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writing & editing

documentation production and distri-
bution processes, the answer became
clear: provide frequently updated PDF
documentation on an existing company
Web site. The process made sense for
the customers and the technical writ-
ing team, but how would I convince
management? The sections below out-
line recommendations for promoting a
paperless documentation system within
your company.

Determine Customer Preferences
The most compelling reason for
changing a process in a customer-
centered company is listening to the
voice of the customer. What do custom-
ers really want? What type of documen-
tation will they use? The best way to find
BY LISA EARL, Member out is to ask them.
Start by surveying a sample of custom-
Plugging a Paperless Process in a ers. Gather names from internal groups
such as the project management team

Customer-Centered Company to ensure a high response rate. Those

who work with customers often have the
most up-to-date customer contact infor-
mation, and they know which groups at
customer sites use the documentation.
You can also survey company employ-
ees who work directly with customers to
see what customers have been telling
them. It's always best to get feedback
directly from customers, but employees
can be an additional source of informa-
tion. The more feedback you can gath-
er, the better.
In my survey, customers said they
wanted flexibility and accessibility. The
majority of those surveyed said they
wanted electronic documentation they
could print and that was frequently up-
dated on the company Web site. Elec-
tronic distribution would allow custom-
ers to print the entire user guide or just
(PHk elieve it or not, up until a year Because the company's products con- the sections they needed. It would also
I ago, printed user guides were sisted of both hardware and software, allow them to print as many copies as
^^^Jf the primary source of techni- providing a printable PDF of the docu- they needed. Once you determine what
cal information for my com- mentation was essential. In-product on- customers want, you can begin to ex-
I pany's customers. Why were line help alone wouldn't meet the needs plore how meeting this need will help
WMMKr we still stuck in the dark ages? of many of the products' users, espe- your company.
Company management was customer cially those using the hardware-driven
focused and didn't want to eliminate products. Calculate Cost Savings
what it thought was an essential service. I set out on a mission: to research a Printed documentation can be a huge
Providing free, printed user documen- better way to provide user documenta- expense. Some companies, especially
tation had been part of the company's tion. After surveying customers, review- larger ones, may not even know how
practice since its beginnings. ing printing charges, and mapping the much they're spending each month

i8 intercom
writing & editing

on printing user documentation. In my managers were supposed to do and what

case study, the figures for the company's they actually did sometimes differed.
printing costs were astounding: more See how your company's employees
than $16,000 a month for printing user would prefer to deliver documentation.
guides. In black and white. This figure If they prefer an electronic process, this
spoke for itself. Moving to a PDF solu- is just one more bargaining tool you can
tion on an existing Web site didn't cre- use with management.
ate any expenses for the company, and
it eliminated a huge one. Better Service
If you can prove such dramatic sav- Remember: You're not eliminating
ings in printing charges, it's easy to a service; you're adding a better one.
convince management to move to a pa- This point is key. When we rolled out
perless system. Then you can leverage the new process, naysayers thought we
these cost savings to request that your were slighting our customers by depriv-
company invest a much smaller sum ing them of hardcopy documentation.
to purchase new software tools to en- Employees had to see the benefits of
hance electronic documentation. This the process before they could sell the
allows a writing team to produce better idea to customers. In fact, the new pro-
documentation—making even the cost cess would mostly affect new customers,
savings ultimately benefit the customer. so company employees were the main
And learning new tools doesn't hurt guide. Today's technical writing tools group that needed to be convinced that
your resume. offer many possibilities. electronic documentation was better.
It takes time to convince those outside
Count Time Savings Benefits for Other Employees the technical writing field of the benefits
Producing documentation the old- Moving to an electronic documenta- of a paperless system. Keep your compa-
fashioned way takes time. At my com- tion process can offer benefits to a com- ny's employees informed. Send e-mails.
pany, the technical writing team was pany's project managers or whoever is Conduct Web-based training sessions
spending 300 hours per year on ad- responsible for ordering documenta- to demonstrate new processes. Show
ministrative tasks related to publishing tion and making sure customers receive customer survey results and before-
printed documentation. This time was it. and-after process maps for customers,
spent burning master CDs and shipping The paper documentation-ordering technical writers, and project managers.
them to the company's offshore print- process for project managers at my Demonstrate how to use the new docu-
ing facility. The forms that the writers company included fourteen steps. It mentation system and provide a tutorial
needed to complete for this process involved a two-week lag time while the for employees to refer to when needed.
were complicated and restrictive, mak- offshore printer produced and shipped Provide sample files showing the new
ing the process time-consuming and user guides. Project managers who electronic format.
frustrating. waited until the last minute to think Convincing company employees that
Calculate the time your writing team about customer documentation ended electronic is best is a continual process.
spends on tasks related to printing docu- up printing the documentation in the Keep reinforcing the benefits. Write
mentation. You might be amazed byjust office and traveling with it themselves. articles in any company newsletters,
how long these tasks take. Time tracking And the documents could be heavy. e-mails, or other forms of communica-
tools like Track-It! {www.numarasoftware In the paperless process, download- tion. Include FAQs, tips and tricks, and
.com) can be helpful, and even asking ing documentation takes only four instructions for using the new system.
writers to keep a log of how much time steps. This new process means that proj- Any new process involves change
they spend on printing-related tasks can ect managers no longer have to worry management. More important than
provide accurate information. about the documentation not arriving convincing employees that electronic
If you move to a paperless system, on time or the customer losing the doc- documentation is superior is getting
use time savings the same way you can umentation. There's no longer a need them to accept change. And change is
use extra money—to improve the doc- to order replacement copies. In addi- essential as new technologies allow us to
umentation. Allow writers to improve tion, the searchable PDF makes it easier better serve customers. ©
their skill set. The extra time and money for the project managers to find answers
might allow your writing team to learn to customer questions. Lisa Earl ( is a
X M L or a new word processing or on- Talk to the people in your company member of the Pittsburgh Chapter STC. She
line help tool. Writers could use the who deliver documentation to custom- is a technical and freelance writer in western
time to enhance the documentation ed- ers and map their process. You might Pennsylvania. She also organizes process-
iting process or develop a company style be surprised; in my study, what project improvement projects.

June 2008 intercom 19

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