Está en la página 1de 22


KlUGER 10/22


Fun Aut,o Conv,e·rsio'n Of 'The, Rug'er '1'0"'22 Sa'mi .. Au tom a,tiiic C.arbilne

FnllAuto Ruger lO{22:

Full Auto Conversion Manual


Ihe le9i11 construct ten ilnd posse$sfOil of a fu H,lI au rOiiial t i c !i'feapon 15 con tro n e'dl DY the' Blureau Of Al cohol , Iobacco, and: F'i rearms d1 vfs 1 O~ Of' the Ill. S. Tr@a:~ul',JI Depa,rtlme~t.

Pl'Ope'f application to the B.A. T.f .• awtllo!"ililt i(m , ,a nd ~eni11 ss i on illY 5 t Ib@ secured i)ef(;lre CQ1utr,ucting thi 5 i>r any oth@!" similar dev'l ce , Local aM state ]'aws vary and lIay restrict (lwn,ershfp of thts or simi 1'a1" type we'apons.

Se'v'el"e poe'naHTes are autho,rize.a>ors of thes,e 1 aws. Mi'l'llItem~n P'ubHc,ati,ons o,ffers til is; nfrQr'Ilii t i on, fell' ~ cllde!lli C s t YO)' of f1 rea rf115 des,; gl~ and di sc l ~1rn$ ~ny respons i boil it)' or 1 iabi lityfor the 1 m~¥'oper or i 11@9a 1 USe' 'o,f t h i s or othe'l"' s 'hn1l ~ r ;j e'v;ces .


'Tahle ,Of Contents



Intr-oouction ." _ .•......................... 1

I[ha'pter :Ii

. Sequ@nce of O,per-aUon "." "" 9

Chapter 2

Pa rt s T (I B-e ~lIIo,~ed Sllrni -A.u t{lll'~ t i c •••••.• 17

Chapter 3

Parts T~ ~e Modi'i~d 19

Chapter 4

Parts To Be Ma.nufactured 29

Parts List " " - _ .•........... 39


The purpos,e Of t his ma n u ~ 1 1: s to p1'"O\I'1 d~ the necessary ins true! i ens and manuf actur t ng da til re qui r,e d hr cenvers i On of th,!! Rug@r 10-22. semi -autonet te carD; net i'lito. ~ selective fj r@ automati c unit.

~iJen modt f'f ed to till! slllH:Hications ghell. the ~@a.I'IOI1 reU_I'ns lb sl!lIIi-automatic IfIlOde of Ol)eratiolll and ,,]so;) i;l! II QW~ 'fllny ,a'utollatic fllnctjolli~g' by movi'ng' the selector hl!~iIlr into the proper position.

liilll@ Ru:g,~r lO-U I!l~ de' i ts df!liIl!lt i' n 196~,., <lind h~s !becorn~ one (If the most. popul'ar f; I"Bilnn5 of its type In the world.

These <leaIlQn$ om:! logical cho,1 ces for-

ilutol11iltic conversf on bec(;I!u$!;! they have pr()verl thl!lIlselly@s te be ~\!l'11 ifiIlIde" ver)' rugged. ma+ntatn a relatively light Ij!fillight" and lire ada.ptabte to many dHferernt sightillg arrangements.

Ihe Ryg:er 1.0-22 fs an aconomtce l weapon to pUl"ch~ase ,. thereby inct'e.lJsing ] rs ava] 11aM I i ty to m~ ny pe r-son s hilil!pe re~ by the s t ru'gg Ii 119

ecom.OIl'I}' • ,N.e".. p r-1 cas to r tiM s t<il1da r-(i ,c,~ rb 1 III!

rM '1 n t,h.e $90'.(]1) til $HO.OO r~ng~. (;,000 CDr'i&i t i o~ used ea rb f nas call btl purchased f,o r a~prol(i l11atel y $-45. (1(1 to S,7!i. 00.

