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As a powerful learning tool, technology enhances our capabilities in all domains.

Not only can it help in

surprising ways with things we still require from the past, such as test preparation, but it's also a sine qua
non for many new capabilities, such as database usage. (Prensky, 2013)

This assessment task is based on an article entitled Our Brains Extended by Prensky
(2013). Write a six (6) page essay which uses or captures the quotation above and the
criteria provided below. (N.B. The cover page and reference page are not included in the six
(6) pages required.)
1. Identify and discuss three (3) of the new subjects Prensky proposes and examine their
relevance in the 21st century.
2. How will this new way of teaching impact traditional pedagogical norms? Explore (1)
implication of embracing this new curriculum from the teachers perspective.
3. Describe one (1) implication of instituting this new curriculum from a policy makers
4. Using relevant examples, give details of three (3) ways in which the teacher could integrate
technology in teaching and learning, to aid in enhancing effective: thinking, action,
relationships and accomplishments in a current subject area of his/her choice.
Please note that included in the criteria for assessment are evidence of research, use of language
and proper referencing using APA.

Marc Prensky (2013) in his article Our Brains Extended is of the view which I am in total
agreement with that As a powerful learning tool, technology enhances our capabilities in all

domains. Not only can it help in surprising ways with things we still require from the past, such
as test preparations, but its also a sine qua non for many new capabilities, such as database
usage. Prensky strongly believes that technology is the way to go in teaching todays
curriculum in schools. He sees technology as an extension of our brains that enhances our
capabilities in all domains. Humans, and in this instance, teachers, should be involved merely
for empathy, questioning, guidance, coaching and encouragement, that is, we should be there to
guide, support and facilitate students educational development and growth. Three of the new
curriculum proposed by Prensky that will be explored are effective thinking, effective action and
effective relationship.

In this the 21st century, Prensky feels that Effective Thinking should be incorporated in the
activities of students from an early age, to teach them the prerequisite skills necessary for
critically thinking and problem solving. Effective thinking would include creative and critical
thinking in areas such as portions of math, science, logic persuasion and storytelling. The use of
games especially those that simulate and illustrative stories would be used as the basis for
learning. Activities involving for example spreadsheets and calculators should also be used.
Simple addition and multiplication formulas can be written in class to teach the order of
operation. This is because they force the students to think of how to get a particular answer
based on information that they provide.

The second new curriculum proposed which would be taught at all levels is Effective Action.
This allows students to use their initiative to complete real life projects, finding creative ways to

break down barriers and get things done. As is Prensky suggested and is currently done at some
High Schools; students could for example start a business both profit and non-profit and learn the
difference between the two while at the same time helping a community (school or home). The
focus should be on knowing how to do the different projects with the use of technological tools
such as software and simulation to accomplish the task. This curriculum is very relevant in the
21st century as it will give the students a first- hand look at the different career paths to see if they
have the passion for any particular area. Effective action also allows students to learn values
and attitudes of a good citizen and teamwork.

The final curriculum proposed by Prensky is that of Effective Relationship. As stated in the
article, it would foster students high level communication skills: one-on-one, in teams, in peer
groups, in communities and in work groups. This can happen either face-to-face or virtually,
through the World Wide Web. The subject areas that effective relationship would cover include
ethics, citizenship and politics. The students will learn their communication strengths and
weakness and how to use it with their personality. Effective relationship is very relevant in
todays society as they will be better able to relate to others in the workplace. In this new
curriculum, Prensky is promoting teaching students how to relate to different situations, rather
than the theory, facts or knowledge of the subject area.

