lbr buah 18.730
* Buku Gambar :
- Uk. 32 x 21 cm, isi 18 lbr buah 5.350
- Uk. 35 1/2 x 36 1/2 cm, isi 18 lbr buah 9.630
* Block Notes 1/2 folio :
- Bergaris uk.16x21cm,isi 50 lbr buah 6.960
- Tidak bergaris uk.16 x 21 cm, isi 100 lbr buah 10.700
* Milimeter ef Uk.32 x 21 cm, isi 25 lbr buah 4.820
* Kwitansi
- Uk. 21 1/2 x 11 cm, isi 50 lbr buah 3.210
- Uk. 30 x 10 cm, isi 100 lbr buah 6.420
- Uk. 20 1/2 x 16 1/2 cm, isi 30 lbr buah 9.100
* Register folio :
- Uk. 32 x 21 cm, isi 50 lbr buah 9.630
- Uk. 32 x 21 cm, isi 100 lbr buah 19.260
* Kas Tabelaris
- Uk.49 1/2 cm x 32cm,isi 50 lbr buah 32.100
- Uk.49 1/2cm x 32cm,isi 100 lbr buah 64.200
- Uk. 14 - 24 kolom buah 32.100
* Kas Pembantu
- Uk.isi 100 lbr buah 18.730
* Panjar :
- Uk. - , isi 500 lbr buah 133.750
- Uk. - , isi 250 lbr buah 66.880
* Register
- Uk. 31 x 21 cm; Isi 50 lbr buku 9.630
- Uk. 31 x 21 cm; Isi 200 lbr buku 26.750
* Kwarto
- Uk.28x21cm; Isi 100 lbr buku 13.380
* Kas
- Uk.21x32cm; Isi 50 lbr buku 18.730
- Uk.21x32cm; Isi 100 lbr buku 50.830
- Uk.21x32cm; 2 kolom; Isi 200 lbr buku 18.730
- Uk.21x32cm; 3 kolom; Isi 50 lbr buku 16.050
- Uk.21x32cm; 3 kolom; Isi 100 lbr buku 18.730
* Expedisi
- Uk.11x32cm; Isi 100 lbr buku 10.700
* Refrensi buku 32.100
5 Bolpoint : * Biasa
- Merk Pilot BPTP buah 3.210
* Meja buah 10.700
- Merk Pental buah 48.150
- Merk Boxy lusin 80.250
- Merk Top A. 6 lusin 38.520
- Merk E r o lusin 38.520
- Merk Kilometrico lusin 38.520
- Merk Read-Leaf buah 38.520
- Merk Parkar Rolear Ball/Foating Ball, 5 FB buah 82.930
- Merk s t i c k a buah 20.870
- Merk S o n a t a buah 6.420
- Merk E r o 2 warna buah 5.350
- Merk E r o 4 warna buah 10.700
- Merk F.6 SBA isi 4 buah set 25.680
- IBM Merk F r a n c o buah 4.820
- Merk Snowman buah 16.050
* Tinta emas/perak buah 26.750
* Parker set 433.350
Merk Senator buah 128.400
Merk Boliner lusin 160.500
Pilot BPTP lusin 38.520
Mont Blanc set 5.082.500
Merk BOXY Hitam buah 8.030

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 8
1 2 3 4 5 6
Pentel lengkap buah 50.830
- Boliner Merk Pilot buah 13.380
- Boxy (unibal) buah 10.700
- Plot G-1 Grip buah 16.050
6 Box Disket Merk Verbatim buah 112.350
7 Box Arsip / Box File - Merk Crown buah 16.050
8 Baterai : * Merk Eveready :
- Besar buah 4.020
- Sedang buah 3.750
- Kecil buah 3.750
* Merk A.B.C :
- Besar buah 4.020
- Sedang buah 3.750
- Kecil buah 2.680
* Segi empat urut 238 9 volt buah 16.050
- 9 Volt Durracel buah 56.180
- A.A.A.2 durracel buah 48.150
- D2 Duracell buah 40.130
9 Bantal stampel - Merk Hero Uk. kecil buah 8.030
- Merk Hero Uk. sedang buah 12.840
- Merk Hero Uk. besar buah 14.450
- Merk Artline Uk. kecil buah 18.730
- Merk Artline Uk. sedang buah 37.450
- Merk Artline Uk. besar buah 58.850
10 Bantal spon penghitung uang Pakai air buatan lokal buah 8.030
11 Bak sampah plastik lokal buah 80.250
12 Bendera Lbg Daerah NTB (Aplikasi) Uk. 133 x 98 1/2 cm lembar 481.500
13 Bendera Lbg Burung Garuda (Aplikasi) Uk. 28 x 28 cm lembar 267.500
14 Bingkai/Pigura Berukir Bahan kayu, kaca Uk. 31 x 21 cm lembar 37.450
15 Bingkai/Pigura Bahan Alumunium, warna emas kaca
- Uk. 30 x 40 1/2 cm buah 374.500
- Uk. 25 x 35 1/2 cm buah 347.750
- Uk. 60 x 50 cm buah 695.500
16 Bahan Lem Merk Arabikon Kg 37.450
17 Benang Kasur Merk 555, Uk.kecil gulung 6.420
18 Busur Merk S t a r buah 3.210
19 Disk Cleaner (pembersih) Disket cleaner merk Fuji :
- Uk. 5 1/4 buah 13.380
- Uk. 3 1/2 buah 10.700
CD Cleaner : buah 26.750
CD Kosong box 187.250
20 Disket Besar * Merk Fuji Film MD2HD box 96.300
* Merk Maxell MD2 - HD box 112.350
21 Disket Kecil * Merk Fuji Film MF2HD L U X box 157.830
* Merk Maxell MF2 - HD L U X box 112.350
* Merk Sony MFD - 2HD L U X box 96.300
* Merk Vebartim MF2 HD L U X box 96.300
23 Gambar Presiden & Wakil Presiden - Ukuran sedang Stel 722.250
- Ukuran besar Stel 829.250
24 Gunting Sedang buah 26.750
Uk. 8'' buah 50.000
Singer buah 175.000
25 Hecter (staples) : Uk. 24/6 Merk lion buah 40.130
Uk. 24/6 Merk Handy buah 34.780
Merk Lion Uk. 10 buah 26.750
Merk Yunnun/Max Uk. No. 10 buah 18.730
26 Isi Roller Parker - Quink buah 26.750
27 Isi Sheafer asli - Quink buah 40.130
28 Isi Bolpoint : - Merk Pental buah 18.730
- Merk Readleaf buah 13.380
- Mont Blanc buah 101.650
29 Isi staples : * Merk Atom/BBC,
kotak 4.020
- Uk. No. 10 (kecil) kotak 2.140
- Uk. No. 1217 (besar) kotak 26.750
30 Isi Pisau Cutter Merk NT asli set 26.750

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 9
1 2 3 4 5 6
31 K e r t a s : ( 1 rim = 500 lembar ) * HVS ef :
- Merk Sinar dunia Uk. 33 x 21 1/2 cm, berat 60 gr rim 48.150
- Merk Sinar dunia Uk. 33 x 21 1/2 cm, berat 70 gr rim 50.830
- Merk Sinar Dunia Uk. 33 x 21 1/2 cm, berat 80 gr rim 58.850
* HVS Kwarto :
- Merk Sinar dunia Uk. 29 x 21 1/2 cm, berat 60 gr rim 42.800
- Merk Sinar dunia Uk. 29 x 21 1/2 cm, berat 70 gr rim 48.150
- Merk Sinar Dunia Uk. 29 x 21 1/2 cm, berat 80 gr rim 66.880
* HVS ef :
- Merk paper one uk,33 x 21 1/2 cm, 60 gr rim 45.480
- Merk paper one uk,33 x 21 1/2 cm, 70 gr rim 48.150
- Merk paper one uk,33 x 21 1/2 cm, 80 gr rim 53.500
* HVS Kwarto :
- Merk paper one uk,29 x 21 1/2 cm, 60 gr rim 42.800
- Merk paper one uk,29 x 21 1/2 cm, 70 gr rim 45.480
- Merk paper one uk,29 x 21 1/2 cm, 80 gr rim 48.150
* HVS ef :
- Kwarto Merk paper line uk,33 x 21 1/2 cm, 60 gr rim 42.800
- Merk paper line uk,33 x 21 1/2 cm, 70 gr rim 45.480
- Merk paper line uk,33 x 21 1/2 cm, 80 gr rim 48.150
* HVS Kwarto :
- Kwarto Merk paper line uk,29 x 21 1/2 cm, 60 gr rim 40.660
- Merk paper line uk,29 x 21 1/2 cm, 70 gr rim 43.870
- Merk paper line uk,29 x 21 1/2 cm, 80 gr rim 45.480
* Duplikator Ef merk kuda uk.28x21,5 cm 70 gr rim 42.800
* Duplikator kwarto merk kuda uk.28x21,5 cm 70 gr rim 40.130
* HVS DF :
- Merk Sinar dunia Uk. 33 x 21 1/2 cm, berat 60 gr rim 96.300
- Merk Sinar dunia Uk. 33 x 21 1/2 cm, berat 70 gr rim 101.650
- Merk Sinar Dunia Uk. 33 x 21 1/2 cm, berat 80 gr rim 117.700
* HVS double Kwarto :
- Merk Sinar dunia Uk. 29 x 21 1/2 cm, berat 60 gr rim 83.460
- Merk Sinar dunia Uk. 29 x 21 1/2 cm, berat 70 gr rim 87.740
- Merk Sinar Dunia Uk. 29 x 21 1/2 cm, berat 80 gr rim 90.950
* HVS DF :
- Merk paper one uk,33 x 21 1/2 cm, 60 gr rim 90.950
- Merk paper one uk,33 x 21 1/2 cm, 70 gr rim 96.300
- Merk paper one uk,33 x 21 1/2 cm, 80 gr rim 107.000
* HVS double Kwarto :
- Merk paper one uk,29 x 21 1/2 cm, 60 gr rim 85.600
- Merk paper one uk,29 x 21 1/2 cm, 70 gr rim 90.950
- Merk paper one uk,29 x 21 1/2 cm, 80 gr rim 96.300
* HVS DF :
- Kwarto Merk paper line uk,33 x 21 1/2 cm, 60 gr rim 85.600
- Merk paper line uk,33 x 21 1/2 cm, 70 gr rim 90.950
- Merk paper line uk,33 x 21 1/2 cm, 80 gr rim 96.300
* HVS double Kwarto :
- Kwarto Merk paper line uk,29 x 21 1/2 cm, 60 gr rim 83.460
- Merk paper line uk,29 x 21 1/2 cm, 70 gr rim 87.740
- Merk paper line uk,29 x 21 1/2 cm, 80 gr rim 90.950
* Duplikator Ef merk kuda uk.28x21,5 cm 70 gr rim 90.950
* Duplikator kwarto merk kuda uk.28x21,5 cm 70 gr rim 45.480
* HVS ef (warna) :
- Uk.32 x 21 cm, isi 500 lembar rim 53.500
* HVS df :
- Merk Sinar Dunia Uk. 33 x 43 1/2 cm, berat 60 gr rim 96.300
- Merk Sinar Dunia Uk. 29,7 x 21 1/2 cm, berat 60 gr rim 85.600
* Doorslag ef :
- Merk Bola Terbang Uk.33 x 21 1/2 cm rim 32.100
* Doorslag df :
- Merk Bola Terbang Uk.33 x 43 1/2 cm rim 64.200
- Merk Rajawali uk.33x43x1/2 cm rim 58.850
* Doorslag warna :- Ukuran 32 x 21 cm rim 37.450
* Stencil (CD) ef :
- Merk Bola Terbang Uk.33 x 21 1/2 cm rim 32.100
* Stencil (CD) df :

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 10
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- Merk Bola Terbang Uk.33 x 43 1/2 cm rim 64.200
* Bergaris df :
- Merk BB uk.33 x 43 1/2 cm rim 107.000
* Foto copy ef :
- Ukuran 32 x 21 cm, berat 80 gr rim 53.500
* Foto copy df :
- Ukuran 42 x 30 cm, berat 80 gr rim 90.950
* Gambar :
- Merk Osaline uk.10 meter rol 80.250
- Merk Hanoa uk.10 meter rol 112.350
- Merk Osaline uk.10 meter rol 112.350
- Merk Osaline uk.20 meter rol 123.050
- Merk Diamond uk.10 meter rol 80.250
- Merk Cahson uk.10 meter rol 90.950
- Merk Diamond uk.20 meter rol 187.250
* Kasing (pembungkus) :
- Uk. 65 x 100 cm lembar 810
* Kraf :
- Hias lembar 2.680
- Pembungkus lembar 1.340
- Metalik hias lembar 1.340
- Marmer kraf warna lembar 1.340
* Buffalo :
- Plano lembar 5.350
- Folio uk. 79 x 109 cm Pak 37.450
- Folio uk. 79 x 109 cm lembar 8.030
* Manila Warna Warni lembar 1.610
* Rifaks 600 S rol 615.250
* Canon 601 S rol 588.500
* Embos lembar 8.030
* Brifkard (BC)
- Uk.61 x 86 cm lembar 1.610
* Struck
- Uk. 5,8 cm rol 3.210
- Uk. 6,8 cm rol 4.820
* Faximile rol 53.500
- uk. 210 x 30 rol 53.500
- uk. 210 x 50 rol 128.400
- uk.210 x 100 rol 256.800
*OCE rol 157.830
* Transparan (plastik) ukuran standard Pack 64.200
* kertas Komputer 9 1/2 x 11"
- 1 ply 2000 lembar box 192.600
- 2 ply 1000 set box 294.250
- 3 ply 1000 set box 508.250
- 4 ply 500 set box 326.350
- 5 ply 500 set box 481.500
- 6 ply 500 set box 615.250
* Komputer 14 7/8 x 11"
- 1 ply 2000 lembar box 294.250
- 2 ply 1000 set box 454.750
- 3 ply 1000 set box 695.500
- 4 ply 500 set box 508.250
- 5 ply 500 set box 695.500
- 6 ply 500 set box 829.250
- kertas Komputer NCR 3 Play 14 7/8 x 11" 1000 set box 722.250
- Kwarto 200 Lembar Kiky buah 32.100
32 Karbon: * Folio merah
- Merk burung pinguin,isi 100 L doos 37.450
* Folio hitam
- Merk Cherry, isi 100 lbr doos 37.450
* Folio biru
- Merk Perahu Layar, isi 100 lbr doos 37.450
* Folio 4 T hitam
- Merk Tustra Jaya, isi 100 lbr doos 34.780

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 11
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* Folio hitam
- Merk daito,isi 100 lbr doos 48.150
* Hitam/merah ef 48.150
- Merk Tempo, isi 100 lbr doos 40.130
* Hitam df
- Merk daito, isi 100 lbr doos 96.300
- Merk Monopoli,isi 100 lbr doos 85.600
- Karbon Faximile KX FP 30 C Kotak 321.000
33 Karton: * Folio :
- Merk Buffalow,warna-warni lembar 380
- Merk Kulir jeruk lembar 540
- Merk Union Putih lembar 540
- Merk Minokate lembar 380
* Tebal lembar 2.680
* Gambar :
- Berwarna : Uk.85 x 61 cm lembar 1.290
- Putih : Uk.85 x 61 cm lembar 1.290
34 Korek silak * Sheet (Koreksi Lak merah)
- Merk Daito botol 20.330
* Lak putih :
- Merk Stippo set 6.420
- Merk Tip Ex set 9.310
35 Karet Gelang Berat 1/4 kg bungkus 26.750
36 Kapur barus Berat 1 kg bungkus 32.100
37 Klip Merk Sea Gull kotak 1.930
Merk Daito isi 80 biji kotak 2.680
38 Kapur tulis biasa Merk Sarjana isi 50 batang kotak 5.090
39 Kertas Pembungkus Arsip - lembar 1.290
40 Kertas Coated Paper - HP 2.728.500
41 Kertas Natural - HP 2.835.500
42 Kerotan Pensil - uk.besar buah 31.030
43 Leter mesin ketik Listrik Ukuran : - Besar set 321.000
- Sedang set 267.500
- Kecil set 224.700
44 Lem: = Cair botol Merk Duklon :
- Kecil botol 2.680
- Besar botol 7.490
= Cair Merk Struk
- Besar botol 3.210
- Kecil botol 2.040
= Lang Batangan :
- Luar Negeri batang 6.420
- Lokal batang 3.750
= Kental botol :
- Merk Takol : - Kecil botol 2.140
- Besar botol 3.750
= Castol :
- Kecil tube 6.420
- Besar tube 12.840
45 Lambang RI Bahan Kayu Kelas I/Jati
- Ukuran 30 cm buah 160.500
- Ukuran 100 cm buah 642.000
- Ukuran 125 cm buah 749.000
- Ukuran 130 cm buah 963.000
- Ukuran 175 cm buah 1.605.000
46 Map: * Lapangan Clipboard
- Merk Clipboard buah 6.160
* Ordener folio :
- Bahan plastik buah 24.610
- Tipis ef uk.32x21x7 cm buah 18.190
- Kwarto uk. 2 ring D besar buah 18.730
- Uk. 2 ring D kecil buah 16.050
* Pidato plastik :
- Clip Uk. 32 x 21 cm buah 6.420
- Folio buah
- Batik buah 3.750

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 12
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* Plastik (Mika file)
- Merk Japan pakai besi buah 6.420
- Plastik Jurnal buah 6.420
- Plastik Transparan buah 6.420
* Biasa (stop map)
- Uk. 24 1/2 x 35 1/2 cm buah 540
* Snelhecter folio
- Uk. 24 1/2 x 35 1/2 cm buah 650
* Album/Tamu Reciption buah 32.100
* Plastik Sea Gull buah 6.420
* Plastik Jepit (snelhekter) buah 5.350
* Dokumentasi Folio buah 32.100
* Gantung snelhekter
- Uk. 24 1/2 cm buah 3.210
47 Garisan : *Kayu:
- Ukuran 100 cm buah 5.350
- Ukuran 60 cm buah 3.750
- Ukuran 30 cm buah 810
- Ukuran 50 cm buah 2.140
- Besi 30 cm buah 21.400
* Mika :
- Ukuran 50 cm buah 3.750
- Ukuran 60 cm buah 5.350
- Ukuran 100 cm buah 31.030
- Double skala Ukuran 100 cm buah 31.030
* Plastik :
- Ukuran 20 cm buah 650
- Ukuran 30 cm buah 1.290
* Segi tiga plastik :
- Uk. sedang No. 12 panda set 9.370
- No.15 set 18.730
- Uk. sedang No. 210 Swallow set 9.370
* Sablon leter plastik :
- Ukuran 2 s/d 5 buah 6.420
- Ukuran 6 s/d 9 buah 10.170
* Skala untuk menjahit
- Ukuran 60 cm buah 3.210
- Ukuran 100 s/d 500 cm buah 6.420
- Ukuran 500 s/d 2.500 cm buah 19.260
48 Magnit Whiteboard Ukuran kecil buah 6.420
49 Minyak mesin tik Merk Singer btl 6.420
50 Map Ordener Plastik Merk Diploma Ukuran Besar buah 32.100
51 Ordener Plastik Duduk - buah 13.910
52 Paper: * Rool Fac. Canon 250
- Uk. B. 4.254 mm x 100 M rool 294.250
* Rool fac. Ricoh 250
- Uk. A.4.210 mm x 100 M rool 315.650
* Rool Ricoh Pac.20 rool 294.250
* Rool Telex :
- Dial 2 Play rool 128.400
- AMS 1 Play rool 96.300
* Karbon Faximile rool 160.500
53 Pena: * Pensil gambar :
Uk. No. 5 s/d 9 set 802.500
* Rapido :
Uk. No. 1 s/d 5 set 802.500
Uk. No. 6 s/d 9 set 802.500
* Sheet Merk Kutsuwa buah 26.750
54 Pensil: * Glas warna Merk staedler/sejenisnya buah 32.100
* Merah/biru :
- Ukuran Kecil buah 1.880
- Ukuran Besar buah 3.750
* Tinta :
- Merk staedler buah 28.890
* Biasa :
- HB Merk Hing Gull buah 1.610

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 13
1 2 3 4 5 6
- Merk Buaya Btg 2.680
- Pakai stip Merk HB Btg 1.070
- HB, B Merk staedler Buah 3.210
- merk Stedler 2 B Buah 3.210
* Domotof berwarna
- Merk Hing Gull buah 2.950
* Gambar :
- Gambar anak-anak Set 5.350
- Merk staedler Set 19.260
- 12 warna Merk staedler Ktk 53.500
- 24 warna Merk staedler Set 107.000
- 36 warna Merk staedler Set 160.500
55 Pita : * Mesin Ketik listrik
- Merk Pelikan Rool 80.250
- Merk Canon Rool 69.550
* Komputer
- Pita Computer + Catridge buah 160.500
- Pita Komputer LQ 2170 buah 80.250
- Pita Komputer LQ 1170 buah 21.400
- Pita Komputer LQ 1170 lengkap buah 80.250
- Pita Komputer LQ 2180 set 107.000
* Nilon merah/hitam Rool 16.050
* Mesin hitung dalam kaleng
- Merk Daito Rool 21.400
* Mesin ketik :
- Merk Daito Kaleng Rool 21.400
- Merk Daito plastik Rool 17.120
- Merk Ribbon Rool 16.050
- Merk Swallow Rool 26.750
* Telex
- Merk daito Rool 80.250
* Rekaman Dial Rool 16.050
* Mesin AMS Pac.250 Rool 267.500
* Mesin Dial Nilon m/h Merk daito Rool 16.050
56 Pen Rapido Uk. 01 s/d 05 Set 508.250
57 Penghapus White Board - Sedang Buah 8.030
-Kecil Buah 4.820
58 Pelubang kertas : * Merk Cven :
Uk. besar untuk jilid (lubang 5 cm) buah 80.250
Uk. besar (biasa) buah 90.950
Uk. kecil (biasa) buah 16.590
59 Alat Potong Kertas - Uk Folio buah 428.000
60 Pembuka Hecter : Merk Max buah 30.500
Merk Atary buah 11.770
61 Plag Ban : Untuk jilid :
- Uk. besar 5 cm rool 15.200
- Uk. sedang rool 11.770
- Uk. kecil rool 8.030
Plastik :
- Uk. besar 5 cm rool 10.700
- Uk. sedang rool 8.030
- Uk. kecil rool 5.350
Plastik Merk Fanfik,Uk.1/4 x 10 Yard rool 2.680
62 Plester Transparant Rool 13.910
63 Pembuka staples Merk Sea Gull buah 8.560
64 Pisau Cutter uk.besar L 500 buah 16.050
65 Paku Payung Merk Aquard isi 50 buah ktk 2.310
66 Penjepit surat : Ukuran Kecil buah 540
Ukuran sedang buah 1.610
67 Penghapus I B M Merk Clean Eraser buah 6.210
68 Pulpen Merk : H e r o set 64.200
Merk : H e r o buah 6.420
Parker P.V. 55 set 749.000
Pilot buah 31.030
69 Penghapus Stedler - besar halus buah 5.350
70 Rapido Graf : Merk Rotring

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 14
1 2 3 4 5 6
- UK. 0,10 mm buah 107.000
- UK. 0,18 mm buah 133.750
- UK. 0,20 mm buah 187.250
- UK. 0,25 mm buah 214.000
- UK. 0,30 mm buah 267.500
- UK. 0,35 mm buah 401.250
- Rapido steadtler S4 set 535.000
- Rapido lengkap steadtler S 9 set 1.605.000
- Rapido lengkap steadtler SS 19 set 3.745.000
- UK. 0,40 mm buah 165.850
- UK. 0,50 mm buah 160.500
- UK. 0,60 mm buah 187.250
- UK. 0,70 mm buah 214.000
- UK. 0,80 mm buah 246.100
- UK. 1,00 mm buah 267.500
- UK. 1,20 mm buah 294.250
- UK. 1,40 mm buah 321.000
- UK. 2,00 mm buah 374.500
- Isi 1 buah Buah 379.850
* Komplet Sablon
- Isi 3 buah LUX Set 374.500
- Isi 5 buah Set 802.500
- Isi 7 buah Set 1.337.500
- Isi 9 buah Set 3.210.000
71 Rugos/sejenisnya Ukuran Besar lembar 3.210
72 Raket Tenis Merk Wilson Buah 802.500
73 Raket Badminton Merk Yonex Buah 374.500
74 Sheet: * Folio (ef)
- Merk daito,isi 48 lbr doos 85.600
* Folio (df)
- Merk daito, isi 24 lbr doos 160.500
- Merk Cherry, isi 24 lbr doos 160.500
75 Sampul Undangan Putih LUX uk. 15 x 12 cm doos 26.750
76 Sablon LUX - Ukuran Nomor 02 Buah 154.080
- Ukuran Nomor 03 Buah 149.800
- Ukuran Nomor 06 Buah 144.450
77 Spidol: * Warna emas/perak Buah 26.750
* Transparan Isi 8 biji Set 73.830
* Gambar 12 warna :
- Merk Snowman isi 12 buah kecil Set 14.980
- Besar Merk Snowman Buah 1.290
* Gambar 24 warna Merk Snowman Set 69.550
* Gambar 36 warna Merk Snowman Set 178.690
* Kecil Merk Snowman Buah 1.290
* Besar m/b Merk Artline 170 Buah 7.490
* Whiteboard :
- Merk Artline 500 Buah 12.310
- Merk Snowman Buah 9.310
78 Stabilo : Merk Snowman lsn 101.650
Merk Boos lsn 128.400
79 Staples: - No. 10 Merk Max ( kecil ) buah 18.730
- No. 24 Merk Max ( sedang ) buah 43.340
- Besar buah 93.090
80 Stempel : * Angka :
- Huruf Lokal : - Kecil buah 26.750
- Besar buah 48.150
- Huruf berputar buah 21.400
- Lunas dinas asli duplikator dan arsip buah 21.400
- Tanggal Lokal buah 21.400
- Dinas : Bahan kayu & karet cetak (Uk.4cm) buah 21.400
- Gubernur : Lambang Garuda dari kayu dan karet cetak (Uk.4 cm) buah 37.450
81 Stip : - Kertas Kalkir buah 21.400
- Biasa : Merk Union buah 3.210
Merk Pelikan D.650 buah 5.350
82 Sampul plastik : Tebal 0,13 rool 321.000
Tebal 0,10 rool 294.250

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 15
1 2 3 4 5 6
83 Slir Ban (Isolasi) : Ukuran 1 cm rool 3.210
Ukuran 5 cm rool 6.420
Ukuran 2,5 cm rool 12.840
84 Sikat mesin ketik Lokal buah 12.840
85 Sablon : * Roting untuk ketinggian huruf tegak 306 set 2.675.000
* Letering Merk Kent : set 2.675.000
* Huruf Merk Staedler UK. 01 s/d 08 set 749.000
* Rotring/CL 60,80,100,120 buah 160.500
86 Scriber - buah 321.000
87 Tempat pulpen : - Kwalitas LUX,Merk CARD Buah 160.500
- Kwalitas sedang, Buah 117.700
- Merk Sang Thong Buah 80.250
88 Tinta : - Staedler, merk Staedler Btl 21.400
- Rifaks 600 S Tube 187.250
- Nomorator Btl 32.100
- Spidol Warna Btl 11.770
* Stempel :
- Lokal Btl 3.750
- Luar Negeri (Artline) Btl 32.100
* Stensil
- Merk Aneka Lokal Tube 37.450
- Merk daito 747 Tube 48.150
- Merk Gestetner 44 L Tube 96.300
- Merk Richi Tube 37.450
* Foto copy Merk Tiner Minolta botol 171.200
* Pulpen :
- Merk hero botol 10.700
- Merk Parker botol 18.190
* Amoniak Apuruk botol 96.300
* Bolpoint Merk B R Y botol 12.840
* Gambar Merk Staedler botol 18.730
* Hitam (Cina) botol 6.420
* Rapido botol 37.450
* Gambar Rotring botol 64.200
* Printer Laser Jet HP 51626 A kotak 481.500
* Disk Jet 500 HP kotak 481.500
* CTR Toner (Tinta Stensil) merk Gestetner tube 535.000
* Ink Black RN (Tinta Foto copy) merk Gestetner tube 374.500
* Roll Master RN rool 481.500
Bahan Plastik Uk. Kartu Standard Credit Card, lengkap cetak logo, nama
89 Kartu ID CARD Karyawan Kepala Daerah Prov NTB, Data Karyawan dan laminasi photo dgn rincian
- 500 Kartu buah 42.800
- 1.000 Kartu buah 39.590
- 2.000 Kartu buah 37.450
- 3.000 Kartu buah 36.380
- 5.000 Kartu buah 34.240
- 10.000 Kartu buah 32.100

1 Meja Kerja * Besar / Eselon I buah 5.564.000
Meja Biro I bahan partikel pakai kunci
* Besar / Eselon II buah 3.424.000
Uk 180 x 90 x 75 Cm, Bahan teak blok pakai kunci
* Besar / Eselon III buah 2.675.000
Uk 150 x 75 x 75 Cm, Bahan teak blok, kaca reyben,
busa oscar, kerangka kayu, kelas I, pakai kunci
* Besar / Eselon IV buah 2.247.000
Uk 120 x 60 x 75 Cm, Bahan teak blok, kaca reyben,
kerangka kayu klas I, pakai kunci
* Kecil / Pegawai Non Struktural buah 1.177.000
Uk 120 x 60 x 75 Cm bahan teak blok, kaca reyben,
kerangka kayu klas I, pakai kunci
3 Meja ½ Biro - Merk EXPO MP 120 + laci uk. 120x75,5x75 buah 1.498.000
4 Meja ½ Biro - Merk EXPO MP 140 + laci uk. 140x75,5x75 buah 1.712.000
5 Meja ½ Biro - Merk EXPO MP 160 + laci uk. 160x75,5x75 buah 2.086.500
6 Meja Rapat 50 Orang Merk Modera set 26.750.000
7 Meja Rapat - Merk EXPO MP 160 uk. 160x75,5x75 buah 1.498.000
8 Meja Rapat - Merk EXPO MP 120 uk. 120x75,5x75 buah 1.391.000
9 Meja Rapat Conecting - Merk EXPO uk. 75x75x75 buah 856.000

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 16
1 2 3 4 5 6
10 Rak Buku - Merk EXPO MPR 199 uk. 79x40x198 buah 1.926.000
11 Rak Buku - Merk EXPO MPR 13 uk. 79x40x84 buah 1.016.500
12 Laci - Merk EXPO MP 03 uk. 40x50x61 buah 588.500
13 Laci - Merk EXPO MP H 03 uk. 39,5x49x45,5 buah 1.016.500
14 Meja Komputer - Type CD 808 M; Uk.80 x 60 x 78.5 cm; Bahan buah 749.000
Partikel Finishing PVC; Warna beech (Kaca Tengah)
- CD 99 buah 374.500
- CD 1617 buah 856.000
15 Meja Tik Uk 100x60x70 Cm Bhn teak blok, krgka kayu klas I buah 984.400
16 Meja Rapat - Biasa uk.240x120x75cm bhn Teak blok, kaca reyben, buah 2.354.000
busa oscar; kerangka kayu Klas I buah
17 Meja Counter Type lokal teak blok buah 5.350.000

18 Meja Makan - Uk. 195 x 100 x 77 cm set 2.140.000

19 Meja murid SD Teak blok buah 749.000
Teak blok buah 642.000
20 Meja belajar anak-anak Bahan Blok Wood,Papan,Dempul,Me lamin Thiner, set 802.500
Kaca Ukuran 125x75x60 cm
21 Meja telpon - Uk 45 x 45 x 70 Cm bahan partikel buah 535.000
- Uk 80 x 65 x 40 Cm bahan , Teak Blok buah 963.000
22 Meja Baca Uk. P = 230 cm; L = 112 cm; T = 75 cm bahan teak blok buah 2.461.000
23 Meja Belajar/Study Carel Uk. P = 97 cm; L = 60 cm; T = 135 cm, bahan teak blok buah 1.872.500
24 Kursi Kerja A. Eselon
* Eselon I buah 5.885.000
Kursi putar beroda tinggi, dudukan, sandaran,
tangan karet bungkus busa oscar
ukuran lebar dlm 50 cm,kaki besi T.45 cm
* Eselon II buah 3.424.000
Kursi putar beroda tinggi, dudukan, sandaran,
tangan karet bungkus busa oscar
ukuran lebar dlm 50 cm,kaki besi T.45 cm
* Eselon III buah 1.926.000
Kursi putar beroda tinggi, dudukan, sandaran,
tangan karet bungkus busa oscar
uk lebar dlm 50 cm,kaki besi T.45
* Eselon IV
Dudukan,sandaran karet,bungkus busa oscar, buah 1.605.000
kerangka besi I, uk lebar 50 cm x 50 x T.45 cm
B. Non Eselon (Biasa)
- Dudukan sandaran dari busa oscar Caesar buah 1.070.000
- Hadap tanpa tangan buah 535.000
- Tanpa Tangan, dudukan sandaran dari
rotan kerangka kayu klas I buah 321.000
Kursi putar beroda, sandaran rendah, dudukan sandaran,Uk lebar 50 Cm,
30 Kursi rapat eselon I dan II buah 1.845.750
kerangka besi
31 Kursi Hadap *eselon II (sandaran tangan) buah 1.391.000
Dudukan, sandaran pegas, bungkus busa oscar,
lebar 40 cm kerangka besi
*eselon I (sandaran tangan) buah 1.391.000
Dudukan, sandaran pegas, bungkus busa oscar,
lebar 40 cm kerangka besi
32 Kursi tamu Bahan Kayu Klas I terdiri dari:
- 1 kursi panjang, bahan kayu jati set 13.910.000
- 1 meja panjang lapis kaca reyben 5 mm,
uk 120x5x40 Cm, bahan kayu kls I, lapis busa oscar
- 3 kursi single
- Type Keranjang/Kayu, terdiri dari : set 4.280.000
*1 buah kursi panjang (P= 2 m, T= 0,80 M)
*3 buah kursi single (P= 1 m, T= 0,80 M)
*1 buah Meja Kaca (P= 1,20 m, T= 0,40 M)
*1 buah Meja Pojok (P= 0,50 m, T= 0,60 M)
- Lokal, terdiri dari : set 2.675.000
*4 buah tunggal
*1 buah meja
- Cukli, terdiri dari : set 11.235.000

*Rangka Kayu Klas I, Ukiran Cukli, dipolitur Melamc, 175 x 55 x 80 cm

22 Kursi lipat Merk Chitose

- Type AA buah 294.250
- Type N.N buah 267.500
- Type A.A buah 294.250
- Type H.N.N buah 417.300

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 17
1 2 3 4 5 6
- Type H.A.A buah 321.000
- Type M.B.D buah 374.500
- Type M.N.D buah 401.250
- Type NSK-HD buah 535.000
- Type CAL buah 428.000
- Type Daishogun buah 299.600
- Type Sakata N buah 379.850
- Type Sakata P buah 353.100
- Type Caesar N buah 449.400
- Type Caesar P buah 401.250
- Type Cavis buah 428.000
- Type Flora H buah 267.500
- Type Yuki buah 385.200
- Type Kasai buah 374.500
- Type Vista N buah 508.250
- Type Vista P buah 460.100
- Type NA buah 481.500
- Type NBK buah 577.800
- Type ET 171 buah 1.337.500
- Type Sankei C-350C buah 1.551.500
- Type Sankei C-350 pakai roda buah 642.000
- Type Sankei C-01 buah 781.100
- Type Sankei C-50 buah 401.250
- Type Sankei C-371 buah 454.750
- Type Taro buah 428.000
- Type Hanako buah 449.400
- Type Echool :
* 113 - 126 cm buah 989.750
* 127 - 141 cm buah 989.750
* 142 - 156 cm buah 1.043.250
* 157 - 172 cm buah 1.043.250
* 173 - 180 cm buah 1.043.250
23 White board Uk 60 x 90 Cm gantung buah 267.500
Uk 90 x 120 Cm gantung buah 535.000
Uk 180 x 90 Cm pakai kaki 2 m buah 1.284.000
Uk 120 x 90 Cm pakai kaki 1 m buah 963.000
24 Filling Cabinet Uk.135 x 60 x 45 cm, bahan besi
Merk Elita :
- 4 laci buah 2.889.000
- 3 laci buah 2.300.500
- 2 laci buah 1.819.000
Merk Yunita
- 4 laci buah 2.835.500
- 3 laci buah 2.354.000
- 2 laci buah 1.979.500
Merk Lion
- 4 laci buah 3.210.000
- 3 laci buah 2.621.500
- 2 laci buah 2.140.000
Merk Brother
- 4 laci buah 2.140.000
- 3 laci uk.P50xL60xT100 cm buah 1.765.500
25 Rak * Buku bahan Besi
- P;240 cm, L;60 cm, T;180 cm buah 2.621.500
* Majalah buah 374.500
* TV Olympic buah 615.250
* Takah Besi Kapasitas 6000 map buah 6.152.500
* Kaca buah 2.247.000
26 Rak Arsip * Rangka Baja buah 4.012.500
* Besi Lonjoran Uk. 2,15m x 1m x 40cm buah 3.477.500
27 Lemari * Alat
- Elita 2 pintu buah 3.745.000
* Arsip Buku
- Uk.T : 180cm,L:90cm Tbl: 45cm RBU 16 set set 1.605.000
* Arsip 1.498.000
* Katalog uk. P;120 cm, L;60 cm, T;140 cm buah 3.210.000

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 18
1 2 3 4 5 6
* Buku buah 1.872.500
* Barang buah 1.872.500
* Etalase buah 3.210.000
* Kaca buah 2.675.000
* Inventaris Besi. unit 963.000
* Kaca 3 skat, ukuran: T: 2m,P:1,5m, L:60 cm buah 3.210.000
* Kecil buah 936.250
* Makan Stainless steel, beroda buah 3.745.000
* File buah 615.250
* Kayu buah 2.140.000
* Bufet buah 3.691.500
* Lab Computer buah 3.076.250
28 Brand Cash - Merk Nasional
Type A.I buah 2.300.500
Type A.II buah 3.477.500
Type A.III buah 4.387.000
Type A.IV buah 7.811.000
Type A.V buah 13.375.000
- Merk ICHIBAN buah 7.864.500
Tipe Hsc-60 A. Menggunakan Alarm, T:66,5 x
46,3 cm, B:105 kg
29 Lemari Kaca Perpustakaan - Uk 180 x 45 x 175 Cm, Bahan teak blok & Alumunium buah 3.210.000
30 Lemari Kaca (Strorage Koleksi) buah 3.210.000
31 Bangku tunggu / istirahat - Uk 250 x 35 x 40 Cm bahan teak blok buah 1.177.000
32 Rak Arsip/lemari dua pintu - Uk 185 x 47 x 180 Cm Bahan teak blok buah 1.658.500
33 Rak Kaca - Uk.T.200 x 180 x 40 cm bahan buah 2.782.000
Teak B lock, Kayu Jati
- Uk.T.90 x 240 x 40 cm bhn Teak buah 3.210.000
B lock, Kayu Jati
- Uk.T.180 x 40 cm bhn Kayu Jati buah 2.407.500
Teak B lock, Kayu Jati
34 Etalase Kaca - Type : TW 8 Mekanik buah
35 Loker/Rak Penitipan Uk. P = 240 cm; L = 40 cm; T = 120 cm buah 3.210.000
36 Bangku murid SD buah 214.000
37 Peta Indonesia buah 230.050
38 Peta Dunia buah 160.500
39 Peta Propinsi NTB buah 69.550
40 Atlas IPS buah 53.500
41 Globe buah 417.300
42 Planetarium buah 294.250
43 Solasystim buah 294.250
44 Torso mini Laki-laki buah 283.550
45 Torso mini Perempuan buah 283.550
46 Bak sampah Uk 50 x 50 Cm Bahan Kayu klas I lapis teak blok, lapis dalam seng buah 321.000
47 Tempat Tidur - Merk Ligna Uk. 180 x 200 cm 6.099.000
- Merk Sentral :
Uk. 120 x 200 cm buah 4.701.320
Uk. 160 x 200 cm buah 5.707.790
Uk. 180 x 200 cm buah 6.369.850
- Merk Bigland :
Uk. 120 x 200 cm buah 3.212.140
Uk. 160 x 200 cm buah 3.634.790
Uk. 180 x 200 cm buah 4.057.440
- Merk NAKAS Uk. 200 x 200 x 30 cm set 10.397.190
(lengkap dg Kasur & bantal)
48 Kursi Tamu Ligna set 5.885.000
49 Podium Uk. P = 120 cm, L = 62 cm, T = 180 cm buah 1.872.500
50 Lemari Penyimpanan Alat Optik Merk Asahi buah 4.280.000
51 Etalase Kaca Uk 150 x 120 x 50 Cm, Bahan Kerangka alumunium buah 2.140.000
52 Fokling Bad (Tempat tidur lipat) Ligna buah 1.605.000
53 Tangga sorong aluminium Bahan alumunium Uk 200 x 40 x 185 Cm buah 1.819.000
54 Rak Kartu Bahan teak blok, Uk 260 x 45 x 255 Cm buah 3.745.000
55 Bahan Papan buah 4.601.000
56 Spring Bad (tanpa bantal /guling Uk 160 x 200 cm buah 1.605.000
57 Meteran Merk TAJIMA - Symron R, Uk 100 meter buah 321.000
58 Lemari Arsip - Type LP 2 P; Uk.180 x 80 x 40 cm; Bahan Kayu buah 1.605.000
Meranti campur, partikel; Finishing melamic;

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 19
1 2 3 4 5 6
Warna Mahony; 2 pintu pakai konci
59 Multi Purpose Adjust Table Rack - Type RBSG 5 SS; uk.240 x 200 x 50 cm; buah 2.675.000
(Rak Arsip Serba Guna) Bhn besi siku 1 mm (uk.4x4 cm); warna abu-abu;
Knock down System; Alas rak teack block; Susun 5
60 Kursi Besi Tangan Putar - Type 330 HL;Uk.Lbr kaki kursi=60cm, Lbr kursi=15cm buah 428.000
Tinggi kursi=95cm; Pakai PER; Bahan Jok kain Albama;
Warna Coklat; Pakai pegangan tangan.
61 Kursi Hadap (dengan tangan) - Type 147 T; Kaki Pipa Hitam; Uk.L. kaki kursi=45 cm, buah 588.500
Lebar Sandaran atas = 47 cm, Lebar Kursi = 60 cm,
Tinggi kursi=82 cm; Bahan Jok kain Albama;
Warna Coklat; Pakai pegangan tangan.
62 Kursi Rapat - Type 480 TW; Pakai Cakar dg 5 roda; Pakai Pegangan buah 856.000
Tangan; Uk.Lebar kaki kursi=66 cm,
Lebar Sandaran atas = 52 cm, Lebar Kursi = 60 cm,
Tinggi kursi=103 cm; Bahan Jok kain Albama;
Warna Coklat.
63 Filling Cabinet - Type FC 4.04; Uk.129,8 x 46,6 x 39.5 cm; buah 1.819.000
- Bahan Partikel
Finishing PVC; Warna abu-abu / grey; Kunci
Central Lock; Susun 4
- Type FC 04 buah 4.066.000
- Dimensi : T133,7 x L45,7 x D62 cm
64 Filling Kabinet besi - 4 laci merk Platinum buah 2.086.500
- 3 laci merk Platinum buah 1.765.500
- 4 laci merk Brother buah 2.140.000
65 Kursi Tamu Lokal - Terdiri dari 4 buah kursi tunggal dan 1 buah meja set 2.675.000
Bahan Kayu Klas I, T=95 cm, L=2 m, L tempat duduk=51 cm; Papan
66 Kursi Tunggu buah 1.605.000
Sandaran Tebal=3 cm, P=205 cm, L= 20 cm
67 Kursi Sidang Kayu mahoni buah 2.675.000
81 Meja siswa SD 110 x 55 x70 cm Buah 347.750
82 Kursi siswa SD 42 x 40 x 80 cm Buah 267.500
83 Meja dan Kursi Guru SD - Kayu Klas II pasang 909.500
84 Meja dan Bangku Murid SD - Kayu Klas II pasang 401.250
85 Meja siswa SMP 110 x 55 x 72 cm Buah 374.500
86 Kursi siswa SMP 42 x 40 x 82 cm Buah 294.250
87 Meja siswa SMA/SMK 60 x 60 x 75 cm Buah 401.250
88 Kursi siswa SMA/SMK 44 x 43 x 42/83 cm Buah 347.750
89 Meja guru 110 x 60 x 75 cm Buah 588.500
90 Kursi guru 52 x 47 x 84 cm Buah 374.500
91 Lemari guru Buah 963.000
92 Lemari Arsip SD Bahan teak blok Buah 2.140.000
93 Papan tulis 240 x 140 cm Buah 802.500
94 Papan tulis Hitam - Bahan Triplek 3 MM Buah 1.070.000
95 Papan absen Buah 374.500
96 Tempat sampah 50 x 50 x 70 cm Buah 374.500
97 Bangku tunggu 200 x 60 x 75 cm Buah 802.500
98 Lambang Negara Bingkai Kaca Buah 160.500
99 Gambar presiden dengan bingkai Kaca 50 x 75 cm Buah 294.250
100 Gbr Wkl. Presiden dengan bingkai Kaca 50 x 75 cm Buah 294.250
101 Alat Peraga IPS
- Peta Dunia besar physical Set 187.250
- Peta Asean besar Set 214.000
- Peta Indonesia besar physical Set 208.650
- Peta NTB Set 64.200
- Atlas Indonesia dan Dunia Set 53.500
- Atlas sejarah Indonesia & Dunia Set 96.300
- Bola Dunia (Globe) Diameter 42,5 Set 481.500
- Overhead Projector (OHP) Set 6.955.000
- Layar Standar Set 535.000
102 Alat Mesin Kantor
- Mesin Stensil Model DH-515 Set 13.375.000
- Mesin Tik Manual Model U 275-26 Set 4.173.000
103 Alat Laboratorium IPA
- Fisika I Set 7.971.500
- Fisika II Set 12.572.500
- Fisika III Set 12.198.000
- Fisika IV Set 5.564.000
- Fisika V Set 8.292.500

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 20
1 2 3 4 5 6
- Biologi I Set 11.716.500
- Biologi II Set 1.605.000
- Biologi III Set 13.375.000
104 Peralatan Kantor
- Tape recorder Set 802.500
- Kaset tape Set 32.100
105 Suspension Strip - Kursi Rapat Chitose Merk "Sakata P" unit 85.600
106 Kursi Rapat buah 267.500

107 Meja Resepsionis Ukuran: 300x90x60 cm, Bahan Rangka Kayu Klas 1 Teak Blok Plitur buah 2.354.000

108 Gording dan Railnya - Ukuran 2,5 m m² 96.300

109 Terali Besi - Ukuran 5 m m² 294.250
110 Terali Besi Bahan : m² 267.500
- Besi Beton : 10 m2 untuk ( Kotak trali)
- Besi Beton 8 m2 untuk (Kotak Variasi)
- Besi Plat : 5 m2 x 2,50 cm untuk (lis trali)
- Uk. Kotak trali : 17,5 cm x 25 cm
- Mempergunakan : Paku kembang (piles)
- Bahan besi beton 12 mm (Bahan Jeriji/Variasi), Besi Siku 2,5 x 2,5 cm
111 Trali Pintu dan Jendela m² 481.500
(bahan rangka)
112 Tangga Aluminium buah 963.000
113 Piala / Tropi - Tetap utk Cedas Cermat Uk. Sedang buah 1.845.750
- Tetap utk MTQ Uk. Sedang unit 963.000
- Bergilir Uk. Sedang unit 963.000
- Tetap Uk. Besar unit 1.230.500
- Tropi unit 936.250
114 Terop * Rangka Pipa GI, Atap Kain Terpal, Uk. 600 cm x 800 cm unit 16.050.000
* Rangka Pipa besi dan atap serta rumbai m² 321.000
- Ukuran 800 cm x 600 cm
- Bahan Parasoil
115 Papan Nama Organisasi buah 1.284.000

116 Papan Kegiatan buah 535.000

1 Rak Audio Video - Part No AV - A0625 - BCH buah 802.500

- Part No AV - A0827- BCH buah 1.605.000

- Part No AV - A1005 buah 535.000

- Part No AV - A1105 buah 668.750

- Part No AVRC102XXM buah 1.845.750

- Part No AVR - 8107 buah 1.805.630

2 Book Cabinet -Book Cabinet 04XXPart No Bc - 04XX buah 1.404.380

-Book Cabinet 0602 Jati Part No Bc - 0602 buah 1.136.880

-Book Cabinet 0805 Beech Part No Bc - 0805 buah 535.000

-Book Cabinet 3947 Cherry Rubbit Part No Bc -3947 buah 2.140.000

3 Meja Komputer - Computer Desk 1617 A ABU buah 1.203.750

- Meja Komputer 2705 Beech Part No CD - 2705 buah 1.738.750

- Meja Komputer 3010 Beech Part No CD - 3010-BCH buah 1.738.750

- Meja Komputer CD-99 XX buah 401.250

- Computer Desk Steel 09 type CDS-0905 buah 601.880

- Computer Desk Steel 12 type CDS1205 buah 631.300

- Computer Desk Steel 13 type CDS-1305 buah 902.820

- Computer Desk Steel 14 type CDS-1405 buah 556.400

- Computer Desk Steel 15 type CDS-1505 buah 631.300

- Computer Desk Steel 17 type CDS-1705 buah 452.080

- Computer Desk Steel 18 type CDS-1805 buah 631.300

4 Lemari Pakaian - Type 3 P Cermin Seri Diamond- LCB010380 buah 2.675.000

- Type 3 P Cermin Seri Jalusi- LCB014205 buah 2.648.250

- Type 3 P Cermin Seri Valentine- LCB017780 buah 3.076.250

- Type 3 P Cermin Seri Selebrities- LCB018107/E buah 3.745.000

- Type 2 P Cermin Seri Diamond- LCS010380 buah 1.765.500

- Type 2 P Cermin Seri Beech- LCS013405 buah 1.952.750

- Type 2 P Cermin Seri Jalusi- LCS014205 buah 1.765.500

- Type 2 P Cermin- LCS015205 buah 2.140.000

- Type 2 P Cermin Seri Valentine- LCS017780 buah 1.845.750

- Type 2 P Cermin Seri Selebrities- LCS018107E buah 2.474.380

5 Kursi Statis - Type KSPP - 101 - BRU, Plastik buah 163.180

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 21
1 2 3 4 5 6
- Type KSPP - 101 - MRH, Plastik buah 163.180

- Type KSPP - 101 - HJU, Plastik buah 163.180

- Type KSPP - 101 - PTH, Plastik buah 163.180

- Type KSPB - 103 - BRU, Besi buah 535.000

- Type KSPB - 103 - MRH, Besi buah 535.000

- Type KSPB - 103C - BRU, Besi buah 535.000

- Type KSPB - 103C - MRH, Besi buah 535.000

6 Kursi Kuliah - Type KK-101 HTM buah 656.720

7 Kursi Lipat - Kursi Lipat Polos Besi, TYPE KLPB - 101 - HTM buah 422.650

- Kursi Lipat Polos Besi, TYPE KLPB - 101 - MRH buah 422.650

- Kursi Lipat Polos Besi, TYPE KLPB - 10S-HTM buah 407.940

- Kursi Lipat Polos Besi, TYPE KLPB - 10S-MRH buah 407.940

- Kursi Lipat Polos Besi, TYPE KLPB - 102 - HTM buah 383.870

- Kursi Lipat Polos Besi, TYPE KLPB - 102 - MRH buah 383.870

- Kursi Lipat Polos Besi, TYPE KLPB - 102S - HTM buah 374.500

- Kursi Lipat Polos Besi, TYPE KLPB - 102S - MRH buah 374.500
- Kursi Lipat Polos Besi, TYPE KLPB - 103 - HTM buah 518.950

- Kursi Lipat Polos Besi, TYPE KLPB - 103 - MRH buah 518.950

8 Meja Tulis Meja Tulis Besar MTB-18XX buah 1.404.380

Meja Tulis Sedang MTS-18XX buah 869.380

9 Lemari Hias - Lemari Hias Type 0401 Pinus buah 802.500

- Lemari Hias Type 0501 Pinus buah 1.203.750

- Lemari Hias Type 0601 Pinus buah 1.605.000

- Lemari Hias Type 1105A Beech buah 1.872.500
- Lemari Hias Type 20xx buah 2.541.250

- Lemari Hias Type 42XX (Y) buah 2.140.000

- Lemari Hias Type 43 XX buah 4.280.000

- Lemari Hias Type Wall Unit 8107 Cherry buah 2.300.500

- Lemari Hias Type 010107 buah 1.926.000

- Lemari Hias Type 010251 buah 1.471.250

- Lemari Hias Type 010351 buah 2.273.750

- Lemari Hias Type 8107 Cherry buah 1.605.000

10 Ranjang - Ranjang Ganda Type RG-54XX buah 3.343.750

- Ranjang Double 8107 Cherry Type RG-8107 buah 3.343.750

- Ranjang Ganda Seri Sahara 0102XX buah 2.942.500

- Ranjang Ganda Seri Diamond 0380 buah 3.210.000

- Ranjang Ganda Seri Everest 0407 buah 3.210.000

- Ranjang Double Type 0177XX buah 3.076.250

- Ranjang Tunggal Type 8107 Cheery buah 2.675.000

- Ranjang Tunggal Type 11738 buah 3.343.750

11 Tempat Majalah - Tempat majalah oval, type TM-01XX buah 358.450

- Tempat majalah segi empat, type TM-02XX buah 464.120

- Tempat majalah 04, type TM-0448 buah 502.900

12 Meja Komputer - Merk Panel Type MK - 101 buah 496.890

- Merk Panel Type MK - 1100 buah 496.890

- Merk Panel Type MK - 2120 buah 662.740

- Merk Panel Type MK - 380 buah 373.170

- Merk Panel Type MK - 380 TK buah 579.810

- Merk Panel Type MK - 280 MT buah 331.040

- Merk Panel Type MK - 593 buah 496.890

- Merk Panel Type MK - 903 buah 496.890

- Merk Panel Type MK - MA - 1080 buah 807.850

- Merk Panel Type MK - MB - 1080 buah 807.850

- Merk Panel Type MK - MA - 1000 buah 1.076.690

- Merk Panel Type MK - MB - 1080 buah 1.097.420

13 Rak Audio TV Merk Panel :

- Audio TV Rak Kecil type ATR - 0300 M buah 371.160

- Audio TV Rak Kecil type ATR - 0301 buah 389.220

- Audio TV Rak type ATR - 0302 buah 618.600

- Audio TV Rak kecil type ATR - 0303 buah 477.490

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 22
1 2 3 4 5 6
- Audio TV Rak type ATR - 0304 buah 742.320

- Audio TV Rak Kecil type ATR - 0305 buah 335.720

- Audio TV Rak sedang type ATR - 0307 buah 724.930

- Audio TV Rak sedang type ATR - 0308 buah 1.007.810

- Audio TV Rak type ATR - 0310 buah 936.920

- Audio TV Rak type ATR - 0311 buah 689.490

- Audio TV Rak sedang type ATR - 0317 buah 724.930

- Audio TV Rak sedang type ATR - 0327 buah 831.260

- Audio TV Rak besar type ATR - 0328 buah 1.449.850

- Audio TV Rak type ATR - 0329 buah 1.449.850

- Audio TV Rak type ATR - 0330 buah 707.540

- Audio TV Rak besar type ATR - 0337 buah 1.078.700

- Audio TV Rak besar type ATR - 0368 buah 1.007.810

14 Book Cabinet - Book Cabinet Panel type BC - 1760 buah 565.770

- Book Cabinet Panel type BC - 1761 buah 424.660

15 Lemari Sepatu - Lemari Sepatu Panel type LS - 053 buah 431.350

- Lemari Sepatu Panel type LS - 054 buah 547.710

16 Lemari Serba Guna - Lemari Serbaguna type LSG-321 buah 547.710

- Lemari Serbaguna type LSG-321 buah 547.710

17 Lemari Dapur Merk Panel :

- Lemari dapur anyaman type LD - 502 buah 1.227.160

- Lemari dapur anyaman type LD - 503 buah 2.033.000

- Lemari dapur 2 pintu alas tikar type LDA - 521 buah 682.800
- Lemari dapur type LDA - 5215 buah 1.113.470
- Lemari dapur type LDA - 5225 buah 742.320

- Lemari dapur type LDA - 5235 buah 954.310

- Lemari dapur 3 pintu atas tikar type LDA - 531 buah 848.650

- Lemari dapur 2 pintu bawah tikar type LDB - 521 buah 866.040
- Lemari dapur type LDB - 5215 buah 717.570

- Lemari dapur type LDB - 5225 buah 954.310

- Lemari dapur type LDB - 5235 buah 1.290.690

- Lemari dapur 3 pintu bawah tikar type LDB - 531 buah 1.148.920

- Lemari Dapur Type KS Sudut atas KSA - 5512 buah 1.053.950

- Lemari Dapur Type KS 2 pintu atas KSA - 5521 buah 706.870

- Lemari Dapur Type KS 2 Sudut atas KSA - 5522 buah 654.040

- Lemari Dapur Type KS 3 Sudut atas KSA - 5531 buah 1.007.810

- Lemari Dapur Type KS 3 Sudut atas KSA - 5532 buah 947.620

- Lemari Dapur Type KS Sudut bawah KSB-5515 buah 706.870

- Lemari Dapur Type KS 2 pintu bawah+laci KSB-5524 buah 990.420

- Lemari Dapur Type KS 2 pintu bawah KSB-5525 buah 848.650

- Lemari Dapur Type KS 3 pintu bawah+laci KSB-5534 buah 1.361.580

- Lemari Dapur Type KS 3 pintu bawah+laci KSB-5535 buah 1.166.970

18 Lemari Anak Merk Panel :

Baby Locker type BL - 4008 buah 1.025.200

Lemari anak type LA - 4000 buah 1.018.510

Lemari anak type LA - 4018 buah 672.100

Lemari anak type LA - 4018 NEW buah 672.100

Lemari anak type LA - 4018 T buah 672.100

Lemari anak type LA - 402 S buah 604.550

Lemari anak CHINESE ART type LA - 4205 buah 884.090

Lemari anak type LA - 4028 buah 717.570

Lemari anak type LA - 4038 buah 724.930

Lemari anak type LA - 4123 buah 901.480

Lemari anak type LA - 413 buah 565.770

Lemari anak type LA - 413 NEW buah 565.770

Lemari anak type LA - 413 T buah 565.770

Lemari anak type LA - 417 buah 1.103.440

Lemari anak CHINESE ERT type LA - 4215 buah 1.184.360

Lemari anak PROFIL KOTAK type LA - 8413 buah 1.290.690

Lemari anak type LA -D 4016 buah 1.025.200

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 23
1 2 3 4 5 6
Lemari anak JALUSI type LAJ - 411 buah 831.260

Lemari anak JALUSI type LAJ - 421 buah 1.007.810

Lemari anak TIKAR type LAT - 4005 buah 1.025.200

19 Lemari Hias Lemari Hias Kecil Merk Panel type LH - 801 buah 795.820

Lemari Hias Merk Panel type LH - 802 buah 753.020

Lemari Hias Merk Panel type LH - 804 buah 1.018.510

Lemari Hias Merk Panel type LH - 806 buah 1.265.950

Lemari Hias Merk Panel type LH - 807 buah 920.870

Lemari Hias Merk Panel type LH - 808 buah 1.060.640

Lemari Hias Merk Panel type LH - 809 buah 920.870

Lemari Hias Merk Panel type LH - 810 buah 1.255.250

Lemari Hias Merk Panel type LH - 8001 NEW buah 795.820

Lemari Hias Merk Panel type LH - 814 buah 1.590.960

Lemari Hias besar Merk Panel type LH - 2008 buah 5.127.310

Lemari Hias besar Merk Panel type LHB - 8888 buah 5.303.860

Lemari Rack Merk Panel type LMR - 034 buah 565.770

20 Meja Rias Meja Rias Merk Panel Type MR - 6008 buah 972.370

Meja Rias Merk Panel Type MR - 6215 buah 1.096.090

Meja Rias Merk Panel Type MR -8600 buah 1.219.800

Meja Rias Profil kotak Merk Panel Type MR - 8633 buah 1.272.640

Meja Rias Merk Panel Type MRT - 601 buah 1.096.090

Meja Rias Merk Panel Type MRJ - 602 buah 830.590

Meja Rias Merk Panel Type MRJ - 603 buah 813.200

Meja Rias Merk Panel Type MRSQ buah 1.856.450
21 Meja Sofa Meja Sofa Merk Panel type MS - 5000 buah 689.490

Meja Sofa Merk Panel type MS - 6000 buah 848.650

22 Lemari Pakaian Merk Panel :

LP - 2 Pintu type LP - 7200 buah 1.060.640

LP - 2 Pintu Chinese Art type LP - 7218 buah 1.308.080

LP - 2 Pintu + Cermin Chinese Art type LP - 7219 C buah 1.389.670

LP - 2 Pintu type LP - 7228 buah 1.272.640

LP - 2 Pintu type LP - 7229 C buah 1.272.640

LP - 2 Pintu + Cermin type LP - 7238 C buah 1.467.240

LP - 2 Pintu type LP - 728 NEW buah 1.148.920

LP - 2 Pintu type LP - 7288 buah 1.396.350

LP - 2 Pintu + Cermin type LP - 729 C NEW buah 1.237.190

LP - 3 Pintu type LP - 7300 buah 1.502.690

LP - 3 Pintu type LP - 738 new buah 1.661.850

LP - 3 Pintu + cermin type LP - 739 c new buah 1.750.120

LP - 3 Pintu chinese art type LP - 7318 buah 1.980.170

LP - 3 Pintu + cermin chinese art type LP - 7319 c buah 2.051.060

23 Meja Belajar Merk Panel :

Meja Belajar Type MB - 302 S buah 474.150

Meja Belajar Type MB - 312 buah 448.740

Meja Belajar Type MB - 315 buah 760.370

Meja Belajar Profil Kotak Type MB - 8313 buah 954.310

Meja Belajar Jalusi Type MBBJ 311 buah 831.260

Meja Belajar Jalusi Type MBBJ 321 buah 1.025.200

Meja Belajar Computer Type MBC- 3200 buah 3.589.190

Meja Belajar Type MBC- 322 buah 1.202.420

Meja Belajar Sedang Type MBS - 314 buah 884.090

Meja BelajarS edang Type MBS - 318 buah 661.400

Meja Belajar Sedang Type MBS - 318 T buah 661.400

Meja Belajar Sedang Type MBS - 328 buah 742.320

24 Meja Tulis Meja Tulis Merk Panel Type MT - 101 C buah 353.770

Meja Tulis Merk Panel Type MTS - 102 buah 450.740

Meja Tulis Merk Panel Type MTB - 102 buah 450.740

Meja Tulis Merk Panel Type MTB - 201 buah 795.820

Meja Tulis Merk Panel Type MTC - 2000 buah 678.790

Meja Tulis Merk Panel Type MTS - 201 buah 795.820

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 24
1 2 3 4 5 6
25 Rak Buku Rak Buku Merk Panel Type RB - 02 S buah 159.170

Rak Buku Merk Panel Type RB - 03 S buah 226.040

Rak Buku Merk Panel Type RB - 04 S buah 282.890

Rak Buku Merk Panel Type RB -1203 BP buah 162.510

Rak Buku Merk Panel Type RB -1204 BP buah 282.890

Rak Buku Merk Panel Type RBD - 043 S buah 459.440

Rak Buku Merk Panel Type RB - 1202 B buah 162.510

Rak Buku Merk Panel Type RB -1203 B buah 208.650

Rak Buku Merk Panel Type RB - 1204 B buah 258.140

26 Meja Makan Meja Makan Kayu Merk Panel Type BKM-01/02 buah 2.056.410

27 Kursi Tamu Kursi Tamu Merk Panel type BKT - 01/02 buah 2.950.530
28 Rak serba Guna Merk Panel :

Type RSG - 092 S buah 205.310

Type RSG - 093 S buah 289.570

Type RSG - 094 S buah 371.160

Type RSG -4 SST buah 353.770

Type RSG - 5 SST buah 442.050

Type RSG -9124 BP buah 448.740

Type RSG - 9124 T buah 448.740

Type RSG -9125 BP buah 558.410

Type RSG -9125 T buah 558.410

Type RSG -9294 BP buah 381.860

Type RSG -9295 BP buah 488.190

Type RSG - 9302 buah 268.840
Type RSG - 9403 buah 346.420

Type RSG - 9445 buah 406.600

Type RSG - 9455 buah 494.880

Rak 4 Susun Type RSG - 4 SSB buah 318.330

Rak 2 Susun 1 pintu Type RSG - 9201 buah 183.910

Rak 3 Pintu + 2 laci Type RSG - 9432 buah 413.960

Rak 5 Susun 4 Pintu Type RSG - 9504 buah 433.350

Rak 4 Pintu + 2 Laci Type RSG - 9542 buah 522.970

Rak 3 Pintu + 3 Laci Type RSG - 9432 buah 494.880

29 Kursi Plastik Kursi plastik tanpa tangan type BIG 101 F buah 78.250
Kursi plastik tanpa tangan type BIG 103 buah 84.270

Kursi plastik baso type BIG 303 buah 36.790

Kursi plastik taman type BIG 644/645/638/639 buah 109.680

Kursi plastik santai type BIG 901 B buah 107.670

Kursi plastik santai type BIG 700/701 buah 109.680

Kursi plastik taman type BIG 509 buah 101.650

30 Meja Plastik Meja Taman Type BIG 4242 buah 67.550

Meja Taman Type BIG 4855 buah 71.560

Meja Taman Type BIG 4848 buah 79.590

Meja Makan Type DT 9025 B TIGER buah 379.190

Meja Makan TypeBIG 3600 buah 419.310

Meja Makan Type DT 8888 buah 399.920

31 Kursi Makan Type DC 408, rangka besi cat silver buah 358.450

Type DC 414, rangka chroom buah 421.320

Type DC 425 buah 501.570

Type DC 427 buah 621.940

Type DC 428/429 buah 702.190

Type DC 430 buah 621.940

Type DC 433 buah 782.440

Type DC 435 buah 782.440

Type DC 436 buah 782.440

Type DC 437 buah 501.570

Type DC 438 buah 608.570

Type DC 457 buah 421.320

Type SLC 43 buah 902.820

Type SLC 44 buah 742.320

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 25
1 2 3 4 5 6
Type SLC 45 buah 742.320

Type SLC 46 buah 742.320

Type SLC 47 buah 789.130

Type SLC 48 buah 932.240

Type SLC 49 buah 996.440

Type SLC 50 buah 996.440

Type SLC 51 buah 996.440

Type SLC 52 buah 1.025.870

Type SLC 60 buah 635.320

Type SLC 61 buah 842.630

Type SLC 62, oscar black & white buah 722.250

Type SLC 63 buah 842.630

Type SLC 64 buah 822.570

Type SLC 69 buah 1.337.500

Type SLC 71, ornamen kayu anyaman rotan buah 1.156.940

Type SLC 72, ornamen kayu anyaman rotan buah 1.110.130

Type SLC 73, ornamen kayu anyaman rotan buah 1.203.750

32 Meja Makan Type DTR 311, Kaca Tempered bulat 8 mm diameter 100 buah 1.404.380

Type DTS 315 A, kaca tempered persegi uk. 120 x 80 buah 2.106.570

Type DTS 315 B, kaca tempered persegi uk. 150 x 80 buah 2.494.440

Type DTS 321 buah 4.012.500

Type DTS 322 A buah 3.143.130

Type DTS 322 B buah 3.270.190

Type DTS 325 A buah 2.728.500
Type DTS 325 B buah 2.808.750

Type DTS 329 buah 1.484.630

Type DTS 333 buah 1.016.500

Type DTS 334 buah 1.016.500

Type DTS 336 A, rangka kulit oscar buah 1.845.750

Type DTS 336 B, rangka kulit oscar buah 2.173.440

Type DTS 337, rangka kulit oscar buah 1.571.570

Type DTS 341 buah 1.712.000

Type DTS 342, ornamen warna hitam di kaca tengah buah 2.333.940

Type DTS 343 buah 2.648.250

Type DTS 338 buah 2.741.880

Type DTS 358 buah 2.574.690

Type DTS 358 tanpa kaca PTR buah 2.260.380

Type SLD 02 buah 2.367.380

Type SLD 03 buah 3.472.150

Type SLD 05 buah 2.608.130

Type SLD 06 A buah 2.367.380

Type SLD 06 B buah 2.675.000

Type SLD 07 A, RANGKA "X" buah 2.367.380

Type SLD 07 B buah 2.675.000

Type SLD 08, MEJA PUTAR DIAMETER 1200 mm buah 4.734.750

Type SLD 09 buah 2.835.500

Type SLD 10 buah 3.317.000

Type SLD 11 buah 3.236.750

Type SLD 12 buah 3.638.000

Type SLD 14 buah 3.009.380

Type SLD 15 buah 2.842.190

Type SLD 16, rangka chroom buah 2.300.500

33 Kursi Lipat FRONTLINE, Type FC 5005, Warna hitam/merah buah 374.500

FRONTLINE, Type FC 5001, Warna Putih/biru buah 397.240

FRONTLINE, Type YZ 5002 - PLAT, Warna hitam/merah buah 291.580

FRONTLINE, Type FC 5005, Warna hitam/merah buah 234.070

34 Meja Komputer FRONTLINE, Type HF-420 S, warna cherry/blue buah 421.320

FRONTLINE, Type HF-410, warna cherry/blue buah 555.070

FRONTLINE, Type HF-816 DV, warna cherry buah 829.250

FRONTLINE, Type HF-610, warna cherry buah 635.320

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 26
1 2 3 4 5 6
FRONTLINE, Type CD 710 , warna cherry/Beech buah 742.320

FRONTLINE, Type CD 808 , warna Beech buah 1.150.250

FRONTLINE, Type CD 810 , warna Beech buah 1.177.000

FRONTLINE, Type CD 811 , warna Beech buah 1.284.000

FRONTLINE, Type CD 910 , warna cherry/Blue buah 1.284.000

FRONTLINE, Type CD 911 , warna dark oak buah 1.284.000

FRONTLINE, Type HF-420 LS, warna cherry/blue buah 361.130

35 Kursi Kantor FRONTLINE, Type NEW SC HD 0212, warna biru buah 648.690

FRONTLINE, Type NEW SC HDA 0212, warna biru buah 688.820

FRONTLINE, Type NEW OC HD 2101 Warna biru buah 1.150.250

FRONTLINE, Type OCS (01,02 905), warna KOPI buah 1.123.500

FRONTLINE, Type OC HDA -3101, warna hitam/merah buah 1.370.940

FRONTLINE, Type OC905, warna biru buah 1.538.130

FRONTLINE, Type OC905 B, warna biru buah 1.504.690

FRONTLINE, Type MI 01 CATL, warna hitam buah 1.631.750

FRONTLINE, Type MI 02 CATL, warna hitam buah 1.551.500

36 Kursi Siswa FRONTLINE, Type STC - R 4201, warna hitam/biru buah 682.130

FRONTLINE, Type STC -WR 4201, warna hitam/biru buah 635.320

FRONTLINE, Type STC - WR 4202, warna hitam/biru buah 561.750

37 Kursi Publik FRONTLINE, Type FPC 210 warna silver/biru/hitam set 3.009.380

FRONTLINE, Type FPC 310 warna silver/biru/hitam set 3.731.630

FRONTLINE,Type FPC 311+busa warna silver/biru/hitam set 5.149.380

FRONTLINE, Type FPC 410 warna silver/biru/hitam set 4.614.380

FRONTLINE,Type FPC 411+busa warna silver/biru/hitam set 5.483.750

1 MESIN KETIK a. Brother 1600 DLX 9 inchi buah 1.177.000
3 inchi buah 1.712.000
b. Olivety Linea 18 inchi buah 4.387.000
27 inchi buah 4.815.000
10 inchi buah 1.605.000
15 inchi buah 3.210.000
c. Olympic Medium Potble 13 inchi buah 2.033.000
10 inchi buah 1.284.000
SG3N 18 inchi buah 2.824.800
d. President 13 inchi buah 1.765.500
e. Panasonic Rx-R.530 buah 3.210.000
f. Royal 775 18 inchi buah 2.889.000
26 inchi buah 4.815.000
SE 610 DS buah 1.284.000
Express 13 inchi buah 2.033.000
Portable 10 inchi buah 1.284.000
Reder 13,25 inchi buah 1.712.000
g. Remington 20 inchi buah 3.263.500
27 inchi buah 4.922.000
h. Simko 9 inchi buah 1.284.000
13 inchi buah 1.605.000
i. Sander Manual Elektro 13" buah 6.206.000
j. Amida 13,5 inchi buah 1.819.000
18 inchi buah 2.782.000
12 inchi buah 2.568.000
26 inchi buah
2 MESIN STENSIL A. Duplikator listrik / tangan folio
-Gestetner 4105E/type 1045 (termasuk Ekstro) buah 21.935.000
-Gestetner type 4130 (termasuk 1 increen dan 1 stel band) buah 23.005.000
B. Duplikator Manual folio
- Gestetner 4105E/type 1045 (termasuk Ekstro) buah 17.013.000

- Gestetner 4105/type 1045T (termasuk 1 increen dan1 stel band) buah 18.190.000

- Daito 69 (termasuk 1 increen dan1 stel band) buah 9.095.000

3 Mesin Faximile - Merk Panasonic Type KX-FP342CX buah 9.202.000
4 MESIN HITUNG A. Casio (12 digit)
- S-2 tanpa struk buah 321.000
- DR-1520 pakai struk buah 1.337.500

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 27
1 2 3 4 5 6
- No.J-30 tanpa struk buah 214.000
- RR-16 pakai struk buah 267.500
- R.2250 pakai struk buah 1.016.500
- JE-3 tanpa struk buah 1.070.000
- FX. 180 P buah 267.500
- FX.3600 P buah 239.360
- FX. 570 P buah 235.400
- FX.4000 buah 422.650
- FX.5200 buah 561.750
-S-2 buah 390.550
-H-2 buah 283.550
- J-2 buah 353.100
- J3-88 MU buah 181.900
- AX - 12 buah 139.100
B. Elektronik
Casio :
- DR.8620 (double memory) (14) buah 1.926.000
- KDS.340 (single memory) (14) buah 1.765.500
- DR.8420-14 (double memory) buah 1.551.500
- SDC.8900 14 digit buah 155.150
- SDC.8650 12 digit buah 128.400
- SDC.868L 12 digit buah 192.600
- GR.1400.FA buah 33.705.000
- GR.1650.A.3 buah 45.475.000
- GR.2010.A.3 buah 55.105.000
- GR.3200.A.3 buah 73.830.000
B. Regma
- D. 530 buah 48.150.000
- D. 550 buah 79.715.000
- C.1502 buah 19.260.000
C. Merk Sharp buah 56.175.000
- Type SF- 118
- Model Desktop
- Uk. Maksimal : A3
- Uk. Minimal : A6
- Kecepatan / menit 18 lbr
- Dimention 600x596x365 mm
- Stavolt 1.500 W
D. Merk Cannon Type 5000 full system buah 93.090.000
* Photo copy ukuran besar Minolta buah 78.110.000
* Fotocopy Merk Cannon buah 35.310.000
* Foto copy Merk Sharp buah 10.914.000
6 Mesin Penghancur Kertas - Shedde Panasonic HPS.SD buah 11.449.000
- 110 - ST BMC buah 4.066.000
- 220 - ST BMC buah 4.815.000
- IB- 30 N Inchiban buah 4.815.000
- Cimple Intimus buah 1.177.000
- Intimus S SE buah 11.663.000
- Intimus S 100 buah 2.140.000
- Intimus S 300 buah 10.165.000
- Pelikan CC buah 9.844.000
- Pelikan SC buah 5.992.000
- Pelikan SPSC buah 18.939.000
- Dino C22 SHREDDER buah 5.885.000
7 Alat Penghancur Kertas - Type 2400 SC (2MM) buah 7.704.000
- Type 220 ST BMC buah 2.942.500
- Promo 700 buah 2.889.000
8 Mesin pemotong rumput - Merk TASCO buah 3.424.000
- Merk HARRY buah 6.152.500
- Gendong buah 3.210.000
- Merk Milano Model GXV120 buah 5.992.000
- Merk Fujikawa buah 3.103.000
- Merk Tiger buah 3.477.500

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 28
1 2 3 4 5 6
9 Mesin Penyedot Debu - Merk Aiwa AWN 99 buah 3.103.000
- Merk Sanken buah 3.424.000
- Dorong merk Harry buah 5.671.000
- Desktop Promaxl 2500 buah 3.317.000
10 Kereta Dorong - Merk ARKO buah 963.000
11 Deteksi kebakaran - buah 56.710.000
12 Datatray Filling System - 5 laci buah 374.500
13 Power Rhoad SRA 400 - Jinjing buah 2.140.000
14 Mesin Genset - Merk/Type Honda (enkle Vol tage) 1.500 Watt Buah 9.630.000
15 wealth - Merk Sony Type/model:Portable Euro 5000P buah 9.630.000
16 Vocum Cleaner Hydro Magic merk Metro - Merk Sony buah 9.630.000
17 Parporasi - merk Pernuma buah 60.990.000
- merk KON buah 86.349.000
18 Mesin Porforasi * Merk KON, buatan Jepang model Manual
- Type:207(Lever Selector Type)2 baris. buah 64.735.000
- Type:207(Lever Selector Type)3 baris. buah 66.875.000
- Type:208(Lever Selector Type)2 baris buah 58.208.000
- Type:208(Lever Selector Type)3 baris buah 61.418.000
* Merk KON, buatan Jepang model Electrict
- Type : 10-905L (Lever Selector Type) 2 brs buah 101.650.000
- Type : 10-905L (Lever Selector Type) 3 brs buah 107.000.000
- Type : 10-905 (Pin Selector Type) 2 baris buah 97.370.000
- Type : 10-905 (Pin Selector Type) 3 baris buah 100.580.000
19 Jarum Parporasi buah 4.601.000
20 Kas Register buah 13.803.000
21 Mesin Absensi Komputer - Link Type TSR 220 RAM 2500 Records-AC/DC Operation buah 17.334.000
- Hand Geometric Recognition System, Type Hand Key II 512 Capacity User.
23 Mesin Absensi unit 52.430.000
Include : Barcode Slot reader dan software
- Hand Geometric Recognition System, Type Hand Punch 4000 530
unit 53.500.000
Capacity User. Include : Barcode Slot reader dan software
- Hand Geometric Recognition System, Type Hand Punch 3000 512
unit 52.430.000
Capacity User. Include : Barcode Slot reader dan software
24 Mesin * Penguji Keaslian Uang buah 963.000
* Pengecek Uang buah 642.000
* Air Jet Pump buah 2.675.000
* Stensil Model DH-515 buah 14.980.000
* Stensil Gestetner 4105 e buah 19.474.000
* Ticket Machine buah 6.955.000
* Hitung buah 80.250
* Penghisap Debu Desktop Promax 2500 buah 3.210.000
* Cacah Kertas buah 1.337.500
* Ketik
- Merk Royal 775 26 " buah 2.033.000
- Merk Remington buah 4.387.000
- Merk Olivety Lines 27 inchi buah 6.099.000
- Elektrik buah 3.745.000
- Royal Expres 13 inc./Bradher buah 2.247.000
- Manual Model U 275-26 buah 4.708.000
25 Alat Jilid Buku buah 10.272.000
26 Kalkulator * Merk Citizen SDC 8900 14 Digit buah 214.000
* Merk Citizen SDC.8900 14 digit buah 187.250
* Merk Casio (12 digit) FX.180P buah 294.250
* Merk Casio (12 digit) H-2 buah 342.400
* Merk Casio (12 digit) FX.4000 buah 508.250
* Struk buah 2.006.250
1 Arnow - Halus merk Golden Mella meter 23.010
2 Abstrak - Bermotif meter 44.940
- Polosan meter 42.800
3 Belini - Acura meter 77.040
- Isakaya meter 53.500
- Power meter 139.100
- Aristo meter 134.180
4 Belacu - Warna Putih, Lebar 1,60 meter 21.400
5 Brokat - Kembang Menengah meter 48.150
- Metalik meter 101.650

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 29
1 2 3 4 5 6
- Emas meter 197.950
- Biasa meter 139.100
6 Batik - Super meter 59.920
- Biasa meter 54.570
7 Caton - Bercolin meter 32.100
- Kembang Halus meter 21.400
- Kembang Menengah meter 12.840
- Skebu Halus meter 69.550
- Skebu Menengah meter 58.850
- Rami meter 26.750
8 Drill - American Drill (Samporis) meter 37.450
- Japan Drill (Obor) meter 37.450
- Hisopi Nagata Japan Drill meter 32.100
- U S A Danis Drill meter 44.940
- Kaeser Drill meter 53.500
9 Delta - Kembang meter 51.360
10 Danhil - meter 64.200
11 Dora - Kembang/Polos meter 29.960
12 Donani - meter 58.850
13 Dimensi - Biasa meter 80.250
- Sintung Dimensi meter 102.720
14 Frendship - Silk Fine meter 77.040
- Granada meter 80.250
- Top Feel meter 107.000
- Expansa meter 42.800
15 Leadership meter 123.050
16 Famatex - New Tetoron meter 32.100
17 Guci - meter 80.250
18 Hero - Saritex meter 14.980
Hero meter 42.800
19 Isabel - meter 48.150
20 Jetblack meter 123.050
21 Nautica meter 128.400
22 Eldorado meter 149.800
23 Versa meter 117.700
24 Japan Ledis - meter 44.940
25 Kain Jorjet Kembang meter 44.940
26 Kain Korpri - Lebar 1,15 m meter 37.450
- Lebar 1,15 m meter 48.150
- Lebar 1,50 m meter 58.850
- Merk Onta Anggur meter 107.000
27 Kain Spray - Halus lebar 240 cm meter 42.800
28 Kain Panas - Lebar : 150 cm meter 26.750
- Lebar : 90 cm meter 14.980
- Lebar : 90 cm meter 19.260
- Lebar : 90 cm meter 22.470
29 Kain Korden - Diamond meter 23.010
- Saten Korea meter 35.310
- Paradise meter 26.750
- Tebal Lengkap meter 44.940
- Saten Dekra meter 117.700
- Saten Kembang L=150 cm meter 58.850
- Saten Kembang L=115 cm meter 36.380
- Larichi meter 96.300
- Saten Bintik-bintik meter 12.840
- Merk Lobster, Model Plisket Sebelah , Jenis bahan 60 % Polyster 40 %
meter 37.450
Katun, bahan parasoil, Colour 02K rem tua salem
- Merk Spectra meter 68.480
30 Korden Pintu dan Jendela - Kain merk Leopard atas meter 53.500
- Kain merk Leopard bawah meter 53.500
- Alauminium atas meter 16.050
- Alauminium bawah meter 13.910
31 Kain Kasur - Menengah meter 12.840
32 Kain Tenun Ikat/Gedogan - Kepadatan 68 % meter 58.850
- Kepadatan 75 % meter 69.550

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 30
1 2 3 4 5 6
- Kepadatan 85 % meter 80.250
- Kepadatan 100 % meter 133.750
- Sutera 116 % meter 321.000
33 Kenjiro - meter 64.200
34 Kersey - meter 112.350
35 Kain Celana - Pantesa meter 58.850
- Tuscani meter 64.200
- Sanremo meter 69.550
36 Kain KTSM meter 19.260
37 Kain Katun meter 16.050
38 Kain Kapas - Tebal meter 10.700
- Tipis meter 8.560
39 Luster - meter 80.250
40 Mango - meter 69.550
41 Modena - meter 58.850
42 Piskin - Warna meter 13.910
- Batik meter 37.450
43 Rapillo - AD - 106 meter 70.620
44 Yasuka - Top Men Wolly Deluxe meter 72.760
45 Istem - Toray Tetrex 2020 meter 44.940
46 Oxford - Duyung Tetoron Putih meter 27.820
- Duyung Warna meter 32.100
47 Tetoron - Duyung KTSM (Putih) meter 19.260
- Duyung KTSM (Warna) meter 18.190
- Cap Capung (Putih) meter 10.700
- Cap Capung (Warna) meter 14.980
- Cap Naga Putih meter 9.630
- Biasa meter 12.840
48 Sifon - Poles Japan meter 25.680
- Kembang meter 27.820
- Metalik meter 55.640
- Milenium meter 43.870
- Alin meter 46.010
49 Wool - Super 120 S meter 321.000
- Super S 100 England meter 401.250
- Kode 8900/518/1 meter 449.400
- Super 1120.S Biasa meter 513.600
- Superfine wool meter 315.650
- Pro Kirara Signa meter 187.250
50 Rel Aluminium Lengkap - Klas I untuk Korden meter 69.550
- Klas II meter 12.840
- Biasa meter 9.630
- Aluminium (Dobel) meter 26.750
51 Smaker - Kotak-kotak meter 42.800
52 Vitrage - Lebar 2,40 meter 16.050
- Sweden meter 42.800
- Biasa Ombak-Ombak meter 13.910
- Kembang meter 18.190
- Kembang Halus meter 44.940
- Polos meter 24.610
53 Saffion - meter 51.360
54 Rapeal - meter 77.040
55 Saten - Silk meter 26.750
- Mascra meter 20.330
- Milenium meter 46.440
- Silk Jepang meter 44.940
- Sa Mus meter 37.130
- Kembang meter 46.440
- Korea meter 26.970
56 Simpony - Kotak-kotak meter 29.750
- Kembang meter 26.750
57 San Wosh - Kembang meter 23.010
58 Tyle Bordir - Milenium meter 165.850
- Emas meter 232.730

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 31
1 2 3 4 5 6
- Milenium Manik meter 128.400
59 Viola - meter 33.170
60 Korden Vertikal Blarde meter 267.500
61 Kain Korden Merk Liontine meter 96.300
Merk Mariolin meter 267.500
62 Taplak Meja Uk. 60 x 420 x 75 cm buah 267.500
63 Rel Korden Alumunium meter 13.910
64 Seprei lembar 203.300
65 Taplak Meja uk.60 x 420 x 75 cm buah 267.500
66 Kain Korden Merk Liontine meter 101.650
Merk Mariolin meter 267.500
Vertikal Blarde meter 267.500
67 Besi / Rel Korden Aluminium meter 13.380
68 Karpet meter 33.710
69 Kain Ospot meter 13.380
70 Kain Tessa Polos 35m meter 40.130
71 Kain Tissu Polos 35m meter 24.080
72 Kain Kotak-Kotak 20m meter 20.330
73 Kain Peach Skin 35m meter 24.080
74 Permadani - Samira Uk. 160 x 215 buah 404.460
- Samira Uk. 180 x 250 buah 588.500
- Samira Uk. 230 x 315 buah 856.000
- Sultana Uk. 160 x 215 buah 374.500
- Sultana Uk. 210 x 310 buah 588.500
- Montecario Uk. 170 x 230 buah 615.250
- Montecario Uk. 240 x 330 buah 1.230.500
75 Sajadah Sholat 6 Meter buah 567.100
76 Sajadah - Buatan Turky buah 69.550
77 Karpet Sajadah - Buatan Turky buah 588.500
1 Atribut - set 9.630
2 Baju Kaos Oblong Katon buah 57.780
3 Fluit beserta tali - stel 16.050
4 Helm Putih tulisan Pol-PP - buah 96.300
5 Ikat Pinggang - buah 12.840
6 Jaket Model Korea - buah 160.500
7 Jas hujan - buah 109.140
8 Kopel Reem - buah 48.150
9 Kaos kaki tebal hitam - stel 25.680
10 Pisau Komando Infantri buah 160.500
Biasa buah 109.140
11 Pakaian Satpam Lengkap - Pluit beserta tali, sepatu,sabuk, topi, dan pentungan set 398.040
12 Papan Nama Polisi Pamong Praja - buah 32.100
13 Sepatu PDH - psg 288.900
14 Simbul Hansip - bordir buah 19.260
- sablon buah 38.520
15 Topi lapangan bertuliskan Pol.PP (bordiran) - buah 44.940
16 Topi lapangan : - sablon buah 19.260
17 Tanda pangkat - PDH stel 19.260
18 Rangsel TNI Model Korea buah 321.000
Biasa buah 96.300
19 Termos - Fiber buah 44.940
- Aluminium buah 70.620
- Plastik buah 44.940
20 Tabung Pemadam Kebakaran - Ukuran 5 kg buah 2.921.100
21 Tabung Pemadam Kebakaran - Ukuran 23 kg buah 12.386.750
22 Pakaian Pol-PP :
- Kain Dinas Lapangan - Bahan Dyed Suiting Japan drill stel 85.600
- Sepatu Lars (Boot) - Standar ABRI warna hitam psg 309.130
-Helm - Bahan fibergelas mutu kls A buah 206.090
- Helm Dalmas buah 240.430
- Ikat pinggang besar - Kopel rem warna hitam buah 128.400
- Badge Lambang KORP DNN - Bertuliskan POL PP set 16.050
- Kaos kaki warna hitam - Bahan Katon bertuliskan POL PP psg 25.680

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 32
1 2 3 4 5 6
- Ikat pinggang - kecil warna hitam buah 32.100
- Borgol dgn sarung hitam - set 96.300
-Tas - Bhn Nilon A 600 bertulis kan POL PP buah 70.620
- Fluit beserta tali - buah 25.680
- Buku Pedoman Pembinaan - buah 19.260
- Tanda Pangkat PDL - buah 9.630
- Tanda Pangkat PDH - buah 22.470
- Baret Pol-PP buah 96.300
- Bedge Prop.NTB - buah 3.860
- Bedge Lmbang Pol-PP - buah 3.860
- Kaos Kaki PDH - buah 16.050
- Jaket Pol-PP - buah 160.500
23 Pistol Super Seven (Gas Air mata) - buah 2.247.000
24 Peluru 4 x 3 mm - buah 22.470
25 Senter Lapangan S buah 149.910
M buah 197.420
L buah 244.710
26 Senter Baterai - buah 38.520
27 Jas Pol.PP Model Korea - buah 160.500
28 Santer Cass - buah 256.800
29 Tongkat Listrik - buah 3.210.000
30 Detector pintu Dhalas - buah 50.076.000
31 Metal detector merk scener - buah 3.210.000
32 Detector merk LM - buah 8.988.000
Pakaian Paskibraka Seragam PDU (jenis kain
33 stel 353.100
America Original)
34 Sarf jenis ( jenis sartin ) buah 10.280

35 Sepatu Anggota Paskibraka (merk Cartelo Kulit) pasang 224.700

36 Ephaulet buah 19.260

37 Garuda Peci Besar (Logam Kuningan) buah 12.840
38 Badge Paskibraka Bordir buah 6.420
39 LK/MPC Peniti Bross (Jenis Logam Kuningan) buah 12.840
40 Kendit engukuhan Uk. 1,75 Cm. buah 32.100
41 Sabuk Paskibraka Jenis Nilon buah 19.260
42 Topi Latihan Nipon Bordir buah 44.940
43 Peci Putri merk nasional buah 28.890
44 Sarung Tangan Pa/Pi pasang 15.410
45 Kaos Kaki Panjang Pa/Pi pasang 32.100
46 Stocking putri American pasang 44.940
47 Papan Nama (Jenis logam Kuningan) buah 32.100
48 Baju Kaos Latihan ( Jenis Katon ) buah 55.860
49 Topi Permbina Bordir buah 44.940
50 Badge NTB Bordir buah 6.420
51 Peci Laki-Laki (Merk Nasional) buah 28.890
52 Bagde Tulisan Depdagri Bordiran buah 25.680
53 Bagde Lencana Pol PP Bhn Kuningan Emas buah 16.050
54 Papan Nama Bordiran buah 12.840
55 Bretel Bahan Nilon Warna Hitam buah 64.200
56 Sepatu Kedes Alas Karet pasang 121.980
57 Senter Stopan Pakai Baterai Kering 2 buah buah 224.700
58 Sepatu PDL Provost Bhn Kulit Warna Hitam Putih pasang 224.700
59 Engkel Pelindung set 96.300
60 Tongkat T buah 96.300
61 Tameng Fiber buah 1.412.400
1 Celana Training + Jaket - Merk Henrilloyd stel 321.000
2 Baju Kaos + Sablon - Merk Henrilloyd buah 70.620
3 Topi Lapangan Bordir buah 25.680
4 Sepatu Kets merk Eagle pasang 256.800
5 Kain Drill Jepang meter 64.200
6 Topi Khusus Pentas Marching Band buah 89.880
7 Lambang Korsik pada topi buah 32.100
8 Kain Bludru untuk atribut meter 51.360
9 Tanda pangkat khusus Marching Band bordiran pasang 51.360
10 Atribut khusus Marching Band bordiran pasang 64.200

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 33
1 2 3 4 5 6
11 Kaos Tangan putih pasang 25.680
12 Sepatu khusus Marching Band bordiran pasang 256.800
13 Tali Kuur/komando khusus Marching Band buah 38.520
14 Kancing RI buah 12.840
15 Papan nama logo marching band warna buah 38.520
16 Ikat pinggang logo marching band buah 38.520
Judul Buku
1 Al Qur'an dan terjemahannya Bahan : HVS Juz 1-30 buku 107.860
2 Al Qur'an Bahan : HVS ;PT. Karya Toha Reksa buku 71.910
3 Iqro' cara cepat membaca Al Qur'an Pengarang : KH. As'ad Humaan buku 35.960
4 Kunci Ibadah Pengarang : SA Zainal Abidin buku 25.150
Cara Belajar dan Menulis Huruf Al Qur'an
5 Pengarang : Drs. Abu Hanifah buku 25.150
danTerjemahan Juz Amma - Arab Latin
6 Yasin, Doa dan Zikir buku 21.510
7 Sejarah Hidup Nabi Muhammad Pengarang : Muhammad Husein & Haikal buku 194.100
8 Khotbah Jum'at Pengarang : HA. Mustofa buku 107.860
9 Kisah-Kisah Negara Dalam Al Qur'an Pengarang : Drs. Fathurrohman AR buku 107.860
1 Globe/Peta Bumi SD Skala : 1 : 30.000.000 buah 1.223.500
Diameter : 42,50 Cm
Bahan : Fiber Glass
Diagram base : 24,50 Cm
Warna Peta : Full Colour
Tinggi Total : ± 50 Cm
Globe/Peta Bumi SD Biasa buah 310.730
Globe/Peta Bumi SD Perak buah 530.830

2 Planetarium - buah 310.730

3 Soular System buah 267.930
4 KiT Matematika Bhn: Plastik,Triplek & Karton paket 647.350
Lain-lain : Terdiri dari
- Model Permukaan Jam
- Model Jaring-jaring Balok
- Kubus & PrismaTegak segitiga
- Model Bangun-bangun datar
- Model Pecahan
- Kartu Bilangan
5 a. KIT IPA Bhn: Plastik,Baja, Alumunium, paket 616.280
Kaca, Kuningan, Tembaga & kayu
Lain-lain : Terdiri dari
- Batery Holder
- Fitting/dudukan bola lampu
- Kabel listrik & Penjepit
- Pleting Kompas
Fitting/dudukan bola lampu buah 56.970
Kabel listrik & Penjepit buah 77.690
Pleting Kompas buah 139.830
Galam holder buah 75.100
Magnet Batang Besar buah 113.290
Cerrmin Datar buah 18.780
Lensa Cembung buah 38.850
Lensa Cekung buah 38.850
b. KIT IPS paket 971.030
1 Alat Peraga Untuk SD
* Alat Peraga Matematika set 906.290
* Alat Peraga IPA set 1.359.440
* Alat Peraga IPS set 971.030
-Peta Dunia Besar Physical set 297.790
-Peta Asian Besar set 142.420
-Peta Indonesia Besar Physical set 297.790
-Peta NTB set 123.000
-Atlas Indonesia dan Dunia set 77.690
-Atlas Sejarah Indonesia set 155.370
-Bola Dunia (Globe) Diameter 42,5 set 1.223.500
-Over Head Projector (OHP) set 3.884.100
- Layar Standar set 2.071.520
2 Alat Laboratorium
-Fisika I set 15.536.400

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 34
1 2 3 4 5 6
-Fisika II set 2.446.990
-Fisika III set 2.200.990
-Fisika IV set 1.437.120
-Fisika V set 3.236.750
-Biologi I set 1.890.270
-Biologi II set 3.456.850
-Biologi III set 2.796.560
3 Torso Mini Pria buah 297.790
4 Torso Mini Wanita buah 297.790


1 Mesin Jahit Buterfly Sanghai buah 856.000
- Buterfly RRT, Meja + Kaki Z buah 963.000
Singer buah 1.016.500
- Mesin Obras Buterfly Sanghai buah 909.500
- Dinamo Mesin Jahit Singer buah 101.650
- Mesin neci jahit Buterfly RRT, Meja + Kaki Z + Dinamo 220 V Complit set 909.500
- Mesin Bordir Juki LZ 271 Buterfly RRT, Meja + Kaki Z + Dinamo 100 V Complit set 2.568.000
- Mesin Lubang Kancing - Merk Yamata FY 930, dinamo 220 V Complit set 1.551.500
- Merk Buterfly Meja Papan + Kaki Z + Dinamo alat Lubang Kancing set 963.000
- Mesin Cetak Kancing - Alat Kancing No. 18, 22, 24, 26 set 267.500
- Etalase buah 1.605.000
- Seterika listrik buah 369.150
- Benang jahit lusin 32.100
- Ospot Putih meter 34.780
- Kain warna biru meter 34.780
- Kain warna merah meter 34.780
- Kain katun polos meter 25.680
- Kain katun motif meter 25.680
- Gunting kain buah 53.500
- Benang obras kg 32.100
- Meteran kain buah 8.030
- Kancing - Jepret buah 7.490
- Kemeja buah 21.400
- Hak buah 4.820
- Hias buah 750
- Kait buah 1.610
- Pendedel buah 4.500
- Laderan buah 6.420
- Benang Jahit buah 1.290
- Sekoci buah 8.030
2 Mesin Air (Pompa) - Sanyo Besar buah 1.284.000
- Sanyo Kecil buah 909.500
- Simitsu tidak otomatis buah 615.250
- Simitsu otomatis buah 770.400
-DAP buah 337.050
- Pasific buah 619.000
- 5,5 PK merk Honda dg Dudukan buah 7.338.060
- Selang Penghisap O3"(20 m) meter 81.860
- Selang Pembuang SH O3" AAA/Hongkong (100 m) meter 32.640
Tabung Pemadam Kebakaran - Ukuran 5 kg buah 3.745.000
Tabung Pemadam Kebakaran - Ukuran 23 kg buah 15.729.000
3 Kompor Minyak Tanah - Tomi-Tomi 14 sumbu buah 69.550
- Buterfly 20 sb.+tabung kaca buah 347.750
- Buterfly 10 sumbu buah 112.350
- Hock 22 sumbu buah 256.800
- Hock 16 sumbu buah 181.900
- Bahan Seng /Plat 18 sumbu buah 90.950
- Bahan Seng 18 sumbu buah 37.450
- RRT 20 sumbu buah 96.300
- Buatan Lokal buah 32.100
4 Panci - Aluminium susun lima (16,18,20,22,24) buah 160.500
- Aluminium 40 cm buah 192.600
- Aluminium 30 cm buah 85.600

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 35
1 2 3 4 5 6
- Burik (Email) 40 cm buah 157.830
- Burik (Email) set 374.500
- Merk Djawa 22 cm buah 44.940
- Merk Djawa 24 cm buah 51.360
- Merk Djawa 26 cm buah 57.780
- Merk Djawa 28 cm buah 70.620
- Merk Djawa 30 cm buah 83.460
- Merk Djawa 36 cm buah 128.400
- Merk Djawa 38 cm buah 141.240
- Merk Djawa 40 cm buah 194.740
- Burik 40 cm buah 157.940
5 Dandang - 30 " buah 64.200
- Merk Djawa Aluminium 40 cm buah 246.100
6 Wajan - Aluminium RRT Besar, 40 cm buah 181.900
- Aluminium RRT Tanggung, 42 cm buah 144.450
- Aluminium RRT Kecil, 30 cm buah 96.300
- Aluminium RRT , 30 cm buah 72.760
- Aluminium RRT , 33 cm buah 83.460
- Aluminium RRT , 36 cm buah 90.950
- Aluminium RRT , 39 cm buah 100.580
- Aluminium RRT , 42 cm buah 128.400
- Aluminium RRT , 45 cm buah 139.100
- Maxim + Tutup Besar , (40 cm) buah 321.000
- Maxim + Tutup Tanggung, (36 cm) buah 230.050
- Maxim Besar (tanpa tutup), 32 cm buah 166.920
- Maxim Besar (tanpa tutup), 36 cm buah 155.150
- Makcok Besar Tangkai 28 cm Tanpa Kaca buah 173.340
- Makcok Tanggung buah 80.250
- Makcok Tanpa Tutup, 40 cm buah 179.760
- Makcok Tanpa Tutup, 36 cm buah 155.150
- Makcok Tanpa Tutup, 32 cm buah 117.700
- Wajan Bertangkai Besar buah 155.150
- Wajan Bertangkai Tanggung buah 134.820
- Wajan Bertangkai Kecil buah 103.790
- Wajan Cor/Djawa Besar buah 141.240
- Wajan Cor/Djawa Tanggung buah 117.700
- Wajan Cor/Djawa Kecil buah 102.720
- Wajan Cor/Djawa 20 buah 47.080
- Wajan Cor/Djawa 22 buah 58.850
- Wajan Cor/Djawa 24 buah 77.040
- Wajan Cor/Djawa 26 buah 96.300
- Wajan Cor/Djawa 28 buah 117.700
- Wajan Cor/Djawa 30 buah 147.660
7 Rak piring - Kecil SS2 tanggung buah 6.420
- besar SS4 FK - GS buah 121.980
- SS4 Master buah 139.100
- egle plastik buah 48.150
- Plastik S2 E/G buah 51.360
- Plastik S3 E/G buah 83.460
- Galaxy buah 80.250
- Master buah 160.500
8 Jemuran dari besi - Kecil Vinil uk.1 x 1 m buah 107.000
- Besar Besi uk.1,5 x 1,5 m buah 449.400
- Aluminium uk.1,5 x 1,5 m buah 288.900
- Aluminium uk.2,5 x 2 m buah 401.250
- Aluminium uk.1,5 x 2 m buah 331.700
9 Seterika Listrik - Merk Philips 114/1172 buah 219.350
- Merk Masphion buah 85.600
- Merk Nasional NI buah 160.500
- Merk Comport HI 216 buah 267.500
- Merk Philip Dryron buah 321.000
- Merk Panasonic buah 160.500
10 - Kompor Gas - Merk Hitachi 2 tungku buah 417.300
- Merk Rinnai 1,5 tgku RT-503E buah 695.500

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 36
1 2 3 4 5 6
- Merk Rinnai 2 tungku buah 379.850
- Merk Rinnai 3 tungku buah 674.100
- Tabung Gas buah 625.950
- Slang + REG buah 117.700
- Merk Sharp Lengkap buah 1.214.450
- Merk Hitachi Lengkap buah 1.177.000
- Kompor Gas Standing - Merk Elektroluk 9714 buah 12.519.000
- Merk Indesit ( Italy ) buah 7.918.000
11 Mixer - Merk Philips Hand buah 374.500
- Merk Philips Com buah 460.100
- Merk Masphion Com buah 251.450
- Merk Nasional Hand buah 444.050
- Merk Masphion Hand buah 256.800
- Merk Orsone Hand buah 251.450
- Merk Elephan Hand buah 155.150
- Merk Miyako Com buah 251.450
- Merk Miyako Hand buah 142.310
- Merk Nasional Com buah 192.600
12 Timbangan Kue - Merk kwonie buah 85.600
- Untuk buah Aluminium buah 149.800
- Merk Tanita buah 64.200
- Merk Lion Star buah 82.390

13 Gilingan Mie - Merk Atlas Asli buah 385.200

- Merk Atlas Biasa buah 192.600

- Merk Lokal buah 128.400
14 Bak Tempat Minum Merk Lion Star Jumbo Kely 8 ltr buah 117.700
15 Blender - Merk Philip Plastik buah 417.300
- Merk Philip Kaca/Gelas buah 449.400
- Merk Nasional buah 160.500
- Airlux buah 203.300
- Sanken buah 385.200
- RRT buah 476.150
- Panasonic buah 481.500
- Miyako buah 187.250
- Maspion buah 321.000
16 Rice Cooker - Merk Masphion 1,5 L buah 214.000
- Merk Cosmos 1,5 L buah 321.000
- Merk Philip 1,8 L buah 642.000
- Miyako buah 294.250
- Yong Ma buah 385.200
- Panasonic buah 545.700
- Sanyo buah 401.250
- Sharp buah 417.300
17 Tikar Plastik - Engkle merk timbangan buah 26.750
- Pjg merk timbangan Double buah 53.500
- Engkle merk GT buah 38.520
- Helikopter buah 23.540
-Merk manggis buah 25.680
"-Merk Lipar buah 57.780
18 Serbet "-Merk GA kecil lembar 6.420
"-Merk GA sedang lembar 8.560
"-Merk GA besar lembar 11.770
19 Payung - RRT (hitam) Cap Kapal Layar buah 28.890
- Kembang besar buah 52.430
- Kembang kecil buah 32.100
- Kembang Lipat buah 25.680
- Kembang Biasa buah 19.260
20 Gantungan Baju Polos - Polos Tipis lusin 23.540
- Polos Tebal lusin 32.100
"-Transparan lusin 35.310
21 Tea Set - Merk Sango Polos set 417.300
- Merk Sango Kembang set 321.000
- Merk RRT set 90.950
- Merk RRT Kembang set 288.900
22 Cangkir - Merk Sango Polos kotak 64.200

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 37
1 2 3 4 5 6
- Merk Sango Polos kotak 64.200
- Merk Sango Kembang kotak 51.360
- Merk RRT kotak 60.990
- Merk RRT Kembang kotak 60.990
23 Piring - Makan Sango Ceper Besar lusin 353.100
- Makan Sango Ceper Tanggung lusin 224.700
- Makan Sango Cekung lusin 160.500
- Makan Sango Cekung lusin 149.800
- Makan Sango Cekung 8" lusin 124.120
- Makan Sango Cekung 9" lusin 128.400
- Makan RRT Kembang lusin 64.200
- Makan RRT Polos Putih lusin 77.040
- Makan Polos Coklat lusin 77.040
- Makan Polos Putih lusin 32.100
- Ikan Oval Milamin Bsr Polos buah 48.150
- Ikan Oval Milamin (T) Polos buah 32.100
- Ikan Oval Milamin (B)Kembang buah 72.230
- Ikan Oval Milamin (T)Kembang buah 48.150
- Ikan Oval Milamin (K)Kembang buah 21.400
- Ikan Oval Milamin Polos (K) buah 38.520
- Ikan Oval Kembang RRT (B) buah 102.720
- Ikan Oval Kembang RRT (T) buah 74.900
- Ikan Oval Kembang RRT (K) buah 69.550
- Ikan Oval Polos RRT (B) buah 70.620
- Ikan Oval Polos RRT (T) buah 48.150
- Ikan Oval Polos RRT (K) buah 38.520
- Piring Ikan Oval Sango Besar buah 155.150
- Piring Ikan Oval Sango (T) buah 115.560
- Piring Ikan Oval Sango Kecil buah 77.040
- Piring Ikan Polos Putih buah 23.540
- Piring Ikan Polos Tebal buah 32.100
- Piring Salmino Merk Staimks Stel buah 51.360
24 Gelas - Mug Milamin Pakai Tutup Besar buah 32.100
- Mug Milamin Pakai Tutup Tanggung buah 22.470
- Mug Milamin Pakai Tutup Kecil buah 19.260
- Es 212 lusin 22.470
- Es HS - 9 lusin 16.050
- Blimbingan lusin 19.260
- Duralex Tinggi lusin 96.300
- Duralex Pendek lusin 64.200
- Polos Putih, Coklat tinggi lusin 40.660
- Polos Putih, Coklat pendek lusin 25.680
- Berkaki Dema lusin 160.500
- Berkaki Dema lusin 171.200
- Bistro / Anggel lusin 155.150
- Berkaki Kendang Firna lusin 96.300
- Berkaki Biasa lusin 112.350
- Berkaki Biasa lusin 96.300
- Berkaki Pakai Lis 1 lusin 378.780
- Berkaki Pakai Lis 2 lusin 321.000
25 Termos - Termos Es 10 liter buah 96.300
- Termos Nasi 26 ltr MP buah 128.400
- Termos Nasi 20 ltr Lion Star buah 173.340
- Termos Nasi 16 ltr buah 29.960
- Termos Nasi 15 ltr buah 38.520
- Termos Nasi 14 ltr MP buah 96.300
- Termos Nasi 12,5 ltr MP buah 109.140
- Termos Air Panas RRT 1 pon buah 32.100
- Termos Air Panas RRT 5 pon buah 48.150
- Termos Air Panas RRT buah 61.530
- Termos Air Panas Lion Star 50 Hp buah 83.460
- Termos Air Panas (Japan) buah 353.100
- Termos Air Panas (Japan) buah 224.700
- Termos Air Panas (Airport Rabbit) buah 224.700

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 38
1 2 3 4 5 6
- Termos Air Panas Sakura Bsr buah 48.150
- Termos Air Panas Besi Kecil 1 liter buah 64.200
26 Jumbo - Termos Jumbo 6 ltr Lion Star buah 96.300
- Termos Jumbo 8 ltr Lion Star buah 101.650
- TermosJumbo 10 ltr Lion Star buah 107.000
- Termos Jumbo 12 ltr Lion Star buah 117.700
- Termos Jumbo 16 ltr Lion Star buah 128.400
- TermosJumbo 24 ltr Lion Star buah 139.100
- Termos Jumbo 6 ltr Hinil buah 96.300
- Termos Jumbo 8 ltr Hinil buah 101.650
- Termos Jumbo 10 ltr Hinil buah 117.700
- Termos Jumbo 5 ltr Kiramas buah 21.400
- Termos Jumbo 10 ltr Kiramas buah 23.540
- TermosJumbo 15 ltr Kiramas buah 28.890
- TermosJumbo 25 ltr Kiramas buah 48.150
27 Tempat Tissue - Elephant / RS buah 19.260
- Elephant / RS buah 28.890
- Stainless Maspion buah 19.260
28 Kocor Air - Aluminium 20 cm buah 53.500
- Aluminium 22 cm buah 64.200
- Aluminium 24 cm buah 78.110
- Aluminium 26 cm buah 85.600
- Aluminium 28 cm buah 102.720
- Aluminium 30 cm buah 80.250
- Djawa Bunyi Besar 26 cm buah 160.500
- Djawa Bunyi Tanggung 24 cm buah 141.240
- Steinles Steel Namyang 016 buah 125.190
- Steinles Steel Namyang 017 buah 203.300
- Steinles steel Namyang 018 buah 221.490
- Plastik Polos buah 11.770
- Cool Pot Arnis buah 28.890
- Cool Water Jug Arnis buah 38.520
- Stainless Steel buah 121.980
- Plastik Cantik Cool buah 32.100
- Plastik Cantik Cool buah 21.400
29 Wajan Hitam - Enimal 40 cm besi/Woja RRT Hitam 45 cm. buah 224.700
30 Baskom - Aluminium buatan Djawa 50 cm buah 103.790
- Aluminium buatan Djawa 30 cm buah 16.590
- RRT Kembang Merah buah 72.760
- RRT Kembang Putih + Lis buah 84.530
- RRT Kembang Kecil buah 16.050
- RRT Kembang Besar buah 32.100
- Aluminium Besar 60 cm buah 203.300
- Aluminium 40 cm buah 58.850
- Plastik buah 123.050
- Putih Lis Perak buah 39.590
31 Pemanas Sup - Segi Empat Tanggung buah 413.020
- Segi Empat Besar buah 925.550
- Segi Empat Besar Jumbo buah 642.000
- Segi Empat kecil RRT buah 214.000
- Segi Empat kecil Sea Lion buah 347.750
- Segi Empat kecil Maspion buah 288.900
- Segi Empat Tanggung Maspion buah 481.500
- Segi Empat Besar Kompor 2 Maspion buah 321.000
- Segi Empat Besar 2 Sea Lion buah 738.300
- Segi Empat Besar Maspion buah 1.391.000
- Bundar 30 cm buah 288.900
- Bundar 28 cm buah 251.450
32 Parutan - Steinles Steel Caster buah 28.890
- Biasa buah 10.170
- Kayu/Paku buah 15.520
- Steinles Steel Biasa buah 10.170
- Grater Maspion buah 38.520
33 Tempat Nasi - Steinles Steel + Tutup buah 157.940

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 39
1 2 3 4 5 6
- Aluminium Besar 35 cm buah 68.480
- Aluminium Tanggung 40 cm buah 86.670
- Keramik buah 57.780
- Plastik buah 32.100
34 Tutup & Tatakan Gelas Steinles Steel lusin 48.150
Steinles Steel lusin 51.360
35 Sendok - Makan Steinles Steel Biasa lusin 19.260
- Makan Steinles Steel Biasa lusin 28.890
- Makan Steinles Steel Dol lusin 35.310
- Makan Steinles Steel Tipis lusin 17.120
- Nasi Steinles Steel lusin 12.840
- Nasi Steinles Steel lusin 115.560
- Kecil Steinles Steel Biasa lusin 19.260
- Kecil Steinles Steel Dol lusin 32.100
- Ikan Steinles Steel Bunga lusin 16.590
- Ikan Steinles Stel Polos Tbl lusin 24.080
- Ikan Steinles Stel Polos Tbl buah 16.050
- Kuah Steinles Steel Besar lusin 44.940
- Kuah Steinles Steel Besar lusin 35.310
- Kuah Steinles Steel Sedang lusin 22.470
- Kuah Steinles Steel Sedang lusin 20.330
- Kuah Steinles Steel Kecil lusin 12.420
- Kuah Cap Cay lusin 141.240
36 Garpu - Makan Steinles Steel Biasa lusin 19.260
- Makan Steinles Steel Dol lusin 48.150
- Kecil Steinles Steel Dol lusin 35.310
- Kecil Steinles Steel Biasa lusin 17.120
37 Sutil lengkap/dapur - Steinles Steel set 141.240
- Steinles Steel set 22.470
38 Rantang - Aluminium Besar 26/4 susun 231.120
- Aluminium Sedang 20/4 susun 154.080
- Aluminium Kembang Besar 16/4 susun 64.200
- Aluminium Kembang Besar 14/4 susun 57.780
- Plastik (Picnic) susun 35.850
- Email Panda 16 susun 96.300
- Plastik NIKITA susun 38.520
- Plastik OVAL susun 51.360
39 Pisau - Dapur Steinles SteelVictoria Kecil lusin 265.900
- Dapur Baja buah 25.680
- Buah Steinles Steel/Victoria lusin 12.840
- Dapur Steinles Steel Besar buah 115.560
- Dapur Steinles Steel Besar buah 47.620
- Dapur Steinles Steel Besar buah 63.130
- Dapur Steinles Steel Besar buah 71.690
- Roti lusin 119.310
40 Pembakar Roti - Touster merk Nasional buah 556.400
- Iwasaka buah 160.500
- Touster merk Philip buah 481.500
- Touster merk Airlux buah 144.450
- Touster merk Maspion buah 251.450
- Touster merk Miyako buah 288.900
- Touster merk Kirin buah 192.600
41 Open - Buterfly buah 192.600
- Hock Besar No. 1 buah 674.100
- Hock Besar No. 2 buah 520.020
- Hock Sedang No. 3 buah 385.200
- Hock Kecil No.4 buah 308.160
42 Pemanggang Ikan - Kawat Besar buah 38.520
- Pakai Tutup buah 89.880
- Kawat Kecil buah 19.260
43 Jusser - Merk Philip buah 722.250
- Merk Sanken buah 326.350
- Merk Miyako buah 385.200
- Merk Mapion buah 288.900

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 40
1 2 3 4 5 6
- Merk Cosmos buah 385.200
44 Baking Pan - Merk Bima 28 cm buah 276.060
- Merk Bima 24 cm buah 250.380
- Merk Gold 28 cm buah 160.500
- Merk Gold 26 cm buah 155.150
- Merk Orchid 28 cm buah 192.600
- Merk Orchid 24 cm buah 155.150
45 Saringan - Kelapa Plastik buah 10.170
- Teh Plastik Besar buah 12.840
- Teh Plastik Kecil buah 9.100
- Teh Kawat Besar buah 44.940
- Teh Kawat Kecil buah 15.730
46 Talenan - Plastik Segi 4 Besar Criva buah 77.040
- Plastik Segi 4 (T) Criva buah 57.780
- Plastik Segi 4 Besar Criva buah 35.310
- Plastik Segi 4 (T) Criva buah 30.820
- Plastik Segi 4 Kecil Criva buah 19.260
- Kayu Segi Empat Besar buah 8.560
- Kayu Segi Empat Tanggung buah 25.680
- Kayu Segi Empat Kecil buah 12.840
- Kayu Bundar Besar buah 38.520
- Kayu Bundar Tanggung buah 19.260
- Kayu Bundar Kecil buah 12.840
47 Ember - Pakai Tutup besar buah 51.360
- Pakai Tutup 12 galon tanggumg buah 32.100
- Pakai Tutup 18 galon buah 89.880
- Tanpa Tutup Besar (biasa) 6 galon buah 25.680
- Tanpa Tutup Tanggung 12 galon buah 19.260
- Tanpa Tutup Kecil 4 galon buah 12.840
- 80 liter buah 125.190
- 60 liter buah 86.670
- 50 liter buah 69.340
- 40 liter buah 57.780
- 30 liter buah 48.150
- Kecil buah 28.890
48 Ember Timba - Warna Hitam buah 8.990
- Warna Hitam buah 12.840
- Warna Hitam buah 16.050
49 Baki Kayu - Segi Empat Besar ( XL) buah 86.670
- Segi Empat Sedang (M) buah 57.780
- Segi Empat Besar (L) buah 67.410
- Segi Empat Kecil No.1 buah 50.080
- Segi Empat Kecil No.2 buah 23.870
- Bundar Besar buah 69.340
- Bundar Sedang buah 47.510
- Bundar Kecil buah 57.780
50 Bantalan Kursi - Kwalitet 1 katun 1 set isi 5 + taplak meja tamu buah 151.940
- Kwalitet 2 buah 103.790
- Kwalitet 3 buah 82.390
51 Karpet Bludru/Permadani - Kembang Uk.3 x 2 m 180 X 260 lembar 642.000
- Kembang Uk.2 x 2 m 160 X 220 lembar 535.000
- Kembang Uk.1 x 1 1/2 m lembar 363.800
- Kembang Uk.2 x 1 1/2 m 115 X 160 lembar 278.200
- Kembang untuk Sholat 6 m lembar 973.700
- Karpet Karina meter 48.150
- Karpet Polos meter 37.450
- Karpet Polos merk karina 115 X 160 meter 64.200
- Karpet Polos Biasa meter 32.100
52 Sprei - Caton No.1 uk.2m x 2 m set 310.300
- Caton No.1 uk.2m x 1,80 m set 160.500
- Caton No.1 uk.2m x 1,60 m set 155.150
- Caton No.1 uk.2m x 1,20 m set 102.720
- Caton No.2 uk.2m x 1,80 m set 112.350
- Caton No.2 uk.2m x 1,20 m set 192.600

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 41
1 2 3 4 5 6
- Batik Merk Fajar Indah 4 btl set 128.400
- Batik 2 bantal set 117.700
- Caton Sprei + Bed Caver No.1 set 401.250
- Caton Sprei + Bed Caver No.2 set 278.200
- Caton Sprei + Bed Caver Menengah set 310.300
- Caton Sprei+Bed Caver Engkel set 235.400
- Caton Sprei+Bed Caver Engkel No.1 set 508.250
53 Gayung - Plastik Polos buah 10.170
- Plastik Polos buah 11.560
- Plastik Kembang buah 6.850
- Aluminium buah 43.870
54 Jerigen - Ukuran isi 20 ltr buah 27.820
- Ukuran isi 10 ltr buah 19.260
- Ukuran isi 5 ltr buah 10.170
- Ukuran isi 2 ltr buah 4.820
55 Magic Jer - Merk Namyang King buah 395.900
- Yong Ma buah 481.500
- Miyako buah 423.720
- Philip buah 374.500
- Shiyoku buah 411.950
56 Mesin Pengolah Tahu/ tempe 6" merk Honda GS 200 SPK unit 9.013.680
57 Mesin Parut Kelapa, tepung Kopi GX 160 - unit 9.013.680
58 Gentong/Bak Plastik - Aluminium uk.2 meter buah 85.600
59 Tangga Lipat - Aluminium uk.2,5 meter 2 m buah 749.000
- Aluminium uk.2,5 meter 2,5 m buah 1.070.000
60 Rice Bok Maspion Pendek 60 kg (tinggi sepinggang) 28 cm buah 295.320
61 Selendang Songket Panjang pcs 103.790
62 Taplak / Hias Dinding Coklat pcs 90.950
Dinding Putih pcs 80.250
Taplak Tatakan pcs 64.200
Meja Kecil pcs 56.180
Meja Panjang (tamu) pcs 128.400
Antik Songket pcs 112.350
Meja Makan Antik pcs 192.600
Antik Besar pcs 128.400
Meja Bordir kotun RRT buah 385.200
Meja Bordir kotun RRT buah 71.270
63 Tangga Aluminium Lipat - uk.2,5 m merk Fortuna buah 1.540.800
64 Tempat Tisu Elektrik buah 122.630
65 Stop Kran buah 74.480
66 Kran buah 33.390
67 Troli buah 2.033.000
68 Selang Plastik - 1 roll terdiri dari 50 meter meter 513.600
69 Gentong Gerabah - Ukuran besar buah 166.920
70 Sikat kloset bundar buah 19.260
71 Sikat lantai biasa buah 12.840
72 Gunting rumput buah 89.880
73 Bak sampah plastik buah 21.400
74 Keset buah 22.470
75 Kain Pel buah 9.100
76 Sapu Ijuk Pendek buah 11.770
77 Sapu Ijuk Panjang buah 25.680
78 Sapu bulu ayam buah 16.050
79 Alat semprot nyamuk BDB - merk Super Foging made in Korea unit 13.856.500
80 Tempat majalah buah 481.500
81 Box Tisu Kuningan biji 80.250
82 Tempat CD buah 199.020
1 Serut listrik Makita buah 1.936.700
2 Profil listrik makita buah 1.930.280
3 Bor listrik buah 1.502.280
4 Mesin potong listrik buah 2.148.240
5 Pahat buah 82.610
6 Gergaji biasa buah 52.430

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 42
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 Garisan siku buah 22.470
8 Palu buah 67.410
9 Meteran buah 39.060
10 Pengungkit palu buah 29.960
11 Parang (Batek) buah 75.120
12 Amplas listrik buah 1.502.280
13 Pensil tukang buah 1.500
14 Batu asah buah 16.590
15 Kikir buah 16.590
1 Alat tenun tradisional set 1.317.390
2 Benang tenun - Warna Putih Ikat 10.920
- Warna Hitam Ikat 10.920
- Warna Merah Ikat 10.920
- Warna Hijau Muda Ikat 10.920
- Warna Hijau Tua Ikat 10.920
- Warna Kuning Ikat 10.920
- Warna Kream Ikat 10.920
- Warna Biru Ikat 10.920
- Warna Orange Ikat 10.920
- Warna Ungu Ikat 10.920
3 Gunting kain UK kecil buah 32.100
1 Mesin giling tepung unit 5.392.800
2 Gilingan mie buah 577.800
3 Oven tiga berlian buah 513.600
4 Blender Philips buah 590.640
5 - Gilingan daging / Bumbu No. 5 buah 288.900
No. 8 buah 110.430
No. 10 buah 128.400
6 Ondervan buah 224.700
7 Kompor gas pompa set 1.669.200
8 Teplon maxim buah 96.300
9 Loyang alumunium buah 13.490
10 Baskom plastik buah 12.840
11 Ember plastik buah 25.680
12 Wajan buah 160.500
13 Pisau buah 22.470
14 - Dandang besar 15 Kg buah 192.600
10 Kg buah 160.500
15 - Sorok kecil buah 25.680
sedang buah 31.570
besar buah 96.300
16 - Sutil kecil buah 16.700
sedang buah 19.260
besar buah 25.680
17 - Cetakan Roti Bolu besar buah 96.300
kecil buah 64.200
18 - Cetakan Roti Kukus besar buah 77.040
kecil buah 8.350
sedang buah 12.840
19 - Cetakan Kue Pakis kecil buah 77.040
sedang buah 102.620
besar buah 160.500
20 Mixer buah 552.120
21 Kantong plastik pak 19.260
22 Estalse buah 1.284.000
23 Gentong Plastik Besar buah 590.640
24 Petromak Merk Butterfly buah 256.800
25 Keset lembar 25.680
26 Jam Dinding - Mirado buah 128.400
- Merk Maspion buah 115.560


A TELEVISI a. Toshiba

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 43
1 2 3 4 5 6
* Bomba :
- 14 Inchi (14 A 3 E) buah 1.177.000
- 21 Inchi (21 C 3 E) buah 2.000.900
- 21 Inchi (CZ 5 E ) buah 2.118.600
- 29 Inchi (CZ 6 E I) buah 4.173.000
- 29 Inchi (JZ 6 E I) buah 5.296.500
* Biasa :
- 14 Inchi (14 D 2 E) buah 856.000
- 20 Inchi (20S3E) buah 963.000
- 21 Inchi (21LSE28) buah 1.765.500
- 29 Inchi (29 C 3) buah 3.424.000
b. Polytron
- 14 Inchi buah 1.230.500
- 20 Inchi buah 1.412.400
- 21 Inchi buah 2.140.000
c. Sharp
- 14 Inchi (14 S 20) buah 1.284.000
- 20 Inchi (20 S 20) buah 1.926.000
- 14 Inchi (14 R 20) buah 1.219.800
- 20 Inchi (20 R 20) buah 1.797.600
- 21 Inchi (21 R 20) buah 3.745.000
- 29 Inchi (29 AF 200) buah 4.173.000
d. Nasional
- 14 Inchi 14 P 10) buah 1.070.000
e. Panasonic
- 20 Inchi buah 1.712.000
- 22 Inchi (5188 MF 22") buah 2.140.000
f. Sony
- 14 Inchi ( 14 m 40) buah 1.605.000
- 21 Inchi (21 m 40) buah 2.675.000
- 29 Inchi (29 m 50) buah 5.885.000
g. Digitec
- Sumo : 14 Inchi (1407) buah 963.000
- Ichiban : 14 Inchi (1411) buah 898.800
- Ichiban : 20 Inchi buah 1.412.400
h. LG
- 21 Inchi buah 2.118.600
i. Kenwood
- 10 inch buah 2.059.750
j. Samsung
- 21 Inchi (CS21Z30) buah 1.412.400
- 29 Inchi (CS29Z40 MQT) buah 3.424.000
- 29 Inchi (CS29M21MG) buah 2.568.000
k. J V C
- 21 Inchi (Multisystem AV 21BIG) buah 1.765.500
- 21 Inchi (AV 21B16/BX16/BS26) buah 2.059.750
- 21 Inchi (AV 21 WX 14) buah 1.765.500
- 25 Inchi (AV 25 VX 74) buah 2.942.500
- 29 Inchi (AV 29 VX 74) buah 4.354.900
- 29 Inchi (AV 29 WX 14) buah 4.119.500
l. Sanken
- 14 Inchi buah 856.000
- 15 Inchi (B 98 ) buah 941.600
m. A K A R I
- 14 Inchi (IC14M50C) buah 695.500
B VIDEO/ TAPE - merk Sony buah 2.889.000
- merk Sanken buah 1.070.000
- Philip buah 2.247.000
- Polytron buah 1.979.500
- Samsung buah 1.733.400
1 Stereo Cassete Tape radio - Merk Polytron buah 631.300
- 2 band Merk Nasional (4250 y) buah 133.750
- 3 band Merk Nasional (3750) buah 171.200
2 Micro Hifi DVD * Merk JVC

