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• First meeting in the Wellantcollege

VMBO in Dordrecht (Holland).

• Date: 3-7 November.
• Countries involved in the project:
Portugal, Finland, Italy, Holland and

• Salimos de Oporto, donde nos reunimos con Horacio y

Manuela, los profesores portugueses.
• Llegamos a Ámsterdam y subimos al tren dirección a
Dordrecht. Luego fuimos al colegio donde nos dieron la
bienvenida. Más tarde nos presentaron a nuestras respectivas
Instalaciones del colegio
• Fuimos al colegio e hicimos una presentación sobre Galicia.
Dimos ideas para el proyecto por grupos. Nos enseñaron el
colegio y luego la ciudad. Volvimos a casa y cenamos con
nuestras familias.
The windmills,
declared a UNESCO
monument’’ 
• Dordrecht
• Por la mañana mientras los profesores trabajaban en el
proyecto nos enseñaron a hacer arreglos florales. Después de
comer fuimos a ver los molinos y dimos un paseo en barco por
el parque natural ``De Biesbosch´´ donde intentamos ver
castores pero estaban durmiendo.
• Visitamos el ``Weizigtpark´´ en cuyo invernadero profesores y
alumnos plantaron un olivo. Aquí podéis ver a Eloy trabajando,
y cogiendo una pala por primera vez en su vida y con tenis
This is Rotterdam .
The famous cubic houses
I love them
Paseo en barco
Rotterdam harbour

From the boat we took a lot of photos.

• Rotterdam
has got
really interesting
It was the first time that I lived with a
family that I didn`t know. At first, I was
nervous, but then I really felt
comfortable. The girl I lived with, Amber,
was really nice.
I liked Holland!!
I did no t like the weather,it was te rrible !!!
The time table,I hate d it,they have dinne r at 6
o ’c loc k!
S ome dutc h traditio nal fo o d,it tas te d we ird to
me …

I like d the arc hite c ture ,it was wo nde rful!

The s c ho o l that was e no rmo us ,and the tipic al
windmills ,I lo ve d them.

In c o nc lus io n,Holland was g re at.

My Impressions
• “In Holland people always
ride a bike. They have
dinner at six o’clock and
they eat a sandwich at
lunch time.They go to bed
at ten o’clock they eat a lot
of times in one day. I like
their landscapes and mills
but I don’t like riding a bike
and staying with a family
because it’s difficult, you
miss home. I really liked
Eloy Táboas
The teachers !

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