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Para el casting debes traer preparado:

- Los siguientes personajes:
1-Prince John: vanidoso, cobarde, codicioso, con autoridad.
2-Lobo: enrgico, chulo, bailarn.
3-Bufn: es el arlequino de la comedia del arte. Burlesco, rpido, cruel..
Para preparar estos personajes puedes utilizar los siguientes textos que hemos
seleccionado, no hace falta que los traigas perfectos, puedes adaptarlos
o jugar con ellos, o si prefieres otro texto que tu elijas, o incluso
improvisar, siempre que los personajes tengan las caractersticas solicitadas.
Damn Robin Hood! Hes back! I thought he would have died
in the war. I am sure he knows I killed his father, and now he
will come looking for me. Oh no! What can I do? Ah! Yes! The
sorceress. Soldier! Soldier! Call the witch!!
Waaaawwww! Nice place! Oh... hello kids... how are
you? My name is the BIG BAD WOLF... and do you
know what?... Im very hungry... very very hungry... and I
dont have anything to eat... but maybe you have
something to eat. Yes... Do you have something for me?
Like a sandwich!! Yes I love sandwiches ... or a big
steak!! Dont you??... are you sure?? Let me see... I have
a good sense of smell Oh! Someone is coming
Jester: Oh! We have a brave lame soldier. (imitando el andar dificultoso
del soldadito por su pierna lastimada). Now, wait and see. (Jester toma
del cubo una cinta que desenrolla dividiendo el espacio en 2
areas). Well.this side is my place, and. well.. this little side is your
placeja, ja, ja. Dont come here! Never! (coge a la bailarina y la lleva al
You stay here, ok? (dirigindose al soldadito ) And now, you. Look at your
sticks! (Jester le quita al soldadito sus palillos de tambor)

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