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Together We Have Hope

Class E: Then & Now Project

Howard/Ruppel Team
High Tech High North County
San Marcos, CA

Part I:

Suicide not only affects the people that die because of this issue it also affects the people
that know the person that killed themselves. The thing is nobody is willing to address suicide but
we are willing to.
The thing about this subject is a lot of people dont realize how big of an issue this is.
heres some facts that show that suicide is actually a big issue. Currently suicide is the 10th
leading cause of death that this may seem low is because that's only the people that fully commit
to suicide. another reason that makes it a lot lower than it should be is because well only one in
every 25 people one person attempts to commit suicide the reason this seems so high is but the
actual death rate is 12 in every 100,000 people kill themselves. The main excuse for suicide is
that they are usually are done because they are saying that they are too much work for their
families an example that they are wrong is that the government has spent 44 billion dollars
annually on prevention to prevent it and clean up. Men die to suicide 3.5 times often than female
because the methods that men use are usually using are more guaranteed methods such as guns
while females do have a higher attempt rate but the way they commit `suicide is usually with
poison or other ways that aren't always guaranteed deaths.
On average each day a total of 117 people end up ending their life each day due to
suicide. The race that has the highest death rate currently is in middle age white males the reason
this is because many people think is due to racism causing stress in their lives which leads to
depression and suicide. Even backing up the last statement more back in 2013 70% or 7 of 10
suicides were white males. The total amount of people that commit suicide yearly is almost
nearly 30,000 and that is just in Americans. In the U.S., suicide rates are highest during the
spring. Suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death for 15 to 24-year-olds and 2nd for 24 to 35-yearolds. On average, 1 person commits suicide every 16.2 minutes. Each suicide intimately affects
at least 6 other people.
Most teenager and young adults die from suicide more than cancer, heart disease, AIDS,
birth defects, strokes, pneumonia, influenza, and chronic lung disease, all combined. In just US
alone there is a average over 5,400 attempts by just younger children to teenagers. Suicide is the
10th leading cause for death in the US. Suicide rates as yet again increased to 12.1 per 100,000,
compared to suicide rates from 1990-2000 was 12.5 suicides per 100,000 which then decreased
to 10.4 per 100,000 near the year 2000. Depression is a very big cause in suicide and nearly
affects 20%-25% of americans every year. Suicide takes the lives of 38,000 Americans every
year. In America, 80%-90% Adolescents seek treatment for depression and are treated
successfully using therapy and/or medication which is actually
1 in 100,000 children ages 10 to 14 die by suicide each year, 7 in 100,000 youth ages 15
to 19 die by suicide each year. (NIMH) .12.7 in 100,000 young adults ages 20-24 die by suicide
each year.
The prevalence of suicidal thoughts, suicidal planning and suicide attempts is
significantly higher among adults aged 18-29 than among adults aged 30+. Suicide is the 2nd
leading cause of death for 15 to 24 year old Americans. Suicide is the 4th leading cause of death

for adults ages 18-65 The reason that this is because those are the stressful ages of life. The
highest increase in suicide is in males 50+ (30 per 100,000). Suicide rates for females are highest
among those aged 45-54 (9 per 100,000). Suicide rates for males are highest among those aged
75+ (36 per 100,000). Suicide rates among the elderly are highest for those who are loved ones

left them.
This action plan has four main sections: History, Present Day, Science and Conclusion.
The first section will be on History, and it will be detailing three genres of history. One of
these categories is global history, which pertains to statistics on countries all around the world.
The national history section will state statistics from across the country, and local history will
provide more statistics on suicide in San Diego. There will also be information on how people
from other time periods/places saw suicide and what their perspectives were on it. The last
component of this section will highlight regards facts on how we can learn from this information
of history of suicide.
In the Present Day section, the relevance of suicide will be discussed today, as well as
how its affecting our San Diego community specifically. In addition, statistics on why suicide
happens and focusing on mental illnesses and living conditions will be presented. Other statistics
that are going to be shown include information regarding how many people in San Diego suffer
with mental illnesses and self-harm. Lots of suicide rates are also going to be highlighted,
showing what they look like and information on why they are going up. Also, suicide rates for
California and San Diego specifically will be exhibited because its different everywhere.

The Science section will include more

technical data than any other section in the action
plan. There will be information on the science
behind mental illness, depression, anxiety, and
bipolar disorder among others. In addition, there
will be particulars on if there
is a cure for mental illnesses or a treatment for it,
and how mental illnesses affect people in their
daily lives.
The fourth and last section will be the
conclusion, which will be mainly talking about
solutions and going to depth about them. There
will be solutions focused on healthy alternatives,
and solutions including support and awareness.
Our project intentions and solutions will also be discussed..
The point of this action plan is to raise awareness and help families that have children or
family members going through depression and/or other mental illnesses, and have had suicidal
thoughts. This is to help those in need of help, because sometimes help is needed.

Part II:

Global History
When one thinks of the history of suicide, he or she might think of the first person to ever
actually commit suicide. The word suicide comes from two latin words: Sui - of oneself and
cidium - killing or slaying. Each
country has its own history of suicide
and how it started. For example,
Japans suicide history is totally
different from China. Suicide is a wellknown word and topic, but what we
don't know is how it originated from
each country.
When we hear about suicide or
if someone killed him or herself, we
usually are in shock or get sad that a
person actually took his or her own
life. In Japan, it was completely
different; suicide was accepted and
even encouraged. Samurai warriors
would often kill themselves to avoid shame. Japan's suicide act came to America's attention with
the World War II kamikaze, when young men deliberately flew bomb planes into Allied ships.
Japan's ancient Samurai culture and its Buddhist religions make suicide acceptable. Americans
may find suicide shameful and not tolerable but in Japan, suicide is an honorable way to alleviate
shame. In the modern day, Japan is looking at suicide as something perhaps caused by mental
illness. Suicide is currently being viewed not as an act of glory, but as the last act of despair.
South Korea was on the top 10 rankings for the nations the most recorded deaths caused
by suicide for a long time. However, South Korea and Japan have a completely different view of
suicide. Japan previously viewed suicide as a way to show honor, whereas South Korea viewed
suicide as a way out from suffering with school-related stress.
2003 to 2004 data:
1. Lithuania
2. Belarus
3. Russia
4. Kazakhstan
5. Hungary
6. Guyana
7. Slovenia
8. Latvia
9. Japan
10. South Korea
Suicide dates back since we can imagine. Suicide has came from many different places
and each place has there only view and story with this topic. In the Middle Ages, suicide was

thought to be from Diabolic Temptation. When people committed suicide the penalty in doing so
was to have your body dragged around the town and hanged. Suicide started to change slowly
during the Renaissance times and people committed suicide when having an incurable disease
and could Free himself from this bitter lifesince by death he will put an end not to enjoyment
but to will be a pious and holy action. It was viewed more as a way of diabolic
temptation and slowly thought to be an escape or only way out from a sickness.
In Ancient Greece, suicide was not considered wrong. Suicide was not wrong only for
two reasons: when it was legally ordered by the State for painful and incurable illness, and
when one was compelled to it by the occurrence of some intolerable misfortune. People
usually committed suicide back then due to health problems. When there would be an illness that
was incurable, suicide would be the answer. Soldiers and slaves were not allowed to kill
themselves. Suicide among the early Christians became really popular and threatened the
existence of the Christian Church. In the fourth century AD, a strict prohibition of suicide was
adopted and, it became a mortal sin to do so.
Here are the top ten ways people have died from suicide.
1. Shotgun to head
2. Cyanide
3. Gunshot of head
4. Shotgun to chest
5. Explosives
6. Hit by train
7. Jump from height
8. Gunshot of chest
9. Hanging
10. Auto crash
Those are the most common and recent ways people commit suicide but it was
completely different back then. In Japan Hara-kiri" and "Harakiri literally meaning "bellycutting," the word for what is formally called seppuku "cut open the stomach;" from hara "belly"
+ kiri "to cut." A ritual of suicide, associated with warriors in traditional Japanese society and
restricted only for warriors. Part of the samurai honor code, seppuku was used either voluntarily
by samurai to die with honor rather than fall into the hands of their enemies or as a form of
punishment for samurai who had committed serious offenses, or performed because they had
brought shame to themselves. Japan also had another way their people committed suicide. This
type of suicide was used back in world war 2, it was called Kamikaze, kamikaze was a Japanese
pilot trained in World War II to make a suicidal crash attack. An airplane loaded with explosives
to be piloted in a suicide attack. The brave souls in the planes knew what was the cause of being
in the plane but it was a smart way to make a lot of damage.
National History (Cameron)
Local History