AFiotlil~1I" distililct advantage Qftlle 5ystern ~ s tll~.'t ~ft!JTIlit'l1 t'f em e'xpe'i'! $e'$ ~ ¥'e' ~e'ld to ,) mit Ii t!!l~ when compared! to va r1 ow s ,)e'l'ilt,e,rfi roe '~,)')~·tem!> •


lillie .22 L .a, cartr"idge ~ s 1 !rnHe,;! tn

i ts poitffir ,~'md range. bu t~ n tlil;B' full)" allJltOOla tit i1I'Qde, th.€! liO~22']~ ,~ formidabl€! weapon hr IThiIny appl i cati ons ,

Se·qlllence Of Operation

The \oje{!,p~n hwell {!,d~.p'tab]e to sHenoer co!'! s t ruc't 1 On~ nd Uis,e. H~~y vari '(lI.!$ So t(lck co:nfi 9~r~'t1 on. ~. rea va i 1 !l b l ,e. provfcl'f r'lQ gre:a tell" f1 ex i b i 1 i ty for intended U5e,

A 1:e~,k throllglh t he accompa.nyfng dr~~]ngs will glhe tli@ '~KaGt Qrlent~t1oTI lind reliltiolilship of the Pilr-tS cOliitroHililg t~eflrt!i!9 cYcle.

'To ,~cn,ie\le pos it.i ~O! and r1l11able flulnctioln1i!lg. t1ii8' tri g:g:er group for t h@ sel ec t~ ff re RJuge r 1.0- 22' wa s reM:s.] glled 1 nCQtPQn1ti ng t h@ ,b,~ 5 i c dies; gn o'r ths Bel gi a~, n~~'FAl West (JJermilln H~.- GJ bH n~ 'd 'f 11@fil11l1 11 es ,. 'BO t n of t.h;e$e

wE!a.p(ln~J'5'tem~ ar.e 1 E!gemla.lI",lI' tn p'~r1f'firlllanCe

~Jld W'@1ial:lility.

The mod1 f1 edl 10-22 still rstatns tne cl OS'~ @d-bo1:, mode af oper~t1~n.

WIM!n fi ri ~9 th@ lnC!<d.i ii ,e,d weapon, the (0],1: 0\\1- i~Q sequence of events occur:

NlJm~rous hi 91h ,c,~ p,~d ty Irf!~.g~.zi r!.e'$ \I. "'e

II~!I t l lib 1 e for IU se 1,11 th the Ruger 10~22. The

EATOnSUI'I'LY , ] NC,2 5 rd .,. CONDOR. ,25 rd .• Hl1CHIELL 50 rd". and TH:O:r:!PSIl}r~ s1l;yle- 51) rd •• dr,wn rDal9(1Z1r'!es p'r>Ov1de !!1UC~ g!'E!ll.terfl:extbn 1'ty o ~erthe :shn,jla, rd 10 rd. ma9~.1 f!le.

1. As.s umi n g' there i 5 a ].o~ded !fIIlg<l2 i ne ; n 'P 1 ac@ , t~e user ~tracts the Ib.oH h,aLIiI!ille {a!l!d bolt u$ei'l1i).~y) .... ~i eM! nta.tas the hill1U1l>er I'f:ario!'ard. TIii~ s ~ction ccepresses th.e ~,co,i 1 spl'ing.

2. As the h~il'fi'If;!r ~'lrnO$t com;pletes its r~arwa.rd r'O t.; t i Oil, t he bOot t,Q1t'I of t.he h~rrrne r cCII'I' t he 'top of t.h e· d hconlilec to r wn i en' n 1!.u:r~1 pi'vots. dO\Of1llW<l rd , I'e,le ~ sin 9 the S'B'~ r to ro tli~e l.Ipwa.rd into pos i tion ~g~i nst, th" ha.mmer. The en~agement b@tlK@@n thl!' hlitnmer and sur is not yet set 1ft t hi; S tIme becau Se the h alllre'i" 1 S· fuHy rota ted rellI"Wimj.

