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Running Head: DEPRESSION

Community Problem Report: Depression

The University of Texas at El Paso
RWS 1301
April 1, 2016
Blanca Acevedo


Mental health issues occurs when a person has become psychologically disturbed and not
in a regular mental state. With high percentages being seen throughout all these teenagers, people
should began to advocate and inform within themselves. Also if an adolescent realizes they have
symptoms of depression, they should find a therapist or someone they can talk to. Through
advocacy much can be fulfilled but it needs to be recognized by not only the teenager but also
the entire family. By helping these teenagers people can lower the rising number of teens with
depression. If this number continues to increase the number of suicides and adolescents with
mental disorders will dramatically increase. As this rising predicament continuous to increase,
there is not much a person can do to eliminate depression permanently but a person can lessen
the chance of he or she facing depression. Countless studies have been made throughout the
whole world searching for the percentages of adolescents with mental health issues such as
depression. All these studies come to show that depression is seen in the United Sates. Although
depression is not only seen within teenagers, this conflict demonstrations a suitable example
towards that enormous impact depression can have on an individuals well-being.


Mental health issues have always had an impact in society, which have also helped create
conflicts within different groups. The group that seems to have the most problem is adolescents.
Teenagers are expected to meet high standards that people in their lives have set up for them, for
example their parents expecting them to achieve good grades in school and get into an amazing
university. The main issue that impacts many adolescents is depression. According to a survey
one in five teens deal with depression in the United States. Teenagers now a days are facing the
real world, the good and the bad, before they even finish high school. There are many other
issues that contribute to forming this increasing issue within teenagers but no matter what the
race or gender depression can strike any child. It may be invisible to everyone around at first but
when a teenager is dealing with depression the struggle to come back to normality is quite a
There is much needed attention and awareness in this area of conflict. Without any
awareness many teenagers may be lead to the fatal act of killing themselves and ending their life.
Avocation within adolescents should be greatly imposed to prevent any depraved actions that
may take place. Not everyone presents signs of being depressed, depression can be silent and if
one does not pay close attention it may be too late. Awareness on the issue should not just be
imposed on adolescents but also parents, teachers and counselors. If a few positive words can
save teens from ending their life; then at least advocating caused for one less person to be dead.
Along with the advocacy that should be presented studies have been performed throughout the
course of many years to support the ongoing depression that adolescents are facing.


Research on Depression within Adolescents

The number of adolescents who suffer from depression and anxiety is underrated. The
fact that there is still not enough adults who worry about the delicacy of the situation is
endangering. Depression is an illness that is not understood by many people which leads to
misjudgment of people who deal with this mental illness. Understatement is needed because
adolescents are in need of people who will not judge them base on an illness that is not
understood. Many depression patients cannot cope with their illness either because of the illness
itself or because of the emotional issues it brings to them. Depression in teens does not have one
single definitive cause but rather several psychological, biological, and environmental risk
To better understand the depression that is continuously taking over adolescents lives, it
is essential to understand the studies that have been made to explain this depression. One study
done was seeking for levels of depression within a high schools student body. High school
students were studied to find out whether or not they were higher or lower than the National
average. The different measures that took place proved that the recent literature on depression
and mental stress was in fact a unique set of pressures in the academic arena which render them
vulnerable to lowered self-esteem, anxiety, and depression. In other words, not only was
depression amongst these teenagers being caused by excessive amount of pressure but also from
the lack of acceptance in social groups. Although many people already know that high school is
filled with much stress and high pressure, the psychological toll that is being presented is
becoming quite alarming to many people.
Twenty-five suicides are attempted for each one that is completed. Teen suicide is one of the
leading causes of deaths for teenagers in the United States. Sometimes depression can be silent


Figure 1: A female pointing

a gun to her head.

and not detected by people that surround the person who is

dealing with depression and their cry for help may lead to a
suicide attempt. Adolescents that are depressed may deal
with the issue differently. For example, some depressed
teenagers resort to cutting themselves, drug use, and alcohol use to make themselves feel
something other than sadness. But the harsh reality is that while those resorts may help, the
feeling of sadness does not go away. Many teenagers think about death but not many fully go
through with it. Many teenagers that commit suicide sometimes are looking for a way out of the
sadness that they are consumed by. Self-harm and substance abuse are not the correct way to
help deal with depression, it causes more harm than good. Teenage depression is an issue that not
many understand which makes it difficult for adolescents who are depressed to understand it as

