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SWEOIsSN BASIC COURSE : WITH THE EDITORIAL FOREIGN SERVICE INSTITUTE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF STATE SWEDISH Preface Preface FSI Swedish Basie Course developed from a need to provide a more comprehensive and up to date curriculum than had been afforded by an earlier vork, Spoken Svedish. The latter had been produced during the 1950's by William R. Yun Buskirk and Frita Frauchiger of the PSI linguistic staff, with the assistance of members of the staff of the Post Language Program of the American Embassy in Stockholm. HSI Swedish Basic Course is intended primarily for use as the foundation for in- ‘tensive classroom use with a qualified instructor, but it has also been designed 90 that the atudent who does not have the benefit of an instructor may use the text and ite accompanying tapes vith profit. This book was developed entirely at the Foreign Service Institute in Washington. Under the general editorehtp of Allen I. Weinstein, the text was conceived and executed by the Swedish instructional staff, headed by Ingrid S. Beach and inoluding Margareta Weyl, Margareta Feller, and Anne-Marie Carnemark. Illustrations were conceived and draun by Peter Weyt. Layout fon the text and the cover deatgn vere executed by John McClelland of the BI Audio-Visual Staff. The tape recordings accompanying this text vere voiced by Peter Ling-Vannerua, Niklas Lund, Claes ROhl, Ingrid Beach, Anne-Marie Carnemark, and Margareta Weyl, and vere made at the FSI studios under the direction of recording engineer Jove Ramives. The authors wish to express their gratitude to the Foreign Service Institute students who used the field-teet editions of the book in Washington and who contributed many helpful ideas and eriticiema. A special debt of gratitude ie due Marianne L. Adans who, ae FSI Publications Officer, provided the initial etimulus for the ereation of this book and whose encouragement along the way vas of great importance. st SWEDISH iy To the Student Welcome to the world of Sweden, Swedes, and Suedioh! You have obtained this book ae a uay to help you Learn the Suedish language, and to help you prepare for life and work in Sweden. We hope that both these experiences vill be enjoyable for you, but pefore you begin we would Like you to know some facte about language study in general, and this book in particular. The new FSI Swedish Basie Course hac been written especially for the future LS. diplomat in Sueden. Tt t¢ meant to corve as a textbook as well as a source of cul- tural information and it te accompanied by a complete vet of tapes. We all know that the ability to speak a foreign Language and to tive in a nev eul~ ture ig not Learned through booke and tapes alone. These are only aids in a learn- ing process which begine in the classroom, where the instructor is the primary source of information and your main eonvereation partner, and which later expands to the whole country of Sueden, vhere a nation becomes your teacher. However, the book has taken into account the student who may not have a teacher available. It wae designed in euch a vay that, together with extencive use of the tapes, it may be uoed profitably by the celf-etudy student. A eelf-study course, however, cannot provide suffiotent opportunities to practice epeaking and understanding Svedish the primary goat of Language Learning ta to communicate with the native speakers ina natural and produative vay. A secondary goal is to learn to read and translate Svedish, eince thte ie an important skill you will need in your work the firet twelve tite consiet of dialogs which cover a range of situatione retevant to your Life and work in Sueden. The last few intte are written in a narrative form and constitute a transition to further reading Fach whit ineludes "Notes on Basie Sentences," which clarify certain grannar pointe cultural information and idiomatic expressions that ve think are partteularty im- portant. Following "Notes on Basie Sentences" is a section called "Points to Practice." Thi section deala with the granmar, which ie first explained ao clearly and To the Student SWEDISH simply ao posstbie, and then put to use in Practices. Here you can cover up th correct responses with a piece of heavy paper or cardboard and then slide the paper doun the page to confirm the correctness of your reaponae or correct any error you may have made. Be sure you do the Practices alou Grammatical explanation should be thought of only ae a tool wken Learning a foreign language. But it is the key to understanding a structure and a system which might otherwise seem confusing. Buen though Swedish granmar and vocabulary are related to their English counterparts, a word-by-word translation from either Language into the other does not necessarily produce good sense. Because of important dif- ferences in ways ve have of expressing the same thoughts, speakers of English and Suedish see each other as using different patterns of Language. It ts therefore invaluable to Learn Svedieh patterns to the point where they become a real part of your speech, so that the difference between English and Swedish becomes natural +0 you. over many yeare of teaching Suediah to Engliah speaking students the teachers at HSI have noted consistent patterns of difficulty that an English epeaker has in learning Svedish. We have tried to draw on thia experience in explaining the granmar and in pointing out the pitfalls. Our happy Vikings are used to drav attention to come of the grammar points, and to make the tack of Learning Suedish grannar a Livele lece sertous. A dragon appearo in places where we discuss something that may be unusually tricky. How to Use the Tapes The tapes provide the correct pronuneiation of the dialogs, narrative texts and granmar practices. On the tapes each Umit begins with the dialog "for Listening Only" to give you the ehanee to underetand ae much aa possible unatded. Remember that it te juet ae important to understand what ie being said as to produce your oun sentences. Folloving "for Listening Only” there is a section called "Br learning." It containa the same dialog, but this time each new uord is given vith @ pause, during which you are to repeat the vord before the correct pronunciation ie confirmed. The same pattern is then used for longer utterances. Try to mimii the native apeakers as closely as possible, paying close attention to stress and intonation. When an utterance ie very long it wilt be divided into tuo or more sentences, and then given in its entirety. To the Student . SWEDISH wi The granmar practices have aleo been taped, in order for you to hear the pronuncia- tion of the correct response given in the practices. We advise that you keep your book open when doing the granmar practices with the tape, since you vill aluaye have to read the instructions for each individual practice in order to know vhich cue words you are supposed to use. Hovever, you vill find that some prac- tices can be done orally weing only the tape. In’ those instances, try to rely on what you hear on the tape and don't Look at the book. Studying a Swedish textbook and Listening to the accompanying tapes does not guaran- tee mastery of the Swedish Language. We hope that this book will serve as one of many aide tn your endeavor and that you will find numerous opportunities to prac- tice your Suedish. The best way of doing that is to eloge your book and put your vocabulary and grammar to use in real situations, This is when you have to trane- fer your book-learning into something productive and meaningful. When you epeak, understand and read outside the elasaroom environment you have truly Learned to conmunteate in your nev Language. Good tuck in your Swedieh enterprise! To the Student SWEDISH TIMI Lararen Foljande 8 ett frsiag till hur Swedish Basic Course kan anvandas 1 svenskundervisningen: Uttal Ett utfSrllot kapltel med medfSljande band inleder boken. Lararen bBr naturligtvis 98 igenom alla viktiga punkter och hjSlpa eleverna att 8 eft bra uttal fran barjan. Dialog a. Genongans | av ny Laxs. Lararen laser de nya orden och [8ter eleverna upprepa dem i korus. en mening I taget och Iter varje elev upprepa den. H&r har lareren ett bra till- f8lle att r8tta och forklara uttalet. Det &r v8sentligt att vara mycket noggrann ned uttalet | bérjan sé att eleverna inte grundlagger d8liga vanor. Vi ber8knar att tvB eller tre sidor per dag Br lagom fr hemarbete. | bdrjan ken det vare férdel aktigt fOr eleverna att lira sig dlalogen utantiil s§ att de outomatiskt tI! !godogér sig rytmen, ordf5ljden och spr&kminstret. Sedan laser |8raren b. FOrhOr av 18xa. Nasta dag kan man bdrja med att Ita eleverna g8 Igenom dialogen med den svenska texten Svertickt och med den engelska texten som minnesstéd. Man kan sedan lita eleverna ersétta en del ord | dialogen med andra ord som de lart sig tidigare och Oya ollka former samtidigt som det grammatiska mnstret bibehSlis. Till sist sir eleverna igen bdckerna och anvunder dialogen I rolispel. Spontant rollspel passar inte fOr alla elever. Det kan fOr en do! vara svarare att hitta p& ndgot att saga Bn att anvdnda det nya sprdket korrekt. | s3dana fal! Sr dot lampligt att anvanda s.k. "directed dialog," d.v.s. ldraren talar om fOr eleven p& svenska (eller moj~ ligtvis p& engelska) | Indirekt form vad han/hon ska s8ga. Lararen kan ocks’ sjalv stalla fragor till eleverna med anvandande av ordforrddet i texten. THI} Léraren vis SWEDISH viii Grammatik Lararen g8r Igenom de grammatisk punkter som tas upp | varje kapitel och eleverna arbetar s[Slvstandigt henma p& Svningarna med banden till hjatp. Granmatikavsnitten innensi te ett stort antal Oyningar | forhoppningen att eleven kan lara sig sprdkstrukturen genon att bv den och héra den s& mycket son mOjligt. FOr att vara saker pS att Svningarna verkligen gérs bér lararen d& och d&, uten varning, g8 igenom dem i klassen Efter kapitel 12 har vi fr&agStt formatet med enbart dialog. Kapitel 13-16 utgér en Svergdng till tidningslasning. SvBrighetsgraden stegras avsevart | dessa stycken Texterna kan med fordel anvindas til! 1&sning, Oversatining och diskussion. Diskussione kan till exempel réra sig om ollka seder och bruk, olika &sikier, politiska f8rhdllanden etc. Den kan ocks& gras livligare om I8raren etler n&gon ay eleverna intar en impopular stdndpunkt, Med hj8ip av banden kan eleverna ocks& Sva upp férmigan att lyssna och forst&. Kapitel 6 Sr avsett som ett prov pa vad eleven lart sig i kapitel 1-5. Vi rekonmenderar att oloven dalar upp kapitel 6 | minst tv8 sektioner f8r att nd basta mdjiiga resultat Det Br lampligt att G8 och 48 under kursen 98 Tillbaka och repetera och att Inte ta f8r givet att oleverna har tillgodogjort sig allt som tidigare frekommit i bokea eller diskuterats | klassen. Detta Sr endast vart forsiag TIII hur Swedish Basic Course kan anvandas. V&r f8rhopp- ning Sr att boken kan inspfrera och uppmuntra ISraren att anvanda sin egen fantasi p& ett satt som bast passar de individuella eleverna | hans/hennes klass, och &ven klassens storlek. L&t fantas! och kreativitet komma tIll nytta. Tank p& mdjligheten att anvinda "props" och att stimulera undervisningan genom att fSreta n&got fysiskt aktivt. Ut- flykter, restaurangbesdk, simulerad guidning p& svenska, etc., kan erbjuda bra tillfallen att anvinda svenskan { realistiska situationer. L8t boken vara on hjalp | undervisningen och 181 den inte diktera hur undervisningen ska g& till. MSlet 8r att lara engelsksprakiga elever att fdrst& och uttrycka sig ps svenska och den metod som nar det resultatet dr den ratte metoden. Lycka till! TH Lararen SWEDISH Table of Contenzs Preface fo the Student To the Teacher Explanation of Grannaticat Terme A Guide to Endings and Synbola A Guide to Suedish Pronunciation hit 1 - Getting Around Numbers Notes on Basic Sentences Pointe to Practice Point I ~ En-Ett Point II ~ Present Tense Point III - Word Order Point IV - Auxiliaries (helping verbo) Unit 2 - Meeting People Notes on Basic Sentences Pointe to Practice Point I - The Definite Article (singular) Point Ir - Personal Pronouns Point IIT ~ Telling Time Unit 3 - Family and Oscupation Notes on Basie Sentences Points to Practice Point I - Indefinite Plural Endings Point II - The Relative Pronoun Som Point III ~ Placement of Adverbs Table of Contenta Page ui ax SWEDISH Init 4 ~ Seeing the Sights Notes on Basie Sentences Pointe to Practice Point I - Adjectives in the Indefinite Form (noun-adjective agreement) Point II - Demonstrative Expressions Point TII - Personal Pronouns Den, Det. De hit 5 - A Place to Live Notes on Basie Sentences Pointe to Practice Point I - Possessives Preceding a Noun Point It - Verbs of the Firet Conjugation Point III - Word Order nit 6 - Prue and Reloe thit 7? - At the Office Notes on Basie Sentences Points to Practice Point I ~ Definite form Plural Point II - Definite Form of the Noun with Adjectives Point III » Det Sr det Point IY~- Ligga-L8gga, Sitte-Satta, ete. Point V- Ordinal Mumbere Unit 8 - Shopping for Clothes Notes on Basie Sentences Pointa to Practice Point I - Interrogative Pronoun Vitken (Vilket, Vilka) Point II - Indefinite Pronouns and Ajdectives Point III - Adverbs of Place Indicating Rest and Motion Point IV- Verba of the Second Conjugation Point V- Verbs of the Third Conjugation Table of Contents Page 16 122 123 124 128 131 138 179 135 186 189 196 200 203 205 212 215 216 219 233 241 250 SWEDISH Unit 9 - Bating in a Restaurant Notes on Basic Sentences Points to Practice Point I - Comparison of Adjectives Point II - Pormation and Comparison of Adverba Point TIT ~ Adjectives Before Nouns init 10 - Getting Ready for an Bvening Out Hotes on Baste Sentencea Pointe to Practice Point I - Reflexive verbs Point II - dustliary (Helping) verbs Point IIT - Imperative Brn Point TY - D&-Sedan, both meaning "then" Point V- Fére-Innan, both meaning "before" Unit 11 - Nations, Languages, and Nationalities Notes on Baste Sentences Pointe to Practice Point I - The Swedish Pronoun Man Point II - Time Adverbiale Point III - Wations, Nationalities, Languages Whit 12 - Social Gatherings Part [ ~ An Informal Invitation to Lunch Part II - An Invitation to a Dinner Part III - & Formal Dinner Party Hotes on Basie Sentences Points to Practice Point I ~ Prepositions of Place Point II - Placement of the Roaming Adverb Point III - Practice on Idiomatic and Useful Expressions Table of Contento Page asd 262 264 265 279 287 297 308 305 308 311 318 322 Bad 4327 335 338 339 341 355 361 361 365 368 372 bas 384 396 406 xf SWEDISH hit 13 - PA Vag THI Landet Glossary Notes on Basic Sentences Pointe to Practice Point I~ The Fourth Conjugation (Irregular Yerba) Liat of Irregular Verbe Point 11 = Tycka, Tanka, Tro Point III - 0&r-Dit as Relative Adverbs Unit 14 - PB On Cloeeary Notee on Bacie Sentences Pointe to Practice Point I ~ Past Participles Point II - Pasaive Yoiee Point III - Present Partietple Whit 18 (introduetion) Unit 18 - Helger och Traditlonor Midsommar Juten Fastan Pasken Valborgsmassoaf ton Forsta Maj Glossary Notes on Basic Sentences Points to Practice Point I - Compound Nouns Point IT - Compound Verbs Unit 16 (introduction) Mit 16 - Glimtar frén Sverige av dag Geograti Glossary Table of Contents xii Page 410 413 416 419 420 421 441 444 446 449 452 484 455 462 469 470 471 471 472 474 475 475 476 477 487 485 434 436 493 495 495 496 SWEDISH Page nit 16 (cont.) N&ringsliv och Ekonor 498 Gloseary 499 Statsskick och Politik 503, Gloseary 504 Neutralitet och Forsvar 506 Glossary 507 Socialpolitik 508 Glossary 508 Religion $11 Glossary S11 Skolor och Utbitdning 513 Glossary 513 Nassnedia 515 Glossary 518 Notes on Baste Sentences 517 Word List 5. Grammar Index e62 Bibliography ers ‘able of Contente vist SWEDISH xiv 4 brief Explanation of Bnglich Grammatical Terms Ueed in thie Book Accent Active Voice Adjeotive Adverb Article Auziléary verb Grammatical Terms as in "accent 1 and 2,: ie equivatent to stress or Loudness. See"Voiee." a word used to deseribe ov qualify a noun. Examples: 4 good cup of coffee. Roses are red. Most adjectives ean have three forms: positive, comparative, and superlative (tatl, taller, tallest). a word used to qualify: a verb - Peter spoke softly. an adjective -~ She is very pretty. another adverb - Tom epeake unusually slovly. a vord weed vith a noun to modify on Limit ite meaning. Indefinite article - a dog, an apple Definite article - the boy, the boys verb used vith another verb often to form compound tenses. samples: He will eome tomorrow. ‘seen that film. Cardinal number Clause Comparative Compound Grammatical Terms SWEDISH the baste, or "counting" form of a number - one, two, three, ete. a group of words containing at least a verb Example: The baby eried. Clauses may be main (independent) or subordinate (dependent). Lause is able to stand alone and constitutes a full Bzample: Peter uae reading the paper. A eubordinate clause acta like a modifier (adjective or adverb), and iain clause by a subordinating conjunction. Example: Peter was reading the paper when the door bell rang. See "Adjective." made up of tuo op more elements. Compound nouns - a Lezical noun phrase (i.e. a noun phrase whieh ta considered one unit of meaning). Examples: coat hanger, blackboard, airplane ‘ompound _verbe - a lexical verb phrase (i.e. a verb phrase oh is considered one unit of meaning). Beampleo: give up, find out, give in Compound tenses - a combination of an ausiliary and a main verb. See "auxiliary verb." Gondi tional clause Conjugation Conjunction Definite artiole Definite form Denonetrative Deterninative adjective or pronoun Grammatical Terms SWEDISH a clause expressing a condition, usually introduced by "if," "in the event of," “unleas." Ezamplee: If I eee him,I'Lt tell him that you catted In the event (that) we must cancel our plans,I'tL Let you know. Uniese it raine,we'll go evtmming this afternoon. @ group of verbs which follow the same inflectional pattern. an uninflected word used to Link together words or sentence parts, such as and, while, because, since, ete a group of noune with the same plural ending See “Antiole." form of a Swediah noun or adjective used when the definite artiele is praent. those to point out or indicate uords such as thie, that, thes apectfie persons or things. @ pronominal vord referring to a following phrase. Examples: The (thoseletudents who had taken the course during the summer vere excused those who waited patiently in Line finally got to Bee the famous movie star. Gerund Idiomatic expreasion Imperative Indefinite adjective Indefinite articte Indefinite form Indefinite pronoun Grammatical Terris SWEDISH an English verb with an -ing ending and with the function of Examples: Swimming te my favorite sport. Tin.tived of running. @ group of words which has a special connotation not usually equal to the meanings of the individual uorda, and which usually eannot be translated into another Language without the apectal meaning being Loot. Ezamplea: Thie ia not my cup of tea. That's the way the cookie crumbles. @ sentence or a verb form hich