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Ue OR EO NTA a Cs Ree CS Cuts Se eM RSC en Ren UCR Cc uc) PEC cums PRN eC Cag SOUP Tac Ar came een CeU ES Lmtd that tumors and cancer are not modern dis- ee Tc Rae POA CMR ORC EC aE Ce ie ee rect. Both Charak (internal medicine) as Role ta Gtr cue sim CO oe Se mg personal disciplines. Causes, preliminary See Se Recs) EO SOR ecu ag Eee ‘The big difference between Western and Ayurvedic treatment of cancer is that Ayurveda doesn't have any agressive body therapies. The focus is much more on stimulating the self healing abilities of the body. This starts with an extensive treatment program for health maintenance, existing in regular check-ups and lifelong guidance to support health. In case of disease, Ayurveda has a wide range of therapies and herbs to purify and support body tissues for natural recovery. The starting point is (re)balancing the Tridosha and Triguna. CLASSICAL AYURVEDA AND CANCER SUSHRUTA SAMHITA “Arbuda” is the Sanskrit word for tumor. According to Sushrut the three doshas (Vata, Pitta and Kapha) when aggravated, may develop a malignant tumor especially aggravated Kapha and Vata doshas. This affects the tissue, which might result in developing a malignant tumor. This tumor will have the following features: = Round = Firm = Causing mild pain ~ Large ~ Deeply rooted in the body = Slow growth jowing no suppuration ~ Aswollen, fleshy growth A malignant tumor does not suppurate, because it contains an excess of Kapha and adipose tissue, thus forming firm little balls ‘SUSHRUT DESCRIBES 6 TYPES OF TUMORS ‘The first four of these tumors are benign and can be succesfully treated at an early stage with the proper therapies. The last two tumors are malignant Vatika granthi ta dosha ka granthi Pitta dosha Kaphaja granthi Kapha dosha Medas granthi Afected adipose issue (adipose tissue) ‘Affected blood Affected muscle tissue Benign tumors ‘Symptoms of a benign tumor: Variable stinging, sharp pain; large, black, mobile, enlarges or shrinks, hard, bulging. Burning sensation, yel- low oF red colour, grows quickly. No pain, big hard lump, cold, kin colou,, itches. Fatty, soft, mobile, Symptoms similar to dis- turbed Kapha; increases or decreases in size with gain cr loss of weight of the patient. Benign tumors, when detected in an early state, are curable because the drying, compressing and con- tracting qualities of Vata have closed the blood ves- sels. This has made it impossible for the tumor to root deeply in the tissues and growth and nourish- ‘ment are highly limited. However when these tumors are in the bloodstream, they are much more serious and harder to cure. Important features for a succes- ful chance of recovery are pain and mobility of the tumor, Whenever a tumor is firmly attached and has started to grow, it is hard to treat and recovery is ex- tremely difficult, ‘Malignant tumors Rakta arbuda occurs when aggravated doshas ham- per blood vessels in their functioning, impeding the blood circulation as well. This leads to disturbane- es in the blood, comparable to the accumulation of toxins (ama) in the blood. These toxins (e.g. carcin- gens) can be the cause of a tumor. When tumors develop in the blood vessels, their spreading through the blood- and lymphatic system will soon become a reality. This large spreading of tumors will make recovery extremely difficult. Symptoms of blood tu- mor: little fluid or pus accumulation (inflammatory signs) around the tumor, grows quickly, covered with small metastases and secretion of disturbed (vitiated) blood. This form is very difficult to cure, Mamsa ar- buda occurs when muscles get distupted from fighting for instance. When from the punching, the muscles show a swelling which is stony hard, painless, glossy, immobile without inflammatory signs, of same colour as the surrounding, then this is the tumor. This form is more common in non-vegetarians. Mamsa arbuda is extremely difficult to cure for the same reasons as Raktarbuda. Sushrut describes three forms of metastasising: 1, Raktarbuda when a tumor is surrounded by smaller tumors. 