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Demo of masterpage - 5 pages

2. Demo of query string - welcome name and surname
3. Grid view - Edit,update,Delete
4. Demo of Fileuploader and display image
5. Count number of visitor
6. Calc - viewstate or hidden,shared var
7. Image map demo - HotSpot create and display
8. Select rollno and display personal info in second page.
9. Give demo of theme
10. Give demo of session
11. Admin panel and user panel
12. Create user,Login , Forget password,Table
13. Create feedback form and display to admin
14. Give demo of IspostBack and AutoPostBack
15. Add cart,Edit and Delete
16. Session_Start and Session_End
17. Cookies Store your basic info and display in second page
18. Give demo of Response.Redirect with condition and Response.write
19. Select State and display Cities in second page.
20. Depends on username and password redirect to admin or normal user.
21. Panel, Multiview, Placeholder
22. Create student form with all the validation.
23. Change master page and theme - Session, query string, Drop down
24. Search module - Range mobile and display
25. A - Z and search customer
26. Album and display (folder and database wise)
27. Update record according to ID passed in textbox.
28. EMI search from database ,if not then add , display , 2 or 3 parameter
29. Poll using Application or DB
30. Add all the events, page, session , application.
31. Calendar with literal and session second page.

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