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Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
for Getting Bachelor Degree
in English Department
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Fatimah Yuliani. A 320 050 354. THE IMPLEMENTATION OF DEBATE IN
BOYOLALI. Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. Research Paper. 2009.
This research aims at describing the implementation of debate in teaching
speaking to the first year students of RSBI class of SMPN 1 Boyolali. The research
was conducted in March 2009. The objectives of this research are to know the
procedures of teaching speaking using debate, the activities of teaching speaking
using debate, the problems faced by the teacher and the students, and the strengths
and weaknesses of debate technique implementation.
The writer uses descriptive qualitative study that uses method of observation,
interview, document and questionnaire. The subject of this research is the students of
VII-F (RSBI class) the first year students of SMP N 1 Boyolali.
The result of the research shows that: the procedures of teaching speaking
using debate are: opening the class, explanation, consultation, practice, and closing
the class. The activities of debate are: the teacher gives explanation, the students are
divided into some groups, the teacher gave the topic, the students divide the duty in
every group, the students develop their arguments for any times, debate is started, the
teacher give score, and debate is finished. The problems faced by the teacher are
classroom management, limited time, and different capability of the students. The
problems faced by the students are grammar/structure, pronunciation, fluency, limited
vocabulary, nervousness. The strengths of debate implementation are: interest the
students, train the students to cooperate well with other friend, train the students to
express their opinion, the students not bored, but very enjoy with debate activity, the
students are more ready to present the argument, and improve the students’ speaking
ability. The weaknesses of debate implementation are: debate is only used for certain
subject, needs long times, make the students’ emotional in defending their argument,
teacher get difficulties in control the debate implementation
Consultant I Consultant II
(Drs. Djoko Srijono, M.Hum.) (Mauly Halwat H, S.Pd, M.Hum)
NIP. 131474078 NIK.727
Drs. Sofyan Anif , M.Si
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A. 320 050 354
Approved to be Examined by Consultant
Consultant I Consultant II
(Drs. Djoko Srijono, M.Hum.) (Mauly Halwat H, S.Pd, M.Hum)
NIP. 131474078 NIK.727
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Accepted and Approved by the Board of Examiner
School of Teacher Training and Education
Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta
on July……, 2009
Team of Examiners:
1. Drs. Djoko Srijono, M.Hum. (…………………………….)
(Chair Person)
2. Mauly Halwat Hikmat, S.Pd., M.Hum. ( ……………………………)
(Member I)
3. Dra. Dwi Haryanti, M.Hum. ( …………………………....)
(Member II)
Drs. Sofyan Anif , M.Si
NIK. 547
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Herewith, the researcher testifies that in this research there is no work which
has been proposed to get bachelor degree in any university and as long as she knows
there are no works or statements that have been written or published by other
researcher, unless they are reference within this research and listed on the
bibliography. Hence, later, if in the future it is proven that there is untruth in her
statement above, she will be fully responsible.
Surakarta, July 2009
NIM. A 320 050 354
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ÇÏÈ #Z.ô£ç. Î.ô£ãèø9$# yìtB ¨bÎ)
“Sesungguhnya sesudah kesulitan itu ada kemudahan”
If there is a difficulty, there must be a way to finish it
(Q.S. Al-Insyiroh : 6)
Janganlah berpikir untuk jadi orang baik-baik
tetapi jadilah orang yang lebih baik.
(The Writer)
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From her deepest heart the writer dedicates this
research paper to :
Allah SWT and Muhammad SAW,
My beloved mother,
My beloved father in heaven,
My beloved all of brothers and sisters,
My lovely soulmate “Saiful Anwar”,
All of my friends in English Department, and
My Almamater.
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Assalamu’allaikum Wr.Wb.
Alhamdulillahirobbil’alamiin, Praise and Gratitude to Allah SWT, the lord of
Universe, for blessing and hearing the writer’s pray in accomplishing this research
paper. Peace and blessing be upon His most beloved Messenger, the prophet
Muhammad SAW, who has given us the serene air to faith and prayers.
In finishing this research paper entitled “THE IMPLEMENTATION OF
BOYOLALI”, the writer realizes that without many helps of other people, it is
impossible for her to finish her work. On this good opportunity, the writer whishes to
reveal her special gratitude to:
1. Drs. Sofyan Anif, M.Si., as the Dean of School of Teacher Training and
Education Faculty Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta,
2. Koesoemo Ratih, S.Pd., M.Hum., as the head of English Department, who gave
the opportunity in doing the research,
3. Drs. Djoko Srijono, M.Hum., as the first consultant for this valuable guidance,
contributed ideas, patience and helpful encouragement until completing this
research paper,
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4. Mauly Halwat Hikmat, S.Pd.,M.Hum, as the second consultant for her wisdom
correction, guidance, patience help and kindness,
5. All lecturers at English Department of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta
for the useful knowledge and wisdom,
6. Bapak. Drs. Suratno, M.Hum, as the headmaster of SMP N 1 Boyolali, who has
given permission to the writer to do the research in this school,
7. Bapak. Drs. Riyanto, as an English teacher in SMP N 1 Boyolali who has helped
her in conducting this research,
8. Her beloved mother who always in the writer’s heart and give their love, money,
prays, support, and affection along her life till she can finish her study,
9. Her beloved father in heaven, thanks for your advices and pray in her dream “I
10. Her beloved all of brothers and sisters. Thank you for taking care of her, thank
you for your love, support and prayers,
11. Her beloved niece “Muslikhah” and all of SOMO MARTONO’ Family,
12. Her lovely “Saiful Anwar”, thank you for your love, attention, support and prays,
13. Her loved friends: Umy, Woro, Iffa, Yuni, Mas Ardi, , and All of her friend in
English Department that she can’t mentioned one by one, especially class G-H.
Thanks for your motivation,
14. Her friends Mas Sar, Mbx Amy, Dewi, and All of her friend in PMKN
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15. All of students VII F-RSBI class in SMP N 1 Boyolali, and
16. Those who are forgotten and cannot be mentioned one by one.
The writer realizes that this research paper still has a lot of weaknesses.
Therefore, she would like to thank to the readers if they can give the suggestion and
criticisms to make the research paper better.
Wassalamu’allaikum Wr.Wb.
Surakarta, July 2009
The Writer
Fatimah Yuliani
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TITLE ............................................................................................................... i
SUMMARY...................................................................................................... ii
APPROVAL OF CONSULTANT.................................................................... iii
ACCEPTANCE ............................................................................................... iv
TESTIMONY………………………………………………………………… v
MOTTO ............................................................................................................. vi
DEDICATION.................................................................................................. vii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................ viii
TABLE OF CONTENT...................................................................................... xi
CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION.................................................................. 1
A. Background of the Study.................................................... 1
B. Problem of the Study......................................................... 4
C. Objectives of the Study ...................................................... 4
D. Limitation of the Study ...................................................... 5
E. Benefits of the Study.......................................................... 6
F. Research Paper Organization ............................................. 6
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A. Previous Research……………………………………….. 8
B. Teaching English………………………………………… 9
C. Teaching English for Junior High School……………….. 11
D. Notion of Speaking……………………………………… 13
E. Teaching Technique……………………………………... 16
F. Debate…………………………………………………… 18
G. RSBI (Rintisan Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional)………….. 20
CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METHOD……………………………………... 22
A. Type of Research ............................................................... 22
B. Setting and Time of the Research....................................... 23
C. Subject of the Research…………………………………... 23
D. Object of the Research ....................................................... 23
E. Data and Data Source......................................................... 23
F. Method of Collecting Data................................................. 24
G. Credibility of Data………………………………………. 25
H. Techniques of Analyzing Data........................................... 26
A. Research Finding................................................................ 28
1. The Implementation of Debate in Teaching
Speaking To the First Year Students of
RSBI class at SMPN 1 Boyolali……………………... 29
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2. The Strengths and Weaknesses of Debate
Technique Implementation………………………….. 42
B. Discussion of the Finding……………………………….. 46
A. Conclusion ......................................................................... 50
B. Suggestion.......................................................................... 52
BIBLIOGRAPHY…………………………………………………………….. 53
VIRTUAL REFERENCES …………………………………………………… 54
APPENDIX …………………………………………………………………… 55
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A. Background of the Study
As a foreign language in Indonesia, English is learned seriously by many
people to have a good prospect in the community of international world.
Recently, English becomes important. Since it’s important, English is taught
widely at formal school starting from elementary school up to universities; even
at informal school i.e. courses.