2. Adhyarbuda development of another tumor over the first tumor. Or when a tumor arises on a preexisting site or near a primary tumor) 3. Dviarbuda when two tumors arise at the same time. ‘Those tumors that cause large secretion of fluid in the surrounding tissue, are located in vital locations or channels (Iymphatic system and blood vessel system) 6r tenaciously attached to the surrounding tissue are highly difficult to cure (CHARAKA SAMHITA In the Sushruta Samhita, the internal medicine de- scribes the existence of benign and malignant tumors in a similar manner. Charak explains that large and rough tumors in the abdomen and intestines, neck and vital organs are exceedingly difficult to cure. In this ‘time of age itis already considered as highly important to be able to surgically remove a tumor. Otherwise there is a high risk of recurrence. Both works provide guidelines for the treatment of wounds with specific herbs, after a tumor is removed, in order to complete the treatment succesfully. ASTANGA HRDAYAM, ‘This medical work has been written a few centuries after Charak and Sushrut. It gives a summary of the two previous works. Besides this, some additions to diseases have been added. Tumors and cancer are also discussed in this work. What's so special about this work, is that it describes a total of nine types of be- nign tumors: there is one caused by each dosha and six categorized by the tissue that is vitiated. From these nine tumors, six are described that can possibly de- velop into malignant tumors (three doshas and three tissues). The development of a benign tumor (Granthi) Po agurvedt Today | pe? is described as follows: Aggravated doshas, of which Kapha is affected the most, enter the muscle, blood and fatty tissue, where they give rise to round, hard, elevated and slightly nodular growths. Description of benign tumors: Potted ‘SYMPTOMS. Aries CAUSE Variable, pricking and cutting pain, large, black, round, non-fixed, its size may fluctuate, hard, bulging and if pricked, exudes a clear, thin fluid ‘Aggravated Vata, due to dry or stale foods, stress, insomnia, fatigue etc. Burning sensations, red or yellaw in colour, suppurates quickly and exudes @ warm blood when pricked. ‘Aggravated Pitta, due to restlessness, spicy food, over-controlling, agressive behaviour etc Painless, large, hard tumor, pale colour, the area around is cold and itches. Suppurates slowly and ifpricked, exudes thick, white, cloudy pus. ‘Aggravated Kapha caused by too much fatty foods, fast foods, lack of movement, lethargy. Loss of tactile sensations, Symptoms similar 0 Pitta granthi ‘Aggravated Vata, Pitta and Kapha circulate through the bloodstream, with Pita dosha as the main cause for the disturbance. Large, hard, oily tumor, tends to be very vascular. They ulcurate and bleed easily and often become malignant. Symptoms are similar to imbalance of the Kapha dosha Excessive consumption of wrong kinds of meat. Sof, fatty tumor, but movable. Symptoms similar to imbalanced Kapha dosha, usually grow in proportion to body growth. IFpricked, exudes a coppery, white or black fatty flu. Intake of too much fat, whereupon Vata transports it to the muscle tissue or skin, “Tumor growth outside of the normal area of the bone, Fractures or injuries to the bone, that accumulate Vata, Vascular tumors, painless and do not pulsate, Contracting, dehydrating, deformation, ‘Overexertion, severly accumulated Vata ‘weakens the blood consistency, which enters the channels of the body. ‘Along standing ulcer becomes a tumor by growth of vitiated tissue around the ulcer. Itching and burning sensations. Excessive intake ofall types of food, whilst recovering from ulcer. Internal hermorthage, where Vata dries up the vitiated blood ‘THE DEVELOPMENT OF MALIGNANT TUMORS When a benign tumor suddenly starts to grow exces- sively and roots deeply into the tissue, with symptoms ‘compatible with increased Kapha dosha and fatty tis- sue, a malignant tumor is occurring. Malignant tumors do not suppurate and also do not exude fluid, blood or pus anymore. They are no longer removed by the body, grow quickly and cover a large area. They are caused by three vitiated doshas and always affect muscle tis- sue, adipose tissue and blood. For more information see the detailed descriptions in the Sushruta Samhita, ‘The four previously described benign tumors (granthi) Po ayurveda Tada | page have now developed into a malignant tumor (arbuda). Curable are those granthi that occur in the blood ves- sels, are painful and mobile. However, granthi that are