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= — Hes anything strange ever happened to you? Hore isa list of some strange things that have happened to other people. Place a check next fo ones you have seen or experienced - ] Have you ever seen a meteorite? Have you ever seen a tornado? Have you ever been ina flood? Have you ever seen snow in summer? ‘ Have you ever seen strange things in the night sky’ Have you ever seen the Northern Lights inthe sky? Have you ever eaten a strange food? Have you ever seen a ghost? OHo0000000 L__ Choose one othe events you checked or pick different one you would Ike to wate about Whet happened? When did it happen? Who was with you? Where did it happen? How has t changed you? Had you ever seen or done anything like this before? Seana Things sometimes Happen | Manuel dos Santos Ban Geng | Sogtdcarces Kuala Lumpur Usor) Lenion | Medd’ Marco Cy ilan Montreal New Delhi Santiago Seoul Singapore Bosion Burr Ridge, IL Dubuque, 1A Madison, WI i ‘San Francisco St. Louis Sydney Taipei Toronto we26 Scope and Sequence are re oonuune steniue ano EAD Ie avo warrwe sesame we spouses = pa | re wevixwatcwn | [Retasonacncoya | teat ea Dorm enews eelere rs. |e ime as ent a nantes ieente paersie =e EE comma || teen Tene fe eed Soca aeaeay RET ec nose esto Fy mat et eeaereoeeey Wovens PRaENEPRN | tung tact ntemaon | [Reseda orn me | [ ee aie Bk eee artngecieoy || ood Promundatorcucien el weatdyon| | Weacseeg canna Cros omen now fk | Seinen es eel Semicon | | Yeesietann nn enecer Sos eee Seana stemai Seo etna ees — resi017 mo Te aoentreecrgieame | ates ‘aang nro are] [pmlownapna WDeowerawrs,coneranrs || Ihave soncbing dom Stemi done Pronunaton mamccotte coca | | Wasa Egg scines te camry $e Semen oer | | Pope we cece fra Wi ate cco about || aveing en see Se all See ne nensness [|S 5 cate - eae tan eel ces, Ling tang — (Dr wonwen war waevensn || Mei sien soe tome sie fet gate See ta =n trio = Wig eon oom} ne tn Should have + past participle discovery uo poe ssns7 eee = | | ee ease eee [assaas ee Dero nom pots octneeet re oer sins dane we te : " ee emetccitnon irae Soulmate a ae moaigiae Resibecigoe omen Ling Mamie vettcnts | [ Reciampe tan sna Dower rier sao Boe lemus ce Sacieeed ane ‘etind main Wie a phone cms ode orga eng f oe sony Reece ine | | Hats ron sees as ©‘ Bipansion 2 SBS4S7, Review WGE-0 ‘Vocabulary SBS8-61 \ i Ye ss "The ing nd ln cha me he Se Froth ees Mara DEAR FRIENDS WooK ano usten 6 $82 ‘Teetep Lumberne. 224 Em Road ines Dear. Gonzalez: | want oagologze for not ansaering your let sooner, ve been out fhe fon for te ast tree waska nd ony got bso yosoray ‘Ahough the focus of our company is on the U.S. marke, we are very ineested in ‘xgandng ino Latin Amaia. ok tread fo meeting You ad discuss te various ossbltes Please give mea cals soon as You aio on arch 25, soa we cana Up $time fora mastng, ‘Yours ty, | Souennemmrce | SSetumicatrcenmecerece, | Pom — | | 5. rman yar oe bcs GET WELL SOON | meee a, 99 19 move Mow parent, —— GI —comereuension Answer reo fbe 1 ht er dds ne sooner bea ews ay 2. CMe Ramer ot meen maine ese 5. Mandy wont shel nape ether oat nee 4 Ree hndsned cnt fap ae oan pry 5. — Tomo and Kato are conratuaing sens ges eae, 6. — Benda weno ay sen B—erae woekn A Apologize for something, C. Askand refuse a favor = I want to apologize for not coming to your par, = Can you put us up fr the night? = Don't wony. That's quite all ight © Tim afraid I cari. I already have someone staying with me, B Wish someone the best on a special occasion, oe wt ‘White down what you're used to/not used = lish you lots of succes in your new position, a : ee fing on special occasions and holidays ‘Thanks a ot. Pm looking forward to the new ob. a ae = Tm not used to eceving cards on my bthday. © Neither am $83 —eeammae. In English, gerund forms follow prepositions. ‘We talked about going to New York for vacation. ‘Some vetbs are usually flowed by certain prepositions. ‘excuse (someone) for doing Please excuse Mary for being absent. apologize for doing | apologize for not coming to the reception, Took forward to doing Fm looking forward to lying in the sun, think of doing Tm thinking of moving to @ new apartment soon. ‘Some verbs are usually folowed by certain prepositions. fa are Taseed neil elon Ture ewan j ‘Use futur in the past to talk about something that had not yet happened atthe time, Last time I saw you, you were going to start anew job. [atzhough vs mn spite af] In spite of and although have siilar meanings. In spite of is fllowed by a noun or gerund. Although introduces a clause that has a subject and verb. ‘The letter arived in spite ofthe incorrect address /He went to schoo! In spte of being sick ‘Although the letter was addesced incorrectly, I eceived i CEE. ot ‘Use so with an adjective or with many, much, fe or Hitle to express result ‘The noise was so loud that) we were hardly able to hear ourselves talk. ‘There were so many people (that) we couldn't find a place to sit. er ne Re EG Tee ccrtces, © arash we Goma [EIEEIEAIF es soon a, when Cnjunctons oftime are not followed by the future. Use the present or past instead. tell you as soon as I know. Ti call you when I arrive. sB4 A B c “Match the following sentences. Mary is eling a friend about an outing ‘a. we eoulda't swim, ».ittook us hours to get tothe beach. we went straight to bed. 4. Lwanted to on we couldnt find a place to park {the children were bitten al over. “= There was so much traffic onthe road The picnic spot was so crowded The water was s0 cold = There were s0 many mosquitoes lives so upset that We were also ted in the evening Use the following words to complete the txt: although, as soon as, because, but, during, in spite of.) The Singing Telegram ‘the Depression in 1933, mony people were out of work Mt was tha! year in which (George sn, © Western Union executhe, Invented histor fst singing telegram. To alt of people ater World War | telegram wos scary thing meant you were being Informed that you lost loved ono. hon Osin Presented hs idea to his bosss, he wos fold that his iden was a bat one. But he foght kr hie ideo the opposton of his bosses. ‘he singing telegram was said, i become wily popular wth the US. publi ‘lester Union made millions of olers wih is dea, Me. Oslin dint de rich ‘mon. Teday singing telegroms aren used ‘nyerore, __ you can sl send one ovr ‘he telephone, ihe tune of Happy Bithday” ot ‘acostof abouts. Complete the sentences about yoursel, ‘Then compare witha partner. Example: I'm thinking of Tm interested in Tm excited about Tm thinking of Tm looking forward 6 Tm not used 0 1m tved of | apologized tomy fend Tor Tm not capable of a $85 @)—ceammae Tare. Make ais of things you're used to dng and not used to doing and compare with a parne, Example Tm usd to studying with ther peopl Tot used to tang in he som B—ustenwen A. Listen to the four people. Answer true or false. IM Kame wants to pu he meeting wth Me Gone Tis tuning ting end sy oe Ait Me an goto Ropar nape of he vit om is aes Aihoug Rodwe sk hes cons he peje B Listen again. Complete the sentences. 