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 44
1 2 3 4 5 6
- UX - G55 buah 2.568.000
- UX - G60 buah 3.531.000
- UX - G70 buah 3.466.800
- UX - P450 buah 1.990.200
- UX - GD6 buah 2.824.800
3 Mini DVD * Merk JVC
- MX - DK1/DK15 (2000 W) buah 2.824.800
- MX - DK3 (3500 W) buah 3.531.000
- MX - DK51 (5000 W) buah 4.173.000
* Enesys Merk JVC
- DX - T66 (560 W) buah 4.815.000
- DX - T77 (7000 W) buah 5.136.000
- DX - T99 (12000 W) buah 5.906.400
* Merk LG
- LMD2560 buah 2.568.000
* Merk Sanken
- SAP 522 buah 449.400
* Merk Sharp
- GX DVD 3000 DG buah 1.284.000
* Merk Toshiba
- SDK550SA buah 642.000
* Merk Akari
- DV 950 C buah 411.950
4 Cassete Tape Recorder - Merk BUF C.60 buah 1.016.500
5 Radio Cassette Player * Merk JVC RC - S205 buah 299.600
Video Merk Sony - Merk Sony SSV-X 710 buah 4.253.250
Tape Recorder merk Sony WM-GX 707 buah 1.605.000
WM-FX 56 buah 1.605.000
TCM-S 64 V buah 1.498.000
TCM 77 V buah 1.615.700
6 Tape Recorder - Radio Cassete Stereo 700 watt PMPO, Souround set 1.621.050
Sound Big Power, Model Equalizer AM/PM Tunner
Frequency range FM 88-108 MHz, AM 530-1602
KHz Terminal Headphones FM/AM Antena, Speaker
AUX Input Mix Input Vedeo Output/Input
Power Source AC 110-220 Volt, 50/60 Hz
7 Radio Cassete * Merk Tens Type : Karaoke 8880 buah 4.060.650
* Merk Sony Type : CFS-KW 3005 buah 4.708.000
8 Rewind Cassete - Merk Croen buah 481.500
9 Video Cassette Recorder * Merk Toshiba :
10 Merk Toshiba VCR - C3E set 2.439.600
VCR - V - E10 set 2.824.800
VCR - V - E51 set 4.066.000
VCR - V - E70 set 428.000
VCR - V - K60 set 4.119.500
VCR - V - K70 set 4.494.000
VCR - V - K71 set 4.708.000
NV - SD10AM set 4.226.500
NV - SD25AM set 5.885.000
NV - HD100AM set 9.362.500
Betamex SL HF 780 D Betamex buah 4.280.000
11 TAPE MOBIL - merk Sony buah 2.354.000
- Warles merk Tens buah 1.284.000
- Rekaman merk Sony buah 7.115.500
12 Lasser Disk Merk Toshiba * Merk Toshiba
- LCD - VR - K68 set 43.870.000
- LCD - XR - WK88 set 22.470.000
* Merk Nasional
- LX - 600EN set 8.025.000
- LX - K550EN set 6.206.000
- LX - K750EN set 4.237.200
13 Tape Deck Double casette TEAC buah 2.503.800
14 Speaker Suround JBL buah 3.745.000
15 Speaker - JBL 10 inchi unit 10.004.500
- JBL 8 inchi unit 8.827.500
16 JVC P.29 (Mono) buah 4.815.000
17 Panasonic Stereo655 buah 5.029.000
18 Kabel Data - meter 32.100

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 45
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 AC WINDOW - merk Nasional 1/2 PK unit 2.782.000
- 07 N41 3/4 PK unit 2.889.000
- 09 N41 1.0 PK unit 3.595.200
- merk Nasional 1 1/2 PK unit 5.350.000
- merk Nasional CW 1830 BH 2PK unit 5.457.000
- 3/4 PK unit 9.095.000
- 1 PK unit 9.523.000
- 1,5 PK unit 14.445.000
- 2 PK unit 15.194.000
- 2,5 PK unit 18.297.000
* Merk Galanz
- 1 PK unit 5.296.500
- 1,5 PK unit 6.420.000
- 2 PK unit 8.560.000
- 1 PK CV-C9DKH unit 4.708.000
- 1,5 PK KU-PC12DKH unit 5.885.000
- 1,5 PK CU-C12DKH unit 5.885.000
- 2 PK unit 8.239.000
- 3/4 PK CS-CU C76/78/79/7DKJ unit 4.119.500
* Merk Sanken
- 1/2 PK unit 3.210.000
- Merk Sharp Plasma Cluster+ Ion
- Warna merah unit 4.815.000
- Warna hitam unit 6.099.000
* Merk DAST
- 1/2 PK (DG-05 AM) unit 2.675.000
* Merk Samsung
- 1/2 PK (AS-05Z1) unit 3.210.000
- 1 PK (AS-09WH/09W8) unit 3.745.000
* Merk A K A R I
- 1 PK (AC091DSP) unit 2.675.000
* Merk Nasional
- CS/CU - 751LJ 3/4 PK unit 6.120.400
- CS/CU - 951LJ 1 PK unit 6.355.800
- CS/CU - 1251LJ 1 1/2 PK unit 9.180.600
- UK 2 PK unit 10.946.100
- CS/CU - 75 DKH unit 5.885.000
- CS/CU - 09 DKH unit 6.708.900
* Merk Uchida
- 1/2 PK unit 4.119.500
- 1 PK unit 5.296.500
- 1 1/2 PK unit 6.355.800
- 2 PK unit 8.003.600
- 3 PK (keset VIP) unit 15.301.000
* Merk SAIJO
- 1 PK unit 3.210.000
- 1,5 PK unit 4.547.500
* Merk LG
- 1 PK unit 4.280.000
- 1,5 PK unit 8.025.000
- 2 PK unit 11.235.000
- 3/4 PK unit 3.852.000
- 1 PK unit 4.280.000
- 1,5 PK unit 6.955.000
- 2 PK unit 8.346.000
- AMD 07 3/4 PK unit 2.889.000
3 - AC Sky Air * Merk DAIKIN
- 4 PK unit 38.520.000
- 5 PK unit 42.800.000

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 46
1 2 3 4 5 6
4 MULTY SPLIT AIR CONDITIONER. - Merk Uchida 1,5 PK unit 10.004.500
5 WALL TYPE AIR CONDITIONER. - RAV-458 KER-RAV-S 458 E-2 2 PK unit 10.657.200
- RAV - 717 KED-RAV-S 717 E8-2 2,5 PK unit 11.684.400
- RAV-717 KED4-RAV-S 717 E8-2 2,5 PK unit 12.711.600
- RAV - 806 KED-RAV-S 805 E-2 3 PK unit 14.252.400
- RAV-1006 KE8-RAV-1005 E8-1 4 PK unit 18.104.400
- RAV-361K-RAV-S1005 E8-1,4 PK unit 20.929.200
- RAV - 240 K - RAV-S717 E8-1 2,5 PK unit 11.684.400
- RAV - 240 KR- RAV-S717 E8-2 2,5 PK unit 11.684.400
- RAV - 290 K- RAV - S80ER-2, 3 PK unit 14.252.400
6 CEILING TYPE AIR CONDITIONER. - RAV - 458 CED-RAV-S458 E-2 2 PK unit 10.475.300
- RAV - 717 CED-RAV- S717 E-2 2.5 PK unit 11.770.000
- RAV - 806 CED - RAV - S805 E 3 PK unit 13.653.200
- RAV-1006 CE8-RAV-S1005 E8-1 4 PK unit 17.831.550
- RAV-1256 CE8-RAV-S1255 E8-1 5 PK unit 19.208.640
7 CASSETTE TYPE AIR CONDITIONER. - RAV - 458 UE -RAV-S458 E-2 2 PK unit 12.711.600
- RAV - 171 UE -RAV-S717 E-2 2,5 PK unit 13.947.450
- RAV-1006UE8-RAV-S1005E8-1 4 PK unit 21.892.200
- RAV - 1256UE8 -RAV-S1255E8-1 5 PK unit 23.069.200
- RAV-181 U-RAV-S458 E-2,2 PK unit 14.006.300
- RAV-241 U-RAV-S717 E-2,2,5PK unit 15.183.300
- RAV-291 U-RAV-S805 E,3,2 PK unit 16.831.100
- RAV-361 U-RAV-S1005 E8-1,4PK unit 22.480.700
- RAV-461 U-RAV-S1255 E8-1,5PK unit 24.246.200
8 FLOOR TYPE AIR CONDITIONER. - RAV-458 LE-RAV-S458 E-2,2 PK unit 10.004.500
- RAV-717 LE-RAV-S717 E-2,2,5PK unit 11.299.200
- RAV-806 LE-RAV-S805 E,3,5 PK unit 13.358.950
- RAV - 1006FE8 -RAV-S1005E8-1 4 PK unit 19.655.900
- RAV - 1256FE8 -RAV-S1255E8-1 5 PK unit 21.009.450
- RAV - 2000FE8 - RAV-S2000E8 8 PK unit 38.252.500
- RAV - 2500FE8 - RAV-S2500E8 10 PK unit 41.783.500
9 DUCT TYPE AIR CONDITIONER. - RDA - 1255UDE8-RDA-1255UDE8 5 PK unit 37.664.000
- RDA - 1805UDE8-RDA-1805UDE8 8 PK unit 45.903.000
- RDA - 2505UDE8-RDA-2505UDE8 10 PK unit 103.576.000
10 F A N - Merk Sanyo type MK.30 FRJK Buah 224.700
- merk National Buah 269.640
11 LEMARI ES *Merk Toshiba buah 2.236.300
GR - B76 1 PINTU buah 2.000.900
GR - B119 1 PINTU buah 2.383.430
GR - B149 1 PINTU buah 4.119.500
GR - B164 1 PINTU buah 3.531.000
GR - B186 1 PINTU buah 2.354.000
1 Pintu 120 ltr buah 2.471.700
1 Pintu 150 ltr buah 2.243.790
2 Pintu 216 ltr buah 5.066.990
2 Pintu 180 ltr buah 4.343.130
GR - B236 2 PINTU buah 2.942.500
GR - B236 PD 2 PINTU buah 3.317.000
GR - B2566 2 PINTU buah 3.370.500
GR - B256 PD 2 PINTU buah 3.638.000
GR - H260 PD 2 PINTU buah 4.494.000
GR - G170 SG 1 PINTU buah 1.861.800
GR - G170 WSS 1 PINTU buah 1.990.200
GR - G/H150 BWSB 1 PINTU buah 1.861.800
GR - F130/H131BCSS 1 PINTU buah 1.926.000
GR - R25EV 3 PINTU (IMPORT) buah 6.955.000
GR - W31EV 3 PINTU (IMPORT) buah 7.597.000
GR - W31TE 3 PINTU (IMPORT) buah 9.362.500
GR - W36ECV 4 PINTU (IMPORT) buah 9.737.000
GR - 141ECV 4 PINTU (IMPORT) buah 11.556.000
* Merk Nasional
NR - 15 FLNL 1 PINTU buah 2.012.500
NR - 16 HD 1 PINTU buah 2.300.000
NR - AK14BD 1 PINTU buah 1.984.280

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 47
1 2 3 4 5 6
NR - A15CD 1 PINTU buah 1.955.000
NR - AK15CD 1 PINTU buah 1.984.280
NR - A17CD 1 PINTU buah 2.356.700
NR - A18DD 1 PINTU buah 2.502.170
NR - A 18 KJ 2 PINTU buah 3.220.000
NR - A 20 JFN 2 PINTU buah 3.421.250
NR - B 18 JPN 2 PINTU buah 3.564.140
NR - B36NQH 2 PINTU (IMPORT) buah 2.098.750
* Merk Sharp
- VR - 100 1 PINTU FR 189 : 190 ltr buah 3.317.000
- VRD - 170 A buah 1.926.000
- VRD - 170 S buah 1.797.600
- VR - 160 1 PINTU buah 2.675.000
- VR - 100 2 PINTU 180 ltr buah 2.889.000
- VR - 175 2 PINTU buah 2.996.000
- SJD180F 2 PINTU buah 3.466.800
- SJ-20E/SE 2 PINTU buah 3.210.000
* Merk LG
- LG - 202 2 PINTU buah 2.953.200
- LG - 212 2 PINTU buah 2.841.920
- GN-U222RL 2 PINTU buah 4.237.200
- Side by side Refregenator 2 PINTU buah 20.544.000
- GN-241QVPR 1 PINTU buah 3.210.000
- GR-191TLC 1 PINTU buah 2.824.800
- GN 241 QPR 1 PINTU buah 2.311.200
* Merk Samsung
- RL 17 MBMS (LMF) 2 PINTU buah 3.884.100
- RT 21 MHSS 2 PINTU buah 4.001.800
- Silver nano 2 PINTU 240 ltr buah 3.531.000
- Silver nano 2 PINTU 220 ltr buah 2.707.100
* Merk Elektrolux
- ER 1708 CI 1 PINTU buah 2.568.000
12 FREEZER MERK * Merk Toshiba
- GF - B137 4 + 1 RAK set 2.311.200
- 5 RAK set 2.439.600
- GF - 179 RAK set 3.210.000
- 4 RAK set 3.723.600
- 5 RAK set 3.916.200
- 6 RAK set 5.970.600
* Merk Nasional
NR - 14 C 5 RAK set 3.424.000
NRS 16DN 6 RAK set 2.696.400
13 MESIN CUCI * Merk Toshiba
VH - 2500 E 3,5 KG (IMPORT) set 1.712.000
VH - 6600 E 6,5 KG fiber glass set 2.054.400
VB - 3800 E set 2.118.600
AW - 9045 E 7,0 KG (IMPORT) set 3.531.000
AW - S5540 E 7,0 KG (IMPORT) set 2.568.000
AW - G8560 ES 9,0 KG (IMPORT) set 3.210.000
* Merk Nasional
NA 351 3,5 KG set 2.503.800
NAW - 40 A2 set 2.311.200
NA 451S 4,5 KG set 2.439.600
NA 451D 4,5 KG set 2.452.440
NA 660 6 KG set 1.476.600
NA 60 6 KG set 1.733.400
NA 733TN 5 KG set 5.153.120
NA F45A1T 7 KG (IMPORT) set 9.302.580
NA F55Y6T/H 8 KG (IMPORT) set 10.801.650
* MERK SANYO set 2.375.400
* MERK ZANNUSI buah 3.852.000
* MERK HYUNDAI (WT 721) buah 2.182.800
* Merk Samsung
* MERK Samsung (WA 60B7) buah 1.926.000

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 48
1 2 3 4 5 6
* MERK Samsung P 853 6,5 Kg buah 4.494.000
* MERK Samsung WT. 80 J7 8 Kg buah 2.568.000
* MERK LG (WF 7500 TC) buah 2.568.000
* MERK LG. WF H. 777 TC 7,5 Kg buah 2.953.200
14 Kipas Angin - Remote Control Masfion 2F-218 TRC 353.100
- Merk Maspion/KDK Stand Fan WK-40 E Made in Japan buah 882.750
Cosmos Wadesta 3 In' 1 16-5033 buah 235.400
Cosmos Wadesta 3 In' 1 16-5FA buah 200.090
Cosmos Biasa I6-RBF buah 141.240
- Merk CMC (Kipas Plat Besi) buah 529.650
15 Jam Dinding - Merk Citizen (lonceng) buah 670.890
- Mirado buah 117.700
16 Dispenser AAZ buah 1.000.450
17 Dispenser / Frezer - Dispencer + Compressor unit 1.872.500
18 FAN MERK NASIONAL F - EC234 set 160.500
F - EK303 set 240.750
F - EE304 set 267.500
F - EE301 set 278.200
F - ED301 set 342.400
F - ER3O2 set 267.500
F - EH302 set 276.060
F - EU303 set 308.160
F - EU403 set 449.400
F - EY129 set 374.500
F - EY141 set 449.400
F - EY149 set 411.950
F - EQ403 set 513.600
F - EZ302 set 395.900
F - ES403 set 524.300
F - ES401 set 556.400
F - EW403 set 898.800
FV - 25VGU1 set 288.900
FV - 25WFU set 278.200
FV - 30VGU1 set 353.100
FV - 30VHU1 set 401.250
FV - 40AFU set 577.800
20 BANNER OBYEK WISATA - Uk. Banner 85 cm x 210 cm buah 1.712.000
- Uk. Display 85 cm x 197 cm
- Material Display : Vinyl; Warna Silver;
- Rangka : Aluminium; Berat : 4,5 kg
21 VACUM CLEANER unit 2.140.000
- Merk Sanken unit 3.531.000
1 AVO Meter SANWAY X 360 TRF Set 577.800
2 Ballast - 10 watt /220 volt buah 36.600
- 15 watt / 220 volt buah 38.520
- 20 watt / 220 volt buah 43.020
- 40 watt /220 volt buah 48.800
3 Bola Lampu Neon bundar :
- Ukuran 20 Watt Ciyoba buah 35.310
- Ukuran 30 Watt Ciyoba buah 38.520
- Ukuran 32 Watt Ciyoba buah 25.680
Neon Lurus :
- Ukuran 10 Watt Philips buah 8.350
- Ukuran 20 Watt buah 12.840
- Ukuran 40 Watt buah 16.050
Warna :
- Ukuran G 12/5 Watt buah 5.140
- Ukuran G 212/5 Watt buah 4.280
Warna otomatis :
- Ukuran G 12/5 Watt buah 26.970
4 Bel listrik bateray - buah 38.520
5 Baterai - Alkaline AAA set 12.840

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 49
1 2 3 4 5 6
- ABC Besar buah 4.020
- ABC Sedang buah 2.680
- Energizer Recargeable 2000 2xAAmAh set 128.400
6 Bingkai Lampu / Promosi Multimedia - Uk. 1 x 2,5 m; Materi / Display : Vinyl buah 6.527.000
(Bahan Media Promosi) - Rangka : Besi + Plate Besi + Neon
7 Controler traffic light ASP SMP EL 02 - Pabrikasi set 34.240.000
8 Lampu Lalu Lintas - Aspek x 30 cm 3 Pabrikasi set 4.012.500
- Aspek x 20 cm 3 Pabrikasi set 2.942.500
- Aspek x 20 cm 2 Pabrikasi set 2.354.000
9 Cok T Arde Broco buah 23.540
10 Cok Arde Broco buah 12.310
11 Cok Roll - Merk Royal 10 M buah 38.520
12 Dop Bundar 20 Watt - 220 Volt buah 64.200
13 Elemen sterika biasa - batang 17.660
14 Elemen 200 watt - batang 115.560
15 Fitting Merk Broco Fitting lampu no.210 buah 10.170
Fitting gantung no.216 buah 6.420
Fitting Gop no.216 buah 12.840
Fitting plapon miring no.220 buah 10.170
fitting kombinasi no.226 buah 9.630
fitting amatir 40 w no.5040 buah 22.470
fitting amatir 60 w no.5060 buah 37.450
fitting amatir 100 wno.5106 buah 37.450
16 Fusse Rok - Fusse Bok I grup no.711 Baraco buah 26.750
- Fusse Bok II Grup no.712 buah 44.940
- Fusse Bok III Grup no.713 buah 101.120
17 Fitting Lampu Otomatis Freecon buah 10.170
18 Fitting Putih Keramik RRT buah 6.420
19 F i s e r - Uk. 6",8",10" dan 12" kotak 11.240
- Uk. 6",8",10" dan 12" kotak 14.450
- Uk. 6",8",10" dan 12" kotak 17.660
20 Genset Merk Honda Type SH 7000 output set 32.100.000
Merk Honda,Model SW 2900 Dx Type buah 8.988.000
Sel-Exceting 2-Pole Rotating Type
Merk Honda 5000 watt + dudukan unit 6.227.400
Rakitan merk Honda, Mesin Mobil Toyota Diesel,rangkaian mesin kopel,
unit 51.360.000
Jenis Dynamo Dennyo 15000 VA
Merk Honda
Type : SH 7000 Deluxe Set 26.964.000
Output : 6000-7000 Watt
Type : SH 6000 Deluxe Set 19.260.000
Output : 4400-6000 Watt
Merk Cummins
Type : 4.BT 390 G1
Capasity : 40 KVA
Model : Open Type Unit 165.850.000
Type : 4.236
Capasity : 40 KVA Unit 176.550.000
ATS / AMF (Automatic Transfer Swits) Set 57.780.000
21 Isolasi Plastik Unibell buah 32.100
22 Isolasi Kertas rol 12.840
23 Isolator - Ukuran RN II buah 2.680
- Ukuran RN III buah 7.760
24 Knop Bel - Bulat no.RRT buah 5.350
- Persegi no.natural buah 7.490
25 K a b e l Kabel NYA :
- Ukuran 1 1/2 mm (focus) 1 X 1,5 rol 160.500
- Ukuran 2 1/2 mm (focus) 1X 2,5 rol 256.800
- ukuran 2 x 1 1/2 mm NYM rol 839.950
- ukuran 2 x 2 1/2 mm rol 1.177.000
- Ukuran 2 x 4 mm rol 802.500
- Ukuran 2 x 6 mm rol 963.000
- Ukuran 2 x 10 mm rol 1.749.450
- Ukuran 2 x 16 mm rol 176.550
- Ukuran 3 x 2 1/2 mm rol 805.710

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 50
1 2 3 4 5 6
- Ukuran 3 x 4 mm rol 2.140.000
Kabel NYY :
- Ukuran 3 x 2 1/2 mm rol 1.979.500
- Ukuran 3 x 4 mm rol 1.605.000
- Ukuran 3 x 6 mm rol 1.872.500
- Ukuran 3 x 10 mm rol 3.397.250
- Ukuran 4 x 1 1/2 mm rol 829.250
- Ukuran 4 x 2 1/2 mm rol 1.144.900
- Ukuran 4 x 4 mm rol 2.033.000
- Ukuran 4 x 6 mm rol 2.696.400
- Ukuran 4 x 10 mm rol 4.173.000
- Ukuran 4 x 16 mm SUPREM rol 8.474.400
Kabel NYM :
- Ukuran 2 x 1 1/2 mm rol 401.250
- Ukuran 2 x 2 1/2 mm rol 568.170
- Ukuran 2 x 4 mm rol 775.750
- Ukuran 2 x 6 mm rol 1.305.400
- Ukuran 2 x 10 mm rol 2.137.860
26 Kabel NYY Alm 2x1,5mm rol 1.043.250
27 Kabel Senur / NY2 CHD - Uk.2 x 2,5 mm 2 X 23 rol 904.150
28 Kabel NYMHY 2 X 2,5 mm rol 1.730.190
29 Kabel NYMHY 3x2,5mm rol 1.738.750
30 Kabel H (NY) - 3 x 1,5 sqmm meter 11.240
- 2 x 0,75 sqmm meter 5.890
31 Kabel Telpon isi 2 rol 150.340
32 Klem Kabel - Uk.8,10"12" Imundex ktk 33.710
33 Kontaktor LS 57 A - 380 Volt buah 1.765.500
34 Kontraktor LS 4 A - 250 Volt buah 877.400
35 Kabel Box Telpon buah 24.610
36 Lampu Philips * Lampu Pijar (Gelas) 115/125
- 5 Watt clear buah 3.210
- 10 Watt clear buah 4.820
- 15 Watt clear buah 4.820
- 25 Watt clear buah 5.350
- 40 Watt clear buah 5.350
- 60 Watt clear buah 5.350
- 75 Watt clear buah 5.890
- 100 Watt clear buah 6.420
- 150 Watt clear buah 12.840
- 200 Watt clear buah 12.840
- 25 Watt Sofoone buah 5.890
- 40 Watt septum buah 5.890
- 60 Watt septum buah 6.420
- 75 Watt septum buah 6.420
- 100 Watt septum buah 7.490
- 40 watt K.Super Lux clear buah 14.980
- 60 watt K.Super Lux clear buah 12.310
- 75 watt K.Super Lux clear buah 11.240
- 100watt K.Super Lux clear buah 15.520
- 15 watt k (Gelas buram) buah 13.380
- 40 watt K (Gelas buram) buah 15.520
- 75 watt K (Gelas buram) buah 16.050
- 60 watt K (Gelas buram) buah 15.520
- 180 watt K (Gelas buram) buah 16.050
* Lampu pijar hias 115/125V Chiyoda
- 25 watt candle prosted lampu lilin Clean buah 7.230
- 25 watt candle prosted lampu lilin Clean buah 3.860
- 40 watt candle frosted lampu lilin Clean buah 8.560
- 40 watt candle frosted lampu lilin Clean buah 3.750
* Lampu TL
- 10 Watt TL ( Stater Warna putih sejuk) buah 26.490
- 15 Watt TL ( Stater Warna putih sejuk) buah 32.100
- 18 Watt TL ( Stater Warna putih sejuk) buah 19.800
- 20 Watt TL ( Stater Warna putih sejuk) buah 39.590

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 51
1 2 3 4 5 6
- 36 Watt TL ( Stater Warna putih sejuk) Buah 50.290
- 40 Watt 220 Volt Sinar/Day light Set 105.930
- 20 Watt 220 Volt Sinar/Day light Set 81.320
- 40 Watt 220 Volt Day light Buah 29.430
- 20 watt 220 Volt Philips Buah 26.220
37 Lampu sorot (sport Lingh ) - Ukuran 300 watt Tokip Buah 181.900
38 Lampu Sensor - Merk Kenmaster, 220 - 240 V / 50 Hz E 27 60 W Max buah 70.090
39 Lampu 220 Volt - SL 18 W buah 123.590
- ML Mercury 160 W buah 139.100
- Pijar 100 Watt buah 16.050
- Pijar 40 Watt buah 10.700
- Pijar 5 Watt buah 7.490
- Pijar Cabe buah 8.030
40 Lampu Emergency - merk Hitachi 10 Watt HELES 20 W buah 615.250
- merk Telena 10 watt DURALITF 20 W buah 561.750
- merk Telena lengkap 10 Watt buah 727.600
41 Lampu Microskop kotak 304.950
42 Lampu oftotif buah 58.850
43 MCB 6A,10A,6A Merlin Gerin IP kotak 42.800
44 MCCB 32/60A Merlin Gerin buah 620.600
45 Saklar * Inbow merk Broco (Timbul)
- Saklar angkle no.6601 buah 20.330
- Saklar seri no.6612 buah 29.430
- Saklar angkle radium No.6627 buah 34.240
* Ofbow Merk Broco Out Bow (Tanam)
- Saklar angkle no.630 buah 22.470
- Saklar seri no.632 buah 29.540
- Saklar engkle persegi No.64 L1 buah 22.470
46 Stop Kontak * Apbour (3 Phase)
- Stop kontak no.660 buah 21.400
- Stop kontak no.6230 buah 21.400
* Ipbour (3 Phase)
- Stop kontak AC no.2130 buah 117.700
- Stop kontak no.6600 buah 19.260
- Stop kontak orde no.6100 buah 62.060
- Stop kontak orde tutup No.6120 buah 61.530
* Puter Steke
- steker aparat no.313 buah 5.350
- kontak steker no.334 buah 5.350
- steker biasa no.334 buah 3.210
- Steker biasa baru no.344 buah 3.210
- Over steker gepeng no.644 buah 4.820
- Over steker no.844 buah 7.490
- Steker orde baru no.3300 buah 11.240
- Steker Orde no.3340 buah 14.450
- Steker Super no.3360 buah 18.190
- Steker pase baru no.4320 buah 44.410
- T.orde no.4330 buah 52.970
- 4 Lobang buah 32.100
47 Smealdrad - Ukuran 30 mm batang 15.520
- Ukuran 60 mm batang 22.470
- Ukuran 100 mm batang 5.350
48 Skering Batu - Ukuran 6 A / 10 A Biasa buah 3.750
- Ukuran 20 A batang 3.750
- Ukuran 25 A batang 3.750
- Ukuran 35 A batang 6.420
- Ukuran 63 A batang 9.630
- Ukuran 2 A, 6 Volt batang 5.350
49 Sekering otomatis - Ukuran 6 A/10 A batang 57.780
- Ukuran 16 A batang 60.990
- Ukuran 20 A batang 62.600
- Ukuran 25 A batang 68.480
50 Stop Up Stop Up DN :
- Ukuran 300 Watt buah 60.460

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 52
1 2 3 4 5 6
- Ukuran 500 Watt buah 109.140
Stop star Vel-U
- Ukuran 500 Watt buah 222.030
51 Stop Up dan Down LN - Ukuran 300 Watt buah 423.720
- Ukuran 2000 Watt buah 502.900
52 Stavolt - Matsunaga 500 Watt buah 1.476.600
- AECO 500 Watt buah 808.920
- Matsunaga 1000 Watt buah 2.375.400
- Matsunaga 2000 Watt buah 6.805.200
- AVROB buah 135.890
53 Steker Arde Broco buah 13.380
54 Steker Arde Fuse Broco buah 9.630
55 Stop Kontak Arde Tanam buah 15.520
56 Stop Kontak Arde Timbul Broco buah 16.050
57 Saklar Double Tanam Broco buah 20.330
58 Saklar Tunggal Tanam Broco buah 20.330
Saklar Ganda - No.6627 buah 25.680
59 Seltip rol 5.890
60 Stater 40 watt kotak 124.660
61 Stop Kontak Timbul Broco buah 13.380
62 T e s p e n - Tespen kecil tanggung buah 6.960
- Tespen besar buah 10.170
63 Terminal - Ukuran 4 mm batang 16.050
- Ukuran 16 mm batang 44.410
- Ukuran 100 mm batang 105.400
64 Trafote/Transformeter Trafo : merk Philips
- Ukuran 10W/110 volt buah 32.100
- Ukuran 20W /220 volt buah 37.450
- Ukuran 10W/220 volt buah 37.450
- ukuran 15 W/220 volt buah 40.660
- Ukuran 40 W /220 volt buah 74.900
- Ukuran 40 W/Ten buah 40.130
65 Timer 15 Ampere - 250 Volt Ac buah 90.950
66 Kondensor AC - Kondensor AC LG 1 unit 513.600
- Kondensor AC LG 1 1/2 unit 256.800
67 Kapasitor AC - Kapasitor AC Toshiba unit 256.800
- Kapasitor Pen AC Uchida unit 64.200
68 Evapulator AC - Evapulator AC Toshiba unit 642.000
69 Kompresor AC - Kompresor AC Uchida unit 1.951.680
- Kompresor AC Golstar unit 1.322.520
70 Alat Kelistrikan set 321.000
71 Lampu Taman - Tabung buah 166.920
- Fitting buah 19.260
- Balon buah 64.200
- Kabel rol 642.000


A. Alat Mesin Pertanian
1 Cangkul Bertangkai Buah 115.500
2 Hand Sprayer Stainless Stell Unit 769.920
Hand Sprayer 14 liter Maspion 14 liter Maspion Unit 625.950
3 Gembor Buah 38.500
4 Gunting Pangkas Buah 30.810
Diameter pengupas penunjang : 10", Body; Plat besi 2 mm; ayakan; 10 mm
5 Alat Pengupas Kacang Tanah Unit 13.858.540
- 8 mm; 2 SAP; 7 mm - 5 mm
6 Alat Perontok Gabah / Plat kapasitas 800-900 kg/jam; daya 6,5-7 HP Unit 16.938.210
kapasitas200-300 kg/jam (kedelai rebusan) penggerak:elektro mtr, 1/2 HP
7 Mesin Pengupas Kedelai Unit 7.699.190
kerangka besi siku
8 Alat Pemimpil Jagung (Corn Sheller)

a. Mesin Diesel (Yanmar 6.5 HP) . Unit 18.152.550

b. Manual Kapasitas 800-900 kg/jam; daya 6,5-7 HP Unit 14.396.850
Model PJ-700 , Merk Agrindo, kapasitas 1500-2100 kg /jam ,motor Diesel 6
hp, Puturan 650-750 rpm,dimensi ( PxLxT ) 850x700x960 cm, berat 98 kg
9 Alat Pemimpil Jagung (Corn Sheller) 16.718.750
Motor penggerak : Merk/model diesel Yanmar TF 6-5H-di ,jenis motor diesel
Horizontal, 4 langkah berpendingin air
kapasitas 1000-1200 kg/jam; daya 6,5-7,5 PK, bahan bakar solar, putaran
10 Mesin Pecah Kulit Padi Unit 22.534.200
110 rpm, penggerak diesel.
11 - HW 60 AN + TF 7.5 H Unit 23.160.150

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 53
1 2 3 4 5 6
kapasitas 1000-1200 kg/jam; daya 6 PK, bahan bakar solar, putaran 110
12 Mesin Polisher Beras Unit 31.297.500
rpm, penggerak diesel.
13 Mesin Penggiling Kedelai (Merk Honda) 5,5 PK Unit 10.008.950
8 in Unit 4.619.520
14 Alat Pembuat Tahu Set 7.511.400
Keong gilingan : Merk/Tipe Yasuka/ PMJ-8,batu Grinda 8" , kapasitas 35-45
kg/jam ,speed 1000 rpm, power 1,5 HP, Mesin penggerak : merk/type Honda
15 Mesin Pengolah Tahu Diameter 8" set 5.724.500
GX 160, Max. Power 5,5 PS/3600 rpm, Oli capacity 0,6 liter, Fuel Tank
capacity : 3,6 liter, Dry Weight 14 kg.
16 Alat Cetak Tahu - Bahan Kayu; P=55 cm; L=55 cm; T=2 cm unit 6.322.100
17 Gunting Stek Buah 125.190
18 Alat Ubinan Buah 2.003.040
19 Mata Pisau Okulasi Buah 30.810
20 Pisau Okulasi * Stainles Crocodile 14 L buah 187.790
21 Plastik solo Buah 307.970
22 Genset Merk Crisbow 5 KVA unit 25.607.890
- Merk YAMAHA 1000 Watt; Type ET 950; Jepang unit 2.771.710
- Merk HONDA 2000 Watt; Type EC 2950; Jepang unit 5.543.420
23 Pompa Air - Bensin, 2 Inc produk Jepang unit 3.210.000
- Bensin, 3 Inc produk Jepang unit 8.469.110
- HONDA Type CE 165 unit 4.166.800
- Amerika Merk BNS Type BS WV.30 unit 3.387.650
- 3" Diesel TF 81 unit 18.778.500
- 6 PK unit 3.745.000
24 Hand Traktor unit 22.534.200
25 Alat Pengukur Kadar Air buah 3.755.700
26 Mata Bajak buah 2.309.760
27 Roda Bajak buah 2.503.800
28 Mesin Kantong / Karung buah 2.503.800
29 Mist Blower buah 3.442.730
30 Timbangan duduk (300 - 500 kg) buah 1.924.800
31 Kompres pestisida buah 2.503.800
32 Sabit Bh/KK 38.170
33 Koret Bh/KK 29.900
34 Golok Bh/KK 46.430
35 Slundak Bh/KK 46.430
36 Garpu Tarik Bh/KK 63.850
37 Garpu Tanah Bh/KK 63.850
38 Ganco Bh/KK 53.190
39 Gentong plastik 300 liter, diameter 50 cm buah 413.130
B. Peralatan Budidaya Pertanian
1 Jala tebar - buah 563.360
2 Jaring klitik - buah 938.930
3 Hapa - buah 187.790
4 Cangkul - buah 81.380
5 Sekop - buah 62.600
6 Timbangan duduk - buah 312.980
7 Tempat pakan (anco) - buah 18.780
8 Waskom/ember - buah 18.780
9 Salinometer - buah 625.950
10 Kertas lakmus - buah 187.790
11 Sechi disk - buah 187.790
12 Thermometer - buah 187.790
13 Klincir air - Unit 15.648.750
C. Kapal Perikanan
- 5 GT (Kasko. Mesin.dan alat tangkap) di sesuaikan dengan lokasi dan
1 Kapal Unit 67.410.000
- 10 GT (Kasko. Mesin.dan alat tangkap) di sesuaikan dengan lokasi dan
Unit 134.820.000
2 Sampan uk. 1 1/2 x 5 m unit 8.025.000
3 Mesin Kapal - 72 Pk unit 53.500.000
D. Pembinaan Pasca Panen Hasil Perikanan
Peralatan Tepung Ikan
1 Type A ( Kapasitas Proses 25 Kg ) Buah 230.040
2 Wadah Blong dan Tutup Buah 2.300.370
3 Alat Perebus/ Pengukus Buah 657.250
4 Press Manual dengan Dongkrak Buah 19.717.430
5 Alat Penepung Beras Diameter Disk Mill : 230 mm Buah 10.641.150

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 54
1 2 3 4 5 6
Dimensi : 800 x 500 x 1000 mm
Type : Horizontal, Pendingin air, 4 langkah
Tenaga Max.(HP/rpm) : 5,5/2200
Tenaga Kontinyu.(HP/rpm) : 4,5/2200
Torsi Max.(kgm/rpm) : 1,95/1800
6 Para-para Penyangga Buah 108.450
7 Type B ( Kapasitas Proses 100 Kg ) Buah 2.530.340
8 Keranjang Pelastik Buah 25.470
9 Kompor Bertekanan dan Pompa Tangan Buah 39.763.480
10 Type C ( Kapasitas proses 500 Kg ) Buah 2.530.340
11 Press Hydrolik dan Kompresor tangan Buah 68.682.370
12 Mesin penepung Buah 5.928.340
13 Alat Perebus/Pengukkus Buah 722.900
E. Peralatan Budidaya
1 - Jala tebar buah 831.390
- Jala Peralatan Ikan set 688.550
2 Jaring klitik buah 939.460
3 Timbangan Duduk buah 325.280
4 Waskom/Ember buah 23.540
5 Salinometer buah 831.390
6 Kertas lakmus buah 195.280
7 Thermometer buah 216.890
8 Kincir air unit 18.190.000
F. Peralatan Perikanan
1 Gill Net Pice 1.249.760
2 Rawe dasar unit 1.248.690
3 Purse Seine unit 47.716.170
4 Pancing Tonda unit 1.248.690
5 Trammel Net Pice 1.211.780
6 Bagan Tancap unit 10.672.450
7 Pancing ladung unit 171.200
8 Pa Net Kg 240.750
9 Hapa ( ukuran 2x2x1 ) unit 129.470
10 Kakaban unit 29.430
11 Sorok buah 64.740
12 Seser buah 41.200
13 Solinometer - buah 206.510
14 Tasi - roll 41.310
15 Mata Kail - set 48.150
16 Kertas Lakmus - Buah 68.860
17 Termometer - Buah 206.510
18 Saponin - Kg 20.660
19 Brestan - Kg 206.510
20 Jaring Klitik - Buah 550.840
21 Jala Tebar - Buah 619.530
22 Timbangan Duduk - Buah 206.510
23 Kincir Angin - Buah 10.328.180
24 Tempat pakan (Anco) - buah 20.660
25 Kincir air - unit 27.560
26 Waskom/Ember - Buah 23.540
27 Sechidisk - Buah 137.710
G. Peralatan Budidaya -
1 Hapa 2x1x1;2x2x1 - buah 103.260
2 Timbangan duduk - buah 48.150
3 Salinometer - buah 20.660
4 Kertas lakmus - buah 20.660
5 Thermometer maksimum - buah 206.510
H. Budidaya Rumput laut
-Agro input 1 unti atau 200m
a.Tali Nylon/PE - gulung 41.310
b.Tali Nylon Induk - gulung 41.310
c.Tali Rafia - buah 10.330
d.Pelampung (botol aquaa) - buah 20.656.350
e.Pelampung Induk - buah 20.656.350
f.Jangkar - buah 27.541.800

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 55
1 2 3 4 5 6
- Ember - buah 13.380
- jaring - buah 344.280
-Scoop net - buah 34.350
- Makanan Ikan
a. Pellet Ikan Kg 8.300
Pellet Udang Kg 49.760
Dedak Halus ( Bekatul ) Kg 2.490
Tepung Ikan Kg 33.170
Vitamin Mix Kg 398.040
Mineral Mix Kg 99.510
Pakan Ikan Kg 11.120
Artemia Kalelng 829.250
Cacing Beku Kg 74.640
Ikan Rucah Kg 16.590
Kapur Tohor Kg 20.870
Formalin Liter 27.820
Teramicine 50 ml 132.150
Malachite Green 100 gr 469.470
Kalium Fermanganant 25 gr 1.251.900
Aquabidest Liter 20.870
Aquadest 0,5 Ltr 11.130
Mathylene Blue 100 gr 469.470
Alkohol Liter 40.760
Medifish Liter 118.240
C. San Aquatic Kg 229.520
Neomix Per Gr. 234.740
Oxcytitracycline Kg 422.520
Neguvon Per Gr. 150.230
Tetracyclin Kg 469.470
Furazolidon Kg 338.020
Cloramfhenicol Kg 1.079.770
Metronizazole Kg 563.360
Entrofloxacine Kg 1.126.710
Cyprofloxacine Kg 1.407.700
Elbazu 100 gr 309.850
Blitz Icht 1 Lusin 90.140
Permasol 100 gr 141.090
Vitamin C 100 gr 46.950
Vitamin E 100 gr 150.230
Opaprim 10 mil 625.950
Tranquin 10 mil 521.630
Methyl TTSN 17 Alpha 10 gr 2.434.250
Beta Extradiol 10 gr 2.642.900
LHRH mg 2.260.380
MS - 222 100 gr 3.129.750
Chorulon 5 ampl 1.043.250
Pregnil 1500 iu 3 ampl 799.830
Pregnil 5000 iu 3 ampl 1.130.190
Kalium 1000 gr 486.850
Methiline 100 ml 417.300
Malachite 100 ml 417.300
Blitz Icht 75 cc 90.420
Oxalate 1000 gr 139.100
Formalin 1000 ml 69.550
Vaksin 100 ml 139.100
Vitamin C 1000 gr 1.182.350
Transquin 10 ml 347.750
Alkohol 70 % 1000 ml 41.730
Alkohol 90 % 1000 ml 41.730
I. Peralatan Perkebunan
1 Alat Pemecah Biji Mete unit 12.769.380
- Kacip Mete Manual - buah 150.230
- Pengupas Biji Mete Kacip Mete NM-94 set 12.018.240
2 Alat Pengolah Kopi

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 56
1 2 3 4 5 6
- Bubuk Kopi - set 4.506.840
Keong gilingan : + Parutan : Diskmill FFC15 + FFC15 + Parutan + rangka
3 Mesin Kopi, Tepung, Parut. plat besi. Mesin penggerak : Merk/Type Honda GX 160 Max. Power 5.5 Unit 5.216.250
PS/3600 rpm, Oli Capacity : 3.6 liter, Dry Weight 14 kg.
4 Alat Perontok Biji Jarak set 1.727.630
5 Mesin Molen Tanah Liat / Gerabah Uk. ( P x L x T ) : 1.700 x 1650 x 1300 mm unit 57.086.640
Rangka : Baja / Besi Profil
Penggerak : Diesel 16 HP
Bahan Bakar : Solar
Kapasitas : 15 m3 / hari

UNB 10, Plat eser 2,7 Dimensi ( PxLxT ) : 2,50 x 1,05 x1,25 m, Plendes Roll x
6 Mesin Pengolahan Tanah ( Molen Genteng ) 6 inc x 400 mm, pipa scew : 7 inc , roda mesin dan stir roda depan ukuran unit 44.940.000
12, penggerak : diesel donfeng 24 HP, Kapasitas : 16 M3/Hari.

7 Alat Pengupas Mete Uk. ( P x L x T ) : 450 x 250 x 400 mm unit 6.929.270

Penggerak : Manual
Kapasitas : 3 kg / Jam
Kerangka besi Holo 40 x 40 x 2 mm, Dinding luar Plat Eiser 1 mm , dinding
dalam plat stenlis steel 1 mm, ruangan dilapis glasswool tahan panas 120
8 Mesin Open Pengolah Mente oC ( temperature), pemanas kompor minyak tanah,sumbu kompor 24 unit 25.680.000
sumbu, ukuran open ( P x L x T ) : 120 x 80 x 160 cm, kaki 4 buah tinggi 50
cm, kapasitas 100 kg buah/jam
Bahan : 1 mm, temperature pengukur suhu : 0oc-300 0c, dimensi ( PxLxT) :
120 x 60 x 160 cm, kompor pompa buterfly,tangki minyak tanah 20 lt,
9 Alat Sterilisasi Madu unit 15.408.000
kerangka besi pipa hollo 40 x 40 x 20 cm,rak pengering dan rak kapasitas
50 kg.
10 Alat Pengering Tembakau Bahan : Gas Elpiji : Burner ( 1 Set); Instalasi Gas (1 set) unit 14.271.660
11 Alat Uji Kadar Lemak Susu (Butirometer) - Bentuk seperti Tespen; Bahan Kaca set 22.534.200
12 Alat Perah Susu - Satu Tabung; Bahan Aluminium; Kapasitas 1 x 30 liter; Portable. unit 24.036.480
13 Container 50 LD Taylor-Wharton unit 37.557.000
14 Meja Periksa Knock Down Bahan Stainless unit 10.906.510
15 Breathing Monitor MK-3 unit 11.943.130
16 Mesin Penggiling Cabe Uk. ( P x L x T ) : 510 x 470 x 725 mm unit 7.511.400
Penggerak : Motor Bensin 3,5 HP
Kapasitas : 50 kg
-Merk / Type : Yasuka G x 160 Unit 6.009.120
-Penggerak :
-Kapasitas :
17 Alat Oven Makanan Ringan / Kecil Uk. ( P x L x T ) : 860 x 620 x 540 mm unit 9.700.620
Jumlah Rak : 2 Buah
Pemanas : LPG
18 Mesin Pemecah Rotan Uk. ( P x L x T ) : 1210x825x1220 mm unit 37.557.000
Ukuran Sand Belt : 1300 x 1850 mm
Penggerak : EM 3 HP + 1 HP/380 V/3 Ph
Kecepatan : 8 m/menit
19 Mesin Firit Rotan Merk : Reksa unit 108.155.600
Type : RK-09
Ukuran (PxLxT) : 1600 x 600 x 1040 mm
Kapasitas : 42 m/menit
20 Mesin Polis Rotan Uk. ( P x L x T ) : 1210x825x1220 mm unit 48.824.100
Ukuran Sand Belt : 1300 x 1850 mm
Penggerak : EM 3 HP + 1 HP/380 V/3 Ph
Kecepatan : 8 m/menit
21 Pengolahan Batu Aji Kap Tangan : 500 x 400 x 200 mm unit 37.331.770
Kap bak pelumas : 20 liter
Penggerak : EM 2 HP/8V/3 Ph
22 Mesin Potong Batu Mulia Merk : Reksa unit 45.916.910
Type : RK-V 2.1 M
Kap Tangan : 500 x 400 x 200 mm
Penggerak : EM 2 HP/180 V/3 Ph
23 Mesin Polis Kombinasi Merk :P Reksa 32.710.970
Type : RK 2.,4 M
Ukuran : 1250 x 575 x 1150 mm
Penggerak : EM 2 HP/210 V/3 Ph
24 Penepung Kasava/Gaplek Uk. ( P x L x T ) : 900 x 800 x 2200 mm unit 46.657.030
Penggerak : EM 1,5 HP/220 V/1 Ph
Kapasitas : 40 kg/jam
Fungsi : Untuk menghancurkan ketela
yg sudah kering menjadi tepung
25 Alat Press Genteng Kap Tangan : 850 x 550 x 925 mm unit 40.228.790
System : Hidroulis
Penggerak : Manual
26 Tenda Pedagang - Bahan : Besi Medium 3/4, PxLxT (3,5mx2,5mx2,752m) unit 3.680.590
- Atap : Bahan Parasut
27 Alat pencuci garam - Bahan : Logam/Besi, P x L x T ( 2m x 1m x 1m) unit 92.390.220

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 57
1 2 3 4 5 6
28 Alat pengering garam - Bahan : Logam/Besi, P x L x T ( 1m x 1m x 1m) unit 46.195.110
29 Alat pengolah gula aren Ukuran : 600 x 500 x 950 mm unit 27.717.070
Penggerak : Injakan kaki
Kapasitas : 1 kg/jam
30 Alat pembuatan emping melinjo Ukuran : 490 x 300 x 850 mm 27.717.070
Penggerak : Injakan kaki
Kapasitas : 1 kg/jam
31 Anyaman Bambu - Bahan Bambu; P x L (75 cm x 65 cm) unit 29.960
32 Mesin Diesel -Merk : Kubota unit 15.706.320
-Model : RD 85
-Jumlah Silinder : 1
-Berat Mesin : 86 Kg
33 Alat Penggiling -Merk : Rhino unit 5.257.980
-Model : NT 200
-Capacyty :35-40 kg/Hour
-Speed : 950-1100 Rpm
-Power : 1,1 Kw ( 1,5 Hp )
34 Alat Pelingkar ( Penahan Kain Penyaring ) -Bahan : Kayu unit 375.570
Ukuran : 59 x 59 x 11
35 Jambangan Bahan : Baja unit 638.470
Diameter : 85 Cm unit 676.030
36 Tong Kayu Bahan : Kayu unit 676.030
Diameter : 48 Cm
Tinggi : 50 Cm
37 Alat Cetak BATATRAS Ukuran 35 cm x 15 cm x 10 cm buah 727.600
38 Heler Jalan - Model Roda tiga unit 37.557.000
- Polesher Rice ICHI N70
- Kapasitas kg/hours 700 - 900
- Power 13 - 15 pk
- Putaran rpm 800 - 850
- Weight kg + 185
Mesin Penggerak
- Type ZH - 1115
- Jenis Motor Diesel 4 langkah 1 silinder pendingin air
- Cara menghidupkan manual (engkol)
- Net Weight 180 kg
- Max Output 24 HP/2200 rpm
39 Cultifator (Yanmar) - Motor Penggerak motor bensin unit 27.792.180
- Tenaga Max 4 - 7 HP
- Tenaga rata-rata 3 -6 HP
- Panjang 1400 - 1600 mm
- Lebar 400 - 500 mm
- Tinggi 900 - 1200 mm
- Berat dengan roda karet maks 70 kg
40 Power Threser (Penggerak Yanmar TF 6.5 H) - Model TR 75 (TPA - 1000 MG) unit 20.280.780
- Fungsi multi guna
- Kapasitas: padi 885 kg/jam
Kedelai 339 kg/jam
Jagung 3.559 kg/jam
- Ukuran 1,2 x 1,1 x 1,4 m
- Ban karet
- Berat alat 138 kg
41 Mesin Las Listrik 250 A Diesel 24 HP - Merk Yamakoyo unit 24.561.850
- Type 7 KW
- Motor Penggerak merk Dafa
- Type Horizontal, Pendingan air, 4 langkah
42 Mesin Kompresor 1 HP - Tabung Kompressor merk Sark unit 7.699.190
- Type LVU 010
- Motor Penggerak merk Honda
- Type GX 160
43 Penderosan Type A - Merk buatan Lokal unit 202.770
- Bahan dari kayu namgka dan besi baja
- Kayu putaran atas diameter 35 cm
- Tebal 5 cm
- As Putaran dia 3 cm
- Tebal 5 cm
- Kolahar dia 5 cm
- Tebal 1,3 cm
44 Penderosan Type B - Merk buatan Lokal unit 187.790
- Bahan dari kayu namgka dan besi baja
- Kayu putaran atas diameter 30 cm
- Tebal 5 cm
- Kayu takan bawah dia 25 cm
- As Putaran dia 3 cm

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 58
1 2 3 4 5 6
- Tebal 5 cm
- Kolahar dia 5 cm
- Tebal 1,3 cm
45 Alat Pendingin Ikan (Cool Box) - Uk.45 x 26 x 35 cm unit 751.140
- Kap 24 liter
- Bahan Dalam Fiber
- Bahan Luar Plastik
46 Alat Pemecah Es - Mesin Penggerak dari Honda unit 7.511.400
- Kapasitas Mesin 5,5 PK
- Kapasitas Produksi 25 balok/jam
- Lubang Input 10 x 20 cm
47 Alat Jaring Apung - Jaring Lubang 0,35 x 11/4'' x 80 pis 217.750
- Tali Ris Atap 4 mm kg 52.430
- Tali Ris bawah Tasi N0.1000 ron 22.470
- Pemberat Pipih kg 29.960
- Jaring Lubang 0,5 x 4'' x 70 x 80 pis 232.730
- Tali Ris atas 5 mm kg 52.540
- Tali Ris bawah 2,5 mm kg 52.540
- Pemberat Lempengan kg 29.960
- Pelampung kg 29.960
Kapasitas 50 kg/jam, tanpa penggerak (manual); Bahan pengupas kulit :
1 Mesin Pengupas Kulit Buah Kopi (Pulper) unit 15.065.070
plat tembaga profil; Rangka mesin : baja profil kotak
Kapasitas 1-1,5 ton/jam,Penggerak mesin Honda 5,5 PK, Tipe 2 (doubel)
silinder, transmisi pulley dan sabuk karet V, Dilengkapi dengan kopling
2 unit 70.446.660
dan pelindung bahan pengupas kulit: plat tembaga profil, Rangka mesin :
Baja profil kotak ,Pelegkap : Pipa saluran air pencuci.

Kapasitas 3 ton/jam,penggerak mesin diesel China 16 PK Tipe 3 (triple)

silinder,transmisi pulley dan sabuk karet V, dilengkapi dengan kopling dan
3 unit 111.704.790
pelindung bahan pengupas kulit : plat tembaga profil,Rangka mesin : Baja
profil kotak, Pelengkap : Pipa saluran air pencuci.

Kapasitas 30 kg/batch (1 batch 5-7 menit), penggerak motor bakar Honda

4 Mesin pencuci Kopi HS (Washer) 5,5 PK,Transmisi sabuk karet V dilengkapi kopling dan pelindung, Drum unit 61.373.600
pencuci : Plat aluminium, Rangka mesin : Baja profil kotak .

Kapasitas 500 kg/batch (1 bach 5-7 menit),Type silinder

5 horizontal,Pengerak motor bakar honda 5,5 PK, Transmisi sabuk karet V unit 85.597.860
dilengkapi kopling dan pelindung, Rangka mesin : Baja profil kotak.

Kapasitas 750 kg/batch (1 batch =50 jam),Sumber panas : tungku

kayu,burner minyak tanah,nabati (sesuai kebutuhan ) dengan 1 kipas aksial
6 Mesin pengering (dryer) penggerak mesin diesel 7 PK eks. China atau motor listrik 1/2 HP, Lantai unit 58.206.510
pengering : Ayakan aluminium, Sistem pemanasan biji : Tidak langsung
lewat pipa pndah panas, Rangka mesin : Baja profil kotak.

Kapasitas 1,5 ton/batch (1 batch =50 jam), Sumber panas : Tungku kayu,
Burner minyak tanah,nabati (sesuai kebutuhan ) dengan 2 kipas aksial
7 Penggerak mesin diesel 7 PK,eks.China atau Motor listrik 1/2 HP,lantai unit 108.951.680
pengering : Ayakan aluminium, Sistem pemanasan biji : Tidak langsung
lewat pipa pindah panas,Rangka mesin: Baja profil kotak.

Kapasitas 4 ton/batch (1 batch =50 jam),Sumber panas : tungku

kayu,Borner minyak tanah, Nabati (Sesuai kebutuhan ) dengan 3 kipas
8 aksial Penfggerak mesin diesel 7 PK eks. China atau motor listrik 1 HP, unit 271.559.580
Lantai pengering : Ayakan aluminium, Sistem pemanasan biji : Tidak
langsung lewat pipa pindah panas,Rangka mesin: Baja profil Kotak.
Kapasitas 1000 kg/jam (HS Kering), Penggerak mesin diesel China 24 PK
9 Mesin pengupas Kulit Kopi Kering (Huller) Bahan pengupas kulit : Baja,Rangka mesin : Baja profil Kotak, Pelengkap: unit 75.993.540
Kipas Sentrifugal sebagai pemisah kulit.
Kapasitas 200 kg/jam (HS Kering), Penggerak mesin diesel China 16 PK
10 Bahan pengupas kulit: Baja, Rangka mesin : Baja profil Kotak, Pelengkap: unit 55.500.900
Kipas Sentrifugal Sebagai Pemisah kulit.
Kapasitas 400 kg/jam,Penggerak motor Listrik 1/2 HP, transmisi Pulley Dan
11 Mesin Sortasi Biji Kopi (grader) unit 33.641.870
sabuk karet V, Pemisah biji ayakan SS, Rangka mesin : Baja profil kotak.

Kapasitas 1200 kg/jam, Penggerak motor bakar 5,5 PK, Transmisi pulley
12 dan sabuk karet V, Pemisah biji ayakan SS, Rangka mesin : Baja profil unit 53.963.960
Sumber arus:Baterai type AA 2500 Mah rechargeable 6 buah, Skala meter 5-
13 Alat ukur Kadar air Digital (DIGI MOST) unit 11.954.040
35%,Dimensi : 13,5 x 12 x 8 cm Berat : 690 g
Kapasitas 3 ton/jam,pengerak motor bakar Honda 5,5 PK, Transmisi pulley
Mesin pemecah Buah Kakao dan pemisah Biji
1 dan sabuk karet V, Pemisah biji : ayakan SS, Rangka mesin : baja profil unit 148.810.250
(pod breaker )
Kapasitas 1,5 ton/jam, penggerak motor bakar Honda 5,5 PK, Transimisi
2 pulley dan sabuk karet V, Pemisah biji : ayakan SS,Rangka mesin : baja unit 83.165.970
profil kotak.
kapasitas 1,1,25 ton/jam, Penggerak motor bakar Honda 5,5 PK, Transmisi
3 Mesin Pemeras Biji kakao ( depuler ) pulley dan sabuk karet V, pemisah lender : ayakan SS, Rangka mesin : baja unit 99.047.760
profil kotak.
Kapasitas 40-50 Kg/batch, dilengkapi alat ukur suhu ºC Ukuran : 400 mm x
4 Kotak Fermentasi ( dua kotak ) unit 4.781.620
500 mm ( P X L X T ), Tebal 30 mm.

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 59
1 2 3 4 5 6
Kapasitas 625-650 Kg/batch, dilengkapi alat ukur suhu ºC Ukuran : 170 mm
5 unit 14.515.620
x 120 mm x 50 mm ( P x L x T), Tebal 30 mm.
Kapasitas 750 Kg/batch, (1 batch - 50 jam); Sumber panas : tungku kayu,
burner minyak tanah, nabati (sesuai kebutuhan), dengan 1 kipas aksial,
6 Mesin Pengering Kakao (dryer) Penggerak mesin diesel 7 PK eks. China atau motor listrik ½ HP, Lantai unit 58.062.480
Pengering : ayakan alumunium, Sistem Pemanasan biji : tidak langsung
lewat pipa pindah panas, Rangka mesin : baja profil kotak

Kapasitas 1,5 ton/batch, (1 batch - 50 jam); Sumber panas : tungku kayu,

burner minyak tanah, nabati (sesuai kebutuhan), dengan 2 kipas aksial,
7 Penggerak mesin diesel 7 PK eks. China atau motor listrik ½ HP, Lantai unit 108.952.540
Pengering : ayakan alumunium, Sistem Pemanasan biji : tidak langsung
lewat pipa pindah panas, Rangka mesin : baja profil kotak

Kapasitas 2,5 ton/batch, (1 batch - 50 jam); Sumber panas : tungku kayu,

burner minyak tanah, nabati (sesuai kebutuhan), dengan 2 kipas aksial,
8 Penggerak mesin diesel 7 PK eks. China atau motor listrik 1 HP, Lantai unit 166.588.090
Pengering : ayakan alumunium, Sistem Pemanasan biji : tidak langsung
lewat pipa pindah panas, Rangka mesin : baja profil kotak

Kapasitas 4 ton/batch, (1 batch - 50 jam); Sumber panas : tungku kayu,

burner minyak tanah, nabati (sesuai kebutuhan), dengan 3 kipas aksial,
9 Penggerak mesin diesel 7 PK eks. China atau motor listrik 1 HP, Lantai unit 258.719.580
Pengering : ayakan alumunium, Sistem Pemanasan biji : tidak langsung
lewat pipa pindah panas, Rangka mesin : baja profil kotak

Kapasitas 400 kg/jam, Penggerak motor listrik ½ HP, Transmisi pulley dan
10 Mesin Sortasi Biji Kakao (grader) unit 33.471.320
sabuk karet V, Pemisah biji : ayakan SS, Rangka mesin : Baja profil kotak.
Kapasitas 1200 kg/jam, Penggerak motor listrik 5,5 PK, Transmisi pulley
11 dan sabuk karet V, Pemisah biji : ayakan SS, Rangka mesin : Baja profil unit 53.963.960
Kapasitas 50 Biji Kakao / Batch; Bahan : Pisau Stainless steel;
12 Alat Uji Belah Kakao (Cuttest) unit 17.077.200
Dimensi : 48 x 46 x 38 cm.

Kapasitas 50 Kg/batch, (1 batch = 30 -45 ,menit); Sumber panas : burner

minyak tanah, nabati (pilih sesuai kebutuhan), Penggerak motor listrik 1
1 Mesin Sangrai Kakao (roaster) HP, 220 V, dilengkapi dengan silinder pendingin dan kipas sentrifugal, unit 122.365.200
Sistem Pemanasan biji : tidak langsung lewat dinding sangrai yang terbuat
dari plat aluminium, Rangka mesin : baja profil kotak

Kapasitas 10 Kg/batch, (1 batch = 30 -45 ,menit); Sumber panas : burner

minyak tanah, nabati (pilih sesuai kebutuhan), Penggerak motor listrik ½
2 HP, 220 V, dilengkapi dengan silinder pendingin dan kipas sentrifugal, unit 40.060.800
Sistem Pemanasan biji : tidak langsung lewat dinding sangrai yang terbuat
dari plat aluminium, Rangka mesin : baja profil kotak
Kapasitas 80 kg/jam, Penggerak motor bakar ½ HP, Transmisi pulley dan
3 Mesin Pemecah Kulit dan Pemisah Biji (desheller) sabuk karet V, Pemisah kulit : kipas sentrifugal, Rangka mesin : Baja profil unit 32.356.800
Kapasitas 4 kg/jam, Penggerak motor listrik 1 HP, Transmisi pulley dan
4 Pemasta Kasar sabuk karet V, Silinder Pemasta dari pelat SS, Rangka mesin : Baja profil unit 35.631.000
Kapasitas 50 kg/jam, Penggerak motor listrik 2 HP, 380 V, Transmisi pulley
5 dan sabuk karet V, Silinder Pemasta dari pelat SS, Rangka mesin : Baja unit 58.422.000
profil kotak.
Kapasitas 8 Kg/batch, (1 batch - 4 jam); Penggerak motor listrik 2 HP, 380
6 Mesin Penghalus Coklat (Refiner) V, Silinder Roll dari bahan pelat SS tebal 3 mm, Jumlah silinder : 5 buah, unit 96.685.200
Rangka mesin : baja profil kotak
Kapasitas 4 Kg/batch, (1 batch - 4 jam); Penggerak motor listrik 1 HP, 220
7 V, Silinder Roll dari bahan pelat SS tebal 3 mm, Jumlah silinder : 5 buah, unit 70.620.000
Rangka mesin : baja profil kotak
Kapasitas 15 Kg/batch, (1 batch = 20 jam), Penggerak motor listrik 1 HP,
Pemanas listrik 700 W, Transmisi : Gigi dan rantai, Silinder Penghalus dari
8 Pemasta halus unit 77.553.600
bahan pelat SS tebal 3 mm, Jumlah silinder : 5 buah, Rangka mesin : baja
profil kotak
Kapasitas 10 Kg/batch, (1 batch = 20 jam), Penggerak motor listrik ½ HP,
Pemanas listrik 700 W, Transmisi : Gigi dan rantai, Silinder Penghalus dari
9 unit 54.570.000
bahan pelat SS tebal 3 mm, Jumlah silinder : 5 buah, Rangka mesin : baja
profil kotak
Kapasitas 4 Kg/batch, (1 batch = 3 menit), Penggerak motor listrik 1 HP,
Pemanas listrik 700 W, Transmisi : Gigi dan rantai, Silinder Penghalus dari
10 Pembubuk Cokelat unit 77.553.600
bahan pelat SS tebal 3 mm, Jumlah silinder : 5 buah, Rangka mesin : baja
profil kotak
Kapasitas 2 Kg/batch, (1 batch = 3 menit), Penggerak motor listrik ½ HP,
Pemanas listrik 700 W, Transmisi : Gigi dan rantai, Silinder Penghalus dari
11 unit 54.570.000
bahan pelat SS tebal 3 mm, Jumlah silinder : 5 buah, Rangka mesin : baja
profil kotak
Kapasitas 10 Kg bubuk cokelat/batch, (1 batch = 20 menit), Penggerak
12 Mesin Pencampur Bubuk (mixer) motor listrik 3 HP 380 V, Silinder Pencampur dari bahan pelat Aluminium, unit 54.120.600
hexagonal, Rangka mesin : baja profil kotak

Kapasitas 12 Kg permen cokelat/batch, (1 batch = 30 menit), Penggerak

13 Mesin Pencampur Adonan Cokelat (mixer) motor listrik 1 HP 220 V, Silinder Pencampur dari bahan pelat Aluminium unit 50.493.300
tebal 3 mm, Rangka mesin : baja profil kotak

Kapasitas 2 Kg permen cokelat/batch, (1 batch = 1 menit), Penggerak

14 Mesin Pengayak Cokelat Mekanis unit 23.754.000
motor listrik ½ HP Bahan ayakan SS

Manual Kapasitas 750 Kg/batch, (1 batch = 10 menit), Silinder Pengempa

15 Pengempa Lemak (Manual) unit 19.902.000
dari bahan baja lapis krom tebal 20 mm, Rangka : Pelat baja 35 mm

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 60
1 2 3 4 5 6
Hidrolik Kapasitas 4 Kg/ 60 menit), Penggerak motor listrik 3 KVA Silinder
16 Pengempa Lemak (Hidrolikl) Pengempa dari bahan baja lapis krom tebal 20 mm, Rangka : Pelat baja 35 unit 56.239.200
mm; As baja pejal 50 mm dan besi profil H 15
Type rak, Bahan konstruksi besi siku, Plat alumunium, Dimensi (P x L x T)
17 Oven/Penyimpan bahan Cokelat 100 x 60 x 130 mm, dilengkapi dengan system pendingin dan pengatur unit 45.903.000
Type rak, terdiri dari 15 rak x 2 sisi, Dimensi (P x L x T) 100 x 100 x 150 mm,
18 Kabinet Tempering Bubuk Cokelat bahan konstruksi besi profil persegi, Pemanasan listrik 3000 Watt, unit 22.405.800
dilengkapi blower ¼ HP
19 Cetakan Adonan Cokelat Kulkas, Alas cetakan, cetakan cokelat, pan (nampan SS) unit 21.666.220
20 Pengemas Manual Tipe injak : P - 20 cm, daya listrik 400 W unit 5.947.600
Sistem Operasi : Otomatis, ukuran kemasan : 40 - 200 mm, alumunium foil,
Pengemas Otomatis (Packing roll) untuk bubuk
21 kapasitas : 40 - 100 pack/menit, Penggerak : Motor Listrik 1 HP, 220 V, 220 unit 70.620.000
Volt, 50 -60 Hz, Listrik pemanas : 1600 Watt
J. Alat Inventarisasi dan Pengukuran Hutan
1 Timbangan Pegas - Kapasitas 110 kg buah 225.350
2 Kompas Bezard - buah 751.140
3 Kompas Shunto - buah 6.009.120
4 Hagameter - buah 2.628.990
5 Christen Meter - buah 450.690
6 Spiegel Relaskop - buah 11.267.100
7 Phiband - buah 450.690
8 Curvi meter - buah 300.460
9 Meteran biasa 50 m - buah 225.350
10 Garpu Pohon - buah 413.130
11 Clinometer - buah 375.570
12 Altimeter - buah 600.920
13 Counter - buah 375.570
14 Teropong - buah 3.755.700
15 Stereoskop - buah 24.036.480
16 Planimeter - buah 11.267.100
17 Roll Meter Geodesi (50 m) - buah 450.690
18 Personal use & camping unit - buah 3.004.560
19 Ploter GIS - buah 3.004.560
20 Meteren Roll Cap vitara buah 24.080
21 Kapak Lokal buah 101.330
22 Pahat ukir buah 262.900
23 Gergaji Belah cap mata buah 75.120
24 Batu Asah Diamon buah 29.960
K. Peralatan dan Material
1 Road Maintance Truck unit 1.540.800.000
2 Motor Grader unit
3 Vibro Roller unit 1.078.560.000
4 Excavator unit
5 Backhoe Loader unit
6 Bulldozer unit
7 Dump Truck unit 616.320.000
1 Tari Perisaian/Tandang Mendet Pria Stel 2.195.640
2 Tari Perisaian/Tandang Mendet Wanita Stel 1.756.520
3 Tari Gandrung Stel 3.513.030
4 Tari Mandalika Stel 3.513.030
5 Tari Oncer Stel/Set 2.964.120
6 Tari Gendang Beleq Stel/Set 2.415.210
7 Tari Rudat Stel/Set 3.403.250
8 Tari Topeng Pengarat Stel/Set 3.403.250
9 Tari Kembang Sembah Stel/Set 1.866.300
10 Tari Perang Topat Pria Stel/Set 1.866.300
11 Tari Perang Topat Wanita Stel/Set 1.866.300
12 Busana Pemusik Sasak Stel/Set 768.480
1 Tari Bedede Stel/Set 2.415.210
2 Tari Siyer Male Stel/Set 3.293.460
3 Tari Nguri Stel/Set 2.415.210
4 Tari Dadara Boto Stel/Set 2.195.640
5 Busana Penari Laki Sumbawa Stel/Set 1.353.980
6 Busana Pemusik Sumbawa Stel/Set 914.850

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 61
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Tari Suba Monca Stel/Set 2.195.640
2 Tari Sabua Ade Stel/Set 1.646.730
3 Busana Penari Wanita Stel/Set 2.415.210
4 Tari Daha Lira Stel/Set 2.415.210
5 Busana Pemusik Mbojo Stel/Set 1.244.200
6 Busana Adat Samawa Stel/Set 2.744.550
7 Busana Harian Wanita Stel/Set 4.391.280
8 Busana Adat Kebesaran Pria Stel/Set 4.757.220
9 Busana Adat Kebesaran Wanita Stel/Set 4.757.220
10 Busana Pengantin Pria Sumbawa Stel/Set 8.782.560
11 Busana Pengantin Wanita Sumbawa Stel/Set 13.173.840
12 Busana Adat Sasak (pria) Stel/Set 7.684.740
13 Busana Adat Sasak (Wanita) Stel/Set 7.684.740
14 Busana Harian Adat Sasak (Pria) Stel/Set 1.976.080
15 Busana Harian Adat Sasak (Pria) Stel/Set 2.415.210
16 Busana Pengantin Bayan (Pria) Stel/Set 6.038.010
17 Busana Pengantin Bayan (Wanita) Stel/Set 6.586.920
18 Busana Adat Sasak (Upacara) Pria Stel/Set 4.391.280
19 Busana Adat Sasak (Upacara) Wanita Stel/Set 3.293.460
20 Busana Adat Pengantin Mbojo (Pria) Stel/Set 8.782.560
21 Busana Adat Pengantin Mbojo (Wanita) Stel/Set 8.782.560
22 Busana Harian Adat Mbojo Pria Stel/Set 1.756.520
23 Busana Harian Adat Mbojo Wanita Stel/Set 2.744.550
24 Busana Upacara Kebesaran Mbojo Pria Stel/Set 4.391.280
25 Busana Upacara Kebesaran Mbojo Wanita Stel/Set 4.391.280
26 Sepatu Penari diluar Ruangan Stel/Set 87.830
d. Busana Tari-Tarian
1 Mendet/Keprajuritan
a. Pria Set 1.317.390
b. Wanita Set 1.171.010
2 Tari Gandrung Set 2.342.020
3 Tari Mandalika Set 2.342.020
4 Tari Oncer Set 1.976.080
5 Tari Gendang Beleq Set 1.610.140
6 Tari Rudat/Topeng Pengarat Set 2.268.830
7 Tari Topeng
a. Pria Set 1.719.920
b. Wanita Set 1.976.080
8 Tari Kembang Sembah Set 1.244.200
9 Tari Perang Topat Set 1.244.200
10 Tari Suba Monca Set 1.280.790
11 Tari Sabua Ade/Pertemuan
a. Pria Set 1.097.820
b. Wanita Set 1.610.140
12 Busana Pemusik Mbojo Set 841.670
13 Busana Tari Daha Lira Set 1.463.760
14 Tari Sere Set 1.353.980
15 Tari Lenggo Set 1.976.080
16 Tari Badede Samawa Set 1.610.140
17 Tari Siyer Male Set 1.756.520
18 Tari Nguri Set 1.610.140
19 Tari Dadara Boto Set 1.317.390
20 Busana Pemusik Samawa Set 914.850
21 Busana Pengantin Adat Samawa Pria/ Wanita Set 5.855.040
22 Busana Harian Adat Samawa
a. Pria Set 1.829.700
b. Wanita Set 2.927.520
23 Busana Adat Kebesaran (Upacara) Samawa Set 6.403.950
24 Busana Harian Adat Sasak
a. Pria Set 1.317.390
b. Wanita Set 1.610.140
25 Busana Pengantin Adat Bayan
a. Pria Set 4.025.340

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 62
1 2 3 4 5 6
b. Wanita Set 4.391.280
26 Busana Adat Sasak (upacara) Pria/Wanita Set 4.976.790
27 Busana Pengantin Adat Mbojo
a. Pria Set 5.855.040
b. Wanita Set 5.855.040
28 Busana Harian Adat Mbojo
a. Pria Set 1.171.010
b. Wanita Set 1.829.700
29 Busana Adat Mbojo (upacara kebesaran) Pria/ Wanita Set 5.855.040
30 Pakaian gandrung Set 1.683.330
31 Baju pemusik Sasak Set 585.510
32 Baju pemusik Mbojo/ Samawa Set 475.730
33 Baju Tari Mbojo/ Samawa Set 1.317.390
e. Kesenian dan Kebudayaan
1 Pakaian gandrung Set 1.683.330
2 Baju pemusik Sasak Set 585.510
3 Baju pemusik Mbojo/ Samawa Set 475.730
4 Baju Tari Mbojo/ Samawa Set 1.317.390
5 Guide Book buku 73.190
6 Brosur lembar 36.600
7 Poster lembar 13.910
8 Busana Pemusik Mbojo Set 841.670
9 Busana Tari Daha Lira Set 1.463.760
10 Tari Sere Set 1.353.980
11 Tari Lenggo Set 1.976.080
12 Tari Badede Samawa Set 1.610.140
13 Tari Siyer Male Set 1.756.520
14 Tari Nguri Set 1.610.140
15 Tari Dadara Boto Set 1.317.390
16 Busana Pemusik Samawa Set 914.850
f. Alat Musik Tradisional, Qasidah & Keroncong
1 Gong kecil Buah 2.342.020
2 Gong besar Buah 4.391.280
3 Gong pasang 7.684.740
4 Gong Gendang buah 2.634.770
5 Petuk Buah 878.260
6 Reong / Barongan Buah 878.260
7 Tawe-tawe/ oncer Buah 1.024.640
8 Ceng-ceng gendang beleq Pasang 585.510
9 Ceng-ceng perembaq Pasang 731.880
10 Ceng-ceng penyelar Pasang 512.320
11 Ceng-ceng balaganjur Pasang 365.940
12 Oncer / Kompol buah 1.463.760
13 Rincik Set 658.700
14 Saron Set 3.659.400
15 Kantil Set 3.366.650
16 Calung Set 5.855.040
17 Pemugah Set 4.391.280
18 Jegogan Set 8.782.560
19 Gendang beleq set 2.927.520
20 Gendang kecil Pasang 1.463.760
21 Gendang wayang Pasang 1.171.010
22 Kajar Buah 731.880
23 Knot Buah 585.510
24 Rincik Wayang Set 365.940
25 Cungklik Gandrung Set 1.171.010
26 Gerantang joget Set 439.130
27 Suling Buah 36.600
28 Tar rudat Buah 365.940
29 Jidur Buah 1.463.760
30 Mandolin Buah 731.880
31 Biola Buah 2.195.640
32 Gambus Buah 2.927.520
33 Pereret Buah 731.880

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 63
1 2 3 4 5 6
34 Gendang samawa Pasang 1.171.010
35 Gendang mbojo Pasang 1.463.760
36 Suling Mbojo buah 146.380
37 Rebana rea (besar) Buah 878.260
38 Satongsrek Buah 36.600
39 Katongga Pasang 1.171.010
40 Serunai Buah 109.790
41 Silu Buah 731.880
42 Organ buah 731.880
43 Rebana Qasidah Buah 109.790
44 Tamborin Buah 219.570
45 Ketipung buah 219.570
46 Seragam Grup Rebana Qasidah stel 219.570
47 Seragam Grup Kesenian Samawa set 731.880
48 Seragam Grup Kesenian Mbojo set 1.463.760
49 Pakaian Tari Samawa set 1.463.760
50 String Bes Buah 2.195.640
51 Cillo Buah 1.097.820
52 Okulele Buah 365.940
53 Gitar listrik Buah 1.097.820
54 Flute Buah 4.391.280
55 Daf Buah 731.880
56 Tempat gong Set 439.130
57 Tempat reong Set 219.570
58 Palompong Buah 146.380
59 Rebana Pengecel Buah 512.320
60 Gong Rebana Buah 1.097.820
61 Gendang Rebana Buah 585.510
62 Rincik Set 658.700
63 Cur Cir/ Kermong Gantung Set 2.195.640
64 Cur Cir/ Kermong Gantung Buah 1.024.640
65 Reong Tawaq-tawaq Buah 512.320
66 Buq-buq Buah 1.463.760
67 Drum 1802 Buah 1.569.160


1 Sterilisator Elitech, RLD 58 C Unit 4.959.450
2 Sterilisator One Med, Ø 27 cm Unit 925.020
3 Sterilisator Elitech, TW 7 SV Unit 3.699.530
4 Sterilisator Elitech, ZLD 46 D Unit 7.110.150
5 Sterilisator Elitech, ZLD 50 B Unit 8.717.290
6 Sterilisator Elitech, ZLD 50 F Unit 8.413.950
7 Sterilisator Elitech, ZLP 68 S Unit 4.832.120
8 Sterilisator Elitech, ZTD 108 C-S Unit 6.745.820
9 Sterilisator Elitech, ZTD 88 C-G Unit 6.380.950
10 Sterilisator Elitech, ZTD 88 S Unit 8.436.420
11 Sterilisator Elitech, ZTP 108 Unit 4.203.710
12 Sterilisator Elitech, ZTP 300 Unit 9.247.480
13 Sterilisator Elitech, ZTP 368 A Unit 11.748.600
14 Sterilisator Elitech, ZTP 368 A-S Unit 13.066.840
15 Sterilisator Elitech, ZTP 76 A Unit 2.522.530
16 Sterilisator Elitech, ZTP 80 A Unit 2.766.170
17 Sterilisator Elitech, ZTP 80 A-U Unit 3.358.730
18 Sterilisator Elitech, ZTP 80 A-S Unit 4.199.750
19 Sterilisator Elitech, ZTP 80 A-US Unit 5.047.410
20 Sterilisator Jpn, ex : Japan 27 x 30 cm (Listrik) Unit 1.510.840
21 Sterilisator Jpn, ex : Japan 24 x 30 cm (Listrik) Unit 1.086.910
22 Sterilisator JMC, basah 27 cm (250 watt) Unit 631.300
23 Sterilisator Smic, 27 x 110 x 60 cm Unit 629.590
24 Sterilisator Smic, Basah 27 cm (250 watt) Unit 545.920
25 Sterilisator Smic, Basah 42 cm (220 watt) Unit 1.764.430
26 Sterilisator Smic, 42 cm (electric) Unit 2.088.640
27 Sterilisator Smic, sterilisari ring Unit 7.260.170
28 Sterilisator ex : china, TMQ-300 E Unit 32.668.920
29 Sterilisator Basah Unit 18.498.160
30 Alat Sterilisasi Aerosept 250 F Unit 100.865.690
31 Stetoscope Litman Pediatric Unit 1.462.690
32 Stetoscope Litman Unit 1.420.960

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 64
1 2 3 4 5 6
33 Stetoscope Bayi Litman Unit 385.200
34 Stetoscope Litmann Litman Unit 951.770
35 Stetoscope Riester Anak & Bayi / Buah Unit 2.259.420
36 Stetoscope Riester, Dewasa / Buah Unit 451.970
37 Stetoscope Anak 3M Unit 1.614.630
38 Stetoscope Bayi 3M Unit 1.614.630
39 Stetoscope Dewasa 3M Unit 1.018.640
40 Tensimeter ABN, Uk. 18,5 x 9,5 cm (Manset Anak) Unit 673.570
41 Tensimeter AND 767, AND 767 (Digital) Unit 1.498.000
42 Tensimeter Meiden, Uk. 18,5 x 9,5 cm (Manset Anak) Unit 670.890
43 Tensimeter Omron, MX3 (Digital Pakai Batteray) Unit 752.210
44 Tensimeter Omron, MY3 (Digital Pakai Batteray) Unit 756.760
45 Tensimeter One Med, Uk. 18,5 x 9,5 cm (Manset Anak) Unit 33.170
46 Tensimeter One Med, UA-787 (Digital Pakai Batteray) Unit 1.512.980
47 Tensimeter Yamamoto, Yamamoto (ALPK 2) Unit 334.910
48 Tensimeter Spygmed Unit 195.810
49 Tensimeter Yamamoto Giken, Tensimeter Air Raksa Unit 334.380
50 Tensimeter Beroda Riester Unit 5.881.790
51 Tensimeter Duduk Riester Unit 2.258.770
52 Tensimeter Beroda Riester, Berdiri Unit 4.443.710
53 Tensimeter Dewasa Riester, Duduk Unit 1.382.440
54 Tensimeter Berdiri Unit 3.916.200
55 Tensimeter Bayi Unit 828.180
56 Waskom Yamato Giken, ex : Lokal 30 cm Pakai Roda T. 80 cm Unit 231.980
57 Waskom Yamato Giken, ex : Lokal 40 cm Unit 143.170
58 Waskom Unit 91.490
59 Timbangan Badan Yamato Giken, ex : China (Uk. Bulat) Unit 1.264.210
60 Timbangan Badan Campry Unit 80.790
61 Timbangan Badan Yamato Giken, ex : China (Uk. Tinggi) Unit 1.262.070
62 Timbangan Badan Yamato Giken, ex : Tanita Kap. 120 Kg Unit 176.550
63 Timbangan Badan Smic, RRC Unit 911.640
64 Timbangan Badan Aremed Unit 297.570
65 Timbangan Badan Yamato Giken, ex : Lokal (plus Uk. Tinggi) Unit 1.201.610
66 Timbangan Badan Yamamoto Gea, utk org Dewasa Unit 1.908.880
67 Timbangan Bayi FujiKid, Yamato Giken Type YB 77 20Kg Unit 419.440
68 Timbangan Bayi Yamasaki, Digital Type YB 88 / RGZ 20Kg Unit 939.460
69 Timbangan Bayi Yamasaki, Digital Type YB 88 / Yamato 20Kg Unit 939.460
70 Timbangan Bayi Yamamoto Giken, Unit 1.301.120
71 Kocher Schwer, T2, 14 cm, Bengkok Unit 24.610
72 Kocher Schwer, T2, 14 cm, Lurus Unit 24.610
73 Kocher Medica, T2, 14 cm, Lurus Unit 17.450
74 Kocher Schwer, 18 cm, Bengkok Unit 63.130
75 Kocher Schwer, 20 cm, Lurus Unit 63.130
76 Kocher Crown, 14 cm, Lurus, Narrow Blades Unit 46.550
77 Kocher Crown, 14 cm, Bengkok Unit 27.290
78 Kocher Medica, 14 cm, Bengkok Unit 17.660
79 Kocher Crown, 16 cm, Lurus Unit 50.290
80 Kocher Crown, ex : China 20 cm, Lurus Buah 58.850
81 Kocher One Med, 12 1/2 cm, Lurus (Mosquito) Unit 41.730
82 Kocher One Med, Pakistan 14 cm Unit 33.710
83 Kocher One Med, Pakistan 14 cm Unit 33.710
84 Kocher One Med, RRT, 16 cm, Bengkok Unit 63.030
85 Kocher One Med, RRT, 18 cm, Lurus Unit 58.640
86 Kocher One Med, RRT, 14 cm, Lurus Unit 50.400
87 Kocher Schwr, Schwer 2 (Mosquito) 14 cm, bek Unit 19.260
88 Kocher Schwr, Schwer 2 (Mosquito) 14 cm, Lrs Buah 19.750
89 Kocher Smic, 14 cm, bengkok Buah 85.550
90 Kocher Smic, 14 cm, lurus Buah 80.250
91 Kocher Smic, 16 cm, bengkok Buah 64.200
92 Kocher Smic, 18 cm, lurus Buah 59.710
93 Kocher Tajimaco, 1/2 Buah 43.130
94 Kocher Tajimaco, 16 cm, bengkok Buah 51.470
95 Kocher Tajimaco, 16 cm, bengkok Buah 47.250
96 Kocher Type Standard 14 cm, Lurus Buah 43.340
97 Kocher Yamaco, 14 cm, Bengkok Buah 30.290
98 Kocher Yamaco, 14 cm, Lurus Buah 25.580
99 Kocher Yamaco, 16 cm Buah 47.510
100 Kocher Yamaco, 16 cm, Bengkok Buah 51.040
101 Sleup Sonde Pakistan, 43 - 404 - 42 (Lurus) Buah 15.310
102 Sleup Sonde Pakistan, 43 - 404 - 17 (Lurus) Buah 15.310
103 Sleup Sonde Pakistan, 14 cm Buah 33.820
104 Pinset Anatomis 14 cm Buah 28.790
105 Pinset Anatomis Medica, 14 cm Buah 9.210
106 Pinset Anatomis Yamaco, 14 cm Buah 17.120

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 65
1 2 3 4 5 6
107 Pinset Anatomis Crown, 20 cm Buah 34.080
108 Pinset Anatomis Tajimaco, 14 cm Buah 46.550
109 Pinset Anatomis Tajimaco, Crown 20 cm Buah 20.550
110 Pinset Anatomis eropa, Ex : Eropa Uk. 14 Buah 255.200
111 Pinset Anatomis eropa, Ex : Eropa Uk. 16 Buah 340.210
112 Pinset Anatomis eropa, Ex : Pakistan Uk. 14 s/d 18 Buah 12.790
113 Pinset Anatomis Pakistan, 14 cm Buah 13.170
114 Pinset Anatomis RRT, Uk. 14 cm Buah 16.960
115 Pinset Anatomis Smic, Uk. 14 cm Buah 33.170
116 Pinset Anatomis Tajimaco, 20 cm Buah 29.910
117 Pinset Anatomis Tjmc, Crown Uk. 14 cm Buah 16.910
118 Pinset Anatomis Aesculape, Buah 602.410
119 Pinset Chirurgis Lokal, 14 cm Buah 14.660
120 Pinset Chirurgis Lokal, 18 cm Buah 37.880
121 Pinset Chirurgis Lokal, 20 cm Buah 42.060
122 Pinset Chirurgis Smic, 14 cm Buah 33.600
123 Pinset Chirurgis Smic, 16 cm Buah 45.160
124 Pinset Chirurgis Tjm, 14 cm Buah 21.080
125 Pinset Chirurgis Tjm, 20 cm Buah 29.110
126 Pinset Chirurgis Yamaco, 14 cm Buah 9.740
127 Pinset Chirurgis Yamaco, 18 cm Buah 33.710
128 Pinset Chirurgis Aesculape, Buah 602.410
129 Pinset Chirurgis Tajimaco, 14 cm Buah 74.640
130 Pinset Chirurgis One Med, 14 cm Buah 12.100
131 Pinset Chirurgis One Med, 18 cm Buah 25.950
132 Arteri Klem Schwer, 14 cm Buah 19.640
133 Arteri Klem China, Ex : China 14 cm Buah 72.280
134 Arteri Klem Smic, Uk. 18 cm (Peam Bengkok) Buah 99.300
135 Arteri Klem Roda, Kocher 13322-14 Germani Buah 203.300
136 Arteri Klem Aesculape, Kocher Bengkok, BH 615 R Buah 169.600
137 Arteri Klem Aesculape, Kocher Lurus, BH 614 R Buah 169.600
138 Arteri Klem Roda, Germani, Pean 13322-14 Buah 203.300
139 Arteri Klem Aesculape, 414 R, Pean 14 cm Buah 169.490
140 Instrument Cabinet MAK, 32901 (Lemari Linen) Buah 7.106.410
141 Instrument Cabinet MAK, 32902 (For Medicine) Buah 7.106.410
142 Safety Cabinet Wina, 302 Buah 40.405.240
143 Gunting Bengkok Medica, Crown 14 cm ( Buah 15.150
144 Gunting Bengkok Excel, Kecil (tp/tp) Buah 25.470
145 Gunting Bengkok Pakistan, Kecil 14 cm Buah 27.820
146 Gunting Bengkok Smic, 14 cm (tp/tp) Buah 74.690
147 Gunting Bengkok Smic, 18 cm ( Buah 69.660
148 Gunting Bengkok Smic, 18 cm (tj/tp) Buah 69.660
149 Gunting Bengkok Tajimaco, 14 cm Schwert ( Buah 18.090
150 Gunting Bengkok Tajimaco, 14 cm (tj/tp) Buah 16.910
151 Gunting Lurus RRT, 14 cm (tj/tp) Buah 59.390
152 Gunting Lurus Schwer, 16 cm (tj/tj) Buah 26.750
153 Gunting Lurus Schwer, 14 cm (t)/tj) Buah 26.430
154 Gunting Lurus Smic, 14 cm (tj/tj) Buah 62.600
155 Gunting Lurus Smic, 14 cm (tj/tp) Buah 73.830
156 Gunting Lurus Smic, 14 cm (tp/tp) Buah 54.470
157 Gunting Lurus Tajimaco, 14 cm (tj/tj) Buah 16.910
158 Gunting Lurus Tajimaco, 14 cm Schwert (tj/tp) Buah 25.470
159 Gunting Lurus Micra, Buah 25.790
160 Gunting Lurus Teuffle, Buah 23.010
161 Needle Holder Yamaco, 14 cm Buah 26.330
162 Needle Holder Schwer, 14 cm Buah 28.470
163 Needle Holder Schwer, 16 cm Buah 34.030
164 Needle Holder Yamaco, 18 cm Buah 42.480
165 Needle Holder Tajimaco, Buah 31.140
166 Needle Holder Crown, 25 cm Buah 51.040
167 Needle Holder Crown, 14 (matiu) Buah 38.420
168 Needle Holder Crown, 14 cm (hegar) Buah 46.660
169 Needle Holder Crown, 18 cm (hegar) Buah 46.760
170 Needle Holder Crown, 18 cm (matiu) Buah 38.420
171 Needle Holder Japan, ex : Japan 14, 16, 18, 20 cm Buah 76.510
172 Needle Holder Smic, 14 cm Buah 76.510
173 Needle Holder Smic, 14 cm (hegar) Buah 93.630
174 Needle Holder Smic, 12 cm (hegar) Buah 110.540
175 Needle Holder SS, 14 cm Buah 26.430
176 Holder Lokal Buah 564.860
177 Instrument Table Lokal, 60 x 50 x 90 cm, SS (Rangka Besi) Buah 2.563.620
178 Instrument Table Lokal, SS Buah 902.980
179 Infusion Stand Celica, 586 Buah 297.460
180 Hallogen Examinition Lamp Dyna, Everlight, Type TLA 200# Buah 2.990.650

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 66
1 2 3 4 5 6
181 Hallogen Examinition Lamp Dyna, Everlight, Type TLA 100# Buah 1.993.950
182 Hallogen Examinition Lamp Kame, Everlight, Type TLA 200# Buah 2.990.870
183 Hallogen Examinition Lamp Kame, Everlight, Type TLA 100# Buah 1.196.370
184 Nierbekheem SS, 20 cm Buah 27.770
185 Nierbekheem SS, 21 cm Buah 29.960
186 Nierbekheem SS, 23 cm Buah 42.780
187 Nierbekheem SS, 25 cm Buah 46.980
188 Nierbekheem SS, 23 cm Buah 29.620
189 Nierbekheem SS, 20 cm (Piala Ginjal) Buah 27.770
190 Nierbekheem SS, 23 cm (Piala Ginjal) Buah 32.100
191 Nierbekheem SS, 25 cm (Piala Ginjal) Buah 46.980
192 Nierbekheem SS, 20 cm / Bengkok Buah 25.580
193 Nierbekheem SS, 23 cm / Bengkok Buah 42.780
194 Nierbekheem Mecadent, 23 cm Buah 34.350
195 Nierbekheem Thailand, 27 cm Buah 93.950
196 Kogel Tang Medica, 25 cm (Uterum Vulselum Forceps Bengkok) Buah 59.600
197 Kogel Tang Crown, Crown 25 cm Buah 82.820
198 Kogel Tang Crown, Crown 25 cm Buah 49.550
199 Kogel Tang Lawton, 25 cm Buah 110.640
200 Kogel Tang Renz, 25 Buah 85.020
201 Kogel Tang RRT, 25 Buah 127.440
202 Kogel Tang Smic, 20 cm Buah 114.760
203 Kogel Tang Smic, 22 cm Buah 119.100
204 Kogel Tang Smic, 25 Buah 127.440
205 Kogel Tang SS, 20 cm Buah 67.950
206 Kogel Tang SS, 25 cm Buah 76.510
207 Kogel Tang TjM, 25 Buah 80.250
208 Kogel Tang Yamaco, 20 cm Buah 80.790
209 Kogel Tang Yamaco, 25 Buah 80.790
210 Kogel Tang Yamaco, 25 Renz Buah 80.790
211 Kogel Tang Yamaco, SS 25 cm Buah 80.790
212 Mortir Stamper Lokal, ex : Lokal 13 cm Buah 27.610
213 Mortir Stamper Lokal, ex : Lokal 16 cm Buah 52.330
214 Mortir Stamper Lokal, ex : Lokal 21 cm Buah 152.270
215 Mortir Stamper Lokal, ex : Lokal 25 cm Buah 212.560
216 Mortir Stamper Lokal, 13 cm Buah 25.470
217 Mortir Stamper Lokal, 21 cm Buah 49.330
218 Mortir Stamper One Med, 8 cm Buah 26.330
219 Mortir Stamper One Med, 10 cm Buah 31.780
220 Mortir Stamper One Med, 13 cm Buah 43.660
221 Mortir Stamper One Med, 21 cm Buah 125.190
222 Mortir Stamper One Med, ex : Lokal 16 cm Buah 62.060
223 Mortir Stamper One Med, ex : Lokal 21 cm Buah 125.190
224 Mortir Stamper RRC, 8 cm Buah 18.190
225 Mortir Stamper RRC, 10 cm Buah 27.610
226 Mortir Stamper RRC, 13 cm Buah 42.480
227 Mortir Stamper RRC, 16 cm Buah 74.800
228 Mortir Stamper RRC, 21 cm Buah 147.990
229 Tabung Oxigen Lokal, 1 set + trolly Set 1.116.230
230 Tabung Oxigen Lokal, 1 M3 Manometer Set 863.600
231 Tabung Oxigen One Med, 1 Set + Trolly Set 1.116.230
232 Pispot Lokal, ex : hijau (Sendok Besar Kaleng) Buah 43.020
233 Pispot Lokal, Bahan Seng (BAB) Buah 589.470
234 Pispot SS, Plastik (Urinal) Buah 328.490
235 Pispot Plastik Buah 13.270
236 Hospital Ware RRT, Tinggi : 19 cm Tempat Korentang Buah 170.130
237 Hospital Ware Waskom Stainless 36 cm Buah 106.260
238 Hospital Ware Waskom Stainless 40 cm Buah 144.560
239 Hospital Ware SS, Waskom Ø : 40 cm Buah 144.560
240 Hospital Ware Comb + tutup 12 cm x 6 cm Buah 44.730
241 Flatwall Cabinet MAK, 31821 A Buah 8.501.050
242 Flatwall Cabinet MAK, 31821 B Buah 8.501.050
243 Over Bed Table Celica, 583 Buah 2.078.050
244 Over Bed Table MAK, 31812 Buah 3.230.440
245 Over Bed Table MAK, 73012 Buah 4.760.600
246 Over Bed Table Paramount, KV 282 Buah 3.417.370
247 Boversed Table Paramount, KV 282 Buah 3.246.380
248 Mess Aesculap Kiato, 11-15 Box 297.680
249 Klem Pean Bengkok Yamaco, Buah 66.240
250 Instrument Bag Unicom, SH 509 Buah 77.370
251 Doeck Klem Yamaco, 14 cm Buah 29.480
252 Doeck Klem RRT, 14 cm Buah 67.310
253 Doeck Klem SH. 509 Buah 79.290
254 Instrument Bag Lokal, Lokal (SH 510) Buah 120.060

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 67
1 2 3 4 5 6
255 Nald Voeder Smic, ex : RRC 14 cm Buah 93.630
256 Nald Voeder Buah 6.367.360
257 Nald Voeder Aesculape, Buah 1.204.930
258 Sofband Biru 3" Roll 23.760
259 Sofband Biru 4" Roll 29.220
260 Sofband Biru 6" Roll 43.550
261 Sofband BSN, 4" Roll 26.750
262 Sofband BSN, 6" Roll 39.590
263 Sofband No. 10 Buah 27.080
264 Sofband No. 15 Buah 40.660
265 Steel Bunk Bed Celica, 550 Buah 4.722.880
266 Treatment Chair Celica, 561 (for Genekologi) Buah 4.533.970
267 Treatment Planning System (NPIC) Nuclear Pwr Instit China, CPU, MNTR, KB, MO, PRT, SCNR Unit 1.786.142.550
268 Handle Miror Smic, Smic, No. 3 Buah 25.790
269 Dressing Jar 12 cm, tg. 10 cm, Cover Buah 85.070
270 Dressing Jar MAK, 35102 Buah 10.742.480
271 Dressing Trolly 35102 MAX, Buah 5.964.830
272 Hibicet 5 Liter Galon 1.010.410
273 Hibicet 500 ml Botol 1.431.560
274 Hibiscrub 5 Liter Galon 1.625.390
275 Hibiscrub 500 ml Botol 161.570
276 Tempel Kapas Bertutup ex : Lokal 6 cm, 5 cm Buah 38.420
277 Cloraethyl Spray isi : 100 Ml Botol 144.560
278 Disposible Spinal Needle TRM, Uk. 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 Pes 2.976.420
279 Blood Lancet GEA, Isi 100 Box 26.970
280 Blood Lancet One Med, 100 pcs (26 G) Box 95.660
281 Blood Cell Counter Gemmy, 8 Key Buah 2.136.420
282 Blood Warmer Animec, Am 2 S - 5 A Unit 3.050.150
283 Blood Refrigerator Dometic Luxembourg, BR. 320 Unit 195.514.680
284 Kloractyl Botol : 100 Ml Buah 111.070
285 Lanset ex : Lokal (isi : 100 bh) Dos 34.350
286 Lanset ex : Lokal (isi : 200 bh) Dos 42.780
287 Lanset ex : Lokal GEA (isi 100 bh) Dos 27.770
288 Lanset ex : Lokal GEA (isi 200 bh) Dos 55.540
289 Mercury Botol 100 gr Botol 170.030
290 Oven ex : Jerman UM 200 Buah 14.626.800
291 Pot Obat 50 ml Buah 1.180
292 Bengkok Lokal, 23 cm Buah 42.060
293 Bengkok SS, 20 cm Buah 25.360
294 Bengkok SS, 23 cm Buah 32.430
295 Botol tetes isi : 23 ml Buah 16.910
296 Boor Micromotor Faro, Italy / B 680 Buah 1.694.560
297 Bola Politzer Lawton, Germany / 650340 Buah 1.016.610
298 Bola Tensi Riester, Riester Buah 103.150
299 Bone Curets Aesculap, FK 813 R Buah 81.320
300 Bone Curets Yamaco, Buah 248.460
301 Bone Files Resparatories Aesculap, OL 403 R Buah 67.740
302 Capital Hitung Assistant, Buah 1.263.140
303 Pen Light ABN, Buah 137.710
304 Pen Light One-Med, Buah 99.410
305 Pen Light RRC, Buah 104.010
306 Instrument Bak 508 Buah 55.810
307 Instrument Bak 509 Buah 67.090
308 Light Case Isi 2 Film Buah 1.202.040
309 Blood Set Osuka, 50 pcs Box 24.080
310 Clorethyl Dr. Henning, Dos 111.610
311 Clorethyl Walter Riter Lokal, Dos 77.260
312 Condon Cateter S. M. L Lokal, Buah 2.630
313 Doppler Hadeco ES, 102 EX Buah 17.173.830
314 Sun Ray ES, 102 EX Buah 1.824.680
315 Face Mask One med, Box 85.930
316 Face Mask One Med, 50 Box 27.180
317 Masker Save, Isi 50 (Kain) Box 33.500
318 Masker Yamamoto, O2 Box 43.020
319 Masker Diapro, Disposible Box 54.470
320 Masker Hospilab, Surgical Box 128.400
321 Ice Cap WWZ RRT, Buah 14.450
322 Ice Cap Lokal, Buah 35.640
323 KY. Jelly 48 Tube Box 59.600
324 Lammana Medgym, Buah 63.780
325 Polleycath Rusch, Box 127.440
326 Wing Ring RRT, Ø : 30 cm Buah 80.790
327 Hanscoon Uk. 7 & 7,5 (Limas) Pak 4.870
328 Hanscoon Uk. 7 & 7,5 (Limas) PS 4.340

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 68
1 2 3 4 5 6
329 Hanscoon Hanscoon, B69, 100 pcs (Sensi) Box 45.160
330 Hanscoon Gamex, 7.5 (Steril) Box 15.200
331 ID Band Anak & Dewasa One Med, 100 pcs Box 231.660
332 Kasa Steril Bunda Biru / KL Hijau Kasa Indah (16 x 16 KW2) Pak 5.030
333 Kasa Steril Cipta Niaga Pak 5.250
334 Super Frecator (Bipolar) MC-786,Yeuh Sheng/ Taiwan Unit 8.357.770
335 Suction Unit MS-710,Type : Mobile Unit 4.596.720
336 Suction Unit 5.158.470
337 Botol Suction Sentral Element 8013 Buah 9.037.220
338 Electro Cautery Set MS-888 Low, Dr. Morton Unit 2.507.010
339 Cauter Martin Germany Unit 108.526.890
340 Electro Cautery-Cut Mode Cut Mode, Monopolar + Bipolar Unit 77.573.930
341 Electro Cauter Maestro Plus Larsen & Toubro India, LTD Unit 164.724.360
342 Tongue Spatel Kayu Lokal, 50 pcs Buah 12.840
343 Medi - Grip NS Ansell, No. 6-8 1/2, 50 pairs Box 448.330
344 Terufusion Precision Sol. Adm. Set TRM, 50 pcs Box 114.490
345 Blood Bag JMS, Double 250 cc Pes 63.130
346 Blood Bag JMS, Double 350 cc Pes 80.250
347 Blood Bag JMS, Double 450 cc Pes 131.080
348 Blood Bag JMS, Quadriple 350 cc Pes 186.180
349 Blood Bag JMS, Quadriple 450 cc Pes 186.180
350 Blood Bag JMS, Single 250 cc Pes 63.670
351 Blood Bag JMS, Single 350 cc Pes 80.470
352 Blood Bag JMS, Single 450 cc Pes 107.000
353 Blood Bag JMS, Triple 250 cc Pes 149.750
354 Blood Bag JMS, Triple 350 cc Pes 149.750
355 Blood Bag JMS, Triple 450 cc Pes 168.320
356 Transfer Blood Bag JMS, 1000 cc Pes 131.240
357 Transfer Blood Bag JMS, 150 cc Pes 56.180
358 Transfer Blood Bag JMS, 200 cc Pes 59.820
359 Transfer Blood Bag JMS, 2000 cc Pes 187.580
360 Transfer Blood Bag JMS, 300 cc Pes 65.810
361 Transfer Blood Bag JMS, 500 cc Pes 74.800
362 Transfer Blood Bag JMS, 600 cc Pes 84.430
363 Blood Transfution Set Terumo, Type Y Pes 35.100
364 Disposible Syringe BD, 100 Unit 28 G : x 1/2" BP, 1 cc Insulin (With Needle) 100 pcs Pes 229.840
365 Disposible Syringe BD, 21 G x 1 1/2 Luer Log Tip, 10 cc (With Needle) 100 pcs Pes 213.260
366 Disposible Syringe BD, 22 G x 1 1/2 Luer Log Tip, 5 cc (With Needle) 100 pcs Pes 161.570
367 Disposible Syringe BD, 23 G x 1 1/4 Luer Log Tip, 3 cc (With Needle) 100 pcs Pes 112.350
368 Disposible Syringe BD, Luer Log Tip, 20 cc (With Needle) 50 pcs Pes 9.850
369 Disposible Syringe JMS, JMS, 100 cc Pes 59.710
370 Disposible Syringe Luer Fitting Side Nozzie, 100 cc, 50 pcs (Without Needle) Box 48.690
371 Disposible Syringe Luer Fitting Side Nozzie, 50 cc, 50 pcs (Without Needle) Box 17.230
372 Disposible Syringe Luer Fitting Side Nozzie, 20 cc, 50 pcs (Without Needle) Box 10.380
Luer Fitting Side Nozzie, Luer Fitting Side Nozzle 30 cc side Nozzie 50 pcs
373 Disposible Syringe Box 12.840
(Without Needle)
374 Disposible Syringe One Med, 1 ml Buah 85.070
375 Disposible Syringe One Med, 1 ml 100 PC Buah 90.210
376 Disposible Syringe One Med, 10 ml Buah 136.320
377 Disposible Syringe One Med, 10 ml, 100 PC Buah 129.470
378 Disposible Syringe One Med, 20 ml Buah 111.070
379 Disposible Syringe One Med, 20 ml, 50 PC Buah 105.030
380 Disposible Syringe One Med, 3 ml Buah 65.600
381 Disposible Syringe One Med, 3 ml, 100 PC Buah 67.630
382 Disposible Syringe One Med, 5 ml Buah 85.280
383 Disposible Syringe One Med, 5 ml 100 PC Buah 81.860
384 Disposible Syringe Stera, 100 cc (With Needle) Isi 100 Pes 179.280
385 Disposible Syringe Stera, 10.0, 100 pcs Box 179.280
386 Disposible Syringe Stera, 2,5 cc - 3 cc, 100 pcs Box 110.910
387 Disposible Syringe Stera, 3 cc (With Neddle) Isi 100 Pes 110.800
388 Disposible Syringe Stera, 5 cc (With Needle) Isi 100 Pes 136.480
389 Disposible Syringe Stera, 5 cc 100 pcs Box 136.480
390 Disposible Syringe Terumo, 20 cc Box 6.750
391 Specialty Disposible Syringe Cellopsy Dysposible Blopsy, 10 cc, 50 pcs Box 9.128.600
392 Specialty Disposible Syringe Cellopsy Dysposible Blopsy, 10 cc, 800 pcs Box 9.127.050
393 Specialty Disposible Syringe JMS, Cateter Up Syringe 100 cc, 200 pcs Box 53.990
394 Specialty Disposible Syringe JMS, Cateter Up Syringe 100 cc, 25 pcs Box 53.990
395 Spuit Insulin One Med, 1 cc 40 U, 100 U, 100 pcs Box 91.220
396 Infus Set JMS, Pediatric Type 200, 25 Pcs Box 416.980
397 Infus Set JMS, Pediatric Type 500, 25 Pcs Box 757.300
398 Infus Set JMS, Type 200 + Filter ( Dewasa) Box 14.080
399 Infus Set JMS, Type 50, Y Type, 25 Pcs Box 26.590
400 Infus Set JMS, W/100 ml Buret 5 pcs Box 94.750
401 Infus Set MAK, 36101 (Stand) Box 1.703.280

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 69
1 2 3 4 5 6
402 Infus Set Otsuka, 50 pcs (Dewasa) Box 9.470
403 Infus Set Otsuka, 50 pcs (Microdrip/ Anak) Box 22.470
404 Infus Set Widatra, Box 29.620
405 Medical Electric JMS Infusion Set For Infusor, Type 200 Witt Y-Injection Set Pes 68.270
406 Medical Electric JMS Infusion Set For Infusor, Type 200 Witt Y-Injection Set Pcs 67.950
Infusion Set For Infusor, Type 500 (With Becerycal Filter and Y Injection
407 Medical Electric JMS Pes 166.920
Infusion Set For Infusor, Type 500 (With Becerycal Filter and Y Injection
408 Medical Electric JMS Pcs 166.390
409 Standart Infus ex : Lokal (2 Gantungan + Roda) Pes 420.190
410 Standart Infus Magnate, Beroda 530.190
411 Standart Infus Lokal, SS 538.540
412 Infusion, Slang Infus JMS, Infusion Set + Filter Type 200 (200 Drops/All) Pes 13.490
413 Infusion, Slang Infus JMS, Pediatrik Infusion Set + Filter Type 20 (60 Drops/MI) Pes 26.650
414 Infusion, Slang Infus JMS, Pediatrik Infusion Set + Filter Type 20 (60 Drops/MI) Pes 26.650
JMS, Infusion Set With All Buket + Filter + Y Inject Site (Percision Solusion),
415 Infusion, Slang Infus PCS 94.750
Adm/ Set/ Micridrip Buket 60 Drops/ MI Adm/ Set
JMS, Infusion Set With All Buket + Filter + Y Inject Site (Percision Solusion),
416 Infusion, Slang Infus Pcs 94.490
Micridrip Buket 60 Drops/ MI
417 Infusion Terumo, TE 112 Pes 32.681.010
Type 500 Pediatri Infusion Set + Filter Y Injection Site & Bacteriyal Filter 60
418 Infusion Pcs 30.390
Type 500 Pediatri Infusion Set + Filter Y Injection Site & Bacteriyal Filter
419 Infusion Pcs 30.180
420 Jarum Infus + Slang JMS, Intermitten Scalp Vein Set 18G x 3/4", 100 Pcs Box 1.216.590
421 Jarum Infus + Slang JMS, Intermitten Scalp Vein Set 18G x 3/4", 2400 Pcs Carton 29.089.020
422 Jarum Infus + Slang JMS, Intermitten Scalp Vein Set 19G x 3/4", 100 Pcs Box 1.212.310
423 Jarum Infus + Slang JMS, Intermitten Scalp Vein Set 19G x 3/4", 2400 Pcs Carton 29.116.840
424 Jarum Infus + Slang JMS, Intermitten Scalp Vein Set 20G x 3/4", 100 Pcs Box 1.212.310
425 Jarum Infus + Slang JMS, Intermitten Scalp Vein Set 20G x 3/4", 2400 Pcs Carton 29.158.570
426 Jarum Infus + Slang JMS, Intermitten Scalp Vein Set 21G x 3/4", 100 Pcs Box 1.216.170
427 Jarum Infus + Slang JMS, Intermitten Scalp Vein Set 21G x 3/4", 2400 Pcs Carton 29.089.880
428 Jarum Infus + Slang JMS, Intermitten Scalp Vein Set 22G x 3/4", 100 Pcs Box 1.211.670
429 Jarum Infus + Slang JMS, Intermitten Scalp Vein Set 22G x 3/4", 2400 Pcs Carton 29.168.310
430 Jarum Infus + Slang JMS, Intermitten Scalp Vein Set 23G x 3/4", 100 Pcs Box 1.215.200
431 Jarum Infus + Slang JMS, Intermitten Scalp Vein Set 23G x 3/4", 2400 Pcs Carton 29.179.870
432 Jarum Infus + Slang JMS, Intermitten Scalp Vein Set 24G x 3/4", 100 Pcs Box 1.211.990
433 Jarum Infus + Slang JMS, Intermitten Scalp Vein Set 24G x 3/4", 2400 Pcs Carton 29.149.370
434 Jarum Infus + Slang JMS, Intermitten Scalp Vein Set 25G x 3/4", 100 Pcs Box 1.213.810
435 Jarum Infus + Slang JMS, Intermitten Scalp Vein Set 25G x 3/4", 2400 Pcs Carton 29.140.380
436 Jarum Infus + Slang JMS, Intermitten Scalp Vein Set 27G x 1/2", 100 Pcs Box 1.215.520
437 Jarum Infus + Slang JMS, Intermitten Scalp Vein Set 27G x 1/2", 2400 Pcs Carton 29.186.390
438 Extention Tube JMS, 100 cm, 1,1 ml (ET-1,100 cm), 25 Pcs Box 1.136.340
439 Extention Tube JMS, 100 cm, 1,1 ml (ET-1,100 cm), 500 Pcs Carton 22.750.340
440 Extention Tube JMS, 100 cm, 5,0 ml (ET-1,100 cm), 25 Pcs Box 1.137.630
441 Extention Tube JMS, 100 cm, 5,0 ml (ET-1,100 cm), 500 Pcs Carton 22.693.740
442 Extention Tube JMS, 100 cm, 9,6 ml (ET-1,100 cm), 25 Pcs Box 1.133.780
443 Extention Tube JMS, 100 cm, 9,6 ml (ET-1,100 cm), 500 Pcs Carton 22.749.490
444 Extention Tube JMS, 100 cm, 3,4 ml (ET-1,100 cm), 25 Pcs Box 1.138.480
445 Extention Tube JMS, 100 cm, 3,4 ml (ET-1,100 cm), 500 Pcs Carton 22.775.170
446 Extention Tube JMS, 100 cm, 6,7 ml (ET-1,100 cm), 25 Pcs Box 111.180
447 Extention Tube JMS, 100 cm, 6,7 ml (ET-1,100 cm), 500 Pcs Carton 22.719.530
448 Vasolix Braunule Cath + Inject Port & Closing, 15 G Pes 30.390
449 Vasolix Braunule Cath + Inject Port & Closing, Port & Closing 16 G Pes 30.390
450 Vasolix Braunule Cath + Inject Port & Closing, 18 G Pes 30.390
451 Vasolix Braunule Cath + Inject Port & Closing, 18 G Pes 30.390
452 Vasolix Braunule Cath + Inject Port & Closing Cove, 20 G Pes 30.290
453 Vasolix Braunule Cath + Inject Port & Closing Cove, 20 G Pes 30.500
454 Vasolix Braunule Cath + Inject Port & Closing Cove, 22 G Pes 30.390
455 Vasolix Braunule Cath + Inject Port & Closing Cove, 22 G Pes 30.500
456 Tampon Tang TjM, 25 cm Buah 81.650
457 Tampon Tang Yamaco, 25 cm Buah 71.270
458 Tampon Tang JMC, Uk. 25 cm Buah 103.310
459 Tampon Tang Besar ex : China 20 cm Buah 129.370
460 Tampon Tang Besar ex : China 25 cm Buah 146.810
461 Tampon Hidung Tajimaco Buah 248.460
462 Ring Klem Tampon Tang Tajimaco, Ring Klem Tampon Tang Buah 168.960
463 Klem Tampon Tamaco, Pakistan Klem Tampon Buah 168.960
464 Tromol (Steril) Sugico, Q 33 M (Gass) Buah 4.243.890
465 Tromol (Steril) SS, Stainless 18 cm (Kassa) Buah 212.190

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 70
1 2 3 4 5 6
466 Tromol (Steril) SS, Uk. 18 cm Buah 215.180
467 Tromol (Steril) Sugico, Sugico, Uk. 21 cm Buah 1.157.960
468 Tromol (Steril) Sugico, Sugico, Uk. 27 cm Buah 1.668.460
469 Tromol (Steril) T. Lokal, Uk. 30 cm Buah 1.700.660
470 Tromol (Steril) T. Plata, Uk. 27 cm Buah 775.650
471 Tromol (Steril) T. Plata, Uk. 33 cm Buah 2.147.820
472 Tromol (Steril) T. Sena, Uk. 18 cm Buah 214.910
473 Tromol (Steril) T. Sena, Uk. 21 cm Buah 144.400
474 Tromol (Steril) T. Sena, Uk. 24 cm Buah 302.810
475 Tromol (Steril) T. Sena, Uk. 27 cm Buah 363.110
476 Tromol (Steril) T. Sena, Uk. 30 cm Buah 674.530
477 Tromol (Steril) T. Sena, Uk. 33 cm Buah 181.800
478 Tromol (Steril) T. Sena, Uk. 36 cm Buah 820.160
479 Tromol (Steril) T. Sena, Uk. 39 cm Buah 946.630
480 Tromol Lokal Buah 190.140
481 Threespay Stop Cock JMS, Full Rotary DR Type, 25 pcs Box 756.070
482 Threespay Stop Cock JMS, Full Rotary DR Type, 500 pcs Carton 15.187.800
483 Threespay Stop Cock JMS, With 10 cc Tube, 25 pcs Box 952.410
484 Threespay Stop Cock JMS, With 10 cc Tube, 500 pcs Carton 19.057.130
485 Scralp Vein Set JMS, 18G x 3/4", 100 pcs Box 1.143.730
486 Scralp Vein Set JMS, 18G x 3/4", 2400 pcs Carton 27.257.180
487 Scralp Vein Set JMS, 19G x 3/4", 100 pcs Box 1.137.200
488 Scralp Vein Set JMS, 19G x 3/4", 2400 pcs Carton 27.207.430
489 Scralp Vein Set JMS, 20G x 3/4", 100 pcs Box 1.140.620
490 Scralp Vein Set JMS, 20G x 3/4", 2400 pcs Carton 27.317.430
491 Scralp Vein Set JMS, 21G x 3/4", 100 pcs Box 1.134.310
492 Scralp Vein Set JMS, 21G x 3/4", 2400 pcs Carton 27.364.080
493 Scralp Vein Set JMS, 22G x 3/4", 100 pcs Box 1.142.980
494 Scralp Vein Set JMS, 22G x 3/4", 2400 pcs Carton 27.383.230
495 Scralp Vein Set JMS, 23G x 3/4", 100 pcs Box 1.137.410
496 Scralp Vein Set JMS, 23G x 3/4", 2400 pcs Carton 27.289.500
497 Scralp Vein Set JMS, 24G x 3/4", 100 pcs Box 1.137.630
498 Scralp Vein Set JMS, 24G x 3/4", 2400 pcs Carton 27.331.550
499 Scralp Vein Set JMS, 25G x 3/4", 100 pcs Box 1.133.880
500 Scralp Vein Set JMS, 25G x 3/4", 2400 pcs Carton 27.397.030
501 Scralp Vein Set JMS, 27G x 1/2", 100 pcs Box 1.138.590
502 Scralp Vein Set JMS, 27G x 1/2", 2400 pcs Carton 27.435.340
503 Scralp Vein Set JMS, 27G x 1/8", 100 pcs Box 1.136.240
504 Scralp Vein Set JMS, 27G x 1/8", 2400 pcs Carton 27.225.410
505 Scralp Vein Butterlly TRM, Needle 1B G Pes 15.200
506 Scralp Vein Butterlly TRM, Needle 19 G Pes 15.200
507 Scralp Vein Butterlly TRM, Needle 20 G Pes 15.090
508 Scralp Vein Butterlly TRM, Needle 21 G Pes 15.200
509 Scralp Vein Butterlly TRM, Needle 22 G Pes 15.200
510 Scralp Vein Butterlly TRM, Needle 23 G Pes 15.200
511 Tensocrape ex : Lokal, 4" (isi 12 gulung) Dos 60.250
512 Tensocrape ex : Lokal, 4" (isi 6 gulung) Dos 60.410
513 Tensocrape (7,5 cm x 4,55 rn) 3"' Roll 52.380
514 Tensocrape SN, 4", 8 Rol Roll 62.170
515 Tensocrape SN, 6", 6 Rol Roll 80.470
516 Leukopur 1/2 Roll 16.050
517 Leukopur 1" Roll 32.640
518 Leukopur 3" Roll 30.610
519 Leukopur 4" Roll 41.950
520 Leukopur 6" Roll 53.830
521 Leukocrepe 3", 10 x 4,5 Roll 56.290
522 Leukocrepe 3", 7 x 4,4 Roll 57.890
523 Leukocrepe 4" Roll 77.470
524 Leukocrepe 6" Roll 116.740
525 Leukoplast (1 m x 2,5 cm). 1/2 x 1 Roll 6.640
526 Leukoplast (4,5 m x 2,5 cm). 1 x 5 Lux Roll 21.510
527 Leukoplast (4,5 m x 2,5 cm). 1/2 x 5 Lux Roll 8.460
528 Leukoplast (4,5 m x 2,5 cm). 2 x 5 Lux Roll 39.920
529 Leukoplast (4,5 m x 2,5 cm). 3 x 5 Lux Roll 58.960

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 71
1 2 3 4 5 6
530 Leukoplast 1,25 cm x 1 m Roll 2.360
531 Leukoplast 1,25 cm x 4,5 m Roll 8.350
532 Leukoplast 2,5 cm x 1 m Roll 17.020
533 Leukoplast 2,5 cm x 4,5 m Roll 21.510
534 Leukoplast 2,5 m x 4,5 m Roll 18.730
535 Leukoplast 4,5 m x 7,5 m Roll 42.640
536 Leukoplast BSN,BSN, 4,5 x 5 Roll 37.240
537 Gluco Test Gluco DR, 25 pcs (Glucoval)/Stick Box 281.150
538 Gluco Test One Med, Isi 50 S (Glucoval)/Stick Box 387.180
539 Screen One Fold Type Celica, 562 A Buah 903.890
540 Screen Two Fold Type Celica, 562 B Buah 1.219.110
541 Screen Three Fold Type Celica, 562 C Buah 1.544.180
542 Photometer Microlab, 300 + Install Cost Unit 184.024.860
543 Photometer Evendorf + Install Cost Unit 210.952.860
544 Hypafix 5 x 5 SN (48 Roll) Roll 76.720
545 Hypafix 10 x 5 SN (48 Roll) Roll 145.420
546 Hypafix 15 x 5 SN (48 Roll) Roll 173.240
547 Hypafix 20 x 5 SN (48 Roll) Roll 257.340
548 Hypafix SN, 16 Rol (15 x 5 m) Roll 197.210
549 Hypafix SN, 8 Rol (20 x 5 m) Roll 259.270
550 Hypafix SN, 48 Rol (5 x 5 m) Roll 76.720
551 Fixomul Stretch 5mx5m Roll 69.550
552 Fixomul Stretch 5 m x 10 m Roll 133.430
553 Fixomul Stretch 5 m x 15 m Roll 809.140
554 Fixomul Stretch BSN, 5 m x 15 cm Roll 132.900
555 Steam Steriliser Auto clove 18 lt Buah 6.055.030
556 Shakher Taiwan VRN 200 Buah 7.755.150
557 Shakher Taiwan VRN 210 Buah 6.037.590
558 Haematocryt Taiwan KHT 410 E Buah 8.166.890
559 Conford Bed Series Flower MAK 31804 (Bed Pasien VIP) Buah 16.434.240
560 Almari Obat Metal Rak Kaca ex : Lokal Uk. Standard 5 mm Buah 3.368.360
561 Almari Pasien Buah 10.756.290
562 Baju Pasien Anak Piyama anak 6 Th, Cotton, Color stel 131.400
563 Baju Pasien Anak Piyama anak 9 Th, Cotton, Color stel 138.200
564 Baju Pasien Anak Piyama anak 12 Th, Cotton, Color stel 159.970
565 Baju Pasien Dewasa Kimono, Cotton, Color stel 193.670
566 Baju Pasien Dewasa Kimono & Celana, Cotton, Color stel 237.540
567 Baju Pasien Dewasa Kimono & Celana, Cotton, Motif stel 277.030
568 Delivery Bed Celica, 557 Buah 5.094.700
569 Dreesing Cart Celica, 551 Buah 3.271.530
570 Laundry Cart Celica, 575 Buah 1.856.990
571 Nurse Cart Acare, EL 500 P Buah 20.504.090
572 Disp. Nurse Cap Buah 225.880
573 Plaster Troley Celica, 559 Buah 3.336.160
574 Utility Cart Celica, 5470 Buah 3.177.160
575 Utility Troly Celica, 566 Buah 1.713.070
576 Dreesing Table Cabinet for Baby Celica, 558 Buah 3.065.660
577 Oksigen Cylinder Trolley ex : Lokal IM3 Buah 257.550
578 Oksigen Cylinder Trolley ex : Lokal 1 1/2 m3 Buah 257.660
579 Oksigen Cylinder Trolley T. Sena, Kap. 1 m3 Buah 1.202.040
580 Oksigen Set Tabung Manometer Lengkap Kap. 1 M3 Buah 3.005.420
581 Standard Oksigen ex : Lokal 6 M3 Buah 686.940
582 Standard Oksigen Trolly ex : Lokal 1 M3 Buah 257.550
583 Oksigen Mask Adult Buah 12.100
584 Oksigen Mask Ped Buah 12.100
585 Curapor Ped Transparan Buah 6.750
586 Trolly Makan MAK, 35201 Buah 9.934.310
587 Pakaian Kerja Clarina, Jas Dokter Lengan Pendek stel 16.800
588 Pakaian Kerja Clarina, Jas Dokter Lengan Panjang stel 871.200
589 Pakaian Kerja Clarina, Lab. Jas Lengan Pendek stel 181.800
590 Pakaian Kerja Drill, Lab. Jas Lengan Panjang stel 218.930
591 Pakaian Kerja Apron, Plastik stel 33.600
592 Pakaian Kerja Apron, Drill stel 86.730
593 Iodine Cup SS, Ø : 8 cm Buah 25.470

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 72
1 2 3 4 5 6
594 Meja Mayo Standard dengan Band ex : Lokal 60 x 40 cm Buah 2.794.360
595 Standard Operating Scissor Yamaco, Cvd, Sharp/Sharp, 5.5" ss Buah 21.300
596 Standard Operating Scissor Yamaco, Cvd, Sharp/blunt, 5.5" ss Buah 21.300
597 Standard Operating Scissor Buah 21.300
598 Standard Heating Pad OP-200-00 unit 27.338.930
599 Silk Suture unit 65.600
600 Plain cat gut unit 65.540
601 Suture needle unit 88.170
602 Suture needle unit 25.580
603 Rubber catheter unit 12.740
604 Rubber unit 30.930
605 Alkohol Boiling Sterilisator unit 765.320
606 Linen Operasi unit 5.761.420
607 Linen Hamper Carriage unit 15.450.590
608 Accessories unit 2.739.200
1 Map (RM 1,2) Buah 4.830
2 Rekam Medis Pasien Rawat Jalan (RM 3) Lembar 290
3 Rekam Medis Pasien Gawat Darurat (RM 3a) Lembar 1.240
4 Kartu Pemeriksaan Obsestra (RM 4) Lembar 270
5 Kartu Pemeriksaan Ginekologi (RM 5) Lembar 270
6 Kartu Pemeriksaan Andrologi (RM 6) Lembar 270
7 Kartu Pemeriksaan Tumbuh Kembang (RM 7) Lembar 1.240
8 Kartu Pemeriksaan Bayi & Laktasi (RM 8) Lembar 290
9 Kartu Pemeriksaan Fisiotherapi (RM 9) Lembar 290
10 Kartu Pengantar RI (RM 10) Lembar 270
11 Kartu Pengantar RI (RM 10 a) Askes buku 30.680
12 Kartu Persetujuan RI (RM 11) Lembar 270
13 Kartu Penolakan RI (RM 12) Lembar 270
14 Lembar Pemeriksaan di Ruangan (RM 13) Lembar 270
15 Lembar Grafik (RM 14) Lembar 270
16 Lembar Visite dokter & instruksi obat (RM 15) Lembar 290
17 Daftar pemberian obat (RM 16) Lembar 290
18 Daftar Kontrol Istimewa (RM 17) Lembar 290
19 Lembar Pemberian Cairan Infus (RM 17a) Lembar 270
20 Rekaman pemberian tranfusi darah (RM 18) Lembar 270
21 Ringkasan keluar masuk pasien (Resume)(19) Buku 48.560
22 Lembar Perawatan ICU/ICCU (RM 20) Lembar 540
23 Lembar Neonatal Care Unit (RM 20a) Lembar 270
24 Lembar laporan anestesi (RM 21) Lembar 270
25 Lembar laporan operasi (RM 22) Lembar 270
26 Lembar Alih Rawat (RM 23) Lembar 270
27 Konsul antar SMF (RM 24) Lembar 270
28 Sebab kematian (RM 25) Lembar 270
29 Kartu pengunjung (RM 26) Lembar 360
30 KIUP (RM 27) Lembar 440
31 Lembar Partograf (RM 28) Lembar 270
32 Surat permintaan pemeriksaan radiologi (RM 29 ) Lembar 270
33 Surat permintaan Laboratorium (RM 30) Lembar 270
34 Surat permintaan elektromedik (RM 31) Lembar 270
35 Surat penolakan tindakan medis (RM 32) Lembar 270
36 Surat persetujuan (RM 33) Lembar 270
37 Lembar untuk menempel hasil EKG (RM 34) Lembar 270
38 Surat rujukan (RM 35) umum Lembar 270
39 Surat rujukan (RM 35a) Askes Buku 30.680
40 Sura rujukan balik (RM 36) Buku 2.640
41 Surat rujukan Neonatus (RM 36a) Buku 30.680
42 Hasil Pemeriksaan USG (RM 37) Buku 10.520
43 Pengkajian keperawatan umum, kebidanan,anak (RM 38 a) Lembar 270
44 Asuhan keperawatan (RM 38b) Lembar 270
45 Catatan perkembangan (RM 38c) Lembar 270
46 Resume keperawatan (RM 38d) Buku 30.680
47 Kartu indeks rawat inap (RM 39) Lembar 1.240
48 Kartu indeks rawat Jalan (RM 40) Lembar 1.240

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 73
1 2 3 4 5 6
49 Buku Echocardiografi (RM 41) Buku 3.080
50 Dok. Medik Medikal Cehck Up (RM 42) Buku 3.080
51 Asuhan Nutrisi I (RM 42a) Lembar 270
52 Asuhan Nutrisi II (RM 42b) Lembar 270
53 Konsumsi makanan pasien (RM 42c) Lembar 270
54 Grafik konsumsi energi (RM 42d) Lembar 270
55 Status SMF Anak (RM 43) Lembar 270
56 Status Neonatus (RM 44) Lembar 270
57 Lembar Pelayanan Fisiotherapi Lembar 270
58 Lembar Tindakan Medik & Terapi Lembar 270
59 Dok. Medik Medikal Cehck Up (RM 47) buku 3.080
60 Surat permintaan jaminan Hemodialisa (RM 48) Lembar 270
61 Laporan hasil Pemeriksaan Bronchoscopy (RM 49) Lembar 270
62 Hasil Pemeriksaan Endoscopy Lembar 270
63 Buku KIA (RM 51) buku 8.770
64 Blangko visite dokter muda (RM 52) Lembar 290
65 Lembar pemeriksaan poli khusus (RM 53) Lembar 540
66 Pemeriksaan persalinan (RM 54) Lembar 270
67 Hasil Pemeriksaan Colonoscopy (RM 55) Lembar 270
68 Pemeriksaan darah serum (L1) Lembar 290
69 Pemeriksaan Urine (L1a) Lembar 290
70 Hasil pemeriksaan kimia klinik (L2) Lembar 290
71 Hasil pemeriksaan cairan tubuh (L3) Lembar 290
72 Hasil pemeriksaan sero imonologi (L4) Lembar 290
73 Hasil pemeriksaan kultur bakteriologi (L5) Lembar 290
74 Hasil Pemeriksaan Analisis Sperma (L6) Lembar 290
75 Stiker Warna Lembar 270
76 Data Individual Pasien RI (RL 2.1) Lembar 270
77 Data Individual Pasien RI Obsteri (RL 2.2) Lembar 270
78 Data Individual Pasien RI Perinatal (RL 2.3) Lembar 270
79 Rekapitulasi Sensus Harian Lembar 270
80 Treacher Lembar 4.390
81 Form Asuhan Nutrisi Lembar 880
82 Blangko Askes Lembar 1.320
83 Sekat pemisah RJ & IGD Lembar 1.240
84 Sekat pemisah RI Lembar 1.240
85 Sekat Pemisah lain - lain Lembar 1.240
86 Surat Permi. Lami. Hemodialisa (RJI.19/Rm.29) Lembar 260
87 Rujukan Keluar Daerah (ASKES) @ (50 Set) Buku 50.840
88 Lap. Hasil Pemeriksaan Bronchoscopy (RJI.22) Lembar 260
89 Lem. Rujukan Keluar Daerah (Umum) (RJI.30) Lembar 260
90 Dokumen Medis ODC (RJ.1a) Buah 4.390
91 Lembar Neonatal Care Unit (Rm. 15a) Lembar 260
92 Buku Rek. Hasil Harian Hemotology Buku 57.850
93 Buku Rek. Hasil Harian Mikrobiology Buku 57.850
94 Buku Rek. Hasil Harian Urinelisa Buku 57.850
95 Daf. Bukti Pel. Ri. Lanjut Pasien ASKES Lembar 270
96 Kartu Sehat Lembar 540
97 Kartu Kontrol Bayi Lembar 800
98 RJ 21a Lembar 260
99 RJ 21b Lembar 260
100 RJ 22 Lembar 260
101 RJ 23 Lembar 260
102 Bahan makanan Penukar Lembar 880
103 Diabetes Melitus (DM) Lembar 880
104 Diet Lambung (DL) Lembar 880
105 Gizi Ibu Hamil Lembar 880
106 Gizi Ibu Menyusui Lembar 880
107 Gizi Usia Lanjut Lembar 880
108 Hati Kronik Lembar 880
109 Hemodialisa Lembar 880
110 Makanan Bayi sehat Lembar 880
111 Menu Sehat Bergizi Lembar 880
112 Modisco Lembar 880

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 74
1 2 3 4 5 6
113 Rendah Kolesterol & Lemak Terbatas Lembar 880
114 Rendah Garam (RG) Lembar 880
115 Rendah Kalori Lembar 880
116 Rendah Kalsium Tinggi Sisa Asam Lembar 880
117 Rendah protein (RT) Lembar 880
118 Rendah Purin (RPr) Lembar 880
119 Tetap Sehat dengan Diabet Lembar 880
120 Pembuatan poster buah 37.560
121 Pencetakan leflet lembar 3.130
122 Blangko resep bh 6.890
1 Batteray Bank Unit 374.500
2 Beaker Glass - Pyrex 10 ml Buah 28.890
- Pyrex 25 ml Buah 34.240
- Pyrex 50 ml Buah 32.100
- Pyrex 100 ml Buah 35.310
- Pyrex 250 ml Buah 39.590
- Pyrex 500 ml Buah 59.920
- Pyrex 1000 ml Buah 84.530
3 Waskom Cuci Mono - Merk Lokal Buah 278.200
- Made by stainless steel
- Measure 320 x 80 mm

4 Timbangan Merk : Smic - China Feature : 5 mm accuracy with two part of measurenment Weight and buah 1.070.000

height scale.