Adolescent Depression Statistics

Statistics show that between 10 to 15 percent of teenagers have dealt with some
symptoms of depression at one time. Depression increases a teen's risk for attempting suicide by
12 times. Teenagers will suffer from more than one episode within two years comapared to the
rest of the population. An episode in a teen can last up to eight months. Teen depression can
affect a teen regardless of their gender, social background, income level, race, or school or other
achievements. Although teenage girls suffer more from depression than teenage males, but


Figure 2: Statistics graph about Mental

Health in children.

teenage males commit suicide more often. While teeenage girls may
seek help it is less likely for a teenage male to seek professional help.
Thirty percent of teenagers that deal with depression also develop a
substance abuse. Teenagers that are dealing with depression may not
seek professional help because most do not know where to get help.

Adolescent Depression Awareness

Adolescnets that deal with depression, only 30 percent receive any treatment or
professional help. Due to the severity of the issue that is teen depression awarness needs to be
brought upon the issue. Many helpful resources surround teenageers but without the right
information not many are informed. The Adolescent Depression Awareness Program (ADAP), is
a program that helps inform teachers, parents and high school students about depression. The
ADAP helps deliver the message that teenage depression is a treatable medical illness and that
teens who are dealing with depression should seek help. Through presentations and training
programs the ADAP help reach the goal of educating people about teen depression. There are
many other resources that are helpful for adolescents who are struguling with depression There
are psychologits, counselors and suport groups that can help overcome depression. Resources are
all around, but not many teenagers know where to get help.


By bringing awareness to a issue that involves the youth it can help lower the percentages
of teenagers commuting suicide or developing a dangerous habit. Many teenagers do not feel like
there are adults that understand them and by educating adults it can help save a teenager that may
be suffering from depression. Depression is not an issue that should be taken lightly, it should be
dealt properly.
Depression affects five percent of teenagers and is one of the leading causes of teen
suicide. Teenagers all deal with depression differently and to some it is a short phase but to
others it is eternal. Depression is not an issue that should just be brushed off but instead taken
very seriously. Many people should be more aware and couscous of the unhealthy matters that
are attacking a larger majority of adolescents. By getting informed about the issue that affects the
youth it can help shed light on a dark issue. Education on depression should be important to both
teenagers and adults to help one understand with it really means and how to help.
Mental health issues is a serious topic that many should take great interest in. Depression
can create for any human being to become mental unstable. Without advocacy not much can be
done to lower these alarming rates of depression within teenagers. Also, adolescents who feel as
if their have entered an irregular state of mind should go to therapy or take medicine to decrease
the likeliness of becoming mentally ill. By taking interest in this serious matter, the percentage of
teenagers with depression can be lowered but without the awareness towards this harmful
situation the rate of depression may continue to increase. All in all, many people such as the
clinic in one of the studies should continue to advocate and inform within the community so they
can have low rates of depression.


(2010). Adolescent Depression Awareness Program (ADAP). Johns Hopkins Medicine.
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Abela, John R. Z. Hankin, Benjamin L. (2008). Handbook of Depression in Children and

Adolescents. The Guildford Press. Retrieved March 12, 2016, from

Dundon, Edith Emma. (2006). Adolescent Depression: A Metasynthesis. Journal of Pediatric

Health Care, 20(6). Retrieved February 16, 2016, from

Evans, Dwight L. Foa, Edna B. Gur, Raquel E. Hendin, Herbert O'Brien, Charles P. Seligman,
Martin E. P. Walsh, Timothy. (2005). Treating and preventing adolescent mental health disorders:
What we know and what we don't know: A research agenda for improving the mental health of
our youth. Oxford University Press. Retrieved March 2, 2016, from

Evans, J. R., Van Velsor, P., & Schumacher, J. E. (2002, February 1). Addressing adolescent
depression: A role for school counselor. Retrieved February 16, 2016, from

Furr, Susan R. Westefeld, John S. McConnell, Gaye N. Jenkins, J. Marshall (2012) Suicide and
depression among college students: A decade later. Professional Psychology: Research and
Practice, 32(1). Retrieved March 15, 2016, from

Gladstone, Tracy R.G. Beardslee, William R. OConnor, Erin E. (2011, March). The Prevention
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Hess, S. G., Cox, T. S., Gonzalez, L. C., Kastelic, E. A., Mink, S. P., Rose, L. E., & Swartz, K. L.
(2004, December). A survey of adolescents' knowledge about depression. Retrieved February 16,
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Thapar, Anita. Collishaw, Stephan. Potter, Robert. Thapar, Ajay K. (2010, January 30). Managing
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