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Perse Cet et ae eh aie me eure a NEW first certificate ‘Cree coursebook a ny ad Poe earnest Contents Unit Grammar Vocabulary Readin |. What's on? Rewsion of simple tenses p8 Recording vocabulary 8 Aeahty TV multiple matching Part) p.10 Present pertectsimple and Yiord tormavon p13 Yocolilary. neering from contet L. continuous p12 Entertainment p 1d 2 Worth the risk? Miking conpartons p22 Adectnes of een 9.19 Thea acermulpe Exam focus p 160 Focus: Understanding detail, gist and opinion, and deducing meaning of words Task: There are seven or eight fouroption mutiple choice questions. You have to choose the correct option (A, 8, C of D) based on the informatin in the text > Exam focus p 24 Part 3 Gapped text Focus: Understanding text structure and organisation Task: You fead a text from which seven or eight paragraphs or sentences have been removed and placed in jumbled order after the text, You have to decide where they fit in the text. There is one extra paragraph or sentence that you do not need to use. > Exam focus p.148 Part 4 Multiple matching Focus: Finding specific information and detail Task. You 1a) 13-15 questions or statements about a text which has been divided into sections, or several short texts. You have to decide which section ar text contains the information relating to each question or statement. > Exam focus p.24 Paper 2 Writing (1 hour 30 minutes) The Wating paper is divided into two parts, and you have to complete one task from each part, You have to wnt 120-180 words for each answer. Each answer carries equal marks, so you should not spend longer on ‘one than another. Part 1 is compulsory and there is no choice of ‘questions, You have to write a transactional letter based cn given information and prompts. The letter may be informal or forrnal. Unit 1 p 16, Unit 2 p.28 Part 2 hae four tacks to choose from. The first three options may include any three of the following} = a non-traneactional letter P Unit 11 p.140 © anarticle B Unit 4 p.52 ‘a report Unit 6 p.78 ‘a discursive composition Unit 7 p.50 a story P Unit 3 p.40 The fourth option has a choice of two tasks based on cone of five background reading texts. The task could he any one ofthe following: a letter, an article, a report, a composition The background reading texts change regulary, so you should check the current regulations to find out what the texts are. ® Writing reference p.206 Paper 3 Use of English (1 hour 15 minutes) ‘There are five parts in the Use of English paper, with 65 questions altogether. You write your answers on an answer sheet during the exam. There is always an example at the beginning of each task to help you. Part 1 Multiple-choice cloze Focus: Vocabulary Task: You read a text with 15 gaps. You choose the best word to fit each gap from a choice of four options (A, B, Cor D), b Exam focus p.15/ Part 2 Open cloze Focus: Grammar and vocabulary Task: You read a text with 15 gaps. You have to think of the most appropriate word to fill the gaps. You must use ‘one word only. No options are provided. Exam focus p83 pnitit Part 3 Key word transformations Focus: Grammar and vocabulary Task: There are ten items. You ate given a sentence and a ‘key word’. You have to complete a second, gapped sentence using the given word. The second sentence has 2 different grammatical structure but must have a similar ‘meaning to the original. b Exam focus p.61 Part 4 Error correction Focus: Grammar Tak. You twad a text with 17 lines. Some lines are correct and some have an extra word which should not be there. You have to identity tho oxtra word in the incorrect lines. Up to five lines may be correct. > Exam focus 9.36 Part 5 Word formation Focus: Vocabulary Task: You read a text with ten gaps, one in each line You are given the stem of the missing word in capitals at the end of the line, You have to change the form of this word to fit the context. m Exam focus p.110 Paper 4 40 minutes) There are four parts in the Listening paper, with a total of 30 questions. You wnte your answers on the question paper and then you have five minutes at the end of the exam to transfer them to an answer sheet. In each part you will hear the texts) twice. The texts may be monologues or exchanges between interacting speakers. Inere wall be a vanety ot accents. Part 1 Extracts with multiple-choice questions Focus: Each extract will have a different focus, which could be: main point, detall, purpose or location of speech, relationship between the speakers, intention, mood or opinion of the speakers Task: You hear eight short, unrelated extracts of about 30 seconds each. They may be monologues or ‘conversations. You have to answer one