Construction : Iron casting Weight mesurenment scale MultiplySteel

for height Measurenment Aluminium Extrusion for healthy scale

- Finished : Powder Coafing Weight Scale Maximun Weight 120 Kg,

Minimun Weight 2,5 KgTolerance 0,5 Kg, Height Scale Measurenment

Area 750 - 1900 mm Tolerance 0,5 Kg

5 ECG ARHYTHMIAS SIMULATOR - Merk : Fluke Biomedical unit 32.100.000
- Model : PS-410
6 TACHOMETER - Merk : Ono Sokki unit 5.617.500
- Model : HT-4100
7 DIGITAL CALIPER - Merk : Mitutoyo unit 4.066.000
- Model : 500-196
- Range : 0-150 mm
8 Blood Bag, Triple bag 350 cc /CPDA buah 251.450
9 Blood Bank buah 92.014.650
10 Blood Lancet - Misawa 21 G; Merk : STERA, 1 box = 200 Unit Box 160.500
11 Blood Tranfusion set - Otsuka buah 24.650
12 Blue Tips Box 328.630
13 Cat Gut Chromic USP 0 Biodinamik/Resorba kt/75m 1.364.580
14 Cat Gut Chromic USP 1 Biodinamik/Resorba kt/75m 1.460.970
15 Cat Gut Chromic USP 2 Biodinamik/Resorba kt/50m 1.251.900
16 Cat Gut Chromic USP 2/0 Biodinamik/Resorba kt/100m 1.460.970
17 Cat Gut Chromic USP 3/0 Biodinamik/Resorba kt/100m 1.414.650
18 Cat Gut Chromic USP 4/0 Biodinamik/Resorba kt/100m 1.395.870
19 Cat Gut Chromic USP 2 - 0 Sinopharm-China, Uk. 24 x 150 cm Dos 196.880
20 Cat Gut Chromic USP 3 - 0 Sinopharm-China, Uk. 24 x 150 cm Dos 196.880
21 Cat Gut Plain USP 2 - 0 Sinopharm-China, Uk. 24 x 150 cm Dos 214.000
22 Cat Gut Plain USP 3 - 0 Sinopharm-China, Uk. 24 x 150 cm Dos 214.000
23 Cover Glass Box 11.190
24 Diamond Boor High speed buah 75.680
25 Disp. Syringe 1 cc (Insulin) Terumo buah 4.280
26 Disp. Syringe 1 cc (Tuberculin) Terumo buah 4.280
27 Disp. Syringe 10 cc Terumo buah 5.350
28 Disp. Syringe 2,5 / 3 cc Terumo buah 3.210
29 Disp. Syringe 5 cc Terumo buah 4.280
Disp. Syringe 10 cc Terumo buah 5.350
Disp. Syringe 20 cc Terumo buah 12.840
Disp. Syringe 50 cc Terumo buah 48.150
30 Disp. 1 ml ( BD Insulin ) Box 269.480
31 Disp. 3 ml Box 115.500
32 Disp. 5 ml Box 192.490
33 Elastic Verband 4" BSN roll 63.920

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 75
1 2 3 4 5 6
34 Elastic Verband 6" BSN roll 84.710
35 Elektrode Monitor Kancing, Bulat buah 5.010
36 Endotracheal 3 Troge / Hamburg buah 68.860
37 Endotracheal 3,5 Troge / Hamburg buah 68.860
38 Endotracheal 4 Troge / Hamburg buah 68.860
39 Endotracheal 5 Troge / Hamburg buah 68.860
40 Endotracheal 6,5 Troge / Hamburg buah 68.860
41 Ethilon 10-0 - sachet 212.830
42 Eugenol Chamex flas 73.150
43 Feeding tube No. 10 JMS buah 20.330
44 Feeding tube No. 5 JMS buah 20.330
45 Feeding tube No. 8 JMS buah 20.330
46 Fletcher powder - 25 gr botol 69.300
47 Foley Catheter No. 10 WRP/Rusch (Silikon Elstomen WRP) buah 19.260
48 Foley Catheter No. 12 WRP/Rusch (Silikon Elstomen WRP) buah 19.260
49 Foley Catheter No. 14 WRP/Rusch (Silikon Elstomen WRP) buah 19.260
50 Foley Catheter No. 16 WRP/Rusch (Silikon Elstomen WRP) buah 19.260
51 Foley Catheter No. 18 WRP/Rusch (Silikon Elstomen WRP) buah 19.260
52 Foley Catheter No. 20 WRP/Rusch (Silikon Elstomen WRP) buah 19.260
53 Foley Catheter No. 22 WRP/Rusch (Silikon Elstomen WRP) buah 19.260
54 Foley Catheter No. 24 WRP/Rusch (Silikon Elstomen WRP) buah 19.260
55 Foley Catheter No. 8 WRP/Rusch (Silikon Elstomen WRP) buah 19.260
56 Gaas Hydrofil 40 x 80 cm Omega roll 131.450
Gatindo roll 100.100
52 Gelang Bayi Biru pak 153.990
53 Gelang Bayi Merah buah 1.550
54 Gigi front RA Anterior Pigeon no 500,600,700 ktk/6'set 18.780
55 Gigi front RA Posterior Pigeon no 500,600,700 ktk/6'set 18.780
56 Gigi front RB Anterior Pigeon no 500,600,700 ktk/6'set 18.780
57 Gigi front RB Posterior Pigeon no 500,600,700 ktk/6'set 18.780
58 Gypsona 4" BSN roll 53.900
59 Gypsona 6" BSN roll 70.070
60 Handschound 6,5 Medigrip Ansell/Merapi pasang 12.840
61 Handschound 7 Medigrip Ansell/Merapi pasang 12.840
62 Handschound 7,5 Medigrip Ansell/Merapi pasang 12.840
63 Handschound 8 Medigrip Ansell/Merapi pasang 12.840
64 Hypafix (10 cm x 5 m) BSN roll 101.340
65 Hypafix (5 cm x 5 m) BSN roll 53.700
66 Infusion set anak Otsuka (OI 30) set 25.680
- Merk : Unionex - Korea set 9.630
- Merk : SKIFA set 6.420
67 Infusion set dewasa Otsuka buah 16.050
- Merk : Unionex - Korea set 6.420
- Merk : SKIFA set 7.490
68 IV Catheter no. 16 About buah 33.170
69 IV Catheter no. 18 Nipro / Terumo buah 33.170
70 IV Catheter no. 20 Nipro / Terumo buah 33.170
71 IV Catheter no. 22 Nipro / Terumo buah 33.170
72 IV Catheter no. 24 Nipro / Terumo buah 33.170
73 Jarum Operasi ( all number ) Many buah 88.550
74 Jarum Lumbar Fungsi All Number 27 G Bbroun / BD / Terumo buah 30.040
75 Jelly USG Parker - Aquasonic gallon 450.690
76 Jelly ECG Parker / Aquasonic tb/250 gr 68.860
77 Jelly EEG Elefix tb/400 gr 255.390
78 Kapas Putih Kapas Sari kg 133.960
79 Kapas Lemak Kapasari kg 57.590
80 Karet piller 5% Buah 32.880
81 Kertas CTG Toitu 0030-016 roll 876.330
82 Kertas ECG - 1 Channel (50 mm x 30 m/roll, Fukuda - Japan) roll 70.620
- 3 Channel (63 mm x 30 m,, Fukuda - Ex Japan) roll 219.350
- Lokal roll 63.130
- 60 x 30 roll 108.070
83 Kertas EEG - roll 26.960
84 Kertas USG Sony UPP-110 HA/HD roll 269.480

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 76
1 2 3 4 5 6
85 Kertas Sysmex Box 111.750
86 Kertas Treadmill Esaote pak 876.330
87 Labu Erlenmeyer 100 ml Pcs 64.200
88 Labu Erlenmeyer 200 ml Pcs 68.480
89 Labu Erlenmeyer 25 ml Pcs 59.820
90 Labu Erlenmeyer 250 ml Pcs 68.480
91 Labu Erlenmeyer 50 ml Pcs 64.200
92 Labu Erlenmeyer 500 ml Pcs 79.180
93 Lampu Bunsen Buah 19.250
94 Low speed Bor buah 88.550
95 Mikro Pipet 10 ul Finnpipette 4601 030 Buah 3.734.300
96 Mikro Pipet 100 ul Finnpipette 4601 070 Buah 3.734.300
97 Mikro Pipet 1000 ul Finnpipette 4601 110 Buah 3.734.300
98 Mikro Pipet 20 ul Finnpipette 4601 040 Buah 3.734.300
99 Mikro Pipet 200 ul Finnpipette 4601 080 Buah 3.734.300
100 Mikro Pipet 25 ul Finnpipette 4601 050 Buah 3.734.300
101 Mikro Pipet 250 ul Finnpipette 4601 090 Buah 3.734.300
102 Mikro Pipet 50 ul Finnpipette 4601 060 Buah 3.734.300
103 Mikro Pipet 500 ul Finnpipette 4601 100 Buah 3.734.300
104 Mikrop Pipet Multi Canel ( 8 Canel ) Buah 14.628.460
105 Mucus Extractor Terumo buah 17.530
106 N2 Medical (NORMAL) Dr.Sargenti set 438.170
107 Nasal Oksigen Canulla ( 200 cm) - buah 15.410
108 Needle 21 G Terumo buah 3.760
109 Plastik Kondom buah 25.040
110 Ose jarum Buah 13.100
111 Ose lingkar standard Buah 13.100
112 Ose tumpul Buah 13.100
113 Petridis besar buah 65.730
114 Petridis sedang Buah 65.730
115 Pinset lurus Buah 9.240
116 Pipet Volume 1 ml Pyrex/setara Buah 23.540
117 Pipet Volume 10 ml Pyrex/setara Buah 29.960
118 Pipet Volume 5 ml Pyrex/setara Buah 28.890
119 Pipet Volume 2 ml Pyrex/setara Buah 50.290
120 Pipet Volume 25 ml Pyrex/setara Buah 33.170
121 Rak Tabung 3 cc ( Acrilic isi 100 ) Buah 394.350
122 Rak Tabung 5 cc ( Acrilic isi 100 ) Buah 394.350
123 Reader Unit 394.350
124 Scalpel Blades no. 11 Aesculap buah 269.480
125 Scalpel Blades no. 15 Aesculap buah 269.480
126 Scalpel Blades no. 20 Aesculap buah 269.480
127 Scalpel Handle no. 3 Cat. No. 10-130-03 ;Merk : Martin, Jerman buah 385.200
128 Scalpel Handle no. 4 Cat. No. 10-100-04 ;Merk : Martin, Jerman buah 385.200
129 Scalpel Handle no. 7 Cat. No. 10-137-07 ;Merk : Martin, Jerman buah 1.143.830
130 Scalpel Handle no. 31 Cat. No. 10-133-31 ;Merk : Martin, Jerman buah 931.970
131 Scalvein / wing needle 21 G Otsuka buah 13.150
132 Scalvein / wing needle 23 G Otsuka buah 13.150
133 Scalvein / wing needle 25 G Otsuka buah 13.150
134 Scalvein / wing needle 27 G Otsuka buah 13.150
135 Slide Glass Box 13.150
136 Spuit 1 cc (Insulin) Box 13.100
137 Spuit 3 cc Box 3.080
138 Spuit 5 cc Box 1.700
139 Stomach tb. ( Maagslang no. 12 ) Terumo / Nipro buah 28.890
140 Stomach tb. ( Maagslang no. 12 ) Terumo / Nipro buah 28.890
141 Stomach tb. ( Maagslang no. 18 ) Terumo / Nipro buah 28.890
142 Tabung Venojec 3 cc Box 394.350
143 Tabung Venojec 5 cc Box 394.350
144 Three Way + selang 10 cm JMS/BD buah 35.060
145 Urine Bag One Med buah 5.400
146 Washer Unit 394.350
147 Yellow Tips Box 269.480

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 77
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Drying Oven - Merk Blinder; Type ED 53; 53 liter Unit 17.776.980
2 Keratometer Without Stand - Merk Shin Nippon - Japan; Type SO - 21 Unit 46.946.250
3 Excelent Elektric Stand For Keratometer Unit 7.436.290
4 Slit Lamp AIA - 11 Unit 34.799.070
5 Mikroskop Operasi OP - 2Z Unit 186.278.970
6 Operating Microscope - Merk Shin Nippon - Japan; Type OP 2 Zoom Unit 187.785.000
7 Elektric Stand For Keratometer - Merk Shin Nippon - Japan Unit 7.511.400
8 Film Type Green - SHRGU 18 x 24 cm-Blue; Merk Fuji Film box/100 1.115.450
- SHRGU 24 x 30 cm-Blue; Merk Fuji Film box/100 1.805.240
- SHRGU 30 x 40 cm-Blue; Merk Fuji Film box/100 2.874.370
- SHRGU 35 x 35 cm-Blue; Merk Fuji Film box/100 3.117.240
- SHRGU 35 x 43 cm-Blue; Merk Fuji Film box/100 3.825.810
- Super RX 18 x 24 cm; Merk Fuji Film box/100 1.115.450
- Super RX 24 x 30 cm; Merk Fuji Film box/100 1.805.240
- Super RX 30 x 40 cm; Merk Fuji Film box/100 2.874.370
- Super RX 35 x 35 cm; Merk Fuji Film box/100 3.117.240
- Super RX 35 x 43 cm; Merk Fuji Film box/100 3.825.810
- MI - FA 70 mm x 30,5 m; Merk Fuji Film Buah 1.245.650
9 Sit Lamp - Merk Appsamy - India; Type AIA - 11 unit 35.053.200
10 Termometer Digital - Merk GEA Buah 62.600
11 Termometer Digital Flexible - Merk GEA Buah 78.250
12 Tensimeter Clock - Merk GEA Buah 101.410
13 Tensimeter Mercury - Merk GEA Buah 297.330
14 Glucosure Plus (medisafe mini starter pack) - Merk Terumo set 1.852.820
15 Anasthesia Machine - Merk SMEF-Shanghai Type MHJ-IIIB2 Unit 213.605.440
16 Emergency Ventilator Merk SMEF - Shanghai Type SC-J1 Unit 30.515.070
17 Electrical Ventilator Merk SMEF - Shanghai Type SC-5A Unit 117.365.630
18 Glucosure Plus ( medisafe mini stater pack ) Merk - Terumo Set 1.627.470
19 Sit lamp Haag Streit , W Halogen Lamp And
Electric Stand Merk Appsamy Type AlA-11 Unit 34.802.820
20 Electric Hospital Bed ( Germany Motor ) Merk Acare Type HCB-8322 H Unit 28.989.000
21 Gynaecology Bed Electric Merk Acare Type HCB - 04 LY Unit 61.812.570
22 ICCU-ICU Electric Hospital Bed Merk Acare Type HCB-3332 H Unit 44.598.940
23 Glucosure Plus (Medisafe Mini Stater Pack ) Merk Terumo Set 1.607.440
24 Stetoscope Baby Merk Reister Buah 563.360
25 Operating Microscope Merk Shin Nippon-Japan Type OP 2 Zoom Unit 189.662.850
26 NP CAP Ventilator Merk Resmed Type VPAP III STA Unit 234.731.250
27 Timbangan Bayi Digital Merk GEA - USA Type RGZ 20 Buah 1.126.710
28 Radiant Warmer Merk David Ningbo-China Type HKN 9010 Unit 40.686.750
29 Incubator With Servo Control Merk David Ningbo-China Type YP 90 A Unit 47.572.200
30 Resuscitator Set Infant for Neonatus Merk Blue Cross Type JC-FP Set 6.134.310
31 Biometri & USG Merk TOMEY AL - 100; Japan Set 73.236.150
Trial Lens Set Corrected cvd sph+ 20,0 Cyl + 6.0 Without trial frame, ex
32 Trial Lens Set Set 26.289.900
1 Abdominal Urology set 1.154.880
2 Abortus Tang bh 115.500
Accudrill complete incl, 2Batteries Charging Unit
3 set 199.939.430
220 V and 3 jaw chuck
4 Adenoid Tang bh 657.250
5 Alat Cukur Buah 13.780
6 ALAT CWL SET Curetage Sinus Besar set 34.258.060
Zondage Slim dan Knop
7 ALAT PASANG WIRE + KISTA OPERASI Arteri Klem Bengkok set 92.943.950
8 Alat peraga lengkap/Skill Lab Pkt
9 ALAT PTERIGIUM SET Gaak Palpebrae Kecil set 4.769.740
10 Alat Rawat Luka set 206.570
11 ALAT REPAIR SET set 657.250
12 ALAT STERIL SET Arteri Klem Pean set 1.130.470
13 Alat test Stanford binet + Form bh 3.129.750
14 Alat Timpanoplasty Set set 137.709.000
15 Alat Traksi Buah 4.131.270
16 Ambubag ( Bayi ) 1.015.550
17 Ambubag Dewasa bh 2.191.300
18 Ambubag Neonatus bh 1.877.850

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 78
1 2 3 4 5 6
19 Ambubag Set bh 26.290
20 Ambulance Stretcher Unit 87.504.060
21 Amputasi Set Akerpe On gaak set 102.029.850
22 Anasthesy Machine + Ventilator Unit 1.151.748.000
23 Anatomi Pincet buah 44.080
24 Anuscope set set 18.778.500
25 Appendictomy Instrument set set 81.373.500
26 Appendictomy Set Anatomi Pincet Set 52.214.250
27 Arteri Kleam Pean Besar Buah 128.320
28 Arteri Kleam Pean Lurus Buah 92.970
29 Arteri Klem Choker lurus Buah 131.430
30 Arteri Klem Ckoher Buah 84.140
31 Arteri Klem Ckoher Bengkok Sedang Buah 788.700
32 Arteri Klem Ckoher Panjang Buah 788.700
33 Arteri Klem Panjang Buah 867.570
34 Arteri Klem Panjang Lurus Buah 788.700
35 Arteri Klem Pean Anatomi Buah 89.520
36 Arteri Klem Pean Bengkok Buah 92.970
37 Arteri Klem Pean Bengkok Besar Buah 788.700
38 Arteri Klem Pean Bengkok Sedang Buah 92.970
39 ri klem Pean Panjang Ujung melengkung kedalam Buah 92.970
40 Arteri Pean Bengkok Kecil Buah 89.520
41 Arthroscopy set set 691.299.180
42 Audiometer set 68.854.500
43 Auto Refractokeratometer ( ARK ) set 82.625.400
44 Autoclav Dual System besar Unit 375.570.000
45 Autoclave Unit 293.479.790
46 Automatic Elektric Sterilisator Buah 2.155.780
47 Autopsi Set Unit 31.297.500
48 Autoscope bh 1.154.880
49 AVM (Aspirasi Vacum Manual) set 8.262.540
50 Bak Instrumen 40 x 40 cm Buah 639.730
51 Bak Instrumen Besar bh 346.470
52 Bak Instrumen Kecil bh 50.060
53 Bak Instrumen Sedang bh 115.500
54 Bak Jarum Buah 50.060
55 Bak Spuit 15 x 20 cm Buah 89.520
56 Balon laringoskop Anak Buah 269.480
57 Balon laringoskop Dewasa Buah 269.480
58 Balon Slym pak 23.110
59 Balon Suction Buah 1.821.900
60 Bandage Set Set 19.329.220
61 Bantal Panas ( untuk kompres) Buah 100.100
62 Basic Eye Set Set 104.603.200
63 Basic Obgyn Set Set 129.112.400
64 Bed Gynecology Unit 1.439.750
65 Bed Screen Unit 438.870
66 Bed side monitor unit 69.292.670
67 Bedah Sinus Endoskopik Fungsional set 275.418.000
68 Bedah Mata Kecil / INCISI Chalazion Pincet Kecil set 6.488.600
69 Bedside Cabinet Unit 2.463.740
70 Bedside Monitor Unit 69.292.670
71 Bladder set set 78.243.750
72 Boneka : rol model seluruh tubuh. Set 2.309.760
73 Bor Tulang Listrik unit 11.548.780
74 Boston Test (terapi wicara) buah 19.279.260
75 Brankard buah 15.167.400
76 Byopsi Hati bh 269.480
77 Canul Suction bh 325.500
78 Canula A Set Buah 5.613.520
79 Cardio Tocographi unit 55.083.600
80 C-arm Simadzu + 2 Monitor Unit 1.251.900.000
81 C-arm X-Ray GE Ever View 7500 set 1.251.900.000
82 Cassete Screen 18x24 Buah 6.885.450

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 79
1 2 3 4 5 6
83 Cassete Screen 20x30 Buah 12.519.000
84 Cassete Screen 30x40 Buah 18.778.500
85 Cassete Screen 35x35 Buah 15.648.750
86 Catarac Set Arteri Klem Lurus Set 162.703.130
87 Ceiling Operating Lamp Unit 23.097.560
88 Cement Spatel bh 38.500
89 Cement Stopper bh 38.500
90 Cerumen Haak Buah 34.650
91 Chalation Apparat set 51.684.950
92 Chalazion instrument set set 31.297.500
93 Chamber Pot Adult Unit 26.778.150
94 Chamber Pot For Woman Unit 4.635.790
95 Chamber Pot Pediatric Unit 26.778.150
96 Circumsisi Set Set 81.611.430
97 Cito Ject set 5.774.400
98 Continuous suction set 10.008.950
99 Cotton Dispencer Unit 269.480
100 Craniotomy Instrument Set Set 174.690.130
101 CTG unit 281.676.880
- CORPUS ALENIUM SET Atharcope set 46.476.790
102 Curetage Mastoid Kecil bh 331.760
103 Curetage Mastoid Sedang bh 331.760
104 Dc Shock set 167.628.770
105 Dc Shock Monitor Buah 247.210.040
106 DC Shock Otomatis Sinkron Unit 18.778.500
107 Defibrilator Unit 288.671.240
108 Delivery Bed With Foor Rest Unit 476.001.620
109 Dental Chair & Unit unit 55.083.600
- Classe A6 International, Anthos - Italy unit 481.500.000
- Classe A3 International, Anthos - Italy unit 374.500.000
- Quality, Olsen - Brazil unit 69.550.000
- S2302, Northwest - RRC unit 85.600.000
110 Dental X-Ray Unit 1.564.875.000
- BelRay 096 FM, Belmont - Japan Unit 74.900.000
111 Diagnostic Set Set 2.078.780
112 Diagnostik set universal bh 7.041.940
113 Dilatation & Curretage Set Set 72.577.410
114 Disecting Table Unit 69.360.270
115 Doek Klem Buah 38.500
116 Doek Lubang 50 x 50 cm Buah 139.440
117 Doppler unit 1.154.880
118 Double Bowl Stand Unit 230.980
119 Dressing Card Buah 6.878.570
120 Dressing Trolley Unit 461.960
121 Ear Instrument Set set 183.653.730
ECG Monitor 3 Channels merk Nihon Kohden 9022 K Buah 18.778.500
122 ECG Diagnostik ( optional ) Buah 199.595.430
123 ECG Ultrasound Unit 1.001.520.000
124 Echocardiografi Unit 1.251.900.000
125 EKG - 12 channel + stress test system Buah 512.498.970
126 Ekokardiografi ( ultrasound ) unit 1.101.672.000
127 Electro Surgical Unit Unit 207.854.530
Electro Surgical Unit Bipolar merk Hansa 300 Germany) Unit 59.465.250
128 Elektroda ECG Buah 269.480
129 Elektroda Monitor ECG Buah 323.890
130 Embryotomy Set Set 87.576.040
131 Emergency Endotracheal Instrumen set set 47.662.330
132 Emergency Kit / Tool Box Buah 10.689.670
133 EMERGENCY LAMP ( LAMPU EMERGENCY ) unit 155.485.980
134 Emergency Stretcher Unit 15.167.400
135 Emergency Trolley merk MAK 36603 Unit 3.129.750
136 Emergency Ventilator Unit 91.376.810
137 Endoskopi Unit 2.190.825.000
138 Endotracheal Tube With Cuff 2,5 bh 281.680

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 80
1 2 3 4 5 6
139 Epilator bh 1.415.900
140 ESWL Unit 23.489.528.970
141 Examination Lamp Unit 1.462.850
142 Examination Lamp Mobile Unit 8.469.110
143 Face Mask ( Anak ) bh 312.980
144 Face Mask Transparan: 3,4,5 bh 3.295.630
145 Face Mask u/ Ambubag bh 312.980
146 Flow meter Bh 5.680.500
147 Foto Fundus set 275.418.000
148 Freeser Gigi set 76.830
149 Fundus Camera bh 312.975.000
150 Funduskopi unit 4.131.270
151 Gama Camera Unit 2.190.825.000
152 Gelas ukur Buah 204.500
153 Gergaji Gips ( Listrik ) bh 42.316.730
154 Ghaas Hydrophile 40 X 80 cm Rol 118.440
155 GLAUCOMA SET Arteri Klem Lurus set 56.655.990
156 Gunting Angkat jahitan 14 cm buah 77.620
157 Gunting Begkok Tumpul buah 575.880
158 Gunting Benang Bengkok Tumpul buah 575.880
159 Gunting Bengkok Tajam buah 575.880
Gunting Bengkok - Merk : Medicon, Jerman; Art. No.203-51-17 pc 1.291.490
160 Gunting Bulu Hidung buah 51.150
161 Gunting Bulu Mata buah 46.480
162 Gunting Episiotomi 18 cm buah 89.520
163 Gunting Gips buah 622.050
164 Gunting Jaringan buah 89.520
165 Gunting kecil tajam bengkok buah 51.650
166 Gunting kecil tajam lurus buah 89.520
167 Gunting lurus tajam kecil buah 89.520
168 Gunting lurus tumpul buah 82.630
169 Gunting Neckrotomi buah 82.630
170 Gunting Panjang buah 65.100
171 Gunting perban bengkok buah 140.840
172 Hak Mata buah 953.720
173 Halogen Sport Life Unit 54.135.050
174 Hammer Sedang psg 84.890
175 Heacting set 681.660
176 Hecting Set buah 1.550.180
177 HERNIOTOMY SET Anatomi Pincet set 181.441.630
178 Hidrotubator unit 13.770.900
179 Histerectomy Set Set 56.028.230
180 Hordeolum set set 11.267.100
181 Hordeulum Set Surgery set 4.919.120
182 Humvrey Perimeter unit 578.377.800
183 Incubator Buah 100.152.000
184 Infra Red Radiation 4 Lamp unit 464.780
185 Infusion Pump Unit 56.335.500
186 Infution Stand Unit 2.190.830
187 Instrument Trolley Unit 5.007.600
188 Irigator lengkap Buah 617.190
189 Jarum Biopsi Hati unit 344.280
190 Jarum Biopsi Hati 1,2 unit 8.262.540
191 Jarum Biopsi Hati 1,4 unit 8.262.540
192 Jarum Biopsi Hati 1,6 unit 8.262.540
193 Jarum BMP Anak unit 166.260
194 Jarum BMP Bokong Buah 250.380.000
195 Jarum BMP Dewasa unit 166.170
196 Jarum BMP Sternum Buah 188.820
197 Jarum Dewasa jam shidi ukuran 1,2 Buah 188.820
198 Jarum Heacting Kulit unit 166.170
199 Jarum Heacting Otot unit 166.170
200 Kabel Elektrik EKG Ukuran 2 3 1 Buah 6.872.400
201 Kantong Jenazah Unit 18.778.500

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 81
1 2 3 4 5 6
202 Kaset Film Foro Thorax + Screen Buah 4.381.650
203 Kaset Film Mamografi + Screen Buah 4.694.630
204 Kaset PAnoramic + Screen Buah 8.763.300
205 Kasur Decubitus Buah 30.990
206 Keranda/kereta dorong Buah 14.252.890
207 Kereta O2 unit 1.721.370
208 Kidney Bowl Unit 91.276.030
209 Klem Kocher Lurus Buah 47.520
210 Knop Sonde Buah 18.770
211 Kom Besar - Merk : Medicon, Jerman; Art. No.47-31-04 pc 214.000
212 Kom Bulat ( 15 - 20 cm ) Buah 275.420
213 Kom Kecil - Merk : Medicon, Jerman; Art. No.47-31-02 pc 165.850
214 Kom kecil ( Rawat luka ) Buah 165.260
215 Korentang Unit 91.276.030
216 Kruk / Tongkat Ketiak pasang 241.000
217 Kunci O2 Buah 137.710
218 Kursi Roda Buah 1.959.770
219 Labioplasty Set Set 52.060.270
220 LABIOPLASTY SET Arteri Klem Bengkok Kecil set 100.183.300
221 Laminectomy Instrument set set 278.547.750
222 Lampu Baca RO unit 2.100.070
223 Lampu Emergency unit 20.449.790
224 Lampu Kepala (Head Lamp) HEINE unit 10.328.180
Merk : Welch Allyn, USA; Model : 49022 pc 13.048.650
225 Lampu Senter buah 32.550
226 Lampu Sorot unit 10.328.180
227 Lampu Sorot Portable Ex. China unit 2.033.000
228 Laparaskopi + Training Unit 375.570.000
229 LAPARATOMI SET Anatomi Pincet Panjang set 181.441.630
230 LAPARATOMI SET PEDIATRICK Arteri Klem Bengkok set 134.401.490
231 Laringoscope unit 11.042.390
232 Laringoscope Adult Set Set 8.750.410
233 Laringoscope Anak buah 4.269.300
234 Laringoscope Dewasa set 4.269.300
235 Laringoscope Pediatric Set Set 6.588.010
236 Laringoscpe Bayi set 6.763.550
237 Lemari Instrument 2 Pintu Unit 73.467.130
238 Lengan model untuk pemasangan infus. Set 3.442.730
239 Lens Meter Buah 241.000
240 Light Chest bh 7.511.400
241 Light Curing Komposit +Komposit + Etsa + Bonding + Microbrush set 5.508.360
242 Linen Trolley Unit 53.691.620
243 Linex Unit 2.190.825.000
244 Liver Biopsi Instrument Set Set 60.476.790
245 Loupe Buah 1.003.910
246 Manchet anak bh 85.460
247 Mangkok Alkohol Buah 206.570
248 Manset Dewasa Buah 42.350
249 Martil ( Penggerus Obat ) Buah 75.740
250 Masker O2 Buah 85.390
251 Mastectomy Set Set 7.437.430
252 Mastoidectomy Set 91.647.980
253 Mata Boor High Speed bh 12.519.000
254 Matrix Holder ( Alat Konservasi ) bh 180.660
255 Mayo Cup ( Segala Ukuran ) Buah 152.870
256 Mayo Cup 1 Buah 152.870
257 Mayo Cup 2 Buah 152.870
258 Mayo Cup 3 Buah 152.870
259 Mayo Cup 4 Buah 152.870
260 Mayo Cup 5 Buah 152.870
261 Mayo Table Unit 7.511.400
262 Mayo Tube Unit 144.397.530
263 Mayor Basic Instrument Set Set 144.400.410
264 Mayor Surgery Set Set 288.800.820

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 82
1 2 3 4 5 6
265 Medicine Trolley Unit 219.926.290
266 Meja Gynekologi Buah 3.601.100
267 Mesin Anestesi Buah 1.677.827.310
268 Mesin Bor Teknik unit 13.770.900
269 Microscope Mata Buah 16.014.310
270 Mikroskop Operasi Telinga set 137.709.000
271 Minor Basic Instrument Set Set 66.153.530
272 Minor Surgery Set ( Hordeulum ) unit 18.027.360
273 Mobil Jenazah Unit 438.165.000
274 Mobil Jenazah + Tandu Buah 274.729.460
275 Mobile Emergency Lamp With Dry Battery set 20.449.790
276 Mobile Lamp set 44.755.430
277 Monitoring Bayi Buah 397.748.360
278 Mortuary Refrigerator 4 Bodies Unit 471.950.030
279 Mouth Mirrow Buah 646.750
280 Naal Poeder Buah 7.152.780
281 Nasal Set Set 334.781.480
282 Nasal Speculum Unit 1.098.550
283 Nebulizer unit 13.220.070
284 Nebulizer Anak unit 3.254.940
285 Nebulizer Automatis (OMR-CX3) unit 18.792.990
286 Nebulizer Dewasa unit 8.137.350
287 Nier Bekken Sedang Buah 33.880
288 Nierbeken Buah 49.120
289 Non Contact Tonometer Buah 108.110
290 Obat Plisket botol 5.250
291 Oesophagoskop Rigid unit 103.281.750
292 Oksigen unit 159.900
293 Oksigen Monitor Unit 281.677.500
294 Oksigen Set set 56.486.040
295 Open Alat Steril Unit 12.519.000
296 Operating Lamp Unit 303.926.150
297 Operating Microscope set 550.836.000
298 Operating Table - Type : PAOTE - 02 Unit 59.920.000
299 Opthalmoscope set 21.709.320
315 ORTHOPEDI SET DASAR Bor Listrik set 232.628.060
316 Othoscope set 1.170.530
317 Otomatic Prosesing Film Unit 375.570.000
318 OTV Universal Unit 2.228.382.000
319 Oxygen Therapy Set Set 10.092.200
320 Oxymetri Buah 37.557.000
321 Panoramic Buah 17.714.390
322 Papan observasi pasien Buah 48.200
323 Papan Spalk 100 cm Lembar 3.450
324 Papan Spalk 50 cm Lembar 2.040
325 Partus Set Set 211.606.350
326 Patient Bed With Mattras Unit 164.124.090
327 Patient Strecher Unit 23.371.850
328 Pendingin jenazah Buah 24.539.750
329 Penjepit Amplas ( Gigi ) Buah 17.100
330 Percusi hamer Buah 386.530
331 Photo Therapi set 251.966.160
332 Pigtail Kecil Set 2.433.070
333 Pincet Adson Chirurgi buah 67.150
334 Pincet Anatomi buah 67.150
Pincet Anatomis - Merk : Medicon, Jerman; Art. No. 06 - 00 - 14 pc 164.780
- Merk : Medicon, Jerman; Art. No. 06 - 00 - 16 pc 170.130
335 Pinset Bayonet ( pincet Hidung ) Buah 48.200
336 Pispot Buah 117.060
337 Pleural Biopsi Instrument Set Set 46.907.450
338 Portable Suction set 35.694.180
339 Press ( Gigi ) Set 130.860
340 Prim Traction Set set 432.141.180
341 Probe B Scan USG Mata set 61.693.640

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 83
1 2 3 4 5 6
342 PROSTATEKTOMI SET Arteri Klem Kocher set 181.441.630
343 Rak Kaca / Lemari Kaca buah 130.830
345 Rangka Manusia Anatomi Unit 62.595.000
346 Reflek Hamer buah 1.308.240
347 Regulator Oksigen buah 1.558.320
348 Respirator Set set 621.328.470
349 Resusisator Neonatal set 188.526.760
350 Resusitasi Anak Unit 12.467.680
351 Resusitasi Dewasa Unit 11.877.410
352 Resusitator set 3.055.860
353 Resusitator Bed for Infant set 3.371.130
354 Sarung tangan - Tebal pasang 13.780
- Borg Sterille made in Jerman pasang 22.470
355 Sectio Caesarean Set Set 2.444.590
356 Selang Irigator Buah 137.710
357 Selang Suction Buah 137.710
358 Sendok Cetak ( Gigi ) Buah 24.420
359 Sepatu both Psg 82.630
360 Short Plastik Buah 103.290
361 Sikat botol Buah 8.280
362 Simulator Unit 1.877.850.000
363 Skin Graft set set 75.114.000
364 Slym Zuiger Portable Buah 23.341.680
365 Slyp Zonde Buah 23.040
366 SMR SET Bengkok set 68.854.500
367 Snellen Chart Buah 1.032.820
368 Speculum Hidung Buah 619.530
369 Speculum Killian Buah 813.200
370 Speculum Telinga Buah 1.230.500
371 Sphygmomanometer Unit 4.381.650
372 Spirometer Unit 37.181.430
373 Spons 1m X 2m X 3cm Lembar 5.520
374 Sprider Buah 4.957.530
375 Spuit Glas 10 cc Buah 89.520
376 Spuit Glas 5 cc Buah 75.740
377 Spuit Glyserine Buah 172.140
378 Standart Infus Steinlestil Buah 1.431.490
379 Steam Sterilizer Unit 293.494.190
380 Sterilisator Kering (Ozon) Buah 78.118.560
381 Sterilisator Panas Buah 241.000
382 Stethoscope Buah 851.300
383 Stetoscop Anak Buah 488.250
384 Stetoscop Dewasa Buah 1.464.730
385 Stone ( Gigi ) Buah 9.770
386 Suction Buah 49.672.080
387 Suction Bayi Buah 49.672.080
388 Suction Portable Buah 31.986.050
389 Suction Pump - Merk : Medela, Switzerland; Type Basic 30 Mobile Buah 51.897.140
390 Sungkem O2 ( Dewasa ) Buah 206.570
391 Sungkem untuk Bayi Buah 68.860
392 Syringe Pump Unit 88.713.390
393 Tangkai Mess Buah 37.880
394 Tangkai Silet box 213.450
395 Tempat Korentang Buah 2.137.940
396 Tensimeter Anak buah 3.971.660
397 Tensimeter Berdiri Buah 4.193.870
398 Tensimeter berdiri dewasa Buah 1.585.970
399 Tensimeter Duduk ( Anak ) Buah 3.971.660
400 Tensimeter Duduk ( Dewasa ) Buah 3.971.660
401 Tensimeter Elektrik Buah 1.097.920
402 Termometer Biasa Buah 413.130
403 Termometer Digital Buah 137.710
404 Thermometer Unit 3.599.220

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 84
1 2 3 4 5 6
- Merk Inovasi, IS-0002 (Large) Pcs 9.100
- Merk Inovasi, IS-0002 (Medium) Pcs 13.650
405 Thorax Pump Unit 9.389.250
406 Thorax pump ( suction thorax utk pnemotherapy ) unit 4.544.400
407 THT / OSE Set set 46.490
408 Timbangan Bayi unit 7.298.580
409 Timbangan Berdiri unit 16.387.380
410 Timbangan Dewasa Merk : Lokal buah 2.541.250
411 Timbangan Badan Berdiri Health Scale model TZ 120 buah 2.464.210
412 Timpanoplasti Set Set 125.190.000
413 Tongue Spatel Set 16.280
414 Tonometyer Set 2.595.820
415 Trachecanul set 527.050
416 Tracheotomy Set Set 31.760.900
417 Trauma Set Arteri Klem Bengkok set 27.541.800
418 Trial Frame 58 set 1.380.370
419 Trial Frame 60 set 1.380.370
420 Trial Frame 64 set 1.380.370
421 Trial Frame 70 set 1.380.370
422 Trial Lens set 38.399.130
423 Trial Peam PD No. 60 mm bh 1.254.880
424 Trial Peam PD No. 64 / 66 bh 1.254.880
425 Trial Peam PD No. 70 / 68 bh 1.254.880
426 Tripot Buah 688.550
427 Troicard Blass Fistula Buah 2.065.640
428 Troicard Pleura Pungtie Buah 2.065.640
429 Tromol Unit 9.127.610
430 Tromol 12 x 5 cm unit 343.940
431 Tromol 18 x 12 cm unit 589.340
432 Tromol Besar Bulat unit 5.783.780
433 Tubektomy Instrument set set 15.648.750
434 Tutup Korentang unit 2.137.940
435 U S G unit 137.709.000
436 Ultrasonic Nebulizer Unit 17.823.310
437 Ultrasonic Scaler unit 5.508.360
438 Urinal set 86.080
439 Urinal Email Unit 960.140
440 Urinal Pot for Man Unit 938.930
441 Urinal Pot for Woman Unit 938.930
442 UV Room Sterilizer Unit 11.267.100
443 Vacum Extraksi set 9.062.980
444 Vagina Speculum set 158.370
445 Vagina Speculum bh 415.810
446 Vena Sectio Set Set 7.313.600
447 Venaseksi set 88.176.460
448 Ventilator Unit 375.570.000
449 Ventilator Dewasa Unit 375.570.000
450 Ventilator Pediatrik Unit 375.570.000
451 Ventilator Portable bh 239.613.660
452 WSD set 378.168.200
453 WSD Set Anak set 11.748.710
454 X Ray Film Veiwer Unit 4.381.650
455 X-Ray Mobile Unit 802.912.330
456 Bed Side Cabinet Merk : Periksa, Type :PABC 01 unit 3.210.000
457 Tempat Tidur Pasien Type PAHB-02, Manual 1 crack (stainles) unit 8.881.000
Type PAHB-02, Manual 2 crack (stainles) unit 9.951.000
Type PAHB-02, Manual 3 crack (stainles) unit 12.074.950
458 Tempat Tidur Bayi Type PABB-02 unit 4.413.750
459 Dental Cabinet steel sheet (56x42Lx95T cm) Type PADC 01 unit 24.342.500
460 Dental Cabinet steel sheet (56x42Lx95T cm) Type PA DCS 025-01BSS unit 48.874.390
461 Emergency stretcher back (200Px60Lx85T cm) Type PAES 02 unit 8.025.000
462 Emergency trolley Type PAMT 01 unit 7.383.000
463 Halogen Examination Lamp Type PAHE 02 unit 3.424.000
464 Infusion stand SS Type Type PAIS 02 unit 1.284.000

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 85
1 2 3 4 5 6
465 Instrument cabinet Type PAIC 01 unit 3.852.000
466 Instrument cabinet Type PAIC 01 unit 4.708.000
467 Instrument trolley type std Type PAIT 02 unit 2.461.000
468 Meja gynaekolog stainless (195Px60Lx75T cm) Type PAMG 02 unit 7.490.000
469 Verlos bed stainless steel (210Px80Lx100T cm) Type PAVB 02 unit 9.630.000
470 Examination table (190Px60Lx80T cm) Type PAET 02 unit 5.029.000
471 Bowl stand rack type Type PABS 02 unit 2.675.000
472 Bowl stand Type PABS 017 - 12BSS unit 2.600.100
473 Ambulance folding stretcher Type PAFS 02 unit 28.890.000
474 Oxygen trolley assemble Type PAOT 01 unit 1.070.000
475 Overbed table Type PAOB 02 unit 3.831.670
476 Ultra violet room Type PAUV 01 unit 13.910.000
477 Dressing trolley Type PADT 02 unit 5.671.000
478 Foot trolley cabinet 8 tray Type PAFT 02 unit 6.634.000
479 Operating table Type PAOTE 02 unit 59.920.000
480 Gynaecological chair Type PAGCE 02 unit 44.940.000
481 Versatile treatments table Type KA009 00BSS unit 52.441.770
482 Keranda Jenazah Merk : Becton Dickinson buah 3.039.870
483 Auto disable syringe Soloshot Fx-tm buah 2.140
484 Disposible Syringe Ukuran1/2 cc Soloshot 23G x 1" buah 5.350
485 Kateter Nelaton NO.6, 8, 12, 14, 16, 18, 22 buah 6.420
486 Stethoscope Type cardiology unit 900.940
Type spectrum lines nurses unit 63.130
487 Tensimeter Deluxe mercury sphyg stand model buah 1.970.940
Aneroid sphygmomanometer buah 169.060
488 Emergency kit satuan kit kit 844.230
489 Pompa tensimeter Merk : ABN ex.lokal buah 28.890
490 Trekking portable Portable type set 88.311.380
491 Hanging bur type electromotor ex. Italy unit 18.621.210
492 Trimmer for model ex.italyy (cutting for denture) unit 18.621.210
493 Pispot sorong dewasa Merk : JMC, ex. Jepang buah 174.410
494 Air jet Merk: ANDINI type Aj-01 unit 16.889.950
495 Auto lancet device Merk : STERA unit 86.670
496 Blood lancet Misawa 21 G Merk: STERA, 1 box = 200 unit box 160.500
497 Disposible Syringe Merk : Skifa, Uk. 1 ml buah 1.070
498 Dressing trolley Merk : MAK, no. kat. 35102 buah 3.490.340
499 ECG 3 Channel Merk : Fukada Apha 1000 buah 31.461.210
500 ECG Automatic 1 channel Fukuda Denshi ex Japan buah 21.956.400
501 Food Trolley Merk : MAK No.kat 35201 buah 3.771.750
502 Infus set Merk Otsuka, box @50 pcs unit 25.680
503 Infus untuk anak-anak Merk SKIFA set 9.630
504 Jarum jahit B16-1112, ex. Jerman lusin 65.270
1 Autoanalizer Unit 1.251.900.000
2 Autotechnicon ( Tissue Prosesor ) Buah 1.111.477.140
3 Blood Bank Unit Unit 1.251.900.000
4 Centrifuge Unit 31.297.500
5 Cetakan Almunium untuk Blok Parafin Buah 2.519.450
6 Cover Glass Buah 251.960
7 Cryostat (AS 620 Cryotome ) Buah 477.255.580
8 Cytospin Cytocentrifuge Buah 251.944.880
9 Destilator for Aquabides Unit 375.570.000
10 Gunting Buah 36.000
11 Histocentre TM 2 Buah 325.957.210
12 Incubator Buah 115.030.840
13 Kimia Klinik ( Elisa ) Unit 876.330.000
14 Microscope Unit 22.315.120
- Merk Olympus; Model CX 31 - 12L02; Optical system : UIS (Universal
Unit 28.120.670
Inviity Corrected
15 Microscope Double Head Buah 79.182.680
16 Microtome Rotary Buah 209.474.170
17 Penggaris Buah 7.210
18 Penulis Kaca Buah 38.880
19 Sentrifuge Unit 187.785.000
20 Sysmex Unit 625.950.000

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 86
1 2 3 4 5 6
21 Tissue Cap Buah 21.610
1 Autoanalizer unit 1.251.900.000
2 Centrifuge unit 31.297.500
3 Destilator for Aquabides unit 375.570.000
4 Sysmex unit 625.950.000
5 Blood Bank Unit unit 1.251.900.000
6 Kimia Klinik ( Elisa ) unit 876.330.000
7 Sentrifuge unit 187.785.000
1 Alat test Stanford binet + Form buah 3.442.730
2 Tape recorder untuk Speech Terapi buah 2.065.640
3 Kaset kosong buah 22.050
4 Puzzel set 89.520
5 Lilin malam buah 34.430
6 Stabd In Table Anak buah 3.442.730
7 Pararel Bars untuk anak buah 2.616.480
8 Bird Chair buah 1.721.370
1 Air Accu X Ray Mobile Botol 2.860
2 Air raksa Botol 1.057.860
3 Bacterical Filter Buah 488.250
4 Blue Light 20 W 220 V Buah 234.370
5 Bola Tensimeter Buah 65.100
6 Cable Patient For PCP 2155 Buah 6.509.880
7 Cardio Clipset of 4 pcs Buah 2.603.960
8 Chest Elektrode Complete with etal Cup Set 813.740
9 Filter HD CLR 1-20 Buah 428.040
10 Halogen Examination Lamp 12 V 20 W Buah 260.400
11 Halogen lamp 24 v.150 w Buah 240.870
12 Lampu Colimator 12 V 35 W Buah 89.520
13 Lampu Colimator 6 V 35 W Buah 73.240
14 Lampu Dental 12 V 50 W Buah 105.790
15 Manset Tensi Anak Buah 31.030
16 Manset Tensi Dewasa Buah 110.680
17 Optotipe Lamp 25 W 220 V Buah 73.240
18 Timer Lamp UV Buah 520.800
19 Travo 5 A Examination Lamp. Buah 358.050
1 Alas meja operasi F.H sablon lembar 67.610
2 Baju op+sarung+topi oxfort B.M sablon set 131.450
3 Baju ptgs OK celana,Topi oxfort H.T sablon set 159.000
4 Bantal guling busa sablon (DRAGON) buah 93.900
5 Bantal kepala busa sablon (DRAGON) buah 93.900
6 Bantal kepala kapuk bungkus perlak sablon buah 90.140
7 Doek biasa besar (seprey F.H) sablon lembar 97.230
8 Doek lubang biasa F.H sablon lembar 103.290
9 Doek lubang F.MH sablon lembar 13.280
10 Doek pembungkus oxfort sablon lembar 37.690
11 Doek samping F.H sablon lembar 55.720
12 Doek VK lembar 6.260
13 Gurita dewasa (VIP) lembar 21.910
14 Handuk lap tangan besar sablon lembar 22.540
15 Handuk mandi psien sablon lembar 35.680
16 Jas op F.H sablon lembar 135.210
17 Jas op oxfort H. sablon lembar 135.210
18 Kain Famatex H.T meter 33.060
19 Kain oxfort - B.M meter 30.990
- H.T meter 30.990
20 Kain popok buah 31.930
21 Kasur kapuk bungkus perlak buah 495.130
22 Lap tangan tatra sablon 50*40 9.390
23 Masker ocfort H.T buah 6.890
24 Masker oxfort - Biru Muda / Merah / Hijau buah 6.890

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 87
1 2 3 4 5 6
- Biru Muda (BM) lembar 6.890
- Hijau Muda (HM) lembar 6.890
- Hijau Tua (HT) lembar 6.890
- Merah Muda (MM) lembar 6.890
25 Pembungkus hanscun sablon lembar 3.760
26 Perlak - Mitasi meter 27.550
- Oskar meter 52.580
27 Popok bayi sablon meter 9.390
28 Sarung bantal - BM sablon + HD lembar 34.430
- HM sablon lembar 34.430
- Putih sablon lembar 34.430
29 Sarung guling - BM sablon lembar 43.820
- HM sablon lembar 43.820
30 Sarung kaki F.H sablon Sarung kaki F.H sablon lembar 50.820
31 Sarung O2 - BM sablon lembar 36.310
- H.M (VIP)sablon lembar 34.430
- HM sablon lembar 36.310
32 Sarung op pasien oxfort H.M sablon lembar 37.560
33 Selimut lurik dewasa sablon lembar 44.320
34 Selimut bayi lurik sablon lembar 33.810
35 Selimut wool sablon lembar 125.190
36 Seprey BM (S.VIP) sablon + HD lembar 98.910
37 Seprey dewasa putih sablon lembar 97.650
38 Seprey H.M (VIP) sablon lembar 98.910
39 Stiklaken BM sablon + HD lembar 63.230
40 Stiklaken HM sablon lembar 63.230
41 Stiklaken putih dewasa sablon lembar 52.580
42 Taplak meja BM sablon + HD lembar 30.050
43 Taplak meja HM sablon lembar 30.050
44 Taplak meja instrumen sablon lembar 55.710
45 Taplak meja pasien putih sablon lembar 29.420
46 Tutup komputer sablon lembar 50.080
47 Waslap sablon lembar 6.260
1 Batang Lidi/bulan Top kualitas Ikat 2.510
2 Batu asah Merk : El Toro Combination bh 31.300
3 Ghaas Hydrophile 40 X 80 cm Rol 118.440
4 Ghass Hydrophile Propax Biru/bulan 42 y (38,4m) x 110cm roll 131.450
5 Kapas lemak/bulan Merk DRC kg 52.580
6 Kapas putih/bulan Merk Kapasari kg 115.580
7 Kertas indicator tape Merk Comply "TM STEAM" roll 106.420
8 Kertas VP Stericlin 5 cm/200m Merk Pouches stericlin flat roll 438.170
9 Papan Spalk 100 cm lembar 3.450
10 Spons 1mx2mx3cm/bulan Top kualitas lembar 2.070
1 Timbangan buah 2.503.800
2 Mesin Submer Sible 3 phase unit 43.816.500
3 Mesin Submer Sible 1 phase unit 2.503.800
A. 1 Cassette ukuran 35 X 35 cm Asa 400 Green AGFA buah 4.068.680
2 Cassette ukuran 30 X 40 cm AGFA buah 3.755.700
3 Cassette ukuran 24 X 30 cm AGFA buah 3.505.320
4 Cassette ukuran 14 X 24 cm AGFA buah 3.317.540
B.1 Hangger Ukuran 35 X 35 cm Lokal buah 438.170
2 Hangger Ukuran 30 X 40 cm Lokal buah 438.170
3 Hangger Ukuran 24 X 30 cm Lokal buah 438.170
4 Hangger Ukuran 18 X 24 cm Lokal buah 438.170
C. 1 Stand Cassette Lokal Lokal buah 1.564.880
2 Transfer Box Film Lokal buah 4.068.680
D Sefty Lamp Lokal buah 625.950
E Apron Single 0.25 Pb/0.35 Pb Soo Yee buah 2.816.780
F. 1 Lampu Baca Film 1 (satu) Lampu Lokal buah 1.251.900
2 Lampu Baca Film 2 (dua) Lampu Lokal buah 2.190.830
G.1 Letter Marker dan Alfabet Taiwan/RRC buah 1.877.850

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 88
1 2 3 4 5 6
2 Letter Marker dan Alfabet Soo Yee buah 2.503.800
I. Gride Ratio 6 : 1
1 Ukuran 35 X 35 cm Korea buah 4.381.650
2 Ukuran 30 X 40 cm Korea buah 3.755.700
3 Ukuran 24 X 30 cm Korea buah 3.442.730
4 Ukuran 18 X 24 cm Korea buah 3.129.750
H.1 Tank Developer + Fixer 1(satu) set Fiber Glass Lokal buah 1.126.710
2 Tank Developer + Fixer 1(satu) set Stainless Steel Lokal buah 1.502.280
I. X-Ray Machine
1 X-Ray F-100-DC-II,100mA MEDNIF-RRC buah 100.152.000
2 X-Ray F-50-II, 50mA MEDNIF-RRC buah 43.816.500
3 X-Ray F-100, 100mA Mobile MEDNIF-RRC buah 75.114.000
4 X-Ray F-30 III-II, 30mA MEDNIF-RRC buah 34.427.250
5 X - Ray 30 mA MOBILE Merk Mednif ( Shanghai ) Unit 48.667.620
6 X - Ray 50 mA MOBILE Merk Mednif ( Shanghai ) Unit 78.243.750
7 X - Ray 75 mA MOBILE Merk Villa (Italy ); Type Visitor T5 Unit 333.840.000
8 X - Ray 300 mA MOBILE Merk Villa (Italy ); Type Visitor AR 30 Unit 585.611.000
9 X - Ray 500 mA MOBILE Merk Villa (Italy ); Type Moviplan TA Unit 876.330.000
10 X - Ray 400 mA MOBILE Merk Universal (USA ); Type HE-425 Unit 449.400.000
1 Ortho CPG Plus 18 x 24 cm 100lb/Box 610.930
2 Ortho CPG Plus 24 x 30 cm 100lb/Box 1.016.550
3 Ortho CPG Plus 30 x 40 cm 100lb/Box 1.693.830
4 Ortho CPG Plus 35 x 35 cm 100lb/Box 1.788.970
5 Ortho CPG Plus 35 x 43 cm 100lb/Box 2.172.050
1 CP-VB (18x24 cm) uk: 8" x 10" 100lb/Box 1.027.810
2 CP-VB (18x24 cm) uk: 24 x 30 cm 100lb/Box 1.445.950
3 CP-VB (24x30 cm) uk: 11" x 14" 100lb/Box 1.988.020
4 CP-VB(14"x17") uk : 35 x 43 cm 100lb/Box 3.075.920
5 CP-IR uk : 35 x 43 cm 100lb/Box 3.050.890
6 Scopix LT-IRB uk : 35 x 43 cm 100lb/Box 3.050.890
7 Scopix LT-2B DL uk : 35 x 43 cm 100lb/Box 3.244.930
8 Scopix LT-2B DL uk : 35 x 43 cm 100lb/Box 3.421.450
9 Scopix LT-670B DL uk : 35 x 43 cm 100lb/Box 3.244.930
10 Scopix LT-799B DL uk : 35 x 43 cm 125lb/Box 3.098.460
11 Drystar TMiB 100SH uk : 35 x 43 cm 100lb/Box 4.819.820
12 Scopix RP2 uk : 70mm x 45 m Roll 841.280
1 Mamoray HDR uk: 18 x 24 cm 100lb/Box 1.564.880
1 Panoramic uk: 15 x 30 cm 100lb/Box 719.850
2 Dentus uk : 3 x 4 cm 100lb/Box 845.040
3 Hansin uk: 30 x 40 mm 100lb/Box 235.360
1 Scopic ICIP/Scopic IC3B uk: 35 mm x 90m Roll 970.230
2 Developer Cine G-153 uk:12 x 2.5lt 30 lt 1.005.280
3 Fixer Cine G-354 uk: 18 x 2.5 lt 45lt 830.010
1 Developer Automatic G-139 uk : 2x20 lt 40 lt 803.720
2 Fixer Automatic G-334 uk : 2 x 25 lt 40 lt 438.170
3 Developer Automatic G-138 uk : 2x20 lt 40 lt 1.001.520
4 Developer Powder G-230 uk: 4x10 lt 20 lt 845.040
5 Fixer Powder G-305 uk: 4x10 lt 20 lt 763.660
1 Paper Sony 110 HA Roll 219.090
2 Paper Sony 110 HD Roll 219.090
3 Paper Sony 10HG Roll 219.090
4 Paper Mitsubishi K65HM-CE Roll 281.680
5 Sono Gelly 5 Ltr Gallon 219.090
6 Parker Gelly 5 Ltr Gallon 344.280
S.1 PRINTER Sony unit 16.587.680
2 PRINTER Mitsubishi Unit 15.335.780

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 89
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Colonset Package Super XL 8925,9525,9529 set 406.870
2 Colonset Package Anak 9525,9529,920,882 set 375.570
3 Barium Medebar 600 Gr zak 156.490
4 Medebar Plus 225 mg botol 131.450
Alat Kesehatan
1 Gunting tali pusat - 14 cm buah 113.060
2 Gunting episiotomi - 18 cm buah 109.980
- 14 cm Merk : RX, ex Jerman buah 414.090
3 Gunting verband - 18 cm Merk : RX, ex Jerman buah 269.640
4 Gunting operasi lurus - Sharp/sharp 14 cm buah 46.950
- Sharp/blunt 14 cm buah 46.950
- Blunt/blunt 14 cm buah 46.950
- Sharp/sharp 18 cm buah 63.610
- Sharp/blunt 18 cm buah 63.610
- Blunt/blunt 18 cm buah 63.610
5 Gunting operasi bengkok - Sharp/sharp 14 cm buah 15.300
- Sharp/blunt 14 cm buah 15.300
- Sharp/sharp 18 cm buah 62.380
- Sharp/blunt 18 cm buah 62.380
- Blunt/blunt 18 cm buah 62.380
6 Gunting mayo - lurus - 14 cm buah 48.420
- bengkok - 14 cm buah 275.420
7 Naald vocher mayo Hegat - 14 cm buah 72.740
- 16 cm buah 94.660
- 18 cm buah 101.100
8 Klem kocher lurus - 14 cm buah 18.940
- 16 cm buah 94.250
- 18 cm buah 101.100
9 Klem arteri, Pen lurus - 14 cm buah 18.390
- 16 cm buah 77.070
- 18 cm buah 25.660
- 20 cm buah 98.690
10 Korentang - 25 cm buah 46.730
11 Tampon tang - 25 cm buah 46.730
12 Vaginal speculum gravo - Size : S buah 138.030
M buah 156.690
L buah 156.690
13 Sponge holding forceps serrated - lurus buah 144.290
14 Uterine drossing for ceps serrated - 25 cm buah 102.040
15 Instrument tray - 30 x 36 x 4 cm buah 285.630
16 Instrument bak SH(Japan) - 508-222 x 88 x 43 cm buah 263.530
- 509-225 x 127 x 47 cm buah 322.180
17 Instrument bak (Japan) - 55,5 x 32,5 x 6,5 cm buah 1.033.760
- 41,5 x 25 x 6,5 cm buah 814.800
- 32 x 17,5 x 6,5 cm buah 476.350
18 Bedpan/pispot sodok + tutup - buah 261.840
19 Pispot bulat S + tutup - buah 351.490
20 Sterilisator SS - Uk. 24 cm buah 952.540
- Uk. 27 cm buah 1.163.490
21 Sterilisator Ex RRC - Uk. 42 cm buah 2.282.840
Ex RRC - Bakar buah 161.610
22 Stetoscope - Panascope/Kenz Ex Japan buah 77.040
- Littman Ex USA buah 753.780
- Rieter Ex Germany buah 256.330
23 Tensimeter HG-Desk Model - Nova Ex Germany buah 997.000
- Meiden Ex Japan buah 40.140
- Wall Model - Nova Ex Germany buah 1.163.520
- Stand Model - Nova Ex Germany buah 3.226.630
24 Glycerine spuit - buah 215.630
25 Senter kecil tanpa Baterai - buah 52.780
26 Masker : - Dewasa - buah 54.190
- Anak-anak - buah 54.190
- Bayi - buah 54.190
27 Thermometer oral - buah 4.920

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 90
1 2 3 4 5 6
28 Sarung tangan - Steril perpasang 7.520
- Non steril perpasang 3.760
29 Timbangan bayi - Kubota/Misaki 12 kg buah 783.010
- Tania 20 kg buah 906.980
- Merk : DACIN, kapasitas 25 kg buah 358.450
30 Timbangan gantung - buah 94.960
31 Tas Dokter : - Besar - buah 92.770
- Sedang - buah 81.850
32 Tas Bidan - buah 61.890
33 Instrumen bak (lokal) - buah 137.160
34 Reflex hammer model Kampak - buah 281.680
35 Reflex hammer taylor (karet merah) buah 43.820
36 Urinal email laki-laki - buah 287.940
37 Urinal email wanita - buah 287.940
38 Towel clamp,Doeklem 9 cm - buah 44.920
12 cm - buah 75.260
14 cm - buah 77.820
39 Tonel Forceps 010 - BF. 432 R buah 969.210
40 Handle No. 3 020 - BB. 073 R buah 234.390
41 Handle No. 4 030 - BB. 084 R buah 249.440
42 Disscot Forceps 040 - BD. O27 R buah 382.590
050 - BD. 029 R buah 407.810
060 - BD. 033 R buah 889.050
43 Tissue Forceps 070 - BD. 557 R buah 407.810
080 - BD. 560 R buah 522.650
090 - BD. 563 R buah 955.330
44 Artery Forceps 100 - BH. 442 R buah 1.175.870
45 Pean Forceps 110 - BH. 470 R buah 2.536.170
120 - BH. 474 R buah 3.374.440
46 Kelly Forceps 130 - BH. 134 R buah 950.200
47 Dandy Forceps 140 - BH. 139 R buah 1.684.350
48 Forceps 14 cm 150 - BH. 618 R buah 1.125.990
49 Kocher Forceps 160 - BH. 644 R buah 974.140
50 Perit Forceps 170 - PJ. 315 R buah 3.674.050
51 Grasping Forceps 180 - AA. 010 R buah 2.045.270
52 Intest Forceps 190 - EA. 031 R buah 2.807.820
53 Myoma Screw 200 - EO. 433 R buah 2.458.640
54 Haem Forceps 210 - AN. 710 R buah 3.812.650
55 Atraum Forceps 220 - EO. 338 R buah 14.381.150
56 Uterine Forceps 230 - EO. 410 R buah 8.836.550
57 Kocher Forceps 240 - BH. 652 R buah 3.048.730
58 Retractor 310 - BT. 229 R buah 2.209.220
320 - BT. 230 R buah 3.427.740
59 Trocat Set 330 - EJ. 186 R buah 2.137.940
60 Retractor 340 - BT. 358 R buah 2.210.240
61 Dressing Forceps - BF. 116 R buah 2.148.830
62 Towel Forceps - BF. 431 R buah 933.580
63 Handle No. 2 - BB. 073 R buah 244.450
64 Kimono+Celana 0009.001 putih Cotton All size buah 128.770
65 Kap Operasi 0007.001 putih Cotton All size buah 28.830
66 Seprei 0024.001 putih Cotton 145 x 250 buah 141.450
0024.002 putih Cotton 145 x 225 buah 119.760
67 Zeal0035.001 merah,biru Karet 60 x 145 buah 63.500
68 Selimut 0033.0011 Cr.Cn. Cnt 0033.002 Cr.Cn.Ct Acrylic 180 x 240 buah 372.960
Acrylic 145 x 240 buah 372.960
69 Barak Schort 0036.001 Putih Cotton All size buah 112.220
70 Gurita 0012.001 putih Cotton 30 x 100 buah 44.450
0012.002 putih Cotton 45 x 120 buah 57.260
71 Piama anak 0034.001 putih Cotton buah 63.110
0034.002 putih Cotton buah 69.680
0034.003 putih Cotton buah 80.810
0034.004 putih Cotton buah 94.590
72 Pipet Gondok Merk : Ex-Lokal unit 106.420
73 Bobot Tutup Asah Merk : Ex-Lokal unit 469.470

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 91
1 2 3 4 5 6
74 Pipet Volume 1 cc & 2 cc Merk : Ex-Lokal unit 93.900
75 Rak Tabung Merk : Ex-Lokal unit 319.240
76 Tabung Reaksi (Besar) Merk : Ex-Germany unit 11.900
77 Tabung Reaksi (Kecil) Merk : Ex-Germany unit 5.480
78 Es Bach Merk : Ex-Japan unit 563.360
79 Alat Penjepit Merk : Ex-Lokal buah 56.340
80 Pinset Merk : MTI-Germany buah 469.470
81 Rak Westergen Merk : Ex-Japan unit 2.816.780
82 Tabung Westergen Merk : Ex-Germany unit 56.340
83 Kaca Penghitung Merk : Ex-Japan unit 732.370
84 Pipet HB Merk : Ex-Lokal buah 93.900
85 Pipet Leucosit Merk : Ex-Lokal buah 112.680
86 Pipet Eritrosit Merk : Ex-Lokal buah 112.680
87 Pipet Trombosit Merk : Ex-Lokal buah 93.900
88 Haemometer Merk : Ex-Germany unit 563.360
89 Gelas Comparison Merk : Ex-Germany unit 281.680
90 Kotak penyimpan Slide Merk : Ex-Lokal unit 281.680
91 Rontgen Merk : Villa-Italy set 619.690.500
92 Peristalic Photometer Merk : Biotron - Spain set 169.006.500
93 Flexible Ultrasound System Model : Flexus SSD-1100 set 83.877.300
94 E C G merk Cardisuny Model 501 B-III unit 49.763.030
95 Tensimeter Berdiri Merk NOVA buah 2.441.210
96 Stetoscope - buah 460.430
97 Stetoscope Pediatric - buah 38.500
98 Maya Tube Anak Lengkap (3/0,2/0,0,1) - set 610.690
99 Tempat Korentang - lotus 247.920
100 Uterus Sonde - buah 77.000
101 Abortus Tang Besar 25 cm - buah 115.510
102 Curetage Besar - set 1.269.430
103 Bak Instrumen - besar buah 525.800
- Sedang buah 281.680
104 Gunting Bulu Mata T 4705-03 buah 1.458.790
105 Tangkai Mess - buah 56.340
106 Curetage untuk luka - buah 187.790
107 Jarum Biopsi (PTC) 10-15 cm - buah 93.900
108 Gunting Bengkok Tajam 14cm - buah 103.290
109 Gunting Bengkok Tumpul14cm - buah 103.290
110 Nald Foeder 18 cm - buah 144.600
111 Tesimeter Anak - buah 2.085.520
112 Korentang 22 cm, SMIC - buah 244.130
113 Tromol Gas 27 cm SMIC - buah 1.175.230
114 Tangkai Scarpel 4 SMIC - buah 21.910
115 Manset Tensimeter Anak, SMIC buah 46.950
116 Manset Tensimeter Dewasa, SMIC buah 89.210
117 Balon Tensimeter + Pentil JP, SMIC - buah 52.580
118 Bak Instrumen Besar, SMIC - buah 647.860
119 Resusitator Anak, SMIC - buah 9.295.360
120 Tensimeter Duduk Nova - buah 1.251.900
121 Alat Hekting , SMIC : - buah 1.192.440
- Nald Foeder buah 230.980
- Pinset Anatomi buah 23.110
- Pinset Chirurgle buah 23.110
B. Alat Labolatorium -
1 Clinipette Tips Yellow BM.0140023 - Box 1.189.160
2 Pipet LED (Guest Dispette)Guest Disp - Box 1.409.020
3 Standard Dispette LED (Guest Dispette) - Buah 173.970
4 Glass Cap Tube dg Anticoang VCH-HO75H - Vial 156.650
5 Glass Capilary Tube Plain VC-HO&5P - Vial 111.270
6 Disposible Syringe 1 ml 33-04112713 - Box 353.480
7 Disposible Syringe 2,5 ml 33-021L2332 - Box 250.240
8 Disposible Syringe 5 ml 33-05L2238 - Box 313.920
9 Disposible Syringe 10 ml 33-10L2138 - Box 403.740
10 Lancet - Box 140.910
11 Cover Glass - per kotak 38.500

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 92
1 2 3 4 5 6
12 Object Glass - Box 30.810
13 Pipet Leukosit Pyrex - Buah 38.500
14 Pipet EritrositPyrex - Buah 30.040
15 Pipet 1 ml Pyrex - Buah 39.270
16 Pipet 5 ml Pyrex - Buah 42.260
17 Karet Stuwing - Buah 277.180
18 Kertas saring - box 1.077.890
19 Timer - Buah 173.710
20 Tissue Gulung - roll 8.140
21 Mikro diluter - Buah 52.870
22 Vonoject 5 ml terumo VT 050NA - box 322.540
23 Spekulum (cocor bebek) - Buah 114.090
24 Ose jarum dengan tangkai - Buah 195.070
25 Ose biasa dengan tangkai - Buah 111.040
26 Petridish besar pyrex - Buah 177.400
27 Petridish sedang pyrex - Buah 66.680
28 Petridish kecil pyrex - Buah 66.680
29 Rak Tabung (5 x 20) tinggi 11 cm - Buah 48.830
30 Rak Tabung (10 x 10) tinggi 5 cm - Buah 48.830
31 Rak Tabung (5 x 10) tinggi 11 cm - Buah 48.830
32 Tabung reaksi 13 x 100 mm with rim - Buah 5.820
33 Tabung reaksi 13 x 75 mm with rim - Buah 5.640
34 Tabung reaksi 13 x 75 mm with out rim - Buah 5.640
35 Tabung urine - Buah 8.240
36 Tabung kultur dengan Tutup ulir - Buah 19.380
37 Diff Counter - Buah 348.630
38 Hb-Meter Sahli - Buah 348.630
39 Printer Paper for 4020 BM - roll 134.530
40 Sentrifuge 8 lubang - Buah 4.195.820
41 Alat tes beton Merk : Schamid Buah 5.915.230
Merk : Preseg ; Type : NR 2.207 NM (0225 Kg) set 16.707.550
lengkap dengan alat recorder hasil pengetesan
42 Asdbester Glover Controls - set 187.110
43 Apron bahan : karet tanpa lengan dari plastik buah 84.790
44 Aluminium Foil 12" x 25 ft Reynolds roll 37.010
45 Aluminium Foil 18"x37 1/2 ft Reynolds 73.950
46 Alkohol Lamp Glas 150 ml RRC buah 24.660
47 Alat pemusnah sisa pengujian Type Stematic III Uk. 62,50 x 100 cm volt 200/220 V unit 41.899.540
48 Aquatester Merk : Hellige : Type : 3130-B 15 unit 22.182.110
49 Batang Pengaduk Ex. Lokal buah 5.180
50 Botol Timbangan Uk. 25 x 49 mm ex.lokal buah 96.130
51 Botol Semprot ( Wash Bottle) Terbuat dari :
Uk. 250 ml buah 14.800
Uk. 500 ml buah 24.660
Uk. 1000 ml buah 46.840
52 Botol reagen Merk. : Wethein
Warna : coklat. vol.: 250 ml buah 73.950
Warna : Putih. vol.: 250 ml buah 98.590
53 Botol Urine Plastik Lokal buah 730
54 Botol darah Lokal buah 1.070
55 Bottle BOD 300 ml buah 198.420
56 Bottle Weighning Uk.:D25xH45 mm buah 83.810
D30xH30 mm,Cap 10 ml buah 87.850
57 Boume meter Uk. : 0 - 15 BE buah 312.300
Uk. : 0 - 20 BE buah 314.250
58 Counter Merk Togoshi Unit 110.900
59 Cover Glass 22 x 22 mm box 15.870
60 Cover Glass Uk. 18 x 18 mm ex Germany box 25.890
61 Cover Glass Uk. 20 x 20 mm ex Germany box 34.520
62 Cover Glass Hemocytometer, 20 pcs box 20.230
63 Colour Dish Clorine Merk : lovibond, Kode : 3140, Range : 0,1-1,0 mg/l buah 1.796.760
64 Colour Dish Kadar Besi buah 1.158.410
Kadar Nitrate buah 1.158.410

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 93
1 2 3 4 5 6
65 Gelas Arloji ( watch Glass) Merk Pyrex
Diameter : 7 buah 17.260
Diameter : 9 buah 26.470
66 Hanger Bahan stanles steel, isi 3 buah, Uk. 34 x 35 cm set 887.290
67 Lampu Aquaster Merk : Hellige Type Aquaster 3130- B 15.Teg. :110/220 V. unit 419.010
68 Lampu katode AAS Merk : Shimadzu
Model : AA-646
- Plumbum unit 13.814.410
- Seng (Zn) unit 13.814.410
- Silver (Ag) buah 13.814.410
- Natrium unit 16.273.050
- Cadmium (Cd) unit 13.814.410
- Mangan (Mn) unit 13.814.410
69 Lemari penyimpanan sample air lengkap Merk : LEEC.Ltd unit 199.638.940
siap pakai. Model : LT 1200
Kapasitas : 1200 ltr
Temp. Range:P 10"C to- 50' C.
External dimennsion
H x W x D = 1510 x
(2590) x 670 mm
selves supplied : 10
NettWeigh: 190 kg
Electrical suplaply :
220/240 V 50 Hz 13 A
70 Loupe - buah 43.140
71 Manorespirometer - buah 621.110
72 Lampung dan alu poselin (martar & Pestleporcelai @ 100 mm, RRC. buah 27.450
@ 130 mm, RRC. buah 35.090
@ 160 mm, RRC. buah 46.900
73 Meja pengujian orang leptik dgn formika putih Uk : 630 x 70 cm set 6.654.650
74 Mesin Letup dua tak Type : Otto buah 2.151.680
75 Membrane Lauryl Sulphate Broth Art. Oxoid Code MM 615 fack 2.168.920
76 Medium masker Merk : drager, Type : Full Foce Maask wit RespiratorBP 2 unit 2.749.360
77 Microscope Silde Object glass 76,2 x 25,4 mm Ex. China Box : 72 pc box 25.890
78 Microscope Type : SXP - 12, Pembesaran : 500 x Ex. China buah 1.000.900
79 Pengaduk Bhn Stainlessteel buah 18.510
80 Pengaduk glass Ex. Glass buah 17.260
81 Pengaduk glass HB. Ex. Lokal buah 17.260
82 Pengaduk dari karet Standar buah 17.260
83 Pembakaran Bunsen/Burners Standar Lokal buah 17.100
84 Penjepit lensa Bhn Besi dilengkapi alas tinggi ± 10 cm, Lokal buah 31.630
85 Pipet Ukur Merk : Assisten
Uk. : 1 ml buah 54.270
Uk. : 5 ml buah 59.170
Uk. : 10 ml buah 66.550
86 Pipet Ukur Uk. : 1 ml buah 3.950
Uk. : 2 ml buah 3.950
Uk. : 5 ml buah 5.270
Uk. : 10 ml buah 6.590
87 Pipet Automatic Merk : Kimax
Uk. : 10 ml buah 1.149.540
Uk. : 25 ml buah 1.171.230
Uk. : 50 ml buah 1.171.230
88 Pipet Volumetric Merk : Assiten
Uk. : 5 ml buah 88.740
Uk. : 10 ml buah 103.520
Uk. : 25 ml buah 167.610
Uk. : 50 ml buah 246.480
89 Pipet Volumetric Uk : 10 ml, German. buah 41.410
90 Pipet Volumetric Uk. : 1 ml buah 57.690
Uk. : 0,5 ml buah 57.690
91 Pipet Tetes Ex. Lokal buah 6.590
92 Pipet Ery Ex Jerman. buah 118.310
93 Pipet Leco Ex Jerman. buah 118.310
94 Pipet Rak Merk : Belt-Art/Heach (20947-00) unit 719.700
95 Piper Helper, Fi-ler Merk: Hach (24892 -00) unit 2.410.480
96 Pot Sputum Ex. Lokal buah 10.210
97 Pump Tube FIA tecator Merk: tecator Code: 5000-0490 Set of Mixed pump Tubes (tygon) set 4.929.370

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 94
1 2 3 4 5 6
98 Planton Net Ex. Lokal buah 211.270
99 Rak Tabung Reaksi Uk. 22 mm, 12 lbg buah 221.830
100 Rak Tabung Reaksi Ex. Lokal
ø 18 mm 12 lbg buah 118.310
ø 18 mm 24 lbg buah 221.830
ø 15 mm 40 lbg buah 256.330
101 Tester tube Ex. Lokal
Uk. 27 mm 12 lbg buah 271.130
Uk. 32 mm 12 lbg buah 320.420
102 Refrigerator Merk : Sanyo buah 4.239.260
Uk. : 2 pintu
Kap : 170 ltr
Type: SR 921FN/FNR
103 Repraktometer untuk susu 0-32 % brik Complete dg leather ease unit 1.232.350
104 Reostat 10 ohm buah 369.750
100 ohm buah 496.230
105 Reagent Bottle N/N Poly propylene Ex. Germany
250 ml buah 73.950
500 ml buah 98.590
106 Reagent Bottle N/N Amber G/S Wertheim
100 ml buah 56.700
250 ml buah 60.920
107 Reagent Bottle N/N Clear G/S Wertheimny
100 ml buah 49.300
250 ml buah 62.380
108 Reagent Bottle Amber glas with Stopper Ex. RRC 34.520
60 ml buah 44.370
125 ml buah 46.830
150 ml buah 31.300
109 Ring Stand Ex. Lokal Stainless Steel
Vol. : 5 cm buah 26.630
Vol. : 10 cm buah 29.590
Vol. : 20 cm buah 29.590
110 Rubber Stopper 5 bh/pack, size 8 packs 2.566.240
111 Sarung tangan Bahan karet stel 7.520
bahan kain stel 12.720
112 Silicon oil Tecator 5000-0477 10 ml 764.060
113 Sikat tabung reaksi ø Kepala 22 s/d 266 mm buah 6.670
ø Kepala 14 s/d 16 mm buah 6.670
114 Sonometer Bahan kayu buah 271.130
115 Tabung Bahan Plastik pakai tutup buah 8.640
116 Tabung Reaksi Merk : Pyrex
Uk. : Dia 15x150 mm buah 5.010
Uk. : Dia 13x100 mm buah 8.640
117 Tabung Reaksi Borossilikat kaca Uk. : 10 x 75 mm buah 5.760
Uk. : 13 x 100 mm buah 8.640
Uk. : 25 x 250 mm buah 10.080
118 Tabung Katalse. - buah 50.080
119 Tabung Gas Elpiji isi : 25 kg buah 1.084.470
120 Tabung Durham untuk per mentasi Bakteri. Merk : Nelgene/Pyrex/ Duran pack/(250) 696.830
121 Tabung Spektrum Terdiri dari 5 set set 739.420
122 Tangki riak Bahan kaki alas buah 1.232.350
123 Telapa Pegri Kaca buah 24.730
Plastik buah 17.190
124 Test Tube ( Khan ) Uk. : 12 x 100 mm buah 2.610
Uk. : 13 x 100 mm buah 2.610
Uk. : 16 x 160 mm buah 2.610
125 Tee Stailessteel Type : ST 304
- Uk. : 3/4" buah 215.180
- Uk. : 1 buah 224.180
126 Tes Kit Hardnese Model : E 7201 buah 216.020
127 Tiristor 0 s/d 10 K buah 49.300
0 s/d 100 K buah 49.300
128 Tols Spesimen Uk.: ø 60 x 180 mm buah 221.830
Ex. China.

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 95
1 2 3 4 5 6
129 Toples Gelas Volume 2 liter buah 11.590
130 Tutup botol Bahan karet buah 630
131 Tutup Karet Bulymeter - buah 28.760
132 Thermometer Untuk sapi Haupter Ex. Jerman buah 123.260
133 Thermometer Air 0 - 360,0. RRC buah 35.060
135 Vacum Pump sm Type : SM 16692
Sartorius Ex. Jerman. unit 11.073.690
136 Volimetri Glass Pyrdex, Brand, Corning
Uk. 10 ml buah 70.260
Uk. 25 ml buah 81.340
Uk. 50 ml buah 86.270
137 Analisa Micribiologi : Merk : Milipore
Water Micro Bakteriologikal test terdiri dari :
- Vacum/Pressure pump teg.220 V/50 Hz unit 27.066.080
Cat No. xx55 220 50
- Filter holder Hydrosol Manifol unit 76.761.910
Uk. 6 place
Cat No.xx25 047 00
- Glass Filter Holder unit 4.664.170
Cat No.xx10 047 00
- Filter Forceps unit 496.380
Stainles Smoothtip
Cat No.xx10 047 05
- Vacum filtering unit 1.376.780
flask Vol.1,0 ltr
Cat No.xx10 047 05
- Silicone vacum hose unit 492.160
Uk. 4,5 feet
Cat No.xx71 000 04
Cat No.xxx10 047 08
138 Test Tube Merk Duran pack 3.697.030
Diameter luar 24 mm
panjang 150 mm
Tebal (1,0-1,5)mm
Cat No.: Tes 630-1890
Art No.1620/20
1 pack 100 buah
139 Coper Glass Asisstan @ 50 pcs box 139.440
140 Skuit Glass 200 cc Werthelm buah 2.128.230
141 Tabung Urine Pirek buah 140.840
142 Masker BM a 50 biji box 563.360
143 Clinepette Yelow Rati Lab (1.000 buah) box 2.159.530
144 Clinepette Blue Rati Lab (1.000 buah) box 2.159.530
145 Disposible Syringe 2,5/3 ml Skipa/BD box 270.420
146 Disposible Syringe 5 ml Skipa/BD box 281.680
147 Kertas Saring Whatman No. 1 box 225.350
148 Blood Lancet - box 140.840
149 Objeckt Gelas - box 140.840
150 Pipet LED Gues Dispette box 1.877.850
151 Thermal Paper rool 375.570
152 Venojeck 3 ml box 657.250
153 Venojeck 5 ml box 845.040
154 Tissue Gulung box 4.390
C. Alat Kedokteran
1 Janet Spritze Record 100 ml SH4 Bahan dari metal,steinles steel Made in Germany set 5.941.210
2 Janet Spritze Record 100 ml SH4 Bahan dari metal,steinles steel Made in China set 5.399.140
3 Janet Spritze Record 200ml Bahan dari kaca made in Germany set 5.633.550
4 Janet Spritze Record 200 ml SH4 Bahan dari metal,steinles steel Made in Germany set 5.938.710
5 Endo Trecheal Tube Rusch set 516.410
6 Kereta Oksigen (O2) Lokal merk Tesena 019L buah 1.783.960
7 Mess Incici - lusin 46.950
8 Pinset Anatomi Smic buah 31.300
9 Pinset Chirugie Smic buah 31.300
10 Stateskope anak Nova/Rister buah 535.190
11 Suction Pump Yamato Ciken set 7.477.600
12 Tampon Tang Smic set 309.850
13 Vena Sectie Set Smic set 1.878.760
14 Tabung Oksigen - buah 3.286.240
15 Kursi Roda TSN buah 4.544.400
16 Tangkai Mess kecil - buah 46.950

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 96
1 2 3 4 5 6
17 Tong Spatel Steinlestil - buah 46.950
18 Sputum Pot - buah 254.600
19 Klem Arteri Pean - buah 130.150
20 Klem Arteri Pean bengkok - buah 130.150
21 Light Case - merk : Tesena Lokal
- model : TSN - 014S buah 1.254.030
22 Flow Meter O2 - merk Crown Japan
- Model FR - IK buah 2.628.990
23 Suction Apparatus Small model - merk Thomas - USA
- Model : 1130 unit 6.948.050
24 Pocket Instrument Set In Metal Case - model : Aesculap - Germany model BN 807R buah 17.557.900
25 Opththalmoscope - Model Riester Germany
model Rimini buah 16.243.410
26 Cylinder 6.000 M3 - merk Ex.Lokal Model
Standar buah 3.380.130
27 Fixede PD Lightweight trial Frames 60 mm - merk Inami Japan
- Model K0365 set 1.032.820
28 Fixede PD Lightweight trial Frames 62 mm - merk Inami Japan
- Model K0366 set 1.032.820
29 Fixede PD Lightweight trial Frames 68 mm - merk Inami Japan
- Model K0369 set 1.032.820
30 Bowman Lachrymal Probe, Ger Silver 1,8/1,9 mm - merk Aesculap Germany
- Model OB514 buah 901.370
31 Bowman Lachrymal Probe, Ger Silver 1,5/1,6 mm - merk Aesculap Germany
- Model OB513 buah 901.370
32 Bowman Lachrymal Probe, Ger. Silver 1,3/1,4 mm - merk Aesculap Germany
- Model OB512 buah 901.370
33 Bowman Lachrymal Probe, Ger. Silver 0,9/1,1 mm - merk Aesculap Germany
- Model OB511 buah 901.370
34 Bowman Lachrymal Probe, Ger. Silver 0,7/0,8 mm - merk Aesculap Germany
- Model OB510 buah 901.370
35 Aspirating Tube De Bakey2,75 mm (Cannulae) - merk Aesculap Germany
- Model GF946R buah 3.145.400
36 Yankauwer Suction Annulae 285 mm (Cannulae) - merk Aesculap Germany
- Model GF944R buah 1.230.000
37 Lister Bandage Scissor 180 mm (gunting verban) - merk Aesculap Germany
- Model BC862R buah 957.710
38 Dissecting Foceps,Standar - merk Aesculap Germany
Pattern 145 mm (pinset anatomi) - Model BD047R buah 319.240
39 Tisue Forceps Standar - merk Aesculap Germany
Pattern 1 x 2T , 1,45 mm Pinset Chirugi) - Model BD557R buah 379.330
40 Bozemann uterine Dressing Forceps, S-Curve - merk Aesculap Germany
( Tampontang ) - Model EO082R buah 2.262.810
41 Cut Down Set in Metal Case (Vena Section) - merk Aesculap Germany
- Model BN820R buah 28.825.000
42 Endotracheal Tube uk.2,5 mm - merk Wiliras Germany
- Model Various buah 281.680
43 Endotracheal Tube uk.3 mm - merk Wiliras Germany
- Model Various buah 281.680
44 Endotracheal Tube uk.3,5 mm - merk Wiliras Germany
- Model Various buah 281.680
45 Endotracheal Tube uk.4 mm - merk Wiliras Germany
- Model Various buah 281.680
46 Endotracheal Tube uk.4,5mm - merk Wiliras Germany
- Model Various buah 281.680
47 Endotracheal Tube uk.5 mm - merk Wiliras Germany
- Model Various buah 281.680
48 Endotracheal Tube uk.5,5mm - merk Wiliras Germany
- Model Various buah 281.680
49 Endotracheal Tube uk.6 mm - merk Wiliras Germany
- Model Various buah 281.680
50 Endotracheal Tube uk.6,5mm - merk Wiliras Germany
- Model Various buah 281.680
51 Endotracheal Tube uk.7 mm - merk Wiliras Germany
- Model Various buah 281.680
52 Endotracheal Tube uk.7,5mm - merk Wiliras Germany
- Model Various buah 281.680
53 Endotracheal Tube uk.8 mm - merk Wiliras Germany
- Model Various buah 281.680
54 Endotracheal Tube uk.8,5mm - merk Wiliras Germany
- Model Various buah 281.680

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 97
1 2 3 4 5 6
55 Endotracheal Tube uk.9 mm - merk Wiliras Germany
- Model Various buah 281.680
56 Urenal Steinlistil buah 738.570
57 Stetoscop Rister buah 375.580
58 Sarung Tangan Tebal Medigros psg 19.730
59 Termometer Marex/Geons buah 107.990
60 Skin Grifting Knives Aeculap pcs/bh 300.460
61 Wiresavos Gigli 400 mm, 16" 5 Pcs box 1.314.500
62 Wiresavos Gigli 500 mm, 20" 5 Pcs box 1.408.390
63 Printer Nama Acerilyc 28 x 23 cm buah 690.970
64 Ambubag Blue Cross-Japan buah 3.098.460
65 Brancard Meditec Lok buah 8.450.330
66 Chalation Forceps Desmans Taufel-Germany T. 2600-31 buah 2.413.040
Taufel-Germany T. 2600-26 buah 2.413.040
67 Canula Tuel Taufel-Germany T. 2600-70 buah 375.570
68 Efilator buah 469.470
69 Gergaji Gips SS buah 213.150
70 Gunting Aff hechting SMIC buah 107.040
71 Gunting Bengkok SMIC buah 71.360
72 Gunting conjungtiva T.4704-03 buah 1.568.010
73 Gunting Gips SS buah 497.640
74 Gunting Hidung buah 124.570
75 Gunting Tajam Bengkok SMIC buah 124.570
76 Gunting Tajam Lurus SMIC buah 124.570
77 Gynnaecology Bed Meditec Lok buah 10.703.750
78 Lampu Sorot buah 1.004.650
79 Reflex Hammer ABN buah 60.100
80 Tang Gips (Perenggang Gibs ) Care Weber buah 1.126.710
81 Neirbeken Stainlesstel buah 183.100
82 Sterilisator kecil SMIC buah 1.783.960
83 Hecting Set SMIC buah 1.173.660
84 Minor Surgery Set SMIC buah 2.254.050
85 Kaca Mulut Stainlesstel buah 122.070
86 Timbangan Bayi SMIC buah 1.026.560
87 Korentang SMIC buah 150.230
88 Tempat Korentang SMIC buah 169.010
89 Nald Poeder Conjunctiva 6/12 SMIC buah 50.080
90 Nald Poeder Conjunctiva SMIC buah 876.330
91 Nald Poeder Mancu SMIC buah 187.790
92 Stetoskop Litmen buah 2.128.230
93 Irigator Stainles Merk Steinless Steel buah 1.251.900
94 Sarung tangan tebal - Warna merah pjg sampai siku lokal uk. 35 cm psg 31.300
94 Pot bulat telur /Bedpan Email - Lokal uk. 34x28x15 cm buah 175.270
95 Pot bulat Telur/Bedpan Stainlest Stil - Steinles uk.34/28x15 cm buah 688.550
95 Urinal Steinless steel - Steinlis uk.18/12x7 cm buah 375.570
96 Nirbeken STeinles Steel - Steinlis uk.22/11x35 cm buah 87.640
96 Waskon Steinles Steel - Steinles Diameter 30 cm buah 156.490
97 Baju Jas Operasi - Hijau Sablon RSUD lembar 100.160
97 Baju celana, Topi Dokter/ Perawat - Osfort Hijau Sablon RSUD lembar 100.160
98 Doek lubang Pamatex Merah - uk.50x50cm Diam.10-12cm sablon RSUD lembar 9.390
98 Doek biasa Pamatex Hijau - 250 x 140 cm lembar 81.380
99 Sarung kaki Pamatex Hijau - Doek Samping uk.102 x 150cm lembar 40.070
99 Sarung kaki Pamatex Hijau - Uk.80x65 cm Sablon RSUD lembar 31.300
100 Lap tangan Tetra - Uk.50x40 cm Sablon RSUD lembar 7.520
100 Pembungkus ( kain blacu ) - Uk.120x120 cm Sablon RSUD lembar 13.780
101 Masker - Osfort Hijau lembar 4.390
- Osfort Biru lembar 4.390
- Osfort merah Muda lembar 4.390
102 Perlak Pasien - Imitasi mtr 26.290
103 Sprei Anak Putih - Uk. 200x150cm Sablon Hijau lembar 68.860
104 Selimut lurik untuk bayi - Uk.90x90 cm lembar 21.290
105 CAt Gut Chromic USP 0 - Liofil/BB/Sofrac ktk/75M 893.860
106 CAt Gut Chromic USP 1 - Liofil/BB/Sofrac ktk/75M 877.590
107 CAt Gut Chromic USP 2 - Liofil/BB/Sofrac ktk/50M 801.220
108 Disp Syring 1 CC - Nifro/BD/Stera buah 2.510

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 98
1 2 3 4 5 6
109 Disp Syring 2,5 CC/3 CC - Nifro/BD/Stera buah 2.510
110 Disp Syring 5 CC - Nifro/BD/Stera buah 1.880
111 Disp Syring 10 CC - Nifro/BD/Stera buah 2.510
112 Elektrode Monitor - Unomed pak/bh 100.160
113 Gas Hidrofil - uk.40x40cm.Glo/B.Biru/ rool 117.680
114 Influensa Set Anak - OTS/Ter/Nipro buah 13.780
115 Influensa Set Dewasa - OTS/Ter/Nipro buah 11.270
116 IV Catheter - No. 16, Nipro/BD/Ter buah 25.040
- No. 18, Nipro/BD/Ter buah 25.040
- No. 20, Nipro/BD/Ter buah 25.040
- No. 24, Nipro/BD/Ter buah 25.040
117 Jarum Operasi - Alnumber Manny buah 6.890
118 Kapas putih - Kapasari/KH kg 100.160
119 Kertas - CTG Toitu buah 256.640
- ECG Fukuda buah 46.330
- USG Sony/Fukuda buah 312.980
120 Scapeel Blades - No.11 AES/P.paragon buah 3.760
- No.15 AES/P.paragon buah 3.760
- No.20 AES/P.paragon buah 3.760
- No.22 AES/P.paragon buah 3.760
121 Scelvien/Wing Needle - No. 23 G OTS/ABBOT/BD buah 7.520
- No. 25 G OTS/ABBOT/BD buah 7.520
- No. 27 G OTS/ABBOT/BD buah 7.520
122 Spon Putih Lokal - 200 x 210 x 2 cm lbr 50.080
123 Stomach tb - Mag Slang No.18 JMS buah 25.040
124 Tensotape Ekon - 2" x 5 yd. BDF rool 16.280
125 Three Way + Selang 10 cm - JMS/B. Braun buah 35.060
126 Urine Bag - Phar/Uno/KDL buah 10.020
127 Perban 10 cm - B.Biru/Bruda rool 2.130
128 WSO Set Anak - buah 2.215.870
129 WSO Set Dewasa - buah 2.378.610
130 Ambubag Anak AMS buah 2.272.810
131 Ambubag Dewasa AMS buah 1.847.810
132 Balon Laringoskope bayi Riester buah 157.070
133 Central Cathether Rush Gold Unit 69.300
134 Cerumen Haak Stainless buah 30.810
135 Cresent Diamond Knife Meyco set 24.637.400
136 Cresent and tunnel knife Meyco set 23.651.910
137 Dopler BF 500 ++ Unit 2.694.720
138 Dopler Pocket digital 618 E pen sunray Unit 2.413.700
139 ECG 01 CHANNEL FX 2111 FUKUDA DENSHI Unit 19.247.970
140 Elektroda ECG Arbo Unit 4.630
141 Endotracheal tube No. 2.5 buah 69.300
142 Endotracheal tube No. 3 buah 69.300
143 Endotracheal tube No. 3.5 buah 69.300
144 Endotracheal tube No. 4 buah 69.300
145 Endotracheal tube No. 4.5 buah 69.300
146 Endotracheal tube No. 5 buah 69.300
147 Endotracheal tube No. 5.5 buah 69.300
148 Endotracheal tube No. 6.5 buah 69.300
149 Endotracheal tube No. 7 buah 69.300
150 Endotracheal tube No. 7.5 buah 69.300
151 Endotracheal tube No.6 buah 69.300
152 Examination Lamp Lokal Unit 1.000.900
153 Face Mask Transparan No. 3 buah 61.600
154 Face Mask Transparan No. 4 buah 61.600
155 Face Mask Transparan No. 5 buah 61.600
156 Garputala Stainless buah 130.900
157 Gunting Benang Stainless buah 38.500
158 Gunting Episiotomi Stainless buah 38.500
159 Gunting Gips Stainless buah 38.500
160 Gunting hechting aff Stainless buah 38.500
161 Gunting Necrotomy Stainless buah 38.500
162 Gunting tajam bengkok Stainless buah 38.500

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 99
1 2 3 4 5 6
163 Gunting tajam lurus Stainless buah 38.500
164 Gunting tali pusat Stainless buah 40.040
- 13 cm Merk : RX, Ex Jerman buah 462.240
165 Gunting Verban bengkok Stainless buah 36.960
166 Head Lamp Reister buah 885.420
167 Jackson Reeshe Kimura buah 4.619.520
168 Jarum BMP Sternum anak Many-Japan Lusin 100.100
169 Jarum BMP Sternum Dws Many-Japan Lusin 100.100
170 Klem Kocher lurus Stainless buah 38.500
171 Korentang Stainless buah 84.710
172 Kursi Roda Spirit Unit 1.385.860
173 Lampu Baca Photo Lokal buah 1.077.890
174 Lampu senter One Med buah 69.300
175 Laryngoscope Anak buah 3.079.680
176 Laryngoscope Dewasa buah 3.079.680
177 Mayo Cup anak One Med Unit 115.500
178 Mayo Cup dws One Med Unit 115.500
179 Nald Poeder Stainless buah 43.120
180 Nebullizer dewasa Omron CX-21 Unit 1.308.870
181 Oksigen Trolley Lokal buah 762.220
182 Otoscopy Heine/Mini 2000 buah 1.308.870
183 Partus set One Med set 739.130
184 Pincet Anatomi Stainless buah 13.870
185 Pincet Chirurgy Stainless buah 13.870
186 Regulator Oksigen Sharp Unit 6.159.350
187 Regulator Oksigen One Med bh 384.960
188 Sit Diamond Knife buah 18.478.050
189 Sonde Uterus Stainless buah 38.500
190 Spekulum Hidung Stainless buah 84.710
- Merk : Witch, ex Jepang buah 619.530
191 Spekulum Telinga Stainless buah 38.500
- Merk : Witch, ex Jepang buah 851.720
192 Standar Infus Stainless buah 538.950
193 Sterilisator listrik 27 cm-250watt Stainless Unit 762.220
194 Sterilisator listrik 42 cm SMIC Unit 1.947.910
195 Stetoskope anak Reister buah 384.960
196 Stetoskope dewasa Reister buah 307.970
197 Suction Canule Remedi buah 14.640
198 Tensimeter Anak Reister Unit 1.308.870
199 Tensimeter Dewasa Reister Unit 1.154.880
200 Timbangan Bayi RGZ 20-Sella Unit 461.960
201 Timbangan berdiri dws Miyako, 890 VN buah 307.970
202 Tongue Spatel Stainless buah 13.870
203 Tromol bulat sedang Stainless buah 417.210
204 UV Room Sterilisation One Med Unit 8.084.150
205 Vacum Extraksi Menox Unit 10.008.950
206 Ventilator 580 with air compresor Shangrila Unit 133.195.910
207 Airbone Disinfectant for Surface Aerosept / 500 VF Unit 3.964.400
208 Laparotomy Set Anak Techno Medical / Various Unit 156.487.500
209 Laparotomy Set Dewasa Techno Medical / Various Unit 156.487.500
210 Meja Operasi Electrik Belmont / DR 2500 A Unit 109.541.250
211 Meja Operasi for C Arm W/ Option Belmont / DR 2500 A Unit 500.760.000
212 Mesin Anaesthesi w/ ventilator Dameca / Siesta + Breasy Unit 187.785.000
213 Bed Side Monitor Nihon Kohden / BSM-2351 K Unit 187.785.000
214 Cataract Set Techno Medicaln / Various Unit 25.038.000
215 DC Schok Bifasif Nihon Kohden / TEC-5521 K Unit 250.380.000
216 Emergency Set Anak Blue Cross / Vanous Unit 62.595.000
217 Hysterectomi Set Techno Medical / Various Unit 62.595.000
218 Laryngoscope Anak Timesco / Optima Unit 1.001.520
219 Laryngoscope Dewasa Timesco / Optima Unit 1.001.520
220 Pulse Oxymeter Maximo / Radial 9 Unit 20.656.350
221 Additional instruments for feess Unit 84.953.940
222 Unidrive Motor System Unit 464.968.180
223 Hysteroscopy Diagnostic & Operative

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 100
1 2 3 4 5 6
With Intra Uterine Resection set 291.642.630
224 Rotocut G1 Morcelator Unit 191.708.460
225 Proctoscope Unit 39.359.740
225 Rectoscope Unit 37.582.040
226 Video Brobnchoscope With Telepack set 643.827.140
226 Accessories For Gastroscope&Colonoscope set 63.922.020
227 Comffort Bed Series
- Comf.Bed Backrest 31801S Unit 9.814.900
- Comf.Bed Backrest 31802S Unit 10.633.900
- Comf.Bed Backrest 31803S Unit 10.633.900
- Comf.Bed Backrest 31804S Unit 11.451.890
- Comf.Bed Backrest 31801C Unit 12.641.690
- Comf.Bed Backrest 31802C Unit 13.459.680
- Comf.Bed Backrest 31803C Unit 13.458.430
- Comf.Bed Backrest 31804C Unit 14.277.680
- Comf.Bed Backrest 31801CM Unit 13.831.500
- Comf.Bed Backrest 31802CM Unit 14.649.490
- Comf.Bed Fowler 31803CM Unit 14.649.490
- Comf.Bed Fowler 3180CM Unit 15.467.490
228 Classic Bed Series
- Class Bed Backrest 33102 Unit 9.815.910
- Class Bed Backrest 33103 Unit 12.641.690
- Class Bed Backrest 33104 Unit 9.138.870
- Class Bed Backrest 33105 Unit 11.965.670
- Class Bed Fowler 33801 (*33106) Unit 10.633.900
- Class Bed Fowler 33802 (*33107) Unit 13.459.680
- Elec. Bed Icu. Iccu 31820CME Unit 20.374.680
229 Supramak Bed Series
- Supramak Bed 73001 Unit 28.393.100
- Supramak Bed 73002 Unit 31.232.410
- Supramak Bed 73003 Unit 50.120.580
- Supramak Bed Man 73004 Unit 16.359.830
- Opt : Batery Back Up Unit 3.866.880
230 Economic Bed Series
- Eco. Bed W/O Cast. 33002 Unit 5.949.030
- Eco. Bed W/ Cast. 33003 Unit 5.056.690
- Eco. Bed W/ Cast. 33004 Unit 6.760.260
231 Baby Bed Series
- Baby Bed 33608 Unit 3.911.490
- Baby Bed 33609 Unit 5.949.030
- Baby Bed 33610 Unit 8.923.550
- Baby Bed 33611 Unit 8.923.550
234 Children Bed Series
- Children Baby Bed 33601B Unit 9.815.910
- Children Baby Bed 33602B Unit 11.600.610
- Children Baby Bed 33605B Unit 10.113.360
- Children Baby Bed 33606B Unit 12.195.520
- Children Baby Bed 33601C Unit 11.600.610
- Children Baby Bed 33602C Unit 13.385.320
- Children Baby Bed 33605C Unit 11.898.060
- Children Baby Bed 33606C Unit 13.980.220
235 Bedside Cabinet Series
- Bedside Cabinet 31811 Unit 3.866.880
- Bedside Cabinet 31814 Unit 5.056.690
- Bedside Cabinet 31815 Unit 7.287.570
- Bedside Cabinet 31816 Unit 8.477.380
- Bedside Cabinet 31817 Unit 3.420.700
- Bedside Cabinet 73017 Unit 3.569.430
- Eco. Bedside Cabinet 33031 Unit 3.109.720
236 Room Accessories
- Overbed Table 318132 Unit 2.974.520
- Overbed Table 73012 (*730310 Unit 4.486.810
- Infuse Stand 36101 Unit 1.561.630
- Tv/Refrg.Shelves 31823 Unit 7.287.570

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 101
1 2 3 4 5 6
-Room Devider 36202 Unit 4.461.780
- Flatwall Cabinet 31821A Unit 7.882.470
- Flatwall Cabinet 31821B Unit 7.882.470
- Mattress Baby 33612 (*36111) Unit 892.360
- Mattress Baby 33603A (*36112A) Unit 2.974.520
- Mattress Baby 33603B (*36112B) Unit 3.515.340
- Mattress Adult 31813 (*3611) Unit 4.191.370
237 Room Accessories
- Exam. Table 34101 Unit 6.395.210
- Gynaec.ex. Table 34102 Unit 13.831.500
- Gynaec.ex. Table 34103 Unit 13.831.500
-Exam. Table Elect 34104E Unit 17.847.090
- Exam. Table elect 34104M Unit 8.626.100
-Gynaec. Chair Elect 530A (*341085) Unit 68.413.840
-Gynaec.Wx.Tb E34107 Unit 52.054.010
-OP. Table 520MP (*52501M) Unit 47.013.860
-OP.Table Elect 525A (*52501E) Unit 86.260.920
238 Bowl Stand Single 36301 Unit 2.378.610
239 Bowl Stand Double 36302 Unit 3.420.700
240 Instr Trolley 35101 Unit 6.246.490
241 Dressing Trolley 35102 Unit 8.626.100
242 Mayo Stand 35103 Unit 4.313.060
243 Emergency Trolley 36603 Unit 9.667.180
244 Exam Stool 31310 (* 34151) Unit 3.123.250
245 Food Steep 34106 (* 34152) Unit 936.980
246 Folding Strecher 31201 Unit 7.882.470
247 Mobile Strecher 31202 Unit 12.046.790
248 Mobile Strecher 31203 Unit 8.774.830
249 Emerg.Strecher 34130 (* 31204) Unit 17.549.640
250 Multi Purp.Strecher 31206 Unit 43.874.090
251 Transp. Patient 31207 Unit 15.616.210
252 Emerg.Mob.Strecher 31208 Unit 12.046.790
253 Transp.Patient 31209 Unit 17.576.680
254 Mortual Car.3N Car 31210 Unit 17.400.920
255 Commode Chair 31302 Unit 4.075.090
256 Whell Chair 31303 Unit 2.825.800
257 Whell Chair 31305 Unit 2.825.800
258 Food Trolly 35201 Unit 9.221.010
259 Food Trolly 35202 Unit 13.087.870
260 Food Trolly 35203 Unit 18.739.450
261 Laundry Trolly 35301 Unit 6.246.490
262 Linen Hamper Car 35302A Unit 6.692.660
263 Linen Hamper Car 35302B Unit 10.262.090
264 Trolly Cleaner 35310 Unit 9.518.460
265 Medicine Trol. 25D 36601 Unit 12.046.790
266 Medicine Trol. 50D 36602 Unit 14.872.580
267 Urinal & Bedpen Car 36501 (* 36303) Unit 7.436.290
268 Instr. Cabinet 32901 Unit 6.543.940
269 Medicine Cabinet 32902 Unit 6.543.940
270 Medicine Cabinet 32903 Unit 5.205.410
271 Locker 4 Cup Board 32503 Unit 7.882.470
272 Locker 6 Cup Board 32504 Unit 10.410.810
273 Locker 12 Cup Board 32505 Unit 13.385.320
274 Folding Bed 99001 Unit 5.651.580
275 Sofa Bed 99002 Unit 5.651.580
276 Opt : Back Rest Mattress Unit 252.850
277 Modern Chair 99101 Unit 486.750
278 Modern Chair 99102 Unit 624.660
279 Modern Table ( Metal) Unit 1.216.850
280 Modern Table ( Food) Unit 1.081.650
281 Accessories
- Castor 2 Inc / 4 Sets Unit 94.660
- Castor 5 inc / 4 Sets Unit 703.080
- Infuse Stand Fopr Bed Unit 594.910

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 102
1 2 3 4 5 6
1. Palu Geologis Easting GS - 22 p Buah 525.800
Cidiment estina 23-12 pc Buah 510.780
2. Compas suntra RC-1 Buah 901.370
3. Hip Calin and Belt Ex Canada Buah 1.502.280
4. Clinometer PM - 5 - 360 PC Buah 1.276.940
5. Beang Hip Calin - Buah 75.120
6. Hand Lins (Laupe) Pembesar 10 K Buah 142.720
Pembesar 20 K Buah 210.320
7. Bor Tangan Spiral Auger (stell) 50 mm x 1 mm Buah 976.490
T Nandle Buah 255.390
Soil Auger (stell) Buah 1.457.220
Tommy Bar Auger Buah 210.320
Driil Rod Batangnya 3 m Buah 751.140
8 Curvimeter Hever Buah 375.570
9 Survey Chain Yellow Colour 50 m Buah 841.280
10 Sylva Compas Buah 976.490
11 Tang Stand Soriber Magnet Buah 145.730
12 Buush & Lam Lens Pembesar 10x dan 20x ex.USA Buah 600.920
13 Pensil magnet - Buah 135.210
14 Safti Helmet Putih EIG Buah 270.420
15 Alat ukur theodolith Pentax Theodolith PH 20 D Buah 26.289.900
16 Mistar Stainlesstell Panjang 30 cm Buah 49.590
Panjang 60 cm Buah 61.100
Panjang 100 cm Buah 76.630
17 Measuring Tape Fiberglass Eselon 30 cm Buah 262.900
18 Kompa geologie - Brunton Type Buah 676.030
19 Rok Stessel - Estwing AFBC-9 Buah 157.740
20 Altimeter Barometer - Toman Type TX - 11 Buah 1.171.780
21 Protaktor - Plastik style Buah 45.070
22 Kaca pengaman - Clear Glas Buah 82.630
23 PH Meter - Untuk Soil Buah 721.100
24 Mesin potong & asah - portable electric Buah 5.257.980
25 Meter Type - panjang 3 m Buah 45.070
26 Caruy Bag - panjang 3 m Buah 600.920
27 Steal Plate - Buah 45.070
28 Botol asam - isi 30 ml Buah 40.570
29 Conduktivity - Banna Type 1 lt 8633 dgn perlengkapannya Unit 7.503.890
- H1-7031 M Conductyvity
- HI-7630/c probc
30 a.Multimeter - merk Banna - 9100 A Unit 8.863.460
31 b.Depth meter/water revel meter - 60 m lenyth Indicator Buah 8.863.460
merk sinca 51405317
32 Shafety shoes - Merk bata Buah 345.530
33 Ear MVFF - Buah 150.230
34 Alat Uji Meter Air - Water Meter Tester Portable set 57.493.510
- Roda Meter System
- Portable
- Elekronik
- Ketelitian 1 %
35 Alat uji Meter Taksi & Massa * 1 Set Tranducer dan Indikator Elektronik buah 23.423.050
1 digit 1 Meter
* 1 Set Anak Timbangan M1 Kuningan set 9.858.720
berulir ( 1 kg - 10 kg )Terbuat Kuningan Padu Tempat
Justir Berulir Tempat Justir Tertutup Sekrup kuningan
36 Alat Kontrol Interkoneksi - Panel Kontrol Induction Grid Interconection set 56.335.500
Controlled 25 kw 3 Phase 220/380 Volt, 50 Hz
Ballast Load Total Capacity 30 kw
37 Alat Cetak Genteng Merk/Buatan : Modifikasi/lokal buah 187.790
Ukuran : Standar
Bahan : Logam dari besi plat dan Besi Cor
38 Alat Cetak Batako Merk/Buatan : Modifikasi/lokal
Ukuran : 40x20x10 buah 438.170
Ukuran : 35x15x10 buah 375.570
Bahan : Logam dari besi plat dan besi cor
Bahan : Logam dari besi plat dan buah 2.253.420
39 System Press Manual Besi cor
40 Bit meter untuk meter ( Handy Digital) Merk Hanna, type 8425 Buah 796.210

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 103
1 2 3 4 5 6
41 Ear flung - Pasang 25.550
42 Rambu ukur alumunium - panjang 3 m Cm 488.250
43 Buku Uji - jilid 4.390
44 Plat Uji - keping 390
45 Pelengkap Plat Uji - set 510
46 Timbangan Kodok - buah 8.450.330
47 Dongkrak Buaya - Kondo 3 Ton buah 963.970
48 Rool Meter 50 M - rool 56.340
49 Tang Segel - buah 56.340
50 Konci Pas - set 206.570
51 Injeksi gemuk - buah 56.340
52 Injeksi oli - buah 68.860
53 Konci Shok Talkit - set 438.170
54 Tang Sedang - buah 10.020
55 Tang Jajur - buah 10.020
56 Tang Plus - buah 10.020
57 Tang Minus - buah 10.020
58 Kunci Pipa Ukuran Besar buah 56.340
59 Tang Potong - buah 10.020
60 Catok Besar - buah 81.380
61 Sikat Busi - buah 7.520
62 Terminal Kabel 25 m buah 81.380
63 Avo Meter - buah 62.600
64 Stop Watch Digital - buah 62.600
65 Conter Sogeski - buah 62.600
66 Kesukos Liter - buah 250.380
67 Konci Pas - set 250.380
68 Palu 1/2 kg buah 9.390
69 Konci Inggris - buah 56.340
70 Pakaian Petugas Penguji - stel 56.340
71 Sepatu Proyek - stel 31.300
72 Helpet Penguji - buah 18.780
73 Obeng Ketik - buah 31.300
74 Tang Potong - 6" buah 30.990
75 Tang Runcing - buah 10.020
76 Meteran 100 m rool 125.190
77 Gergaji Besi - buah 25.040
78 Anemometer Paket 112.671.000
79 Cap Gas Generator Unit 21.908.250
80 Thermometer Apung Unit 6.259.500
81 Penakar Hujan Biasa (OBS) Unit 3.129.750
82 Sangkar Meteorlogi Unit 4.381.650
83 Pengadaan Alat Geolistrik unit 93.892.500
84 Pengadaan Total Station unit 106.411.500
85 Alat Logging Resistiviti unit 62.595.000
86 Plotter unit 75.114.000
87 Scanner A3 unit 31.297.500
88 Double Core Barrel set 3.755.700
89 Mata bor jagung 4" buah 9.389.250
90 Current meter unit 18.778.500
91 Mesin bor air hidrolik unit 625.950.000
92 Charge Accu unit 938.930
93 Water level indicator 100 m unit 62.595.000
94 Sampling bottle air laut (lokal) - buah 2.766.700
95 Vacuum Pump MZ 2 C UV 9 mbar buah 49.556.470
96 Separating Funnel Conical Key 500 ml - buah 644.490
97 Separating Funnel Conical Key 1000 ml - buah 930.930
98 Separating Funnel Clindrical Key 500 ml - buah 514.290
99 Separating Funnel Clindrical Key 250 ml - buah 709.590
100 Filter Millipore - buah 500.760
101 Tabung reaksi kaca uk 15 x 150 ml cap. 18 ml buah 7.520
102 Tabung reaksi kaca uk 20 x 150 ml cap. 35 ml buah 12.520
103 Pegboards with Heaterand Timer PB 5510HT Dimen. 700 H x 550 W x 110/235 mm (D) buah 22.377.720
104 Horizontal sedimen sampler - buah 4.006.080

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 104
1 2 3 4 5 6
105 Anak timbangnan - buah 2.503.800
106 Manometer gaya - buah 4.694.630
107 Biconus sondir 2,5 - 5 ton buah 2.503.800
108 Stang Sondir Panjang 1 meter buah 420.640
109 Kertas saring Ekstraksi - duz 438.170
110 Metal type - buah 20.660
111 Gas Acetyline - tabung 1.822.770
112 Diamond Bite / Mata bor - buah 8.137.350
113 Lengser / Pan Stainless - buah 231.610
114 Tabung Dhurham - buah 9.090
115 Labu Ukur 50 ml - buah 137.710
116 Labu Ukur 100 ml - buah 145.850
117 Picnometer 100 ml - buah 173.390
118 Picnometer 500 ml - buah 319.240
119 Singel Bor - buah 2.278.460
120 Gelas Ukur hidrometer 1000 cc - buah 445.680
121 Pasir Kuarsa - kg 39.610
122 Bak Ukur - buah 1.439.690
123 Thermo Stat Freser/Refrigrator - unit 467.910
124 IC PCB Program - set 1.122.960
125 Lensa Digital - unit 1.511.670
126 Elemen Pemanas - unit 1.382.100
127 Trafo Regeulator - buah 431.910
128 Thermometer - buah 1.166.150
129 Konductor Coil 220V - buah 975.560
130 Kontak Relay 40 A/24 V - buah 431.910
131 Rak pengering alat gelas ukuran 40 x 60 x 120 cm 359.930
132 Lemari kaca penyimpan alat ukuran 44 x 110 cm 657.250
133 Labu Ukur 200 cc buah 100.780
134 Beaker glass 1000 cc buah 136.780
135 Beaker glass 500 cc buah 71.990
136 Pipet volume 1 cc buah 43.200
137 Corong kaca diameter ± 10 cm buah 28.800
138 Corong kaca diameter ± 7,5 cm buah 43.200
139 Kertas saring Whatman 0,45 mm Pack 1.427.170
140 Water filter volume 1 liter buah 112.680
141 Wadah penimbang - Pack 150.230
142 Stirrer - buah 36.000
143 Spatel 20 cm buah 7.210
144 Spatel 30 cm buah 8.650
145 Cuvet cell spektrofotometer buah 3.254.940
146 Pompa TOC buah 11.392.290
147 Syring TOC buah 2.848.080
148 Pipa Kapiler AAS buah 1.627.470
149 Electrode ( Oksi, pH, konduktometer) buah 8.137.350
150 Program Compaction test buah 2.503.800
1. Palu Geologis Easting GS - 22 p Buah 525.800
Cidiment estina 23-12 pc Buah 510.780
2. Compas suntra RC-1 Buah 901.370
3. Hip Calin and Belt Ex Canada Buah 1.502.280
4. Clinometer PM - 5 - 360 PC Buah 1.276.940
5. Beang Hip Calin - Buah 75.120
6. Hand Lins (Laupe) Pembesar 10 K Buah 142.720
Pembesar 20 K Buah 210.320
7. Bor Tangan Spiral Auger (stell) 50 mm x 1 mm Buah 976.490
T Nandle Buah 255.390
Soil Auger (stell) Buah 1.457.220
Tommy Bar Auger Buah 210.320
Driil Rod Batangnya 3 m Buah 751.140
8 Curvimeter Hever Buah 375.570
9 Survey Chain Yellow Colour 50 m Buah 841.280
10 Sylva Compas Buah 976.490
11 Tang Stand Soriber Magnet Buah 145.730
12 Buush & Lam Lens Pembesar 10x dan 20x ex.USA Buah 600.920
13 Pensil magnet - Buah 135.210
14 Safti Helmet Putih EIG Buah 270.420

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 105
1 2 3 4 5 6
15 Alat ukur theodolith Pentax Theodolith PH 20 D Buah 26.289.900
16 Mistar Stainlesstell Panjang 30 cm Buah 49.590
Panjang 60 cm Buah 61.100
Panjang 100 cm Buah 76.630
17 Measuring Tape Fiberglass Eselon 30 cm Buah 262.900
18 Kompa geologie - Brunton Type Buah 676.030
19 Rok Stessel - Estwing AFBC-9 Buah 157.740
20 Altimeter Barometer - Toman Type TX - 11 Buah 1.171.780
21 Protaktor - Plastik style Buah 45.070
22 Kaca pengaman - Clear Glas Buah 82.630
23 PH Meter - Untuk Soil Buah 721.100
24 Mesin potong & asah - portable electric Buah 5.257.980
25 Meter Type - panjang 3 m Buah 45.070
26 Caruy Bag - panjang 3 m Buah 600.920
27 Steal Plate - Buah 45.070
28 Botol asam - isi 30 ml Buah 40.570
29 Conduktivity - Banna Type 1 lt 8633 dgn perlengkapannya Unit 7.503.890
- H1-7031 M Conductyvity
- HI-7630/c probc
30 a.Multimeter - merk Banna - 9100 A Unit 8.863.460
31 b.Depth meter/water revel meter - 60 m lenyth Indicator Buah 8.863.460
merk sinca 51405317
32 Shafety shoes - Merk bata Buah 345.530
33 Ear MVFF - Buah 150.230
34 Alat Uji Meter Air - Water Meter Tester Portable set 57.493.510
- Roda Meter System
- Portable
- Elekronik
- Ketelitian 1 %
35 Alat uji Meter Taksi & Massa * 1 Set Tranducer dan Indikator Elektronik buah 23.423.050
1 digit 1 Meter
* 1 Set Anak Timbangan M1 Kuningan set 9.858.720
berulir ( 1 kg - 10 kg )Terbuat Kuningan Padu Tempat
Justir Berulir Tempat Justir Tertutup Sekrup kuningan
36 Alat Kontrol Interkoneksi - Panel Kontrol Induction Grid Interconection set 56.335.500
Controlled 25 kw 3 Phase 220/380 Volt, 50 Hz
Ballast Load Total Capacity 30 kw
37 Alat Cetak Genteng Merk/Buatan : Modifikasi/lokal buah 187.790
Ukuran : Standar
Bahan : Logam dari besi plat dan Besi Cor
38 Alat Cetak Batako Merk/Buatan : Modifikasi/lokal
Ukuran : 40x20x10 buah 438.170
Ukuran : 35x15x10 buah 375.570
Bahan : Logam dari besi plat dan besi cor
Bahan : Logam dari besi plat dan buah 2.253.420
39 System Press Manual Besi cor
40 Bit meter untuk meter ( Handy Digital) Merk Hanna, type 8425 Buah 796.210
41 Ear flung - Pasang 25.550
42 Rambu ukur alumunium - panjang 3 m Cm 488.250
43 Buku Uji - jilid 4.390
44 Plat Uji - keping 390
45 Pelengkap Plat Uji - set 510
46 Timbangan Kodok - buah 8.450.330
47 Dongkrak Buaya - Kondo 3 Ton buah 963.970
48 Rool Meter 50 M - rool 56.340
49 Tang Segel - buah 56.340
50 Konci Pas - set 206.570
51 Injeksi gemuk - buah 56.340
52 Injeksi oli - buah 68.860
53 Konci Shok Talkit - set 438.170
54 Tang Sedang - buah 10.020
55 Tang Jajur - buah 10.020
56 Tang Plus - buah 10.020
57 Tang Minus - buah 10.020
58 Kunci Pipa Ukuran Besar buah 56.340
59 Tang Potong - buah 10.020
60 Catok Besar - buah 81.380
61 Sikat Busi - buah 7.520
62 Terminal Kabel 25 m buah 81.380
63 Avo Meter - buah 62.600
64 Stop Watch Digital - buah 62.600
65 Conter Sogeski - buah 62.600
66 Kesukos Liter - buah 250.380
67 Konci Pas - set 250.380

