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Mohammed, 1

Mohammed Alasiri
UWRT 1101
January 24, 2016
My Favorite Writing Experience
One of my best writing experiences was to write an essay as the final course assignment.
In order to complete this assignment, I was required to watch some Michael Sandal lectures.

Commented [JL1]: Some of

While watching these lectures I took some quotas from his speech. I basically used the quotas to

Commented [JL2]: the

support my essay arguments and to have a little background about what I am going to write. I did

Commented [JL3]: by showing

not feel comfortable enough to do it at the school, so I wrote it in my apartment. I watched the
whole Justice course lectures by Michael Sandal who is an American political philosopher and a
professor at Harvard University. After I watched the course lectures, I decided to write about the
inequity side. I started my writing talking about what the human rights and the individual legal
rights are. I also supported my writing with other philosophers arguments such as Jeremy
Bentham. I wrote about the causes of the inequality, things like the affirmative action and the
racism. I consider this writing experience is my favorite because I acquired many knowledge
about the inequity and the rights. Moreover, this writing experience continued to influence me

Commented [JL4]: as
Commented [JL5]: a lot instead of many

because it taught me how to involve in the large conversations. In addition, it taught me how to

Commented [JL6]: get rid of the

states my argument as other philosophers. Through providing quotas, giving examples and show

Commented [JL7]: state not states

some statistics. Unfortunately, I did not receive any feedback for my writing from the teacher

Commented [JL8]:

because he did not correct the assignment. Despite that, I am sure it was the best writing I wrote

Commented [JL9]: from the teacher on the writing


in all my life even though the teacher did not correct it. This writing experience is a special
because it is really change my way of thinking. I believe my brain improved a lot from this
experience and now I can connect two things together.

Mohammed, 2

My Favorite Reading Experience

One of my best reading experiences was to read They Say / I Say: The Moves That
Matter in Academic Writing with Readings. What I really like about this reading experience and
make it special to me is the book itself. The book provides many templates that helped me as a
writer to improve my writing. Templates such as entering the conversation, introducing ongoing

Commented [JL10]: makes not make

Commented [JL11]: provided not provides

debate and establishing why your claims matter. The book also includes what they say to help
me setting up my own argument or what I say. Despite this book was required text for my
English course, I believe the book worth every single moment I spent reading it unlike other

Commented [JL12]: as was in between book and worth

experiences. There are also some important issues including in this book. I consider these issues

Commented [JL13]: included not including

as the main feature. This feature basically makes us to think and to write solutions. In the class,

Commented [JL14]: get rid of to

most of the time we discuss what is the best solution for the issue we read together. Sometimes
my thoughts are different from others when we discuss or debate an issues but I take that as an

Commented [JL15]: discussed or debated

advantage. It is an advantage because in this way my brain gets involved with other readers.
When my brain gets involved with other readers, what I do not understand they might do and
vice versa. So this book was for my English course and I was reading it inside and outside the
school during the last semester. This reading experience continued to influence me because of

Commented [JL16]: get rid of the

many reasons. First of all, it really improved my writing by the new moves and templates.
Second of all, it taught me how to read what they say and make my own what I say to enter
in the conversation. Third, this experience expends my knowledge and makes me think deeper
than what I was before by discussing the issue with other.

Commented [JL17]: expanded

Commented [JL18]: made

Mohammed, 3

Exploring a Discourse Community

A discourse community is a group of people who share a set of discourses, understood as

basic values and assumptions, and ways of communicating about those goals. In other words,
discourse communities are a group of people that have the same goals or purposes, and use their
own communication to achieve these goals. To design a discourse community, we need to
identify four discourse community characteristics. What are our common goals or the main goal
for our discourse community? What are the values that we will earn? What is the specialized
vocabulary we will use? What is the specialized genre we will have?

School discourse community as all other community achieves all the characteristics of a
discourse community. The main goal for this discourse community is to educate the students.
Moreover, student who participate in the school will get a better job in the future. There typical
genres are the board, email, website, and weekly newspaper. The specialized vocabulary is to
write in high level as a professional. Also, the student will practice, for example, how to write an
essay and many other thing during the school. People can enter this discourse community if they
have passed all the enrollment requirements because it is really depending on the school itself.
The member of this discourse community might be out from the school if he or she failed to pass
the tests or if the student has many absents. Although, the student must respect their classmates

Commented [JL19]: does not make sense

and teachers and follow the school rules.