7.. ilt,~ 911 'lfe-m, p~r; I'It just M'f'~j're t.he bolt el osas comp11 etel.y., th~ top or 't~e 'f'Iedea.:se 1,8'v~r (hav'illlgi IP ,,'ev tcus T JI mO'l,!l(!(i I'\BI~ l"Wa I'd ) ilia ke $ eentaet 'wHh , r~dhm!d slot. milcllilined in t,he bol'.t(lfll of tile 'bo,] t , As the btl 1 t conti QUes f01"W!lrd mot i' 01'1. the re 1 ease' lever rctates forward. Through engageflient wi tho the catch tly lDilan s of ,a 1 a,'tera 1:1 !I po'sit-iolled l"Q,n pin, the, rel@as@ In,er rotates the' catch out of eng(l·91e«mmt wi th the hilllllJl!r .. (Soth t he catch and Fe 1 ea se 1 ev,e'r pivot 01'1 iI coomO!1 pin).

3. [)ur'i ng 1'.11.150 some initiill r@'iH'lIIard roovem.ent 1)1' the' bolt. ,81'1d Ila.rnrnel". the reh!ils!! l,@w;!r ilnd catch al se move rearwanl .~Hgllt~y. Th!! t'r-av@t (If the se paru 1 s U I1H.e d by tile eJector Il hll which is jimsitlOned throu'gh a stot in the release lever . Botli pil rt 5 n,~ ~:~, 'r ndependent tor-s i On1l s.pi"1 n.giS wh i ell 1'0 rce s them to ~ota u! r-E!ilnt<l Nil " The, s tat 1 Or1l~ I'jI' a~r'I111 of tine se sp!'1 ngs I oca tas againH the ejector p1'n. AS the baTt @l1ld hanmer Go:mp'e-~e thei r rearward travel. the e'ng:a'gement. sl!Irfao@ of the eaten is agaInst the h,almiBr I'B,ady to the • Du:rs t' note h.

4. ~hel1 the bolt Is fuHy retra,cted,. 1t is re 1 eased, Retol I s pri n 9 te n $1 on tlle'Fi pr~p~ Is it forward.

1. The weapon i s nolo' i n a 1 aaded and 'c,t)cle d position as. estebl1s·hedl in til,!:! s'~q,uence' above.

,2.. The safety should n.ow be m.oved to the ''-(IFF'' pcsf tien, (Thesilfety ts unal tered in this modH'ication andfunction's identiailly as l'Iefore. !By movi n91 the safety to ~OFF, n the lower lUgI of tll:e seer i s prol< i ded wi t h c1 ea ranee til enab 1 e (lownwa'r'd t.r'Qvel when thtf triglgeb" 'is dlepressed).

3.. Th.e se 1 ec tor 11 ever row s t ,be pn it h;ln~~ i f] the rem.T1'Iarc!, or • semi· pcsft i Qn ,. I i'i tlilh 1)0s'1- t ton a lug on the botton of the selector 1 ever III tvct w~ 111 b@ 'pus it h:rn@d i' n <I d.o,..n'NI~ rd pos H;·j 01'1 ~ndw 111 11101 t the upward travel o,f tlite raar sect i on of the tri' gger •.

5. At. thts same tnstent , the, ha!llTlller (re'l,!!'ased frQ!1I centect 1111 t h the bo-ttolt'l of the' bolt)o r,ota tes fonrard 50 Trglit 11 and secur"€ly e<ngag:,es rhe sear <lnd catch, (tloth P'I'8~i'OU51y positioned )ifl t1'l8'1 r re ~pecti ve engagement not. h@·~ .•

6 .. As, tfl'8 bo It ~ s mmri ng fo·r-wa rd .' l t $ tri P$ <I lfvE! eartr ~ digl!!frorn the 1lJiI9az i iii€! a no 'he9l1 n s to chamber ft,

4. [I.e P'1'e S 5 t~e tii"1 g~er. thereby r.e 1 'e,~ s 1 n g t~e sea r a n,d ha_rrane,f' engagement. The !lame'r, Ul)diErr' spring tens len !!'IOOl the hammer spd Mg}. rohte'~ fGf'i\IiIMst,ri king the real" of the firing ptn and detonating the cartridge.