Over the past decade, the suicide rate in California has been consistently lower than the
national suicide rate. Between 1999 and 2009, the suicide rate in California averaged around 9.4
per 100,000 individuals; national averages are around 11.1 per 100,000.
A recent study showed half of transgender people have attempted suicide at least once by
the age of 26. As of October 9th of 2015, 19 transgender people killed themselves that year. 12 of
the 19 were teenagers and four of them were from San Diego County. Those four were Sage
David, Taylor Alesana, Kyler Prescott, and Emmett Castle.
There is not much information about Sage Davids death. Sage David was a genderqueer
person from Encinitas, California. They died by suicide on March 2, 2015.
Taylor Alesana was a sixteen year old transgender girl from San Diego County. She was
suspended from school for name-calling when she called a girl homophobic after making rude
remarks. When the harassment became too much for her to handle, she decided to "go back in
the closet and dress like a boy."
"Being transgender it sucks in a lot of ways, but I'm being myself," Taylor Alesana said.
"All I need really is myself. I am there to learn and get a diploma. I'm not there to socialize." A
short while later She committed suicide in her home in Fallbrook, California.
Kyler Prescott was a fourteen year old transgender boy. He lived in Vista, California and
attended High Tech High North County before switching to another school for a very short time
before his death. Kyler had a lot of support from almost everyone. Kids bullying him werent the
issue, rather adults not understanding or using improper pronouns caused a lot of problems. His
life started to turn around, but then on Easter Sunday, he cut himself after he was harassed on the
social media site Kik. Six weeks later, after the loss of several pets, he locked himself in his
bathroom and killed himself.
Emmett Castle was a 14 year-old transgender boy from Mission Valley who killed
himself on October 2, 2015. When he began transitioning, his family immediately accepted him
and suggested that he attend meetings at the Hillcrest Youth Center at the San Diego LGBT
Community Center. The Hillcrest Youth Center is the only drop-in and recreational center in San
Diego County dedicated to the needs of LGBT youth.
Historical Views on Suicide
Over the years, suicide has been interpreted by many different viewpoints. In Ancient
Greece, suicide was not necessarily considered wrong, but they had to have a reason to take
their own lives: i.e. painful or incurable illness, intolerable misfortune, strong grief due to a
family member, and to avoid torture and the disgrace of rape. Doctors themselves didnt
approve of the principle of suicide so they treated it as insane behavior in the development of
the mental diseases, of melancholia and mania.1 Most people thought that women, young
people, and elderly people were more likely to attempt suicide. Especially for the elderly, the
1 "Result Filters." National Center for Biotechnology Information. U.S. National Library of Medicine, 25 Sept.
2014. Web. 24 Feb. 2016.

despair of the [ability] in conjunction with physical illness and cachexia, were important factors
for these people to decide thee suicidal.
In Ancient Rome, suicide was only forbidden for slaves for economic reasons, and
soldiers for patriotic reasons. The Romans typically supported the concept of suicide, but only
under certain circumstances. For
example, if one were to prefer death
to dishonor, or he/she wanted to
avoid old age. Similar to the Chinese
culture, Romans were big on honor,
so if you brought dishonor to your
family you would most likely turn to
killing yourself. The only people
who were not allowed to kill
themselves were slaves and soldiers.
This makes sense because assumedly
slaves didnt necessarily like their
job or the fact that they were forced
into it. Therefore, if all of the slaves killed themselves there would be no one to do the slave
work. Same thing with soldiers; if all of the soldiers killed themselves there would be no one left
to fight wars.
Catholics and Christians believe that suicide is a sin. But it did not always used to be like
that. In fact, there is no actual
passage in the Bible stating that
suicide is a sin. The religion
preached of an amazing afterlife,
one so amazing that it sounded
way more appealing to the
living. This made suicide very
popular among Christians and
Catholics, threatening the
existence of the Church. So, in
the fourth century AD,
Augustine persuaded the Church
to put a prohibition on suicide,
thus suicide becoming a mortal
sin. 2 The big picture: Suicide
was not a sin until the Christian population began to diminish, thus the Church made it law that if
you took your own life you were going to Hell for the sin.
2 Minois, Georges. "H-Net Reviews." H-Net Reviews. Ed. Chandak Sengoopta. H-Ideas, July 1999. Web. 24 Feb.


If you think thats surprising, wait until you hear about suicide in the Middle Ages. In the
Middle Ages, suicide was often caused by despair or madness. But if you did die as the result of
self-inflicted injury, the consequences were brutal. The body was often dragged through the
street where the deceased had lived, then hung. The deceased persons estate was confiscated and
a Christian burial was forbidden. Often times the body was buried at a busy crossroads meant
to confuse the spirit pinned down by a stake in the chest, thus preventing the spirit from
haunting or harassing the living.
In the Renaissance, suicide started becoming a more openly talked about topic. Many
different philosophers talked about suicide in their scriptures. Philosophers like Thomas More,
Michel de Montaigne, and David Hume all talk about suicide in their writing.
It wasnt until the 19th century that views on suicide started to change. People thought
that a person was only insane at the actual moment of suicide, rather than during all of their life.
Some suicides were considered accidents rather than the person actually being insane.3
Gilbert and Sullivans Mikado, in 1885, satirized the idea that a death sentence should be given
for an attempted suicide by hanging Nanki-Poo for trying to take his own life. A lot of the
religious penalties for suicide were even abandoned.4
What Can we Learn from History?
The people of today can learn from the history by the way suicide was thought of,
explained, and performed. In the times of the ancient Greeks and Romans, suicide was dealt with
a more relaxed approach. The Romans had another way of seeing it along with that; they had a
term called patriotic suicide death. That means that it is an alternative to dishonor. On the other
hand, Greece had a thought that death was guaranteed a personal freedom. In addition, the
military would have been thought of differently if it were to happen today. Suicide would happen
with defeat in battle. An example of this is when the Caesarean assassins Brutus and Cassius
killed themselves when they lost at the battle of Philippi. Suicide was never a general offense in
law in Rome; the approach to its question was pragmatic. In the Middle Ages, a Christian church
would excommunicate people if they attempted it, and if there was anyone who had died by
suicide they would be buried outside graveyards. The attitudes towards suicide were changing
during the Renaissance. Thomas More made a difference when he wrote that a person with a
disease can free himself from this bitter life. In Europe, suicide was decriminalized. It was not
until 1961 that the Suicide Act adopted in England and Wales removed the penalties that were
placed for this deed. If one were to assist another person with suicidal actions in the UK, it would
be considered a crime.
Going onto more recent facts, The United States is the 10th leading cause of suicide
deaths. In 2010 there were 38,364 suicide deaths, and the rates rose when the times of financial
stress and economic setbacks were occurring.
3 Cholbi, Michael. "Suicide." Stanford University. Stanford University, 18 May 2004. Web. 24 Feb. 2016.


There are very high rates of suicide in people with autism spectrum disorders. Children with
autism are 28 times more likely to attempt suicide than the population. The largest increase of
suicide by gender for males was ages 50+. For women it was ages 60 to 64.
Graph from 2005, USA









































Part III:
Present Day


Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death among Americans. More than 40,000 people
died of suicide in 2012. These rates are getting higher and higher as the years go by. In 2008,
there were a total of 358 deaths by suicide in the San Diego county. Parents and friends can help
prevent suicide when they see their child/friend showing some signs of depression. For
example, some signs of depression are excessive crying, avoiding friends or feeling alone with
friends, change in appetite or weight, and giving things away among others. If you know anyone
that has been displaying any of these signs you have to take it seriously. Not only does suicide
affect the victim but it also affects the people around them. Research shows that friends and
family that knew somebody that recently committed suicide, their educational progress start
dropping, drugs and alcohol, etc.
Suicide affects people in many ways. It's really hard to handle knowing that somebody
you knew killed him/herself. Suicide is affecting the San Diego community in many different
ways. There are different types of bullying in today's society. There is physical, verbal, social,
and cyber. All of these types of bullying can lead to depression or suicide. Suicide is the second
leading cause of death for ages 10 to 24. Each day in the United States there are an average of
over 5,400 attempts of suicide by young people. According to national data, 4 out of 5 teens have
given clear warning signs of depression, and suicide.
San Diego has been trying to prevent suicide for many years. Before you get on the
Coronado Bridge there is a suicide prevention sign that has the suicide prevention number that
you can call before somebody tries to jump off the bridge.
Currently suicide is the 10th leading cause of death. This seems low because the statistics
keep track for those who fully committed to killing themselves. One in every 25 people one
person attempts to commit
suicide the reason this seems
so high is but the actual death
rate is 12 in every 100,000
people actually do it. The
main excuse for why people
commit suicide is because
they say that they are too
much work for their families,
and because they have made a
mistake in the past. The
government has spent 44
billion dollars annually on
Here are some interesting
facts on suicide across the


Men die by suicide 3.5x more often than women.

