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and Fox
ne day Rabbit was sat down in the woods.
“I am getting a bit hungry, I will nip to Fox’s house as he
has some peas.”
When he got to Fox’s house he thought, “I will just take 2
or 3.”
But... 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11, there only a few more
Off he went to eat some.
One hour later Fox got back, “where are my peas !!!”
“Oh,” thought Rabbit, “I have taken them all. I am in
The fox started looking for the peas and while, to the rabbit
it it happened to him to look for green small stones
that they were supplanting to the peas consumed by the
The rabbit took approximately 10 green stones and put
them close to the peas that the fox had stored, on having
turned the fox of his search, thought: what a stranger!, I
was thinking that I had lost the peas, the fox decided to eat
up them and since they were very hard, the teeth split him,
the upset rabbit became his friend and promised him to
the fox to bring him every day show restraint blandita that
puiera to eat, since then both were very good friends.

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