5. nne b<[I~ t , {I(:til1l9 on the IlI"1!!Ss~1"1Il generatelil dur1 ng' tlte !'esul tlilit ex,plosto'l'! of de tenat i 00 j' I'I'!o~>es rea rwarcl" ext-rolc t t 119 ~nd, ejiect ~ ng thfi f1 fled!"'trl dg;e Case'.

6. 115 the bol t mOveS rearward, the I'e,le,ue lever mov,es as previolls:ly ,explained. As the 1l0H cllmpl'etl!~ re~nI~ ... d travel. t he di sconnec tor dfs!'!n9i~g;es the seal' enabling! it to be in I'wsH10'n 1f~;n' l"lE-eng"'9!.!ment '1i1 th the l1!"'mrnerr (~S, pre~10<u$ly descdbed).

J. These]ec'to'r le~el" lIl!Jst be p-o,sH1(J'ned in tne' fo.N~1"d or • BURST' position, J:M Uri's pestti em. the 1 ~g on 'the 'fo{!ttool of th~ Se'l@f!Wr , ever pho,t has ro'tated r€!a,rwardJe,noUlglh to aV'Did cont,u:t1' 1'1:9 the upper , r@ar a re,a of t h@ ui gg~r • Tille tr1 95113'1" in '!:Ih is 'po s it i 011 can be depressed furtlht:r.

4" FuI'l1y depr-en tlll~ tri ~g;e'r. th,ere'by releastrn9

the hamnner-s,ear ~,!'m9i1gemen't and r@sult'rn'll 11'1 detonatioTl of thie' c~rtridge (as descrl bed In #2-4) .

7' ,. iForwa rei bolt t rav@ 1 P'I! rforms th@ SillOO 1functhilils as previo!!s!)' de'scrfbed, For a]'loth:er shot to be f] red , tlile user mu st re l e;). se the t r'f gger ami tll@n depres.s it "-go ~ n to I"esu::ne 'tli!e s,equ:e,nc)e as, tles,cr1 bed.

S. The trilJlJer refll>!llnS depressed as the bolt cycle. Fe<lrfoiillll"ld.,,adin'9 ancl ejectfng the fi rfi{ij 'Case (liS described ill n'·5)"

6. lih@ re 1 ea se ~ ever and catch h~ V'E' Nl ta ted

rearward (as descr-i bed 1 n U-3).

( 3 ) A11Ll. iIIlliTO

7'. At the I",eamost tra .... el of the bo~ t ~!ld halTlmer. tlhe (I j SCOlillec tor p'1 \1'01:$ dO'Wl'IWil rd and re 1 e-c SI!!S t he se~ r to p~ .. ot ~pw~,rd. IHo~ve r" beca,lIIs!! the t r ~ 9ge1:" 'sear 01 ssembh' has rotated furthecr cd'own th~JI it did i n t'he ~ ~el1li· lOOaEh the ~ea;r is 1I0t i'Ii'Qii el1Qu'gh to ,eng,age the nilll1l1@'r. The catch secure I y engages th@ hamer "'bu,rst, nctch, 10 'tl'lel'eby ho ~ di n,g tIl.e Ih",mmer t"-ea l'Wa r;j as 'tlie be 1t, ..... ar-d trav@I, stripp1n'9 and cha~tJ,erin'g a 11v~ carlri~~e.

S. At the tnstant before the Dol t cl oses ~ompll!t@~yj the rel aase 1,~~,el'" contacts th@ be'lt, ptvots forwarll and dj S€!l'Ig'agesthe c,(ltch (as de scr-i b@1iI 1 n 11-7). nli s a II ow's tile to str i kl! ths fi ding pin alii! deto31at€ the cartr1 dge-

1. 'l'iliie we'apcm 1 s Hi ,a ]()adM and cocked pos'ft;'10"1 (as dl1i!s<crilil@din n~ij.