On average, there are 117 suicides per day.

The Rate of suicide is highest in middle age white men in particular.

White males accounted for 7 of 10 suicides in 2013.

Nearly 30,000 Americans commit suicide every year.

In the U.S., suicide rates are highest during the spring.

Suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death for 15 to 24-year-olds and 2nd for
24 to 35-year-olds.

On average, 1 person commits suicide every 16.2 minutes.

Each suicide intimately affects at least 6 other people.

About 2/3 of people who complete suicide are depressed at the time of
their deaths. Depression that is untreated, undiagnosed, or ineffectively treated is the
number 1 cause of suicide.

There is 1 suicide for every 25 attempted suicides.

Males make up 79% of all suicides, while women are more prone to
having suicidal thoughts.

1 in 65,000 children ages 10 to 14 commit suicide each year.

There are 2 times as many deaths due to suicide than HIV/AIDS.

Over 50% of all suicides are completed with a firearm.

Suicide can be prevented in many ways. If your friend or child is showing you signs that
can lead to suicide (giving away possessions, talking about doing it, suddenly mood swings, etc)
you need to take action quick. These signs and many more are serious and could be prevented.
People can be led to suicide for numerous reasons that all fundamentally root back to depression.
Depression can come from many different sources, all of them being just as important as the last.
Most of the issues that can cause mental illness are the result of depressing events, physical pain,
living conditions, and general states of
Though there are very few events
that can cause depression, they can still
drastically affect one's state of mind.
These events include the death of of a
loved one, a divorce or separation, loss
of job house or money and loss of
custody of children. These events are not
uncommon, but can cause depression,
and later suicide if it is not diagnosed
and treated.
Physical pain can mean two
things, either the pain of ones self or the
pain of another. For example, terminal illness, a serious accident, and chronic physical pain.


These are just a few examples, but they can still have great impact on a persons state of mind.
Most of the physical reasons have less to do with depression, and simply wanting to end the pain.
Living conditions can can also find a way to lead people to suicide. Living conditions can
mean anything from ones financial situation to how a person is treated by those around them.
Abuse of any kind, not feeling accepted, feeling trapped, being bullied, feeling taken advantage
of, being victimized, and feeling helpless, are all living conditions that can lead anyone to
Even with all these reasons that someone might choose to end their life, it all leads back
to mental illness. If a mental illness of any kind goes undiagnosed, it can have serious long term
How Many People Struggle with Mental Illness?
For many, mental health and self
harm may not seem like significant
problems, as one might see it just on the
news every once in awhile. However,
approximately 1 in 5 adults in the US
suffer from a mental disorder, which is
relatively 43.8 million people just in
US5. This is only one statistic for this
rapidly growing disease, but how many
more could there be?
Here are some findings that
display some statistics regarding mental
The biggest take away from the graphs
was that approximately that 1 in 5 youth
live with a mental health disorder. This is
21% of the population. Major depression is also the 3rd biggest reason for hospitalization in the
US. This relates back to suicide rates because suicide is connected to depression. About 90% of
people who committed suicide had a preexisting mental illness (such as depression) or substance
abuse.7 This creates a strong tie between mental illness and suicide, which then raises the
question, if we were able to stop mental illness would suicide rates decrease?
Since suicide and depression are strongly connected, it was important to do some more
research on the connection between suicide and depression. An estimated 2-15% of people who


are diagnosed with major depression die by suicide.8 Also, those who suffer from depression
along with another mental illness are at a higher risk than those who just suffer from a mental
illness. Therefore, those who have a mental illness are more likely than others to commit suicide.
What do the Rates Look Like?
Suicide alone costs $44 billion annually. The
U.S. government has to spend a lot of money every
time someone kills him/herself. All of that money
could be going to more effective outlets, but instead it
is being used to cover for these acts. Suicide is number
10 in the top leading ways people die in the U.S.
No complete count is kept of suicide attempts
in the U.S.; however, each year the CDC gathers data
from hospitals on non-fatal injuries from self-harm.
494,169 people visited a hospital for injuries due to
self-harm. People are suffering so badly that they think
the only way to get out is to kill themselves.
Suicide was the tenth leading cause of
death for all ages in 2013.
There were 41,149 suicides in 2013 in
the United Statesa rate of 12.6 per 100,000 is
equal to 113 suicides each day or one every 13
Based on data about suicides in 16
National Violent Death Reporting System states
in 2010, 33.4% of suicide decedents tested
positive for alcohol, 23.8% for antidepressants,
and 20.0% for opiates, including heroin and
prescription painkillers.
Suicide results in an estimated $51 billion in combined medical and work loss
Suicide is the SECOND leading cause of death for ages 10-24
Suicide is the SECOND leading cause of death for college-age youth and ages 1218
More teenagers and young adults die from suicide than from cancer, heart disease,
AIDS, birth defects, stroke, pneumonia, influenza, and chronic lung disease,
On average, there are 117 suicides per day.
The annual suicide rate is 12.93 per 100,000 individuals.
Females attempt suicide three times more often than males.


This is a graph that shows the

different ways that people have committed
suicide. Obviously deaths caused by firearms
dominate the graph. Looking at this graph,
dying by poison was a big factor and
controlled 17% of the graph. Here are some
more statistics to show how suicide needs to
be fixed.
1 in 100,000 children ages 10
to 14 die by suicide each year.
7 in 100,000 youth ages 15 to
19 die by suicide each year.
12.7 in 100,000 young adults
ages 20-24 die by suicide each year.
Prominence of the Issue
Suicide has been shown to be the third leading cause of death for young adults aged 1524. The Jason Foundation reported that everyday there are over 5,400 suicide attempts from
people aged 12 through 18. This means over 1,800,000 families and communities are affected by
their child's actions every year. Siblings are completely devastated that the person who they
shared their entire life with is now gone and may feel isolated because few will understand their
tight bond. Grandparents are often very close to their grandchildren and may feel concern for
their own children.. Children of the victims are affected the most. Self esteem issues will arise in
children of all ages due to confusion and grief. They must deal with their own personal grief as
well as their remaining parents. Some family members have such sorrow and anxiety that they
will also take their own lives, only making matters much more worse.


Families of the victims aren't the only ones who are affected. Many popular tourist
destinations are actually
popular suicide
locations. For example,
the Aokigahara Forest,
also known as the Sea
of Trees, is infamous
for being the most
popular suicide site in
Japan, which has
claimed over 60,000
lives. Another location
in the capital of the
Czech Republic is the
Nurse Bridge, which
has claimed a reported
300 lives and has been given the nickname Suicide Bridge. In fact, suicides caused by jumping
off bridges have become so common that guard rails have been made higher and suicide hotline
numbers have been plastered over them.
Hotline organizations have talked to countless amounts of people that were at the verge
of committing suicide. Organizations such as National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, Second
Chance Inc., New Hope Telephone Counseling Center, and many others offer 24/7 support to
anyone who calls. Person-to-person counseling is offered to youth at most schools by trained
therapists or to adults for free at public therapy and talk circles.
Many psychologists agree that understanding where a person's despair is absolutely vital
to helping them. Many mental health issues are extremely complex and have different causes
such as: A breakup of a relationship; Losing a loved one; A serious/terminal illness; Chronic
pain; Loss of hope; Abuse, either physical, mental, verbal, or sexual; low self esteem; bullying
and so many others.
California Suicide Rates
The California suicide rates between 1999-2009 for whites hovered between 9 and 12 per
100,000.9 The states suicide rates for blacks and Asian/Pacific Islanders are around half that of
whites, ranging from 5 to 7 per 100,000. American Indians and Alaskan Natives have the lowest
suicide rates across all racial groups in California at 4 per 100,000. The graph to the lower right
shows that males from all races in 2012-2013 took their own life. Young males are more likely to
die from suicide than females. However, female adolescents are more likely to attempt suicide.
Between 1999-2009, the suicide rate in California averaged around 9.4 per 100,000. The state's
9 "Reducing the Burden of Suicide in California." Suicide Rates in California: Trends and Implications for
Prevention and Early Intervention Programs. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Mar. 2016.