1. Me Kramer is thinking of, 2, Although Li’s apartment is small, 3. Mike is looking forward to 4, Raymond was so sick that (—ceronunciationn Listen and practice. The folowing are sometimes called short vowels. friend | absent | sincerely send_| expand_| interested The sound /eis usually Spelled with the leter e. Another common speling is ea (hea). ‘The sound fa is usually spelled withthe letter a ‘The sound //is usually pelled with the letter. Its sometimes spelled with» (ym) ote (English). —cuar te 1. Are people in your country asd to writing note, letters, or cards on special occasions? 2. Do you apologize for not doing something or doing something wrong? ‘When did you last apologize? Was it easy or hard for you? 3, Ate you the kind of person who forgives easly? 44. When you are absent from school, do your parents have to urite notes explaining your absence? 5. Do you lke doing favors or asking other people fr favors? $86 (—conversation A —— GREAT IDEAS Linda: Red, thanks for inviting me to your party, ‘but 'm not going to be able to make it Rod: Why not? Linda: Well, you see, my cousin is getting engaged, Its one of those family partis, and Ihave toga. Td prefer to come to your party instead, but you know how itis. [don't want to let the family down, Rod: That's eal shame. We're going fo miss you, Hey, Rod, thanks forte invitation, think its really cool idea to have a birthday pary in a bouting ally. ‘Yeah. A fist, Iwas going to have itin ‘a cub, but then I changed my mind, ‘This is much more fun, Mile had her birthday at Dancin’ Nights, and it was so loud we could talk, and it was too crowded. ‘You always come up with great ideas. YOUR ENDING. ‘What do vou think Rod says next? © Next year I'm thinking of having my birthday party in a stretch imo. @ Wait tl next year. Thave a whole year to think of something great! @ Thani. Tm simply biliant, don't you think? Your ideas ABOUT THE CONVERSATION 1, Why ie Rod having a party? 2. Why cant Linda come tothe party? 3. Why isnt Rod having his party atthe hub? f— your TURN ——— Do roleplay wth a pre Twa ns oye ie pci Makeup arenon Aploge or ot oi, B Do the following role play: Calla friend and accept an invitation to a party. CD the following role play witha partner: Plana birthday party in an unusual place Call and invite a friend. 7 87 FROM SMOKE SIGNAL Leia melo) (—ereavwen c6Poes esAowis exons yy Lite cert ors commurieaton ulnon. tence det sa nb Core dc ie pel oom es es ‘teadng? hy does the oor roe hm? From the Stone Age othe presen, people hive shown a defini ned to end meses ‘one another despite Being fr aay. In 1084 B.C, a chun of ies on mountanops was we wo eat the new ofthe ill of Ty 9 people in Greece. Inthe past, naive people in the Americas used smoke fom fies © ans -mesigs They developed «code—in which cen combinations had special meanings. For crample, so pall slum of smoke indicated the acer of 6 Pr [Almost anything that makes 2 noite has ben used for signaling, Cyrus, an ancene Pesan ruler, established lines of signal tower. At each one, people wih power vices shouted = ‘mesg othe next ewer kindof drum talk il win Central Aca oda. although few who ae not nave have ben able co undtand i The sender wes dem dat can prodice «high o lw tone. Beaute the lc diet aerate inthe toes the sender lest speech with he drums. In moder times, peopl have communicated by lett telegraph and telephone. But no one method hat become a widespread quit athe se of al In. 1990, dhe number of people on email wa smal, ut bythe end of he twentieth centy, there were 263 milion email bots, and inthe United Sats alone, 9.3 milion messages were sent a day. And e-mail uses expected incre by 15 025 percent 2 ye ‘The fist emall mess tok place in 197, and acon ots sender, Ray Tonsoni was probaly the fllowing: “QWERTYUIOP” What was signifant about da? Nothing sll ‘This ju the ep cow of keys on an Engl-angag:keybort. Toligon wa jut ting ‘tan idea. He had ao conepe hate wa ging sae rvluion in communication, TO E-MAIL @—weitiwe (2—eose¢¢ — ‘Tomlinson was one of 2 group of scientists who were working on developing beter ‘computers. The scientists a his site were able to send tage to 2 "malo on the ‘computer on these. Other sentir coud view the mesages in the maou, But thee wee other computers at other sites where scentist were working on the same project ‘Tomlinso' ide was to figure outa way to deliver mexages to mailboxes on those reote computes. He used the @ sig 0 identi menage hat wre headed ut of the local machine to the moe distant one. And the ret is history. “The ncret kas bem so popular nowadays that when you ak someone hit or her adds, ‘he answer might be JSmih@net corn instead of 123 King Suet. arTeR READING Complete the folowing sentences about the reading. 1. People have shown a need to keep in touch with one another by 2. When Native Americans saw two cokumns of smoke, {3 In central Aca, the tone ofthe drums is so specific that natives 4. although e-mail only began in the 1970s, by the end ofthe cent ‘5, When Tomlinson sent his fst message, he had no idea. 6. Nowadays millions of people are usod to Discussion 1. What are the most common ways that you communicate with fiends? With elatives? With people who live far away? 2. What ae the advantages and disadvantages ofthe various ways of communicating? Wie alter or e-mailtoa fend teling some goodlbad news. + [Rea Jennifer, (latter) or Hi, Jennifer, (e-mail) | have to share the news witha good friend. “niin pee Write and design cardi for special 0 t0 make your cards, or make them, Present your cards to the class. $89 WISHFUL THINKING Look ano usten 6 WHAT, PEOPLE ARE SAYING "if you could take only one thing with you to a desert island, what would you take | woul take my oa phone Tbe abet ak to my fonds and woul get lol. ‘Angel, 399 23 you hada close encounter whan exratredta G what question would you ask? Fanbecehce Codd en in oe, 5 J) sc the irc out bout ie to uve, rego 28 Ifyou could go anywhere, where would you go and why? Iilgo tothe South Poe, because Ive In Egy, and I've novo seen the snow. ‘Atvied 96 18 ifyou could choose a place to lve, which cy r county would you choose? i eou noose apace to ve, Td goto Nawal The wear’ great tho whole oS Year round an te surg abo ike age 17 you could be an animal, what animal would you be? | ould be a daphin bocause dolphins are itligert eatures, and they have lots of un. Yoko, age 75 W you could be astral fue, who woud you ba? Genres Ee } | ityou could travel through time, would you go the past orto the future? | | I would goto the future to see what'd ook Ike as an ast e | Mare Care, age 12 B10 Cc nf e s Some Common Wishes Do you wish for any of the following? iC wish | had a lot of money. | wish I didn't have to work/go to school. | wish holidays were longer. Gee mcanynacenum UE SP oe : eee ; e S @ @ | G—cowmereuension “Answer true or false. r 4 wu Angela would take her cell hone to a desert island ‘Tony would ask an extratenestrial about life on other planes ‘Ahmed wouldn't go tothe Antarctic Mike could live any place in the word, he'd live in Hawa, If Yoko could be any animal, she would be a whale. 