.2.. The< saf'l!!ty is, lIloVIl'C1 "OFF" (as deseri'bed

in lt2-2)_

TMs Cycle is r@[ll!ated untH till!! trl ggei'

'h~ 're] ea s edi. The sear 'CoIIl1 then ri se , 1 n 1:.€!rce p t

the hal!liler. i'l,ndl i"t''''rruptt~e firing cycle.


Se]ectol" is. set at "SEMI"_

180 Jt ts in c10sed pos it ion. Hlln:rI1iI!r 'is coc1ked. sear el'!ga,ged.

Releas@ level' allld catch have piivoh!d ifor!'lOi,rd. SM'ety ~O~·.

'It Mov; ng' safety to "OFF" and dep,resshll'9 tr'i!lge'r '~'ill ('i re' \\lea liIon •

S.el~cta, r 1 s $et~t uBURST". 5a,f'~t.y "O'Ff~.

1oI\Q,~pon h~s fi relil iI~d bolt is I1JI)Vllig fQrw<lrd under

re,c,oi 1 spdllg tI!lII~ion. -

Trigger h flJHy o;!Iepres5ed. loWl!r~n!ii ttle~e<JJ'r nose low flillllJgM ~Q not engilg@ l1itl11l1ler.

Re 1 ea S~ 1 ever and Cit tel'! h;L'Ie moved rea rwa rdl a,!Idi cste h ts ellgdg i ng bur~ t rlotch_


Wilen bO 1t Contacts and 'tr'~ pS 'tile release '1 ,e",er~'nd catch as,s,~ltll,}I. til@ hall11l1l~T' fa" 1 s to di~hmat~ cartr~rJ'ile.


~rt,s 10' Be Removed Seml-A.u'to

i)wet1l the des]gn ~;mdi cnaract>er1stics of the RU'Q@r IO~22, it hilS been nece~~;Lry til @1111l1- ,,~te- th~ I!I:~~ of the bol t Iock, arnd Dol t lock sflr1 ngi.

This 'WaJ'S necessa r y liIeca,us~ the re'le~se ]@vl1!r • reI' El .. se 1 eve r s~'rl rig, ,ca tc h > catch 5 pr i n,g'. ilnd pivot pi n Qt()upythe spa!ce where the's@ parts or'iginilll'y an loeated,

;0, 11 1 ot~er cllm:pon@nt~ it r@ u~~d ](1 til i s cOnver-



f 1

Bolt l~ck Sprin9


Palrts to Be' ,Modli'led

For" se 1 ee t- f~ I'e C t;mVlE!'''s~ en of tllie 11~ger 10-2.2, :minol' rood 1 Hcat1Q;"~ to $j x parn of the nam:lan:l ca rb,i ne 1's, requ t red., ftIe mOd i if i co. t Ions ,~Tl!il !purposil of !!la-ell ]~ deser ibed be l'm'l "

1. IR~ce 1 ver- D'r""~w1 119 .~ l.

lhe reeeher 'requt res tIW'" 1I16'" .X ,030 deo:!lp dt n 1 ed de te n t.:;., p(!sH i o~@d: ; n sue h' iI 'm.3Jon(!r a. to 51lCUrel'J locilt@ the ~Gsition ~, the

sill ector 1 (!Y(!r • .


2..liriggel' !ilOUS1nr l)r~w1n91 I 2.

TIh~e tr ~ 9QErr ' ~U$ i II'!I re'lU11 res, tha t a 1/3" 1101 e be d r~ He,d th mug h the boos i ng a.sf ndi - caJted. lihis f",~c 11 i tate s as semb 1 y of the edell/release lllver assernl:lly. Al:~Q, .. 7'(32'" he' e illlId 9fl6'" Tong! X 1/8" wIde s,l (!t is 1r'(!q[U1i"ed! as ind1uted tel aHow a5s-BQltlly of the s,e,lect.(lr le~ler asseeblj ,

3. St!Jd~ [lr,~""i ng ~ 3.

Th.e stock must be- ~l:tenldl~s sl!io~n to ,allow 'Gleanmee fo'i"' t,he selectilJ-r" le~eF ,~5s,eml:!ly.

