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Los pronombres posesivos en ingls son: mine, yours, his, hers, ours, yours, theirs.

Indican posesin y son invariables. Nunca van precedidos de un artculo. Aqu

encontrars ejemplos traducidos al espaol.

mine (min) - (el/la/lo/los/las) mo/a mos/as

yours (irs) - (el/la/lo/los/las) tuyo/a tuyos/as
his (jis) - (el/la/lo/los/las) suyo/a suyos/as
hers (jers) - (el/la/lo/los/las) suyo/a suyos/as
ours (urs) - (el/la/lo/los/las) nuestro/a, nuestros/as
yours (irs) - (el/la/lo/los/las) de ustedes
theirs (drs) - (el/la/lo/los/las) suyo/a suyos/as

mine (min) - (el/la/lo/los/las) mo/a mos/as

Can you lend me a pencil? - I forgot mine.

Puedes prestarme un lpiz? - Olvid el mo.
Here are your tools. Where are mine?
Aqu estn tus herramientas. Dnde estn las mas?
This belongs to me. It's mine.
Esto me pertenece. Es mo.
I play tennis with a friend of mine.
Juego al tenis con un amigo mo (de los mos).
yours (irs) - (el/la/lo/los/las) tuyo/a tuyos/as

Is this book yours?

Es tuyo este libro?
That is my problem, not yours.
Ese es mi problema, no tuyo.
This belongs to you. It's yours.
Esto te pertenece. Es tuyo.
I met a friend of yours yesterday.
Conoc a un amigo tuyo (de los tuyos) ayer.
his (jis) - (el/la/lo/los/las) suyo/a suyos/as

I lent Bob my car and he lent me his.

Le prest a Bob mi auto y l me prest el suyo.
Jack wears a nice hat. Is it his?
Jack usa un lindo sombrero.Es suyo (de l)?
This belongs to John. It's his.
Esto pertenece a John. Es de l.

Bill went to the game with a friend of his.

Bill fue al juego con un amigo de l (de los de l).
hers (jers) - (el/la/lo/los/las) suyo/a suyos/as

I forgot my book, so Susan gave me hers.

Olvid mi libro, entonces Susan me di el suyo.
That is not my sister's car. Hers is red.
Ese no es el auto de mi hermana. El de ella es rojo.
This belongs to Sally. It's hers.
Esto pertenece a Sally. Es de ella.
Mary went to the theater with a friend of hers.
Mary fue al teatro con una amiga de ella.
ours (urs) - (el/la/lo/los/las) nuestro/a, nuestros/as

Their city is old. Ours is new.

Su ciudad es vieja. La nuestra es nueva.
Their country is bigger than ours.
Su pas es ms grande que el nuestro.
It's their problem, not ours.
Es su problema, no el nuestro.
Sally and I had a big party with some friends of ours.
Sally y yo tuvimos una gran fiesta con algunos amigos nuestros.
yours (irs) - (el/la/lo/los/las) de ustedes

Our language is nice. Yours is practical.

Nuestro idioma es lindo. El de ustedes es prctico.
Our house is next to yours.
Nuestra casa est al lado de la de ustedes.
This belongs to you and your brother. It's yours.
Esto pertenece a ti y a tu hermano. Es de ustedes.
You can bring some friends of yours, if you want.
Ustedes pueden traer algunos amigos suyos si quieren.
theirs (drs) - (el/la/lo/los/las) suyo/a suyos/as

That car belongs to my parents. It's theirs.

Ese coche pertenece a mis padres. Es de ellos.
Our city is as nice as theirs.
Nuestra ciudad es tan linda como la de ellos.
My appartment is here. Theirs is there.
Mi apartamento est aqu. El de ellos est all.

My parents went on vacation with friends of theirs.

Mis padres se fueron de vacaciones con amigos suyos.

Pronouns: possessive (my, mine,your, yours, etc.)

from English Grammar Today
We use pronouns to refer to possession and belonging. There are two types: possessive
pronouns and possessive determiners. We use possessive determiners before a noun. We
use possessive pronouns in place of a noun:
Is that [determiner]your scarf? Its very similar to [pronoun]mine. (Its very similar to my scarf.)
Thats not [determiner]their house. [pronoun]Theirs has got a red front door.
It was [determiner]his fault not [pronoun]hers.

personal pronoun

possessive determiner possessive pronoun



you (singular and plural) your




















personal pronoun

possessive determiner possessive pronoun

*We avoid using its and ones as possessive pronouns except when we use them
with own:
The house seemed asleep yet, as I have said, it had a life of its own.
One doesnt like to spend too much time on ones own.

Typical errors

We dont use s after possessive pronouns:

Are those gloves hers?
Not: Are those gloves hers?

s is not used with the possessive pronoun its. Its means it is:
The team is proud of its ability to perform consistently well.
Not: proud of its ability

We dont use another determiner with a possessive determiner:

Im going to get my hair cut this afternoon.
Not: get the my hair cut

We dont use possessive determiners on their own. They are always at the
beginning of noun phrases:
Thats not my book. Its yours. (or Its your book.)
Not: Its your.

We dont use possessive pronouns before nouns:

Lots of our friends were at the party.

Not: Lots of ours friends

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