conmands, requires or forbids an action to be earried out. Bxamplee: Stand up! Don't ery! @ determiner in a noun phrase expre: some, any, every, eto. ng generality, such as See “Avtiele." form of a Swedish noun or adjective uscd either when the in- definite amticle ie present or when no article is present. a pronoun which does not refer to a definite person on thing, e.g. anybody,anything, somebody, nothing, ete. xvid Infinitive Interrogative vord Intransitive verb Irregular noun adjective adbe Won-eount noun Noun oun phrase Grammatical Terme SWEDISH xvii @ verb form not Limited by person, number, om tense; the form given in the vocabulary Lists. It may stand atone (1 must go) on it may be preceded by "to" (I want to go). a vord used at the beginning of a clause or sentence to mark it as a question @ verb whi fh cannot be fottowed by an object. Brample: The baby stept. Cf. transitive verb. exhibite certain forme which do not coincide with a particular pattern considered to be the norm for that particular noun (adjective, verb, adverb). Feamples: child -ehildren good, better, beat Pun, van, mut much, more, most @ noun which does not usuatly forma plural, as opposed to noune whieh ean be counted, e.g. sugar, sand, coffee. word denoting or naming a person, thing or concept. a word or group of words vith a noun or pronoun as its head and functioning ae the subjeet, object or "complement" of a sentence. Baamplee: The sat caught the mouse, je is a po. Object Objective pronoun Ordinal number Pantioiple Particle vammatical Terme SWEDISH word or phrase forming the "complement" of a verb. Direct object is the person or thing which ia ajfected by the action of the verb in a sentence Frample: The man read the newspaper. Indireot object ie the pereon or thing for whom om on whose Behalf an action ie carried out. Example: John read the nevepaper to his wife. @ form of a pronoun which ie governed by a verb or a prepo- attion. Beampleo: Peter saw her. Peter gave us the book. a number used as an adjective to indicate order, e.g. firet, second, third, eto. English has tvo participial forma: the present participle bhich onda ining and the past partioipie uhioh ends in ed, on sometines in ~en, -n, ete. Theae are uaed tn forming complex verb phrases, such ae I am working; 1 have worked. Apart from theiy use in forming complez verb phrases, parti- ciples are also used aa adjectives. Examples: A erying baby. 4 efosed door. a non-infleeted word whieh, used with another word (usually a verb) changes the meaning of that vord, e.g. off in "turn tt off." xix Passive voice Past tense feot tense Preposition Reflexive pronoun Reflexive verb Grammatical Terme SWEDISH xx See "Votes." a tense form of a verb referring to an actton which took place prior to the time of the utterance. Cf. "perfect tense." Present perfect - have (has) + participle (I have elosed the Boon eortect Past perfect - had + participle (1 had eloeed the door.) a non-infleeted word used before a noun or noun phrase, which indicates a spatial or temporal relationship between the noun and sone other reference. Ezamples: Arthur is driving into the city. Fran von't get here until Tuesday. an objeet pronoun which refers back to the subject. Example: You can see for yourself. a verb used vsuatly with a reflexive pronoun. Example: John cut himself while shaving. Some verbe have reflexive connotations without a reflexive pronoun. Example: John out maelf while shaving (i.e. himself). Relative adverb Relative clause ive pronoun Subject Subordinate clause Superlative Grammatical Terma SWEDISH an adverb which acts aa a conjunction in introducing a sub- ordinate elause Example: This is the place where ve met a aubordinate clause introduced by a relative pronoun or adverb. Franples: Thia is the boy whom I was supposed to meet. That was the time when I got Lost 4 pronoun auch as who, whose, vhom, whieh, bask to a previous vond ox group of vords hat which refers in a sentence. that which ie left of a word when all prefixes and ouffizes have been removed. Bzamples: teacher, unusually, disenchanted. granmatictally, that part of a sentence which constitutes the reference for the verb; the agent performing the action eapressed by the verb in an active sentence, or the person, thing ov concept on which the action of a pascive sentence ie performed. The mouse was caught by the eat. Beamples: The eat caught the mouse. see "Clause." See "Adjective." word Supine Tense Grammatical Terms SWEDISH xxii the name in Swedish for the verb form used together with forma of att ha (to have). It corresponds in English to the past partiotple form of the verb. Hovever, the supine form is never declined and eannot be used as an adjective. Thus in Suedish there is a déetinotion betueen the supine form and the past partioiple form. The former ia only ueed vith the forms of the verb ait ha- the latter is ueed and declined as an ad~ dective. Examples: Supine Pantieiple Jag har ISnat en bit. En I8nad bil. T have borvoued a car. a borrowed car. Jag her lanat ett bord. Ett [Bnet bord. Ihave borrowed a table. # Borrowed table. Jag har Inat tv’ bécker, Tv8 ISnade bocker. T have borrowed tue books. Tuo borrowed books. grammatical eategory of the verb expressing the time relation- ship between the action referred to in the sentence and the time of the utterance. @ verb uhich oan have a direct object. Example: The boy Kioked the ba cf. intransitive verb. expresses an act, occurrence, or mode of being. Esamptes: The boy Left the room. Tam cold. Word order inanmatéeat Terme SWEDISH a verb construction indicating certain relationships between the subject and object of a verb. The aotive votes occurs in a sentence where the grammatical subject of a verb carries out some activity or process, e.g. The cat caught the mouse. The passive voice cecurs in a sentence in which the grammatical subject of the verb is the recipient of the action, e.g. The mouse vas caught by the cat. Straight vord order places the subject before the verb in Revereed word onder places the verb before the @ clause: ubject in wxdid SWEDISH wxiv A Guide to Endings and Symbols Used in Basic Sentences and in Notes on Ba. In the Basie Sentences, each paragraph wilt be numbered and preceded by a List of new voea- bulary. Some of the Swedish worde will be prosented in their different forms as follovs: 1. Houns Indefinite form, singular; definite form ending, singular; indefinite form ending, plurat. Example: dagen -ar day, the day, days If the plural form ia irregular the entire word form te given. Ezample: natt -en, ndtter night, the night, nighte The word stem to which the endings are added is indicated by a elash if the stem is different from the indefinite form singular. Brample: gat/e an -or street, the street, streets -# thie aymbol indicates that the indefinite plural form ie the same as the indefinite singular form. Frample: par -et -6 couple, the couple, couples 4 the same symbol without the dash (-) indicates that the word doee not ocour in the plural. Example: mjdlk-n@ milk, the milk, 9 Guide to Endings and symbole SWEDISH 2. Pronoune (Possescive, Demonstrative, Indefinite Pronouns, and the Interrogative Pronoun vilken) Form referring to en vorde; form refeming to ott vorde; fom weferving to plural vords Example: min, mitt, mine nine Adjectives Baste form (used with an vorde in the eingular); ending used with att words in the singular; ending used with plural vorda. Feampto: snBi\l-t-a kind If the adjective ie ipregular the whole form vill be given Exampte: \iten, litet, sm& malt 4. Comparison of Adjecti Only the irregular comparative and superlative forms are indicated in addition to the basic forms. However, these forms will not be given until Unit 9, where the comparison of the adjective is introduced. cand Adverbs Basie form (used with en words in the singular); ending used vith ett words in the singular); ending ueed with plural words; comparative form; superlative form. Brample: (ng -t-a; l8ngre, langst tong, Longer, longest Guide to Endings and Symbols SWEDISH Verbs. Verbe are aluaye given in the infinitive form vith the infinitive marker att (ez- cept for certain ausiliary verbs which are not used in the infinitive form). The infinitive form with a slach to indicate the atem; present tense ending; past tense ending; oupine ending Example; att tal/a -ar -ade -at to epeak, speak(s), spoke, (have, had) spoken If the verb ie irregular all forme are written out. Example: att st&, str, stod, st&tt to stand, atand(a), stood, (have, had) stood Starting with Unit 10 the first three eonjugations will be indicated by numbers only. Example: att tala, | to speak att kore, 2a to drive att tycka, 26 to think att tro, 3 to believe The fourth conjugation verbs, which are all more or Less irregular, will have the irregular forms indicated as well as a number 4 to indicate the conjugation. Examples: att (8, far, fick, fath, 4 to get, to receive att hdlla med om; hSller, hOIl, nSlIIt, 4 to agree with 6. * thie asteriok is found in the Baste Sentence: It indicates that there ie an explanatory note on a certain item in that particular paragraph. The note ie listed by paragraph number in the Notes on Basie Sentences section immediately following each dialog. Guide to Endings and symbole SWEDISH 4 Guide to Svedish Pronunatation This chapter ie intended especially for the etudent who ia learning Swedich on hio ov her oun. The accompanying tape ia an integral part of thie Unit, and hence must be used in conjunation with the following pages. We have avoided uaing phonetie aymbole in the book. Inetead we feel that the comb: nation of the tape and the accompanying brief descriptiona of how the sounds are pro- duced vill provide an appropriate basis for edish pronunciation. We aleo hope that the atudent who etudies with a teacher will find both chapter and tape hetpfut. We naturally tend to concentrate on those sounds that exiet in Suedioh and not in English, rather than on sounds that are common to the two languages. Spending a little extra time in the beginning to get the Suedish sounde night ia better than learning them inaorrectly and then trying to compensate tater. Guide to Svedieh Pronunotation SWEDISH WELCOME 70 SWEDISH Many sounds in the Swedieh Language are eimilar to counds used in Englieh. A few sounds used in Swedioh do not eziet in English. We vill be more aonoerned with gounds than with spelling, although sometimes the latter has to come in. Latte begin by Looking at and Listening to the Swedieh alphabet, which hae 29 Letvera: ABCDEFGHISKLUMNOPQRSTUVWXYZAKD then we discuss Suedish sounds in thie chapter ve refer to the sounds in this alphabet, Remember this order of letters, especially when you are Looking up a name in the phone book or a uord ina dictionary: AX b are last. Suedioh Vouelo Let's begin by taking a look at and listening to the Suedih vovels. Repeat them after the taper AOUA BLY RD Learn them in theae groupa: AOU A EY RD E 1 Y KU soft vowels. These vowels aan be pronounaed Long or short. For example, listen to the different lengthe of the vowel sound in thoas Svedioh word paira AOU A ave called hard vovel Quide to Svediah Pronunotation SWEDISH Long vowete Short vovele dag (day) dagg (dew) vag (road) vagg (wall) vila (to neat) villa (houee) fr (for) torr (before) can you hea» the difference in the vovel length? When Swedieh vowels are Long they are yery Long. Wo matter how much you think you exaggerate their Length, they can not be too tong. There are no diphthonga in Suedish. If one vowel Letter follows another, each one ia pronounced separately. (Thie happene in eartain Englioh words too, e.g. cooperation, terate, ete.) ALL vowel lettera are pronounced, there ave no silent vowel letters. Let's teavn and praetice long-short vovel differences in Swedish words. The purpose here ta to Learn to pronounce Svedigh, not to learn to spell and not to Learn vocabu- lary. The tranalation furnished is just for your information. Listen to the tape and read tho verde. Close your mind to everything around you and pay elose attention to the way the voice on the tape pronounces the words. Try to imitate the speaker. If you ave atudying alone, have a mirror handy. We'll tell you when you need tt. "Hard" Vowels AOU K The long A in Swedish resembles the long A in (American) English, e.g. "father," ard," "barn," (Boaton pronunciation discouraged). Just make it Longer. Long glas (gtaas) stad foity) dag (day) vad (what) mat (food) ta (to take) tak (roof, cetting) lat (Lasy) ska (wilt) har (have, has) Guide to Suedish Pronunciation SWEDISH The short Suediah A ig somevhat similar to the vowel in the English words "cot," "not." Listen carefully to the pronunciation of short Svedieh A on the tape and repeat after it. glass dagg (dew) matt (weak) tack (thank you) hade (had) Wow ve wilt give you one word with a long A and one with a short A. (ieeeream) Short A vatten katte han kan hall difference in the vovel and imitate it. Long & gles dag nat tak hal (slippery) tal (speech) The long 0 te lowe to the Englioh vowel in “troop” and "tor Try to make them very Long. vith Long 0. krona (oroun) bo (to Live) bok (book) bror (brother) ro (to row) Guide to Swedish Pronunciation (water) (coffee) (he) (ean) (halt) Listen to the gtass 4999 nett tack hal tall 2 hong 0 so! stor fot god mot (pine tree) mb." Here are some words (aun) (big) (foot) (good) fagainot) SWEDISH The short Suedioh 0 haa the eame quality as the long 0 but it ia chorter. Listen to the vords with a short 0 and repeat after the tape. Short 0 hon (sho) moster (mat. aunt) ost (aheeae) hotel! (hotel) ond (evél) bomu!! (cotton) fort (fast) bonda (farmer) tom (empty) kort (eard) Now we will practice a Long and a short 0 90 you oan hear and Learn the difference. Long 0 Short 0 krona hon bok ost bror fort go tom ro kort The Swedish long U does not exist in English. it vhile you do the following elowly and watch what your lips do at the end of it. y Listen to the Engl How you can get out your mirror and use Aword "yeu." Now vay it very Keep your lips in thi position. Now we'll make a little change, by dropping the "y" and emphastaing the “o": uuu Now we'll practice vorde with a Long U. Guide to Swediah Pronunciation the ehort U sound has a different quality SWEDISH Long U fru (wife) kul (fun) ut out? sur (oour) nu (now) mus (mouse) hur (how) tur (Luck) hus (house) bran (brown) Thie time you don't need your mirror. Say the English vord “sugar” after the tape. Tf you say it quickly the "U" will be very eloae to the Suedish short U to thie Svedioh word: short U. Now we'll eay a what your mouth eugar eugar sugar how Lieten uggla (owl). Now we'll practice eome other Swedish words vith Short U frukt (fruit) upp (up) brunn (welt) lunch (Luneh) under (under) buss (bus) luft (air) tuaa (thin) rum (room) mun (mouth) word vith a long U and one vith a ekort U. Look in the mirror and see does. Zong Uv fru ut hus Guide to Svedich Pronunciation SWEDISH A Long A ie similar to the Englieh vowel sound in "four," "oar," "more," but much Longer. Here are some vorda with a long & Long & Br (year) mine (moon) st8 (to etand) m&l (goat) 93 (to go) $84 (thread) bat (boat) t8q (train) h8l Chote) vat (wet) The short h ia very aimilar to the vowel sound in the English ord» "song," "Long," and "wrong," but shorter. Short A ging (time) mitt (measure) t&ng (Long) maste (must) sing faong) 3nga_ (steam) h3ila (to hota) Alder (age) mings (many) Angra (#0 regret) Now we'Zl eay one word with a Long A and then one with a short A. Listen and try to hear the difference in Length. ong & Short & 9A sing ar $4ng nat natta nino ninge bat mitt Remenber that the Suedieh name of thie Letter ia "A". Guide to Svedish Pronunciation SWEDISH The eame sounds -- both the Long A and the short A sound -- are sometimes spelled vith an "0", The Long A sound spelled with an "0" ie unusual, but the short A sound epelled vith an "0" ie rather common. Long § und opelted with an son (son) kot faoat) telefon (telephone) mikrofon (mierophone) Short A sound spetied vith an "0" om (if) som (who, which) kopp (eup) komma (to come) kosta (to coat) The vowels you have juot practiced, AO UR are the "hard" vowels. We will nov continue vith the other gvoup of vowels, the "soft" vovets. Guide to Swedish Pronunotatton SWEDISH "soft" Vouota E | Y KU hong € is a pure vowel. It ete, Lieten to the tape. Now we'll practice the Long E sound in some vords. se (to see) mer (more) te (tea) paket (package) heta (to be called) eat," "nent," "wend," but shorter. in some Suedish words. en Ca, an) fon (five) ert (a, an) ven (who) most (moot) EEEEE Long 8 not the same as the vovel sound in "aay," “day,” "gray," Be eure to make it very long. bon (bone, Leg) sen (Late) ren (olean) brev (Letter) det (it, the) @ short € aound ta almost the same as the vowel sound in the Bnglish words "reat," Let's Listen to and repeat this short vowel sound Short © hem (home) men (but) hotte (heat) den (it, the) Ion (again) Now we'll say one word with a Long E and one word with a short E. Guide to Swedieh Pronunciation bong dot ben hota the Suedioh | te "leave," eto. Listen, | (eeyh) SWEDISH | (eeyh) For the Long | be eure to make it very Long. 1 (in) vin (vine) fin (fine) vis (wise) IL (ear) Long | 10 Shot £ den hen hette imitar to the vowel sound in the English words "teak," “seed,” 1 (eeyh) tiga (to be silent) hit (here) vila (to dit (there bit (piece) 7) The short Swedish | eound ie similar in quality to Long 1, but much, much shorter. Lieten to the short | sound in some Swedieh words and repeat them. vinn (wint) finn (find!) viss (gertain) tigga (to beg) villa (house) Guide to Swedish Pronunciation Short | bitte (to find) flicka (gird) min (my, mine) din (your, youra,) timme (hour) SWEDISH Now let's Listen to one word vith a tong | and then one word with a short |. Long | Short 1 vin vian fle flan vis viss tlaa tloga vila villa the Swedioh "Y" to alvays a vowel. It is most easily produced if you whisper a Long Swedish | (remember, eeyh), push out your Lips, making a "square" mouth, and use your voice. Look in the mirror and try it. Fxaggerate all you want in the beginning. yoyryy Now we'll practioe the tong Y in some vorda. Hong ¥ sy (to oew) ty9 (fabria) yte (eunface) tyra (four) by (village) hyra (to rent) flyte (to float) byte (to change) frysa (to freese) ny (new) The short Y sound ie very aimilar to the Long one except for being mich shorter. Guide to Svedieh Pronunciation a syad (pity) trygg (secure) pytta (Jar) tycka (to think) lyssna (to Téeten) SWEDISH Short ¥ Now we'tl alternate long and short Y sounds. bong ¥ sy ny to byta flyta The Long vowel "K tear," "hate," to thie letter ao A. If the Tong K ie not followed by vords "vell,” “bet,” "wet," ate. K Je nyss (recently) flytta (to move) mycket (muoh, very) syster (sister) lyfta (to tise) Short ¥ synd nyss trygo bytta flytte before “R" ie similar to the vowel sound in the English vorda "fair," eave,” ete. Re eure to open your mouth when you say A. Alwaya refer an "R" it pounds Like the vowel sound in the Englieh But remember to make it very