painless, large, immobile and situated in the vital parts of the body are exceedingly difficult to cure. AYURVEDA AND CANCER NOW A DAYS In the present time we are aware that tumors can occur in almost all body tissues. Furthermore, we have a better knowledge of the course of tumor growth and. cancer. Because of her unique diagnostics, Ayurveda can provide an important contribution to the succesful treatment of cancer. Thisis due to the fact that Ayurveda can determine subtle disturbances in a very early stage of this disease. Even before it manifests itself, Ayurveda can already establish disturbances in the balance of ‘mind and body. Both in this first stage, as in the follow- ing stages, Ayurveda can help a patient to recover and prevent serious chronic diseases. In all the stages, even when a chronic disease like cancer has been diagnosed, Ayurveda can provide extensive knowledge of herbs and treatment strategies. During chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy Ayurveda can help as well to reduce the side-effects of the treatment and assist the body in its recovery process. This we will discuss later. A more modern classification of tumors could be: 1. Benign or malignant tumor: a, Granthi: benign, small, hard tumor or cyst. b. Arbuda: malignant tumor. 2. Malignant tumor classified by cause: a, Vatarbuda: ‘tumor due to increased Vata dosha. b. Pittarbuda: ‘tumor due to increased Pitta dosha. ©. Kapharbuda: ‘tumor due to increased Kapha dosha d. Raktarbuda: ‘tumor caused by vitiated blood. e. Mamsarbuda: ‘tumor caused by vitiated muscle tissue. £. Medarbuda: ‘tumor caused by vitiated adipose tissue, Additionally, ve can add the other remaining tissues: . Rasarbuda: ‘tumor in the lymphatic system. h. Majjarbuda: ‘tumor in the bone marrow. i, Asthiarbuda: ‘tumor in the bones. j. Sukrarbuda: tumor in the male and female reproductive tissue. Furthermore, there is one category worth mentioning and that concerns the swellings. Ayurveda has estab- lished that ifa swelling is left untreated, or if treatment is improper or incomplete, the swelling can lead to tu- mor growth, When a swelling has deeply invaded the body tissues, long-term treatment is especially neces- sary. All the tissues (dhatus) and doshas will need to be balanced again, which will take considerable time. 3. The main types of swellings are: a. Vidradhi: abscess that suppurates due to vitiated blood, b. Sopha: an inflammatory swelling due to vitiated blood ©. Gulma: abscess without suppuration caused by vitiation, ofall three doshas, According to Ayurveda a primary tumor is situated in the main location of the corresponding vitiated dosha (see afbovementioned schedule). Secondary tumors are located in the organs the disturbed dosha has invaded. When tumor cells metastasize, the new tumor is called a secondary or tertiary tumor, accord- ing to the site of the original tumor. TUMOR DEVELOPMENT AYURVEDIC POINT OF VIEW According to Ayurveda, a cell releases a toxin after long-term disturbance of the body. Cancer is namely the final stage of a chronic imbalance of doshas and dhatus (tissues). Doshas are the subtle energies of the body. Doshas are invisible and only perceptible through indirect methods such as the pulse diagno- sis. Doshas can be influenced by our intake of foods, drinks, our breathing, daily, weekly, seasonal rhythm and our mental condition. When these factors do nét correspond to our body constitution (that originates from birth), the doshas will become imbalanced. Their natural relationship will begin to show disturbances, ‘The doshas will start to increase or decrease and in due course, a malignant tumor may develop. Arbuda develops when for a long period of time: = someone has an improper lifestyle according to his body constitution, his environment and the seasons. ~ someone has improper eating habits/diet according to his body constitution, environment and seasons. = Toxins from the environment penetrate both mind and body. ~ Vitiated doshas, dhatus (tissues) and srotas (chan- nels) are left untreated or wrongly treated. When a dosha aggravates and moves from his main location to an other site in the body, this will disturb the main site firstly and then will vitiate the second- arily affected tissue. PRIMARY SEAT Vata Large intestine Pitta Duodenum Kapha Stomach Depending