1 2 3 4 5. 6. _— Dianne wouldnt ke to be Marie Antoinette B—eaie work A Give your ideas. Se fe on yur par compl he atthe sence Tee Paleerecae pce Chan ic feo tk nt nein th me dst and, Na atne eo ge B Ack and answer about wishes. You can use the ideas on these ges oF your oun eas. Fy Do you wish you had a lt of money? ® Yes, Ido. Then I would be able to travel ’ CC Wite down your own answers tothe questions on page 66 and compare witha partner. D__Wite down some common wishes, and compare with your partner. a san C__ Discuss the questions in small groups. | B—ceanmae: ' hat won voce whe lng oan? 1. You found a bag fll of money onthe see. Use the second conditional o talk about imaginary or hypothetical situations inthe present 2, You saw your best ends boyfendgitend wth another ron. Use the simple past in the if clause. 3. A.UFO landed in your neighborhood. 4. Nou nt end cme mone, the eon dean Bree Yost ftp rece eee = Ee ' 5. You lent a fiend a dress ora suit fr a special occasion. [eonracion wih wot] When et eared, aa pon ea Re ceca | Soe “he/d =) er Gea D Prosem sowwe cit was ty a te loueg bles, em Monta wou Prd your | om and you are the government official n charge of salving ther, ‘What would you do? al with could and might ‘Might can replace would in conditional sentences to express posibiliy and\probability. you askme nicely, I might take you with me. ‘Could can be used inthe if clause. It means if someone were able to." 1 could travel anywhere, I would goto Tah I wouldnt go to New York. I's to busy. } f s f | I i ‘Use wish for things you want to happen but probably wort. i E Use the verb wish inthe following situations. Complete the sentences, Wish | InSome case, more than ne ve form an be core | inthe present | I dont hve mac ie. | Twsh had move tine i se } Uhaveto work tay. | wih dda have to work oda | Youbet end isa wont pron, but hele tals oo och 4 ee eee |) I wish that my best friend didn’t talk so much/wouldn't talk so much. | Inthe tue | He wont lend me hiscar_| wish he would lend me bacon t 1. It’s raining again. | Tih Or ntrentsyeernteneroe ‘see 2. Your fathersoonmatesikes inthe house, and you thik it's unheay. I I wish he ‘Match the sentence parts, 3. A friend asked you to a dance, but you don’t know how to dance. 1. ___Ilwere a very rich person, a. I'd tell him/her to cut taxes. wish 1 ET anon cam, 6 een earvid HAM ccctwimapcamevcime | ON eee ce cistaians, criestveae ee | TMNT catice cece 4 eT a You want to buy someone a present, but you don't have enough money | 5 Mitte tonya ee a tigiioden! 5. Youymntiobuyomtone a emt bye seh nent 6 Be villosa 1 Papo a sy as B Work with a partner. Complete the if clauses in A with your own ideas, Toki oe B12 13 + White one of the folowing messages, and read it out othe cass. + With the members of your dass, select the best messages. / Possbltes: ) 7%. Yeu.are about to leave you family and frends foralong tp toa remote planet B—ustenwen ‘A. Listen. Complete the chart with the people’s wishes. B Listen again. Try to figure out the reasons forthe people's wishes and complete the chart. ‘Share your ideas in small groups. B—eronunciarionn Listen and practice. Note how would you and could you are reduced in Wh. questions. What would you da? ‘What could you do? Where would you go? ‘Where could you go? 1. Do you ever wsh ou wer someone es? 2 What you wish for at the preset tine? * 5: I'your house was on fre, wet would be the frst thing you'd yt ue? 4 you ved on a desert and, what would you mie most fom Cllzation? 5, Have you ever had a wth come ue? Do you know anyone who has? 6: Kyou could make tne wishes, what wo you ak fr? 7, What advice wuld vou giv smene inorder to become eh? 84 ‘Michael: Some people really have all he luck. This guy won ' million-dollar jackpot on a game show. Jennifer: Well, I wad about a family that won 100 milion dolas in the lottery: Now to me, that would be a real problem, would low what to do with so much money. ‘Michael: You wouldn't know what do with so much money? You have tobe eazy IT won thot hind of money, Td know exactly what to do. Ihave it all planned out. Jennifer: What would you do? Michael Ta divide the amount into three. One third I'd give to my family, on one condition: that they would ask me for ‘money ever again, Another third I'd spend on traveling to places I've always dreamed of, I'd buy a house for myself, and a new car, and I'd have a good time SennferAndhat woul you do fh the es YOUR ENDING sour THe conveRsarion What do you think Michaets answer wold be? 1 Who won money? {ta proba eit chr Hw dey wn? ® I'd inwest the money in the stock market 2, What would Jennifer do td ty and make oe mone. wath 10 mon dar? @ Md give it to you, of course. ‘3. What are two things Michael would @ Your idea: do with 100 million dollars? Gl—voue tuew ‘A Role-play the conversation with a partner. Use your endings, Use the answers in About the Conversation as prompts. B Discuss with partner what you would do if you won a fortune in the lottery or on a game show: B15 (—eeanwen Seeger cerns weADWs a e o pan es » ction ign soe moore e pees ‘What was i about? Discuss with a partner. 2, Do you know of books or movies that tll stores of people who are losin space or are lost in remote areas? Tell about the stores. ‘What would you do isudenly you were vor of shred op censh ard ended up on a desernIn the 3700, the English writer Daniel Defoe ‘wrote 3 famous novel abou shipwrecked slr named Robison Crasoe, based othe experiences ofa realli silor named Alexander Sel ‘A powerfl storm wrecked Crusoe’ ship and drowned everyong, aboard the ship-excey Cruse. The sea tse him upon beach. The ships wreckage ned near the shse and Crasce was abe to get a pen and some paper, books, and some tok=all fom the ship. Afr afew days, he cimbed a hill and realized that he was on an uninhabited sind, Crisoe had to sane by hel Crusoe soon covered that got lived on the bland. He cou ge milk, bute, cheese, andrea rom them. He began to make thing for himself he bak 2 tbl, a chair, and some Seles. Near che ave with is supplies he bulk wel-proteced home ‘race ao beg to heep a Journal oti eaperitnet, He needed io communica ié only thins Inasmall ally, Crusoe found wld grapes and ocher is and vegetables. He died the grapes io make ras, which bocame a favor fod of is. With afew gains ofrce ana baley fom a ak om the ship, the sale wssoon growing large lis of ai. For Several years he experimented wilh making brea, arte Gay succeeded. One of ‘Crusoe biggest feustrations was hel of hee oF asin which e could cook or stage food, Over ime, he managed o ake day pos that wer strong encugh old guide ‘fer four years on the sand, he ws a diferent man: "looked now upon the [eve] word sa thing remove, which had noching wo do wth no execution om, ruled no desires about” ‘Gasoe spent his time asa casanay-bulding and imenting, He made a sit rom anil skins wel aan umbella e even made asl eanoe in which he traveled around the sand. He pased eng fur yarns, Then unexpecedy while he was waking along the beach one morsing, Cruces something fighteninga group of raves with prsoners. The nas wete preparing 0 Kl and et the prsoners Crusoe managed to drive Hm of with a gun for the hip |) He sed one ofthe prieners a name him Fay. His new companion was loyal and Jmeliget iday leamed Enlsh that Cusoe hal someone o alk. “Then one day. an Enis ship anchored ner the sad. With the help of ome cxew members, Crasoe gained conta ofthe ship. Aldhoug he hated ta leave the sand, he sled away on the ship. He had spre swenty-eight yeas thee. Crusoe everualy ened vo Engandtrelhisamazing try B16 ATER READING 1 2. 