# :2 9:o1t Loc~


IL BoH~ [111'"8'111; nl9I , 4.

~ Dolt r~qillir~s a .lot to b@ (;I~Chllllld or cut rnto th~ Ibottorn a. ; ndl; cated. Ihf s provi des a C Ol'ltc,c t 5'U rfa'cill illild prop~r t.imi In'g for contact wi th th~ i"ii! 1 eass 1 @\!'@r.

rooo !


5. T1"f99!tf; rull'"a\\lf~91 * 5"

Tha tr.J gger r'equ i ere. a small e 1 ea r-allle!!! cut to De ma de i rI the ~pj)e!". rea'r ~w'rt'i r;m 1It~'~,1r 'tlile dlscomlector pi 1'1 flo l e. The e~eb a rea must be l'i ]I!d {~S i ndicat~'d) to providJe further r(lt~t~o~ of tile tl'i9lger a$$!1imbly. lime der'aiwt!l'!j Calil be u sed as a te!1lP 1 ate fol' ] Qca't] on,:!!' 150. d~n1\l111i " 150 ;II • (130 sll'flll is Ilpo;o:.1 €!d i n po:~Hi on j n tlii@ sl {It at th@ po sit i on ] no i cate(j. TII1 s 1 s lIteceS$~,'I']t' to ] imh the i.!IjiI'W!l)rci travel of t'hesear' whe~ it disengages fram the dh.cormector.

D. H~rrm!!r- !luwi 1'19 ,~ 6.

A 'J !WIl:S1r" mlot~ iI ;,~ eet 1 'n t.;I tlll@ h~m:rm.. <IS 1 n,d k~ ted, Th 1 s engage s tne catch W:hien ,a~$,e~bled .


I' r--f.O!5

~ /,415-----'"

tid 11 1/l6" di~lD€!ter ;( .03Q' deep




()crm l/a" {. 125) dh_I1II!!te-r lho l' etl!it@u9h tr~gger hausing (for It lever ,& Ca.tch Pi vot Pin)

o-ru 7! 3,2" (.2187}

Q h,nreh r ~01 E! tllrrQ!,.Ig!1 ri9~t trigger ~aus~ng only

Se Tector Asst!mbly f s ! ns un eel i r'I Tri ggl~r Hou sin 9 by .,1 i'il~,i~,g thff 1~9S a,rld s,lot andlinsert1ng. S'~lectori s rotatw8d upwaiT'dls 900•

1.400 I

- ._ -, .•. ', r - -. ~ ~ ._. - ~ ~ _

, i +---.,--------

.... ~ _ ~ _J i

In le't stock 1111 thi ~ ~rea to p-rQ\lide for $el ectOr AsselTlbly.,

l ~~~Ksa.l t: I D11Wii NO ,3


True lbolt dJ~~i gin for tMe Ruger lO~Z2 was Igel! <it $~e lPoi~t. Bel ~~'~I!'e sh,olllmexall1pl,e,s ~il ch, For th'i $ IOOd if I c,," t i on , e,ach bolt elm rsed or]nt~rchiil!lged.

Old! Style! Bolt


lJi~gon,~l1y sh.1lded ~reill represents the flat $Iurfac@s 'of underside 0" ll<oH.


I j E!lOXY tJiiI! .~M m i iii 'thi s ,,:rea.

,150 X ,030

_j_ ~'T

----...11 .750 ,..1, .'__- I

. IV

% ,(.125)


fIrI,e' 'folllow]ng are '1;1~e !lew parts. r-l£!qu1 red for se I ec t- fi rr~ COnvet:~ hm of the Ihlgli!rW,~ 22 . M'! te'i'1 a~ s 'for U1tl] r cons t Mict i 011 ·a re a t:so 1 n cl ud ~ ed,

1. li:tii"e<l~e leve'r- Dra:I,,ring i I.