three-option ‘multiple-choice question (A, B or C) for each extract. > Exam focus p.28 Part 2 Sentence or note comp! Focus: Specific information Task: You hear a monologue or conversation lasting about three minutes. You complete sentences or notes with words from the text. Be Exam focus p 98 Part 3 Multiple matching Focus: AS for Fart | Task: You hear a series of five monologues or exchanges, lasting about 30 seconds each. The speakers: in each istening (ppronnotey Exam information extract are different, but the situetions or topics are all related to each other. You have to match each speaker to one of six statements or questions (A-F). There is one extra option that you do not need to use > Exam focus 9.131 Part 4 Selection from two or three possible answers Focus: Specific information, opinion and feeling Task: You hear a monologue or conversation wiich lasts about three minutes. You have to select answers from ‘wo or three choices such as true/false, yen, thre: ‘option multiple choice. B Exam focus p. 109, Paper 5 Speaking (approvimatoly 14 minutes) You take the Speaking test with a partner. There are two examiners. One isthe interlocutor’, who spaaks to you, ‘and the other is the ‘assessor’, who just listens. There are four different parts in the test. Part 1 Interview (3 minutes) Focus: Giving personal information Task: The interlocutor asks each of you to say a litle about yourself, such as where you come from, what you {60 1n your tee time. b Exam focus p.15 Part 2 Individual long turn (4 minutes) Focus: Organising your ideas, giving information, expressing opinions Task. The interlocutor gives you a pair of photographs to compare and contrast, and to give a personal reaction to, You spaak by yourself for about a minute while your partner listens. Then the interlocutor asks your partner a ‘question about what you have said. Only a short answer '5 expected. You then change roles. b Exam focus p.77 Part 3 Collaborative task (3 minutes) Focus Interacting with your partner, agreeing and disagreeing, speculating, making suggestions Task: You are given a task to discuss together, based on a set of pictures. You should try to reach a conclusion together, but there is no right or wrurny orswer to the task, and you don't have to agree with each other. I is the interaction between you that is important. > Exam focus p 126 Part 4 Diecussion (4 minutes) Focus: Exchanging information and opinions, ete. Task; The interlocutor asks you both general questions related to the topic of Part 3, and gives you the chance to give your opinions on other aspects of the same topic. > Exam focus p.126 UNIT od What's on? Speaking 1 4) Look at the film stills and discuss the questions, 1 2¥ an you name the films? mat kind of films are they? Choose trom the rds in the box. nat type ot flm do you lke best? Whiy? toon comedy horror science fiction/fantasy musical romance Western thiiller 21) Think of the film you have seen most recently 1 What was it called? 2 Who 1 Where was it 4 What was it about? 5 How many stars would you give it? wee outstanding fees good tee all right oe very good ‘ terrible 6 Why did you give the film this rating? Explain, using and expressions from the boxes. The plot was exciting realistic tern The setting was... frightening unusual The acting was... bring sad funny excellent average Example: I gave it three stars — | thoug The plot was quite exci very realistic, and the ac ig was only average 3) Imagine you are a film producer. ‘Answer these questions and give your reasons. 1. What kind of film would you like to make? 2. Where will it be set? 3. Who will you choose to star in it? Listening 1: note completion {1 You will hear a radio interview about 2 survey of popular films. First, read through the notes below. The results of the survey covered five main areas. What were they? Can you predict what any of the answers might be? Film survey Date of survey: (1) wees Number of people responding: (2) . Results of survey Most popular type of filer: (3) e.g, "The Godtather’ ‘wo popular themes: ‘and_good versus evil. of both themes Best plots: ayes. (NB can have a (5) eg. in ‘Star Wars’) Most popular settings: lace (6) nnn locations (¢.g. deserts, jungles) time the (7). Most popular stars: male Robert de Niro, Harrison Ford, Humphrey Bogart female Diane Keaton, Jodie Foster, Marilyn Monroe, Carrie Fisher (NB pop. female stars had (8) ...... + glamour) Titles of the most popular films: often consisted of (9) name of a place or (10) and included ran @)1_ Now listen and complete the notes. Write a word or short phrase for each answer. (Irv this exercise there is a separate line for each word.) TIP! Complete the gaps with the exact words used in the recording ~ don’t try to use your own words, 2 Listen again to check and complete your answers. = 1 Carry out a similar survey to find aut what your class thinks are the best films of the 21st century $0 far. Work in groups. Ask and answer questions about: «+ tyes of films (with exarnples) «est plots (with examples) + most popular settings (place and time) + most popular actors (male and female) + most popular titles 2 Find out the results of the other groups. 