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Article #1

Article Reference:

Purpose of the study:

Marton, I., Wiener, J., Rogers, M., Moore,

C., Tannock, R. (2009). Empathy and
social perspective taking in children with
attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.
Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 37
(1): 107-118. doi: 10.1007/s10802-0089262-4

The purpose of this study was to explore

empathy and social perspective of 8 to 12
year olds with and without attentiondeficit/hyperactivity disorder.

Summarize the method in your own


Draw a figurative representation.

92 children between the ages of 8-12 were

used for this study, consisting of 50
children (36 male, 14 female) with ADHD,
and 42 without a diagnosis of ADHD (39
male, 12 female). In order to ensure that
ADHD symptoms were currently present,
parents and teachers were asked to
complete the Conners Parent or Teacher
Rating Scale-Revised. Parents and
teachers of students who did not have a
diagnosis of ADHD were still asked to
complete the Conners assessment to
ensure that children in the control group
did not display a significant amount of
ADHD symptoms. Other assessments and
questionnaires used to gather information
for the study included The Child Behavior
Checklist, Wechsler Intelligence Scale for
ChildrenFourth Edition, The Clinical
Evaluation of Language Fundamentals,
The Index of Empathy for Children and
Adolescents, The Interpersonal
Negotiation Strategies, as well as the
parent questionnaire My Child. Children
with ADHD were medication free on the

day that they completed the research

measures. While children were being
tested, parents were asked to fill out
questionnaires. Once consent was
obtained, teachers were sent
questionnaire forms as well. Results were
outlined and sent to each parent who
participated in the study.
List the outcomes in point form,
underlining five key words.
- Findings from parent reports
indicate that children with ADHD are
less empathetic than their peers
who do not have ADHD.
- Self-reports by children
indicate no difference in empathy
between children with ADHD and
those without.
- Overall, girls are more
empathetic than boys and displayed
more social perspective taking
- Children with ADHD score
lower than those without in regards
to social perspective taking skills.
- Language abilities and IQ
play a significant role in social
perspective taking.
- Children with ADHD had
significant difficulty solving
interpersonal dilemmas when
compared to peers without ADHD.

Write two questions you have about the

1. Could behaviours displayed
during the course of the study be
attributed to factors other than
2. What other factors may play
a role in lack of empathy
development and social perspective

Implications for change project.

Timothy displays several behaviours typical of children with ADHD although no formal
diagnosis has been made due to refusal of any type of assessment, from his parents.
However, it is clear that Timothy is lacking in the areas of empathy and social
perspective taking. Our goal is to increase Timothys awareness of others feelings and

perspectives and to begin to develop understanding and empathy towards his peers in
order to foster pro-social behaviors and healthy social relationships. Understanding
another persons thoughts and feelings facilitates other processes and behaviors, such
as sympathy, sharing, comforting, and helping. Lack of these skills is seen as a

Article #2
Article Reference:

Purpose of the study:

Phillippo, K. (2010). Teachers providing

social and emotional support: A study of
advisor role enactment in small high
schools. Teachers College Record, 112
(8): 2258-2293.

The purpose of the study was to find out

how teachers enact advisor roles related
to social and emotional support in a high
school setting.

Summarize the method in your own


Draw a figurative representation.

3 small (400 students or less), public high

schools in California were used for this
study. Students were at least 40% low
income and 65% non-white. Data was
collected throughout a six week period and
involved intensive field observations. 2-3
interviews were also used to gather
information for the study. 44 classroom
teachers were involved. Areas examined
during the interviews included human
resources, school social-emotional support

resources, and schemas for advisory and

social-emotional support.

List the outcomes in point form,

underlining five key words.

Write two questions you have about the


Teachers with developed schemas and

higher levels of personal resources tended

1. Were students likely to seek

the support of the advisor if they
had also had that individual as a
classroom teacher?

- be the most competent when

placed in an advisor role
- felt the least overwhelmed by
the intensity and volume of
demands placed on them.