Long. Listen carefully to the words vith the tong K and you will hear how the "A" folloved by an "R" differs from other situations. Guide to Swedieh Pronunciation SWEDISH Long & har (here) vag (road) dar (there) val (welt) bar (berry) lasa_ (to read) Jara (iron) nasa (nose) lca (to teach) tavia_ (to compete) You can hear how mush broader and more open the K sound ie if it ia followed by an "RY. Take the word jarnvag (railroad) where you have an example of both types of long K. Say it: j8rn-vag, J&rn-vig, JArn-vag. The short K te aleo broad and open before an “R". It ie intlar to the firet vowel aound in the Englich words "oarry," "marry," eto. Before other consonanta it sounds just Like the ehort Swedigh £ sound (ott, mest, hom). Now Lieten to the short K sound ‘and note the difference betueen the K followed by an "R" and the K followed by other eonaonanta. Short arr (car) vagg (watt) fara (ferry) kvall (evening) varre (vorse) van (friend) mirka (to notice) bast (best) firm (aleve) nista (next) Now we'll read the worde vith long X and alternate with words with short K. Try to work on the Long & that ia not followed by an "R", aince you are not used to making this aound Long in Englioh. Long K hac Jara nasa vag val Guide to Svediah Pronunciation Short & are Sem nasta vagg kval 13 SWEDISH ‘ e last Swedish vowel, and also the last Letter in the Suedieh alphabet, ia "U". To pronounce thie sound you can use your mirror again. Firat uhiaper a long £. Hold thie for a long time, and then round your lipa. when your Lipa are rounded (you're al- most ready to kise someone!) atart using your voice, and you vill hear a nice Swedish 5, like thie: 8 8 BOB As vas the case vith the "A" before "R", the 0 sound ie broader and more open before an "R", Tt ie very aimilar to the Englieh sound in "fur," "purr," "burn." Eleevhene it ie rather tense, very much Like the name of the letter "U0", Let's practice the long 8 sound in some worde. rong 8 for (for) sot (aveet) hora (to hear) brod (bread) kbra (to drive) not (nwt) store (to disturb) ga (eye) ura fear) tn (salary) The short U before "R" sounds Like the long U before "R", only shorter. When not foltov- ed by "R" it ie similar to, but shorter than its Long counterpart. Liaten to the vords with the short 8 sound. fore (before) l8na (maple tree) borJa (to begin) nott (worn) dire (door) mjoik (milk) storre (bigger) fonster (window) mock (dark) host (fall, autumn) Now we'll alternate vords with long 8 and short 5. Guide to Svediah Pronunciation SWEDISH Long 8 Short & 18 focr store storre not not 180 Venn boa nost You may have noticed from all the vords lieted in the foregoing practices that vovel lettere are usually pronounced chort when followed by two aonsonant lettera, and tong when followed by one aongonant Letter, One-ayllable words ending in -m and -n are often exceptions. Bramplea: man (man) han (he) hon (ake) kan (ean) tom (five) hom (home) som (that, which) Jo sum up the most important things you need to know about Svedish vovels: Long vowels are very Long; 2 U requires your Lips in a "v" position; | Y c+ start whispering a long | and make a "square" mouth, and only then uee your 4, 0 -- start whispering a long £, round your Lipa and only then use your voice. 15 SWEDISH 16 Swedish Consonante Swediah conoonante are fairly similar to English ones vith a few exceptions, which ve will deal with in this seotion, In Swedish, a consonant foltoving a long vowel tends to be short, a consonant follow ing a short vowel tends to be long. Listen to these examples: In English ve say "mama" -- the Swedes say mamma; ve say “papa” -- the Swedes say pappe; mamma, pappa. The distinction between short and long consonants ie ueually shown in the uriting system by the doubling of the consonant letter, However, you only hear thie distinetion when the consonant ovours between tuo vowels Like in the following examplea: Short coneonante Long eonsonante vlgen (the road) Viggen (the walt) fina (fine: deol. form) flana (to find) dagen (the day) daggen (the dew) mata (to feed) matta (rug) lila (purple) lila (tittle; deot. form) The most important thing, however, is to make the Long vowels Long, otherwise there ean easily be misunderatandinga. Remember: a tong vowel can never be too long. "4" da the Svediah eymbol for a aound similar to "y" at the beginning of an English word, aa in "yes," "yard." It never corresponds in its pronunciation to the English letter "j". It te the consonant letter that sometimes gives away the origin of a Suede apeaking English when he or she saya: "Yump for yoy." Let'e Liaten to some Swedish words with J. Practice especially the words where J comes aster another consonant. Guide to Swedish Pronunatation je (yea) jul (cheietmae) just (just) Jopb (Job) John (John) In some vorda "borrowed" from SWEDISH farja (ferry) borja (to begin) noJ (no) sulja (to sell) mJoik (mith) French "I" ig pronounced Like English SH. Lieten: journalist Jargong Jourhavande (Journaliat) (Jargon) (on duty) The Letter "J" is eometimes preceded by another consonant in the writing system. In auch eaaee the other Letter ie alwaya “eilent." amples: Gd ou WW u The J aound io alc sometimes Bzamples: ge garna farg berg We'll diseu Guide to Svediah Pronunciation thie in more detail Later under “ (aia) (animal) (hetp) (Light) gJorde ajar hjaip VJus spelted vith a "G". (to give) (gladly) foolor) (mountain) a SWEDISH i Liaten camefully to the pronunotation of the English vord "little." Suedieh L is more like the firet "I" than the seoond "1." The second "2" aounde very foreign to Swedes. Now we'll practice the | in come Swedish words: val (welt) bil (automobite) mjSlk (milk) kalender (ealendan) lunch (Lunch) klar (olear) telefon (telephone) hall (katz) tills (unteD) klocka (eLock) aNG- This sound ia similar to English, i.e. "ping," "song," "Long," eto., but no g-aound io heard at the end, aa some English speakers have. This is true in Swedish even if the -NG is foltoved by a vovet. This is the way it sounds in Suediah: l8ng fLong) ung (young) Inga (Long; det. form) unga (Young; deet. form) sing (song) ring (ring) sngon (the oong) Finga (to telephone) Ae you notice there ie only the -NG eound. Let's say those words again. wo addi- tional g-cound should be heard. If you have diffioulty vith thie, an easy way to eliminate the g-sound ia to aay the two syllables separately, then a-l-o-u-l-y bring them together, sng -en, sangen- Guide to Svedish Pronunciation Note: SWEDISH The sound -NG ie frequently foltowed by an "NY at the end of a vord. This com- bination is spelled "-GN". Bzamplee: tugn (calm) ugn (oven) lugna (to catm) ugnon (the oven) regn (rain) vagn (wagon) regnet (the rain) vagnon (the wagon) "GN" and "KN If "GN" etands at the beginning of a vord both aounda are pronounced ao in gnista (opark), gnida (to rub knapp (button), kayta de (to tie). Eisten and repeat the Suediah words: GN gntsta (opark) gaida (to rub) gaata (to nag) gnola (to hum) gnigga (to neigh) fe elightly trétted. rum (room) bror (brother) morgon (morning) Guide to Swedioh Pronunoiation The same is true for "KN" in Svedish. The Svedes say kN knyta to tie) knappa (to button) knappast (hardly) knut (not) knacka (to knock) Tf you ean make a Spanish "R", use that but trill brad (bread) har (have, has) krona (erown) 19 SWEDISH In sone combinations of "R" + another consonant the two aounde ave "pulled together.” The veeult ia very eimilar to what happene in English words Like "bar - barn,” "bore - bored." Let's practice some of these combinations in Svedieh worda: “RN Jaen (iron) barn (ohtld) torn (tover) “RO bord (tabte) gard (farm) yard feare) AT f8rort Couburd) svart (black) sport (aporte) SWEDISH as The -RSH sound is produced when the Letter "S" follows an "R", as in the words orsak (reason), Kors (ores) and Lars. You make the -RSi sound in normal epecch alao if one vord ends in "R* and the next word etarta with "5." Lieten to these thnee words: Vac_satt du? (Where did you oit?). thie ie how you vill hear it when a Suede epeake normally: Yacs(hiatt du? If you pronounge the three words carefully without the SH sound (var/ satt/ du?) you will, of couree, be under- Stood, but it won't sound Tike natural Suedioh. ‘Lot's try some ceanplee: mors (mother's) varst (woret) orsak farsk (freak) kors norsk (Norwegian) Lars fOrsbk (attempt) su The Suedieh SH eound to very aimilar to the English SM sound in "shoe," "sheep," "shout," ete, There is another variation of the SH sound in Svedieh which you do not need to Learn now, but which you should be prepared to reavgnize. The epelling of the SH sound may vary, but don't Let the spetiing influence your pronunciation, Here is a list of words containing the SM sound, all with dif- ferent epelling. On the tape you'll hear both versions of the SH aound. su" sjuk (etek) Sk" skida (aki) "ski" skjorta (hive) nsty" stjaraa (star) "ScH" schism (ochtem) "sion" vision (vision) Notion" — station (etation) "one champagne (champagne) ns Journalist (journaltet) vonde borrowed from French nom generds (generous) Note that "CH" in the word och (and) pronounced K. Guide to Suedish Pronunetation ae SWEDISH 22 *sKe We will now explain the reason for Learning the vovele in tuo groups, the hard vowels fo UK and the sofe vovsle € 'Y KB. Say them once more in groups. If you don't remember then learn them now. AQUA Bry RE The two consonant Letters “G" and "K" and the combination "Sk" are pronounced differently, depending on whether they precede a hard vowel or a soft vowel. Before the hard vowela AOU A, "G", "K", and "SK" are pronounced ae they sound in the alphabet. Listen to these Swedich words: gata (e¢reat) kan (ean) ska (ehatt) god (good) kopp (oup) sko (ahoe) gui (yettov) kultur (oudeure) skulle (stout) 98 (to walk) kar (corps) kal (cheers) Let's say them again, just to practice the Swedish vowels as well. Make your Long vouele very 1-o-n-g. In front of the soft vovela £1 Y KU, "G", "KY, and "SK" become “soft”: “GM is pronounced Like a Swedish "J" (as the "Y" in English "yee," "year," ete.). Listen to these examples: 9° (to give) gille (to Like) gymnastik — (gymnaetica) garna (gladly) gra (t0 do) "GM ie aleo pronounced Like a Suediah "J" after "L" and "R" in the same syllable. Look at the following vorde, Liaten and imitates Guide to Swedish Pronunciation SWEDISH 81g (moose) helg (holiday) svalg (pharynz) berg (mountain) f3rg (color) torg (equare) arg (angry) "Ko" ia pronounced Like a "Light" "CH," a sound similar to the sound in Englioh "birch," “inoh," ete. Lieten to the examples kedJa kinas kyss kirlek kora (chain) (chinese) (kis) (Love) (t0 drive) The CH sound is also epelted “T)" and "Ki" in come words, for example: "TI" tJug0 (twenty) uy (thief) tata (to nag) Hock (thtek) Hjanstgdra [to serve) "ks" kJol (okirt) "Sk" before a soft vowel ie pronounced like a Sil cound in Bnglich (ehoe, shine, ete.). Listen to these exanptus: sked skina skydda skara skin (spoon) (40 shine) (t0 protect) (to eut) (oomfortabte) note: there are other epellinga of the SH sound which ve discussed under the Si sound. Guide to Swedioh Pronunciation 2s SWEDISH 24 Now Lette put "G," "K," and "SK" alternately in front of a hard and a soft vowel. Look at the words and’ repeat after the tape. Before hard v meu gata ged oul a3 wee kan kopp kal tur kar "SK" ska sko skulle skal Before soft vowel ge gitta symnastik garna gora kedJja kings kyss karlok kora sked skina skydda skara skén The following consonant Lettera oeour only infrequently in Svediah: "oY Ze mostty found in the combination "Ck" vards, in vhich cage it in pronounoed like "k" in front of hard vouels, Befone soft vowela it te pronounced Like "S." K Guide to Swedish Pronunciation Alone it is usually found in for gn Examples: cancer (canoer) campa (to camp) cape (cape) coll (gett) tron (Lemon) cykel (bieyate) SWEDISH "Q” ie found mostly in proper names. Examples: Holmquist, Almquist. "KV" has been replacing "QU" in modern Suedioh, for example: Akvavit (aquavit). "W" ia pronounced Like a "V" in Swedich. You wilt only find it in names. Examples: Wilma, Winblad. "2" ie pronounced Like "S". You wilt find i¢ only in a very few vords of foreign derivation. Ezamples: zigenare (gypsy) zon (zone) zenit (zenith) zebra (aebra) Note: There is no % sound in Swedieh! Summary of the Pronunoiation of Suedieh Consonan: cor 1 onant sounds tend to be l-o-n-g after short vouels. 2. "J" de pronounced Like English "Y" before vowele. 3. "L" de always like the firet "Ll" in the Euglieh word "little." 4. "-NG-" Wo G ia heard before vowels. 5 6 "GN-" Both the "G" and the "N" are pronounced at the beginning of a word. "KN" Both the "K" and the "N"are pronounced in thia combination at the beginning of a word. 27, "RY tg alightly tritted. 8. "RS" ie pronounced Like -RSH 9. SH - This sound sound is very similar to the English SH sound. 10. "G,K,SK" before soft vowela are pronounced Like J, CH, and SH. 11. "wh $e pronounced Like "V." 12, "2" ge always pronounced S; there ie no 2 sound in Svedish. Guide to Swedish Pronunciation * SWEDISH 26 When individual uorde are pronounced in isolation, the separate sounds tend to stand out clearly. When one talke in phrases or sentences, however, many of theae soundo become leas distinot, and some of them may change or divappean. You vill hear thio on the tapes of tha dialoge. Of course thie ia the way you ehould Learn to epeak Swedih, not word by word, This is one neagon it ie important for you to memorize the dialoge. Some very common words are pronounced differently from the vay they are epelted. Refer to thie liat aa you Learn Unite 1-4 to make gure you are pronouncing theoe vorde right. write Say, write Say Jag JA iw n8gon NAN (someone) act oe (eo n&gont ing NANTING (aomething? dag DA (day) sedan SEN (then) vad vA (what) S893 SKIA (to eay) och A (and) nig nes (me) de OM (they) 413 3 (you) dem om (them) sig SEL (himaet?, ete.) ar E (am, are, ia) sidan SAN (oueh) med Me (ren) staden STAN (the ety) morgon MORRON (morning) Guide to Swedish Pronunotation SWEDISH Americana listening to Swedes talking sometimes say the Svedes "sing." They hear the Swedih intonation which ie different from English. They alo hear Swedish accent whieh ie equally different from English. Let's Learn about that nov. Swedish has tuo accents, uouatly referred to as Accent 1 and Accent 2. decent 1. Words vith Aooent 1 have the etree on the firet syllable. This is aleo moat aommon in Englieh two-eyllable words. Ezamplee: coming, harness, mother, Sracture, neighbor. Accent 2 ia very characteristic of Swedish; it ocoure moatly in words of two or more syllables. In Accent 2 vorda the second syllable ie almost ae Loud as the firat. In English thie occure only in phrases where, for example, an ordinary adjective comes before an ordinary noun. Compare the following English items as you eay them: Firet syllable accent Second eyllable accent blackboard black board blueberry dlue berry White House vhite house loudepeaker Toud speaker Notice that you pronounce the eeeond eyllable in the right-eolumn iteme Louder and elearer than the same ayllable in the left-column items. Now, imagine that the following Swedish vords are pronounced as though they had two parts, the second almost a8 loud as the first: Guide to Swedish Pronunciation ae SWEDISH 28 hus-tru Lang-samt n-gon smor-gis These vords ave written as hustru, 1&ngsamt, n&gon, and smbrg’s, but pronounced (uaing Accent 2) with the second ayllable almost aa Loud as the firet. try saying then one more time to make eure both syllables are coming out clearly and loud, then practice the following List of Accent 2 words: gata (etveet) komma (to eome) Flicka (gird) trdga (to aek) bStar — (boate) svenska (Svediah) pojkar — (boya) smbrg&s (aandwich) krona (erown) kostar (eoet/a) kyrka — (chureh) Lingsamt (etowly) ndgon —(someo: Ingen (no one) dotter (daughter) hustru — (wefe) papper (paper) varje (every) Let's say them again. Try to get the typical Swedish stress. We will now give you some Accent 2 uords and contrast then with Accent 1 vords. Listen carefully to the tape and imitate. Accent 2 Aooent 1 komme (to come) kommer (oome/e) ringar (ring Finger (ring/e) svenska (Svedéah) enkel — (aénple) smorghs (sandwich) gisen (the govee) kostar (eoat/a) typlsk (typteat) Vangsant (atouty) Langre (Longer) ingen (no one) finger (finger) pojken (the boy? boken (the book) varje (every) vargen (the wolf) klockan (the elook) rocken (the coat) Guide to Svedish Pronunciation SWEDISH When you Lieten to the tapes, try from the beginning co pick up Acosnt 1 and Accent 2, ao well aa the typical Swedish intonation, As a result the dialoga that you memorize vill eound muoh more Swedion. Guide to Swedieh Pronunciation ee SWEDISH 30 arr 1 GErtrNG ARouno Basie S. tences Useful Words and Phrases Unit 1 good day Hello (how do you do?). HE. morning Good morning. night Good night. Good-bye. Mr. gentleman Mr. Berg. Mrs., wife Me, Stromback. god, gott, goda dag -en ~ar Goddag. Hej. 4 morgon ~en, mor(g)nar God morgan. natt -en, nétter God natt, Adje. Herr herrfe -en -ar Herr Berg. feu -a -ar Fru Strémback. unit 1 10. i SWEDISH Mice (aleo to waitress on salesgirl) Miso Hanason. how to etand atand(a) i to How ave you? Thanks, fine. Do thank you fine, welt to feel feel(s) you (eing.) elf How are you? to speak epeak(o) Swedish (the Language) you epeak Suedish? yes litele bit Yeo, a little bit. febken, froken, frdknar Fréken Hansson. hur att star det tit Hur st&r det tril? # st8 -r, stod, sttt tack bra att mb nar sjalv Tack, bra. +» midde, mitt Hur mir du sjalv? 4 att tal/a -ar -ade -at talar svenska -n & Talar du svenska? j Tite grenn Ja, lite grann. a2. 13. M4. 15, 18. 17. Unit 1 not at all Ho, not at att. to underatand underetand(e) Do you understand me? I you (obj. form) No, I don't understand you. to be be (imperative) kind, good please and speak (imperative) slowly Please speak stowty. now Thanks, I understand now. Exeuse (ne). SWEDISH 32 inte alls Noj, Inte alls. att forstS -r, fOrstod, forstatt forstar nig Férst8r du mig? Jas cry NeJ, Jag fSrstar dig Inte. art vara, ar, var, varit var small -t va var snail och tala l8ngsamt Var snd} och tala langsamt. au Tack, Jag forstér au. Ursakta. 18, 19, 20. 21, 22. unit 2 where to be found, ts (found) there is (are) telephone Where ie there a telephone? veotaurant? hotel? reatroon? bus etop here in the vicinity, nearby subway station Ie there a bua stop nearby? @ subvay station? a train otation? there away Yes, over there. right To the right. left To the left. SWEDISH att finnas, finns, fanns, funnits finns det finns en, ett teleton -en -er Var finns det en telefon? en restaurang -en -er ett hotell -et -6 en toalett -en -or ett rum -met -9 buss -en -ar hallplats sen -er hae ' i narheten tunnelban/a -an -or station -en -er Finns det en bussh!lplats har | nérheten? en tunnelbanestation? en j8rnvagsstation? dar borta Ja, dir borta. hoger Tit! héger. vanster TILL vanster. 33 23. 24. 25. 26. 