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 106
1 2 3 4 5 6
68 Palu 1/2 kg buah 9.390
69 Konci Inggris - buah 56.340
70 Pakaian Petugas Penguji - stel 56.340
71 Sepatu Proyek - stel 31.300
72 Helpet Penguji - buah 18.780
73 Obeng Ketik - buah 31.300
74 Tang Potong - 6" buah 30.990
75 Tang Runcing - buah 10.020
76 Meteran 100 m rool 125.190
77 Gergaji Besi - buah 25.040
78 Anemometer Paket 112.671.000
79 Cap Gas Generator Unit 21.908.250
80 Thermometer Apung Unit 6.259.500
81 Penakar Hujan Biasa (OBS) Unit 3.129.750
82 Sangkar Meteorlogi Unit 4.381.650
83 Pengadaan Alat Geolistrik unit 93.892.500
84 Pengadaan Total Station unit 106.411.500
85 Alat Logging Resistiviti unit 62.595.000
86 Plotter unit 75.114.000
87 Scanner A3 unit 31.297.500
88 Double Core Barrel set 3.755.700
89 Mata bor jagung 4" buah 9.389.250
90 Current meter unit 18.778.500
91 Mesin bor air hidrolik unit 625.950.000
92 Charge Accu unit 938.930
93 Water level indicator 100 m unit 62.595.000
94 Sampling bottle air laut (lokal) - buah 2.766.700
95 Vacuum Pump MZ 2 C UV 9 mbar buah 49.556.470
96 Separating Funnel Conical Key 500 ml - buah 644.490
97 Separating Funnel Conical Key 1000 ml - buah 930.930
98 Separating Funnel Clindrical Key 500 ml - buah 514.290
99 Separating Funnel Clindrical Key 250 ml - buah 709.590
100 Filter Millipore - buah 500.760
101 Tabung reaksi kaca uk 15 x 150 ml cap. 18 ml buah 7.520
102 Tabung reaksi kaca uk 20 x 150 ml cap. 35 ml buah 12.520
103 Pegboards with Heaterand Timer PB 5510HT Dimen. 700 H x 550 W x 110/235 mm (D) buah 22.377.720
104 Horizontal sedimen sampler - buah 4.006.080
105 Anak timbangnan - buah 2.503.800
106 Manometer gaya - buah 4.694.630
107 Biconus sondir 2,5 - 5 ton buah 2.503.800
108 Stang Sondir Panjang 1 meter buah 420.640
109 Kertas saring Ekstraksi - duz 438.170
110 Metal type - buah 20.660
111 Gas Acetyline - tabung 1.822.770
112 Diamond Bite / Mata bor - buah 8.137.350
113 Lengser / Pan Stainless - buah 231.610
114 Tabung Dhurham - buah 9.090
115 Labu Ukur 50 ml - buah 137.710
116 Labu Ukur 100 ml - buah 145.850
117 Picnometer 100 ml - buah 173.390
118 Picnometer 500 ml - buah 319.240
119 Singel Bor - buah 2.278.460
120 Gelas Ukur hidrometer 1000 cc - buah 445.680
121 Pasir Kuarsa - kg 39.610
122 Bak Ukur - buah 1.439.690
123 Thermo Stat Freser/Refrigrator - unit 467.910
124 IC PCB Program - set 1.122.960
125 Lensa Digital - unit 1.511.670
126 Elemen Pemanas - unit 1.382.100
127 Trafo Regeulator - buah 431.910
128 Thermometer - buah 1.166.150
129 Konductor Coil 220V - buah 975.560
130 Kontak Relay 40 A/24 V - buah 431.910
131 Rak pengering alat gelas ukuran 40 x 60 x 120 cm buah 359.930
132 Lemari kaca penyimpan alat ukuran 44 x 110 cm buah 657.250
133 Labu Ukur 200 cc buah 100.780
134 Beaker glass 1000 cc buah 136.780
135 Beaker glass 500 cc buah 71.990
136 Pipet volume 1 cc buah 43.200
137 Corong kaca diameter ± 10 cm buah 28.800

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 107
1 2 3 4 5 6
138 Corong kaca diameter ± 7,5 cm buah 43.200
139 Kertas saring Whatman 0,45 mm Pack 1.427.170
140 Water filter volume 1 liter buah 112.680
141 Wadah penimbang - Pack 150.230
142 Stirrer - buah 36.000
143 Spatel 20 cm buah 7.210
144 Spatel 30 cm buah 8.650
145 Cuvet cell spektrofotometer buah 3.254.940
146 Pompa TOC buah 11.392.290
147 Syring TOC buah 2.848.080
148 Pipa Kapiler AAS buah 1.627.470
149 Electrode ( Oksi, pH, konduktometer) buah 8.137.350
150 Program Compaction test buah 2.503.800
1 Ketak super Ikat 32.100
2 Ketak biasa (sudah pecah) Ikat 29.430
3 Amplas kayu halus Lembar 2.680
4 Kayu motif (timbul, terawang) Pasang 18.780
5 Pemaje Set 21.400
1 Hair dyer merk internasional Buah 267.500
2 Gunting merk sheva Buah 107.000
3 Handuk putih kecil Lusin 107.000
4 Semir begen Buah 80.250
5 Keep potong Buah 26.750
6 Keep semir Buah 26.750
7 Roto Lusin 8.560
8 Shampo Good 2 liter Liter 37.450
9 Tatakan obat keriting Buah 16.050
10 Creambat Good 2 liter Botol 53.500
1 Obeng ketok Set 250.380
2 Kunci inggris Buah 58.840
3 Kunci pas Set 119.810
4 Kunci ring 14 pcs Set 229.980
5 Kunci busi Prohex Buah 25.480
6 Tang cucut Buah 371.820
7 Trek magnit Buah 305.730
8 Kotak peralatan Buah 42.700
9 Tang kombinasi Set 325.010
10 Alat pres ban lengkap Buah 119.810
11 Pompa tabung Buah 137.710
12 Tang kancing luar Buah 49.590
13 Tang kancing dalam Buah 18.600
14 Palu sedang Buah 185.910
15 Obeng Set 231.360
16 Gerinda tangan Buah 157.000
17 Kunci "T" Buah 325.010
- 10 mm H Buah 21.660
- 12 mm H Buah 11.390
18 Karet pres ban Lembar 18.600
19 Lem pres ban Kaleng 37.190
20 Avo meter Buah 158.370
21 Gergaji besi dan mata Set 119.810
22 Catok duduk Buah 117.060
23 Alat stel pelek Set 351.160
24 Kunci jeruji Buah 27.550
28 Stempet Kaleng 27.550
30 Stang shecher Buah 305.730
30 Timbangan Meja Kapasitas 10 kg unit 438.170
31 Timbangan Dacin Logam Kapasitas 10 kg unit 438.170
Kapasitas 25 kg unit 500.760
Kapasitas 50 kg unit 594.660
Kapasitas 110 kg unit 688.550
32 Timbangan Sentisimal Kapasitas 300 kg unit 3.129.750
Kapasitas 500 kg unit 3.755.700
Kapasitas 1000 kg unit 4.381.650
33 Timbangan Neraca Neraca C unit 36.305.100
34 Timbangan Elektronik Kapasitas 15 kg / 5 g unit 9.389.250

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 108
1 2 3 4 5 6
Kapasitas 6 kg / 10 mg unit 31.297.500
35 Timbangan Bobot Ingsu Kapasitas 50 kg unit 938.930
36 Anak Timbangan Standar Dacin Logam unit 2.503.800
Bidur @ 25 kg buah 2.503.800
37 Deeptape - - 3.129.750
38 Mistar Baja Panjang 30 meter buah 4.381.650
Panjang 50 meter buah 5.007.600
39 Peralatan Striping - set 43.816.500
40 Thermometer Standar - buah 9.389.250
41 Kran Bejana Ukur Standar 4" - buah 1.251.900
42 Timah Justir - kg 22.540
43 Timah Plombir - kg 21.910
- Merk L F; Bahan Stainless Steel; Kapasitas 1 kg; Kepekaan 1 mg; kotak
44 Neraca C kg 30.495.000
dari kayu
45 Mesin Las 250 A buah 18.457.500
46 Mesin Kompresor buah 6.152.500
47 Dapur Las buah 2.091.850
48 Slang Karbit meter 36.920
49 Tabung Oxigen meter 1.476.600
50 Slang Oxigen meter 36.920
51 Blender - Kecil buah 61.530
- Besar buah 61.530
- Potong set 184.580
52 Klem Selang Kompresor 3/4 " buah 2.710
53 Selang Angun Kompresor 3/4 " meter 9.480
54 Kunci Rang 14 pcs set 226.050
55 Tang Snap Ring - 7" buah 25.720
56 - 6" buah 23.380
57 Alat Ukur Tekanan Angin Kompresor - buah 104.910
58 Kunci Sock 24 pcs tornado set 257.180
59 Kunci Bago 10" buah 37.230
60 Tang Ptong 6" buah 30.470
61 Kunci L 58-535 buah 30.470
62 Obeng set Kondo 7 pcs buah 26.400
63 Kunci cnok T 8 mm buah 17.600
64 Palu Tukang Prohex 250 gr buah 36.550
65 Palu Karet Prohex 250 gr buah 23.690
66 Kunci L Lipat Star buah 54.150
67 Betel Prohex 6" buah 16.930
68 Tang Karet Prohex buah 38.590
69 Tang Buaya Sell 10" buah 50.770
70 Krung Set Fukung 8 pcs buah 94.750
71 Air Duster Wipro 3 way buah 47.380
72 Tang Lancip Prohex 8" buah 34.520
73 Oli can RRT 300 cc buah 20.310
74 Puller Prohex 6" buah 30.470
75 Kunci Klep Sliding L Japan buah 14.890
76 Kunci Klep L Japan buah 13.540
77 Obeng Ketok Prohex Kuning buah 115.060
78 Kompresor Multipro 1/2 HP buah 1.488.910
79 Mesin Tenaga Honda 6-200 5,5 PK buah 2.368.720
80 Solder Prohex 200 w buah 54.150
81 Dongkrak Buaya Kondo 3 Ton buah 947.490
82 Kunci Moment 1/2 " buah 439.910
83 Coupling Wipro Ph-20 buah 6.770
84 Coupling Wipro sf-20 buah 16.930
85 Coupling Wipro SH buah 22.350
86 Selang Spiral Kompresor 12 M set 60.910
87 Selang Spiral Kompresor 15 M set 74.450
88 Pompa Gemuk Prohex buah 216.570
89 Spray Gun Einhill buah 236.880
90 Tracker Yokohama buah 77.830
91 Cukit Ban Sell set 50.760
92 Cukit Ban Sell set 47.380
93 Tester Air Accu buah 27.080
94 Sketmathch Einhill 6" buah 94.750
95 Kunci Busi Prohex buah 25.050
96 Kunci Sock T Eropa Prohex set 46.710
97 Kompor Bakar Prohex buah 145.510

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 109
1 2 3 4 5 6
98 Kunci Nipple 5 pcs buah 189.500
99 Impack Wrench 1/2" buah 642.940
100 Jack Stand Wipro 3 on buah 115.060
101 Ragum - 5" buah 439.910
- 8" buah 406.070
1 Dipan susun lengkap Set 953.370
2 Almari pakaian Buah 706.200
3 Meja makan Buah 411.950
4 Almari buku/perpustakaan Buah 1.177.000
5 kursi makan plastik Buah 76.510
1 Tongkat ketiak Buah 438.170
2 Kursi roda Buah 2.503.800
3 Hearing /alat bantu dengar Buah 1.251.900
a Alat Tidur
Kelambu Gantung Bh/KK 375.570
Tikar karet/spon Bh/KK 285.440
b Alat Penerangan -
Senter+Bateray Bh/KK 97.650
Tiker Karet/Spon Bh/KK 87.890
c Alat Dapur
Periuk Nasi Bh/KK 59.650
Wajan + sotil Bh/KK 43.120
Ceret Bh/KK 100.960
Bakul Nasi + Centong Bh/KK 202.810
Piring Melamin Bh/KK 67.610
Cangkir Melamin Bh/KK 13.380
Gayung Plastik Bh/KK 10.700
Jerigen Minyak Bh/KK 16.050
e Alat Pertukangan
Kampak Kecil Bh/KK 41.930
Gergaji Gorok Bh/KK 59.350
Linggis Bh/KK 54.690
f Sandang
Pakaian Seragam STEL/KK 97.650
Kulot dan blus STEL/KK 52.580
Pakaian Kerja STEL/KK 60.100
Sepatu Bot Psg/KK 90.140
Topi Bh/KK 112.680
Daster STEL/KK 26.290
1 Handy Talky ( VHF/ UHF )
HYT-TC 3600 Conventional and trunked, 128 channels, LCD display buah 3.669.030
Output power 5W (VHF), 4W (UHF), Fraq.Range 130-150 Mhz, 145-175 Mhz,
HYT-TC 3600 buah 3.397.250
350-390 Mhz, 400-430 Mhz, 440-470 Mhz, number of channel 16.
Output power 5W (VHF), 4W (UHF), Fraq.Range 136-150 Mhz, 148-175 Mhz,
HYT-TC 270 buah 1.494.790
number of channel 99.
Output power 4W (VHF), 4W (UHF), Fraq.Range 400-420 Mhz, 450-470Mhz,
HYT-TC 370 buah 1.766.570
number of channel 99.
Output power 5W (VHF), 4W (UHF), Fraq.Range: 136-150 Mhz, 150-170 Mhz,
HYT-TC 268 buah 1.630.680
number of channel 16.
Output power 5W (VHF), 4W (UHF), Fraq.Range: 400-450 Mhz, 450-470 Mhz,
HYT-TC 368 buah 1.834.520
470-490 Mhz number of channel 16.
Output power 5W (VHF), 4W (UHF), Fraq.Range: 136-150 Mhz, 150-170 Mhz,
HYT-TC 268S buah 1.630.680
number of channel 16.
Output power 5W (VHF), 4W (UHF), Fraq.Range: 400-450 Mhz, 450-470 Mhz,
HYT-TC 368S buah 1.834.520
470-490 Mhz number of channel 16.
Output power 4W, Fraq.Range: 136-150 Mhz, 150-174 Mhz, 400-420 Mhz, 450-
HYT-TC 500 buah 2.581.910
470 number of channel 16.
Output power 2W/5W (VHF),2W/ 4W (UHF), Fraq. Range :146-174 Mhz, 450-
HYT-TC 2108 buah 2.989.580
470 Mhz, number of channel 99.
Output power 0,5W, Fraq. Range :409.7500-409.9875 Mhz, number of
HYT-TC 1688 buah 2.853.690
channel 20.
ICOM - TH-22AT 5W 2M HT buah 4.748.690
- TH-G71A 6W 2M/440 HT buah 7.501.770
- TH-42AT 2W HT buah 6.586.920
- TH-D7A(G)2M/440 W/TNC/APRS buah 9.410.120
- TH-G71A 6W 2M/440 HT buah 4.079.910
- THF6A 5W 2M/220/440 HT buah 4.165.510
- IC-T22A buah 3.927.760
- IC- V8 buah 1.974.150
- IC-2GXAT buah 4.474.740

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 110
1 2 3 4 5 6
KENWOOD - Kenwood TH-22AT buah 2.942.500
- Kenwood TH-K2AT buah 1.974.150
- Kenwood TH-234 buah 1.872.500
Kabel Koaxial - 50 ohm (RG.8) meter 32.100
- 50 ohm (RG.58) meter 12.840
- 75 ohm (RG.11) meter 42.800
Modem RTTY / FSK - merk FUTURA PR 878 M buah 147.130
Mobile unit 1.588.950
Matcher Antena SSB - Merk Nasional buah 2.295.150
Power Supply Bell BL 1030 A buah 2.801.260
Power Suplay Merk Kenwood DPF - K7020 V-S 3 DISK unit 2.541.250
HYT-QH 868- Mobile radio Automatic scan of multiple-base station and multiple system buah 8.025.000
- HF Tranceiver/ Merk Kenwood Type TS-2000X FACTORY REFURB buah 27.539.660
Type TS-570DG HF Xcvr w/DSP buah 22.413.290
Type TS-50S Compact HF Xcvr buah 17.415.320
- HF Tranceiver/ Merk Icom Type IC-756 PRO 2 buah 46.120.210
IC-706MKIIG HF/6/2/70cm buah 17.953.530
IC-718 Gen Cov Xcvr buah 11.520.690
- HF Tranceiver/ Merk Yaesu FT-1000MP MK5 200W DELUXE buah 28.513.360
FT-920 HF with 6mtr and DSP buah 28.564.720
FT-897 HF/6M/2M/70CM buah 16.531.500
FT-1500M 50W 130 Mem buah 3.575.940
- VHF Tranceiver/ Merk Kenwood TM-271A 50 W buah 5.510.500
TM-V7A 2M/440 Cool Blue buah 9.483.410
TM-D700A 2M/440 APRS Mobile buah 9.995.940
- VHF Tranceiver/ Merk Icom IC-910 2M/440 ALL MODE BASE buah 23.054.220
IC-V8000 75W 2M W/WX ALERT buah 5.510.500
IC-2100H 55W 113MEM Dual Disp buah 4.606.350
- VHF Tranceiver/ Merk Yaesu FT-7100 2M/440 50/35W buah 7.048.090
FT-1500M 50W 130 Mem. buah 4.672.160
FT-2600 60W 2M buah 4.737.960
- UHF Tranceiver/ Merk Kenwood TM-461A 35W buah 6.535.560
TM-742AD 2M/440 50/35W buah 12.174.460
TM-642AD 2M/220 buah 12.674.150
- UHF Tranceiver/ Merk Icom IC-2800 2M/440 50/35W 3" Disp buah 8.586.750
IC-207H VHF/UHF 50/35W buah 4.690.880
IC-2720 /440 /35W buah 6.151.430
- UHF Tranceiver/ Merk Yaesu FT-50RD/41B/440 5W buah 5.767.300
FT-7100/440/35W buah 7.048.090
FT-817 HF/VHF/UHF 5W XCVR buah 12.174.460
Antenna Mobil Diamond SG 2000 buah 749.000
Antena Broad Band - PSR 630 Adaptor dan Disket unit 6.767.750
Antena Omny SSB - 8 Chanel Stereo unit 2.059.750
Antenna Diamond - F22 buah 1.391.000
- F23 buah 1.605.000

Antenna Direction Griddish/Panel Antena < 24 dB, VSWR 1.5 max, Impedance + 50 ohms. unit 5.350.000

Bracket Antenna Mobil merk Diamond buah 1.070.000

merk Comet buah 1.070.000
baterai Charge unit 4.872.780
Connector - merk Amphenol buah 53.500
1 Bola Kaki
- Mikasa TT buah 251.450
- Mikasa FT - 5 buah 375.090
- Mikasa FX - 5 buah 323.680
- Mikasa Play Off (lokal) buah 98.710
- Mikasa Klak Off buah 315.870
- Azota Mixixo (lokal) buah 111.870
- Adidas Primo buah 154.300
-Molten buah 164.520
- Euro buah 263.220
2 Bola Tennes - Ten isi 4 buah 46.010
- Pro Kanex isi 3 buah 32.910
- Dunlop isi 2 buah 36.170

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 111
1 2 3 4 5 6
- Dunlop isi 3 buah 72.390
- Dunlop isi 4 buah 75.650
- Babolot isi 3 buah 18.410
3 Bola Basket - Super K buah 85.550
- Mikasa II/D buah 361.930
- Mikasa Yunior buah 151.360
- Seiko Rubber No.7 buah 92.130
- Wilson buah 197.420
- Molten buah 460.640
- Stiker Black Magie buah 111.870
4 Bola Volley - Mikasa buah 329.030
- Mikasa MC buah 164.520
- Mikasa MC Gold buah 375.090
- Mikasa MC Super buah 375.090
- Molten V 58 Gold buah 342.190
- Mikasa Japan MC - VWL 210 buah 223.740
-Milton buah 223.740
5 Bola Tennes Meja - Shield Putih buah 13.170
- Shield Kuning buah 13.170
- Nitaku Putih buah 19.750
- Nitaku Kuning Biasa buah 19.750
- Nitaku Kuning 40 MM buah 55.940
- Pro Konerc bron buah 19.750
- Acore 8600 buah 32.910
- Caltol buah 118.450
- Carbon Babolot B.8500 buah 39.490
6 Bola Bulu Tangkis - Nasional buah 51.260
- Saxon Merah Super buah 39.490
- Saxon Merah Bulat buah 37.450
- Saxon Merah Lancip buah 39.490
- Saxon Pro slop 78.970
- Saxon Biru buah 39.490
- Nasional Super slop 65.810
- Indo Cock slop 59.230
- Mikasa Coklat slop 53.290
- Mikasa Merah slop 65.810
- Mikasa Hijau slop 64.420
- Mataram super coklat slop 53.930
- Mataram super biru slop 52.650
7 Bola Volley Air Merk Seiko dos 55.860
8 Tiang Net Tennes Meja - Kawasaki Super pasang 64.200
- Super Deluxe pasang 111.870
- Shield pasang 69.550
9 Net Tennes Meja - Double Happenes I buah 29.540
- Double Happenes II buah 46.070
10 Net Volley - Shield buah 53.500
- Natton I buah 58.850
- Natton II buah 78.970
- Supra buah 68.380
- Super K buah 53.500
- GTO VN 30.A Improt buah 408.000
- EMC Super buah 68.380
11 Net Tennis - GTO I engkel buah 598.830
- GTO II double buah 605.410
- GTO TN 45 Import buah 737.020
12 Net Takrow - Super K buah 28.890
13 Sepatu Sepak Bola - Merk Puma psg 158.580
- Spotek psg 171.100
- ATT psg 125.190
- Sao Paolo psg 159.430
- Night psg 321.000
- Specs psg 298.530
- Adidas psg 526.440
14 Bed Tennis Meja - Sunflek buah 117.700
- Tamasu buterfly buah 117.700
- Nitaku buah 276.390

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 112
1 2 3 4 5 6
- Dunlop Blue Flash buah 197.420
- Yamaha Yunex Lion buah 52.650
- Doubel Happines PJ buah 65.810
- Shield buah 43.340
-Buterfly buah 460.640
- Adidas Asli buah 177.620
15 Raket Tennis Lapangan - Pro Kannex buah 1.337.500
- Wilson buah 963.000
- Wilson buah 749.000
- Yonex RQ 180C buah 1.284.000
- Yonex RQ 200 C buah 1.391.000
- Yonex RQ 360 C buah 1.605.000
- Dunlop Max 8001 buah 2.140.000
- Dunlop Max 4001 buah 963.000
16 Raket Bulu Tangkis - Play Power buah 642.000
- Yonex Karbonix 8 SP buah 642.000
- Yonex buah 802.500
- Yonex Karbonix 9 buah 749.000
- Yonex Karbonix 20 buah 963.000
- Yonex Karbonix 21 buah 1.070.000
- Yonex Isometric 300 buah 1.284.000
- RS buah 592.250
- Proace wide body 55 buah 658.050
- Proace wide body 66 buah 690.960
- Toalson ridge power 55 buah 559.350
Snar Badminton - Ebox buah 6.580.500
17 Kostum - Baju Bola Volley 9 lbr set 909.500
- Baju Sepak Bola 18 lbr set 1.052.880
18 Piala - Besar 3 Buah set 481.500
- Sedang 3 Buah set 217.160
- Kecil 3 Buah set 141.780
19 Bola Takrow - Biasa buah 28.890
- Baik buah 118.450
- Terbaik buah 157.940
20 Sepatu / Kedes Olah Raga - Sportek pasang 253.270
-Puma pasang 128.400
-ATT pasang 167.990
- Tidora Import pasang 296.130
-Spence pasang 128.400
21 Peralatan Olah Raga Atletik - Mistar Lompat Tinggi pasang 160.500
- Sepatu Loncat Tinggi Merk Adidas pasang 467.220
- Sepatu Spike Lari merk FBT pasang 486.960
- Sepatu Joging Eagel pasang 263.220
22 Olah Raga Volly Pantai - Bola Volly Pantai Molten BV58 SL buah 243.480
- Net Volly Pantai buah 236.900
23 Olah Raga Pencak Silat - Samsak buah 473.800
- Body Protector buah 315.870
- Paching Pad buah 119.100
- Pelindung Kaki pasang 108.500
- Pelindung Tangan pasang 157.940
- Stop Watch buah 460.640
24 Olah Raga Karate - Baju Karate utk Pelatih buah 190.840
- Hand Protector buah 116.630
- Gun Shild buah 85.600
- Gun Shild buah 58.850
25 Olah Raga Tinju - Tali skeping buah 58.850
- Pelindung Kepala buah 799.510
- Sarung Tinju buah 118.450
- Gamsil buah 80.250
26 Training - Merk Nike stel 265.900
- Merk Adidas stel 265.900
- Biasa (Parasut) stel 128.400
- Biasa (Parasut) stel 107.000
- Biasa (Parasut) stel 64.200
27 Baju Kaos Olah Raga - Merk Puma buah 65.810
- Merk Adidas buah 75.650

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 113
1 2 3 4 5 6
- Merk Osela (Polos) buah 85.550
- Merk Nike buah 88.810
- Merk Crash T-Shirt bahan katun buah 85.550
- Baju Kaos Bahan Katun Diadora buah 84.270
28 Celana Pendek merk Adidas buah 85.550
Celana Training Bahan Diadora buah 108.500
29 Bola Basket merk Molten buah 535.000
30 Bola Kaki merk Mikasa buah 319.720
31 Bola Volly merk Molten buah 321.000
32 Bola Tenis merk Nasau Slop 58.850
33 Bola Badminton merk Saxen Slop 69.020
34 Bola Kasti Buah 5.350
35 Bola Takraw merk Gajah Mas Buah 128.400
36 Bola Pimpong merk Nitaku Slop 52.650
37 Net Volly merk Molten Buah 401.250
38 Net Tenis merk Molten Buah 508.250
39 Net Badminton merk Molten Buah 267.500
40 Net Takraw merk Molten Buah 176.550
41 Net Pingpong + tiang merk Nitaku Buah 267.500
43 Net Pimpong Merk Kawasaki Buah 321.000
44 Raket Tenis merk Wilsen Buah 2.140.000
45 Raket Badminton merk Yonek Buah 1.605.000
46 Bed Pingpong 229 Buah 267.500
Merk Dunlop Buah 2.140.000
47 Meja Pimpong Bahan Teak Wood Buah 2.461.000
- Merk NITAKU Type 2003 Buah 5.885.000
- Merk NITAKU Type 6303 Buah 4.280.000
- Merk BROWN Buah 5.139.380
- Merk DONIC Lokal Buah 2.675.000
1 Mixer - Merk Peavey 12 CH EQ 2314 buah 14.666.920
- Merk Allen & Heath GI 2200-24 CH buah 43.323.880
- Merk Behringer UB 2442 FX Pro buah 11.700.130
2 Equalizer - Merk Peavey Q 231 buah 11.533.000
- DBX 2231 buah 9.025.990
- merk ponik buah 3.610.290
- Merk Peavey 32 x 2 CH buah 9.702.660
3 Stereo Aqualizer merk SME buah 1.748.760
4 Efect Vocal Merk Peavey Deltafex unit 4.287.170
Effect Vokal - Zoom 2000 set 7.107.800
- Eurorac 1000 SP set 9.098.000
5 Crossover Merk Peavey X/D 2354 unit 6.430.810
Crosover Active - Merk Peavey set 10.803.900
Crossover Merk : Inter-M Stereo electronic Crossover DIV-9123 buah 4.928.960
Merk Carvin XC 3000 USA buah 7.897.570
6 Processor Merk MC Lelland SE-100 A buah 4.178.620
7 Power Merk Carvin buah 17.938.770
Power Merk Crown CE 2000 buah 18.385.920
Power Amplifier Merk Peavey PV 1500 unit 13.764.270
PA Amplifier 120W (AC/DC) Type : ZA-1121 buah 4.521.290
8 Sound System Rapat
a Power Supply Merk Carol Unit 12.884.840
ACS-787S/Power Booster ACS-787B Main Voltage : VCI : 15V +10%, VC2: 15V+10%
Output Current : ICI 3A+10%, IC2:2A+10%
Ripple : 160m Vpp at load 3A+10%
Power Consumption : 75W
Dimension (mm) : 482x240x86
Weight 4080g, Connecting Capacity; Max 30 units
b Chairman Unit ACS-787C Sensitivity : -68dB + 3 Db Unit 8.900.050
Max Power Output : 2W at 4Ωload
Loudspeaker : 4Ω/2W, DC Supply Voltage : Vel : 15V,Vc2:15V
Current Consumption :
- Loudspeaker ON : ICI : 30mA IC2 : 30mA
- Microphone ON : IC2 : 15mA IC2 : 220mA
Connection : To next unit : 2.0 cable +8-pole plug
To Power Supply : 5-pole socket
Dimension (mm) : 180x128x85, weight : 1,31 Kg
c Delegate Unit ACS-787D Sensitivity : -68dB + 3dB Unit 6.306.160
Max Power Output : 2W at 4Ω load
Loudspeaker : 4Ω/2W, DC Supply Voltage: Vcl : 15 V, Vc2:15V
Current Consumption :

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- Loudspeaker ON : ICI : 30mA IC2 : 30mA
- Microphone ON : IC2 : 15mA IC2 : 220mA
Connection : To next unit : 2.0 cable +8-pole plug
Dimension (mm) : 180x128x85, weight : 1,31 Kg
d Conference System Merk Philips : unit 105.259.380
- Chairman
- Pawer Suplay
- Delegate
- Handle Mic & Connection Mic
- Power Amplifire
- Speaker DAS Factor
- Type : WA-M 50 buah 12.509.700
- Type : WP-9110 C 2 x 150 W, 4 Ohm buah 24.617.070
- Towaer A.1.100 buah 5.026.010
- merk TOA ZA 1201 buah 4.895.580
9 Power Amplifier Merk Peavey PV 2600 unit 19.631.080
- Merk Nasional WA 750 buah 105.194.910
- Merk Peapey CS 1200 buah 18.480.350
- Merk Peapey CS 8000 buah 13.362.700
- Merk Crown 1000 watt buah 13.651.490
- Merk : Inter-M 2 x 1.000 W (4 Ohm), type M2000 buah 26.795.370
- Merk : Inter-M 2 x 1.200 W (4 Ohm) type P320 buah 45.828.530
- Euro Power EP.1500 buah 5.716.270
- Euro Power EP.2500 buah 6.852.930
Merk : Inter-M buah 26.795.370
2 x 1000 W ( 4 Ohm) M-2000
Teac AC-V 6.200 buah 12.396.920
Merk : Inter-M
2 x 1200 W ( 4 Ohm) P3200 buah 45.828.530
- Car Ampilifier 20W (DC) Type : ZA-20C buah 1.213.490
- PA Amplifier 30W (AC/DC) Type : ZA-1031 buah 3.144.840
- PA Amplifier 60W (AC/DC) Type : ZA-1061 buah 3.401.320
- PA Amplifier 120W (AC/DC) Type : ZA-1031 buah 2.200.030
10 Compressor Limiter Merk MC Lelland CP 102 unit 4.512.840
11 Boks Speaker Merk Werpedale 15 S buah 5.682.880
12 Speaker - Merk York Ville Y 115 buah 19.179.750
- Merk Peavey SP 5XL buah 26.625.880
- Merk Carvin TR 1503 USA buah 29.559.500
Merk TOA :
Ceiling Speaker
- Box Speaker 6W,Type:ZS-0618 buah 329.240
- Panel Cone Speaker 6W, buah 282.060
Type : ZS-645R buah 198.810
- Panel Cone Speaker 6W, buah 304.530
Type : ZS-646R
Type : ZS-62PR/S 6 W buah 304.530
Type : ZS-051B 5 W buah 284.950
Type : ZS-061B 6 W buah 294.470
Coloum Speaker
Type : ZS-102C 10 W buah 1.466.650
Type : ZS-202C 20 W buah 1.240.990
Horn Speaker
- Reflex Horn SP 15W, Type ZH-1545 buah 958.940

- Reflex Horn SP 15W W/MAT TRAFO Type ZH-1545M buah 1.297.380

- Reflex Horn SP 30W, Type ZH-3045 buah 846.160

- Reflex Horn SP 30W W/MAT TRAFO Type ZH-3045M buah 1.089.800

- Horn Speaker25W W/MAT TRAFO Type ZH-55025M buah 1.072.360

Merk Nasional :
Model : Coloum
- Type : WS-927N 10 W buah 3.294.430
- Type : WS-928N 20 W buah 4.770.390
- Type : WS-929N 30 W buah 6.254.800
Merk Ramsa
Type : WS-A 10 EK WR-21N buah 42.353.600
Type : WS-70 E 3X60W buah 5.577.060
Type : WS-80 E buah 7.384.400

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13 Colum Speakers - TOA-25-/102 buah 1.071.820
- TOA - 25 - /202 buah 1.353.880
- TOA ZS 202.C buah 1.466.650
- Merk Toa 20 watt set 1.421.500
14 Subwoofer - Merk Peavey UL 118 buah 31.138.070
- Merk York Ville Y 118 S buah 25.948.570
- Merk : Inter-M buah 23.207.230
- Merk Carvin DCM 2500 USA buah 25.949.220
15 Microphone/ Wireless Mic - Merk Shure Beta 58 A buah 3.677.170
- Merk Shure SM 58 Beta buah 4.549.000
- Merk Chime Show CM800 buah 3.384.630
- Carol W - 8 buah 165.210
- Carol WM - 14 buah 165.210
- Wireless sennheiser EW-112 G2 buah 10.154.040
- Merk Sennheiser EW 100 buah 14.667.030
- Merk Sennheiser EW 11262 buah 11.114.090
- Merk Shure PGX 24/Beta 58 buah 9.927.460
- TOA Type ZW 780 C/E buah 25.949.220
* Dynamic Microphone Merk TOA:
- ZM - 260 buah 248.140
- ZM - 320, buah 620.500
- ZM - 420, buah 789.660
- ZM - 520, buah 1.071.070
- DM - 801 buah 1.184.600
Merk : TOA
Dy. Microphone
Type : DM-220 buah 160.400
Type : DM-250 buah 182.120
Type : DM-310 buah 365.940
Type : DM-503 buah 564.960
Type : DM-510 buah 553.730
Type : DM-555 Buah 744.620
Merk Carol Buah 2.499.200
Condeser Microphone Type : EM-801 Buah 84.000
Merk : Inter-M MD-600/ 510 buah 1.579.540
20 Microphone Dynamic Merk : RAMSA
Type : WM-D 55 buah 2.382.090
Type : WM-D 65 buah 3.289.400
Type : WM-D 70 buah 4.113.410
Foxterm-301 Buah 1.140.620
Toa em-801 condensor mic Buah 986.920
Toa Type dm-220 dy Buah 181.530
Toa Type dm-258 dy Buah 190.040
Toa Type dm-310 dy Buah 399.220
Toa Type dm-503 dy Buah 665.330
Toa Type dm-510 dy Buah 684.380
Mini Bingo Meini (4 warna) t-01 Buah 1.140.620
Shure 565 sdlc Buah 2.851.660
Shure 588 sd Buah 1.901.070
Shure beta - 58 Buah 3.421.970
Shure sm 58 lc Buah 3.041.690
Shure sm 57 lc Buah 2.938.010
Toa 2m - 260 Buah 311.050
Toa 2m - 320 Buah 337.050
Toa 2m - 420 Buah 345.610
Toa 2m - 520 Buah 777.730
Transmitter W/receiver (47-27 mhz) wdt-1001 Buah 3.802.140
17 Mic Wearless Pionir - buah 2.188.690
18 Mic Kabel Pionir - buah 101.550
19 Mic Condensor - Merk TOA type 238, 600 ohm buah 166.920
20 Microphone Meja - Set 1.086.050
- AMPLIFIER - Merk 1500 MX 45 W PANASONIC/NA-H120W buah 850.550
- Merk 503 MX 45 W 120W buah 2.141.130
- Merk A 506 Max 90 W buah 2.774.510
- Merk A 512 MX 180 W M12 PHONIX buah 31.759.210

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- Merk Nasional RGK - 76 buah 10.055.330
- TOA A ZA.1025 25 W buah 634.300
- TOA A ZA.1031 30 W buah 1.360.510
- TOA A ZA.1065 60 W buah 1.752.770
- TOA ZA.1121 120 W buah 2.328.320
- TOA A 1724 buah 12.535.800
-Power -12 Chanel Set 13.162.610
- PRE AMPLIFIER - TOA MX 121-10 Chanel AC/DC buah 1.638.170
- TO-MX 111-10 Chanel buah 2.730.220
- 10 CH SOUND CRAFF - TOA set 14.951.110
ATTENUATOR MERK TOA Type:AT-31T/3 W 6-30 W/AT 311T buah 630.130
Type : AT-51T/5 W buah 1.692.320
Type : AT-31T/5 6 - 30 W buah 332.610
Type : ZV-061/6 W buah 240.650
Type : ZV-062/6 W buah 447.480
STAND SPEAKER - TOA ST-480 Buah 459.570
- TOA ST-490 Buah 626.700
Salon Aktif - 5600 watt + PA buah 1.241.040
- Merk Simbada 4500 buah
Tiang Corong Speaker - Buah 266.430
Kabel Loudspeaker Japan Super 2 x 2,5 mm (1 roll = 90 m) Rool 162.970
Kabel Mic rol 501.410
Box Speaker Merk TOA Ukuran : 4 Watt Buah 372.690
Ukuran : 5 Watt Buah 462.990
Stereo Cassete Tape - Merk Polytron 321 Buah 1.917.980
Technis Set System - 1 Ampli, 1 Salon, 1 Tape Buah 6.430.810
Kenwood Set System - 1 Ampli, 1 Salon, 1 Tape Buah 6.713.290
Sony Set System - 1 Ampli, 1(4) Salon, 1 Tape (3 Disk) Buah 5.922.450
Pioner Set System - 1 Ampli, 1 Salon, 1 Tape Buah 6.769.360
Tape Dek Lengkap :SW 15 buah 67.693.550
:SW 20 buah 82.360.040
Matching Transpormer - TOA - TM.3 Buah 495.410
Desk Mikrophone - ST.10 C Buah 394.830
- ST.10 Buah 488.030
- ST.40 Buah 442.020
- TC 25 BB Buah 500.550
Aephone termasuk - Merk Commex 6 cabang Buah 6.713.290
Pemasangan. - Merk Panasonic 12 cabang Buah 8.348.790
Intercome - Merk Panasonic 6 cabang Buah 733.280
Wireless * Merk TOA :
Wireless Amp.1Ch (MicBesar) Type ZW - 770/A buah 7.897.570
Wireless Amp.2 Ch (Mic Bsr) Type ZW - 770/C buah 9.702.660
Wireless Amp.2 Ch(Mic Besar + Kecil )Type ZW - 770/E buah 12.636.170
Wireless Amp.W/Cass 2 Ch mic Besar Type ZW - 770C/C buah 22.338.930
Wireless Amp.W/Cass. 2 Ch mic Besar + Kecil) Type ZW 770C/E buah 22.677.370
Wireless TOA * Merk TOA ZW. 3200 Set 2.549.710
Horn Speaker - Merk TOA, TC-35 BB,35 W Set 958.940
(Corong Speaker) - Merk TOA,TC-25 BB,25WZH-5025 Set 676.940
- Merk TOA, TC-20 BB,20 W Set 509.970
Standing Boks Merk Sennheiser set 1.850.250
Boks Speaker Merk Audax 12 inc. set 1.184.600
Power Boks Speaker Merk Peavey 15 inc. set 13.425.830
Tiang Mic Merk Max 29 B. Model T:
- Berdiri Buah 225.560
- Duduk Buah 101.550
Power Comperence - Merk Philips CCS 800 buah 30.086.050
Mic Comperence delegates - Merk Philips CCS 800 buah 15.795.130
Mic Comperence Chairman - Merk Philips CCS 800 buah 16.923.450
Extention Cable - Merk Philips CCS 800 (5 meter) buah 5.850.020
- Merk Philips CCS 800 (15 meter) buah 7.479.630
- Merk Philips CCS 800 (20 Meter) buah 12.117.970
Tiang Mic Standing Merk Sennheiser buah 1.848.000
Tiang Mic Mac.29 B Model T buah 125.360
Kabel Mic - merk NYYHY 2,5 x 2 roll 1.337.080
- merk NYYHY 2,5 x 3 roll 1.629.610
- merk Canare (japan) 200 M' LT 25 roll 3.174.690

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Kabel Mic stereo Merk Canare Japan (1 roll = 90 m) roll 338.450
Kabel NGA - roll 182.760
Kabel Transparan - rol 173.670
Jack Mic - Spoon Neutric buah 70.200
- Canon Neutric buah 70.950
Soket Jack Mic Canon buah 125.360
Desk Microfone - Merk TOA (Flexible Ukuran 32 cm, desk stand, micholder jepit ) Set 643.070
Megaphone - Merk TOA Type ZR 1015 15. W buah 659.550
- Merk TOA 6W W/Sirine,Type ZR-10155 16w buah 763.450
- Merk TOA 6W W/Whistle,Type ZR-510W buah 1.027.850
- Merk TOA 15W, Type ZR-1015 buah 1.805.090
- Merk TOA 15W W/Sirine,Type ZR-1015S buah 1.375.600
- Merk TOA 15W, Type ZR-2015 buah 2.200.030
- Merk TOA 15W W/Whistle,Type ZR-2015W buah 2.214.580
- Megaphone 2R - 510 buah 907.260
- Megaphone 2R - 511 buah 1.080.170
- Megaphone 2R - 512 buah 1.123.290
- Megaphone 2R - 513 buah 1.296.200
- Megaphone 2R - 514 buah 1.469.010
- Megaphone 2R - 515 buah 1.512.240
- Megaphone 2R - 516 buah 1.598.580
- Megaphone 2R - 517 buah 1.641.810
- Megaphone Type Wd-330 n/20 Watt buah 3.612.110
- Megaphone Type zr-76/16 Watt buah 1.330.760
Conference System Merk : TOA - Center : Amplifier Type : TS-700 Buah 12.534.520
- Chairman Unit Type : 701 Buah 6.527.860
- External Mic (EM-70) Buah 1.613.350
- Delegate Unit Type : 702 Buah 5.559.830
- Condesor Mic Type : EM-70 Buah 1.146.720
- Alternate Recording Machine Type : AR-71 Buah 19.869.160
- Extra Power Supply Type : TS-79 Buah 7.722.090
- Extention Cable Type : 4R-700 Buah 1.320.380
- Extention Cable Type : 4R-71 Buah 1.761.710
Megashow III - LCD C2389 Buah 43.784.190
Megashow IV - LCD C3200 Buah 64.738.000
Megaphone 16 W * Merk : TOA Type : ER-66 Buah 902.550
Megaphone 20 W * Merk : NASIONAL Type : WD-330 N Buah 3.133.930
22 SPEAKER AKTIVE - 2000 Watt PMPO Output unit 789.660
- Sharp 15000 Watt CBOX-ASP805BO unit 1.387.260
23 Sound System - Power Amplifier Phonic buah 45.129.070
- Mixer Bekringer 16 Chanel
- Speaker Full Range 12 Laney
- Speaker Sub Woofer 15 Spicer
- Mic Shure + Kabel Jak Canon
- Kabel Speaker
- Box Mixer
- Standar Mic
- VCD Player
24 Yamaha Audio MixaerRolling - buah 74.370
25 Pianika Merk Yamaha terdiri dari : set 7.279.110
- 1 buah kursi panjang, 1 buah kursi menengah,
1 buah kursi tunggal (3+2+1)
26 Jack mick Cannon - Nippon Uchida buah 2.568.000
- Sanyo buah 2.777.720
27 Sound System - Type Fujitsu x 6A (1024x768) Ansi Lumens buah 115.602.800
- Fujitsu Ansi Lumens 1400 buah 141.293.400
- FujitsuPlasmavision PDS4213 buah 244.052.350
28 Conference System
CCS 800 Chairman Type LBB 3310/00 unit 28.769.740
Delegates Unit 10 Mega unit 3.158.970
Power Suplay Merk Kenwood DPF - K7020 V-S 3 DISK unit 5.358.990
Exetention Cable & Conektor Merk Silvania 120 V 300 Wat buah 338.450
Conference System Merk : TOA - Center : Amplifier Type : TS-700 buah 12.534.520
- Chairman Unit Type : 701 buah 6.527.860
- External Mic (EM-70) buah 1.613.350
- Delegate Unit Type : 702 buah 5.559.830
- Condesor Mic Type : EM-70 buah 1.146.720
- Alternate Recording Machine Type : AR-71 buah 19.869.160

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- Extra Power Supply Type : TS-79 buah 7.722.090
- Extention Cable Type : 4R-700 buah 1.320.380
- Extention Cable Type : 4R-71 buah 1.759.080
Merk TOA
- Central Amplifier, Type TS-700 buah 23.169.570
- Chairment Unit, Type TS-700 buah 12.066.290
- Delegate Unit, Type TS-700 buah 11.417.650
- Cable Ext, Type YR-700 buah 3.082.670
Delegates Unit 10 Mega unit 3.158.640
Mixer Pionir 4 Channel - buah 3.723.070
Salon Pionir 15" - buah 1.015.330
Kabel Speaker Pionir - buah 78.970
Tape Pionir - buah 1.579.430
Amplifier Pionir - buah 1.466.650
Audio Mixer MX-2236 EX Merk : Inter-M buah 22.939.090
Input 14 Balance Mono, 4 Stereo Input
dilengkapi :
32 Bit Sharc DSP8 bank preset effect
dan threshold control 9 band digital EQ
Out put Main mix group 1,2,3,4
Equalizer Merk : Inter-M EQ-2231 buah 7.371.770
2 Channel Graphic EQ 31 band
Speaker System SS-215 Merk : Inter-M buah 15.382.220
15 "Woofer 2", Titanium Driver 400 W RMS (USA)
Kabel speaker transparan rol 868.740
Alat bantu setting - lot 1.737.470
29 Pesawat Telpon - dengan kunci buah 338.450
- Merk Sahitel buah 451.220
30 P A B X/Telepone Key 1-4 PTT 8 Extension buah 47.385.490
31 - PABX System * Type 1-8 PTT 16 Extension, terdiri : unit 50.143.410
- Main Unit
- CD Card
- XDP Card
- Telephone Display
- Standard digital Telephone
- Instalasi Program
- Cable PVC 2 x 2
- Single Line Telephone
32 - PABX / Panasonic * Type KX-TA 206 Kapasitas : 6 Extension unit 11.521.440
* Type KX-TA 308 Kapasitas : 8 Extension unit 17.126.420
* Type KX-TA 308 Kapasitas : 16 Extension unit 25.689.630
* Type KX-TA 616 Kapasitas : 16 Extension unit 26.468.380
* Type KX-TA 616 Kapasitas : 24 Extension unit 38.664.240
* Type KX-TDN 1232 Kapasitas : 32 Extension unit 67.462.860
* Type KX-TDN 1232 Kapasitas : 64 Extension unit 103.537.380
PABX Card CPU KX TD-500 Unit 35.775.240
PABX CARD DISA KX TD-500 Unit 18.146.880
PABX Card DLC KX TD-500 Unit 20.739.280
PABX CARD DLS KX TD-500 Unit 21.363.090
PABX Card ESLC KX TD-500 Unit 25.923.960
PABX Card LCOT KX TD-500 Unit 17.282.640
Battery Maintenance PABX 12 V 60 ah Unit 20.893.090
Facsimile Brother1575mc Intelli Fax Unit 2.661.520
Brother 4 Refill Rolls for Use In Pc201 Fax Ppf 1170 1270 1550 mc Unit 1.652.300
Brother Intelli Fax 1270e Unit 2.091.210
Brother ntelli FAX 755 Plain Paper Fax/Phone/Copier Unit 1.711.040
Brother Intelli Fax 885MC Plain-Paper Fax with Mesagge Center Unit 2.117.110
Brother Intl EPPF 1800C Refurbished Color Fax (EPPF 1800C) Unit 1.813.010
Brother MFC-5200c Multifunction Unit 4.667.990
Brother PPF-2800 Palin Paper Unit 4.182.420
Brother PPF-2900 Palin-Paper Unit 5.542.600
Brother PPF-3800 Multifunction Unit 6.596.880
Canon Fax Phone B45 Bubble Jet Unit 1.901.070
Canon Fax Phone L170 Unit 4.600.680
Panasonic DBTEL Ink Jet DBFAX-810 Unit 2.661.520
Panasonic KX-FHD331 Unit 2.333.140
Panasonic KX-FP342CX Unit 1.901.070
Panasonic KX-FPG 377 /376 Unit 2.678.750
Panasonic KX-FPG377 Unit 2.246.680
Panasonic KX-FT 76 CT Unit 2.585.550

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Panasonic KX-FT 903CX Unit 1.814.620
Panasonic KX-FT 907CX Unit 2.073.880
Panasonic KX-FT73 Unit 2.592.400
Panasonic KX-FHD331 Unit 1.938.840
Panasonic KX-FP 152 Unit 2.851.660
Panasonic KX-FP145 Unit 2.013.420
Panasonic KX-FPG371 Unit 2.246.680
Panasonic KX-FT63 Unit 3.071.120
Panasonic KX-FT67 Unit 3.802.140
Samsung SF 331 P Unit 4.465.330
Samsung SF-330 Unit 3.399.180
Pesawat Telephone Panasonic KX- FDG 377 Buah 2.419.600
Panasonic KX- T 2100 Buah 568.600
Panasonic KX- T 2371 Buah 354.280
Panasonic KX- T 7101 Buah 362.950
Panasonic KX- TSC 11 MX-W Buah 483.110
Sahitel S-95 Caller ID Buah 247.170
Sahitel S-98 Single Line Buah 432.070
Toriphone QQ-108 Buah 146.920
Toriphone TP- 2375 CID Buah 190.140
Toriphone TP- 8068 CID Buah 164.250
Panasonic KX-T 2375 Unit 1.002.810
Panasonic Adaptor Battery PABX, KX-A 46 D Unit 6.685.790
Panasonic Digital Display, KX-T 7436 Unit 9.192.960
33 Main System Alcatel OmniPCX Enterprice unit 392.913.630
- Analog CO trunk Lines : 32 ports
- Extension : 100 ports
- 20 ports digital extension
- 80 ports analog extentions

Automatic Attendant with 6 simulteneous access unit 21.336.020

34 Operator Console dan Digital Handset Operator Console : 4035 digital attendant console Digital Handset unit 3.988.430
- Premium/4035 reflexes terminal draphide : multiline boss/secretary-
unit 2.955.240
hands free dial by name and 12 fungtions
- Easy/4010 reflexes terminal graphite : multiline - loud speaker and 8
unit 1.489.660
fungtion keys
35 Rectifier 16 A, 48 V + 38 AH Battery for 4 hour backup unit 31.595.500
36 LSA + Arrester Megazine 360 pairs + 4 Arrester Megazine unit 9.610.740
41 Pembersih Cassete MC - 6 buah 8.350
42 Alat Pengeras Suara buah 5.014.350

Intel® Atom™ processor N270 (512MB L2 cache, 1.6GHz, 533MHz FSB)

Hyper Threading | Intel 945GSE Chipset | 1GB DDR2 (Fixed) | 160GB HDD |
1 Notebook Acer Aspire One AOA150-Ab 8.9" Widescreen TFT Display (1024 X 600 Pixel Pixel Resolution) | Intel® unit 7.559.000
GMA 950 | VGA-Out | 10 / 100 LAN | 5-in-1 Media Reader | 3 x USB 2.0 | Acer
Crystal Eye webcam | Wireless LAN 802.11b/g | Windows XP Home

Intel® Atom™ processor N270 (512MB L2 cache, 1.6GHz, 533MHz FSB)

Hyper Threading | Intel 945GSE Chipset | 1GB DDR2 (Fixed) | 160GB HDD |
2 Notebook Acer Aspire One AOA 150-160 8.9" Widescreen TFT Display (1024 X 600 Pixel Pixel Resolution) | Intel® unit 7.705.000
GMA 950 | VGA-Out | 10 / 100 LAN | 5-in-1 Media Reader | 3 x USB 2.0 | Acer
Crystal Eye webcam | Wireless LAN 802.11b/g | Windows XP Home

Intel® Celeron® M 575 (1 MB L2 cache, 2.0GHz, 667 MHz FSB) | 512MB

3 Notebook Acer Aspire 4330-570516Mn (Montevina) DDR2 | 160GB HDD | DVD±RW | 14.1” WXGA | Intel® GMA X3100 358MB unit 8.271.000
shared | WiFi | LAN | Modem | Webcam | Card Reader | TV-Out | Linux.
Intel® Celeron® M560 2.13Ghz | 512MB DDR2 | 120GB SATA | DVD±RW |
4 Notebook Acer Aspire 4315-300512Mi 14.1” WXGA | Intel® GMA X3100 | WiFi | Gigabit LAN | Modem | Webcam | unit 8.271.000
Intel® Pentium® Dual Core T2300 (2.0GHz, 1MB, 667Mhz) | 512MB DDR2 |
5 Notebook Acer Aspire 4730Z-320516Mn 160GB SATA | DVD±RW | 14.1” WXGA | Intel® GMA X3100 | WiFi | LAN | unit 9.580.000
Modem | Cam | Reader | Linux.
AMD Turion™ X2 Dual Core RM70 2GHz | 512MB DDR2 | 160GB HDD |
6 Notebook Acer Aspire 4530-700516Mi AMD DVD±RW | 14.1” WXGA | NVIDIA® GeForce® 9100M G | WiFi | LAN | Modem | unit 9.870.000
Bluetooth | Cam | Reader | Linux.
Intel® Pentium® Dual Core T3200 2.0GHz | 1GB DDR2 | 160GB SATA |
7 Notebook Acer Aspire 2930Z-321G16Mn DVD±RW | 12.1” WXGA | Intel® GMA X3100 | WiFi | LAN | Modem | Bluetooth unit 10.743.000
| Webcam | Card Reader | Firewire | Linux.
Intel Core 2 Duo T5750-2,0GHz | Ram 1Gb DDR2 | 160GB HDD | 12,1"Crystal
8 Notebook Acer Aspire 2920-6A1G16Mi unit 11.615.000
| DVDRW | Modem | LAN | WIFi | Bluetooth | Camera | Reader | Linux.
Intel Core 2 Duo T5750-2,0GHz | Ram 1Gb DDR2 | 160GB HDD | 14,1"Crystal
9 Notebook Acer Aspire 4925-6A1G16Mn | DVDRW | Modem | LAN | WIFi | Bluettoh | FingerPrint | Camera | HDMI | unit 11.615.000
Reader | Holographic 3D | Vista Home Premium.

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 120
1 2 3 4 5 6
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T5750 2.0GHz | 1GB DDR2 | 160GB SATA | DVD±RW |
14.1" WXGA | Intel® GMA X4500MHD | WiFi | Bluetooth V2.0 | HDMI port |
10 Notebook Acer Aspire 4925-6A1G16Mi unit 12.196.000
Acer EasyPort IV | Webcam | Acer Bio fingerprint | Dolby® Surround Sound
System | Vista® Home Premium
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T5800 2.0GHz | 1GB DDR2 | 250GB HDD | DVD±RW |
11 Notebook Acer Aspire 4930-581G25Mn 14.1” WXGA | Intel® GMA X4500 | WiFi | LAN | Modem | Bluetooth | HDMI unit 12.487.000
Port | Webcam | Fingerprint | Vista® Home Premium
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T5750 2.0GHz | 1GB DDR2 | 250GB SATA | DVD±RW |
12 Notebook Acer Aspire 2920-6A1G25Mn 12.1” WXGA | Intel® GMA X3100 | WiFi | Gigabit LAN | Modem | Bluetooth | unit 13.068.000
Webcam | 5 in 1 Card Reader | Firewire | Vista® Home Premium.
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T7350 2.0GHz | 1GB DDR2 | 160GB HDD | DVD±RW |
13 Notebook Acer Aspire 2930-731G16Mn 12.1” WXGA | WiFi | LAN | Modem | Bluetooth | Webcam | Fingerprint | unit 14.086.000
Vista® Home Premium
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T7500 2.2GHz | 2x512MB DDR2 | 250GB HDD | DVD±RW
14 Notebook Acer Travelmate 4720-601G25Mn | 14.1”WXGA | Intel® GMA X3100 | Bluetooth | Card Reader | Fingerprint | unit 16.702.000
Vista® Business.
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T8600 2.4GHz | 1GB DDR2 | 250GB HDD | DVD±RW |
15 Notebook Acer TravelMate 4730-861G25Mn 14.1” WXGA | Nvidia® GeForce® 9300GS | WiFi | LAN | Modem | Bluetooth | unit 17.429.000
Webcam | Fingerprint | Vista® Home Premium
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T8600 2.4GHz | 2 GB DDR2 | 250GB HDD | DVD±RW |
16 Notebook Acer TravelMate 6293-862G25Mn 12.1” WXGA | Intel® GMA X4500HD | WiFi | Bluetooth | Webcam | Fingerprint unit 18.883.000
| Card Reader
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T8600 2.4GHz | 2GB DDR2 | 250GB HDD | DVD±RW |
17 Notebook Acer Aspire 4930G-862G25Mn 14.1” WXGA | Nvidia® GeForce® 9600M | WiFi | LAN | Modem | Bluetooth | unit 18.883.000
Webcam | Fingerprint | Vista® Home Premium
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo P8600 2.4GHz | 2 GB DDR2 | 320GB SATA | DVD±RW |
18 Notebook Acer Aspire 5930G-862G32Mn 15.4” WXGA | nVIDIA® GeForce® 9600M | Bluetooth | HDMI Port | Webcam | unit 20.336.000
Vista™ Home Premium
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T7300 2.0GHz | 1 Gb DDR2 | 160GB HDD | DVD±RW
Super Multi | 14.1” WXGA | Intel® GMA X3100 | Wi-Fi | Bluetooth | LAN |
19 Notebook Acer TravelMate 6492-C301G16 unit 21.208.000
Modem | Webcam | Card Reader | Firewire | Fingerprint | Infrared | Vista
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T9500 (2.6GHz, 6MB, 800Mhz) | 2GB DDR2 | 320GB
20 Notebook Acer TravelMate 6493-952G32Mn SATA | DVD±RW | 14.1” WXGA | Intel® GMA X3100 | WiFi | LAN | Modem | unit 21.645.000
Bluetooth | Infrared | Webcam | Fingerprint | Vista® Busines
AMD Turion™ 64 X2 dual-core TL-62 2.1 GHz | 2 GB DDR2 | 250GB HDD |
21 Notebook Acer Ferrari 1100-552G25Mn AMD DVD±RW | 12.1” WXGA | WiFi | LAN | Bluetooth | Card Reader | Webcam | unit 22.517.000
Fingerprint | Vista Home Premium.
AMD Turion™ 64 X2 dual-core TL-62 2.1 GHz | 2 DDR2 | 160GB HDD |
22 Notebook Acer Ferrari 1100-551G16Mn AMD DVD±RW | 12.1” WXGA | WiFi | Gigabit LAN | Bluetooth | Card Reader | unit 22.517.000
Webcam | Fingerprint | Vista Home Premium.
AMD Turion64 X2 TL64-2,2GHz | Ram 2Gb DDR2 | 250GB HDD | 12,1"Crystal
23 Notebook Acer Ferarri 1100-602G25Mn AMD | DVD-RW | Modem | LAN | WiFi | Bluettorh | Fingerprint | Reader | Vista unit 22.662.000
Intel Core 2 Duo P8600-2,4Ghz | Ram 2Gb DDR2 | 320GB HDD | 16,0" Crystal
24 Notebook Acer Aspire 6930G-862G32Mn | Blue-Ray | Modem | LAN | WIFi | Bluetooth | FingerPrint | Camera | HDMI | unit 24.697.000
Reader | GeForce 9600 | Vista Business.
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T8300 2.4GHz | 2GB DDR2 | 320GB SATA | Blue-Ray
25 Notebook Acer Aspire 6920G-832G32Bn Disk | 16” WXGA | Nvidia® GeForce® 9500M GS | WiFi | Bluetooth | HDMI unit 24.697.000
Port | Webcam | Fingerprint | Vista® Ultimate
AMD Turion™ 64 X2 dual-core TL-68 2.4 GHz | 4 GB DDR2 | 320GB HDD |
26 Notebook Acer Ferrari 1100-804G32Mn AMD DVD±RW | 12.1” WXGA | WiFi | Bluetooth | Webcam | Fingerprint | Card unit 29.058.000
Reader | Vista™ Ultimate.
AMD Turion™ 64 X2 dual-core TL-66 2.3 GHz | 2x1GB DDR2 | 250GB HDD |
27 Notebook Acer Ferrari 1100-702G25Mn DVD±RW | 12.1” WXGA | WiFi | Webcam | Fingerprint | Card Reader | unit 29.058.000
Vista™ Ultimate.
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T9300 2.5GHz | 4GB DDR2 | 640GB HDD | Blue-Ray
28 Notebook Acer Aspire 8920G-934G64Bn Disc | 18.4” Full HD TFT LCD | Nvidia® GeForce® 9500M GS | Bluetooth | unit 33.419.000
Webcam | Fingerprint | HDMI Port | Vista® Ultimate
B. A Note
Via C7-M | 1.6 GHz | Memory 1 GB | 160 GB | 10.2” | 1.3 M Pixel | Card
1 Notebook A Note Star H-1016 unit 7.632.000
Intel Pentium Dual Core T2390 (1,86 Ghz, 553 Mhz FSB) | Memory 1 GB | 80
2 Notebook A Note A-5425MV GB SATA | 14.1" | DVDRW | WiFi | Camera 1.3 M Pixel | Card Reader | unit 7.632.000
Via Eden C7-1.0 G | Memory 1 GB | 30 GB | 7" LCD Panel | WiFi | Camera 1.3
3 Notebook A Note Noahpad unit 6.180.000
M Pixel | Card Reader.
Intel Pentium Dual Core T2390 ( 1.86 Ghz, 553 Mhz FSB) | Memory 1 GB |
4 Notebook A Note C-9424 unit 7.559.000
120 GB | 14.1" | DVDRW | WiFi | Camera 1.3 M Pixel | Card Reader | Modem.
Intel Core Solo T1350 (1,86 Ghz, 533 Mhz FSB) | Memory 1 GB | 80 GB |
5 Notebook A Note C-8216 unit 6.708.000
12.1" | DVDRW | WiFi | Camera 1.3 M Pixel | Card Reader | Modem.
Intel Dual Core T2390 ( 1.86 Ghz, 533 Mhz FSB) | Memory 1 GB | 120 GB |
6 Notebook A Note C-8227 unit 8.286.000
12.1" | DVDRW | WiFi | Camera 1.3 M Pixel | Card Reader | Modem.

Intel Core 2 Duo T5550 ( 1.83 Ghz, 667 Mhz FSB) | Memory 1 GB | 120 GB |
7 Notebook A Note C-9433 unit 8.577.000
14.1" | DVDRW | WiFi | Camera 1.3 M Pixel | Card Reader | Modem.

Intel Core 2 Duo T5300 ( 1.73 Ghz, 553 Mhz FSB) | Memory 1 GB | 160 GB |
8 Notebook A Note C-8253 unit 9.013.000
12.1" | DVDRW | WiFi | Camera 1.3 M Pixel | Card Reader | Modem.

Intel Core 2 Duo T5750 (1.83 Ghz, 667 Mhz FSB) | Memory 1 GB | 120 GB |
9 Notebook A Note C-9357 unit 9.304.000
13.3" | DVDRW | WiFi | Camera 1.3 M Pixel | Card Reader | Modem.

Intel® Core™ 2 Duo 2.1GHz | 1GB DDR2 | 120GB SATA | DVD-CDRW | 13.3”
1 Notebook Apple MacBook 402 TFT Wide | Intel® GMA X3100 | WiFi | LAN | Bluetooth | Cam | Firewire | Mac unit 15.409.000
OS X v10.5 Leopard.
Intel Core 2 Duo 2.1 GHz | 1 GB DDR2 SDRAM PC-5300 | 120 GB 5400 RPM |
Intel GMA X3100 144 MB (shared) | 13.3 inch WXGA TFT | DVD-ROM / CD-
2 Notebook Apple MacBook MB402ZP/A unit 17.444.000
RW Combo | Modem | LAN | Wireless | Bluetooth | O/S Provided Mac OS X
version v10.5 Leopard

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 121
1 2 3 4 5 6
Intel Core 2 Duo 2.1GHz | 1GB DDR2 | 120 Hard Drive | MacBook 13" Display
3 Notebook Apple MacBook MB402ZP/A Size WXGA TFT | DVD COMBO | Bluetooth | WHITE | Mac OS X v10.5 unit 18.388.000
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo 2.4GHz | 2GB DDR2 | 160GB SATA | DVD±RW | 13.3”
4 Notebook Apple MacBook 403 TFT Wide | Intel® GMA X3100 | WiFi | LAN | Bluetooth | Webcam | Firewire | unit 20.496.000
Mac OS X v10.5 Leopard.
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo 2.4GHz | 2GB DDR2 | 250GB SATA | DVD±RW | 13.3”
5 Notebook Apple MacBook 404 MB404ZP/A TFT Wide | Intel® GMA X3100 | WiFi | LAN | Bluetooth | Webcam | Firewire | unit 23.549.000
Mac OS X v10.5 Leopard.
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo 1.6GHz | 2GB DDR2 | 80GB | 13.3” Widescreen TFT |
6 Notebook Apple MacBook Air MB003ZP/A unit 26.892.000
Intel® GMA X3100 | WiFi | Bluetooth | Webcam | MAC OS X v10.5 Leopard.
Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHz | 2GB DDR2 | 200 Hard Drive | Mac Book Pro 15" |
7 Notebook Apple MacBook MB133ZP/A unit 29.072.000
GF 8600M GT 256 | Bluetooth | Mac OS X v10.5 Leopard.
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo 1.8GHz | 2GB DDR2 | 80 GB HDD | 13.3” Widescreen
8 Notebook Apple MacBook Air Z0ER0002N TFT | Intel® GMA X3100 | WiFi | Bluetooth | Webcam | MAC OS X v10.5 unit 33.666.000
Intel Core 2 Duo 2.5 GHz | 2 GB DDR2 | 250 Hard Drive | MacBook Pro 15"
9 Notebook Apple MacBook MB134ZP/A unit 36.122.000
Widescreen TFT | GF 8600M GT 512 | Bluetooth | Mac OS X v10.5 Leopard.

Intel Core2Duo 2.5 GHz | 2GB DDR2 | 250 HDD | MacBook Pro 17"
10 Notebook Apple MacBook MB166ZP/A unit 40.701.000
Widescreen TFT | GF 8600M GT 512 | Bluetooth | Mac OS X v10.5 Leopard.
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo 1.8GHz | 2GB DDR2 | 64GB SSD Hard Drive | 13.3”
11 Notebook Apple MacBook Air Z0FS0ZP/A Widescreen TFT | Intel® GMA X3100 | WiFi | Bluetooth | Webcam | MAC OS unit 46.370.000
X v10.5 Leopard.
Intel Core 2 Duo T5450 1.6 Ghz | Intel 965 GM | 512MB DDR2 667 | HD 120
1 Notebook Asus F3E Gb SATA 5400rpm | 15.4 WXGA | DVD Super Multi | Wifi | Camera | Card unit 9.434.000
Reader | DOS.
Intel Core 2 Duo Processor T2370 (1.7Ghz, 667 Mhz FSB) | Intel 965GL
2 Notebook Asus X80LE17DX Chipset | 1GB DDR II | HDD 160GB | 14" WXGA | WLAN Wifi | Card Reader unit 10.684.000
| DVD Super Multi Dual Layer | Camera 0.35 Mega Pixels | DOS
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T2390 1.86GHz | 2GB DDR2 | 160GB SATA | DVD±RW |
3 Notebook Asus F9E 12.1” WXGA | Intel® GMA X3100 | WiFi | Modem | LAN | Bluetooth | Webcam unit 10.452.000
| 8 in 1 Card Reader | Fingerprint | DOS.
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T5550 1.83GHz | 1GB DDR2 | 160GB HDD | DVD±RW |
4 Notebook Asus X80LE unit 10.684.000
14” WXGA | WiFi | Webcam | LAN | Card Reader | DOS.
Intel Core 2 Duo T5450 (1.6 GHz) | 512 MB DDR2 | 120 GB HDD SATA | 15.4"
5 Notebook Asus F5SL16DPM WXGA | DVD Super Multi | Vista Home Premium | WiFi | LAN | Modem | Card unit 11.339.000
Reader | Webcam.
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T5750 2GHz | 2GB DDR2 | 160GB SATA | DVD±RW |
6 Notebook ASUS F6E 13.3” WXGA | Intel® GMA X3100 | WiFi | LAN | Modem | Bluetooth | Card unit 13.068.000
Reader | Webcam | Fingerprint | DOS.
Intel Core 2 Duo T5550 (1.83 GHz) | 2 GB DDR2 | 160 GB HDD SATA | 14"
7 Notebook Asus A8E18DBA unit 13.068.000
WXGA | DVD Super Multi | Vista Home Basic | Webcam.
Intel Core 2 Duo T7500 (2.2 GHz) | 1 GB DDR2 | 120 GB HDD SATA | 12.1"
8 Notebook Asus F9S22DPM unit 15.249.000
WXGA | DVD Super Multi | Vista Home Premium | Bluetooth | Webcam.
Intel Core 2 Duo T8100 (2.1 GHz) | 2 GB DDR2 | 160 GB HDD SATA | 13.3"
9 Notebook Asus F6S21DX unit 15.845.000
WXGA | DVD Super Multi | DOS | Webcam
Intel Core 2 Duo T7500 (2.2 GHz) | 1 GB DDR2 | 120 GB HDD SATA | 14"
10 Notebook Asus A8SC22DX unit 15.976.000
WXGA | DVD Super Multi | DOS | Webcam. | nVidia.
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T8100 2.1GHz | 2048MB DDR2 | 160GB SATA | DVD±RW
| 14.1” WXGA | NVIDIA® GeForce® GO 9300 | WiFi | Modem | LAN |
11 Notebook Asus F8Sg unit 17.138.000
Bluetooth | Webcam | 4 in 1 Card Reader | Fingerprint | Firewire | Vista™
Home Premium.
Intel Core 2 Duo T7500 (2.2 GHz) | 1 GB DDR2 | 160 GB HDD SATA | 12.1"
12 Notebook Asus U6EP22DPM (Pearl White) unit 18.883.000
WXGA | DVD Super Multi | Vista Home Premium | Bluetooth | Webcam.

Intel Core 2 Duo T8100 (2.1 GHz) | 2 GB DDR2 | 160 GB HDD SATA | 12.1"
13 Notebook Asus U6EP21DPM (Pearl White) unit 19.479.000
WXGA | DVD Super Multi | Vista Home Premium | Bluetooth | Webcam.

Intel Core 2 Duo T8300 (2.4 GHz) | 3 GB DDR2 | 320 GB HDD SATA | 12.1"
14 Notebook Asus U6SG24DPM (Mocha Brown) unit 24.421.000
WXGA | DVD Super Multi | Vista Home Premium | Bluetooth | Webcam.

Intel Merom T5600 1.83 GHz (Core 2 Duo) | 1,5 Gb DDR2 | 160GB SATA |
15 Notebook Asus W5Fe DVD Super Multi | 12.1” WXGA | Intel GMA 950 | Wi-Fi | Bluetooth | Camera unit 26.151.000
1.3MP | Firewire | 4-in-1 Card Reader | Vista Business.

Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T8300 2.4GHz | 2 GB DDR2 | 250MB SATA | DVD±RW |

16 Notebook Asus G1SN 15.4” WSXGA | NVIDIA® GeForce® 9500M GS with 512MB | WiFi | LAN | unit 27.604.000
Modem | Bluetooth | Webcam | Card Reader | Vista® Ultimate.

Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T7500 2.2GHz | 1 Gb DDR2 | 160 GB SATA | DVD±RW |

17 Notebook Asus F8Sa 14.1” WXGA | ATi Mobility™ Radeon® HD2600 | WiFi | Modem | LAN | unit 30.511.000
Bluetooth | Webcam | 4 in 1 Card Reader | Firewire | Vista™ Business.

Intel® Merom® T7500 2.2GHz | 2 GB DDR2 | 250GB SATA | DVD±RW | 17.1”

18 Notebook Asus G2S WXGA | NVIDIA® GeForce® 8600M GT with 256MB | WiFi | LAN | Modem | unit 31.965.000
Bluetooth | Firewire | Webcam | Card Reader | Vista™ Ultimate

Intel Core 2 Duo U7500 (1 GHz) | 1,5 GB DDR2 | 100 GB HDD SATA | 11.1"
19 Notebook Asus U1E10DBU unit 36.326.000
WXGA | DVD Super Multi | Vista™ Business | Finger Print | Webcam.
Intel® Merom T9300 2.5GHz | 4GB DDR2 | 250GB HDD | Blue-Ray | 15”
SXGA | NVIDIA® GeForce® 9500 GS 512MB | Camera 1.3MP | WiFi | Firewire
20 Notebook Asus Lamborghini VX2SE unit 52.751.000
| Bluetooth | Express Card | Card Reader | Kensington Lock | Vista™

1 Notebook Axioo CMPC SC7954C Celeron 900mhz | 512 MB | 40GB | SC7954C 7". unit 5.500.000

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 122
1 2 3 4 5 6
Intel® Atom N270 1.6GHz | 1GB DDR2 | 160GB HDD | 10” WXGA | Intel®
2 Notebook Axioo PICO DJM616 unit 6.120.000
GMA 950 | WiFi | LAN | Webcam | XP Home Edition.
Intel® Celeron® 560 2.13GHz | 512MB DDR2 | 160GB HDD | DVD±RW | 14.1”
3 Notebook Axioo NEON TVR157C unit 6.237.000
WXGA | WiFi | LAN | Modem | Card Reader | Webcam | DOS
Intel® Pentium® Dual Core T2410 2.0GHz | 1GB DDR2 | 160GB SATA |
4 Notebook Axioo NEON MNC016P DVD±RW | 14.1” WXGA | SIS Mirage 3 | WiFi | LAN | Modem | Webcam | Card unit 7.297.000
Reader | DOS.
Intel Dual Core T2410 2.0GHz | 1GB DDR2 | 160GB HDD | DVD±RW | 56K
5 Notebook Axioo ZETTA TVS016PSE Modem | NIC | WiFi | VGA SIS | VGA SIS Mirage3 256MB (shared) | Camera | unit 7.944.000
12.1" | Non OS.
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T5850-2.16GHz (2MB L2 Cache, 667MHz ) | 14.1" WXGA
6 Notebook Axioo MNC1162 TFT | 1 GB DDR2 | 160GB SATA HDD | DVDRW SuperMulti Double Layer | unit 8.238.000
56K Modem | LAN | WiFi | VGA SIS Mirage 3 up to 256Mb | Webcam 1.3MP
Intel Core2 Duo T5850, 2.16GHZ | 1GB DDR2 | 160GB HDD | DVD/RW | 56K
7 Notebook Axioo NEON MNC1162 Modem | NIC | WiFi | VGA SIS Mirage3 256MB (shared) | Camera | 14.1" unit 8.238.000
WXGA | Non OS.
Intel® Pentium® Dual Core T2390 1.86GHz | 1Gb DDR2 | 160GB HDD |
8 Notebook Axioo ZETTA TEN816P DVD±RW | 13.3” WXGA | Intel® GMA X3100 | WiFi | LAN | Modem | Webcam | unit 8.533.000
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T5750 2.0GHz | 1GB DDR2 | 160GB HDD | DVD±RW |
9 Notebook Axioo NEON TVS0162SE 12.1” WXGA | Intel® GMA 950 | WiFi | LAN | Modem | Webcam | Card Reader unit 8.886.000
| DOS.
Core 2 Duo T5800 (2.0 Ghz) FSB 800Mhz, 1024 MB DDR 2 | 250 GB | MLC-
10 Notebook Axioo MLC 0152 unit 9.651.000
12.1” Wide | wifi | Dark Grey | Vista Home basic.
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T5550 1.83GHz | 1Gb DDR2 | 160GB HDD | DVD±RW |
11 Notebook Axioo ZETTA TSJ8162 unit 10.004.000
12.1” WXGA | Intel® GMA X3100 | WiFi | LAN | Modem | Webcam | DOS.

Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T7500 2.2GHz | 4GB DDR2 | 250GB HDD | DVD±RW |
12 Notebook Axioo ZETTA TSJ2452 unit 11.769.000
12.1” WXGA | Intel® GMA X3100 | WiFi | LAN | Modem | Webcam | DOS.
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo Montevina P8400 (2.2) 1066Mhz | 2 GB DDR 2 | 320 GB
13 Notebook Axioo MNS 2222 Montevina Esata | GeForce 9300 |14.1 Wide (Intel GM45) | wifi | Bluetooth | HDMI | UV unit 14.947.000
Intel® Core™ Duo U2500 1.2GHz | 1 Gb DDR2 | 80GB HDD | DVD±RW | 12.1”
14 Notebook Axioo ORIS NOC218 unit 16.242.000
XGA TFT | WiFi | Bluetooth | Card Reader | Fingerprint
F. BenQ
Intel® Atom N270 1.6GHz | DDR II 512MB RM | 120GB HDD | Intel® GMA950
1 Notebook BenQ Joybook Lite U101-L.E04 unit 6.527.000
(of DirectX 9.0 capability) | 1.3M pixel Web camera | Linux.
Intel® Atom N270 1.6GHz | DDR II 512MB RAM | 160GB HDD | Intel® GMA950
2 Notebook BenQ Joybook Lite U101-L.E01 unit 6.963.000
(of DirectX 9.0 capability) | 1.3M pixel Web camera | Linux.
Intel® Atom N270 1.6GHz | DDR II 512MB RAM | 160GB HDD | Intel® GMA950
3 Notebook BenQ Joybook Lite U101-S.E01 unit 7.690.000
(of DirectX 9.0 capability) | 1.3M pixel Web camera | Windows XP Home.

Intel® Dual Core T2390 1.86GHz | 1GB DDR2 | 160GB SATA | DVD±RW |
4 Notebook BENQ Joybook R43-LE13 unit 8.708.000
14.1” WXGA | SIS Mirage | WiFi | LAN | Modem | Bluetooth | Linux.
Intel® Dual Core T2390 1.86GHz | 1GB DDR2 | 160GB SATA | DVD±RW |
5 Notebook BENQ Joybook S32W-LE40 13.3” WXGA | Intel® GMA X3100 | WiFi | LAN | Modem | Bluetooth | Webcam unit 9.062.000
| Card Reader | Linux.
Intel Core Duo T2250-1,73GHz | Ram 512Mb DDR2 | 80GB HDD | 14,1" SSV |
6 Notebook BenQ Joybook R42-407 unit 9.299.000
DVD-RW | Modem | LAN | WiFi | Linux
Intel Core Duo T2250-1,73GHz | Ram 512 Mb DDR2 | 100GB HDD | 14,1" SSV
7 Notebook BenQ Joybook S31V-413 unit 9.534.000
| DVD-RW | Modem | LAN | WiFi | CAMERA | Bluetooth | Linux
Intel Centrino Dual Core T2390 1.86GHz (1MB L2Cache, 533MHz FSB) |1GB
DDR2 |160GB S-ATA 5400 rpm | 14.1" Wide Glare | nVIDIA Ge Force 8400
8 Notebook BenQ Joybook R45-LE14 128MB max to 895Mb | DVD SuperMulti | 4USB | FireWire | 2.0 Mpixel Q-Eye unit 10.161.000
| Card Reader | Wlan | Lan | Modem | Bluetooth | Linux. Bonus Optical
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T7250 1.66GHz | 1 Gb DDR2 | 160GB SATA | DVD±RW |
9 Notebook BenQ Joybook R43-LE03 14.1” WXGA | VIA® UniChrome Max 256MB | Atheros WiFi | LAN | Modem | unit 10.597.000
Bluetooth | Linux
Intel Centrino Core 2 Duo T5550 1.8GHz (2MB L2Cache, 667MHz FSB) | 1GB
DDR2 | 120GB S-ATA 5400 rpm |14.1" Wide Glare | SIS Mirage 3D Share up
10 Notebook BenQ Joybook Q41-LE04 unit 11.615.000
to 256MB | DVD SuperMulti | 4USB | FireWire | Card Reader 4 in 1 | Wlan |
Lan | Modem | Bluetooth | Linux.
Intel Centrino Core 2 Duo T5550 1.8GHz (2MB L2Cache, 667MHz FSB) | 1GB
DDR2 | 120GB S-ATA 5400 rpm | 13.3" Wide Glare | Intel GMA X3100 up to
11 Notebook BenQ Joybook S32B-LE19 unit 12.342.000
358MB | FireWire | Cam | Card Reader Slot 5 in 1 | WLAN | LAN | Modem |
Bluetooth | Linux.
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T5250 1.5GHz | 512MB DDR2 | 120GB SATA | DVD±RW |
12 Notebook BenQ Joybook S41-447 14.1” WXGA | Nvidia® GeForce® Go 8600 | WiFi | LAN | Modem | Bluetooth | unit 12.356.000
Card reader | Webcam | Linux.
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T5550 1.8GHz | 1GB DDR2 | 160GB SATA | DVD±RW |
13 Notebook BenQ Joybook S32B-LE27 13.3” WXGA | Intel® GMA X3100 | WiFi | LAN | Modem | Bluetooth | Webcam unit 12.487.000
| Card Reader | Linux
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T5550 1.8GHz | 1GB DDR2 | 120GB SATA | DVD±RW |
14 Notebook BenQ Joybook R45-LE04 14.1” WXGA | Nvidia® GeForce® 8400MG | WiFi | Gigabit LAN | Modem | unit 12.487.000
Bluetooth | Webcam | Card Reader | Linux
Intel Centrino Core 2 Duo T7250 2.0GHz (2MB L2 Cache, 800MHz FSB) | 1GB
DDR2 |120GB S-ATA 5400 rpm | 15.4" Wide Glare | nVIDIA Ge Force 8400
15 Notebook BenQ Joybook R56-PE23 unit 13.068.000
128MB max to 895Mb | DVD SuperMulti | FireWire | 1.3 Mpixel Q-Eye | Card
Reader 4 in 1 | Wifi | Lan | Modem | Bluetooth | Linux.
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T7100 1.8GHz | 1GB DDR2 | 120GB SATA | DVD±RW |
16 Notebook BenQ Joybook S32-LE02 13.3” WXGA | Intel® GMA 950 | Modem | LAN | WiFi | Bluetooth | Webcam unit 13.083.000
1.3MP | 5-in-1 Card Reader | DOS.
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T7100 1.8GHz | 1 Gb DDR2 | 120GB SATA | 13.1” WXGA
17 Notebook BenQ Joybook S32W-LE03 | Intel® GMA 950 | DVD±RW | WiFi | LAN | Modem | Bluetooth | Webcam | 5- unit 10.597.000
in-1 Card Reader | Linux.

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 123
1 2 3 4 5 6

Intel Centrino Core 2 Duo T5550 1.8GHz (2MB L2Cache, 667MHz FSB) | 1GB
DDR2 | 120GB S-ATA 5400 rpm | 14.1" Wide Glare | nVidia Ge Force 8600
18 Notebook BenQ Joybook S41-448 unit 13.504.000
Max 1GB Turbo Chace | FireWire | Web Cam 1.3 Mpixel Q-Eye | Card
Reader Slot 5 in 1 | WLAN | LAN | Modem | Bluetooth | Linux.

Intel Centrino Core 2 Duo T5750 2.0GHz (2MB L2Cache, 667MHz FSB) |1GB
DDR2 | 250GB S-ATA 5400 rpm | 14.1" Wide Glare | nVIDIA Ge Force 8400
19 Notebook BenQ Joybook R45-LE19 unit 13.504.000
128MB max to 895Mb | DVD SuperMulti | 4USB | FireWire | 2.0 Mpixel Q-Eye
| Card Reader 4 in 1 | Wifi | Lan | Modem | Bluetooth | Linux.

Intel Centrino Core 2 Duo T7250 2.0GHz (2MB L2 Cache, 800MHz FSB) | 1GB
DDR2 | 160GB S-ATA | 13.3" Wide Glare | Intel GMA X3100 up to 358MB |
20 Notebook BenQ Joybook S32W-LE19 unit 13.650.000
FireWire | Web Cam 1.3 Mpixel Q-Eye | Card Reader Slot 5 in 1 | WLAN | LAN
| Modem | Bluetooth | Linux.
Intel Centrino Core 2 Duo T7250 2.0GHz (2MB L2 Cache, 800MHz FSB) | 1GB
DDR2 | 160GB S-ATA | 13.3" Wide Glare | Intel GMA X3100 up to 358MB |
21 Notebook BenQ Joybook S32B-LE20 unit 13.650.000
FireWire | Web Cam | Card Reader Slot 5 in 1 | WLAN| LAN | Modem |
Bluetooth | Linux.
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T7250 2.0GHz | 1024MB DDR2 | 160GB SATA | DVD±RW
22 Notebook BenQ Joybook S41-455 | 14.1” WXGA | Nvidia® GeForce® Go 8600 | WiFi | LAN | Modem | Bluetooth unit 13.795.000
| 5 in 1 card reader | Webcam | Linux.
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T7250 2Ghz | 1GB DDR2 | 160GB SATA | DVD±RW |
23 Notebook BenQ Joybook Q41-PE03 14.1” WXGA | SiS Mirage 3D | WiFi | LAN | Modem | Bluetooth | 5 in 1 Card unit 14.377.000
Reader | Dual LCD Display | Vista® Home Premium.
Core 2 Duo P8400 2.26GHz (3MB L2 Cache, 1066MHz FSB) | 1GB DDR2 |
250 GB S-ATA | 13.3" Wide Glare | Intel GMA X4500 up to 358MB | FireWire |
24 Notebook BenQ Joybook S33W-L.E03 unit 14.522.000
Web Cam 2 Mpixel Q-Eye | Card Reader Slot 5 in 1 | WLAN | LAN | Modem |
Bluetooth | Linux.
Core 2 Duo P8400 2.26GHz (3MB L2 Cache, 1066MHz FSB) | 1GB DDR2 |
250 GB S-ATA | 13.3" Wide Glare | Intel GMA X4500 up to 358MB | FireWire |
25 Notebook BenQ Joybook S32B-L.E20 unit 14.522.000
Web Cam 2 Mpixel Q-Eye | Card Reader Slot 5 in 1 | WLAN | LAN | Modem |
Bluetooth | Linux.
Intel Centrino Core 2 Duo T8100 2.10GHz 3MB L2 Cache, 800MHz FSB) |
1GB DDR2 | 160GB S-ATA | 14.1" Wide Glare | SIS Mirage 3D Share up to
26 Notebook BenQ Joybook Q41-PE05 unit 15.249.000
256MB | DVD SuperMulti | FireWire | Card Reader 4 in 1 | Wlan | Lan |
Modem | Bluetooth | Vista Home Premium
Intel Centrino Core 2 Duo T8100 2.10GHz (3MB L2 Cache, 800MHz FSB) |
1GB DDR2 | 250GB S-ATA | 14.1" Wide Glare | nVidia Ge Force 8600 |
27 Notebook BenQ Joybook S41-LE61 unit 15.976.000
FireWire | Web Cam | Card Reader Slot 5 in 1 | WLAN| LAN | Modem |
Bluetooth | Linux.
Intel Centrino Core 2 Duo T7500 2.2GHz (4MB L2 Cache, 800MHz FSB) | 1GB
DDR2 | 160GB S-ATA | 14.1" Wide Glare | nVidia Ge Force 8600 | FireWire |
28 Notebook BenQ Joybook S41-E34 unit 17.284.000
Web Cam | Card Reader Slot 5 in 1 | WLAN | LAN | Modem | Bluetooth |
Vista Home Premium.
Core 2 Duo P8400 2.26GHz (3MB L2 Cache, 1066MHz FSB) | 1GB DDR2 |
250 GB S-ATA | 14.1 Wide Glare | Intel GMA X4500 up to 358MB | FireWire |
29 Notebook BenQ Joybook S42-L.E04 unit 17.429.000
Web Cam 2 Mpixel Q-Eye | Card Reader Slot 5 in 1 | WLAN | LAN | Modem |
Bluetooth | Linux.
Intel Centrino Core 2 Duo L7500 1.6GHz (4MB L2 Cache, 800MHz FSB) | 1GB
DDR2 | 160GB S-ATA | 13.3" Wide Glare | nVidia Ge Force 8600 | Memory |
30 Notebook BenQ Joybook X31-L.E03 unit 20.336.000
FireWire | Web Cam | Card Reader Slot 5 in 1 | WLAN | LAN | Modem |
Bluetooth | Linux
Intel® Celeron® 560 2.13GHz | 1GB DDR2 | 80GB SATA | DVD±RW | 14.1”
1 Notebook BYON M31W S/C 560-80 WXGA | Graphic Mirage 3+ | WiFi | LAN | Modem | Webcam | Card Reader| unit 6.698.000
Intel® Pentium® Dual Core T2410 2.0GHz | 1GB DDR2 | 160GB SATA |
2 Notebook BYON M31W S/S T2410 DVD±RW | 14.1” WXGA | Intel® GMA X3100 | WiFi | LAN | Modem | Webcam | unit 7.404.000
Card Reader| DOS
Intel® Pentium® Dual Core T3200 2.0GHz | 1GB DDR2 | 160GB SATA |
3 Notebook BYON M31W S/S T3200 DVD±RW | 14.1” WXGA | Graphic Mirage 3+ | WiFi | LAN | Modem | Webcam unit 7.757.000
| Card Reader| DOS
Intel® Merom Core™ 2 Duo T5600 1.83GHz | 512MB DDR2 | 80GB HDD |
4 Notebook BYON M3311 G/C2D-T5600 DVD±RW | 14.1” WXGA | Intel® GMA 950 | WiFi | Bluetooth | LAN | Modem | unit 7.875.000
Webcam 1.3MP | 3-in-1 Card Reader | DOS.
Intel® Pentium® Dual Core T2370 1.73GHz | 1GB DDR2 | 160GB SATA |
5 Notebook BYON S1371 G/SR-T2370 DVD±RW | 13.3” WXGA | Intel® GMA X3100 | WiFi | LAN | Modem | Bluetooth unit 8.345.000
| Webcam | Card Reader | Fingerprint | DOS
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T5800 2.0GHz | 1GB DDR2 | 160GB SATA | DVD±RW |
6 Notebook BYON M31W S/S T5800 14.1” WXGA | Graphic Mirage 3+ | WiFi | LAN | Modem | Bluetooth | Webcam unit 8.463.000
| Card Reader| DOS
Intel® Pentium® Dual Core T2390 | 1GB DDR2 | 160GB SATA | DVD±RW |
7 Notebook BYON W5211 G/SR T2390 12.1” WXGA | Intel® GMA X3100 | WiFi | Gigabit LAN | Modem | Bluetooth | unit 8.581.000
1.3MP Webcam | Card Reader | Fingerprint | DOS.
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T5850 2.16GHz | 1GB DDR2 | 160GB SATA | DVD±RW |
8 Notebook BYON M31F G/S T5850 14.1” WXGA | Intel® GMA X3100 | WiFi | Gigabit LAN | Modem | Bluetooth | unit 9.169.000
2MP Webcam | Card Reader | DOS
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T7250 2.0GHz | 1GB DDR2 | 120GB SATA | DVD±RW |
9 Notebook BYON M31F G/S-T7250 14.1” WXGA | Intel® GMA X3100 | WiFi | LAN | Modem | Bluetooth | Webcam unit 9.758.000
| Card Reader | DOS
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T5850 2.16Ghz | 1GB DDR2 | 160GB SATA | DVD±RW |
10 Notebook BYON S1371 G/SR-T5850 13.3” WXGA | Intel® GMA X3100 | WiFi | LAN | Modem | Bluetooth | Webcam unit 9.758.000
| Card Reader | Fingerprint | DOS
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T5850 2.16GHz | 1GB DDR2 | 160GB SATA | DVD±RW |
11 Notebook BYON W5211 G/SR T5850 unit 9.993.000
12.1” WXGA | WiFi | LAN | Bluetooth | 1.3MP Webcam | Fingerprint | DOS.
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T7250 2.0GHz | 1GB DDR2 | 120GB SATA | DVD±RW |
12 Notebook BYON S1371 G/S-T7250 13.3” WXGA | Intel® GMA X3100 | WiFi | LAN | Modem | Bluetooth | Webcam unit 10.582.000
| Card Reader | Fingerprint | DOS
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T8100 (2.10GHz/800MHz/3MB | 1GB DDR2 | 160GB
13 Notebook BYON S1371 G/SR T8100 SATA 5400rpm | DVD±RW | 13.3” WXGA | WiFi | LAN | Modem | Bluetooth | unit 11.288.000
Webcam 2.0 Mpix | Card Reader | Fingerprint | DOS.

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 124
1 2 3 4 5 6
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T8300 2.4Ghz | 1GB DDR2 | 250GB SATA | DVD±RW |
14 Notebook BYON S1371 G/SR-T8300 13.3” WXGA | Intel® GMA X3100 | WiFi | LAN | Modem | Bluetooth | Webcam unit 12.112.000
| Card Reader | Fingerprint | DOS
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T8300 2.40GHz | 1GB DDR2 | 160GB SATA | DVD±RW |
15 Notebook BYON W5211 G/SR T8300 unit 12.230.000
12.1” WXGA | WiFi | LAN | Bluetooth | 1.3MP Webcam | Fingerprint | DOS.
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T9300 2.5Ghz | 2GB DDR2 | 250GB SATA | DVD±RW |
16 Notebook BYON S1371 G/SR-T9300 13.3” WXGA | Intel® GMA X3100 | WiFi | LAN | Modem | Bluetooth | Webcam unit 13.407.000
| Card Reader | Fingerprint | DOS
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T8300 2.40GHz | 2GB DDR2 | 250GB SATA | DVD±RW |
17 Notebook BYON W5211 G/SR T9300 12.1” WXGA | WiFi | Gigabit LAN | Bluetooth | 1.3MP Webcam | Fingerprint | unit 14.230.000
Intel Core Duo T2390 (1.86 GHz) | 1 GB DDR2 667MHz | 120 GB SATA
1 Notebook Dell Vostro A840 (H657H) unit 9.580.000
5400RPM | 14.1” WXGA | DVDRW | Bluetoot | Linux.
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T5750 2.0GHz | 1GB DDR2 | 120GB HDD | DVD±RW |
2 Notebook Dell Inspiron 1420 DOS 14.1” WXGA | Intel® GMA X3100 | WiFi | LAN | Modem | Card Reader | unit 10.902.000
Webcam 2MP | Firewire | DOS.
Intel core 2 Duo Processor T5670 (1.8 Ghz) 2 MB cache 800 Mhz FSB | 1
GB DDR2 SDRAM | 160 GB SATA | DVDRW | Intel graphics media
3 Notebook Dell Vostro 1310 unit 11.053.000
excelerator X3100 256MB | bluetooth | 13.3" Widescreen WXGA | 8-in-1
media reader | DOS | Wifi & Lan | Modem | 1.3 Mega Pixel webcam.
Intel Core 2 Duo Processor T5470(1.6 MHz/2MB/800MHz) | 512 DDR2
667MHz | 80GB SATA 5400RPM | DVD Combo | Wifi | Intel Grapics Media
4 Notebook Dell Vostro 1400 (XN507) unit 12.211.000
Accelerator X3100 | Cam | Modem | Lan | 14.1 WXGA TFT LCD | Vista home
Intel Core 2 Duo Processor T5750 (2.0Ghz, 2MB Smart L2 cache, 667MHz
FSB) | 965GM Chipset | 2GB DDR2 667MHz | 120GB SATA HDD | DVD RW
5 Notebook Dell Inspiron I-1420 Vista Basic unit 13.068.000
Dual Layer | Wifi | Modem | LAN | Firewire | 8-in 1 card reader | Cam 2 Mpx |
14.1" WXGA | Intel GMA X3100 | Vista BASIC
Intel core 2 Duo Processor T5870 (2.0 Ghz) | 1 GB 667Mhz DDR2 SDRAM |
fingerprint | 160 GB SATA | DVDRW | Intel GMA X3100 | 12.1" Widescreen
6 Notebook Dell Vostro 1200 unit 13.228.000
WXGA | Lan | Modem | 2.0 Mega Pixel webcam | Wifi | 3-in-1 media reader |
Intel core 2 Duo Processor T7250 (2.0 Ghz) | 1 GB 667Mhz DDR2 SDRAM |
160 GB SATA | DVD-RW | Intel graphics media excelerator X3100 256MB |
7 Notebook Dell Vostro 1400 unit 14.086.000
14.1" Widescreen WXGA | Wifi | 8-in-1 media reader | Vista Home Basic |
bluetooth | Lan | Modem | 2.0 Mega Pixel webcam.
Intel Core 2 Duo Processor T7250 2.0GHz | 1 Gb DDR2 667MHz | 120GB
SATA 5400RPM | 8X DVD-RW Combo | Wifi | Intel Grapics Media Accelerator
8 Notebook Dell Vostro 1400 (HT158) unit 15.772.000
X3100 | Cam 2 Mpx | Modem | Lan | Bluetooth | 14.1 WXGA TFT | Vista
Intel Core 2 Duo T7250 2.0 Ghz | 2 GB DDR2 667MHz | 120 GB SATA
9 Notebook Dell Inspiron 1420 WP368 + RF711 unit 16.644.000
5400RPM | 14.1” WXGA | DVDRW | Vista Home Premium | Webcam.
Intel Core 2 Duo Processor T8100 (2.1Ghz, 3MB Smart L2 cache, 800MHz
FSB) | 965GM Chipset | 2GB DDR2 667MHz | 14.1" WXGA | 250GB SATA
10 Notebook Dell Inspiron I-1420 Vista Premium HDD | 8x DVDRW Dual Layer | NVIDIA GeForce 8400M GS with 128MB | unit 16.702.000
Webcam 2 Mp | Modem | LAN | VGA | Wifi | ExpressCard | 8-in 1 card reader
| Vista Home Premium.
Intel Core 2 Duo Processor T7250(2.0 MHz/2MB/800MHz) | 2 Gb DDR2 667
11 Notebook Dell Vostro 1200 (YU570) MHZ | 160GB SATA 5400RPM | 8X DVD-RW Combo | Wifi | Intel Grapics unit 17.226.000
Media Accelerator X3100 | Modem | Lan | 12.1 WXGA | Vista home basic.
Intel Core 2 Duo Processor T5550 (1.83Ghz, 2MB Smart L2 cache, 667MHz
FSB) | 965GM Chipset | 160GB SATA HDD | 1GB DDR2 667MHz | DVDRW
12 Notebook Dell XPS 1330 Vista Premium Dual Layer | Intel Graphics Media Accelerator X3100 | Wifi | 13.3" UltraSharp unit 17.429.000
WXGA | Webcam 2 Mpx | Finger Print | MODEM | LAN | ExpressCard | 8-in 1
card reader | Vista Home Premium.
Intel Core 2 Duo Processor T8100 (2.1Ghz, 3MB Smart L2 cache, 800MHz
FSB) | 160GB SATA HDD | 2GB DDR2 667MHz | DVDRW Dual Layer | NVIDIA
13 Notebook Dell XPS 1330 Vista Premium GeForce 8400M GS with 128MB | Wifi | 13.3" UltraSharp WXGA | Webcam 2 unit 20.627.000
Mpx | Finger Print | MODEM | LAN | ExpressCard | 8-in 1 card reader | Vista
Home Premium.
Intel Core 2 Duo Processor T7500 (2.2GHz/2MB/800MHz) | Intel 965GM
Chipset | 1GB DDR2 667MHz | 120GB SATA 5400RPM | 8X DVD-RW DEll |
14 Notebook Dell Latitude D630 (TX588) unit 21.586.000
bluetooth | Nvidia Quadro NVS 135 M | Wifi | Fingerprint | Modem | Lan |
14.1” WXGA TFT LCD | XP Professional SP2
Intel Core 2 Duo Processor T7500 (2.2GHz/2MB/800MHz) | Intel 965GM
Chipset | 2GB DDR2 667MHz | 160GB SATA | 8X DVD-RW | bluetooth | Wifi
15 Notebook Dell Latitude D630 (TX588) unit 23.040.000
| Intel (R) Graphics Media Accelerator X3100 | Modem | Lan | 14.1” WXGA
TFT LCD | Nylon Case | Windows Professional SP2 Edition.

Intel Core 2 Duo Processor U7600 (1.20GHz) | Intel 945GMS Chipset | 1.5
Gb DDR2 PC4200 | HDD 80GB 4200RPM | 12.1” WXGA TFT LCD | Wifi | Intel
16 Notebook Dell Latitude D430 (CN840) unit 23.040.000
GMA 950 (up to 224MB shared | DVD RW combo | Modem Lan | Infrared |
Firewire | Bluetooth | Small Nylon Case | Windows XP Pro SP2.

Intel Core 2 Duo Processor U7700 (1.30GHz) | Intel 945GMS Chipset | Intel
GMA 950 (up to 224MB shared) | 1.5 Gb DDR2 SDRAM | HDD 80 GB | DVD
17 Notebook Dell Latitude D430 (F327C) unit 24.130.000
RW | Wi-Fi | Fingerprint | Modem | LAN | Infrared | Firewire | Bluetooth |
12.1” WXGA TFT LCD | Small Nylon Case | Windows XP Profess SP2.
Intel Core 2 Duo Processor T7700 (2.4GHz/2MB/800MHz) | Intel 965GM
Chipset | 1GB DDR2 667MHz | 120GB SATA 5400RPM | 8X DVD-RW |
18 Notebook Dell Latitude D630 (UY774) unit 24.494.000
bluetooth | Wireless | Nvidia Quadro NVS 135 M | Modem | LAN | 14.1”
WXGA TFT LCD | Nylon Case
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T5550 1.83GHz | 1GB DDR2 | 160GB SATA | DVD±RW |
1 Notebook Fujitsu ESPRIMO™ Mobile U9200c 12.1” WXGA | Intel® GMA X3100 | WiFi | LAN | Modem | Bluetooth | Card unit 14.391.000
Reader | Webcam | DOS.

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 125
1 2 3 4 5 6
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T5750 2.0GHz | 1GB DDR2 | 160GB SATA | DVD±RW |
2 Notebook Fujitsu ESPRIMO™ Mobile U9200i 12.1” WXGA | Intel® GMA X3100 | WiFi | LAN | Modem | Bluetooth | Card unit 14.958.000
Reader | Webcam | DOS.
Processor T8100 | 250GB | 1GB | 13.1" WXGA Ultraportable Widescreen
3 Notebook Fujitsu LifeBook S6410a unit 18.897.000
with Penryn Processors | 1.3MP | Cam | 1.7 Kg | Vista Basic.
Processor P7350 | 250GB | 1GB DDR3 | New 14.1" Montevina WXGA | Intel
4 Notebook Fujitsu L1010w White unit 17.415.000
5300(3x3) | 2.5 Kg | 1.3MP | Vista Business.
Processor P7350 | 250GB | 1GB DDR3 | New 14.1" Montevina WXGA | Intel
5 Notebook Fujitsu L1010p Pink unit 17.415.000
5300(3x3) | 2.5 Kg | 1.3MP | Vista Business.
Processor T9300 | 160GB | 3GB | 13.1" AG WXGA | Ultraportable
6 Notebook Fujitsu LifeBook S6410i unit 18.809.000
Widescreen with Penryn Processors | 1.7 Kg | 1.3MP Cam | Vista Basic.
Processor T8300 | 250GB | 2GB |14.1" WXGA | Ultraportable Widescreen
7 Notebook Fujitsu LifeBook S6510b unit 19.751.000
with Penryn Processors | 1.8 Kg | 1.3MP | Vista Basic.
Processor P8400 | 250GB | 2GB DDR3 | New 14.1" Montevina WXGA | Intel
8 Notebook Fujitsu L1010s Black unit 20.322.000
5300(3x3) Nvidia 9300 | 2.5 Kg | 1.3MP | Vista Business.
Intel® A110 800Mhz | 1GBDDR2 | 60GB PATA | 5.6” SuperFine WSXGA |
9 Notebook Fujitsu LifeBook U1010s WiFi | LAN | Bluetooth | Webcam | Card Reader | Fingerprint | HSDPA | unit 21.775.000
Vista® Business.
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T8300 2.40GHz | 1GB DDR2 | 160GB | DVD±RW | 13.3”
10 Notebook Fujitsu LifeBook S6410B WXGA | Intel® GMA X3100 | WiFi | Gigabit LAN | Modem | Bluetooth | unit 24.348.000
Webcam | Vista® Business.
Processor P8600 | 250GB | 2GB | 13.1" WXGA | Ultraportable Widescreen
11 Notebook Fujitsu LifeBook S6420 unit 25.409.000
DDR3 with Intel 5300 Wifi | 1.7 Kg | 1.3MP Cam | Vista Basic.

Processor P8400 | 320GB | 1GB | 13.1" WXGA | Ultraportable Widescreen

12 Notebook Fujitsu LifeBook S6420a unit 25.409.000
DDR3 with Intel 5300 Wifi | 1.7 Kg | 1.3MP Cam | Vista Basic.
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T9300 2.50GHz | 2GB DDR2 | 250GB | DVD±RW | 13.3”
13 Notebook Fujitsu LifeBook S6410V WXGA | Intel® GMA X3100 | WiFi | Gigabit LAN | Modem | Bluetooth | unit 25.700.000
Webcam | Port Replicator | Vista® Business.
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo ULV7600 1.2GHz | 1GB DDR2 | 100GB HDD | 8.9” WXGA
14 Notebook Fujitsu LifeBook P1620E Touch | Intel® GMA 950 | WiFi | Gigabit LAN | Modem | Bluetooth | unit 25.802.000
Fingerprint | Vista® Home Premium.
Processor P8600 | 250GB | 2 GB | 12.1" Digitizer | Santa Rosa Tablet PC
15 Notebook Fujitsu LifeBook T1010 Tablet unit 26.136.000
with Penryn Processors | 2.3 Kg | Vista Basic.
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T8300 2.40GHz | 2GB DDR2 | 160GB SATA | 12.1”
16 Notebook Fujitsu LifeBook T4220x WXGA | Intel® GMA X3100 | WiFi | Gigabit LAN | Modem | Bluetooth | Card unit 26.718.000
Reader | Fingerprint | Vista® Business.
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo U7600 1.2GHz | 2GB DDR2 | 160GB HDD | 12.1” WXGA |
17 Notebook Fujitsu LifeBook T2010S Intel® GMA X3100 | WiFi | Gigabit LAN | Bluetooth | HSDPA | Vista® unit 28.171.000
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T9300 2.50GHz | 2GB DDR2 | 250GB SATA | 12.1”
18 Notebook Fujitsu LifeBook T4220v WXGA | Intel® GMA X3100 | WiFi | Gigabit LAN | Modem | Bluetooth | Card unit 28.317.000
Reader | Fingerprint | Vista® Business.
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo ULV7600 1.2GHz | 2GB DDR2 | 100GB HDD | 8.9” WXGA
19 Notebook Fujitsu LifeBook P1620S Touch | Intel® GMA 950 | WiFi | Gigabit LAN | Modem | Bluetooth | unit 30.497.000
Fingerprint | Vista® Business
Processor T9400 | 320GB | 2GB | 13.1" WXGA | Ultraportable Widescreen
20 Notebook Fujitsu LifeBook S6420s unit 30.497.000
DDR3 with Intel 5300 Wifi | 1.7 Kg | 1.3MP Cam | Vista Basic.
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T9300 2.5GHz | 2GB DDR2 | 250GB HDD | 14.1” WXGA |
21 Notebook Fujitsu LifeBook S6510V Intel® GMA X3100 | WiFi | Gigabit LAN | Modem | Bluetooth | Infrared | unit 31.078.000
HSDPA | Webcam | Fingerprint | Vista® Business.
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo SL7100 1.2GHz | 2GB DDR2 | 250GB HDD | 12.1” WXGA
22 Notebook Fujitsu LifeBook P8010 Touch | Intel® GMA X3100 | WiFi | Gigabit LAN | Modem | Bluetooth | unit 31.689.000
Webcam | Fingerprint | Vista® Business.
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo U7600 1.2GHz | 2GB DDR2 | 160GB HDD | 12.1” WXGA |
23 Notebook Fujitsu LifeBook T2010G (3.5G) Intel® GMA X3100 | WiFi | Gigabit LAN | Bluetooth | HSDPA | SM Dock | unit 36.021.000
Vista® Business.
Processor T9400 | 320Gb | 2GB | 13.3" WXGA montevina Tablet PC | 2.1 Kg |
24 Notebook Fujitsu LifeBook T5010 Tablet unit 36.021.000
1.3MP | Vista Basic.
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo SL7100 1.2GHz | 2GB DDR2 | 250GB HDD | DVD±RW |
25 Notebook Fujitsu LifeBook P8010G (3.5G) 12.1” WXGA | Intel® GMA X3100 | WiFi | Gigabit LAN | Bluetooth | Webcam | unit 36.776.000
HSDPA | Port Replicator | Vista® Business.
Intel® Core™ Solo U1400 (1.20GHz ULV, 2MB L2 Cache, 533MHz FSB) | 1GB
DDR2 | 80GB HDD | DVD-Super Multi DL | 12.1” WXGA TFT | Intel® GMA
26 Notebook Fujitsu LifeBook Q2010 (3.5G) 950 up to 224MB shared | HSDPA (3.5G) | WiFi | NIC | Bluetooth™ | unit 48.812.000
Fingerprint | Firewire | Vista™ Business or Windows® XP Professional
|First 12 inch Wide Thin & Light HSDPA LifeBook

Intel® Celeron 560-2.13GHz (1MB L2 Cache, 533MHz FSB) | 1GB DDR2
1 Notebook HP Compaq Presario C791 SDRAM | 120GB HDD SATA (5400rpm) | 15.4"Wide Bright View | Supermulti unit 8.097.000
DVD+RW Double Layer | Wifi | WEBCAM | DOS.
Intel® Celeron® 575 2.0GHz | 1GB DDR2 | 160GB HDD | DVD±RW | 14.1”
2 Notebook HP Compaq Presario CQ40-121TU WXGA | Intel® GMA 4500M | WiFi | LAN | Modem | Webcam | Card Reader | unit 8.504.000
Intel® Core Duo T2500 - 2.0GHz (2MB L2 Cache, 667FSB) | 512MB DDR |
120GB HDD | 14.1" WXGA | DVD-RW DL | Intel Graphics Media Accelerator
3 Notebook HP Compaq Evo 520 (FH560AA) unit 8.228.000
950 up to 224MB Shared | Integrated 802.11b/g | 2x USB Port | 56K | NIC |
DOS | Bag.
Intel® Pentium® Dual Core T3200 2.0GHz | 1GB DDR2 | 160GB HDD |
4 Notebook HP Compaq Presario CQ40-108TU DVD±RW | 14.1” WXGA | Intel® GMA X3100 | WiFi | LAN | Modem | Bluetooth unit 8.998.000
| Webcam | Card Reader | Firewire | DOS.
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T5270-1.4GHz | 1024MB DDR2 PC5300 | 160GB HDD |
5 Notebook HP Compaq Evo HP540 (FS280AA) 14.1"WXGA | DVD+/-RW Supermulti | Modem & NIC | WLAN | Intel GMA unit 9.899.000
X3100 up to 384MB (Shared) | SD Slot | Bluetooth | DOS
Intel® Dual Core T2390 1.86GHz | 1GB DDR2 | 120GB SATA | DVD±RW |
6 Notebook HP Compaq Presario C793 15.4” WXGA | Intel® GMA X3100 | WiFi | LAN | Modem | 5 in 1 Card Reader | unit 9.434.000
Webcam | DOS.

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 126
1 2 3 4 5 6
Intel® Pentium® Dual Core T2390-1.86Hz | 512MB DDR2 | 120GB SATA |
DVD+RW DL | 14.1"Wide Bright View | Intel Graphics Media Accelerator
7 Notebook HP Compaq Presario V3906 unit 9.667.000
X3100 | Integrated 802.11b/g | Bluetooth | Firewire | WEBCAM | Card Reader
Intel® Pentium® Dual Core T2390-1.86Hz | 512MB DDR2 | 160GB SATA |
8 Notebook HP Compaq Presario V3929 DVD+RW DL | 14.1"Wide Bright View | Intel Graphics Media Accelerator unit 9.958.000
X3100 | Wifi | Bluetooth | Firewire | CAM | Card Reader | DOS.
AMD Turion X2 Dual Core RM-70 2.0GHz | 1GB DDR2 | 160GB HDD |
9 Notebook HP Compaq Presario CQ40-104AX AMD DVD±RW | 14.1” WXGA | ATI® Radeon® HD3450 | WiFi | LAN | Modem | unit 10.161.000
Webcam | Card Reader | DOS.
Intel® Pentium® Dual Core T3200 2.0GHz | 1GB DDR2 | 160GB HDD |
10 Notebook HP Compaq Presario CQ20-205TU DVD±RW | 12.1” WXGA | Intel® GMA 4500M | WiFi | LAN | Modem | Bluetooth unit 11.033.000
| Webcam | Card Reader | DOS
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T5800 2.0GHz | 1GB DDR2 | 250GB HDD | DVD±RW |
11 Notebook HP Compaq Presario CQ40-116TU 14.1” WXGA | Intel® GMA 4500MHD | WiFi | LAN | Modem | Webcam | Card unit 11.615.000
Reader | DOS.
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T5670-1.8GHz | 1024MB DDR2 PC5300 | 160GB HDD |
12 Notebook HP Compaq Evo HP2230S (KH199AV) 12.1"WXGA | DVD+/-RW Supermulti | Modem & NIC| WLAN | Graphics Media unit 11.535.000
Accelerator X4500M HD Graphics | Media Card Reader | Bluetooth | DOS
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo P5800 2.0GHz | 2GB DDR2 | 250GB HDD | DVD±RW |
13 Notebook HP Compaq Presario CQ40-143TU 14.1” WXGA | Intel® GMA 4500MHD | WiFi | LAN | Modem | Bluetooth | unit 12.196.000
Webcam | Card Reader | Vista® Home Basic.
AMD Turion X2 Ultra Dual Core Mobile Technology ZM-82 Processor
2.2GHz | 1Gb DDR2 DDR | 160GB HDD (5400rpm) | DVD+RW Double Layer
14 Notebook HP Compaq Presario CQ45-110AU AMD unit 12.196.000
Support | 14" Wide Screen | ATI Radeon HD 3200 Graphics | Integrated
802.1b/g | Bluetooth | CAM | Card Reader | Vista Basic
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T5800 2.0GHz | 1GB DDR2 | 160GB HDD | DVD±RW |
15 Notebook HP Compaq Presario CQ20-212TU 12.1” WXGA | Intel® GMA 4500MHD | WiFi | LAN | Modem | Bluetooth | unit 13.504.000
Webcam | Card Reader | Vista® Home Premium.
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo Processor T5550 2.0GHz | 1GB DDR2 | 160GB SATA |
16 Notebook HP Compaq Presario B1201 DVD±RW | 12” WXGA | Intel® GMA X3100 | WiFi | Bluetooth | Webcam | unit 14.377.000
Intel® Dual Core T-2330 1.6GHz | 512MB DDR2 | 160GB SATA | DVD±RW |
17 Notebook HP Compaq Presario A907 17" WXGA | Intel® GMA X3100 | WiFi | LAN | Modem | 5-In-1 Media Card unit 14.377.000
Reader | WEBCAM | DOS
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo Processor T5270-1.4GHz | 512MB DDR2 PC5300 |
120GB HDD | 14.1"WXGA BV | DVD+RW DL | Modem | LAN | WLAN | Intel
18 Notebook HP Compaq Evo 6520s (KF120PA) unit 14.609.000
GMA X3100 Shared | SD & MMC Card Slot | Bluetooth | Microsoft Vista
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo P8600 2.4GHz | 1GB DDR2 | 250GB HDD | DVD±RW |
19 Notebook HP Compaq Presario CQ45-102TX 14.1” WXGA | Nvidia® GeForce® 9200M GS | WiFi | LAN | Modem | unit 16.412.000
Bluetooth | Webcam | Card Reader | Vista® Home Basic.
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T5850 2.16GHz | 1GB DDR2 | 160GB | DVD±RW | 13.3”
20 Notebook HP Pavilion DV3119TX WXGA | Nvidia® GeForce® 8400GS | WiFi | Gigabit LAN | Modem | Bluetooth unit 17.429.000
| Webcam | 5 in 1 Card Reader | Fingerprint | Vista® Home Premium.
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo P8600 2.4GHz | 2GB DDR2 | 250GB HDD | DVD±RW |
21 Notebook HP Compaq Presario CQ20-118TU 12.1” WXGA | Intel® GMA 4500MHD | WiFi | LAN | Modem | Bluetooth | unit 17.865.000
Webcam | Card Reader | Vista® Home Premium.
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo Processor P8400-2.26GHz | 1024MB DDR2 | 250GB
HDD (5400 RPM) | 14.1" | DVD+RW | Bluetooth & Fingerprint | Wifi | Reader |
22 Notebook HP Pavilion dv4-1022TX (FN432PA) unit 18.883.000
WEBCAM | TV TUNER | nVidia GeForce 9200M GS 256MB | Vista Home
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T8300 2.4GHz | 2GB DDR2 | 250GB SATA | DVD±RW |
23 Notebook HP Compaq Presario B1261 unit 18.883.000
12” WXGA | WiFi | Bluetooth | Webcam | Vista® Home Premium.
AMD Turion64 X2 Dual Core RM-70 (2.0GHz, 1MB L2 Cache) | 1GB DDR2
PC5300 | 250GB HDD | 12"Wide Bright View Touchscreen | DVD+RW DL |
24 Notebook HP Pavilion TX2510AU (Tablet) unit 19.319.000
Bluetooth & Fingerprint | Wifi | ATI Radeon HD3200 64MB DDR2 | Card
Reader | CAM | Vista Premium.
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo Processor P8600-2.40GHz | 2048MB DDR2 | 320GB
HDD (5400 RPM) | 14.1" | DVD+RW DL support | Bluetooth & Fingerprint |
25 Notebook HP Pavilion dv4-1023TX (FN433PA) unit 21.790.000
Wifi | Card Reader | WEBCAM | HP TV TUNER | nVidia GeForce 9200M GS
256MB | Vista Home Premium
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T9400 2.53GHz | 2GB DDR2 | 320GB SATA | DVD±RW |
26 Notebook HP Pavilion DV7-1010TX 17.0” WXGA | Nvidia GeForce 9600GT | WiFi | LAN | Modem | Bluetooth | unit 29.058.000
Webcam | Card Reader | Fingerprint | TV Tuner | Vista® Home Premium.
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo Processor T9300-2.5GHz | 2048MB DDR2 PC5300 |
320GB (160GB x2 5400 RPM) Dual HDD | 17"Wide Bright View High
27 Notebook HP Pavilion dv9816 (KU854PA) Devinition | DVD+/- RW Double Layer | Bluetooth & Fingerprint | Wifi | unit 30.511.000
NVIDIA Geforce 8600M GS with 512MB Dedicated | Reader | WEBCAM |
Windows Vista Home Premium
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo Processor T9400-2.53GHz | 4096MB DDR2 | 320GB
HDD (5400 RPM) | 16.0" | DVD+/-R/RW Double Layer | Bluetooth &
28 Notebook HP Pavilion HDX16 (FZ713PA) unit 31.965.000
Fingerprint | Wifi | Card Reader | WEBCAM | TV TUNER | nVidia GeForce
9600M GT 512MB | Vista Home Premium
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo Processor T9600-2.80GHz | 4096MB DDR2 | 640GB
HDD (5400 RPM) | 18.4" | DVD+/-R/RW Double Layer | Bluetooth &
29 Notebook HP Pavilion X18-1006TX (FZ046PA) unit 43.594.000
Fingerprint | Wifi | Reader | WEBCAM | TV TUNER | nVidia GeForce 9600M
GT 512MB | Vista Home Premium.
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo Processor T7500-2.2GHz | 2048MB DDR2 PC5300 |
320GB HDD (5400 RPM) Dual Hard Drive | 20.1"Wide SXGA Ultra Bright
30 Notebook HP Pavilion HDX9010 (GU003PA) View | DVD+RW DL | Bluetooth | Wifi | ATI Mobility Radeon HD2600XT with unit 58.130.000
256MB DDR3 | Firewire| Card Reader | WEBCAM | TV Tuner | Windows Vista
Intel® Atom N270 1.6GHz | 1.5GB DDR2 | 80GB HDD | 8.9” WSVGA | Intel®
1 Notebook Lenovo IdeaPad S9 unit 5.884.000
GMA 950 | WiFi | LAN | Card Reader | Webcam | Linux.

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 127
1 2 3 4 5 6
Intel® Atom N270 1.6GHz | 1GB DDR2 | 160GB HDD | 10.2” WSVGA | Intel®
2 Notebook Lenovo IdeaPad S10 GMA 950 | WiFi | LAN | Bluetooth | Card Reader | Webcam | Windows XP unit 8.238.000
Intel® Core Duo T2390 (1.86 Ghz) | 1 GB DDR2 | 160 GB HDD | 14.1” Wide |
3 Notebook Lenovo IdeaPad G410 5901-4423 / 4017 unit 9.870.000
Intel® Core Duo T2410 (2.0 Ghz) | 2 GB DDR2 | 160 GB HDD | 14.1” Wide |
4 Notebook Lenovo IdeaPad G410 5901-4960 unit 10.597.000
Intel® Core Duo T3200 (2.0 Ghz) | 1 GB DDR2 | 250 GB HDD | 14.1” Wide |
5 Notebook Lenovo IdeaPad G430 5901-5953 unit 10.888.000
DVDRW | DOS | Webcam.
Intel® Core 2 Duo T5550 (1.83 Ghz) | 512 MB DDR2 | 160 GB HDD | 14.1"
6 Notebook Lenovo ThinkPad R61i 7732-A54 unit 12.051.000
WXGA | DVDRW | DOS | Bluetooth.
Intel Core 2 Duo T5800 (2.0 Ghz) | 2 GB DDR2 | 320 GB HDD | 14.1” Wide |
7 Notebook Lenovo IdeaPad Y430 5901-5840 unit 12.778.000
DVDRW | DOS | Bluetooth | Webcam
Intel® Core 2 Duo T5670 (1.8 Ghz) | 1 GB DDR2 | 160 GB HDD | 14.1" WXGA |
8 Notebook Lenovo ThinkPad SL400 2743-57A unit 13.795.000
DVDRW | DOS | Bluetooth | Webcam.
Intel® Core 2 Duo T5800 (2.0 Ghz) | 2 GB DDR2 | 250 GB HDD | 13.1” Wide |
9 Notebook Lenovo IdeaPad Y330 5901-6549 unit 14.522.000
DVDRW | DOS | Bluetooth | Webcam.
Intel® Core 2 Duo P7350 (2.0 Ghz) | 2 GB DDR2 | 250 GB HDD | 14.1”
10 Notebook Lenovo IdeaPad Y430 5901-4974 unit 17.298.000
DVDRW | Vista Home Premium | Bluetooth | Webcam.
Intel® Core 2 Duo T8100 (2.1 Ghz) | 1 GB DDR2 | 160 GB HDD | 14.1" WXGA |
11 Notebook Lenovo ThinkPad R61i 7733-AL4 unit 17.429.000
DVDRW | Vista Business | Bluetooth | Fingerprint Reader.
Intel® Core 2 Duo T8100 (2.1 Ghz) | 1 GB DDR2 | 160 GB HDD | 14.1" WXGA |
12 Notebook Lenovo ThinkPad R61i 7732-N6A unit 17.734.000
DVDRW | Vista Business | Bluetooth.
Intel® Core 2 Duo T5550 (1.83 Ghz) | 2 GB DDR2 | 250 GB HDD | 14.1" WXGA
13 Notebook Lenovo ThinkPad R61i 7742-A24 unit 18.156.000
| DVDRW | Vista Business | Webcam | Bluetooth .
Intel® Core 2 Duo T8300 (2.4 Ghz) | 2 GB DDR2| 160 GB HDD | 14.1" WXGA |
14 Notebook Lenovo ThinkPad T61 7660-A35 unit 19.609.000
DVDRW | Vista Business | Bluetooth | Fingerprint Reader.
Intel® Core 2 Duo T8100 (2.1 Ghz) | 1 GB DDR2 | 160 GB HDD | 12.1” XGA |
15 Notebook Lenovo ThinkPad X61 7676-A27 unit 19.609.000
USB DVDRW | DOS | Bluetooth | Fingerprint Reader .
Intel® Core 2 Duo P8400 2.26GHz | Intel GM45 Chipset | 14.1"WXGA | 160GB
HDD 5400rpm | 1GB DDR2 667MHz | CDRW-DVDRW Multiburner | Intel®
16 Notebook Lenovo ThinkPad R400 7443-TGA unit 18.156.000
Graphics Media Accelerator X4500 | Bluetooth | Gigabit Ethernet | WiFi |
Fingerprint Reader | Vista Business
Intel® Core 2 Duo P8400 2.26GHz | Intel GM45 Chipset | 13.3"WXGA |
160GB HDD 5400rpm | 2GB PC2-5300 DDR2 667MHz | CDRW-DVDRW
17 Notebook Lenovo ThinkPad SL300 2738-3AA unit 20.336.000
Multiburner | Intel® Graphics Media Accelerator X4500 | Bluetooth | Gigabit
Ethernet | Fingerprint Reader | 1.3MP Camera | WiFi | Vista Business
Intel Core 2 Duo T8100 (2.1 Ghz) | 1 GB DDR2 SDRAM | 160 GB | 12.1” XGA |
18 Notebook Lenovo ThinkPad X61 7676-A31 unit 21.499.000
USB DVDRW | Vista Business | Bluetooth | Fingerprint.
Intel Core2 Duo P8400 2.26 GHz | 2 GB DDR2 SDRAM | 160 GB HDD | Intel
19 Notebook Lenovo ThinkPad T400 6474-1JA Graphics X4500 | DVD-RW | Wifi | Camera | 14.1" WXGA Modem | Gigabit unit 26.151.000
Ethernet | Bluetooth | Finger print | Vista Business
Intel Core 2 Duo T9400 (2.53 Ghz) | 2 GB DDR2 SDRAM | 250 GB | 14.1"
20 Notebook Lenovo ThinkPad SL400 2743-4PA unit 22.807.000
WXGA | DVDRW | Vista Home Premium | Bluetooth | Camera | Fingerprint.
Intel Core 2 Duo T8600 (2.4 Ghz) | 2 GB DDR2 SDRAM | 320 GB | 15.4” Wide
21 Notebook Lenovo IdeaPad Y530 5901-5020 unit 24.116.000
| DVDRW | Vista Home Premium | Camera.
Intel Core 2 Duo T8300 (2.4 Ghz) | 2 GB DDR2 SDRAM | 250 GB | 14.1"
22 Notebook Lenovo ThinkPad T61 7663-XXX unit 24.566.000
WXGA | DVDRW | Vista Business | Bluetooth | Fingerprint.
Intel Core 2 Duo T8300 (2.4 Ghz) | 2 GB DDR2 SDRAM | 250 GB | 14.1"
23 Notebook Lenovo ThinkPad T61 7664-A24 unit 24.842.000
WXGA | DVD Recordable | Vista Business | Bluetooth | Fingerprint.
Intel Core 2 Duo P8600 (2.1 Ghz) | 2 GB DDR2 SDRAM | 320 GB | 13.1” Wide
24 Notebook Lenovo U330 5901-5363 unit 25.424.000
| DVD Recordable | Vista Home Premium | Fingerprint | Camera.
Intel Core 2 Duo LV 7500 (1.6 GHz) | 2 GB DDR2 SDRAM | 120 GB | 11"
25 Notebook Lenovo ThinkPad X61 7673-XXX unit 26.151.000
WXGA | DVD Recordable | Vista Home Premium | Bluetooth | Camera.
Intel Core 2 Duo LV 7500 (1.6 GHz) | 2 GB DDR2 SDRAM | 120 GB | 11"
26 Notebook Lenovo U110 3902/B unit 28.331.000
WXGA | DVD Recordable | Vista Home Premium | Bluetooth | Camera.
Intel Dual Core T2930-2,0GHz | Ram 1GB DDR2 | 250Gb HDD | 14,1"Crystal |
27 Notebook Lenovo 3000-G490H unit 8.828.000
DVD-RW | Modem | LAN | WIFi | Camera | Reader | Linux.
VIA-C7M 1.60GHz | 512MB DDR2 | 80GB SATA | 10.2” TFT Screen | WiFi |
1 Ion Portiva P7300AH Notebook unit 7.036.000
Webcam | 3 in 1 Card Rader | DOS.
Intel® Pentium® Dual Core T2330 1.60GHz | 1GB DDR2 | 160GB SATA |
2 Ion Portiva P3700MC Notebook unit 7.995.000
DVD±RW | 14.1” WXGA | Intel® GMA X3100 | WiFi | 4 in 1 Card Rader | DOS.
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T5550 1.86GHz | 1GB DDR2 | 160GB SATA | DVD±RW |
3 Ion Portiva P4500HI Notebook 12.1” WXGA | Intel® GMA X3100 | WiFi | Webcam | Fingerprint | 4 in 1 Card unit 9.740.000
Rader | DOS

Intel® Atom N270 1.6GHz | 512MB DDR2 | 80GB SATA | 8.9” LED | Intel®
1 Mini Notebook MSI U90 Wind unit 6.760.000
GMA 950 | WiFi | LAN | Bluetooth | Webcam | Card Reader | Linux SUSE.