3 Write an email that could be sent to the presenter of the radio programme We nave concucteo a survey onthe mest pops is | of he 21st century sofa. We found that Whats on? Vocabulary 1: recording vocabulary MAB Read the statements below. Which ones do you agree with? 1 ike sitting right in the at the cinema 2 prefer films that have a 3 I think the in modern films are much better than in older ones 4 Taleene te sacs wep bee carl aa Cf getting someone else to do thes 5 find films with lots of very confusing its hard to follow the plot. 6 | prefer films to plays because you can have of the actors 7 I think Steven Spielberg is the greatest @if@etOF alive today §2E tt will help you to remember new words if you review and record them after each lesson ‘A mind map is one way to record words related to the same topic. Look at the example below and add the highlighted words from Exercise 1. Then think of one more word to add to each part Farts of cinema {BI The following extract from a student's, vocabulary notebook shows another way of recording vocabulary. 1. Add the translation of the word in your own language. 2. Which line points to 2) an example sentence? ») the pronunciation? ©) related words? €) the definition? ss | sonny Cowal Yessnx/ Tramstations 2A set of questions that you tsk 0 large mimber of people We carried | Cate swveyy ubou! pow best-ever fin’ | (Listening page 00) te swriey (rb) 10L/ ee Ca WAY Discuss. 1 What other ways of recording vocabulary have you used? 2. Which have you found most effective? MBE Look back at the first two pages of the unit. ‘Are there any other words you would like to record? Grammar 1: revision of simple tenses 1 Some of the following sentences have mistakes in the use of the verb forms, Correct those you think are wrong, using present simple, past simple or present periect forms. Use the highlighted time expressions to help you. Example: ALVIN)! loved going tothe cinema Wrong. All my if, Ive loved going to the nema, Wve met Carre fifteen years 662 | UBUaIKf’s. in the back row wher I go to the cinema with my fiends, Wve belonged to this cub \'ve SIRE@OY seen that film — let's go to something different 5 He goes to the cinema at least haven't understood haw he can do that! 6 | saw the video of The Godfather six times slat 7 Have you @¥@f been on television? 8 Have you seen Steven Spielbera’s latest film Jet? 9 Mheniliwasiyoung, I've been to see my grandmother nearly every day 10 That's the best film I've seen’ 2 Complete the table using the highlighted time expressions from Exercise 1.1. Tense Time expressions present simple always usually present perfect since for past simple Watch Out! British and American English 1 | didn’t have breakfast yet this morning. 2. | hawer't hod Laeakast yet this morning. ‘The first sentence is acceptable in American English, but Imiglitsuund strange to @ British person, True or false? > Grammar reference p.203 (19) M2} Complete the following pairs of sentences Using wards from the box. Each pair of sentences should have a similar meaning, ‘ago before ever for never since when Example: a) Ever . 2106.1 was six years old, I have been afraid of spiders b) I started being afraid of spiders .mher..| was six years ol 1 a) My father last went on holiday ten years It been ten years ry father last went ‘on holiday, 2 a) ve had this car .. tpassed my driving test ) | bought this car I passed my driving test. 3 a) I've known Steve four years b) first met Steve four years 4 a) It's the first time I've speaking country. by ive been to an English-speaking country before 5. a) I've been friends with Jenny can remember b) I can’t remember with Jenny. 