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Ingls II

Instituto Tecnolgico de
Loaiza Nava
Estudios Superiores de
Ingles I
Tutor: Alicia Morales


MV-U2- Actividad Integradora. Cuarta etapa

Name: Rodrigo Loaiza Nava
Producirs un folleto informativo en el que describirs un lugar turstico; este
folleto estar acompaado de una carta formal dirigida a una agencia de viajes
(imaginaria) con el fin de solicitarles que consideren ese lugar en sus promociones
para turistas.
1. Estudia el folleto turstico y carta de presentacin de ejemplo que se
incluyen al final de este documento.
2. Usando los diferentes prrafos que has escrito a lo largo del curso, toma
ideas que te sirvan para desarrollar tu folleto. Habla de un problema que
tena tu ciudad y que ya se resolvi, de alguna tradicin o que solan tener
en el pasado, y usa las palabras y expresiones de descripcin que aprendiste
para describir el lugar que promocionars.
3. Elabora el contenido de tu folleto y carta en la plantilla. Puedes usar
elementos del folleto y la carta de ejemplo, inclusive usar algunas frases tal
como se muestran. Sin embargo, no se permite usar oraciones enteras de
ninguna de las plantillas, pues la intencin es que t escribas tus propias
4. Asegura que hayas puesto los detalles necesarios del remitente de la carta y
tus datos, estos datos pueden ser ficticios para proteger tu privacidad, por
ejemplo, no tienes que poner tu telfono actual, ni tu direccin.
5. Usa la revisin ortogrfica de tu computadora para que no pierdas puntos
por errores de ortografa.

D.R. Instituto Tecnolgico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey,
Eugenio Garza Sada 2501 Sur, Col. Tecnolgico, Monterrey, N.L. Mxico. 2013

Ingls II
6. Revisa tu prrafo al da siguiente para verificar errores o hacer mejoras. Es
ms fcil ver errores cuando te das un descanso. Revisa con cuidado la
rbrica de evaluacin.
7. Escribe entre 80 y 150 palabras en cada prrafo. Si te excedes no habr
penalizacin, pero es mejor no pasarse del lmite para que tu tutor te pueda
brindar una retroalimentacin de calidad.


We are very proud of our state Michoacn and hope that

you will visit us soon. This brochure will tell you about
some of the attractions, places to visit, and improvements
that we have made.
Our favorite place to visit: Michoacn
Michoacn is in Mexicos southwestern region in an area with
abundant natural beauty.
You will discover natural areas and national parks
like Cupatitzio Canyon and the Jose Maria Morelos
park. You can go camping, practice ecotourism and
extreme sports, including mountain bike riding.
The beautiful Monarch Butterfly Sanctuary forest is a
natural habitat for the monarch butterfly.
In Michoacn youll also find many traditional cultural events,
some of which such as the Day of the Dead
celebration at Lake Patzcuaro. Youll see beautiful colonial churches, enjoy the
excellent local food and buy regional art crafts at the stores and markets.
You could also visit archaeological zones of Tzintzuntzan and Ihuatzio. In
D.R. Instituto Tecnolgico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey,
Eugenio Garza Sada 2501 Sur, Col. Tecnolgico, Monterrey, N.L. Mxico. 2013

Ingls II

Morelia, the state capital, youll see magnificent buildings in the Historic Center,
which was declared a World Heritage Site by the UNESCO.
On Michoacans coast youll find adorable beaches like Playa Azul and Lazaro
Cardenas, which offer hotels and restaurants.
Michoacn is magicaland it is waiting for you.
Adapted from:
Picture: Gabriel Velzquez

If have visited before, you will be happy to know that we

have made some important changes
In Morelia, we used to have the problem of pollution in our streets around the
historic center. This used to give a very bad impression to our visitors. In order
to improve how Morelia looks, we have done two important things.
First, we have started a program where local businesses donate a garbage can
for their street corner. The city pays for the garbage truck to take away the
trash. We have distributed fliers telling people about the damage caused by
throwing trash on the streets.
Second, to make downtown prettier, we have planted many trees. It is now a
pretty place to walk on a nice day, the streets are clean and you can enjoy
walking around the historic center. If you have not seen the city center since
we have made the changes, you will have a pleasant surprise!

D.R. Instituto Tecnolgico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey,
Eugenio Garza Sada 2501 Sur, Col. Tecnolgico, Monterrey, N.L. Mxico. 2013

Ingls II

We are very proud of our state Nuevo Len and hope

that you will visit us soon. This brochure will tell you
about some of the attractions, places to visit, and
improvements that we have made.

