Está en la página 1de 14

14/10/15 Pd1

AIM- log in and check emails, update ILP and finish director training.

As you can see I have published my test product.

Here I am setting the screen size to a suitable size of 640X480

I have now changed the stage colour to a light brown and imported my assets by pressing file,
import then finding all of my assets in my files

I have inserted my logo and some text by pressing the A button. I have also set the background of
the text to transparent. I then shorten the sprite lengths to 15 frames.

Learnt: I have finished my director training and I have learnt how to use director
14/10/15 Pd4

Aim: I will check my email and the brief I will also update my ILP and continue to produce my
product with the diary.
I have added a pause into the product so the animation will stop at the slash screen so the user can
interact with the product. I have added the pause at frame 14 as it gives time for any animations to

As I am making the main contents page I tweak the font size of the heading to make it appropriate I
also change the font to something more curved.

I have completed the first page by dragging and dropping sprites and inserting text, I have also
added a pause to the page so it doesnt run away

I will now add a bit of functionality to the logo on the splash screen, I will make it a clickable button
to take it to the contents page and I will also add a fade in animation to it by using the behaviuors in
the library tab of the code library. I will add an on click go to frame x command to it via the
navigation tab in the code library. I will set it to go to frame 15 so it goes to the contens page.

I am now going to add the slide transition to each of the pictures and text to make the page
transition look more professional.

Next I will make the relaxation page

I will use the title and logo throughout the product therefore I am not going into detail about them.
I am first going to add a sub heading showing the name of the sub contents page i.e. Adventure. I
use 36pt text so it stands out.

I then make its background transparent.

To change the
background colour
you click on the
image and under
the property
inspector, in the
sprite subcategory
you click ink and
change it to

I will now add 4 of my images to the page that lie in the adventure category.

Now I will ad the category titles they are 18pt and they go under each of the top pictures and over
each of the bottom.

I then change their backgrounds to a dark orange whose hex code is: #F3680C

To change the back

colour of text, under
the properties
inspector and the
sprite subheading
you click on the
backcolour button
and you choose the
appropriate colour
i.e. orange.
I am now going to add a brief explanation of each activity next to it so the user can get an idea what
the activity entails.

I then make the text box background transparent like before.

Finally I add animations to all of the sprites except the main title and logo.

First you highlight all of the items you want to add the animation to by clicking and dragging your
mouse over them all. i then find the slide animation to all of them.

I then let the animation run for 9 frames.

Now I have done that I will add a pause so the page doesnt run away.
To do this you
double click in the
frame you want to
add a pause, in the
channel above the
member button in
the score sheet.
I am now creating the relaxation page I am doing the same as I did for the previous page: insert
images, add information about the activity/place and add a title for that place

I will now add the Barn door transition to all of the sprites except the Main title and the logo on this

Unfortunately I get 2 script errors so I deduce what is causing them and it is the New York City at
Christmas picture, so I will remove the barn door transition from that picture for now until I figure
out how to fix the issues, see below for the script errors

Learnt: I have learned that new your doesnt like transitions

AIM: log in and check emails, update ILP and continue director work, create at least 1 other page on
director with animations and buttons
The next page I make will be the Thrills page.

I insert a picture of each of the thrills activities and add a text heading to each. I also add a text box
that explains briefly each sport.

Once I have completed every page I will sort the main navigation out. I want to get the information
of the product finished first before I build the navigation. I am going to add the soft edge wipe to all
of the sprites on this page except the logo.

Now I have completed all 3 contents pages I am going to create a close button that is on every page.

I need to edit the script of the button to get it to work because if I dont it will just be a decoration.
All I need to do is type Quit on line 2 to create the script.

Learnt: I have finished my main navigation structure.

Aim: I will be making an activity page and I want to add a back button
Now the close button works I will be creating the backbone of the navigation features.

I will add go to frame x sprite navigation to the pictures of the main menu and I am going to link
them to their appropriate frames.
This leads to the thrills sub contents page

This leads to the Relaxation sub contents page

This leads to the Adventure sub contents page

I am now adding a back button to the sub contents pages so the user can go back to the contents
page to pick a different category. I will use the same concept as the go to frame x buttons so I am
going to use that on the back button to take the user to the contents page.

Now that that is working I am going to make 4 (or more) activity pages I aim to create 1 for each
topic. The first one I am doing is a thrills activity: super car experience.
I set out the subheading at 36pt.

I now insert the picture of the Gumpert Apollo but I want to turn it into an animation so it constantly
cycles between that and the Ferrari LaFerrari.

To make the image cycle I am going to use a sprite animation called cycle graphics

I now add another pause to stop the page from running away and I add a text box for the
information on track days. I also add a back button, like the one before it uses the same principles
but instead of go to frame 25 it goes to frame 35. I finally add a picture of the Lamborghini Hurrican

Learnt: I have completed an activity page and I have added a back button.
AIM: to finish off my product and to complete the testing table.

I am now going to add a go to frame x sprite property to the supercar experience part of the thrills
sub contents page as I have added information on that activity.

As I need to fulfil a few more criteria I need to create another page so I am going to create a
parachuting page with a scrolling text box and a video with controls
To add a scrolling text box you add a normal one and change its settings like so:
In the property inspector you go into text and change the framing to scrolling.

I am now going to add a video. To do this you just drag and drop it from your assets onto the stage.

Note: For the video playback to work best it

should be a QuickTime video.
I am now going to add video controls to the
product. I need to either add custom buttons
or a scrubbing bar. I am going to add the
custom buttons. Firstly I make sure my video
is selected. I will then go into the media folder
in the behaviours part of the code library.

Then I will go into quick time and I will select the control button.

I will now create a pause and play button. By making 2 standard buttons with pause and play written
on them.

I will now add the quick time control button behaviour to each of them choosing the appropriate

I will now remove the audio from the clip as I will be adding music in next lesson. To do this I need to
go to the QuickTime tab in the property inspector and change the playback to play every frame so
there is no sound

contents page.

Learnt: I have created the last page, I only need to link it up with the sub

AIM: I need to check my emails, ensure that my ILP is up to date and finish working on my project so
I can start the testing phase.
I am going to use the go to frame x behaviour to link up the last page.

Aim: to add music to my product

Firstly you import the music that you want to use making sure it is an mp3 file. Then you drag and
drop it into one of the audio channels.

Now that is done I will then adjust it so it starts and ends when I want it to. In my case I want it to
start after the logo is clicked on the splash screen.

Now that is dome I am going to add controls to the music that can be used throughout the product.
For this I am going to create a basic button called pause music that stops the music. I am going to
drag and drop pause sound sprite behaviour onto the button.

I am now going to create the play music button, it will play the previously paused music.

This time I am going to drag and drop the play sound sprite behaviour onto the button. I am also
going to make the music play for ever unless its paused.

The music and controls are now in place

Learnt: I have completed my product

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