3, 4 5. 6 Discussion a 2 W—werrwe @—reosect Answer the questions Why was Robinson Crusoe shipwrecked? iow did he get milk and cheese on the island? ‘Why was Crusoe able to make bread? What problem did he have in keeping and storing food? Why do you think Robinson named his companion Friday? ‘Was he happy on the island? Point out two places in the text where that is mentioned, ‘Summarize the story in your own words: Have you ever seen any survivor-vpe programs on tele ‘What are they lke? What do you think of them? — ‘Why do you think that people ae interested in stores of = survival in primitive conditions? Unite about a movie you saw or a book you read. Write about a story of survival or an adventure story. In the lst paragraph, el about what you would do or how you would feel f you were one of the characters ji Aga [Hance read a book. called. "Girl Againgt the Jungle,” Ie about as old girl who was the only surviver ofa plane crash in the juagle of Perse. Hera eS era [Your He grip Te dpairicked on 4 deiert 3 island. Plaw together what you would do to survive. = Discast how you woldd divide the sche em tasks among meme | the group, based. on their individual skills. Know your rights. Are you a wise consumer? ‘Answer yesor no to these questions. ‘The right fo choose {usual red he nrmaton on shches an he abel on products dosh ‘compar pres of he some brandn ferent sores. ‘mot inivenced by a pushy salesperson, ‘The right fo information ‘read he adversemenis ond out which store ofthe bs! pce. «_{Teod ond compare warranties bolore purchasing, ‘The right fo safety | understand he labels on household prods Ireod the manuals arty ‘The right o be heard usualy relum produc Im nt satsied wth them. |e ltr of compli tthe product or sonic snot what expect Tedwaysespule o* queston on incorrect bil, ‘The right fo consumer education calculate france charges when | use my cred cor | don buy things st becouse theyre on Sle. [have a good cre ror, Tawoys request end Keep my recaps of purchases. The engine 3 moked @ Tes n for 000 00 OO O0 ObUe O00 U0 OO O0 OUbe GB —comerenension —— Give yourself a point are 7A. Anauer about the complains for each yes. sw 1 Was rong wih he paren? fee ieee eee | 2 lattes wmansiepmec syste soared? 19 forest rest ia’ wrong wih the jacket? id ; be repaired. have 4, What's wrong with the DVD? Below 6: You need improvement. B__ Check the good consumer actions. ___ Buy everything in one store because it's more convenient and saves time. 1 2. Dor let a salesperson push vou to buy something. 3, Throw away the manual when you open the box with a new product. 4, Ty to determine if ou need an item on sale before you buy it B—eaie work = FA Dowd plays uth thepobenacnpoge 18. B Wht dow on or wo bing at bow you = Whats won? twee gattod ensuner Sennen ha Pret ‘There's a broken windoupane 1 have it fixed right away. 19 B This house has a lot of problems, 1. Make alist of problems. 2. Say how you're going to solve them. —ceammee The windows need to be cleaned ‘The car seats need to be fixed, Have something done Use have or get when someone else does the sevice for you. ‘The rooms need to be decorated, ‘We're having/getting the rooms decorated. ‘The roof needs to be repaired. ‘We're going to haveiget the roof repaired ‘The house needed tobe painted. We hadl/got the house painted, eee ‘The windows were broken ‘The vase was cracked. “The disk was damaged. ‘The dress was torn, Note: The glass is chipped. Isa chipped glass ‘The bumper is dented. I's a dented bumper. A. Say what is wrong withthe following, Example: The shirt is tained. It naede tobe dry-leaned. Solution ‘A windowpane is brokan Treads o be bed Tm going iohove ad CC Tellyour classmates what you had dene in the house. Example: We had the house redecorated. 1 1D Complete the conversation. Use the correct frm ofthe veb, Then practice it witha partner. \ | Le: (have) __ this ear for thee months, and it ives me ll kinds of problems | Joe: What his tne? i Lz: It{notstert)_in the morning Joe: Mave is because ofthe cold or the baery (might be) dead La: Its tha. (have) 2 new batery putin, and all won't start | ink the starter needs (epi Joe: Isthete anything else wrong wie eae? | Liz: Yes, the exhaust pie (al) land the rdiator aking WORD BANK Joe: Is your car under warranty? eee Lz: Yes, tis || ch ne tues Joe: Then you (should not wor) Well have everyting (x) for you List That's what yu (5) Tasime $820 se21 GB} —ceammae tak ‘The following sily instructions appeared on product labels 1, Explain the Instructions in your own words. (You might need to correct the English.) 2. Use should, ought fo, must, or had better to give advice Example: You shouldrit use a hairdryer inthe bath or in bed. On ahoirdryer Qua hotel shower (On a dessert Do not use whe leping Useon ros Do not container Do nat use n water 5 ¢ upside down. eS (On an iron ‘On atrozen dinner Onababy canier {2 Donotrondothes We suggest you does! ae) Puton brakes on slope. |S en body Delve sary. EE might ol down auc = ee ae —eronuncrarionn ae Listen and practi. Each word contains ihe iter. Ss Not the diferent pronunciations i aE (2—caar tue 1. Have you ever bought a draped or detec roc? 2 Hove Jou eve tue someting wa dre? What wos th acon ofthe pon you ted tc? 5 ce urate th came hen eye pole? Wht Joos oe nt he? 4 hat ee mos common Cosme compl tout 0 822 —conversariona THE LATEST FASHION Salesperson: Can Ihelp you, ma'am? ‘Margaret: Yes, like to exchange a par of jeans—baaay with faded colors ‘Salesperson: Itsounds lke one of Kiki latest ‘creations. She designs loose doting, and faded clothes are in syle this season. ‘You didi ke i Margaret: No, i’s not that, i's Salesperson: Of course, ma'am. Can you give eee me the jeans? Margaret: You se, they split atthe seams, and it happened while [was dancing ata party TTve never felt so embarrassed in my ie. Fortunately my fiend had a sweater, and [tied It around my walt Tm really sorry, ma'am, ‘That's never happened before. Unfortunately the jeans in this depariment are all made by Kiki YOUR ENDING ‘What do you think was Margarets response? @ Well, then I want o get the money for the jeans back ® Can't come back next season when the sles change? @ Can I get a credit to buy something in another department? @ Your idea: ABOUT THE CONVERSATION 1. Was the salesperson helpful? 2. What is Kiki's atest slo? 3. What was the problem wih the jeans? 