suicide for blacks and Asian/Pacific Islanders are around half that of whites ranging from 5 to 7
per 100,000. Suicide rates are consistently higher among the whites. Young males are more likely
to die from suicide than females, but female adolescents are more likely to attempt suicide than
males. American Indians and Alaskan Natives have the lowest suicide rates across all racial
groups in California at 4 per 100,000.
In the U.S. alone there is an average of over 5,400 attempts by just young people between
grades 7-12. In spring the suicide
rates are higher in the U.S. For every
older teen and young adult who takes

his or her own life, 100-200 of their peers attempts suicide.10 Only one of four youths who
attempt suicide actually gets medical attention. Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the
U.S. 11Over 50% of all suicides are caused by a firearm. Suicide itself takes the lives of 38,000
Americans every year. Males make up 79% of all of individuals who kill themselves, while
women are more prone to have suicidal thoughts. The graph on the right shows that females are
more likely think about suicide, attempt suicide, and require medical attention. The graph above
shows that males die from suicide more often than females do. On average, there are 177
suicides every day. Each suicide intimately affects at least 6 other people. Suicide is the second
leading cause of death for 15 to 24-year-olds and third for 24 to 35-year-olds. 12On average, 1
person takes their own life every 16.2 minutes. The suicide rates are highest for middle aged
people, especially for white men. There is one suicide for every twenty five attempted suicides.

10 "Teen Suicides Statistics - Yello Dyno." Teen Suicides Statistics - Yello Dyno. 1994-2007 Yello Dyno, Inc., n.d.
Web. 03 Mar. 2016.

11 "Suicide Statistics - AFSP." AFSP. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Mar. 2016

12 "Save. Suicide Awareness Voices of Education." SAVE. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Mar. 2016.


Ryluns Action Plan

Part IV:


Its widely believed that depression is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain, but it
is actually rather complex. There are too many chemicals in the brain, maybe billions, that are
responsible for all the different ways people react and feel. Research suggests that there are many
different causes that come together to cause depression, some of which being faulty mood
regulation by the brain, genetic vulnerability, stressful life events, medication, and medical
problems. Researchers believe that nerve cell connections, nerve cell growth, and the functioning
of nerve circuits have a major impact.13
Genes make proteins that are involved in biological processes. Different genes turn on
and off throughout life but if this process gets messed up, then it could alter the biology that will
affect mood. Stress from work like missing a deadline is enough to upset the system in a
genetically vulnerable person.
The hope is to find a way to identify the genes that make individuals more vulnerable to
low moods which would help for deciding the kind of treatment they should go through. Another
goal is to be able to know what function each gene does so that we can learn how the biology and
environment come together to cause depression. Already, it has been found that people who have
a specific DNA sequence called G1463A are way more likely to become depressed, but there are
still many more genes whose functions are unidentified.14
In 2003, researchers found that people who are more likely to get depressed over stress
carry a particular variant in a serotonin-transporter gene (5-HTT). One from each parent is
inherited and it comes in short or long versions (more or less efficient). People who have the
short gene are more likely to become depressed after stressful situations, and those who carry
two short genes are even more vulnerable.
13 "What Causes Depression? - Harvard Health." Harvard Health. Harvard Medical School, 9 June 2009. Web. 26
Feb. 2016.

14 "Genetics in Depression: What's Known, What's next." EurekAlert! Wolters Kluwer Health, 7 Jan. 2015. Web. 26
Feb. 2016.


Depression and BPD run through families. Half of people with BPD have a family
member with similar pattern of mood fluctuations. In identical twins, if one kid has BPD then the
other has a 60% to 80% chance of developing it too.15 Fraternal twins are like biological siblings
who only have a 20% chance.
It is also found that heritability is significantly greater in women than in men.
Researchers are uncertain as to the reason behind it, but one of the main ideas is that women
produce more hormones throughout puberty.
Temperament is an important factor in depression. Its how you respond to situations and
whether you participate in social events and how often, which is determined not only by the
genetic inheritance, but by life experiences as well and how they are viewed. They are
changeable through therapy and medication which shifts thoughts and attitudes.
Neurons are specially designed to send and receive signals with short fibers called
dendrites and one longer fiber called axon that branch out off of the cell body.
When a neuron is activated, a signal travels to the end of the axon which is called the
axon terminal, and releases neurotransmitters that were being stored there into the space between
that neuron and the dendrite of a neighboring neuron called the synaptic cleft (or synapse).
Neurotransmitters then bind with receptors that are embedded into the plasma membrane of the
other neuron, and the signal either continues to pass on through the neuron or gets suppressed.
Once a neuron releases a certain number of neurotransmitters, it will start a process called
reabsorption or reuptake. It stops pumping out the chemical and starts bringing them back in. The
remaining neurotransmitter molecules are absorbed by enzymes and broken down into smaller

15 Bondy, Brigitta. "Pathophysiology of Depression and Mechanisms of Treatment." N.p.,

2002. Web. 26 Feb. 2016.

16 Stufflebeam, Robert. "Neurons, Synapses, Action Potentials, and Neurotransmission." - The Mind Project. CCSI,
2008. Web. 26 Feb. 2016.


Its found that in people who are severely depressed, one of the many complex systems
that come together in the brain that keeps senses, learning, movement, and mood working
properly arent functioning how they are supposed to.
For example, if any of the following cases takes place within the brain then that person
has probably developed severe depression. A message might be weakened if theres too little of a
neurotransmitter being pumped out. An overly efficient reuptake takes in too much before the
transmitters have the chance to bind to the receptors on other neurons. This may also occur if
receptors could be over sensitive or insensitive to a specific neurotransmitter, which makes their
response to them either excessive or inadequate.
Neurotransmitters are chemicals that take up the space in between neurons and relay
messages back and forth. There are many different types of neurotransmitters. These are a few
believed to play a role in depression.
Acetylcholine enhances memory and is involved in learning and recall. Serotonin helps
regulate sleep, appetite, and mood and inhibits pain. Research supports the idea that some
depressed people have reduced serotonin transmission. Low levels of a serotonin byproduct have
been linked to a higher risk for suicide.
Endorphins are chemicals produced in the pituitary gland, and they are released when one
is feeling happy. When endorphins are produced, they can have a variety of effects on the body.
Some of these effects include blocking pain, boosting your mood, relieving stress, moderating
your appetite, enhancing your immune system, and releasing testosterone. Endorphins fight
stress, make you feel better, and the more endorphins you produce, the greater youll feel.
Norepinephrine is a stress hormone that constricts blood vessels, raising blood pressure.
Its part of the fight or flight responses. It may trigger anxiety and could be involved in some


types of depression. Its effects are alertness and arousal, and it also seems to help determine
motivation and reward.
Dopamine is a neurohormone that is released by the hypothalamus, and is essential to
movement. It also influences motivation and plays a role in how a person perceives reality.
Problems in dopamine transmission have been associated with psychosis, a severe form of
distorted thinking characterized by hallucinations or delusions. Its also involved in the brains
reward system, so it is thought to play a role in substance abuse. When used as medication, it
leads to increased heart rate and blood pressure.
Lithium carbonate, a well-known mood stabilizer used to treat bipolar disorder, helps
prevent damage to neurons in the brains of rats exposed to high levels of glutamate. Other animal
research suggests that lithium might stabilize glutamate reuptake, a mechanism that may explain
how the drug smooths out the highs of mania and the lows of depression in the long term.
Glutamate is a small molecule believed to act as an excitatory neurotransmitter and to
play a role in bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. Though it is essential, it is also toxic.
Glutamate has to have just the right amount concentration because too much as well as too little
is harmful to the brain.
Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is an amino acid that acts as an inhibitory
neurotransmitter. It helps by improving mood and calming nervous activity such as anxiety or
ADHD. It can also be used for promoting lean muscle growth, burning fat, stabilizing blood
pressure, and relieving pain.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a noninvasive medical test that physicians use to
diagnose and treat medical conditions. It uses a powerful magnetic field, radio frequency pulses
and a computer to produce detailed pictures of virtually any internal body structures such as
organs, soft tissues, and bone.17
A single-photon emission
computerized tomography (SPECT) scan
can analyze the function of some of your
internal organs. For example, it can show
how blood flows to your heart or what
areas of your brain are more active or less
active. Its a type of nuclear imaging test,
which means it uses a radioactive
substance and a special camera to create 3D pictures. 18
17 "Brain Imaging, Functional (fMRI)." Brain Imaging, Functional (fMRI). RSNA, 23 June 2014. Web. 04 Mar.