on the location the vitiated dosha has mi- grated to, a number of important body functions can be disturbed. These are (disturbances of) = Agni: the digestion in the stomach, liver, pancreas, intestines and cell metabolism. = Ama: accumulation of toxins in the body from im- properly digested food or waste material in the body. = Malas: disturbance of the natural excretion of body wastes: urine, faeces and sweat. = Dhatus: one or more of the seven body tissues is unable to function properly. The tissue weakens. = Srotas: these are the body channels, blood- and lymphatic system. They can be clogged from aggra- vated doshas or Ama, = Ojas: Ojas is the end product of digestion, it is re- leased when all the body tissues are healthy. The hatus (tissues) are mutually interdependent. When sufficient, Ojas is equated with immunity. When de- ficient, it means that one or more tissues function, inadequately and immunity decreases. In an early stage of a malignant tumor, increased Kapha (Ama) and Vata may disturb a small part of tissue, This could block the excretion of waste prod- ucts and Ama and will therefore weaken the whole area. The cell metabolism is disrupted, as well as the regulating mechanism between the cell and its sur- rounding. Potentially damaging substances are being accepted into the cell. From this moment on in the process, we can follow the modern views on the de- velopment of tumors/cancer. MODERN MEDICAL POINT OF VIEW DEFINITION. Cancer refers to a large number of conditions that is characterized by abnormal cell division. The mul- tiplication of cells is progressive, uncontrolled and the cells of cancer infiltrate and destroy surrounding healthy tissue. They have the ability to metastasize and spread throughout the body. STAGES OF TUMOR DEVELOPMENT According to modern medical science the process of cell transformation can be described for the most part as follows: Development of a benign tumor First stage - tumor initiation stage ‘A cancer-producing substance in the body gets a chance to enter a cell. This occurs because of two reasons: the cell has become susceptible (has weak- ened) and there is a carcinogen substance (toxin), ‘This toxin is called an initiator. The DNA is damaged to such an extent that normal cell function and mul- tiplication is no longer possible. ‘Second stage ~ promotion ‘The processes of cell build-up and cell destruction are disturbed. Cell growth is modified but not yet agressive. This is caused by a so called “promoter” Development of a malignant tumor: ‘Third stage - progression ‘The cell multiplies in an agressive way at the expense of surrounding tissue, due to a “progressor”, In the end the cell will develop into a tumor, deeply inroot- ed in the body tissues. As long as there is one cancer cell, the immune system will be able to detect and de- struct it. This will pose a problem when the immune system weakens and the cell has a chance to multi- ply. This perspective of cancer has mentioned three substances. They can be either (toxins) derived from the environment or have a genetic cause, like for in- stance UV radiation, asbestos or genetically modified DNA; which is inherited or developed during life. ‘TRIGUNA AND CANCER Other than body functions, there are also mental qualities that can contribute to the development of a tumor: the Triguna. This concept exists in the follow- ing qualities: + Sattva (goodness, purity) having a harmonious, balanced mind or attitude; friendliness, calm and resolution. + Rajas (passion) a dynamic mind, sometimes restless and forceful + Tamas (ignorance) a quiet state of mind, sometimes slow and uninterested. ‘A chronic disease like cancer does not only disturb the body, it also affects the mind. When for instance, due to any kind of circumstances, someone is blocked in his development, he may become frustrated. This will imbalance the mind and lead to all kinds of symptoms like hyperactivity, lethargy, indifference or even de- pression. The last three are mental attitudes Ayurveda refers to as “Tamasic”, the negative aspect of Tamas. ‘Tamas has a strong resemblance with the Tridosha Kapha, When a chronic disease such as cancer devel- ops, Tamas and Kapha can reinforce each other. Ay- urveda considers psychotherapy as a meaningful part of the treatment. Because health can be attained only