6 a) He's never appeared in a film bY This isthe first time he's film. been to an English- as long as | | started being friends appeared in a BEBE Complete the following extracts using the ‘verbs in brackets. Use the present simple, past simple or present pertect simple tenses. AMERICAN ACTOR IS NEW LONDON THEATRE BOSS ‘Actor Kevin Spacey (0) (jostbeceme) the ‘new divctor of Londons famous Old Vie theatre. He a ‘premise to appest on Stage Hinself one bring in big name talont his ew ole, tam mir re ay (atwayalove) the stage as well This job is something that @ “thnk about 2 lot 2nd am looking forward fo the cullengo, he ©) (sav Spacey whe 4) iwi) Oscar for The Usual Suspects and American Beauty. (7) tanin | Teve wth the OW Vic after waiting ae 2 hill HOME MAGAZINE CATEUNE 10 Fey First Oscars for black actors ‘Actress Halle Gey () ces e nw (DEE) et ‘wom to win an Oscar for her part in the film Monster's Bol She (2). -usonmnn (Oe) an emtiona speech when she Bhervsrnnnrnen (OCD the ava at yesterday's Oscar ‘ceremony in Hollywood. Berry (4) Es (a1so/eppean inthe popular James ond ewe, Lie Another | Day. Another black ctor, Denzel Washington, aso o (wi) the Oxcar for ot male actor for hie role in Training Doy. 1. Make questions from these prompts. How many can you answer? How many times / Brad Pitt / marry? Who / direct / Titanic? Which football team / win / World Cup /five times? Inwhich country / Lord of the Rings / film? Mel Gibson / ever win / an Oscar? Can you name any musicals / win Oscars / last ten years? Which famous English footballer / call / child / Romeo? 8 Who / usuelly present / evening news programme / television / your country? 2. Now ask your questions to another student. Which of you can answer most questions? Readin: (Part 4) ; multiple matching a Look at the description below. Have you en any television programmes like this? Reality TV is a term for television shows based on. a group of real people who are put in an unusual for dangerous situation, or given the chance to achieve an ambition. Their experiences are shown Jive on television as entertainment, Reality TV takes the form of a game, in which the viewers vote for people co leave the show until there is only one left. This person is the winner and receives a prize 2) You are going to read a magazine articie about four ordinary people who have taken part in Reality TV programmes. Look through the article quickly and decide which person: 1 had to ov me @ physical problem. fed on an island a singing competition. used to be a builder. Reality TV - A non Copsey wor one of o group of contestants who agreed to live for a year on a desert island, with cameras following their catempls to survive together. He left the island after five months, and later accused the producers of the show of misrepresenting him, claiming they had edited the film to make it look as if he wos throwing a chair in the face of one of the women, ‘Ym not an argumentative, oggressive, ‘nasty piece of work. Iwas shocking,’ he told journalist later. “The producers led the public to believe that the other contestonts were glad to *see the back of me but it wasn't nue.” After returning home from the island, Mr Copsey said he was unable to continue with his college course a other students wouldn't talk to him, and he had to tke antidepressant pills. The television company 'B craig Phillips was the winner of one of the first Reality TV programmes to be shown in England, called Big Brother. Craig was originally c builder. and comes from Liverpool. After the series ended he admitted: ‘ont knew why von — you hove to esk al jose people that voted for me.’ Craig *donalted {ERENT 10 Yooncge tien Harris, to help pay for « hear! and lung operation in America. ‘She is @ unique young lady and itis wonderful to be in the position to help her,” he said af the lime. Craig later had o five-olbum Sdeal with a record company but he ®was dropped alter his first single. However, he has continued to raise money for “charities as well as eppeuting regululy on Gaytine television shows Ooenise Latah (ASIAN ES io ol contest colled Operatunity, in which ordinary people had the chance to be transformed into ‘opera singers. But there is nothing ordinory ‘bout Denise, She is © blind woman of amazing determination who has succeeded "against all the odde but this was prevented by the births of her children Boing a blind mother of three Is a challenge. ‘i's the hardest job in the world,” she says. ‘Keeping thom safe is definitely more worrying than anything that can happen to you on stage.” Now the children ore all a echool, she ie froo to ad to success? dreams, and after Operatunity she is ikon a cau oehne eee hhave sung on stage ofthe London m1 a dillerent person,’ she said the chet rump. Winning the cote ed my life.’ ‘Young hen he won the IV competition Fop Ide! out of over « thousand contenders, and was offered contract swith @ mejor record company. He is modest ‘about his success. 