There are four English skills to learn, namely speaking, reading, writing,
and listening skill. Speaking seems intuitively the most important skill to
master. The success is measured in terms of the ability to carry out conversation
in language speaking in an interactive process of constructing meaning that
involves producing, receiving, and processing information. Speaking is very
important because by mastering speaking skill, people can carry out
conversations with others, give the ideas and exchange the information with
others. Hence, in speaking classroom the learners should work as much as
possible on their own, talk to one another directly and not through the medium
of teacher.
“Speaking is the process of building and sharing meaning through the use
of verbal and non verbal symbol in a variety of context” (Chancy 1998: 13).
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The other opinion is shown by Hornby (1995: 318), speaking is making use of
words in an ordinary voice; uttering words; knowing and being able to use a
language; expressing oneself in words; making a speech. In short, speaking skill
is the ability to perform the linguistic knowledge in the actual communication.
By speaking with others, we are able to know what kinds of situation are in the
There are several methods which are used by the teacher for teaching
speaking. The method should be interesting to interest students in teaching
learning process. One of the teaching methods in teaching speaking is debate
method. It is seen as an active learning process because students will learn more
through a process constructing and creating, working in a group and also
sharing knowledge.
Debate is a teaching strategy to improve verbal communication and
critical-thinking skills. Debate is presented as a valuable learning activity for
teaching critical thinking and improving communication skills. Debating is an
effective pedagogical strategy because of the level of responsibility for learning
and active involvement required by all student debaters
( Maryadi (2008: 16) states that
“debate can motivate students’ thinking, moreover if they must defend their
stand or opinion which is in contradiction with conviction themselves”. This
strategy can involve all students to be active, not only debate performer.
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Debate is implemented in teaching speaking RSBI. The teacher of the first
year in SMP Negeri 1 Boyolali implements debate in the teaching speaking.
The teaching learning process aims to enable the students speak the target
Rintisan Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional (RSBI) refers to a path of
international standardized school. RSBI is an Indonesia government program in
education which is implemented with developing quality of school to be an
international standardized school. Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional (SBI) is a
national school which prepares the students with National Education Standard,
in Indonesian is Standar Nasional Pendidikan (SNP) which has an international
quality and the graduation from it has international competitive capacity.
“Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional adalah sekolah yang sudah
memenuhi seluruh Standar Nasional Pendidikan (SNP) dan diperkaya
dengan mengacu pada standar pendidikan salah satu negara anggota
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
dan/atau negara maju lainnya yang mempunyai keunggulan tertentu
dalam bidang pendidikan sehingga memiliki daya saing di forum
Internasional (http://”
SMP Negeri 1 Boyolali is an international standardized school. This
school has good quality that is carried by multimedia facilities and classroom
satisfied. This school also uses bilingual in teaching learning process especially
using English language.
Based on the background above the writer decides to carry out a research
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BOYOLALI". There are some reasons why the writer chooses this school. The
first, since they have special competences which work on linguistic field,
second, SMP Negeri I Boyolali is an international standardized school (RSBI
School) and also the best school in Boyolali and third, the school has good
achievements of their graduates.
B. Problem of the Study
Based on the background of the study, the writer formulates the problems of
the study as follows:
1. How is the implementation of debate technique in teaching speaking to the
first year of RSBI class at SMP Negeri 1 Boyolali?
a. What are the procedures of teaching speaking using debate?
b. What are activities in teaching speaking using debate?
c. What are the problems faced by the teacher and the students in
teaching speaking using debate?
2. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the implementation of debate
technique in teaching speaking?
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C. Objective of the Study
Based on the problem of study mentioned above, the writer formulates
some objectives of the study as follows:
1. To describe the implementation of debate in teaching speaking to the first
year of RSBI students at SMP Negeri 1 Boyolali.
a. To describe the procedures of debate technique in teaching speaking at
RSBI class, especially at the first year students of SMP Negeri 1
b. To describe the kinds of activities in teaching speaking using debate
c. To describe the problems faced by teacher and the students in teaching
speaking using debate.
2. To describe the strengths and weaknesses of the implementation of debate
technique in teaching speaking.
D. Limitation of the Study
This research has broader scope and it is impossible for the writer to
handle all problems. Therefore, the writer limits the scope of the study. The
limitations of the study are:
1. The subject of the study is limited to the English teacher and the first year
students of SMP Negeri 1 Boyolali especially for class RSBI.
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2. The object of study is only focused on teaching speaking using debate.
E. Benefits of the Study
In this study the writer expects that the research paper has some benefits
both in theory and practice:
1. Theoretical benefit:
a. The finding of this research will enrich the theory of students` speaking
b. The result of the research paper can be a useful input in teaching
speaking using debate method.
2. Practical benefit:
a. The reader will get a large knowledge about teaching speaking using
debate method.
b. It will give the information and knowledge about the implementation of
debate method in teaching speaking.
F. Research Paper Organization
The writer constructs the research paper organization in order to make the
readers understand the content of the paper. This research paper study is divided
into five chapters that will be organized as follows:
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Chapter I is introduction. This chapter deals with the background of the
Study, problem of the study, objective of the study, limitation of the study,
benefits of the study, and research paper organization.
Chapter II is review of related literature. This chapter deals with the
previous research, teaching English, teaching English at Junior High School,
notion of speaking, debate, and RSBI (Rintisan Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional).
Chapter III is research method. This chapter deals with type of the study,
subject of the study, object of the study, data and data sources, method of
collecting data, and technique for analyzing data.
Chapter IV is research and discussion. In this chapter discusses the results
or findings of the implementation of debate in teaching speaking to the first year
students of RSBI class at SMP Negeri 1 Boyolali.
Chapter V is Conclusion and Suggestion of the research taken from the
result of teaching observation.
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This chapter describes a number of theories related to previous research,
teaching English, teaching English at Junior High School, notion of speaking skill,
teaching technique, debate, and Rintisan Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional (RSBI).
A. Previous Research
In this study, the writer summarized the relevant previous study to prove
the originality of the research. The first previous research was done by
Feminawaty (UMS, 2007) with the title of her research The Implementation of
Communicative Language Teaching in Teaching Speaking at The First Year
of SMP N 1 Suruh. The result showed that the implementation of the
Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) in the teaching speaking could
make the students active because the students learned more through a process
of constructing and creating, working in a group and sharing knowledge. The
second is the use of Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) in the
teaching speaking was suitable for Junior High School if it is used in
teaching-learning process.
The second previous research was done by Sugianto (UMS, 2008)
entitled Improving Students’ Speaking Ability in Expressing Agreement and
Disagreement Act by Using Question and Answer Technique in SDN 02
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Growong Kidul Juwana-Pati. The result showed that the first, the
implementations of question and answer technique was appropriate in
teaching agreement and disagreement expression in SDN 02 Growong Kidul
Juwana-Pati. The second, the question and answer technique was effective in
improving the students’ speaking ability of agreement and disagreement
The similarities of this research with the previous researchers are first,
this research is done in the teaching speaking class. Second, the method used
descriptive qualitative method. The differences between this research with the
previous researchers are first, the object of this research is SMP Negeri 1
Boyolali. Second, the researcher focuses on the implementation of debate in
teaching speaking, the strengths and weaknesses of debate technique
B. Teaching English
Language teaching is defined broadly as creating situation that promotes
the use of language. It is also considered as an interactive process between the
teacher and the students or group of students to get knowledge, skill or
attitudes to what they learn. Teaching is a process where the students get
information and knowledge from the teacher. According to Brown (2000: 7),
teaching is showing or helping someone learn how to do something, giving
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instruction, guiding in the study of something, providing with knowledge,
causing to know or understand. Teaching could not be defined apart from
learning. Gage (1964) in Brown (2000: 7) notes “that to satisfy demands of
education, theories of learning must be stood on their head so as to yield
theories of teaching”. Teaching is guiding and facilitating learning, enabling
the learner to learn, setting the conditions for learning.
“Teaching is not merely transferring the knowledge to students but also
helping them to develop their deeper understanding”(Browden and Ference,
1998: 22). According to Jean Piaget, 1983; Hudelson, 1996; Chomsky, 1979;
Gleason, 1985 in Fauziati (2002: 196-170) the prominent learning principles
worth discussing in relation to teaching children are cognitive principles and
social interaction principles.
Putting principle into practice would mean what learners need to have
language input from others. When these generalizations are drawn to foreign
language learning and teaching, they have implication for curriculum
development, for teaching strategies and for classroom procedure.