27, Unit 1 atratght ahead, forward Straight’ ahead. to be able to to eay, to telt one, you to walk, to go watk(e) to the American Embassy can you tell me how you get to the American Embassy? watk (imperative) just, only to see eee(s) Just valk straight ahead. You'tt see the Embacey on your left. 90, very much Thank you very much. SWEDISH 34 fram Rakt fram. att kunna, kan att hjblp/a -er -te Kan jag hjalpe dig? kan, kunde, kunnat att sig/a -er att 98 -r, gick, gétt gar TH amerikanska ambassaden Kan du séga mig hur man g&r amerikanska ambassaden? sade, sagt tt 9 bara att se -r, s8g, 68 bara rakt fram. saden till vanstor. sett Du ser ambas- s8 mycket Tack s& mycket. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. unit 1 SWEDISH no eauge, reason Don't mention it. (You've vetoome.) to be allowed (to); to receive may to buy come, a fev, any postcard I would Like (to buy) some postcards. many to want vant(s) you (polite form, and plur.) to have How many do you want? what to cost cost(a) How much does it coat? fifty one croun and 50 ore. Ingen, Inget, ‘nga orsak -en -er Ingen orsak. att {3 -r, fick, f&tt fr att kOp/a -er -te ~ ngon, n&got, ndgra vykort et ~ Kan jag #8 kopa ndgra vykort? m&nga att vilja, vill, ville, velat vill al att ha -r, hade, haft Hur m&nga vill al ha? * vad att kost/a -ar -ade -at kostar Vad kostar det? kron/a ~an -or femtio bre -t -a En krona och femtlo 6re (en och femtio). * 35 33. 34. 38. 36. 37. 3a. Unit 1 SWEDISH to give give (imperative) day neve too, also Please give me a Dagens Nyheter, too. Here you are. (Be 80 good.) to become, to be become(s}, vill be How much will it be? four It Will be four erowne, please. 36 att ge - ge dag en -ar nyhet -en ~er Var snl! och ge mig en Dagens Nyheter ocks’. # 1) gav, gett Var s8 god. * att bIl =r blir Hur mycket blir det? * , dlev, blivit tyra Det blir fyra kronor, tack. Eating and Drinking in a Restaurant to eat eat(s) Luneh dinner breakfast We are having Lunch. dinner, breakfast. to Look, to see av, on May I look at the menu? att st/a -er, at, atit Btor lunch ~en -er middag -en ~ar frukost -en -ar Vi ater Tunch. middag. frukost. att se ps matsedo! -n, matsediar Kan Jag f& se pd matsedeln? » 889, sett 39. 40. 41. 42, 43. unit 1 SWEDISH a couple, pair oheeve sandwich (open faced) May I have a couple of cheese sandwiches? vaitress to drink coffee Waitnese: What vould you Like to drink? Coffee? glace milk May "I have a glase of mitk, please pater beer coup tea A cup of coffee, please. tea some, a Little butter bread Some bread and butter, ett par -et -6 ost ~en -ar smirg’s ~en -ar Kan jog {8 ett par ostsmérgasar? * servitris -on -er att drick/a -er, drack, druckit kaffe -t 6 Servitrisen: Vad vill ni ha att aricka? kat fe? glas -et -6 mjOlk ~on 6 Kan Jag 8 ett glas mjoik? vatt/en =net @ 81 -ot 6 vin et -er kopp ~en -ar te -et 8 En kopp kaffe, tack. te lite smbr -et O brdd -et o Lite smér och brod. 37 SWEDISH unit 1 38 Humbere roll 29 tJugo en, ett 21 tjugoen, tjugoett tvi 22 tjugotv’ tre 23 tjugotre fyra 24 tjugofyra fem 25 tjugotem sex 26 tjugosex sju 27 tjugosju atta 28 tjugoaite alo 29 tjugonio tio 30 trettio elva 31 trettioen, trettloett toly 32 trettiotva tretion 40 fyrtio fjorton 41 tyrtloen, fyrtioet femton 50 femtio sexton 60 sextio sJutton 20 sjuttio arton 20 Bttio altton 30 nittio 100 (ett) hundra 200 © tvShundra 1,000 (ett) tuse: 2)000 — tv8tusen 100,000 (ett )hundra tusen 200,000 © +v8hundra tusen 1,000,000 en miljon 2,000,000 tv mil joner 1,000, 000,000 2,000,000, 000 one trillion en miljacd tv8 mil jarder en bitjon SWEDISH unre 1 Notes on Basic Sentences At this point veld like to call your attention to some of the things you've been learning to say in the Baste Sentence. Sometimes it vill be important for you to practice grammatical patterna from the Sentences; for thie purpose we are including a Points to Practice section, phere you will find explanations as vell. However, there are some other points which you should underetand now, even though you don't need to work with them intensively yet. Read through this eection carefully, and then go back over the Basie Sentences once more to be eure you are fully avare of what we are pointing out. The numbere preceding the items betou refer to the Basic Sentence numbers. 1. Goddag, Hej. While in English "Good day" ie an expression used upon taking leave of someone, Goddag is used by Suedes as a greeting approsimately corresponding to "Hello." The informal Hej is more videly used but it implies aleo the use of the informal du. See Note 9. 8. £9. SHB FI1t, m8. St8 till ts more format than m&. Hur st&r det till és therefore more appropriately asked of a person whom one does not eall du. See the follov- ing Note. 9. Du. "You" can be translated with du (sing.) or nl (format sing. and plural of du/ni) in Swedioh. The use of the informal du ia rapidly groving in Sweden and vill moet Likely soon be the only form of addressing o person, Most young people nouadays cali everyone du (however, eyebrows were raised when a young journaliat interviewing the king ealled Hie Majeety du) and du ia used betveen all employee: and management in many factories and offiece. However, uith conservative and older Suedes tt to wiee for a newcomer to be cautious and Let the Swede indicate how he on she prefers to be addressed. Unit 1 39 18, 29. 30. a2. 33. 34. 35. 39. SWEDISH 40 Var finns det Oet finns is the Suedioh equivalent of Englieh “there ie” and “there are". ‘The reversed vord order used here is a result of the question pattern (compare English "Where is/are there ...?"). Kan jag f& ... corresponds to the Englioh "may I have". Example: Kan jag #4 en kopp katfe? (May I have a cup of coffee?). Another infinitive may be added to kan jag f8. In that case th Loves tte meaning of "have". The second infinitive becomes the key word and kan jag f8 takes on the meaning of "may I". Branplee: Kan Jag £8 kopa -.. (Nay I buy ...); Kan Jag f8 se... (Way I look ...J.. This te one of a number of Swedish equivatente of English "please". Another way of saying "please" io var sn8ll och ... See sentence 15. Vill. In Swedish vill = "want" and should never be confused with "will" in English. Krona, dre. Phe krona is the Swedish currency unit; there are 100 8re per krona. Dagens Nyheter ia one of the two Stockholm morning newspapers. Var $8 god hae two different usea I. meaning "here you ave" (a bit of gracioue- ness) when handing over something; 2. Meaning "you ave weleome" in anewer to "thank you". Hur mycket blir det? Wote that the present tense of the verb att bIl (blir) ¢e used with the same meaning as the English "will be". Be eure to learn thie ex- pression now; a granmatical explanation will come later. Ett par ostsmbrgdsar. In English ve express quantity with the preposition "of", for example "a glass of milk, a cup of coffee". In Swedish the quantifier eimply precedeo the noun directly, and no preposition ie ueed. Examples: ett par ostsmérgasar, ett glas mjdik, en kopp kaffe. Point Point Point Point Unit 1 Ir. 1Ir. wv. SWEDISH unre 1 Pointe to Practice Indefinite antiole (singular) Present tense Word order -- straight and questions Ausiliavies (helping verbs) 41 Point I. Unit 1 SWEDISH fe unt 1 1a to Practice Grammar meane different things in different contexts. In thie book we use the word to describe the mechanics of the Suedieh Language. Practical knowledge of the gram- mar provides the method for building sentences. By using real sentences repeatedly you vill become familiar vith the grammar rules. In each of the Unite there will be some Points to Practice, In working on these you will aleo acquire voeabulary and learn useful Svedish idioms. en err Suedish nouns come in two varieties, those for vhich the indefintte article (Englieh "a" or Yan") ia EN and those for which tt ta ETT. Nost of the time there te no way of telling the difference. You'll just have to Learn which nouna go vith vhich article. the exerctece below vill hetp you Learn the EN and ETT noune ve 've already used. Practice A Det finns Det finns en Det flins Det finns Det finns SWEDISH Thie ie a substitution practice where you substitute a series of similar words or phrases in a eingle sentence, producing a variety of meanings. We'll give you the eentence to etart out with, shoving you the item to be oubstituted by underlining it. At the extreme RIGH? of the page you'll see the word or phrase you're supposed to substitute. If you use a blank sheet of paper or a card to cover the Line belov the one you're reading, you can check your anowere as you go along by moving the paper down one line at a time. At first we'll give you help with translations, but ae these become more and more obvioua we'll gradually take them away and let you epeak Swedish on your oun cur en_restaurang nér. There's a restaurant here. on buss. buss nér. There's a bus here. en krona ‘en_krona har. There's a erown here. en telefon en telefon hr. ‘There ’s a telephone here. en smorg’s ensmérgis hdr. There's a sandwich here. en hdl iplats en héliplats hr. here's a (bus) stop here. Det fInas Unit 1 43 Practice B. low that you've learned some EN words, Let's try some ETT words. Det finns Det finns Det finns Det finns SWEDISH “ cue ett vykort dar. There's a postcard there, ett glas ett glas dar. There's a glass there. ett par ett par Br. There's a couple there. ett hotel! ett hotell dér. There's a hotel there. a Practice €. Time to see how vell you remember, We're going to miz up our nouns now, doing Det finns unit 1 the eane kind of practice. But not only ave ve going to give you EN and ETT vords together, we're not going to tell you which ie which until you see the ansvere. cue en telefon nar. There's a telephone here. glas ett gles a glace hotel! ett hotell a hotel . krone en_krona @ orovn telefon en teleton @ tetephone par ett par a couple smorgis en _smérgés @ sandwich Kopp en_kopp a oup buss en buss @ bus SWEDISH Practice D. Let's try the sane thing a a question: cue Finns det on telefon hic? Ta there a telephone here? glas hotel! ete. Practice the phrase Finns det ...? with all the vorde in Practice C and othera that you know. Then anawer the questiona: Ja, det finns ... or Nej, det finns inte ... Hotice that inte cones after the verb. Now let's use itt Try aaking your teacher and fellow students about the avatlability of objects and places in your area. Have some Swedish conversation. Finns Unit 1 45 Point If. Unit 1 SWEDISH 46 when do ve ly The infinitive (basic form of the verb) and the present tense do not have the same form in Swedish. Infinitive: att tale to speak Present tence: du talar you speak you are speaking ALL Svedish verbs in the infinitive end in ~a or in another vovel. Moet Swedish verbs in the present tense end in Jag talar svenska Herr Berg farst3r mig fen kopp kaffe kostar en krona Present tense is used to express an action that a) ta happening now (Jag ter au - I'm eating now); b) happens repeatedly (Jag Ster smérg’sar t1il lunch - I eat sandwiches for lunch); and, e) sometimes, an action in the future (han kommer imorgon = he's coming tomorrow), Notive that Swedish does not have the equivalent of the English continuous verb form (to be + verb + ing), Example: I am speaking is simply jag talar. Examples: Jag telar svenska. 1. I speak suedish. 2. I'm speaking Suediah. Greta gir till ambassaden, 1. Greta walks to the Bmbasey. i 2. Greta is walking to the Embassy. Point IIT. SWEDISH There are a fev verde that do not take -r in the present tense, among them moet auztliaries (helping verbs): gu ska tala svenska you wilt du kan fOrst3 svenska you Word orden. epeak Suedish to understand Swedish able to Declarative sentences and queations, Simple Swedieh sentences uoually begin with the eubject, followed by the con- jugated verb. You speak Swedish. 2. You are speaking Suedish Examples: Du talar svenska. ie Grete g&e till ambassaden, 1 Greta walks to the Embasay. 2, Greta ie walking to the Embassy. En kopp kaffe kostar en krona. Det finns ett hotell har. A cup of coffee costs one aroun. There is a hotel here. In Swedish you make questions by just reversing the order of eubject and verb. Examplee: Tala. nl svenska? an Do you speak Suediah? 2. Are you speaking Swedish? 47 SWEDISH oO Gir Greta ti11 embassaden? 1, Does Greta walk to the Embassy? — 2, Is Greta walking to the Embassy? Kostar en kopp kaffe en krona? Does a eup of coffee coot one croun? Finns det ett hotel! hdc? Io there a hotel here? Notice how simple Swedish is! Don't ever try to translate "do, does, did” when formulating a question in Swedish. Reversing the subject and verb is alt you have to do. This is a practice using the present tense in normal uord order. Again, place a blank sheet of paper over the Line below the one you're reading, and use the word(s) given at the extreme right in place of the underlined ones. Be sure to repeat the "new" sentence ALOUD before moving the paper to check tf you were right. cuR Herr Berg hj&lper dig. Mp. Berg is helping you, Fréken Hansson Herr Berg hjSlper Frdken Hansson. nig unite 2 SWEDISH cue Herr Berg hJ8lper mig. mig lite grann mig lite grann. inte alls mig inte alls. mycket mig mycket. Du fSrstir svenska. Here Borg bu férst&r Herr Borg. Fréken Hansson Fréken Hansson. mig nig. svenska svenska. Nir i Sverige. p& restaurangen pS_cestaurangen. p& stetlonen pd_stat har bar. I narheten 1 n&rhoten. You've probably noticed that we've started to Leave out the English translations except in the examples. Hopefully you don't need them any more. If thia is true, you're not only speaking Suedish, you're THINKING it. Unit 1 49 SWEDISH 50 Practice F, Now let's practice vord order in questio thie time, hovever, we're going to give you TWO itema at a time to substitute. Use the same familiar format to check as you go along. cur HjSlper du frdken Hansson? Are you helping Miee Hansson? Tatar svenska Talar du svenska? Forst8r ... mig Forst8r du mig? Rr... 1 Stocknotm Re au | Stockholm? G8r ss. THI! ambassaden Gar du till ambassaden? Practice @, This is a response practice where you simply anewer the questions ve ack. The eue on the right vill indicate whether to answer the question in the affirmative or the negative. If you use your sheet of paper again you'll find that you ean check your answers as before. You may have to change the pronoun in your reeponse to fit the question. cur HJSlper al froken Hansson? Ja Ja, jag njatper frdken Hansson. Forst8r du svenska? Je Ja, jag forstar svenska. Gir herr Berg tI] ambassaden? Ja Ja, herr Berg gir till ambassaden. unit 2 SWEDISH cur Férsthr du fréken Hansson? Ja Ja, Jag férst&r froken Hansson. Kr du 1 Stockholm? Ja Ja, Jag Sr 1 Stockholm Talar du svenska? Ja Ja, jag taler svenska. Practice H. Now let's do the same thing in the negative. cur HJSlper du fréken Hansson? nej NeJ, jag hjSlper inte fréken Hansson. Talar du svenska? nej Nej, jag talar inte svenska. Forstér du svenska? nej Nej, Jag fOrst&r Inte svenska. Ar du 1 Stockholm? ney Nej, Jag a inte I Stockholm, Unie t SWEDISH ea cur Gar du till ambassaden? nej Nej, jag gar inte till ambassaden. LAT OSS TALA SVENSKA (Let's Tatk Swedish) Use all of the preceding questions and ansvers vith your teacher and fellow students to get the "feel" of your new Language. Unit 1 : SWEDISH Point IV. usiliaries (helping verbs). Auzitiavies or helping verbe go together vith one or more infinitives. Only the helping verb io conjugated. du ska tala svenska you ave going to speak Svedich future du vill hidtpa mig you want to help me desire du kan forst8 svenska you ean understand Suedish ability Notice the use of ska and vill in Swedish. Ska in front of an infinitive indi- cates future time; vill indfeatee a vieh or devine. Practice I, This i a transformation practice, which te new for you. In it you change sen- tences from one form to another by adding, oubtracting, or rearraning. The ventencea, o” "cues" that you start with are given on the right, and the anevera, ov "transforms", are given one line below on the Left. In thie way you can still use your sheet of paper to cheek your anowers. In this practice we're going to add ska to the cue sentences. As you do this, notice how you're changing the meaning of the sentences. cur I hetp you. Jag hjalper dig. I'm hetping you. Jag ska hjalpa dig. I vill help you. Herr Berg talar svenska. Herr Berg ska tala svenska. Fru Strémbick ska Sta lunch har. Du gr ttt Du ska 9S till ambassaden. Unit d Fru Stromback Ster lunch har. ambassaden. Jag sager det. 53 SWEDISH 54 cur Jag ska siga det. Jeg ser pi matsedein. Jag ska se p8 matsedeln. Jag ger dig en kopp kaffe. Jag ske ge dig en kopp kaffo. Now Let's do the same thing with vill. I'm coming to the hotel. Jag kommer till hotellot. Jag vill komma till hotellet. I want to come (get) to the Jag ger dig en kopp katte. hotet. Jag vill go dig en kopp katte. Herr Berg gr till stationen. Herr Berg vill gS fil! stationen. Froken Hansson hjalper mig. Fréken Hansson vill hjilpa mig. Jeg ser p& matsedein. Jag vill se p& matsedein. Jag ster tunch. Jag vill 8ta lunch. And now with the helping verb kan. cur You help me. Du hjslper mig. You are helping me. Du ken hjdlpa mige You can help me. Herr Berg kommer til! hotel let. Herr Berg kan komma TIIl hotertet. unite I Jag gir TIII ambassaden. SWEDISH cur Jag kan 98 tiI1 ambessaden. Jag talar |Sngsamt Jag kan tala lSngsant. Du forst8r mig. Ou kan f8rsté mig. Du ater middag hac Du kan Sta middag har. Let's practice the expression kan jag f8 as explained in Note 29. Substitute the oue phrase for the vords that are underlined cur Kan jag £8 on kopp katte? May I have a oup of coffee? ett gles mjsik Kan Jag f8 ott glas misik? en snirgés en _smbrgis? lite te lite katte lite katte? itte smbr te sor? se pS matsedeln se pi matsedeln? képa lite bréd KSpa Lite brag? ett glas ot ett gias 81? Unit 1 55 Bo: George: Bo: 2 SWEDISH 56 uwrr 2 MEETING PEOPLE Basie Sentences An American, George Brown, arrives at Arlanda (Stockholm's international airport) and is met by Bo and Maja Dalgren. veleome Sueden Hello George, and welcome to Sweden. how, 0 kind, nice, friendly of £0 come to meet Hello Bo. How kind of you to come and meet me. to introduce my friend wife May I introduce you friend George Broun wife Maja valkon/men -met ~na sverige Hej George, och valkommen t111 Sverige. * 38 vanlig -t -a att komma, kommer, kom, kommit att mt/a -er -te -t Goddag Bo. $8 vanligt av dig att komma och méta mig. att presenter/a -ar -ade -at min, mitt, mina van’ -nen “ner hustru -n =r Far Jag presentera: min vin George Brown, min hustru Maja. * SWEDISH George: Maja: Nada: George: Unit 2 pardon to be name Pardon (me), what was the (your) name? to be named (ny) name ia trip Hi, ‘my nane is Maja. the (youn) trip? How was direct flight, plane From Very good. It wae a direot flight from wev York to Stockholm. your atill, remaining America Ie your wife still in America? but ahe in, within month Yeo, but ehe's coming ina couple of monthe. fori at att vara, ar, var, varit nama -et 0 Foriat, hur var namnet? att heta, heter, hette, hetat heter res/a ~an -or Hej, Jag heter Maja. resan? Hue var direkt -0 - flyg -et -0 fréa Mycket bra. Det var ett direkt flyg frén New York till Stockholm. din, ditt, dina kvar Amer ike Rr din fru kvar i Amerika? hon minad ~en ~er Ja, men hon kommer om ett par m&nader. —* 87 SWEDISH Coorg Maja: George: unit 2 11, 2 girl shail, should; will, vould to finish, to end aohool June Our gir wilt finish school in June. oh Var Flicka ska sluta skolan 58 var -t flick/a -an -or ska(11); skulle slut/a -ar -ade -at skol/a,-an -or juni 1 junt. Jasa euch (a) bn (ott) sddan(t), sddana big (grown-up) stor -t -a daughter éotter -n, déttrar oh, do you have such a groun- 4258, har ni’ on s&dan stor dotter? up’ daughter? certainly, of course Javisst to felt att fyll/a er -ae year br -et 0 to become older in yeare will be (yeare old) fall, autumn ‘thie fatt Certainly, she will be seven- teen this fall. att fyli/a &r; -er ~de = fyller ar hést -en -ar i host Javisst, hon fyller sjutton & 1 best. + here hit boat bat -en -ar They are coming (here) by De kommer hit med bat. * boat. Maja: Bo: George: Bo: Maga: unit 2 13. re 15. 