Intel® Atom 1.6GHz | 1GB DDR2 | 80GB SATA | 10” LED | Intel® GMA 950 |
2 Mini Notebook MSI Wind U100 unit 8.504.000
WiFi | LAN | Bluetooth | Webcam | Card Reader | Windows XP Home.

Intel® Celeron 1.5GHz | 256MB DDR333 | 40GB HDD | 15”XGA | Wi-Fi | LAN |
1 NEC Versa FE2000-1514DW Notebook unit 8.708.000
Modem | Firewire | DOS.
Intel Celeron 1.5GHz | 256 MB onboard DDR 333 | 40 GB | 15" XGA TFT | CD
2 NEC Versa E2000 Notebook ROOM | Onboard Video | Modem 56K v 9.2 | 10 /100 MBps LAN | 3*USB 2.0 | unit 8.708.000
Wireless 802.11b/g | Firewire IEEE 1394 port | Windows XP Home | 2.8 Kg
Intel Core Duo T 2080 1.7 GHz | Memory 512 MB | HDD 120 GB | 14"1 WXGA
3 NEC Versa L2101-1703DCR Notebook | DVD-RW | Bluetooth | Modem | LAN | 4 in1 Card reader | 4 x USB | Weight unit 12.211.000
2.29 Kg
Intel® Core™ Duo T2250 1.73GHz | 512MB DDR2 | 60GB HDD | DVD Super
4 NEC Versa E6200-1701DRDC Notebook Multi DL | 14.1” WXGA SSV | Intel® GMA 950 128MB | Wi-Fi | LAN | Bluetooth unit 14.958.000
| Modem | Card Reader | Fingerprint | Windows XP Home.

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 128
1 2 3 4 5 6
Intel® Core™ Duo T2300 1.66GHz | 512MB DDR2 | 80GB HDD | DVD Super
Multi | 14.1” WXGA SSV | NVIDIA GeForce Go 7300 128MB | Wi-Fi |
5 NEC Versa E6210-1632DRC Notebook unit 16.993.000
Bluetooth | LAN | Modem | Firewire | Card Reader | Remote Control |
Webcam | Windows XP Media Center.
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T5600 1.83GHz | 512MB DDR2 | 80GB HDD | 14.1”
6 NEC Versa E6201-F1800DR Notebook WXGA | Intel® GMA 950 | Wi-Fi | Bluetooth | LAN | Modem | Firewire | Card unit 17.124.000
Reader | DOS | Facia Black.
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T5250 1.5GHz | 1GB DDR2 | 160GB HDD | DVD±RW |
7 NEC Versa S3301-F1500DRC Notebook 13.3” WXGA SSV | Intel® GMA X3100 | WiFi | Modem | Gigabit Ethernet | unit 17.429.000
Bluetooth | Webcam 1.3MP | 4 High Definition Quality Speakers | DOS
Intel Core 2 Duo T 5600 1.83 GHz | Memory 1 GB | HDD 100 GB | 15"4 WXGA
8 NEC Versa E8210-1811DR Notebook | DVD-RW | Media Centre | ATI Radeon X 1600 128 MB | 4 In 1Card Reader | unit 18.156.000
4 X USB | Modem | LAN.
Intel Core Duo 1.73 GHZ 2 MB L2 Cache | Memory 512 MB | HDD 80 GB |
9 NEC Versa S3201-1700DRC Notebook 13"3 SSV (Super Shine View) | DVD-RW | Bluetooth | Webcam 1.3 Mega unit 18.723.000
Pixel | 4 In 1 Card Reader | Modem | LAN | WiFi | Dos.
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T5600 1.83GHz | 512MB DDR2 | 80GB HDD | DVD Super
10 NEC Versa E6210-1806DRC Notebook Multi | NVIDIA® GeForce® Go 7300 | 14.1” WXGA SSV | Wi-Fi | LAN | unit 21.354.000
Bluetooth | Modem | Firewire | Card Reader | Windows XP Media Center.

Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T5600 1.83GHz | 1GB DDR2 | 120GB HDD | DVD Super
11 NEC Versa E6210-1807DRC Notebook Multi | NVIDIA® GeForce® Go 7300 | 14.1” WXGA SSV | Wi-Fi | LAN | unit 21.514.000
Bluetooth | Modem | Firewire | Card Reader | Windows XP Media Center.

Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T7500 2.2GHz | 2GB DDR2 | 200GB HDD | DVD±RW |
12 NEC Versa S3300-2200DRC Notebook 13.3” WXGA SSV | Gigabit Ethernet | Bluetooth | Webcam 1.3MP | 4 High unit 21.790.000
Definition Quality Speakers | Genuine Windows Vista™ Home Premium

Intel® Pentium® Dual Core T2390 1.86GHz | 1GB DDR2 | 200GB SATA |
1 Notebook SONY VAIO VGN CR323GH DVD±RW | 14.1” XBRITE | Intel® GMA X3100 | Bluetooth | Camera 1.3 | unit 14.522.000
Vista® Home Premium.
Intel® Pentium® Dual-Core Processor T3400 (2.16 GHz) | 1GB DDR2 |
2 Notebook SONY VAIO VGN CS13G 250GB SATA | DVD±RW | 14.1” XBRITE | Intel® GMA 4500M | WiFi | LAN | unit 15.249.000
Modem | Bluetooth | Camera | Vista® Home Premium.
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo P8400 2.26 GHz | 2GB DDR2 | 250GB SATA | DVD±RW |
3 Notebook SONY VAIO VGN CS16G 14.1” XBRITE | NVIDIA® GeForce® 9300M GS | WiFi | LAN | Modem | unit 21.790.000
Bluetooth | Camera | Vista® Home Premium.
Intel® Core™ Solo U2200 1.2GHz | 1GB DDR2 | 40GB HDD | 4.5” WSVGA |
4 Notebook SONY VAIO VGN UX57GN/L Intel® GMA 950 | Intel® PRO 3945 WiFi | Bluetooth | Fingerprint | Dual unit 18.883.000
Camera | Windows Vista™ Business
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T8100 2.1GHz | 2048MB DDR2 | 250GB SATA | DVD±RW
5 Notebook SONY VAIO VGN CR353 | 14.1” XBRITE | ATI Mobility Radeon™ X2300 | Bluetooth | Camera 1.3 | unit 15.948.000
Vista® Home Premium.
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T5800 2.0GHz | 2GB DDR2 | 250GB SATA | DVD±RW |
6 Notebook SONY VAIO VGN FW23G 16.4” XBRITE | ATI® Radeon® HD3470 256mb | WiFi | Gigabit LAN | Modem | unit 21.078.000
Bluetooth | Camera 1.3 | Vista® Home Premium.
Intel Core 2 Duo T7500 -2.2 GHz FSB 667 Mhz | Ram 2GB DDR | 160 GB HDD
Sata | 13.3" Wxga Xbritet | DVDRW | VGA Out | 2X Port USB | I Link |
7 Notebook SONY VAIO VGN SZ650 Memory Stick Slot | Expres Media Card Slot | nVIDIA Ge Force 8500 816 Mb | unit 21.368.000
Modem | Lan | Wifi | Bluetooth | Finger Print | W-Wan | CAMERA | Windows
Vista Bussiness
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo P8400 2.26GHz | 1GB DDR2 | 200GB SATA | DVD±RW |
8 Notebook SONY VAIO VGN SR12G 13.3” WXGA | Intel® GMA 4500MHD | WiFi | LAN | Modem | Bluetooth | unit 23.243.000
Webcam | Card Reader | Vista Home Premium SP1.
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo P8400 2.26 GHz | 2GB | 250GB | DVD±RW | 13.3”
9 Notebook SONY VAIO VGN SR25G XBRITE | Intel GMA 4500 | WiFi | LAN | Modem | Bluetooth | Card Reader | unit 22.517.000
Camera 1.3 | Vista® Home Premium.
Core 2 Duo T7200 (2.0 Ghz) | 2 GB | 120 GB | 13.3” WXGA | DVDRW (DL) |
10 Notebook SONY VAIO VGN SZ4XN/C unit 22.967.000
Vista Business | Bluetooth | Fingerprint | Webcam | (Black).
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo P8400 2.26GHz | 3GB DDR2 | 320GB SATA | DVD±RW |
11 Notebook SONY VAIO VGN FW25G 16.4” XBRITE | ATI® Radeon® HD3470 256mb | WiFi | Gigabit LAN | Modem | unit 23.985.000
Bluetooth | Camera 1.3 | Vista® Home Premium.
Intel Core 2 Duo T7200 (2.0 Ghz) | 2 GB | 160 GB | 13.3” WXGA | DVDRW
12 Notebook SONY VAIO VGN SZ5XN/C unit 24.130.000
(DL) | Vista Business | Bluetooth | Fingerprint | Webcam
Intel Core 2 Duo P8400 (2.26 Ghz) | 2 GB | 250 GB | 16.4”WXGA | DVDRW
13 Notebook SONY VAIO VGN FW12G unit 24.697.000
(DL) | Vista Home Premium | Bluetooth | Webcam
Intel Core 2 Duo T7500-2.2 GHz | Ram 2 GB DDR2 | 160 GB HDD | 13.3"
Wxga Xbritet | DVD RW DL | I Link | Memory Stick Slot | SD Slot | G FORCE
14 Notebook SONY VAIO VGN SZ650 unit 18.538.000
GO 8500 816 Mb | CARBON FIBER | Modem | Lan | Wifi | bluetooth |
Windows Vista Bisnis
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo U7500 1.06GHz | 2GB DDR2 | 100GB HDD | DVD±RW |
15 Notebook SONY VAIO VGN TZ160N/B (V) 11.1” WXGA | WiFi | LAN | Modem | Bluetooth | Webcam | Fingerprint | unit 24.697.000
Vista® Business.
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo SU9300 1.2GHz | 2GB DDR2 | 120GB SATA | DVD±RW |
16 Notebook SONY VAIO VGN TT15GN 11.1” XBRITE | Intel® GMA 4500 | WiFi | Gigabit LAN | Modem | Bluetooth | unit 26.151.000
Camera | Fingerprint | Vista® Business.
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo P8400 2.26GHz | 2GB DDR2 | 250GB SATA | DVD±RW |
17 Notebook SONY VAIO VGN SR13GN/B 13.3” WXGA | ATi® Radeon® HD3470 | WiFi | LAN | Modem | Bluetooth | unit 27.604.000
Webcam | Card Reader | Fingerprint | Vista Business
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo SU9400 1.4GHz | 2GB DDR2 | 160GB SATA | DVD±RW |
18 Notebook SONY VAIO VGN TT16GN 11.1” XBRITE | Intel® GMA 4500 | WiFi | Gigabit LAN | Modem | Bluetooth | unit 29.785.000
Camera | Fingerprint | Vista® Business.
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo U7600 1.2GHz | 1GB DDR2 | 100GB UltraATA | DVD-
19 Notebook SONY VAIO VGN TZ36GN/B CDRW | 11.1” WXGA | Intel® GMA 950 | WiFi | LAN | Modem | Bluetooth | unit 30.511.000
Webcam | Fingerprint | Vista® Business
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T9300 2.5GHz | 2048MB DDR2 | 250GB SATA | DVD±RW
20 Notebook SONY VAIO VGN SZ79N/B | 13.3” XBRITE | NVIDIA® GeForce® 8400GS | Bluetooth | Fingerprint | unit 31.965.000
Camera 1.3 | Vista® Business.

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 129
1 2 3 4 5 6
Core 2 Duo P8600 (2.4 Ghz) | 2 GB | 250 GB | 13.1” WXGA | DVDRW (DL) |
21 Notebook SONY VAIO VGN Z12GN (Black) unit 32.401.000
Vista Business | Bluetooth | Webcam | Fingerprint.
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo U7700 1.33GHz | 2GB DDR2 | 120GB UltraATA | DVD-
22 Notebook SONY VAIO VGN TZ37GN/N CDRW | 11.1” WXGA | Intel® GMA 950 | WiFi | LAN | Modem | Bluetooth | unit 34.872.000
Webcam | Fingerprint | Vista® Business.
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo U7700 1.33GHz | 2GB DDR2 | 120GB UltraATA | DVD-
23 Notebook SONY VAIO VGN TZ37GN/B CDRW | 11.1” WXGA | Intel® GMA 950 | WiFi | LAN | Modem | Bluetooth | unit 34.872.000
Webcam | Fingerprint | Vista® Business.
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo P9400 2.53GHz | 4GB | 500GB | Blu-ray | 16.4” XBRITE |
24 Notebook SONY VAIO VGN FW27GU unit 43.594.000
ATI® Radeon® HD3650 256mb | Bluetooth | Camera 1.3 | Vista® Ultimate.
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T9400 2.53 GHz | 4GB DDR2 | 320GB SATA | Blu-Ray
25 Notebook SONY VAIO VGN FW13GU/H Disc Drive | 14.1” XBRITE | NVIDIA® GeForce® 9300M GS | WiFi | LAN | unit 47.955.000
Modem | Bluetooth | Camera | Vista® Ultimate.
Intel Core Duo T5350-1,5Ghz | Ram 1Gb DDR | 160 GB HDD | 15,4"xBritet |
26 Notebook SONY VAIO VGN-NR160 unit 9.770.000
DVD-RW | Modem | LAN | Wifi | Vista Premium.
Intel Core 2 Duo T 7250 -2.0 GHz | Ram 2 GB DDR | 250 GB HDD | 15.4"
27 Notebook SONY VAIO VGN-FZ 240 E Wxga Xbritet | DVD RW DL | Modem | LAN | WIFi | Camera | Vista Home unit 13.289.000
Intel Core 2 Duo T 7250 -2.0 GHz | Ram 2 GB DDR | 250 GB HDD | 15.4"
28 Notebook SONY VAIO VGN-FZ 280 E Wxga Xbritet | Blue Ray Disk | Modem | LAN | WIFi | Camera | nVIDIA unit 17.008.000
GeForce 8400 | Vista Home Premium.
Intel Core 2 Duo T 8100 -2.1 GHz | Ram 2 GB DDR | 200 GB HDD | 15.4"
29 Notebook SONY VAIO VGN-FZ 480 E Wxga Xbritet | DVD-RW | Modem | LAN | WIFi | Camera | nVIDIA GeForce unit 17.920.000
8400 | Vista Home Premium.
Intel Core2 Duo T5550 -1,83 GHz | Ram 2 GB DDR | 200 GB HDD | 14.1"
30 Notebook SONY VAIO VGN-CR 410E–Color Wxga Xbritet | DVD RW DL | Modem | LAN | WIFi | Camera | Bluetooth | Vista unit 13.919.000
Home Premium.
Intel Core2 Duo T5550 -1,83 GHz | Ram 3 GB DDR | 200 GB HDD | 14.1"
31 Notebook SONY VAIO VGN-CR 415E–Black Wxga Xbritet | DVD RW DL | Modem | LAN | WIFi | Camera | Bluetooth | Vista unit 13.595.000
Home Premium.
Intel Core2 Duo T5750 -2,0 GHz | Ram 3 GB DDR | 250 GB HDD | 14.1" Wxga
32 Notebook SONY VAIO VGN-CR 510–Color Xbritet | DVD RW DL | Modem | LAN | WiFi | Camera | Bluetooth | Vista unit 14.654.000
Home Premium.
Intel Core 2 Duo T8100 -2.1 GHz | Ram 2GB DDR | 200 GB HDD Sata | 13.3"
33 Notebook SONY VAIO VGN-SZ780 CN Wxga Xbritet | DVDRW | Modem | LAN | WIfI | Camera | Bluetooth | unit 20.716.000
Fingerprint | GeForce 8400 | Vista Business.
Intel® Pentium® Dual-Core processor T2390(1.86GHz, 1MB L2 Cache,
533MHz FSB) with Intel® 64 Architecture | 512MB DDR2 | 80GB SATA | DVD
1 Notebook Toshiba Satellite L300-A511 Super Multi (Dual) | 15.4" WXGA TFT CSV | Intel® Graphics Media unit 8.793.000
Accelerator X3100 up to 251MB of shared video memory | cam 0.3 Mega
Pixel | Modem | Vista™ Home Basic.
Intel® Dual Core T2390 1.86GHz | 1024MB DDR2 | 120GB SATA | DVD±RW |
2 Notebook Toshiba Satellite L300-N506 unit 8.828.000
15.4” WXGA | Intel® GMA X3100 | WiFi | Modem | Webcam | DOS.

Intel® Dual Core T2390 1.86GHz | 1024MB DDR2 | 200GB SATA | DVD±RW |
3 Notebook Toshiba Satellite L310-N4017 unit 11.300.000
14.1” WXGA | Intel® GMA X3100 | WiFi | LAN | Modem | Webcam | DOS.
Intel® Dual Core T5750 2.0GHz | 1024MB DDR2 | 120GB SATA | DVD±RW |
4 Notebook Toshiba Satellite L310-A4110 14.1” WXGA | Intel® GMA X3100 | WiFi | LAN | Modem | Bluetooth | Webcam unit 11.500.000
| Vista® Home Basic.
Intel® CoreTM2 Duo Processor T5750(2.0GHz, 2MB L2 Cache, 667MHz FSB)
| 1024MB DDR2 | 160GB SATA | DVD Super Multi (Dual) | 14.1" WXGA CSV |
5 Notebook Toshiba Satellite L310-A417 unit 11.770.000
Intel® Graphics Media Accelerator X3100 | up to358MB of shared video
memory | 802.11b/g | cam | Modem
Intel® Core 2 Duo T5800 2.0GHz | 1024MB DDR2 | 250GB SATA | DVD±RW |
6 Notebook Toshiba Satellite L310-S401 unit 12.477.000
14.1” WXGA | Intel® GMA 4500MHD | WiFi | LAN | Modem | Webcam | DOS.
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T5750 2.0GHz | 1GB DDR2 | 200GB SATA | DVD±RW |
7 Notebook Toshiba Satellite M300-A411 14.1” WXGA | Intel® GMA X3100 | WiFi | LAN | Modem | | Webcam | 5 in 1 unit 12.830.000
Card Reader | Vista® Home Basic.
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T5750 2.0GHz | 1GB DDR2 | 200GB SATA | DVD±RW |
8 Notebook Toshiba Satellite M300-A416 14.1” WXGA | ATi® Radeon® HD3470 | WiFi | LAN | Modem | Bluetooth | unit 14.890.000
Webcam | 5 in 1 Card Reader | Fingerprint | Vista® Home Basic.

Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T8100 2.1GHz | 1GB DDR2 | 200GB SATA | DVD±RW |
9 Notebook Toshiba Satellite M300-E410 14.1” WXGA | Intel® GMA X3100 | WiFi | LAN | Modem | Bluetooth | Webcam unit 15.537.000
| 5 in 1 Card Reader | Fingerprint | Vista® Home Basic.
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T8300 2.4GHz | 1GB DDR2 | 250GB SATA | DVD±RW |
14.1” WXGA | ATi® Mobility Radeon® HD3470 | WiFi | LAN | Modem |
10 Notebook Toshiba Satellite M300-P437 unit 17.067.000
Bluetooth | Webcam | 5 in 1 Card Reader | Fingerprint | Vista® Home
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo P7350 2.0GHz | 2GB DDR2 | 200GB SATA | DVD±RW |
11 Notebook Toshiba Satellite M300-E435 14.1” WXGA | Intel® GMA 4500MHD | WiFi | LAN | Modem | Bluetooth | unit 17.655.000
Webcam | 5 in 1 Card Reader | Vista® Home Premium.
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo P8400 2.26GHz | 1GB DDR2 | 200GB SATA | DVD±RW |
12 Notebook Toshiba Satellite M300-E413 14.1” WXGA | ATI® Mobility Radeon® HD 3470 | WiFi | LAN | Modem | unit 17.773.000
Bluetooth | Webcam | 5 in 1 Card Reader | Fingerprint | Vista® Home Basic.

Intel® Core™ 2 Duo P8100 2.1GHz | 1GB DDR2 | 200GB SATA | DVD±RW |
13 Notebook Toshiba Satellite M300-E430 14.1” WXGA | Intel® GMA X3100 | WiFi | LAN | Modem | Bluetooth | Webcam unit 18.362.000
| 5 in 1 Card Reader | Fingerprint | FM Tuner | Vista® Home Premium.
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T9300 2.5GHz | 2GB DDR2 | 400GB SATA | DVD±RW |
14 Notebook Toshiba Satellite A300-P532 15.4” WXGA | ATi® Mobility Radeon® HD 3650 | WiFi | LAN | Modem | unit 24.364.000
Bluetooth | Webcam | Fingerprint | Vista® Home Premium.
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T9400 2.53GHz | 2GB DDR2 | 320GB SATA | DVD±RW |
15 Notebook Toshiba Satellite M300-P4333R 14” WXGA CSV | ATi® Mobility Radeon® HD 3470 | WiFi | LAN | Modem | unit 26.836.000
Bluetooth | Webcam | Fingerprint | Vista® Home Premium

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 130
1 2 3 4 5 6
Core 2 Duo Processor T9400 (2.53GHz, 6MB L2 Cache, 1066MHz FSB) |
4096MB (2048MBx2) | 400GB SATA | DVD Super Multi (Dual) | 15.4" WXGA
16 Notebook Toshiba QOSMIO F50-AV530 (200NIT) CSV | NVIDIA® GeForce®9600M GT up to 1791MB total available unit 29.425.000
graphics(ext 512MB VRAM) 802.11a/g/n | FM Tuner | Glossy Silver | Finger
CoreTM2 Duo Processor T9400 (2.53GHz, 6MB L2 Cache, 1066MHz FSB) |
4096MB (2048MBx2) | 500GB (250GBx2) | DVD Super Multi (Dual) | 17.0"
17 Notebook Toshiba QOSMIO X300-G770 WSXGA+ (200NIT) CSV NVIDIA® GeForce®9700M GTS up to1791MB total unit 38.253.000
available graphics (ext 512MB DDR3 VRAM) | 802.11a/g/n | FM Tuner |
Vista® Home Ultimate.
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T5750 2.0GHz | 1GB DDR2 | 160GB SATA | DVD±RW |
18 Notebook Toshiba Portege M800-A336W 13.3” WXGA | Intel® GMA x3100 | WiFi | LAN | Modem | Bluetooth | Webcam unit 16.890.000
| Fingerprint | FM Tuner | Vista® Home Premium.
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T5750 2.0GHz | 1024MB DDR2 | 200GB SATA | DVD±RW
19 Notebook Toshiba Portege M800-A312 | 13.3” WXGA | Intel® GMA X3100 | WiFi | LAN | Modem | Bluetooth | 5 in 1 unit 16.926.000
Card Reader | Webcam | Vista® Home Basic.
Intel Core 2 Duo T5750-2,0GHz | Ram 1Gb DDR2 | 200GB HDD | DVDRW |
20 Notebook Toshiba Portege M800-E370W 13,3" CSV | Modem | LAN | WiFi | Bluetooth | Reader | Camera | FingerPrint | unit 19.127.000
Vista Home basic.
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo P7350, 2.0 GHz | 1GB DDR2 | 200GB SATA | DVD±RW |
21 Notebook Toshiba Portege M800-E3316P 13.3” WXGA | Intel® 4500MHD | WiFi | LAN | Modem | Bluetooth | Webcam | unit 19.774.000
Fingerprint | Vista® Home Premium
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo Processor T7500(2.2GHz, 2MB L2Cache, 800Mhz FSB) |
1024 MB DDR2 | 120GB SATA | DVD Super Multi(Dual) | 14.1" WXGA CSV |
22 Notebook Toshiba TECRA M9-E461 unit 23.970.000
Intel® GMA X3100 up to8-256MB OF shared Video Memory | W lan
802.11a/b/g | Modem | Titanium Silver | 3 Years | Vista™ Business

Intel® Mobile Processor ULV 900MHz, 0KB L2 Cache, 400MHz FSB | 512MB
DDR2 (Max. 1GB) | 2GB NAND Flash HDD | WiFI | 4 in 1 Card Reader | 7"
1 Notebook Zyrex Anoa 212 unit 3.649.000
LVDS Interface | LED B/L | Built-in 10/100M Ethernet + WLAN 802.11b/g
w/Antenna | Intel® 915GMS + ICH6-M | Dos | 1,45 Kg.
Intel® Mobile Processor ULV 900MHz, 0KB L2 Cache, 400MHz FSB | 512MB
DDR2 (Max. 1GB) | 40GB | WiFI | 4 in 1 Card Reader | 9" LVDS Interface |
2 Notebook Zyrex Anoa 942 unit 4.590.000
LED B/L | Built-in 10/100M Ethernet + WLAN 802.11b/g w/Antenna | Intel®
915GMS + ICH6-M | NO OS | 1,45 Kg.
VIA C7-M, ULV 1,2GHz | 1GB DDR2 | 60GB | WiFI | 4 in 1 Card Reader | 7"
3 Notebook Zyrex Ubud 611 WVGA Touch Panel | 0.3MP Web Cam | Built-in 10/100Mbps Ethernet LAN | unit 5.178.000
VIA VX700 (Single Chipset) | No OS | 0,97 Kg.
Intel® Pentium® Dual Core Processor T2390, 1.86GHz, 1MB L2 Cache,
533MHz FSB | 1GB DDR2 | 120GB SATA | DVD Super Multi | WiFi | 7 in 1
4 Notebook Zyrex Ellipse EGT590s Card Reader | 14" WXGA | Built-in 1.3MP Web Cam | Built-in 56K V.90/V.92 unit 7.532.000
Modem | Built-in 10/100 Base TX LAN Module | VIA VN896 CE | No O S | 2.3
Intel® Core™2Duo Mobile Processor T5750, 2.0GHz 2MB L2 Cache, 667MHz
FSB | 2GB DDR2 (Max. 4GB) | 120GB SATA | DVD Super Multi | WiFi | 4 in 1
5 Notebook Zyrex Cruiser GEF575s Card Reader | 14" WXGA | Built-in 1.3MP Web Cam | Built-in 56K V.90/V.92 unit 7.768.000
Modem | Built-in 10/100 Base TX LAN Modul | VIA VN896 CE | No O S | 2.3
Intel® Core™2Duo Mobile Processor T5750, 2.0GHz, 2MB L2 Cache,
667MHz FSB | 2GB DDR2 (Max. 4GB) | 160GB SATA HDD | DVD Super Multi |
6 Notebook Zyrex Cruiser NFT576 WiFi | 4 in 1 Card Reader | 12" WXGA TFT LCD | Built-in 1.3MP Web Cam | unit 9.062.000
Built-in 56K V.90/V.92 Modem | Built-in 10/100 Base TX LAN Module | Intel®
965 Express Chipset | NO OS | 1,8 Kg | Finger Print Security.
Intel® Core™2Duo Mobile Processor T5750, 2.0GHz, 2MB L2 Cache,
667MHz FSB | 2 GB DDR2 (Max. 4GB) | 160 GB SATA | DVD Super Multi |
WiFI | 7 in 1 Card Reader | 12" Glare TFT Wide & Touch Screen | Tablet |
7 Notebook Zyrex Wakatobi 572 unit 10.711.000
Built-in 2.0MP Web Cam | Built-in 56K V.90/V.92 Modem | Built-in
10/100/1000 Fast Ethernet LAN Module | Intel® 965GM Express Chipset | NO
OS | 2,1 Kg |
AMD LX800 (500Mhz) | 256MB | 60GB | LAN 10/100 | 8" TFT LCD | Wireless
1 Notebook Quantel T8 Series - black unit 3.767.000
LAN | Weight 1.1kg
AMD LX800 500 MHz | 256 MB | 60 GB | 8” TFT | Dos / LINUX. (Green /
2 Notebook Quantel T8 Series unit 4.002.000
Orange / White / Red / Silver).
AMD LX800 (500Mhz) | 512MB | 60GB | LAN 10/100 | 10" TFT LCD | Wireless
3 Notebook Quantel E10 Series unit 4.944.000
LAN | Weight 1.2kg
AMD Athlon™ 64 X2 4200+ 2.2GHz | 512MB DDR2 | 80GB SATA | DVD±RW |
1 Desktop PC Acer Aspire X3200 NVIDIA® GeForce® 8200 | Gigabit Ethernet | Modem | HDMI Port | USB unit 3.475.000
Keyboard and mouse | Card Reader | Firewire | Linux.
Athlon X2 4200+ 2.2GHz | 512MB DDRII 667Mhz | 80GB SATA | NVIDIA
GeForce 8200 | Integrated NVIDIA Geforce 8200 | Audio Channel with Dolby
2 Desktop PC Acer Aspire X3200 unit 5.800.000
Home Theater | Media Reader 14-in-1 | HDMI port | Gigabit LAN | USB
Keyboard & Optical Mouse | Acer Active Speaker | Linux | 15" CRT

Intel® Pentium® Dual-Core E2180 2.0 Ghz | 512MB DDR II 667Mhz | 160GB
3 Desktop PC Acer Aspire M1641 SATA | Chipset NVIDIA GeForce 7050 | Media Reader 9-in-1 | Gigabit LAN | unit 6.091.000
Modem | USB Keyboard & Optical Mouse | Speaker | Linux O/S | 15" CRT.
Intel® Pentium® Dual Core E2160 1.8GHz | 512MB DDR2 | 160GB SATA |
4 Desktop PC Acer Veriton M460 DVD-CDRW | FDD | 15” LCD Monitor | Intel® GMA 950 | Gigabit LAN | Linux. unit 7.995.000
Athlon X2 4400+ 2.3GHz | 512MB DDR II 667Mhz | 80GB SATA | Chipset AMD
5 Desktop PC Acer Aspire M1201 740G | Media Reader 9-in-1 | Gigabit LAN | Modem | Integrated ATI Radeon unit 6.178.000
2100 graphics | Keyboard & Optical Mouse | Speaker | Linux O/S | 15" LCD.

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 131
1 2 3 4 5 6
AMD Athlon™ 64 X2 4400+ 2.3GHz | 2GB DDR2 | 160GB SATA | DVD±RW |
6 Desktop PC Acer Aspire X3200 Hybrid NVIDIA® GeForce® 8200 | Gigabit Ethernet | Modem | HDMI Port | Keyboard unit 6.236.000
and Mouse | Card Reader | Firewire | Linux.
Intel® Pentium® Dual Core E2160 1.8GHz | 512MB DDR2 | 160GB SATA |
7 Desktop PC Acer Veriton M460 unit 6.832.000
DVD-CDRW | FDD | 15” CRT Monitor | Intel® GMA 950 | Gigabit LAN | Linux.

Intel® Pentium® 4 3.4GHz | 512MB DDR2 | HDD 80GB | DVD CD-RW Combo
8 Desktop PC Acer Power 2000 3 L - Mini Drive | Realtek High-Definition Audio with 7.1 Channel | Intel® GMA 3000 unit 7.050.000
128MB shared | Gigabit Ethernet | Keyboard + Mouse | Linux.
Athlon X2 4200+ 2.2GHz | 512MB DDRII 667Mhz | 80GB SATA | NVIDIA
GeForce 8200 | Dolby Home Theater | Supermulti | Media Reader 14-in-1 |
9 Desktop PC Acer Aspire X3200 unit 7.109.000
HDMI port | GigabitLAN | Integrated NVIDIA Geforce 8200 | Modem |
Keyboard & Optical Mouse | Acer Active Speaker | Linux | 15" LCD.
Intel® Core™ Duo E2180 2.0Ghz | 512MB DDR2 | 160GB SATA | DVD±RW |
10 Desktop PC Acer Aspire M1641 15” LCD Monitor | Media Reader 9-in-1 | Gigabit LAN | Modem | Keyboard + unit 7.254.000
Mouse | Linux.
Athlon X2 4400+ 2.3GHz | 2x1Gb DDRII 667Mhz | 60GB SATA | NVIDIA
GeForce 8200 | Dolby Home Theater | Media Reader 14-in-1 | HDMI port |
11 Desktop PC Acer Aspire X3200 Hybrid unit 7.254.000
GigabitLAN | Modem | USB Keyboard & Optical Mouse | Acer Active
Speaker | Linux | 15" CRT.
Athlon X2 4400+ 2.3GHz | 2x1Gb DDRII 667Mhz | 160GB SATA | NVIDIA
GeForce 8200 | Media Reader 14-in-1 | HDMI port | Gigabit LAN | Integrated
12 Desktop PC Acer Aspire X3200 Hybird unit 8.562.000
NVIDIA Geforce 8200 | Dolby Home Theater | Modem | Keyboard & Optical
Mouse | Acer Active Speaker | Linux | 15" LCD.
Intel® Pentium® Dual Core E2160 1.8GHz | 512MB DDR2 | 160GB SATA |
13 Desktop PC Acer Veriton M460 DVD-CDRW | FDD | 15” CRT Monitor | Intel® GMA 950 | Gigabit LAN | unit 8.853.000
Windows XP Professional.
Intel® Pentium® Dual Core E2160 1.8GHz | 512MB DDR2 | 160GB SATA |
14 Desktop PC Acer Veriton L460 Mini DVD±RW | 15” LCD Monitor | Intel® GMA 3100 | WiFi | Gigabit LAN | 5.1 unit 9.434.000
Channel audio | DVI Port | Linux.
Intel® Pentium® Dual Core E2160 1.8GHz | 512MB DDR2 | 160GB SATA |
15 Desktop PC Acer Veriton M460 DVD-CDRW | FDD | Intel® GMA 950 | Gigabit LAN | 15” LCD Monitor | unit 10.161.000
Windows XP Professional.
Intel® Core™ 2 Quad Q6600 2.4GHz | 2GB DDR2 | 320GB HDD | DVD±RW |
20” LCD Monitor | Nvidia GeForce 8600GS | Gigabit LAN | Modem | Firewire
16 Desktop PC Acer Aspire M5640 unit 15.976.000
| 14 in 1 Card Reader | Wireless Keyboard & Optical Mouse | HDMI Port |
Vista Home Premium
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo E6550 2.33GHz | 1 Gb DDR2 | 250GB SATA | DVD±RW |
17 Desktop PC Acer Veriton L460 Mini Intel® GMA X3100 | WiFi | Gigabit LAN | 5.1 Channel audio | DVI Port | unit 11.615.000
Windows Vista™ Business
Intel® Core™2 Duo E6320 - 1.86GHz | 1 GB DDR2 | HDD 160 GB | DVD-RW
SuperMulti Drive | Realtek High-Definition Audio With 7.1 Channel | Intel®
18 Desktop PC Acer Power 2000 3 L - Mini unit 12.342.000
GMA 3000 128MB shared | Gigabit Ethernet | Keyboard + Mouse | Windows
Vista™ Business.
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo E4500 2.2GHz | 1 GB DDR2 | 250GB SATA | DVD±RW |
19 Desktop PC Acer Aspire L3600 Intel® GMA 3100 | WiFi | Gigabit LAN | 5 in 1 Card Reader | Firewire | unit 13.068.000
Wireless Keyboard & Optical Mouse | Vista® Home Premium.
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo E4700 2.6GHz | 1GB DDR2 | 320GB HDD | DVD±RW |
19” LCD Monitor | Gigabit LAN | Modem | Firewire | PCI Express® x16 | PCI
20 Desktop PC Acer Aspire M5641 (Vista) unit 11.324.000
Express® x1 | 2x PCI Slot | 9 in 1 Card Reader | PS2 Keyboard & Optical
Mouse | USB Speaker | Vista® Home Premium
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo 1.83GHz | 1GB DDR2 | 80GB SATA | DVD-CDRW | Intel®
1 Mac Mini MB138 unit 9.362.000
GMA 950 | WiFi | LAN | Bluetooth | Webcam | MAC OS X v10.5 Leopard.

Intel® Core™ 2 Duo 2.0GHz | 1GB DDR2 | 120GB SATA | DVD±RW | Intel®
2 Mac Mini MB139 unit 12.429.000
GMA 950 | WiFi | LAN | Bluetooth | Webcam | MAC OS X v10.5 Leopard.
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo 2.4GHz | 1GB DDR2 | 250GB SATA | DVD±RW | Ati®
3 Apple iMac MB323 Desktop PC Radeon® HD2400XT | WiFi | LAN | Bluetooth | Webcam | 20” Widescreen unit 19.188.000
TFT | MAC OS X v10.5 Leopard.
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo 2.0GHz | 1GB DDR2 | 250GB SATA | DVD±RW | ATI®
Radeon® HD2400XT 128MB DDR3 | WiFi | Gigabit Ethernet | Bluetooth |
4 Apple iMac MA876 Desktop PC unit 19.609.000
Infra Red Receiver | iSight Camera | MiniDV output port | 20” Glossy
Widescreen TFT | Mac OS X Tiger.
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo 2.66GHz | 2GB DDR2 | 320GB SATA | DVD±RW | Ati®
5 Apple iMac MB324 Desktop PC Radeon® HD2600PRO | WiFi | LAN | Bluetooth | Webcam | MAC OS X v10.5 unit 23.621.000
Leopard | 20” Widescreen TFT.
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo 2.4GHz | 1GB DDR2 | 320GB SATA | DVD±RW | ATI®
Radeon® HD2400 PRO 256MB GDDR3 | WiFi | Gigabit Ethernet | Bluetooth |
6 Apple iMac MA877 Desktop PC unit 23.970.000
Infra Red Receiver | iSight Camera | MiniDV output port | MAC OS X v10.4.10
Tiger | 20” Glossy Widescreen TFT.
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo 2.8GHz | 2GB DDR2 | 320GB SATA | DVD±RW | Ati®
7 Apple iMac MB325 Desktop PC Radeon® HD2600PRO | WiFi | LAN | Bluetooth | Webcam | MAC OS X v10.5 unit 27.910.000
Leopard | 24” Widescreen TFT.
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo 2.4GHz | 1GB DDR2 | 320GB SATA | DVD±RW | ATI®
Radeon® HD2400 PRO 256MB GDDR3 | WiFi | Gigabit Ethernet | Bluetooth |
8 Apple iMac MA878 Desktop PC unit 29.058.000
Infra Red Receiver | iSight Camera | MiniDV output port | MAC OS X v10.4.10
Tiger | 24” Glossy Widescreen TFT.
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo 3.06GHz | 2GB DDR2 | 500GB SATA | DVD±RW |
9 Apple iMac Z0FH0000U Desktop PC NVIDIA® GeForce® 8800 | WiFi | LAN | Bluetooth | Webcam | MAC OS X unit 34.872.000
v10.5 Leopard | 24” Widescreen TFT.
One 2.8GHz Quad-Core | 2GB DDR2 | 320GB SATA | DVD±RW | ATi®
10 Mac Pro Z0EM001AP Radeon® HD2600XT | WiFi | LAN | Bluetooth | Webcam | MAC OS X v10.5 unit 36.195.000
Mac Pro Intel Xeon 2.8GHz | 8-CORE | 2GB | 320GB HD | SD | ATI Radeon
11 Apple Mac Pro Intel Xeon Desktop PC unit 42.445.000
2600XT 256MB.
Two 2.8GHz Quad-Core | 2GB DDR2 | 320GB SATA | DVD±RW | ATi®
12 Mac Pro Z0EM001AQ Radeon® HD2600XT | WiFi | LAN | Bluetooth | Webcam | MAC OS X v10.5 unit 43.318.000

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 132
1 2 3 4 5 6
Two 3.0GHz Quad-Core | 2GB DDR2 | 320GB SATA | DVD±RW | ATi®
13 Mac Pro Z0EM001AN Radeon® HD2600XT | WiFi | LAN | Bluetooth | Webcam | MAC OS X v10.5 unit 54.801.000
Two 3.2GHz Quad-Core | 2GB DDR2 | 320GB SATA | DVD±RW | ATi®
14 Mac Pro Z0EM001AR Radeon® HD2600XT | WiFi | LAN | Bluetooth | Webcam | MAC OS X v10.5 unit 65.267.000
Dual-Core E2160 1.80Ghz | 160GB SATA | 512MB DDR2 | Intel Graphics
1 PC DELL Inspiron 530 DOS Media accelerator 3100 | 16x DVD/RW Dual Layer | 56K Modem | LAN 10/100 unit 5.088.000
| 19 in 1 Card Reader | Speaker | DOS
Dual-Core E2160 1.80Ghz | 160GB SATA | 512MB DDR2 | Intel Graphics
2 PC DELL Inspiron 530 DOS Media accelerator 3100 | 16x DVD/RW Dual Layer | 56K Modem | LAN 10/100 unit 7.196.000
| 19 in 1 Card Reader | Speaker | DOS | LCD 15" Monitor.

Dual-Core E2160 1.80Ghz | 160GB SATA | 512MB DDR2 | Integrated Intel

3 PC DELL Inspiron 530 DOS Graphics Media accelerator 3100 | 16x DVD/RW Dual Layer | 56K Modem | unit 7.777.000
LAN 10/100 | 19 in 1 Card Reader | Speaker | DOS | LCD 17" Monitor.

Intel Pentium IV Processor 3.2GHz | Intel GMA 900 (up to 128MB shared) |
4 PC DELL Optiplex 210LMT Memory 512MB DDR2 PC4200 | HDD 80GB SATA 7200RPM | CD-ROM 48x | unit 8.286.000
FDD | USB Keyboard & Mouse | DOS | 15" LCD Monitor.
Intel Pentium Dual Core E2220 2.4 Ghz | 1 GB DDR2 667 Mhz SDRAM | 250
GB SATA | DVDRW | integrated 7.1 soundcard | 10/100 ethernet | 19 in 1
5 PC DELL Vostro 200 unit 8.722.000
media reader | intel graphics media accelerator 3100 | Modem | DOS | LCD
17" (E178 WFP)widescreen
Intel Pentium D Processor E2140 1.6GHz | 1GB DDR2 NECC 533MHz | HDD
80GB SATA 7200RPM | ATI Radeon Xpress 1100 | Integrated Broadcom
6 PC DELL Optiplex 320LMT unit 8.940.000
10/100 | ATI Radeon X300 Integrated Graphics | COMBO | FDD | USB
Keyboard & Mouse | DOS | 15" LCD Monitor.
Intel Pentium IV 3.0GHz | 512MB DDR2 NECC 533MHz | HDD 80GB SATA
7 PC DELL Optiplex 320LMT 7200RPM | ATI Radeon Xpress 1100 | ATI Radeon X300 Integrated Graphics unit 9.958.000
| CDROM 48X | FDD | USB Keyboard & Mouse | XP Pro | 17” CRT Monitor.

Intel Pentium D Processor E2160 1.8GHz | 512MB DDR2 NECC 667MHz |

HDD 80GB SATA 7200RPM | Intel G31 Express Chipsat | Integrated
8 PC DELL Optiplex 330LMT unit 10.176.000
Broadcom 10/100/1000 | Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 3100 | CDROM
Drive | Keyboard & Mouse | Win XP Pro SP2 | 17” CRT Monitor.
Intel Core 2 Duo Processor E4500 2.2GHz | 512MB DDR2 NECC 667MHz |
HDD 80GB SATA 7200RPM | Intel G31 Express Chipsat | Integrated
9 PC DELL Optiplex 330MT Broadcom 10/100/1000 | Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 3100 | DVD CDRW unit 10.902.000
Combo | FDD | USB Keyboard & Mouse | Win XP Pro SP2 | 17” CRT
Intel Pentium IV 3.0GHz | Intel GMA 950 (up to 224MB shared) | 512MB DDR2
10 PC DELL Optiplex 620MT PC4200 | HDD 80GB SATA 7200RPM | CD-ROM 48x | FDD | USB Keyboard & unit 11.411.000
Mouse | Windows XP Pro SP2 | 17” CRT Monitor.
Intel Pentium IV 3.4GHz | Intel GMA 950 (up to 224MB shared) | 512MB DDR2
11 PC DELL Optiplex 620MT PC4200 | HDD 80GB SATA 7200RPM | DVD CDRW Combo | FDD | USB unit 11.993.000
Keyboard & Mouse | Windows XP Pro SP2 | 17” CRT Monitor.
Intel Pentium IV 3.2 | Intel GMA 950 (up to 224MB shared) | 512MB DDR2
12 PC DELL Optiplex 745MT PC4200 | HDD 80GB SATA 7200RPM | CD-ROM 48x | FDD | USB Keyboard & unit 13.010.000
Mouse | XP Pro SP2 | 17” CRT Monitor.
Intel Core 2 Duo Processor E6300 1.86GHz | Intel GMA 3000 | 1 GB DDR2
13 PC DELL Optiplex 745MT NECC 667MHz SDRAM | HDD 80GB SATA 7200RPM | DVD Combo | No FDD unit 13.446.000
| USB Keyboard & Mouse | XP Pro SP2 | 17” CRT Monitor.
Intel Core 2 Duo E6550 2.33GHz | Intel GMA 3100 | 1 GB DDR2 NECC
14 PC DELL Optiplex 755DT 667MHz SDRAM | HDD 160GB SATA 7200RPM | DVD RW | FDD | USB unit 14.609.000
Keyboard & Mouse | XP Pro SP2 | 17” CRT Monitor.
Intel Core 2 Duo E6550 2.33GHz | Intel GMA 3100 | 1 GB DDR2 NECC
15 PC DELL Optiplex 755MT 667MHz SDRAM | HDD 160GB SATA 7200RPM | DVD RW | FDD | USB unit 14.754.000
Keyboard & Mouse | XP Pro SP2 | 17” CRT Monitor.
Core 2 Duo E4600 2.4 GHz | 320GB SATA | 3GB DDR2 Memory | ATI Radeon
HD 2400 XT | 16x DVD/RW Dual Layer | 56K Modem | LAN 10/100 | 19 in 1
16 PC DELL Inspiron 530S unit 15.976.000
Card Reader | | Speaker | Vista Home Premium | LCD 20" Widescreen | 1
Year Parts & Service Warranty.
Intel Core 2 Duo E6750 2.66GHz | ATI Radeon HD 2400 | 2GB DDR2 NECC
17 PC DELL Optiplex 755MT 800MHz SDRAM | HDD 160GB SATA 7200RPM | 16X DVD ROM | FDD | USB unit 16.208.000
Keyboard & USB Optical Mouse | XP Professional SP2 | 17” CRT Monitor.

Intel® Pentium® dual core E2160 1,8GHz | Memory 512MB, HDD 80GB SATA
1 HP Pavilion G3432L Desktop PC | Intel® G31 Express Chipset | CDRW COMBO | Intel® GMA 3100 Graphics unit 5.800.000
with 32MB shared | LAN Modem | DOS. Monitor MX705e CRT Flat 17"
Intel® Pentium® Dual Core E2160 1.8GHz | 512MB DDR2 | 80GB SATA |
2 HP Pavilion G3333L Desktop PC DVD±RW | Intel® GMA 950 | Modem | 9 in 1 Card Reader | HP Keyboard & unit 5.946.000
Scroll Mouse PS/2 | DOS | 17” Flat CRT Monitor.
Intel® Pentium® dual core E2180 2,0GHz | Memory 512MB | HDD 80GB
SATA | Intel® G31 Express Chipset | DVD ROM Supermulti SATA Drive |
3 HP Pavilion G3530L Desktop PC unit 6.091.000
Intel® GMA 3100 Graphics with 32MB shared | LAN | Modem | DOS. Monitor
MX705e CRT Flat 17''
Intel® Pentium® Dual Core E2160 1.8GHz | 1024MB DDR2 | 160GB SATA |
4 HP Pavilion G3333L Desktop PC DVD±RW | Intel® GMA 950 | Modem | 9 in 1 Card Reader | HP Keyboard & unit 6.382.000
Scroll Mouse PS/2 | DOS | 17” Flat CRT Monitor.
Intel® Pentium® dual core E2160 1,8GHz | Memory 512MB | HDD 80GB
5 HP Pavilion G3432L Desktop PC SATA | Intel® G31 Express Chipset | b | Intel® GMA 3100 Graphics with unit 6.527.000
32MB shared | LAN | Modem | DOS.LCD HP 15''
Intel Dual Core E2140 1.6-GHz | 1 GB PC2-5300 (DDR2-667) | 80 GB SATA 3 |
6 HP Compaq Evo DX2290 Desktop PC DVD Combo SATA | FDD | Card Reader | 56K Modem | Intel Graphic Media unit 7.109.000
Accelerator 950 | DOS | HP Monitor CRT 15".

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 133
1 2 3 4 5 6

Micro Tower case | Intel Processor E2180 2.0GHz | 1GB DDR2 SDRAM PC2-
6400 | 160GB SATA 7200rpm Hard Drive | DVD RW Lightscribe Drive drive |
7 HP Compaq Evo DX2310 Desktop PC unit 7.254.000
Integrated Intel Graphics Media Accelerator3100 | Standard PS/2 HP
Keyboard | DOS | HP Monitor CRT 15'.

Intel® Pentium® dual core E2160 1,8GHz | Memory 512MB | HDD 80GB
8 HP Pavilion G3432L Desktop PC SATA | Intel® G31 Express Chipset | CDRW COMBO | Intel® GMA 3100 unit 7.254.000
Graphics with 32MB shared | LAN | Modem | DOS. LCD HP 17''

Intel Pentium Dual Core E2140 1.6-GHz | 1GB PC2-5300 (DDR2-667) | 80 GB

9 HP Compaq Evo DX2290 Desktop PC SATA | DVD Combo SAT | FDD | Card Reader | 56K Modem | Intel Graphic unit 7.690.000
Media Accelerator 950 | Vista Stater | HP Monitor CRT 15".

Intel® Pentium® dual core E2160 1,8GHz | Memory 512MB | HDD 80GB
10 HP Pavilion G3432L Desktop PC SATA | Intel® G31 Express Chipset | CDRW COMBO | Intel® GMA 3100 unit 7.981.000
Graphics with 32MB shared | LAN | Modem | DOS. LCD HP 19''

Intel Core 2 Duo E4600 2.4Ghz | 1 GB DDR2 PC2-6400 (800MHz) | 80GB

11 HP Compaq Evo DX2710MT Desktop PC SATA | DVD RW Lightscribe Drive | 16-In-1Media Card Reader Kit | Speaker | unit 8.504.000
250 Watt PFC Power Supply | (Part/Labor/On site | DOS.
Intel® Pentium® dual core E2200 2,2Ghz | 1GB DDR2 | 160GB SATA HDD
7200rpm | DVD RW Supermulti SATA | Intel® GMA 3100 Graphics with 32MB
12 HP Pavilion G3435D Desktop PC shared | LAN | Modem | PS/2 HP Keyboard PS/2 HP Optical 2-button unit 8.708.000
Scroller Mouse | 9-in-1 Digital Media Reader | VISTA HOME BASIC | LCD HP
Micro Tower case | Intel Processor E2180 2.0GHz | 1GB DDR2 SDRAM PC2-
6400 | 160GB SATA 7200rpm Hard Drive | DVD RW Lightscribe Drive drive |
13 HP Compaq Evo DX2310 Desktop PC unit 8.940.000
Integrated Intel Graphics Media Accelerator3100 | Standard PS/2 HP
Keyboard | VISTA BUSINESS | HP Monitor CRT 15''.

Intel® Pentium® dual core E2200 2,2Ghz | 1GB DDR2 | 160GB SATA HDD
7200rpm | DVD RW Supermulti SATA | Intel® GMA 3100 Graphics with 32MB
14 HP Pavilion G3435D Desktop PC unit 9.434.000
shared | LAN | Modem | PS/2 HP Keyboard PS/2 HP Optical 2-button
Scroller Mouse | 9-in-1 Digital Media Reader | LCD HP 17''
Intel Pentium DUAL CORE E2160 1.6GHz | 512MB | HDD 80 GB Serial ATA
7200 rpm | Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 3100 | Integrated Realtek
15 HP Compaq Evo DX7400 Desktop PC unit 9.885.000
ALC888 Audio | PS/2 Standard keyboard | Windows XP PRO | Monitor HP
CRT 15''
Intel Pentium Dual Core E2180 2.0Ghz | 512MB | HDD 80 GB Serial ATA 7200
16 HP Compaq Evo DX7400 Desktop PC rpm | Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 3100 | PS/2 Standard keyboard | unit 10.030.000
Windows XP PRO | Monitor HP CRT 15''
Intel Processor Dual Core E2200 2.2 Ghz | 1GB | 80GB SATA | DVD RW
17 HP Compaq Evo DX2710MT Desktop PC Lightscribe Drive | 16-In-1Media Card Reader Kit | LAN | Standard PS/2 unit 9.870.000
Intel® Pentium® dual core E2200 2,2Ghz | 1GB DDR2 | 160GB SATA HDD
7200rpm | DVD RW Supermulti SATA | Intel® GMA 3100 Graphics with 32MB
18 HP Pavilion G3435D Desktop PC unit 10.888.000
shared | LAN | Modem | PS/2 HP Keyboard PS/2 HP Optical 2-button
Scroller Mouse | 9-in-1 Digital Media Reader | LCD HP 19''
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo processor E4700 2.6GHz | 1GB PC 5300 | 320 GB | DVD-
RW Supermulti | 15-in-1 Card Reader | nVidia GeForce 9300GE 3D PCI-
19 HP Pavilion A6530L Desktop PC unit 11.716.000
Express Graphics card (256MB) | PS2 Keyboard & Optical Mouse | Modem
56K | LAN | LCD HP 17''
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo E7300 2.66GHz | 1GB DDR2 | 320GB SATA | DVD±RW |
20 HP Pavillion A6630L Desktop PC 17” LCD Monitor | Nvidia® GeForce® 9300GE | Modem | 15 in 1 Card Reader unit 11.760.000
| PS/2 Keyboard + Mouse | DOS
Intel® Pentium® 4 3 GHz | 256 MB DDR2 | HDD 80 GB 7200 RPM SATA | DVD
1 Lenovo ThinkCentre A53 A67 ROM | Integrated Graphic 128 MB (Shared) | Broadcom Gigabit Ethernet | unit 7.545.000
Dos | Monitor 15" E54 Black Casing.
Intel® Pentium® Dual-Core E2140 1.6GHz | 512MB DDR2 | 160GB SATA |
2 Lenovo ThinkCentre A55 (9279-AD6) DVD-CDRW | Intel® GMA 3000 | LAN | DOS | 1 year warranty | 15” CRT unit 7.690.000
Intel® Pentium® Dual Core E2140 1.6GHz | Intel 946GZ Chipset | 512MB
DDR2 | 80GB SATA 7200rpm | DVD-CDRW | Intel PRO Gigabit Ethernet |
3 Lenovo ThinkCenter M55e A14 unit 8.708.000
1,44MB FDD | Integrated Intel GMA 950 | Keyboard | USB Optical Mouse |
DOS | 15” CRT Monitor.
Intel® Pentium® 4 3.2 GHz | 256 MB DDR2 | HDD 80 GB 7200 RPM SATA |
4 Lenovo ThinkCentre A53 A11 CD ROM 48x | Integrated Graphic 128 MB (Shared) | Broadcom Gigabit unit 9.085.000
Ethernet | XP Professional | Monitor 15" E54 Black Casing.
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo E4300 1.8GHz | 512MB DDR2 | 160GB SATA | DVD-
5 Lenovo ThinkCentre A55 (9279-AD8) unit 9.144.000
CDRW | Intel® GMA 3000 | LAN | DOS | 15” CRT Monitor.
Intel® Core 2 Duo E4600 2.4GHz | 1GB PC2- 5300 | 250GB 7200RPM S-ATA
Lenovo ThinkCentre A57 Micro Tower Design
6 HDD | no diskette drive | Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 3100 | DVD unit 11.920.000
Recordable | Marvell Gigabit Ethernet | Vista Business 32 | Monitor 15”

Intel® Core 2 Duo Processor E6550 2.33GHz | 1GB RAM PC2-5300 | 160GB
Lenovo ThinkCentre M57 Micro Tower Design
7 7200RPM SATA HDD | Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 3100 | NO FDD | unit 12.501.000
DVDRW | Broadcom Gigabit Ethernet | Vista Business | Monitor 15”
Intel® Core 2 Duo E8200 | 1GB | 320GB 7200RPM S-ATA HDD | Intel
Lenovo ThinkCentre M57 Micro Tower Design
8 Graphics Media Accelerator 3100 | DVD Recordable | Intel Gigabit Ethernet | unit 14.827.000
XP Professional | Monitor 15”
Intel Pentium Core 2 Quad Q6600 2.4Ghz | 1GB DDR2 667Mhz PC5300 |
HDD 500 GB 7200RPM SATA | DVD Multiburner | nVidia GeForce 9300 256
9 Lenovo K210-737 unit 15.976.000
MB | Modem | Media Reader 16-in-1 | LAN 10/100 | Bright Eye Camera | Vista
Home Premium | Keyboard & Mouse Optical PS/2 | DOS

S10 / Tower / E6750 (2.66GHz) | 2GB 1067 MHz DDR3 ECC UDIMM) | 250GB
10 Lenovo ThinkStation 26A unit 24.741.000
SATA | DVD Recordable | Vista Business 64 | 19" Wide Monitor.

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 134
1 2 3 4 5 6
S10 / Tower / E8400(3GHz) | 2GB(1067 MHz DDR3 ECC UDIMM) | 250GB
11 Lenovo ThinkStation A29 SATA | DVD Recordable | FX570 (256MB) VGA Card | Vista Business 32 | unit 24.712.000
Lenovo L197 19" Wide Monitor.
S10 / Tower / Q6600(2.4GHz) | 2GB(1067 MHz DDR3 ECC UDIMM) | 250GB
12 Lenovo ThinkStation A32 SATA | DVD Recordable | NVS290 (256MB) VGA Card | Windows Vista unit 25.177.000
Business 32 | Lenovo L197 19" Wide Monitor.
S10 / Tower / Q6600(2.4GHz) | 2GB(1067 MHz DDR3 ECC UDIMM) | 250GB
13 Lenovo ThinkStation A27 SATA | DVD Recordable | FX570 (256MB) VGA Card | Vista Business 32 | unit 26.616.000
Lenovo L197 19" Wide Monitor.
S10 / Tower / E8400(3GHz) | 2GB (1067 MHz DDR3 ECC UDIMM) | 250GB
14 Lenovo ThinkStation A28 SATA | DVD Recordable | FX1700 (512MB) VGA Card | Vista Business 32 | unit 30.468.000
Lenovo L197 I 19" Wide Monitor.
S10 / Tower / Q6600(2.4GHz) | 2GB(1067 MHz DDR3 ECC UDIMM) | 250GB
SATA | DVD Recordable | FX1700 (512MB) VGA Card | Windows Vista
15 Lenovo ThinkStation A26 unit 32.576.000
Business 32 | Int Sound Card | Internal Speaker | 3P/3L NBD | Lenovo L197
19" Wide Monitor.
S10 / Tower / E6850(3GHz) | 2GB(1067 MHz DDR3 ECC UDIMM) | 250GB
16 Lenovo ThinkStation 27A SATA | 250GB SATA | DVD Recordable | FX1700 (512MB) VGA Card | Vista unit 33.869.000
Business 64 | Lenovo L197 (Part Number: 4434HE1) 19" Wide Monitor.
S10 / Tower / Q6700(2.66GHz) | 2GB (1067 MHz DDR3 ECC UDIMM) | 160GB
17 Lenovo ThinkStation 22A SATA | DVD Recordable | NVS290 (256MB) VGA Card256 | Vista Business 64 unit 34.044.000
| (Part Number: 4434HE1) 19" Wide Monitor.
S10 / Tower / Q6600(2.4GHz) | 2GB (1067 MHz DDR3 ECC UDIMM) | 500GB
18 Lenovo ThinkStation A31 SATA | DVD Recordable | FX1700 (512MB) VGA Card | Vista Business 32 | unit 34.930.000
Lenovo L197 (Part Number: 4434HE1) 19" Wide Monitor.

S10 / Tower / E6850(3GHz) | 2GB (1067 MHz DDR3 ECC UDIMM) | 250GB
19 Lenovo ThinkStation 29A SATA | DVD Recordable | FX1700 (512MB) VGA Card | Vista Business 64 | X- unit 35.439.000
Fi Sound Card | Lenovo L197 (Part Number: 4434HE1) 19" Wide Monitor.
S10 / Tower / E6850(3GHz) | 2GB(1067 MHz DDR3 ECC UDIMM) | 250GB
SATA | DVD Recordable | FX1700 (512MB) VGA Card | Windows Vista
20 Lenovo ThinkStation 27A unit 35.643.000
Business 64 | Int Sound Card | Lenovo L197 (Part Number: 4434HE1) 19"
Wide Monitor.
S10 / Tower / Q6700(2.66GHz) | 2GB(1067 MHz DDR3 ECC UDIMM) | 160GB
21 Lenovo ThinkStation 22A SATA | DVD Recordable | NVS290 (256MB) VGA Card256 | Vista Business 64 unit 37.227.000
| Lenovo L197 (Part Number: 4434HE1) 19" Wide Monitor.

D10 / Tower / E5430(2.66GHz) | 2 GB (667 MHz DDR2 FBDIMM) | 250GB

22 Lenovo ThinkStation 33A SATA | 250GB SATA | DVD Recordable | NVS290 (256MB) VGA Card | Vista unit 55.848.000
Business 64 | Lenovo L197 (Part Number: 4434HE1) 19" Wide Monitor.
D10 / Tower / E5430 2.66GHz | 4GB (667 MHz DDR2 FBDIMM) | 250GB SATA
| 250GB SATA | DVD Recordable | FX1700 (512MB) VGA Card | Windows
23 Lenovo ThinkStation 31A unit 64.031.000
Vista Business 64 | Int Sound Card | Lenovo L197 (Part Number: 4434HE1)
19" Wide Monitor.
D10 / Tower / E5430(2.66GHz) | 4GB (667 MHz DDR2 FBDIMM) | 250GB SATA
24 Lenovo ThinkStation 28A | 250GB SATA | DVD Recordable | FX1700 (512MB) VGA Card | Vista unit 65.819.000
Business 64 | Lenovo L197 (Part Number: 4434HE1) 19" Wide Monitor.
D10 / Tower / E5430 2.66GHz | 4GB (667 MHz DDR2 FBDIMM) | 146GB SAS |
25 Lenovo ThinkStation 32A DVD Recordable | FX1700 (512MB) VGA Card | Vista Business 64 | Lenovo unit 70.950.000
L197 (Part Number: 4434HE1) 19" Wide Monitor.
D10 / Tower / E5440(2.83GHz) | 4GB (667 MHz DDR2 FBDIMM) | 146GB SAS |
26 Lenovo ThinkStation 29A DVD Recordable | FX1700 (512MB) VGA Card | Vista Business 64 | X-Fi unit 84.338.000
Sound Card | Lenovo L197 (Part Number: 4434HE1) 19" Wide Monitor.

D10 / Tower / E5430 2.66GHz | 4GB (667 MHz DDR2 FBDIMM) | 250GB SATA
27 Lenovo ThinkStation 34A | DVD Recordable | FX4600 (512MB) VGA Card | Vista Business 64 | Lenovo unit 92.783.000
L197 (Part Number: 4434HE1) 19" Wide Monitor.


Intel® Pentium 4 524 3.06GHz | 256MB DDR | 80GB HDD | CD-ROM | Intel®
1 NEC PowerMate ML7 unit 6.818.000
GMA 900 224MB shared | LAN | Keyboard & Mouse | Firewire | DOS.
Intel® Pentium 4 524 3.06GHz | 256MB DDR | 80GB HDD | CD-ROM | Intel®
2 NEC PowerMate ML7 GMA 900 224MB shared | LAN | Keyboard & Mouse | Firewire | DOS | 15” unit 7.690.000
LCD Monitor.
Intel® Pentium 4 524 3.06GHz | 256MB DDR | 80GB HDD | CD-ROM | Intel®
3 NEC PowerMate ML7 GMA 900 224MB shared | LAN | Keyboard & Mouse | Firewire | DOS | 17” unit 8.271.000
LCD Monitor.
Athlon64 X2 5000+, 1GB DDR2-667 ECC, 80GB HDD SATA, 24x CD, VGA
1 EXTRON FlexCluster 371AX unit 9.873.000
16MB, 2x GbE NIC, 2x HotSwap Drive Cage, Rackmount 1U Case
Athlon64 X2 6400+, 1GB DDR2-667 ECC, 160GB HDD SATA, 24x CD, VGA
2 EXTRON FlexCluster 371AX unit 11.286.000
16MB, 2x GbE NIC, 2x HotSwap Drive Cage, Rackmount 1U Case
Athlon64 X2 6400+, 1GB DDR2-667 ECC, 250GB HDD SATA2 HotSwap, 24x
3 EXTRON FlexCluster 671AX CD, VGA 32MB, 2x GbE NIC, 1x NIC, 4x HotSwap Drive Cage, Rackmount 1U unit 16.229.000
Athlon64 X2 5000+, 1GB DDR2-667 ECC, 160GB HDD SATA2 HotSwap, 24x
4 EXTRON FlexCluster 671AX CD, VGA 32MB, 2x GbE NIC, 1x NIC, 4x HotSwap Drive Cage, Rackmount 1U unit 14.817.000
Core2 Duo E7400, 1GB DDR2-667 ECC, 320GB HDD SATA2 HotSwap, 16x
5 EXTRON NetCluster 320AX (2D74) unit 14.110.000
DVD, VGA 32MB, GbE NIC, 2x HotSwap Drive Cage, Rackmount 1U Case
Core2 Quad Q8200, 1GB DDR2-667 ECC, 500GB HDD SATA2 HotSwap,
6 EXTRON NetCluster 320AX (2Q82) DVD/CDRW Combo, VGA 32MB, GbE NIC, 2x HotSwap Drive Cage, unit 15.523.000
Rackmount 1U Case
Xeon E3110, 1GB DDR2-667 ECC, 500GB HDD SATA2 HotSwap, 16x DVD,
7 EXTRON NetCluster 320AX (S311) unit 15.254.000
VGA 32MB, GbE NIC, 2x HotSwap Drive Cage, Rackmount 1U Case

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 135
1 2 3 4 5 6
Xeon X3220, 2GB DDR2-667 ECC, 320GB HDD SATA2 HotSwap, DVD±RW,
8 EXTRON NetCluster 518AX1 (S322) VGA 32MB, 2x GbE, 4x HotSwap Drive Cage, Rackmount 1U Case - BONUS unit 17.302.000
Rackmount Rails Kit
Xeon X3220, 2GB DDR2-667 ECC, 320GB HDD SATA2 HotSwap, DVD±RW,
9 EXTRON NetCluster 518AX2 (S322) VGA 32MB, 2x GbE, 6/8x HotSwap Drive Cage, Rackmount 2U Case - unit 18.291.000
BONUS Rackmount Rails Kit
Xeon X3360, 2GB DDR2-800 ECC, 320GB HDD SATA2, DVD±RW, VGA
10 EXTRON NetCluster 620A (S336) unit 19.760.000
32MB, 2x GbE NIC, Rackmount 1U Case, Server SysManager (3-yr warranty)
Xeon X3370, 2GB DDR2-800 ECC, 500GB HDD SATA2 HotSwap, DVD±RW,
11 EXTRON NetCluster 620AX (S337) VGA 32MB, 2x GbE NIC, 3x HotSwap Drive Cage, Rackmount 1U Case, unit 24.703.000
Server SysManager (3-yr warranty)
Xeon E3120, 2x 512MB DDR2-667 ECC, 73GB HDD 15K SAS HotSwap,
12 IBM System X3250-M2 42A unit 24.477.000
DVD/CDRW Combo, VGA ATI 16MB, 2x GbE NIC, Rackmount 1U Case
Xeon X3350, 2x 512MB DDR2-667 ECC, 73GB HDD 15K SAS HotSwap,
13 IBM System X3250-M2 64A unit 26.667.000
DVD/CDRW Combo, VGA ATI 16MB, 2x GbE NIC, Rackmount 1U Case
Xeon X3360, 1GB DDR2-667 ECC, 73GB HDD 15K SAS HotSwap,
14 IBM System X3250-M2 82A unit 28.319.000
DVD/CDRW Combo, VGA ATI 16MB, 2x GbE NIC, Rackmount 1U Case
Xeon X3360, 1GB DDR2-667 ECC, 73GB HDD 15K SAS HotSwap,
15 IBM System X3250-M2 84A unit 28.319.000
DVD/CDRW Combo, VGA ATI 16MB, 2x GbE NIC, Rackmount 1U Case
Dual Core E2200, 2x 512MB DDR2-667 ECC, 250GB HDD SATA HotSwap,
16 IBM System X3250-M2 B2A unit 16.483.000
DVD/CDRW Combo, VGA ATI 16MB, 2x GbE NIC, Rackmount 1U Case
Core2 Duo E7200, 2x 512MB DDR2-667 ECC, 250GB HDD SATA HotSwap,
17 IBM System X3250-M2 C2A unit 18.206.000
DVD/CDRW Combo, VGA ATI 16MB, 2x GbE NIC, Rackmount 1U Case
Xeon X3330, 2x 512MB DDR2-667 ECC, 250GB HDD SATA HotSwap,
18 IBM System X3250-M2 D2A unit 21.469.000
DVD/CDRW Combo, VGA ATI 16MB, 2x GbE NIC, Rackmount 1U Case
Xeon X3330, 2x 512MB DDR2-667 ECC, 73GB HDD 15K SAS HotSwap,
19 IBM System X3250-M2 D4A unit 25.734.000
DVD/CDRW Combo, VGA ATI 16MB, 2x GbE NIC, Rackmount 1U Case
Xeon X3330, 2x 512MB DDR2-667 ECC, 73GB HDD 15K SAS HotSwap,
20 IBM System X3250-M2 D6A unit 25.734.000
DVD/CDRW Combo, VGA ATI 16MB, 2x GbE NIC, Rackmount 1U Case
Xeon X3320, 2x 1GB DDR2-667 ECC, 73GB HDD 15K SAS HotSwap,
21 IBM System X3350 62A unit 28.602.000
DVD/CDRW Combo, VGA ATI 16MB, 2x GbE NIC, Rackmount 1U Case
Xeon X3360, 2x 1GB DDR2-667 ECC, 73GB 2.5" HDD 10K SAS HotSwap,
22 IBM System X3350-84A unit 34.986.000
DVD/CDRW Combo, VGA ATI 16MB, 2x GbE NIC, Rackmount 1U Case
Xeon X3370, 2x 1GB DDR2-667 ECC, 73GB 2.5"HDD 10K SAS HotSwap,
23 IBM System X3350-92A unit 41.087.000
DVD/CDRW Combo, VGA ATI 16MB, 2x GbE NIC, Rackmount 1U Case
Xeon X3120, 2x 512MB DDR2-667 ECC, 73GB HDD 15K SAS HotSwap,
24 IBM System X3350-B2A unit 28.446.000
DVD/CDRW Combo, VGA ATI 16MB, 2x GbE NIC, Rackmount 1U Case
Xeon X3120, 2x 512MB DDR2-667 ECC, 250GB HDD SATA HotSwap,
25 IBM System X3350-B4A unit 24.816.000
DVD/CDRW Combo, VGA ATI 16MB, 2x GbE NIC, Rackmount 1U Case
Xeon X3330, 2x 1GB DDR2-667 ECC, 73GB 2.5" HDD 10K SAS HotSwap,
26 IBM System X3350-D2A unit 29.732.000
DVD/CDRW Combo, VGA ATI 16MB, 2x GbE NIC, Rackmount 1U Case


Opteron 2214, 512MB DDR2-400 ECC Reg, 160GB HDD SATA2 HotSwap,
1 EXTRON FlexCluster 1352AX 24x CD, VGA 16MB, 2x GbE NIC, 8x HotSwap Drive Cage, Rackmount 2U unit 23.588.000
Opteron 2210, 512MB DDR2-400 ECC Reg, Dual Channel U320 SCSI, 73GB
2 EXTRON FlexCluster 1352SXD HDD 10K SCSI HotSwap, 16x DVD, VGA 16MB, 2x GbE NIC, 6x HotSwap unit 27.189.000
Drive Cage, Rackmount 2U Case with Full Redundant PSU
Opteron 2350, 2GB DDR2-667 ECC Reg, 250GB HDD SATA2 HotSwap, 8x
3 EXTRON FlexCluster 3451AX DVD, VGA 32MB, 2x GbE NIC, 1x NIC, 4x HotSwap Drive Cage, Rackmount unit 28.955.000
1U Case
Opteron 2350, 2GB DDR2-667 ECC Reg, 146GB HDD 15K SAS HotSwap, 8x
4 EXTRON FlexCluster 3451MX DVD, VGA 32MB, 2x GbE NIC, 1x NIC, 4x HotSwap Drive Cage, Rackmount unit 35.296.000
1U Case
Opteron 2350, 2GB DDR2-667 ECC Reg, 250GB HDD SATA2 HotSwap, 8x
5 EXTRON FlexCluster 3452AX DVD, VGA 32MB, 2x GbE NIC, 1x NIC, 8x HotSwap Drive Cage, Rackmount unit 36.299.000
2U Case
Opteron 2350, 2GB DDR2-667 ECC Reg, 146GB HDD 15K SAS HotSwap, 8x
6 EXTRON FlexCluster 3452MX DVD, VGA 32MB, 2x GbE NIC, 1x NIC, 8x HotSwap Drive Cage, Rackmount unit 39.971.000
2U Case
Opteron 2350, 2GB DDR2-667 ECC Reg, 146GB HDD 15K SAS HotSwap, 8x
7 EXTRON FlexCluster 3452MXD DVD, VGA 32MB, 2x GbE NIC, 1x NIC, 8x HotSwap Drive Cage, Rackmount unit 44.774.000
2U Case with Full Redundant PSU
Xeon E5405, 1GB FDDR2-667 ECC, 320GB HDD SATA2 HotSwap,
8 EXTRON NetCluster 1310AX (D405) DVD±RW, VGA 16MB, 2x GbE NIC, 1x NIC (Total 3x NIC), 4x HotSwap Drive unit 19.760.000
Cage, Rackmount 1U Case
Xeon E5405, 1GB FDDR2-667 ECC, 146GB HDD 15K SAS HotSwap,
9 EXTRON NetCluster 1310MX (D405) DVD±RW, VGA 16MB, 2x GbE NIC, 1x NIC (Total 3x NIC), 4x HotSwap Drive unit 24.364.000
Cage, Rackmount 1U Case
Xeon E5405, 1GB FDDR2-667 ECC, 250GB HDD SATA2 HotSwap,
10 EXTRON NetCluster 1320AX (D405) DVD±RW, VGA 16MB, 2x GbE NIC, 1x NIC (Total 3x NIC), 8x HotSwap Drive unit 24.703.000
Cage, Rackmount 2U Case
Xeon E5405, 1GB FDDR2-667 ECC, 146GB HDD 15K SAS HotSwap,
11 EXTRON NetCluster 1320MX (D405) DVD±RW, VGA 16MB, 2x GbE NIC, 1x NIC (Total 3x NIC), 8x HotSwap Drive unit 28.234.000
Cage, Rackmount 2U Case
Xeon E5410, 1GB FDDR2-800 ECC, 250GB HDD SATA2 HotSwap,
12 EXTRON NetCluster 3310AX (D410) DVD±RW, VGA 16MB, 2x GbE NIC, 3x HotSwap Drive Cage, Rackmount 1U unit 23.588.000
Case, Server SysManager
Xeon E5410, 1GB FDDR2-800 ECC, 146GB HDD 15K SAS HotSwap,
13 EXTRON NetCluster 3310MX (D410) DVD±RW, VGA 16MB, 2x GbE NIC, 3x HotSwap Drive Cage, Rackmount 1U unit 29.237.000
Case, Server SysManager
Xeon E5410, 1GB FDDR2-800 ECC, 250GB HDD SATA2 HotSwap,
14 EXTRON NetCluster 3320AX (D410) DVD±RW, VGA 16MB, 2x GbE NIC, 4/6x HotSwap Drive Cage, Rackmount unit 25.000.000
2U Case with HotSwap PSU, Server SysManager
Xeon E5410, 1GB FDDR2-800 ECC, 146GB HDD 15K SAS HotSwap,
15 EXTRON NetCluster 3320MX (D410) DVD±RW, VGA 16MB, 2x GbE NIC, 4/6x HotSwap Drive Cage, Rackmount unit 31.497.000
2U Case with HotSwap PSU, Server SysManager
Xeon E5420, 1GB FDDR2-800 ECC, 120GB HDD SATA HotSwap, DVD±RW,
16 EXTRON NetCluster 7315AX (D420) VGA 16MB, 2x GbE NIC, 6/8x HotSwap Drive Cage, Rackmount 1U Case unit 33.884.000
with HotSwap PSU, Server SysManager

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 136
1 2 3 4 5 6
Xeon E5420, 2GB FDDR2-800 ECC, 73GB HDD 10K SAS HotSwap,
17 EXTRON NetCluster 7315MX (D420) DVD±RW, VGA 16MB, 2x GbE NIC, 6/8x HotSwap Drive Cage, Rackmount unit 38.121.000
1U Case with HotSwap PSU, Server SysManage
Xeon E5420, 2GB FDDR2-800 ECC, 500GB HDD SATA2 HotSwap,
18 EXTRON NetCluster 7320AX (D420) DVD±RW, VGA 16MB, 2x GbE NIC, 5/6x HotSwap Drive Cage, Rackmount unit 34.322.000
2U Case with HotSwap PSU, Server SysManager
Xeon E5420, 2GB FDDR2-800 ECC, 146GB HDD 15K SAS HotSwap,
19 EXTRON NetCluster 7320MX (D420) DVD±RW, VGA 16MB, 2x GbE NIC, 5/6x HotSwap Drive Cage, Rackmount unit 40.536.000
2U Case with HotSwap PSU, Server NetManager
Xeon E5462, 4GB FDDR2-800 ECC, 500GB HDD SATA2 HotSwap,
20 EXTRON NetCluster 7430AX (D462) DVD±RW, VGA 32MB, 2x GbE NIC, 3x HotSwap Drive Cage, Rackmount 1U unit 41.666.000
Case, Server SysManager
Xeon X5472, 4GB FDDR2-800 ECC, 146GB HDD 15K SAS HotSwap,
21 EXTRON NetCluster 7430MX (D472) DVD±RW, VGA 32MB, 2x GbE NIC, 3x HotSwap Drive Cage, Rackmount 1U unit 48.008.000
Case, Server SysManager
Xeon E5506, 3GB RDIMM DDR3-1333 ECCR, 73GB HDD SAS 10K HotSwap,
22 EXTRON NetCluster 7510MX (D506) DVD±RW, VGA 64MB, 2x GbE NIC, 6/8x HotSwap Drive Cage, Rackmount unit 40.240.000
1U Case with HotSwap PSU, Server SysManager
Xeon E5520, 3GB RDIMM DDR3-1333 ECCR, 73GB HDD SAS 10K HotSwap,
23 EXTRON NetCluster 7520MX (D520) DVD±RW, VGA 64MB, 2x GbE NIC, 8x HotSwap Drive Cage, Rackmount 2U unit 43.771.000
Case with HotSwap PSU, Server SysManager
Xeon E5405, 1GB FDDR2-667 ECC, 160GB HDD SATA2 HotSwap, 16x DVD,
24 EXTRON NetCluster A201 (D405AX) unit 16.935.000
VGA 16MB, 2x GbE NIC, Rackmount 1U Case
Xeon E5405, 1GB FDDR2-667 ECC, 146GB HDD SAS 15K HotSwap, 16x
25 EXTRON NetCluster A201 (D405MX) unit 22.952.000
DVD, VGA 16MB, 2x GbE NIC, Rackmount 1U Case
Xeon E5410, 2GB FDDR2-667 ECC, 320GB HDD SATA2 HotSwap, 16x DVD,
26 EXTRON NetCluster A201 (D410AX unit 18.348.000
VGA 16MB, 2x GbE NIC, Rackmount 1U Case
Xeon E5405, 2GB FDDR2-800 ECC, VGA 16MB, 2x GbE NIC with M600
27 EXTRON NetForge F5000 (D405) BUNDLE Chassis: NetRAID Controller, 14x HotSwap Drive Cage, 6x HotSwap Blade unit 70.606.000
Cage, Rackmount 6U Case with HotSwap PSU, Server SysManager

Xeon E5430, 4GB FDDR2-800 ECC, NetRAID 128MB Controller, 146GB HDD
28 EXTRON NetSystem 7300PXR (D430) 15K SAS HotSwap, DVD±RW, VGA 16MB, 2x GbE NIC, 6x HotSwap Drive unit 45.183.000
Cage, Rackmount 5U Case with HotSwap PSU, Server SysManager
Xeon X3210, 2GB DDR2-800 ECC, 73GB HDD 15K SAS HotSwap,
29 FUJITSU Primergy RX100 S5 unit 28.799.000
DVD/CDRW Combo, VGA Integrated, GbE NIC, Rackmount 1U Case
Xeon E5405, 1GB FDDR2-667 ECC, VGA 16MB, 2x GbE NIC, Rackmount 1U
30 HP ProLiant DL160G5-202 unit 26.412.000
Xeon E5420, 1GB FDDR2-667 ECC, VGA ATI 16MB, GbE NIC, Rackmount 2U
31 HP ProLiant DL180G5-830 unit 26.695.000
Xeon E5405, 1GB FDDR2-667 ECC, VGA ATI 16MB, GbE NIC, Rackmount 2U
32 HP ProLiant DL180G5-831 unit 24.364.000
Xeon E5420, 2GB FDDR2-667 ECC, VGA ATI 32MB, 2x GbE NIC, Rackmount
33 HP ProLiant DL360G5-925 unit 37.782.000
1U Case
Xeon E5405, 1GB FDDR2-667 ECC, VGA ATI 32MB, 2x GbE NIC, Rackmount
34 HP ProLiant DL360G5-926 unit 33.333.000
1U Case
Opteron 2214, 1GB DDR2-667 ECC, VGA 32MB, 2x GbE NIC, Rackmount 1U
35 HP ProLiant DL365-359 unit 39.251.000
Opteron 2218, 2x 512MB DDR2-667 ECC, VGA 32MB, 2x GbE NIC,
36 HP ProLiant DL365-360 unit 44.618.000
Rackmount 1U Case
Xeon E5440, 2x 1GB FDDR2-667 ECC, VGA ATI 16MB, 2x GbE NIC,
37 HP ProLiant DL380G5-563 unit 45.974.000
Rackmount 2U Case
Xeon E5430, 2x 1GB FDDR2-667 ECC, VGA ATI 16MB, 2x GbE NIC,
38 HP ProLiant DL380G5-565 unit 42.358.000
Rackmount 2U Case
Xeon E5420, 2GB FDDR2-667 ECC, VGA ATI 16MB, 2x GbE NIC, Rackmount
39 HP ProLiant DL380G5-567 unit 40.607.000
2U Case
Xeon E5405, 2x 512MB FDDR2-667 ECC, VGA ATI 16MB, 2x GbE NIC,
40 HP ProLiant DL380G5-568 unit 39.406.000
Rackmount 2U Case
Opteron 2214, 2GB DDR2-667 ECC, VGA 32MB, 2x GbE NIC, Rackmount 2U
41 HP ProLiant DL385G2-429 unit 43.206.000
Core2 Duo E4600, 2x 512MB DDR2-667 ECC, 250GB HDD SATA, DVD/CDRW
42 IBM System X3250-M2 22A unit 18.348.000
Combo, VGA ATI 16MB, 2x GbE NIC, Rackmount 1U Case
Xeon E3110, 2x 512MB DDR2-667 ECC, 73GB HDD 15K SAS HotSwap,
43 IBM System X3250-M2 52A unit 25.099.000
DVD/CDRW Combo, VGA ATI 16MB, 2x GbE NIC, Rackmount 1U Case
Opteron 2352, 2x 1GB DDR2-667 ECC, 160GB HDD SATA, VGA 16MB, 2x
44 IBM System X3455-32A unit 31.144.000
GbE NIC, Rackmount 1U Case
Opteron 2356, 2x 1GB DDR2-667 ECC, 160GB HDD SATA, VGA 16MB, 2x
45 IBM System X3455-52A unit 39.745.000
GbE NIC, Rackmount 1U Case
Opteron 2360, 4x 2GB DDR2-667 ECC, 160GB HDD SATA, VGA 16MB, 2x
46 IBM System X3455-62A unit 87.569.000
GbE NIC, Rackmount 1U Case
Xeon 5110, 1GB FDDR2-667 ECC, 2x 146GB HDD 10K SAS HotSwap,
47 IBM System X3650-21A DVD/CDRW Combo, VGA ATI 16MB, 2x GbE NIC, Rackmount 2U Case with unit 34.604.000
HotSwap PSU
Xeon 5120, 1GB FDDR2-667 ECC, 2x 73GB HDD 10K SAS HotSwap,
48 IBM System X3650-31A DVD/CDRW Combo, VGA ATI 16MB, 2x GbE NIC, Rackmount 2U Case with unit 39.901.000
HotSwap PSU
Xeon 5130, 1GB FDDR2-667 ECC, 2x 73GB HDD 10K SAS HotSwap,
49 IBM System X3650-41A DVD/CDRW Combo, VGA ATI 16MB, 2x GbE NIC, Rackmount 2U Case with unit 42.358.000
HotSwap PSU
Xeon 5140, 1GB FDDR2-667 ECC, 2x 73GB HDD 10K SAS HotSwap,
50 IBM System X3650-51A DVD/CDRW Combo, VGA ATI 16MB, 2x GbE NIC, Rackmount 2U Case with unit 37.429.000
HotSwap PSU
Xeon E5310, 1GB FDDR2-667 ECC, 2x 73GB HDD 10K SAS HotSwap,
51 IBM System X3650-A1A DVD/CDRW Combo, VGA ATI 16MB, 2x GbE NIC, Rackmount 2U Case with unit 39.124.000
HotSwap PSU
Xeon E5405, 2x 1GB FDDR2-667 ECC, 2x 73GB HDD 15K SAS, DVD/CDRW
52 IBM System X3650-B1A Combo, VGA ATI 16MB, 2x GbE NIC, Rackmount 2U Case with HotSwap unit 38.545.000
Xeon E5405, 2x 1GB FDDR2-667 ECC, 2x 146GB HDD 15K SAS, DVD/CDRW
53 IBM System X3650-B1A (T) Combo, VGA ATI 16MB, 2x GbE NIC, Rackmount 2U Case with HotSwap unit 42.231.000

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 137
1 2 3 4 5 6
Xeon E5420, 2x 1GB FDDR2-667 ECC, 2x 146GB HDD 15K SAS, DVD/CDRW
54 IBM System X3650-B3A Combo, VGA ATI 16MB, 2x GbE NIC, Rackmount 2U Case with HotSwap unit 48.234.000
Xeon E5430, DVD/CDRW Combo, VGA ATI 16MB, 2x GbE NIC, Rackmount
55 IBM System X3650-B4A unit 43.502.000
2U Case with HotSwap PSU
Xeon E5405, 2x 1GB FDDR2-667 ECC, 2x 146GB HDD 10K SAS, DVD/CDRW
56 IBM System X3650-BAA Combo, VGA ATI 16MB, 2x GbE NIC, Rackmount 2U Case with HotSwap unit 40.678.000
Xeon E5420, 2x 1GB FDDR2-667 ECC, 2x 146GB HDD 10K SAS HotSwap,
57 IBM System X3650-BCA DVD/CDRW Combo, VGA ATI 16MB, 2x GbE NIC, Rackmount 2U Case with unit 47.881.000
HotSwap PSU
Opteron 2352, 2x 1GB DDR2-667 ECC, 2x 146GB 2.5" HDD 15K SAS
58 IBM System X3655-32A unit 47.005.000
HotSwap, VGA ATI 32MB, 2x GbE NIC, Rackmount 2U Case
Opteron 2352, 2x 1GB DDR2-667 ECC, 2x 146GB HDD 15K SAS HotSwap,
59 IBM System X3655-34A unit 46.115.000
VGA ATI 32MB, 2x GbE NIC, Rackmount 2U Case
Opteron 2216, 2x 512MB DDR2-667 ECC, 2x 73GB HDD 15K SAS HotSwap,
60 IBM System X3655-4AA unit 45.974.000
VGA ATI 32MB, 2x GbE NIC, Rackmount 2U Case
Opteron 2356, 2x 1GB DDR2-667 ECC, 2x 146GB 2.5" HDD 15K SAS
61 IBM System X3655-52A unit 56.426.000
HotSwap, VGA ATI 32MB, 2x GbE NIC, Rackmount 2U Case
Xeon E7420, 4GB FDDR2-800 ECC, 250GB HDD SATA2 HotSwap, 8x DVD,
1 EXTRON NetCluster 8904AX (Q742) 16MB VGA, 2x GbE NIC, 4/8x HotSwap Drive Cage, Rackmount 4U Case, unit 69.194.000
Server NetManager
Xeon E7420, 4GB FDDR2-800 ECC, 73GB HDD 10K SAS HotSwap, 8x DVD,
2 EXTRON NetCluster 8904MX (Q742) 16MB VGA, 2x GbE NIC, 8x HotSwap Drive Cage, Rackmount 4U Case, unit 77.668.000
Server NetManager
Xeon E7430, 4GB FDDR2-800 ECC, 73GB HDD 10K SAS HotSwap, 8x DVD,
3 EXTRON NetCluster 8904MXD (Q743) 16MB VGA, 2x GbE NIC, 8x HotSwap Drive Cage, Rackmount 4U Case with unit 84.730.000
Full Redundant PSU, Server NetManager
Xeon E7440, 4GB FDDR2-800 ECC, NetRAID-60 512MB with Battery, 73GB
4 EXTRON NetCluster 8904MXDR (Q744) HDD 10K SAS HotSwap, 8x DVD, 16MB VGA, 2x GbE NIC, 8x HotSwap Drive unit 104.504.000
Cage, Rackmount 4U Case with Full Redundant PSU, Server NetManager

Xeon X7460, 4GB FDDR2-800 ECC, NetRAID-60 512MB with Battery, 73GB
5 EXTRON NetCluster 8904MXDR (Q746) HDD 10K SAS HotSwap, 8x DVD, 16MB VGA, 2x GbE NIC, 8x HotSwap Drive unit 124.278.000
Cage, Rackmount 4U Case with Full Redundant PSU, Server NetManager


Xeon X3220, 2x1GB DDR2-667 ECC, 2x 160GB HDD SATA, DVD±RW, VGA
1 DELL PowerEdge 840 (XM677) unit 186.423.000
ATI 16MB, GbE NIC, Tower Case
Xeon X3220, 2x1GB DDR2-667 ECC, 160GB HDD SATA, DVD±RW, VGA ATI
2 DELL PowerEdge T100 (R230H) unit 135.577.000
32MB, GbE NIC, Tower Case
Core2 Duo E7400, 1GB DDR2-667 ECC, 320GB HDD SATA2, 16x DVD, VGA
3 EXTRON NetSystem 320A (2D74) unit 9.167.000
32MB, GbE NIC, Tower Case
Pentium Dual Core E2200, 1GB DDR2-667 ECC, 160GB HDD SATA2, 16x
4 EXTRON NetSystem 320A (PD20) unit 8.461.000
DVD, VGA 32MB, GbE NIC, Tower Case
Xeon E3110, 1GB DDR2-667 ECC, 500GB HDD SATA2, 16x DVD, VGA 32MB,
5 EXTRON NetSystem 320A (S311) unit 10.579.000
GbE NIC, Tower Case
Core2 Quad Q8200, 1GB DDR2-800 ECC, 320GB HDD SATA2, DVD±RW,
6 EXTRON NetSystem 330A (2Q82) unit 10.579.000
VGA 32MB, 2x GbE NIC, Tower Case, Server SysManager
Xeon X3220, 1GB DDR2-800 ECC, 500GB HDD SATA2, DVD±RW, VGA
7 EXTRON NetSystem 330A (S322) unit 11.286.000
32MB, 2x GbE NIC, Tower Case, Server SysManager
Xeon E3120, 1GB DDR2-800 ECC, 320GB HDD SATA2, DVD±RW, VGA
8 EXTRON NetSystem 520A (S312) unit 12.571.000
32MB, 2x GbE, Tower Case, Server SysManager
Xeon E3120, 1GB DDR2-800 ECC, 320GB HDD SATA2 HotSwap, DVD±RW,
9 EXTRON NetSystem 520AX (S312) VGA 32MB, 2x GbE, 4x HotSwap Drive Cage, Tower Case, Server unit 13.404.000
Xeon X3230, 2GB DDR2-800 ECC, 146GB HDD 15K SAS HotSwap,
10 EXTRON NetSystem 520MX (S323) DVD±RW, VGA 32MB, 2x GbE, 4x HotSwap Drive Cage, Tower Case, unit 23.291.000
Server SysManager
Xeon X3360, 1GB DDR2-800 ECC, NetRAID 128MB Controller, 146GB HDD
11 EXTRON NetSystem 520PX (S336) 15K SAS HotSwap, DVD±RW, VGA 32MB, 2x GbE, 4x HotSwap Drive Cage, unit 25.410.000
Tower Case, Server SysManager
Xeon X3370, 1GB DDR2-800 ECC, 146GB HDD 10K SCSI HotSwap,
12 EXTRON NetSystem 520SX (S337) DVD±RW, VGA 32MB, 2x GbE, 4x HotSwap Drive Cage, Tower Case, unit 25.410.000
Server SysManager
Pentium Dual-Core E2160, 512MB DDR2-800 ECC, 160GB HDD SATA, 16x
13 HP ProLiant ML110G5-809 unit 9.167.000
Xeon 3065, 1GB DDR2-667 ECC, 72GB HDD 15K SAS, 16x DVD-ROM SATA,
14 HP ProLiant ML110G5-811 unit 16.935.000
VGA ATI 16MB, GbE NIC, Tower Case
Xeon X3220, 1GB DDR2-800 ECC, 160GB HDD SATA, 16x DVD-ROM SATA,
15 HP ProLiant ML110G5-SATA unit 14.110.000
VGA ATI 16MB, GbE NIC, Tower Case
Xeon 3065, 1GB DDR2-800 ECC, 160GB HDD SATA, 16x DVD-ROM SATA,
16 HP ProLiant ML110G5-SATA unit 14.110.000
VGA ATI 16MB, GbE NIC, Tower Case
Xeon 3065, 2GB DDR2-800 ECC, 500GB HDD SATA, 16x DVD-ROM, VGA ATI
17 HP ProLiant ML110G5-SATA/w 16MB, GbE NIC, Tower Case, Windows Small Bussiness Server 2008 unit 25.282.000
Standard -
Opteron 1214, 1GB DDR2-667 ECC, 160GB HDD SATA, 16x DVD-ROM, VGA
18 HP ProLiant ML115T05- 608 unit 11.088.000
16MB, GbE NIC, Tower Case
Pentium Dual-Core E2200, 512MB DDR2-667 ECC, 160GB HDD SATA, DVD-
19 HP System X3100-32X unit 9.831.000
ROM, VGA ATI 16MB, GbE NIC, Tower Case
Xeon 3065, 1GB DDR2-667 ECC, 160GB HDD SATA, DVD-ROM, VGA ATI
20 HP System X3100-42X unit 12.698.000
16MB, GbE NIC, Tower Case
Xeon E3110, 2x 512MB DDR2-667 ECC, 250GB HDD SATA, DVD-ROM, VGA
21 HP System X3200-M2 32A unit 15.946.000
ATI 16MB, GbE NIC, Tower Case
Xeon E3110, 2x 512MB DDR2-667 ECC, 73GB HDD 15K SAS HotSwap, DVD-
22 HP System X3200-M2 34A unit 20.184.000
ROM, VGA ATI 16MB, GbE NIC, Tower Case
Xeon X3320, 2x 512MB DDR2-667 ECC, 73GB HDD 15K SAS HotSwap, DVD-
23 HP System X3200-M2 42A unit 22.528.000
ROM, VGA ATI 32MB, GbE NIC, Tower Case
Xeon X3350, 2x 512MB DDR2-667 ECC, 73GB HDD 15K SAS HotSwap, DVD-
24 HP System X3200-M2 52A unit 24.110.000
ROM, VGA ATI 32MB, GbE NIC, Tower Case

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 138
1 2 3 4 5 6
Xeon X3350, 2x 512MB DDR2-667 ECC, 73GB HDD 15K SAS HotSwap, DVD-
25 HP System X3200-M2 54A unit 27.613.000
ROM, VGA ATI 32MB, GbE NIC, Tower Case
Xeon X3360, 2x 1GB DDR2-667 ECC, 73GB HDD 15K SAS HotSwap, DVD-
26 HP System X3200-M2 72A unit 31.384.000
ROM, VGA ATI 32MB, GbE NIC, Tower Case
Xeon X3360, 2x 512MB DDR2-667 ECC, 73GB HDD 15K SAS HotSwap, DVD-
27 HP System X3200-M2 76A unit 26.667.000
ROM, VGA ATI 16MB, GbE NIC, Tower Case
Xeon X3370, 2x 1GB DDR2-667 ECC, 73GB HDD 15K SAS HotSwap, DVD-
28 HP System X3200-M2 84A unit 37.005.000
ROM, VGA ATI 16MB, GbE NIC, Tower Case
Pentium Dual-Core E2200, 512MB DDR2-667 ECC, 250GB HDD SATA, DVD-
29 HP System X3200-M2 B2A unit 12.543.000
ROM, VGA ATI 16MB, GbE NIC, Tower Case
Core2 Duo E7200, 512MB DDR2-667 ECC, 250GB HDD SATA, DVD-ROM,
30 HP System X3200-M2 C2A unit 14.110.000
VGA ATI 16MB, GbE NIC, Tower Case
Xeon 5110, 1GB (2x 512MB) FDDR2-667 ECC, 2x 73GB HDD 15K SAS, CD-
1 IBM PowerEdge 1900 unit 31.779.000
Rom, VGA ATI 16MB, Dual GbE NIC, Tower Case
Xeon E5410, 2GB FDDR2-800 ECC, VGA 16MB, 2x GbE NIC, need additional
2 EXTRON NetForge F5000 (D410) unit 21.172.000
blade chassis
Xeon E5420, 4GB FDDR2-800 ECC, VGA 16MB, 2x GbE NIC, need additional
3 EXTRON NetForge F5000 (D420) unit 23.997.000
blade chassis
Xeon E5430, 4GB FDDR2-800 ECC, VGA 16MB, 2x GbE NIC, need additional
4 EXTRON NetForge F5000 (D430) unit 26.822.000
blade chassis
Xeon E5405, 1GB FDDR2-667 ECC, 250GB HDD SATA2, DVD/CDRW Combo,
5 EXTRON NetSystem 1300A (D405) unit 16.243.000
VGA 16MB, 2x GbE + 1x NIC (Total 3x NIC), Tower Case
Xeon E5405, 1GB FDDR2-667 ECC, 250GB HDD SATA2 HotSwap,
6 EXTRON NetSystem 1300AX (D405) DVD/CDRW Combo, VGA 16MB, 2x GbE + 1x NIC (Total 3x NIC), 4x HotSwap unit 16.935.000
Drive Cage, Tower Case
Xeon E5405, 1GB FDDR2-667 ECC, 146GB HDD 15K SAS, DVD/CDRW
7 EXTRON NetSystem 1300M (D405) unit 21.879.000
Combo, VGA 16MB, 2x GbE + 1x NIC (Total 3x NIC), Tower Case
Xeon E5405, 1GB FDDR2-667 ECC, 146GB HDD 15K SAS HotSwap,
8 EXTRON NetSystem 1300MX (D405) unit 23.997.000
DVD/CDRW Combo, VGA 16MB, 2x GbE + 1x NIC (Total 3x NIC), Tower Case
Xeon E5405, 1GB FDDR2-667 ECC, 146GB HDD 10K SCSI HotSwap,
9 EXTRON NetSystem 1300SX (D405) DVD/CDRW Combo, VGA 16MB, 2x GbE + 1x NIC (Total 3x NIC), 4x HotSwap unit 22.585.000
Drive Cage, Tower Case
Xeon E5410, 1GB FDDR2-800 ECC, 500GB HDD SATA2, DVD±RW, VGA
10 EXTRON NetSystem 3300A (D410) unit 17.938.000
16MB, 2x GbE NIC, Tower Case, Server SysManager
Xeon E5420, 1GB FDDR2-800 ECC, 3x 320GB HDD SATA2, DVD±RW, VGA
11 EXTRON NetSystem 3300AV (D420) unit 22.585.000
16MB, 2x GbE NIC, Tower Case, Server SysManager
Xeon E5410, 1GB FDDR2-800 ECC, 146GB HDD 15K SAS, DVD±RW, VGA
12 EXTRON NetSystem 3300M (D410) unit 26.412.000
16MB, 2x GbE NIC, Tower Case, Server SysManager
Xeon E5410, 1GB FDDR2-800 ECC, 146GB HDD 10K SCSI, DVD±RW, VGA
13 EXTRON NetSystem 3300S (D410) unit 23.023.000
16MB, 2x GbE NIC, Tower Case, Server SysManager
Xeon E5405, 1GB FDDR2-800 ECC, Single Channel U320 SCSI, DVD±RW,
14 EXTRON NetSystem 3300SX (D405s) VGA 16MB, 2x GbE NIC, 6x HotSwap Drive Cage, Tower Case, Server unit 18.348.000
Xeon E5345, 4GB FDDR2-667 ECC, 500GB HDD SATA2 HotSwap,
15 EXTRON NetSystem 7230AX (D345) DVD±RW, VGA 16MB, 2x GbE NIC, 6x HotSwap Drive Cage, Tower Case unit 55.790.000
with Full Redundant PSU 1+1, Server SysManager
Xeon X5365, 4GB FDDR2-667 ECC, 500GB HDD SATA2 HotSwap,
16 EXTRON NetSystem 7230AX (D365) DVD±RW, VGA 16MB, 2x GbE NIC, 6x HotSwap Drive Cage, Tower Case unit 60.027.000
with Full Redundant PSU 1+1, Server SysManager
Xeon E5420, 4GB FDDR2-800 ECC, 500GB HDD SATA2 HotSwap,
17 EXTRON NetSystem 7300AX (D420) DVD±RW, VGA 16MB, 2x GbE NIC, 6x HotSwap Drive Cage, Tower Case unit 31.779.000
with HotSwap PSU, Server SysManager
Xeon E5420, 4GB FDDR2-800 ECC, 146GB HDD 15K SAS HotSwap,
18 EXTRON NetSystem 7300MX (D420) DVD±RW, VGA 16MB, 2x GbE NIC, 6x HotSwap Drive Cage, Tower Case unit 37.415.000
with HotSwap PSU, Server SysManager
Xeon E5430, 4GB FDDR2-800 ECC, 146GB HDD 15K SAS HotSwap,
19 EXTRON NetSystem 7300MX (D430) DVD±RW, VGA 16MB, 2x GbE NIC, 6x HotSwap Drive Cage, Tower Case unit 39.534.000
with HotSwap PSU, Server SysManager
Xeon X5450, 4GB FDDR2-800 ECC, 146GB HDD 15K SAS HotSwap,
20 EXTRON NetSystem 7300MX (D451) DVD±RW, VGA 16MB, 2x GbE NIC, 6x HotSwap Drive Cage, Tower Case unit 47.302.000
with HotSwap PSU, Server SysManager
Xeon E5405, 1GB FDDR2-667 ECC, 160GB HDD SATA, 16x DVD, VGA 16MB,
21 EXTRON NetSystem A200 (D405A) unit 14.831.000
2x GbE NIC, Tower Case
Xeon E5410, 2GB FDDR2-667 ECC, 320GB HDD SATA, 16x DVD, VGA 16MB,
22 EXTRON NetSystem A200 (D410A) unit 16.526.000
2x GbE NIC, Tower Case
Xeon 3070, 1GB DDR2-667 ECC, 73GB HDD 10K SAS HotSwap, DVD/CDRW
23 FUJITSU Primergy TX120 unit 25.706.000
Combo, VGA Integrated, GbE NIC, Tower Case
Xeon X3210, 1GB DDR2-800 ECC, 73GB HDD 15K SAS HotSwap, DVD-ROM,
24 FUJITSU Primergy TX150 S6 unit 26.822.000
VGA Integrated, GbE NIC, Tower Case
Xeon 5050, 1GB DDR2-533 ECC, 73GB HDD 15K SAS HotSwap, DVD-ROM,
25 FUJITSU Primergy TX200 S3 unit 25.127.000
VGA Integrated, GbE NIC, Tower Case
Xeon E5420, 1GB DDR2-667 ECC, 73GB HDD 15K SAS HotSwap, DVD-ROM,
26 FUJITSU Primergy TX200 S4 unit 31.200.000
VGA Integrated, GbE NIC, Tower Case
Xeon E5410, 1GB FDDR2-667 ECC, 16x DVDROM, VGA ATI 16MB, GbE NIC,
27 HP ProLiant ML350G5 244 unit 30.932.000
Tower Case
Xeon 5205, 1GB FDDR2-667 ECC, 160GB HDD SATA, DVD-ROM, VGA ATI
28 HP ProLiant ML150G5-161 unit 16.314.000
16MB, GbE NIC, Tower Case
Xeon 5405, 1GB FDDR2-667 ECC, 160GB HDD SATA, DVD-ROM, VGA ATI
29 HP ProLiant ML150G5-162 unit 16.667.000
16MB, GbE NIC, Tower Case
Xeon E5410, 2x 1GB FDDR2-667 ECC, 16x DVDROM, VGA ATI 16MB, GbE
30 HP ProLiant ML350G5 246 unit 34.133.000
NIC, Tower Case
Xeon E5430, 2GB FDDR2-667 ECC, 16x DVD-ROM, VGA ATI 16MB, GbE NIC,
31 HP ProLiant ML350G5-238 unit 39.901.000
Tower Case
Xeon E5420, 1GB FDDR2-667, 16x DVDROM, VGA ATI 32MB, GbE NIC,
32 HP ProLiant ML350G5-239 unit 32.368.000
Tower Case
Xeon E5420, 2GB FDDR2-667 ECC, 16x DVD-ROM, VGA ATI 16MB, GbE NIC,
33 HP ProLiant ML350G5-242 unit 32.933.000
Tower Case
Xeon E5410, 2GB FDDR2-667 ECC, 16x DVDROM, VGA ATI 16MB, GbE NIC,
34 HP ProLiant ML350T05-244 unit 35.193.000
Tower Case
Dual Xeon 5450, 4GB FDDR2-667 ECC, DVD-ROM, VGA ATI ES1000 32MB,
35 HP ProLiant ML370T05-341 unit 96.397.000
GbE NIC, Tower Case

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 139
1 2 3 4 5 6
Dual Xeon 5450, 4GB FDDR2-667 ECC, DVD-ROM, VGA ATI ES1000 32MB,
36 HP ProLiant ML370T05-341 unit 94.490.000
GbE NIC, Tower Case -
Single Xeon 5440, 2GB FDDR2-667 ECC, DVD-ROM, VGA ATI ES1000 32MB,
37 HP ProLiant ML370T05-343 unit 59.745.000
GbE NIC, Tower Case
Single Xeon 5440, 2GB FDDR2-667 ECC, DVD-ROM, VGA ATI ES1000 32MB,
38 HP ProLiant ML370T05-343 unit 57.203.000
GbE NIC, Tower Case
Xeon E5405, 1GB FDDR2-533 ECC, 73GB HDD HotSwap SAS, 48x CD, VGA
39 IBM System X3400 - A2A unit 25.141.000
ATI 16MB, GbE NIC, Tower Case
Xeon E5405, 1GB FDDR2-667 ECC, 250GB HDD SATA, 48x CD, VGA ATI
40 IBM System X3400 - A2A unit 22.034.000
16MB, GbE NIC, Tower Case
Xeon E5410, 1GB FDDR2-667 ECC, 250GB HDD SATA, 48x CD, VGA ATI
41 IBM System X3400 - D2A unit 24.986.000
16MB, GbE NIC, Tower Case
Xeon E5410, 1GB FDDR2-533 ECC, 73GB HDD HotSwap SAS, 48x CD, VGA
42 IBM System X3400 - D2A unit 28.234.000
ATI 16MB, GbE NIC, Tower Case
Xeon E5405, 1GB FDDR2-533 ECC, 73GB HDD HotSwap SAS, 48x CD, VGA
43 IBM System X3400 AB unit 28.234.000
ATI 16MB, GbE NIC, Tower Case with Redundant PSU
Xeon E5410, 1GB FDDR2-533 ECC, 73Gb 15K SAS HDD, 48x CD, VGA ATI
44 IBM System X3400-5DBA unit 30.720.000
16MB, GbE NIC, Tower Case with Redundant PSU
Xeon E5420, 1GB FDDR2-533 ECC, 73GB HDD HotSwap SAS, 48x CD, VGA
45 IBM System X3400-5J2A unit 29.520.000
ATI 16MB, GbE NIC, Tower Case
Xeon E5420, 1GB FDDR2-533 ECC, 73GB HDD HotSwap SAS, 48x CD, VGA
46 IBM System X3400-5JBA unit 32.344.000
ATI 16MB, GbE NIC, Tower Case
Xeon E5430, 1GB FDDR2-533 ECC, 73GB HDD HotSwap SAS, 48x CD, VGA
47 IBM System X3400-5L2A unit 35.028.000
ATI 16MB, GbE NIC, Tower Case
Xeon E5405, 1GB FDDR2-667 ECC, 2x 73GB HDD 10K SAS HotSwap, DVD-
48 IBM System X3500-A2A unit 38.686.000
ROM, VGA ATI 16MB, 2x GbE NIC, Tower Case
Xeon E5410, 1GB FDDR2-667 ECC, 2x 73GB HDD 10K SAS HotSwap, DVD-
49 IBM System X3500-D2A unit 40.791.000
ROM, VGA ATI 16MB, 2x GbE NIC, Tower Case
Xeon E5430, 1GB FDDR2-667 ECC, 2x 73GB HDD 15K SAS SFF HotSwap,
50 IBM System X3500-L2A unit 60.946.000
DVD-ROM, VGA ATI 16MB, 2x GbE NIC, Tower Case
Xeon E5440, 1GB FDDR2-667 ECC, 2x 73GB HDD 15K SAS HotSwap, DVD-
51 IBM System X3500-M2A unit 57.429.000
ROM, VGA ATI 16MB, 2x GbE NIC, Tower Case
Xeon E5450, 1GB FDDR2-667 ECC, 2x 73GB HDD 15K SAS HotSwap, DVD-
52 IBM System X3500-R2A unit 66.214.000
ROM, VGA ATI 16MB, 2x GbE NIC, Tower Case
SXGA 1280X1024 Max Resolution | 2000 ANSI Lumens | 2000:1 Contrast
1 Projector Acer XD1160 buah 7.341.000
Ratio | 16.7 Million Color | 2.3kg
DLP Projector | SVGA (800x600) Max, SXGA (1280x1024), WXGA (1280x800)
2 Projector Acer P1165 Business Projector | 2400 ANSI Lumens | 4:3 Native | 16:9 Up to 4,000 hours | 3 kg | 2000: 1 buah 8.649.000
Contrast ratio | DVI-D | Colorboost Technology | Blackboard Mode
1400x1050 max resolution | 2000:1 Contrast Ratio | 16.7 Million color | 2000
3 Projector Acer X1260 DLP Projector buah 11.484.000
ANSI Lumens
DLP™ System, SXGA 1280 x 1024, 2000 ANSI Lumens, Contrast Ratio
4 Projector Acer PD311 Mobile Projector buah 11.615.000
2000:1, Aspect Ratio 4:3/16:9, 1.3 Kg
DLP Projector | XGA (1024x768) Max SXGA(1400x1050) | 2000 ANSI Lumens
5 Projector Acer XD1260 Business Projector | 4:3 Native | 16:9 Up to 4,000 hours | 2000: 1 Contrast ratio | 2.3 kg | buah 11.615.000
Colorboost Technology | Blackboard Mode.
DLP Projector | XGA (1024x768), SXGA+ (1400 x 1050) Max | 2,400 ANSI
6 Projector Acer P1265 Business Projector Lumens | 4:3 (Native), 16:9 | Up to 4,000 hours | 3 Kg | 2000:1 Contrast Ratio buah 13.068.000
| Colorboost Technology | Blackboard Mode
DLP™ System, XGA 1024 x 768, Max 1280 x 1024 (SXGA), 2300 ANSI
7 Projector Acer XD1270 Business Projector Lumens, Contrast Ratio 2200:1, Aspect Ratio 4:3/16:9, DVI , 5-Segment buah 13.156.000
Colour Wheel, 2.2 Kg
DLP Projector/XGA (1024x768) Max UXGA(1600X1200), 2700 ANSI
8 Projector Acer P5260E Multifunction Projector Lumens/4:3 Native, 16:9 Up to 4,000 hours, 2000: 1 Contrast ratio/DVI/ 3 buah 15.976.000
kg/colorboost technology/blackboard mode
DLP Projector/XGA (1024x768) Max UXGA(1600X1200), 3000 ANSI
9 Projector Acer P5270 Multifunction Projector Lumens/4:3 Native, 16:9 Up to 4,000 hours, 2000: 1 Contrast ratio/DVI/ 3 buah 18.883.000
kg/colorboost technology/blackboard mode
DLP™ System, XGA 1024 x 768, Max 1280 x 1024 (SXGA), 3000 ANSI
10 Projector Acer PD527D Multifunction Projector buah 21.790.000
Lumens, Contrast Ratio 2200:1, Aspect Ratio 4:3/16:9, DVI, 2.7 Kg
Projector Acer PH730 Home Entertainment DLP™ System, XGA 1024 x 768, Max 1280 x 1024 (SXGA), 3000 ANSI
11 buah 25.424.000
Projector Lumens, Contrast Ratio 2200:1, Aspect Ratio 4:3/16:9, DVI, HDMI, 2.7 Kg
DLP Projector | XGA (1024x768) | Max. UXGA (1600x1200) | 4000 ANSI
Lumens | 16:9 Wide Screen(Native), 4:3 | Up to 4,000 hours | 2300 : 1
12 Projector Acer P7270i Contrast Ratio | 5,4 Kg | HDMI Port | DVI-D Connector | Colorboost buah 34.872.000
Technology | Blackboard Mode | 802.11b/g wireless Technology | Quad
view Tecnology

1 BenQ MP511+ DLP Projector 2100ANSI, DLP, SVGA 800x600, 2,6kg buah 7.254.000
XGA 1024x768 / DLP / 2200 ANSI Lumens / Contrast ratio 2000:1 / Speaker /
2 BenQ MP721c Digital Projector buah 10.539.000
16.7 million color.
3 BenQ MP612c Projector 2200 Ansi Lumens | 2000:1 Contrast ratio | SVGA 800x600 | D-SUB (15 pin) buah 8.708.000
Native Resolution XGA 1024x768, Technology DLP, Brightness Lumens
4 BenQ Projector BenQ CP220c buah 9.434.000
(max) 2000, Net Weight (kg) 1.8.
5 BenQ MP620c DLP Projector 2200ANSI, DLP, XGA, 2.67kg. buah 10.539.000
DLP Projector, 2500ANSI Lumens, 800x600 SVGA Native Resolutions,
6 BenQ MP612 DLP Projector buah 11.629.000
7 BenQ Projector Benq CP220 DLP 2200ANSI, DLP, XGA, 1.8kg. buah 12.865.000
8 BenQ MP622c Projector XGA (1024 x 768) | 2200 ANSI Lumens | 2000:1 buah 14.900.000
XGA (1024x768) / DLP / 2500 ANSI Lumens / Contrast ratio 2000:1 / Speaker
9 BenQ MP721 Digital Projector buah 16.353.000
/ 16.7 million color
10 BenQ Projector W500 Home Theater Series 1100 ANSI Lumens / Contrast ratio 5000:1 / 16.7 million color / Speaker buah 16.717.000
11 BenQ Projector MP723 buah 17.807.000
12 BenQ MP770 Digital Projector 3200ANSI, DLP, XGA buah 18.534.000

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 140
1 2 3 4 5 6
13 BenQ Projector MP771 3000 ANSI Lumens, DLP, XGA (1024x768) buah 20.351.000
14 BenQ Projector SP830 3500 ANSI Lumen, DLP, WXGA buah 18.170.000
DLP | 4000 ANSI | XGA | 2000:1 Contrast | 3000 Hrs Life | HDTV | DVI-D | Grip
15 BenQ Projector SP820 buah 21.790.000
Handle | Digital Zoom | Translucent Menu | H+V Adjust
16 BenQ Projector SP831 4000 ANSI Lumen, DLP, WXGA buah 26.892.000
Native Resolution XGA 1024x768, Technology DLP, Brightness Lumens
17 BenQ Projector SP870 buah 39.233.000
(max) 5000, Net Weight (kg) 4.5.
1280x720 (16:9) / DLP / 1100 ANSI Lumens / Contrast ratio 2500:1 / 16.7
18 BenQ Projector PE8720 Home Theater Series buah 46.516.000
million color / MicroDust Filter / HD Ready
Resolution SVGA | 2000 ANSI Lumens | A/V Mute Slide Shutter | Auto-
1 Epson EMP-S5 Projector buah 10.161.000
Keystone | Quick Start up | Instant Off | Advanced Security functions
Resolution XGA | 2200 ANSI Lumens | A/V Mute Slide Shutter | Auto-
2 Epson EMP-X5 Projector buah 13.068.000
Keystone | Quick Start up | Instant Off | Advanced Security functions
Resolution XGA | 3500 ANSI Lumens | Quick setup | Direct Power on/off |
3 Epson EMP-1810 Projector buah 31.253.000
A/V Mute Slide Shutter | Advanced Security function
2000 ANSI Lumens | SVGA | Instant Shut Down | 3000 hour Lamp Life |
1 Mitsubishi SD206U Projector buah 8.708.000
2 Mitsubishi XD206U Projector 2000 ANSI Lumens | XGA | Instant Shut Down | 3000 hour Lamp Life | 2.4Kg buah 11.615.000

2000 Ansi Lumens | 2200:1 Contrast Ratio | SVGA Resolution | Password
1 Optoma EP 706S DLP buah 6.178.000
security and Timer mode.
2200 Ansi Lumens | 2000:1 Contrast Ratio | SVGA Resolution | 5 Segment
2 Optoma EP 720 DLP buah 6.832.000
Color Wheel.
2200 Ansi Lumens | 2000:1 Contrast Ratio | SVGA Resolution | 5 Segment
3 Optoma EP 721 DLP buah 7.705.000
Color Wheel.
2000 Ansi Lumens | 2000:1 Contrast Ratio | XGA Resolution | Password
4 Optoma EP 709S DLP buah 9.958.000
security and Timer mode.
2200 Ansi Lumens | 2200:1 Contrast Ratio | XGA Resolution | 5 Segment
5 Optoma EP 727 DLP buah 10.321.000
Color Wheel.
2600 Ansi Lumens | 2200:1 Contrast Ratio | XGA Resolution | 5 SEGMENT
6 Optoma EP 728 DLP buah 13.810.000
7 Optoma EP 7155 DLP 2500 Ansi Lumens | 2500:1 Contrast Ratio | XGA Resolution. buah 15.990.000

8 Optoma EP 1691 DLP 2500 Ansi Lumens | 2500:1 Contrast Ratio | WXGA ( 1280 x 768 ). buah 16.717.000
9 Optoma EP 761 DLP 3100 ansi lumens | 2200 : 1Contrast Ratio | XGA (1024x768). buah 17.080.000

10 Optoma EP 763 DLP 3600 ansi lumens | 2200 : 1Contrast Ratio | XGA (1024x768) buah 18.534.000

LCD, 2200 ANSI Lumen, SVGA (800 x 600), 3000 Hours Lamp life time, Large
1 SONY VPL-ES4 LCD Projector buah 11.048.000
Screen & Short Disctance, Monitor out, 4s quick start, 3 kg.
VPL-ES5, 2000 ANSI Lumens, SVGA (800 x 600), 3000 Hours Lamp Life
2 SONY VPL-ES5 Projector buah 10.757.000
Time, Off & Go Function, 6 Picture Mode, 4 Second Quick Start.
3 SONY VPL-EX4 Projector 2100 ANSI Lumens | XGA | Security Password | Quick Start buah 13.068.000
VPL-EX5, 2000 ANSI Lumens, XGA (1024 x 768), 3000 Hours Lamp Life
4 SONY VPL-EX5 Projector Time, Off & Go Function, 6 Picture Mode, Auto Kesytone, 4 Second Quick buah 12.356.000
Start, Bright Era Technology, Contras 900:1 (Hight Contras).
VPL-EX50, 2500 ANSI Lumens, XGA (1024 x 768), 3000 Hours Lamp Life
Time, Off & Go Function, 6 Picture Mode, Dynamic Digital Enhancher (DDE),
5 SONY VPL-EX50 Projector buah 14.100.000
Direct Power On/Off, Auto Keystone, 4 Second Quick Start, Bright Era
Technology, Contras 900:1 (Hight Contras)
2000 ANSI Lumen, XGA (1024 x 768); 3000 Hours Lamp life time; Large
6 SONY VPL-EX3 LCD Projector buah 14.536.000
Screen & Short Disctance; Monitor out; 3 kg
VPL-EW5, 2000 ANSI Lumens, WXGA (1280 x 800), 3000 Hours Lamp Life
Time, Off & Go Function, 6 Picture Mode, Dynamic Digital Enhancher (DDE),
7 SONY VPL-EW5 Projector buah 15.118.000
Direct Power On/Off, 1 Input HDMI (componen Video), Auto Keystone, 4
Second Quick Start, Bright Era Technology, Contras 900:1 (Hight Contras).
2000 ANSI Lumen Brightness, SVGA (800 x 600); Intelligent Auto Set up (
power lens, power tilt adjuster, keystone correction, Auto focus); Off & Go
8 SONY VPL-CS21 LCD Projector buah 18.883.000
fuction; Slim & Lightweight (tebal 5cm, berat 1.9kg); Large Screen; 3000
Hours Lamp life time
2000 ANSI Lumen Brightness, XGA (1024 x 768); Intelligent Auto Set up (
power lens, power tilt adjuster, keystone correction, Auto focus); Off & Go
9 SONY VPL-CX21 LCD Projector buah 22.531.000
fuction; Slim & Lightweight (tebal 5cm, berat 1.9kg); Large Screen; 3000
Hours Lamp life time
Resolution: XGA | Brightness: 2700 ANSI Lumens | Projection System:
10 SONY VPL-CX100 Projector 3LCD Panels, 1 Lens Projection System | Panel: 0.79-inch XGA LCD | ID buah 26.165.000
Function: Multi-Projector Installation
3LCD, 3000 ANSI, XGA, Temper Proof with anti-theft Mechanism, Off & Go
11 SONY VPL-CX120 Projector buah 31.253.000
Function, Digital Zoom, Direct On/Off
3LCD, 3500 ANSI, XGA, Temper Proof with anti-theft Mechanism, Side
12 SONY VPL-CX155 Projector buah 39.248.000
SHOOT, Digital Zoom, WiFi with AP
Resolution: XGA | Brightness: 3000 ANSI Lumens | Projection System:
13 SONY VPL-CX125 Projector 3LCD Panels, 1 Lens Projection System | Panel: 0.79-inch XGA LCD | ID buah 38.811.000
Function: Multi-Projector Installation
3LCD, 3500 ANSI, XGA, Temper Proof with anti-theft Mechanism, Off & Go
14 SONY VPL-CX150 Projector buah 34.887.000
Function, Digital Zoom, Direct On/Off
3500 ANSI Lumen Brightness; XGA native (1024 x 768 pixels) & scan up to
UXGA; Networking Controlable Capability; Password authetication system;
15 SONY VPL-PX41 LCD Projector buah 56.691.000
Intelligent Auto Set up ( power lens, power tilt adjuster, keystone
correction); Wireless presentation (AIR SHOOT), memory stick equiped

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 141
1 2 3 4 5 6
0.79 inch SXGA Panel (1400x1060x3) pixel; 4000 ANSI Lumen; Screen
Coverage 40-600 inch; Digital Keystone Adjustment; Networking
16 SONY VPL-FX40 LCD Projector Presentation; Password authetication system; Twin stacking Capability buah 60.746.000
(bisa digabung menghasilkan 1 display, jadi total 8000 ANSI !!), Power
Zoom (Bisa tembak dari jarak jauh !!)
0.79 inch SXGA Panel (1400x1060) pixel; 4000 ANSI Lumen; Screen
Coverage 40-600 inch; Digital Keystone Adjustment; Networking
17 SONY VPL-FE40 LCD Projector Presentation Password authetication system; Twin stacking Capability buah 75.587.000
(bisa digabung menghasilkan 1 display, jadi total 8000 ANSI !!), Power
Zoom (Bisa tembak dari jarak jauh !!)

6000 ANSI Lumen brightness; XGA native (1024 x 768 pixels); Dynamic
18 SONY VPL-FX52 LCD Projector buah 127.917.000
digital enhancer for video image; Networking Controlablle Capability;

TLP-C001 Document Camera with CMOS 3 M Pixels, 1024 x 768 Effective
1 Toshiba TLP-C001 Document Camera buah 6.542.000
Pixel, 400x Zoom, 1.9 Kg.
Model ID TDPSP1EU, Toshiba TDP SP1, DLP Projector, 2200 ANSI lumens,
2 Toshiba TDP-SP1 buah 10.161.000
SVGA (800 x 600), Briliant Color, Weight: 2,2 kg
LCD Tech, XGA (1024 x 768) pixels, 2000 ANSI Lumens, Contrast Ratio =
400:1, Dimension = 295X81X255 mm, Weight = 2.8 Kg. With Freeze & Mute
3 Toshiba TLP-XD2000 Projector buah 11.048.000
Function, User Logo, Non Detachable Control Panel, Blackboard Mode,
Instant Shut Down.
LCD System, XGA 1024 x 768, 2000 ANSI Lumens, Contrast Ratio 400:1,
4 Toshiba TLP-X2000 Aspect Ratio 4:3 (Native), 2.8 Kg, Freeze & Mute Function, User Logo, buah 11.615.000
Detachable Control Panel, Blackboard Mode, Instant Shutdown.
LCD System, XGA 1024 x 768, 3000 ANSI Lumens, Contrast Ratio 400:1,
Aspect Ratio 4:3 (Native), 2.8 Kg, Unique image quality by NCE 3-chip,
5 Toshiba TLP-X3000 buah 15.976.000
Freeze and Mute Function, User Logo, Detachable Control Panel,
Blackboard Mode, Instant Start Up and Shut Down.
LCD System, XGA 1024 x 768, 2500 ANSI Lumens, Contrast Ratio 400:1,
Aspect Ratio 4:3 (Native), 2.8 Kg, Unique image quality by NCE 3-chip,
6 Toshiba TLP-X2500 buah 15.263.000
Freeze and Mute Function, User Logo, Detachable Control Panel,
Blackboard Mode, Instant Start Up and Shut Down.
DLP Tech, XGA (1024 x 768) pixels, 2000 ANSI Lumens, Contrast ratio =
7 Toshiba TDP-P9 2000:1, Weight = 1.3 Kg. With USB Port - JPEG/MPEG2, Brillian Color, Panel buah 15.627.000
Lock, Digital Zoom, Password function, Ultra Portable.
LCD System, XGA 1024 x 768, 2000 ANSI Lumens, Contrast Ratio 400:1,
Aspect Ratio 4:3 (Native), 4 Kg, 3 M Pixel Camera, User Logo, Detachable
8 Toshiba TLP-XC2000 buah 15.976.000
Control Panel with Password Function, Blackboard Mode, Instant Start Up
and Shut Down.
DLP™ System, XGA 1024 x 768, 2200 ANSI Lumens, Contrast Ratio 2000:1,
9 Toshiba TDP-T95 Aspect Ratio 4:3 (Native), 2.9 Kg, Password Protection, Key Lock, User buah 17.429.000
Logo, Blackboard Mode, Instant Shut Down.
LCD Tech | WXGA (1280 x 800) pixels | 2200 ANSI Lumens | Contrast Ratio =
400:1 | Weight = 2.8 Kg | With Natural Color Enhancer 3 | Keylock |
10 Toshiba TLP-WX2200 buah 16.499.000
Password | User Logo | Detachable Control Panel | Blackboard Mode |
Instant Start Up and Shut Down.
DLP™ System, XGA 1024 x 768, 2600 ANSI Lumens, Contrast Ratio 2000:1,
11 Toshiba TDP-T100 Aspect Ratio 4:3 (Native), 3.0 Kg, Password Protection, Key Lock, User buah 17.371.000
Logo, Blackboard Mode, Instant Shut Down.
XGA (1024*768), 2200 ANSI lumens, 3kg (6.6lbs.), 2000 hour lamp life
(typical), 2000:1 Contrast Ratio, Monitor Out, Laser Pointer Remote, USB
12 Toshiba TDP-TW95 Features buah 19.261.000
Memory Stick Reader , Includes Case, Includes remote mouse function,
Wireless: IEEE802.11b/g card, PAL Progressive Compatible, USB Reader
LCD System, XGA 1024 x 768, 2500 ANSI Lumens, Contrast Ratio 400:1,
Aspect Ratio 4:3 (Native), 4 Kg, 3 M Pixel Camera, NCE 3, User Logo,
13 Toshiba TLP-XC2500 buah 20.278.000
Detachable Control Panel with Password Function, Blackboard Mode,
Instant Start Up and Shut Down.
DLP™ System, XGA 1024 x 768, 2600 ANSI Lumens, Contrast Ratio 2000:1,
Aspect Ratio 4:3 (Native), 3.0 Kg, Wireless LAN Conncection, USB Reader,
14 Toshiba TDP-TW100 buah 21.078.000
Auto Focus, Power Zoom, Password Protection, Key Lock, User Logo,
Blackboard Mode, Instant Shut Down.
DLP Tech, XGA (1024 x 768) pixels, 2600 ANSI Lumens, Contrast ratio =
2000:1, Dimension = 300X99X218 mm, Wireless LAN, USB port. With
15 Toshiba TDP-TW100 buah 21.078.000
Password function, Key Lock, User Logo, Instant shutdown, Blackboard
LCD System, XGA 1024 x 768, 3000 ANSI Lumens, Contrast Ratio 400:1,
Aspect Ratio 4:3 (Native), 4 Kg, 3 M Pixel Camera, NCE 3, User Logo,
16 Toshiba TLP-XC3000 buah 22.168.000
Detachable Control Panel with Password Function, Blackboard Mode,
Instant Start Up and Shut Down.
DLP Tech | XGA (1024 x 768) pixels | 2300 ANSI Lumens | Contrast ratio =
2000:1 | Weight = 3.5 Kg | With ESP-Exteme Short Projection | Wireless LAN
17 Toshiba TDP-EX20 buah 23.243.000
- Vista Capable | Natural Color Enhancer 4 | USB Port | Password function |
Key Lock | User Logo | Instant shutdown | Blackboard mode.
DLP™ Display Technology, 2300 ANSI Lumens, 1024 x 768 Native
18 Toshiba TDP-EX20 buah 23.243.000
Resolution, 4:3 Native Aspect Ratio, 2000:1 Contrast Ratio, 9.3 lbs
DLP, Super Close Projection (100" at 1.2m), 480p, HQV, wide screen = 16:9,
1100 ANSI Lumens, contrast ratio = 2000:1 , 28 db, Weight = 5 Kg. With Built-
19 Toshiba ET 20 buah 23.258.000
In DVD Player and Dolby Digital Surround 5.1 Channel Speakers (Home
DLP Tech | XGA (1024 x 768) pixels | 3500 ANSI Lumens | 2x RGB Input |
20 Toshiba TDP-T360 Contrast ratio = 2000:1 | Weight = 4.9 Kg | With LAN Controlled | PIP | User buah 25.075.000
Logo | Blackboard Mode | Keylock | Password Function
2000 ANSI Lumens | 4000hrs Lamp life (ECO Mode) | Color Adjustment |
1 ViewSonic PJ506D Projector buah 6.905.000
Soft Carry Case
ViewSonic PJ513D Projector, Native Resolution SVGA, Brightness Lumens
2 ViewSonic PJ513D Projector buah 7.850.000
(max) 2200, Lamp Life (hours) 3000, Net Weight (kg) 2.6kg.

