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Classroom Management and Leadership Plan: Template

Preliminary Planning Questions
Your responses
1. What are your key beliefs and values about student behaviour in the
1. I believe that students need to be respectful of both the teacher and the other
music classroom?
students in the classroom. I also believe that they need to be respectful of the
space they are in, and the equipment that they are using. It is important to teach
the students respect, because it goes so far in life, and no one will get very far in
life without learning respect in some form or another.
2. I believe that students should feel safe and comfortable in the classroom, and if
they arent feeling that way, they need to feel like they can come to me as a
teacher and talk things through. I want them to feel like the music classroom is a
safe space. I will not tolerate bullying in any way shape or form in my class.
3. I feel as though it is extremely important for my students to feel as though I
believe in them. Music is something that should bring everyone together, and if
the students do not believe in themselves, I need to be there to believe in them and
their abilities.
2. What expectations are already established in the school re: student
1. Students are to behave in a respectful manner
behaviour (i.e. rules, procedures, routines, policies, general conduct)?
2. Students are to file out the doors in an orderly manner during lunch/ recess
3. Students are to sit and eat their lunch at their desks/ tables
4. Students do not run in the hallways
5. Students do not wear hats in school
3. What expectations are already established in the music classroom re:
1. Students are to be respectful
student behaviour in the (rules, procedures, routines, policies, general
2. Students are not to talk when the teacher is talking
3. 3 strikes and youre out. (Students fiddling with instruments when they arent
supposed to be get warned twice, the third time they have to put the instrument
away. If they go three days of putting their instruments away they must call their
parents with the teacher on a break.)
4. Students treat their instruments respectfully
5. Teacher and students use PAX (a school implemented behavior plan)
6. Grade 5 band takes stands and chairs out
7. Grade 7,8,9 puts chairs and stands away
8. Students are allowed to noodle on their instruments at the beginning of band to
warm up
9. Students are expected to have fun and joke in class, but are also expected to
work hard

4. What are your Teacher Associates key beliefs and values about student
behaviour in the music classroom?

1. Students are to be respectful

2. Students are not to talk when the teacher is talking
3. Students are expected to have fun and joke in class, but are also expected to
work hard
5. How do your beliefs and values align with those of the school and with
I absolutely agree with every single thing my TA implements in the classroom. I
those of your Teacher Associate?
think it is great to have a learning environment that is fun, but I also think that it is
extremely important for the students to be respectful to the teachers, each other,
and their instruments.
Proactive Strategies
1. How will you establish a positive and productive learning environment? 1. I believe that it is important that the students grow to respect the teacher, not
i.e. Specifically, what will you do during the first and second classes?
because you demand it, but because you earn it. I hope that by respecting my
students, and not talking down to them, they will come to respect me.
2. I am hoping in my first two classes, to try my hardest to learn most of my
students names and establish a relationship with them. Obviously this may be a
little tricky in the first few classes, but I at least hope that they understand that I
am there for them and that I am excited to be there. I feel like if I can get the fact
that I am excited to be there across, the classroom will be a positive, and
productive learning environment.
2. Once established, how will you maintain a positive and productive
1. I think that it is necessary to always seem as though I am extremely excited to
learning environment? I.e. what will you do in the following days and
be teaching the students, even if I am having an absolutely horrible day. I need to
weeks to maintain this environment?
constantly be engaged, and excited to see my students and to teach them. I think
that by seeming excited and engaged, and by putting obvious effort into the class,
the students will put the same level of excitement in.
2. Although I hope my classroom is a fun place for my students, My classroom
will have pretty heavily enforced rules. However, even if a student breaks one of
the rules, I will never talk down to them, but instead talk to them as a person, and
explain to them why I was disappointed about them breaking the rules. I will
always talk to my students in a positive way, and will always make sure that even
if I am upset that they may have not followed the rules, I care about them.
3. How will you positively influence students behaviour so that they meet
1. I will make sure to talk to my students as people, and at an equal level to me.
your expectations?
2. I will make sure to thank my students when they do something great and show
that I am paying attention to them and what they are doing.
4. How will you demonstrate leadership in the music classroom?
1. I plan to demonstrate leadership by knowing everything I possibly can about
the topic I am teaching, as well as making sure that the students know that they
can come to me with any question.
2. Although I am there to teach my students, and have fun in some ways, I will

5. How will you respond to off-task and/or misbehaviour? (List progressive

responses to varying levels of misbehaviour moving from low-level off-task
behaviours to more serious misdemeanours).

6. What are your classroom procedures?

7. What are your classroom routines?

8. What are your classroom rules?

9. Who will determine the rules? Teacher? Students? Teacher and students?

make sure that my students know that I am their teacher- not their friend. I am
there to teach them a lesson, and am not there to goof around, so when I need to
enforce my rules, I will without hesitation.
1. I will first look at the student and maintain eye contact so that they know I am
paying attention to what they are doing
2. I will then walk towards the student, and put my hand on their desk without
saying anything. Just so they know Ive noticed.
3. I will then kneel down next to the student and ask them to please get back to
their work
4. I will then tell the student that there will be a consequence the next time I have
to talk to them.
5. I will then take away a privilege or have a consequence for my student who
keeps talking.
1. Grade 5 band takes stands and chairs out
2. Grade 7,8,9 puts chairs and stands away
3. Students are allowed to noodle on their instruments at the beginning of band to
warm up
1. When the teacher is at the podium ready to teach, students are to be listening
and ready to play.
2. Teacher will welcome their students to the class, and make any announcements
that are necessary.
3. Teacher will go through a warm up before beginning playing.
1. Students are to be respectful
2. Students are not to talk when the teacher is talking
3. 3 strikes and youre out. (Students fiddling with instruments when they arent
supposed to be get warned twice, the third time they have to put the instrument
away. If they go three days of putting their instruments away they must call their
parents with the teacher on a break.)
4. Students treat their instruments respectfully
5. Teacher and students use PAX (a school implemented behavior plan)
6. Grade 5 band takes stands and chairs out
7. Grade 7,8,9 puts chairs and stands away
8. Students are allowed to noodle on their instruments at the beginning of band to
warm up
9. Students are expected to have fun and joke in class, but are also expected to
work hard
I believe that the teacher needs to ask the students their opinions on rules,