Our favorite place to visit. Nuevo Len

Nuevo Len is in Mexicos north region in an area with abundant natural
You will discover
natural areas and
national parks like
Cerro de la Silla,
laguna de Labradores
and Santa Catarina.
You can go camping,
practice ecotourism
and extreme sports,
including mountain
bike riding.
The beautiful Cerro
de la Silla is
considered one of the most attractive places in Nuevo Leon youll also find
many attractive places in Nuevo Leon, as Parque Fundidora . Youll see
beautiful colonial churches, enjoy the excellent local food and buy regional
art crafts at the stores and markets.
La Feria de Villaseca that is celebrated in the months of july and august
become carreras de caballos, charreadas, escaramuzas y cabalgatas.
You could also visit archaeological zone of Boca de Potrerillos. In
Monterrey, the state capital, youll see magnificent buildings in the Historic
Center, with Macroplaza and Tecnologico Stadium, where he played the Club
de Futbol Monterrey
D.R. Instituto Tecnolgico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey,
Eugenio Garza Sada 2501 Sur, Col. Tecnolgico, Monterrey, N.L. Mxico. 2013

Ingls II
Which offer hotels and restaurants.
Nuevo Len is magicaland it is waiting for you.

If have visited before, you will be happy to know that we

have made some important changes
In Monterrey, we used to have the problem of pollution in our streets around
the historic center. This used to give a very bad impression to our visitors. In
order to improve how Monterrey looks, we have done two important things.
First, we have started a program where local businesses donate two garbage
cans for their street corner. The city pays for the garbage truck to take away
the trash. We have distributed fliers telling people about the damage caused
by throwing trash on the streets.
Second, to make downtown prettier, we have planted many trees. It is now a
pretty place to walk on a nice day, the streets are clean and you can enjoy
walking around the historic center. If you have not seen the city center since
we have made the changes, you will have a pleasant surprise!

Si sabes cmo insertar imgenes, puedes cambiar el formato de folleto. Sin embargo,
tienes que incluir todos los escritos que has realizado. Recibirs puntos adicionales por
diseo adicional, pero no perders puntos por no hacerlo.

D.R. Instituto Tecnolgico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey,
Eugenio Garza Sada 2501 Sur, Col. Tecnolgico, Monterrey, N.L. Mxico. 2013

Ingls II
Cartas de ejemplo
Ejemplo 1:
John Smith
111 Main Street
Springfield, MA 01001
July 10, 2010
Susan Smith
Jeans Tourism Agency
222 Main Street
Greenville, MI 10010

Dear Ms Smith,
I am writing to let you know that Michoacn, Mxico is an exciting place to visit and your customers
should know that. We have made some important changes in our town and are promoting more tourism
to our area.
I have made a lovely brochure to inform people about different aspects of Michoacn, which I hope you
will display in your office.
I thank you in advance for your time and attention.
(Le agradezco de antemano por su tiempo y atencin.)
John Smith
Enclosed find 10 brochures. (En el anexo se incluyen 10 folletos)

Vocabulary: (Nota: este vocabulario no se debe incluir en la carta, es nicamente para ayudarte a la comprensin de la
let you know: informarte
Promoting: promoviendo
Aspects: aspectos
Display: exponer
Regards: Saludos

D.R. Instituto Tecnolgico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey,
Eugenio Garza Sada 2501 Sur, Col. Tecnolgico, Monterrey, N.L. Mxico. 2013

Ingls II

Ejemplo 2
John Smith
111 Main Street
Springfield, MA 01001
July 10, 2010
Susan Smith
Jeans Tourism Agency
222 Main Street
Greenville, MI 10010

Dear Ms Smith,
Have you heard about Michoacn, Mxico? It is a popular place to visit for many reasons.
I think that your customers will be interested to see what we have to offer, which is why I have enclosed
our new brochure. It contains information about local attractions, traditions, and improvements that we
have made. You and your customers wont want to miss out on our great town.
I will call you next week to follow up on this letter. Thank you in advance for your time and attention.
John Smith
follow up on: darle seguimiento

D.R. Instituto Tecnolgico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey,
Eugenio Garza Sada 2501 Sur, Col. Tecnolgico, Monterrey, N.L. Mxico. 2013

Ingls II
Plantilla de la carta
Rodrigo Loaiza Nava
Sandia 24 street
Metepec Mex. 52172
April 15, 2016
Sam Smith
Smiths Turism Agency
29 Concha Street
Mxico, D.F 05120
Dear Mr Alonso
I am writing to let you know that Monterrey, Mxico is an exciting place to visit and your customers
should know that. We have made some important changes in our town and are promoting more tourism
to our area.
I have made a lovely brochure to inform people about different aspects of Monterrey, which I hope you
will display in your office.
I thank you in advance for your time and attention
Rodrigo Loaiza

D.R. Instituto Tecnolgico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey,
Eugenio Garza Sada 2501 Sur, Col. Tecnolgico, Monterrey, N.L. Mxico. 2013

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