Mr. Prenskys revolutionary and innovative way of teaching will positively impact traditional
pedagogical norms, as the teacher will no longer be the source of knowledge. Traditionally, the
teacher, with his/her chalk and talk was the data base of information or resource person. This

outdated method of teaching does not lends itself for students to fulfill their creative energies and
abilities to their utmost potential. It is not reliable and it calls for lower levels skills of recall and
reproduction of information and knowledge. Under this new curriculum proposed by Prensky,
students no longer have to rely solely on storing information in their brain. They have numerous
safe and reliable web resources at the tip of their fingers, which are able to store vast amount of
information. They have to use higher levels of critical thinking skills, to analyze the information
presented and formulate their own opinions. Prensky stated in his article that the four (4) core
subjects of Mathematics, Language Arts, Science and Social Studies which are currently being
taught, should be made inundated, as it is not a requirement for the future. The proposed new
subjects of Effective Thinking, Effective Action, Effective Relationship and Effective
Accomplishment would produce more rounded students with cohesive thoughts of the future.

One implication of instituting the new curriculum from a policy makers perspective is lack of
resources and adequate funding. Schools will have to be outfitted by being provided with the
necessary resources in order to implement this new curriculum. This resource includes getting
the necessary software and hardware such as desktops, laptops and tablets, but most importantly,
a reliable and fast internet service. Replacement of these software and hardware will also be
required as technology changes rapidly and will require upgrading. Additional funding will be
required to install the internet facility in remote rural-area schools. Intensive training on how to
use technological tools as well as to change the mindset of some teachers, will also require a
huge amount of funding. Training might be prolonged as some teachers might have a block to
technology and are resistant to change. As stated in The Journal on March 14, 2012, the policy
makers at Western Heights School had a challenge when implementing the Smart K-12 in the

classroom. Mr. Race, Director of Instructions said We spent a lot of money on machines that
sat and gathered dust.

With the tight fiscal budget that Jamaica currently has, this vast funding requirement will be a
challenge for the policy makers. Funding will therefore have to be sought from external entities.
Multilateral funding agencies are usually willing to assist with donations in education.
Assistance can also be sought by corporate entities that are usually eager to assist our young
generation although donations might be smaller than before due to the fiscal constraint currently
being experienced by a lot of companies.

After the new curriculum have been taught to the teacher, three ways in which they could integrate
technology in teaching and learning so as to aid in the enhancement of effective thinking, action,
relationships and accomplishments in the subject of Social Studies is by using tools such as Webquest,
PowerPoint Presentation, and Podcast.

According to Wikipedia, WebQuest is an inquiry-oriented lesson format in which most or all the
information that learners work with comes from the web. This program is a wonderful way to capture
and hold students imagination and attention by allowing them to explore and share their findings in a
controlled, yet guided way. For example, in a Social Studies lesson on Community Workers that help to
keep us safe, a WebQuest can be designed and developed by the teacher to allow students to identify these
workers on their own by using clues of what they do that help to keep us safe, rather than by simply
telling them who these people are.

The use of PowerPoint presentations in the classroom can be a powerful and effective tool for imparting
critical concepts to students. This medium also allows students to follow lessons in a sequential step by
step fashion which is easy to follow. Pictures, voice as well as video can be used to enhance lessons
using PowerPoint. Students are more likely to grasp the intended concepts as PowerPoint presentations
can be attractive, colorful and interactive. PowerPoint Presentations also aides teachers as it can be saved
and reused for reinforcement, as well as it affords teachers to plan lessons according to the ability and
level of the students.

Teachers could use podcast to teach various subject areas in the class. Podcast is a digital media that uses
audio, digital radio and video that can be downloaded and incorporated in lessons. This type of activity
get students to actively participate and engaged them in taking part in teaching/learning process. For
example in teaching the topic of Community Workers that help to keep us safe, in the subject Social
Studies, students could act the different roles of the different workers. This would be recorded for them to
listen, critique and learn . This will be a group assignment and so will encourage team work,
communication and public speaking. Using the technology podcast will allow students to develop a skill
of creativity which is one of the key components in the subject effective thinking.

Jamaica has started going in this direction as seen with the recent introduction of tablets in
schools; but they still have a very long way to go. It is imperative, however, that students, and
more importantly, teachers are aware and on top of the latest trends in technology. This is only
possible if we constantly up grade our skills and training to meet the present demands of
technology in the society.

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