Teaching English is not only oriented to finish the teaching material but
also emphasized to kinds of text or genre. The knowledge about grammar and
vocabulary is learned by the students in order that the students can do
monologue and write appropriately with the genre that will be spoken. Beside
that the students can do transactional dialogue and interpersonal dialogue
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C. Teaching English for Junior High School
The teaching of English in secondary school or Sekolah Menengah
Pertama (SMP) is intended to develop the students’ communicative
competence. The students should not learn how to use the language in
communication only after they have learned to control the structures in
language drill and other mechanical exercises. The students should be given
the opportunity to use their skills even before they have completely mastered
them. They should focus on the messages, not on the form of their utterances.
Through interactions students can increase their language store as they listen
to or read authentic linguistic material, or even the output of the other students
in discussions, skits, joint problem-solving tasks, or dialogue journals. The
students can use all they posses of the language in real life exchanges, which
express their real life meaning. The thus have experience in creating messages
from what they hear, since comprehension is process of creation (Rivers,
1981: 160-162).
According to Rombepajung (1988: 26) teaching is a guidance and a
facility to study which enable students to learn and create a learning situation.
It seems that teaching is very close to learning or teaching should not be
defined without the existence of learning.
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Surakhmad ( 1990 : 14 ) states that in teaching learning process there
must be at least seven elements involved ; aim, material, students, teacher,
approach and method, situation and condition, and evaluation.
1) Aim
The aim of an activity cannot be separated from the policy to
do it.
2) Material
Surakhmad (1990: 14) states that in teaching learning process,
the material should exist because it is the content of the process.
3) Students
Teaching learning process will not happen without the
students for whom the teaching learning process is intended.
Without the students, there is no learning.
4) Teacher
A teacher is one of the important factors in teaching learning
process. In doing his duty, a teacher should have capability in
mastering the aim and the material, managing the teaching
learning program, the class, and its interaction
5) Approach and Method
Teaching also involves choosing approach and method. The
absorption of the material by the students is influenced by the
approach and method used.
6) Situation and Condition
The condition tends to reflect the physical equipments in
teaching learning such as the buildings, the library, the
laboratory, the power and financial sources, the organization
etc, whereas the situation refers to socio-emotional situation.
7) Evaluation
Evaluation is concerned with gathering data on the dynamics,
effectiveness, acceptability, and efficiency of a program to
facilitate decision making.
Seven elements that mentioned by Surakhmad above is very important
in teaching learning process, especially material. Material in the teaching
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learning process should exist because it is the content of the process.
Commonly, the material to be given has certain characteristics such as:
a. Realistic
It means that the material can be used by the teachers and the students, and
it is easy to be found.
b. Relevant
The material should coincide with the students’ advance, their age, and
their objective.
c. Interesting
The material should contain various things that attract the students’
d. Having Supported Power
The material must meet a certain standard which causes the students have
been known that what they learn is useful.
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D. Notion of Speaking Skill
1. Definition of Speaking
According to Hornby (1995: 318) speaking is making of words in an
ordinary voice, uttering words, knowing and being able to use a language;
expressing oneself in words, making speech.
Speaking skill is the ability to perform the linguistic knowledge in
actual communication. It functions to express one idea, feeling, thought
and needs orally. Speaking is one of language arts that are most frequently
used by people all over the world. Richards and Rodgers (1993: 9-10) state
that the spoken language is primary and that this should be reflected in an
oral-based methodology. Furthermore, oral method was very important in
the classroom, especially in the early stages of learning (Howatt, 1985: 9-
2. The Components of Speaking
According to Syakur (1987: 5), speaking skill is a complex skill
because at least it concerns with components of pronunciation, grammar,
vocabulary and fluency. The description is as follows:
1) Pronunciation
Pronunciation is the students’ way to utter English well
and it deals with phonology.
2) Grammar
It concerns with how to arrange to correct sentence in
conversation. The utility of grammar is to learn the correct
way to gain expertise in a language both in oral and written
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3) Vocabulary
Vocabulary means the appropriate diction which is
used in conversation. Without having a sufficient
vocabulary, one can’t communicate effectively or express
ideas in both oral and written form.
4) Fluency and Accuracy
Fluency can be defined as the ability to speak fluently
and accurately suited with professional necessity.
Basically, being fluent means being able to keep the
language coming.
3. Method of Teaching Speaking
Method is the procedure, step and the way which is used by the
teacher in achieving an objective of teaching (
Teaching speaking connects the students with the basic ability to use the
language, to receive and to convey information. Teaching method of
speaking that was proposed by Lambert Sauveur (1826-1907) in Fauziati
(2002: 20) was known as the natural method. He used intensive oral
interaction in the target language. In his Natural method, he argued that a
foreign language could be taught without translation or the use of the
learner’s native language if the meaning was conveyed directly through
demonstration and action.
Berlitz (1852-1921) in Fauziati (2002: 20) used a kind of method
called Direct Method. Together with sauveur, Berlitz successfully used the
method in commerical schools in the US and Europe. In practice, it stands
for the following principles: (1) Classroom was conducted exclusively in
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the target language; (2) Only everyday vocabulary and sentences were
taught; (3) Oral communication skills were built up in a carefully graded
progression organized around question and answer exchanges between
teachers and students in small, intensive class; (4) Grammar was taught
inductively; (5) New teaching points were introduced orally; (6) Concrete
vocabulary was taught through demonstration of objects and pictures,
whereas abstract vocabulary was taught by association of ideas; (7) Both
speech and listening comprehension were taught; and (8) Correct
pronunciation and grammar were emphasized (Richards and Rodgers
(1993) in Fauziati, (2002: 20-21))
Thus, teaching method of speaking is related to the concept of oral
based methodology, where the activity immediately setting the student’s
speaking competence.
E. Teaching Technique
1. Difference between Method and Technique
In the teaching learning process is known several technical terms
which have resemblance of meaning. For example: between method and
technique. Many people still do not understand about difference between
them. Method is the procedure, step and the way which is used by the
teacher in achieving an objective of teaching. Besides that, technique is the
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concrete way which is used when the teaching learning process
Sudrajat (Http://, 2008) states that
“teaching method is the way which is used for implementing of the
planning that is arranged in the real and practice activity form to achieving
an objective of teaching”. Continuation of the teaching method is teaching
technique. So, between technique and method are different. Teaching
technique is the way which is done by the teacher in the implementation of
the teaching method by specific (Http://
2. Active Learning Technique
“Active learning is all of teaching form that enables the students to be
active in the teaching learning process” (Samadhi,
There are many active learning techniques, such as:
a. Think-Pair-Share
The use of this technique is the students are given question to be
thought around 2-5 minutes, after that the students discuss the answer
or opinion with their partner.
b. Collaborative Learning Groups
The class is divided into some groups. A group content of 4-5 students
that permanent in a semester. A group is given home assignment to
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discuss together, after that the assignment is finished in short paper.
Usually the assignment shaped of material before learned.
c. Student-led Review Session
The teacher only as facilitator, the students discuss about the material
has been learned.
d. Student Debate
The students are given controversial issue to discuss in the debate form.
The class is divided into pro and contra groups.
e. Exam Questions Writing
The teacher asks the students to make good exam question to improve
the students’ ability in understanding the material.
f. Class research Symposium
The students are given assignment for a research which will be held a
g. Analyze Case Studies
The teacher gives a case study to the students before teaching learning
process to be learned. In teaching learning process this case study is
Source: (
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F. Debate
Debate is a teaching strategy to improve verbal communication and
critical-thinking skills. Debate is presented as a valuable learning activity for
teaching critical thinking and improving communication skills. Included in the
discussion are a brief history of the use of debate as a teaching strategy, the
responsibilities of the teacher and learner when using debate in the classroom,
and its many advantages for developing competencies in communication and
critical thinking. Debating is an effective pedagogical strategy because of the
level of responsibility for learning and active involvement required by all
student debaters (
Debating is a teaching strategy that provides a framework for students to
explore and develop a range of views over an issue. Debating encourages
students to:
a. improve the quality of their responses as they are provided
with think time and they can build upon their own ideas.
b. stay on task as they have to present their ideas and listen to
their peer.
c. present their views to an authentic audience.
d. develop co-operative learning skills.
e. develop research skills.
f. formulate an argument.
g. explore a variety of views.