2. Often times men and women

respond differently to high levels of
demands. Was the gender of the
advisor a consideration throughout
the course of the study?

Implications for change project.

This study noted the importance of both developed schemas as well as personal
resources. I also work in a small school and more often than not, wear a variety of
hats each and every day. It is difficult at times to not get overwhelmed by the intensity
of the demands placed on myself. Timothy is a complicated individual and this study
stressed to me once again the importance of using all of the human and personal
resources available to me.

Article #3
Article Reference:

Purpose of the study:

Nilsen, W., Karevold, E., Roysamb, E.,

Gustavson, K., Mathiesen, K.S. (2013).
Social skills and depressive symptoms
across adolescence: Social support as a
mediator in girls versus boys. Journal of
Adolescence, 36 (1): 11-20. doi:

The purpose of the study was to examine

gender-specific patterns to see if there is a
link between social skills in early
adolescence and changes in depressive
symptoms from early to late adolescence.
In addition, social support (from parents,
peers, and teachers) was examined as a
mediating effect.

Summarize the method in your own


Draw a figurative representation.

Norwegian adolescents aged 12.5, 14.5,

and 16.5 were used for this study with
55%, 56%, and 59% being girls.
Depressive symptoms at ages 12.5 and
16.5 were assessed with the 13-item Short
Mood and Feelings Questionnaire. Social
skills were assessed at age 12.5 with a 24item self-reported version of the Social
Skills Rating System which measures
aspects such as empathy, self-control,
assertion, and cooperation. Friend
support, teacher support and parental
support were all assessed at age 14.5 by
self-report of three items each.

List the outcomes in point form,

underlining five key words.
- There was a significant
increase in depressive symptoms
between the ages of 12.5 and 16.5,
especially in girls.
- Girls had more social skills at
age 12.5 than boys.
- Girls seem to lack social
support from friends more than
boys. This lack of social support is
positively linked to increases in
depressive symptoms.

Write two questions you have about the

1. Do ethnicity, socioeconomic
status, family composition, religion,
etc. play a role?
2. Were other supports taken
into consideration such as spiritual
leaders, other family members,
sports coaches, etc.?

Implications for change project.

Social support is important for both adolescent male and females. When students feel
supported by teachers, peers and friends, there is a decrease in likelihood of depressive
symptoms occurring later in adolescence. I have known Timothy for five years. He is

severely lacking social support from his peers and his parents and I have seen a steady
decline in his behaviour and his self-concept as he has entered early adolescence.
Adults in the school are concerned for his well-being, as he will occasionally make
comments indicating possible self-harm. I believe strongly that we need to intervene
and help Timothy to once again find the value in himself so that he becomes open to
developing positive relationships with his peers.

Article #4

Article Reference:

Purpose of the study:

Malecki, C.K., Elliot, S.N. (2002).

Childrens social behaviours as predictors
of academic achievement: A longitudinal
analysis. School Psychology Quarterly, 17
(1): 1-23. doi: 10.1521/scpq.

To investigate the relationship between a

students social skills, problem behaviours,
academic competence, and academic

Summarize the method in your own


Draw a figurative representation.

The participants in this study were a group

of 139 Grade 3-4 students from two
schools in a large urban community in
western Massachusetts. All data was
collected and examined at two points (Fall
and Spring) during the school year.
Students were comprised of 54% female
and 46% male. Students came from a
wide variety of ethnic backgrounds. 95%
of the students participating came from low
socioeconomic backgrounds and 70%
came from single-parent families. 13
teachers (mostly female) also participated
in the study. Five predictions were tested
concerning relationships among the
variables of social skills, problem
behaviors, and academic achievement.
List the outcomes in point form,
underlining five key words.
- Social skills showed positive
correlations with levels of academic
- Problem behaviors showed
negative correlations with academic

Write two questions you have about the

1. What (if any) effect would
social interventions have on
academic achievement?
2. Would the results be
comparable for Middle Years
Students? Would results be
comparable for students from a
middle class / affluent school


Implications for change project.

