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18 June 1949.

Dear Benry,

I have ,3 u.t 80' back fro-. san an'

oountlD8on. the .ala, tor t1 prot lonal proo'"

reader to aatce ,be lal1eys .'111 .... aila'l I do hope

lOU will be aole to make the tollowlna ohange . I haD "



.po1011.e tors.n4iDl them

70\1,.,1 I ali llUre J'Ou will
Deed to, be eorupulouely tloulO'U la
matters whiob might inTol... prote lonal oolle8lu." 8D.4
the coulderaiOIl an4re-ooB81deratloa wIlloh DlWIt be S1vel1 to,
811Gb aa ttar
fase 1 of lIS. Preta.e, end .r ooncl pal'llsrap)f"-'~ 1allDlcl.
Delete lIT prootoorreotione 80 'h.'"
, Thi at _0.
teaoe rea.... ft I' t is 'ake. tor srante' that mOlitof the
lde , llke _he 14e.8 oteTery d7Daa1C p'JOhlatr18t., a" ba.e'
on the, WD'rlcot SlpuDd heu.A, but the _mph ani the
. Del'
of formulation are 1.I.T lole reapoD.1bl11\y, u4 no ,roup or
80hool at pa7ob.1avl'8 ta OJ' P81ob:o aaely_" ha. au1;h(!)"lze' ..
be or oona14er. _ to be their .pele....a." I 'beli .... 'lll.
rewrte \0 "he we.,. 1\ or1s1nally was 08 thl proot.





APpe,n41x B.
pal',laat _.. '.n08. Ohan&e "It . 1. 110
lonser wi.t. 'but Gowartl" tor ao1entla\8 of aD1 kinA h18t.,,"
Should re.; . "It 1. no, loaaer wl tor.olen,ate \ ,0 retrain
trClll apr 81DS .trona oplnloDl . , lilr'lnslac 8~r0D8 1atlueaoe
, to
1n a ..1,orolla attempt to the trend o't h1.'Gr7. It
(le. delete but oowar411,ot any kiM. an4 pr~ nt per.tlou )


.0 4o\l~ 70U

,ot ID7 poet oar4 res&r4i.. '18 P".OD

_rant.reao.. "orthodos p8reho,a raal,..t.. eto .e .'e ra or tbe

Intern.ttolla! pllyohoaaal.y tl0 AS8ooiatioD ft '1'hloorreo1;

'.elanatlon 1. (elo) J Internat10nal P8 70ho-Allalytloal A.8Soo1atlon.

'l'hta occura in .eotion 8,39 or , ot Ohap. IX.

I th1nk ,be "In48x

tollowiDe no,t .,


Au'harl"ahould be pretaced bl tbe

A oomple'e dooumentation or the it.a. ooat.1118 4

111 thl. ~ook would require lJU1W1lorable reterences to s1.p.uD4

frcd end JUU17 a441tional retereaoee to hi. tollo".xand to
otl:Jer W'CJ:rkera. On11 thoa. worke __ z. .alit.lluiuslUlzt. . . . . .
whioh are e.all,. aTa11able, to 'he publl0 t or 'w hich
_ph.elze 80me partloular_pOint; have .en 01te4 in the tootnote. ,.
Me.tot 'the work. oQn.t aln detailed 'bl'bllolJ'aph1e. 1_ Whlob
will.erve .. au14 tor tur,her Ituq.


Brio IeJ'De
BOS 8111
Oarmel. Cal.

Thank lOu,


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