'I don't think i’s me myself @ they're voting for, is the TV contestant, and in the! context | feel very "*Hlattored by i all’ he said. His first single, Evergreen, became the fastestselling single uf oll time. I sold over & million copies in its first wook, Will thinks that 465 being © pop idol isnt only @ matt of having a {good voice - there are generally other "factors involved. ‘Performers over the ages have always ciiven off « kind of energy. | think its about a whole image — the look, the clothes, the m ve which puts @ distance belwean you and other people." {BE _Look at the questions below. For each question, you have to choose one of the people A-D. The first one has been done as an example. TIP! Refore you start, highlight the key words in each question. Then read quickly through the texts for words or phrases with a similar meaning. To help you, the ‘parallel expressions’ have been highlighted for the first five questions. ‘Which person Oe ong onehiny ey s 1 q3Ve/@WAVIAEIMIOREY they won on the show? 2. received money to make up for the harm done by the programme? 3 sHatea the fPStIBIAEE in the competition with another person? 4 was tne programme? 5 does MORlURderstafid the reasons for their in their career after UNITE whats on? {says the programme gave an untrue picture of them? 7 found their personal relationships were badly affected by the programme? 8 feels their success 1s not just due to personal qualities? 9 had a musical career that turned out to be disappointing? 10 feels they are different from the general public? 11 finds family ite more stressful than giving a public performance? 42 fecls the other participants were sorry they left? AE Discuss. Thousands of people apply to go on these shows. Would you apply to go on a Reality TV programme of any sort? Why2Why not? {UGE Find the numbered words and phrases 1-11 in the text. Look at the context, then choose the correct meaning a) or b). 1a} someone who is likely to cause trouble ) something very unpleasant LUE: This isa colloquial expression. Look back at the subject of the sentence to find who or what it refers to. 2 2) meet me b) see me leave CLUE: Another colloquial expression. In which situation would you see someone's back? 3 a) payment for work ») payment for something that went wrong CLUE: Does the previous sentence refer to work or toa problem? a) gave ») took away a) contract ) present a) fell down b) was no longer used 4) big compenies b) voluntary organisations a) easily by) in spite of difficulties a) success b) failure 10 a) pleased b) worried 11 a) voices b) things UNM A whats on? Grammar 2: present perfect simple and continuous [BME Look at the pairs of sentences below. What is the difference in meaning between a) and b) in each case? Fxample: 2) He's run the marathon for charity by He's been running the marathon for charity. Ina) he ran the marathon at some time in the past. In b) he has just finished running the marathon and ‘you can still see the effects ~ he is out ot breath, a) He's appeared on a daytime television show ) He's been appeanng on daytime television shows. 2. a) They've lived on the island all their lives. ') They've been living on the island for the last six months. 3. a) I've sent 20 emai this morning, b) I've Been sending emails all mening 4 a) She's read Lord of the Rings and says it's very ood. b) She's been reading Lord of the Rings and says it's very good Watch Out! stative and dynamic verbs Which sentence is NOT possible? Why not? 1 ve been knowing him for years. 2 ve known him for years ‘> Grammar reference p.203 (19.3-4) ME choose the best form of the verb in the following extract from a health and fitness magazine. Both forms may be possible in some cases. Last month actress Stella Glass gave birth to her second chi = yet now she is back on screen and looks more atactve. | than ever Many people (1) 1 | about her secret and how she (2) has got back / thes boon yetting beck her near perfect Figure cn quickly She Claims that the secret © 2 mixture of dit and exercise. {31 have never smoked / have never beon smoking and | {ai have gone / have been gomg to the gym reget for years. To love weight | (5) have had / have been having fwe | portions of fresh fut and venotables every dsy and | (8) have | taten / hove been eating popcom as its low in clones. Recently I(7) have also drunk / have also been drinking alot ‘My aopeerancs hae olaye been important ‘always been wanting cf minal tome 1(@) have avays wanted / to look my best. [BBE The following dialogues contain examples of the present perfect simple. Which of them should be changed to the present perfect continuous so the dialogues sound more natural? Example: been waiting ‘A: Where have you been? I've waited for ages. I's not my fault. 've been stuck in a teaffic jam for the last two hours A: Have you got these hoadaches regularly? B: Yes ~ I've had three in the last week 2A Where's Carrie? Have your seen her today? 