44. How did Margaret solve the problem atthe party? E)—voue tuew ‘A Roleplay the conversation between Margaret andthe slsperson B Imagine that Margaret has to see the manager about her problem. White the dialog and preset the conversation tothe clas 5823 (—eeaowen BEFORE READING Always ny rll yer own | Do you believe in bad luck? Do you think bad luck is just related to chance or coincidence? THE BAD LUCK THEORY ‘ou inte your fends oer © watch on NBA boskaboll playelf game on TV. There oe plenty of sodas inthe tegen, the popcom is popping, ond you are all set io waich the big game. You tun onthe sl ond ll you ast 0 fuzzy image onthe scoen Is this plain bod Feet ors Murphy law ot worke Murphy law sos: anyhing ean go wrong, wi” Similar siuatons occur al the time. When you in a hury © open the door and you try several keys onthe key ring, the lost one you try is usually the one that werks. When you get ino a line ot the supermarket, you nd you've chosen the slowes! one, and i st doesnt move. Bad luck or enincidence® According to Bish physics! Rober! Mathews, is nethar fone nor the other He explains that ou selcive memory fends to remember the. bad fpisedes more ready than the things thot usually work ou, and the law of probably is more ogoin! us thon in out favor. For example, inthe supermarket wih five cashiers, fhe chances of geting fs! lane are 20 percent, and 80 percent fora slow lane. Mahaws became @ popda sin! when he proved tha! @ place ol ost does necessarily fll onthe lloor on the butted side. BBC Television gothered 300 people fo throw pieces of buttered toast up in the cir and observe on which sie they fell. Hol Fell Cn the butered side, ond half did't Now here's 0 ricky question for Dr. Mathews. W's @ known fact thot cats always fall on their four legs. What happens if you tie piece of butted toas! on a cat's Bock and drop them fom @ bolesryé Wil fo cat and on lf, o wl he fast orl onthe butlored side? I sincerely hope the BBC doesn' ry his experiment Just remember that you cannot blame Murphy's law for everything thot goes wong. Ifthe fol walt rns ou whl youre hovng 0 shower, is probably bacoss he bum needs to be fixed. If your car breaks down onthe way loa job interview, ifs probably because you didnt hava the vehicle serviced or repre. Murphy's Law Coplin Edward Murphy wos on engineer of Edords A Fore Bose nthe US, 1949, he wos wering onthe projet of © moctine fo mecsied the heorbeat ond breching of pls. Bt sonehing wees mafctoning inte eupment doe fo ron trex Murphy blamed he lb econ ond sad frei ary vey b do wren, e wl" One sal faire con bing © wide projet costing down, ln proctce, wes 2 goed pincple of sfey Greeting, ond t became popdar inal creas epi he lols of every ings. AFTER READING 1, What does the example of the NBA game ilusrate? 2. What does Murphy's law stato? 3. According o Robert Mathews, how does the law of probability work against usin the supermasket ine? 44, Why did Mathews do the butered bread experiment? What did show? Discussion Do you believe in Murphy's Law? MD —werrine — | desrsicintasam ite eter of complaint Dotelmlypodeds | Ymwrlting to complain about the Mult-Lingur dlosoni banaue which bough fen Goa Store ncn and whch ol trader warrenty. Thelntrction ald the machine could tranaate int ten alfurent languages; however shan ask fer Span ECHR ES $825 ( EXPANSION D o DASE ALI, ‘Baseal oat rom chat and resp am what we now know 3s ‘an old Eglo game cle rounders bse Fer tne, ey cunt he (hier In Bacon during Cool bal trehanded bt foray the ‘ines sod to lay using four bases al wast ier han the on sed fan abt ox. One ge sald tea twas gy ler and very ‘that Aner Dated waste person unc because cated acre of ‘ha, 1839 In Coopeiown, Now Indian uber. There was 0 unpre York, evened te gue payed on saying wher api was abl oa ‘he among shaped fd wih four Sh The baer coud jst stant at ‘ns and nama the ame baseball ome pale and wal dy be had ‘ough Oobleday ha been gen, ul he goa plch be wate ‘edt for his imerton, baseball shing ats, aay bal has ‘stone say. was Aexandr to be caught bere iste ground (Cartwright ands eds tat evsed in re tobe considered an ot, ball ‘ho new game in 1845. was caled cau on te fist bounce was tho Racdrbekar game ote New consiered an York game, an flere n sever Kackrboster game READING BEFORE READING ‘What do you know about the origin of soccer, basketball, and baseball? Discus with a partner. ROPULAR SPORTS SOCCER A $826 ot in the | ee | AFTER READING Answer rofl sou te tt ‘Alhough soczer had ben layed for hunded of ers theft set fs wa only ested n 186, Ihe Inns ha payed on rer ek, wouk have been enough pace for alte ers Tn Ctl Ameri, he en a for payer ing wi he ba Before bata, people eer used to paving gare indoor dung the had winters intheUS Inthe eat days of asta he game ened as oon aon fhe ayer nanaged ‘a dope bal no neo he baste, abate bl ung Hiterbocer gre ras coh te he fit ene he woul be out Red he txts agin ashe word aed to gues inthe folowing eaters aan” | wause RET 00320 pty peer (o1gh Desaibe the origin of one ofthe games in your own words 827 B—eerwinies Compete the ere tha port ar Ute cone em a cch word pane $828 ‘A: You've just been sold to Reo! Moca for $100 milion was wondering how much ofthat money actualy goes into vour pocket. BL wish i (be) that amount. Infact, it was half ofthat. 4 get nln pent Tm ido, my agen ane the cb et the est ‘A: How much do you get rom (ply), Bs About six milion a year, ‘A; Phisall the money you make from adverising, Some people think you soocet players are overpaid B: [disogree, We might (make) ‘alot of money, but our careers are very short. By the imewe (be) thirty, ‘we're burned out. We have (rach) heads (ear) at ligaments, and (bea) sibs Very few players continue aftr that. ‘A Ifyou could, would you? 'B. No\I wouldnt Im thinking of (tire) ab twenty-eight. ‘A: And are you looking forward to (las) in Spain? B: Yes, 'm used to (pay) in diferent cabs and living in Afferent places. B— warts Choose one ofthe following to we about and give your opinion. 1. Nowadays sports like soccer, basketball, and baseball are big business and generate bilions of dollars al over the world. Sometime players can ‘earn more from advertising than they can playing the game. 2. Sports celebrities are also looked upon as role models, Some players ive Up tothe image they have formed, but others are bad examples to be followed, 3. The passion for sports can sometimes result in violence. The wort soccer tin history began when a goal was annulled by the referee during a qualifying match between ‘Argentina and Peru in 1964; 309 people wer led and 1,000 were injured in Lima, ‘A World Cup qualifying match between Honduras and El Salvador led tothe “Soccer War" between those two nations in 1969. Nowadays instead of enjoying the game and rooting for their team, many spectators resort to vielence and hooliganism C3} —ravx agour ir: What is vou favorite sport? Describe how itis played ‘Ave you a fan of any particular team? What do you do when your team wins? ‘Who isthe most popular sports star in your county? ‘What advantages and disadvantages do sports stars have? ‘What would you do if you were