The results of this study show that there is a direct correlation between social
behaviours and academic achievement. Students social and emotional learning is
directly linked to improvements in attitude, behaviour and performance in school. It is
thus important that we address not only academic inclusion but social inclusion as well.
If we can get Timothy to achieve a greater level of social inclusion with his peers, it is
likely that we will see a greater level of engagement in the classroom resulting in greater
academic success as well. By increasing Timothys level of social inclusion we can be
hopeful that his problem behaviours will decrease as a result.

Article #5
Article Reference:

Purpose of the study:

Smith, H., Polenik, K., Nakasita, S.,

Jones, A. P. (2012). Profiling social,
emotional and behavioural difficulties of
children involved in direct and indirect
bullying behaviours. Emotional and
Behavioural Difficulties, 17 (3-4): 243-257.
doi: 10.1080/13632752.2012.704315

The purpose of the study was to examine

the profile of behavioural, emotional and
social functioning for two subtypes of
bullying including direct and indirect

Summarize the method in your own


Draw a figurative representation.

192 students between the ages of 7 and

11 years were identified and considered to
be involved in either direct or indirect, both
or neither type of bullying through
sociometric measures of social inclusion
and bullying behaviour. The students and
their teachers completed a battery of
assessments relating to behaviour, social
competence and self-perception. Stage 1
of the study involved students indicating
how much they like to play with each
classmate at school. Choices included
dont know the student well enough to
decide, happy to play with, doesnt matter
one way or another if we play together, or
dont like to play with that person). The
Guess Who? social behaviour and

bullying measure was also used asking

students to identify a classmate who best
fit with a variety of behavioural descriptors.
List the outcomes in point form,
underlining five key words.
- Direct bullies were mostly male
while indirect bullies were mostly
- More males than females were
involved in both direct and indirect
bullying behaviours.
- Hyperactivity and conduct problems
were most prevalent in students
involved in direct bullying or in both
types of bullying.
- Self-worth was lowest in groups
involved in both types of bullying
- Bullies are more socially rejected
and less socially accepted.
- Those involved in direct and both
bullying type behaviours have low
levels of social competence.

Write two questions you have about the

1. Does socioeconomic status
affect bullying behaviour?
2. How effective are
interventions aimed at targeting
bullying type behaviours?

Implications for change project.

It was important to me to examine some of the tendencies of bullying behaviours as
Timothy has acted in both a direct and indirect manner of bullying in the past. He has
also been the target of both types of bullying by his peers and quite likely has been
placed in a victimization role in his home life. I feel that it is important to address the
issue of bullying before it goes any farther. If Timothy continues to act in a bullying role,
it will further isolate him for his peers and will assist in him becoming further devalued
by both peers and adults at school. I also believe that if Timothy becomes further
rejected that we will see an increase in his bullying behaviours. Our goal is to assist
Timothy in becoming a more valued member of the school community not of him
becoming further devalued as an individual.

Article #6
Article Reference:

Purpose of the study:

Dion, E., Fuchs, D., & Fuchs, L.S. (2005).

Differential effects of peer-assisted
learning strategies on students social
preference and friendship making.
Behavioural Disorders, 30 (4): 421-429.
Retrieved from

This study was conducted to examine the

effects of using a class-wide peer-tutoring
reading program (PALS) on the quality of
relationships among school age children.

Summarize the method in your own


Draw a figurative representation.

153 students from 8 different Grade 3 and

4 classrooms were the participants for this
study. The PALS program was
implemented for ten weeks with four of the
eight classrooms. The other four
classrooms remained the control group for

the study. Data was collected before and

after the implementation of PALS using the
How I Feel Towards Others (HIFTO) peer
rating scale to assess social acceptance.
Students were asked to rate how much
they liked individual peers (unknown peer,
liked peer, neutral, or disliked peer) and to
list their friends.

List the outcomes in point form,

underlining five key words.

