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Dengue is transmitted by the bite of an Aedes mosquito infected with any

one of the four-dengue viruses. It occurs in tropical and sub-tropical areas of the

world. Symptoms appear 3—14 days after the infective bite. Dengue fever is a

febrile illness that affects infants, young children and adults.


Predisposing factors: Precipitating


Age Dirty water, stagnant water

Female Aedes Aegypti

Viruses in the saliva of the mosquito enters the blood stream of the host through
the bite

Increased production of WBC Virus in the circulation Increased BMR

Virus enters the organs in the RES

body temp.
Virus destroys the cells in the RES in order to multiply

Virus enters the circulation

Virus coats the platelets

The WBC recognizes platelets as foreign bodies

WBC attacks the platelets

Platelet destruction

Decreased platelet count

Decreased hgb and hct Altered clotting Bleeding

Decreased oxygen in circulation Hypovolemic shock

Tissue hypoxia Death




Key interventions to include: prompt and effective treatment with

artemisinin-based combination therapies; use of insecticidal nets by

people at risk; and indoor residual spraying with insecticide to control the

vector mosquitoes.

Cleanliness of the house to prevent vector sites for insects

Early clinical diagnosis and careful clinical management by

experienced physicians and nurses increase survival of patients.

Keeping unscreened windows and doors closed

Keeping window and door screens repaired

Getting rid of areas where mosquitoes breed, such as standing

water in flowerpots, containers, birdbaths, discarded tires, etc.


• Getting plenty of bed rest

• Drinking lots of fluids

• Taking medicine to reduce fever

Nursing Responsibility

- Provide health teaching on how to prevent vector borne


- Discussing ways maintaining cleanliness in their


- Discussing different complications or diseases that they

can acquire

Conclusion and Recommendation

In preventing vector borne diseases is easily being controlled if you are

willing to cooperate. You will see in just cleaning our house we can prevent those

diseases. By gaining knowledge, you can use it to help your family. This health

teaching will help you to get some information and it will teach you to prevent

different ways the occurrence of diseases.


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