Maryadi (2008: 16) states that “debate can motivate students’ thinking,
moreover if they must defend their stand or opinion which is in contradiction
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with conviction their self”. This strategy can involve all students to be active,
not only debate performer. The steps of using debate method are:
a. grow controversial question which is related with material.
b. divide the class into some groups PRO and CONTRA.
c. ask the students to develop argument each positions and
choose one of them become speaker.
d. the speaker of each groups goes forward to presentation
their argument (open argument)
e. after listening of argument each groups, the students prepare
opposition argument from their opposition group and
choose the new speaker.
f. the speaker mutual give opposition argument.
g. finished of the debate without determine who won the
h. discuss about what is be learned from that experience.
i. ask the students to identify the best argument imitate their
G. RSBI (Rintisan Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional)
1. Definition of RSBI
RSBI (Rintisan Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional) refers to a path of
international standardized school. RSBI is one of Indonesian government
program which is implemented with developing quality of school to be an
international standardized school. SBI is a national school which prepares
the students with National Education Standard, in Indonesian is SNP
(Standar Nasional Pendidikan) which has an international quality and the
graduated from it has competitive capacity International.
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“Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional adalah sekolah yang sudah
memenuhi seluruh Standar Nasional Pendidikan (SNP) dan
diperkaya dengan mengacu pada standar pendidikan salah satu
negara anggota Organization for Economic Co-operation and
Development (OECD) dan/atau negara maju lainnya yang
mempunyai keunggulan tertentu dalam bidang pendidikan
sehingga memiliki daya saing di forum Internasional (http://”
The graduated from international standardized school are expected to
be able to:
(1) continue their education in the unit of education which have
international standard.
(2) follow international standardized certification.
(3) get the champion of international level.
(4) work in international institution.
2. Vision and Mission of SBI
1) Vision of SBI
There are three Visions of SBI are: characterize the nationality
concept, efficiency all of multiple intelligent, improving Competitive
capacity global
2) Mission of SBI
There are five Mission of SBI, are: SMART (Specific,
Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time Bound).
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A research method is very needed in every field of research, because it is
one way to know anything in order to get scientific result. In this chapter, the
writer presents the points of research, namely: (a) type of the research, (b) the
setting and time of research, (c) subject of the research, (d) object of the
research, (e) data and data source, (f) method of collecting data, and (g)
technique for analyzing data.
A. Type of the Research
The type of this research is descriptive qualitative research with
observational study. Bogdan and Tailor (1980) in Moleong (2000: 3) state
that qualitative reseach is a research, which yields the descriptive data in
the form of written or oral words from observing people behavior.
The product of the observation is notes or narratives of teaching
English speaking. It focuses on the implementation of debate method
which is used in teaching English speaking, strengths and weaknesses of
implementation debate method as a teaching speaking method in SMP
Negeri 1 Boyolali, especially the first year students of RSBI class.
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B. Setting and Time of the Research
This classroom action research is carried out at SMP Negeri 1
Boyolali. It is located on Jl. Merapi 22 Boyolali 57311. The classrooms of
VIIF-RSBI are located on the second floor. This classroom action research
was done on March – April 2009.
C. Subject of the Research
The subjects of the research are the first year students of RSBI class
at SMP Negeri 1 Boyolali and the teacher of SMP Negeri 1 Boyolali. the
subject of the study that is used by the writer is class E-RSBI of the first
year students, that is class "VII F-RSBI". It consists of 24 students, ten
boys and fourteen girls. The teacher in this class is male.
D. Object of the Research
The object of the study is the teaching English speaking using debate
method to the first year students of RSBI class at SMP Negeri 1 Boyolali
in 2008/2009 academic years.
E. Data and Data Source
Data have many important roles in research, because without data it
is impossible to convey the result of the research. The data of this research
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are the students and the teacher activities of teaching and learning
speaking using debate for the first year students of RSBI class at SMP
Negeri 1 Boyolali. There are three sources of the data; event, informants,
and documents.
a. Event: the activities of teaching speaking using debate in RSBI class
of SMP Negeri 1 Boyolali.
b. Informants: the English teacher of SMP Negeri 1 Boyolali and the
first year students of RSBI class at SMP Negeri 1 Boyolali.
c. Documents are taken from written document and books.
F. Method of Collecting Data
In collecting the data, the writer uses observation, document, and
interview as research instrument.
1. Observation
According to Margono (2000: 158), observation means as ability to
notice things systematically about the visible phenomenon in the
object of the study. In this research, the writer uses passive
observation which is only observing the teaching learning process in
the classroom. The observation is done to find the data to answer
how debate method is implemented in teaching speaking to the first
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year of RSBI class at SMP Negeri 1 Boyolali in 2008/2009 academic
2. Document
According to Margono (2000: 181), documentation is the process of
collecting data from the paper giving information or evidence such
as archives and the books. The documentation is done to find the
data to answer how debate is implemented. In this research, the
writer collects the data from documentation consisting archives of
syllabus and kinds of exercises.
3. Interview
According to Margono (2000: 165), interview is an instrument to
collect information from someone by presenting some questions to
be answered directly. Interview is conducted to get more information
about the implementation debate method in teaching speaking to the
first year students of RSBI class. In this research the writer
interviews the English teacher and students.
4. Questionnaire
Questionnaire is an instrument to collect data. In Indonesian,
questionnaire is angket. Questionnaire is submitted to respondent in
written form.
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G. Credibility of Data
The credibility of data is important in a research. The credibility of
the information that will become research data should be checked out, so
that the collected data can be justified. The techniques are used to check
the credibility of data can be done by prolonged, engagement, persistent
observation, triangulation, and interview (Moleong, 2004: 78). The writer
uses triangulation to check the credibility of data in this research. This
technique is used by the writer to cross check the information by
combining several techniques of data collection such as observation,
document, interview, questionnaire, and other source of data in collecting
and analyzing the data. The collected data are gained by doing interview
can be completed, strengthened, and perfected by doing other methods
such as observation and document. The answers of the informant that are
gained by doing interview can be checked the credibility by doing the
observation. If it is necessary for the writer to find the real truth of the
research, the interview and the observation can be repeated again. It
means that in collecting the data, the writer should do interview and
observation that is repeated to find the credibility of data.
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H. Technique for Analyzing Data
The data in this research are analyzed by using the descriptive
qualitative because in this research, the writer uses non-statistic analysis to
analyze the data. The writer provides description of phenomena that occur
naturally without the intervention of an experiment or an artificially
contrived treatment. To describe the implementation of debate method in
teaching speaking to the first year of SMP Negeri 1 Boyolali, the steps of
this analysis are:
1. Reducing the data
It is a process of making summary from the main point, arranging and
categorizing it base on it is classification (Moleong, 2000: 190). The
writer categorized the data taken from the observation and interview.
2. Display the data
The writer describes and discusses the finding research in the form of
systematic classification. Therefore, it is easy to be understood and to
be analyzed.
3. Conclusion and verification
The last step is drawing conclusion and proposing suggestions based
on the data analysis.
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In this Chapter, the writer presents the research finding to answer the problems
of the study stated in the first chapter. The data are obtained from the teaching
speaking learning process that have been given to the first year students of RSBI class
at SMP N 1 Boyolali. After collecting data from the observation, interview, and
document, the writer will describe it so that a clear conclusion can be drawn. The
writer uses the data, which are collected by using observation, to be analyzed to know
the implementation of debate in teaching speaking, the strengths, and the weaknesses
of debate implementation. The source of the data in this study is the English teacher
and the students of RSBI class.
A. Research Finding
In the research finding, there are some dimensions found in the field that
need to be presented. The dimensions are the implementation of debate in
teaching speaking to the first year students of RSBI class at SMP N 1 Boyolali,
it includes of the procedures in teaching speaking using debate, the activities in
teaching speaking using debate, the problems faced by the teacher and the
students in teaching speaking using debate, and the strengths, and weaknesses
of debate implementation.
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Before the writer presents the research finding, the writer presents the
goal of language teaching in junior high school. The main goals of 2004
curriculum especially in English as a foreign language are: (1) to develop the
ability to communicate in oral or written form in the fourth skills (reading,
speaking, listening, and writing), (2) to increase the awareness of the essential
and the importance of English as a foreign language as a means of
communication, and (3) to develop the students understanding of the languages
and culture relevance and to enlarge the culture firmament (Depdiknas, 2004: 5)
1. The Implementation of Debate Technique in Teaching Speaking to the
First Year of RSBI Class at SMP N 1 Boyolali
There are some dimensions found in the implementation of debate
technique that need to be presented. They are the procedure of teaching
speaking using debate, the kinds of activities in teaching speaking using
debate, and the problems faced by the teacher in teaching speaking using
a. The Procedures in Teaching Speaking Using Debate.
In teaching English, the teacher should use the time wisely to meet the
purpose of the lesson. The time duration of every meeting is 80 minutes.
The RSBI school has 6 x 40 minutes per week schedule for English subject.