18 "SPECT Scan." Mayo Clinic. Mayo Clinic Staff, 20 Feb. 2014. Web. 05 Mar. 2016.


The image to the left shows how brain SPECT imaging can illustrate clear differences
between healthy and disordered brains.
These scans help give a better understanding on what goes on in the brain and
specifically what areas play a significant role in depression such as the amygdala, the thalamus,
and the hippocampus.

The amygdala is part of the limbic system

which deals with emotions. Specifically, the amygdala is activated when an emotionally charged
memory is recalled, and has higher activity in sad or depressed people.
The thalamus receives sensory information
and sends it to be processed by the cerebral cortex. It links information to pleasant and
unpleasant feelings. Research suggests that bipolar disorder has to do with a problem in this
section of the brain.
The hippocampus is responsible for long-term memory and recollection. It also is
responsible for activating the nervous system. It gets smaller with the amount of depression one
has. Stress plays a role in depression because it can also suppress the production of new neurons
in the hippocampus causing it to shrink.
People with GAD cant relax, startle easily, and have difficulty concentrating or falling
asleep. Even if they realize that they have nothing to worry about and that their anxiety is
unwarranted they still have trouble calming down. It develops slowly and usually starts during
young adulthood. Symptoms may get better or worse depending on the situation. If the anxiety
level is siver than even the simplest of daily tasks
become difficult to carry out.19
19 "Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)." NIMH RSS. National Institute of Mental Health, n.d. Web. 05 Mar.


Physical symptoms that often accompany the anxiety include fatigue, headaches, muscle
tension, muscle aches, difficulty swallowing, trembling, feeling twitching, irritability, sweating,
nausea, lightheadedness, diarrhea or having to go to the bathroom frequently, feeling out of
breath, and hot flashes.
MRI scans for people diagnosed with GAD shows abnormality in the amygdala. When
studied in adolescents, it was found that these subjects amygdala was either significantly smaller
or larger than a person without GAD.20 They have weaker connections between prefrontal and
anterior cingulate cortex that controls emotional response and the amygdala via the uncinate
fasciculus, a primary white matter tract that connects these brain regions. This suggests that the
brains panic button may stay
on due to lack of regulation. 21
The image to the left is the MRI
scan of someone who has been
diagnosed with BPD. It
highlights an enlarged bilateral
amygdala (left) and right
dorsomedial prefrontal and
anterior cingulate cortex (right).
They found people with
bipolar disorder suffer from an accelerated shrinking of their brain. Imaging studies carried out
four years apart showed loss of brain tissue in the areas controlling memory, face recognition and
coordination. Though the medical community doesnt accept MRIs of BPD as reliable because it
is still too early to correctly diagnose someone based solely off of brain scans.
Studies show that people with BPD have different functioning in certain areas of the
brain such as the limbic system which includes the amygdala, hippocampus, and cingulate gyrus.
The limbic system controls emotion, motivation, memory and fear.22
Posas Section
Effects on Daily Life
Living with mental health is a problem that 1 in 5 American adults experience in any
given year23, and 1 in 25 will be living with a serious mental illness24 (i.e. schizophrenia, bipolar
disorder or long-term recurring major depression). They face a lot of injustices and stereotypes
20 Leong, Kristie. "What Does the MRI of a Person with Generalized Anxiety Disorder Look Like? Health Guide Info, 6 Oct. 2010. Web. 26 Feb. 2016.

21 "Reduced Brain Connections Seen in People with Generalized Anxiety Disorder." Wisconsin News. University of
WisconsinMadison, 3 Sept. 2012. Web. 05 Mar. 2016.

22 "Bipolar Brain Imaging." Bipolar Lives. Bipolar Lives, 6 Mar. 2014. Web. 26 Feb. 2016.


that they have of people with mental illness. In addition to that they also have extra challenges in
their life besides the everyday problems that people have (i.e. taxes, debts, etc.). In this section
you will find multiple dilemmas that people facing mental illness have to face in their lives
above everyday conflicts.
One of the biggest conflicts that people living with mental illnesses have are of course
disclosing information about their illness to others. However, it helps immensely once they
actually tell others because they can offer support to them, and it will overall reduce their stress
level and help improve their mood. Just trying to keep it a secret increases the level of stress and
pressure that they feel from people finding out. First, there are no specific people that should
know because most people could benefit from telling different people, but since they are the
masters of their own disease they can decide for themselves who are the right people to tell, and
who aren't. Second, not all people will be able to understand unfortunately, but there will be
those people that will help with coping with the illness and finding the help they need.
Finally, there are also lots of other factors that tie into when exactly they should tell the people
they choose, and who exactly they should tell. In moments when they are feeling unwell of
course they should tell people who are more supportive in their life. For this person can help go
through the hard times. Otherwise it needs to be when they are feeling well and when it serves a
purpose. For example, they might tell a loved one because they're worrying about the way they
are thinking and the way that they are behaving. They might tell a friend in order to help them
understand why they cannot spend time together and/or why they feel that their relationship is
growing distant. They might also tell their employer for accommodations at work. Soon they will
find that they are just as many reasons to tell as there are to stay quiet.
Continuing on the trail of admitting to internal issues, another big problem is finding the
correct mental health professional. For finding the perfect mental health professional these are
some steps that they might take in order to find the best match. The first step is thinking about
who they are looking for. There are two reasons that one would be looking for professional help.
Number one is that they simply want behavioral or emotional therapy, and the other reason being
that they want medication. Some resources that could help them in their search are talking to
their physician in order to get a diagnosis. If they are looking for emotional, behavioral, or
thinking therapy then one can specifically look for therapist or counselors that are
knowledgeable about how to treat or help their condition. If one is looking for benefit from
medication then they should consult a mental health specialist because primary care doctors are
good at identifying the "big picture" but they have more experience in treating conditions that
they are looking for.

23 "Mental Health By the Numbers." NAMI: National Alliance on Mental Illness. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Feb. 2016.

24 "Serious Mental Illness (SMI) Among U.S. Adults." NIMH RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Feb. 2016.


The following steps all have to do with actually searching for the perfect place that they
are going to be using for their help. The second step is for one to find referrals by calling the
insurance company in order to see if their provider will cover it and find help that is in the area.
Once they have a fair amount of locations they can call in order to make the first appointment.
They shouldn't worry about having to wait months for their first appointment. If one that can
help faster is found, then one can always just cancel their appointment. Once they are there for
their first appointment it is important that they ask many questions. Not only should they be
asking questions to them, but also ask questions to themselves. For example, if they feel
comfortable with the professional, if the person is correct, etc.
Another big problem that they have to face even when they already have help is that they
need to find a way to pay all of their medication for
those that choose to have medicated help. For paying
their medication some of the possible things that they
can do in order to try to find help paying for their
medication is health insurance. One can receive health
insurance through work, family members, or perhaps
privately purchased insurance. The Affordable Care
Act of 201025 requires health plans to cover mental
health to be covered as if it were any other treatment.
Another possibly action that they can take is to talk
with their doctors. Perhaps they can provide a free sample for a short period of time or help
switch to less expensive medication.
For those seeking even more help with this, there are lots of programs out there than can
also give extra assistance in paying for their medication. Some of the Government Programs are
the following: NAMI State Organizations and NAMI Affiliates26 for information about
prescription assistance, and help in the struggling individuals area. If they go to their local
Medicaid office they might be able to give information about prescription assistance and
discount programs. The final is government help. They must participate in Medicare Part D and
need financial assistance, which then enables them to qualify for Extra Help. Call 800-333411427 to see if they qualify for this help or more information on their services.
There are many Nonprofit Programs around the country. NeedyMeds is a nonprofit that
helps people of all ages with help on locating free/low cost clinics, state programs, and offering
free NeedyMeds Drug Discount Card. If they would like more information about their services
25 "Read the Law." N.p., 26 Aug. 2015. Web. 25 Feb. 2016. <>

26 "Find Your Local NAMI." NAMI: National Alliance on Mental Illness. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Feb. 2016.