through balancing body, mind and spirit. EARLY SYMPTOMS Before a tumor develops, the body and mind already signal severe disturbances of a dosha, tissue or Guna. Early warning signs are Fear restlessness, depression, insomnia, pain ina specific area of the body, dry coarse skin, minor infections fetigue, Nuc tuating body weight, changes in bowel movements, problems with swallowing. ‘Anger, impatience, iritation, feelings of hate, resentment, fever, Burning sensa- tions, rapidly developing infections, changes in skin colour, prolonged indiges- tion and other digestive problems. Fatigue, excessive sleeping, congestions, excessive mucus, prolonged cough, mild pain, itching, coldness, slow progression (of minor infections, small lumps under the skin, hoarseness, ‘Combined symptoms of all three doshas, ‘Ahigh or seriously aggravated form of Pitta with heavy pain, burning and fever. Pitta symptoms caused by trauma, with fever, thurst and burning caused by infec- tion of the wound, First symptoms of a possible tumor: Feeling of bloating Problems urinating Hiccups and iitation, Flatulence Severe pain in the side and the back Contracting painin the side Diffcuty breathing without exertion Intense pain, Dyspnea (shortness of breath), thirst. Excessive thirst. Large brown moles that appear lumpy, hard or swollen, When you are worried about signs and symptoms, please consult your doctor. Are you worried about possible cancer risk, speak to your doctor about it. Ask him if any diagnostic procedures for cancer or tests are possible for you. Make well-informed deci- sions, speak about your concerns, ask for advice and. a possible check-up, CAUSES AND RISK FACTORS (Over the last decades, there has been numerous re- search conducted regarding the possible causes and increased risk factors for cancer. Nearly all research. studies convey that mostly more than one factor con- tribute to developing a malignant tumor. The main factors are: GENETIC Recent studies have shown that some types of cancer are genetically predisposed, such as breast cancer and certain types of colon and skin cancer. Individuals with Down syndrome have a greater risk of developing acute leukemia. LIFESTYLE + Smoking. ‘Tobacco is one of the main causes of cancer. It can bring about head, neck, lung, mouth, larynx and. bladder cancer. + Ultraviolet. Prolonged exposure to the sun and excessive sun, burning and tanning increase the risk of skin cancer. PD Ayurveda T2d0 | pap 1 + X-ray beams. X-rays are forms of radiant energy that can penetrate the body and are used to produce medical images, are used in petrochemical industries, nuclear power plants and are also present in space. Prolonged expo- sure to X-rays can result in cancer of the blood cells oracute leukemia, + Excessive sexual activity or unsafe sex. + Excessive physical effort + Debilitated persons (people suffering from impair- ments, disease or medical conditions) + Stress + Suppression of the 13 natural needs. + Activities that are not in accordance with the body constitution, whereupon Vata, Pitta or Kapha will + Not living your life according to your inner needs + Not following the seasonal rhythm in lifestyle and diet, ay NUTRITION. + Smoked or conserved foods. These foods contain substances that may lead to especially stomach cancer, when eaten in excess. + Fat percentage. Research studies have shown that foods contai- ning less than 30% calories from fat, reduce breast and lung cancer risk. + Alcohol. Consuming large amounts of alcohol increases the risk of cancer of the oesophagus, mouth and throat. + Spoiled food + Frequently eating heavy meals. + Not eating foods according to your body consti- tution. * (Stale) foods that are kept too long, + Incompatible food combinations, + Dry foods. + Vitamins Many vitamins are supposed to inhibit the deve- lopment of tumors, but clinical research is still in progress. A vitamin D deficiency is considered to increase the risk of bowel cancer especially in persons over the age of 50 years, as their skin function decreases. This function regulates the natural production of vitamin D when exposed to sunlight, CHEMICAL CARCINOGENIC SUBSTANCES FROM ‘THE ENVIRONMENT AND INDUSTRIES + Asbestos Prolonged inhalation of asbestos increases the risk of lung cancer and pleural cancer. © Nickel Prolonged inhalation of