Write two questions you have about the


- PALS did not provide a

significant change in number of
friends and social acceptance
- The PALS program did
however appear to benefit students
with initially low social acceptance
as their level of social acceptance
did show an increase.

1. Was there an increase in

positive social behaviour/decrease
in negative social behaviour as a
result of implementing PALS?
2. What would be the results of
implementing a program such as
PALS long-term (throughout an
entire school year)?

Implications for change project.

The results of this study do show a slight benefit for students with initial low social
acceptance and a low number of friendships. It shows that social relationships can
develop when students are provided with the opportunity to work with a partner in a
peer-tutoring situation. It is my hope that with the implementation of a noon hour club in
which Timothy is placed in a leadership/mentoring type role, that positive social
relationships will begin to develop for him as well.
Article #7
Article Reference:

Purpose of the study:

Katz, J., Porath, M. (2011). Teaching to

diversity: Creating compassionate learning
communities for diverse elementary school
students. International Journal of Special
Education, 26 (2): 29-41.

The purpose of the study was to determine

whether or not the implementation of
Universal Design for Learning impacted
student social and academic engagement.

Summarize the method in your own


Draw a figurative representation.

A diverse sampling of students was

included in the study. Teachers involved in
the study were given a one-day workshop
related to UDL. Teachers who were
interested in using UDL were given three
half-day follow-up sessions. Observations
were made following the implementation of
UDL to ensure that it was being used
correctly. Data was gathered through
observations and self-report measures
(surveys), prior to intervention, and during
implementation of the intervention.
Observations took place only in core
subject areas.

List the outcomes in point form,

underlining five key words.
- Students in treatment groups
reported significantly higher levels
of academic and social
inclusiveness, as well as higher
levels of autonomy.
- Sense of belonging and
classroom climate showed no
significant difference following the
implementation of UDL. More time
is needed to create a sense of
classroom climate and community
through implementation of
programs such as Respecting

Write two questions you have about the

1. What are the effects of
implementing UDL throughout the
course of a whole school year?
2. How does UDL benefit
students who are already
successful in an educational

Implications for change project.

The focus of the study is on the classroom as opposed to the school as a whole.
However, I see social inclusion at a classroom level and social inclusion and belonging
at a school level as going hand-in-hand, especially in a small school such as the one I
work in. I believe that if we can influence Timothy at a school level as well as at the
classroom level that we can get him more socially engaged.

Article #8
Article Reference:

Purpose of the study:

Beaumont, C. (2009). Students with SEBD

as peer helpers. In Cooper, P., & Cefai, C.
Promoting emotional education: Engaging
children and young people with social,
emotional and behavioural difficulties (pp.
109-118). London: J. Kingsley Publishers.

The purpose of this study is to determine if

students with social, emotional, and
behavioural difficulties benefit from taking
on a role of peer helper and if social
competencies increase as a result.

Summarize the method in your own


Draw a figurative representation.

Students with significant behaviour

challenges were place into the role of peer
helper in the form of offering counselling
services to other students needing support
with personal problems. The peer helpers
consisting of six students (5 boys and 1
girl, ages 14-16), participated in
counselling training sessions and were
assisted by a team of psychologists. Data
was collected through interviews with the
peer counsellors. Questions asked related
to the participation as peer helpers and
how the experience had contributed to
social and personal growth.

List the outcomes in point form,

underlining five key words.
Several benefits to the peer helpers of
participating in the peer counselling
program included:

development of problem-

Write two questions you have about the

1. Does negative behaviour
decrease when students are placed
in the role of peer helper? Did the
development of social skills transfer

solving strategies.
- development of moral
- motivation in seeing peers
solve problems
- pride in taking on a
leadership role and receiving
positive recognition by adults
- a desire to help their peers
Some aspects of social development that
were developed and increased by those in
the role of peer helper included:

over into situations where the

individual was not in the role of peer
2. How did the experience
affect those students who shared
personal information with a peer
counsellor? Did they find the
experience to be a positive or a
negative one? Would they be
willing to share information with a
peer counsellor again?

recognition by peers
personal motivation
development of empathy
feelings of belonging

Implications for change project.