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In teaching speaking of RSBI class, the teacher uses a debate technique
as an activity to develop the students’ speaking skill. Debate activity is
expected to train the students’ courage to present an argumentation in their
mind and their opinion. Debate activity is given by the teacher every two
weeks, usually on Saturday. Debate is given to the students in the second
This observation was done three times. In this section, the writer
describes some procedures that had been done by the teacher during the
observation. In the observation, the writer found that there are five steps of
teaching speaking using debate. They are opening the class, explanation,
consultation, practice, and closing the class. The description of the learning
procedures of teaching speaking using debate will be explained as follows:
1) Opening Class
The teacher used opening session to focus the students’ attention.
He uses greeting before beginning the study. The teacher came to the
class and greeted them. He asked the students about their condition
“Good morning students? How are you today?”. The teacher also
asked about the students’ attendance “Anybody absent today?”. After
that, the teacher asked the students to prepare the book, dictionary, pen,
and note book. The teacher said “ok students, now you can prepare all
your learning instruments before the material is started”.
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The writer found that the English teacher in SMP N 1 Boyolali
always uses the opening class session to greet and to know the students
condition. The teacher always asks the students’ attendance.
2) Explanation
Before explaining the material of debate, the teacher reviewed
the topic of debate that has been taught in the previous meeting. After
that, the teacher gives explanations about debate. The teacher explains
the procedures of debate activity and the topic related with debate. The
new material of debate usually had been given by the teacher in the
previous meeting before debate class schedule.
The materials of debate are controversial topic. For examples:
School is started at 6 o’clock.
Television has negative effect to children
The students bring the mobile phone to school
The teacher explains about the topic that related with debate
activity, such as asking agreement and disagreement, and expressing
opinion. He also gives some examples in order to make students clear.
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PRO (Agree)
Expressing an Agreement:
CONTRA (Disagree)
Expressing a Disagreement:
I agree ………
I think so
That’s right
That’s true
That’s correct
I am in complete agreement
with you
I disagree…….
I can’t agree with…
I don’t think so
That’s not true/right
I see what you mean, but…
That may be true, but………
Expressing Opinion:
I think (that)………………….
I felt (that) ……………………
In my opinion, ………………
As for me, I think ……………
That’ good, but………………
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After the teacher had written those expressions, he asked the
students to follow her speech in order to check the students’
pronunciation. Then, the next activity is making debate. The students
are divided into 5 groups and each group consists of 4-6 students.
Based on the explanation above the writer concludes that the
teacher has explained it clearly. The teacher tries to handle the class
and create interesting situation in order to make students not bored and
more active.
3) Consultation
After finishing his explanation and direction to do activity, the
next step is consultation. In the consultation, the class was talking about
those expressions. It means that, if the students had some questions or
they did not understand about the topic, they could consult by raising
the hand then conveying the question. In this session, the teacher gave a
chance to the students to ask some questions if they did not understand
the material.
Here, the writer concludes that the teacher always gives the
opportunity the students to share about their problems in mastering the
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4) Practice
In this session, the teacher begins the debate activity. The
students practice the debate activity with the material or the topic that
had been gotten from the teachers’ explanation.
The teacher asked the students to make five groups that
consisting of 4 until 6 students with randomly. The first group for pro,
second group for contra, third group for mediator, the fourth group for
defender of the first group (pro group) and the fifth group for defender
of the second group (contra group). The students did the debate activity
based on the topic that is given by the teacher. The teacher as facilitator
provides the material, controls the implementation of debate and gives
the score to the students.
5) Closing class
Before the teacher closed the meeting, he concludes the result of
the material that had been learned especially the result of debate
activity. After that, the teacher appreciated the students’ attention and
participation “Thanks for your attention and your participation”. Then,
he closed the meeting by greeting “Good Morning/Good Afternoon and
See you in the next meeting”.
In this session, the teacher closed the meeting with friendly
sentence like “Thank for your attention and See you in the next
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meeting”, it means that the teacher really wanted to make the students
feel comfortable in all steps of teaching English. This condition would
make the students enjoyable and receive all the material easily.
b. The Kinds of Activities in Teaching Speaking Using Debate.
Based on the interview and observation in the classroom at the first
year of RSBI class (VII-F) in SMP N 1 Boyolali, there are some data that
are necessary to be presented. The debate is an activity or technique that is
implemented by the teacher to improve quality of learning English. This
technique is used in teaching speaking. This technique has purposes to
develop the students’ speaking ability.
The activities in the debate are:
1) The teacher gives explanation about debate.
The teacher explains the material related the debate. He also
explains about the implementation of debate.
2) The teacher asked the students to form some groups.
The students are divided into 5 groups with randomly. Every
group of debate consists of 4 – 6 students.
The teacher formulates the groups of debate as follows:
a) The first group for pro
b) The second group for contra
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c) The third group for mediator
d) The fourth group for defender of the first group (pro groups)
e) The fifth group for defender of the second group (contra groups)
The scheme of debate activities:
3) The teacher gave the topic of debate to the students.
The topic of debate is about the issues that are controversial. The
topic of debate usually is given by the teacher in the previous meeting
before the debate is done.
(5 Students)
(6 Students)
(5 Students)
(4 Students)
(4 Students)
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4) The teacher asked the students to divide the duty in every group.
The duties of every group are the speaker, the material manager,
and summarizer. All of students should be active in debate. Every
student should give an argument.
5) The teacher gives several times to the students for develop their
The teacher asked them to discuss with their friend in a group.
The students can make notes to ease them in presenting their
6) Debate is started.
The students in every group do the debate. As facilitator, the
teacher provides the material, controls the implementation of debate
and gives the score to the students based on grammar, fluency,
performance and diction.
In the implementation of debate activity, there are some steps;
the speaker of the contra group presents the argument, then the speaker
of pro group also presents the contradiction of argument till conceived
the debate situation between pro and contra groups. The defender of
pro and contra groups also give their argumentations. Sometimes the
mediator groups asked to give their opinion. Debate activity is done
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like that until all of the students get the opportunity to present their
7) Debate is finished
When the debate is considered enough, the teacher finishes the
debate. The students sit down in their own chair. Then, the teacher and
the students conclude the topic or the material of debate together.
Giving the comment about the problem that faced when debate is
done. After that, the teacher and the students formulate the best
argument that made by every groups.
c. The Problems Faced by the Teacher and the Students in Teaching
Speaking using Debate.
From the interview that the researcher conducted to the teacher, there
are some problems faced by the teacher in the teaching speaking. It occurs
in this school. The following are some problems faced by the teacher in
teaching speaking using debate.
1) The Problems Faced by the Teacher
a) Classroom Management
RSBI class is different from the general class. RSBI class only
consists of 24 students but the students are very active in debate
activity. They are very noisy in the debate. Sometimes the students can
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emotional in debate. So, the teacher got difficulties to control all of
students’ activities in the presents of their argument. The teacher said
“Jumlah siswa kelas RSBI hanya 24 siswa per kelas, tetapi
mereka sangat aktif dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar. Hal
inilah yang membedakan dengan kelas regular. Bisa
dikatakan bahwa siswa kelas RSBI mempunyai kemampuan
yang lebih jika dibandingkan dengan kelas regular
khususnya dalam mapel bahasa inggris” (Riyanto, March
28th 2009)
b) Limited Time
The English schedule in RSBI class is 6 x 40 minutes in a week.
In every meeting of the English subject is 2 x 40 minutes. The time is
not enough for teaching speaking especially for debate activity.
Sometimes, the teacher feels difficult to manage the time, because
debate activity need a long time in order to all of the students can
practice their speaking ability. The teacher said that
“Jadwal pelajaran bahasa inggris dalam setiap pertemuan
hanya 2 x 40 menit. Jadi dalam pengajaran speaking, waktu
sekian sangat terbatas. Apalagi dalam kegiatan debat,
waktu 80 menit masih sangat kurang, hal ini dikarenakan
dalam kegiatan debat membutuhkan waktu yang cukup lama
agar semua siswa dapat berargument”. (Riyanto, March
28th 2009)
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c) Different Capability of the Students
Every student has different capability in receiving the materials.
Some of them could learn the material and others learned it slowly.
This situation would make the process of debate does not run well. The
teacher said that
“Setiap siswa mempunyai daya tangkap materi dan
kemampuan berbicara yang berbeda, ada yang bagus
adapula yang menegah kebawah. Jika siswa yang belum
mengerti benar tentang materi dan dia tidak mau bertanya,
maka guru tidak akan tahu hal tersebut. Dan jika siswa
yang kemampuan berbicaranya pas-pasan dan mereka tidak
berani untuk mencoba akan semakin sulit”. (Riyanto,
March 28th 2009)
2) The Problems Faced by the Students
There are some problems faced by the students in learning
speaking, especially in the debate. Here, the writer presents the problems
faced by the students in debate activity of RSBI class at SMPN 1 Boyolali.
a) Grammar/Structure
It this case students have limited knowledge of grammar. The
limited knowledge of grammar makes them arrange the sentences
For example:
I am agree because it can to add spirit in study and also give
support me.