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 142
1 2 3 4 5 6

3 ViewSonic PJ556D Projector 2000 ANSI Lumens | 2000:1 | 3000hrs Lamp Life (Eco Mode) | HDTV buah 10.161.000
ViewSonic PJ258D Projector, Native Resolution XGA, Brightness Lumens
4 ViewSonic PJ258D Projector buah 10.902.000
(max) 2000, Lamp Life (hours) 3000, Net Weight (kg) 1.3 kg.
ViewSonic PJ551D Projector, Native Resolution XGA, Brightness Lumens
5 ViewSonic PJ551D Projector buah 11.121.000
(max) 2200, Lamp Life (hours) 3500, Net Weight (kg) 2.7kg.
ViewSonic PJ358 Projector, Native Resolution XGA, Brightness Lumens
6 ViewSonic PJ358 Projector buah 11.993.000
(max) 2200, Lamp Life (hours) 3000, Net Weight (kg) 1.7kg.
ViewSonic PJ458D Projector, Native Resolution XGA, Brightness Lumens
7 ViewSonic PJ458D Projector buah 12.778.000
(max) 2000, Lamp Life (hours) 2000, Net Weight (kg) 4.9 kg.
8 ViewSonic PJ759 3LCD Projector 2800 ANSI | 1024x768 XGA Resolution | 500:1 | Analog buah 14.536.000
ViewSonic PJ588D Projector, Native Resolution XGA, Brightness Lumens
9 ViewSonic PJ588D Projector buah 14.900.000
(max) 3000, Lamp Life (hours) 3000, Net Weight (kg) 2.6kg.
ViewSonic PJ560D Projector, Native Resolution XGA, Brightness Lumens
10 ViewSonic PJ560D Projector buah 15.990.000
(max) 3200, Lamp Life (hours) 3500, Net Weight (kg) 2.9 kg.
ViewSonic PJ760 Projector, Native Resolution XGA, Brightness Lumens
11 ViewSonic PJ760 Projector buah 16.717.000
(max) 3200, Lamp Life (hours) 3000, Net Weight (kg) 3.5 kg.
ViewSonic PJ1158 Projector, Native Resolution XGA, Brightness Lumens
12 ViewSonic PJ1158 Projector buah 32.706.000
(max) 4000, Lamp Life (hours) 3000, Net Weight (kg) 7.1 kg.
ViewSonic PJ1172 Projector, Native Resolution XGA, Brightness Lumens
13 ViewSonic PJ1172 Projector buah 43.594.000
(max) 4500, Lamp Life (hours) 4000, Net Weight (kg) 7.7 kg.

2000 ansi lumens | 2000:1 Contrast Ratio | SVGA Resolution | 5 Segment
1 Sanyo PDG-DSU 20 buah 7.268.000
Color Wheel.
2 Sanyo PLC XW 55 2000 ansi lumens | 450 : 1 Contrast Ratio | XGA ( 1024 x 768 ). buah 9.449.000
3 Sanyo PLC XU 75 2500 ansi lumens| 450 : 1| XGA ( 1024 x 768 ) | Power off and Go. buah 15.990.000
4 Sanyo PLC XU 78 3000 ansi lumens | 450 : 1 | XGA ( 1024 x 768 )| Power off buah 20.351.000
5 Sanyo PLC XU 101 4000 ansi lumens | 450 : 1| XGA ( 1024 x 768 )| Power off and Go buah 27.619.000

6 Sanyo PLC XU 88 3000 ansi lumens | 500 : 1 | XGA ( 1024 x 768 ) | Freeze | Digital Zoom. buah 30.526.000

7 Sanyo PLC XU 111 4000 ansi lumens | 450 : 1| XGA ( 1024 x 768 )| Power off and Go detail buah 36.340.000

SVGA (800x600) 2 2000 DLP Brilliant Color Technology-Credit card Remote
1 InFocus X6 buah 8.359.000
2 InFocus In 2102 SVGA (800x600) 3 2500 DLP Brilliant Color Technology-2x input computer. buah 10.176.000

3 InFocus In 2104 XGA (1024 X 768) 3 2500 DLP Brilliant Color Technology-2x input computer. buah 15.263.000

4 InFocus In 35 XGA (1024 X 768) 2.2 2500 DLP Idem – contras ratio :1400:1. buah 20.351.000
XGA (1024 X 768) 1.09 1800 DLP Ultra Portable Projector with 4000 hours
5 InFocus In 10 buah 23.985.000
lamp life Contras ratio: 1800:1.
6 InFocus In 37 XGA (1024 X 768) 2.2 3000 DLP Computer & Video contras ratio 1400:1. buah 27.619.000

7 InFocus In 38 XGA (1024 X 768) 3.2 3500 DLP Computer & Video contras ratio 2000:1. buah 36.340.000

8 InFocus In 42 plus XGA (1024 X 768) 6 4000 DLP Computer & Video contras ratio 1000:1 buah 47.969.000

1 ALPHA Tripot 70”x70” ALPHA Tripot 70”x70” (178x178)cm buah 1.454.000

2 ALPHA Gantung Manual 70”x70” ALPHA Gantung Manual 70”x70” (178x178)cm buah 1.817.000
3 ALPHA Gantung Manual 84”x84” ALPHA Gantung Manual 84”x84” (213x213)cm buah 2.326.000
4 ALPHA Gantung Manual 96”x96” ALPHA Gantung Manual 96”x96” (244x244)cm buah 364.000

5 ALPHA Tripot 84”x84” ALPHA Tripot 84”x84” (213x213)cm buah 3.271.000

6 ALPHA Tripot 96”x96” ALPHA Tripot 96”x96” (244x244)cm buah 4.071.000

7 ALPHA Motorized with remote control 70”x70” ALPHA Motorized with remote control 70”x70” (183x183)cm buah 5.815.000

8 ALPHA Motorized with remote control 84”x84” ALPHA Motorized with remote control 84”x84” (213x213)cm buah 6.542.000

9 ALPHA Motorized with remote control 96”x96” ALPHA Motorized with remote control 96”x96” (244x244)cm buah 6.905.000

10 Layar Fokus Tripod 60" Layar Fokus Tripod 60" . buah 824.000
11 Layar Fokus Tripod 84" Layar Fokus Tripod 84". buah 2.001.000

12 Layar Fokus Tripod 96" Layar Fokus Tripod 96". buah 3.414.000

13 Layar Fokus Wall 60" Layar Fokus Wall 60" . buah 942.000

14 Layar Fokus Wall 84" . Layar Fokus Wall 84" . buah 1.648.000

15 Layar Fokus Wall 96" Layar Fokus Wall 96" . buah 2.590.000

16 Layar Fokus Wall 120" Layar Fokus Wall 120". buah 3.531.000

17 Layar Fokus VS150 Layar Fokus VS150(231x305cm). buah 2.825.000

18 Layar Fokus Motorized+remote Layar Fokus Motorized+remote (Motor 70" + remote). buah 5.670.000
19 Layar Fokus Motorized+remote Layar Fokus Motorized+remote (Motor 84" + remote) buah 9.449.000

20 Layar Fokus Motorized+remote Layar Fokus Motorized+remote (Motor 96" + remote). buah 9.449.000

21 Layar Fokus Motorized+remote Layar Fokus Motorized+remote (Motor 120" + remote). buah 13.446.000

22 Layar Fokus Motorized+remote Motor VS150 Layar Fokus Motorized+remote Motor VS150(231x305cm) + remote. buah 12.719.000

23 Layar Fokus Motorized+remote Layar Fokus Motorized+remote (Motor 144" + remote). buah 15.263.000

24 Layar Fokus Motorized+remote Motor VS200 Layar Fokus Motorized+remote Motor VS200(307x406cm) + remote. buah 21.804.000

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 143
1 2 3 4 5 6
25 Layar Fokus Wall-Mounting-Screen:VS84 Layar Fokus Wall-Mounting-Screen: VS84 (128x171). buah 7.769.000

26 Layar Fokus Wall-Mounting-Screen:VS120 Layar Fokus Wall-Mounting-Screen: VS120 (183x244). buah 8.357.000

27 Layar Fokus Wall-Mounting-Screen:VS150 Layar Fokus Wall-Mounting-Screen: VS150 (229x305). buah 9.534.000
28 Layar Fokus Wall-Mounting-Screen:VS200 Layar Fokus Wall-Mounting-Screen: VS200 (305x406). buah 10.770.000
Layar Fokus Fast-Foldable Frame: VS100 (152x203) (dapat 2-screen:
29 Layar Fokus Fast-Foldable Frame:VS100 buah 19.624.000
standart & rear-screen).
Layar Fokus Fast-Foldable Frame:VS120 (183x244) (dapat 2-screen:
30 Layar Fokus Fast-Foldable Frame:VS120 buah 21.078.000
standart & rear-screen).
Layar Fokus Fast-Foldable Frame:VS150 (229x305) (dapat 2-screen:
31 Layar Fokus Fast-Foldable Frame:VS150 buah 21.441.000
standart & rear-screen).
Layar Fokus Fast-Foldable Frame:VS180 (275x366) (dapat 2-screen:
32 Layar Fokus Fast-Foldable Frame:VS180 buah 25.438.000
standart & rear-screen).
Layar Fokus Fast-Foldable Frame:VS200 (305x406) (dapat 2-screen:
33 Layar Fokus Fast-Foldable Frame:VS200 buah 27.619.000
standart & rear-screen).
Layar Fokus Fast-Foldable Frame:VS300 (457x609) (dapat 2-screen:
34 Layar Fokus Fast-Foldable Frame:VS300 buah 84.309.000
standart & rear-screen).
35 Laser Pointer Laser Pointer. buah 95.000
36 HP Wireless Presenter HP Wireless Presenter. buah 727.000
37 Bracket Projector Focus Alumunium Bracket Projector Focus Alumunium (max.6kg/43-65cm). buah 471.000

38 Bracket Projector Focus Besi Bracket Projector Focus Besi (lebih>6kg/55-85cm). buah 707.000

600dpi, Resolution Enhancement: EPSON Aculaser Color 2400 RIT, 25ppm
1 EPSON Aculaser C1100 (black), 5ppm (color), Proc. 66.7Mhz, Parallel & USB Hi-Speed, New buah 7.196.000
AcuBrite Toners, Energy Star
600dpi, EPSON Aculaser Color 2400 RIT, 30ppm (black), 7.5ppm (color),
Proc. 350Mhz, Parallel & USB Hi-Speed, Standard Network Connectivity,
2 EPSON Aculaser C2600N buah 12.196.000
Standard Adobe® Postscript® 3™, Energy Star, Easy to Use and Maintain,
Large Paper Capacity
600dpi, EPSON Aculaser Color 2400 RIT, 24ppm (black), 24ppm (color),
3 EPSON Aculaser C9100N Proc. 600Mhz, Built-in Memory: 128MB up to 1024MB max with EPSON buah 56.676.000
MiTech, Parallel & USB Hi-Speed, Energy Star
(A4) up to 8ppm - color & black, 600x600dpi with HP ImageREt 2400,
264MHz Motorola CFV4e processor, 16MB RAM (MEt), 250-sheet input tray,
1 HP Color LaserJet 1600 Printer buah 4.957.000
Host-based printing language (no PCL or PostScript®), Hi-Speed USB 2.0
port, up to 20,000 monthly duty cycle.
CC376A CLJ CP 1215 (Letter/A4) up to 12 ppm Black & 08 ppm Color |
2 HP Color LaserJet CC376A CLJ CP 1215 264MHz processor | 16MB RAM (no upgrade) | RMPV: 250 – 1,000 pages | buah 5.495.000
Monthly Duty Cycle: up to 25,000 pages.
HP Color LaserJet CC377A CLJ CP 1515n (Letter/A4) up to 12 ppm Black &
3 HP Color LaserJet CC377A CLJ CP 1515n 08 ppm Color | 450 MHz processor | 96MB up to 352MB RAM | RMPV: 250 – buah 6.614.000
1,000 pages | Monthly Duty Cycle: up to 30,000 pages.

HP Color LaserJet CB395A CLJ CM 1017 MFP (Print, Scan, Copy)

(Letter/A4) up to 08 ppm Black & 08 ppm Color | 300 MHz processor | 96MB
4 HP Color LaserJet CB395A CLJ CM 1017 MFP buah 7.850.000
up to 224MB RAM |RMPV: 500 – 1,500 pages | Duty Cycle: up to 35,000
pages | work ready | photo memory card slots | TFT panel 2.4 inch.
Up to 17 ppm (letter)/16 ppm (A4) black & colour, up to 600 x 600 dpi with
5 HP Color LaserJet 3600 Printer imageREt 3600 black & colour; Up to 50,000 pages per month duty cycle; buah 11.004.000
64MB SDRAM memory; USB 2.0 port
20ppm black, 15ppm color (Letter & A4), first page out - 13 seconds (B&W),
300MHz processor, HP ImageREt 2400, 64MB up to 320MB, HP PCL 5c, PCL
6 HP Color LaserJet 2700 Printer buah 12.153.000
6 & Postscript level 3 emulation, input: 100 & 250 sheet trays, 55,000 duty
cycle, Hi-Speed USB 2.0 port
Up to 17ppm (letter)/16 ppm (A4) color & black, 600x600dpi with ImageREt
7 HP Color LaserJet 3600n Printer 3600, 64MB RAM, HP JetReady 4.2, input: 100 & 250 sheet trays, up to buah 12.792.000
50,000 pages per month, USB 2.0, network ready.
20ppm black, 15ppm color (Letter & A4), first page out - 13 secs (B&W), HP
ImageREt 2400, 64MB up to 320MB, HP PCL 5c, 6 & PS Lvl 3 emulation,
8 HP Color LaserJet 2700n Printer buah 14.013.000
input: 100 & 250 sheet trays, 55,000 duty cycle, Hi-Speed USB 2.0 port &
Ethernet 10/100Base-TX print server
Up to 17 ppm (letter)/16 ppm (A4) black & colour, up to 600 x 600 dpi with
9 HP Color LaserJet 3600dn Printer imageREt 3600; Up to 50,000 pages per month duty cycle; 128MB SDRAM buah 18.112.000
memory; USB 2.0 port, network ready, automatic two-side printing.
(A4) | Up to 21 ppm Black/Color | up to 600 x 600 dpi with HP ImageREt 3600
10 HP Color LaserJet CP3505n Printer | Up to 65,000 pages monthly duty cycle | 256MB up to 1,024MB RAM | Hi- buah 18.825.000
speed USB port 2.0 | 1 EIO slot
(Letter/A4) up to 30 ppm / 29 ppm Black & 15 ppm Color | 533MHz proc |
64MB up to 512MB RAM | RMPV: 1,500 – 5,000 pages | Monthly Duty Cycle:
up to 60,000 pages | FPO: 15 sec (B&W/Color) | Resolution: 600x600dpi w/
11 HP Color LaserJet 3000 Printer HP ImageRET 2400 | Input Tray: 200-sheets standard & 100-sheets multi- buah 19.798.000
purpose | Languange: HP PCL 5c,PCL 6 & HP PS lvl 3 emulation | Interface:
Hi-Speed USB port 2.0 | Support: Windows 98 SE, ME (driver only), 2000,
XP, Server 2003, Vista, Mac OSX, UNIX, Linux

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 144
1 2 3 4 5 6

(Letter/A4) up to 31 ppm / 30 ppm (Black & Color) | 533MHz processor |

288MB up to 544MB RAM | RMPV:2,000 – 10,000 pages | Monthly Duty
Cycle: up to 100,000 pages | network ready | automatic two-side printing |
FPO: 10 sec (B&W/Color) | Resolution: 600x600dpi w/ HP ImageRET 3600 |
12 HP Color LaserJet CP4700dn Printer buah 45.018.000
Input Tray: 500-sheets standard & 100-sheets multi-purpose | Language:
HP PCL 5c,PCL 6 & HP PS lvl 3 emulation | Interface: Hi-Speed USB port 2.0
& Parallel | Support: Windows 98 SE, ME (driver only), 2000, XP, Server
2003, Vista; Mac OSX; UNIX, Linux

(A4) | Up to 21 ppm Black/Color | up to 600 x 600 dpi with HP ImageREt 3600

| Up to 65,000 pages monthly duty cycle | 384MB up to 1,024MB RAM | Hi-
13 HP Color LaserJet CP3505dn Printer buah 22.052.000
speed USB port 2.0 | 1 EIO slot | network ready | Automatic Two-Side
HP Color LaserJet CB443A CLJ CP 3505dn (Letter/A4) up to 22 ppm / 21
ppm (Black&Color) | 450MHz processor | 384MB up to 1,024MB RAM |
14 HP Color LaserJet CB443A CLJ CP 3505dn buah 22.052.000
RMPV: 1,500 – 5,000 pages | Monthly Duty Cycle: up to 65,000 pages |
network ready | automatic two-side printing.
(Letter/A4) up to 30 ppm / 29 ppm Black & 15 ppm Color | 533MHz proc |
128MB up to 512MB RAM | RMPV: 1,500 – 5,000 pages | Monthly Duty Cycle:
up to 60,000 pages | network ready | FPO: 15 sec (B&W/Color) | Resolution:
15 HP Color LaserJet 3000n Printer 600x600dpi w/ HP ImageRET 2400 | Input Tray: 200-sheets standard & 100- buah 24.246.000
sheets multi-purpose | Languange: HP PCL 5c,PCL 6 & HP PS lvl 3
emulation | Interface: Hi-Speed USB port 2.0 | Support: Windows 98 SE, ME
(driver only), 2000, XP, Server 2003, Vista, Mac OSX, UNIX, Linux

(Letter/A4) up to 30 ppm Black / 25 ppm Color | 533MHz processor | 128MB

up to 512MB RAM | RMPV: 2,000 – 7,500 pages | Monthly Duty Cycle: up to
80,000 pages | network ready | FPO: 10 sec (B&W/Color) | Resolution:
16 HP Color LaserJet CP4005n Printer 600x600dpi w/ HP ImageRET 3600 | Input Tray: 500-sheets standard & 100- buah 24.959.000
sheets multi-purpose | Languange: HP PCL 5c | PCL 6 & HP PS lvl 3
emulation | Interface: Hi-Speed USB port 2.0 | Support: Windows 98 SE, ME
(driver only), 2000, XP, Server 2003, Vista, Mac OSX.

HP Color LaserJet CB503A CLJ CP 4005n (Letter/A4) up to 30 ppm Black /

17 HP Color LaserJet CB503A CLJ CP 4005n 25 ppm Color | 533MHz processor | 128MB up to 512MB RAM | RMPV: 2,000 buah 24.959.000
– 7,500 pages | Monthly Duty Cycle: up to 80,000 pages | network ready.

(Letter/A4) up to 30 ppm / 29 ppm Black & 15 ppm Color | 533MHz proc |

256MB up to 512MB RAM | RMPV: 1,500 – 5,000 pages | Monthly Duty Cycle:
up to 60,000 pages | network ready | automatic two-side printing. | FPO: 15
sec (B&W/Color) | Resolution: 600x600dpi w/ HP ImageRET 2400 | Input
18 HP Color LaserJet 3000dn Printer buah 26.020.000
Tray: 200-sheets standard & 100-sheets multi-purpose | Languange: HP
PCL 5c,PCL 6 & HP PS lvl 3 emulation | Interface: Hi-Speed USB port 2.0 |
Support: Windows 98 SE, ME (driver only), 2000, XP, Server 2003, Vista,
Mac OSX, UNIX, Linux

(Letter/A4) up to 30 ppm Black / 25 ppm Color | 533MHz processor | 256MB

up to 512MB RAM | RMPV:2,000 – 7,500 pages | Monthly Duty Cycle: up to
80,000 pages | network ready | automatic two-side printing | FPO: 10 sec
19 HP Color LaserJet CP4005dn Printer (B&W/Color) | Resolution: 600x600dpi w/ HP ImageRET 3600 | Input Tray: buah 31.427.000
500-sheets standard & 100-sheets multi-purpose | Languange: HP PCL 5c |
PCL 6 & HP PS lvl 3 emulation | Interface: Hi-Speed USB port 2.0 | Support:
Windows 98 SE, ME (driver only), 2000, XP, Server 2003, Vista, Mac OSX.

(Letter/A4) up to 31 ppm / 30 ppm (Black & Color) | 533MHz processor |

160MB up to 544MB RAM | RMPV:2,000 – 10,000 pages | Monthly Duty
Cycle: up to 100,000 pages | network ready | FPO: 10 sec (B&W/Color) |
Resolution: 600x600dpi w/ HP ImageRET 3600 | Input Tray: 500-sheets
20 HP Color LaserJet CP4700n Printer buah 36.224.000
standard & 100-sheets multi-purpose | Language: HP PCL 5c,PCL 6 & HP
PS lvl 3 emulation | Interface: Hi-Speed USB port 2.0 & Parallel | Support:
Windows 98 SE, ME (driver only), 2000, XP, Server 2003, Vista; Mac OSX;
UNIX, Linux
HP Color LaserJet Q7493A CLJ 4700dn (Letter/A4) up to 31 ppm / 30 ppm
(Black&Color) | 533MHz processor | 288MB up to 544MB RAM | RMPV: 2,000
21 HP Color LaserJet Q7493A CLJ 4700dn buah 40.934.000
– 10,000 pages | Monthly Duty Cycle: up to 100,000 pages | network ready |
Automatic two-side printing.
28ppm (A4) with a 533 MHz processor, 600x600dpi with hp ImageREt 3600,
22 HP Color LaserJet 5550 - A3 size Printer 160MB memory, HP PCL 6, 5c (via web) & PS 3 emulation, input: 100 sheet buah 50.716.000
multipurpose & 500 sheet tray, 120,000 duty cycle, 2 EIO slots.

28ppm (A4) with a 533 MHz processor, 600x600dpi with hp ImageREt 3600,
160MB memory, HP PCL 6, 5c (via web) & PS 3 emulation, auto-duplex,
23 HP Color LaserJet 5550dn - A3 size Printer buah 57.810.000
Jetdirect 620n network card, input: 100 sheet multipurpose & 500 sheet
tray, 120,000 duty cycle, 2 EIO slots

(Letter/A4) up to 31 ppm / 30 ppm (Black & Color) | 533MHz processor |

288MB up to 544MB RAM | RMPV:2,000 – 10,000 pages | Monthly Duty
Cycle: up to 100,000 pages | network ready | automatic two-side printing |
add 2x500-sheets input tray (total: 1500sheets) | FPO: 10 sec (B&W/Color) |
24 HP Color LaserJet CP4700dtn Printer Resolution: 600x600dpi w/ HP ImageRET 3600 | Input Tray: 500-sheets buah 61.807.000
standard & 100-sheets multi-purpose | Language: HP PCL 5c,PCL 6 & HP
PS lvl 3 emulation | Interface: Hi-Speed USB port 2.0 & Parallel | Support:
Windows 98 SE, ME (driver only), 2000, XP, Server2003, Vista; Mac OSX;
UNIX, Linux

28ppm (A4) with a 533 MHz processor, 600x600dpi with hp ImageREt 3600,
288MB memory, HP PCL 6, 5c (via web) & PS 3 emulation, auto-duplex,
25 HP Color LaserJet 5550dtn - A3 size Printer buah 78.422.000
Jetdirect 620n network card, input: 100 sheet multipurpose & 2 x 500 sheet
tray, 120,000 duty cycle, 2 EIO slots


Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 145
1 2 3 4 5 6

1 Samsung CLP-300 Color Laser Printer A4 | 16ppm b/w | 4ppm color | 2400x600dpi | 32MB memory | USB 2.0 buah 4.347.000

2 Samsung CLP-300N Color Laser Printer A4 | 16ppm b/w | 4ppm color | 2400x600dpi | 32MB Memory | USB 2.0 buah 5.074.000
19 ppm B/W | 5 ppm Color | 128 MB(max 256MB) | 2400dpi | Input Capacity
3 Samsung CLP-350N 150 Sheet | USB 2.0 | Ethernet 10/100 Base TX | PostCript3 | PCL6 | Printing buah 5.800.000
Languages SPL-C
20 ppm B/W & Colour | 128MB (Max384MB) | USB 2.0 & Ethernet 10/100
4 Samsung CLP-610ND Base TX | PCL6 | SPL-C | 2400X600dpi | Input Capacity: Input&output 250- buah 8.708.000
sheet Cassette Tray | Duplex
24 ppm B/W & Colour | 128MB (Max640MB) | USB 2.0 & Ethernet 10/100
5 Samsung CLP-660ND Base TX | PostScript3 | PCL6 | SPL-C | 2400X600 dpi | Input Capacity: buah 12.342.000
Input&output 250-sheet Cassette Tray | Duplex
1 Canon Laser Shot LBP2900 A4, 2400 x 600 dpi, 12ppm, USB buah 2.036.000

A4, Fast print speed of 20ppm, 600dpi, Network, Proc. 48Mhz, Parallel &
1 EPSON EPL-6200L buah 2.152.000
A4, Fast print speed of 20ppm, 600dpi, Network, Proc. 200Mhz, Standard
2 EPSON EPL-6200 buah 4.492.000
Adobe® PostScript® 3™, Parallel & USB
A4, Fast print speed of 25ppm(A4) & 15ppm (A3), 600dpi, Duplex & Network
3 EPSON EPL-N2500 buah 20.642.000
Options, Proc. 200Mhz, Parallel, USB, Type B Interface
A4, Fast print speed of 34ppm, 600dpi, Standard Adobe® PostScript® 3™,
4 EPSON EPL-3000 buah 26.877.000
Duplex & Network Options, Proc. 300Mhz, Ethernet, Parallel, USB
Up to 17ppm letter / 16ppm A4 | Up to 600x600dpi (1200dpi effective output)
1 HP Laserjet P1006 Printer | RMPV: 250 to 1500 pages | Duty Cycle: 5000 pages | USB 2.0 | HP LaserJet buah 1.701.000
Black Print Cartridge.
A4 | 1200x1200dpi | up to 23ppm | 32MB Memory | 264 MHz Processor | USB
2 HP Laserjet P2014 Printer buah 4.637.000
& Parallel Port
23ppm A4 | 600x600dpi | Duty Cycle: up to 8000 | 32MB Memory | USB 2.0 |
3 HP Laserjet P1505n Printer buah 5.088.000
Basic 10/100 Networking
4 HP LaserJet P2015d 1200dpi, up to 26ppm, 288MB (max), Proc. 400MHz, Hi-Speed USB buah 5.800.000

(Letter/A4) up to 35 ppm / 33 ppm | 400MHz processor | 48MB up to 304MB

RAM | RMPV: 1,500 – 5,000 pages | Monthly Duty Cycle: up to 100,000
pages.| FPO: 11 sec | Resolution: 1,200x1,200dpi w/ HP FastRes 1200 |
5 HP LaserJet P3005 Printer buah 11.033.000
Input Tray: 500-sheets standard & 100-sheets multi-purpose | Language:
HP PCL 5e,PCL 6 & HP PS lvl 3 emulation | Interface: Hi-Speed USB port 2.0
| Support: Windows 2000, XP, Server 2003, Vista, Mac OSX; UNIX, Linux

Up to 35 ppm (A4, A5, A6) with Instant-on Technology; up to 1200 x 1200

6 HP LaserJet P3005d Printer – NEW dpi; 64MB RAM upgradeable to 320 MB; up to 100,000 pages/month; PCL buah 12.545.000
5e, PCL 6, Postscripts level 3; up to 1100 sheets, max; auto duplex.

Up to 35 ppm (A4, A5, A6) with Instant-on Technology; up to 1200 x 1200

7 HP LaserJet P3005n Printer – NEW dpi; 80MB RAM upgradeable to 320 MB; up to 100,000 pages/month; PCL buah 13.984.000
5e, PCL 6, Postscripts level 3; up to 1100 sheets, max; network.
Up to 28 ppm (A4), ProRes 1200 (1200x1200dpi), 250 sheet tray & 100 sheet
multi-purpose tray, 64MB up to 320MB, PCL 5e, 6, PS L3 emulation & direct
8 HP LaserJet 2420dn buah 13.940.000
PDF, IEEE-1284-B parallel, USB 2.0 & Jetdirect Fast Ethernet print server,
75,000 pages/month, duplexer
A3 printer, 25ppm (A4 & letter), 460MHz processor, 1200dpi-effective output
(600x600dpi - FastRes 1200), 250 sheet tray & 100 sheet multi-tray, 32MB to
9 HP LaserJet 5200L Printer [A3 size] buah 16.310.000
128MB, PCL 5e, 6, & HP PS L3 emulation, Hi-Speed USB 2.0 & IEEE-1284
parallel, 50,000 pages per month
(Letter/A4) up to 35 ppm / 33 ppm | 400MHz processor | 80MB up to 320MB
RAM | RMPV: 1,500 – 5,000 pages | Monthly Duty Cycle: up to 100,000
pages | Network Ready | Automatic two-side printing | FPO: 11 sec |
10 HP LaserJet P3005dn Printer Resolution: 1,200x1,200dpi w/ HP FastRes 1200 | Input Tray: 500-sheets buah 16.862.000
standard & 100-sheets multi-purpose | Language: HP PCL 5e,PCL 6 & HP
PS lvl 3 emulation | Interface: Hi-Speed USB port 2.0 | Support: Windows
2000, XP, Server 2003, Vista, Mac OSX; UNIX, Linux
43ppm(A4), 460 MHz processor, Res 1200 dpi, 500 sheet & 100 sheet multi-
11 HP LaserJet 4250 Printer tray, 48MB up to 512MB, PCL 5e, 6,PS L3 emulation, IEEE-1284 parallel, buah 17.153.000
USB 2.0, 200,000 page duty cycle, EIO slot
up to 35ppm (A4) & 18.5ppm (A3), 460MHz processor, HP FastRes & ProRes
1200 (1200x1200dpi), 250 sheet tray & 100 sheet multi-purpose tray, 48MB
12 HP LaserJet 5200 Printer [A3 size] buah 19.508.000
up to 512MB, PCL 5e, 6, PostScript L3 emulation, Hi-speed USB 2.0 & IEEE-
1284 parallel, 65000 page duty cycle

Up to 35 ppm (A4, A5, A6) with Instant-on Technology; up to 1200 x 1200

dpi; 80MB RAM upgradeable to 320 MB; up to 100,000 pages/month; PCL
13 HP LaserJet P3005x Printer – NEW buah 19.333.000
5e, PCL 6, Postscripts level 3; up to 1100 sheets, max;

43ppm(A4), 460 MHz processor, Res 1200 dpi, 500 sheet & 100 sheet multi-
14 HP LaserJet 4250N Printer tray, 64MB up to 512MB, PCL 5e, 6, PS L3 emulation, IEEE-1284 parallel, buah 21.150.000
USB 2.0, 200,000 page duty cycle, EIO slot, network card

35ppm (A4) & 18.5ppm (A3), 460MHz processor, FastRes & ProRes 1200
(1200x1200dpi), 250 sheet tray & 100 sheet multi-tray, 64MB to 512MB, PCL
15 HP LaserJet 5200N Printer [A3 size] buah 22.386.000
5e, 6, PS L3 emulation, Hi-speed USB, Fast Ethernet print server & IEEE-
1284 parallel, 65,000 pages / month

55ppm(letter), 460 MHz processor, Res 1200 dpi, 500 sheet & 100 sheet
16 HP LaserJet 4350N Printer multi-tray, 80MB up to 512MB, PCL 5e, 6, PS L3 emulation, IEEE-1284 buah 24.348.000
parallel, USB 2.0, 250,000 page duty cycle, Network card, EIO slot

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 146
1 2 3 4 5 6

43ppm(A4), 460 MHz processor, Res 1200 dpi, 2x500 sheet & 100 sheet
17 HP LaserJet 4250TN Printer multi-tray, 64MB up to 512MB, PCL 5e, 6, PS L3 emulation, IEEE-1284 buah 27.822.000
parallel, USB 2.0, 200,000 page duty cycle , EIO slot, network card

55ppm(letter), 460 MHz processor, Res 1200 dpi, 2x500 sheet & 100 sheet
18 HP LaserJet 4350TN Printer multi-tray, 80MB up to 512MB, PCL 5e, 6, PS L3 emulation, IEEE-1284 buah 31.573.000
parallel, USB 2.0, 250,000 page duty cycle, Network card, EIO slot
35ppm (A4) & 18.5ppm (A3), 460MHz processor, FastRes & ProRes 1200
(1200x1200dpi), 250 & 500 sheet trays & 100 sheet multi-tray, 64MB to
19 HP LaserJet 5200TN Printer [A3 size] buah 31.892.000
512MB, PCL 5e, 6, PS L3 emulation, Hi-speed USB, Fast Ethernet print
server & IEEE-1284, 65,000 pages / month
43ppm(A4), 460 MHz processor, Res 1200 dpi, 2x500 sheet & 100 sheet
multi-tray, 80MB up to 512MB, PCL 5e, 6, PS L3 emulation, IEEE-1284
20 HP LaserJet 4250DTN Printer buah 33.259.000
parallel, USB 2.0, 200,000 page duty cycle, EIO slot, network card,
automatic duplexer
A3 printer, 25ppm (A4 & letter), 460MHz processor, 1200dpi-effective output
(600x600dpi - FastRes 1200), 250 sheet tray & 100 sheet multi-tray, 32MB to
21 HP LaserJet 4350DTN Printer buah 36.369.000
128MB, PCL 5e, 6, & HP PS L3 emulation, Hi-Speed USB 2.0 & IEEE-1284
parallel, 50,000 pages per month
35ppm (A4) & 18.5ppm (A3), 460MHz processor, FastRes & ProRes 1200
(1200x1200dpi), 250 & 500 sheet trays & 100 sheet multi-tray, 128MB to
22 HP LaserJet 5200DTN Printer [A3 size] buah 37.489.000
512MB, PCL 5e, 6, PS L3 emulation, Hi-speed USB, Ethernet print server &
IEEE-1284, 65,000 pages/month, auto duplex
(Letter/A4) up to 40 ppm | 533MHz processor | 64MB up to 512MB RAM |
RMPV: 10,000 – 30,000 pages | Monthly Duty Cycle: up to 300,000 pages |
FPO: 8 sec | Resolution: 600x600dpi w/ HP FastRes & ImageRet 1200 | Input
23 HP LaserJet 9040 Printer Tray: 2x500-sheets standard | Language: HP PCL 5e,PCL 6 & HP PS lvl 3 buah 44.524.000
emulation | direct PDF v1.3 (min. 128MB printer memory) | xHTML |
Interface: Parallel | Support: Windows 2000, XP, Server 2003, Vista; Mac
OSX; UNIX, Linux

(Letter/A4) up to 40 ppm | 533MHz processor | 128MB up to 512MB RAM |

RMPV: 10,000 – 30,000 pages | Monthly Duty Cycle: up to 300,000 pages |
Network Ready | FPO: 8 sec | Resolution: 600x600dpi w/ HP FastRes &
24 HP LaserJet 9040n Printer ImageRet 1200 | Input Tray: 2x500-sheets standard | Language: HP PCL buah 50.847.000
5e,PCL 6 & HP PS lvl 3 emulation | direct PDF v1.3 (min. 128MB printer
memory) | xHTML | Interface: Parallel | Support: Windows 2000, XP, Server
2003, Vista; Mac OSX; UNIX, Linux

(Letter/A4) up to 40 ppm | 533MHz processor | 128MB up to 512MB RAM |

RMPV: 10,000 – 30,000 pages | Monthly Duty Cycle: up to 300,000 pages |
Network Ready | Automatic Two-side Printing | FPO: 8 sec | Resolution:
25 HP LaserJet 9040dn Printer 600x600dpi w/ HP FastRes & ImageRet 1200 | Input Tray: 2x500-sheets buah 56.807.000
standard | Language: HP PCL 5e,PCL 6 & HP PS lvl 3 emulation | direct PDF
v1.3 (min. 128MB printer memory) | xHTML | Interface: Parallel | Support:
Windows 2000, XP, Server 2003, Vista; Mac OSX; UNIX, Linux

(Letter/A4) up to 50 ppm | 533MHz processor | 128MB up to 512MB RAM |

RMPV:10,000 – 50,000 pages | Monthly Duty Cycle: up to 300,000 pages |
network ready | Automatic Two-side Printing | FPO: 8 sec | Resolution:
26 HP LaserJet 9050dn Printer 600x600dpi w/ HP FastRes & ImageRet 1200 | Input Tray: 2x500-sheets buah 72.273.000
standard | Languange: HP PCL 5e,PCL 6 & HP PS lvl 3 emulation, direct
PDF v1.3 (min. 128MB printer memory) | xHTML | Interface: Parallel |
Support: Windows 2000, XP, Server 2003, Vista; Mac OSX; UNIX, Linux


Up to 20 ppm (Letter), 19 ppm (A4) | 600 x 600 dpi, 1200 Image Quality | As
1 Lexmark E-120N Mono Laser Printer fast as 8 seconds time to first page | 16MB memory standard | PCL 6 buah 1.963.000
emulation standard | Ethernet-Ready 10/100BaseTX

A4, 20ppm, 1200dpi Printing, 1x 150 Multipurspose Tray, 1 x Manual Tray,
1 Samsung ML-2010 buah 1.091.000
2 Samsung ML-1610 A4, 600dpi, 16 ppm, 1 x 150 tray, USB buah 1.672.000
22 ppm | 8MB | USB interface | Samsung Printer Language | 1200dpi | Input
3 Samsung ML-2240 buah 1.817.000
Capacity : 150-sheet.
24 ppm | 8MB | USB & Parallel interface | Samsung Printer Language |
4 Samsung ML-2510 Mono Laser Printer buah 2.602.000
1200dpi | Input Capacity: 250-sheet
24 ppm | 32MB | USB & Parallel interface | PCL6 & PS3 | 1200 dpi | Input
5 Samsung ML-2570 Mono Laser Printer buah 2.893.000
Capacity : 250-sheet | optional Ethernet 10/100 Base TX
17ppm | 8MB | USB interface | Samsung Printer Language | 1200X600dpi |
6 Samsung ML-1630 Mono Laser Printer buah 3.475.000
Input Capacity : 100-sheet
Part Number ML-1630/XSS, (17ppm, 8MB, USB interface, Samsung Printer
7 Samsung ML-1630 buah 3.475.000
Language, 1200X600dpi, Input Capacity: 100-sheet).
24 ppm | 32MB | USB & Parallel interface | PCL6 & PS3 | 1200 dpi | Input
8 Samsung ML-2571N Mono Laser Printer buah 3.475.000
Capacity : 250-sheet | Ethernet 10/100 Base TX
24 ppm | 32MB | USB & Parallel interface | PCL6 & PS3 | 1200dpi | Input
9 Samsung ML-2850D buah 3.765.000
Capacity : 250-sheet | Ethernet 10/100 Base TX | Duplex | Starter : 2k pages.
A4, 1200dpi, 22ppm, 1 x 250 Sheet Cassete Tray, 1 x 50 Sheet Multipurpose
10 Samsung ML-2250 buah 4.507.000
Tray, USB & Paralel.
A4, 1200dpi, 22ppm, 1 x 250 Sheet Cassete Tray, 1 x 50 Sheet Multipurpose
11 Samsung ML-2251N buah 4.579.000
Tray, USB, Paralel & Ethernet 10/100 Base TX.
28 ppm | 32MB | USB & Parallel interface | PCL6 & PS3 | 1200dpi | Input
12 Samsung ML-2851ND Mono Laser Printer buah 6.236.000
Capacity : 250-sheet | Ethernet 10/100 Base TX | Duplex
33 ppm | 32MB up to 288MB | USB & Parallel interface | PCL6 | PS3 | PSL |
13 Samsung ML-3470D buah 6.236.000
1200dpi | Input Capacity : 250-sheet | Duplex | Starter : 4k pages.

33 ppm | 64MB up to 320MB | USB & Parallel interface | Ethernet 10/100

14 Samsung ML-3471ND buah 6.963.000
Base TX | PCL6 | PS3 | PSL | 1200dpi | Input Capacity: 250-sheet | Duplex.

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 147
1 2 3 4 5 6
38 ppm 64MB up to 512MB | USB & Parallel interface | Ethernet 10/100 Base
15 Samsung ML-4050ND buah 8.998.000
TX | PCL6 | PS3 | 1200dpi | Input Capacity : 500-sheet, Duplex
PRINT: 600dpi, EPSON Aculaser™ Color 2400 RIT, 25ppm B&W, 5ppm
color, Network, 128MB; SCAN: 2second B&W, 11 second color, 9600dpi
1 EPSON Aculaser CX11N unit 13.504.000
Enhanced, 600dpi optical; COPY: 600dpi, 25ppm B&W, 5ppm Color; FAX:
PSTN, PBX, 2.400bps to 33.6KBps, Super G3
Print/Copy: Up to 8ppm (A4 & letter) monochrome & color with 300 MHz
processor, HP ImageREt 2400, 96MB RAM upto 224MB, HP PCL 6, HP PS
1 HP Color LaserJet CM1015 MFP buah 9.667.000
level 3 emulation & PPD, Hi-speed USB 2.0, up to 1200dpi optical scanning,
250 sheet input, priority feed tray

Print/Copy: Up to 8ppm (A4 & letter) B&W & color, 300 MHz processor, HP
ImageREt 2400, 96MB RAM up to 224MB, PCL 6, HP PS level 3 emulation &
2 HP Color LaserJet CM1017 MFP buah 11.993.000
PPD, Hi-speed USB 2.0 & Ethernet Print server, up to 1200dpi optical scan,
250 sheet input, priority feed tray

(A4) black 19ppm/19cpm (FastRes 1200 print & 600x600 dpi copy), color
4ppm/4cpm (ImageRET 2400), 96MB RAM, PCL 6& PS L3 emulation, 125 &
3 HP Color LaserJet 2840 All-in-One buah 18.825.000
250-sheet trays, 50 page ADF: scanner 1200x1200ppi optical: Fax: up to
33kbps fax modem, USB 2.0, 10/100 integrated, 264MHz processor
Up to 30ppm (A4) monochrome & color with 533 MHz processor, HP
ImageREt 3600, 320MB RAM, 40GB HDD, HP PCL 6, 5c & HP PS level 3
4 HP Color LaserJet 4730MFP buah 81.402.000
emulation, parallel, USB & jetdirect card, input: 100 sheet multipurpose, 3 x
500 sheet trays & 50 page ADF
Up to 30ppm (A4) monochrome & color with 533 MHz processor, HP
ImageREt 3600, 320MB RAM, 40GB HDD, HP PCL 6, 5c & HP PS level 3
5 HP Color LaserJet 4730xMFP + Fax buah 84.629.000
emulation, parallel, USB & jetdirect card, input: 100 sheet multipurpose, 3 x
500 sheet trays, 50 page ADF & RJ-11 fax port
Up to 40ppm (A4) monochrome & color | 835 MHz processor | HP ImageREt
4800 | 512MB RAM | 80GB HDD | HP PCL 6, 5c & HP PS level 3 emulation |
6 HP Color LaserJet CM6040 MFP Printer buah 134.458.000
parallel | USB & jetdirect card | input: 100 sheet multipurpose | 2 x 500
sheet trays & 50 page ADF
Up to 50ppm Black & White | 40ppm Color with Intel Pentium M-730 | 1.6
GHz processor | HP Edgeline Technology | 1GB DDR2 RAM | 80GB HDD |
7 HP CM8050 Color MFP Printer (Single Output Bin) buah 297.987.000
HP PCL 6, 5c & HP PS level 3 emulation | USB & jetdirect card | input: 80
sheet multi, 3x500 sheet | 220,000 duty cycle | Includes Single Output Bin

Up to 50ppm Black & White | 40ppm Color with Intel Pentium M-730 | 1.6
GHz processor | HP Edgeline Technology | 1GB DDR2 RAM | 80GB HDD |
8 HP CM8050 Color MFP Printer (Job Separator) buah 356.567.000
HP PCL 6, 5c & HP PS level 3 emulation | USB & jetdirect card | input: 80
sheet multi, 3x500 sheet | 220,000 duty cycle | Includes 4 bin Job Separator

Up to 60ppm Black & White | 50ppm Color | Intel Pentium M-730 | 1.6 GHz
processor | HP Edgeline Technology | 1GB DDR2 RAM | 80GB HDD | HP
9 HP CM8060 Color MFP Printer (Single Output Bin) buah 366.161.000
PCL 6, 5c & HP PS level 3 emulation | USB & jetdirect card | input: 80 sheet
multi, 3x500 sheet | 250,000 duty cycle | Includes Single Output Bin

Up to 60ppm Black & White | 50ppm Color | Intel Pentium M-730 | 1.6 GHz
processor | HP Edgeline Technology | 1GB DDR2 RAM | 80GB HDD | HP
10 HP CM8060 Color MFP Printer (Job Separator) buah 386.947.000
PCL 6, 5c & HP PS level 3 emulation | USB & jetdirect card | input: 80 sheet
multi, 3x500 sheet | 250,000 duty cycle | Includes 4 bin Job Separator

Up to 50ppm Black & White | 40ppm Color with Intel Pentium M-730 | 1.6
GHz processor | HP Edgeline Technology | 1GB DDR2 RAM | 80GB HDD |
11 HP CM8050 Color MFP Printer (Finisher) buah 391.744.000
HP PCL 6, 5c & HP PS level 3 emulation | USB & jetdirect card | input: 80
sheet multi, 3x500 sheet | 220,000 duty cycle | Includes Multifuction Finisher

Up to 60ppm Black & White | 50ppm Color | Intel Pentium M-730 | 1.6 GHz
processor | HP Edgeline Technology | 1GB DDR2 RAM | 80GB HDD | HP
12 HP CM8060 Color MFP Printer (Finisher) buah 420.526.000
PCL 6, 5c & HP PS level 3 emulation | USB & jetdirect card | input: 80 sheet
multi, 3x500 sheet | 250,000 duty cycle | Includes Multifunction Finisher

C. Samsung
16 ppm B/W | 4 ppm Color | 64 MB | 2400dpi | Input Capacity 150 Sheet |
1 Samsung CLP-300 Series buah 4.347.000
USB 2.0 | Ethernet 10/100 Base TX | Printing Languages
16 ppm B/W | 4 ppm Color | 32 MB | 2400dpi | Input Capacity 150 Sheet |
2 Samsung CLP-310 Series buah 4.507.000
USB 2.0 | Ethernet 10/100 Base TX | Printing Languages
19 ppm B/W | 5 ppm Color | 128 MB(max 256MB) | 2400dpi | Input Capacity
3 Samsung CLP-350N 150 Sheet | USB 2.0 | Ethernet 10/100 Base TX | PostCript3 | PCL6 | Printing buah 5.800.000
Print/Scan Speed 16ppm b/w, 4ppm color | Print Resolution 2400x600dpi |
4 Samsung CLX-2160 Series (Print, Copy, Scan) Scan Resolution 1200x600dpi (Optical) | Direct USB Printing | Scan to USB buah 7.690.000
/Folder / Application | ID Copy, N-up Copy | Memory 128MB | USB 2.0.
20 ppm B/W & Colour | 128MB (Max384MB) | USB 2.0 & Ethernet 10/100
5 Samsung CLP-610ND Base TX | PCL6 | SPL-C | 2400X600 dpi | Input Capacity: Input&output 250- buah 8.708.000
sheet Cassette Tray | Duplex.
16 ppm B/W | 4 ppm Color | 128 MB | 2400dpi | Input Capacity 150 Sheet |
6 Samsung CLX-3160FN (Print, Copy, Scan,Fax) USB 2.0 | Ethernet 10/100 Base TX | PostCript3 | PCL6 | Printing Languages buah 10.888.000
24 ppm B/W & Colour | 128MB (Max640MB) | USB 2.0 & Ethernet 10/100
7 Samsung CLP660ND Base TX | PostScript3 | PCL6 | SPL-C | 2400X600 dpi | Input Capacity: buah 12.342.000
Input&output 250-sheet Cassette Tray | Duplex.

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 148
1 2 3 4 5 6

20ppm | <7s FPO with instant on technology | Print, scan and copy with
1 HP Laserjet M1120 flatbed scanner | Chemically grown toner with smart cartridge technology | buah 3.765.000
delivers great quality while saving toner and energy

1200dpi, 18ppm-A4, 264Mhz, 64MB RAM, USB, 250-sheet input tray, 30-
2 HP LaserJet 3050z All-in-One series sheet ADF, PC Fax software, 2MB Fax memory up to 110 pgs, Fast buah 4.943.000
33.6Kbps, 2x RJ-11 ports, 600dpi scan & copy with 24-bit

23ppm | <9.5s FPO with instant on technology | Network ready | Chemically

3 HP Laserjet M1522nf buah 6.353.000
grown toner | delivers great quality while saving toner and energy

1200dpi, 21ppm-A4, 64MB RAM, Proc.264MHz, Flatbed scan 1200dpi-24bit,

4 HP LaserJet 3390 All-in-One series buah 9.289.000
copy 600dpi -24bit, USB, 10/100Base-T, 1x RJ-45 port, 33.6Kbps Fax
27ppm | <8.5s FPO with Instant on Copy and Instant on Fuser Technology |
5 HP Laserjet M2727nf Duplex printing and copying | Productivity enhancing features such as PC buah 10.888.000
fax, Scan to, Fax/Tel and Private Fax
Part Number: CC395A Printer: 50ppm | 533 Mhz processor | 256MB up to
512MB memory | 20GB HDD | 600dpi (with HP FastRes 1200dpi)| HP PCL5e |
6 HP LJ M9050MFP Stacker Printer 6 & PS L3 emulation | 3100 sheet input trays; Copier: 50cpm | 100 sheets buah 23.214.000
ADF | copy resolution 600dpi | black & white faxing (optional) | auto-duplex;
Parallel port | print server & EIO Slot + 3000 Sheet Stacker.
Copy/print up to 27/25ppm (Letter/A4), 256MB to 512MB (MEt), 40GB HDD,
ProRes & FastRes 1200 (REt), HP PCL6, 5, PS L3 emulation & PDF print,
7 HP LaserJet M3027 MFP - NEW buah 27.910.000
100 multi & 500 sheet tray, 50 sheet ADF, HP Jetdirect print server, EIO slot
& 2 x USB (1 type A & 1 type B)
Copy/print 27/25ppm (Letter/A4), 256MB to 512MB (MEt), 40GB HD, ProRes
& FastRes 1200 (REt), PCL6, 5, PS L3 emulation & PDF print, 100 multi &
8 HP LaserJet M3027x MFP - NEW buah 31.732.000
500 sheet tray, 50 sheet ADF, Jetdirect print server, EIO slot & 2xUSB (1
type A & 1 type B), fax at 33.6kbps
Copy/print up to 35/33ppm (Letter/A4), 256MB to 512MB (MEt), 40GB HDD,
ProRes & FastRes 1200 (REt), HP PCL6, 5, PS L3 emulation & PDF print,
9 HP LaserJet M3035 MFP - NEW buah 32.939.000
100 multi & 500 sheet tray, 50 sheet ADF, HP Jetdirect print server, EIO slot
& 2 x USB (1 type A & 1 type B)
Copy/print 35/33ppm (Letter/A4), 256MB to 512MB, 40GB HD, ProRes &
FastRes 1200 (REt), PCL6, 5, PS L3 emulation & PDF print, 100 multi &
10 HP LaserJet M3035xs MFP - NEW buah 40.367.000
2x500 sheet trays, 50 sheet ADF, Jetdirect print server, EIO slot & 2xUSB (1
type A & 1 type B), fax at 33.6kbps
Copy/print up to 45/43ppm (Letter/A4), 256MB to 512MB (MEt), 40GB HD, up
to1200x1200 dpi print (600x600 dpi copy), PCL6, 5e, PS L3 emulation & PDF
11 HP LaserJet M4345 MFP - NEW buah 41.980.000
print, 100 multi & 500 sheet tray, 50 sheet ADF, Jetdirect print server, EIO
slot & USB 2.0 (type B) port
Copy/print up to 25ppm (Letter/A4), 256MB to 512MB (MEt), 40GB HDD,
ProRes & FastRes 1200 (REt), HP PCL6, 5, PS L3 emulation & PDF print,
12 HP LaserJet M5025 MFP [A3 Size]- NEW buah 48.681.000
100 multi & 2x250 sheet trays, 50 sheet ADF, HP Jetdirect print server, EIO
slot & 2 x USB (1 type A & 1 type B)
Printer: 43ppm(A4), 533 MHz processor, 256MB up to 512MB Memory, 20GB
HDD, 600dpi (with HP FastRes 1200), HP PCL 5e, 6, PS L3 emulation, 1100
13 HP LaserJet 4345x mfp printer (including Fax) sheets input tray; Copier: 45cpm, 50 sheets ADF, copy resolution 600dpi; buah 50.862.000
Color scanning, digital sending, auto-duplex, analog faxing, parallel port,
print server, EIO Slot & RJ-11 Fax infterface port
Copy/print - 45/43ppm (Letter/A4), 256MB to 512MB (MEt), 40GB HDD,
1200x1200dpi print, PCL6, 5e, PS L3 emulation & PDF print, 100 multi &
14 HP LaserJet M4345x MFP - NEW buah 56.196.000
2x500 sheet trays, 50 sheet ADF, Jetdirect print server, EIO slot & USB 2.0
(type B) port, analog fax at 33.6kbps
Copy/print up to 35/33ppm (Letter/A4), 256MB to 512MB (MEt), 40GB HDD,
ProRes & FastRes 1200 (REt), HP PCL6, 5, PS L3 emulation & PDF print,
15 HP LaserJet M5035 MFP [A3 Size] - NEW buah 61.953.000
100 multi & 2x250 sheet trays, 50 sheet ADF, HP Jetdirect print server, EIO
slot & 2 x USB (1 type A & 1 type B)
Copy/print 35/33ppm (Letter/A4), 256MB to 512MB, 40GB HDD, ProRes &
FastRes 1200, PCL6, 5, PS L3 emulation & PDF print, 100 multi, 2x250 & 500
16 HP LaserJet M5035x MFP [A3 Size] - NEW buah 72.244.000
sheet bins & cabinet, 50 sheet ADF, Jetdirect print server, EIO slot, 2xUSB
(type A & type B), fax at 33.6kbps
Copy/print 35/33ppm (Letter/A4) | 56MB to 512MB | 40GB HDD | ProRes &
FastRes 1200 | PCL6, 5, PS L3 | emulation & PDF print | 100 multi | 2x250 &
17 HP Laserjet Q7830A LJ M5035x MFP[A3 size] buah 72.244.000
500 sheet bins & cabinet | 50 sheet ADF | Jetdirect print server | EIO slot,
2xUSB (type A & type B) | fax at 33.6kbps.
Copy/print 35/33ppm (Letter/A4), 256MB to 512MB, 40GB HD, ProRes &
FastRes 1200, PCL6, 5, PS L3 emulation & PDF print, 100 multi, 2x250 &
18 HP LaserJet M5035xs MFP [A3 Size] - NEW buah 94.659.000
3x500 sheet bins, 50 page ADF & 30 page staple/stacker, Jetdirect print
server, 2xUSB (type A & B), fax at 33.6kbps
Up to 50ppm | 533 Mhz processor | 256MB up to 512MB memory | 20GB
HDD | 600dpi (with HP FastRes 1200dpi) | HP PCL5e | 6 & PS L3 emulation |
19 HP LJ 9050MFP Stacker Printer 3100 sheet input trays | Copier: 50cpm | 100 sheets ADF | copy resolution buah 191.148.000
600dpi | black & white faxing (optional) | auto-duplex | Parallel port | print
server & EIO Slot + 3000 Sheet Stacker
Up to 50ppm | 533 Mhz processor | 256MB up to 512MB memory | 20GB
HDD | 600dpi (with HP FastRes 1200dpi) | HP PCL5e | 6 & PS L3 emulation |
20 HP LJ 9050MFP Stapler/Stacker Printer 3100 sheet input trays | Copier: 50cpm | 100 sheets ADF | copy resolution buah 193.329.000
600dpi | black & white faxing (optional) | auto-duplex | Parallel port | print
server & EIO Slot + 3000 Sheet Stacker
Part Number: CC395A Printer: 50ppm | 533 Mhz processor | 256MB up to
512MB memory | 20GB HDD | 600dpi (with HP FastRes 1200dpi)| HP PCL5e |
21 HP LJ M9050MFP Stapler/Stacker Printer 6 & PS L3 emulation | 3100 sheet input trays; Copier: 50cpm | 100 sheets buah 194.782.000
ADF | copy resolution 600dpi | black & white faxing (optional) | auto-duplex;
Parallel port | print server & EIO Slot + 3000 Sheet Stacker.
Up to 50ppm | 533 Mhz processor | 256MB up to 512MB memory | 20GB
HDD | 600dpi (with HP FastRes 1200dpi) | HP PCL5e | 6 & PS L3 emulation |
22 HP LJ 9050MFP Multifunction Finisher Printer 3100 sheet input trays | Copier: 50cpm | 100 sheets ADF | copy resolution buah 206.992.000
600dpi | black & white faxing (optional) | auto-duplex | Parallel port | print
server & EIO Slot + 3000 Sheet Stacker.

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 149
1 2 3 4 5 6

Part Number: CC395A Printer: 50ppm | 533 Mhz processor | 256MB up to

512MB memory | 20GB HDD | 600dpi (with HP FastRes 1200dpi)| HP PCL5e |
23 HP LJ M9050MFP Multifunction Finisher Printer 6 & PS L3 emulation | 3100 sheet input trays; Copier: 50cpm | 100 sheets buah 207.865.000
ADF | copy resolution 600dpi | black & white faxing (optional) | auto-duplex;
Parallel port | print server & EIO Slot + 3000 | multifunction finisher.

Printer: 50ppm | 533 Mhz processor | 256MB up to 512MB memory | 20GB

HDD | 600dpi (with HP FastRes 1200dpi) | HP PCL5e, 6 & PS L3 emulation |
HP Laserjet CC395A LJ M9050 MFP [A3 size] w/
24 3100 sheet input trays | Copier: 50cpm | 100 sheets ADF | copy resolution buah 207.865.000
Multifunction Finisher
600dpi | black & white faxing (optional) | auto-duplex | Parallel port | print
server & EIO Slot + Multifunction Finisher

Part Number SF-565PRXST, SF-565PR/XST Print, Copy, Scan, Fax, (16ppm,
1 Samsung SF-565PR/XST 8MB, SPL,600dpi,Input Capacity 250sheet,USB2.0 & Parallel, Fletbed Scan buah 2.893.000
& Copy 200dpi).
16ppm | 8MB | SPL | 600dpi | Input Capacity 250sheet | USB2.0 & Parallel |
2 Samsung SF-565PR buah 2.893.000
Fletbed Scan & Copy 200dpi
18 ppm | 8MB | USB 2.0 | SPL | 600dpi | Input Capacity 250-sheet | Flatbed
3 Samsung SCX-4300 Print, Copy, Scan buah 2.893.000
17 ppm | 8MB | USB 2.0 | SPL | 600dpi | Input Capacity 100-sheet semi-outo
4 Samsung SCX-4500 buah 4.201.000
Sliding Cassette tray | Flatbed Scan (Slim, Sleek and Silent)
A4, 600dpi, 20ppm Printing; Color CCD, 4800dpi Scanning; 33.6 Kbps fax;
5 Samsung SCX-4521F buah 4.507.000
USB & Paralel.
Print/Scan/Copy | Speed (Print/Copy): up to 24ppm in A4 | 600x600dpi Scan
6 Samsung SCX-4725FN Mono MFP Laser Resolution | Direct USB Printing | Scan to USB/Folder/Application | ID Copy, buah 5.800.000
N-up Copy | Network Ready
Print/Scan/Copy | Speed (Print/Copy): up to 28ppm in A4 | 600x1200dpi
7 Samsung SCX-5530FN Mono MFP Laser Scan Resolution | Direct USB Printing | Scan to USB/Folder/Application | ID buah 9.870.000
Copy, N-up Copy | Network Ready
22ppm | 64MB | PCL6 | PS3 | 1200dpi | Input Capacity 250sheet | USB2.0 &
8 Samsung SCX-6322DN Print, Copy, Scan, Fax buah 14.522.000
Parallel | Fletbed Scan & Copy 200dpi.
43ppm | 256MB | PCL6 | PS3 | 1200dpi | Input Capacity 250sheet | USB2.0 |
9 Samsung SCX-6345N Print, Copy, Scan, Fax buah 29.058.000
Ethernet 10/100 Base TX | Fletbed Scan & Copy 600dpi.
1 Printer Canon Pixma IP-1300 A4, 4800 x 1200 dpi, 11ppm black, 11 ppm color, USB. (Bonus: Tinta Warna) buah 582.000

2 Printer Canon PIXMA iP1980 A4 | 4800x1200dpi | 21ppm black, 17ppm color | Borderless | USB. buah 844.000

3 Printer Canon PIXMA iX4000 A4, 4800 x 1200 dpi, 18ppm black, 14ppm color, ChromaLife100, USB buah 4.260.000

4 Printer Canon PIXMA iX5000 A4, 4800 x 1200 dpi, 25ppm black, 17ppm color, ChromaLife100, USB buah 4.914.000

1 Epson Stylus C90 Inkjet Printer 5760x1440dpi | Speed: 25ppm Black & 13ppm Color | Interface USB buah 1.018.000

1 HP DeskJet 1360 A4, 4800x1200 dpi, 16ppm black, 12 ppm color, USB buah 626.000

A4 | Up to 1200dpi black / 4800dpi color | up to 20ppm black / 14ppm color |

2 HP Deskjet D2466 Printer USB Connectivity | Print 4x6” borderless | HP21 Black Inkjet Cartridge & buah 742.000
HP22 Tri-color Inkjet Cartridge | HP reliability | PC/Mac Compatible

3 HP Deskjet D4260 30/23ppm | 4800x1200dpi | USB | Ink 74&75 buah 1.163.000

4800x1200dpi color / 1200dpi black / HP Photoret III / up to 3ppm printing
4 HP Deskjet BIJ 1000 buah 1.730.000
speed / 8MB Memory / up to 6250 pages per month / USB
25/20ppm | 4800x1200dpi | 32MB Max Memory | USB/Parallel | Ink
5 HP Officejet K7100 buah 3.853.000
600dpi (black), 4800x1200dpi (color), HP Photo REt III, up to 14ppm Black,
6 HP DeskJet 1280 A3 buah 4.172.000
up to 11ppm Color, Memory: 8MB (max), Proc. 32MHz, IEEE 1284, USB
17ppm | Black & Color Cartridge | 2400x1200dpi black resolution |
7 Lexmark Z-645 Ink Printer buah 655.000
4800x1200dpi color resolution | USB 2.0
1 Printer Epson LX-300+ II buah 2.457.000
2 Printer Epson LQ-300+ II 24 pins, 80 Columns, 300 cps, 1 original + 3 copies, Paralel & USB buah 3.707.000

3 Printer Epson LX-1170 9 pins, 136 colums, 300 cps, 1 original + 4 copies, Paralel. buah 5.233.000

4 Printer Epson LQ-1150 II 24 pins, 136 columns, 360 cps, 1 original + 3 copies, Paralel & USB. buah 5.699.000

5 Printer Epson LQ-2090 24 pins, 136 columns, 440 cps, 1 original + 4 copies, Paralel & USB buah 7.123.000

6 Printer Epson LQ-2180 24 pins, 136 colums, 480 cps, 1 original + 5 copies, Paralel. buah 8.504.000

7 Lexmark SDM-2491 Dot Matrix Printer 136 columns | 24 pin impact dot matrix | Double Folio buah 7.196.000

8 Printer OKI MICROLINE 1120 Dot Matrix Print Speed 375cps | 240x216dpi | 9pin | 80 column | Parallel + USB + Serial buah 2.413.000

9 Printer OKI MICROLINE 184 Turbo+ Dot Matrix Print Speed 375cps | 240x216dpi | 9-pin | 80 Column | Parallel + USB buah 3.431.000

Hyper CCD 6 line Color | 4800x9600dpi | USB 2.0 | Fading & Grain
1 Canon CanoScan 4400F Correction | 7 button: PDFx4, Scan, Copy, Email | Scan buah 1.817.000
negative/positive/slide film
CIS Technology | 4800x9600dpi | USB 2.0 | Film Automatic Retouch
2 Canon CanoScan LiDE600F Enhancement | 7 buttons: PDFx4, Scan, Copy, Email | Scan buah 2.254.000
negative/positive film

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 150
1 2 3 4 5 6
Hyper CCD 6 line colors | 4800x9600dpi | USB 2.0 | Film Automatic Retouch
3 Canon CanoScan 8800F Enhancement | 7 buttons: PDFx4, Scan, Copy, Email | Scan buah 4.143.000
negative/positive/slide film
1200x2400dpi | True 48bit color| 3 Smart Touch Buttons | USB 2.0 | A4 | LL
1 Microtek Scanner SM 3880 buah 1.047.000
2400x4800dpi | True 48bit color | 7 Smart Touch Buttons | USB 2.0 | A4 | LL
2 Microtek Scanner SM 5880 buah 1.236.000
35T | Sigma 6 CCD
3 Microtek Scanner I300 2400x4800dpi | True 48bit color | USB 2.0 | Digital ICE | A4 | LL 35T buah 1.847.000

4 Microtek Scanner I320 3200x6400dpi | True 48bit color | USB 2.0 | A4 | LL 35T | Digital ICE buah 2.588.000

5 Microtek Scanner SM X12USL 1200x2400dpi | True 48bit color | SCSI & USB | Legal Letter buah 2.690.000
4800x9600dpi | True 48bit color | 4.0 dmax | Legal Letter | USB & Firewire |
6 Microtek Scanner I800 buah 5.815.000
Digital ICE | Built-in transparencies 8.5”x14” Film & Film Viewer
3200x6400dpi | True 48bit color | 4.2Dmax | USB 2.0 & Firewire | Legal Letter
7 Microtek Scanner I900 buah 9.085.000
| Built-in Film
8 Microtek Scanner SM 9800XL 1600x3200dpi | True 48bit color | 3.7Dmax | USB & Firewire | A3 buah 16.281.000
3200x6400dpi | True 48bit color | 4.0Dmax | USB 2.0 & Firewire | A3 | Built-in
9 Microtek Scanner SM 1000XL buah 27.764.000
transparencies adapter
1 Acer AC511 CRT Monitor Black | 15” | 1280x1024 | 0.28mm Dot Pitch | Analog buah 1.309.000

2 Advance CRT 17" Vorte Digital Black buah 10.901.963.000

3 Advance CRT 15" Tomico Digital Black buah 945.000

4 Advance CRT 17" Flat Xtream Vorte Black buah 1.440.000

1 GTC Ultimate VA-570 Silver Black, 15", 1024 x 768 buah 1.076.000
Silver Black, 15", 1024 x 768, Refresh Rate: 72Hz, Dot Pitch: 0.28mm,
2 GTC Millenia GM-562N buah 1.149.000
Analog 15-pin D-Sub
3 GTC Ultimate VA-770 Silver Black, 17", 1280 x 1024 buah 1.163.000
Silver Black, Flat Screen 17", 1280 x 1024, Refresh Rate: 72Hz, Dot Pitch:
4 GTC Millenia GM-777F buah 1.556.000
0.25mm, Analog 15-pin D-Sub, UltraBrite Technology
Silver Black, Flat Screen 19", 1600 x 1200, Refresh Rate: 87Hz, Dot Pitch:
5 GTC Millenia GM-997F buah 1.672.000
0.25mm, Analog 15-pin D-Sub
6 GTC Primera FD-910M Silver Black, Perfect Flat Screen 19", 1600 x 1200, SuperBright buah 930.000

Display: 15” Flat, Resolution: 1024x768, Pitch: 0.280mm, Mask: INVAR
1 LG Flatron T530SAK Mask, Surface Treatment: AGARAS Coating, Focus: Dynamic, Input buah 1.207.000
Connector: 15 pin D-Sub, Special Function: Tilt, 2 Tones Color.
Display: 15”, Resolution: 1024x768, Input Connector: 15 pin D-Sub, RGB
2 LG Studioworks 505GK buah 1.265.000
Black, Display: 17”, Resolution: 1280x1024, Input Connector: 15 pin D-Sub,
3 LG Studioworks 710S buah 1.672.000
RGB Analog, Mask: INVAR Mask, Surface: AGASAR Coating
Type: Flatron, Display: 17”, Resolution: 1280x1024, Pitch: 0.190mm, Mask:
INVAR Mask, Surface Treatment: W-ARAS & Anti-glare Coating, Focus:
4 LG Flatron T730SHK buah 1.672.000
Dynamic, Input Connector: 15 pin D-Sub, Special Function: Tilt, Brightview,
2 Tones Color.
1 Philips 107E CRT Monitor 17", Black, XGA 1024*768 @ 85Hz, 0.27mm, sRGB buah 1.381.000

2 Philips 107S Flat CRT Monitor 17", Black, Pure flat, XGA 1024*768 @ 85Hz, 0.21mm, sRGB buah 1.672.000

1 Samsung CRT 591SG 15”, 1024x768, 0.24mm(H), Black buah 1.236.000
17”, 1280x1024, 0.20mm (H), MagicBright2, MagicTune, Highlight Zone III,
2 Samsung CRT 794MB buah 1.236.000
Natural Color Pro, MagicGreen
17”, 1280x1024, 0.23mm (H), Manual MagicTune, Natural Color Pro, DDC
3 Samsung CRT 793SG buah 1.338.000
2B/2Bi, MagicGreen
17”, 1280x1024, 0.20mm (H), Manual MagicTune, Natural Color Pro, DDC
4 Samsung CRT 793MG buah 1.658.000
2B/2Bi, MagicGreen
19” DynaFLATX, 1920x1440, 0.20mm (H), MagicBright2, MagicTune,
5 Samsung CRT 997MB buah 2.319.000
Highlight Zone III, Natural Color Pro, MagicGreen
Black, 21”, 2048x1536, Perfect Flat Screen, BNC, Analog, SuperContrast,
1 ViewSonic P-227f-B buah 5.003.000
OnView Control
Black, 19”, 1920x1440, Perfect Flat Screen, Analog, SuperClear Technology,
2 ViewSonic G-90f-B buah 2.343.000
OnView Control, OnScreen Display Power Lock
Silver Black, 19”, 1792x1344, Perfect Flat Screen, Analog, UltraBrite
3 ViewSonic E-96f+SB Technology, OnView Control incl. View Match Technology, OnScreen buah 2.225.000
Display Power Lock, ViewCare Technology
Black, 17”, 2048x1536, Perfect Flat Screen, Anti-static, Anti-reflection, RGB
4 ViewSonic P-76f+B buah 2.036.000
Analog, UltraBrite Technology, ViewCare Technology
Black, 17”, 1280x1024, Perfect Flat Screen, Anti-glare, Anti-static, Anti-
5 ViewSonic E-70f-B reflection, RGB Analog, ViewSonic Wizard, On-Screen lock function, buah 1.166.000
OnView Control incl. ViewMatch Technology.
6 ViewSonic E-71-B 17”, 1280x1024, Anti-glare, Anti-static, Anti reflection, RGB Analog buah 883.000

7 ViewSonic E-50c-SB 15”, 1024x768, Rotation/Tilt, Silver Black, RGB Analog buah 860.000

8 SPC CRT 15" SPC CRT 15" B-520 buah 919.000

9 CRT 17" CRT 17" B-720 buah 1.060.000


Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 151
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Acer LCD X-153W 15" Widescreen Acer LCD X-153W 15" Widescreen buah 2.283.000
15”, 1024x768, 0.297mm, 450:1, 250 cd/m2, 12ms, Analog, 130ox100o,
2 Acer AL1516 LCD Monitor TCO99, Anti-Reflective coating, VESA® wall-mountable, Kensington® Lock buah 2.559.000
Slot, Fully Automatic Auto Tune Feature
3 Acer X163W LCD Monitor 16” Wide | 1366x768 | 500:1 | 8ms | Analog | 250cd/m2 buah 2.617.000

4 Acer LCD X-173W 17" Widescreen Acer LCD X-173W 17" Widescreen buah 2.617.000
17” Wide | 1440x900 | Brightness 250 cd/m2 | Contrast Ratio 500 : 1 |
5 Acer AL1702W LCD Monitor Viewing Angle 140°(H)/130°(V) | Response Time 8ms | Input Signal Analog buah 2.762.000
(D-Sub) | Adapter Internal | Power Consumption 40W
17” Wide | 1440x900 | 0.264mm pitch | 500:1 Contrast Ratio | 8ms Response
6 Acer AL1716W Monitor buah 2.762.000
Time | 75Hz Refresh Rate | Brightness 250cd/m2
Pixel Pitch 0.264mm | Resolution 1440x1024 | Brightness 250 cd/m2 |
Contrast Ratio 700 : 1 | Max Refresh Rate 1440x1024@75Hz | Viewing Angle
7 Acer AL-1716W 17" LCD Monitor 140(H) | 130(V) | Response Time 8ms | Input Signal D-Sub (Analog) | buah 2.762.000
Adaptor Internal | Power Consumption 35W | VGA Connector 15 pin D-sub |
1 year Product & Service Warranty.
17" | Resolution 1280x1024 | Brightness 300 cd/m2 | Contrast Ratio 2000 : 1
8 Acer X173W LCD Monitor (ACM) | Viewing Angle 160°(H)x160°(V) | Response Time 5ms | Input Signal buah 2.835.000
Analog (D-Sub) | Adapter Internal | Power Consumption 40W
19”, 1440x900, 0.285mm, 700:1, 300 cd/m2, 5ms, Analog(D-Sub), 150ox135o,
9 Acer AL1917W LCD Monitor TCO99, Anti-Reflective coating, VESA® wall-mountable, Kensington® Lock buah 3.271.000
Slot, Fully Automatic Auto Tune Feature
19" Wide | Pixel Pitch 0.284mm | Resolution 1440x900 | Brightness 300
cd/m2 | Contrast Ratio 2000:1 (ACM) | Max Refresh Rate 1440x900@75Hz |
10 Acer X193W LCD Monitor buah 3.416.000
Viewing Angle 160°(H)x160°(V) | Response Time 5ms | Input Signal VGA
(Analog D-sub) DVI-D (Digital) | Adaptor internal | Power Consumption 37W
15”, 1024x768, 0.297mm, 500:1, 250 cd/m2, 16ms, D-Sub & DVI-D, 120ox90o,
11 Acer AL1531 LCD Monitor buah 5.088.000
VESA® wall-mountable, Kensington® Lock Slot
22” Wide | Pixel Pitch 0.282mm | Resolution 1680x1050 | Brightness 300
cd/m2 | Contrast Ratio 700:1 | Max Refresh Rate 1680 x 1054 @60Hz |
12 Acer AL2216W LCD Monitor buah 6.033.000
Viewing Angle 170°/160° | Response Time 5ms | Input Signal VGA DVI with
HDCP | Adaptor Internal | Power Consumption 55W

22" Wide | Pixel Pitch 0.282mm | Resolution 1680x1050 | Brightness 300

cd/m2 | Contrast Ratio 2500:1 (ACM) | Max Refresh Rate 1680 x 1050 @60Hz
13 Acer X223W LCD Monitor buah 6.178.000
| Viewing Angle 170°/160° | Response Time 5ms | Input Signal VGA (Analog
D-sub) DVI-D | Adaptor Internal | Power Consumption 45W

17”, 1280x1024, 0.264mm, 500:1, 400 cd/m2, 12ms, D-Sub & DVI-D,
14 Acer AL1732 LCD Monitor 140ox140o, Anti-Reflective coating, VESA® wall-mountable, Kensington® buah 6.542.000
Lock Slot, Fully Automatic Auto Tune Feature
17”, 1280x1024, 0.264mm, 700:1, 300 cd/m2, 8ms, D-Sub & DVI-D,
15 Acer AL1751 LCD Monitor buah 7.268.000
150ox135o, VESA® wall-mountable, Kensington® Lock Slot
19”, 1280x1024, 0.294mm, 500:1, 400 cd/m2, 12ms, D-Sub & DVI-D,
16 Acer AL1932 LCD Monitor 140ox140o, Anti-Reflective coating, VESA® wall-mountable, Kensington® buah 8.068.000
Lock Slot, Fully Automatic Auto Tune Feature
19”, 1280x1024, 0.294mm, 700:1, 300 cd/m2, 8ms, D-Sub & DVI-D,
17 Acer AL1951 LCD Monitor buah 9.449.000
150ox135o, VESA® wall-mountable, Kensington® Lock Slot
20”, 1680x1050, 0.258mm, 800:1, 300 cd/m2, 8ms, D-Sub & DVI-D,
18 Acer AL2051W LCD Monitor buah 9.740.000
176ox176o, VESA® wall-mountable, Kensington® Lock Slot
20” wide, 1680x1050, 0.258mm, 800:1, 300 cd/m2, 8ms, D-Sub & DVI-D,
19 Acer F-20 LCD Monitor buah 13.810.000
176ox176o, VESA® wall-mountable, Kensington® Lock Slot
True Resolution:WXGA 1366x768; Pixel Pitch:0.252mm; Brightness
1 Asus LCD VW161D/Black/16" (Max.):250cd/m; Contrast Ratio (Max.):500:1; Viewing Angle buah 2.210.000
(CR≥10):90°(H)/65°(V); Display Colors:16.7M; Response Time:8ms.
Black | 17” | SXGA 1280x1024 | Pixel Pitch: 0.264mm | Brightness (Max.):
2 Asus VB171D LCD Monitor 300cd/m | Contrast Ratio (Max.): 700:1 | Viewing Angle (CR≥10): buah 2.602.000
160°(H)/160°(V) | Display Colors: 16.7M | Response Time: 5ms

Black | 17” Wide | WXGA+ 1440x900 | Pixel Pitch: 0.285mm | Brightness

3 Asus VW171D LCD Monitor (Max.): 250cd/m2 | Contrast Ratio (Max.): 600:1 | Viewing Angle (CR≧10): buah 2.980.000
160°(H)/150°(V) | Display Colors: 16.2M | Response Time: 8ms
19” Wide | WXGA+ 1440x900 | Pixel Pitch 0.285mm | Brightness 320cd/m2 |
4 Asus VW193T LCD Monitor Contrast Ratio 850:1 | ASUS Smart Contrast Ratio 1600:1 | Response times buah 3.736.000
5ms | 1W X 2 stereo | RMS | LCD ZBD Warranty
19” Wide | WSXGA+ 1680x1050 | Pixel Pitch: 0.243mm | Brightness (Max):
5 Asus VW198T LCD Monitor 300 cd/m2 | Contrast Ratio (Max.): 3000:1 (ASCR) | Display Color: 16.7M | buah 3.809.000
Viewing Angle (CR≧10): 170°(H)/160°(V) | Response Time: 5 ms
19” | WXGA 1440x900 | Pixel Pitch 0.285mm | Brightness 330cd/m | Contrast
6 Asus PW191 LCD Monitor Ratio 800:1 | Response times 5 ms | Analog Input 15-Pin D-Sub | 2W X 2 buah 5.495.000
stereo speaker | Silver + Black
Resolution:SXGA+ 1400x1050; Pixel:0.291mm; Display
Colors(million):16.7M; Brightness(max.):300cd/m; Smart Contrast Ratio
7 Asus LCD LS201/20" buah 5.640.000
(max.):2000:1; Viewing Angle (CR≥10):170°(H)/160°(V); Response Time:5ms;
Protection Glass:9H hardness, Anti-reflection<2%.
Panel Size: 22“ Wide Screen; True Resolution: WSXGA+ 1680x1050; Pixel
Pitch: 0.282mm;Brightness(Max): 300 cd/ Contrast Ratio (Max.): 5000 :1
8 Asus LCD VK222H/22” BLACK buah 5.858.000
(ASCR); Display Color: 16.7M; Viewing Angle (CR≧10): 170°(H)/160°(V);
Response Time: 2 ms (Gray-to-Gray).
True Resolution: WSXGA+ 1680x1050; Pixel Pitch:0.282mm; Brightness
(Max.):300cd/m; Contrast Ratio Max.):2000:1(ASCR); Viewing Angle
9 Asus LCD VW222U/22" WIDE SCREEN buah 5.873.000
(CR≥10):170°(H)/160°(V); Response Time:2ms(Gray to Gray); PC Input:DVI-D
& D-Sub; Stereo Speaker (built-in):1W x 2 stereo, RMS.

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 152
1 2 3 4 5 6
Panel Size: 22“ Wide Screen; True Resolution: WSXGA+ 1680x1050; Pixel
Pitch: 0.282mm; Brightness(Max): 300 cd/; Contrast Ratio (Max.): 5000 :1
10 Asus LCD MK221H/22” BLACK buah 6.571.000
(ASCR); Display Color: 16.7M; Viewing Angle (CR≧10): 170°(H)/160°(V);
Response Time: 2 ms (Gray-to-Gray).
WIDE SCREEN,True Resolution: WSXGA+ 1680x1050; Pixel Pitch:0.282mm;
Brightness (Max.):300cd/m; Contrast Ratio (Max.): 3000:1(ASCR); Viewing
11 Asus LCD MW221C/22" buah 6.789.000
Angle (CR≥10):170°(H)/160°(V); Response Time:2ms(Gray to Gray); PC
Input:DVI-D & D-Sub; Stereo Speaker (built-in):1W x 2 stereo, RMS.
19” | SXGA 1440x900 | Pixel Pitch 0.294mm | Brightness 320cd/m | Contrast
Ratio 800:1 | Response times 2 ms (gray to gray) | Video input DVI-D and D-
12 Asus PG191 LCD Monitor buah 7.094.000
Sub | 5W X 2 stereo speaker | Build in WebCam 1.3M Pixel | LCD ZBD
Warranty | Chassis Black
Panel Size: 24“ Wide Screen, Color Staturation 92%(NTSC),True Resolution:
WUXGA 1920X1200, Pixel Pitch: 0.270mm, Brightness(Max): 450 cd/㎡,
13 Asus LCD MK241H/24" WIDE SCREEN buah 9.536.000
Contrast Ratio (Max.): 3000 :1 (ASCR)Display Color: 16.7M, Viewing Angle
(CR≧10): 170°(H)/160°(V), Response Time: 2 ms (Gray-to-Gray).
Color Shine Technology:Yes (Anti-Reflection Glare Panel); True Resolution:
WSXGA+ 1680x1050; Pixel Pitch:0.282mm; Brightness (Max.):350cd/m;
Contrast Ratio(Max.):2000:1 (ASUS Smart Contrast Ratio); Viewing Angle
14 Asus LCD PG221H/22" WIDE SCREEN buah 9.769.000
(CR≥10):170°(H)/160°(V); Response Time:2ms (Gray to Gray); Video
Input:Composite, S-Video, Component(YPbPr); Stereo Speaker (built-in):5W
x 2 stereo, RMS, HDMI.
1 Advance V584 Flat Panel display, TFT –15" LCD, 1024 x 768 unit 1.754.000

2 Advance V984 Flat Panel display, TFT –19" Widescreen LCD unit 1.990.000

1 LCD Apple 20" 20" Flat Panel-New detail unit 2.922.000

2 LCD Apple 23" 23" Flat Panel-New detail unit 10.902.000

3 LCD Apple 30" 30" Flat Panel-New buah 15.481.000

1 BenQ FP51G 15”, 1024x768, 400:1, 250cd/m2, Analog RGB buah 2.922.000
17” | 1280x1024 | 8ms | 500:1 | 250nits | Viewing Angle 140/130 | Analog
2 BenQ T705 LCD Monitor buah 10.902.000
(RGB) | Silver/Black
17” TFT, 1280x1024, 500:1, 8ms, 300cd/m2, 140o/130o, Analog RGB, Digital
3 BenQ FP72E+ buah 15.481.000
4 BenQ T51WA LCD 15” Wide | 1280x800 | 400:1 | 8ms | Analog buah 2.399.000

5 BenQ FP-51W 1024x768 | 400:1 | 12ms | SB buah 2.544.000

17” Wide | 1280x1024 | 500:1 | 8ms | 0.255mm Dot Pitch | 16.2 Million Colors
6 BenQ T71W Monitor buah 2.835.000
| 250cd/m2 | 140/130° | D-SUB
7 BenQ G700A LCD 17” | 1280x1024 | 700:1 | 5ms | Analog buah 2.980.000

8 BenQ FP71G+ 17” TFT, 1280x1024, 500:1, 8ms, 300cd/m2, 140o/130o, Analog RGB buah 3.024.000

9 BenQ T91W LCD 19” Wide | 1440x900 | 700:1 | 5ms | DVI/Analog buah 3.416.000

10 BenQ G900W LCD 19” Wide | 1440x900 | 800:1 | 5ms | DVI/Analog buah 3.489.000
19” TFT, 1440x900, 16.2 million color, 0.2835 Dot Pitch, 700:1, 5ms,
11 BenQ FP92W buah 3.591.000
300cd/m2, 150o/140o, D-Sub & DVI, i-Key Auto Adjustment
19” TFT, 1280x1024, 16.2 million color, 0.294 Dot Pitch, 700:1, 2ms,
12 BenQ FP93G-X 300cd/m2, 140o/135o, D-Sub & DVI, i-Key Auto Adjustment, Kensington buah 3.873.000
Security Lock, VESA wall Mounting
20” Wide, 1680x1050, 16.7 million color, 0.258 Dot Pitch, 600:1, 8ms,
13 BenQ FP202W 300cd/m2, 140o/130o, D-Sub & DVI-D, Senseye Technology, i-Key Auto buah 4.108.000
Adjustment, Kensington Security Lock, VESA wall Mounting
19” TFT, 1440x900, 16.2 million color, 0.2835 Dot Pitch, 700:1, 5ms,
14 BenQ FP93VW buah 3.998.000
300cd/m2, 150o/140o, D-Sub & DVI, i-Key Auto Adjustment
15 BenQ X900W LCD 19” Wide | 1440x900 | 800:1 | 5ms | DVI/Analog buah 3.998.000
19” TFT, 1280x1024, 16.2 million color, 0.294 Dot Pitch, 550:1, 8ms,
16 BenQ FP91G+ buah 4.289.000
250cd/m2, 140o/130o, D-Sub & DVI
17 BenQ FP94VW LCD 19” Wide | 1440x900 | 700:1 | 5ms | HDMI/DVI/Analog buah 4.434.000
18 BenQ T201W LCD 20” Wide | 1680x1050 | 600:1 | 5ms | DVI/Analog buah 4.507.000
22” Wide, 1680x1050, 16.7 million color, 0.282 Dot Pitch, 700:1, 5ms,
19 BenQ FP222WH 300cd/m2, 170o/160o, D-Sub/DVI-D/HDMI, Senseye Technology, i-Key Auto buah 5.015.000
Adjustment, Kensington Security Lock, VESA wall Mounting
20 BenQ E2200W LCD 22” Wide | 1680x1050 | 1000:1 | 5ms | DVI/Analog buah 5.233.000
LCD 22” Wide | 1680x1050 | 1000:1 | 2ms | HDMI/DVI/Analog | Audio
21 BenQ X2200W buah 5.960.000
22 BenQ G2400W LCD 24” Wide | 1920x1200 | 1000:1 | 5ms | HDMI/DVI/Analog buah 11.193.000
LCD 24” Wide | 1920x1200 | 1000:1 | 6ms | HDMI/DVI/Analog/USB/S-Video |
23 BenQ FP241VW buah 14.391.000
Flat Panel display, TFT –17"LCD, 1280 x 1024, 250 cd/m², 700:1, 8ms,
1 GTC LD-750N buah 2.617.000
0.264mm, DVI, Wall mounting
Flat Panel display, TFT –19"LCD, 1280 x 1024, 250 cd/m², 500:1, 8ms,
2 GTC LD-950N buah 3.925.000
0.264mm, DVI, Wall mounting
19” Wide | 1440x900 | 0.285x0.285 pixel pitch | 300cd/m2 | 8000:1 | 5ms |
1 LG W1942S LCD Monitor buah 2.835.000
16.7 Million Color | D-Sub
2 LG L1753S 17”, 1280x1024, 300cd/m2, 2000:1, 5ms, Analog RGB, TCO03 buah 4.056.000
19”, 1280x1024, 300cd/m2, 1600:1, 8ms, D-Sub, F-Engine Standard, Analog
3 LG L1952S buah 6.178.000
& Tilt

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 153
1 2 3 4 5 6
15", Black, XGA 1024*768 @ 60Hz, 12ms, CR 500:1, VGA, brightness 250,
1 Philips 150S LCD Monitor buah 2.544.000
sRGB, smart manage
17", Black, SXGA 1280*1024 @ 60Hz, 8ms, CR 600:1, VGA, Brightness 300,
2 Philips 170S LCD Monitor buah 2.908.000
SRGB, smart manage
17", Black, SXGA 1280*1024 @ 80Hz, 8ms, CR 600:1, VGA, Brightness 300,
3 Philips 170A LCD Monitor buah 2.995.000
SRGB, built in speaker, PC Audio in
17" | Black | SXGA 1280*1024@ 80 Hz | 8ms | VGA + DVI | CR 600:1 |
4 Philips 170B LCD Monitor buah 3.068.000
brightness 300 | sRGB | built in speaker | PC Audio in | USB 2.0
19" | Black | SXGA 1280*1024 @ 60Hz | 8ms | VGA + DVI-D | CR 700:1 |
5 Philips 190S LCD Monitor buah 3.634.000
brightness 300 | sRGB | smart manage
19" Wide, silverBlack, WXGA 1440*900 @ 60Hz, 5ms, VGA + DVI, CR 850:1,
6 Philips 190CW LCD Monitor buah 3.853.000
brightness 300, sRGB
19" | Black | SXGA 1280*1024 @ 60Hz, 8ms, VGA + DVI, CR 700:1,
7 Philips 190B LCD Monitor brightness 300, sRGB, smart manage, built in speaker, PC Audio in, USB buah 3.969.000
1 Samsung LCD 540N 15”, 1024x768, 250cd/m2, 450:1, 0.297 buah 2.617.000
17”, 1280x1024, 300cd/m2, 700:1, 5ms, MagicColor, MagicBright2,
2 Samsung LCD 732N+ buah 2.980.000
MagicTune w/ Asset Management Safe Mode (Down Scaling in UXGA)
17” | 1280x1024 Resolution | 300cd/m2 Brightness | 7000:1 Contrast Ratio |
3 Samsung 743NX Monitor buah 2.980.000
5ms Response Time | 170°H/160°V Viewing Angle | 16.7 Mil Color
19” Wide, 1440x900, 300cd/m2, 500:1, DVI(HDCP), MagicTune,
4 Samsung LCD 940BW buah 3.707.000
MagicBright2, Narrow Bezel, Mechanical S/W (HAS Only)
19” | 1280x1024 Resolution | 300cd/m2 Brightness | 7000:1 Contrast Ratio |
5 Samsung 943BWX Monitor buah 4.361.000
5ms Response Time | 170°H/160°V Viewing Angle | 16.7 Mil Color
19” Wide, 1440x900, 300cd/m2, 700:1 (DCR 2000:1), 160ox160o (CR>5), 2ms
6 Samsung LCD 931BW buah 4.943.000
(GTG), HDCP Supported, MagicTune, MagicBright3
20” Wide, 1680x1050, 300cd/m2, 700:1 (DCR 3000:1), 160ox160o, 2ms
7 Samsung LCD 226BW buah 7.414.000
(GTG), DVI (HDCP), MagicTune, MagicBright2
17”, 1280x1024, 850:1, 8ms, 300cd/m2, 140o x 130o, Slim, Anti Glare Panel
1 ViewSonic VA-702 buah 2.696.000
2 ViewSonic VA-503B 15” | 1024x768 | 500:1 | 12ms | Slim buah 2.399.000
17”, 1280x1024, 800:1, 4ms(GTG), 300cd/m2, 140o x 130o, DVI-D, Anti Glare
3 ViewSonic VP-720 buah 4.697.000
Panel Surface
4 ViewSonic VA-1701WB 17” Wide | 1440x900 | 500:1 | 8ms | Slim buah 2.762.000
17” wide, 1440x900, 1000:1, 8ms, 250cd/m2, 140o x 130o, Slim, Anti Glare
5 ViewSonic VA-1703WB buah 2.908.000
Panel Surface
6 ViewSonic VA-1716W 17” Wide | 1440x900 | 2000:1 | 8ms | Slim | Wall Mounting | Black buah 2.908.000

17”, 1280x1024, 700:1, 8ms, 250cd/m2, 140o x 130o, Speaker, Slim, Anti
7 ViewSonic VA-703M buah 2.980.000
Glare Panel Surface, Vesa® wall-mountable, On-View® Control Interface
19” wide, 1440x900, 1000:1, 5ms, 300cd/m2, 150o x 135o, DVI-D, Anti Glare
8 ViewSonic VG-1930WM buah 3.634.000
Panel Surface
9 ViewSonic VA-1912WB 19” Wide | 1440x900 | 500:1 | 8ms | Speaker | Slim buah 3.634.000
19”, 1280x1024, 700:1, 8ms, 300cd/m2, 150o x 130o, DVI-D, Anti Glare Panel
10 ViewSonic VG-930M buah 4.289.000
11 ViewSonic VA-926 19” | 1280x1024 | 2000:1 | 5ms | 300 cd/m2 | Analog/DVI buah 4.361.000
22” Wide, 1680x1050, 700:1, 5ms, 280cd/m2, 170o x 160o, DVI-D, Speaker,
12 ViewSonic VG-2230WM buah 4.697.000
Anti Glare Panel Surface
20”, 1400x1050, 800:1, 8ms(GTG), 300cd/m2, 150o x 130o, DVI-D, Anti Glare
13 ViewSonic VG-2021M buah 4.579.000
Panel Surface
14 ViewSonic VA-2026W 20” Wide | 1680x1050 | 2000:1 | 5ms | DVI-D buah 4.652.000
19”, 1280x1024, 800:1, 4ms(GTG), 250cd/m2, 140o x 130o, DVI-D, Anti Glare
15 ViewSonic VP-920 buah 4.943.000
Panel Surface
20” Wide, 1680x1050, 800:1, 5ms, 300cd/m2, 160o x 160o, DVI-D, Speaker,
16 ViewSonic VG-2030WM buah 4.870.000
Anti Glare Panel Surface
17 ViewSonic VA-2226W 22” Wide | 1680x1050 | 2000:1 | 5ms | DVI-D buah 5.524.000
18 ViewSonic VX-2235WM 22” Wide | 1680x1050 | 4000:1 | 5ms | DVI | Speaker | Slim buah 6.251.000

19 ViewSonic VX-2255WM 22” Wide | 1680x1050 | 4000:1 | 5ms | DVI | Speaker | Webcam 1.3MP | Slim buah 6.251.000

20 ViewSonic VP-2030B 20” Wide | 1600x1200 | 1000:1 | 8ms | DVI buah 8.722.000

21 ViewSonic VX-2835WM 28” Wide | 1920x1200 | 800:1 | 5ms | HDMI | Speaker buah 15.990.000

1 LCD 15" LCD 15" W-150 Wide Screen & Speaker buah 1.613.000

2 LCD 15" LCD 15" L6-150 (Garansi 1th sparepart) buah 1.613.000

3 LCD 17" LCD 17" L7-170 (Garansi 1th sparepart) buah 1.825.000

4 LCD 17" LCD 17" W-170 Wide Screen & Speaker buah 1.825.000

5 LCD 19" LCD 19" W-190 Wide Screen & Speaker buah 2.107.000

1 BenQ FP-51G TouchScreen BenQ FP-51G LCD Monitor + Touch Screen buah 5.088.000

2 ViewSonic VA503 TouchScreen ViewSonic VA503 LCD Monitor + Touch Screen buah 5.088.000

3 Samsung SyncMaster 540N TouchScreen Samsung SyncMaster 540N LCD Monitor + Touch Screen buah 5.161.000
HP L1506 LCD Monitor + Touch Screen 15" XGA 1024 x 768, Pixel Pitch
4 HP L1506 TouchScreen 0.297 mm, Contrast Ratio 450:1, Brightness 250 cd/m2, Response Time 16 buah 5.379.000
ms, 3.2 Kg.

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 154
1 2 3 4 5 6
Philips 150S-7FB LCD Monitor + Touch Screen 15" XGA 1024 x 768, Pixel
5 Philips 150S-7FB TouchScreen Pitch 0.297 mm, Contrast Ratio 500:1, Brightness 250 cd/m2, Response buah 5.379.000
Time 12 ms, 2.8 Kg.
6 Acer AL1716 TouchScreen Acer AL1716 LCD Monitor + Touch Screen buah 5.524.000

7 BenQ FP-71G+ TouchScreen BenQ FP-71G+ LCD Monitor + Touch Screen buah 5.670.000

8 ViewSonic VA703 TouchScreen ViewSonic VA703 LCD Monitor + Touch Screen buah 5.670.000
Philips 170S-7FB LCD Monitor + Touch Screen 17" SXGA 1280 x 1024, Pixel
9 Philips 170S-7FB TouchScreen Pitch 0.264 mm, Contrast Ratio 800:1, Brightness 300 cd/m2, Response buah 5.815.000
Time 5 ms, 4.7 Kg.
10 Samsung SyncMaster 740N TouchScreen Samsung SyncMaster 740N LCD Monitor + Touch Screen buah 5.815.000
HP L1706 LCD Monitor + Touch Screen 17" SXGA 1280 x 1024, Pixel Pitch
11 HP L1706 TouchScreen 0.264 mm, Contrast Ratio 500:1, Brightness 300 cd/m2, Response Time 8 buah 6.425.000
ms, 4.6 Kg.
12 BenQ FP-91G+ TouchScreen BenQ FP-91G+ LCD Monitor + Touch Screen buah 10.030.000

29 UPS

Spesifikasi Detail: Output power capacity: 525 VA Output power capacity:

315 Watts Max Configurable Power: 525 VA Max Configurable Power: 315
Watts Nominal output voltage: 220 V Output Connections: (1) Universal
Receptacle (Surge Protection), (3) Universal Receptacle (Battery Backup)
INPUT Nominal input voltage: 220 V Input frequency: 50 Hz +/- 3 Hz Input
Connection Type: IEC-320 C14 Input voltage range for main operations: 180
1 APC Back UPS ES 525 (BE525AS) - 260 V Batteries & Runtime Battery type: Maintenance-free sealed Lead- buah 974.000
Acid battery with suspended electrolyte: leakproof Typical backup time at
half load: 10.9 minutes (157.5 Watts) Typical backup time at full load: 6.1
minutes (315 Watts) Runtime Chart: Back-UPS ES Communications &
Management Interface port: DB-9 RS-232 Control panel LEDStatus, display
with On Line: On Battery Audible alarm: Alarm when on battery: distinctive
low battery alarm: overload continuous tone alarm

Output Power Capacity 300 Watts/500 VA, Input Power Voltage 230V, Surge
Energy Rating 180 Joules Back-Up Time Half Load 11.5 minutes (150
2 APC Back UPS BE500R AS Watts), Back-Up Time Full Load 1.3 minutes (300 Watts), Battery Type buah 1.018.000
Maintenance-free sealed Lead-Acid battery with suspended electrolyte:
leakproof, Dimensions (HxWxD): 96 x 273 x 174 mm, Weight 5.91 KG.

APC Back-UPS RS, 390 Watts / 650 VA,Input 230V / Output 230V Audible
alarms Battery replacement without tools Boost and Trim Automatic
Voltage Regulation (AVR) Dataline Surge Protection Hot-swappable
batteries LED status indicators Resettable circuit breakers Output Output
Power Capacity: 390 Watts / 650 VA Max Configurable Power: 390 Watts /
3 APC Back UPS AVR 650 (BR650CI-AS) buah 1.570.000
650 VA Nominal Output Voltage: 230V Input Nominal Input Voltage: 230V
Input Frequency: 47 - 63 Hz Input Connections: IEC-320 C14 Input voltage
range for main operations: 175 - 295V Input voltage adjustable range for
mains operation: 160 - 286V Batteries & Runtime Typical recharge time: 24


Protection), (3) IEC 320 C13 (Battery Backup), NOMINAL INPUT VOLTAGE:
230 V, INPUT FREQUENCY: 50/60 Hz +/- 3 Hz (auto sensing), INPUT
MAINS OPERATION: 160 - 300 V, BATTERY TYPE: Maintenance-free sealed
Lead-Acid battery with suspended, electrolyte : leakproof; 1 RBC
Watts), TYPICAL BACKUP TIME AT FULL LOAD: 2.4 minutes (400 Watts),

OUTPUT - Output Power Capacity: 300 Watts / 500 VA - Max Configurable

Power: 300 Watts / 500 VA - Nominal Output Voltage: 230V - Waveform
Type: Stepped approximation to a sinewave - Output Connections: (1) IEC
320 C13 (Surge Protection), (3) IEC 320 C13 (Battery Backup) INPUT -
Nominal Input Voltage: 230V - Input Frequency: 50/60 Hz +/- 3 Hz (auto
sensing) - Input Connections: IEC-320 C14 - Input voltage range for main
5 APC Back UPS AVR 500 (BR500i) buah 1.977.000
operations: 168 - 280V BATTERIES & RUNTIME - Battery Type: Maintenance-
free sealed Lead-Acid battery with suspended electrolyte: leakproof -
Typical recharge time: 8 hour(s) - Replacement battery cartridge: RBC2,
RBC2J - RBC™ Quantity: 1 - Typical Backup Time at Half Load: 16.3
minutes (150 Watts) - Typical Backup Time at Full Load: 4.4 minutes (300
Watts) - Runtime Chart: Back-UPS RS.

High Performance Battery Backup & Protection for Business Computers,

Battery Output Voltage: 12.0, Batteries & Runtime, Battery Volt-Amp-Hour
Capacity: 372, Battery Type: Maintenance-free sealed Lead-Acid battery
with suspended electrolyte: leakproof, Battery mounting: Stand alone
6 APC Back UPS BR24BP buah 2.573.000
battery stack, Expected Battery Life (years): 4 – 6, Included Battery
Modules: 2, RBC™ Quantity: 1, Waranty 2 years repair or replace, Net
Weight: 12.50 KG, Maximum Height: 371.00 mm, Maximum Width: 86.00 mm,
Maximum depth: 333.00 mm, Color: Beige.
Output Power Capacity 540 Watts / 800 VA, Max Configurable Power 540
Watts / 800 VA, Nominal Output Voltage 230V, Nominal Input Voltage 230V,
7 APC Back UPS BR800i Input Frequency 47 - 63 Hz, Cord Length 1.83 meters, Input voltage range buah 3.097.000
for main operations 175 - 295V, Input voltage adjustable range for mains
operation, 160 - 300V.

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 155
1 2 3 4 5 6

Output Power Capacity 660 Watts / 1100 VA, Output Power Voltage 230V,
Input Power 230V, Dataline Protection RJ-11 Modem/Fax/DSL protection
(two wire single line), Back-Up Time Half Load Typical: 17.5 minutes (330
8 APC Back UPS BR1100CI AS Watts), Back-Up Time Full Load Typical: 17.5 minutes (330 Watts), Battery buah 3.111.000
Type Typical: 6.3 minutes (660 Watts), Maintenance-free sealed Lead-Acid
battery with suspended electrolyte: leakproof, Dimensions (HxWxD): 222 x
132 x 356 mm, Weight12.50 KG, Warranty 2 years repair or replace.

Output Power Capacity 600 Watts / 1000 VA, Nominal Output Voltage 230V,
Input Nominal Input Voltage 230V, Input Frequency 47 - 63 Hz, Input
9 APC Back UPS BR1000i buah 4.492.000
Connections Input voltage range for main operations, 175 - 295V, Input
voltage adjustable range for mains operation 160 - 286V.

APC Back-UPS RS, 865 Watts / 1500 VA, Input 230V / Output 230V, Interface
Port USB, Extended runtime model, Rack Height 2 U, Includes: CD with
software, Cord management straps, Documentation CD, Qty 2 - Detachable
IEC C13 to IEC C14 power cords, Telephone Cable, USB cable, User
10 APC Back UPS BR1500i Manual, Wall-mounting template Output Power Capacity 865 Watts / 1500 buah 5.786.000
VA Max Configurable Power 865 Watts / 1500 VA, Nominal Output Voltage
230V, Output Connections, Input Nominal Input Voltage 230V, Input
Frequency 47 - 63 Hz, Input voltage range for main operations 175 - 295V,
Input voltage adjustable range for mains operation 160 - 286V.

APC Smart-UPS RT, 700 Watts / 1000 VA,Input 230V / Output 230V, Interface
Port DB-9 RS-232, SmartSlot, Extended runtime model, Rack Height 2 U,
11 APC Smart-UPS RT 1000VA 230V buah 10.466.000
Includes: CD with software, Smart UPS signalling RS-232 cable, User
APC Smart-UPS RT, 1400 Watts / 2000 VA,Input 230V / Output 230V,
Interface Port DB-9 RS-232, SmartSlot, Extended runtime model, Rack
12 APC Smart-UPS RT 2000VA 230V buah 17.705.000
Height 2 U, Includes: CD with software, Smart UPS signalling RS-232 cable,
User Manual.
CS 638, INTERNAL BATTERY 1x12,7 Ah, Sealed Lead Acid Battery, WEIGHT
1 ICA UPS CS638 unit 1.060.000
7 Kg detail
CS 1238, INTERNAL BATTERY 2x12,7 Ah, Sealed Lead Acid Battery,
2 ICA UPS CS1238 buah 1.484.000
WEIGHT 14 Kg detail
CT 382B, INTERNAL BATTERY 1x12,7 Ah, Sealed Lead Acid Battery,
3 ICA UPS CT382B buah 1.707.000
WEIGHT 6,5 Kg detail
CT 1082B, INTERNAL BATTERY 3x12,7 Ah, Sealed Lead Acid Battery,
4 ICA UPS CT1082B buah 3.296.000
WEIGHT 6,5 Kg detail
CT 1382B, INTERNAL BATTERY 4x12,7 Ah, Sealed Lead Acid Battery,
5 ICA UPS CT1382B buah 4.826.000
WEIGHT 23,4Kg detail
CT 1682B, INTERNAL BATTERY 5x12,7 Ah, Sealed Lead Acid Battery,
6 ICA UPS CT1682B buah 5.885.000
WEIGHT 26,4Kg detail
SIN 1100C, INTERNAL BATTERY 4x12,7 Ah, Sealed Lead Acid Battery,
7 ICA UPS SIN 1100C buah 9.770.000
WEIGHT 50 Kg detail
ST 1231C, INTERNAL BATTERY 6x12,7 Ah, Sealed Lead Acid Battery,
8 ICA UPS ST1231C buah 10.005.000
WEIGHT 14 Kg detail
ST 1631C, INTERNAL BATTERY 8x12,7 Ah, Sealed Lead Acid Battery,
9 ICA UPS ST1631C buah 12.124.000
WEIGHT 14 Kg detail
SIN 1500C, INTERNAL BATTERY 10x12,7 Ah, Sealed Lead Acid Battery,
10 ICA UPS SIN 1500C buah 15.655.000
WEIGHT 74 Kg detail
SIN 2100C, INTERNAL BATTERY 10x12,7 Ah, Sealed Lead Acid Battery,
11 ICA UPS SIN 2100C buah 21.069.000
WEIGHT 85 Kg detail
SIN 3100C, INTERNAL BATTERY 16x12,7 Ah, Sealed Lead Acid Battery,
12 ICA UPS SIN 3100C buah 29.543.000
WEIGHT 110 Kg detail
SIN 7501C1, INTERNAL BATTERY 16x12,7 Ah, Sealed Lead Acid Battery,
13 ICA UPS SIN 7501C1 buah 63.912.000
WEIGHT 307 Kg detail
SIN 1002C1, INTERNAL BATTERY 16x12,7 Ah, Sealed Lead Acid Battery,
14 ICA UPS SIN 1002C1 buah 90.983.000
WEIGHT 369 Kg detail
SIN 7501C3, INTERNAL BATTERY 16x12,7 Ah, Sealed Lead Acid Battery,
15 ICA UPS SIN 7501C3 buah 94.984.000
WEIGHT 307 Kg detail
SIN 1002C3, INTERNAL BATTERY 16x12,7 Ah, Sealed Lead Acid Battery,
16 ICA UPS SIN 1002C3 buah 94.984.000
WEIGHT 364 Kg detail
SIN 1502C3, INTERNAL BATTERY 16x12,7 Ah, Sealed Lead Acid Battery,
17 ICA UPS SIN 1502C3 buah 125.351.000
WEIGHT 383 Kg detail
SIN 2002C1, INTERNAL BATTERY 16x12,7 Ah, Sealed Lead Acid Battery,
18 ICA UPS SIN 2002C1 buah 147.714.000
WEIGHT 490 Kg detail
SIN 2002C3, INTERNAL BATTERY 16x12,7 Ah, Sealed Lead Acid Battery,
19 ICA UPS SIN 2002C3 buah 151.598.000
600VA | The highest level of protection for business computers | The
1 MGE Ellipse ASR 600 IEC greatest flexibility | The widest range of sockets | The best compatibility buah 1.599.000
with computer equipment detail
600VA | Line Interactive | USB Port | Web/SNMP Monitoring | Ideal
2 MGE Nova 600 AVR UPS buah 2.239.000
Protection for 1 to 3 PC’s
850VA | Line Interactive | ASR Technology | Data line Protection | Local
3 MGE Ellipse MAX 850 IEC buah 2.646.000
outlets | USB & Serial port
1100VA | Line Interactive | USB Port | Web/SNMP Monitoring | Ideal
4 MGE Nova 1100 AVR UPS buah 3.198.000
Protection for 1 to 3 PC’s
1100VA | Line Interactive | ASR Technology | Data line Protection | Local
5 MGE Ellipse MAX 1100 IEC buah 3.751.000
outlets | USB & Serial port
1500VA | Line Interactive | ASR Technology | Data line Protection | Local
6 MGE Ellipse MAX 1500 IEC buah 4.797.000
outlets | USB & Serial port
Ratings: 650VA, Input, Phase: Single+GND, Voltage Range: 160-275V,
Frequency: 45-65 Hz, Output, Voltage: 220V AC (±5%), Waveform: Square
Wave, Frequency: 50HZ±1% or 60HZ±1%, Transfer Time: 2ms typical,
1 Prolink PC-650 buah 611.000
Battery Recharge Time: 90% Capacity after 8hours, Backup Time (minute):
8-20, Type: Lead-acid maintenance-free, Net weigh:5.6kgs, Shipping
Weight: 7kgs, Dimension (cm): 32x9.4x16.2

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 156
1 2 3 4 5 6
Capacity 650VA, Input Voltage range: 140 ~ 285V, Phase: Single + GND,
Frequency range: 40 ~ 70Hz, Output Voltage Range: 220VAC + 17%-22%,
Frequency: 50HZ ± 1Hz (Battery Mode), Battery Type: 12V7AH - 1pc, Backup
2 Prolink Pro-650P buah 756.000
Time: 8 - 20 minutes depending on load, Charging time: 90% capacity after
8 hrs charging, Net Weight: 7Kgs, Dimension: 41 * 16.4 * 22.6 mm (H * W *
Capacity 600VA, Input Phase: Single+GND, Voltage range: 140 ~ 285V,
Output Voltage range: 220V AC (±5%), Frequency: 50HZ±1% or 60HZ±1%,
3 Prolink Pro-600S Crest Factor: 3 : 1, Battery Type: Lead-Acid Maintenance-Free, Backup buah 829.000
Time: 15 - 40 minutes, Net Weight: 7.5Kgs, Dimension 37 * 14 * 23cm (H x W
x D)
Capacity 800VA, Input Phase: Single + GND, Frequency range: 40 ~ 70Hz,
Voltage range: 140 ~ 285V Output Voltage Range: 220VAC + 17%-22%,
Battery Mode: 220VAC + 17%-22%, Frequency: 50HZ ± 1Hz (Battery Mode),
4 Prolink Pro-800S buah 989.000
Battery Type: 12V9AH - 1pc, Backup Time: 8 - 40 minutes depending on
load, Charging time: 90% capacity after 8 hrs charging, Interface: RJ11, Net
Weight: 7.2Kgs, Dimension: 37 * 14.5 * 24.5 mm (H * W * D).

Ratings: 1200VA, Input, Phase: Single+GN, Voltage Range: 140-285V,

Frequency: 45-65 Hz, Output Voltage: 220V AC (±5%), Waveform:
Synchronized Stepped, Frequency: 50HZ±1% or 60HZ±1% Crest Factor :
5 Prolink Pro-1200S buah 1.352.000
3:1, Transfer Time: 2ms typical, Battery Recharge Time: 90% Capacity after
8hours, Backup Time (minute): 15-40, Type: Lead-acid maintenance-free,
Net weight:9.5kgs, Dimension (cm): 37x14x23.