27 "Contact Us - Medicare Rights Center." Medicare Rights Center. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Feb. 2016.


they can contact them by calling the number 800-503-689728. Partnership for Prescription
Assistance29 helps people without prescription drug coverage get the medication they need free
or at really low prices. RxAssist30 help people find information about free or low cost
medications and other ways to manage their medication through their online Patient Assistance
Program Center. RxHope31 helps people by providing downloadable applications for programs
offering prescription assistance for specific medications. PatientAssistance.com32 is another
nonprofit that offers people printable coupons and a database of available assistance for patients.
The final non profit that can offer help is GoodRx that allows them to compare drug prices to
pharmacies in their area including the big chain pharmacies and local pharmacies
Another important factor that they need to face in their lives is trying to succeed at work.
This is one of the most significant areas in which they would have needed to decide if they were
going to tell them about mental illness. This is because they might face stereotypes and
discrimination due to the preconceived ideas that they might have of people with mental
illnesses. Lucky for them that there are laws that protect them from discrimination and unfair
practices on the job. There is the Americans with Disabilities Act33 which prohibits
discrimination against job applicants and employees with disabilities. In order to be able to be
able under the protection of this law the company or the employer must have more than fifteen
employees and have proof that they are going to be able to complete the job that they are
applying for even with the disability that they have. There is also the Rehabilitation Act of 197334
which makes the same rules as before apply to agencies and groups receiving federal funding.

28 "NeedyMeds Helpline." Medication Assistance Helpline. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Feb. 2016.

29 "Welcome to the PPA!" Partnership for Prescription Assistance. N.p., 08 Apr. 2014. Web. 25 Feb. 2016.

30 "RxAssist - Advanced Database Search of Patient Assistance Programs."RxAssist - Advanced Database Search
of Patient Assistance Programs. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Feb. 2016. <>

31"Patient Assistance Program - RxHope - Medication Search Home." Patient Assistance Program - RxHope Medication Search Home. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Feb. 2016. <>

32"Patient Assistance Programs - Drug List." Patient Assistance Programs - Drug List. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Feb.
2016. <>

33 "Americans with Disabilities Act | United States Department of Labor."Americans with Disabilities Act | United
States Department of Labor. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Feb. 2016. <>

34 "Rehabilitation Act of 1973 -" N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Feb. 2016.


Another important factor is learning about the

Family Medical Leave Act35 that allows an employee to
take up to twelve weeks of unpaid leave in the event of an
illness. This act allows them to take the absence while
keeping their position in the job and benefits from it.
However, they must have worked a minimum of twelve
months for the same employer and the location that
employs them must have at least fifty employees in order
qualify for the Family Medical Leave Act.
Another benefit that they can have is having accommodations at work. Some of the
accommodations that they may qualify for are, but not restricted to: Flexible work schedules or
start times, reduced distractions or noise in the work area, working from home or telecommuting,
written directions and task lists, regular written or verbal feedback, flexible break schedule,
private, quiet space to rest during a break, or use of a job coach. In order to request these
accommodations one must of course ask their employer or submit a request of having a possible
accommodation. However, before they send their request there are some steps that they should
take before.
First, ask the employer's human resources personnel about how to request
accommodation for it might already be in place or just to get help on submitting the request. Also
they need to decided what accommodation they want, and they should be prepared to write it all
out and include how the accommodation will help benefit their performance at school. They
should also talk with their treatment provider in order to ask for documentation in the form of a
letter or a note that is stating their mental disorder and what accommodation they might need and
why they would need it.
If you or somebody you know has suffered from discrimination at work, there are lots of
legal options you can take in order to go against their discriminative ways. File a complaint with
the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission36, which is a federal government agency
created to enforce the Americans with Disabilities Act. If you get denied or for some reason they
say no, then a complain to the Department of Labor can also receive a complaint and they too
can do something about the discrimination that you are facing due to their mental illness.
Obviously for those living with mental illnesses, they still have to worry about everything
else such as staying active, healthy eating, being mindful, avoiding substance abuse, positive
thinking, and planning ahead. Exercise will not only help one reduce anxiety and depression, but
help improve their mood, self-esteem, and cognitive function. In addition, some medication that
they might take could increase risk for obesity, and exercise could help fight that side effect.
35 "Wage and Hour Division (WHD)." Family and Medical Leave Act. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Feb. 2016.

36 "Filing A Charge of Discrimination." Filing a Charge. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Feb. 2016.


Overall, exercise improves the quality of health making them be stronger for when illnesses
come around. Of course, don't worry if they aren't gym enthusiast for studies have shown that all
it takes is about thirty minutes of workout a few times a week in order to enjoy all of these
healthy benefits. Of course finding a workout buddy would also make it much more fun, and
easier to make this healthy alternative a routine that you do everyday.
Eating healthy is something that most people already know about yet here is a little
refresher of what you should be eating. A healthy diet consist of portions of fruits, vegetables,
whole grains, and low fat/fat free milk. It should also include lean meats, poultry, fish, eggs,
beans, and nuts. Fats and sugars should be limited to very little. Studies have shown that those
who consume nutrient dense diets report a higher level of happiness. Which means that
consuming fruits, vegetable, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals will increase their happiness.
In addition, drinking water is also important. For more information you can visit Choose My
Plate's Official Website at: in order to find more
information about healthy eating and diets.
Another big part of healthy living in becoming mindful, positive living, and avoiding
substance abuse. Being mindful is conscious and aware of something. In what we mean by being
mindful is being aware of negative feelings and understanding what they are. Also being able to
enjoy the moment that you are currently living could help improve their living condition. Some
activities that they can do to work on their mindfulness is meditation and yoga or activities that
increase the number of signaling connections in the brain. Practicing your mindfulness will help
improve stress relief, sleep, and help reduce chronic pain, blood pressure, and symptoms of heart
Smoking and substance abuse are big problems for people with mental illness for the
reason that not only is it bad for their health but it can be extra damaging for those being treated
for certain mental health conditions. Certain antipsychotic medications can increase the chance
of having heart disease, but smoking while taking the medication can increase the chances even
more. Medications are also broken down faster in those who smoke which causes them to take
higher doses of medication which can also lead to more unpleasant side effects. Being able to
quit smoking is helpful for both their mental and physical health so if you smoke with or without
a mental disease you should consider stopping. For help on being able to stop visit for help on being able to stop smoking.
Abusing of drugs and alcohol may seem like a way to cope with mental illness, yet it
simply worsens the condition. Avoiding smoking, drugs, and alcohol could make everything
better and help improve your condition. A good way to cope with mental illness is thinking
positively. The way that one thinks and perceives himself influences how brave we feel. If one
has low self esteem then they are most likely to be diagnosed with depression, anxiety, bipolar
disorder, or personality disorder. In addition to that, low self esteem can cause a depressed or
37 "MyPlate." Choose. N.p., 03 Feb. 2015. Web. 25 Feb. 2016. <>
38 "" N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Feb. 2016. <>


upset person to have suicidal thoughts. Neglecting their health, work,

and friends because of a fear of failing. However improving their
self esteem could improve their condition and just their general way
of living.
The ways in which one can improve their self esteem are
numerous. Dispose of all the negative thoughts that you have and if
you have negative thoughts find a way to counter them with a
positive thought. Everybody can always be very critical of
themselves however people with low self esteem can be even more
critical of themselves and make greater damage to themselves. One
could learn a new skill or find something they love and do it
everyday. They may work on something they love doing or master a
new skill, and of course take pride in their achievements. The final
way is to take care of yourself. When one has really low self esteem
it's easy to neglect oneself. Spend time with people who make you feel better about yourself and
general. Also make sure they find days for themselves. They can do activities such as have a spa
day, buy a new outfit, or take time to do something that they enjoy doing. Setting goals for
themselves and finding rewards for accomplishing their goals is also a way to boost their self
The final steps for taking care of oneself is getting a good night sleep. When one has
mental health conditions, sleep problems can become a vicious cycle. Specially for the person
experiencing the sleeping problems has anxiety disorder. Anxiety causes people to feel anxious
before going to sleep making it hard to sleep at night. Thus, making them feel exhausted the next
day and even more anxious. Which at the end of the day causes them to be way to anxious to be
able to fall asleep again. It's very important when one is living with mental health conditions to
make sure they are getting seven hours of sleep if they are adults, and nine hours of sleep if they
are teenagers.
Another important aspect of life is faith and the act of practicing it. For research has
shown that some religions and/or individual spirituality can help improve our physical and
mental health. A practice that one can do is meditating for ten to twenty minutes of meditation at
least twice a day to get a relaxation response. A relaxation response is decreased metabolism,
decreased heart rate, decreased decreased breathing rate and slower, and calmer brain waves.
Some religions that are known to cause relaxation response are Buddhism in Buddhist
meditation, Islamic prayer ritual, and Catholic rosary beads.
Religion can also help answer questions that people have, for example the "why me?"
question that unfortunately medical science cannot answer. Most people can find the answer in
the religion that they practice who offer explanation of suffering in this world, and giving them
comfort in their illness. Religion can also help bring that feeling of attachment to other people. In
religious organizations, they can offer people with mental health disorders a chance to serve the
community which can help improve their mood and reduce their anxiety levels. In addition to