8: ® 8: Yes, she's worked in her office all day 3. A: How long have you shared the flat with Lucy? A month, But we've known one another for years, 4. A: Have you spoken to Mrs Craven yet about the meeting? B: No. ve tried to contact her for ages, but she’s never in when I phone 5 A: Laurie has just gone to spend six months traveling in Canada B: Yes, | know. Iles saved up to go there for years. 6 A: Haven't you finished that book yet? You've read it for ages | know. But | Keep forgetting what's happened, then | have to go back to the beainning {BAI You bump into a friend who you haven't seen for six weeks. Kole-play the conversation you have. Student A jook at page 187 Student B look at page 188 Begin like this: A: Hil haven't seen you for ages. 8B: No— what have you been doing? A I've just come back UNIT L_Whats on? Use of English: key word Vocabulary 2: word formation | transformations (Part 3) ER The following words come from the text on pages 10-11. Complete the second sentence so Underline the suffix of each word. Which group of words are that it has a similar meaning to the all a) nouns b) adverbs ¢) adjectives? ' first sentence, using the word given. 1 shocking different flattered } Do not change the word given. You competition performer determination contesta must use between two and five words, including the word given. 3 regularly generally The task below only tests the = grammar you have studied in this nit. Here is an example (0). 1 Complete boxes 1-10 in the following table with the correct forms of the words Example: 0 can’t remember the plot at ll GCA wai ‘aa "Aiea forgotten 1°"Sfave forgotten what the plot ieee cunfusinglconfused confusingly is about aa performing 1 don’t know who the winner of the competition is. has Sivan 6 original {don’t know who von 8 9 tlattenngstantered the competition. 2 Fmafraid ve lst the tickets. find Im afraid the tickets 3 She planted some flowers in the jarden, bud they are nearly all dead now, have 2. Now choose three more words from this unit and complete The flowers she planted in the as many boxes as possible in the last three rows. garden now. 4 Iwas talking to her mother @ [BE Complete these sentences using the correct form of the moment ago. been ‘word in capitals 1 toher oe 1 The show was realy ENJOY 5 its boon three years since | started 2. The winner gave an excellent PERFORM towerk here, wording 3 It was a big ...... to me that | coulda’t accept the invitation. Isso ‘three years. DSAPEONE 6 Mis Miranda’ first visit to Scotland. 4 Ihave to doa lot of for my exam. PREPARE never 5 the actress gave @ long ...... of all the problems she'd had to veencls to face EXPLAIN sean bee 6 revolute had 1 he on a ee ad «et of 7s over a year since last saw him 7 The winner gave e big to charity DONATE ‘al 8 Many of the contestants have buat on their fame and over a year become very ich, FINANCE 8 They don’t know what the problem is. found i IEE Answer these questions. Explain your answers. They what the E 9 rainy problem is 1 Which lesson dfdid you do most preparation for at school? 2. Are there any rulos and regulations in your school, college or ‘workplace that you think are unnecessary? 3 Have you ever given a public performance? 4 Have you ever won a prize in a competition? 9 She hasn’t got any money left run she money, unri_wnavs on? Listening 2: extracts (Part 1) ‘You will hear people talking in six different situations. For questions 1-6, choose the best. answer, A, B or C. You will hear each extract twice. TIP! The information in the recording is not always given in the same order as the options. 11 You hear 2 man talking about a film. What does he say about the film? A The story is difficult to follow. B The film is better than the book € The setting is unusual CLUE: You wll hear his opinion about the setting fist (©), then the story (A), then the comparison with the book (B). 2 You overtiear two people talking in the street. What are they talking about? A a play at the theatre B aconcert € afiim on TV CLUE: Listen for information about the setting and the ending. 3 You hear an actress being interviewed on the radio. What is the actress doing? A giviny on explanetion B-making a comparison € offering advice CLUE: In this type of question, you have to think about the main point of what the spoakor says 4 You turn on the radio in the middle of a programme ‘What is the relationship between the speakers? ‘A mother and son B boss and employee teacher and pupil CLUE: Listen carefully to what the woman says towards the end of the conversation. 