1 Emerson MICRO UPS PS600-AS PS600-AS PowerSure Desktop UPS 600va. buah 727.000
PS600-TN PowerSure ITON 600va w/ AVR, data line protection, and
2 Emerson iTON UPS PS600-TN buah 945.000
shutdown software.
PS1000-TN PowerSure ITON 1000va w/ AVR, data line protection, and
3 Emerson iTON UPS PS1000-TN buah 2.254.000
shutdown software.
4 Emerson MICRO UPS PS1500-AS PS1500-AS PowerSure Desktop UPS 1500va. buah 3.053.000
GXT1000-MT GXT-MT true online double conversion 1000va tower internal
5 Emerson GXT MT UPS GXT1000-MT buah 7.239.000
GXT2-700RT230 GXT 2U true online double conversion 700va rack/tower
6 Emerson GXT 2 UPS GXT2-700RT230 buah 7.966.000
extended run.
GXT2-700RT230 GXT 2U true online double conversion 700va rack/tower
7 Emerson GXT 2 UPS 700RT230 buah 7.966.000
extended run.
GXT1000-RT GXT-RT true online double conversion 1000va rack internal
8 Emerson GXT RT UPS GXT1000-RT buah 8.257.000
GXT2-1000RT230 GXT 2U true online double conversion 1000va rack/tower
9 Emerson GXT 2 UPS 1000RT230 buah 9.420.000
extended run.
GXT2-1500RT230 GXT 2U true online double conversion 1500va rack/tower
10 Emerson GXT 2 UPS 1500RT230 buah 12.327.000
extended run.
GXT2000-MT GXT-MT true online double conversion 2000va tower internal
11 Emerson GXT MT UPS GXT2000-MT buah 13.781.000
GXT2000-RT GXT-RT true online double conversion 2000va rack no internal
12 Emerson GXT RT UPS GXT2000-RT buah 15.380.000
GXT2-2000RT230 GXT 2U true online double conversion 2000va rack/tower
13 Emerson GXT 2 UPS 2000RT230 buah 16.688.000
extended run.
GXT3000-MT GXT-MT true online double conversion 3000va tower internal
14 Emerson GXT MT UPS GXT3000-MT buah 17.415.000
GXT3000-RT GXT-RT true online double conversion 3000va rack no internal
15 Emerson GXT RT UPS GXT3000-RT buah 18.723.000
GXT2-3000RT230 GXT 2U true online double conversion 3000va rack/tower
16 Emerson GXT 2 UPS 3000RT230 buah 21.194.000
extended run.
GXT2-4500RT230 GXT 2U true online double conversion 4500va rack/tower
17 Emerson GXT 2 UPS 4500RT230 buah 36.311.000
extended run.
GXT2-6000RT230 GXT 2U true online double conversion 6000va rack/tower
18 Emerson GXT 2 UPS 6000RT230 buah 45.033.000
extended run.
GXT2-10000T230 GXT 2U true online double conversion 10kva tower
19 Emerson GXT2 - 10KVA 10000T230 buah 65.383.000
extended run.
GXT2-10000R230 GXT 2U true online double conversion 10kva rack
20 Emerson GXT2 - 10KVA 10000R230 buah 69.889.000
extended run, no battery
GXT2-10000T220 GXT 2U true online double conversion 10kva tower
21 Emerson GXT2 - 10KVA 10000T220 buah 76.285.000
extended run w/ iso transformer
D347 Celeron 3.0 GHz c 512MB TRAY, INTEL P4 S775 FSB 800MHz & * FSB
1 Processor Intel D347 Celeron 3.0 GHz buah 596.000
E430 Celeron 1.8 GHz c 512MB TRAY, INTEL P4 S775 FSB 800MHz & * FSB
2 Processor Intel E430 Celeron 1.8 GHz buah 596.000
E2160 Dual Core 1.8 GHz c 1MB TRAY, INTEL P4 S775 FSB 800MHz & * FSB
3 Processor Intel E2160 Dual Core 1.8 GHz buah 916.000
E2200 Dual Core 2.2 GHz c 1MB TRAY, INTEL P4 S775 FSB 800MHz & * FSB
4 Processor Intel E2200 Dual Core 2.2 GHz buah 974.000
E4600 Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHz c 2MB TRAY, INTEL P4 S775 FSB 800MHz & *
5 Processor Intel E4600 Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHz buah 1.658.000
FSB 1066MHz,
E7300 Core 2 Duo 2.66 GHz c 3MB TRAY *, INTEL P4 S775 FSB 800MHz & *
6 Processor Intel E7300 Core 2 Duo 2.66 GHz buah 1.716.000
FSB 1066MHz
Processor Intel Core 2 Duo E4500 (2.2 Ghz, FSB 800, 2MB L2 Cache, LGA
7 Processor Intel Core 2 Duo E4500 buah 1.803.000
Processor Intel Core 2 Duo E4600 (2.4 Ghz, FSB 800, 2MB L2 Cache, LGA
8 Processor Intel Core 2 Duo E4600 buah 1.876.000
9 Processor Intel Core 2 Duo E7200 Intel Core 2 Duo E7200 .53 3MB/1066 Tray buah 1.948.000

10 Processor Intel Core 2 Duo E7200 Intel Core 2 Duo E7200 2,53 3MB/1066 Box buah 2.283.000
Processor Intel Core 2 Duo E6550 (2.33 Ghz, FSB 1333, 4MB L2 Cache, LGA
11 Processor Intel Core 2 Duo E6550 buah 2.544.000

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 157
1 2 3 4 5 6
12 Processor Intel Core 2 Duo E8200 buah 2.646.000
1333MHZ, LGA 775
Processor Intel Core 2 Duo E6750 (2.66 Ghz, FSB 1333, 4MB L2 Cache, LGA
13 Processor Intel Core 2 Duo E6750 buah 2.850.000
14 Processor Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 buah 17.487.000
1333MHZ, LGA 775)
Processor Intel Core 2 Duo E6850 (3.0 Ghz, FSB 1333, 4MB L2 Cache, LGA
15 Processor Intel Core 2 Duo E6850 buah 2.995.000
Processor Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 (2.4 Ghz, FSB 1066, 8MB L2 Cache, LGA
16 Processor Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 buah 3.140.000
PROCESSOR Intel CORE 2 DUO E8500 (E8500, 3.16GHZ, CACHE 6MB, FSB
17 Processor Intel Core 2 Duo E8500 buah 4.216.000
1333MHZ, LGA 775
Prosesor Intel® Core™2 Extreme QX6850 (3.0 Ghz, FSB 1333, 8MB L2
18 Prosessor Intel Core 2 Extreme QX6850 buah 15.917.000
Cache, LGA 775)
19 Processor Intel Core 2 QUAD EXTREME buah 24.450.000
1 AMD A64 3500+ A64 3500+ TRAY & Fan, AMD AM2 buah 626.000

2 AMD A64 X2 3800+ A64 X2 3800+ TRAY & Fan, AMD AM2 buah 829.000

3 AMD A64 X2 4200+ A64 X2 4200+ TRAY & Fan, AMD AM2 buah 858.000
Sempron LE 1150+ 2.0GHz Multiple 10x BOX Cache 256KB, AMD AM2
4 AMD Sempron LE 1150+ buah 480.000
SPARTA FSB 800MHz 65nm
Sempron LE 1200+ 2.1GHz Multiple 10.5x BOX Cache 512KB, AMD AM2
5 AMD Sempron LE 1200+ buah 509.000
SPARTA FSB 800MHz 65nm
A64 LE 1640+ 2.6GHz Multiple 13x BOX, AMD AM2 ORLEANS FSB 1000MHz
6 AMD A64 LE 1640+ buah 742.000
Cache 1MB 90nm
A64 X2 4800+ 2.5GHz Multiple 12.5x BOX, AMD AM2 BRISBANE DUAL CORE
7 AMD A64 X2 4800+ buah 902.000
FSB 1000MHz Cache 2 x 512KB 65nm * energy efficient
A64 X2 5000+ 2.6GHz Multiple 13x BOX, AMD AM2 BRISBANE DUAL CORE
8 AMD A64 X2 5000+ buah 945.000
FSB 1000MHz Cache 2 x 512KB 65nm * energy efficient
A64 X2 5200+ 2.7GHz Multiple 13.5x BOX, AMD AM2 BRISBANE DUAL CORE
9 AMD A64 X2 5200+ buah 1.062.000
FSB 1000MHz Cache 2 x 512KB 65nm * energy efficient
A64 X2 5400+ 2.8GHz Multiple 14xBOX (BLACK EDITION), AMD AM2
10 AMD A64 X2 5400+ BRISBANE DUAL CORE FSB 1000MHz Cache 2 x 512KB 65nm * energy buah 1.091.000
A64 X2 5600+ 2.9GHz Multiple 14.5x BOX, AMD AM2 BRISBANE DUAL CORE
11 AMD A64 X2 5600+ buah 1.163.000
FSB 1000MHz Cache 2 x 512KB 65nm * energy efficient
X3 Phenom 8450 c 2.1GHz Multiple 10.5x BOX, AMD AM2 TOLIMAN TRIPLE
12 AMD X3 Phenom 8450 c buah 1.527.000
CORE FSB 1800MHz Cache 3 x 512KB 65 nm
X3 Phenom 8650 c 2.3GHz Multiple 11.5x BOX, AMD AM2 TOLIMAN TRIPLE
13 AMD X3 Phenom 8650 c buah 1.847.000
CORE FSB 1800MHz Cache 3 x 512KB 65 nm
X3 Phenom 8750 c 2.4GHz Multiple 12x BOX, AMD AM2 TOLIMAN TRIPLE
14 AMD X3 Phenom 8750 c buah 1.992.000
CORE FSB 1800MHz Cache 3 x 512KB 65 nm
X4 Phenom 9550 2.2GHz Multiple 11x BOX, AMD AM2 AGENA QUAD CORE
15 AMD X4 Phenom 9550 buah 2.210.000
FSB 1800MHz Cache 4 x 512KB 65 nm
X4 Phenom 9650 2.3GHz Multiple 11.5x BOX, AMD AM2 AGENA QUAD
16 AMD X4 Phenom 9650 buah 2.254.000
CORE FSB 1800MHz Cache 4 x 512KB 65 nm
X4 Phenom 9850 2.5GHz Multiple 12.5x BOX, AMD AM2 AGENA QUAD
17 AMD X4 Phenom 9850 buah 2.544.000
CORE FSB 1800MHz Cache 4 x 512KB 65 nm,
X4 Phenom 9950 2.6GHz Multiple 13x BOX, AMD AM2 AGENA QUAD CORE
18 AMD X4 Phenom 9950 buah 2.690.000
FSB 1800MHz Cache 4 x 512KB 65 nm

1 ASUS XONAR HDAV13 7.1 channel surround, PCI Sound Card with Dolby TrueHD audio bitstream buah 2.910.000

2 CREATIVE SB 5.1 Sound Blaster 5.1 buah 354.000

Sound Blaster X-Fi Titanium Fatal1ty CREATIVE
3 X-RAM 64MB, Realistic EAX 5.0, PCI-Express, Optical SPDIF, 3.5mm jack buah 3.249.000
4 CREATIVE Sound Blaster X-Fi Xtreme Audio 7.1 Channel, THX, EAX 4.0, Dolby, DTA, PCI-e buah 1.060.000
5 CREATIVE SoundBlaster X-Fi Surround External Soundcard 5.1, X-Fi Technology, Noise Ratio >100dB buah 1.074.000
6 CREATIVE XF341-XG SoundBlaster X-Fi Xtreme Gamer buah 1.907.000

7 CREATIVE X-Fi Titanium Fatal1ty Pro X-RAM 64MB, Realistic EAX 5.0, PCI-Express, Optical SPDIF, 3.5mm jack buah 2.472.000

8 CREATIVE Xmod USB Sound Card External, Earphones, 3.5" Cable buah 1.625.000

9 STEELSERIESSiberia USB Soundcard Black Virtual 7.1 USB Soundcard, 3D Positional, 3.5mm jack, USB Cable Included buah 9.887.000

10 STEELSERIES Siberia USB Soundcard White Virtual 7.1 USB Soundcard, 3D Positional, 3.5mm jack, USB Cable Included buah 9.887.000

1 ALTEC LANSING BXR 1121 2.1 Speaker System, 30 Watts RMS unit 5.735.000

2 ALTEC LANSING BXR1120 2.0 Speaker System, 3 Watts RMS unit 3.037.000

3 ALTEC LANSING FX4021 2.1 Speaker System, 46 Watts RMS unit 2.131.000

4 ALTEC LANSING FX5051 5.1 Multimedia Speaker System - 89 Watts RMS unit 4.226.000
Portable Speaker (Black) with Remote Control, FM Tuner, Alarm Clock - For
5 ALTEC LANSING iM600 unit 2.290.000
6 ALTEC LANSING MX5021 - Black 2.1 Speaker System, 90 Watts RMS unit 2.731.000
7 ALTEC LANSING Orbit-M (IMT237) Speaker for iPod unit 2.731.000
8 ALTEC LANSING VS1520 2.0 Speaker System, 3 Watts RMS unit 2.731.000
9 ALTEC LANSING VS2420 2.0 Speaker System, 8 Watts RMS unit 2.731.000
10 ALTEC LANSING VS2421 2.1 Speaker System, 28 Watts RMS unit 2.731.000
11 ALTEC LANSING VS2521 2.1 Speaker System unit 2.731.000
12 ALTEC LANSING VS325 5.1 Speaker System, 70 Watts RMS unit 1.536.000

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 158
1 2 3 4 5 6
13 ALTEC LANSING VS4121 2.1 Speaker System, 31 Watts RMS unit 2.731.000
14 ALTEC LANSING VS4221 2.1 Speaker System, 35 Watts RMS unit 1.525.000
15 AMETHYST LANSING A-1 7W×2 and Subwoofer 15W×1, 60Hz~20KHz, 100-250V,50/60Hz unit 2.731.000
16 AMETHYST A-1 - Pink 7W×2 and Subwoofer 15W×1, 60Hz~20KHz, 100-250V,50/60Hz unit 2.731.000
17 AMETHYST A-1 - Yellow 7W×2 and Subwoofer 15W×1, 60Hz~20KHz, 100-250V,50/60Hz unit 2.731.000
18 BOSE Companion-3 Digital Music System with extraordinary acoustic design unit 4.661.000
19 BOSE SoundDock Digital Music System with extraordinary acoustic design unit 5.636.000
20 CREATIVE GigaWorks HD50 2.0 Speakers System, 7 W RMS High Frequency unit 1.950.000
21 CREATIVE GigaWorks T20 2.0 Speaker System, 14 Watts RMS per channel (2 channels) unit 1.243.000
2.0 Speaker System, 14 Watts RMS per channel (2 channels), BasXPortâ„¢
22 CREATIVE GigaWorks T20 Series II unit 1.399.000
23 CREATIVE GigaWorks T3 2.1 Speaker System for high-quality music, gaming or movies unit 2.938.000
24 CREATIVE GigaWorks T40 2.0 Speakers System, 14 Watts RMS per channel (2 channels) unit 1.935.000
2.0 Speakers System, 16 Watts RMS per channel (2 channels), BasXPortâ„¢
25 CREATIVE GigaWorks T40 Series II unit 2.091.000
2.1 Multimedia Speaker System - 6 Watts RMS + 17 Watts RMS (subwoofer),
26 CREATIVE Inspire M2600 unit 693.000
Wired Remote Volume Control
27 CREATIVE Inspire T10 2.0 Speakers Speaker, 10 Watts RMS unit 707.000
28 CREATIVE Inspire T3030 2.1 Multimedia Speaker System - 1160 watts PMPO unit 749.000

29 CREATIVE Inspire T3100 2.1 Multimedia Speaker System - 6 Watts RMS + 17 Watts RMS (subwoofer) unit 834.000

30 CREATIVE Inspire T3200 2.1 Speaker, 6 Watts RMS x 2-Channels, 17 Watts RMS subwoofer unit 975.000

31 CREATIVE Inspire T6100 5.1 Multimedia Speaker System - 8 Watts RMS + 26 Watts RMS (subwoofer) unit 1.314.000
5.1 Speaker, Front/rear satellites 4x 7.5 Watts, Centre satellite speaker 18
32 CREATIVE Inspire T6200 unit 1.484.000
Watts, Subwoofer 22 Watts
33 CREATIVE Inspire T7900 7.1 Multimedia Speaker System - 3680 watts PMPO unit 2.077.000
34 CREATIVE N400 1W/ch (2 channels), 2W RMS unit 1.314.000
Speaker For iPOD, 12 Watts RMS per channel (2 channels), 24 Watts RMS
35 CREATIVE Playdock i500 - White unit 2.161.000
Active Speaker, 48 Watt Audio System, 62 - 20000 Hz Response for Creative
36 CREATIVE Playdock Z500 - White unit 1.884.000
ZEN V, ZEN V Plus, ZEN Vision
37 CREATIVE SBS 245 2.0 Speaker System with Built-in bass port unit 156.000

38 CREATIVE SBS A200 2.1 Multimedia Speaker System, 9 Watts RMS unit 410.000

39 CREATIVE SBS A30 2.0 Speaker System, 2 Watts RMS unit 142.000
40 CREATIVE SBS A300 2.1 Multimedia Speaker System, 11 Watts RMS unit 565.000

41 CREATIVE SBS A500 5.1 Multimedia Speaker System - 6 Watts RMS + 17 Watts RMS (subwoofer) unit 919.000

42 CREATIVE TravelDock 900 White Mini Portable 2 pcs spk (White) - 80 watts PMPO with Titanium drivers unit 8.899.000

43 CREATIVE TravelSound 200 Silver Mini Portable 2 pcs spk (Silver) - 80 watts PMPO with Titanium drivers. unit 3.531.000

44 CREATIVE TravelSound 200 White Mini Portable 2 pcs spk (White) - 80 watts PMPO with Titanium drivers unit 3.531.000

45 CREATIVE Travelsound 250 - Black 1.5 Watts RMS per channel (2 channels) unit 4.873.000

46 CREATIVE TravelSound i Speaker for iPOD, 4 Watts/ch RMS (2 channels), 4 x AA Battery unit 1.455.000
Travelsound Zen Stone for Zen Stone, 0.2 Watts RMS/ch (2 channels), 2 x
47 CREATIVE Travelsound Zen Stone - Black unit 2.896.000
AAA Battery
48 CREATIVE TravelSound ZEN V - Black Portable Speakers for ZEN V or ZEN V Plus unit 1.195.000
Black, 2.1 Speaker for iPod, 35 Watts RMS per channel (2 channels), 130
49 CREATIVE X-Fi Sound System i600 unit 4.450.000
Watts RMS subwoofer
50 DIVOOM iTour-10 Mini Portable speaker unit 2.472.000

51 DIVOOM MORRO 121 2.1 Speaker System, 25 Watts RMS. unit 2.472.000

52 DIVOOM MORRO 22 Flat design speaker 2.0 unit 1.201.000

53 DIVOOM MORRO 321 2.1 Powered Audio unit 2.755.000

54 E-BLUE Tube Retractable Speaker, Retractable cable, Titanium dome, carrying case, USB unit 325.000

55 HP RD628AA HP USB Powered Speakers unit 325.000

56 JBLRadial Micro Four Odyssey® neodymium, 2 x 10 watts @ 1%THD, 5k ohms, 85dB unit 2.648.000
2.1-channel system, 6 Watts per satellite at 10% (THD+N), 24 Watts at 10%
57 JBL Spot unit 2.118.000
2.1-channel system, 6 Watts per satellite at 10% (THD+N), 24 Watts at 10%
58 JBL Spyro unit 2.119.000
59 KLIPSCH Promedia 2.1 2.1 Multimedia Speaker System - 4000 watts PMPO, THX Certified unit 2.331.000

60 KLIPSCH Promedia 4.1 4.1 Multimedia Speaker System - 8000 watts PMPO, THX Certified unit 2.825.000
61 KLIPSCH ProMedia GMX A-2.1 2.1 Multimedia Speaker System - 78 Watts RMS unit 2.402.000
8W audio, 4W per channel, up to 24bit / 96kHz Signal Processing &
62 LACEI FireWire and USB 2.0 unit 1.318.000
Frequensy, Mac, PC or MP3 player, USB 2.0, FireWire
8W audio, 4W per channel, up to 24bit / 96kHz Signal Processing &
63 LACEI USB 2.0 unit 945.000
Frequensy, Mac, PC or MP3 player, USB 2.0
64 LOGITECH G51 5.1 Gaming Speaker System with Control Pod, 155 Watts RMS unit 2.967.000

65 LOGITECH LS21 2.1 Stereo Speaker System, Enjoy our games, movies, and music. unit 424.000

66 LOGITECH mm32 - White Portable Speakers for iPod unit 919.000

67 LOGITECH Pure-Fi Anywhere Compact Speakers for iPod with Wireless remote and StereoXL technology unit 1.978.000

68 LOGITECH R-20 2.1 Speaker System, 12 Watts RMS unit 396.000

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 159
1 2 3 4 5 6

69 LOGITECH S100 2.0 Speaker System, 2.6 Watts RMS unit 113.000

70 LOGITECH S-150 2.0 Speaker System, 1.2 Watts RMS, USB unit 184.000

71 LOGITECH V10 Speaker for Notebook unit 678.000

72 LOGITECH X-210 2.1 Speaker System, 25 watts RMS unit 608.000

73 LOGITECH X-230 2.1 Speaker System, 32 Watts RMS unit 820.000

74 LOGITECH X-540 5.1 Surround Speaker System with Control Pod, 70 Watts RMS unit 1.484.000
2.1 Speaker System, 180 watts RMS, Wireless remote control, SRS®
75 LOGITECH Z Cinema unit 4.591.000
TruSurround HDâ„¢, USB port
76 LOGITECH Z-10 2.0 Speaker System with touch-sensitive multimedia controls unit 2.091.000
2.1 Speaker System, 200 Watts RMS, Wired Remote Control, THX®-
77 LOGITECH Z-2300 unit 2.373.000
78 LOGITECH Z-4 2.1 Speaker System with Wired remote control, 40 Watts RMS unit 1.484.000

79 LOGITECH Z-4i 2.1 Speaker System with Wired remote control, 40 Watts RMS unit 1.484.000

80 LOGITECH Z-5 2.0 Omnidirectional speakers, USB unit 1.413.000

81 LOGITECH Z-5500 5.1, 500 W rms, THX, Dolby Digital, DTS, digital input, optic out unit 5.297.000

Personal PA System, 5" Speaker, AC and Rechargable Battery Options AC

82 MIPRO MA-101 unit 10.593.000
and Rechargable Battery Options, Wireless Mic Option (Not Included)

83 MIPRO MA-101c Personal PA System, 5" Speaker, AC and Rechargable Battery Options unit 9.416.000
Wireless Portable PA System, 8" Speaker, Wired & Wireless Mic Input,
84 MIPRO MA-705 unit 27.071.000
CD/MP3 Player, USB Port
Wireless Portable PA System, 70 Watt, 8" Speaker, CD & Cassette
85 MIPRO MA-707 unit 29.425.000
86 MIPRO MA-808 Wireless Portable PA System, 250 Watt, 3-in-1 CD & Flash Player Recorder unit 47.551.000

87 MIPRO ML-767 Wireless Portable PA System unit 27.071.000

88 RAZERMako 2.1 Speaker Sytem, 300W RMS, Unique Design & THX Certified unit 5.297.000
89 SIMBADDA CST-6600 2.1 Speaker System, 30 Watts RMS unit 336.000
90 SIMBADDA CST-9100 2.1 Speaker System, 60 Watts RMS unit 585.000
91 SONICGEAR 2GO I-200 - Black 2.0 Micro Speakers, 2 Watts RMS, USB powered unit 283.000
92 SONICGEAR Armaggeddon 5 2.1 Speaker System, 55 Watts RMS, Wired remote unit 1.046.000
93 SONICGEAR Blue Thunder II R 5.1 Speaker System, 80 Watts RMS unit 1.455.000
94 SONICGEAR Enzo 7000 5.1 Speaker System, 170 Watts RMS unit 2.331.000
95 SONICGEAR EVO 3 2.1 Speaker System, 38 Watts RMS unit 523.000
96 SONICGEAR EVO 5 2.1 Speaker System unit 551.000
97 SONICGEAR EVO 7 2.1 Speaker System unit 594.000
98 SONICGEAR EVO 7 - Black 2.1 Speaker System unit 594.000
99 SONICGEAR Morro 210 2.0 Speaker System, 6 Watts RMS unit 184.000
100 SONICGEAR Morro 521 2.1 Speaker System unit 636.000
101 SONICGEAR Spectra 200 2.1 Speaker System, 16 Watts RMS unit 297.000
102 SONICGEAR Spectra 2000 5.1 Speaker System, 28 Watts RMS unit 678.000
103 SONICGEAR Tatoo 303 2.1 Speaker System, 10 Watts RMS unit 212.000
104 SONICGEAR Tatoo 333 2.1 Speaker System, 36 Watts RMS unit 636.000
105 SONICGEAR Uforia 2 2.0 Speaker System, 12 Watts RMS unit 806.000
106 SONICGEAR Tango Audio for iPOD, 2 main speaker, 2 tweeters, 1 subwoofer unit 1.472.000

1 Harddisk Seagate 80GB SATA Harddisk Seagate 80Gb, Barracuda 7200RPM SATA NCQ 3Gb/s buah 640.000
2 Harddisk Seagate 80GB IDE Harddisk Seagate 80Gb, Barracuda 7200RPM buah 771.000
3 Harddisk Seagate 160GB SATA Harddisk Seagate 160Gb, Barracuda 7200.10 SATA buah 829.000
4 Harddisk Seagate 160GB IDE Harddisk Seagate 160Gb, Barracuda 7200RPM buah 887.000
5 Harddisk Notebook Seagate 80GB Harddisk Seagate 80Gb, Momentus 5400RPM buah 916.000
6 Harddisk Notebook Seagate 120GB SATA Harddisk Notebook Seagate 120Gb, Momentus 5400RPM, SATA buah 916.000
7 Harddisk Notebook Seagate 120Gb ST9120822A | 120Gb, Momentus 5400 buah 945.000
8 Harddisk Seagate 250GB SATA Harddisk Seagate 250Gb, Barracuda 7200.10 SATA NCQ 3Gb/s buah 974.000
9 Harddisk Notebook Seagate 160GB SATA Harddisk Notebook Seagate 160Gb, Momentus 5400RPM, SATA buah 1.062.000
10 Harddisk Notebook Seagate 160GB Harddisk Seagate 160Gb, Momentus 5400RPM buah 1.091.000
11 Harddisk Seagate 320GB SATA Harddisk Seagate 320Gb, Barracuda 7200.10 SATA NSQ 3Gb/s buah 1.120.000
12 Harddisk Notebook Seagate 100GB SATA Harddisk Notebook Seagate 100Gb, Momentus 5400RPM, SATA buah 1.149.000
13 Harddisk Seagate 250Gb SATA ST3250310NS | 250Gb | Barracuda ES 7200, 16mb cache SATA. buah 1.236.000
14 Harddisk Notebook Seagate 250Gb ST9250827AS | 250Gb, Momentus 5400 buah 1.338.000
15 Harddisk Seagate 500GB SATA Harddisk Seagate 500Gb, Barracuda 7200.11 SATA NCQ 3Gb/s, 32mb buah 1.541.000
16 Harddisk Notebook Seagate 320Gb ST9320320AS | 320Gb, Momentur 5400 buah 1.614.000
17 Harddisk Seagate 640Gb SATA ST3640323AS | 640Gb | Barracuda 7200 SATA buah 1.934.000
18 Harddisk Seagate 750GB SATA Harddisk Seagate 750Gb, Barracuda 7200.11 SATA NCQ 3Gb/s, 32mb buah 2.544.000
19 Harddisk Seagate SCSI 73.4Gb ST373455LC | 73.4Gb, Cheetah 15K.5 buah 2.733.000

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 160
1 2 3 4 5 6
20 Harddisk Seagate SCSI 73.4Gb ST373455LW | 73.4Gb, Cheetah 15K.5 buah 2.733.000
21 Harddisk Seagate 500Gb SATA ST3500320NS | 500Gb | Barracuda ES 7200, 16mb cache SATA. buah 2.864.000

22 Harddisk Seagate 1000GB SATA Harddisk Seagate 1 Tb, Barracuda 7200.11 SATA NCQ 3Gb/s, 32mb cache buah 3.068.000

23 Harddisk Seagate SCSI 73Gb ST373455SS | 73Gb, SAS Cheetah 15K.5, 16 mb cache buah 3.068.000
ST3750330NS | 750Gb | Barracuda ES 7200.2, 16mb cache SATA 3Gb/s,
24 Harddisk Seagate 750Gb SATA buah 3.198.000
25 Harddisk Seagate SCSI 73Gb ST973402SS | 73Gb, Savvio 10K.2, SAS, 10k rpm, 16 cache buah 3.271.000

26 Harddisk Seagate SCSI 147Gb ST9147802SS | 147Gb, Savvio 10K.2, SAS, 10k rpm, 16 cache buah 3.344.000

27 Harddisk Seagate 1 Tb SATA ST31000340NS | 1 Tb | Barracuda ES 7200.2 SATA, 32mb cache. buah 3.998.000

28 Harddisk Seagate SCSI 146Gb ST3146855LC | 146Gb, Cheetah 15K.5 buah 4.143.000

29 Harddisk Seagate SCSI 146Gb ST3146855LW | 146Gb, Cheetah 15K.5 buah 4.143.000

30 Harddisk Seagate SCSI 146Gb ST3146855SS | 146Gb, Cheetah 15K.5, SAS buah 4.289.000

31 Harddisk Seagate SCSI 300Gb ST3300655LC | 300Gb, Cheetah 15K.5 buah 8.475.000

32 Harddisk Seagate SCSI 300Gb ST3300655SS | 300Gb, Cheetah 15K.5, SAS, 16mb buah 8.635.000

1 Western Digital 80GB Western Digital WD800AAJS 80GB 7200rpm SATA2,8MB buah 669.000

2 Western Digital 160GB Western Digital WD1600AAJS 160GB 7200rpm SATA2,8MB buah 800.000

3 Western Digital Scorpio 2.5" 120GB SATA For NB Western Digital Scorpio 2.5" 120GB SATA buah 902.000

4 Western Digital 250GB Western Digital WD2500AAJS 250GB 7200rpm SATA2,8MB buah 902.000

5 Western Digital Scorpio 2.5" 160GB SATA For NB Western Digital Scorpio 2.5" 160GB SATA buah 974.000

6 Western Digital 500GB 16MB Western Digital WD5000AAKB 500GB 16MB buah 1.381.000
7 Western Digital Green Power 500GB Western Digital Green Power WD5000AACS 500GB 7200rpm buah 1.425.000
8 Western Digital Green Power 750GB Western Digital Green Power WD7500AACS 750GB 7200rpm buah 2.326.000
Size 2.5" - Formatted Capacity 120,034 MB. - Capacity 120 GB. - Interface
IDE 100 MB/s. - Transfer Rate (Buffer To Disk) 421 Mbits/s (Max). -
WD HDD notebook 2.5" 120GB/5400 RPM/8MB
1 Rotational Speed 5,400 RPM (nominal). - Buffer Size 8 MB. - Average buah 945.000
Latency 5.50 ms (nominal). - Height 9.5 mm ±0.20 mm. - Length 100.2 ±0.25
mm. - Width 69.85 ±0.25 mm. - Weight 0.117 kg.
Fujitsu HDD Notebook 2.5" SATA 120GB/5400 Size 2,5" - 9.5 mm thickness. - Capacity 120GB. - Rotational Speed 5400
2 buah 960.000
RPM/8MB Buffer RPM. - Buffer Size 8MB. - Interface SATA Connection. - 2 Years Warranty.

Fujitsu HDD notebook 2.5" SATA 160GB/5400 Size 2,5" - 9.5 mm thickness. - Capacity 160GB. - Rotational Speed 5400
3 buah 1.091.000
RPM/8MB Buffer RPM. - Buffer Size 8MB. - Interface SATA Connection. - 2 years Warranty

1 Toshiba 2.5" NB 250GB Toshiba 2.5" NB 250GB 7200rpm SATA buah 1.265.000

2 Toshiba 2.5" NB 320GB Toshiba 2.5" NB 320GB 7200rpm SATA buah 1.745.000

ST901203FGE1E1-RK | 120GB 2.5" FreeAgent Go 5400.1, USB2.0, 8mb
1 SEAGATE FreeAgent GO 120GB buah 1.222.000
ST901603FGE1E1-RK | 160GB 2.5" FreeAgent Go 5400.1, USB2.0, 8mb
2 SEAGATE FreeAgent GO 160GB buah 1.396.000
ST902503FGE1E1-RK | 250GB 2.5" FreeAgent Go 5400.1, USB2.0, 8mb
3 SEAGATE FreeAgent GO 250GB buah 1.643.000
ST305004FDE1E1-RK | 500GB 3.5" FreeAgent Desktop 7200.1 , USB 2.0,
4 SEAGATE FreeAgent DESKTOP 500GB buah 1.919.000
8mb cache.
5 SEAGATE FreeAgent Pro 500GB 500GB | 16MB cache | 7200 rpm | USB 2.0 | eSATA | IEEE1394 buah 2.239.000
ST307504FDM101-RK | 750GB 3.5" FreeAgent Desktop 7200.1 , USB 2.0,
6 SEAGATE FreeAgent DESKTOP 750GB buah 2.559.000
8mb cache.
7 SEAGATE FreeAgent Pro 750GB 750GB | 16MB cache | 7200 rpm | USB 2.0 | eSATA | IEEE1394 buah 3.460.000
ST310005FDM101-RK | 1TB 3.5" FreeAgent Desktop 7200.1 , USB 2.0, 8mb
8 SEAGATE FreeAgent DESKTOP 1TB buah 3.678.000
9 SEAGATE FreeAgent Pro 1TB 1TB | 16MB Cache | 7200 rpm | USB 2.0 | eSATA | IEEE1394 buah 4.361.000

1 Maxtor Basics Portable 0080 2.5" Portable, 80GB, 5400 RPM, Cache 8MB, USB 2.0 buah 931.000
2 Maxtor 120GB Mini Basic 2.5" +SoftCase Maxtor 120GB Mini Basic 2.5" +SoftCase buah 1.018.000
3 Maxtor OneTouch4 Mini 0080 2.5" Portable, 80GB, 5400 RPM, Cache 8MB, USB 2.0 buah 1.062.000
4 Maxtor Basics 0250 3.5" Drive, 250GB, 7200 RPM, Cache 16MB, USB 2.0 buah 1.120.000
5 Maxtor OneTouch4 Mini 0120 2.5" Portable, 120GB, 5400 RPM, Cache 8MB, USB 2.0 buah 1.207.000
6 Maxtor OneTouch4 0250 3.5" Drive, 250GB, 7200 RPM, Cache 16MB, USB 2.0 buah 1.207.000
7 Maxtor Basics Portable 0160 2.5" Portable, 160GB, 5400 RPM, Cache 8MB, USB 2.0 buah 1.323.000
8 Maxtor OneTouch4 Mini 0160 2.5" Portable, 160GB, 5400 RPM, Cache 8MB, USB 2.0 buah 1.338.000
9 Maxtor OneTouch4 Mini 0250 2.5" Portable, 250GB, 5400 RPM, Cache 8MB, USB 2.0 buah 1.440.000
10 Maxtor OneTouch4 0500 3.5" Drive, 500GB, 7200 RPM, Cache 16MB, USB 2.0 buah 2.006.000
11 Maxtor OneTouch III 320GB, 7200rpm, 16MB, USB 2.0 / IEEE1394 buah 2.021.000
12 Maxtor OneTouch4 Mini 0320 2.5" Portable, 320GB, 5400 RPM, Cache 8MB, USB 2.0 buah 2.268.000
13 Maxtor OneTouch4 Plus 0500 3.5" Drive, 500GB, 7200 RPM, Cache 16MB, USB 2.0 and Firewire400 buah 2.399.000

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 161
1 2 3 4 5 6
14 Maxtor Shared Storage II 320GB, 7200rpm, 16MB, USB 2.0 / Gigabit 10/100/1000 Ethernet buah 2.472.000
15 Maxtor OneTouch4 0750 3.5" Drive, 750GB, 7200RPM, Cache 16MB, USB 2.0 buah 2.646.000
16 Maxtor OneTouch4 Plus 0750 3.5" Drive, 750GB, 7200RPM, Cache 16MB, USB 2.0, FireWire 400 buah 2.908.000
17 Maxtor Shared Storage II 500GB, 7200rpm, 16MB, USB 2.0 / Gigabit 10/100/1000 Ethernet buah 3.126.000
18 Maxtor Shared Storage II 1TB, 7200rpm, 16MB, USB 2.0 / Gigabit 10/100/1000 Ethernet buah 3.853.000

1 TRANSCEND StoreJet 1.8 40GB, 8MB cache, 5400 rpm, USB 2.0 buah 6.251.000

2 TRANSCEND StoreJet 1.8 60GB, 8MB cache, 5400 rpm, USB 2.0 buah 1.963.000

1 320GB, 7200rpm, 8MB, USB 2.0 / IEEE1394 buah 2.355.000
2 160GB, 5400rpm, 8MB, USB 2.0 buah 1.178.000
3 120GB, 5400rpm, USB 2.0 buah 1.207.000
Essential (Black)
4 WESTERN DIGITAL WDXMS1200TA Passport 120GB, 5400rpm, USB 2.0 (Black) buah 1.265.000
5 160 GB, USB 2.0, 5400RPM buah 1.352.000
Essential (Black)
6 160 GB, USB 2.0, 5400RPM buah 1.352.000
Essential (Blue)
7 160GB, USB 2.0, 5400RPM buah 1.352.000
Essential (Green)
8 160GB, USB 2.0, 5400RPM buah 1.352.000
Essential (Red)
9 160GB, USB 2.0, 5400RPM US$ 93.00 buah 1.352.000
Essential (White)
10 WESTERN DIGITAL WDXMSA1200 (White) 120GB, 5400rpm, USB 2.0 (White) buah 1.352.000

11 WESTERN DIGITAL WDXMS1600TA Passport 160GB, 5400rpm, USB 2.0 (Black) buah 1.381.000
12 320GB, 7200rpm, 8MB, USB 2.0 buah 1.410.000
13 WESTERN DIGITAL WDXMSA1600TA Passport 160 GB, 5400RPM, USB 2.0 (White) buah 1.410.000

14 WESTERN DIGITAL WDXMSE1600 Passport (Pink) 160GB, 5400epm, USB 2.0 (Pink) buah 1.454.000
15 250GB, 5400rpm, 8MB, USB 2.0 buah 1.570.000
16 320GB, 7200rpm, USB 2.0 buah 1.614.000
17 500GB, 7200rpm, 8MB, USB 2.0 buah 1.803.000
18 250 GB, USB 2.0, 5400RPM buah 1.934.000
Essential (Black)
19 250GB, USB 2.0, 5400RPM buah 1.934.000
Essential (Blue)
20 250GB, USB 2.0, 5400RPM buah 1.934.000
Essential (Red)
21 250GB, USB 2.0, 5400RPM buah 1.934.000
Essential (White)
22 WESTERN DIGITAL WDXMS2500TA Passport 250GB, 5400rpm, USB 2.0 (Black) buah 1.934.000
23 500GB, 7200rpm, USB 2.0 buah 2.079.000
24 250GB, 5400rpm, USB 2.0 (White) buah 2.108.000
25 WESTERN DIGITAL WDML2500 Passport Elite 250 GB, USB 2.0, 5400RPM buah 2.210.000
26 320GB, 5400rpm, 8MB, USB 2.0 buah 2.297.000
27 500GB, 7200RPM, USB 2.0, FireWire 400, eSATA buah 2.312.000
Home Edition
28 WESTERN DIGITAL WDXMSE2500 Passport (Pink) 250GB, 5400rpm, USB 2.0 (Pink) buah 2.573.000

29 WESTERN DIGITAL WDG1T5000A My Book Pro 500GB, 7200rpm, USB 2.0 / IEEE1394 buah 2.617.000
30 500GB, 7200rpm, 8MB, USB 2.0 / IEEE1394 buah 2.661.000
31 320 GB, USB 2.0, 5400RPM buah 2.675.000
Essential (Black)
32 320 GB, USB 2.0, 5400RPM buah 2.690.000
Essential (Blue)
33 320 GB, USB 2.0, 5400RPM buah 2.690.000
Essential (Green)
34 320 GB, USB 2.0, 5400RPM buah 2.690.000
Essential (White)
35 750GB, 7200rpm, 8MB, USB 2.0 buah 2.733.000
36 320 GB, 5400RPM, USB 2.0 buah 2.864.000
37 500GB, 7200rpm, Ethernet buah 2.951.000
38 WESTERN DIGITAL WDH1CS7500S 750GB, 7200RPM, USB 2.0, FireWire 400, eSATA buah 3.126.000
39 500GB, FireWire 400 & 800, eSATA, USB 2.0 buah 3.271.000
40 750GB, 7200rpm, USB 2.0 buah 3.344.000
41 1TB, 7200rpm, USB 2.0 buah 3.925.000

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 162
1 2 3 4 5 6
42 1 TB, 7200 RPM, Ethernet buah 3.969.000
World II
43 WESTERN DIGITAL WDG1T7500A My Book Pro 750GB, 7200rpm, USB 2.0 / IEEE1394 buah 4.187.000
44 750GB, 7200rpm, Ethernet buah 4.361.000
45 1TB, 7200RPM, USB 2.0, FireWire 400, eSATA buah 4.361.000
Home Edition
46 1TB, 7200 RPM, USB 2.0, FireWire 400 & 800 buah 4.652.000
Premium II
47 1TB, 7200rpm, Ethernet buah 5.350.000
48 1TB, 7200rpm, USB 2.0 / IEEE1394 buah 5.379.000
49 1.5TB, 7200rpm, USB 2.0 / IEEE1394 buah 7.268.000
Premium II
50 1.5TB, 7200rpm, USB 2.0 / IEEE1394 buah 7.385.000
51 2TB, 7200rpm, USB 2.0 / IEEE1394 buah 10.176.000
52 2TB, 7200rpm, Ethernet buah 11.411.000
World II
1 Battery IBM ThinkPad T30 series IBM ThinkPad T30 series (A4593) Black/ Li-ion/ 10.8V/ Panasonic. buah 1.089.000
IBM ThinkPad T40 series, T42, T43, R50 (A4593A) Black/ Li-ion/ 10.8V/
2 Battery IBM ThinkPad T40 series buah 1.148.000
3 Battery IBM ThinkPad 600 series IBM ThinkPad 600 series (A4593AD) Black/ Li-ion/ 10.8V/ Panasonic. buah 972.000
IBM ThinkPad T20, T21, T22, T23, T series (A4593A1) Black/ Li-ion/ 10.8V/
4 Battery IBM ThinkPad T20, T21, T22, T23, T series buah 1.001.000
IBM ThinkPad X20, X21, X22, X23, X24 (Not applicable X31, X30 series:
5 Battery IBM ThinkPad X20, X21, X22, X23, X24 buah 1.030.000
6 Battery IBM ThinkPad R32 series, R40 IBM ThinkPad R32 series, R40 (A4593A3) Black/ Li-ion/ 14.4V / Panasonic. buah 1.148.000
IBM ThinkPad A20 series, A20M, A20P, A21, A21M, A21P, A22M, A22P
7 Battery IBM ThinkPad A20 series buah 1.119.000
IBM ThinkPad 380, 380CS, 380CE, 380D, 380XD, 380Z (Pentium II model:
8 Battery IBM ThinkPad 380 buah 1.172.000
IBM ThinkPad 390, 390E, 390X & i 1700 series, 1720 (A4593A6) Black/ Ni-MH/
9 Battery IBM ThinkPad 390 buah 1.089.000
9.6V/ Sanyo.
IBM ThinkPad A series (A21e, A22e) (A459A2) Black/ Li-ion/ 10.8V/
10 Battery IBM ThinkPad A series buah 1.207.000
IBM ThinkPad R40e series, Black/ Li-ion/ 10.8V/ Panasonic (Not for R40,
11 Battery IBM ThinkPad R40e series buah 1.089.000
R32, R31, R30 series, A459A8)
Battery Compaq Presario 1700 series, Evo 160 Compaq Presario 1700 series, Evo 160 series (A459C3) D. Blue/ Li-ion/
12 buah 1.148.000
series 14.4V/ Panasonic.
Compaq Presario 2100, 2100 series (A459C4) Black/ Li-ion/ 14.8V/
13 Battery Compaq Presario 2100, 2100 series buah 1.089.000
Compaq Armada M700, Prosignia 170 (A459C50) Black/ Li-ion/ 14.8V/
14 Battery Compaq Armada M700, Prosignia 170 buah 1.089.000
Compaq Evo N600, 610, N620 series (A459C5AD) Black/ Li-ion/ 14.4V/
15 Battery Compaq Evo N600, 610, N620 series buah 1.119.000
Battery Compaq Evo N400C, N410C, Presario 300, Compaq Evo N400C series, N410C series, Presario 300, Presario 305
16 buah 1.148.000
305 (A459C5AE) (D. Grey/ Li-ion/ 14.8V/ Panasonic)

17 Battery Toshiba Tecra 8000 series Toshiba Tecra 8000 series (A459E) (D Grey/ Li-ion/ 10.8V/ Panasonic). buah 936.000

Toshiba Satellite 3000 series, 3005, Satellite 1200 (D. Grey/ Li-ion/ 14.8V/
18 Battery Toshiba Satellite 3000, 3005, 1200 buah 1.030.000
19 Battery Toshiba Satellite 1900 Toshiba Satellite 1900 (D Grey/ Li-ion/ 14.8V/ Panasonic). buah 1.289.000
Toshiba Satellite 5000/ Portege A100 series (A459FO/ Black/ Li-ion/ 10.8V/
20 Battery Toshiba Satellite 5000/Portege A100 series buah 1.119.000
21 Battery Toshiba Tecra 8100 Toshiba Tecra 8100 (A459F1) (Grey/ Li-ion/ 10.8V/ YL). buah 936.000
22 Battery Toshiba Tecra 8200 Toshiba Tecra 8200 (A459F2) (Grey/ Li-ion/ 10.8V/ Panasonic. buah 1.030.000
Toshiba Portege 7000, 7200 series standard (A459F3) (Grey/ Li-ion/ 10.8V/
23 Battery Toshiba Portege 7000, 7200 series buah 1.030.000
Toshiba Portege 3480CT, 3490CT series (A459F4) (M Blue/ Li-ion/ 10.8V/
24 Battery Toshiba Portege 3480CT, 3490CT series buah 1.172.000
Toshiba Satellite Pro 300, 400, 4600 series (A459F5) (Black/ Li-ion/ 10.8V/
25 Battery Toshiba Satellite Pro 300, 400, 4600 series buah 1.001.000
26 Battery Toshiba Satellite M30, M35 series Toshiba Satellite M30, M35 series (A459F6) (Black/ Li-ion/ 10.8V/ Panasonic. buah 1.148.000
Battery Toshiba Satellite Pro 6000, 6100, Portege Toshiba Satellite Pro 6000, 6100, Portege M200, M205, Tecra TE2000
27 buah 1.030.000
M200, M205, Tecra TE2000 (A459F7) (Black/ Li-ion/ 10.8V/ Panasonic).
Battery Tecra TE2100 series, Satellite R10, R15, Tecra TE2100 series, Satellite R10, R15, Tecra M4 (A459F70) (Black/ Li-ion/
28 buah 1.001.000
Tecra M4 10.8V/ Panasonic).
Toshiba Satellite 2450, 2455 series (A459F8) (Black/ Li-ion/ 10.8V/
29 Battery Toshiba Satellite 2450, 2455 series buah 1.289.000
30 Battery Toshiba Satellite 1955-S801 Toshiba Satellite 1955-S801 (A459F9) (D Grey/ Li-ion/ 14.8V/ Panasonic). buah 1.289.000
Battery Toshiba TecraM1 series, Satellite Pro M10, Toshiba TecraM1 series, Satellite Pro M10, M15 (A459F20) (Black/ Li-ion/
31 buah 1.119.000
M15 10.8V/ Panasonic).
Battery Tecra A2, M2, M2V, Satellite A50, A55, Tecra A2, M2, M2V, Satellite A50, A55, Tecra M3, Portege S100 Black/ Li-ion/
32 buah 1.119.000
Tecra M3, Portege S100 11.1V/ Panasonic (A459F21).
Battery Toshiba Tecra 9000, 9100 series, Portege Toshiba Tecra 9000, 9100 series, Portege 4000 series (A459F30) (Li-ion/
33 buah 1.030.000
4000 series 10.8V/ Panasonic).
Battery Travelmate 230, 280 series & 220, 260 Travelmate 230, 280 series & 220, 260 series (A459G) (Grey/ Li-ion/ 14.8V/
34 buah 1.148.000
series Panasonic).
1 Corsair SODIMM DDR2 PC4200 256MB SODIMM DDR2 PC4200 256MB VS256SDS533D2 256MB. buah 204.000

2 Corsair SODIMM DDR2 PC5300 512MB SODIMM DDR2 PC5300 512MB VS512SDS667D2 512MB. buah 248.000

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 163
1 2 3 4 5 6
3 Corsair SODIMM DDR2 PC5300 1GB SODIMM DDR2 PC5300 1GB VS1GSDS667D2 1GB. buah 320.000

4 Corsair SODIMM DDR PC2700 512MB SODIMM DDR PC2700 512MB VS512SDS333 512MB. buah 364.000

5 Corsair XMS 256 XMS 256 CMX256A-2700C2 - CL2. buah 378.000

6 Corsair Rambus 128 Rambus 128 SAMSUNG 128MB PC800. buah 408.000

7 Corsair MAC MEMORY 1 GB MAC MEMORY 1 GB VSA1GSDS667D2. buah 408.000

8 Corsair SODIMM DDR2 PC5300 2GB SODIMM DDR2 PC5300 2GB VS2GSDS667D2 2GB. buah 567.000

9 Corsair ECC - DDR [SERVER] 512 Mb ECC - DDR [SERVER] 512 Mb CM72SD512RLP-2700. buah 640.000
Corsair TWIN2X Series DDR2-800 2GB KIT (1GB X
10 TWIN2X Series DDR2-800 2GB KIT ( 1GB X 2 ) TWIN2X2048-6400 2GB. buah 785.000
11 Corsair ECC - DDR2 [SERVER] 1 GB ECC - DDR2 [SERVER] 1 GB CM72DD1024R-667 1GB. buah 800.000

12 Corsair MAC MEMORY 2GB MAC MEMORY 2GB VSA2GSDS667D2 2GB. buah 800.000

13 Corsair MAC MEMORY 1GB x 2 MAC MEMORY 1GB x 2 VSA2GSDSKIT667D2 1GB x 2. buah 815.000

14 Corsair SODIMM DDR PC2700 1 GB SODIMM DDR PC2700 1 GB VS1GSDS333 1GB. buah 829.000

15 Corsair FB-DIMM [SERVER] 1 GB FB-DIMM [SERVER] 1 GB CM72FB1024-667/EL 1GB. buah 873.000

16 Corsair ECC - DDR2 [SERVER] 1 GB ECC - DDR2 [SERVER] 1 GB CM73DD1024R-667 1GB. buah 960.000

17 Corsair ECC - DDR [SERVER] 1 GB ECC - DDR [SERVER] 1 GB CM72SD1024RLP-2700. buah 1.033.000

18 Corsair SODIMM DDR2 PC5300 2GB x 2 SODIMM DDR2 PC5300 2GB x 2 VS4GSDSKIT667D2 2GB x 2. buah 1.120.000
19 CORSAIR DOMINATOR DDR2 1GB x 2 CORSAIR DOMINATOR DDR2 1GB x 2 TWIN2X2048-8500C5D 1GB x 2 buah 1.265.000

20 Corsair ECC - DDR [SERVER] 1GB ECC - DDR [SERVER] 1GB CM72SD1024RLP-3200. buah 1.309.000

21 eDevices 512MB DDR400 PC3200 eDevices 512MB DDR400 PC3200 buah 277.000

22 eDevices 1GB DDR667 PC5300 eDevices 1GB DDR667 PC5300 buah 335.000

23 eDevices SODIMM 1GB DDR667 PC5300 eDevices SODIMM 1GB DDR667 PC5300 buah 335.000
24 eDevices 1GB DDR400 PC3200 eDevices 1GB DDR400 PC3200 buah 524.000

25 eDevices SODIMM 2GB DDR667 PC5300 eDevices SODIMM 2GB DDR667 PC5300 buah 626.000

26 Memory Kingston DDR 256MB 667Mhz PC5300 Memory Kingston DDR 256MB 667Mhz PC5300 buah 160.000

27 Memory Kingston DDR 512MB 667Mhz PC5300 Memory Kingston DDR 512MB 667Mhz PC5300 buah 204.000

28 Memory Kingston DDR2 512MB PC5300/PC667 Kingston DDR2 512MB PC5300/PC667 buah 219.000
29 Memory Kingston DDR 256MB 400Mhz PC3200 Memory Kingston DDR 256MB 400Mhz PC3200 buah 335.000

30 Memory Kingston DDR 1GB 667Mhz PC5300 Memory Kingston DDR 1GB 667Mhz PC5300 buah 335.000

31 Memory Kingston DDR2 1GB PC5300/PC667 Kingston DDR2 1GB PC5300/PC667 buah 349.000
32 Memory Kingston SODIMM DDR2 1GB PC5300 Kingston SODIMM DDR2 1GB PC5300 buah 364.000

33 Memory Kingston DDR2 1GB PC6400/PC800 Kingston DDR2 1GB PC6400/PC800 buah 378.000

34 Memory Kingston DDR 512MB 400Mhz PC3200 Memory Kingston DDR 512MB 400Mhz PC3200 buah 495.000

35 Memory Kingston DDR2 2GB PC5300/PC667 Kingston DDR2 2GB PC5300/PC667 buah 495.000
36 Memory Kingston DDR2 2GB PC5300/PC667 Kingston DDR2 2GB PC5300/PC667 buah 640.000

37 Memory Kingston DDR2 2GB PC6400/PC800 Kingston DDR2 2GB PC6400/PC800 buah 640.000

38 Memory Kingston SODIMM DDR2 2GB PC5300 Kingston SODIMM DDR2 2GB PC5300 buah 640.000
39 Memory Kingston DDR 1GB 400Mhz PC3200 Memory Kingston DDR 1GB 400Mhz PC3200 buah 960.000

40 Memory V-Gen DDR1 512MB PC3200 DDR 512MB PC3200 buah 378.000

41 Memory V-Gen DDR1 1GB PC3200 DDR 1GB PC3200 buah 669.000

42 Memory V-Gen DDR2 1Gb PC5300 DDR2 1Gb PC5300 buah 233.000

43 Memory V-Gen DDR2 2Gb PC5300 DDR2 2Gb PC5300 buah 364.000
44 Memory V-Gen SODIMM DDR2 512MB PC5300 SODIMM DDR2 512MB PC5300 buah 175.000

45 Memory V-Gen SODIMM DDR2 1GB PC5300 SODIMM DDR2 1GB PC5300 buah 233.000

46 Memory V-Gen SODIMM DDR2 2GB PC5300 SODIMM DDR2 2GB PC5300 buah 364.000

47 Memory V-GeN SODIMM DDR3 1GB PC8500 V-GeN SODIMM DDR3 1 GB PC-8500 buah 509.000

48 Memory V-GeN SODIMM DDR3 2GB PC8500 V-GeN SODIMM DDR3 2 GB PC-8500 buah 844.000

49 Memori Visipro DDR2 256MB PC5300 667MHz Memori Visipro DDR2 256MB PC5300 667MHz buah 175.000
50 Memori Visipro SODIMM DDR2 256MB PC5300 Memori Visipro SODIMM DDR2 256MB PC5300 buah 175.000

51 Memori Visipro DDR2 512MB PC5300 667MHz Memori Visipro DDR2 512MB PC5300 667MHz buah 219.000
52 Memori Visipro SODIMM DDR2 512MB PC5300 Memori Visipro SODIMM DDR2 512MB PC5300 buah 219.000

53 Memori Visipro DDR 256MB PC3200 400MHz Memori Visipro DDR 256MB PC3200 400MHz buah 248.000

54 Memori Visipro DDR2 512MB PC6400 800MHz Memori Visipro DDR2 512MB PC6400 800MHz buah 277.000
55 Memori Visipro SODIMM DDR 256MB PC3200 Memori Visipro SODIMM DDR 256MB PC3200 buah 277.000

56 Memori Visipro SODIMM DDR2 512MB PC6300 Memori Visipro SODIMM DDR2 512MB PC6300 buah 335.000

57 Memori Visipro SODIMM DDR2 1GB PC5300 Memori Visipro SODIMM DDR2 1GB PC5300 buah 349.000

58 Memori Visipro DDR2 1Gb PC5300 667MHz Memori Visipro DDR2 1Gb PC5300 667MHz buah 408.000

59 Memori Visipro DDR 512MB PC3200 400MHz Memori Visipro DDR 512MB PC3200 400MHz buah 451.000

60 Memori Visipro DDR2 1Gb PC6400 800MHz Memori Visipro DDR2 1Gb PC6400 800MHz buah 451.000

61 Memori Visipro SODIMM DDR 512MB PC3200 Memori Visipro SODIMM DDR 512MB PC3200 buah 451.000

62 Memori Visipro SODIMM DDR2 1GB PC6300 Memori Visipro SODIMM DDR2 1GB PC6300 buah 626.000

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 164
1 2 3 4 5 6
63 Memori Visipro SODIMM DDR2 2GB PC5300 Memori Visipro SODIMM DDR2 2GB PC5300 buah 785.000

64 Memori Visipro DDR 1GB PC3200 400MHz Memori Visipro DDR 1GB PC3200 400MHz buah 800.000

65 Memori Visipro DDR2 2Gb PC5300 667MHz Memori Visipro DDR2 2Gb PC5300 667MHz buah 800.000
66 Memori Visipro DDR2 2Gb PC6400 800MHz Memori Visipro DDR2 2Gb PC6400 800MHz buah 1.091.000

67 Memori Visipro SODIMM DDR 1GB PC3200 Memori Visipro SODIMM DDR 1GB PC3200 buah 1.163.000

Compact HD camcorder - pocketDV AHD 300, which able to record amazing
1 AIPTEK AHD200 buah 1.978.000
full 1080p HD - FREE Memory SD 4GB
2 AIPTEK H100 5 Megapixels, 8x Digital Zoom, 3.0" LTPS LCD Display, SD/MMC Slot buah 1.884.000
HD Flash Memory Camcorder, Dolby Audio, 3.31 Megapixel, 12x Optical
3 CANON HF 10 buah 1.766.000
Zoom, 40/200X Digital Zoom, SD/SDHC Slot, 16GB Internal Flash Memory,
HD Flash Memory Camcorder, 3.31 Megapixel, 12x Optical Zoom, 200x
4 CANON HF100 buah 1.413.000
Digital Zoom, SD/SHDC Slot, USB 2.0
1/2.7" CMOS Sensor with approx. 2,960,000 pixels, 10x Optical Zoom, 200x
5 CANON HG10 buah 14.654.000
Digital Zoom, 2.7" Widescreen LCD, 40GB
CCD with up to 5MPixels effective pixels, 8X digital zoom, 2.5" Optimum
6 CREATIVE DiVi Cam 525D Blue buah 1.529.000
LCD display, SD/MMC Slots and 32MB Internal Memory - FREE Memory
CCD with up to 5MPixels effective pixels, 8X digital zoom, 2.5" Optimum
7 CREATIVE DiVi Cam 525D Silver buah 1.529.000
LCD display, SD/MMC Slots and 32MB Internal Memory - FREE Memory
8 CREATIVE Vado - Pink VGA CMOS (640 x 480), 2x Digital Zoom, 2" TFT LCD Screen, 2GB Memory buah 1.467.000
High Definition Camcorder, 5 Megapixels (Interpolation up to 8 Megapixels),
9 DIGILIFE DV1080HD Red buah 2.354.000
4x Digital Zoom, 90MB Internal Memory, USB 2.0, Lithium-Ion Battery -
High Definition Camcorder, 5 Megapixels (Interpolation up to 8 Megapixels),
10 DIGILIFE DV1080HD Silver buah 2.354.000
4x Digital Zoom, 90MB Internal Memory, USB 2.0, Lithium-Ion Battery -
1/6" CCD Sensor with 800K pixel effective, 34X optical zoom lens with 800X
11 JVC GR-DA30 buah 2.708.000
digital zoom, 2.4" Wide SwivelScreen LCD display
1/5" CCD Sensor with 530K pixel effective, 10X optical zoom lens with 200X
12 JVC GZ-HD3 buah 9.681.000
digital zoom, 2.8" Wide SwivelScreen LCD display, 60GB Harddisk Drive
1/5" CCD Sensor with 2.14M pixel effective, 10X optical zoom lens with 200X
13 JVC GZ-HD5 buah 14.095.000
digital zoom, 2.8" Wide SwivelScreen LCD display, 60GB Harddisk Drive
1/5" CCD Sensor with 2.14M pixel effective, 10X optical zoom lens with 200X
14 JVC GZ-HD6 buah 16.214.000
digital zoom, 2.8" Wide SwivelScreen LCD display, 120GB Harddisk Drive
1/5" CCD Sensor with 530K pixel effective, 10X optical zoom lens with 200X
15 JVC GZ-HD7 buah 14.654.000
digital zoom, 2.8" Wide SwivelScreen LCD display, 60GB Harddisk Drive
1/6" CCD Sensor with 112K pixel effective, 34X optical zoom lens with 800X
16 JVC GZ-MG130 buah 5.091.000
digital zoom, 2.7" Wide SwivelScreen LCD display, 30GB Harddisk Drive
1/6" CCD Sensor, 32X optical zoom lens with 800X digital zoom, Carl Zeiss
17 JVC GZ-MG155 buah 6.209.000
Vario-Tessar lens, 2.7" Wide Touchpanel SwivelScreen LCD display, 30GB
1/3.9" CCD Sensor with 2.18M pixel effective, 10X optical zoom lens with
18 JVC GZ-MG275 buah 8.416.000
300X digital zoom, 2.7" Wide SwivelScreen LCD display, 40GB Harddisk
1/6" CCD Sensor, 800K effective pixel, 35X optical zoom, 800X digital zoom,
19 JVC GZ-MG330 buah 5.238.000
2.7" Wide Hybrid LCD, 30GB Harddisk Drive
1/6" CCD Sensor, 800K effective pixel, 35X optical zoom, 800X digital zoom,
20 JVC GZ-MG335 buah 5.827.000
2.7" Wide Hybrid LCD, 30GB Harddisk Drive
1/6" CCD Sensor with 1.07M pixel effective, 32X optical zoom lens with 800X
21 JVC GZ-MG465 buah 6.592.000
digital zoom, Carl Zeiss Vario-Tessar lens, 2.7" Wide Touchpanel
1/2.5-internal hard disk drive W~T(3.5)/f=6.3~63.0mm Lens 2.7-inch 16:9
22 JVC GZ-MG575 buah 10.182.000
widescreen clear LCD monitor 10x optical zoom / 300x digital zoom
1/6" 3CCD, 560K Hi-Definition effective pixel, 10X optical zoom, 700X digital
23 PANASONIC HDC-HS9 buah 14.360.000
zoom, 2.7" LCD, 60GB Harddisk Drive
24 PANASONIC HDC-SD5 10x optical zoom, 700x digital zoom, 340 gram, 2.7 inch LCD, Stereo buah 8.769.000
1/6" 3CCD, 560K Hi-Definition effective pixel, 10X optical zoom, 700X digital
25 PANASONIC HDC-SD9 buah 12.065.000
zoom, 2.7" LCD
1/6" CCD, 680K effective pixel, 32X optical zoom, 1000X digital zoom, 2.7"
26 PANASONIC SDR-H20 buah 5.209.000
LCD, 30GB Harddisk Drive
1/6" 3CCD, 630K effective pixel, 10X optical zoom, 700X digital zoom, 2.7"
27 PANASONIC SDR-H250 buah 7.057.000
LCD, 30GB Harddisk Drive
1/6" 3CCD, 630K effective pixel, 10X optical zoom, 700X digital zoom, 2.7"
28 PANASONIC SDR-H280 buah 7.533.000
LCD, 30GB Harddisk Drive
1/6" CCD, 400K effective pixel, 42X optical zoom, 2000X digital zoom, 2.7"
29 PANASONIC SDR-H40 buah 6.062.000
LCD, 40GB Harddisk Drive
HDD Camcorder, 60GB, 1.6" CCD, 800k Pixel, 50x Optical Zoom, 2500x
30 PANASONIC SDR-H60 buah 7.886.000
Digital Zoom, 2.7" LCD
1/6" CCD, 800K effective pixel, 10X optical zoom, 700X digital zoom, 2.7"
31 PANASONIC SDR-S10 buah 4.355.000
LCD, 2GB Memory Card Included
1/6" CCD, 800K effective pixel, 10X optical zoom, 700X digital zoom, 2.7"
32 PANASONIC SDR-S9 buah 3.679.000
1/6" CCD Sensor, 350K effective pixel, 10X optical zoom, 100X digital zoom,
33 SAMSUNG MiniKet 110 buah 4.561.000
2.0" LCD
Xacti, 6 Megapixel, 5x Optical Zoom, 12x Digital Zoom, 18MB Internal
34 SANYO VPC-CA65 Blue buah 3.649.000
Memory, SD/SDHC Slot, 2.5" TFT LCD - FREE SD Card 2GB & Lithium
Xacti, 6 Megapixel, 5x Optical Zoom, 12x Digital Zoom, 18MB Internal
35 SANYO VPC-CA65 White buah 3.649.000
Memory, SD/SDHC Slot, 2.5" TFT LCD - FREE SD Card 2GB & Lithium
Xacti, 6 Megapixel, 5x Optical Zoom, 12x Digital Zoom, 18MB Internal
36 SANYO VPC-CA65 Yellow buah 3.649.000
Memory, SD/SDHC Slot, 2.5" TFT LCD - FREE SD Card 2GB & Lithium
Xacti, 8 Megapixel, 5x Optical, 12x Digital Zoom, USB 2.0, Internal 44MB
37 SANYO VPC-CA8 Black buah 4.355.000
Waterproof Digital Video Camera- FREE SDHC Card 4GB
Xacti, 8 Megapixel, 5x Optical, 12x Digital Zoom, USB 2.0, Internal 44MB
38 SANYO VPC-CA8 Blue buah 4.414.000
Waterproof Digital Video Camera- FREE SDHC Card 4GB
Xacti, 8 Megapixel, 5x Optical, 12x Digital Zoom, USB 2.0, Internal 44MB
39 SANYO VPC-CA8 Orange buah 4.414.000
Waterproof Digital Video Camera- FREE SDHC Card 4GB
Xacti, 8 Megapixel, 5x Optical, 12x Digital Zoom, USB 2.0, Internal 44MB
40 SANYO VPC-CA8 White buah 4.355.000
Waterproof Digital Video Camera- FREE SDHC Card 4GB
Xacti, 9.1 Megapixels, 12x Digital Zoom, 5x Optical Zoom, SD/SDHC Slot,
41 SANYO VPC-CG9 Black buah 3.531.000
2.5" TFT LCD, USB 2.0 - FREE SDHC Card 4GB
Xacti, 9.1 Megapixels, 12x Digital Zoom, 5x Optical Zoom, SD/SDHC Slot,
42 SANYO VPC-CG9 White buah 342.000
2.5" TFT LCD, USB 2.0 - FREE SDHC Card 4GB
Xacti, 7.1 Megapixels, 10x Optical Zoom, 10x Digital Zoom, High Definition
43 SANYO VPC-HD2 buah 6.297.000
Movie Quality, SD/SDHC Slot, USB 2.0 - FREE SD Card 4GB
Xacti, 7.1 Megapixel, 5x Optical Zoom, 12x Digital Zoom, SD/SDHC Card,
44 SANYO VPC-HD700 Red buah 4.826.000
2.7" TFT LCD, USB 2.0- FREE SD Card 4GB
Xacti, 7.1 Megapixel, 5x Optical Zoom, 12x Digital Zoom, SD/SDHC Card,
45 SANYO VPC-HD700 Silver buah 4.826.000
2.7" TFT LCD, USB 2.0- FREE SD Card 4GB

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 165
1 2 3 4 5 6

1/3" ClearVid CMOS Sensor with 10.2 Megapixel still image capabilities, 12X
46 SONY DCR-SR12E optical zoom lens with 150X digital zoom, Carl Zeiss Vario-Tessar lens, 3.2" buah 4.708.000
Wide Hybrid Touch Panel LCD screen, 120GB Harddisk Drive

1/3" ClearVid CMOS Sensor with 4.0 Megapixel still image capabilities, 15X
47 SONY DCR-SR220E optical zoom lens with 180X digital zoom, Carl Zeiss Vario-Tessar lens, 2.7" buah 4.414.000
Wide Hybrid Touch Panel LCD screen, 60GB Harddisk Drive
3 MegaPixel, CCD-2.7" LCD Display, 10x Optical Zoom, 20x Digital Zoom,
48 SONY DCR-SR300E buah 4.120.000
Internal 40GB HardDrive
680K Pixel, CCD 2.5" LCD Display, 40x Optical Zoom, 2000x Digital Zoom,
49 SONY DCR-SR42E buah 4.120.000
Internal 30GB HardDrive
30GB HDD, Hybrid Recording, Built-in Zoom Mic, Quick On Button 40x
50 SONY DCR-SR45E buah 5.297.000
Optical Zoom, 2000x Digital Zoom, 2.7" Touch Panel
1.0 MegaPixel, CCD-2.7" LCD Display, 25x Optical Zoom, 2000x Digital
51 SONY DCR-SR62E buah 5.885.000
Zoom, Internal 30GB HardDrive
40GB HDD, Hybrid Recording, Built-in Zoom Mic, Quick On Button, 25x
52 SONY DCR-SR65E buah 7.298.000
Optical Zoom / 2000x Digital zoom, 2.7" Touch Panel
1.07 MegaPixel, CCD-2.7" LCD Display, 12x Optical Zoom, 800x Digital
53 SONY DCR-SR80E buah 7.651.000
Zoom, 60GB Internal HardDrive
1.0 MegaPixel, CCD-2.7" LCD Display, 25x Optical Zoom, 2000x Digital
54 SONY DCR-SR82E buah 8.004.000
Zoom, Internal 60GB HardDrive
1/6" Pixel CCD with 1.0 Megapixel still image capabilities, 25X optical zoom
55 SONY DCR-SR85E lens with 2000X digital zoom, Carl Zeiss Vario-Tessar lens, 2.7" Wide Hybrid buah 8.827.000
LCD screen, 60GB Harddisk Drive
1/3" ClearVid CMOS Sensor with 4.0 Megapixel still image capabilities, 10X
56 SONY HDR-HC5E optical zoom lens with 80X digital zoom, Carl Zeiss Vario-Tessar lens, 2.7" buah 9.416.000
Wide Hybrid Touch Panel LCD screen, Memory Stick Duo slot
1/5" ClearVid CMOS Sensor with still image capabilities, 15X optical zoom
57 SONY HDR-SR10E lens with 180X digital zoom, Carl Zeiss Vario-Tessar lens, 2.7" Wide Hybrid buah 9.416.000
LCD Touchscreen, 40GB Harddisk Drive
1/3.13" CMOS Sensor with 5.6 Megapixel effective, 12X optical zoom lens
58 SONY HDR-SR11E with 150X digital zoom, Carl Zeiss Vario-Tessar lens, 3.2" Wide touch panel buah 9.416.000
SwivelScreen LCD display, 60GB Harddisk Drive

High Definition Camcorder, 4 Megapixels Still Image Recording, 2.7" LCD

59 SONY HDR-SR5E buah 9.416.000
Display, 80x Digital Zoom, 10x Optical Zoom, 40GB Hard Drive

1/2.19" CMOS Sensor with 2.2 Megapixel effective, 10X optical zoom lens
60 SONY HDR-SR8E with 20X digital zoom, Carl Zeiss Vario-Tessar lens, 2.7" Wide touch panel buah 9.416.000
SwivelScreen LCD display, 100GB Harddisk Drive

1/6-inch CCD with approx. 680,000 pixels, 35x Zoom, 2.7-inch TFT Color
1 CANON DC210 buah 3.985.000
1/3.9†CCD Sensor with 2.0 Megapixel still image capabilities, 10X optical
2 CANON DC22 buah 5.650.000
zoom lens with 200X digital zoom, 2.7" widescreen LCD display
1/6-inch CCD with approx. 680,000 pixels, 35x Zoom, 2.7-inch TFT Color
3 CANON DC220 buah 4.355.000
1/6-inch CCD with approx. 1.07 megapixels, 35x Zoom, 2.7-inch TFT Color
4 CANON DC230 buah 4.944.000
1/2.8 inch CCD with approx. 4.0 megapixels, 10X Optical Zoom, 200X Digital
5 CANON DC40 buah 8.416.000
Zoom, 2.7" widescreen LCD, DVD
1/2.7 inch CCD with approx. 5.39 megapixels, 10X Optical Zoom, 200X
6 CANON DC51 buah 9.240.000
Digital Zoom, 2.7-inch real widescreen LCD, DVD
1/2.7" HD CMOS Sensor with 2.9M pixel effective, 10X optical zoom lens
7 CANON HR10 buah 1.484.000
with 200X digital zoom, Carl Zeiss Vario-Tessar lens, 2.7" Wide
1/6" 3CCD Sensor, 250K Hi-Definition effective pixel, 12X optical zoom,
8 PANASONIC HDC-DX1 buah 11.765.000
700X digital zoom, 3.0" LCD
1/6" CCD, 800K still image pixels, 30X optical zoom lens with 1000X digital
9 PANASONIC VDR-D150 buah 4.703.000
zoom, 2.5" LCD display
1/6" CCD, 800K still image pixels, 30X optical zoom lens with 1000X digital
10 PANASONIC VDR-D160 buah 4.061.000
zoom, 2.5" Touch Panel SwivelScreen LCD display
1/6" CCD, 1.6M still image pixels, 10X optical zoom lens with 700X digital
11 PANASONIC VDR-D310 buah 6.297.000
zoom, 2.7" LCD display
1/6" CCD Sensor, 800K effective pixel, 42X optical zoom, 1000X digital
12 PANASONIC VDR-D50 buah 4.179.000
zoom, 2.7" LCD
13 SAMSUNG VP-DC 171 WI - buah 3.414.000
1/6" CCD Sensor, 800K effective pixel, 33X optical zoom, 1200X digital
14 SAMSUNG VP-DC165WI buah 3.384.000
zoom, 2.7" LCD
1/2.7" CMOS Sensor with approx. 2,960,000 pixels, 10x Optical Zoom, 200x
1 CANON HV10 buah 11.123.000
Digital Zoom, 2.7" Widescreen LCD, MiniDV
1/2.7" CMOS Sensor with approx. 2,960,000 pixels, 10 Optical Zoom, 200x
2 CANON HV30 buah 15.301.000
Digital Zoom, 2.7" Widescreen LCD, MiniDV
1/6-inch interlaced CCD with 800,000 pixels, 35X Optical Zoom, up to 1000X
3 CANON MD120 buah 2.708.000
Digital Zoom, 2.7" real widescreen, MiniDV
1 1/6" CCD with approx. 680,000 pixels, 35X Optical Zoom, 1000X Digital
4 CANON MD140 buah 3.120.000
Zoom, 2.7" TFT LCD, MiniDV
1/6" interlaced CCD with 1.07 Megapixels, 35X Optical Zoom, up to 1000X
5 CANON MD160 buah 3.296.000
Digital Zoom, 2.7" LCD, MiniDV
1/6" CCD Sensor with 800K pixel effective, 37X optical zoom lens with
6 CANON MD225 buah 3.120.000
2000X digital zoom, 2.7" Wide SwivelScreen LCD display
1/6" CCD Sensor with 1.07M pixel effective, 37X optical zoom lens with
7 CANON MD245 buah 3.526.000
2000X digital zoom, 2.7" Wide SwivelScreen LCD display
1/6" CCD Sensor with 1.07M pixel effective, 37X optical zoom lens with
8 CANON MD265 buah 4.708.000
2000X digital zoom, 2.7" Wide SwivelScreen LCD display
1/6" CCD imager with 800K effective pixels, 25X optical zoom lens with
9 CANON MV940 buah 3.708.000
800X digital zoom, 2.7" LCD display
DigiLife's DDV-5100HD HD Mini Handy Cam comes with a 1280X720 pixels
10 DIFILIFE 5100HD buah 2.531.000
High Definition Video Resolution - FREE Memory SD 4GB
HD Camcorder, 5 Megapixel interpolation 11 Megapixel, 5x Digital Zoom, Li-
11 DIGILIFE DDV-V3HD - Black buah 2.296.000
ion battery, SD/SDHC Slot, USB 2.0
1/6" CCD imager with 680K effective pixels, 32X optical zoom lens with
12 JVC GR-D370 buah 3.149.000
800X digital zoom, 2.5" LCD display, SD/MMC card slot

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 166
1 2 3 4 5 6
1/6" CCD Sensor, 400K effective pixel, 28X optical zoom, 800X digital zoom,
13 JVC GR-D720 buah 2.502.000
2.7" Wide Hybrid LCD
1/6" CCD Sensor, 800K effective pixel, 34X optical zoom, 800X digital zoom,
14 JVC GR-D750 buah 2.678.000
2.7" Wide Hybrid LCD
1/6" CCD Sensor, 800K effective pixel, 34X optical zoom, 800X digital zoom,
15 JVC GR-D770 buah 3.173.000
2.7" Wide Hybrid LCD
1/6" CCD imager with 3.1 Mega Pixel, 10X optical zoom lens with 700X
16 PANASONIC NV-GS320 buah 5.827.000
digital zoom, 2.5" Touch Panel SwivelScreen LCD display
1/6" CCD imager with 800K effective pixels, 30X optical zoom lens with
17 PANASONIC NV-GS57 buah 3.208.000
1000X digital zoom, 2.5" LCD display, SD card slot
1/6" CCD imager, 30X optical zoom lens with 1000X digital zoom, 2.5"
18 PANASONIC NV-GS60 buah 2.619.000
Touch Panel SwivelScreen LCD display
1/6" CCD imager, 32X optical zoom lens with 1000X digital zoom, 2.5"
19 PANASONIC NV-GS85 buah 3.326.000
Touch Panel SwivelScreen LCD display
1/6" CCD, 400K effective pixel, 42X optical zoom, 2000X digital zoom, 2.7"
20 PANASONIC NV-GS90 buah 3.355.000
1/6" CCD Sensor, 350K effective pixel, 34X optical zoom, 1200X digital
21 SAMSUNG VP-D371i buah 2.349.000
zoom, 2.5" LCD
1/6" CCD Sensor, 800K effective pixel, 34X optical zoom, 1200X digital
22 SAMSUNG VP-D372WHI buah 2.619.000
zoom, 2.7" LCD
1/6" CCD Sensor, 800K effective pixel, 34X optical zoom, 1200X digital
23 SAMSUNG VP-D375WI buah 2.855.000
zoom, 2.7" LCD
1/4" CCD Sensor, 800K effective pixel, 12X optical zoom, 900X digital zoom,
24 SAMSUNG VP-D903I buah 4.061.000
2.5" LCD
1/ 6.0, CCD Sensor, 1 Megapixel, 25x Optical Zoom, 2000x Digital Zoom,
25 SONY DCR-HC62E buah 4.473.000
Carl Zeiss Vario-Tessar lens, 2.7" Touch-Panel LCD display
1/3" CCD Sensor with 1.67M pixel effective, 20X optical zoom lens with
26 CANON XH A1 buah 60.027.000
2000X digital zoom, 2.7" Wide SwivelScreen LCD display
3x-1/3" Progressive Scan CCD imager, 20X optical zoom lens, 2.0" LCD
27 CANON XL2 buah 45.903.000
display, 50i & 25p frame rate, Firewire PC Connect
8 Megapixels, 3x Optical Zoom, 4x Digital Zoom, SD/MMC Slot, 2.5" TFT
1 CANON Digital Ixus 80 IS Blue buah 2.825.000
8 Megapixels, 3x Optical Zoom, 4x Digital Zoom, SD/MMC Slot, 2.5" TFT
2 CANON Digital Ixus 80 IS Camel buah 2.825.000
8 Megapixels, 3x Optical Zoom, 4x Digital Zoom, SD/MMC Slot, 2.5" TFT
3 CANON Digital Ixus 80 IS Pink buah 2.825.000
8 Megapixels, 3x Optical Zoom, 4x Digital Zoom, SD/MMC Slot, 2.5" TFT
4 CANON Digital Ixus 80 IS Silver buah 2.825.000
10.0 Megapixels, 3X Optical Zoom, 12X Digital Zoom, SD/MMC Card Slot,
5 CANON Digital Ixus 85 IS buah 3.296.000
Video Recording, 2.5" LCD Display
8 Megapixels, 3.8x Optical Zoom, 4x Digital Zoom, SD/MMC Slot, Video, 3.0
6 CANON Digital Ixus 860 IS buah 3.531.000
LCD Display
10.0 Megapixels, 5X Optical Zoom, 4X Digital Zoom, SD/MMC Card Slot,
7 CANON Ixus 970 IS buah 4.238.000
Video Recording, 2.5" LCD Display
8 CANON PowerShot A1000 - buah 2.766.000
7.1 Megapixels, 3.4X Optical Zoom, 4X Digital Zoom, 14X Combined Zoom,
9 CANON PowerShot A470 buah 1.851.000
SD/MMC Card Slot, Video Recording, 2.5" LCD Display
8.0 Megapixels, 4X Optical Zoom, 16X Digital Zoom, SD/MMC Card Slot,
10 CANON PowerShot A580 buah 1.943.000
Video Recording, 2.5" LCD Display
8 Megapixels, 4x Optical Zoom, 4x Digital Zoom, SD/MMC Slot, TFT LCD
11 CANON PowerShot A590 IS buah 2.178.000
2.5", USB 2.0
14.7 Megapixel, 5x Optical Zoom, 4x Digital Zoom, SD/SDHC/MMC Slot, 3.0-
12 CANON PowerShot G10 buah 7.769.000
inch TFT color LCD
9 Megapixels, 4x Digital Zoom, 3.0" TFT LCD, SD/MMC Slot, USB 2.0, AA
13 CANON SX110 IS buah 4.120.000
Alkaline Battery
10.1 Megapixels, 3X Optical Zoom, 12X Digital Zoom, 11.8MB Internal
14 CASIO Exilim EX-S10 Red buah 2.354.000
Memory, SD/MMC Card Slot, Video Recording, 2.7" TFT LCD Display
10.1 Megapixels, 4X Optical Zoom, 16X Digital Zoom, 12.1MB Internal
15 CASIO Exilim EX-Z100 Black buah 3.296.000
Memory, SD/MMC Card Slot, Video Recording, 2.7" TFT LCD Display
10.1 Megapixels, 4X Optical Zoom, 16X Digital Zoom, 12.1MB Internal
16 CASIO Exilim EX-Z100 Blue buah 3.296.000
Memory, SD/MMC Card Slot, Video Recording, 2.7" TFT LCD Display
10.1 Megapixels, 4X Optical Zoom, 16X Digital Zoom, 12.1MB Internal
17 CASIO Exilim EX-Z100 Pink buah 3.296.000
Memory, SD/MMC Card Slot, Video Recording, 2.7" TFT LCD Display
10.1 Megapixels, 4X Optical Zoom, 16X Digital Zoom, 12.1MB Internal
18 CASIO Exilim EX-Z100 Red buah 3.296.000
Memory, SD/MMC Card Slot, Video Recording, 2.7" TFT LCD Display
10.1 Megapixels, 4X Optical Zoom, 16X Digital Zoom, 12.1MB Internal
19 CASIO Exilim EX-Z100 Silver buah 3.296.000
Memory, SD/MMC Card Slot, Video Recording, 2.7" TFT LCD Display
10.1 Megapixel, 4x Optical Zoom, 4x Digital Zoom, 3.0" TFT LCD, 38.5
20 CASIO Exilim Z300 Black buah 3.414.000
Internal, SD/MMC Slot, USB 2.0 - FREE Softcase
10.1 Megapixel, 4x Optical Zoom, 4x Digital Zoom, 3.0" TFT LCD, 38.5
21 CASIO Exilim Z300 Pink buah 3.531.000
Internal, SD/MMC Slot, USB 2.0
7.1 Megapixels, 10x Optical Zoom, 4.8 Digital Zoom, 2.5" TFT LCD, USB 2.0,
22 FUJI FinePix S700 - Black buah 2.237.000
10 Megapixel, 3x Optical Zoom, 5x Digital Zoom, 2.4" LCD Color, 2x Alkaline
23 KODAK EasyShare C1013 buah 1.678.000
Battery, 16MB Internal Memory, SD/SDHC Slot
10 Megapixel, 3x Optical Zoom, 5x Digital Zoom, 3.0 LCD Color, Lithium-Ion
24 KODAK EasyShare M1033 Black buah 3.296.000
Battery, 32MB Internal Memory, SD/SDHC Slot
10.3 Megapixels, 3x Optical Zoom, 5x Digital Zoom, TFT LCD 2.7", USB 2.0,
25 KODAK EasyShare M1063 Silver buah 2.296.000
16MB Internal, SD/MMC Slot
8.2 Megapixel, 3x Optical Zoom, 5x Digital Zoom, 16MB Internal Memory,
26 KODAK EasyShare M863 Black buah 2.119.000
USB 2.0, SD/SDHC/MMC Slot, Video, 2.7" LCD
8.2 Megapixel, 3x Optical Zoom, 5x Digital Zoom, 16MB Internal Memory,
27 KODAK EasyShare M863 Silver buah 2.119.000
USB 2.0, SD/SDHC/MMC Slot, Video, 2.7" LCD
8.1 Megapixel, 3x Optical Zoom, 5x Digital Zoom, 2.7" LCD Color, 32MB
28 KODAK EasyShare M893 IS Silver buah 2.237.000
Internal Memory, SD/SDHC Slot
10 Megapixel, 3x Optical Zoom, 32MB Internal Memory, SD/SDHC Slot, Li-
29 KODAK EasyShare V1073 buah 3.708.000
Ion Battery, USB 2.0- FREE Softcase
12.1 Megapixels, 3X Optical Zoom, 5X Digital Zoom, 32MB Internal Memory,
30 KODAK EasyShare V1233 buah 3.178.000
SD/MMC Card Slot, Video Recording, 2.5" LCD Display - FREE Memory
12.1 Megapixels, 3X Optical Zoom, 15X Digital Zoom, 32MB Internal
31 KODAK EasyShare V1253 buah 3.355.000
Memory, SD/MMC Card Slot, Video Recording, 3.1" LCD Display - FREE
12 Megapixels, 3x Optical Zoom, 5x Digital Zoom, SD/MMC Slot,3.0"
32 KODAK EasyShare V1273 buah 3.943.000
Touchscreen LCD, USB 2.0 - FREE Softcase
10 Megapixel, 12x Optical Zoom, SD/SDHC Slot, 32MB Internal Memory, Li-
33 KODAK EasyShare Z1012 IS buah 4.708.000
Ion Battery, USB 2.0 - FREE Softcase
10 Megapixel, 5x Optical Zoom, 5x Digital Zoom, 2.5" LCD Color, 32MB
34 KODAK EasyShare Z1085 IS buah 3.061.000
Internal Memory, SD/SDHC Slot - FREE Memory 1GB, Softcase

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 167
1 2 3 4 5 6
12.1 Megapixels, 5X Optical Zoom, 5X Digital Zoom, 64MB Internal Memory,
35 KODAK EasyShare Z1275 buah 3.178.000
SD/MMC Card Slot, Video Recording, 2.5" LCD Display - FREE Memory
7.1 Megapixels, 32MB Internal Memory, 12x Optical Zoom, 4.2 Digital Zoom,
36 KODAK EasyShare Z712 IS buah 3.439.000
2.5" LCD TFT, SD/MMC Slot - FREE Memory 1GB, Softcase
8.2 Megapixel, 12x Optical Zoom, 4.2 Digital Zoom, SD Slot, 32MB Internal
37 KODAK Easyshare Z812 IS buah 3.708.000
Memory, FREE Memory 1GB & Softcase
8.1 Megapixel, 12x Optical Zoom, 5x Digital Zoom, 21MB Internal Memory,
38 KODAK EasyShare Z8612 IS buah 2.649.000
SD/SDHC Slot, Li-Ion battery, USB 2.0
7.1 Megapixel, 10x Optical Zoom, 5x Digital Zoom, SD/MMC Slot, 2.5" LCD
39 KODAK EasyShare ZD710 buah 2.708.000
TFT, 32MB Internal Memory - FREE 2GB Memory, Battery & Charger
10.6 Megapixel, 3x Optical Zoom, 5x Digital Zoom, 32MB Internal,
40 KODAK M1073 IS buah 2.943.000
MMC/SDHC Card Slot, USB 2.0
10 Megapixels, 3x Optical Zoom, 5x Digital Zoom, xD Card Slot, Video
41 OLYMPUS µ 1050SW Silver buah 4.826.000
Recording, 2.5" LCD Display, waterproof of 3 metres
7.1 Megapixel, 3x Optical Zoom, 5x Digital Zoom, Face Detection,
42 OLYMPUS µ 790 SW Silver buah 3.708.000
Waterproof, Freezeproof, Shockproof, USB 2.0, xD Picture Card Slot, 2.5"
8 Megapixel, 3x Optical Zoom, 4x Digital Zoom, 20.5MB Internal, xD Picture
43 OLYMPUS FE-20 Black buah 2.031.000
Slot, 2.5" LCD USB 2.0
8 Megapixel, 3x Optical Zoom, 4x Digital Zoom, 20.5MB Internal, xD Picture
44 OLYMPUS FE-20 Silver buah 2.031.000
Slot, 2.5" LCD USB 2.0
8 Megapixel, 16MB Internal, 3x Optical Zoom, 4x Digital Zoom, xD Slot,
45 OLYMPUS FE-280 buah 2.560.000
Video, 2.5" LCD , anti blur- FREE xD Card 1GB
10.0 Megapixels, 3x Optical Zoom, 5x Digital Zoom, xD Card Slot, Video
46 OLYMPUS Stylus 1040W Silver buah 3.985.000
Recording, 2.7" LCD Display
10.1 Megapixels, 4x Optical Zoom, 16x Digital Zoom, 27MB Internal Memory,
47 PANASONIC Lumix DMC-FS20 Black buah 4.120.000
SD/MMC Card Slot, Video Recording, 3.0" LCD Display
8.1 Megapixels, 3x Optical Zoom, 16x Digital Zoom, 27MB Internal Memory,
48 PANASONIC Lumix DMC-FS3 Silver buah 2.825.000
SD/MMC Card Slot, Video Recording, 2.5" LCD Display
10.1 Megapixels, 4x Optical Zoom, 16x Digital Zoom, 27MB Internal Memory,
49 PANASONIC Lumix DMC-FS5 Black buah 3.767.000
SD/MMC Card Slot, Video Recording, 2.5" LCD Display
6.0 Megapixels, 3x Optical Zoom, 12x Digital Zoom, 27MB Internal Memory,
50 PANASONIC Lumix DMC-FX10 Black buah 2.172.000
SD/MMC Card Slot, Video Recording, 2.5" LCD Display
6.0 Megapixels, 3x Optical Zoom, 12x Digital Zoom, 27MB Internal Memory,
51 PANASONIC Lumix DMC-FX10 Blue buah 2.172.000
SD/MMC Card Slot, Video Recording, 2.5" LCD Display
6.0 Megapixels, 3x Optical Zoom, 12x Digital Zoom, 27MB Internal Memory,
52 PANASONIC Lumix DMC-FX10 Silver buah 2.172.000
SD/MMC Card Slot, Video Recording, 2.5" LCD Display
12 Megapixel, 3.6 Optical Zoom, 4x Digital Zoom, SD/MMC Slot, Video, 2.5"
53 PANASONIC Lumix DMC-FX100GC buah 4.020.000
LCD, Lithium-Ion Battery, Charger, 27MB Internal Memory - FREE 2GB SD
7.2 Megapixels, 3x Optical Zoom, 12x Digital Zoom, 27MB Internal Memory,
54 PANASONIC Lumix DMC-FX12 Black buah 2.466.000
SD/MMC Card Slot, Video Recording, 2.5" LCD Display
7.2 Megapixels, 3x Optical Zoom, 12x Digital Zoom, 27MB Internal Memory,
55 PANASONIC Lumix DMC-FX12 Blue buah 2.466.000
SD/MMC Card Slot, Video Recording, 2.5" LCD Display
7.2 Megapixels, 3x Optical Zoom, 12x Digital Zoom, 27MB Internal Memory,
56 PANASONIC Lumix DMC-FX12 Silver buah 2.466.000
SD/MMC Card Slot, Video Recording, 2.5" LCD Display
7.1 Megapixels, 3.6x Optical Zoom, 14.4x Digital Zoom, 27MB Internal
57 PANASONIC Lumix DMC-FX30 Black buah 2.943.000
Memory, SD/MMC Card Slot, Video Recording, 2.5" LCD Display
7.1 Megapixels, 3.6x Optical Zoom, 14.4x Digital Zoom, 27MB Internal
58 PANASONIC Lumix DMC-FX30 Blue buah 2.943.000
Memory, SD/MMC Card Slot, Video Recording, 2.5" LCD Display
7.1 Megapixels, 3.6x Optical Zoom, 14.4x Digital Zoom, 27MB Internal
59 PANASONIC Lumix DMC-FX30 Tan buah 2.943.000
Memory, SD/MMC Card Slot, Video Recording, 2.5" LCD Display
8.1 Megapixels, 3.6x Optical Zoom, 14.4x Digital Zoom, 27MB Internal
60 PANASONIC Lumix DMC-FX33 Black buah 3.237.000
Memory, SD/MMC Card Slot, Video Recording, 2.5" LCD Display
8.1 Megapixels, 3.6x Optical Zoom, 14.4x Digital Zoom, 27MB Internal
61 PANASONIC Lumix DMC-FX33 Blue buah 3.237.000
Memory, SD/MMC Card Slot, Video Recording, 2.5" LCD Display
8.1 Megapixels, 3.6x Optical Zoom, 14.4x Digital Zoom, 27MB Internal
62 PANASONIC Lumix DMC-FX33 Silver buah 3.237.000
Memory, SD/MMC Card Slot, Video Recording, 2.5" LCD Display
10.1 Megapixels, 4x Optical Zoom, 16x Digital Zoom, 27MB Internal Memory,
63 PANASONIC Lumix DMC-FX35 Black buah 3.708.000
SD/MMC Card Slot, Video Recording, 2.5" LCD Display
10.1 Megapixels, 4x Optical Zoom, 16x Digital Zoom, 50MB Internal Memory,
64 PANASONIC Lumix DMC-FX36 Black buah 3.943.000
SD/MMC Card Slot, Video Recording, 2.5" LCD Display
10.1 Megapixels, 4x Optical Zoom, 16x Digital Zoom, 50MB Internal Memory,
65 PANASONIC Lumix DMC-FX36 Silver buah 3.943.000
SD/MMC Card Slot, Video Recording, 2.5" LCD Display
7.1 Megapixels, 3.6x Optical Zoom, 14.4x Digital Zoom, 6MB Internal
66 PANASONIC Lumix DMC-FX50 Black buah 2.855.000
Memory, SD/MMC Card Slot, Video Recording, 3.0" LCD Display
7.1 Megapixels, 3.6x Optical Zoom, 14.4x Digital Zoom, 6MB Internal
67 PANASONIC Lumix DMC-FX50 Silver buah 2.908.000
Memory, SD/MMC Card Slot, Video Recording, 3.0" LCD Display
10.1 Megapixels, 5x Optical Zoom, 8.9x Digital Zoom, 50MB Internal
68 PANASONIC Lumix DMC-FX520 Black buah 4.650.000
Memory, SD/MMC Card Slot, Video Recording, 3.0" LCD Display
10.1 Megapixels, 5x Optical Zoom, 8.9x Digital Zoom, 50MB Internal
69 PANASONIC Lumix DMC-FX520 Silver buah 4.650.000
Memory, SD/MMC Card Slot, Video Recording, 3.0" LCD Display
8.1 Megapixels, 3.6x Optical Zoom, 14.3x Digital Zoom, 27MB Internal
70 PANASONIC Lumix DMC-FX55 Pink buah 3.620.000
Memory, SD/MMC Card Slot, Video Recording, 3.0" LCD Display
8.1 Megapixels, 3.6x Optical Zoom, 14.3x Digital Zoom, 27MB Internal
71 PANASONIC Lumix DMC-FX55 Silver buah 3.620.000
Memory, SD/MMC Card Slot, Video Recording, 3.0" LCD Display
27MB, 18x Optical Zoom, 4x Digital Zoom, 8.1 Megapixels, SD Slot, 2.5"
72 PANASONIC Lumix DMC-FZ18 buah 4.679.000
LCD, Lithium-Ion Battery, Charger
27MB, 12x Optical Zoom, 4x Digital Zoom, 7.2 MPixel, SD/SDHC/MMCSlot,
73 PANASONIC Lumix DMC-FZ8 - Black buah 3.796.000
Video, 2.5" LCD - BONUS 1GB Memory
27MB, 12x Optical Zoom, 4x Digital Zoom, 7.2 MPixel, SD/SDHC/MMCSlot,
74 PANASONIC Lumix DMC-FZ8 - Silver buah 3.796.000
Video, 2.5" LCD - BONUS 1GB Memory
7.2 Megapixels, 3x Optical Zoom, 12x Digital Zoom, 27MB Internal Memory,
75 PANASONIC Lumix DMC-LS70 buah 1.589.000
SD/MMC Card Slot, Video Recording, 2.0" LCD Display
7.1 Megapixels, 3x Optical Zoom, 12x Digital Zoom, 27MB Internal Memory,
76 PANASONIC Lumix DMC-LS75 Black buah 1.825.000
SD/MMC Card Slot, Video Recording, 2.0" LCD Display
7.1 Megapixels, 3x Optical Zoom, 12x Digital Zoom, 27MB Internal Memory,
77 PANASONIC Lumix DMC-LS75 Silver buah 1.825.000
SD/MMC Card Slot, Video Recording, 2.0" LCD Display
8.1 Megapixels, 3x Optical Zoom, 12x Digital Zoom, 27MB Internal Memory,
78 PANASONIC Lumix DMC-LS80 Silver buah 2.025.000
SD/MMC Card Slot, Video Recording, 2.5" LCD Display
10.2 Megapixels, 4x Optical Zoom, 16x Digital Zoom, 13MB Internal Memory,
79 PANASONIC Lumix DMC-LX2 Black buah 4.461.000
SD/MMC Card Slot, Video Recording, 2.8" LCD Display
10.1 Megapixels, 5x Optical Zoom, 20x Digital Zoom, 27MB Internal Memory,
80 PANASONIC Lumix DMC-LZ10 Black buah 3.296.000
SD/MMC Card Slot, Video Recording, 2.5" LCD Display
8.1 Megapixels, 5x Optical Zoom, 20x Digital Zoom, 27MB Internal Memory,
81 PANASONIC Lumix DMC-LZ8 Black buah 2.584.000
SD/MMC Card Slot, Video Recording, 2.5" LCD Display
8.1 Megapixel, 3x Optical Zoom, 3x Digital Zoom, 2.4" TFT LCD, 2x AA
82 SAMSUNG Digimax S860 Blue buah 1.413.000
Battery, USB 2.0
8.1 Megapixel, 3x Optical Zoom, 3x Digital Zoom, 2.4" TFT LCD, 2x AA
83 SAMSUNG Digimax S860 Silver buah 1.413.000
Baterries, 11MB Internal Memory, SD/SDHC Slot
7.2 Megapixels, 3x Optical Zoom, 15x Digital Zoom, 450MB Internal Memory,
84 SAMSUNG i7 Black buah 3.620.000
SD/MMC Card Slot, Video Recording, 3.0" LCD Display

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 168
1 2 3 4 5 6
7.2 Megapixels, 3x Optical Zoom, 15x Digital Zoom, 450MB Internal Memory,
85 SAMSUNG i7 Silver buah 3.620.000
SD/MMC Card Slot, Video Recording, 3.0" LCD Display
7.2 Megapixels, 3x Optical Zoom, 15x Digital Zoom, 20MB Internal Memory,
86 SAMSUNG i70 Black buah 3.384.000
SD/MMC Card Slot, Video Recording, 3.0" LCD Display
7.2 Megapixels, 3x Optical Zoom, 15x Digital Zoom, 20MB Internal Memory,
87 SAMSUNG i70 Gold buah 3.384.000
SD/MMC Card Slot, Video Recording, 3.0" LCD Display
7.2 Megapixels, 3x Optical Zoom, 15x Digital Zoom, 20MB Internal Memory,
88 SAMSUNG i70 Red buah 3.384.000
SD/MMC Card Slot, Video Recording, 3.0" LCD Display
7.2 Megapixels, 3x Optical Zoom, 15x Digital Zoom, 20MB Internal Memory,
89 SAMSUNG i70 Silver buah 3.384.000
SD/MMC Card Slot, Video Recording, 3.0" LCD Display
8.2 Megapixels, 5x Optical Zoom, 15x Digital Zoom, 190MB Internal Memory,
90 SAMSUNG i85 Black buah 3.025.000
SD/MMC Card Slot, Video Recording, 3.0" LCD Display
8.2 Megapixels, 5x Optical Zoom, 15x Digital Zoom, 190MB Internal Memory,
91 SAMSUNG i85 Gold buah 3.025.000
SD/MMC Card Slot, Video Recording, 3.0" LCD Display
8.2 Megapixels, 5x Optical Zoom, 15x Digital Zoom, 190MB Internal Memory,
92 SAMSUNG i85 Red buah 3.025.000
SD/MMC Card Slot, Video Recording, 3.0" LCD Display
8.2 Megapixels, 5x Optical Zoom, 15x Digital Zoom, 190MB Internal Memory,
93 SAMSUNG i85 Silver buah 3.025.000
SD/MMC Card Slot, Video Recording, 3.0" LCD Display
6.2 Megapixels, 3x Optical Zoom, 15x Digital Zoom, 32MB Internal Memory,
94 SAMSUNG L60 Black buah 3.161.000
SD/MMC Card Slot, Video Recording, 2.4" LCD Display
6.2 Megapixels, 3x Optical Zoom, 15x Digital Zoom, 32MB Internal Memory,
95 SAMSUNG L60 Silver buah 3.161.000
SD/MMC Card Slot, Video Recording, 2.4" LCD Display
7.2 Megapixels, 3x Optical Zoom, 15x Digital Zoom, 20MB Internal Memory,
96 SAMSUNG L700 Black buah 3.090.000
SD/MMC Card Slot, Video Recording, 2.5" LCD Display
7.2 Megapixels, 3x Optical Zoom, 15x Digital Zoom, 20MB Internal Memory,
97 SAMSUNG L700 Silver buah 3.090.000
SD/MMC Card Slot, Video Recording, 2.5" LCD Display
7.2 Megapixels, 3x Optical Zoom, 15x Digital Zoom, 19MB Internal Memory,
98 SAMSUNG L73 Black buah 2.443.000
SD/MMC Card Slot, Video Recording, 2.5" LCD Display
7.2 Megapixels, 3x Optical Zoom, 15x Digital Zoom, 19MB Internal Memory,
99 SAMSUNG L73 Silver buah 2.443.000
SD/MMC Card Slot, Video Recording, 2.5" LCD Display
7.2 Megapixels, 3x Optical Zoom, 15x Digital Zoom, 16MB Internal Memory,
100 SAMSUNG L730 Black buah 1.843.000
SD/MMC Card Slot, Video Recording, 2.5" LCD Display
7.2 Megapixels, 3x Optical Zoom, 15x Digital Zoom, 16MB Internal Memory,
101 SAMSUNG L730 Red buah 1.843.000
SD/MMC Card Slot, Video Recording, 2.5" LCD Display
7.2 Megapixels, 3x Optical Zoom, 15x Digital Zoom, 16MB Internal Memory,
102 SAMSUNG L730 Silver buah 1.843.000
SD/MMC Card Slot, Video Recording, 2.5" LCD Display
7.2 Megapixels, 3.6x Optical Zoom, 18x Digital Zoom, 450MB Internal
103 SAMSUNG L74 Black buah 3.137.000
Memory, SD/MMC Card Slot, Video Recording, 3.0" LCD Display
8.2 Megapixels, 3x Optical Zoom, 15x Digital Zoom, 10MB Internal Memory,
104 SAMSUNG L830 Black buah 2.019.000
SD/MMC Card Slot, Video Recording, 2.5" LCD Display
8.2 Megapixels, 3x Optical Zoom, 15x Digital Zoom, 10MB Internal Memory,
105 SAMSUNG L830 Red buah 2.019.000
SD/MMC Card Slot, Video Recording, 2.5" LCD Display
8.2 Megapixels, 3x Optical Zoom, 15x Digital Zoom, 10MB Internal Memory,
106 SAMSUNG L830 Silver buah 2.019.000
SD/MMC Card Slot, Video Recording, 2.5" LCD Display
10.1 Megapixels, 3x Optical Zoom, 15x Digital Zoom, 20MB Internal Memory,
107 SAMSUNG NV10 buah 3.267.000
SD/MMC Card Slot, Video Recording, 2.5" LCD Display
10.1 Megapixels, 3x Optical Zoom, 15x Digital Zoom, 20MB Internal Memory,
108 SAMSUNG NV15 buah 2.884.000
SD/MMC Card Slot, Video Recording, 2.4" LCD Display
12.4 Megapixels, 3x Optical Zoom, 15x Digital Zoom, 20MB Internal Memory,
109 SAMSUNG NV20 buah 3.178.000
SD/MMC Card Slot, Video Recording, 2.5" LCD Display
7.2 Megapixels, 3x Optical Zoom, 15x Digital Zoom, 16MB Internal Memory,
110 SAMSUNG NV3 Black buah 3.031.000
SD/MMC Card Slot, Video Recording, 2.5" LCD Display
7.2 Megapixels, 3x Optical Zoom, 15x Digital Zoom, 16MB Internal Memory,
111 SAMSUNG NV3 Brown buah 3.031.000
SD/MMC Card Slot, Video Recording, 2.5" LCD Display
7.2 Megapixels, 3x Optical Zoom, 15x Digital Zoom, 16MB Internal Memory,
112 SAMSUNG NV3 Silver buah 3.031.000
SD/MMC Card Slot, Video Recording, 2.5" LCD Display
7.2 Megapixels, 7x Optical Zoom, 35x Digital Zoom, 19MB Internal Memory,
113 SAMSUNG NV7 buah 2.914.000
SD/MMC Card Slot, Video Recording, 2.5" LCD Display
8.1 Megapixels, 3x Optical Zoom, 15x Digital Zoom, 20MB Internal Memory,
114 SAMSUNG NV8 buah 2.566.000
SD/MMC Card Slot, Video Recording, 2.5" LCD Display
10.1 Megapixels, 3x Optical Zoom, 15x Digital Zoom, 45MB Internal Memory,
115 SAMSUNG S1030 buah 1.943.000
SD/MMC Card Slot, Video Recording, 2.5" LCD Display
10.1 Megapixels, 5x Optical Zoom, 25x Digital Zoom, 45MB Internal Memory,
116 SAMSUNG S1050 buah 2.384.000
SD/MMC Card Slot, Video Recording, 3.0" LCD Display
6.0 Megapixels, 3x Optical Zoom, 15x Digital Zoom, 16MB Internal Memory,
117 SAMSUNG S630 Black buah 1.348.000
SD/MMC Card Slot, Video Recording, 2.5" LCD Display
6.0 Megapixels, 3x Optical Zoom, 15x Digital Zoom, 16MB Internal Memory,
118 SAMSUNG S630 Pink buah 1.348.000
SD/MMC Card Slot, Video Recording, 2.5" LCD Display
6.0 Megapixels, 3x Optical Zoom, 15x Digital Zoom, 16MB Internal Memory,
119 SAMSUNG S630 Red buah 1.348.000
SD/MMC Card Slot, Video Recording, 2.5" LCD Display
6.0 Megapixels, 3x Optical Zoom, 15x Digital Zoom, 16MB Internal Memory,
120 SAMSUNG S630 Silver buah 1.348.000
SD/MMC Card Slot, Video Recording, 2.5" LCD Display
7.2 Megapixels, 3x Optical Zoom, 15x Digital Zoom, 16MB Internal Memory,
121 SAMSUNG S750 Black buah 1.442.000
SD/MMC Card Slot, Video Recording, 2.5" LCD Display
7.2 Megapixels, 3x Optical Zoom, 15x Digital Zoom, 16MB Internal Memory,
122 SAMSUNG S750 Silver buah 1.442.000
SD/MMC Card Slot, Video Recording, 2.5" LCD Display
8.2 Megapixels, 3x Optical Zoom, 15x Digital Zoom, 20MB Internal Memory,
123 SAMSUNG S830 Black buah 1.825.000
SD/MMC Card Slot, Video Recording, 2.7" LCD Display
8.2 Megapixels, 3x Optical Zoom, 15x Digital Zoom, 20MB Internal Memory,
124 SAMSUNG S830 Silver buah 1.825.000
SD/MMC Card Slot, Video Recording, 2.7" LCD Display
8.2 Megapixels, 5x Optical Zoom, 55x Digital Zoom, 20MB Internal Memory,
125 SAMSUNG S85 Black buah 1.901.000
SD/MMC Card Slot, Video Recording, 2.5" LCD Display
8.2 Megapixels, 5x Optical Zoom, 55x Digital Zoom, 20MB Internal Memory,
126 SAMSUNG S85 Silver buah 1.901.000
SD/MMC Card Slot, Video Recording, 2.5" LCD Display
20MB Internal, 5x Optical Zoom, 5x Digital Zoom, 8.1 MPixel, SD/MMC/SDHC
127 SAMSUNG S850 Black buah 2.190.000
Slot, Video, 2.5" LCD
7.1 Megapixel, 3x Optical Zoom, 5x Digital Zoom, 2.5" TFT LCD, USB 2.0,
128 SANYO VPC-E760 Gold buah 1.766.000
Lithium-Ion Battery
7.1 Megapixel, 3x Optical Zoom, 5x Digital Zoom, 2.5" TFT LCD, USB 2.0,
129 SANYO VPC-E760 Pink buah 1.766.000
Lithium-Ion Battery
7.1 Megapixel, 3x Optical Zoom, 5x Digital Zoom, 2.5" TFT LCD, USB 2.0,
130 SANYO VPC-E760 Silver buah 1.766.000
Lithium-Ion Battery
8.1 megapixel, 2.7" touchscreen, 4GB internal memory, 3X Optical Zoom,
131 SONY CyberShot DSC-T2 buah 3.708.000
Face Detection, HD slideshow with music
8.1 Megapixels, 4x Optical Zoom, 8x Digital Zoom, Memory Stick Pro Duo
132 SONY CyberShot DSC-W130 Black buah 2.943.000
Slot, Video, 2.7" LCD
10.1 Megapixel, 5x Optical Zoom, 10x Digital Zoom, 3.5" LCD 4MB Internal,
133 SONY CyberShot T500 Silver buah 4.591.000
MS Duo/PRO Duo Slot, USB 2.0
10 Megapixel, 4x Optical Zoom, 3x Digital Zoom, 15MB Internal Memory,
134 SONY DSC-T77 Silver buah 4.355.000
Memory Stick Pro Slot,USB 2.0

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 169
1 2 3 4 5 6


16MB, 4x Optical Zoom, 3.6x Digital Zoom, 4.0 MPixel, SD /MMC Slot, Video,
1 CANON PowerShot A430 Yellow buah 2.296.000
1.8" LCD
16MB, 3.4x Optical Zoom, 5.7x Digital Zoom, 5.1 MPixel, xD Slot, Video, 3.0"
2 FUJI FinePix V10 Grey buah 2.719.000
LCD, Charger
16MB, 3.4x Optical Zoom, 5.7x Digital Zoom, 5.1 MPixel, xD Slot, Video, 3.0"
3 FUJI FinePix V10 Orange buah 2.719.000
4 FUJI FinePix Z3 Pink 5.1 Megapixels, xD Card Slot, Video Recording, 2.5" TFT LCD Display buah 2.090.000

5 FUJI FinePix Z3 Silver 5.1 Megapixels, xD Card Slot, Video Recording, 2.5" TFT LCD Display buah 2.090.000

6 NIKON D60 Kit + 18-55 Lens 10.2 Megapixel, SD/MMC Slot, 2.5" LCD TFT, USB 2.0, Include 18-55 Lens buah 8.828.000
Digital SLR, 10.2 Megapixel, Memory Stick Slot, 2.7" LCD, USB 2.0, Include
7 SONY Alpha DSLR-A200K buah 8.004.000
18-70mm Zoom Lens
Digital SLR, 14.2 Megapixel, Memory Stick Slot, 2.7" LCD, USB 2.0, Include
8 SONY Alpha DSLR-A350K buah 10.593.000
18-70mm Zoom Lens
9 SONY Alpha DSLR-A700 Body DSLR-A700 Body buah 17.655.000

1 Dlink DES-1008D/E Switch 8-port UTP 10/100Mbps buah 378.000

2 Dlink DES-1016D/E Switch 16-port UTP 10/100Mbps buah 815.000

3 Dlink DGS-1008D/E Switch 8-port 10/100/1000Base-T (UTP) buah 945.000

4 Dlink DES-1024D/E Switch 24-port UTP 10/100Mbps buah 1.222.000

5 Linksys SD205 10/100 Desktop 5-Port Switch buah 378.000

6 Linksys SD208 10/100 Desktop 8-Port Switch buah 422.000

7 Linksys SD2005 10/100/1000 Desktop 5-Port Gigabit Switch buah 974.000

8 Linksys SD216 10/100 Desktop 16-Port Switch buah 1.091.000

9 Linksys SR216 10/100 Rackmount 16-Port Switch buah 1.236.000

10 Linksys SD2008 10/100/1000 Desktop 8-Port Gigabit Switch buah 1.265.000

11 Linksys SR224 10/100 Rackmount 24-Port Switch buah 1.498.000

12 Linksys SR2016 10/100/1000 Rackmount 16-Port Gigabit Switch buah 3.591.000

13 Linksys SR2024 10/100/1000 Rackmount 24-Port Gigabit Switch buah 5.204.000

1 Dlink DFE-528TX Ethernet Card 10/100Mbps buah 146.000

2 Dlink DGE-530T Ethernet Card 1-port 10/100/1000Mbps buah 335.000

3 Linksys EG1032 Instant Gigabit Network Adapter (32 Bit) buah 495.000

4 Linksys EG1064 Instant Gigabit Network Adapter (64 Bit) buah 1.236.000


1 Dlink DIR-300/E Wifi Router 54Mbps (802.11g) buah 800.000

2 Dlink DI-624/E Wifi Router 108/54Mbps (802.11g) buah 1.091.000

3 Dlink DIR-615/E Wifi Router 300/54Mbps (802.11g) buah 1.469.000

4 Linksys WRH54G Wireless-G Home Router buah 698.000

5 Linksys WRT54GC Wireless-G Compact Router buah 771.000

6 Linksys WRT54G Wireless-G Broadband Router buah 829.000

7 Linksys WRT54G2 Wireless-G Broadband Router buah 858.000

8 Linksys WRT54GL Wireless-G Broadband Router with Linux buah 1.018.000

Internet-sharing Router and 4-port Switch, with a built in speed and range
9 Linksys WRT110 buah 1.163.000
enhanced Wireless Access Point


1 Dlink DWL-G700AP/E Wireless LAN Access Point 54Mbps (802.11g) buah 844.000

2 Dlink DWL-2100AP/E Wireless LAN Access Point 108/54Mbps (802.11g) buah 1.091.000

3 Dlink DWL-2700AP/E Wireless LAN Access Point Outdoor 108Mbps buah 8.286.000

4 Linksys WAP54G Wireless-G Access Point buah 1.003.000

5 Linksys WAP200 Wireless-G Access Point with PoE and RangeBooster buah 2.137.000

6 Linksys WAP2000 Wireless-G Access Point with Power over Ethernet buah 2.806.000

1 Dlink DWA-110 Wireless LAN USB 2.0 54Mbps (802.11g) buah 495.000

2 Dlink DWA-510 Wireless LAN PCI 54Mbps (802.11g) buah 495.000

3 Dlink DWL-G630 Wireless LAN PCMCIA 54Mbps (802.11g) buah 495.000

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 170
1 2 3 4 5 6

4 Dlink DWL-G650 Wireless LAN PCMCIA 108/54Mbps (802.11g) buah 655.000

5 Dlink DWA-520 Wireless LAN PCI 108/54Mbps (802.11g) buah 698.000

6 Dlink DWA-120 Wireless LAN USB 2.0 108/54Mbps (802.11g) buah 713.000

7 Linksys WPC54G Wireless-G Notebook Adapter buah 466.000

8 Linksys WMP54G Wireless-G PCI Adapter buah 509.000

9 Linksys WUSB54GC Wireless-G Compact USB Network Adapter buah 509.000

10 Linksys WUSB54G Wireless-G USB Network Adapter buah 582.000

11 Linksys WMP54GS Wireless-G PCI Card with Speedbooster buah 756.000

12 Linksys WPC54GS Wireless-G Notebook Adapter with Speedbooster buah 756.000

13 Dlink DKVM-4K/E KVM Switch 4-port buah 800.000

14 Linksys SVPS06 PS/2 KVM Switch Cable Kit 6', for SVIEW04 & PSKVM4 buah 320.000

15 Linksys SVPPS10 Premium PS/2 KVM Switch Cable Kit 10', for SVIEW08 Only buah 422.000

16 Linksys KVM2KIT ProConnect® Integrated KVM 2-Port Switch buah 640.000

17 Linksys PS2KVM4 ProConnect 4-port Compact KVM Switch buah 1.396.000

18 Linksys SVIEW04 ProConnect 4 Station CPU Switch buah 1.847.000

19 Linksys SVIEW08 ProConnect 8 Station KVM Switch buah 3.605.000

1 Dlink DP-300U/E Print Server 1-port UTP, 2-port Parallel, 1-port USB 1.1 Printer-port buah 1.381.000

2 Linksys PSUS4 PrintServer for USB with 4-Port Switch buah 931.000

3 Linksys WPS54G Wireless-G Print Server buah 1.570.000

1 3COM 3C888 OfficeConnect Dual 56K LAN Modem buah 4.803.000

2 CLEARCAST SG-45 Cellular Signal Repeater/Booster GSM buah 45.903.000

3 CLEARCAST SU-50 Cellular Signal Repeater/Booster 3G buah 70.479.000

Broadband Cable Modem DOCSIS 802.3, 1-Port Ethernet, 1-Port USB, 1-Port
4 D-LINK DCM-202 buah 1.032.000
CATV Coaxial, up to 43Mbps
5 D-LINK DU-562M USB Modem External 56 Kbps Connexant Chipset buah 368.000

6 HUAWEI E226 USB Modem, HSDPA/3G/EDGE/GPRS 7.2 Mbps buah 2.703.000

7 ITEGNO 3000-Serial 85.6Kbps Fax/Data/Voice Modem, GPRS, Dual Band GSM, Serial, Headset buah 3.178.000

8 ITEGNO 3800-Serial Modem GPRS, Quad Band GSM, Serial buah 2.896.000
9 ITEGNO 3800-usb 85.6Kbps Fax/Data/Voice Modem, GPRS, Dual Band GSM, USB buah 3.376.000
10 KEYLINK 181T 85.6Kbps Fax/SMS/Voice Modem, GPRS, Tri-Band GSM, USB buah 10.311.000
11 KEYLINK SRT-2008 CDMA Modem, CDMA800, USB buah 8.828.000
12 PROLINK 1456-TC MODEM EXT PROLINK 56 K USB / SERIAL buah 3.955.000
13 PROLINK 1456-TR 56k V 92 Serial, Fax/Data Modem, Topic Chipset buah 424.000
14 PROLINK 1456-U 56k V 92, Fax Modem, Tornado Chipset + Surge Protector buah 311.000
15 PROLINK 1456-UC buah 311.000
16 SOLOMON SEGM-520 Wireless USB GSM/GPRS/EDGE Modem, 85,6 Kbps buah 1.884.000

17 US ROBOTICS 3453C Modem External buah 1.884.000

1 Flashdisk Adata C802 1GB Flashdisk Adata C802 1GB buah 78.000
2 Flashdisk Adata My Flash PD2 1GB Flashdisk Adata My Flash PD2 1GB buah 84.000
3 Flashdisk Adata Sport RB19 1GB Flashdisk Adata Sport RB19 1GB buah 96.000
4 Flashdisk Adata Tiny (PD17) 1GB Flashdisk Adata Tiny (PD17) 1GB buah 102.000
5 Flashdisk Adata C802 2GB Flashdisk Adata C802 2GB buah 108.000
6 Flashdisk Adata Disney (PDO) 1GB Flashdisk Adata Disney (PDO) 1GB buah 113.000
7 Flashdisk Adata My Flash PD2 2GB Flashdisk Adata My Flash PD2 2GB buah 113.000
8 Flashdisk Adata Mickey Sport 1GB Flashdisk Adata Mickey Sport 1GB buah 125.000
9 Flashdisk Adata Sport RB19 2GB Flashdisk Adata Sport RB19 2GB buah 125.000
10 Flashdisk Adata T801 (Disney) 2GB Flashdisk Adata T801 (Disney) 2GB buah 137.000
11 Flashdisk Adata Tiny (PD17) 2GB Flashdisk Adata Tiny (PD17) 2GB buah 137.000
12 Flashdisk Adata Disney (PDO) 2GB Flashdisk Adata Disney (PDO) 2GB buah 156.000
13 Flashdisk Adata Mickey Sport 2GB Flashdisk Adata Mickey Sport 2GB buah 161.000
14 Flashdisk Adata C802 4GB Flashdisk Adata C802 4GB buah 174.000
15 Flashdisk Adata My Flash PD2 4GB Flashdisk Adata My Flash PD2 4GB buah 178.000
16 Flashdisk Adata Rotation 4GB Flashdisk Adata Rotation 4GB buah 185.000
17 Flashdisk Adata Sport RB19 4GB Flashdisk Adata Sport RB19 4GB buah 191.000

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 171
1 2 3 4 5 6
18 Flashdisk Adata Tiny PD17 4GB Flashdisk Adata Tiny PD17 4GB buah 203.000
19 Flashdisk Adata T801 (Disney) 4GB Flashdisk Adata T801 (Disney) 4GB buah 215.000
20 Flashdisk Adata Disney (PDO) 4GB Flashdisk Adata Disney (PDO) 4GB buah 232.000
21 Flashdisk Adata C802 8GB Flashdisk Adata C802 8GB buah 322.000
22 Flashdisk Adata Lover/Jogr 8GB Flashdisk Adata Lover/Jogr 8GB buah 334.000

1 Flash Disk Corsair Flash Voyager 4GB Flashdisk Corsair Flash Voyager 4GB CMFUSB2.0-4GB. buah 248.000

2 Flash Disk Corsair Flash Voyager 8GB Flashdisk Corsair Flash Voyager 8GB CMFUSB2.0-8GB. buah 378.000

3 Flash Disk Corsair Flash Voyager 16GB Flashdiskc Corsair Flash Memory Voyager 16GB CMFUSB2.0-16GB. buah 596.000

4 Flash Disk Corsair Flash Voyager GT 16GB Flashdisk Corsair Flash Voyager 16GB CMFUSB2.0-16GBGT buah 771.000

5 Flash Disk Corsair Flash Voyager 32GB Flashdisk Corsair Flash Memory Voyager 32GB CMFUSB2.0-32GB buah 1.352.000

1 Flashdisk Cryptonix 2GB iVIO-M1 Flashdisk Cryptonix 2GB iVIO-M1 buah 98.000
2 Flashdisk Cryptonix 2GB Phenom/SpeedLink Flashdisk Cryptonix 2GB Phenom/SpeedLink buah 111.000
3 Flashdisk Cryptonix 2GB D'Moze/Nitius/Vao Flashdisk Cryptonix 2GB D'Moze/Nitius/Vao buah 119.000
4 Flashdisk Cryptonix 4GB D'Moze/Nitius Flashdisk Cryptonix 4GB D'Moze/Nitius buah 191.000
5 Flashdisk Cryptonix 4GB Vao Flashdisk Cryptonix 4GB Vao buah 203.000
6 Flashdisk Cryptonix 8GB D'Moze/Nitius Flashdisk Cryptonix 8GB D'Moze/Nitius buah 363.000

1 Flashdisk Kingston DTI 2GB USB Flashdisk Kingston Data Traveler I 2GB. buah 95.000

2 Flashdisk Kingston DTI 4GB USB Flashdisk Kingston Data Traveler I 4GB. buah 151.000

3 Flashdisk Kingston DTI 8GB USB Flashdisk Kingston Data Traveler I 8GB. buah 296.000

4 Flashdisk Kingston Data Traveller 8GB Flashdisk Kingston Data Traveller 1/100/110 8GB buah 339.000

Specifications and Features: • Dimensions: 7.9mm x 18.95mm x 52.2mm (H
x W x L). • Brilliant green LED. • Stylish metal casing with changeable
1 Sandisk Cruzer Micro 1GB buah 160.000
colored skins and caps. • Hi-Speed USB 2.0 certified (backwards
compatible with all USB 1.1 ports). •
Specifications and Features: - Dimensions: 7.9mm x 18.95mm x 52.2mm (H
x W x L). - Brilliant green LED. - Stylish metal casing with changeable
colored skins and caps. - Hi-Speed USB 2.0 certified (backwards
2 Sandisk Cruzer Micro 2GB compatible with all USB 1.1 ports). - Compatible with Windows 2000 SP4 buah 204.000
and XP. - Certified Windows XP. Package Contents: - Clear skin and cap. -
Two additional colored skins with matching caps. - Lanyard. -Quick Start
Specifications/Features: Capacities: 2GB Retractable USB connector
Brilliant amber LED U3 smart enabled Loaded with the following U3
programs CruzerSync synchronization software SignupShield password
3 Sandisk Cruzer Micro 2GB U3 Black buah 204.000
manager SKYPE Make video calls from PC to PC AVAST antivirus software
Dimensions: 7.94mm x 20.6mm x 57.15mm (D x W x L) Hi-Speed USB 2.0
certified (backwards compatible with all USB 1.1 ports) C

Capacities: 2GB Retractable USB connector Brilliant amber LED U3 smart

enabled Loaded with the following U3 programs CruzerSync
synchronization software SignupShield password manager SKYPE inch
4 Sandisk Cruzer Micro 2GB U3 White buah 219.000
inchMake video calls from PC to PC AVAST antivirus software Dimensions:
7.94mm x 20.6mm x 57.15mm (D x W x L) Hi-Speed USB 2.0 certified
(backwards compatible with all USB 1.1 ports)

Dimensions: 7.9mm x 18.95mm x 52.2mm (H x W x L). - Brilliant green LED. -

5 Sandisk Cruzer Micro 4GB Stylish metal casing with changeable colored skins and caps. - Hi-Speed buah 378.000
USB 2.0 certified (backwards compatible with all USB 1.1 ports).
Capacities: 4GB Retractable USB connector Brilliant amber LED U3 smart
enabled Loaded with the following U3 programs CruzerSync
synchronization software SignupShield password manager SKYPE
6 Sandisk Cruzer Micro 4GB U3 Black buah 422.000
inchMake video calls from PC to PCinch AVAST antivirus software
Dimensions: 7.94mm x 20.6mm x 57.15mm (D x W x L) Hi-Speed USB 2.0
Capacities: 4GB Retractable USB connector Brilliant amber LED U3 smart
enabled Loaded with the following U3 programs CruzerSync
7 Sandisk Cruzer Micro 4GB U3 White synchronization software SignupShield password manager SKYPE Make buah 422.000
video calls from PC to PC AVAST antivirus software Dimensions: 7.94mm x
20.6mm x 57.15mm (D x W x L) Hi-Speed USB 2.0 certified
Specifications and Features: - Distinctive ergonomic design for easy
access and swiping - Write speed (minimum) = 5MB/second - Read speed
(minimum) = 8MB/second - Sensor response to go/no state = 1 sec delay or
8 Sandisk Cruzer Profile 1GB buah 480.000
less - Authentication process <3 sec - Hi-Speed USB 2.0 certified
(backwards compatible with all USB 1.1 ports) - USB Mass Storage Class
Capacities: 8GB Retractable USB connector Brilliant amber LED U3 smart
enabled Loaded with the following U3 programs CruzerSync
9 Sandisk Cruzer Micro 8GB Skins synchronization software SignupShield password manager SKYPE Make buah 669.000
video calls from PC to PC AVAST antivirus software Dimensions: 7.94mm x
20.6mm x 57.15mm (D x W x L) Hi-Speed USB 2.0 certified

10 Sandisk Cruzer Micro 8GB U3 Black Flashdisk Winston Flashdisk 1GB (5 Colors) buah 713.000

11 Flashdisk Winston Flashdisk 1GB Flashdisk Winston FlashDisk 2GB (5 Colors) buah 624.000

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 172
1 2 3 4 5 6
12 Flashdisk Winston FlashDisk 2GB Flashdisk Winston FlashDisk 4GB (5 Colors) buah 863.000

13 Flashdisk Winston FlashDisk 4GB buah 1.548.000

1 CANON BC-003 BC-03 Black Ink Cartridge for BJ-210SP/240 buah 277.000

2 CANON BC-03 Ink Cartridge for BJC-1000SP buah 291.000

3 CANON BC-11e BC-11 Color Ink Cartridge for BJ 30 /50 /70 /80 /85 buah 495.000

4 CANON BCI-15 Black Inkjet Cartridge for Canon Pixma IP90 buah 175.000

5 CANON BCI15-B Ink Catridge BCI 15 Black buah 175.000


7 CANON BCI-16 Color Inkjet Cartridge for Canon Pixma IP90 buah 291.000

8 CANON BCI-24 Black Ink Cartridge for Canon Ink Catridge Canon Black buah 88.000

9 CANON BCI-3e B Ink Catridge BCI-3e BK for BJ 3000 /6000 /S400 /S450 /S4500 /i560 buah 160.000

10 CANON BCI-3e C Ink Catridge BCI-3e Cyan for BJ 3000 /6000 /S400 /S450 /S4500 /i560 buah 146.000

11 CANON BCI-3e M Ink Catridge BCI-3e Magenta for BJ 3000 /6000 /S400 /S450 /S4500 /i560 buah 146.000

12 CANON BCI-3e Y Ink Catridge BCI-3e Yellow for BJ 3000 /6000 /S400 /S450 /S4500 /i560 buah 146.000

13 CANON BCI-3-EBK Black Cartridge Canon S 400, S450, S600 buah 146.000

14 CANON BCI-6 Green Ink Cartridge Green for IP 8500 buah 160.000

15 CANON BCI-6 Red Ink Cartridge Red for IP 8500 buah 160.000

16 CANON BCI6-B Canon Ink Catridge BCI-6 Black for S800 buah 146.000

17 CANON BCI6-C Ink Catridge BCI-6 Cyan for S800, Pixma 3000 buah 146.000

18 CANON BCI6-M Ink Catridge BCI-6 Magenta for S800, Pixma 3000 buah 146.000

19 CANON BCI6-Y Ink Catridge BCI-6 Yellow for S800, Pixma 3000 buah 146.000

20 CANON CL-41 Ink Cartridge Color for Canon IP1200 buah 320.000
Ink Catridge for Canon PIXMA iP 4200, 5200, 5200R, 6600D, MP500, MP800,
21 CANON CLI-8 Bk buah 189.000
22 CANON CLI-8 M Magenta Ink Catridge for Canon PIXMA ix5000 buah 175.000

23 CANON CLI-8 Y Yellow Ink Catridge for Canon PIXMA ix5000 buah 175.000
Cyan Ink Catridge for Canon PIXMA iP 4200, 5200, 5200R, 6600D, 500, 800,
24 CANON CLI-8C buah 189.000
Magenta Ink Catridge for Canon PIXMA iP 4200, 5200, 5200R, 6600D, 500,
25 CANON CLI-8M buah 189.000
800, MP810
Yellow Ink Catridge for Canon PIXMA iP 4200, 5200, 5200R, 6600D, 500, 800,
26 CANON CLI-8Y buah 189.000
27 CANON PG-40 Ink Cartridge Black for Canon IP1200 buah 233.000

29 CANON PG-40 Black Inkjet Cartridges for Canon IP 1880 buah 277.000
30 CANON PG-41 Color Inkjet Cartridge for Canon IP 1880 buah 335.000

31 CANON PGI-5 Black Ink Catridge for Canon PIXMA ix5000, MP810 buah 204.000

32 CANON BJI6PM Ink Cartridge for Canon Ink Catridge BCI-6 Photo Magenta for S800 buah 117.000

1 EPSON C13S020025 Black Ink Cartridge for EPSON Stylus 400/800/1000 buah 248.000

2 EPSON C13S020034 Black Ink Cartridge for EPSON Stylus Color, Pro, Pro XL/XL+ buah 291.000
3 EPSON C13S020036 Colour Ink Cartridge for EPSON Stylus Color, Pro, Pro XL buah 509.000

4 EPSON C13S020047 Black Ink Cartridge for EPSON Stylus 820, Color II/IIs, Color 200 buah 291.000

5 EPSON C13S020049 Colour Ink Cartridge for EPSON Stylus 820/1500, Color II/Iis buah 408.000

6 EPSON C13S020062 Black Ink Cartridge for EPSON Stylus 1500 buah 611.000

7 EPSON C13S020066 Colour Ink Cartridge for EPSON Stylus Pro XL+ buah 509.000

8 EPSON C13S020089 Colour Ink Cartridge for EPSON Stylus Color 400/500/600/800/850/1520 buah 335.000

9 EPSON C13S020093 Black Ink Cartridge for EPSON Stylus Color 400/500/600, Photo/EX/700/710 buah 320.000

10 EPSON C13S020097 Colour Ink Cartridge for EPSON Stylus Color 200 buah 422.000

11 EPSON C13S020110 Colour Ink Cartridge for EPSON Stylus Photo/700/710/EX buah 277.000

12 EPSON C13S020118 Black Ink Cartridge for EPSON Stylus Pro 5000, Color 3000 buah 989.000

13 EPSON C13T009091 Color Ink Cartridge for EPSON Stylus Photo 1270 buah 422.000
Ink Cartridge for epson Black Ink Catridge For EPSON Stylus
14 EPSON C13T038190 buah 131.000
Ink Cartridge for epson Color Ink Catridge For EPSON Stylus
15 EPSON C13T039090 buah 204.000
16 EPSON C13T046190 Black Ink Cartridge for Epson C63/C83/CX4500/CX6500 buah 233.000

17 EPSON C13T047290 Cyan Ink Cartridge for Epson C63/C83/CX4500/CX6500 buah 189.000

18 EPSON C13T047390 Magenta Ink Cartridge for Epson C63/C83/CX4500/CX6500 buah 189.000

19 EPSON C13T047490 Yellow Ink Cartridge for Epson C63/C83/CX4500/CX6500 buah 189.000

20 EPSON C13T544400 Yellow Ink Cartidge (220 ml) Epson Stylus PRO 9600 buah 1.091.000

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 173
1 2 3 4 5 6
21 EPSON C13T544500 Light Cyan Ink Cartridge (220 ml) Epson Stylus PRO 9600 buah 1.062.000

22 EPSON C13T544600 Light Magenta Ink Cartridge (220 ml) Epson SP 9600 buah 1.062.000

23 EPSON C13T565100 Black Ink Cartridge EPSON 4800 pro (1 pcs, 220 cc) buah 989.000

24 EPSON C13T565200 Cyan Ink Cartridge EPSON 4800 pro (1 pcs, 220 cc) buah 989.000

25 EPSON C13T565400 Yellow Ink Cartridge EPSON 4800 pro (1 pcs, 220 cc) buah 1.018.000

26 EPSON T0422 Cyan Ink Jet Cartridges Epson For C80, C81 buah 189.000

27 EPSON T0423 Magenta Ink Jet Cartridges Epson For C80, C81 buah 189.000

28 EPSON T0424 Yellow Ink Jet Cartridges Epson For C80, C81 buah 189.000

29 EPSON T0491 Black Ink Cartridge EPSON Stylus R310 buah 204.000

30 EPSON T049190 Black Ink Cartridge For Epson Stylus R230 buah 204.000

31 EPSON T049290 Cyan Ink Cartridge For Epson Stylus R230 buah 204.000

32 EPSON T0493 Magenta Ink Cartridge EPSON Stylus R310 buah 219.000

33 EPSON T049390 Magenta Ink Cartridge For Epson Stylus R230 buah 204.000

34 EPSON T049490 Yellow Ink Cartridge For Epson Stylus R230 buah 204.000

35 EPSON T049590 Light Cyan Ink Cartridge For Epson Stylus R230 buah 204.000

36 EPSON T049690 Light Magenta Ink Cartridge For Epson Stylus R230 buah 204.000

37 EPSON T0631 Black Ink Cartridge EPSON Stylus C67 buah 189.000

38 EPSON T0632 Cyan Ink Cartridge EPSON Stylus C67 buah 175.000

39 EPSON T0633 Magenta Ink Cartridge EPSON Stylus C67 buah 175.000

40 EPSON T0634 Yellow Ink Cartridge EPSON Stylus C67 buah 175.000

41 EPSON T0761 Black Ink Cartridge For Epson c58 buah 117.000

42 EPSON T0762 Cyan Ink Cartridge For Epson c58 buah 117.000

43 EPSON T0763 Magenta Ink Cartridge For Epson c58 buah 117.000

44 EPSON T0764 Yellow Ink Cartridge For Epson c58 buah 117.000

45 EPSON T5442 Cyan Ink Cartridge for EPSON PRO 4000 buah 1.120.000

46 EPSON T5443 Magenta Ink Cartridge for EPSON PRO 4000 buah 1.120.000

47 EPSON T5444 Yellow Ink Cartridge for EPSON PRO 4000 buah 1.120.000

48 EPSON T5445 Light Cyan Ink Cartridge for EPSON PRO 4000 buah 1.120.000

49 EPSON T5446 Light Magenta Ink Cartridge for EPSON PRO 4000 buah 1.120.000

50 EPSON T5447 Light Black Ink Cartridge for EPSON PRO 4000 buah 1.120.000

51 EPSON T5448 Matte Black Ink Cartridge for EPSON PRO 4000 buah 1.120.000

52 EPSON T0731 Black Ink Jet Cartridges For Epson CX 5900 buah 189.000

53 EPSON T0732 Cyan Ink Jet Cartridges For Epson CX 5900 buah 189.000

54 EPSON T0733 Magenta Ink Jet Cartridges For Epson CX 5900 buah 175.000

55 EPSON T0734 Yellow Ink Jet Cartridges For Epson CX 5900 buah 175.000

C HP -

1 HP 51604A Black Plain Paper Cartridge for ThinkJet/Quietjet buah 219.000

Tri-colour Inkjet Print Cartridges for HP Printer Deskjet
2 HP 51625AA (25) buah 451.000
Black Inkjet Print Cartridge for HP Printer Deskjet
3 HP 51626AA (26) buah 437.000
400/500c/540/550c/560c/Officejet AIO 300/330/350
Black Inkjet Print Cartridge for HP Printer Deskjet 600s/660c/670c,
4 HP 51629AA (29) buah 437.000
690c/692c/Officejet AIO 590/630/635/710/725
5 HP 51633MA (33) Black Inkjet Print Cartridge for HP Printer Deskjet Mobile 320/340 buah 349.000

6 HP 51640AA (40) Black Inkjet Print Cartridge for HP Printer Deskjet 1200c buah 422.000

7 HP 51640CA (40) Cyan Inkjet Print Cartridge for HP Printer Deskjet 1200c/1600c/1600cm buah 466.000

8 HP 51640MA (40) Magenta Inkjet Print Cartridge for HP Printer Deskjet 1200c/1600c/1600cm buah 466.000

9 HP 51640YA (40) Yellow Inkjet Print Cartridge for HP Printer Deskjet 1200c/1600c/1600cm buah 466.000
Tri-colour Inkjet Print Cartridges for HP Printer Deskjet
10 HP 51641AA (41) buah 466.000
820cxi/850c/870Cxi/1000cxi/Officejet Pro 1150c
Black Inkjet Print Cartridge for HP Printer
11 HP 51645AA (45) buah 422.000
Tri-colour Inkjet Print Cartridges for HP Printer
12 HP 51649AA (49) buah 466.000
Tri-colour Inkjet Print Cartridges for HP Printer Deskjet 695/ 697/ 710/ 712/
720/ 722/ 810/ 812/ 815/ 830/ 832/ 870/ 880/ 882/ 890/ 895/ 1120/ 1125/
13 HP C1823DA (23) buah 480.000
Officejet r40/ r45/ r60/ r65/ r80/ t45/ t65/ Officejet Pro 1170/ 1175/ Color
Copiers 140/ 145/ 150/ 155/ 160/ 170/ 260/ 270/ PSC 500
14 HP C1892A HP CP Ink System UV Black buah 2.733.000