that, the meetings every week that most religions do make you feel like you're part of something
Stress affects everybody in their life. At times it can help keep people focused and get
their task done, but frequent and intense stress can strain their body and make it impossible to
function. Stress affects people in many different ways. Some of the common signs include:
headaches, trouble sleeping, jaw pain, changes in appetite, frequent mood swings, difficulty
concentrating, and feeling overwhelmed. If somebody is experiencing long term stress then they
are exposed to increased levels of hormones called cortisol, that weakens their immune system
which makes it easier for one to get sick. Stress can also contribute to worsening symptoms of
mental illnesses. For example, if one has schizophrenia it can encourage hallucinations and
delusions. While in bipolar disorder, it can trigger episodes of both mania and depression.
Some times that one is most vulnerable to stress is if they aren't getting enough sleep, no
network support, experiencing major life change (death of important figure in life, new job, lost
job, having a child, getting married, etc.), or not eating well. Everybody has different events that
also stress them out. For example someone might be affected by large crowds and noisy
environments, while other people could be affected to silence and free time. Some steps that one
can take are based around learning what your triggers are, and creating strategies in order to cope
with it. One can make a daily schedule to make sure that they don't feel overwhelmed by their
everyday tasks. Like it has said before; practice relaxation, exercise daily, find time for yourself,
eat well, sleep well, avoid drugs, and talk to someone. Following all of the steps instructed in this
section will decrease your stress and make you feel so much better in your everyday life.39

39 "Living with a Mental Health Condition." NAMI: National Alliance on Mental Illness. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Feb.
2016. <>


Part V:
Solutions: Healthy Alternatives
Struggling with poor mental health and suicidal thoughts is an issue with very few solutions.
Even today, people facing the hardship of anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, and other mental
health conditions dont know how to cope with their struggles. These difficulties impact the daily
lives of these people immensely, making it hard for them to motivate themselves, find enjoyment
in things, and even to function. Often times the only way to cope with suicidal thoughts is
through killing themselves, but this is not a necessary solution. Taking the life of ones self is a
permanent and dangerous solution to a serious, but temporary problem.
Some find that in order to live with mental health conditions or suicidal thoughts, they
need to find a distraction of some kind. Many turn to alternatives that are unhealthy and can even
worsen their current state40. There have been many cases where people have seeked solutions
through harming themselves or others, but this always ends in pain involving the person
struggling and/or their loved ones. These alternatives include but are not limited to, self harm,
substance abuse, and under or overeating.
Self harm while being a distraction and a less harmful alternative to killing ones self
it can cause anxiety, distress, and permanent scarring. Self harm is probably one of the most
common alternatives used, but people often forget how temporary the solution is. Self harm may
40Vann, Madeline, and Lindsey Marcellin. "The Worst Ways to Treat Depression."
Everyday Health, 28 Sept. 2011. Web. 23 Feb. 2016.


provide a distraction and may even relieve pain or stress temporarily, but there are always risks
involving this alternative. If the person struggling has anxiety, it may get worse with the added
stress of hiding scars, and depression may worsen with the distress that comes after harming
ones self.
Substance abuse is extremely common among people battling depressive disorders. But
drug and/or alcohol abuse can worsen brain function involving decision making, thinking,
reasoning, and rationalizing, this often leads to depression worsening41. People struggling with
alcohol abuse especially have noticed an increase in lethargy, sadness, and hopelessness. As
depression worsens, so does the persons addiction, which can not only make mental illness
worse, but can ruin relationships and lives. When depressed people dont seek help or a healthier
alternative, all too many people turn to drugs and/or alcohol in order to escape negative
Undereating or overeating can lead to serious eating disorders and in turn, can worsen or
increase the likelihood of developing and anxiety disorder.43 People who under or over eat as an
alternative to taking themselves risk developing disorders such as anorexia, bulimia, binge eating
disorders, and in the case of over eating, this alternatives can lead to obesity. Not only is it
unhealthy to undereat or overeat, but it can lead to serious physical difficulties, like kidney
failure, thinning of bones and nails, and even the drop of overall body temperature. Struggling
with eating disorders in addition to depressive disorders is extremely dangerous and in the long
run, can make suicidal thoughts even worse, especially because of the added depression coming
with these disorders.
Its important to recognize and encourage the coping methods that exist and are healthy for
individuals struggling with mental health conditions and/or suicidal thoughts. Research has
proven that when people living with mental health conditions are eating healthy, exercising, and
getting enough sleep, they are also increasing endorphins. This isnt the only healthy alternative
proven to help people experiencing mental health difficulties. Many have found that putting their
energy into the arts has helped them in finding a distraction. In fact, many musical and theatrical
artists actually found their passion through distracting themselves from depression or other
mental health conditions.

41 "Why Is Alcohol and Drug Addiction Considered a Brain Disease?" Why Is Alcohol & Drug Addiction
Considered a Brain Disease? Enterhealth Ranch: Addiction Treatment, n.d. Web. 23 Feb. 2016.

42 "Depression And Addiction." N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Feb. 2016.

43 "Eating Disorders | Anxiety and Depression Association of America, ADAA."Eating Disorders | Anxiety and
Depression Association of America, ADAA. ADAA, n.d. Web. 23 Feb. 2016.


Well known people such as Lady Gaga,44 Beyonce45, and even Dwayne The Rock
Johnson,46 have all struggled with mental health conditions and suicidal thoughts. These are all
people who had been in extremely dark places, but pushed themselves through their struggles by
finding a passion, whether that be music, dance, writing, visual arts or something else entirely.
These are all safe, therapeutic, and extremely common alternatives that are proven to work.
There is actually therapy revolved around arts to help people who struggle with these things.
The fact is, arts arent for everyone. Some people cant find enjoyment in arts or they
simply dont have the motivation to practice them. Especially when depression is a factor in the
persons mental health, people facing this hardship may have a hard time connecting with what
theyre doing or finishing things theyve started. While artistic therapy helps some, there are
endless alternatives to help individuals. It must be recognized that there are no wrong
alternatives for taking ones own life. All that matters is that the person struggling finds
something they love and/or can shift their attention onto.
Any alternatives that do not harm the person struggling or anyone else, are considered
healthy. These alternatives dont need to be artistic or athletic, in fact, they dont need to have
any action at all. Even if a depressed person feels that the only alternative that works for them is
to do nothing. If a person can find the slightest enjoyment in listening to music, watching TV,
lying in bed all day, or just staring at a wall, these alternatives are still healthier than killing ones
These alternatives are very hard for struggling individuals to find and for many, it may
seem impossible to find enjoyment in anything.47 Whats most important is that those facing the
hardship of mental illness push themselves as much as they can to find healthy alternatives
and/or things they enjoy. To pull through this depression, these people need the love and support
of others as the push to find their distraction. Finding a healthy alternative that works is a major
accomplishment for and for that, the people pushing through mental health conditions deserve
the recognition and loyalty of people who do not necessarily face the same hardships.
Solutions: Awareness and Support
In order to come to the aid of individuals suffering from suicide, it is important to
remember that there are certain steps one can take to help the situation. Through simple acts of
44 Ross, Ashley. "Lady Gaga Opens Up About Depression and Anxiety." Time. Time, 15 Oct. 2015. Web. 23 Feb.

45 Johnson, Caitlin. "Beyonc On Love, Depression And Reality." CBSNews. CBS Interactive, 13 Dec. 2006. Web.
23 Feb. 2016.

46 Mosbergen, Dominique. "Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson Opens Up About His Battle With Depression." Huffington
Post. N.p., 18 Dec. 2015. Web. 23 Feb. 2016.