55 You hear a woman on a phone-in radio programme complaining about a problem. ‘Who is responsible for her problem? ‘A some workmen B the local town council 2 mobile phone company ‘CLUE: At the end, the woman says,"Ihat’s not right’. What is she referring to? 6 You overhear two people talking in a café ‘What has the man just taken part in? Aa competition on the radio B an oral examination © a job interview CLUE: All three answers may involve answering questions and feeling nervous. Listen for adkitional information to give you the correct answer. Vocabulary 3: entertainment IEIH Complete these sentences with an appropriate word. You have been given the first part of each word and the number of letters. 1 Wt’ the tirst Shakespeare p a 2 2 There were a fot of critics from the newspapers at the theatre. | want to read their _ _ to see what they thought of it. 3 The play was excellent and the au_____ pp very enthusiastically at the end, 4 I thought | didn’t tke o____, but then I saw a ‘wonderful p ~ of Carmen and 1 changed my rit 5 There was ac _ anew sym. com_____ It was almost 5 lucky to get a seat! 6 It must be very difficult to con____ an ore. there are so many different in being played by so many different mus__ ' 7 enjoy po_ m____ as well, and | listen to different si_____ and gr I've got a big collection ot 8 On Saturday evenings | like going to ni___cl___ and di with iny Tien | have seen in the _ last week which induded by a young italian 0. sol was [QE What kind of entertainment do you enjoy most? Put these in order from 1-7 and discuss your preferences with a partner. 1 pop concerts cinema D theatre 1) comedy i opera 1 dlassical concerts O television BP Read this extract from an informal letter, describing 2 musical. Have you heard of this show? Would you like to see it? Last night I went to « suviea! called “Les Miserables" bought the main stars sang And danced brilhantly and the cestimes were aerd, The story vat Very moving and there were some wonderful songs. It's ent of the best sens Ve ever 4008 W's sat in 19th century France and it's based on a Stary by the writer Victor Hugo, It Helle the chery of ean Valean, tho mas Sent to griion for IP years ust Ser stealing loaf of tread. When he gets oatt oF prison, Tenn tre to maha nan 1f0 Gor heel? bat he finde it vty oiffeult as an exconvit, 40 be brtake We parole Eventhatlys Police Inspector Savert finds hin and wll, ses Pte yee the et [Al Now write a description of a show, concert or play you have been to recently. What was it like? Did you enjoy it? Why?/Why not? Exam focus Paper 5 Speaking: troduction (Part 1) ‘About the exam: Part 1 of the Speaking test lasts for three minutes. The examiner will ask you and the other candidate some questions about yourselves. You may have to answer questions about * the place where you live = your tamily + your work or studies + What you do in your free time ‘© your future plans. This part of the test gives the examiners their first impression of you, so it's important to answer the questions clearly, accurately and with enough detail DO speak clearly so the examiners can hear you. DO try to make your answers interesting and personal. DON'T give one-word responses, e.g. Yes or No. ‘Add some details DON'T learn long speeches by heart before you do the exam. You probably won't aive appropriate answers (0 the actual questions. = 1 Each of the following anewors har two mistakes in grammar or word order. Find the mistakes and correct them. Then match each answer to one of the topics above. 1. Lam having two brothers. One is older than me: he has twenty-one years old. The other is younger — he's just twelve. So I'm in the middle, 2 live in Milan. I's a very big city, with lots of traffic Just now | stay in a hostel but | want have my 0 ‘apartment one day 3 like very much playing computer games and doing sport, especially swim | have been studying English since five years, and enjoy it very much But Enever been to England In ten years’ time I hope I'll be a doctor. | want favel abroad, and maybe | married. @ 2. Niow listen and check your answers Gp M2 Listen to some students doing Pett 1 of the exam. How good do you think their answers are? Choose A, 8, C of D for each speaker A A good answer B Not youd ~ mickes @ lot uf mistakes. € Not good ~ does not answer the question. D Not good ~ does net say enough. 2 Kan 3 Katerina 4 Jorge (GBH Work with @ partner. You are yoing to practise asking and answering questions Romember to add some detail to each of the answers. Student A look 3 Student B look a! page 180. ge 184 UNIT Whots on? wi IR Look at the writing task below and answer the following questions. 1 Who are you writing to? 2 Why are you writing? 3. What information must you include in your reply? Underline the important parts, g: informal letter (Part 1) You have been working hard but now you want to go out to the theatre for the evening with some friends. Read the letter extract, the advertisement and the email. Then, using the information in your notes, write a reply to Jack's letter. (120-180 words) = Anyaays how are you doing? still working fer your ewamo? 