16. I? SWEDISH nce, pleasant to Like, to enjoy léxe(s) to travel How nice! I ltke to travel by boat too. af weather If the veather te good. to agree agree(s) to take take(a) time I agree (with that), takes time. But it when to expect; to wait expect (a); wait(s) When do you expect Bill? who Who ie that? trevitg -t -a att tyck/a om; -er -te tycker om att res/a -er -te -+ $8 trevligt! Jag tycker ocks8 om att resa med bat. om vader, vadret, Om vidret Sr bras att nila med om; halier, holt, HSLIIt h&ller med om att ta, tar, tog, tagit tar tid -en ~er Det h<er jag med om, Men det tar tia. * nar att vint/a -ar -ade -at véntar Nar vantar du 8111? Vem ar det? 59 Bo: George: Maja: George: Maj 18, 20. al. 22. SWEDISH 60 brother to know know(s) him It's George's brother. I know him from Washington. he other time, oecasion to stay, to remain longer He's coming another time ‘when he ean etay Longer. Long city, toun thie; these How lony are you staying in toun thie time? unfortunately day Unfortunately only five days. pity that (conj.) to Leave; to go, to travel Leave(e) 900n What a pity that you are leav- ‘ing 80 soon. bror, brodera, bréder att kin/na ner -de kanner honom Det r Georges bror. honom fran Washington. Jag kanner han annan, annat, andra ging “en -er att stann/a -ar ade ~at langre Han kommer en annan g3ng n&r han kan stanna Ingre. @ Inge stad -en, stader den har, det har; de nar Hur 18nge Stannar vu | stan den har gSngen? tyvarr dag -en -ar Tyvéer bara fem dagar. synd att att fara, far, for, fari far smart $8 synd att du far s& snart. George: 23. Bo: a4. George: 25. Maja: 26. unit 2 SWEDISH back I'LL be back in June. to order, to reserve order(s) for Now I'll go and get (order) a room for you. I'LL be back to wait wait (o) here suitease Thank you. I'LL vait here with the (my) euitease. to get, to obtain get(s), obtain(s) taxi that, which, vho to look like, to seem Look(s) like, seem(a) free, available I'll get a tari. There ie one that seems to be free. (Bo returns) tii tbake Jag kommer tiitbaka i junl. * att bestali/a -er -de -t bestaller at Nu g&r jag och best¥ller ett rum Bt dig. Jag &r snart tillbaka, * att vint/a -ar -ade -at vaatar her vésk/a ~an ~or Tack ska du ha. vasken., * Jag vinta att skaff/a -ar -ade -at skatfar taxi =n ~0 att so ut; sor, 89, sett ser ut ledig -t -a Jag skaffar en taxi. ser ut att vara ledig. Dir Sr en som (Bo kommer tit tbaka) 61 Bo: George: Maja: Unit 2 27. 28. 29. 30. SWEDISH 62 to follow with, along to go (come) along goe(s), come(s) along there cam, taxi You have a nice room at the Stora Hotellet. we'll go along in the taxi. to hope hope(a) will, to be going to fe going to to be happy, confortable I hope that you'll be comfort- able at the hotel. to do, to make do, does certainly, surely I'm sure I will. (I'LL cer- tainly do that.) (At the hotet) to Like, to feel like Like(s) evening thie evening, tonight Would you like to come (to ws) for dinner tonight? att 61 j/a -er -de -t med att f8lj/a med; -er -de -1 foljer med git bil -en -ar Ov har ett bra rum p& Stora Hotel let. VI fSijer med dit i bilen, * att hopp/as ~as ~ades -ats hoppas att komma att; kommer, kom, kommit kommer att att triv/as ~s -des -ts Jeg hoppas aft du kommer att trivas pd hotellet. * att g&ra, gr, glorde, glort gor sakert Ja, det gir jag sdkert. * (P38 poteltet) att ha lust att; har, hade, haft har lust att kal -en -ar Tkvalt Har du lust att komma tI1l oss p& middag ikvall? * SWEDISH George: Maja: George: George: Maja: Unit 2 32. 33. 34. 36. 37. gladly, vith pleasure at what time With pleasure. What time? How nice, At elock to suit, to be convenient euitle) Seven o'clock, if that is convenient (for you). That euite (me) fine. What time is it now? Tt's three o'clock. to live, to reside Live(s) Ave you still Living at Ozen- stiernsgatan. address to get, to piek up get(s), pick(a) up Yes, the address is Ozen- etiernegatan 3, But I'LL pick you up. then So long, see you tonight. garna hur dags Tack gérna. dogs? S& trevilgt. Hur klock/a -an ~or att pass/a ar -ade -at passar Klockan sju, om det passar. Det passar (mig) bra. klockan nu? Yad 3 Klockan ar tre. att bo -r ~dde -tt bor Bor ni kvar p& Oxenstlernsgatan? adress en -er att hdmt/a ~ar -ade -at hamtar Ja, adressen Br Oxenstiernsgatan 3. Men Jag hanter dig. a8 Hej 48, och vilkommen Ikv8il. 6s SWEDISH 54 vurr 2 Yotes on Basic Sentences Valkommen (plur. valkomia) ie used very often in Sweden. You use it, ae here, when you greet a pereon on arrival (in your country, in your eity, or in your home, ete.). You aleo use it (as in paragraph 3? of this Unit) in connection with an invitation or referring to an upcoming visit. Rote that valkommen ia never used in the Englich eense of "you are ueleome.” This phrase has to be exprecced in different ways, for example: ingen orsak (no reason, don't mention it), tack sj8lv (thanks yourself). r iy ly ri ¢ Min, din, var, er ~ used with on words. Mitt, ditt, virt, ert - weed with ett words. Mina, dina, vara, era - used with plural nouns. (My,' your, our,” your) More on the possessive adjectives and pronouns later. mn ett par m&nader (In a couple of months). Phe preposition om te used in ex- resatons of time for the future in anewer to the queetion n&r (when). SWEDISH uu. Fyller. In Swedieh the present tense is often used to indicate future. 22, Har - here: indicates location at a place. Hit = here: indicates motion to a place. Examples: Han ar har. He is here. Han kommer hit. He ie coming here. There are several other Swedioh adverbs which change forms according to location ov motion. We'll discuss them more in detail Later. 15, Det h&tler jag med om. Note that the verb comes before the eubject. this word order te very common in Swedish. Phe verb always comes before the subject in a main clause when the clause starts with a direct or indirect object, an adverb, or if it is preceded by a subordinate clause. We'll practice thie word order in Unit’ 8. Jag (subject = $) n&ller Det nBller (verb = v) (verb = ¥) med om cet. Jag (subject = 5) med on. 19. Stanna. Note that stenna ueually means "atay"” in the eense of "vemain.” Examples: VI ska stanna i tre veckor. (We'lL stay for three weeks) but Vi ska bo p8 Grand Hotel. (We'ZL stay at the Grand Hotel). Unit 2 65 25. 27. 28a. 2b. SWEDISH a Kommer ... See Wote 11. Nu gr jag och bestdller ... See Mote 15. Tack ska al/du ha -~ one of many idiomatic expressions of thanks in Swedish. Dar = then icates Location at a place. Dit - there: indicates motion to a place. Ezamples: Wan bor dir. He lives there. Han reser dit ikvall. He's going there tonight. See Note 12. Hoppas (to hope). Verbs ending in -s in the infinitive don't take the -r ending in the present tense. The -s ending is used in all tenses and all persons. Infinitive: att hoppas, ett trivas Present tense: hoppas, trivs Du kommer att trivas. In Unit 1 you learned that future time ie expressed vith the auxiliary verb ska, However, konmer att + the inf ‘onm of the main im ce faa wibtle diy ference verb ia a very conmon vay of expressing fw Between the two futune expressions and they may at times be interchangeable, but in certain contexts only one of them ie correct. Ska implica intention and’ the involvement of someone's will, Konner att ie strictly a prognosis without any Intention or vill involved. 29. 30. Unie 2 SWEDISH Eramples: Jag ska resa till Anerike 1 host. Tin going to Amevica in the fall. Du kommer att tycks om min vin. You'll Like my friend. Det gor jag stkert. See Note 15. ary Ci Att he lust att must be followed by an infinitive. Ezamplee: Har du lust att komma? Jag har lust att resa till Uppsala. I feel Like going to Uppeata. 67 SWEDISH ee unre 2 Pointe to Practice Point I. Definite article (singular) Point IT. Personal pronouns Point IIT. Telling time onit 2 Point I. unit 2 SWEDISH unre 2 Points to Practice The Definite Artiole (singular) a city staden the oity @ year bret the year dg the illustration shove, Svedes jorm the definite article by taking the in- definite article and attaching tt to the end of the noun. In the case of ett, one t ie dropped. There are, of course, tuo definite articles in the singular =on, ~et- Practice A. Here ie a list of noune you have Learned with their indefinite articles. Put them in their definite form, and practice until you can to it automatically. cur @ restaurant en restaurang Har 8p restourangen. Here ta the restaurant. en buss bussen en gate gatan ett nama namnot en stad staden en bil 9 unit 2 SWEDISH Har Sr bilen. rummet frukosten tlyget telefonen peret stationen smbrgasen koppen hotel let flickan taxin klockan adressen matsedeln vaskan cue ett frukost ett flys ett telefon par station smdrg8s kopp ett hotell flicka taxi klocka adress matsede! vaska 2 Unit 2 Practice B. Tycker du om SWEDISH We'll continue vith more nouns from Unite 1 and 2 to hetp you feet thoroughly at ease vith this usage. to the cue words. luncheon? vinet kaffet blet rummet smérgdsen mjélken hotel let baten flickan staden vaskan Do you Like the Lunch? Add the definite articles katte 8 sndrg3s mjolk hotell bat flicka stad vaska ? Practice C. Hotellet die 8r Bilen Baten Restaurangan Klocken Vinet Adressen Rummet unit 2 SWEDISH 72 In thie practice you'll have to use the nouns both with the indefinite and the definite articles. ett bra hotell. ett on bat resteurang klocka vin adress The hotel there te a good hotel. cun hotel! bil bat restaurang klocka adress SWEDISH Practice D, In this practice one student asks the question and another etudent A self-study student can play both roles, Follow the sane sentence pattern as in the first example. gives the ansver, Take turns. Ursakta, var finns det en telefon? Pardon me, where is Telefonen ar till vanster. The telephone ie to Ursikte, var finns det on toalett? Toalotten ae till vanster. Ursékta, var finns det en taxi Toxin ar t1Il vinster. Ursikta, var finns det en restaurang Rostaurangen &r till v8nster Urs8kta, var finns det en stotion Statlonen &r tII1 vanster Ursukta, var finns det ett hotell? Hotellet ar tII1 vanster. Ursikta, var finns det en bussh8liplats? Bussh8!iplatsen Sr till vanster. Unit 2 there a telephone? the left. cur telefon toalett taxi restaurang station hotel! bussh3iI plats 23. Bests! Je, Bostél Ja, Bestal Je, Besta! Je, Bostal Ja, Bostal Ja, Bostal Jay SWEDISH ler han ett vin? hon bestallor vinot. Yeo, he ie ordering ler han ett hotel trun? han bestailor hotel lrummet. ler han en smbrghs? han bestaller smirgisen. ler han en middag? han bestaller middagen. lor han en frukost? han bestaller frukosten. lor han katte? han bostdiler katfet. ler han on taxi? han bestéiier taxin. Did you notice on taxi, texin; ett katte, article -en, te dropped wi Continue with the questions below and give 24 affirmative ancvers. cur vin Ie he ordering a wine? the vin hotel trum smirg’s middag frukost koffe taxi katfot? the © in the definite ends tn a vowel. Unit 2 Close your booke other using thie material, your teacher for SWEDISH LAT OSS TALA SVENSKA and get information from each You ean aleo ask names of objects in the elasa~ room and outetde the window. Example: Finns det en stol I rummet? (Is there a chair in the room?) Ja, stolen ar dry (Yes, the chair is there.) 75 Point II. Unit 2 SWEDISH Peveonal Pronow Subjective Form Jag au hen hon den aot vi ni do z you he she it, for en vorde it, for ett words ve you, plural and format sing. they 26 WP did Objective Form nig dig honom henne den det er dem you him hor it, for on worde tt, for ett words you, plural and formal sing them unit 2 SWEDISH Practice F. Let's practice the Swedish personal pronouns, starting with the subjective forms. Substitute the subject pronoun for the name ov namea in the column on the right. cus Maja tycker om Karin. Maja Likes Karin, Maje Hon tycker om Karin. She likes Karin. Bo Han tycker om Karin. Bo och Jag Vi tycker om Karin. Maja och Lena Oe tycker om Karin. Maja och du NI tycker om Karin. George Han tycker om Karin. Practice G, Now let's practice the objective forms of the pronouns, thie time in questions. Here you substitute the proper objective pronoun for the name, namee or eubjective pronouns in the right column. cus Kanner Maja Bo? Does Maja know Bo? Bo Kanner Maja honom? Does Maja know him? karin Kinner Maja henne? karin och jag KSnnor Maja oss? Bo och Karin Kanner Maja dem? du och Karin 27 SWEDISH 26 cur Kanner Maja er? du Kanner Maja dig? Jeg Kanner Maja mig? han Kanner Maja honon? Pract Now we'll make it a Little bit harder and use tvo pronouns in the answers, one as the subject, one as the object. Substitute pronouns for the names when you answer the quections in the affirm- ative, Be eure to read the questions aloud. Kanner Bo George? Doee Bo knov George? Ja, han kénner honom. Yee, he knowe him. Forste Kerin Maja? Ja, hon fSrst8r henne. Presenterar Bo David? Ja, han presenterar honom. Vantar herr Delgren Karin? Je, han vantar henne. Bestalier du ett rum 3+ mig? Ja, Jag bestiiler ett rum &t dig. Unit 2 Hamtar Bo kaffe &t dig och mig? Ja, han himtar kaffe 3t oss. Mater Karin George pS stationen? Ja, hon miter honom p& stationen. FOljer du med Maja 1 taxin? Ja, Jag fSljer med henne i taxin. LAT OSS TALA SVENSKA Let's be very personal. SWEDISH or make up a fictitious on the personal’ pronouns to use. Unit 2 Tell about your family, Aok the othare about their friends and family mambers. cur sa Ja Ja 79 Point IIT. SWEDISH #0 Vad ar klockan | Stockholm? Klockan &r halv Klockan ar kvart Klockan ar kvart ett. i sju. aver fyea, Thie te how the Swedes anever the question Vad Sr klockan? (What time te it?) Be eure to notice the expression for half houre. Klockan r fem Klockan 3r fem (minuter) | haly (minuter) bver ett. halv tolv. Klockan ar tjugo (minuter) 6ver tv3. unit 2 SWEDISH This is how you ask “at what time?": Hur dags? This is how you anaver "(at) seven o'clock": Klockan sju- Practice I. Ask the question and anewer it. Or in clase, ask each other. Vad Sr klockan? Kiockan Sr tr What time te it? It's thve: Ved Sr klockan? Klockan ar fem. Stra. tlo. tolv. ett. elva. tyra, ta. tre. alo. sJu. haly nlo. otetook. CUE 5 8 10 8:30 81 Vad ar klockan? SWEDISH Klockan &r haly fyra. halv sex. haly ett. haly sju. haly tre. haly tolv. haly tvs. kvart 1 fem. kvart I alo. fem | halv Stta. fem 8ver haly fyra. tjugo over ta. tjugo I tyra, kvart éver tre. kvart 8ver tolv. kvart I fyra. halv sex. fom I haly fyra, cus 12:30 5:30 3:25 ae SWEDISH Practice Hur dags ska han komma? Hon ska komme klockan &tta Hur dags reser han? Han reser klockan olva Hur dags ar hon ledig? Ab what Hon ar ledig klockan fyre Hur dags kan de mBte baten? At vhat De kan méta bSten klockan halv tre. Hur dags ska vi skaffa en taxi? At what Vi ska skaffa en tax! klockan haly to Hur dags vantar han oss? At what Han vintar oss k kan kvart 1 sex. Hur dags tar han flyget? At what Han tar flyget klockan kvart Over sex Hur dags kommer hen? at what Han kommer klockan fem i haly aio. unit 2 time time time time time Anaver the questions with the time given in the cue. At what time is he coming? He's coming at eight o'clock. At what time ie he Leaving? will she be free? can they meet the boat? shall we get a taxi? is he expecting ue? will he get his flight? ie he coming? cur a3 George: George: unit 3 ta a SWEDISH varr 3 a4 FAMILY AND OCCUPATION Basic Sentences George Broun meets an old friend, Captain Lars Holm, after 15 yearo. to go went Norra Latin High School ago Hello, weren't you in Norra Latin (high school) 15 years ago? Aren't you Lare Holm? yee (in angver to a negative question) to remember vemenber(a) true ien't that eo Yes, Iam. I remember you too. You are George Brown, aren't you? yes, indeed Tong time since last time Yes, indeed. It's been a long time since (ve sav each other) Last time. att 98, 98r, gick, gitt gick Norra Latin Or ... sedan Goddag, Gick du Into p& Norra Latin for fenton ar sedan? Ar det Inte Lars Holm? * Jo att minnas, minns, mindes, mints minns sann, sant, sanna Inte’ sant Jo, det ar det. Jag minns dig ockss. Du’ ar George Brown, Inte sant? * djavisst lange sedan (sen) sist Javisst. Det var lange sen sist. SWEDISH bare: George: Lam George Lan Unit 8 to come When did you come back to Sveden? several eek time now, these days Several weeke ago. What are you doing these days? eailor to lie (Lay, tain, Lele) harbor dust now I'ma eailor. My ship is here in the Gothenburg harbor just ever Heme you ever in the U.S.? yeo indeed to usually (do something), to be in the habit of used to to go, to travel betueen Yeo indeed, many times. We used to go between Gothenburg and lew Orleans. att komma, kommer, kom, kommit kom Nar kom du tiltbaka till Sverige flera veck/a -an -or tid -en ~or nu for tiden For flera veckor sedan, Vad g6r 4 nu for tiden? sJ8man -nen, sj6nin ett llo9a, ilgger, 189, tegat Nigger hamn en -ar Just nw Jag Sr sjdman. Min b&t I1gger har 1 Goteborgs hamn Just nu. ndgonsin Var du ndgonsin | Amerika? Jags att bruk/a -ar -ade -at brukade att fara, far, for, farit mol lan Jad3, minga ginger. VI brukade fare meilan Gdteborg och New Orleans. # 8s George: bare: George: bare: George: Unit 3 10. 1. 12, 13, SWEDISH to serve, to be on duty served American ship Did you also serve on American ships? never Svedish (adj.) aboard No, never, Only on Swedish ships. Do you want to come aboard? time Yea, I'd love to. Do you have time? They go to Captain Holm's cabin on the ship. cigar ; Do you want a etgar? cigarette No thanks. cigarettes. I like Swedish a6 att tjanst/gbra ~gdr -gjorde -gjort tJanstgjorde amerikansk ~t fartyg -et -0 TjSnstgjorde du ocks’ p& amerikanska factyg? * aldrig svensk -t -a ombord Noj, aldrig. Bara p& svenska fartyo. Vill du komma ombord? tid en -er Ja, g8rna, Har du tid? clgarr -en -er Vill du ha en cigarr? cigarrett -en -er Nej tack. Jag tycker om svenska cigarretter. Lare George: Lan George: Unit 3 a. 15. 