T h@ re ,e'~ s,e '11 ever is d,@'sl g nsd to be ma de from .050 'th1cklles:l> st_l sheat, IOOtaL. Thi s p-art has <I "tab" ~hi,ch 1 s bE!~t areund a Imast double , "rovi eli flgI a notcli hI' location of thll wor·kil19 arm of t.1t!;!· release lever ~prtnll, The overall shape C~I! be t.rans1fe'rr,sd by usi ng; the drilwing <15 iii tEHl'Ip late _ lhe dillM!lIIsioflecl areas shmil d 00 as accurate ,as possi ble to ensure tilllillg of nalTllTler dl sen!lage·~ menii:..

,2" Cil'ten- !)n'w'in9 , 8. _

~catc.h sIil;O'I,m can be made by b<endllng a pi eel! !J f . O!~O .$ h.eet lIle't~ 1 hi to a. clil,u'Im e ~ shape of tlhe proper ""1 d th , and thell f'il i ~gI t h@ proffl e eo rna.'tch the dr'orw'] ng. II 313Z" ',(~ .510 h'o,11 !pill i ~ pressed thnlllgh both sides of the catch as tndluted. (Press a 10'n'ger p,i n through and then grind to Hni s he,d length_)


[lilllf!'nsTI{!n~{j 5ln"1faC~'s ml]s.j1 be ~:S aCCUNi'te

a~, PQ:.S T b 1 e to ens ure' proper el'!gOllgelMlnt wH.~ 'the hailmler.

3. 5ph"i n 51- R,e 1 ,ea $ e l.e'i,er~ [lra.i n 9 ~ g"

TIll s to'rsioll sp,riln'9 is to bee made frOCll .0130 millsi c wi re or an e'qul v.~lent. It eM be @asily made with II little pract1ce. Use a 1/8" app,roximate d:hl11ete''i'' rOd c1alrlped tn a ... i~e for ai'i arbor. Cut: about iI 3" 1. Oft'l9 piece of wi re ilna clamp, both ends "",i t h v1ise gdps. When the ilpproxiil1lilh angle as s tlo.wn i n the draw'j FI!J i s ae h i Ilvild ,. re 1 aase the s pr-i n 9 a nod bend the two cur ..... 1! s a s s how,f'I • Cut spring ~nns to the appnlX1lmde, le<ngt.h d~ shm .. n 011 the clr~\\Il i'i~.

,4. Sprl i'i9-Catch- Drawi ng i 10.

Same as above in i J.

5. Selectol" Level"- [lr~wln9 # 11.

lhe sefector lever cail be made fil"lJIlI .0501 ttrtckness steel spring 'Stock, or band i 11'9 (iif avaflab1l:!). [f "'eHme'l" ls" ... aHable. s taek as used! for tlile fle,leas,e' lever end catch 1s sufflc1e~t.

(5.. Sel'edor POSiti'OIlli'lIIg l1ll9l- [lra.wi'm'9 , l~.

liiiis l'~g can, be IIIiIde of ,:Iny avanabl ~ s·t~·l steck. To usemble 111i1 th~ ~eTe<=t~r 1 e''ie'r" ii ns@rt (Ii s Shor.lM and fl atten th;e .12'~ x .0'60 dramder /).'ll/). fnst the lever. The ch!llmfer hi the hl'e I" W'fll t'i 11 Ow t~,e 1 u'!! to I!1U S hroom ~nd be secur.ely f1 lIIed in pl ~ce.

7", SI!! 1 ,eoc tor Kn ob- [lrawin'g ~ 13,.