47 "Alternatives to Self Harm." Teen Help., 29 Mar. 2009. Web. 24 Feb. 2016.


empowerment and betterment, members of society can improve the lives of the many people
struggling to value their own.
This class on the 10th Grade Howard/Ruppel team will implement simple and effective solutions
to a large issue plaguing our society. From raising awareness to communicating with visitors,
students will take the message of making change into their own hands. These sophomores will go
to local schools to spread the word, using the catchphrase of Together We Have Hope to
support the cause. The students have
suggested bringing High Tech High
North Countys famous Day of
P.E.A.C.E to campuses around San
Diego County in order to emphasize the
importance of standing together and
checking in with internal emotions that
may be suppressed on a daily basis. In
addition, this group of students plans to
create a website and social media
accounts in order to help individuals
affected by the epidemic of sorts.
To become educated on the topic, this group of students will also seek help from the
professional world. Some organizations for potential partnerships include the Yellow Ribbon
Suicide Prevention Program, the Suicide Awareness Voices of Education group, the National
Institute of Mental Health, the Suicide Prevention of Yolo County group, the Suicide Prevention
Resource Center, and the California State University - San Marcos Student Health & Counseling
Services team. By collaborating with these groups for guidance and statistics, the High Tech
High North County students can gain credibility for their project.
After months of research and data gathering, the students plan to provide educated advice
to those in need of assistance, or those who wish to learn more about the issue. Besides the
methods that the HTHNC students are using, other helpful ways to support teenagers and their
families coping with the problem are numerous.
According to the American Psychological Associations Psychology Benefits Society48, a
publication dedicated to health and wellness in America, sensitivity, professional help and hope
building are all essential techniques to help support a struggling teenager. (See image to top
right. Advertisement by the Alliance for Suicide Prevention). By approaching the subject with
delicacy and caution, a parental figure can help to avoid potential backlash from their child.
Parents also need to understand common misconceptions surrounding the issue of suicide, and
what to say in different scenarios to a loved one.
Another method of making a difference for the topic of teen suicide is spreading awareness.
Organizations such as S.A.V.E., the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, the National
48 Kaslow, Nadine J., PhD. "7 Essential Steps Parents Can Take to Prevent Teen Suicide." Psychology Benefits
Society. N.p., 23 Sept. 2013. Web. 22 Feb. 2016.


Institute of Mental Health, the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill, and the Substance Abuse
and Mental Health Services Administration among many other groups have all provided
resources to combat the epidemic. The American Foundation for Suicide, for example, has
multiple departments within the overall organization that benefit the greater good. As referenced
on, the non-profit group fund[s] research to improve interventions, train clinicians in
suicide prevention, and advocate for policy that will save lives.49
The Yellow Ribbon Suicide Prevention Program also has 48 local chapters in 27 U.S. States
including: Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa,
Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, New
Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Texas and
Wisconsin. The program also has 6 international chapters in Zambia, New South Wales, West
Australia, Nova Scotia, Northern Ireland, and Scotland. Each one of these chapters is dedicated
to assisting locals with dealing with suicide, the effects that it has on their families, and potential
signs to diagnose mental health issues in an individual.50
Not only does partnering with a professional organization help the team from High Tech High
North County gain notoriety and integrity for their project, but it is also a way to reach out to the
real world to see how some of the top researchers are approaching the issue. Whether that
company be a community-oriented support team or a national research corporation, any
connections beyond the school campus could serve as a positive aspect of the project. The
students want to make sure that they are being sensitive towards teen suicide and what it has
caused many families to feel over the course of time. On the other hand, the class wants to be
knowledgeable enough on the problem at-hand to provide informational resources to visitors.
This balance between emotion and fact is hard to find, but with support from an external source,
it can be easily achieved.
The intention of this project is not necessarily to prevent all teenagers from attempting
suicide and/or killing themselves. Saving lives is certainly the a huge priority, and there is no
question about that. However, there is only a limited amount of control that one group has over
their local community, their country, and even the world. The class wants to provide the
resources necessary to support someone in need to parental figures, peers of students struggling
with the issue, and anyone else connected to the problem in some shape or form. If the students
working to put this project together can truly make an impact on just one persons life, then the
objectives behind those respective actions were met. The TWHH Project is looking to make a
change in a wide range of communities, and this can happen with beneficial solutions and by
raising awareness for individuals dealing with the issue.
Project Goals/Intentions
49 "Our Work - AFSP." AFSP. 2016 American Foundation for Suicide Prevention., n.d. Web. 22 Feb. 2016.
50 "Chapters." Yellow Ribbon. Yellow Ribbon., 2016. Web. 23 Feb. 2016.


The efforts of the TWHH Project all stemmed from the small hope to be able to help
suicidal teenagers overcome and find help against the depression that consumes them by raising
awareness. To do this, the students are all raising money towards funding a gala where students
with different causes are From that initial idea, the hope quickly expanded into the ambition of
helping teenagers with any mental disorders, while still keeping a focus on depression and
suicide prevention and assistance. As planning fundraisers and making goals started, the visions
towards those they could help grew. The students realized that they also wanted to bring
resources to those who are close to a teenagers with mental disorders.
The essential objective of the TWHH Project is to raise awareness for teen mental health,
although it eventually stretched to bringing programs to other schools to help teenagers plagued
by worries and concerns vent. One program being brought to the other schools is known as Day
of P.E.A.C.E.. Day of P.E.A.C.E. is a day where students of all grades are separated into random
groups where a peer will lead them through small activities and conversations about troubles or
stresses they find throughout their lives. Being in random groups allows the participating
students to get away from peer pressure initiated by their friends and speak to listening students.
It can provide a place where students connect on similar simple worries or let out personal
problems to attentive ears. In order to avoid unwanted pairings, a survey will be sent out
beforehand to the students to allow these participating students to have a chance to state who
they would feel uncomfortable with, if anyone. Each group will have a facilitator who will have
to start planning a schedule of different activities at the beginning of the year. Peer counseling is
a very similar program being brought to other schools. Instead of being separated into a large
group and having one assigned day by the authority of the school, students will be able to
schedule a time and date with a peer who has gone through training to listen to the student talk
about their problem. It can be one on one or in small groups, allowing the student to feel less
pressure from an adult towering over them and asking about their personal life.
In order to help others learn more about the TWHH Projects cause, a documentary is
also being filmed. It will contain footage of the process the students take to bring the TWHH
Project out to the public and raise awareness for teen mental health. The earlier process will be
reflected in students contacting organizations, such as NAMI, brainstorming ideas and plans, as
well as work within their assigned groups. As the project continues, the documentary will cover
more phases the students take part in along with interviews and smaller product shots. This film
will be submitted to the Eyewitness Video challenge in order to gain funding for the Project and
spread more awareness of TWHH Projects cause. This will help gain more supporters for
TWHH Project as well as spread more awareness across the widely used internet.
Other than solely bringing programs to other schools, students are also creating personal
or partner projects to help bring awareness. In order to not limit the students in their creations,
students were given two sole requirements: to support the overall goal of raising awareness for
teen mental awareness and to be completed by the gala. Through this, students are able to create
a wide variety of different products from artwork to videos to self written songs. All of these
products will support the cause of teen mental health from the perspective of the students.


All funds will be used towards the gala being held on May 5th. Whatever money is
raised there will be turned over to another organization, most likely NAMI, to help continue
raising awareness on mental health.
Wrapping it Up
With this project, students will spread suicide awareness and prevention throughout the
current generation with the support of the National Alliance of Mental Illness (NAMI). The
NAMI mission is to:
1. Support people with mental health conditions and their families by
helping them find coping mechanisms for their daily struggle with brain disorders.
2. Educate people who have mental health conditions, their families,
and the general public about mental health with the goal of dispelling ignorance
and stigma.
3. Advocate for more research and an improved system of mental
health services across the nation. At the heart of NAMI San Diego is the sharing
of information & striving to end the stigma associated with mental illness.
These goals fall directly in line with the Together We Have Hope Project. NAMI has
generously offered to help guide and assist students through this process. Students will record
every step of the way with hopes to make a documentary with enough moving material to win a
video contest. Plans have been made to visit other schools and interview people who have been
affected by suicide or mental health conditions. Stickers and bracelets with our logo will be
printed and made to spread the word about what we are doing.

Along with group progress, students have started their own individual projects, each
significant to suicide and mental health awareness. A relevant idea is to show individuals how to
live with their mental health conditions and prevent them from taking their lives through
alternate methods such as music and writing.
It is completely unrealistic to believe that we can prevent every teen ever from killing
themselves, and that isnt our goal. Our aim is to spread awareness, show people from all walks
of life that suicide and mental health conditions are very serious and relevant topics and even if
it doesnt affect them personally they should still care. We plan to spread awareness by helping
people find a way of coping with their mental health and hopefully this will show them that there


is a brighter future for themselves than they once thought. They must know that suicide is a
permanent solution to a temporary problem.
By following this plan, TWHH will meet its goals.

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