14 Would be great {© get loggther WF you have. time, Tet me brow iP you have any ideas, ANI the west oak Fea THN King for a Night MURDER MYSTERY ‘Yes, we're both free on Saturday and would ove 109 | to the theatre, How about going for something to eat ferns — ca you news anyineen ge? est wishes 1. Read the sample answer below and put the paragraphs in the right order. 2. Look back at the task. Check that the writer, hhas included all the information. 3. The writer has made four mistakes with verb forms, which are marked. Correct the mistakes. Dear Jace TT ape te see pa om Saturday. C1 Weald you tke to come long? | (have ele) Sve and Milo yesterday to 200 6 they can cone, and they say they cary soit should te & go evening. They snggertid Car a) fer Eomathing to cat together after the. show ~ | tenon you like Halen food £0 we could all go to Gino's Pizzas. |(mever wend before tut everyone says 1s very good (1 geese as es sean niet eae n GEE POAT og bers racames Yerston ey or wy exans but now I'm planning to take a reat anc go cut. to the theatre next Exturday 40 c00 “King for « Night’. Hs on At the Alhaasten. Tha revigue ara ancllent = sand i's the Last night Oo Thanks for your letter. Ht mas very good to hear Soon you again aftar all Une) tie Best wishes Pedro {BE Now write a similar letter to a friend inviting hinvher to 2 concert or a film with you. Give details of the time and place, and say who else is coming and where you could go afterwards. Write 120-180 words. TIPE You don't need to include postal addresses in any letters for Paper 2 of the FCE exam, {AE When you have finished, check your work. Use the checklist in the Writing reference. Writing reference pp.206, 209 = o. 1 Put the words in the right order to make ‘questions. longis since English started it studying how vou 7 you have when last a did holiday ? many have lived town years this you how in ? book you long had how for have this ? leave home did this you morning when 2 have films month seen how you this many ? ‘Ask end answer four of the questions above with a partner. 1 For 1-6 below, think of the word which is being defined. The words are all connected with the cinema or television. 1 the character that an actor plays in @ play or film 2 the large white surface that pictures are shown ‘on in the cinema the place in a cinetna were tickeb ate sold the place or time where a film or television programme is shot the story of a film or book | the technique of starting a story in the present. then moving to the past ‘Unoose five more words connected with this sas oe Dear Sami Its been a long time (1) ‘we were in touch ~ hope everything is OK with you. What have you been doing (2) ..nmunu the lest year? Are you stil ‘working for your father? A lot of things have happened in my life (3) we were at college in Edinburgh. (4) .sunun Heft University, | got a job in London working in a bank, It W25 OK (5) soon the first six months, but then | began to get a bit bored, and I didn't really like living in London. So | applied to do voluntary work overseas and 1'¥e (6) nnn heard I've been accepted to work fon a project in Namibia. I've (7) been to Alico, so 'm really looking forward to it It would be great to see you before | go — have you made any plans for the summer holidays (8)... ? I've got three weeks’ holiday - maybe we could meet Lup somewhere? Hope to hear from you soon. Rest wishes Francisco topic from the unit and write a definition for each. Then fee if your partner can guess what they are. [EBT Choose the correct alternative in each of these sentences. 1 Have you run / Have you been running? You look hot. 2 Did you ever go / Have you ever been to Milan? 3 I've had / I've been having a TV in my bedroom ‘ever since | wos small 4 Ihave never seen I never saw an opera before. 5 She has done J She has been doing her homework for the last two hours 6 have known / have been knowing him for three years. 7 Tom asked me for your email address, but / ‘haven't known / | didn’T know it {4} Complete the email above using appropriate time expressions. ss 1 Complete the highlighted expressions with a suitable preposition. 1 thiok everyone should have » chance to their favourite stars in the Oscars. é a lot of money. | would Gemte at least half charity 3 [like watching films SBElIIN9 the future. 4 Being a film star isn’t just looking good. 5 Appearing is much more difficult than acting 6 I wouldn't want to takepart 2 Reality TV show. 2. Which sentences above do you agree with?

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