The - se'l ec.tor 'knob c~n be made' o·f tile 5~1DEI mater! iii 1 as tile ~1j9 In ~. 7. The knob is knu r'l e d to pro"'l d,e' '" be Ue I" 9'rip'. Til!!" 0 gO dliame't~r l( .040 "ball " firl11l'y pes tt tcna 'the s'E!l'E!ctl;lr assel:lbly Iby fBlItilil9 wHIM th!! tnden ts i n th.e r-ece he r " loa s s@llIIll@ t,he knob; eIther braze the' knob in placa , I)r' flare the 3/16" (.187) di am@t@r' into the c hilillfe r- j n t.i'Ie, rever H1:Je·r t h@ two l) I'e hi p()sition. !Use a piece of steel rod witli iI 1/8.- ho,l e 1 ri tlilB· C li!nlt!!r 03.$ ~ punch to flare the knob s.eGur@ly.

-j~2.00 _, ! I--- ,330


J 'I

7(6 U8?)


C£ .050

1 ,--;i·--------I

~ - ,

T ~

l _050

Fo 1d bib ~\O~t to provide a l1Iotch for re~ leil&('! l@~er

NO. 1


I .375-1

DrTI 11 3/32" r. DiM7 ) thruu'gh eaten >( Roll Pill LJ)>cation)


j ,

"0 I


r:: I I I

t ,275 -----+; ~

~ i I I

I .300

Drill l/a~ (.125)

hol@ thrOU9~ catch I

_.... . + t







L::11SCALE IIl5'II'G If!) 8



,\~""",,,----, --

~ "\__ )40


_L1., ~J87

If --.---- 'e



fl_ '(f).

Ha. ke spr-i ngs frClim .030 ell a met!!!" mI!JIS'; c wf <rIlL Form sprinlJ~ ·to a.pptO)('jlma,t:e shapa as shown.



Clla.mfEi'i" sl!I!"'hces 'inrJfcatf!cI .03() x 45~


.55.0 ,',' ..


-11'-- ,,050


I 1.570


_, r- .090 ,300

* ~±.

I' ,Tt-

----tJ1! . '.1j5~.125







Se] acter A~se-"'" .IIW,'i



_, j.200 -1~··060





Recej ~er

Tdgger Guard As~(!mbl'y IJ.~ rr,e 1


R.!'N:::el ver CrOSS Ptns (:2) aal t As slln;'b lJ'

aoH tHal'ld 1 e , Gu i de Rod, "'filii :RetO ~ , S pr i n'g J1 s s@mibly

Bure U Re te j ner

Ba rlJ'\e 1 Reta1 nei"' S>crelol'$ E!~rW181 E!,md

f\lagHi ne

Tr1 gger H{ju~in9 H~rtrner

H'~mer Strut

H<lmrn@'r S.pri ng Hal1l11ler Bushi ng's >( 2') H~mm~r fli'l{,nt P'lln H~lr[Jwr Strut Washer

P'1 vClt Pln-~~9azine L{ltch a~d Ejector 1)1 !'!


Boll Lock S~r1n~

Ma.91a.zi!t~ la tc h Pl un9:~r Ma.gazi!l(> La tc h 1'1 u:n,g:~r Spr1 n 9 ilolt loc~

Me,,!!a,z i ne La. tc Ii


Saf(!ty ti)(>hnt P'l unge'r

5a.fet,), Illetent flU ungn 5:pri ng T1'i9!l!l''I'

Tri£lgler Plunger

Tri glg:er P'l u nge r Spri 1i9 [Ii S con ne c t,or

[Ii sconnec tor- P'jYot P'il1 Se~r

Se~r Spd ng

8 9. 10. IL 12. 13. 14. 1G. li6. li?" lJ;t


20. 2l. 22. 23. R 25. ,26. ,27. 23. 29. 30. 31.. 32. 33. ,34. 35.

P:AR,lS U SiI' ,OIlMiWtl!lED

36, trigger PIvot Pin :37, Bolt

3fLFidng Pin

3:9" Firing Pin Rebound S!lri'ng 4n" Firing Pin Stop Pin

4I. 'Extractor

42. Extr,~dor P1uln9@f"

43.,acto'r Sp,rhl'Q

44. Bol t Stoop' Piln


~ ,






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