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It should be:
I agree because it can increase the spirit of my study and also give
support to me.
b) Pronunciation
The problem which is often faced by the students is about
pronunciation. They feel difficult to pronounce some words. the
mistake of pronunciation can make error of meaning and also makes
the sentences ambiguity.
For example:
Live show means pertunjukan langsung.
There are some students that are still wrong pronounce the word “live”.
There are students that pronounce this word [liv], [laif], and [liev].
Only little students pronounce correctly, that is [laiv].
c) Fluency
Fluency is also the problem that is often found. The students still
speak slowly. Maybe it is caused the students still limited knowledge of
grammar and also have limited vocabulary.
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d) Limited Vocabulary
Most of students have a problem about limited vocabulary, so they
get difficulties how to say the word in English. They also have a
problem how to arrange the sentences in good order. Limited
vocabulary can make the students used mixed language. For example
when they do not know about the word in English, they will speak in
Indonesian. So, they speak in Indonesian and English in one time.
e) Nervousness
In this case, the students are often afraid to perform the debate. It
happens to all beginner level. They feel that they cannot comprehend
the materials.
The students are afraid or nervous if they are wrong in expressing
their argument. They are afraid if they are asked to speak up and
express their opinion.
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2. The Strengths and Weaknesses of the Implementation of Debate
From the observation of the debate implementation in teaching
speaking at RSBI class of SMP N 1 Boyolali, the writer is going to present
some strengths and weaknesses dealing with the debate technique
a. The Strengths of Debate Technique Implementation
Implementation of debate technique in teaching speaking to the first
year students of RSBI class at SMP N 1 Boyolali has a lot of strengths, as
1) Debate as one of teaching techniques that makes the students interested
in the speaking teaching-learning process.
The students are very active in debate activity. The students are
also very enthusiastic in debating. The student said that, ”debate is very
interesting to used as an activity in the teaching
speaking,……”(Berlian, April 11th 2009).
The writer have done interview:
Interviewer : Fatimah Yuliani (FY)
Interviewee : Berliantina
FY : “Hi, good morning, how are you?”
B : “Good morning Miss, I’m fine, and you?”
FY : “I’m fine too, Berlian.”
I want to interview with you about speaking.
B : “OK, miss.”
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FY : “Do you like speaking?”
B : “Yes, I like speaking”
FY : “Do you like debate technique that is used by
your teacher?”
B : “Yes, I do”
FY : “Why do you like debate?”
B : “Because debate is very interesting as an activity
in teaching speaking, and the topic that is
given by the teacher is very interesting to be
FY : “OK, Berlian, thank you”
B : “You are welcome, miss”
2) It trains the students to cooperation well with other friend in a group
In the debate activity, the students should be cooperative with
other friends in a group. The students can share their opinion each other
and they can discuss together.
3) It trains the students to give expression of their opinion or their
The student said that “menurut saya, debat membuat kita lebih
bersemangat dalam belajar dan tentunya melatih keberanian dalam
menyampaikan pendapat atau argumen” (Nuhraga, April 11th 2009).
The other opinion is stated by Putri (April 11th 2009), she states that
“debat membuat siswa berani mengeluarkan pendapat sehingga bisa
melatih mental kita”.
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4) The students are not easily bored, and they enjoy in debate activity
The students are very enjoyable in debating. The debate activity
does not make the students get bored, but they are very serious and
enjoy with debating.
5) The students are more ready to present the argument because all of
students get the opportunity to become speaker
In the debate activity, all of the students get the opportunity to
become speaker. The students should be ready to present their opinion.
They should be interaction with other groups.
6) It improves the students’ speaking ability
The students should be active in debating, so they are more ready
to present their argument. The students can develop their English
speaking skill.
The teacher said that, ”debat membuat siswa berusaha untuk
dapat berbicara bahasa Inggris dengan baik, untuk itu debat dapat
meningkatkan kemampuan atau ketrampilan berbicara siswa dalam
bahasa Inggris” (Riyanto, April 11th 2009)
b. The Weaknesses of Debate Technique Implementation
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Implementation of debate technique in teaching speaking to the first
year students of RSBI class at SMP N 1 Boyolali has also weaknesses, as
1) Debate is only used for certain subject especially in speaking subject
Debate cannot used in many subject. Debate is only used for
certain subject especially in speaking aspect.
2) The implementation of debate needs long times
Based on the observation, the implementation of debate needs
long times. Sometimes, schedule 2 x 40 minutes is not enough to
debate activity. Because of limited time, the debating is not effective.
3) Debate can make the students’ emotional in defending their argument
Sometimes, the students are very emotion in expressing their
argument, moreover if they must defend their stand or opinion which is
in contradiction with conviction themselves.
4) Teacher gets difficulties in controlling the debate implementation
The teacher said that, “ketika debat berjalan sangat alot, saya
sering merasa kesulitan dalam mengontrolnya. Apalagi ketika siswa
pada ngotot dan emosi dengan pendapat masing-masing” (Riyanto,
April 11th 2009)
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B. Discussion of the Finding
Based on the observation above, the writer discusses the finding on dimensions
the implementation of debate technique in teaching speaking to the first year students
of RSBI class at SMP N 1 Boyolali, and the strengths and weaknesses of debate
technique implementation.
1. The Implementation of Debate Technique in Teaching Speaking
The writer discussed the implementation of debate technique in teaching
speaking to the first year students of RSBI class at SMP N 1 Boyolali. SMP
Negeri 1 Boyolali is an international standardized school. This school has good
quality that is carried by multimedia facilities and classroom satisfied. This
school also uses bilingual in teaching learning process especially using English
language. Debate is implemented in teaching speaking RSBI. The teacher of
the first year in SMP Negeri 1 Boyolali implements debate in the teaching
speaking. The teaching learning process aims to enable the students speak the
target language. The implementation of debate technique includes the
procedure, the activities and the problem faced in using debate.
Based on the observation, the teacher uses five procedures of teaching
speaking using debate technique. They are opening the class, explanation,
consultation, practice, and closing the class. The writer concludes that the
procedures used in teaching speaking using debate can create the interaction
between the teacher and the students. By using those procedures, the students
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do not feel bored and surfeited. They are more enjoyable in receiving the
materials of debate explained by the teacher. From the description above, the
procedures are effective in teaching speaking. That procedure of using debate
used by the teacher can support the students’ learning.
In the teaching speaking using debate, there are some activities. Those
activities are; (a) the teacher gives explanation about debate, (b) the teacher
asked to the students to form some groups, (c) the teacher gave the topic of
debate to the students, (d) the teacher asked the students to divide the duty in
every group, (e) the teacher gives at several times to the students for
developing their arguments, (f) debate is started, (g) the teacher gives score to
the students in the present of their argument, (h) debate is finished. From those
activities in teaching speaking using debate, the students do not feel bored. The
students are very interested in following the debate activity.
In the implementation debate technique in teaching speaking, there are
some problems faced by the teacher and the students. The problems faced by
the teacher are classroom management, limited time, and different capability of
the students. While, the problems faced by the students are grammar/structure,
pronunciation, fluency, limited vocabulary, nervousness. The problems that
faced by the teacher and the students should look for the problem solving.
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2. The Strengths and Weaknesses of Debate Technique Implementation.
In the teaching learning process the strength and weaknesses are always
found. Likewise in the using of active learning technique are also found
strength and weaknesses. In debate technique implementation, there are
strengths and weaknesses. The strengths are; (a) Debate as one of teaching
techniques that makes the students interested in the speaking teaching-learning
process, (b) it trains the students to cooperation well with other friend in a
group, (c) it trains the students to give expression their opinion or their
argument, (d) the students are not easy bored, and they are very enjoyable with
debate activity, (e) the students are more ready to present the argument because
all of students get the opportunity to become speaker, (f) it improves the
students’ speaking ability.
The weaknesses of debate technique implementation are; (a) debate is
only used for certain subject especially in speaking subject, (b) the
implementation of debate needs long times, (c) debate can make the students’
emotional in defend their argument, (d) the teacher gets difficulties in the
controlling of debate implementation.