Commented [JL20]: Expand of your story

Mohammed, 4

Felling About Writing

Every time I hear there is a writing assignments, I fell annoyance. I know that I am not

Commented [JL21]: feel

the only one who hate writing assignments. But I really struggle with my writing and find it as

Commented [JL22]: dislikes

difficult tasks. I just started my freshman year at the university and I found out that I hate writing

Commented [JL23]: as a difficult task

because of two reasons

I found out that I hate writing because of several reasons. First of all, I had a bad

Commented [JL24]: at UNC Charlotte

Commented [JL25]: you said the same thing in two

different sentences

experience with the elementary school teachers. When I was in the elementary school, my

Commented [JL26]: my elementary school

writing and many other students were ignored by the teachers. They just correct our mistakes or

Commented [JL27]: corrected

the spelling. Therefore, they forget the main thing in our writing which is the context itself.

Commented [JL28]: no the

Beside my bad experience reason, I discovered that I do not like reading books either.

Commented [JL29]: experiences with writing

And that basically effects my writing and make it more limited. So I end up having a lack of
ideas about what should I write about. Even though some writing assignments want me to write

Commented [JL30]: switch around

about my experiences most of the time I use my imagination experience instead of not writing

Commented [JL31]: imaginative


As a result of my two reasons above, when I write an assignment now my writing takes
so long time to be done.

Commented [JL32]: to get done

Mohammed, 5

1. I think he is going to talk about how he enjoyed how it was a huge learning experience
when he had reading or writing assignments. I think the paper is going to focus on his
experiences of how he learned to read and write. The first paragraph follows the prompt
that he chose for his story.
2. When I read this paper it was hard to understand because there was a lot of grammatical
errors. The first paragraph is talking about how his favorite writing experience helped to
develop his writing. The second paragraph is talking about how his favorite reading
experience helped to improve his discussion and writing skills. The third paragraph I
dont understand what he is trying to get at in this story. The fourth paragraph talks about
how he dislikes writing and how he struggles growing up to write and it made not like
writing. It gets really off track when he gets into the third and fourth paragraph. The first
two paragraphs are relatable to the main theme in the paper.
3. He starts his story off fairly well but it is hard to follow because of all the grammatical
errors. He uses his experience of learning how to read and write to hook the readers. He
has a nice hook he just need to fix the grammatical errors and he will be able to hook the
readers better. The prompt that he uses in the beginning but the ending needs to relate
more to the first 2 paragraphs and needs to expand on each story. He points out how the
first two paragraphs impact him in the future but the last two dont really point of how it
will impact him. To make the last paragraph better just make it relate to the first two
paragraphs and same with the third paragraph.
4. The last two paragraphs need to have more detail so the reader can understand what you
are trying to say. He needs to have more literacy events that relate to him so that he can
expand on the detail. The first three paragraph relate to literacy but the third paragraph

Mohammed, 6

doesnt really relate well to him and needs to find something relatable for him so he can
expand on the detail. The first two paragraphs reflect well to his literacy events.
5. The first two paragraphs make sense and it is a good sgtart but needs to work on grammar
throughout the paper and needs to fix the end of his essay to relate to the first two
paragraphs. The repetition of your point is good in the first two paragraphs but gets really
off track starting into the third paragraph
6. He considers the audience throughout the whole paper and does a really good job of
doing this but he needs to work on doing this along with relating his story to himself
7. He did good on relating his first two paragraphs together and informing the reader on
each topic. He needs to work on his grammar and relating his last two paragraphs to his
first two paragraphs. Just work on making the paper flow, having better grammar, and
relating the paper throughout the whole paper.
8. I would like to hear more about his discourse community and his feelings about writing
because he needs to expand on these two stories. It will make his paper longer so he
meets the length requirement and so he will be able to relate his last two paragraphs to his

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