The outcome of this study shows that giving students with social, emotional and
behavioural difficulties the opportunity to act in leadership roles can have a positive
impact. Placing students in leadership roles allows them to feel valued, accepted and
respected. It is my hope that by placing Timothy in a leadership role assisting in running
the noon hour club that he will begin to feel the positive effects of helping others, that
we will see an increase in his level of self-esteem, that he will develop a sense of
empathy and moral conscientiousness, and that he will begin to see the value in

Article #9
Article Reference:

Purpose of the study:

Jativa, R., Cerezo, M.A. (2014). The

mediating role of self-compassion in the
relationship between victimization and
psychological maladjustment in a sample
of adolescents. Child Abuse and Neglect,
38 (7): 1180-1190.

The objective of the study was to examine

the relationship between victimization and
social maladjustment in youth and the role
of self-compassion as a mediator in this

doi: 10.1016/j.chiabu.2014.04.005

Summarize the method in your own


Draw a figurative representation.

The study included 109 adolescents (ages

15-18) with low academic achievement
from Spain. Students with low academic
achievement were chosen as they are
likely to experience victimization.
Information was collected over a two
month period through the use of
questionnaires. The questionnaires were
examined to determine the relationship
between victimization and social
maladjustment as well as the mediating
effect of self-compassion.
List the outcomes in point form,
underlining five key words.

Write two questions you have about the


- Development of selfcompassion can assist in helping

adolescents recover from bad
experiences and to protect
themselves against future negative
- Self-compassion can be
improved with practice.

1. How frequently is
intervention recommended to so
that an improvement in selfcompassion can be seen?

2. What factors influence an

individuals ability to develop selfcompassion? Are some individuals
more likely to develop selfcompassion than others?

Implications for change project.

Through observation and interaction with Timothy throughout the past 5 years, it is my
presumption that he has been a victim of bullying and has been victimized at home by
adults in his life as well as by his siblings. It is no wonder then that we are seeing
antisocial, aggressive and negative behaviours on a daily basis. It is my hope that by
guiding Timothy into a more valued social role through leadership in the noon-hour club,
that his self-respect and self-esteem will increase. When he begins to see the value in
himself, it is my hope that he will begin to see other adults and peers in a more positive
light and that he will begin to develop healthy relationships with others.
Article #10

Article Reference:

Purpose of the study:

Guest, A., Mcree, N. (2009). A school-level

analysis of adolescent extracurricular
activity, delinquency, and depression: The
importance of situational context. Journal
of Youth and Adolescence, 38 (1): 51-62.
doi: 10.1007/s10964-008-9279-6

The purpose of the study was to determine

if involvement in extracurricular activities
reduced delinquency and depression in

Summarize the method in your own


Draw a figurative representation.

This study was conducted using The

National Longitudinal Study of
Adolescent Health and involved students
from Grade 7-12 across the United States.
Analysis was focused on delinquent
behavior and depressive behavior
symptoms. Interviews, assessments, and
self-assessments were used. Parents,
students, teachers and admin were
involved in the study process.

List the outcomes in point form,

underlining five key words.
- The context of the
extracurricular activity matters more
than the content.
- When run poorly,
extracurricular activities can breed
delinquency and depression.
- When run well,
extracurricular activities can provide
a positive setting for the
development of appropriate social

Write two questions you have about the

1. How do variables such as
socioeconomic status, culture,
school size, etc. factor into the
results of the study?
2. Were boys and girls affected
similarly by involvement in
extracurricular activities?

Implications for change project.

This article stressed to me the importance of putting a lot of thought and a conscious
effort into the development of a noon-hour club. It is important for me to include
Timothy in the planning of the club so that is becomes meaningful and important to him.
It is important to ensure that the environment is positive and that the focus is on
providing a positive setting so that appropriate social behaviours can be developed. If
Timothy can begin to develop these skills during the club, it is my hope that social
inclusion will begin to occur in the classroom as well.

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