The writer concludes that debate is an active learning technique that
makes the students interested to follow the teaching-learning process. Debate
gives many benefits to the students in improving their speaking ability. Debate
makes the students active in teaching learning process. Debate is teaching
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strategy to improve verbal communication and critical thinking skill. Debate is
effective to be used as teaching speaking technique because it trains the
students to cooperation well with other friend in a group and it also trains the
students to give expression their opinion or their argument. Debate becomes
not effective because it needs long times and it also makes the students’
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In this chapter, the writer draws the conclusion and proposes the suggestion as
A. Conclusion
After describing and analyzing the data, the writer draws some
conclusions based on the result of observation of the implementation of debate
in teaching speaking to first year students of RSBI class in SMP N 1 Boyolali as
1. The teacher uses five procedures in the implementation of debate. They
are opening the class, explanation, consultation, practice, and closing the
2. In the teaching speaking using debate the activities are;
a. the teacher gives explanation about debate
b. the teacher asked to the students to form some groups
c. the teacher gave the topic of debate to the students,
d. the teacher asked the students to divide the duty in every group
e. the teacher gives any times to the students for develop their arguments
f. debate is started
g. the teacher give score to the students in the present their argument
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h. debate is finished
3. The problems faced by the teacher are classroom management, limited
time, and different capability of the students.
4. The problems faced by the students are grammar/structure, pronunciation,
fluency, limited vocabulary, nervousness.
5. The strengths of debate technique implementation, are:
a. Debate as one of teaching techniques that makes the students interested
in the speaking teaching-learning process.
b. It trains the students to cooperate well with other friends in a group
c. It trains the students to express their opinion or their argument
d. The students are not bored, but they are very enjoyable in debate
e. The students are more ready to present the argument because all of
students get the opportunity to become speaker
f. It improves the students’ speaking ability
6. The weaknesses of debate technique implementation, are:
a. Debate is only used for certain subject especially in speaking subject
b. The implementation of debate needs long times
c. Debate can make the students control emotion in defending their
d. Teacher get difficulties in control the debate implementation
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B. Suggestion
Having concluded about the implementation of debate technique in
teaching speaking to the first year students of RSBI class at SMP N 1 Boyolali.
The writer would like to propose some suggestions to the teacher and school as
to the students.
1. To the teacher and school
a. The teacher should motivate the students to be more active in using
English everyday.
b. The teacher should develop the creativity when the teacher conducts
teaching-learning process.
c. For the school, the school should increase the facilities of teachinglearning
process. And the school is more increase the program of RSBI
2. To the students
a. The students should practice using English everyday and everywhere
as well as possible.
b. The students should be more active in producing English in all skill
especially in speaking skill.
c. The students should study more and enrich the vocabulary to increase
their knowledge by making a list of vocabulary and then they can
memorize those vocabularies.
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1. Chancy, AL and T.L, Burk. 1998. Teaching Oral Communication in Grades
K-8. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
2. Depdiknas, Kurikulum 2004, Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris. Jakarta, 2004
3. Fauziati, Endang. 2002. Teaching of English as Foreign Language (TEFL).
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4. Feminawaty, Dyah. 2007. The Implementation of Communicative Language
Teaching in Teaching Speaking at The First Year of SMP N 1 Suruh.
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7. Maryadi. 2008. Paradigma Pembelajaran dan Strategi Pembelajaran Aktif.
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9. Rombepajung, JP. 1988. Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Bahasa Asing,
Sebuah Kumpulan Artikel. Jakarta: Departemen Pendidikan dan
10. Sudrajat, Ahmad. 2008. Pengertian Pendekatan, Strategi, Metode, Teknik,
Taktik dan Model Pembelajaran. Retived from:
11. Sugianto, Eko. 2008. Improving Students’ Speaking Ability in Expressing
Agreement and Disagreement Act by Using Question and Answer
Technique in SDN 02 Growong Kidul Juwana-Pati. Unpublished
Research Paper. Surakarta: UMS
12. Surakhmad, Winarno. 1990. Pengantar Interaksi Mengajar Belajar.
Bandung: Penerbit Transito
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http://, Accessed on September 30th, 2008.
y/strategies/tsvels3speak.htm. Accessed on September 30th, 2008., Accessed on September 30th, 2008., Accessed on September30th, 2008., Accessed on April 19th, 2009
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Interview with the Students
Place : SMP N 1 Boyolali
Classroom of VII F-RSBI
Time: on Saturday, April 11th 2009
a) Interviewer : Fatimah Yuliani (FY)
Interviewee : Berliantina
FY : “Hi, good morning, how are you?”
B : “Good morning Miss, I’m fine, and you?”
FY : “I’m fine too, Berlian.”
I want to interview with you about speaking.
B : “OK, miss.”
FY : “Do you like speaking?”
B : “Yes, I like speaking”
FY : “Do you like debate technique that is used by your teacher?”
B : “Yes, I do”
FY : “Why do you like debate?”
B : “Because debate is very interesting as an activity in teaching
speaking, and the topic that is given by the teacher is very
interesting to be debated”
FY : “OK, Berlian, thank you”
B : “You are welcome, miss”
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Place : SMP N 1 Boyolali
Classroom of VII F-RSBI
Time: on Saturday, April 11th 2009
b) Interviewer : Fatimah Yuliani (FY)
Interviewee : Maulia Kalpika Putri (MKP)
FY : “Hi, good morning, what is your name?”
MKP : “Good morning Miss, my name is Maulia Kalpika Putri”
FY : “Putri. Bolehkah saya ngobrol dengan kamu tentang pelajaran
speaking inggris”
MKP : “Tentu saja, miss.”
FY : “Putri, apa kamu suka dengan teknik debat yang digunakan
guru kamu dalam pembelajaran speaking?
MKP : “Iya miss, saya suka”
FY : “Apa alasan kamu?”
MKP : “Debat membuat siswa berani mengeluarkan pendapat
sehingga bisa melatih mental kita”
FY : “Sudah lamakah aktivitas debat digunakan dalam pembelajaran
MKP : “Belum miss, debat baru diberikan pada awal semester 2.
Biasanya pak guru memberikannya setiap 2 minggu miss”
FY : “Kemudian, adakah kesulitan yang kamu temui dalam
pembelajaran speaking, khususnya dalam debat?”
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SAN : “Banyak miss, kesulitan saya antara lain grogi,
terus grammarnya sama vocabnya masih terbatas
FY : “OK, terima kasihPutri. Lebih banyak berlatih lagi aja yah?”
Semoga sukses selalu
SAN : “Iya miss, sama-sama. Terima kasih kembali miss.”
Place : SMP N 1 Boyolali
Classroom of VII F-RSBI
Time: on Saturday, April 11th 2009
c) Interviewer : Fatimah Yuliani (FY)
Interviewee : Satria Arif Nugraha (SAN)
FY : “Hi, good morning, how do you feel today?”
SAN : “Good morning Miss, I’m wonderfull”
FY : “I want to interview with you about debate
SAN : “OK, miss. But, I think we are sharing with Indonesian is better
FY : “No problem, Nugraha.
Apa kamu suka dengan teknik debat yang digunakan guru
kamu dalam pembelajaran speaking?
SAN : “Iya miss, saya suka”
FY : “Apa alasan kamu?”
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SAN : menurut saya, debat membuat kita lebih bersemangat dalam
belajar dan tentunya melatih keberanian dalam menyampaikan
pendapat atau argumen”
FY : “Apa kesulitan kamu dalam pembelajaran speaking, khususnya
dalam debat?”
SAN : “Banyak miss, kesulitan saya antara lain grammar,
proununciation dan fluency”
FY : “OK, terima kasih Nugraha. Lebih banyak berlatih lagi aja
SAN : “Iya miss, terima kasih kembali.”
Place : SMP N 1 Boyolali
Classroom of VII F-RSBI
Time: on Saturday, April 11th 2009
d) Interviewer : Fatimah Yuliani (FY)
Interviewee : Adya Resti Gestani (ARG)
FY : “Hi, good morning, what is your name?
ARG : “Good morning Miss, My name is Adya.”
FY : ”Adya, how are you today?”
ARG : “I’m fine, and you miss?”
FY : “I’m fine too.”
OK, I want to interview with you about speaking.
ARG : “OK, miss.”
FY : “Do you like speaking?”
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ARG : “Yes, I like speaking”
FY : “Do you like debate technique that is used by your teacher?”
ARG : “Yes, I do”
FY : “Why do you like debate?”
ARG : “Because debate is very interesting. I am not easily bored in
debate but I very enjoy”
FY : “Any problems in debate? ”
ARG : “Sometimes, the students are emotion when defending their
FY : “OK, I think enough. Thank you Adya?”