18. om SWEDISH to smoke onoke(o) often really, actually dest to prefer preferts) pipe I often amoke ctgare, but 1 really prefer a pipe. and what ane you dotng these days? journaliat to vork work(s) newspaper I'm a journaliet. I uork for a big American newspaper. to think, to plan think (2), plans) whole, all winter How Long are you planning to stay here? ALL winter (Long)? about, approzinately Lim staying in Sveden about five month att rdk/a -er -te -t réker ofta egentl igen bast att tyck/a bast om; -er -te -t tycker b3st om pip/a -an -or Jag rdker ofta cigarrer, men Jag tycker egentligen bast om pipa. Och vad gér du nu f8r tiden? Journalist en -er att arbet/a -ar -ade ~at arbetar tidning ~en -er Jag ar journalist. Jag arbetar p& en stor amerikansk tidning. * att Hink/a -er -te -t tanker hel -t -a vinter -a, vintrar Hur lange tanker du stanna har? Hela vintern? * ungefir Jag stannar 1 Sverige ungetar fem m&nader. 37 Lare: George: Lare. Georg Lave: unit 3 18. 19. 20. an. 22. SWEDISH a8 to write book about Are you going to write a book about Sueden? already Yea, I'm already working on @ book about Svedish cities. interesting How interesting. to tell tell (imperative) famity father to live Live(a) still, yet But tell’ (me) about your fanily. What is your father doing? Te he still living? Lars Holm takes out a photo album. to ee photo Sure, vould you Like to eee some photos of the family? att skriva, skriver, skrev, skrivi bok -en, bdcker Ska du skriva en bok om Sverige? redan Ja, jag arbetar redan p& on bok om svenska stider. intressant -6 -a Det var Intressant. * att beratt/a -ar ~ade -at beratta fami |j -en -or far, fadern, fader att lev/a -er -de ~t lever a Men veratta om din familj. Vad gor din far? Lever han an? * att se, ser, s8g, sett fotografl ~et -er Jad’, vill du se nigra fotografier av fami jen? Lare: George George Unit 3 23. 24, 25. 26. SWEDISH etill engineer elear, obvious of course to begin begin(s) to become, to be old to get old Here is Dad. He ie etill an engineer. Of course he te beginning to get old. sister nurae Don't you have a sister who ie a nuree? brothere and eteters, siblings Yee, I have. Here she is. Do you have any brothers and tere? phyatotun, doctor Lanyer Yea, I have tuo brothere, one who’ ie a doctor and one who ie a lawyer. fortfarande ingenjor -en -er klar -t -a det ar klart att bbrj/a -ar -ade -at bérjar att bli, blir, blev, blivit gamma! -+, gamla att DIT gammal; blir, blev, biivit Har ar far. Han ar fortfarande Ingen- Jor. Dot ar klart att han bdrjar bit gammal. * syster ng Examples: a, Tid och run. = Pime and space. . Har du tid fér mia? = Do you have time for mo? Tiden Tek, = Time passed. Det var svira tid Those vere difficult té b. en ging = one time, fading two tre ginger = thre 2a manga gai nasta ding= twice many fines next time férca gingen = Last time Han for Till Amerika en ging. = He went to the United States once. Warning! We had a good time = VI hade trevilgt Don't auecumb to the temptation of translating English idiomatic expressions into Svedish. Learn what the Suedea cay in a similar situation, amerikanska fartyg. Nationalities and languages are not capitalized in Suedish. Jag a Journalist. See Note ba, TSnker is used as a helping verb here, meaning "plan to”. 20. a1. 23. 28. Unit 3 SWEDISH Det var intressant. When Swedes exclaim about something, they ave apt to put it in the past tenee even though it to right in the present situation. Bramplea: Det var dyet. (Phat ie expensive.); A, vad det var vackert! (Oh, how beautiful!) vhile they are Looking at the view. Lever. Att leva (to Live, to be alive) ie distinguished from att bo (to live, to reside. Bzamplee: Hon lever, men hon &r mycket sjuk. (She ie ative but she's very sick.) Hon bor |’ Stockholm. (She lives in Stockholm.) Det ae klart. his idéoma expression for "of course" is very commonly used. Farbror, faster. The Swedes have a way of differentiating between maternal and paternal relatives. Mor (mother) Far (father) mormor grandmother farmor mor far grandfather farfar morbror unele farbror moster aunt faster fOr8idrar (parenta) 95 32. 36a. 36b. 37, Unit 3 SWEDISH 96 teatfades. To express a reciprocal action an s can be added to certain verbs. The rectprocal action can also be expressed by the active form of the verb + varandra (each other). Examples: att traffa - active form, "to meet" att trffas - reciprocal’ form, "to meet each other" Vi tréffas p& mindag. (We'LL see each other on Monday.) Vi tratfar verandra p& mindag. (We'Zt see each other on Monday.) kul (fun) ~ commonly used, but a bit stangy. att tréffa - to meet. Note that att mBta is to meet someone who is arriving at a train station, airport, bus stop, etc. p& tisdag. he daye of the week are: mSndag, tisdag, onsdag, torsdag, fredag, 16rdag, sdndag. Note a.: They ave not capitalized. Note b English sometimes omits the preposition "on" before the names of the days of the veek. In Swedish, however, the preposition pi may not be omitted. Example: (On) Monday I'm going to the dentist. P& m&ndag ska jag g& til! tandlakaren. SWEDISH usrr 3 Pointe to Practice Point I. Indefinite plural endings Point IT. the relative pronoun SOM Point IIT. Placement of adverbs unit 3 97 Point I. Unit 3 SWEDISH 98 Indefint pe Plural Endings | The time has come to take a took at how the Swedes put their nouns in the plural. There are five vays of indicating plural. They are called dectens and they are numbered 1 through 5, like thts: = 1. en vecka tv veeifor EN worde only 2. en middag v8 mldd EN worde only (except ett finger - a finger) 3. en ging tv gander] Both EN and ETT words 4, ett apple tvé Sppifed ETT words onty (an appte) 5. ett gles —tva glasl Both EN and ETT worde, predominantly ETT There ave also a few nouns vith irregular plural, some of which ve have already seen: bror ~ bréder, stad - st&der, bok ~ bécker, dotter - déttrar. unit 3 SWEDISH Pinet Declension, fer ALL EN nouns ending in -a belong to the firet declension and end in -or in the plural. Practice A, Let's go to work vith the noune ve already know tn thie group. Anever the questions on the Left negatively, putting the underlined noun into the plural and substituting personal pronouns for names. cur Har Kacia en krone? Does Karin have one crown? 10 Nej, non har tlo kronor. lo, she has ten crouns. Har Karin en klocks? 8 Nej, hoa har Stte klockor. Har George en plpa? 2 Nej, han har tv plpor. Har Karin en vecka? 5 Nej, hon har fem veckor. Hor Kerin en fitcka? 3 Nej, hon har tre flickor. Hor Karin on sjukskoterska? 2 Nej, hon har tv sjukskéterskor. 99 SWEDISH 100 Unit 3 Seoond Dectension, [-ar The noune of the second declension have various singular endings, but they are all EN words. The only exception ie ett finger - tv fingrar. Practice B. Anever the questione negatively changing the underlined nouns into the plural form and substituting personal pronouns for names. cue Har David en kopp? Does David have one cup? 2 Nej, han har tv8 koppar. lo, he has two cupe. Har Lars en tidning? 3 Nej, han har tre tIdningar. Har Karin en smirgas? 4 Nej, hon har fyra smbrgésar. Har fréken Strémb&ck en g&rd? 2 Nej, hon har tv& g&rder. Har Sverige en hann? 10 Nej, det har tio hamnar. Har en vecka en dag? 7 Nej, den har sju dagar. SWEDISH Thind Deotencion, [-er| there ave both EN and ETT words in thia declension with many different endings in the singular. Answer the questions negatively changing the underlined nouns into the plural form and substituting personal pronouns for names. cue Talar David om en restaurang? Ie David talking about one restaurant? 2 Nej, han talar om tv& restauranger. Talar Karin om en stati 3 Nej hon talar om tre statloner. Talar David om ett vin? m&nga NeJ, han talar om manga viner. Talar herr Dalgren om en advokat? 2 Nej han talar om tvS advokater. Talar John om en ingen jor? 4 Nej han talar om fyra ingenjorer. Talar Maja om en clgarrett? manga Nej, hon talar om m&nga cigarretter. Talar David och George om en nyhet? manga Hej, de talar om mnga nyheter. unit 3 1az unit 3 SWEDISH toe Most ETT vorde that end in a vowel belong to the fourth declension. So far we have not had any examples of nouna from this declension, where the plural form ia -n. Juat a few nouns belong to the fourth declension, quite common. At thie point we will only give you an example: but some are Hon Ster ett apple. She ie eating an apple. Hon Ster fvE-agpTen. She te eating tuo apples. This declension contains both ETT words and EN words. fifth declension always end in a consonant. (denoting nationality or profession), ferring only to people). the ETT vords of the The EN words end in -are, ~er -ande om -ende (present participle re~ Ezamplee: ett hotell - tv8 hotell fon ISkare = tv 1akere en belgier - tv8 delgier (a Belgian) gn musikec - tv mustker (a mustotan) en ordt¥rande ~ tv ordtérande (a chateman) en gSende ~ tv’ ghende (a pedestrian) unit 3 SWEDISH Practice D. In this practice we are using nouns familiar to you from the text, all from the fifth declension. We are varying the verbs. Again, ansver the questions negatively putting the underlined noune in the plural form and oub- atituting pereonal pronouns for the names. cue Stannar George ett ar? Is George staying for one year? 3 Nej, han stannar tre &r. Reser Oaigrens tI! ett hotell? ninga Nej, de reser til! minga hotell. Bestailer Ingrid ett run? 2 Nej, hon bestailer tv8 rum Képer 80 ett par? 4 Nej, han képer fyra par. Har Bo en sekreterare? 2 Nej, han har tv8 sekreterare. Ser Karin ett fartyg? minga Noj, hon ser m&nga fartyg. GSr Bo t1I1 en 1dkare? 2 Nej, han g&r till tvd lakare. 108 unit 3 SWEDISH Irregular Nouns sjoman - sjénin bror - brdcer bok - becker son = siner stad = stader dotter - dottrar loa In some of our basic sentences there have been vorde uith irregular plural forms. The stems of these nouns change in the plurat They are 2nd, 3rd and Sth declenaion vords, but it ie easier to Learn them ao a eeparate group Practice E. Let's practice the irregular nouns following the eame pattern aa ‘in the previoue practices in thie Unit Har al en bok Do you have one book? Nej, vi har m&nga bécker. Har Ingrid en bror? Nej, hon har tre bréder Har fru Strémback en morbror? Noj, hon har tv8 morbrdder Har Karin och Lisa en farbror? Noj, de har tre farbréder Finns det en stad | Sverige? Nej, det finns m&nga st&der 1 Svertg cur manga m&nga SWEDISH Unit 8 cus Finns det en sjdman p baten? 2 Noj, det finns toly sjémin p& baten. Her Lors en dotter? 3 Nej, han har tre détteer Hor George en son 2 NeJ, han har tvs saer. Practice £. In this practice we are using nouns from all five dectensions. Read the question on the left aloud and ansuer it negatively, putting the underlined noun into the plural, Find out how much you've learned. cur Finns det en klocka I rummet? Ie there one elock in the room? 2 Nej, det finns tv8 klockor I cummet. Finns det en kopp 1 rummet? 2 Nej, det finns tv’ koppar | rummet. Har Dalgrens en flicka? NeJ, de har tv flickor. Finns det en advokat | stan? 8 Nej, det finns Stta advokater I stan. 105 SWEDISH 106 cue Har b&ten en sjéman? 2 Nej, den her toly sjéman. Finns det en hamn i Sverige? mdngo Nej, det finns m&nga hamnar | Sverige. Finns det ett vykort p& hotellet? adnga NeJ, det finns m&nga vykort p& hotel let. Har George en norbroc? 3 NeJ, han har tre morbrdder. Finns det en I8kere 1 ndrhoten? 3 Nej, det finns tre l3kare | nirheten. Finns det en g8rd dir borta? 2 NeJ, det finns tv8 g&rdar dar borta. Practice G. In the chart on the next page write the nouns on the left in each 2olumn with the proper endings. ALL combinations won't work, of course. In such a case mark the bor with an X. There ie an anewer sheet folloving, but don't look at it until you have finished the chart. Unit 3 Unit 3 SWEDISH oun maga TOs nBgra art ters Tits ett par apple klocka g3ng m3nad ram vin Kopp lakare brad kvl bror vecka Flicka ost tidning dotter 107 unit 3 SWED ISH Tou mange [TO 1e) [atgrs Ten, etF [rere] rife ar par rum cum cun___| cum cum, cum x | eum apple ppl pol Spplen ppl dipplen —. Spplen. kKlocka Klockas klock klockor | Klock | kKlockor klockor bil bilac ac__|nit bu bil teit ohng A Ae " A mined | minader_|nSnader_|minader_|minad | m&nader x__|minager namn namn ann namn nama nama x__|namn vin viner | viner | viner | vin viner | vin viner kopp koppar__| koppar_| koppar | kopp koppar x__|koppar takare | skore | takere | takore | t8kare | 1skare x ___|1skare brog x x x x x vrog x wvatt | kvatiar [avatiar | kvitiar [avsit | kvstier x five bror vrééor__|orador | oréder__| bror beddor x__|prdder vecka | veckor _| veckor | veckor | vecka _| veckor x |veckor tiicka | tiickor | tiickor | titckor | flicks | flickr x__|tlickor ost ester lester | oster__| ost ester lost estar tidning | tidmingar| tidningarl tidningarl tidnina | tidninaac| x | +i dataaac | dotter | usttrar |aottrac | asttrar | dottor | aottrar astteor 108 SWEDISH Point II. The Relative Pronoun SOM The pronoun SOM in Swedish is a relative pronoun. It comes in the beginning of a clause referring to a noun that has just been mentioned. In the phrases: "the girl who ...," "the book which ...," "the newepaper that ..." WHO, WHOM, WHICH, and THAT can all be translated vith SOM in Swedish. Since there is only thie one uord you will soon find yourself using it fluently and easily. Thies vill help you form Longer sentences in your convereation. actiee H. To introduce SOM in this practice we simply ask you to read the sentences aloud adding SOM. Restaurangen, |som| du tycker om, Iiggor | The restaurant |vhich | you like te tn Canta Samia Stan. Stan. Tidningen, han arbetar fOr, ar the newspaper | that | he vorke for ie Dagens Nyheter. Dageno Nyheter. Sjémannen, vi traffade, && trevitg. The eattor vhon | we met ie nice, Stan, Iigger dr borta, ar The city that | ie over there te SkBvde. Skovde, Filckan, fyller 17 ar, ar min The girt who | te going to be 17 syster. yeare old ie my aioter. Runmet, VI bestilide, var Inte the voom that |ve reserved wae not ledigt. available. Han, kommer d8r borta, &r min te (the man) |who | te aoming over there morbror. ie my uncle. Unit 3 109 Flickan, The girk daughter. Baten, unit 8 SWEDISH vo not confuse the relative pronoun SOM with the conjunotion ATT. Both are translated as "that" in English. Examples: Flicken, som arbetar har, ar ledig dag. The girl that (who) vorks here is off today. Han séger, att han kommer. He says that he ie coming. Han tror att rummet, som vi bestailtde, ar lediat. He thinke that the room that (which) we reserved te available. Practice I. In this practice you make one sentence out of the two sentences given, Hgger uatng SOM. Flickan st8r d8r. Hon &r vir dotter. the girl ia etanding there. She ie our daughter. som st8r dar, 3c v8r dotter. (who'a) standing there is our BSten ligger I hamnon, BSten Sr gammal. hamnea, sr gemmal. Stan ligger dir borta. Stan ar Skevde. 110 SWEDISH Stan, som ligger dar borta, Br Skbvde. nga klockor, som kostar 10 kronor, ar bray Lakaren, som tjanstg0r pS bSten, ar min bror. Karins bScker, som ligger dér, ar bra. Min sekreterare, som 4r gammal, Sr bra. Jag har ty8 pipor, som ar bra. Det hr ar var son, som heter Erik. WSnga Klockor kostar 10 kronor. Oe &r bra. Lakaren tjanstgBr pS b&ten. Han dr min bror. Karins bécker ligger dir. Oe Sr bra. Nin sekreterare 3c gamnal. Hon ar bra. Jag har tv8 pipor. De ar bra. Det har ar vér son. Han heter Erik. LAT OSS TALA SVENSKA See how many questions you can ask and anover using noun plurals and SOM. unit s 111 Point IIT. Unit 3 SWEDISH Pla eenent of Adverbs Swedes place the adverbs after the firet verb in independent clauses with straight vord order. Example: Lars dricker alitid vin. Lave always drinks wine. Bill vIIl aldrig dricka vin. Bil? never wants to drink vine. Practice J. Here we give you a short sentence and provide an adverb to be inserted correctly. Check your anevere as ueual. cur David rdker plpa. David emokes a pipe. ofte Dovid rdker ofta pipa. David often smokea a ptpe Karin drlcker mjdtk. bara Karin dricker bare midlk. George Br I Amerika. fortfarande George ar forttarande | Amerika. Bo Br | Géteborg. tyvarr Bo ar tyvarr | Gteborg. Hon dricker 81, g8ene Han dricker girna oI. SWEDISH cue Dahtgrens tanker fara til! Amerika. inte Dahigrens tanker Inte fara tI11 Amerika. Fréken Berg bestaller katfe. alitid Froken Berg bestBller alltid katte Sven reser med bat. ofte Sven reser ofta med bat. Stockholm ligger i Amerika. Inte Stockholm Ilgger Inte 1 Amertka. Lars vill komma. ockss Lars vill ocksS komma, 80, som Sr Karins son, Ster lunch. aldrig 80, som Sr Karins son, Stor aldrig lunch. Hotel let har en bra restaurang. ocksé Hotellet har ocks’ en bra restaurang. Unie s aa unit 3 SWEDISH 314 In a question the noun and verb change places as you know from Unit I, Point IIT. The adverb remains where it was. Examples: | Karin talar|alitid svenska. Talar Karinjatitid svenska? Arne dricker]alitia ol. lbrickar Arnel atitid 61? Practice K. Now we'll practice the use of adverbs in questions. We'll give you a short question and an adverb to be inserted eorreatly. cur Taler Bo 1Sngsamt? Does Bo speak elowly? alitid Talar Bo alltid 1&ngsamt? Does Bo always speak slowly? Kostar cigarretter alo kronor? nSgonsin Koster cigarretter ndgonsin aio kronor? Finns det en ledig taxi? aldrig Finns det aldrig en ledig taxi? SWEDISH cur Kr Karin | Goteborg? fortfarande Ke Karin fortfarande | 68teborg? Har Gunnar en bt? ocks& Har Gunnar ocks8 en bat? Stannar Ullo 1 Amerika? Linge Stannar Ulla 1énge 1 Amerika? LAT OSS TALA SVENSKA Let's be very personal. Tell about your rela- tives and their occupations or make up ficti~ tious ones. Ask your fellow students about their friends and family members. Let the teacher supply words for more family membere 115 SWEDISH 1} Jack: Tom: Jack: Unite 4 vwrr 4 SEEING THE STGHTS Basie Sentences Jack and Tom go sightseeing. firet I have to go to the etation firet, then, later, aftervards bank (in order) to to change money and then to the bank to change some money. to know (to have knovledge about) know(s) to lie, to be located lie(s), ts located Do you know vhere the station ie? Wo, I don't (know), forst Jag maste 98 till stationen forst sedan (sen bank ~en -er fOr att att vaxl/a -ar -ade -at pengar (plural) och sedan til! banken fir att vaxla pengar. att vete, vet, visste, vetat vet att ligga, ligger, 189, legat Nigger Vet du var stationen ligger? * Nej, det vet jag inte. Tom: clerk: Tom: Clerk: 10. i SWEDISH to ack aok(s) hotel clerk (at reception desk) We'll ask the clerk. Pardon me, where's the station? etrect It i0 on Vasa Street. far, Long rom here Is it far from here? quite, rather Yes, it is quite far. either ... on You ean either take a bus om the subvay. yay doun, otatre, entrance tthe) “other side The entrance to the eubway ie on the other eide of the otreet, att frig/a ar -ade -at fragar portier portiéer Vi fr8gar portlern. Forlat, var ligger stationen? gat/a -an -or Den ligger p& Vasagatan. lang -t -2 harlfrdn Kr det l&ngt hari fr&n? ganska Ja, det Sr ganska langt. antingen ... eller NI kan antingan ta (on) buss eller tunnelbana(n). nedging -en -ar eadra sid/a -an -or Nedg&ngen tll} tunnelbanan I1gger p& andre sidan gatan, 117 Tom: Clerk: fom: Jack: Tom: Unit 4 12, 13. 48. 15. 16. 