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Membreno,Hurtarte,Monestier,Cuervo 1

Membreno, Saira

Hurtarte, Astrid

Monestier, Sofia

Cuervo, Yoselin

Language Arts/ Mrs.Vazquezbello/ Period 6

Project for How To Read Literature Like A Professor

23 September 2010

Do we think the same time?

In the poem “Yesterday”, W.S Merwin illustrates a conversation between the narrator

and his friend, and how his friend did not visit his father much, and specifically the last

encounter he shared with him. This poem was written in the 20 th century and it would be

logical to be compared to the 21st century, and how this situation is viewed differently in

these time periods. This poem is known to have a variety of interpretations.

In the mid 20 th century, women started to work. This occurred because of the World

War Two, which caused the need for jobs. Before that, women were the old stereotypical

housewives. Since then, women do have jobs, which caused them to be busy to focus on

their home life. During the 20th century, sons and daughters would get gloomy when they

would not visit their parent. The parents’ desire would be taken into consideration.

Parents would mean a lot to them, even when they did not live with them.

In the 21 st century is all about status, friend and partners. For most people the

boyfriend is more salient than either of their parents. Most of their time is spent on social

networks. Some sons and daughters do not consider their parents’ desires. In most cases
Membreno,Hurtarte,Monestier,Cuervo 1

they move on and make their own choices, leaving their parents behind in the process.

Parents are abandoned in homes, and rarely visited. (STATISTIC)

The 20th and 21st century are walking contradictions. In the 20 th century, if a parent

needed somewhere to stay, naturally the son or daughter would offer to share the home.

They felt like they owed it to them. Before, parents were extremely important people in

their lives, but now, the partner is considered more important. Sons or daughters would

care what their parents have to say, but now they do what they desire with their lives, and

there is no way in stopping them. The focus was changed. Most people today spend their

time on the Internet, the mall, and such, and spending quality time with their family then

would be a priority.

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