nickel increases the risk of lung cancer and nasal cavity cancer. ‘© Other substances: arsenic, aromatic amines, benzene, chromates, vinyl chloride, CHEMICALS USED IN MEDICINE + DES: diethylstilbestrol. In 1970's DES, a synthetic estrogen, was widely used by pregnant women to supplement the wo- man's natural estrogen production, ‘© Other chemicals: alkyl substances, oxymetholone and Thorotrast (radiographic contrast agent). GEOGRAPHICAL CANCER ‘The risk of certain types of cancer is also connected to the geographic area of residence. Factors that weigh in are genetic pattern, eating habits and environment. ‘There is for instance no gastric cancer in Japan, Yet in Japanese people who have immigrated to the United States, the risk increased and eventually equalled the rest of the American population after some generations. VIRUSES + Papillomavirus. A virus that can cause genital warts and increases the risk of cervical cancer. + Hepatitis B virus. Might cause liver cancer. + Epstein-Bar Virus. Causes Burkitt's lymphoma in Africa and cancers of the nose and pharynx in China. + HV. ‘Might cause lymphoma and cancer of the blood. PARASITES. Some species of parasites are known to cause cancer, such as Schistosoma and Clonorchis. They cause, re- spectively, bladder cancer, pancreatic cancer and bile duct cancer. AGE Most forms of cancer are developed in people over 60 years or older. Some forms of cancer however affect people at a younger age, like cervical cancer. AYURVEDIC TREATMENT ‘When we live according to our constitution, daily and seasonal rhythm and every once in a while receive a Pancha Karma treatment - to prevent or restore the im- balance of doshas and dhatus - a number of conditions ‘can be relieved at an early stage. The following sugges- tions can be used to maintain a healthy body and mind and to prevent the development of a tumor in the best possible way. A large part of the suggestions is aimed at prevention, Naturally some of the suggestions can be helpful in radiation or chemotherapy-treatments. GENERAL SUGGESTIONS Medical: 1, To determine your constitution consult an Ayurve- die doctor. 2. Adapt your daily regime according to your constitu- tion, 3. Does cancer run in your family? Then check yourself regularly or get yourself checked out by a doctor. 4, Be alert! Do you feel a lump or notice any other irregularities on your skin or in your body, please consult your doctor to determine which dosha or dhatu is imbalanced, in order to adapt your diet and lifestyle accordingly. Use herbs prescribed by your Ayurvedic doctor. Do not hesitate to follow up on your suspicions and go to a doctor for a full check-up. Lifestyle: 1. Make sure you have enough exercise, take (long) walks outside or relax in nature 2. Practice meditation and yoga for mental and phy- sical relaxation. To calm the mind to a clear and tranquil state, will especially help you to distin- ‘guish what is beneficial for you and what not. 3. Listening to harmonious music is soothing, calming and healing for the mind, thoughts and nervous system, Diet: 1. Apply the dietary advices, according to your con- stitution, in your daily life. 2, Eat as much fresh and biological fruit, vegetables and cereals ete. as possible, 3. Try to have more Sattvic foods. These will balance both body and mind, respectively doshas and gunas. Sattvic foods consist of fresh, energizing foods such as fresh fruit and (leafy) vegetables, milk, cereals, pure fruit juices, butter and fresh cheese, fresh nuts and seeds, sprouts, honey and herbal teas. 4, Stay away from snacks, fast food and ready-to-eat meals, 5. Many food additives create a burden on the diges- tive process. Nowadays they are added to all kinds of foods: (instant) soups, meat products, (bottled) sauces, soft drinks, breakfast cereals, cookies etce- tera, Prevent digesting them and use as much fresh ingredients as you possibly can 6. Avoid using microwave ovens. This increases the Kapha nature of the food and therefore the Kapha in the body as well, after consumption. 