17, 18. SWEDISH nae corner and the bus stop ie oven there at the comer. nmap of, over Would you like (to have) a map of the city? Yes, please Here you ave! watk through Shall ve take a watk through town? sight, point of interest What's there to see here? patace famous Well, the Palace and the Vasa Museun ave very famous, horn -et -6 och busshallplatsen ’r dae borta pS hornet. kart/a -an -or bver Vill al ha en karta 6ver staden? Je tack, gérna. Var s& god! promenad en ~er genom Ska vi ta en promenad genom staden? sevardhet -en -or Vad finns det for sevardheter har? * slott -et -6 museum, muséet, muséer berém/d -t -da Ja, slottet och Vasamuséet ar mycket berémda, 19, Jack: 20. Police: 21. Tom: 22. Jack: 23. 2a. Unit 4 SWEDISH to find but I can't find them on thie that; those policeman We'll ask that policeman. Bz~ euse me, where is the Palace? beautiful ohuroh to the vignt of The Palace ig over there; and there is a beautiful church to the right of the Palace. to look to Look at Oh, we'll Look at that. train tomorrow Tomorrow we can take the train to Uppsala. university cathedral Theve the university ie near the cathedral. att hitt/a -ar ~ade -at non Jag kan Inte hitta dem p& den har kertan. den dir, det dir; de o8r polis -en -er Vi frégar den d8r pollsen. Ursakta, var ligger slottet? vacker -t, vackra kyrk/a ~an -or TILL hdger om Slottet ligger ¢8r porta, och det ligger en vacker kyrka till héger om slottet. att titt/a -ar ~ade -at att titt/a p&; -ar -ade -at Jas3, den ska vi titta p38. 4 thg -et -6 imorgon Imorgon kan vi ta t8get tIII Uppsala. * universitet -ot -6 domkyrk/a -an -or Dar ligger universitetet néra dom kyrkan. Tom: 25. Jack: 26. a7. Tom: 28. Jack: 29. Tom: 30. Unit ¢ SWEDISH Library fe eaid to, ie supposed to Yee, and the bibrany ie eup- posed to be very fanous. hungry Fine, but now I'm hungry. park There's a good restaurant on the other side of the park. He ean have Lunch there and then go to the Vasa Museum. It's near here. excellent, great then, at that time maybe, perhaps concert afternoon thie afternoon Great. Then we can aleo go to Skansen. Maybe there ie a concert there thie afternoon. to think (to have an opinion) think(e) ferry Afterwards I think we ought to take the ferry to Sluseen. 120 bibilotek -et -d lar, 18rde, tart Ja, och bibiloteket 18r vara mycket berdnt. fin -t -2 hungrig 2 Fint, men nu Sr jag hungrig. park en -er Det flans en bra restaurang p& andra sidan parken. Vi kan Bta lunch dir och sedan kan vi 98 pS Vasamuséet. Det ligger har f adrheten, utmarkt -O =a a3 kanske konsert -en -er eftermiddag -en -ar 1 eftermiddag Utndrkt, 08 kan vi ocks8 98 p Skansen. Det 8r kanske en konsert Gar | eftermiddag. att tyck/a -er -te -t tycker farj/a -an -or Sedan tycker Jag vi tar fran +111 Slussen. SWEDISH one, you, they man view utsikt -en -er from fran elevator hiss -en -ar Jack: 81, You have a beautiful view Man har en vacker utsikt fran from the Katarina elevator. Katarine-hissen. 4 to valk, to stroll att promener/a -ar -ade ~at The Old City Gamla Stan Tom: 32, Then we can walk around in Sedan kan vi Gamla Stan and have dinner at a restaurant there. promenera 1 Gamla Stan och Sta middag pi en restaurang dar. charming charmlg -t -a part del en -ar Jack: 33. Good. It's a charming part Bra. Det Sr en charmig del av Stock- of Stockholm. I have a friend vho Livea there. holm. Jag har en vin som bor dar Unie 4 qa1 17, 22. 23. 29. an. Unit 4 SWEDISH uwrr 4 Notes on Basie Sentences ligger (lie/a) te often used in the sense of "ie", "is Located" when talking about geographical concepts and buildings. Vad finns det fOr . ie there?” te an idiomatic expreseion, meaning "what kind of ... Den ska vi titta p&. See Unit 2, Note 15. Imorgon kan vi... If the sentence starts with an adverb (Imorgon, tyvarr, sedan, frst dar borta, ete.) remember that the verb comes in second place (of. init 2, Note 15). Skansen ie a big open-air museum in Stockholm Man har... The impereonal pronoun man is used to express the idea of people in general, somewhat Like the English use of "they" in "they eay that ..." or in "you can have good meal there,” or "one" in "one is never satiofied.” tyou" unit 4 SWEDISH var 4 to Practice Point I: Adjectives in the indefinite form (noun-adjective agreement): en stor bok; ett stort cum; tv& stora biter Point IT: Demonstrative Expressions: Det dr en bok. Point III: 128 Point I: SWEDISH 124 Adjectives jefinite form (noun-adjective agreement) There has to be agreement between adjectives and Adjectives modifying en vords in the singular in- definite form take no ending (basic form). Ezample: en stor bi Adjectives modifying ett vorde in the cingular indefinite form take the ending -+ (added to the basic form). Example: ott stort gias Adjectives modifying plural noune (both en and ett words) take the ending ~» (added to the basic form). Eeanplec: tva stora bila WE stora glas Below is a list of adjectives which have somewhat irregular endings: Adjectives Plural form Translation odi fying words bia bisa blue od, gria gray ny nya new goda good breda vide réda red vita bhi te rund runt runde round SWEDISH Adjectives Plural form Translation kort kort korta short svart svert svarta btack utnerkt utnarkt utmirkte excellent gonna! ganmalt santa old vecker vackert vackra beautiful liten Liter sad ematl, little bra bee bee good Practice A. Let's practice using the indefinite form of the adjective, making sure TE agrees with the noun it modifies. con 90d, smirg’s en god smbrg’s god, vin ett gott vin minga, god, apple minga goda Spplen rolig, bok en roltg bok titen, bara ett litet bara tre, trevilg, polls tre treviiga poliser berdmd, museum Unit 4 125 SWEDISH Unit 4 126 cur ett borémt museum tvB, vacker, kyrka tv vackra kyrkor minge, fin, slott nnga fina slott Vang, t89 ett [Sngt +89 Adjectives coming after the verbs att vara and att bli aleo agree with their subject nouns. Ezamplea: Bilen ar stor. Rumnet ar stort. Minga dilar &r stors. M3nga run ar stora. Dagen blir 18ng. Tagat bilr TEngt. Nnga dagar blir langa. Manga tég blir tanga. Practice B. Wow practice using the adjective after the verb ar. Put the oue noun in the definite form folloved by Br and the adjective, making eure the ad- jective agrece with the noun. cur taxi, ledig Taxin ar ladig run, stor Runmet &r stort. dotter, snail Dottern ar snail. nann, kort Namnet ae kort. barn, Liten unit 4 Barnet ar litet. Applet &r gott. Vinet ar gott. Bokea ar bra. Hotellet Sr troviigt. the indefinite form. Mnga poliser ar treviiga. Manga bécker ar bra. M3nga bara ar sma. Mingo smérgSsar ar goda. Manga kyrkor r vackra. MSnga bilar 8r svarta. Nnga gator ar breda. Manga 8g ar Inga. Let's continue SWEDISH cuE Spplo, god vin, god bok, bra hotell, trevtig cur ninga, mSnga, nbnga, naga, ninge, nage, manga, doing the same thing, using plural noune in polis, trevilg bok, bra barn, liten smorg’s, god kyrka, vacker DIL, svart gate, bred 489, lang qa? Point II: SWEDISH AD Demonstrative Expressions det ar it ts, they are dot har ar thie is, these are det dir Br that ia, those are The demonstrative expressions det. on noun phrases. They have only on on ett worde or plurale, _ar, dot nar ne form regard det d8r ar ane used to foous @ Of Uhether the noune are Example: tt is a book. har Sr en bok. Thie te a book. Det dar ar tvE batar. Thoee are tuo boate. You already know another demonstrative expression: det finns (there ie, there are). Practice D. Let's build up fluency on thia point, using the familiar technique. ALL you have to do te repeat aloud the demonstrative expression dot ar and add the proper indefinite articles or modifiers + the noun. cuz polis Det ar en polls. museum Det ar ett museun. tva, karta Det ar tv8 kartor. m&nga, slott Det Sr m&nga slott. tre, ndliplats Unie 4 det vet bet Det Det Det of the noun. bet Det Det bet Det bet bet bet ar ar ar ar har har har har har har tre h8liplatser. ett t8g. on stor buss. tv8 tidningar. ett liter nara. en snail pojke. ar baten. ar kyrkan. Br tSget. Br polisen. Sr slottet, ar biblioteket. ae gatan. ar bréaet. SWEDISH cur +89 stor, buss 4vB, tidning liten, nore snBll, pojke Now we'll use the expression det har ar using the definite form cus bat kyrke +39 polis slott biblioter gata bead busshSi I plats 4129 Unit 4 SWEDISH 130 cue Det hr Sr busshSilplatsen. bok Det har Sr boken. tidning Dot har ar tidningen. rum Det hr Sr rummet. Practice F. Wow we'll practice the expression det get dir ar vith nouna in the plura thie Lengthy repetition may acem a bit boring, but it ie a good idea to get theae expressions firmly in mind before proceeding to the next point. Be- sides, you are also practicing your plural noun endings. cuE tre, bat Det dr Sr tre batar. tv8, pojke Det dar ar tv& pojkar. fyra, lang, t8g Det dir ur fyra langa t8g. tv8, vacker, kyrka Det dar ar tv8 vackra kyrkor. fom, smorgis Det dar ar fom smbrgsar. tv8, fin, sevardhet Det dr Sr tvh fina sevardheter. manga, réd, buss Det dér Br mnga réda bussar. tro, utmarkt, karte Det dar ar tre utmarkta kartor, tv38, god, vin SWEDISH cur Det or ar tv8 goda viner. tre, trevilg, polls Det dir ur tre trevliga poliser. tv’, gammal, vykort Det dir ar tv8 gamia vykort. tv8, svensk, sjdman Det dir ar tv8 svenska sjdmin, tre, amerikansk, bok Det dr Br tre amerikanska bécker. Point III: Personal Pronouns ODEN, OFT, DE Den refers to en vorde, det to ett words and de to plural: Ezamplee: Yar a boken? - Den &r hr. Var Sr vykortet? = Det ar har. Var ar Pelles fidningar? - De ar har. Dot te also used in other eases, for inetance in the demonatrative expressions det ur, det har ar, det dar ar, which you have just learned, It ie aleo used in Impersonal expressions without any spect fie reference (unlike don which always refers to a noun). Ezamplee: Det regnar, It'a raining. Det ar m&ndag idag. Today ie Monday. Det ar sent. It's Late. Unit 4 131 Unit 4 SWEDISH 138 Only det can be used in clauses where the verb is some form of att vara or att bil followed by a noun (predicate noun). Examples: Det ar en bi It ie a car. Det ar ett tag. It is a train. Det Sr tv8 pojkar. They are (Lit.: it i) two boys. If there ia no noun but only a predicate adjective following the form of att vara or att bli, den, det or de has to be used depending on what kind af noun the predicate adjective modifies. stort - Ja, GBi) br stor. = Det Sr en stor vit. Bzamples: fr Pelles Ie Pelle's car big? - Yeo, Tb i big. - It's a big car. Ke Pelles (Fun) stort? - J Sr stort. ~ Det r ett stort rum. Is Pelle's room big? _ Yea, tf ts big. - It's a big roon. Kr Pet ios [bStar] stora? - Ja, [de}8r stora. - Det Sr store batar. Are Pelle's boate big? - Yes, they are big. - They ave big boate. To_oummari se: Det must be used ae the subject when any form of att vara or att bli te folloved by a noun (predicate noun), This noun may or may not have modifying adjectives Eramplee: en stor bil ett stort ru tv’ stora batar. This is the sane as the demonstrative expression det Br, which you have just learned, and should not be confused with the personal pronouns den, det, de. SWEDISH When the form of att vara or att bli te followed by an adjective but no noun (predicate adjective), the personal pronoun den hae to be used tf the pronoun refers to an en word; det hae to be used if the pronoun refers to an ett word; de hae to be used tf the pronoun refers to plurate. etice G. In thie practice you'll make tuo sentences based on the sentence given in the Left column, using the adjeotive in the Cue column. In the firet Sentence you use the personal pronoun den, det or da + br + the adjective in the wight form. In the second sentence you uae the denonatrative expression det &r + indefinite article + adjective + noun. cur Det ar on bil. stor Den ar stor. Det ar en stor bil. Det ar ott slott. vacker Det ar vackert. Det ar ett vackert slot. Det ar ott rum, iter Det ar liter. Det ar ett litet rum. 133 Unit 4 SWEDISH Det Sr en bBt. Den ar vit. Det ar en vit bat. Dot ar ett museum. Dot ar beromt. bet ar ett bortmt museum. Det ar en taxi Den Br ledig. Det ar en ledig text. Det ar en kyrka. Den Sr gammal. Det Hr en gammal kyrka. Det har ar tv8 Sppien. De ar goda. Det har Sr tvd goda applen. Det d&r Sr tvs pollser. De Br vanliga. Det dir a tvd véniiga pollser. 134 cur vit berdmd ledig gamma! god vaniig Unie 4 Det bet Det bet oar ar dar SWEDISH Br ett hotell. nytt. ar ett nytt hotell. 8r Ar tv8 ostar. Os ar goda. Det dar Sr tv8 goda ostar. Practice H. VAR (where). use han and hon for people, sidered to be ott words. Vad bet ven Det Vad vet Ven ar ar ar ar det dar? en smbrg8s. Den ar god. det? en fltcka. Hon ar vacker. det dir? en gr. Den ar gammal. det dar? cur ay god Now ve'll ask some questions using VAD (what), VEM (who), and You can provide the answers using tuo sentences. Remember to det for countries and cities, which are con- cur smBrgs, god flick, vacker gard, gamma tandlakare, bra 135 vet vem Det vad vet ved Det Yad Det Vem bet Yor Den var bet var Hon var SWEDISH Sr en tandiskare. Han (hon) &r bra. kommer dér porta? ar froken Berg. Hon &r trevitg. tr det dar? Sr en telefon. Den Sr svart. Br dot nar? Sr en gata, Don ar kort. ar det har? Sr ett vykort. Det ar vackert. ar det som kommer dir? &r en polls. Han (hon) Sr vantlg. Iigger restaurangen? ligger dir borte. ligger Vasanuséet? ligger nara Skansen. Br din dottert eT Amerika, Higger Skbvder 138 cur frdken Berg, treviig telefon, svart gata, kort vykort, vacker polls, vanlig dar borta ndra Skansen i Amerika | Sverige Det var Det Var Den Igger Htoger Nigger Vigger Nigger SWEDISH cue 1 Sverige Stockholat 1 Sverige 1 Sverige bush! Iplatsen? 43r borta dar borte. LAT OSS TALA SVENSKA! Let's have a general conversation using the material you have aaquired by nov. Unit 4 Gordon: Ses wre. Gordon: Mra. 5. unit 5 cn 5 SWEDISH unre 138 A PLACE T0 LIVE Basie Sentences Gordon Brouning hao seen an ad about an apartment and calle the manager. May I speak to re. Stenmark? moment Just a moment. hello Hello. Inga Stenmark speaking. this morning to see av your advertisement aparément to rent Hello. My name ie Gordon Brovning. This morning T eau your ad in Svenoka Dag- bladet about an apartment for rent. yes Yes, it te available. Kan Jag 8 tala med fru Stenmark? Bgonblick -et -0 Ett Bgonblick. halla (only used on the phone) Hallé. Det Sr Inga Stenmark | morse att se, sor, s8g, sett s89 er, ert, era vaning ~en -ar att hyra, hye, hyrde, hyrt Goddag. Mitt namn ar Gordon Browning I 'morse s89 jag er annons I Svensk Dagbiadet om en vSning att hyra. * Jaha Jana, den Sr ledig. Gordon: Mrs, S.: Gordon: Mrs. 8.5 Gordon: 6. a 10. SWEDISH child How large is it? We have two children. Our boy ie five years old and our girl ie eight. kitchen hatt bathroom probably Tt hae five rooms and a kit- chen, hall, and tuo bathe, eo it would probably cuit vhich, vhat In what part of the city is it? I work at the American Enbasey and vould like to live elose by. stairs, flight of staire up The address is Karlavagen 10, fourth floor, That te in Ostermalm, and not at alt fax from the Embassy. to describe Could you deseribe the apart- ment? barn -ot -8 Hur stor &r den? VI har tv8 barn, Var _pojke &r fem Sr och v3r Flicka ar &tta. kok et -3 hall -en -ar bacrum -met -6 s& nog On Br p& fem rum och kk och hall och her tvé badrum, s& den passer nog. vilken, vilket, vilke 1 vilken del av stan tigger den? Jag arbetar p& amerikanska ambassa- den och vil! g¥rna bo i narhetens trapp/a -an -or upp Adressen Sr Karlavagen 10, 3 trappor upp. Det Sr p& Bstermalm, Tate alls ISngt fra ambassaden. * att beskriv/a -er, boskrev, beskrivit Kan ni beskriva vaningen? 139 Gordon: ure. Gordon: Mrs. 8.5 Gordon: 12. 13, 7h 17, SWEDISH against, tovard to face face(s) south Light, bright eunny It faces south, so it te light and sunny. epactous high ceiling, roof It te an old, spactous apart- ment with high ceilings tn all the rooms. to modernize modernized I hope it is modernized. Of course. rent How much is the rent? The apartment costs 2,000 erouns a month. expensive That te expensive! 140 mot att ligga mot; Igger, 18g, legat Hgger mot séder Ijus -t -a sollg -t -3 Den tigger mot séder, s& den ar I jus och solig. * rymlig -+ ~ hBg -f -a tak -et -0 Det Sr en gammat, rymlig v&ning, och det Sr hdgt | taket | alla rum. # att moderniser/a -ar ~ade ~at moderniser/ad -at -ade Jag hoppas den Sr moderniserad. Javisst. hyr/a -an -or Hur stor ar hyran? V8ningen kostar tv8 tusen kronor | m&naden. dyr -t -2 Det var dyrt! # Mra. 8.2 18, Gordon: 19. are. Unit 5 Si: 20. SWEDISH gae (not gasoline) electricity to be included ia inoluded besides partially to furnish furnished Yea, but it ia a very fine apartment, and gas and eleo- tricity are ineiuded. Be- sides, it ie partially fur- nished. bed for person, people Good! Ave there beds for four people? Living room sofa comfortable armchair Lamp Persian rug, carpet floor there are. And the Living room hae a sofa and tuo comfortable armohaire, tuo Lampe and a Large Per- sian rug on the floor. gas ~en -er slektricitet -en 6 att Ing8, Ing&r, ingick, ingdtt Ing&r dessutom detvis att mébler/a -ar -ade -at mébler/ad -at ~ade Ja, men det Sr en valdigt fin vaning och gas och elektricitet ing&r. Dess: utom ar den delvis méblorad. s8ng -en ar for person -en ~er S& bra! Finns det s8ngar f8r tyra personer? vardagsrum -net -® soff/a ~an -or bekvan =1 = f3t01) -en -er Vamp/3 an -or persisk -t -a matt/a -an -or goly -et -o Ja, det finns det. Och vardags- runmet har on soffa, tv8 bekvém f8t61 Jor, tva lampor och en stor persisk matta p& golvet. * war SWEDISH 142 Gordon: wre. Gordon: Me. unit § a1. 23. a4, to bring table chair dining room Is the dining room furnished, or should we bring our table and our chairs? breakfast nook bench No, it ien't. But there is a breakfast nook in the kit- chen with table and benches. eloset eepectatly to need need(s) space, room, place ait hie, her, their (reflesive) toy What about closets? My boy especially needs a lot of space for all his toys. every bedroom Linen closet pantry There is a big closet in every bedroom and a good linen closet in the pantry. att ta med; tar, tog, tagit bord -et -6 stol ~en -ar matsal -en ~ar Ar matsalen mblerad, eller ska vi ta med v8rt bord och vara stolar? matves = bank -en -ar Noj, det Sr den Inte. Men dot finns ea matvrs | kbket med bord och bankar. * garderob -en -er sarskilt att behbv/a -er -de -t behéver plats -en -er all, allt, alla sin, sitt, sin leksak -on -er Hur Sr det med garderober? SarskIIt min pojke behdver mycket plats fér alla sina leksaker. * varje sovrum -mot -6 linnesk8p -et -6 serveringsrun -met -6 Det finns en stor garderob i varje sovrum och ett bra Iinnosk&p serveringsrummet. 25. Mea, Si: 26, 27. 28. Unit $ SWEDISH refrigerator Ta there a refrigerator? freezer completely dishvasher certainty, and a smati frees- er ae vell and a completely new dishvasher. Laundry room basement washing machine drying cabinet The Laundry room is in the basenent vith two washing machines and a drying cabinet. to sound soundle) It sounds very good, and we'd love to come and look at the apartment. to move into When vould you like to move into the apartment? kyIskip et -@ Finns det kylsk8p? 4 frysbox en ~ar alldoles diskmeskin -en -er Jad&, och en liten frysbox ocksé och en alidelas ny diskmaskin. tvSttstug/a -an -or kSllare -en 6 Tvttmaskin ~en -er torkskSp -et -0 Tvattstugan Sr | kdllaren med tv tvattmaskiner och ett torkskip. * att i8ta, Iter, lat, 1atit lSter Det I8ter valdigt bra, och vi vill garna komma och titta pS v&ningon. att flytt/a -ar -ade -at In ini N&r skulle nl vilje flytte inf vaningen? 