ARG : “OK, Miss. You’re welcome”
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Interview with the English Teacher
Place : Teacher Office of SMPN 1 Boyolali
Time : on Saturday, March 28th 2009
Interviewer : Fatimah Yuliani (FY)
Interviewee : Mr. Riyanto (R)
Topic : Teaching Speaking using debate
FY : “Selamat siang pak, boleh mengganggu waktunya sebentar? Saya mau
ngobrol tentang debat dalam pembelajaran speaking yang bapak terapkan.”
R : “Oya, selamat pagi mbak fatim. Tentu saja boleh, silakan!”
FY : “Sebelumnya terima kasih pak. Langsung saja pak, secara umum
kemampuan siswa kelas RSBI itu bagaimana sih pak?”
R : “Anak RSBI merupakan siswa pilihan. Jadi sebagian besar anak-anaknya
sangat aktif, dan kebanyakan kemampuan dalam berbicara bahasa inggris
sudah cukup lumayan disbanding kelas reguler”
FY :”Mengapa dalam pembelajaran speaking, Bapak menggunakan teknik
debat? Bukankah debat masih terlalu dini diberikan pada anak SMP kels
VII pak? Apa memang ini sesuai dengan silabus?”
R : “Sebenarnya dalam silabus tidak ada, namun guru diperbolehkan
mengembangkan teknik sendiri agar siswa dapat aktif dalam kegiatan
belajar mengajar. Untuk kelas RSBI debat cukup bisa diterima oleh siswa,
hal ini dikarenakan kemampuan siswa yang cukup baik”
FY : “Sejak kapan Bapak menerapkan teknik debat dalam speaking?”
R : “Tahun kemarin sudah saya terapkan. Debat saya pakai ketika semester
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FY : “Masalah apa yang Bapak temui ketika menerapkan debat sebagai teknik
R : “Masalah yang saya temui antara lain manajemen kelas, terbatasnya waktu,
dan kemampuan siswa yang berbeda-beda”
FY : “Dalam classroom management, masalah seperti apa yang bapak maksud?”
R : “Jumlah siswa kelas RSBI hanya 24 siswa per kelas, tetapi mereka sangat
aktif dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar. Hal inilah yang membedakan
dengan kelas regular. Bisa dikatakan bahwa siswa kelas RSBI mempunyai
kemampuan yang lebih jika dibandingkan dengan kelas regular khususnya
dalam mapel bahasa inggris sehingga dalam mengontrol managemen kelas
terdapat kesulitan.”
FY : “Kemudian dalam limited times, masalah seperti apa yang Bapak maksud?”
R : “Jadwal pelajaran bahasa inggris dalam setiap pertemuan hanya 2 x 40
menit. Jadi dalam pengajaran speaking, waktu sekian sangat terbatas.
Apalagi dalam kegiatan debat, waktu 80 menit masih sangat kurang, hal ini
dikarenakan dalam kegiatan debat membutuhkan waktu yang cukup lama
agar semua siswa dapat berargument”.
FY : “Kemudian untuk yang perbedaan kemampuan siswa seperti apa pak?”
R : “Setiap siswa mempunyai daya tangkap materi dan kemampuan berbicara
yang berbeda, ada yang bagus adapula yang menegah kebawah. Jika siswa
yang belum mengerti benar tentang materi dan dia tidak mau bertanya,
maka guru tidak akan tahu hal tersebut. Dan jika siswa yang kemampuan
berbicaranya pas-pasan dan mereka tidak berani untuk mencoba akan
semakin sulit”.
FY : “Kalau kesulitanm atau masalaah yang terdapat pada siswa itu sendiri
biasanya apa Pak?”
R : “Banyak mbak, biasanya Grammar tu yang paling sering menjadi masalah.
Yang lainnya pronunciation, fluency, limited vocab dan nerves”
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FY : “Menurut Bapak apa kelebihan dan kekurangan teknik debat itu?”
R : “Kelebihannya sebenarnya banyak. Kalu menurut sya pribadi, debat dapat
menarik siswa untuk aktif dalam proses kegiatan belajar mengajar. selain
itu, dapat melatih siswa untuk saling bekerja sama dalam satu kelompok
dan melatih untuk berargumen sehingga dapat meningkatkan kemampuan
mereka. Sedangkan kelemahannya Debat membutuhkan banyak waktu,
siswa biasanya sering emosi ketika berdebat, dan yang paling sulit ketika
mengontrol jalannya debat karena ketika debat berjalan sangat alot, saya
sering merasa kesulitan dalam mengontrolnya. Apalagi ketika siswa pada
ngotot dan emosi dengan pendapat masing-masing.”
FY : “Oh, begitu ya Pak. Kalau begitu, mungkin ini dulu Pak. Lain kali jika ada
yang masih saya butuhkan saya menemui Bapak lagi. Terima Kasih Pak”
R : “Iya mbak, sama-sama.”
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Wali Kelas : Sri Wulandari, S.Pd.
No. Students’ Number Name
1 12187 Adi Cahyo Pangestu Jati
2 12188 Adya Resti Gestiani
3 12189 Amalia Nurina Putri
4 12190 Berliantina Dianita P
5 12191 Birowo Adi Prabanto
6 12192 Diandini Etika Permata S
7 12193 Dyah Ayu Dina A
8 12194 Herdhyanto Putro
9 12195 Ibrahim Sinay
10 12196 Kahfi Ikradesi
11 12197 Maulia Kalpika Putri
12 12198 Muhammad Fahmi
13 12199 Nur Fitria Dias Prismawati
14 12200 Renanda Adi Nugraha
15 12201 Restu Fajar Nurhayati
16 12202 Reymon Agra Medika
17 12203 Reza Aria Sadewa
18 12204 Rian Faishal Arkhan
19 12205 Rifazan Cahya Utama P
20 12206 Rima Dharmastuti
21 12207 Satria Arif Nugraha
22 12208 Windi Astuti
23 12209 Yoffi Indityana Sari
24 12210 Zaqqi Ayu Sulistyaningsih
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Copy of Students Score in Debate Activity
Teacher : Riyanto, S.Pd.
Debate activity, on Saturday April 11th 2009
No. Students’
Number Name Grammar Fluency Performance
Diction Average
1 12187 Adi Cahyo Pangestu Jati 65 60 70 65
2 12188 Adya Resti Gestiani 85 75 80 80
3 12189 Amalia Nurina Putri 80 80 80 75
4 12190 Berliantina Dianita P 75 75 75 75
5 12191 Birowo Adi Prabanto 60 65 65 70
6 12192 Diandini Etika Permata S 85 85 80 75
7 12193 Dyah Ayu Dina A 80 85 80 80
8 12194 Herdhyanto Putro 70 70 70 70
9 12195 Ibrahim Sinay 75 70 70 70
10 12196 Kahfi Ikradesi 75 80 75 80
11 12197 Maulia Kalpika Putri 80 80 80 75
12 12198 Muhammad Fahmi 70 75 70 70
13 12199 Nur Fitria Dias Prismawati 70 80 80 70
14 12200 Renanda Adi Nugraha 75 75 75 70
15 12201 Restu Fajar Nurhayati 70 70 70 70
16 12202 Reymon Agra Medika 75 80 75 70
17 12203 Reza Aria Sadewa 80 80 80 80
18 12204 Rian Faishal Arkhan 80 85 85 80
19 12205 Rifazan Cahya Utama P 75 80 70 70
20 12206 Rima Dharmastuti 80 75 70 70
21 12207 Satria Arif Nugraha 65 70 70 65
22 12208 Windi Astuti 70 70 75 70
23 12209 Yoffi Indityana Sari 85 75 75 80
24 12210 Zaqqi Ayu Sulistyaningsih 80 75 70 75
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Pada hari ini: Sabtu Tanggal: 15 November 2008, jam: 09.00 WIB. Berdasarkan
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Muhammadiyah Surakarta Perihal Penunjukan Dosen Pembimbing Utama dan
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1. Nama : Drs. Djoko Srijono, M.Hum.
Pangkat/Pangkat/Gol : Lektor Kepala/ Pembina Utama Muda/ IV.C
Jabatan : Pembimbing Utama
2. Nama : Mauly Halwat Hikmat, S.Pd., M.Hum.
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2. Proposal 1 Maret 2009 Lancar
3. Rencana Penelitian 23 Maret 2009 Lancar
4. Kerangka Penelitian 24 Maret 2009 Lancar
5. Pengumpulan Data 1 April 2009 Lancar
6. Analisa Data 13 April 2009 Lancar
7. Penyusunan / Penulisan Skripsi 20 April 2009 Lancar
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