7. Limit your meat consumption. Especially red meat: once a week is enough, also for children in their growth period. Preferably cook fresh fish, poultry, alternative protein sources (soya, egg, dairy pro- ducts) and biological red meat. 8, Vitamin D exerts a protective effect on the deve- lopment of tumors. Fatty fish, eggs and vegetable oils are natural sources of vitamin D. 9, Sugaris not a problem as many people think. Sugar does not feed the tumor. It might cause some extra body weight though, or hyperactivity When radiation or chemotherapy is the only possible way, the body is severely depleted. There are a few ‘Ayurvedic remedies to support the body in this pro- cess. Please consult with your doctor to ensure that they are applied properly. 1, Take good care of yourself and preserve your strength. In this way you can invest all your energy in your recovery process. 2. Limit the amount of proteins in your diet in order to slow down tumor growth. For a large part tumors contain proteins, 3. Loss of appetite? Consider these tips: = Eat a number of small meals and snacks during the day instead of 3 large meals. ~ Eat more when you feel the hungriest. ~ Plan your meals and snacks during the day, don't wait until you're hungry. ~ Drink a little bit more before and after meals. ~ Eat the food you enjoy the most. ~ Eat in a pleasant atmosphere, perhaps with fam- ily or friends. ~ Avoid smells that make you nauseous or foods that make you feel sick ~ Have ready-to-eat snacks like crackers, cheese, nuts and seeds, icecream, bars or yoghurt. When your appetite is better, you can change to healthier foods again ~ Avoid cold foods as they suppress digestive fire. ~ If solid food is a problem, then replace them with nutritious soups. 4, Persons having a Pitta constitution and with suf- ficient strength, can have raw vegetables, wheat juice, celery, alfalfa and sunflower sprouts. It is well advised to combine them with garlic and gin- ger in order to stimulate digestion. 5. For weak persons or people having had surgery, ra- diation or chemotherapy, it is recommended to use herbs for boosting the immune system, in stead of the above mentioned raw vegetables and juices. Immune boosting herbs ‘Amrit Prash ~ herbal paste, + balances Tridosha (Vata, Pitta, Kapha) + improves overall body functions. Ashwagandha ~ Withania somnifera (Indian Ginseng) + reduces Vata/Kapha (with excess Pitta) + supports the recovery process of overall fatigue, nervous conditions; generally rejuvenates tissues. + historically used for debility, sexual debility, old age, memory loss, emaciation of children, muscular ex- haustion, nervous exhaustion and tissue deficiency. Bala ~ Sida cordifolia + balances Tridosha (Vata, Pitta, Kapha), but espe- cially pacifies Vata and excess Kapha * is primarily known for giving stamina or inner strength + also used as a cardiac stimulant, diuretic, deconges- tant, anti-asthmatic and anti-depressant. Bhringaraj - Eclipta erecta + balances Tridosha (Vata, Pitta, Kapha) + prevents aging, maintains and rejuvenates memory, sight, hearing, teeth, bones and hair. * rejuvenate for Pitta, kidneys and liver. + for internal and extemal use Dashmool ~ traditional herbal formula. + balances Tridosha; when there is a high Vata, Dash- mool can be used as a tonic to strengthen the system. + exhibits anti-oxidant, anti-cancer activity + strengthens the body and enhances the production of tissue Guduehi ~ Tinosporia cordifolia ‘= balances Tridosha (Vata, Pitta, Kapha). ‘= helps increase the effectiveness of protective white blood cells and builds up the body's own defense mechanism (immune system), thus helping to protect ourselves from infections. * increases memory. ‘+ wonderful herb for the liver and helps to prevent liver infections. + beneficial for digestive disorders. = especially recommended before and after chemo- therapy, to recover and build up strength. Kounch ~ Mucuna pruriens + pacifies Vata, aggravates Pitta and Kapha + is a muscle strengthening herb and used for revital- ization of the musculo-skeletal system. + useful for Vata disorders, stimulates nervous system, + useful for uterine imflammation, painful menstrua- tion and stimulates the male genital system. Lavan Bhaskar ~ Traditional herbal formula. + reduces Vata and Kapha, increases Pitta + stimulates appetite, improves digestion (constipa- tion, piles, colic, loss of appetite, indigestion etc.) ‘Neem - Melia azadirachta + pacifies Vata and Kapha, but aggravates Pitta. = cooling herb. ‘= is a detoxifying herb and removes excess Pitta and Kapha,

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