a famous sports sar and eared a lot af money? How would you behave? ‘Whats the general pinion in your counry about thethoe topes in the Weng? am $829 IT'S RAINING ROCKS! that it had. gone through the roof, and _ had landed’ on the drivers seat. The heels of the car had also been bent ‘And how big was the rock? About the Size of a melon. What could have P Who would throw a rock this size, and with such free? Someone ‘uid that aman was seen looking down from the top of a nearby building. It ‘must have been him. The police were called immediately, and the object was i en to police headquarters, But when detective Meyers saw the black rock and felt its weight, he started ‘ben in the desert in the anny. I was a ‘Cheryl Watkins had parked her car and meteorite It could have landed anywhere, hha gone shopping. When she returned, uti chose to hit Cherys cat. One other she found that a rock had fallen on her problems Cherys car insurance doesnt brand new ca. The impact was 0 great Cover damage from meteorites, ‘Answer true of false “Cheryl had lft her car parked in the street. ‘Someone must have throum the rock from a building, Ttmight have been a cannonball 'No one could have thrown a rock with that fore, “The detective had never seen a rock Ike that before. 1 2 3 4. 5. (6, When Cheri got back to her car, the vehicle had been crushed. ‘Atk and answer about the pleture. ‘= What might have happened? “The rock might hve fallen off passing truck. ' What do you think its? ean be a satelite, I must be a meteorite, Write down what you think might, could, oF must hhave happened and compare with a partner. 831 Vo, i 6 $832 , TNT © Whatever = anything (that / everything that) Whoever Use the past perfect tense (had + past participle) to indicate which action happened before ‘another inthe past. When we arrived inthe airport, our fight had already lft ‘They couldn't get inthe house, because thay had forgotten the key. Question (+) Short answer (+) Short answer (+) na Tae | hae you ‘you | you ‘Had heishe been there before? ‘Yes, = No, helshe hadn't. they, ‘they they Use can be, might be or must be to make suppesitions o speculate aboyt something, and to draw concusions. Present Past Itearit have been a balloon. Balloons arent shaped like that. I might have been a glider. But gliders don't fy vertically tmust be a helicopter. ast have been a helicopter Iteant be a balloon, Balloons aren't shaped like that. It might be a glider But gliders don' ly vrically. ‘You must do whatever she says. ‘Whoever finishes fst wins. | vist Grandma whenever I can. = anyone (who) / everyone (who) ‘Whenever = any time / every ime Wherever = anywhere everywhere Use the simple past and the past perfecto complete the sentences, ee!) much better afer (se) the results of my test, ‘twas raining, but by the time we (arive) the rain (stop) Dinosaurs (be) extinct for milions of years before the frst humans (eppece) never, rave) outside my country unt (go) to Disney World ‘We wanted to get a picture of the meteorite, but when we (artve), the police (already, take) itaway, No, Your Honor, (not see) that man before the night he (break into) my apartment. Use whatever, wherever, whenever, or whoever Raymond is a very friendly person. He makes friends he goes solved that problem was extremely amar Tide Thave to do so that we can finish the work on time | always make a wish [see a falling star When Iwas a kid, ‘my Mom gave me. “To our listeners in Europe, ‘you are, this is Carol Mathews, saying good night!” Look atthe pictues, and explain what you tink Use,must have happened, might have happened, and could have happened. Example: He must have walked in the rain, Iemight have been raining B}—crammae Tax, Look at the pictures and guess what they might be, can't be, or must be. A. Itmight bea fence BB: No, itcanitbe a fence. It might be nas on a board. ‘A: Itcould be spikes on the roed, to sow cars down, B: No. it must soldiers marching behind a val, 210 ran re Bun ayn 9 Ad ng 9g amsqUOS Buon uEsuCe ‘ater ao 2 HM 2p 208 soo a 5 USTENING Listen tothe two strange events and complete the cha. What Bai Fred ond nh B—eronunciarion 9 ———— eer pei Note the -er ending in the following wor pret “Whatever you do is beier han noting eat butter whenever I can, ‘Whoover wrote this very clever Trwrte a letter from wherever I avel a — cuar rime 1. Have you ever seen a meteorite? 2. Have vou evr let your car parked somewhere, and when you came back something had happened to i? $8, Have you ever heard or read about unusual incidents that were ard to explain? 4, Have you ever seen a candid eamera-Wype program? Tell about it —conversarionn Steve: I wonder what the/te doing behind that wall Emily: They must be putting up a new high-rise ‘All the old buildings inthis area are being demolished to make room for these horrible skyscraper Stove: Itean't be. Thee Ist any noise coming from there. Emily: They might have already finished digging the foundations ‘Steve Wel if they had done that, there would sillbe eranes and machinery around Emily: It could be a new parking lt. tT owned space in the center ‘of town, tha’s what l would do, Steve: Lets check it out, Emily: OK. Steve: There's a hoe in the wall Emily: And there's a sig that says “Don't look! Steve: Wel ths isa free county, and Im going to have a look: Hey! What are you doing? Emily: Stove, vour face ial ful of paint. Hol Hal Hal Woman: Look over there! Youre on "Candid Camera,” BOUT THE CONVERSATION 1. What does Emily thnk they must be doing beh the wall? 2 Why does Steve disagree? 3, What would there be on the ste ifthey were building? 4. What does Emily think it could be? 5. Explain in your oun words what happened to Steve 4 3 Gl—voue TURN: ‘A Role-play the conversation with a partner Speculate about what is behind the scaffolding, B Continue the dialog between the woman and Steve, C Prepare a “candid camera" situation with a partner and present it to the class. $835 Cena Bea eT 1. What do you think the tile means? eet ae et cena | 2: What might happen if an asteroid Cee reise veer ieee pas | hit the earth? fe os nce onsen 5 ‘Answer the questions. Tete Sree er | nas | cr What could have caused the extinction of dinosaurs? What is the purpose of the NEAR project? What do scientists believe might happen in 1.5 milion years? ‘Which sentence in the text summarizes what would happen pes ifa giant meteor hit the earth? ON ce cee Papen nie meantime Find words inthe tex that mean ae era 1, distant | my : 7 2. wontied De aes 3, crash ini aa Oe 4 desttoy crs per itetey 5. hole i aT F pc: a. What would you do ifyou discovered that a big asteroid was going to hit the earth in about a month? Write down what you would or might do and compare your lst with a partner. Setter Write about an unusual occurrence or a discovery that impressed you. ‘Thor Heyerdahl, the Swedish explore, believed tht aster Island and the rest of the Pacific had been inhabited by people ‘who had come originally from South ‘America. So in 1947, he decided to prove that pe-Inca people could have ‘sled tothe islands in the Pact. Thor and four companions set sil from Port ‘on a raft identical t0 those used by the Incas. After 101 days, the Kon-Tiki aurived in Rangiros, French Polynesia, 4,300 mils away. ors cena! ty , tednley tht can detoy aster pane iti In re * Ina group, look up incidents that have occurred. on Earth involving meteorites. espa eee cre atl $837 Te T'D ONLY KNOWN took ano usten £Y How about you? ‘A Mark what you would have said or dane in the situations on page 38, 1. 