especially in the older grades. That way, the students will feel as though they are
involved in the process, and will be less likely to forget what the rules and
regulations are. This should also keep them accountable as they carry on in the
classes. I do however, believe that the teacher needs to have a fair amount of
control over the rules, discuss them with the class, but in the end be the one who
created them.
10. How will you ensure that your students know your expectations re:
1. I will make sure that the rules and expectations are discussed with the students
rules, procedures, policies and routines?
within the first two lessons. With the younger students, I will continuously repeat
the rules before the lessons for at least a little while, so that they get used to new
rules with a new teacher.
2. That way, it also seems fair for all the students that I am not asking them to
constantly remember my rules. By repeating the rules for a while, they will
remember them throughout each class.
Proactive strategies you will take to address this issue
1. How will you introduce yourself to the students on the first day?
1. I will introduce myself as Ms. Cooper, talk to them about what I will be
2. I will talk to them about myself a little bit so that they know who I am a bit.
2. How will you learn students names?
1. I will make sure to play fun and simple name games with the younger grades.
That will help me learn their names through constant repetition.
2. With the older students, I will get them to introduce themselves and tell me
something interesting about themselves so that I can learn a little about them.
3. How will you get to know your students as individuals?
1. I will make sure to talk to the students about things that they enjoy, and
continuously ask them about it when I see them In the hallway/ in class.
2. I will make sure my students get to know what I like so that they get to know
me as an individual as well.
4. How will your students get to know you as a person?
1. I will make sure my students get to know what I like so that they get to know
me as an individual as well.
5. How will you establish a sense of community?
1. I think that to establish a sense of community, it is first important to have a
relationship with your students, and prove to them that you want to create a
community and that you care about being there and teaching them.
2. I plan to make sure that there is no form of bullying whatsoever in my
classroom. By having this rule in place, the students should be able to feel
comfortable around each other. I will also make sure to have an open door policy
that the students know that I am there for them if they need someone to confide in
or talk to during the day. This will help the students know that I do care about
each one of them, and that I do not pick favourites, which in turn should help the

students feel happier with each other.

Proactive strategies you will take to address this issue
1. What will you do to manage and organize time to optimize learning,
1. I will make sure that there are specific rules in place about what happens when
teaching, and music making?
they walk into the classroom. Like if they should have their instruments out,
where they should be sitting, etc. That way, I can optimize the time I get with my
students without them wandering around talking for ten minutes.
2. I will make sure that my students have all the new music that needs to be
handed out on their stands before they come in the room (or if that is not possible,
have it organized for easy hand-outs). That way, it doesnt take too much of the
class to hand out the new music, and we should have plenty of time to work
2. What will you do to manage and organize space (e.g. room set up) to
The classroom is (luckily) extremely spacious and very well set up. I will not
optimize learning, teaching, and music making?
have a problem with space to teach.
3. What will you do to manage and organize matter (i.e. students,
1.Students have their rules about how things are organized in the classroom as
equipment, materials, resources, etc.) to optimize learning, teaching, and
given by my TA. I will follow her rules and organization as best I can.
music making?
Proactive Strategies you will take to address this issue
1. What personal variables (e.g. exceptional learners, behavioural
1. I have a student who is a trombone player, who is missing his right arm. He has
disorders, age of students, gender, personality, etc.) do you anticipate for
learned how to play the trombone with his other arm, but this obviously will
which you will need to account? How will you address these to maximize
create a few challenges for me as a teacher. Luckily, he seems like he is
teaching, learning, and music making?
extremely involved in practicing the trombone and I feel like working with him
one on one sometimes will help him develop as a player.
2. I also have a grade nine trumpet player who is quite good, and the fact that the
rest of the band relies on him has a negative effect on his ego, and he doesnt
think he needs to work or practice. Not only that, but it hurts the rest of the
ensemble as well because they expect him to hold them up. I think that the best
way to address this is by having a few pieces where other students are the feature
and he takes the back seat. This should help some of the other students get more
confidence in themselves.
2. What contextual variables (e.g. socio-economic, religious, cultural, etc.) 1. I am in a catholic school, which is lucky for me because I am catholic as well.
do you anticipate for which you will need to account? How will you address
these to maximize teaching, learning, and music making?

Classroom Management and Leadership Plan


All listed criteria are fully met: 50

Almost all listed criteria are met: 45 49.5
Most criteria are met: 40 44.5
Some criteria are met: 30 - 39.5
Only a few criteria are met: 1-29.5
None of the criteria are met: 0



Responses to Preliminary Questions are well researched (i.e. have complete and accurate answers
regarding TA and school), well conceived, and demonstrate maturity in judgment.

Where appropriate, strategies listed are proactive (i.e. anticipate and solve problems before they

The strategies are well-conceived, well thought out, and demonstrate maturity in judgment
(e.g. logical consequences, firm, fair, consistent).

The strategies identified reflect current thinking and research in classroom management and
are potentially effective approaches to leading and managing in classrooms.

The strategies identified to address management considerations reflect strong organizational


The strategies identified to address personal and contextual variables reflect awareness of
context, proactivity, and/or sensitivity to the situation.


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