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: Savira Ramadhani




: 1410302155

Sugar Glider and Flying

Squirrel: Similar but Different
There are several
similarities that flying squirrel
and sugar glider have, but at
the same time they are very
different. They have similar
very similar appearance
because they are rat-like
common ancestor. These
two gliding animals become
popular pets today. Although
they are from the wild world but people are tend to make them as a pet. Both animal
can be affectionate pets if they have known their owners so well. Through many
different aspects of each animal, we will look at the similarities and differences each one
hold and we can know how to distinguish each of them.
First, we will discuss the similarities that these two creatures have. One of the
most obvious similarities between these two animal that they both have a two big eyes,

white belly and the same body size. Sugar glider is a like Flying squirrel in their ability to
glide or leaping from high places. The thin piece of skin stretched between their arms
and legs is a trait which helps them glide. Another things that make them similar their
native homes. Both sugar glider and flying squirrel are live in the tree hollows, so thats
why they have an ability to glide from one tree to another. The last similarities between
them is both of those animal types are nocturnal. They sleep during the day and doing
their activities in the night.
Aside from the similarities, there are also various different between the animals,
the first different is they reproduces and bear their babies in fundamentally different
ways. Flying squirrel belong to placental mammals. It spends a long time developing
inside the mothers body being nourished by a placenta. In the other hands sugar
gliders are marsupial mammals, like kangaroos. Marsupial mammals may only spend a
short time developing the mothers body. They are very thin when born. After birth, a
baby marsupial crawls into its mother and is nourished by her milk as it continues grows
and develops.
The next different is their smells sugar gliders are smell oriented, they often mark
with urine. Male sugar gliders have scent glands in three different places in their bodies
that they use to mark their home and their nest. Unlike the sugar glider, flying squirrel
dont make the territory with urine or have a distinct smell. Another very obvious
difference between sugar glider and flying squirrel is their vocalization. Sugar glider
vocalize frequently, so they can be noisy at night. Flying squirrel vocalize only
occasionally. When they do that it isnt much than a squeak.

In conclusion, sugar glider and flying squirrel are like but different are alike but
different. Although the two gliding animal similar in their appearance but they share
some differences. Furthermore, their differences may come from the different
reproductive system and their behavioral

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