2.__I would have listened to my Mom, and | would have gone to college. 'b. 1 wouldnt have listened, and | would have gone my own way. CoORNEENCE Ll AFTER READING 1. What happened in the cub? 2. What does the person wish he or she hadi done? 3 What did the cab driver find? 2 Wi pce deta cease et Pee ses Soe te ae “tt 1. What should Sue have done? 2. What should the passenger have done? {3 Discuss a problem you ora friend is having, and ask for advice. an nk OF Lins nd JHE Lian StS» Lina St» Ltn» Lila ina 38 M—weirrwe Tage you a ills or Jef Wat an rover Sut othe pasene ling him or her wha! yu irk ose sou ave one rmagine that you could be born agai. gre Lat things at ou woul have done/wouldn' have done, sts mepaare your lists with the 6 B45 i $846 ‘And now we would like to bring you our QUOTES OF THE WEEK." 1 The professor sid there was no ife elsewhere because no one had bothered to contact us, _£__ The candidate said that he wouldnt build bridges evenywhere, The teacher asked Johnny ithe knew what the inhabits of Moscow were calle. 1 Janine told reporters that the doctors had found anything wrong with her. ‘Ask and answer about the quotes. © What did the reporter ask the profesor? ‘She asked him if there was intligent ife elsewhere in the universe, ' What did Janine Holyfield say about her head? ‘She said that the doctors had taken an Xray and had found nothing, ‘Write down other things the people might have sald, and have your pariner relate your slatements B47 E—ceaumae $648 Comes [Direct speech Simple present SThave a brother and a sister.” “don't tke mangoes.” Present progressive "Tm talking to Mary.” ‘Simple past “Llearned English in Canada.” Present perfect “Thavertt seen the movie yet.” Modals "Tl see you later “leant come to the meeting” “Thave toimust goto the doctor.” Reported questions How old are you? ‘Where were you lastnight? [Repored wee ‘Simple past He sai he had a brother and a sister She said she didn't like mangoes, Past progressive ‘She sid she was talking to Mary Past perfect He said be had learned English in Canad, Past perfect ‘ She said she hadn't seen the movie vet. ‘She said she would see me later. He said he couldnt come to the meeting. ‘She said she had to/must go tothe doctor, He asked how old Iwas. ‘She wanted to know where I had been the night before. Note: If there is no question word (how, where, when, et) fis used, ‘Are you a student? Did you enjoy the pariy? Word changes He asked if was a student ‘She asked if had enjoyed the party ‘Sometimes, in reported speech, the words may be diferent from thase in the original sentence, “Why arert you at school? ‘Of course I did my homework." "You should leave now." “think it's good idea.” ‘Mother asked/wanted to know why she wasn'ta school ‘Tom assured the teacher that he had done his homework. | ‘Mary suggested we should leave right away. My fiend agreed it was a good idea "Note: The following expressions change in reported speech now = then today = (on) that day tomorrow = the day aftenthe next day ‘A. Listen to the messages onthe Johnsons’ answering machine and report what the people said penne. B__ Mike took a message for his sister Lucy 1. Complete what he wrote down, using the correct form ofthe verb 2, Then writ the possible telephone conversation between Mike and Derek, That boyfriend of ours lel!) He lant fo know) here you (be hi any chan i a? I (con't) understand why you he there) 2 4 surprise for you, and that you (should) be rea oe ont He tho sags al you wt seg The Telephone Came Sit in a circle or in rows. The first student whispers something in the ear of the next stadent. ‘he second stdent whispers to the third, and => on, until the last stodent receives the message. ‘the last person to receive the message says ‘it out load, and the first person enya B—ustenwen ‘The presidential candidat made thre mistakes, or gfe, ding his speech. Listen and we them down, B—eronunciarionr Listen ond pace Exch crd conse te conbiaon ou Not te dent ronunnsone ae CHAT TIME 1, Have you ever commited a gaffe? What did you say that you shouldnt have? 2. What was one of the most interesting quotes or savings that vou heard? 3. Are there any sayings that are specific to vour country a culture? 4, Have you ever hada telemarketing person call you? What did heishe want to sel? What did heishe say? What did you answer? '5, What messages do you receive or leave on friends’ answering machines? 6. Do you and your friends gosip about other people? What i the latest gossip? B— CONVERSATION oe im tek \ Se ee Se Te tereyme| oc i Sea een meat font eae amy fig Sacra tac enor mney se hen try tpg rece an oar nn ‘ABOUT THE convERSATION 1. What are Lynn and Amy complaining about? 2. What did the woman want? 3. What did Lunn answer? 44 Why did the man call Amy? 5. What would Amy have todo in order to go tothe Bahamas? j—— YOUR TURN Role-play the conversation between Lynn and A. B Role-play the conversation that might have taken place between Lynn and the woman or between Amy and the man. M—eeaowen BEFORE READING Do you know any famous quotes? Write them down and compare with a partner $3852 . You never knew what yo got tll 4 its one , a has happy ening Everyone net snot the ent oecce| AFTER READING A Answer true or false The recording company said that guitar music was very popula. Gates believed that more than 640K memory was unnecessary Shaw said it wast a good idea to be sincere. Churchill wast sure whether his creator wanted to meet him. =e Gaul said anvone could have governed a nation with so much cheese B Complete the sentences. ‘The recording company sald that Bach said that Mark Twain said hat Einstein said that Weody Allen said hat M—weirrwe Vie about ha! might have happened ifyou had gone ta our ter vestry. Ldant beliewe that anyone can read. the future, but yesterday, just for ft Land toa fertute tall. the id at had te B—eeosect |= Find interesting things said by famous, in corti (Ed geting hg by faa ppl a | Present your findings to the class. B53 a READING BEFORE READING 1. What do you thin the tile means? 2, What comes to vourmind when eee (TS AUR ‘One of the most intriguing cates in the history of ufology took place near Roswell, New Merico, in the USS. on July 4, 1947. A strange object which had been sdtccted on the radar for thre days suddenly diesppeared. ‘The amazing speed and erratic motion indicated that it se couldnt have been a plane or a meteorite, Several people in the Roswell area said that they had witnesed the crash William Mac Brasel as well as others had heard tremendous explosion; William Woody and his faher had seen a flaming ‘object fill co earth; and Jim Ragsdale and Trudy Troelove had ‘observed a bright light crash nea thei campaite, A special reteval team arrived from Washington and located the crashed craft. They took the names o ll the civilians onthe ste and they escorted them away. The area was cleaned and secured within ive or sic hous, and fie bodes were removed. Melvin Brown, who was one of a the guards inthe truck wansporting the bois, claims that they were sll i - with lage heads and hat thei skin was an orange-yellow color. 