143 SWEDISH 1s the firet October furniture If we take it ve could move in on Ootober let. Our furnt- ture vill be here then. tenant out thing yesterday to buy have (has) bought house That suite (me) fine. Our other tenant moved out yester- day vith all his things. He haa bought a house in Djure holm at home today hour Iwill be at home today. Would you like to come in an hour? Does 4 o'clock eutt (you)? Then I'll come with the whole family I'm tooking forvard to see- ing you then. den forsta oktober mdbol -n, mébier Om vi tar don kunde vi flytta In den forsta oktober. VSra mobler ar har as. * hyresgust -en -er v sok -en -er lgar att kOp/a -er -te - har képt hus -et -6 Det passar utmirkt. Vr andra hyres- gust flyttade ut ig’r med alla sina saker. Han har képt ett hus I Djurs~ holm. hemma Ida9 timm/e -en -ar Jag ar hemma Idag. VII! nl komma om en timme? Passar det klockan fyra? D& kommer Jag med hela familjen. Valkomna db! 4 4b, 11, 12, 1. unit 5 SWEDISH unre 5 Notes on Basie Sentences | morse, “thie morning verb in’ the past tens " indicates past time. It is therefore used only vith a Svenska Dagbladot ia a daily nevapaper in Sweden. Tre trappor upp or p& tredje vAningen means 4th floor. Piret floor ie botten- v8ningen (b.v.) or nedre botten (n.b.). Séder. Other compass points are norr (north), dster (east), vaster (west) Hagt I taket te an idiomatic expression for "high cetling(s).” Det var dyrt. The Suedes often put exelanatory expressions like this in the past tense, (of, Unit 3, Note 20.) Ja, dot finns det. See Unit 3, Note 2, Nej, det &r den inte. See Unit 3, Note 2. Sing leksaker. See Pointe to Practice Io. 145 25. 27. 30. Unit 5 SWEDISH 146 Finns det kylskip? Swedes do not normally use an article with a noun when it refers toa clase of nouns in general, rather than to a particular one. samples: Han képer bil. He's buying a car (because he neede transportation). Han képer en ny bIl. He's buying a new car (one car in particular). Torksk8p.(a heated cabinet) ia more common in Sueden than a dryer (torktumlare -a ~B). oktober. The names of the monthe in Swedish are: Januarl, februart, mars, april, maj, Juni, Jull, augustl, september, oktober, november, december. ote that, like the week days, they are not capitalized. Valkomna d8. Note that the plural form of vilkommen ie used to indicate a weleome to all the family members. (ef. Unit 2, Basie Sentence Note 1) SWEDISH var $ Points to Practice Point I. Possessives a. preceding a noun b. as pronoun 0. Possessive reflerives sin, sitt, sina Point IT. Verbe of the firot conjugation Point IIT. Nord order Unit 5 147 Point T, Unit 6 SWEDISH 148 a. Possessives preceding a noun EN ert Plural (jag) [min bit mitt nama mina bilar (au) fain bil ditt nama dina bilar (nan) [hans bil hans nama hans bilar (non) |henneq bit hennes| namn hennes| bilar wi [var bil viet namn vara, bilar (nt) for bil ert nama era bilar (se) [deras| bit deras | nama deras | bilar Here are the poesessives in Swedish. Ae you eee, most of them conform to the EN, ETT or plural form of the noun just as the adjectives do Names or nouns just add an -s at the end to indicate possessive form. Beamples: Karins bok. — Karin'e book. Pojkens nann. The boy's name (the name of the boy). Bilens t8rg. The color of the ear. SWEDISH unit 5 Practice Form a sentence with a possessive, verb att vara. Mitt nama 8 George Brown. V8ra barn ar sndlla. Vart vardagsrum Sr Ijust. Hennes sing Br ny. Hans pojke ar 1 USA. Din dotter Br vacker. Er v8ning &F stor. deras adress ar Kartavégen 10. Ert kylskSp ar hdgt. Hans f8¢81J ar bekvam. Deras kbk Br rymligt Pojkens far ar IngenJor. Husets kok &r Ijust. Bos mor Sr journalist Mina syskon &r hemma. using present tense of the cur Jag, namn, George Brown vi, barn (plum), snl Vi, vardagsrum, ju hon, s8ng, ny han, pojke, i USA du, otter, vacker nl, vaning, stor do, adress, Kerlavigen 10 nt, kyIsk&p, h&g han, (8101J, bexvam de, kok, rymlig pojke, far, IngenJor hus, Kék, I Jus 80, mor, Journalist Jeg, syskon (plux.) homma 149 Unit 5 SWEDISH Ligger Karins v8ning 1 Stockholm? Ja, hennes v&ning tigger i Stockholm. Ar mitt hotelirum tv trappor upp? Ja, ditt hotellrum Sr tv& trappor upp. Kr vra b&cker i vardagsrummot? Ja, era bécker Sr | vardagsrummet. Flyttar nl in i ert hus snart? Ja, vi flyttar In 1 vaet hus p& m&ndag. $89 George fru Stenmarks annons I tIdningen Ja, han sg hennes annons | tidningen. Ar Stenmarks sungar bekvina? Nej, deras séngar ar Inte bekvama. Behéver du din bil idag? Nej, jag behéver Inte min bil Hittade du Pelles klocka? Ja, Jag nittade hans klocka. Ndag. cur Ja Ja Ja Jay Ja NeJ NeJ Ja Ansver the questions, using the proper possessive forms. pS mindag 150 SWEDISH Point I. >. Posseasive pronouns MIN = MY, MINE Det ar min bir. It te my car, Bilen ar min. The ear is mine. Det ur ditt bord, Tt te your table. Bordet &r ditt. The table is yours. ra unit 6 stolar, They are our chaire. Stolarna ar v8ra. The chairs are oure. Ae you can see in the chart, the Svedea make no diatinetion between posscee- ive adjectives and possessive pronouns. We'll have a short practice on thie, Practice C. Answer the questions, using the ownership indicated by the ene. cue Kr det Bos bII7 NeJ. Jag Nej, dot ar min. Kr det din frysbox? Nej, hon Nej, dot Sr hennes. 4181 Point I. Unit 5 SWEDISH 152 cur Xr det har herr och fru Stenmarks hus? Ja, de Ja, det ar deras. Kr det har din diskmaskin? Ja, jag Ja, det Br min. Kr det har Pelles klocka? Ja, han Ja, det Sr hans. Kr det har era bécker? Ja, vi Ja det ar vara. Kr det nar Karins smbrg&s? Nej, du NeJ, det ar gin. Kr get har Lenas glas? NeJ, du Nej, det ar ditt. ce. Reflexive possessives, SIN, SITT, SINA These reflexive poosescives are used instead of hans, hennes, deras tf they a) occur in the eane clause as the subject; b) modify the object in the clause; and ¢) refer to the subject in the clause. Sin (sitt, sina) to never used to modify the bjeot in the clause. Unit SWEDISH Examples Han tycker om sin hung, He Likes his (own) dog. Han tycker om hans hung. He likes his (eomeone elee's) dog. Hans b3t ligger 1 hamnen Hie boat ie in the harbor, Karin beskriver sitt rum. Karin describes her room. (The room belongs to Karin.) Karin beskriver hennes rum. Kain deseribes her room. (The room belongs to someone else.) Lars’och Lena talar om sina barn. Lave and Lena are talking about their children (their oun). Lars och Lena talar om deras barn. Lave and Lena are talking about their children (another family's). 153 Practice D. Majes s: linnesk’p soffa bord stor vining matte torksk8p kallare diskmaskin SWEDISH Look at the liet of possessions belou. verb at? tycka om) how Maja Likes her things, both Like their joint belongings. vith Maja's. Eriks sake: #Bt01) tampa matta garderob badrun tidning bit bicker klocka pengar Model: Maja tycker om sitt Iinnesk3p. Erik tycker om sin f8t8lj. De tycker om sin frysbox. De tycker om sin teve (ZV). 14 Deseribe (using the Brik Likes his, and they Co through the three Lists beginning The ansvere will be found on the next page. Deras frysbox sangar ky Isk&p tvattmaskin hus nobler barn (plural) kok vardagsrum bat unit 5 SWEDISH Anevera to Practice Maja tycker om: Erik tycker om: sit! linnesk&p sin #84015 sin soffa sin lampa sitt bord sin matta sin stol sin garderop stn vaning sitt badrum sin matte sin tidning sitt torksk’p sin bil sin kallare sina bécker sin diskmaskia sin klocka sit? sovrum sina pengar Practice E You fill in the right one in the blank space. De tycker oF sin frysbox sina singar_ sitt kylsk&p sin tvittmaskIn sitt hus sina mobler sina barn Sitt k3k sitt vardagsrum sin b&t In this practice ve vill use all the third pergon possessives. Use your cardboard sheet ae usual to cover the correct anewer below each sentence, Goorge och hans fru tittade p& vEning. sin George beskrey viningen t6r _ hustru. Bo och Karin flyttade in mb lor. sina Karin och ___ barn tittade pS en ay soffa. hennes 155 156 SWEDISH Stenmarks och __ son bor I Ojursholm. deras Stonmarks bor ned son i huset. Stenmarks hy (Pet tes) v8ning. hans Lars ar p& b&ten med _ bror. Lars tittar p& (Karins) bat. hennes Bo och Ingrid och far kom tII1 b&ten. deras Bo och Ingrid motte far vid baten. sin | eftermiddag flyttar Lars nobler. (Lars) diskmaskin ar alldeles ny. Hans Point IT. nit 5 SWEDISH Verbe of the firet conjugation Svediah verbs come in four conjugation. Three of these conjugations follow definite patterns. The fourth conjugation contains all irregular verbs The same form is used for all persone in each tense More than half of the verbe in Swedich betong to the firet conjugation. ALL of the verba in thie conjugation end in -2 in the infinitive form. ALL new verbs that come into Suedieh fron other Languages belong to thie conjugation. Bzamples: att mbblera, att modernisera, att organisera (to organize), att Jogga (to jog), att missa (to mise, to fail). Bzamples of this include all verbs with the French deri: ed suffix -era. Let's take a look at the verbs of the firat conjugation that have occurred in some of our units. Below ie a chart showing hou the firet conjugation operates. First Conjugation att baka (to bake) Present tense: Jag, ete. bok: bake(s), am (are, is) baking Past tense: Jaa, ete. bakade baked, was (were) baking Supine J99, ete. har, nade bekat have, had baked, have, had a been baking Past participle: on, det, de ar, blir bakad de (are) baked bakat, 157 SWEDISH 158 ote: The supine is a form of the verb used together vith har, hade. It always ends in -t. Examples: Jag har bakat brddet. Jag hade bakat brédet. These phrases are called respectively the present and past perfect. In Swedish the supine forn ie different from the participle which te used and declined as an adjective. Beamplea: Kakan ar bakad. The cake is baked. Br&dot ar bakat. Phe bread ie baked. Kakorna ar bakade. The cakes (cookies) are baked. We will deal with the participle in a later unit. In Unit I we made a comparison between Suedioh and Englich with regard to the Lack of the continuous form of the verb in Suedieh. ilere is a more extensive chart: Svedioh English Present tenae: Han arbetar. 1. He works. 2, He te working. Past tense: Han arbetace. 1, He worked. 2. He wae working. Present perfect Han har arbetat. 1. He has worked. (har + supine): 2. He has been working. Past perfect Han hade arbetat. 1. He had vorked. (hade + supine 2. He had been working. From the chart it looks Like English has two forms for each tense, whereas Svedioh has only one. This ts true, and it ta very important for you to underetand, because it meane that the Suedish verb form arbetar, for example, ia used vhare an Bnglich peaker would eay "worka" or "is vorking”. The SWEDISH Englieh rules about when one says "works" and when one says "is working” ave complez, but Suedieh hae no auch difficulty. Arbetar simply expresses the idea of a pergon or persone working in present time, and that's all there is to it. If you try to work forms of att vara into other Swedish vend forms juet because Englioh usee forma of "to be" in this way, you will be successful in confusing the Swede to whom you are talking. So that you get a good start at Learning thie right, ve have made an ex- panded chart of Swedish verb forms with English equivalents, Study this chart thoroughly, and then try to translate the English forma on the right to the Suedish forms on the Left vithout looking at the Suedish. Do thts until you are completely comfortable with it, and then make up some simple English sentences of your oun and try to tranelate them into good Suedish, Present tense: David epeaks Suedioh svenska. David t. avid talerjofta. David epeake often. ikval te oid te speaking tonight. Past tense: David poke Swediah. svenska. David vas speaking Svedicsh. David talade]mod oss tro ginger. David epoke to ua three times. p8 tolofon nér Mary kom in. avid was speaking on the phone vhen Mary came in. Unit 5 159 SWEDISH 160 Present perfect Ghar + aupine): David hae spoken to Mary. mod Mary. David has been speaking to Mary David har talat}med oss tre ginger. David has spoken to ua three times, I tre timmars David has been speaking for three houre. Past perfect (hade # supine): David had opoken Svedish svenska. Thad been epeaking Suedioh. (David Rade talat|med Mary, men det hjalpte David had epoken to Mary, but it didn't help. inte. om Mary, n&r hon kom in. David had been epeaking about Mary, when che Unit 5 Unit 5 SWEDISH Practé. cP. Complete the following sentences in three different tense present, pact, present perfect (har + supine). Mey 1 sverige. Maj arbetar 1 Sverige. Mag Nay Maj arbetade | Sverige. {Mag Nag Maj har arbetat 1 Sverige. {Mag Maj 80 sin van. Bo traffar sin van. Bo tréffade sin van. Bo har tréffat sin van. John sin fray John presenterar sin fru. John presenterade sin fru. Joho har presenterat sin fru. Dah Igrens augustt. Dahigrens flyttar i augustl. Dahigrens flyttade i augusti. Dahigrens har flyttet | august. katfet mycket. Kaffet kostar mycket. Kaffet kostade mycket. Kaffet har kostat mycket. worke in Sueden. ia working in Sweden. vorked in Sueden. vaa working in Sweden. has worked in Sveden. haa been working in Sweden. cur arbeta trafte presentera flytta kosta 161 Unit § SWEDISH Ingrid __ p& sin tunch Ingrid vantac p& sin lunch. Ingrid vantade p& sin lunch. Ingrid har vantat p& sin lunch. Astrid om Itt bara Astrid berdttar om sitt barn. Astrid berSttade om sitt barn. Astrid har berdttat om sitt barn. Erik om hyran. Erik fr3gar om hyran. Erik fr8gade om hyran. Erik har fragat om hyran. Davia med advokaten. David talar med advokaten. David talade med advokaten. David har talat med advokaten. 162 cue vanta beratta frdqa tala Unit 5 SWEDISH Practice @. In the following etory, put the verbe that occur in the present fenee into the past tense. The now version follows on the next page George flyttar II Sverige med sin familj och arbetar p& en stor ameri- kansk tIdaing. En dag, nr han véntar p& bussen, tr&ffar han en ganmal vén fr8n Norra Latin, Lars Holm, och hans far. Lars prasenterar George fOr sin for och fr&gar, om George har tid att titts p& en vaning, som hans tar vantar p&. Han flyttar In den férsta oktober och mblerar den med sina gamla mobler. Lars berattar, att hans far moderniserar den delvis. George fragar hur mycket vaningen kostar och var man hittar en s& fin vaning. 163 Unit 5 SWEDISH 164 Answer to Practice @. George flyttade till Sverige med sin familj och arbetade p& en stor ameri- kansk tldning. En dag, nr han vintade p& bussen, tréffade han en ganmal van frin Norra Latin, Lars Holm, och hans far, Lars prosenterade George {Sr sin far och frSgede, om George hade tid att titta p& on véning, som hans far véntade p&. lan flyttede tn den fOrsta oktober och mBblerade den med sna gamla miler. Lars berdttade, att hans far moderniserade den del~ vis. George frégade, hur mycket viningen kostade och var man hittade en 88 fIn v8ning. Practice H. In thie practice, put the verb given in the cue into the present perfect form (har ¥ supine). cur 80 sin v8ning. modernisera Bo har moderniserat sin vaning. lars _ Mad. traffe lars har traffat Maj. unit 6 SWEDISH Bo til Ibaka tIIt USA. Bo har flyttat tillbaka till USA. karin p& tidningen I tre Sr. Karin har arvetat p& tidningen i tre &r. Maj __ vaningen. Maj har m&blerat vaningen. Erik boxen. Erik har hittat boken. David Inte sin fare David har Inte frégat sin far. Stenmarks ____ inte In 1 sin v8ntng. Stenmarks har inte f.yttat In i sin vning. du dtna pengar p& banken? Har du véxlat dina pengar p& banken? au _ 18nge? Har du vantat lange? Lars. med mig mnga ginger. Lars har talat med mig manga ginger. cur flytta arbeta mdblera hitta frdga flytta vaxta vanta tala 185 Point III. Unie 5 SWEDISH 166 Word Order If you've getting a feel for Suedish already, you will have noticed in these Last practices that the verb always comes in second place in the sentence. Ae was explained in the Basie Sentence Note #18 in Unit 2, the verb aluays comes before the sub- ject ina main clause when the clause starts vith @ direct or indirect object, an adverb, or if it ie preceded by a aubordinate clause. this is eructat, because it ts fun- damental in Swedish word onder. Examples: Dot vet jag inte. (direct object) lgSr trBffade David sin farbror. (adverb) Nar Maj flyttade til Stockholm, triffade hon Erik. (eubordinate clause) Det hr m&ste man komma Ihag! SWEDISH Practice I. Now ve'tt practice word order, Restate the sentence on the Loft Holng the ous at the beginning of the eentonce. cus Vi flyttar in i vr vAning. dag loag flyttar vi in 1 var v8ntng. David hittade sin bok. ighr Igar hittade David sin bok. Keri tittade p& Peters bat. 1 morse | morse tittade Karin p& Peters bat. lars talar med sin vin frdn Amerika. nu Nu falar Lars med sin van fr8n Amertka. Jag telade med Peter. fOr tre veckor seden For tre veckor sedan talade jag mod Peter. VI tr8ffas 1 parken. varje dag Varje dag triffes vi i parken. Erik vintar Inge p& bussen. varje morgon Varje morgon vintar Erik lange p& bussen. Goorge hade en véning p& Kerlavagen. nSr vi var 1 Stockholm Nar vi var 1 Stockholm, hade George en v8ning p38 Karlavagen. unit 5 167 Unit 5 SWEDISH 168 cus Sven arbetar p& amerikanska ambassaden. nu Nu arbetar Sven pS amerikanska ambassaden. Maja vaxlade sina pengar p& banken. ighr lg8r véxlade Maja sina pengar p& banken. VI hittade en klocka. nar vi var p8 Skansen Nir vi var p& Skansen hittade vi en klocka. Practice Ne ave including a floor plan of the apartment at Karlavagen 10. Discuss the rooms in relation to each other and describe the furniture you know the vords for in each room. If you vant to complete the furnish ings ask your teacher for more vocabulary. Ask each other the following questions about the apartment Var ter man frukost 1 vaningen? Uviiket rum kan man Sta middag? Yor st&r_kylsk’pet? Ligger vaningen mot nore? ior véningen ett badrun? Kr koket TI11 h8ger om hallen? Hur Sr vardagsrummet moblorat? Finns det médler | matsalen? Var ligger tvattstugan? | vilken tidning s&¢ Gordon annonsen? Nr kaa Brownings flytta in? Var kan pojken ha sina leksaker? Unit 6 SWEDISH Virter 169 SWEDISH ao LAT OSS TALA SVENSKAL Wou you can describe your oun house or apartment and the home you hope to find in Sweden. unit 5 Unit 6 te a comprehension quia. SWEDISH unr 6 AND PALSE Turn on the tape or Listen to your teacher read the true or falee questions. Using the numbered blanke below, mark T (true) or F (false) after each aentence. All of the vocabulary used in the quiz ie from Unite 1-5. We euggest that you divide up the quiz and complete only part of the questions at a time. You will find the answers an pages 172 - 178. 1 21, 2 22, 3. 23, a 24. 5. 25. 6 26, 2 27. a. 28, s 29, 10. 30, in, 31 12. 32, 15, 33. 14, 34 1s. 35. 16. 38 17, 37, 18. 38. 19 39, 20. 40. 41, 42. 44. 45. 47, 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. Good Luak! 61, 62. 63. 64. 86. 67 68. 69. 70. 71, 72. 73. 74, 75, 27. 78, 80. a1

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