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Joshua Williams

2nd Hour, Creative Writing

Final Draft
So you want me to write something funny, if you consider my memoir to be a
humorous piece of literature then I already have. If not heres a joke thats funny, its a
science joke. Two atoms walk into a bar, one says, I think I lost an electron. The other
replies, Are you sure? He replies, Im positive. Yeah. Funny isn't it. No. that does count
for a humor writing, fine. Was it that it didnt count because you didnt get the joke or does it
really not count. I tried to make this simple, but then I wonder What makes writing funny? I
could tell a joke about politics, fast-food, etc. What kind of jokes, puns, or jargon is the most
funny? There are people you write about funny stories they have experienced, but then the
question appears of was that really funny? I dont plan on writing a story of my life, instead
I ,the humor writing piece, is going through puns, jokes, and maybe jargon at the reader until
I feel like I have reached enough words. Now I know what youre thinking, another piece of
writing that going to talk to me, I know this idea isnt original, but roll with it. Im new thats
old, this story is fiction that was too.
P.S. This is not in Times New Roman, but its in eleven sized font.
-If you read the title it might seem familiar to some readers in particular. Yes, it is a reference
to the memoir I wrote early.
-Yes, me.
-Wait! Whos talking in comic sans thats italicized?
-It is I, the memoir, talking to the reader from the grave. You think you could get rid

of me. Im immortal!
-No Im immortal, I was the main character for the heros journey writing piece.
-Youre brand new, stop being apart of this piece of writing please.
-Now that hes gone, if you are talking from the grave then youre ghost of the memoir.
-Yes, you are correct, voice of the humor writing piece .
-The reader is probably getting confused at our conversation Memoir.
-You might be right, reader if you reading this which you probably are. Im the text in
comic sans thats italicized and the voice of the humor writing is in regular arial.
-Well said Memoir, now that we have the formalities out of the way, let us begin.
-Wait a moment!

-Whos this person?

-Im your guy's father, Im the author of this pieces and I made you guys. I will chime in if
you guys cant get your act together, am I clear?

-Yes, dad.
-Yes, father. Wait a minute, thats Paprika font! I get it Pap. Thats your name is now.
-Good, now on with the writing. Also look at what we did with the format its all spacey,
but we had to. By the way Memoir you're very funny using comic sans instead of arial
font like you used be.
-Yep, thought if this was suppose to be humorous piece of writing, I would comic


-We couldnt let the reader get confused, sorry to you reader. My font was going to be
Papyrus, but we dont have that. My nickname was going to try and be Papy, but no.
Looks like someone at google didnt have the brains to think of a simple font used in
Microsoft Office and Adobe! Take it away second son.

Thanks, now we can continue with what the reader came here to read. Humor is a
very important in todays society, it lets you forget the scary things in life. Especially when
you have terrorists you have to watch out for in everyday life. Not much in America, mostly in
Europe. There are different types of comedians out there in this world. There are stand-up
comedians, YouTube commentators, people who create memes, even humor columnist, and
the list goes on. We, the thoughts brought life by the author, are also comedians in our own
way. Look at the spaced out text above that was literally a piece of text arguing with itself. All
those different fonts represent a character. The arial font is me, the italicized comic sans font
is the memoirs ghost, the trebuchet font is Erebos from the heros journey, and the paprika
font is the voice of the author.

-What does that mean? Who are you?

-Ok, still dont understand. You should stop confusing the reader.

That was weird, why didnt he show up earlier is it new also to the collection of the
author. Those symbols look very familiar to me, just cant put my finger on it. I wonder if its
wingdings, but which kind? Anyway forget about it, lets move on. Its very awkward that
almost every time we try to back on topic about humor writing we get interrupted. Its almost
like the author is stalling for words and paper space.
-What our goal on words anyway? I say we go for a thousand words. If its like that we

have two hundred and sixty-one words to go.


-We said to get lost, sorry but no one can understand you!
-I agree with Memoir, please stop crowding lines of text with your font type that no one
understands. Author, whats his deal anyway?
-He is new, yes. I did just make him for some humor in this story. Should I teach him to
translate what hes saying into a different font.

-How about this, go on dont be shy. P.S. not stalling.

-(My name is Glitch, pleased to meet you two.)

-Hello Glitch. Your text still takes up too much space on the paper.
So it seem that Glitch uses two fonts wingdings one and some font called Press Start
2P. That would be interesting for him to have his own story some day. Think how long it
would take to make a simple sentence like this very this one, in wingdings. Back to the topic
hopefully no one interrupts us again. Writing humor is different because everyone view on
humor is different. There are senses of humor that people share, but not everyone laughs at
all the same stories or jokes. Why would I try to humor the truth that everyone might not find
this writing funny. If you are one of those reader who cant find a sense of humor in a piece
of writing talking with itself. I don't know what will get you to laugh thats why I'm not going to
try. If you remember what happened to Memoir, its happening to me even worst because I
went over the word goal. Im dying, so goodbye! Hopefully my ghost makes it into another
piece of writing.*Cough*
(The voice of the humor writing slowly dies, like his older brother before him)
-Hi! Author here! Here to tell you a quick message. This writing piece was fun
writing because of returning characters and the whole idea made me personally
laugh the whole way through writing it. I hope you laughed to. To the grader of
the piece, I dont expect an outstanding grade on this. Humor writing is not my
style and I probably butchered it. Sorry if this was a waste of your time. Also if
theres grammar problems it because one peer edit was done, myself, because
of time constraints, but there were none on the heros journey. The rough draft
that is stapled to my back is not much different from this besides this very
passage you're reading. When this was edited, it was also the last day for this
assessment, so couldnt find time to make more edits before turning it in.
(Waves invisible hand through lines of text to the reader telling them goodbye)

(See you later! Goodbye!)

-I bet when you looked at the second page and saw the wingdings you were like, what

the heck did I start reading or what do those really mean. Relax the first phrase that
Glitch says is I am the glitch of the piece. The second is You wouldnt understand,
this is wingdings. The third is If only they knew. The last one is What are we going
to talk about until then?. You can thank me later, time to say goodbye. On behalf of
my dead brother and me, goodbye reader! Oh! One last thing before we fade away
again, the word count is at one-thousand four-hundred and sixty-two.


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