1. Why could he object have been a plane or meteor 2. What ithe witnesses say about the objec? Mac Brasel found some sange debris i hit field and drove into Roswell co ‘3; What dd Broun say about the indent?” show it the sheriff, who in turn informed the military. The military seme Gao eal ever soem acd substance bore? Jesse A. Marcel and Captain Sheridan Cavite to investigate. Neither of chem fearon dite riiary gue about the Roawel hhad ever seen anything like ic The foil-like substance would not burn or eo scratch, and when held in the hand, it fele weightless. If scveral pieces of the substance were crumpled inco a ball, they would return to their original shape Discussion wrt teased: Mars lode as much ofthe material ashe could no i ar ana ot ese ‘ see eee Seer pee 2 What would you have done if you had been Mac Brasel or Marcel? ee ‘Rumors starred spreading afound that 4 fying saucer had been discovered, and the Air ‘3. Do you belive there is intelligent life in other galaxies? Sica ae Force in Fort Worth confirmed the story. Within 2 couple of hours the bate was flooded “Mark your reasons under the corresponding column. Discuss with your classmates. with ells from around the world. A press conference was arranged, but the remains of the yng saucer that Marcel had brought back with him were gone and had been replaced with ee ssl bits fom an old weather balloon. Marcel was ordered to be photographed with the balloon debris and not to say anything about it. General Ramey explained that the men at Roswell had 2\anr ‘made a mistake, andthe ory died dow, A = At CIA ty ahaa ar ton tolls hc ge Nc Inioy Sten nerpsealllg hSte ue pat wach area oes ae ee B—weirwe Gneeinee geri es wees a FI reso’ pci cal nia lice sige ooestea Mite thedeig snot See Example: asked how fast they could travel ‘They said that they could travel faster than the speed of light beings from a diferent word arived on earth, what would they find strange about our planet and our way of life? Example: They would probably/might find our music strange. ‘They wouldrit understand why we sleep, Read about the stange house built by Sarah Pardee Winchester Complete the text with the correct form of each verb in parentheses Parr] eae ml: th Slee Hee In 1862, Sarah Pardes (rary) __ Wan Wirt Winchester Witla was the son ofthe inventor and maker of the faous Winchester rites. When her hasten ce) a ‘medium in Boston td Sarah that his doath (be caused) by the spiis of he ‘thousands who (be shot) _by Winchester les. He als oder that he ony way to escape thee sits was to bud a house and (creas) _ its ze constantly. Sach (move) to an eghteen-becroom house in San Joe, Glfona, and i six months she fave) another eigttoon rooms ful) onto the house. She (conte) 0 add extra rooms fr the net thiy-ight years. The medum said the plans be ove) to herby the spits, and the designs ware very strange ined, Some stars lead) to the cling, other rooms had ro foes, and so fot. Wen Sarah Pardee (o838 away) in 1922, at the age of eighty-tve, she (bale) total of oe hacked sity roams. 1, Do you believe in ghosts and spirits? Have you ever heard or read about people who have had contact with them? 2, What would you do if strange incidents started happening in your house? 057 expressions. be used to get enanged look forward to setup atime take place ‘Adverbs almost nowadays Conjunctions| although in spite of That'sa shame! willwont be able to make it yours sincerely ‘yours truly ©) comerawrs, comvainrs vocasuLaey ‘Nouns ‘Adjectives awareness dent landlord Realtor sleeve baggy leaky brand "doorknob lane receipt theory chipped loose ‘coincidence DVD player law refund thermostat | |eracked pushy ‘complaint faucet’ manual rights waist damaged sertched consumer floorboard memory seam warranty faded sewn jeeation housing popcorn season windowpane| |fithy similar dealer label probability service windshield | |fuzy tom -— Incoreet _trcky adjust drip gather pop split blame exchange influence product stain | [Adverbs bution expect occur question tend | closely readily Jealculate fy fier retum tie || fortunately unfortunately dispute necessary exPRESSIONS. all set to do something “nance charge Thave one's ear serviced bein style sget one’s money back run out of something ‘be satisfied sgethave something done sound ike break down goodlbad credit record GH wiseew reweane $858 close encounter the whole year round vocasuvary. ‘Nouns ‘Adverbs amount exraterrestial_ raisins aboard ‘animal skin figure sak eventually barley frustration shipwreck exactly canoe gameshow shore unexpectedly castaway goat solitude cave grain stock market charity gullne storm companion gun supplies fceature jackpot survivor ‘crew journal tools dese lotery wish, expectation EXPRESSIONS. be cay endup be tossed up lack of something (Oz wonver war Happened vocasuvaey ‘Nouns ‘Adverbs: acre darkness melon. approximately altiude desert object harmlessly ‘approach detective parking lt immediately army ‘extinction photosynthesis nearby asteroid force region \whenever atmosphere foundation shock wave wherever cannonball solar system crane spacecraft ‘rater technology damage weapon (5XP 50610108 ‘be concerned “check out someting snap off blow up something have a look wipe out brand new knock over put up something ‘go one's own way Ihave one’s mind set only Thad ‘male trouble ‘wait on tables differently vocasuLany, ‘Nouns ‘Adjectives amount quote positive contest relativity sincere fentertainment shuttle fool stove ‘Adverd inhabitant telemarketing elsewhere ordeal Xray —— root Tbe allowed be on its way out bbe prepared ‘all someone up lose one’s patience ‘make contact EXP RESS1ONS VocaBULARy ‘Nouns Verbs | [Adjectives | [Adverbs | [Prepositon base ladder contain | | bouncy apart ‘opposite oatter league create | | brave indoors |_| troughout bladder legend defeat | | Colonial slightly bounce opponent | | devise | | official aribou peach ‘al rough ctvlzation pitch project | rubber core settler score vertical fricket strike spread | | wooden home plate umpire Innovation expressions. barehanded ‘made up of be given credit for something put together for instance Swing at something voCABULARY ‘Nouns Verbs ‘Adjectives | { Preposition alien hoax admit observe | | flaming beyond ‘campsite medium aim remove |_| infamous celing radar confirm replace |_| intriguing debris remains crumple scratch ‘tremendous explosion rifle detect secure weightless fying saucer spirit ‘escort transport fail superior indieate witness guard investigate EXPRESSIONS $861

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