15 HP C1894A HP DSJ CP Ink System UV Magenta buah 2.733.000

16 HP C1895A HP DSJ CP Ink System UV Yellow buah 2.733.000

17 HP C4800A (10) HP Black Printhead for DSJ Colorpro CAD buah 204.000

18 HP C4801A (10) HP Cyan Printhead for DSJ Colorpro CAD buah 466.000

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 174
1 2 3 4 5 6

19 HP C4802A (10) HP Magenta Printhead for DSJ Colorpro CAD buah 466.000

20 HP C4803A (10) HP Yellow Printhead for DSJ Colorpro CAD buah 466.000
Black Printhead for HP Printer Officejet AIO 9110/ 9120/ 9130/ Officejet Pro
21 HP C4810A (11) K850/ K850dtn/ Business Inkjet 1000/ 1100/ 1200/ 2230/ 2280/ 2300/ 2600/ buah 466.000
2800 series/ Color Inkjet cp1700 series
Cyan Printhead and Printhead Cleaner for Designjet 1050c Plus/Designjet
22 HP C4821A (80) buah 1.817.000
1055cm Plus Printer
Magenta Printhead and Printhead Cleaner for Designjet 1050c
23 HP C4822A (80) buah 1.672.000
Plus/Designjet 1055cm Plus Printer
Yellow Printhead and Printhead Cleaner for Designjet 1050c Plus/Designjet
24 HP C4823A (80) buah 1.817.000
1055cm Plus Printer
25 HP C4837AA (11) Magenta Inkjet Print Cartridge for HP Printer BIJ1000/2800 buah 422.000

26 HP C4836AA (11) Cyan Inkjet Print Cartridge for HP Printer BIJ1000/2800 buah 422.000

27 HP C4838AA (11) Yellow Inkjet Print Cartridge for HP Printer BIJ1000/2800 buah 422.000

28 HP C4841AA (10) HP Cyan Ink Cartridge for DSJ Colorpro CAD buah 582.000

29 HP C4842AA (10) HP Yellow Ink Cartridge for DSJ Colorpro CAD buah 582.000

30 HP C4843AA (10) HP Magenta Ink Cartridge for DSJ Colorpro CAD buah 582.000

31 HP C4844A HP Black Ink Cartridge for DSJ 500/800 (No. 10) buah 451.000

32 HP C4844AA (10) Black Inkjet Print Cartridge for HP Printer DSJ Colorpro CAD/BIJ1000/2800 buah 408.000

33 HP C4846A (80) Cyan Inkjet Print Cartridge for HP Printer Deskjet DSJ1000 series (350 ml) buah 1.774.000
Magenta Ink Cartridge for for Designjet 1050c Plus/Designjet 1055cm Plus
34 HP C4847A (80) buah 1.730.000
Printer, 350 ml
35 HP C4848A (80) HP Yellow Ink Cartridge for DSJ 1000 series, 350 ml buah 1.876.000

36 HP C4871A (80) Black Inkjet Print Cartridge for HP Printer Deskjet DSJ1000 series (350 ml) buah 1.774.000

37 HP C4872A (80) Cyan Inkjet Print Cartridge for HP Printer DSJ1000 series (175 ml) buah 1.120.000
Yellow Ink Cartridge for Designjet 1050c Plus/Designjet 1055cm Plus
38 HP C4873A (80) buah 1.091.000
Printer, 175 ml
39 HP C4911A (82) HP Cyan Ink Cartridge for DSJ 500/800 buah 509.000

40 HP C4912A (82) HP Magenta Ink Cartridge for DSJ 500/800 buah 509.000

41 HP C4913A (82) HP Yellow Ink Cartridge for DSJ 500/800 buah 509.000

42 HP C4936A (18) Black Ink Cartridge for HP Printer OJ ProK5300/5400/L7380 buah 291.000

43 HP C4937A (18) Cyan Ink Cartridge for HP Printer OJ ProK5300/5400/L7380 buah 233.000

44 HP C4938A (18) Magenta Ink Cartridge for HP Printer OJ ProK5300/5400/L7380 buah 233.000

45 HP C4939A (18) Yellow Ink Cartridge for HP Printer OJ ProK5300/5400/L7380 buah 233.000

46 HP C4940A (83) HP Black Ink Cartidge UV for DSJ 5000 (680ml) buah 3.765.000

47 HP C4941A (83) HP Black Ink Cartidge UV for DSJ 5000 (680ml) buah 3.765.000

48 HP C4942A (83) HP Magenta Ink Cartridge UV for DSJ 5000 (680ml) buah 3.765.000

49 HP C4943A (83) HP Yellow Ink Cartridge UV for DSJ 5000 (680ml) buah 3.765.000

50 HP C4944A (83) HP Light Cyan Ink Cartridge UV for DSJ 5000 (680ml) buah 3.765.000

51 HP C4945A (83) HP Light Magenta Ink Cartridge UV for DSJ 5000 (680ml) buah 3.765.000

52 HP C4951A (81) HP Cyan Dye Printhead and Cleaner for DSJ 5000 / 5000PS buah 1.876.000

53 HP C4952A (81) HP Magenta Dye Printhead and Cleaner for DSJ 5000 / 5000PS buah 1.876.000

54 HP C4953A (81) HP Yellow Dye Printhead and Cleaner for DSJ 5000 / 5000PS buah 1.876.000

55 HP C4955A (81) HP Lt. Magenta Dye Printhead and Cleaner for DSJ 5000 / 5000PS (81) buah 2.021.000

56 HP C4960A (83) HP Black UV Printhead and Cleaner for DSJ 5000 buah 1.672.000

57 HP C4961A (83) HP Cyan UV Printhead and Cleaner for DSJ 5000 buah 1.672.000
Tri-color Inkjet Print Cartridge for HP Printer DJ920/ 930/ 948/ 970/ 990/
58 HP C6578DA (78) buah 437.000
9300/ 9800/ 1280
59 HP C6614NE (20) Black Ink Cartridge for DeskJet 610C buah 349.000

60 HP C6625A (17) Tricolour Ink Cartridge AP for DJ 840C buah 437.000

Black Inkjet Print Cartridge for HP Printer DJ450/ 5160/ 5550/ PSC1210/
61 HP C6656AA (56) buah 277.000
2410/ OJ6110/ 5510/ Photosmart 7550
Tri-colour Inkjet Print Cartridges for HP Printer DJ450/ 5160/ 5550/ PS7260/
62 HP C6657AA (57) buah 466.000
7450/ 7550/ 7660/ OJ6110/ PSC1210
Photo Inkjet Print Cartridge for HP Printer DJ450/ 5160/ PS7260/ 7450/ 7660/
63 HP C6658AA (58) buah 364.000
Black Inkjet Print Cartridge for HP Printer Deskjet 3320/ 3325/ 3420/ 3535/
64 HP C8727AA (27) 3550/ 3650/ 3744/ 3745/ 3845/ Officejet AIO 4255/ 4355/ 5608/ 5610/ PSC buah 262.000
AIO1110/ 1210/ 1315
Tri-colour Inkjet Print Cartridges for HP Printer Deskjet 3320/ 3325/ 3420/
65 HP C8728AA (28) 3535/ 3550/ 3650/ 3744/ 3745/ 3845/ Officejet AIO 4410/ 4255/ 5608/ PSC buah 306.000
AIO1110/ 1210/ 1315
66 HP C8765WA (94) Black Inkjet Print Cartridge for HP Printer DJ5740/6540 (Low Volume) buah 277.000
Tri-colour Inkjet Print Cartridges for HP Printer
67 HP C8766WA (95) buah 320.000
DJ5740/6540/PSC6310/PS5160/2575/B8330 (Low Volume)
68 HP C8767WA (96) Black Inkjet Print Cartridge for HP Printer DJ5740/6540 (High Volume) buah 393.000
Black Inkjet Print Cartridge for HP Printer
69 HP C9351AA (21) buah 219.000

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 175
1 2 3 4 5 6
Tri-color Inkjet Print Cartridge for HP Printer
70 HP C9352AA (22) buah 248.000
Tri-colour Inkjet Print Cartridges for HP Printer
71 HP C9361WA (93) buah 291.000
72 HP C9362WA (92) Black Inkjet Print Cartridge for HP Printer PSC3180/4180/6310 buah 233.000
Tri-Colour Inkjet Print Cartridges for HP Printer DJ5740/6540/PS8450 (High
73 HP C9363WA (97) buah 437.000
Black Inkjet Print Cartridge for HP Printer
74 HP C9364WA (98) buah 262.000
Black Inkjet Print Cartridge for Deskjet D4260, Officejet J5780, Photosmart
75 HP CB335WA (74) buah 219.000
C4280, C5280, C6280, C7280, D5360
Tri-color Inkjet Print Cartridge for Deskjet D4260, Officejet J5780,
76 HP CB337WA (75) buah 262.000
Photosmart C4280, C5280, C6280, C7280, D5360
Black Inkjet Print Cartridges for HP Printer Deskjet 3940, F2180 AIO,
77 HP CC627AA (21 Twin Pack) buah 364.000
Officejet 4355 AIO, PSC 1410 AIO
Combo-pack Inkjet Print Cartridges (Black, tri-color) for HP Printer Deskjet
78 HP CC630AA (21+22 Combo Pack) buah 393.000
F2180 AIO
79 HP Q7560A Black Print Cartridge for HP Printer Color LaserJet 2700/3000 series buah 1.861.000

80 HP Q7561A Cyan Print Cartridge for HP Printer Color LaserJet 2700/3000 buah 1.803.000

81 HP Q7562A Yellow Print Cartridge for HP Printer Color LaserJet 2700/3000 series buah 1.803.000

82 HP Q7563A Magenta Print Cartridge for HP Printer Color LaserJet 2700/3000 series buah 1.803.000


1 EPSON C13S015140 Ribbon Cartridge for LQ 2170/2180/2080; FX 2170/2180/2080 buah 212.000

2 EPSON C13S015141 # 7753 Ribbon Cartridge for LQ 300/ 500/ 550/ 570/ 570+/ 800/ 850/ 850+/ 870 buah 113.000

3 EPSON C13SO15384 Ribbon Pack for DFX 9000 buah 339.000

4 EPSON ER-C38 Black ribbon for Epson TMU210, TM-U220B buah 128.000

5 EPSON S010031 Refill Ribbon for Epson LQ-2170/LQ-2180 buah 85.000

6 EPSON S015531 Ribbon Cartridge for LQ 2170/2180/2080; FX 2170/2180/2080 buah 212.000

7 OEM Standard black ribbon for Persona C30 buah 297.000

8 OKI Ribbon for OKI ML791 printer buah 156.000

9 OKI ML100S Ribbon for ML-100 /172 /182 /184 /320 /321 buah 113.000

10 PANASONIC KX-P 170 Black Ribbon for Panasonic Dot Matrix buah 195.000

11 SAMSUNG ECR303438 Ribbon for Samsung SRP-270A buah 848.000

46 TV/ FM TUNER buah

1 ASUS My Cinema - U3000 Hybrid Hybrid - Digital/Analog External TV Tuner, USB 2.0 buah 1.017.000

2 GADMEI UTV-330 TV Tuner, External, USB buah 4.224.000

3 HAUPPAUGE WinTV Theatre (498) Internal TV Tuner + FM + Remote buah 1.935.000

4 HAUPPAUGE WinTV USB (691) External TV Tuner (USB) buah 650.000

5 HAUPPAUGE WinTV-PVR-150 Internal TV Tuner + Remote + MPEGI/II recording function buah 1.879.000

6 HAUPPAUGE WinTV-PVR-150 MCE Edition Internal TV Tuner + Remote + MPEGI/II recording function buah 495.000

7 KWORLD Plus TV Hybrid Stick (DVB-T-323UR) USB 2.0 TV Tuner, buah 890.000

8 KWORLD PlusTV Analog Stick (305UDE) USB 2.0 TV Tuner buah 509.000

9 KWORLD PVR-TV 878R PlusTV Analog PCI buah 339.000

10 KWORLD TV Box 1680ex External TV Tuner, Analog, Remote, Built-in speaker, 1080i HD Support buah 594.000

11 KWORLD TV Box 1920ex External TV Turner + Remote, Analog, Build-in speaker, 1080i HD Support buah 791.000

12 KWORLD VS-PVR-TV 303U PlusTV Analog Pro Stick buah 721.000

13 LEADTEK WINFAST DTV2000 H TV Tuner buah 1.102.000

14 LEADTEK WINFAST PVR3000 Deluxe Internal TV Tuner + FM Radio, 3D NR (Noise Reduction) buah 1.342.000

15 LEADTEK WINFAST TV PalmTop Plus External TV Tuner, NTSC, PAL, FM Tuner, USB 2.0 buah 904.000

16 LEADTEK WINFAST TV Pro 1920 buah 1.046.000

17 LEADTEK WINFAST TV2000 XP Global Internal TV - FM Tuner buah 636.000

18 PIXELVIEW Play TV Extreme Internal TV/FM Tuner for PC buah 481.000

19 PIXELVIEW Play TV Global USB External TV Tuner buah 721.000

20 PIXELVIEW PlayTV USB 415 External, USB 2.0 buah 664.000

21 WESTERN DIGITAL WD TV High-definition Media Player, HDMI, USB 2.0 buah 2.034.000


1 APPLE Mac OS X Leopard Mac OS X 10.5.4 Leopard, Mac, English, Retail Family Pack (5 user) buah 2.952.000

2 APPLE Mac OS X Leopard Mac OS X 10.5.4 Leopard, Mac, English, Retail buah 2.105.000

3 APPLE MB004Z/A Mac OS X Server 10.5 Unlimited Client-Single Lic buah 13.616.000

4 APPLE MB005Z/A Mac OS X Server 10.5 10 Client-Single Lic buah 6.851.000

5 APPLE MB006Z/A Mac OS X Server 10.5 Upgrade (10 Unlimited Client) buah 6.851.000

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 176
1 2 3 4 5 6

6 MICROSOFT 66R-01332 Windows Anytime Upgrade Pack Home Basic to Ultimate UPG DVD English buah 2.486.000
Windows Anytime Upgrade Pack Home Premium to Ultimate UPG DVD
7 MICROSOFT 66R-01333 buah 1.667.000
Windows Anytime Upgrade Pack Home Basic to Home Premium UPG DVD
8 MICROSOFT CXA-00003 buah 1.413.000
English, SP1
Windows Anytime Upgrade Pack Business to Ultimate Upg DVD English
9 MICROSOFT CZA-00003 buah 1.964.000
10 MICROSOFT Windows SBS 2008 Windows SBS Standard 2008 R2 English CD/DVD 5 Client buah 17.387.000

11 MICROSOFT Windows SBS 2008 Windows SBS Premium 2008 R2 English CD/DVD 5 Client buah 28.997.000

12 MICROSOFT Windows Server 2008 Windows Server Standard 2008, 32-bit/x64, English, DVD, 5 Client buah 15.551.000
Windows Server Standard w/o Hyper-V 2008, 32-bit/x64, English, DVD, 5
13 MICROSOFT Windows Server 2008 buah 15.551.000
14 MICROSOFT Windows Server 2008 Windows Web Server 2008, 32-bit/x64, English, DVD buah 7.077.000

15 MICROSOFT Windows Server 2008 Windows Server Enterprise 2008, 32-bit/x64, English, DVD, 25 Client buah 59.717.000
Windows Server Enterprise w/o Hyper-V 2008, 32-bit/x64, English, DVD, 25
16 MICROSOFT Windows Server 2008 buah 59.717.000
17 MICROSOFT Windows Server 2008 Windows Server Standard 2008, 32-bit/x64, English, DVD, 10 Client buah 18.333.000
Windows Server Standard w/o Hyper-V 2008, 32-bit/x64, English, DVD, 10
18 MICROSOFT Windows Server 2008 buah 18.333.000
19 MICROSOFT Windows Vista FPP Windows Vista Home Basic, English, DVD (Special Market), SP1 buah 1.681.000

20 MICROSOFT Windows Vista FPP Windows Vista Home Premium, English, DVD (Special Market), SP1 buah 2.289.000

21 MICROSOFT Windows Vista FPP Windows Vista Ultimate, SP1, English, DVD buah 5.071.000

22 MICROSOFT Windows Vista FPP Windows Vista Business, SP1, English, DVD buah 4.873.000

23 MICROSOFT Windows Vista UPG Windows Vista Home Premium, English, DVD, Upgrade buah 2.599.000

24 MICROSOFT Windows Vista UPG Windows Vista Ultimate, English, DVD, Upgrade buah 4.224.000

25 MICROSOFT Windows Vista UPG Windows Vista Business, English, DVD, Upgrade buah 3.221.000

26 MICROSOFT Windows Vista UPG Windows Vista Home Basic, English, DVD, Upgrade buah 1.681.000
Enterprise Linux 5 with Premium Subscription for 1-year (x86, EM64T,
27 REDHAT Enterprise Linux 5 PRE-1 buah 18.348.000
Enterprise Linux 5 with Premium Subscription for 3-year (x86, EM64T,
28 REDHAT Enterprise Linux 5 PRE-3 buah 49.533.000
Enterprise Linux 5 with Standard Subscription for 1-year (x86, EM64T,
29 REDHAT Enterprise Linux 5 STD-1 buah 11.286.000
Enterprise Linux 5 with Standard Subscription for 3-year (x86, EM64T,
30 REDHAT Enterprise Linux 5 STD-3 buah 30.466.000
Enterprise Linux Advanced Platform 5 REDHAT Enterprise Linux Advanced Platform 5 with Premium Subscription for 1-
31 buah 35.296.000
PRE-1 year (x86, EM64T, AMD64)
Enterprise Linux Advanced Platform 5 REDHAT Enterprise Linux Advanced Platform 5 with Premium Subscription for 3-
32 buah 95.309.000
PRE-3 year (x86, EM64T, AMD64)
Enterprise Linux Advanced Platform 5 REDHAT Enterprise Linux Advanced Platform 5 with Standard Subscription for 1-
33 buah 21.172.000
STD-1 year (x86, EM64T, AMD64)
Enterprise Linux Advanced Platform 5 REDHAT Enterprise Linux Advanced Platform 5 with Standard Subscription for 3-
34 buah 57.160.000
STD-3 year (x86, EM64T, AMD64)
Enterprise Linux ES 4 with Premium Subscription for 1-year (x86, EM64T,
35 REDHAT Enterprise Linux ES 4 PRE-1 buah 18.348.000
Enterprise Linux ES 4 with Premium Subscription for 3-year (x86, EM64T,
36 REDHAT Enterprise Linux ES 4 PRE-3 buah 49.533.000
Enterprise Linux ES 4 with Standard Subscription for 1-year (x86, EM64T,
37 REDHAT Enterprise Linux ES 4 STD-1 buah 11.286.000
Enterprise Linux ES 4 with Standard Subscription for 3-year (x86, EM64T,
38 REDHAT Enterprise Linux ES 4 STD-3 buah 30.466.000
Enterprise Server 10 with Standard Priority Subscription for 3-year (x86,
39 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 PRI buah 47.627.000
EM64T, AMD64)
Enterprise Server 10 with Standard Subscription for 1-year (x86, EM64T,
40 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 STD buah 7.048.000
1 APPLE MA790Z/A iWork '08 Retail buah 1.413.000

2 APPLE MA791Z/A iWork '08 FAMILY PACK buah 1.554.000

3 COREL OffSuite FPP WordPerfect Office X3 Standard, Windows, English buah 3.842.000

4 COREL OffSuite FPP WordPerfect Office X3 Professional, English, Windows, DVD buah 5.128.000

5 MICROSOFT 543-03007 Outlook 2007, Win 32, English, CD buah 1.597.000

6 MICROSOFT Access FPP Access 2007, Windows, English, CD buah 3.390.000

7 MICROSOFT Office 2007 [BOX] Office 2007, Windows, English, CD buah 6.031.000
MICROSOFT Office 2007 Home and Student, 3-
8 Office 2007 Home and Student, Windows, English, CD (Special Market) buah 12.430.000
9 MICROSOFT Office 2007 Professional [BOX] Office Professional 2007, Windows, English buah 7.529.000
MICROSOFT Office 2007 Professional Upgrade
10 Office 2007 Professional, Windows, English, CD, Upgrade, Not to US buah 4.294.000
11 MICROSOFT Office 2007 Small Business [BOX] Office Small Business 2007, Windows, English, CD buah 4.026.000
Office 2007 Small Business MICROSOFT
12 Office 2007 Small Business, Windows, English, CD, Upgrade, Not to US buah 3.630.000
13 MICROSOFT Office 2007 Ultimate [BOX] Office Ultimate 2007, Windows, English, DVD buah 10.240.000

14 MICROSOFT Office 2007 Ultimate Upgrade [BOX] Office 2007 Ultimate, Windows, English, DVD, Upgrade, Not to US buah 7.091.000

15 MICROSOFT Office 2007 Upgrade [BOX] Office 2007, Windows, English, CD, Upgrade buah 3.108.000

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 177
1 2 3 4 5 6
16 MICROSOFT Office Excel Mac 2008 [BOX] Microsoft® Excel Mac 2008 English Version Upgrade DVD buah 1.822.000

17 MICROSOFT Office Excel Mac 2008 [BOX] Office Excel Mac 2008, Macintosh, English DVD buah 3.800.000

18 MICROSOFT Office Home and Student 2007, FPP Office Home and Student 2007, Windows, English, CD buah 1.950.000

19 MICROSOFT Office Mac 2008 [BOX] Office Mac 2008, Macintosh, English, DVD buah 6.794.000
Office Mac 2008 Home and Student, 3-MICROSOFT
20 Office Mac 2008 Home Student, Macintosh, English, DVD buah 2.712.000
User [BOX]
21 MICROSOFT Office Mac 2008 Media Edition [BOX] Office Mac 2008 Media Edition, Macintosh, English, DVD buah 9.167.000

22 MICROSOFT Office Mac 2008 Upgrade [BOX] Office Mac 2008, Macintosh, English, DVD, Upgrade buah 3.743.000

23 MICROSOFT Office Mac Media Edition 2008 [BOX] Microsoft® Office Mac Media Edition 2008 English Version Upgrade DVD buah 4.930.000

24 MICROSOFT Office Word Mac 2008 [BOX] Microsoft® Word Mac 2008 English Version Upgrade DVD buah 1.822.000

25 MICROSOFT Office Word Mac 2008 [BOX] Word Mac 2008, Macintosh, English, DVD buah 3.800.000

26 MICROSOFT Project FPP Project Pro 2007, Windows, English, CD buah 15.212.000

27 MICROSOFT Project FPP Project 2007, Windows, English, CD buah 9.012.000

28 MICROSOFT Project UPG Project 2007, Windows, English, CD, Upgrade buah 4.520.000

29 MICROSOFT Project UP Project Pro 2007, Windows, English, CD, Upgrade buah 9.153.000

30 MICROSOFT SQL Server SQL Server Standard Edition 2005, Windows, English, CD/DVD, 5 Client buah 28.164.000

31 MICROSOFT SQL Server SQL Server Workgroup Edition 2008 English DVD 5 Client buah 11.766.000

32 MICROSOFT SQL Server SQL Server Developer Edition 2008 DVD buah 749.000

33 MICROSOFT SQL Server SQL Server Standard Edition 2008 English DVD 10 Client buah 36.765.000

34 ThingFree Office Suite 3.0 [BOX] Office Suite 3.0, Windows/ Macintosh/ Linux/ Unix, English, CD buah 693.000

49 MP3/MP4
1 APPLE iPod Classic 120 Silver, 120 GB, USB 2.0, Support Video, Games, Photo. buah 3.743.000

2 APPLE iPod Classic 120 Black, 120 GB, USB 2.0, Support Video, Games, Photo. buah 3.743.000
3 APPLE iPod nano3 40 Silver Silver, 4 GB, 2" Color LCD, USB 2.0, support audio and photo, and video buah 1.766.000

4 APPLE iPod nano3 80 Light Green Green, 8 GB, 2" Color LCD, USB 2.0, support audio and photo, and video buah 2.811.000

5 APPLE iPod nano3 80 Ocean Blue Blue, 8 GB, 2" Color LCD, USB 2.0, support audio and photo, and video buah 2.811.000

6 APPLE iPod nano-chromatic 16GB Blue Blue, 16 GB, USB 2.0 iPod nano-chromatic 16GB Blue buah 2.670.000

7 APPLE iPod nano-chromatic 16GB Orange Orange, 16 GB, USB 2.0 iPod nano-chromatic 16GB Orange buah 2.670.000

8 APPLE iPod nano-chromatic 16GB Pink Pink, 16 GB, USB 2.0 iPod nano-chromatic 16GB Pink buah 2.670.000

9 APPLE iPod nano-chromatic 16GB Purple Purple, 16 GB, USB 2.0 iPod nano-chromatic 16GB Purple buah 2.670.000

10 APPLE iPod nano-chromatic 16GB Silver Silver, 16 GB, USB 2.0 iPod nano-chromatic 16GB Silver buah 2.670.000

11 APPLE iPod nano-chromatic 16GB Yellow Yellow, 16 GB, USB 2.0 iPod nano-chromatic 16GB Yellow buah 2.670.000

12 APPLE iPod nano-chromatic 8GB Black Black, 8 GB, USB 2.0 iPod nano-chromatic 8GB Black buah 1.964.000

13 APPLE iPod nano-chromatic 8GB Blue Blue, 8 GB, USB 2.0 iPod nano-chromatic 8GB Blue buah 1.964.000

14 APPLE iPod nano-chromatic 8GB Green Green, 8 GB, USB 2.0 iPod nano-chromatic 8GB Green buah 1.964.000

15 APPLE iPod nano-chromatic 8GB Orange Orange, 8 GB, USB 2.0 iPod nano-chromatic 8GB Orange buah 1.964.000

16 APPLE iPod nano-chromatic 8GB Pink Pink, 8 GB, USB 2.0 iPod nano-chromatic 8GB Pink buah 1.964.000

17 APPLE iPod nano-chromatic 8GB Purple Purple, 8 GB, USB 2.0. iPod nano-chromatic 8GB Purple buah 1.964.000

18 APPLE iPod nano-chromatic 8GB Silver Silver, 8 GB, USB 2.0 iPod nano-chromatic 8GB Silver buah 1.964.000

19 APPLE iPod nano-Chromatic 8GB Yellow Yellow, 8 GB, USB 2.0 iPod nano-Chromatic 8GB Yellow buah 1.964.000

20 APPLE iPod Shuffle 1 Gb Pink, 1 GB, USB2.0, MP3 Player, Flash Drive, PC, Mac buah 848.000

21 APPLE iPod Shuffle 1 Gb Purple, 1 GB, USB2.0, MP3 Player, Flash Drive, PC, Mac buah 848.000

22 APPLE iPod Shuffle 1 Gb Blue (new), 1 GB, USB2.0, MP3 Player, Flash Drive, PC, Mac buah 848.000

23 APPLE iPod Shuffle 1 GB Green, 1 GB, USB2.0, MP3 Player, Flash Drive, PC, Mac buah 848.000

24 APPLE iPod Shuffle 1 Gb Silver, 1 GB, USB2.0, MP3 Player, Flash Drive, PC, Mac buah 848.000

25 APPLE iPod Shuffle 2 Gb Pink, 2 GB, USB2.0, MP3 Player, Flash Drive, PC, Mac buah 1.130.000

26 APPLE iPod Shuffle 2 Gb Purple, 2 GB, USB2.0, MP3 Player, Flash Drive, PC, Mac buah 1.130.000

27 APPLE iPod Shuffle 2 Gb Green (new), 2 GB, USB2.0, MP3 Player, Flash Drive, PC, Mac buah 1.130.000

28 APPLE iPod Shuffle 2 Gb Blue (new), 2 GB, USB2.0, MP3 Player, Flash Drive, PC, Mac buah 1.130.000

29 APPLE iPod Shuffle 2 Gb Silver, 2 GB, USB2.0, MP3 Player, Flash Drive, PC, Mac buah 1.130.000

30 APPLE iPod Shuffle 4 GB Black, 4 GB, USB 2.0, MP3 Player, Flash Drive, PC, Mac buah 1.116.000

31 APPLE iPod Shuffle 4 GB Silver, 4 GB, USB 2.0, MP3 Player, Flash Drive, PC, Mac buah 1.116.000

32 APPLE iPod Touch 16GB (2nd Gen) 16GB, 3.5" Color LCD, USB2.0, Wireless, support audio, photo, and video buah 5.212.000

33 APPLE iPod Touch 32GB (2nd Gen) 32GB, 3.5" Color LCD, USB2.0, Wireless, support audio, photo, and video buah 6.625.000

34 APPLE iPod Touch 8GB (2nd Gen) 8GB, 3.5" Color LCD, USB2.0, Wireless, support audio, photo, and video buah 3.941.000

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 178
1 2 3 4 5 6
120GB Pocket Video/TV Recorder and Viewer, 4.8"LCD Touch Screen, Wi-fi
35 ARCHOS 5 120 GB (802.11 b/g), MP3 Player Support WMA/WAV Formats, Audio Recording, buah 6.239.000
Photo Viewer, Storage, PDF Reader, USB 2.0
60GB Pocket Video/TV Recorder and Viewer, 4.8"LCD Touch Screen, Wi-fi
36 ARCHOS 5 60 GB (802.11 b/g), MP3 Player Support WMA/WAV Formats, Audio Recording, buah 5.568.000
Photo Viewer, Storage, PDF Reader, USB 2.0
160GB Pocket Video/TV Recorder and Viewer, 7"LCD Touch Screen, Wi-fi
37 ARCHOS 7 160 GB (802.11 b/g), MP3 Player Support WMA/WAV Formats, Audio Recording, buah 7.769.000
Photo Viewer, Storage, PDF Reader, USB 2.0
38 CREATIVE MuVo T200 - Black 2GB 2GB, 128 x 32 pixels 65k color LCD, USB 2.0 buah 7.896.000

39 CREATIVE Muvo T200 - White 2GB 2GB, 128 x 32 pixels 65k color LCD, USB 2.0 buah 7.896.000

40 CREATIVE MuVo V100 MP3 Players, 2 GB, LCD Blue Display,18hours play, AAA bat buah 6.879.000

41 CREATIVE Neeon 5GB Silver 5GB,FM Radio,Equalizer buah 7.048.000

42 CREATIVE TravelSound 128MB TravelSound MP3 speaker system buah 3.249.000

Black, 4GB, 2.5" LCD, FM Tuner, Voice Recorder, USB 2.0, support audio,
43 CREATIVE Zen 40 buah 1.879.000
photo, and video
Blue, 1GB, 1.5" Color OLED, FM Tuner, Voice Recorder, USB 2.0, support
44 CREATIVE Zen Neeon2 10 buah 6.709.000
audio, photo, and video
Silver, 2GB, 1.5" Color OLED, FM Tuner, Voice Recorder, USB 2.0, support
45 CREATIVE Zen Neeon2 20 buah 9.534.000
audio, photo, and video
Green on Black, 2 GB, 1.5" Color OLED, FM Tuner, Voice Recorder, Audio
46 CREATIVE Zen V Plus 20 Green on Black buah 8.616.000
Line-In, USB 2.0, support audio, photo, and video
Green on White, 2 GB, 1.5" Color OLED, FM Tuner, Voice Recorder, Audio
47 CREATIVE Zen V Plus 20 Green on White buah 8.616.000
Line-In, USB 2.0, support audio, photo, and video
48 CREATIVE ZEN WAV 4GB - Silver MP3, WMA, WAV (MS-ADPCM), USB 2.0 buah 14.110.000

49 CREATIVE ZEN X-Fi 8GB, 2.5" LCD 320 x 240 pixels, USB 2.0, support audio, photo, and video buah 2.649.000

50 NEXT BASE 485 A 8.5" TFT screen, 1440 x 234, Built-in SD/MS/MS-Pro/MMC card reader, USB buah 5.179.000

8" TFT display 800x600, 2GB internal memory, JPEG/ MPEG-4/ Xvid/ DivX
51 NEXT BASE Gallery 15-P buah 3.355.000
4,5 in AVI format, 4-in-1 card slot for SD/MMC/MS/MS-Pro/xD and USB
8" TFT display 800x600, JPEG, BMP decoding, SD/MMC/MS/MS-Pro/xD and
52 NEXT BASE Gallery 15-S buah 1.870.000
8" TFT display 800x600, 1 GB built-in memory, MPEG1(mpg),
53 NEXT BASE Gallery 15-X MPEG2(.mpg),MPEG4(.avi), motion JPEG , 4-in-1 card slot for SD /MMC /MS buah 2.931.000
/MS-Pro /xD and USB
54 SAMSUNG YP820MT - Silver MP3 player, FM Radio, Voice Recording, 5 Gb buah 1.401.000
55 SAMSUNG YP-U3 Black 1Gb 1GB, FM Tuner, Voice Recorder, USB2.0, Black buah 6.427.000
56 SAMSUNG YP-U3 Black 2 Gb 2GB, FM Tuner, Voice Recorder, USB2.0, Black buah 9.181.000
57 SAMSUNG YP-U3 Blue 2 Gb 2GB, FM Tuner, Voice Recorder, USB2.0, Blue buah 9.181.000
58 SAMSUNG YP-U3 Pink 2 Gb 2GB, FM Tuner, Voice Recorder, USB2.0, Pink buah 9.181.000
59 SAMSUNG YP-U3 White 1 Gb 1GB, FM Tuner, Voice Recorder, USB2.0, White buah 6.427.000
60 SAMSUNG YP-U3 White 2 Gb 2GB, FM Tuner, Voice Recorder, USB2.0, White buah 9.181.000
61 SANDISK Fuze - Black 2 GB, 1.9" LCD, FM Tuner, Built-in Mic, microSD/SDHC Slot, USB 2.0 buah 1.342.000

62 SANDISK Sansa Express 1 GB, OLED Display, FM Tuner, Voice Recorder, microSD Slot, USB 2.0 buah 5.650.000
1GB, 1.8" TFT, FM Tuner, Voice Recorder, USB 2.0, support audio, photo,
63 SUNTECH S778 - 1024 buah 495.000
and video
64 SUNTECH ST3588 - 1024 1GB, LCD Display, FM Tuner, Voice Recorder, USB 2.0 buah 410.000

65 SUNTECH ST3888 - 1024 1GB, LCD Display, FM Tuner, Voice Recorder, USB 2.0 buah 325.000
1GB, 1.8" TFT, FM Tuner, Support audio and photo format files, Micro SD
66 SUNTECH ST911 1024 buah 481.000
Card slot
Internal Blu-ray, SATA, Black, 4MB Cache, 5x BD-R, DVD-R Write 12x, DVD-
1 ASUS BC-1205PT buah 3.757.000
ROM 8x, CD-R 32x
Internal DVD Recordable Drive, IDE, Black, 2MB Cache,DVD+R Write 20x,
2 ASUS HD20B1S buah 438.000
DVD+R DL 8x, DVD 16x, CD-RW 32x, CD Read 48x
Internal DVD Recordable Drive, SATA, Black, 2MB Cache,DVD+R Write 20x,
3 ASUS HD20B1ST buah 481.000
DVD+R DL 8x, DVD 16x, CD-RW 32x, CD Read 48x
External DVD-RW, USB 2.0, 2MB Cache, Black, DVD-R Write 8x, DVD+R DL
4 ASUS SDRW 08D1S-U/BLACK buah 1.201.000
6x, DVD Read 8x, CD-R Write 24x, CD-RW 16x
Internal Black IDE, 16x DVD±R, 8x DVD±R (DL), 8x DVD+RW, 6x DVD-
5 BENQ DW2000 buah 551.000
RW, 48x CD-R, 32x CD-RW, Dual Layer
6 FUJITSU Slimline SuperMulti External DVD-RW buah 3.885.000
External Slim DVD-RW, Dual Layer, DVD+RW 8x, DVD+-R DL 4x DVD RAM
7 LECIE 301230EK buah 1.441.000
5x, CD-RW 24x, USB 2.0
External DVD-RW, Black, 2MB Cache, DVD+R Write 20x, DVD+R DL Write
8 LECIE d2 buah 1.258.000
8x, DVD 16x, CD-RW 32x, CD-R 48x
External DVD Recordable, Black, Dual Layer, DVD+RW 20x, DVD+-R DL 8x
9 LECIE d2-301226KU buah 1.597.000
DVD RAM 5x, CD-RW 48x, USB 2.0, Firewire
External DVD-RW, Black, 2MB Cache, USB 2.0, DVD Read 16x, DVD+R Write
10 LG GE20NU1 buah 1.342.000
20x, DVD-RAM 12x, CD-R Write 48x, CD-RW Write 32x
Slim External DVD-RW, USB 2.0, 2MB Cache, Black, LightScribe, SecurDisc,
11 LG GP08LU10 buah 1.159.000
DVD-R Write 8x, DVD+R Write 8x, DVD+R DL 6x, CD-R 8x, CD-RW 24x
Internal Black SATA, 20x DVD±R, 12x DVD±R (DL), 8x DVD+RW, 6x DVD-
12 PIONEER DVR-216BK buah 509.000
RW, 12x DVD-RAM, 40x CD-R, 32x CD-RW, Dual Layer
Internal DVD-RW, Black, SATA, 2MB, DVD Read 16x, CD Read 48x, DVD-R
13 SONY DRU 860S Write 20x, DVD+RW Wrie 8x, DVD-RAM 12x, CD-R Write 48x, CD-RW Write buah 481.000
14 SONY DRU-840A Internal DVD-RW, IDE, Dual Layer buah 467.000

15 SONY DRU-V200A Internal buah 424.000

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 179
1 2 3 4 5 6
Internal DVD-RW, Black, SATA, 2MB Cache, DVD-R 20x, DVD 16x, DVD-R DL
16 SONY DRU-V200S buah 424.000
12x, DVD-RAM 12x, CD-R 48x, CD-RW 32x
External DVD-RW, DVD+R Dual Layer: 20X, DVD+RW Dual Layer: 12X, 2 MB
17 SONY DRX-840UL buah 1.625.000
Buffer, Support Windows Vista
1 BENQ BE1 48x CDR Media 700MB/ 80min, 1pcs buah 15.000

2 BENQ D-R 47-16-050 DVD-R Media 4.7GB 1-16X, 50 Pcs buah 170.000

3 BENQ DVD+R DVD+R Media 4.7GB 4X buah 15.000

4 BENQ DVD+R Media DVD+R Media 4.7GB 1-16X, 50 Pcs buah 241.000

5 BENQ PW100 32x CDR Media 700MB/ 80min, 100pcs Loose Pack buah 226.000

6 BENQ SP050 All Speed CD-R Media 700MB/ 80min, 50pcs Spindle Pack buah 128.000

7 BENQ SP100 32x CDR Media 700MB/ 80min, 100pcs Spindle Pack buah 241.000

8 BENQ SP100 32x CD+R Media 700MB/ 80min, 50pcs Spindle Pack buah 128.000

9 BENQ SPE050 48x CDR Media Black Top Edition 700MB/ 80min, 50pcs Spindle Pack buah 142.000

10 CMS CDR52 CDR 52X Dope 1 spindle (100 pcs) buah 198.000

11 CMS D-R85-04-100 - buah 29.000

12 CMSDVD+R16X DVD-R 4.7GB 16X Data Video, 100pcs buah 311.000

13 CMS DVD+R4X DVD+R, 4X, per piece buah 15.000

14 DATAMATE C-R700-52-010 CD-R 52x, 700MB, Cake Box 10 pcs buah 339.000

15 DATAMATE C-R700-52-01 CD-R 52x, 700 MB, 10 pcs each packed in envelope sleeves and boxed buah 354.000

16 DATAMATE C-R700-52-025 CD-R 52x, 700 MB, Cake Box 25 pcs buah 707.000

17 DATAMATE C-R700-52-5 CD-R 700MB, 52 minute, 50 pcs shrink wrapped buah 1.272.000

18 DATAMATEC-RW-12-010 CDRW 4-12X, Cake Box 10 pcs buah 636.000

19 DATAMATE D-R47-00-050 50 pcs Filing System buah 354.000

20 DATAMATE D-R47-16-050 DVD-R 16X, 4.7 GB, Cake Box 50 pcs buah 2.543.000

21 FUJI DVD+R, 100pcs buah 467.000

22 FUJI DVD+R 4,7Gb, 1 pcs with case buah 15.000

23 HP D-R47-16-050 DVD-R 4.7GB Printable Spindle 50 pcs buah 311.000

24 IMATION C-R700-52-010 CD-R 52x, Design Theme, Bulk Shrinkwrap, 10 pcs buah 29.000

25 IMATION C-R700-52-010 CD-R 52x, Thematic, 10 pcs (2 Design) buah 29.000

26 IMATION C-R700-52-010 CD-R 52x, Design Theme, Bulk Shrinkwrap, 50 pcs buah 128.000

27 IMATION D+R47-04-050 DVD+R 4,7GB, 16x Write Speed, Cake Box 50 pcs buah 241.000

28 IMATION D+R47-16-010 DVD+R 4.7GB 16x Write Speed, Cake Box 10 pcs buah 57.000

29 IMATION D+R47-16-025 DVD+R 4.7GB, 16x Write Speed, Cake Box 25 pcs buah 128.000

30 IMATION D±RW47-04-001 DVD±RW 4.7GB 4x Write Speed, Jewelcase 1 Pc buah 15.000

31 IMATION D±RW47-04-010 DVD±RW 4.7GB, 4x Write Speed, Cake Box 10 pcs buah 142.000

32 MAXELL CD-R Printable 1 Bundle of 50 pcs CD-R Maxell Printable buah 170.000

33 MAXELL DVD-R Printable 1 Bundle of 50 pcs DVD-R Maxell Printable buah 255.000

34 MEMOREX C-R700-48-010 CD-R Cool Color Daisy Purple, 700MB, 80 Minutes, 48x, 10 Pack buah 43.000

35 MEMOREX C-R700-48-010 CD-R Cool Color Ocean Blue, 700MB, 80 Minutes, 48x, 10 Pack buah 43.000

36 MEMOREX C-R700-48-010 Cool Color Bubble Gum CD-R Cool Color Bubble Gum, 700MB, 80 Minutes, 48x, 10 Pack buah 43.000

37 MEMOREX C-R700-48-010 Cool Color Ruby CD-R Cool Color Ruby Red, 700MB, 80 Minutes, 48x, 10 Pack buah 43.000

38 MEMOREX C-R700-52-005 CD-R, 700MB, 80 Minutes, 52x, 5 Pack Blister buah 43.000

39 MEMOREX C-RW-412-005 CD-RW 4-12x, Slim Jewelcase 5pcs buah 71.000

40 MEMOREX D+R47-16-025 DVD+R 4.7GB, 16x Write Speed, Cakebox 25pcs buah 156.000

41 MEMOREX D+R47-16-050 DVD+R 4,4 Gb, 16x Write Speed, Cakebox 50pcs buah 297.000

42 MEMOREX D+R47-16-10 DVD+R 4.7GB, 16x Write Speed, Cakebox 10pcs buah 71.000

43 MEMOREX D-R85-08-005 DVD-R Double Layer 8.5GB, Jewel Case 5pcs buah 283.000

44 MEMOREX D-RW47-08-005 DVD+RW 8x Write Speed, 5 pcs buah 113.000

45 MIRAGE 25K 25 keping/tabung buah 57.000

46 OEM DVD-RW Media 60min buah 269.000

47 OEM MaxPlay 4 DVD Recordable Media Disc (50pcs) buah 467.000

48 OEM O-D DVD Recordable buah 15.000

49 OEM Silver Green CD Recordable Media Disc (100 pcs) buah 212.000

50 PANASONIC P-DVRW DVD-RW 2.8 GB for Handycam Panasonic M70 buah 311.000

51 PRINCO DVD-R DVD-R 4.7 GB 4x buah 99.000

52 PRINCO DVD-RW DVD-RW 4.7 GB 4x buah 142.000

53 REDATA 16X DVD+R Media, 10pcs with Slim Case buah 71.000

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 180
1 2 3 4 5 6

54 RITEK CD-R 48X Printable CD-R 48X, 50pcs (Spindle Box) buah 170.000

55 RITEK CD-R 52X 52X CD-R Media 700MB/ 80Min buah 15.000

56 RITEK CD-R 52X 52X CD-R Media 700MB/ 80min, 50pcs (Spindle Box) buah 128.000

57 RITEK CD-R 52X 52X CD-R Media 700MB/ 80min, 50pcs (Cake Box) buah 128.000

58 RITEK DVD+DL 2.4X 2.4X DVD+DL Media 8.5GB with Jewel Case buah 43.000

59 RITEK DVD±R 8X 8X DVD±R Media, 10pcs (Spindle) buah 43.000

60 RITEK DVD±R 8X 8X DVD±R Media, 50pcs (Cake Box) buah 156.000

61 RITEK DVD±R 8X 8X DVD±R Media, 25pcs (Cake Box) buah 43.000

62 RITEK DVD±R 8X 8X DVD±R Media, 10pcs (Cake Box) buah 57.000

63 RITEK DVD-R 16X 16X DVD-R Media, 50pcs (Spindle Box) buah 184.000

64 RITEK Mini DVD-R 4X 4X Mini DVD-R Media 1.4GB, 10pcs (Cake Box) buah 85.000

65 RITEK Mini DVD-R 4X 4X Mini DVD-R Media 1.4GB with Case buah 15.000

66 SANYEN 52x CDR Media 700MB/ 80 min, 50 pcs buah 113.000

67 SONY D-R47-16-001 DVD-R Media, 120 minutes, 16X Speed, 4.7GB buah 15.000

68 SONY D-R47-16-050 DVD-R, 16x, Cake Box 50 pcs buah 212.000

69 SONY DVD-RW DVD-RW 60 Minutes buah 113.000

70 TDK C-R700-52-001 CD-R, 700MB, 52 minutes, 1 Pc Jewel Case buah 15.000

71 TDK C-R700-52-010 CD-R GOLD 52x, 700 MB, Cake Box 10 pcs buah 29.000

72 TDK C-R700-52-025 CD-R GOLD 52x, 700 MB, Cake Box 25 pcs buah 71.000

73 TDK C-R700-52-100 CD-R GOLD 52x, 700 MB, Cake Box 100 pcs buah 297.000

74 TDK D+R47-16-025 DVD+R 16X, Cake Box 25 Pcs buah 128.000

75 TDK D+R47-16-055 DVD+R 16x, 4.7 GB, Cake Box 50+5 pcs buah 226.000

76 TDK DVD-R DVD-R 4.7GB 16X Data Video, 100pcs buah 565.000

77 VERBATIM 41372 CD-R Media Gold Vinyl 700MB, Cake Box 50pcs buah 212.000

78 VERBATIM 41735 CD-R 52X Gold Cake Box of 50 pcs buah 156.000

79 VERBATIM 43133 CD-RW 4x, 650 MB Colour, 5 Pack buah 57.000

80 VERBATIM 43148 CD-RW Media 700MB, 12X High Speed, 1 pcs buah 15.000

81 VERBATIM 43192 CD-RW Media 24X Ultra Speed 10pcs buah 156.000

82 VERBATIM 43244 CD-RW 24X Ultra Speed 700 MB, 10 Pack buah 184.000

83 VERBATIM 43342 CD-R 52x AZO, 700 MB, 10 Slim Pack buah 85.000

84 VERBATIM 43417 CD-R Media 700MB, Blue Disk Color, Made in Japan, 50pcs/pack buah 170.000

85 VERBATIM 43522 DVD-R 4.7 GB 16x, Spindel 25 pcs buah 128.000

86 VERBATIM 43523 DVD-R 16X Cake Box 10 pcs buah 57.000

87 VERBATIM 43552 DVD+RW 4x, 10pcs/pack buah 113.000

88 VERBATIM 43552 DVD-RW 4X, Cake Box 10 pcs buah 128.000

89 VERBATIM 43596 DVD-R 8x, Double Layer, 1 pcs buah 29.000

90 VERBATIM 43613 Blu-Ray-RW 2x buah 396.000

91 VERBATIM 43613 Blue Ray-R 2x buah 297.000

92 VERBATIM 43631 DVD+R 2.4X, Dual Layer Media 4.7GB, 1 pcs buah 43.000

93 VERBATIM 43666 DVD+R 8x, Double Layer, Cake Box 10 pcs buah 396.000

94 VERBATIM 62233 DVD-R 8X, Digital Movie, Cake Box 50 pcs buah 269.000

95 VERBATIM 62253 DVD+R 16X Cake Box 50 pcs + Bonus DVD-R 8X digital movie 2 pcs buah 255.000

96 VERBATIM 94691 CD-R 700MB, 52X, Spindle 50pcs buah 156.000

97 VERBATIM 94729 DVD+R 4X Digital Movie, 3 Pcs buah 57.000

98 VERBATIM 94912 DVD+R Double Layer 8.5GB + Casing buah 29.000

99 VERBATIM 94921 DVD-R 4X mini 5 pcs buah 71.000

100 VERBATIM 95070 DVD-R Media 4.7GB 16X with Case buah 15.000

101 VERBATIM 95101 DVD-R 16x, Cake Box 50 pcs buah 241.000

102 VERBATIM 95115 CD-R 700MB, 52x, LightScribe, Cake Box 10 pcs buah 71.000

103 VERBATIM 95116 DVD-R 4.7GB 16X LightScribe, Cake Box 10pcs buah 71.000

104 VERBATIM 95164 DVD-R 4X Dual Layer Case buah 43.000

105 VERBATIM 96432 DVD+R 16X LightScribe, Cake Box 25 pcs buah 255.000

106 VIA BRANDC-RW700-52-001 CD-RW 16x, 700 MB/ 80 Minute buah 15.000

107 VIA BRAND C-RW700-52-001 CD-RW 24x, 700 MB/ 80 Minute buah 15.000

108 VIA BRAND D-R47-16-001 DVD-R, 16x, 4.7GB, 120 min. buah 15.000

109 VIA BRAND VB001 48x CDR Media 700MB/ 80min, 50pcs Loose Pack buah 99.000

Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 181
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 ClearOne Chat 150 - USB/VC A Speaker Phone for Individual or Small Group Use, BOSE Ceiling Speakers 5.636.000

2 ClearOne Chat 50 - USB Personal Speaker Phone, BOSE Ceiling Speakers 2.105.000
Max Ex Combination - Includes Max Ex + Expansion Kit, BOSE Ceiling
3 ClearOne Max Attach (2) 12.698.000
4 ClearOne Max Ex Wired Wired Expandable Conferencing Phone, BOSE Ceiling Speakers 7.755.000

5 ClearOne Max IP Wired Expandable Conferencing Phone, BOSE Ceiling Speakers 11.639.000

6 ClearOne Max Wireless Wireless Conferencing Phone, BOSE Ceiling Speakers 9.167.000
Conference Phone with Digital speakers, Echo cancellation + Integrated
7 POLYCOM Soundstation 2 9.760.000
Conference Phone with Dynamic Noise Reduction (DNR), Backlit LCD +
8 POLYCOM Soundstation 2 Ex - Expandable 14.096.000
Integrated keypad
Conference Phone with 3 microphones / 1 speaker, Backlit LCD +
9 POLYCOM Soundstation 2 EX with 2 External Mics 14.944.000
Integrated keypad, Includes 2 EX Mics
Wireless Audio Conference Phone, up to 150 ft. wireless range, Mute
10 POLYCOM Soundstation 2W - Expandable 15.537.000
button, Dynamic Noise Reduction (DNR), Backlit LCD + Integrated keypad
Wireless Audio Conference Phone, up to 150 ft. wireless range, Mute
11 POLYCOM Soundstation 2W with 2 External Mics button, Dynamic Noise Reduction (DNR), Backlit LCD + Integrated keypad, 19.746.000
Includes 2 EX Mics
Wideband Conference Phone with Noise reduction technology,
12 POLYCOM Soundstation VTX 1000 26.836.000
Independent microphone + Echo cancellation
1 POLYCOM VSX 5000 Incl VSX 5000, 1 Microphone array, English remote, PAL 49.434.000

2 POLYCOM VSX 6000 Incl VSX 6000, 1 microphone array, English remote, PAL 56.496.000

3 POLYCOM VSX 7000s Incl VSX 7000s, 1 microphone array, English Remote, PAL 107.343.000

4 POLYCOM VSX 8000 Incl VSX 8000, People + Content IP, English remote 201.974.000

1 POLYCOM VSX Quad BRI Module for VSX 5000 Series 12.006.000

2 POLYCOM MPPlus Multipoint Software Option Licenses for VSX 7000s 46.610.000

3 POLYCOM VSX 3000 IP-only system, Includes English Remote, PAL 77.682.000

4 POLYCOM V500 IP-only system (PAL), with English Remote 28.248.000

5 POLYCOM VSX 3000 QBRI system, Includes English Remote, PAL 100.987.000

6 POLYCOM V500 SBRI system (PAL), with English Remote 42.372.000

7 POLYCOM VSX Quad BRI Module for VSX 8000 23.305.000

8 POLYCOM VSX People + Content For VSX 7000s 31.073.000

9 POLYCOM VSX People + Content for VSX 8000 23.305.000

10 POLYCOM VSX Quad BRI Module for VSX 7000s 23.305.000

11 POLYCOM VSX MPPlus Multipoint Software Option licenses for VSX 8000 31.073.000

12 POLYCOM Mic Microphone for VSX 7000 76.270.000



Standar Harga Barang-barang Kebutuhan Pemerintah Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 182
NOMOR 268 TAHUN 2009


No Uraian Kegiatan Satuan Harga (Rp) Keterangan
1 2 3 4 5
Pemeliharaan Rutin Jalan (Dalam Kota) Asumsi:
1 Pemeliharaan rutin jalan dgn lebar 4,50 M' Km 49.982.100 Kerusakan lapis permukaan 3%
2 Pemeliharaan rutin jalan dgn lebar 5,00 M' Km 52.076.200 Keausan lapis permukaan 5%
3 Pemeliharaan rutin jalan dgn lebar 6,00 M' Km 58.959.100 Panjang saluran tidak diperkeras 50%
4 Pemeliharaan rutin jalan dgn lebar 7,00 M' Km 67.634.950 Panjang saluran diperkeras 30%
5 Pemeliharaan rutin jalan dgn lebar 9,00 M' Km 71.427.250 Kerusakan saluran diperkeras 5 M' per Km
6 Pemeliharaan rutin jalan dgn lebar 10,00 M' Km 84.034.500 Kerusakan bahu jalan 30%
Pemeliharaan Rutin Jalan (Luar Kota) Asumsi:
1 Pemeliharaan rutin jalan dgn lebar 4,50 M' Km 40.539.150 Kerusakan lapis permukaan 3%
2 Pemeliharaan rutin jalan dgn lebar 5,00 M' Km 42.633.250 Keausan lapis permukaan 5%
3 Pemeliharaan rutin jalan dgn lebar 6,00 M' Km 49.505.750 Panjang saluran tidak diperkeras 40%
4 Pemeliharaan rutin jalan dgn lebar 7,00 M' Km 58.181.600 Panjang saluran diperkeras 10%
5 Pemeliharaan rutin jalan dgn lebar 9,00 M' Km 69.242.300 Kerusakan saluran diperkeras 5 M' per Km
6 Pemeliharaan rutin jalan dgn lebar 10,00 M' Km 73.430.500 Kerusakan bahu jalan 20%
Pemeliharaan Barkala Jalan (Dalam Kota)
1 Pemeliharaan Barkala Jalan (Hotmix) Asumsi:
Pemeliharaan berkala jalan dgn lebar 4,50 M' Km 1.360.264.100 Konstruksi perkerasan:
Pemeliharaan berkalajalan dgn lebar 6,00 M' Km 1.652.469.100 HRS - WC 100 %, tebal lapisan 3 cm
Pemeliharaan berkala jalan dgn lebar 7,00 M' Km 1.949.485.300 HRS Base Levelling 20 %, tebal lapisan 4 cm
Pemeliharaan berkala jalan dgn lebar 9,00 M' Km 2.339.092.000 Tingkat kerusakan perkerasan lama 30%
Pemeliharaan berkala jalan dgn lebar 10,00 M' Km 2.671.816.000 Umur Rencana (design life time) 5 tahun
Pemeliharaan Barkala Jalan (Luar Kota)
1 Pemeliharaan Barkala Jalan (Hotmix) Asumsi:
Pemeliharaan berkala jalan dgn lebar 4,50 M' Km 1.265.609.850 Konstruksi perkerasan:
Pemeliharaan berkala jalan dgn lebar 6,00 M' Km 1.557.814.850 HRS - WC 100 %, tebal lapisan 3 cm
Pemeliharaan berkala jalan dgn lebar 7,00 M' Km 1.810.054.450 HRS Base Levelling 20 %, tebal lap. 4 cm
Pemeliharaan berkala jalan dgn lebar 9,00 M' Km Tingkat kerusakan perkerasan lama 30%
Pemeliharaan berkala jalan dgn lebar 10,00 M' Km 2.451.900.750 Umur Rencana (design life time) 5 tahun
2 Pemeliharaan Barkala Jalan (Lapen) Asumsi:
Pemeliharaan berkala jalan dgn lebar 4,50 M' Km 1.075.510.250 Konstruksi perkerasan:
Pemeliharaan berkala jalan dgn lebar 6,00 M' Km 1.328.937.550 Lapen Macadam 100 %, tebal lapisan 5,50 cm
Pemeliharaan berkala jalan dgn lebar 7,00 M' Km 1.555.325.300 Patching 20 %, tebal lapisan 7,50 cm
Tingkat kerusakan perkerasan lama 30%
Peningkatan Jalan (Luar Kota)
1 Peningkatan Jalan (Hotmix) Asumsi:
Peningkatan jalan dgn lebar 4,50 M' Km 2.122.476.850 Konstruksi perkerasan:
Peningkatan jalan dgn lebar 6,00 M' Km 2.665.921.900 HRS - WC 100 %, tebal lapisan 3 cm
Peningkatan jalan dgn lebar 7,00 M' Km 3.019.380.050 HRS Base 100 %, tebal lapisan 4 cm
Peningkatan jalan dgn lebar 9,00 M' Km 3.801.380.050 Tingkat kerusakan perkerasan lama 40%
Peningkatan jalan dgn lebar 10,00 M' Km 4.464.132.150 Umur Rencana (design life time) 10 tahun
Pelebaran perkerasan jalan 1-3 meter
2 Peningkatan Jalan (Lapen) Asumsi:
Peningkatan jalan dgn lebar 4,50 M' Km 1.315.612.700 Konstruksi perkerasan:
Peningkatan jalan dgn lebar 6,00 M' Km 1.826.610.650 Lapen Macadam 100 %, tebal lapisan 5,5 cm
Peningkatan jalan dgn lebar 7,00 M' Km 1.823.464.400 Patching 20 %, tebal lapisan 7,50 cm
Tingkat kerusakan perkerasan lama 40%
Peningkatan Jalan (Dalam Kota)
Peningkatan Jalan (Hotmix) Asumsi:

Harga Satuan Pokok Kegiatan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 1

Peningkatan jalan dgn lebar 4,50 M' Km 1.961.421.150 Konstruksi perkerasan:
1 2 3 4 5
Peningkatan jalan dgn lebar 6,00 M' Km 2.504.866.150 HRS - WC 100 %, tebal lapisan 3 cm
Peningkatan jalan dgn lebar 7,00 M' Km 2.781.791.050 HRS Base 100 %, tebal lapisan 4 cm
Peningkatan jalan dgn lebar 9,00 M' Km 3.620.943.900 Tingkat kerusakan perkerasan lama 40%
Peningkatan jalan dgn lebar 10,00 M' Km 4.097.487.050 Umur Rencana (design life time) 10 tahun
Pelebaran perkerasan jalan 1-3 meter
a. Gedung Bertingkat
1 Sederhana
Kota Mataram/Lombok Barat M2 4.230.000
Lombok Tengah M2 4.124.000
Lombok Timur M2 4.124.000
Sumbawa/Sumbawa Barat M2 4.268.000
Dompu M2 3.875.000
Bima / Kota Bima M2 3.876.000
2 Tidak Sederhana
Kota Mataram/Lombok Barat M2 5.922.000
Lombok Tengah M2 5.774.000
Lombok Timur M2 5.774.000
Sumbawa/Sumbawa Barat M2 5.975.000
Dompu M2 5.425.000
Bima / Kota Bima M2 5.426.000
b. Gedung Tidak Bertingkat
1 Sederhana
Kota Mataram/Lombok Barat M2 3.017.000
Lombok Tengah M2 2.913.000
Lombok Timur M2 2.914.000
Sumbawa/Sumbawa Barat M2 3.020.000
Dompu M2 2.734.000
Bima / Kota Bima M2 2.735.000
2 Tidak Sederhana
Kota Mataram/Lombok Barat M2 4.224.000
Lombok Tengah M2 4.078.000
Lombok Timur M2 4.080.000
Sumbawa/Sumbawa Barat M2 4.228.000
Dompu M2 3.828.000
Bima / Kota Bima M2 3.829.000
c. Rumah Negara
Type C (70 M2)
Kota Mataram/Lombok Barat M2 2.860.000
Lombok Tengah M2 2.751.000
Lombok Timur M2 2.752.000
Sumbawa/Sumbawa Barat M2 2.768.000
Dompu M2 2.603.000
Bima / Kota Bima M2 2.604.000
Type B (120 M2)
Kota Mataram/Lombok Barat M2 3.432.000
Lombok Tengah M2 3.301.000
Lombok Timur M2 3.302.000
Sumbawa/Sumbawa Barat M2 3.322.000
Dompu M2 3.124.000
Bima / Kota Bima M2 3.125.000
Type A (250 M2)
Kota Mataram/Lombok Barat M2 3.432.000

Harga Satuan Pokok Kegiatan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 2

Lombok Tengah M2 3.301.000
Lombok Timur M2 3.302.000
1 2 3 4 5
Sumbawa/Sumbawa Barat M2 3.322.000
Dompu M2 3.124.000
Bima / Kota Bima M2 3.125.000
d. Pagar Gedung
1 Depan
Kota Mataram/Lombok Barat M' 988.100
Lombok Tengah M' 1.011.000
Lombok Timur M' 1.011.000
Sumbawa/Sumbawa Barat M' 969.200
Dompu M' 936.300
Bima / Kota Bima M' 937.600
Tidak Sederhana
Kota Mataram/Lombok Barat M' 1.086.950
Lombok Tengah M' 1.112.100
Lombok Timur M' 1.112.100
Sumbawa/Sumbawa Barat M' 1.066.150
Dompu M' 1.029.950
Bima / Kota Bima M' 1.031.400
2 Samping
Kota Mataram/Lombok Barat M' 1.243.000
Lombok Tengah M' 1.264.000
Lombok Timur M' 1.264.000
Sumbawa/Sumbawa Barat M' 1.209.000
Dompu M' 1.208.000
Bima / Kota Bima M' 1.210.000
Tidak Sederhana
Kota Mataram/Lombok Barat M' 1.367.300
Lombok Tengah M' 1.390.400
Lombok Timur M' 1.390.400
Sumbawa/Sumbawa Barat M' 1.329.900
Dompu M' 1.326.800
Bima / Kota Bima M' 1.331.000
e. Pagar Rumah Negara
1 Depan
Type C
Kota Mataram/Lombok Barat M' 874.900
Lombok Tengah M' 883.300
Lombok Timur M' 883.300
Sumbawa/Sumbawa Barat M' 862.400
Dompu M' 851.100
Bima / Kota Bima M' 874.500
Type B
Kota Mataram/Lombok Barat M' 962.400
Lombok Tengah M' 971.650
Lombok Timur M' 971.650
Sumbawa/Sumbawa Barat M' 948.650
Dompu M' 936.250
Bima / Kota Bima M' 961.400
Type A
Kota Mataram/Lombok Barat M' 962.400

Harga Satuan Pokok Kegiatan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 3

Lombok Tengah M' 971.650
Lombok Timur M' 971.650
Sumbawa/Sumbawa Barat M' 948.650
1 2 3 4 5
Dompu M' 936.250
Bima / Kota Bima M' 961.400
2 Samping
Type C
Kota Mataram/Lombok Barat M' 1.011.000
Lombok Tengah M' 1.027.000
Lombok Timur M' 1.027.000
Sumbawa/Sumbawa Barat M' 978.500
Dompu M' 976.900
Bima / Kota Bima M' 979.500
Type B
Kota Mataram/Lombok Barat M' 1.112.100
Lombok Tengah M' 1.129.700
Lombok Timur M' 1.129.700
Sumbawa/Sumbawa Barat M' 1.076.350
Dompu M' 1.074.600
Bima / Kota Bima M' 1.077.450
Type A
Kota Mataram/Lombok Barat M' 1.112.100
Lombok Tengah M' 1.129.700
Lombok Timur M' 1.129.700
Sumbawa/Sumbawa Barat M' 1.076.350
Dompu M' 1.074.600
Bima / Kota Bima M' 1.077.450



1 2 3 4 5
1. Perawatan Bangunan
Maksimum 30% dari harga satuan
a. Perawatan tingkat kerusakan ringan M' tertinggi pembangunan bangunan gedung
baru yang berlaku. Besarnya biaya
Maksimum 45% dari harga satuan perawatan dihitung
b. Perawatan tingkat kerusakan sedang M' tertinggi pembangunan bangunan gedung sesuai dengan kebutuhan
baru yang berlaku. nyata dan
Maksimum 65% dari harga satuan dikonsultasikan terlebih
c. Perawatan tingkat kerusakan berat M' tertinggi pembangunan bangunan gedung dahulu kepada Instansi
baru yang berlaku. Teknis (Dina PU).
Maksimum 2% dari harga satuan per M²
2. Pemeliharaan Bangunan M²
tertinggi yang berlaku


No Uraian Kegiatan Satuan Harga (Rp) Keterangan
1 2 3 4 5
I Bidang Planologi Kehutanan
1 Inventarisasi sumber daya hutan
1.1. Enumerasi TSP / PSP
a. Hutan Tanaman, Mangrove dan Konifer Klaster 39.118.500
b. Semak Belukar Klaster 35.608.400
c. HDR / Hutan Dataran Rendah Klaster 46.138.700
d. Rawa Klaster 49.648.800
1.2. Re - Enumerasi PSP
a. Hutan Dataran Rendah < 1.000 M Dpl Klaster 37.363.450
b. Rawa Klaster 39.118.500
c. Hutan Tanaman, Mangrove, Konifer Klaster 42.628.600
1.3. Inventarisasi Hutan Non Kayu

Harga Satuan Pokok Kegiatan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 4

a. 0,30 % IS Per 10.000 Ha / Lks Ha/km 50.545.000
b. 0,50 % IS 0,5 % Per 10.000 Ha / Lks Ha/km 140.835.750
1.4. Inventarisasi Mangrove Ha/km 73.196.750
2 Pengukuran dan Penataan Batas Hutan
1 2 3 4 5
a. Pemancangan Batas Sementara Km 76.550.400
b. Pemancangan Batas Definitif Km 114.493.500
c. Sosialisasi Batas Hutan Lks 25.902.250
3 Penyelesaian Berita Acara tata batas hutan Lks 27.900.150
4 Orientasi Batas Kawasan Hutan Km 70.610.400
5 Rekonstruksi Batas Kawasan Hutan Km 95.807.250
6 Pengukuran Batas Hutan untuk Pihak III Km 103.829.000
7 Penataan Batas Alam Pantai dan Perairan Km 227.387.900
8 Penyusunan Pedoman/Juklak Penataan Judul 28.160.000
9 Pembinaan dan Koordinasi Penataan Batas Lks 14.333.000
10 Penyusunan Rencana Pengelolaan Hutan Unit/Judul 39.168.250
11 Pemasangan Titik Kontrol Lks 104.271.750
Pelaksanaan Penyusunan Rancangan Pembangunan KPH
12 Paket 235.763.000
13 Lokakarya Rancangan Pembangunan KPH Model Paket 177.760.000
Penyusunan Kurikulum Lokalatih Personal Pelaksanaan
14 Paket 138.696.250
KPH Model
Lokakarya Pemahaman Pedoman Rancangan
15 Paket 190.300.000
Pembangunan KPH Model
16 Fasilitasi Pembangunan KPH Paket 172.383.750
17 Sekretariat Pembangunan KPH Paket 566.610.000
18 Sosialisasi Pembangunan KPH Lks 58.437.500
19 Penyusunan Arahan Pencadangan KPHP / KPHL Provinsi 114.853.750
20 Penyusunan Rancangan Penetapan KPH Provinsi 63.167.500
21 Koordinasi Wilayah Pengelolaan Kawasan Hutan OT 17.600.000
22 Penyusunan Rancang Bangun KPHP / KPHL Provinsi 276.471.250
23 Pembentukan KPHP / KPHL Provinsi 291.775.000
24 Action Plan Pembangunan KPH Tingkat Kab. Kab. 374.900.650
25 Fasilitasi Strukturisasi Institusi Pengelola KPH Paket 139.480.000
26 Penyusunan Rencana Pengelolaan KPH Lks 177.188.000
27 Lokalatih Personel Pelaksana KPH Paket 58.597.000
28 Formulasi Kebijakan SDM Tingkat Provinsi Paket 155.120.650
29 Action Plan Pembangunan KPH Tingkat Provinsi Provinsi 174.370.650
30 Lokakarya Mobilisasi HPH dan HTI Paket 127.737.500
31 Pembentukan KPH Provinsi 32.587.500
32 Penataan Hutan pada KPH km 123.238.500
II Bidang Rehabilitasi Hutan dan Lahan
1 Pembuatan Rancangan Teknis Reboisasi/ HKM Judul 7.739.600
2 Pembuatan Persemaian 1 Unit 165.695.200
3 Pembuatan Tan. Reboisasi / HKm/ HR
a. Jarak Tanam 3 x 2 m Ha 6.687.100
b. Jarak Tanam 3 x 3 m Ha 4.994.200
c. Jarak Tanam 5 x 5 m Ha 2.642.400
d. Jarak Tanam 10 x 10 m Ha 1.446.400
4 Pemeliharaan Tanaman
a. Tahun I Ha 1.138.600
b. Tahun II Ha 1.138.600
c. Tahun III Ha 1.138.600
5 Pembuatan Kebun Benih Ha 2.508.300
6 Pemeliharaan Kebun Benih Ha 1.402.500
7 Pendampingan oleh LSM Ha 8.525.000
8 Pembuatan Hutan Serbaguna (kayu bakar, sylvopasture) Ha 4.765.400
9 Pemeliharaan Hutan Serbaguna
a. Tahun I Ha 1.295.200
b. Tahun II Ha 1.113.850
III Bidang Pemanfaatan Hutan

Harga Satuan Pokok Kegiatan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 5

1 Pembinaan Kelembagaan Usaha
Pemanfaatan Hutan Produksi unit 28.905.250
2 Pengembangan Pemasaran dan
Pengendalian Peredaran Hasil Hutan unit 61.536.750
3 Identifikasi Pengembangan Jasa Lingkungan Ha 36.294.500
1 2 3 4 5

4 Rancangan Pemanfaatan Jasa Lingkungan Judul 25.779.900

5 Pembinaan dan Penertiban Industri
Hasil Hutan unit 44.816.750
6 Pengembangan Budidaya Perlebahan unit 161.342.500
7 Pemberdayaan Kelompok Usaha Tani
Hutan unit 116.641.250
IV Bidang Perlindungan dan Konservasi Alam
1 Operasi Pengendalian Kebakaran Hutan Lokasi 12.845.800
2 Operasi Pengamanan Hutan Lokasi 23.650.000
3 Pembinaan Pecinta Alam Kegiatan 14.850.000
4 Perlindungan Hama Tanaman Hutan unit 19.285.750
5 Rehabilitasi Mangrove per ha ( jarak tanam 2 x 2 m ) ha 7.937.800
6 Pemeliharaan mangrove per ha ha 1.704.350
7 Penangkaran Satwa Langka di luar Kawasan Hutan unit 30.602.000


No Uraian Kegiatan Satuan Harga (Rp) Keterangan
1 2 3 4 5
1 Pembuatan Back Drop 1 Paket 12.500.000
Ukuran 2x2 m
Rangka alumunium knock down
Screen dari kain terpal
2 Penggandaan CD Potensi Investasi Keping 17.500
CD R 700 MB
Kotak CD Plastik
Kertas Photo 135 gram
Printing Colour
3 Penggandaan CD Agro Bisnis Keping 17.500
CD R 700 MB
Kotak CD Plastik
Kertas Photo 135 gram
Printing Colour
4 Pencetakan Brosur Casava Bahasa Inggris/Indonesia Eks 20.000
Kertas Cover Art Paper 240 gram
Kertas Isi Art Paper 150 gram
Ukuran Panjang 21 cm
Ukuran Lebar 21 cm
Full Colour
Jilid Steples
Finishing Cover Laminating Dof dan
finishing isi UV
10 (sepuluh) halaman 2 sisi
5 Pencetakan Buku The Main Comodity (updating) Eks 20.000
Bahasa Inggris/Indonesia
Kertas Cover Art Paper 240 gram
Kertas Isi Art Paper 150 gram
Ukuran Panjang 21 cm
Ukuran Lebar 21 cm
Full Colour
Jilid Steples
Finishing Cover Laminating Dof dan
finishing isi UV

Harga Satuan Pokok Kegiatan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 6

10 (sepuluh) halaman 2 sisi
6 Cetak Foto Peta Bumi Lembar 60.000
7 Pengadaan/pembuatan Tas Promosi Buah 15.000
Tas Art Carton 310 gram
Ukuran 30x24x10 cm
Full Colour Offset Printing
Finishing Cover Laminating Dof
1 2 3 4 5
Pengembangan Webside/memori Giga Byte dan E-mail
8 Paket
Biaya sewa domain pertahun Paket 175.000
Biaya sewa server hosting webside pertahun Paket 3.500.000
Biaya penambahan kapasitas hosting 2 Giga Byte Paket 5.000.000
Biaya lay out design webside dan design grafis, 1 ls Paket 2.500.000
Biaya pembuatan email BPM NTB 5 buah Paket 750.000
Biaya set up fee 1 ls Paket 1.000.000
Biaya mainte-nance 1 tahun Paket 1.250.000
9 Penyusunan Sistem Touch Screen Paket 75.000.000
10 Biaya Angkutan Barang Pameran Paket 3.500.000
11 Sewa Stand 3x4 m Paket 35.000.000
12 Pengisian Potensi Investasi di Majalah Internasional Paket 15.000.000
Biaya Pemasangan Instalasi Listrik dan Penerangan
13 Paket 10.505.000
Biaya Pemasangan Jaringan Internet Untuk Penanaman
14 Paket 11.550.000


No Uraian Kegiatan Satuan Harga (Rp) Keterangan

1 2 3 4 5
Uji Udara Emisi
1 Total partikel debu Metode Isokinetik Per sampel 396.000

2 Total partikel debu Metode Isokinetik dan destruksi logam Per sampel 526.000

3 Kobalt (Co) Metode SSA Per sampel 56.000

4 kadmium (Cd) metode SSA Per sampel 56.000
5 Tembaga (Cu) Metode SSA Per sampel 56.000
6 Kromium (Cr) Metode SSA Per sampel 70.000
7 Nikel (Ni) Metode SSA Per sampel 56.000
8 Selenium (Se) Metode SSA Per sampel 56.000
9 Seng (Zn) Metode SSA Per sampel 84.000
10 Stanium (Sn) Metode SSA Per sampel 56.000
11 Timah Hitam (Pb) Metode SSA Per sampel 56.000
12 Arsen (As) Metode SSA Per sampel 297.000
13 Amonia (NH3) Metode SSA Per sampel 138.000
Klorin Bebas (Cl2) & Klorin dioksida (ClO2) Metode
14 Per sampel 258.000
15 Klorin Bebas (Cl2) Metode Ortotoluidin Per sampel 256.000
16 Hidrogen Florida (HF) Metode Lanthanum Alizarin Per sampel 291.000
17 Hidrogen Klorida (HCl) Metode Mercuri Thiosianate Per sampel 239.000
18 Hidrogen Sulpida (H2S) Metode Biru Mitilen Per sampel 273.000
19 NOx Metode PDS Per sampel 291.000
20 Sulfur Dioksida (SO2) Metode Turbidimetrik Per sampel 191.000
21 Opasitas Metode Visual Per sampel 360.000
Komposisi Gas (CO2, CO, O2) Metode dengan Gas
22 Per sampel 311.000
Analyzer, temperator, laju alir gas, kadar air
Komposisi Gas (CO2, CO, O2) Metode dengan Gas
23 Per sampel 138.000
24 Kadar air Metode Gravimetrik Per sampel 138.000

Harga Satuan Pokok Kegiatan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 7

25 Laju Air Gas Per sampel 138.000
26 Merkuri (Hg) Metode CV-SSA Per sampel 338.000
27 Hidro Carbon (HC)-CH4 Metode GC-FID Per sampel 291.000
Uji Udara Ambien
1 Ammonia (NH3) Metode Biru Indofenol Per sampel 276.000
2 Hidrogen Sulfida (H2S) Metode Matilen Per sampel 294.000
3 Hidrokarbon (HC, THC, CH4) Metode GC-FID Per sampel 299.000
4 Karbondioksida (CO2) Metode Infra Merah Per sampel 347.000
1 2 3 4 5
5 Karbonmonoksida (CO) Metode NDIR Per sampel 346.000
6 Nitrogendioksida (NO2) Metode Saltzman Per sampel 294.000
7 Oksidan (Ox) Metode Netral Buffer KI Per sampel 291.000
8 Sulfurdioksida (SO2) Metode Parararosanilin Per sampel 240.000
9 Timah Hitam (Pb) Metode SSA Per sampel 266.000
10 Total Partikulat (TSP)-Debu Metode Gravimetrik Per sampel 294.000
11 Kecepatan Angin Metode Anemometer Per sampel 339.000
12 Oksigen (O2) Metode Inframerah Per sampel 294.000
13 Temperatur dan Kelembaban Metode Hygrometer Per sampel 294.000
Pengukuran Kebisingan
1 Kebisingan Lingkungan Metode L (A) eq 24 jam Per sampel 192.000
2 Vibrasi Lingkungan untuk Kenyamanan dan Kesehatan Per sampel 664.000
3 Kontur Kebisingan
a. Tenaga Kerja Per titik 166.000
b. Mapping level bising Per 100 m2 125.000
c. Mapping level bising untuk tiap frekuensi Per 100 m2 276.000
4 Noise Criteria Indoor Per ruangan 221.000
Uji Air Limbah dan Limbah Cair
1 Bau Metode Organopelitik Per sampel 11.000
2 Daya Hantar Listrik Metode Konduktormetrik Per sampel 12.000
3 Keasaman Metode Titrimetrik Per sampel 56.000
4 Kebasaan Metode Titrimetrik Per sampel 56.000
5 Kekeruhan Metode Nefelometrik Per sampel 35.000
6 Kesadahan Kalsium (CaCO3) Metode Kompleksometrik Per sampel 42.000

7 Kesadahan Magnesium (CaCO3) Metode Kompleksometrik Per sampel 42.000

8 Kesadahan total (CaCO3) Metode Kompleksometrik Per sampel 42.000

9 Klorin Bebas (Cl2) Metode DPD Per sampel 72.000
10 Oksigen Terlarut (DO) Metode Winkler Per sampel 56.000
11 Salinitas Metode Konduktometrik Per sampel 12.000
12 Temperatur (Suhu) Metode Termometrik Per sampel 22.000
13 Warna Metode Spektrofotometrik Per sampel 42.000
14 Zat Padat Terlarut (TDS) Metode Gravimetrik Per sampel 63.000
15 Zat Padat Tersuspensi (TSS) Metode Gravimetrik Per sampel 63.000
16 Zat Padat Total (TS) Metode Gravimetrik Per sampel 63.000
17 Alumunium (Al) Metode SSA Per sampel 155.000
18 Antimoni (Sb) Metode SSA Per sampel 155.000
19 Barium (Ba) Metode SSA Per sampel 155.000
20 Kromium (Cr) Metode SSA Per sampel 155.000
21 Merkuri (Hg) Metode SSA Per sampel 184.000
22 Magnesium (Mg) Metode SSA Per sampel 155.000
23 Kalium (K) Metode SSA Per sampel 155.000
24 Kalsium (Ca) Metode SSA Per sampel 155.000
25 Silikat (SiO2) Metode SSA Per sampel 89.000
26 Natrium (Na) Metode SSA Per sampel 155.000
27 Destruksi Arsen (As), Selenium (Se) Per sampel 111.000
28 Destruksi Cd, Fe, Cu, Ni, Zn, Pb, Ag, Co, Mn Per sampel 125.000

Harga Satuan Pokok Kegiatan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 8

29 Arsenik (As) Metode SSA Per sampel 98.000
30 Selenium (Se) Metode SSA Per sampel 84.000
31 Kadmium (Cd) Metode SSA Per sampel 56.000
32 Besi (Fe) Metode SSA Per sampel 56.000
33 Tembaga (Cu) Metode SSA Per sampel 56.000
34 Nikel (Ni) Metode SSA Per sampel 56.000
35 Seng (Zn) Metode SSA Per sampel 98.000
36 Timbal (Pb) Metode SSA Per sampel 56.000
37 Perak (Ag) Metode SSA Per sampel 70.000
1 2 3 4 5
38 Kobal (Co) Metode SSA Per sampel 56.000
39 Mangan (Mn) Metode SSA Per sampel 56.000
40 Amonia (NH3-N) Metode Biru Indofenol Per sampel 111.000
41 Boron (B) Metode SSA Per sampel 166.000
42 Florida (F) Metode Spektrofotometrik Per sampel 111.000
43 Klorida (Cl) Metode titrimetrik Per sampel 78.000
44 Kro Heksavalen, (Cr6+) Metode Spektrofotometrik Per sampel 138.000
45 Krom Trivalen, Cr3+ Metode Perhitungan Per sampel 125.000
46 Nitrat (NO3-N) Metode Brusin Sulfat Per sampel 72.000
47 Nitrat (NO3-N) Metode Reduksi Kadmium Per sampel 76.000
48 Nitrit (NO2-N) Metode Spektrofotometrik Per sampel 87.000
49 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) Metode Titrimetrik Per sampel 118.000
50 Nitrogen Total (TN) Metode spektrofotometrik Per sampel 118.000
51 PH Metode Elektrometrik Per sampel 38.000
52 Total Fosfor (P) Metode Spektrofotometrik Per sampel 98.000
53 Sianida (CN) Metode Spektrometrik Per sampel 125.000
54 Silikat (SiO2) Metode Spektrofotometrik Per sampel 42.000
55 Sulfat (SO4) Metode Turbidimetrik Per sampel 59.000
56 Sulfida (S2-) Metode Spektrofotometrik Per sampel 59.000
Biological Oxygen Demand (COD) Metode Inkubasi-
57 Per sampel 208.000
58 Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) Metode Spektrofotometri Per sampel 111.000
59 Detergen (MBAS) Metode Spektrofotometrik Per sampel 346.000
60 Fenol Metode Spektrofotometrik Per sampel 164.000
61 Karbon Organik Total (TOC) Metode Konduktrometrik Per sampel 194.000
62 Karbon Organik Total (TOC) Metode NDIR Per sampel 194.000
63 Minyak dan Lemak Metode Gravimetrik Per sampel 98.000
64 Zat Organik Sebagai KMnO4 Metode Titrimetrik Per sampel 56.000
65 Benthos Metode Identifikasi (Kuantitatif) Per sampel 291.000
66 Coliform Total Metode MPN Per sampel 221.000
67 E.Coli Metode MPN Per sampel 178.000
68 Plankton Metode Identifikasi (Kuantitatif) Per sampel 291.000
69 Salmonella Metode Media Selektif Per sampel 221.000
Potassium Absorption Ratio (PAR) Metode Titrimetrik-
70 Per sampel 178.000
Residu Sodium Carbonate (RSC) Metode Titrimetrik-
71 Per sampel 116.000
Sodium Absorption Ratio (SAR) Metode Titrimetrik-
72 Per sampel 178.000
73 Pestisida Organofosfat Metode GC Per sampel 1.380.000
74 Pestisida Organoklorin Metode GC Per sampel 1.380.000
Uji Air laut
1 Kromium (Cr) Metode SSA Per sampel 221.000
2 Antimoni (Sb) Metode SSA Per sampel 228.000
3 Merkuri (Hg) Metode Cold Vapour-SSA Per sampel 221.000
4 Destruksi/Sentifugasi Cu, Pb, Cd, Ni, Fe, Zn, Ag, Mn Per sampel 484.000
5 Destruksi As, Se Per sampel 153.000
6 Tembaga (Cu) Metode SPR-IDA-SSA Per sampel 160.000

Harga Satuan Pokok Kegiatan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 9

7 Timbal (Pb) Metode SPR-IDA-SSA Per sampel 160.000
8 Kadmium (Cd) Metode SPR-IDA-SSA Per sampel 160.000
9 Nikel (Ni) Metode SPR-IDA-SSA Per sampel 160.000
10 Besi (Fe) Metode SPR-IDA-SSA Per sampel 160.000
11 Seng (Zn) Metode SPR-IDA-SSA Per sampel 160.000

12 Perak (Ag) Metode SSA Per sampel 160.000

13 Mangan (Mn) Metode SSA Per sampel 160.000

14 Arsenik (As) Metode SSA Per sampel 217.000

15 Selenium (Se) Metode SSA Per sampel 105.000

1 2 3 4 5

Uji Limbah Padat dan Biologi

1 Destruksi Pb, Cu, Cd, Zn, Mn, Ag, Co, Cr tot, Fe, Ni Per sampel 125.000
2 Detruksi As, Se, Al, Ba, B, Sn, V, Be, Ti, Sb, Bi, Tl Per sampel 125.000
3 Destruksi Mg, Na, K Per sampel 125.000
4 Timbal (Pb) Metode SSA (Flame) tanpa TCLP Per sampel 56.000
5 Tembaga (Cu) Metode SSA (Flame) tanpa TCLP Per sampel 56.000
6 kadmium (Kd) Metode SSA (Flame) tanpa TCLP Per sampel 56.000
7 Seng (Zn) Metode SSA (Flame) tanpa TCLP Per sampel 98.000
8 Mangan (Mn) Metode SSA (Flame) tanpa TCLP Per sampel 56.000
9 Perak (Ag) Metode SSA (Flame) tanpa TCLP Per sampel 70.000
10 Kobalt (Co) Metode SSA (Flame) tanpa TCLP Per sampel 56.000
11 Krom Total (Cr tot) Metode SSA tanpa TCLP Per sampel 70.000
12 Besi (Fe) Metode SSA (Flame) tanpa TCLP Per sampel 56.000
13 Nikel (Ni) Metode SSA (Flame) tanpa TCLP Per sampel 56.000
14 Arsen (As) Metode SSA (Flameless) tanpa TCLP Per sampel 98.000
15 Selenium (Se) Metode SSA (Flameless) tanpa TCLP Per sampel 83.000
16 Aluminium (Al) Metode SSA (Flameless) tanpa TCLP Per sampel 83.000
17 Barium (Ba) Metode SSA (Flameless) tanpa TCLP Per sampel 83.000
18 Boron (B) Metode SSA (Flameless) tanpa TCLP Per sampel 111.000
19 Stanum (Sn) Metode SSA (Flameless) tanpa TCLP Per sampel 83.000
20 Berlium (Be) Metode SSA (Flameless) tanpa TCLP Per sampel 83.000
21 Titanum (Ti) Metode SSA (Flameless) tanpa TCLP Per sampel 83.000
22 Antimon (Sb) Metode SSA (Flameless) tanpa TCLP Per sampel 83.000
23 Bismut (Bi) Metode SSA (Flameless) tanpa TCLP Per sampel 83.000
24 Thalium (Tl) Metode SSA (Flameless) tanpa TCLP Per sampel 83.000
25 Vanadium (V) Metode SSA tanpa TCLP Per sampel 83.000
26 Magnesium (Mg) Metode SSA (Flameless) tanpa TCLP Per sampel 83.000
27 Natrium (Na) Metode SSA (Flameless) tanpa TCLP Per sampel 83.000
28 Kalium (K) Metode SSA (Flameless) tanpa TCLP Per sampel 83.000
29 Merkuri /Raksa (Hg) Metode SSA tanpa TCLP Per sampel 166.000
Krom Heksavalen (Cr6+) Metode Spektrofotometry tanpa
30 Per sampel 166.000
31 Sianida (CN) Metode Spektrofotometry tanpa TCLP Per sampel 166.000
32 Flourida (F) Metode Spektrofotometry tanpa TCLP Per sampel 166.000
33 Molybdenum (Mo) Metode SSA tanpa TCLP Per sampel 166.000
34 Aromatic Hydrocarbon Metode GC-MS Per sampel 1.518.000
35 Benzena (C6H6) Metode GC Per sampel 354.000
36 Karbon Disulfida (CS2) Metode GC-MS Per sampel 354.000
37 Karbon Monoksida (Co) Metode GC-HD Per sampel 216.000
38 Letal Dosis (LD50) Metode Thomson Wail Per sampel 9.838.000
39 Metana (CH4) Metode GC Per sampel 354.000
40 Oksigen (O2) Metode Gas Krematografi Per sampel 353.000
41 Merkuri Organik Metode GC Per sampel 935.000
42 Organotin Metode GC Per sampel 1.049.000
43 Pestisida Organofosfat Metode GC Per sampel 1.726.000

Harga Satuan Pokok Kegiatan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 10

44 Pestisida Organoklorin Metode GC Per sampel 1.726.000
45 Phenol Metode GC Per sampel 236.000
46 Phenol Metode HPLC Per sampel 442.000
47 Poly Chlorynete Byphenil (PCB) Per sampel 1.470.000
48 Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Metode GC-MS Per sampel 1.470.000
49 Kadar Abu Metode Gravimetrik Per sampel 45.000
50 kadar Air Metode Gravimetrik Per sampel 45.000
51 Minyak Lemak Metode Gravimetrik Per sampel 126.000
52 Orta, Meta, Para (Cressol) Metode HPLC Per sampel 400.000
53 Orta, Meta, Para (Cressol) Metode GC Per sampel 221.000
54 Polysiklik Aromatic Hidrocarbon (PAH) Metode GC Per sampel 882.000
1 2 3 4 5

55 Monosiklik Aromatik Hidrocarbon (MAH) Metode GC Per sampel 882.000

Uji Karakteristik Limbah Bahan Berbahaya dan Beracun
1 Explosive Per sampel 129.000
2 Reactivity (Sianida, Sulfida, Ph) Per sampel 149.000
3 Korosif Per sampel 125.000
4 Titik Nyala Metode PM Per sampel 45.000
5 TCLP (Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Prosedure) Per sampel 2.416.000
6 Aluminium (Al) Metode SSA dengan TCLP Per sampel 83.000
7 Arsen (As) Metode SSA dengan TCLP Per sampel 98.000
8 Barium (Ba) Metode SSA dengan TCLP Per sampel 83.000
9 Besi (Fe) Metode SSSA dengan TCLP Per sampel 56.000
10 Kobalt (Co) Metode SSA dengan TCLP Per sampel 56.000
11 Kadmium (Cd) Metode SSA dengan TCLP Per sampel 56.000
12 Krom Heksavalen (Cr6+) SSA dengan TCLP Per sampel 166.000
13 Krom Total (Cr tot) Metode SSA dengan TCLP Per sampel 70.000
14 Magnesium (Mg) Metode SSA dengan TCLP Per sampel 83.000
15 Mangan (Mn) Metode SSA dengan TCLP Per sampel 56.000
16 Merkuri /Raksa (Hg) Metode SSA dengan TCLP Per sampel 166.000
17 Natrium (Na) Metode SSA dengan TCLP Per sampel 83.000
18 Nikel (Ni) Metode SSA dengan TCLP Per sampel 56.000
19 Perak (Ag) Metode SSA dengan TCLP Per sampel 70.000
20 Selenium (Se) Metode SSA dengan TCLP Per sampel 83.000
21 Seng (Zn) Metode SSA dengan TCLP Per sampel 98.000
22 Sianida (Cn) Metode SSA dengan TCLP Per sampel 166.000
23 Stanum (Sn) Metode SSA dengan TCLP Per sampel 83.000
24 Tembaga (Cu) Metode SSA dengan TCLP Per sampel 56.000
25 Timbal (Pb) Metode SSA dengan TCLP Per sampel 56.000
26 Kalium (K) Metode SSA dengan TCLP Per sampel 83.000
1 Pengambilan contoh air dan limbah cair Per sampel 2.070.000
2 Pengambilan contoh limbah padat dan tanah Per sampel 2.070.000
3 Pengambilan contoh udara dan ambien Per sampel 2.070.000
4 Pengambilan contoh emisi Per sampel 4.140.000
5 Pengambilan contoh kebisingan Per sampel 2.070.000
6 Pengambilan contoh Biologi Per sampel 2.070.000
1 Kalibrasi peralatan monitor udara otomatis untuk SO2 Per alat 5.141.000
2 Kalibrasi peralatan monitor udara otomatis untuk CO Per alat 5.141.000
3 Kalibrasi peralatan monitor udara otomatis untuk Nox Per alat 5.141.000
4 Kalibrasi peralatan monitor udara otomatis untuk No3 Per alat 5.141.000
5 Kalibrasi peralatan monitor udara otomatis untuk O3 Per alat 5.141.000
6 Kalibrasi peralatan monitor udara otomatis untuk volume Per alat 2.938.000

Harga Satuan Pokok Kegiatan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 11

Kalibrasi peralatan monitor udara transfer standar (SO2,
7 Per alat 8.810.000
NOx, CO)
8 Kalibrasi Sound Level Meter Per alat 552.000
9 Kalibrasi High Volume Sampler Per alat 484.000
10 Kalibrasi Flow Meter Per alat 276.000
1 Konsultasi teknis pengujian parameter lingkungan paket I Per Paket 17.500.000
2 Konsultasi teknis pengujian parameter lingkungan paket II Per Paket 35.000.000
3 Konsultasi Manajemen laboratorium lingkungan Paket I Per Paket 17.500.000
4 konsultasi Manajemen laboratorium lingkungan Paket II Per Paket 35.000.000
5 Konsultasi pengelolaan limbah laboratorium paket I Per Paket 17.500.000
6 Konsultasi pengelolaan limbah laboratorium Paket II Per Paket 35.000.000
1 2 3 4 5

7 Bantuan transportasi dan akomodasi peserta, 7 hari Per person 5.000.000

1 Bidang Ekoefisiensi Per paket 38.600.000
2 Bidang Teknologi Pengendalian Pencemaran Lingkungan Per paket 58.215.000
3 Bidang kerusakan lingkungan Per paket 58.215.000
Biaya akomodasi dan transportasi ke lapangan,
4 person 6.000.000
Pendidikan dan Pelatihan mengenai lingkungan hidup Per orang 3.500.000
Biaya akomodasi dan transport peserta Per orang 5.000.000


No Uraian Kegiatan Satuan Harga (Rp) Keterangan

1 2 3 4 5

- Bahan Stainless Steel buah 69.600

- Ukuran 25 cm x 15 cm
Papan Nama Kepemilikan Tanah Milik Pemerintah Provinsi
2. buah 754.000
- Bahan rangka plank 3 m x 1,40 m berupa:
Pipa GI uk. 1 ½"
Pipa GI uk. 1"
- Bahan plank uk. 0,80 m x 1,20 m berupa:
Pipa GI LB
Plat strip


No Uraian Kegiatan Satuan Harga (Rp) Keterangan

1 2 3 4 5

1 Pembuatan Drama, durasi 15 menit menit 63.800

Pembuatan Drama, durasi 30 menit menit 37.250
Pembuatan Drama, durasi 45 menit menit 31.200
2 Pembuatan Feature, durasi 15 menit menit 38.300
Pembuatan Feature, durasi 30 menit menit 23.400
Pembuatan Feature, durasi 45 menit menit 18.450
3 Pembuatan Majalah Udara, durasi 20 menit menit 28.750
Pembuatan Majalah Udara, durasi 30 menit menit 23.400
4 Pembuatan Radio Spot maximum 1 menit menit 319.000
5 Pembuatan Slide Audio, Max 4 menit menit 360.000
6 Pembuatan Obrolan/Dialog 7 - 10 menit menit 350.000
7 Pembuatan Wawancara 15 menit menit 19.150
8 Pembuatan Veriety/Mekanis, 30 menit menit 19.800

Harga Satuan Pokok Kegiatan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 12

9 Pembuatan Fragmen 15 menit menit 51.050
10 Penayangan melalui Media Elektronik :
- Radio menit 195.000
- Iklan TV Lokal menit 500.000
- Pidato menit 200.000
- Siaran Langsung TV Lokal menit 400.000 (15 jt/paket)
- Iklan TV Nasional detik 5.000.000
- Siaran Langsung TV Nasional menit 20.000.000
Pembuatan Audio Visual Profil Pembangunan Provinsi
11 Paket 116.000.000


No Uraian Kegiatan Satuan Harga (Rp) Keterangan
1 2 3 4 5

1 Biaya Kompensasi Reaktor Brucellosis paket 1.160.000

2 Kompensasi Unggas (Flu Burung) ekor 25.000


No Uraian Kegiatan Satuan Harga (Rp) Keterangan

1 2 3 4 5
Program Pengembangan Geologi dan Sumber Daya
A. Analisa / Pengujian
Analisa Mekanika tanah / batuan Sampel 405.000
Analisa Kimia air di laboratorium Sampel 293.480
Analisa Kimia air di Lapangan Sampel 366.850
Analisa Kimia Mineral Batuan Sampel 312.880
B. Pengeboran / Pembuatan
Pengeboran air tanah m 1.173.920
Pengeboran tangan M 293.480
Pembuatan Sumur uji M2 220.110
Penyondiran m 366.850
C. Pendugaan Geolistrik Titik 733.700
Pembuatan Peta
D. - Penerbitan Peta hidrologi skalal 100.000 I 1 50.000 Ibr 1.100.550
(Banyak Warna)
Program Pengembangan Tenaga Listrik dan Energi
Pembangunan PLTS Lengkap
Modul surya daya 50 watt peak
II. Battery box dan BCR Unit 8.070.700
Modul Suport
Lampu TL (6 watt)
Instalation materialbattery 60 AH
Program Pengembangan Geologi dan Sumber Daya
A. Analisa / Pengujian
Analisa Mekanika tanah / batuan Sampel 405.000
Analisa Kimia air di laboratorium Sampel 293.480
Analisa Kimia air di Lapangan Sampel 336.850
Analisa Kimia Mineral Batuan Sampel 312.550
B. Pengeboran / Pembuatan
Pengeboran air tanah m 1.173.920
Pengeboran tangan M 293.480
Pembuatan Sumur uji M2 220.110

Harga Satuan Pokok Kegiatan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 13

Penyondiran m 366.850
C. Pendugaan Geolistrik Titik 733.850
Pembuatan Peta
D. - Penerbitan Peta hidrologi skalal 100.000 I 1 50.000 Ibr 1.100.550
(Banyak Warna)
Program Pengembangan Tenaga Listrik dan Energi
Pembangunan PLTS Lengkap
Modul surya daya 50 watt peak
II. Battery box dan BCR Unit 8.070.700
Modul Suport
Lampu TL (6 watt)
Instalation material battery 60 AH


No Uraian Kegiatan Satuan Harga (Rp) Keterangan

1 2 3 4 5

1 Penyemprotan HOK 43.505
2 Pencangkulan/pengolahan lahan HOK 43.505
3 Penggaruan HOK 43.505
4 Penumpukan sisa vegetasi lainnya HOK 43.505
5 Tebas HOK 43.505
6 Rencek HOK 43.505
7 Kumpul dan menumpuk sisa kayu HOK 43.505
8 Kumpul dan menumpuk sisa dahan dan daun HOK 43.505
9 Memotong dan rencek HOK 43.505
10 Mengumpul dan menumpuk sisa kayu HOK 43.505
11 Mengumpul sisa dahan dan ranting HOK 43.505
12 Mengumpul dan menumpuksisa daun HOK 43.505
1 Pengadaan saprodi pertanian paket A (T+1) KK 1.056.520
2 Pengadaan saprodi pertanian paket B (T+2) KK 1.584.790
3 Pengadaan saprodi pertanian paket C (T+2) KK 1.396.380
1 Tebas,Tebang,Potong (TTP) Ha 1.518.750
2 Pilah,Kumpul,Bersih (PKB) Ha 1.265.630
1 Rumah dan jamban keluarga (RNP.36) lantai rabat Unit 39.500.000
2 Sumur gali Unit 5.000.000
3 Gentong Plastik Unit 700.000
4 Lantainisasi RTJKT.36 Unit 900.000
1 Rencana Teknis Unit Pemukiman Transmigrasi (RTUPT) SP 269.634.750
2 Rencana kapling SP 34.667.325
3 RTJL penghubung/poros KM 15.331.270
4 Redesain RTSP PKT 115.557.750
Rencana Teknis Pengembangan Kawasan Transmigrasi
5 Kawasan 269.634.750
1 Invetarisasi pemilikan lahan UPT 25.312.650
2 Pengukuran dan penerbitan sertifikat bangunan sosial PERSIL 42.240
3 Pengukuran keliling lokasi transmigrasi dengan kawasan hu UPT 148.574.250
4 Pemasangan batas UPT UPT 79.239.600

Harga Satuan Pokok Kegiatan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 14

1 Biaya permakanan ditransito provinsi/kabupaten PKT 64.570
1 Pelayanan permakanan dilokasi/UPT PKT 96.970
2 Catu pangan non beras (jiwa) PKT 112.920


No Uraian Kegiatan Satuan Harga (Rp) Keterangan

1 2 3 4 5
1 Pagar pengaman jalan (Guard rail) M 1.143.290
2 Rambu Jalan
- Ukuran 60 x 60 cm + Tiang 3 M P. Lombok buah 746.460
1 2 3 4 5
- Ukuran 60 x 60 cm + Tiang 3 M P. Sumbawa buah 794.570
3 Penunjuk Jalan
- RPPJ 90 x 120 cm + 2 Tiang buah 1.640.550
- RPPJ 120 x 160 cm + 2 Tiang buah 3.863.630
- RPPJ 105 x 140 cm + 2 Tiang buah 3.326.370
4 Lampu Lalu Lintas
- Trafic light 4 simpang (8 titik lampu) unit 179.840.150
- Warning light unit 64.841.030
5 Marka Jalan
- Kelas A (Jalan Nasional) tebal 3mm M2 230.450
- Kelas B (Jalan Nasional) tebal 2mm M2 123.269
6 Delinitor/patok pengaman jalan buah 440.220
1 Pengerukan alur pelayaran M3 19.070
2 Pengerukan kolam pelabuhan M3 17.610
1 Dermaga beton tiang pancang beton
a. Diameter 50 cm, tebal 9 cm, kedalaman 36 M M2 7.816.225
b. Diameter 45 cm, tebal 9 cm, kedalaman 36 M M2 7.003.975
2 Dermaga beton tiang pancang baja
a. Diameter 50 cm, tebal 9 cm, kedalaman 36 M M2 12.776.275
b. Diameter 45 cm, tebal 9 cm, kedalaman 36 M M2 11.448.525
3 Causeway M2 3.229.900
4 Jalan pelabuhan M2 235.670
5 Lapangan parkir M2 232.430
6 Lapangan penumpukan M2 207.345


No Uraian Kegiatan Satuan Harga (Rp) Keterangan

1 2 3 4 5

1 Perbanyakan benih padi per hektar (BS-FS) are 89.270

2 Perbanyakan benih padi perhektar ( FS-SS) are 85.170

3 Perbanyakan benih kedelai per hektar (BS-FS) are 77.310

4 Perbanyakan benih kedelai per hektar (FS-SS ) are 76.320

5 Perbanyakan benih Jagung per hektar (BS-FS) are 85.150

6 Perbanyakan benih Jagung per hektar (FS-SS) are 84.155

7 Perbanyakan benih kacang hijau perhektar (BS-FS) are 74.310

8 Perbanyakan benih kacang hijau perhektar (FS-SS) are 73.570

Harga Satuan Pokok Kegiatan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 15

9 Perbanyakan benih kacang tanah perhektar (BS-FS) are 77.415

10 Perbanyakan benih kacang tanah perhektar (FS-SS) are 74.930

11 Perbanyakan Bibit Mangga ( okulasi ) batang 3.710

12 Perbanyakan Bibit Rambutan batang 4.030

13 Perbanyakan Bibit Durian batang 4.410

14 Perbanyakan Bibit Manggis batang 6.820


No Uraian Kegiatan Satuan Harga (Rp) Keterangan

1 2 3 4 5

1 Fumigasi Buku eks 6.700

2 Pengolahan Buku eks 6.200

1 2 3 4 5


Peningkatan asuransi kesehatan pegawai Orang 24.570 Perbulan
1 Akuisisi arsip in aktif dan statis Berkas 1.370
2 Penataan dan Pemeliharaan Berkas 1.370
3 Penyusunan/ Pengetikan DPA hasil Diskripsi Lembar 1.370 Komputerisasi
Penilaian Arsip Boks
1 Jumpa Pers Keg 682.660
2 Baliho Arsip Buah 10.239.900


No Uraian Kegiatan Satuan Harga (Rp) Keterangan

1 2 3 4 5
Pengembangan dan pengadaan Bibit Tanaman Obat
1. Pengadaan bibit tanaman obat/10.000 bibit, kebun percobaan serta penyelenggara :

- Peremajaan tanaman obat Paket 9.280.000


No Uraian Kegiatan Satuan Harga (Rp) Keterangan
1 2 3 4 5
Operasional Pelayanan Keluarga/Sejahtera
1. Ops.Pencabutan Implant Kss 70.180 1 Kss x 50.000
2. Ops.Pelayanan Kontap Kss 491.260 1 Ks x 350.000
3. Pengayoman Peserta KB
a. Komplikasi Berat KSS 701.800 1 KSS x 500.000
b. Komplikasi Ringan KSS 350.900 1 KSS x 250.000
c. Kegagalan KSS 210.540 1 KSS x 150.000
d. Transport Rujukan KSS 140.360 1 KSS x 100.000

No Uraian Kegiatan Satuan Harga (Rp) Keterangan
1 2 3 4 5


Bahan, alat-alat dan Lain-lain Untuk Perkuliahan
1 Mahasiswa Bidang Ilmu Sosial Mhs 275.150
2 Mahasiswa Bidang Ilmu Pertanian Mhs 394.450
3 Mahasiswa Bidang Ilmu Peternakan Mhs 394.450

Harga Satuan Pokok Kegiatan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 16

4 Mahasiswa Bidang Ilmu Pendidikan Mhs 394.450
5 Mahasiswa Bidang Ilmu Teknik dan MIPA Mhs 394.450
6 Mahasiswa Bidang Ilmu Kedokteran Mhs 394.450
7 Kuliah (mengajar, ujian dan responsi) Dosen 35.100
8 Kerja Praktek/ Praktek lapangan Mhs 70.200
9 Perpustakaan 10 % dari jumlah mahasiswa Mhs 8.450

Pendidikan non gelar/ program magang DUE-Like Unram OK 8.421.600


IX HIBAH PENGAJARAN Judul 11.228.800
X TENAGA AHLI Keg 12.632.400
1 2 3 4 5


1 Pengembangan Cakupan Perguruan Tinggi PCPT 382.800.000
2 Pengembangan Jurusan jurusan 510.400.000
3 Fungsionalisasi Jaminan Mutu Pendidikan lembaga 191.400.000

1 Hibah Kompetisi A1 jurusan 319.000.000
2 Hibah Kompetisi A2 jurusan 638.000.000
Pendidikan Non Gelar OK 8.932.000
Pelaksanaan Kegiatan Peneliti
1 Koordinator Peneliti OB 234.800
2 Sekretaris Peneliti OB 234.800
3 Peneliti Utama OB 26.800
4 Peneliti OB 23.000
5 Pembantu Peneliti/Teknisi OB 14.050
6 Pembantu Lapangan OB 40.850
Nara Sumber
1 Pejabat setingkat Eselon I dan II OJ 414.700
2 Pejabat setingkat Eselon III dan VI OJ 268.000
3 Pakar/Pembicara Khusus OJ 401.950
4 Praktisi OJ 350.900


No Uraian Kegiatan Satuan Harga (Rp) Keterangan

1 2 3 4 5
1 Peralatan dan bahan Lab IPA OT 446.600
2 Peralatan Lab Bahasa Inggris dan Arab OT 104.650
3 Peralatan Lab. Praktik peradilan OT 51.050
4. Peralatan dan Bahan Lab. Dakwah OT 51.050
Buku-buku Literatur/Referensi Kuliah Mahasiswa/Dosen eks 127.600
Penyelenggaraan Pembangunan Masyarakat Desa
1 Desa Binaan Lks 19.140.000
2 Bantuan Pelaksanaan KKN Keg 25.520.000
3 Bantuan Kegiatan Pengabdian Masyarakat (Dosen) Keg 25.520.000

Harga Satuan Pokok Kegiatan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 17

4 Bantuan Madrasah Binaan Keg 19.140.000
5. Bantuan Pemberdayaan Perepuan Desa Tertinggal Keg 19.140.000
Penelitian Pengembangan SDM
1 Bantuan penelitian kelompok edisi 12.760.000
2 Bantuan Penelitian Individu edisi 12.760.000
3. Bantuan Jurnal IAIN Ulumuna edisi 38.280.000
4. Bantuan Jurnal Fakultas edisi 12.760.000
5. Penerbitan Majalah Kampus edisi 12.760.000


No Uraian Kegiatan Satuan Harga (Rp) Keterangan

1 2 3 4 5
Bahan, alat-alat dan lain-lain untuk perkuliahan
1 Praktek lapangan Mhs 70.200
2 Perpustakaan 10 % dari jumlah mahasiswa Mhs 8.450
Pembinaan Masyarakat Desa
1 Jurusan Pendidikan PKT 14.036.000
2 Jurusan Penerangan PKT 11.228.800
3 Jurusan Hukum PKT 11.228.800
4 Jurusan Filsafat PKT 11.228.800


No Uraian Kegiatan Satuan Harga (Rp) Keterangan
1 2 3 4 5
Pembuatan Sertifikat Tanah
1 Pembuatan Sertifikat Tanah (P3HT) Bidang 19.140.000 100 Bidang
Peningkatan Pelayanan Pertanahan, Pengembangan
2 Sistem Informasi, Pembinaan Petugas Loket Kabupaten/ Kab. 2.742.150 1 Kabupaten
1 Penyusunan Pola Dasar Tata Guna Tanah SP 22.330.000 1SP = skala 1 : 1500

2 Revisi Pemetaan penggunaan tanah SP 14.993.000 1SP = 1 Blad 1 : 25.000

3 Rencana Penyusunan Neraca Kabupaten/ Kota SP 40.130.200 1SP = 1 Kab

4 Pemetaan wilayah pantai/ pesisir dan pulau-pulau kecil SP 18.183.000 1SP = 1000 Bidang

5 Pemetaan status tanah SP 14.993.000 1SP = 1 Blad 1 : 25.000

6 Pembuatan peta pendaftaran tanah Bidang 19.140.000 100 Bidang


1. Penyiapan pematangan lahan sarana transmigrasi SP 136.550 1SP= 1.000 Ha

2. Pembuatan sertifikat tanah Bidang 229.700
3. Penyelesaian masalah Bidang 408.350

Harga Satuan Pokok Kegiatan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 18


No Uraian Kegiatan Satuan Harga (Rp) Keterangan

1 2 3 4 5
Bantuan Sarana ibadah untuk sekolah umum
1 SD/ SLTP Buah 2.552.000
2 SMU/ SMK Buah 3.828.000
3 BOP RA Buah 1.276.000
Bantuan Subsidi
1 BOP MI madrasah 5.104.000
2 BOP MTs madrasah 5.104.000
3 BOP MA madrasah 6.380.000
4 BOP Pontren Diniyah pontren 4.466.000
5 Rehabilitasi Pontren pontren 38.280.000
6 Bantuan Sarana Sanitasi Ponpes Buah 19.140.000
7 Bantuan Workshop Buah 19.140.000
1 2 3 4 5

8 Bantuan Penyelenggaraan LKS/ LKM Paket 4.466.000

9 Penyelenggaraan Pesantren Kilat Tingkat :
a. SD/ SLTP Lokasi 2.552.000
b. SMU/ SMK Lokasi 3.190.000
Bantuan Subsidi :
1 BOP MI Madrasah 5.104.000
2 BOP MTs Madrasah 6.380.000
3 BOP MA Madrasah 7.018.000
4 BOP Pontren Diniyah Pontren 7.018.000
5 Imbal Swadaya MI Madrasah 44.660.000
6 Imbal Swadaya MTs Madrasah 51.040.000
7 Imbal Swadaya MA Madrasah 57.420.000
8 Rehabilitasi Masjid masjid 12.760.000


No Uraian Kegiatan Satuan Harga (Rp) Keterangan
1 2 3 4 5
1 Listing/pendaftaran per Blok Sensus BS 102.300
2 Pemeriksaan hasil Listing/pendaftaran per Blok Sensus BS 35.200
3 Penarikan sampel per Blok Sensus BS 15.400
4 Kompilasi data per Blok Sensus BS 25.300
5 Listing/pendaftaran pasar Pasar 138.600
6 Pengumpulan data/Studi Literatur & Konsultasi Kunj. 36.300
7 Receiving-batching Dok. 2.200
8 Penyusunan Program/Tabel Tabel 36.300
9 Cross chek tabel Tabel 13.200
10 Honor Kelompok Kerja Ahli OB 508.200
11 Honor Kelompok Kerja Teknis OB 363.000
12 Honor Penanggung Jawab Pelaksana Propinsi OB 363.000
13 Honor Penanggung Jawab Pelaksana Kabupaten/Kota OB 290.400
14 Honor penunjuk jalan OH 72.600
15 Honor Instruktur Utama (Intama) OJ 72.600
16 Honor Instruktur Nasional (Innas) OH 363.000
17 Honor Instruktur Daerah (Inda) OH 290.400

Harga Satuan Pokok Kegiatan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 19

18 Pelatihan Intama, Innas dan Pembahasan di Pusat OH 435.600
19 Pelatihan Teknis Pimpinan di Pusat OH 580.800
20 Pelatihan Teknis Pimpinan di Daerah OH 363.000
21 Honor Camat OB 363.000
22 Honor Kades OB 290.400
23 Honor KSK OB 501.600
24 Honor PKSK OB 363.000
25 Honor Penanggungjawab Lingkungan (PL) OB 231.000
1. Survei Bidang Industri
a. Survei Industri Besar/Sedang Tahunan

1. Pencacahan Perush 39.600

2. Revisit Kunj. 39.600

3. Pemeriksaan

a. Di Tingkat Kab/Kota Dok. 7.700

b. Di Tingkat Propinsi Dok. 6.600

4. Pengolahan Data Dok. 9.900

1 2 3 4 5

b. Survei Industri Besar dan Sedang Triwulanan & Bulanan

1. Pencacahan Perush 39.600
2. Revisit Kunj. 39.600
3. Pemeriksaan
a. Di Tingkat Kab/Kota Dok. 7.700
b. Di Tingkat Propinsi Dok. 66.000
4. Pengolahan Data Dok. 9.900
c. Direktori Industri Besar/Sedang
1. Pengumpulan data ke instansi dan asosiasi
2. Pengutipan direktori dari Instansi lain Kunj. 39.600

3. Updating direktori hasil Matching Industri Besar/Sedang Perush 7.700

4. Data entry untuk pemasukan dokumen di KS Kab/Kota Dok. 5.500

5. Data entry kartu kendali dan daftar IB Dok. 3.300

2. Survei Bidang Pertanian
a. Survei Pertanian Tanaman Pangan/Ubinan
1. Upah Pimpinan dan Staf Diperta Tk. I OH 15.400
2. Upah Pimpinan dan Staf Diperta Tk. II OH 9.900
3. Pengumpulan Data Luas Panen Setahun Kec. 102.300
4. Pengumpulan Data Rata-rata Produksi Tanaman pangan
Ubin. 36.300
dan Luas Lahan Ubinan
5. Pemeriksaan hasil pengumpulan Data Rata-rata
Dok. 9.900
Produksi Tanaman Pangan & Luas Lahan Rumahtangga
6. Evaluasi Data Ramalan Produksi Tanaman Pangan OK 88.000
7. Pengolahan Data Dok. 1.100
8. Listing/Pendaftaran Rumahtangga B-S 121.000
9. Kompilasi hasil ubinan Dok. 22.000

b. Statistik Perusahaan Peternakan, Perikanan, RPH dan TPI

1. Pencacahan Perush 36.300

2. Revisit Kunj. 36.300
3. Pemeriksaan
a. Di Tingkat Kab/Kota Dok. 6.600
b. Di Tingkat Propinsi Dok. 5.500
4. Pengolahan Data Dok. 11.000
c. Survei Perusahaan Perkebunan Besar & Kehutanan

Harga Satuan Pokok Kegiatan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 20

1. Pencacahan Perush 36.300
2. Revisit Kunj. 36.300
3. Pemeriksaan

a. Di Tingkat Kab/Kota Dok. 6.600

b. Di Tingkat Propinsi Dok. 5.500

4. Pengolahan Data Dok. 11.000

d. Survei Perusahaan Karet Remah
1. Pencacahan Perush 29.700

2. Revisit Kunj. 29.700

3. Pemeriksaan

a. Di Tingkat Kab/Kota Dok. 5.500

b. Di Tingkat Propinsi Dok. 3.300

4. Pengolahan Data Dok. 7.700

e. Survei Perusahaan Hortikultura
1. Pencacahan Perush 36.300

2. Revisit Kunj. 36.300

3. Pemeriksaan Dok. 9.900

4. Pengolahan Data Dok. 9.900

1 2 3 4 5

3. Survei Bidang Perdagangan

a. Survei Statistik Impor
1. Pengumpulan Dokumen Impor Dok. 22.000
2. Pencacahan Perusahaan & Importir Kunj. 29.700
3. Pemeriksaan Perusahaan & Importir Dok. 9.900
4. Pengolahan Data Dok. 1.100
b. Survei Harga Perdagangan Besar Bulanan (HPB-S)
1. Pencacahan Resp. 22.000
2. Pemeriksaan Dok. 7.700
3. Pengolahan Data Dok. 2.200
Survei Harga Perdagangan Besar Sektor Konstruksi Triw.
1. Pencacahan Resp. 25.300
2. Pemeriksaan
a. Di Tingkat Kab/Kota Dok. 5.500
b. Di Tingkat Propinsi Dok. 4.400
3. Pengolahan Data Dok. 2.200
Survei Harga Produsen Gabah dan Harga Produsen Sektor
1. Pencacahan Resp. 22.000
2. Pemeriksaan Dok. 7.700
3. Pengolahan Data Dok. 2.200
e. Survei Harga Produsen Makanan dan Non Makanan
1. Pencacahan Resp. 22.000
2. Pemeriksaan Dok. 7.700
3. Pengolahan Data Dok. 2.200
f. Survei Harga Konsumen (HK-1.1 s/d HK-1.2)
1. Pencacahan Resp. 22.000
2. Pemeriksaan
a. Di Tingkat Kab/Kota Dok. 5.500
b. Di Tingkat Propinsi Dok. 3.300
4. Pengolahan Data Dok. 5.500
g. Survei Harga Konsumen (HK-2.1 s/d HK-2.2)
1. Pencacahan Resp. 22.000

Harga Satuan Pokok Kegiatan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 21

2. Pemeriksaan
a. Di Tingkat Kab/Kota Dok. 5.500
b. Di Tingkat Propinsi Dok. 3.300
3. Pengolahan Data Dok. 5.500
h. Survei Harga Konsumen (HK-3 s/d HK-6)
1. Pencacahan Resp. 22.000
2. Pemeriksaan
a. Di Tingkat Kab/Kota Dok. 5.500
b. Di Tingkat Propinsi Dok. 3.300
3. Pengolahan Data Dok. 5.500
i. Survei Volume Penjualan Eceran Beras
1. Pencacahan Resp. 22.000
2. Pemeriksaan
a. Di Tingkat Kab/Kota Dok. 5.500
b. Di Tingkat Propinsi Dok. 3.300
3. Pengolahan Data Dok. 5.500
j. Survei Usaha Rumahtangga Terintegrasi
1. Pencacahan Rmt. 22.000
2. Pemeriksaan
a. Di Tingkat Kab/Kota Dok. 5.500
1 2 3 4 5

b. Di Tingkat Propinsi Dok. 3.300

3. Pengolahan LKOC Dok. 3.300
k. Survei Keuangan Tingkat Desa Tahunan
1. Pencacahan Resp. 22.000
2. Pemeriksaan
a. Di Tingkat Kab/Kota Dok. 5.500
b. Di Tingkat Propinsi Dok. 3.300
Pengolahan Data Dok. 6.600
l. Survei Keuangan Daerah Tingkat I dan II Tahunan
1. Pencacahan Resp. 22.000
2. Pemeriksaan
a. Di Tingkat Kab/Kota Dok. 5.500
b. Di Tingkat Propinsi Dok. 3.300
3. Kompilasi data Keuangan Daerah Dok. 5.500
m. Survei Statistik Keuangan BUMN/BUMD
1. Pencacahan Resp. 22.000
2. Pemeriksaan
a. Di Tingkat Kab/Kota Dok. 5.500
b. Di Tingkat Propinsi Dok. 3.300
3. Pengolahan Data Dok. 13.200
n. APBD Propinsi & Kab/Kota
1. Pencacahan Resp. 22.000
2. Pemeriksaan
a. Di Tingkat Kab/Kota Dok. 5.500
b. Di Tingkat Propinsi Dok. 3.300
3. Pengolahan Data Dok. 8.800
o. Statistik Keuangan dan Monitoring Kurs Valuta Asing
1. Pencacahan Lembaga Keuangan Perush 22.000
2. Revisit hasil Pencacahan Lembaga Keuangan Kunj. 22.000
3. Pemeriksaan Hasil Pencacahan Lembaga Keuangan Dok. 7.700
4. Monitoring Kurs Mata Uang Asing Perush 22.000
5. Pengolahan Data Dok. 13.200

Harga Satuan Pokok Kegiatan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 22

4. Survei Transportasi
a. Statistik Angkutan Laut (Simoppel)
1. Pengumpulan data Kunj. 22.000
2. Pemeriksaan
a. Di Tingkat Kab/Kota Dok. 5.500
b. Di Tingkat Propinsi Dok. 3.300
3. Pengolahan Data Dok. 5.500
b. Statistik Angkutan Udara
1. Pengumpulan data Kunj. 22.000
2. Pemeriksaan Dok. 6.600
c. Statistik Angkutan Darat
1. Pengumpulan data Kunj. 22.000
2. Pemeriksaan
a. Di Tingkat Kab/Kota Dok. 5.500
b. Di Tingkat Propinsi Dok. 3.300
3. Pengolahan Data Dok. 5.500
5. Survei Pertambangan
Survei Konstruksi Triwulanan dan Survei Konstruksi
Tahunan Non AKI
1. Pencacahan Perush. 29.700
2. Revisit Kunj. 29.700
3. Pemeriksaan Dok. 11.000
1 2 3 4 5

4. Pengolahan Konstruksi Tahunan Non AKI Dok. 8.800

Survei Pertambangan Besar, Survei Energi, dan Survei
Panggalian Bahan Industri & Konstruksi
1. Pencacahan Perush. 29.700
2. Revisit Kunj. 29.700
3. Pemeriksaan Dok. 11.000
4. Pengolahan Data Dok. 12.100
6. Survei Bidang Jasa & Pariwisata

a. Survei Tingkat Penghunian Kamar Hotel (VHT-S) bulanan

1. Pencacahan Resp. 22.000

2. Revisit Kunj. 22.000
3. Pemeriksaan
a. Di Tingkat Kab/Kota Dok. 5.500
b. Di Tingkat Propinsi Dok. 3.300
4. Pengolahan Data Dok. 4.400
Survei Inventarisasi Data Struktural Hotel (VHT-L)
1. Pencacahan Resp. 29.700
2. Revisit Kunj. 29.700
3. Pemeriksaan
a. Di Tingkat Kab/Kota Dok. 6.600
b. Di Tingkat Propinsi Dok. 5.500
4. Pengolahan Data Dok. 7.700
c. Survei Kunjungan Tamu Asing (VIOT)
1. Pencacahan Resp. 22.000
2. Revisit Kunj. 22.000
3. Pemeriksaan
a. Di Tingkat Kab/Kota Dok. 5.500
b. Di Tingkat Propinsi Dok. 3.300
4. Pengolahan Data Dok. 6.600
7. Survei Bidang Kependudukan
a. Survei Angkatan Kerja Nasional (SAKERNAS) Tahunan

Harga Satuan Pokok Kegiatan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 23

1. Pencacahan Rmt 29.700
2. Pemeriksaan Dok. 7.700
3. Pengolahan Data Dok. 6.600
b. Survei Upah
1. Pencacahan Resp. 29.700
2. Pemeriksaan

a. Di Tingkat Kab/Kota Dok. 6.600

b. Di Tingkat Propinsi Dok. 5.500

3. Pengolahan Data Dok. 13.200

d. Survei Struktur Upah

1. Pencacahan Resp. 29.700

2. Pemeriksaan

a. Di Tingkat Kab/Kota Dok. 6.600

b. Di Tingkat Propinsi Dok. 5.500

3. Pengolahan Data Dok. 13.200

e. Pemetaan

1. Updating Peta Blok Sensus B-S 44.000

2. Pemeriksaan Peta Blok Sensus Dokumen 17.600

3. Updating Peta Wilayah Administrasi Peta 126.500

4. Pemeriksaan Peta Wilayah Administrasi Peta 44.000

1 2 3 4 5

8. Survei Bidang Sosial Ekonomi

a. Survei Sosial Ekonomi Nasional

1. Pencacahan KOR Rmt. 23.100
2. Pemeriksaan KOR
a. Di Tingkat Kab/Kota Dok. 5.500
b. Di Tingkat Propinsi Dok. 3.300
3. Pengolahan KOR Dok. 5.500
4. Pencacahan Modul Sosbud Rmt. 23.100
5. Pemeriksaaan Modul Sosbud
a. Di Tingkat Kab/Kota Dok. 5.500
b. Di Tingkat Propinsi Dok. 3.300
6. Pengolahan Modul Sosbud Dok. 26.400
7. Pencacahan Modul Panel Rmt 39.600
8. Pemeriksaan Modul Panel
a. Di Tingkat Kab/Kota Dok. 7.700
b. Di Tingkat Propinsi Dok. 5.500
9. Pengolahan Modul Panel Dok. 26.400

b. Penyusunan Neraca Rumahtangga & Lembaga Non Profit

1. Listing SKLNP Resp. 22.000

2. Pencacahan SKLNP+SKTIR Resp. 30.800
3. Pemeriksaan SKLNP+SKTIR Dok. 7.700
4. Pengolahan Data Dok. 12.100
c. Penyusunan Neraca Sektoral
1. Pencacahan Survei Khusus Sektoral Resp. 22.000
2. Pemeriksaan hasil Survei Khusus Sektoral Dok. 6.600
3. Pengolahan Data Survei Khusus Sektoral Dok. 4.400
4. Pengumpulan data pokok OH 7.700
5. Perumusan dan evaluasi teknis Interdep pendapatan
OH 8.800
d. Penyusunan Neraca Pemerintah & Badan Usaha

Harga Satuan Pokok Kegiatan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 24

1. Listing Departemen/Kanwil/Dinas Kantor 22.000
2. Pencacahan SKPS dan SKJP Resp. 29.700
3. Pemeriksaan SKPS dan SKJP Dok. 7.700
4. Pengolahan Data Dok. 13.200
e. Penyusunan Neraca Pertanian & Industri
1. Pencacahan SKIO Resp. 29.700
2. Revisit pencacahan SKIO Kunj. 29.700
3. Pemeriksaan SKIO Dok 7.700
4. Pengolahan Data Dok. 18.700

f. Penyusunan Survei Khusus Sektor Perdagangan dan Jasa

1. Pencacahan SKSPJ Resp. 29.700

2. Pemeriksaan SKSPJ Dok. 7.700
3. Pengolahan Data Dok. 18.700
g. PDB Triwulanan Menurut Sektor & Penggunaan
1. Pencacahan PDB Triwulanan Resp. 29.700
2. Pemeriksaan PDB Triwulanan Dok. 7.700
3. Pengolahan Data Dok. 22.000
h. Konsolidasi Neraca Sektor
Pengumpulan Data Sekunder Resp. 29.700
I. Konsolidasi Neraca Institusi
Pengumpulan Data Primer Resp. 29.700
j. Survei Biaya Hidup (SBH) 2007
1. Pencacahan Rumahtangga RMT 207.900
2. Pengawasan pencacahan Kunj. 51.700
1 2 3 4 5

3. Editing coding dokumen SBH-S Dok 27.500

4. Pembagi dan penjelas buku bulanan Dok 8.800
5. Editing coding dokumen buku bulanan Dok 6.600
6. Data entry buku bulanan Dok 4.400
7. Pengumpulan data spesifik daerah Dok 19.800
8. Pengolahan daftar SBH-S Dok 16.500
9. Pengawasan Pengolahan daftar SBH-S Dok 8.250



Harga Satuan Pokok Kegiatan Standar Satuan Harga Tahun 2010 25

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