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eee oy NOS senses ' BOOK OF THE [wes oF rs ave or suena | RESURRECTION [EIiene ave onnaans ase a MIGUEL SERRANO (GELA JACOBSON ROUTLEDGE & KEGAN PAUL int publihed in 1984 by Routledge & Kegan Pol ple 14 Leicester Square, Lends WC2H TPH, England 9 Park Stet, Boston, Mass 02108, USA 464 St Kill Road, Melbouie, Vitoria 3004, Astral and Brouivay Howse, Newtown Roa, Heley-a-Thames, Oxon ROD TEN, England ‘Set in Bebe 10 on 12 pt by Set Fir Limited, Loon ‘nd prise in Crest Brin by The Theor Pee Lime, Thr, Noy English ransation © Routledge & Kegan Poul 1984 [No part of this ook may be proud in sy form without pers fom the publisher, ‘se fr he ati of be page Libary of Congress Catling i Pblication Data Serrano, Mig, 1917 Nos ook ofthe Retreton Traulaton of. Ne, lin de a rere, 1 Tie PQBOET.SSINGIS 1984" 863 ot. 4056 vii Libary CIP Date available ISBN 0-7100-9928-6 CONTENTS. ‘The revelation —How the Cosmic Egg was broken ‘The Fier of Him "The Gods - HER-HIM ~The Secret ~The face ofthe soul -The Circles of Return ‘The comrade ~The dream The dog om the frozen pliin~The Master ofthe Sphinx ~The Master who understands the language ofthe animals and flowers — ‘The signs~ Allouine ~ What she looked like = The ‘White Gods —Don't lose your s-control~ "The Narrow Passages’ ~The suitor~ The fight ~The ‘Wounded King ~ He asks the question ~'The supplicant ~ The kiss~ The body ofthe Absolute ‘Woman ~ The scabbard ofthe sword ~ The tet ~The ‘tiny spatk’~ The exchange of hearts - The lefthanded sign The Ring of Resurrection - Midday ~The Dise ‘The garden of childhood ~ The face—The vokets of childhood ~"Ego’~"Uninhabited blue’ - My comrade ‘The great war of the Mchabharats~The Master and the serpent~The Court of King Antarethus ~The stone ‘which fell from heaven ~ The initiation ~The search ‘once agsin—Carl Gustav Jung "Self — Anima, Animus ‘A-Mor = "Synchronicity’="The Art ofthe Fugue’ ~ Hermann Hesse ~The Wounded Warrior B B ® vi Nos: Book ofthe Resurrection ‘The unknown legend ofthe Princess Papan Interpret the giants ~ She ~The glance ~ The supplication ~The path of A-Mor — Father The secret chamber~ The plumed serpent "Zarathustra'~ The Orphie Music In which che war ofthe Mahabharata begins ~The dificult test once again ~The secret marriage~ ‘The navel ofthe world”~ Lemuria ~The initiation ofthe ‘Manu-Tara Dreams about water— The baptism of the ‘Man-Bird The ery ofthe bird ~The reunion with Jason — [eis seo a grave— Death and resurrection in “Titicaca ~ The burning bush ‘The young fawn~"The lan of tears is so mysterious’ Dejection ~ The transcendent light On the other side ‘of the mirror~A woman has no soul. Shes the soul Don't stay in Anahata How can I bring her back to life? The lord ofthe names ~The sel ofthe word — Father Ether ~The return of the beginning tolfe—The sural tunnel ~The Cathar stars I recover the dog ~‘The house onthe mountain —The Dird of Paradise~ The Triad~ The last supper ~The leap into the Void % 107 161 169 m ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ‘The illustrations for the English edition have been specially drawn, by Wolfgang vom Schemm. In this book I have reproduced lines and poems by Irene Klat Omar Céceres, William Blake, Hilden, Rilke, Shelley, D. 1. Lawrence, Rabindranath Tagore, Leopard Virgil, and a translation by Ezra Pound from the poets ofthe troubadour Bertran de Born. Tam grateful to Faber & Faber Limited and New Directions Pablishing Corporation for permission to quote Section Il and Section IV and the frst line of Section VIL from the poem ‘Sestna Altaforte’ from Collected Shorer Poems by Ezra Pound (Faber & Faber) and Personae by Enra Pound (New Disections). Copyright 1926 by Ezra Pound. ‘The grave watered by tears, © you, fields of whest! ‘Turn away no more, Why wile chou tarn away? The stary floor, ‘The watery shore Is given thee til the break of day. The only representative of God on earth is the soul (MEISTER ECKHART Worraawe vourenon E WAY OF A-MOR INTRODUCTION ‘This work possesses all the defects needed to defeat time. T was forced to write it in this way. In accordance with the required limitations, 1 have also been permitted to. reveal the Martial Ination of A-Mor. ‘The whole of my creative work falls ouside the boundaries of any specific lteary gente; itis nether 2 poem, nor 3 novel, nor a philosophical esay, although it contains lite of each of these. 1 conceived it within a chythmie unity of the soul, and it can be assimilated with no more difficulty than chat inherent in its ‘symbology and essential obscurity, even by those who come upon it for the first cme, In NOS, Book ofthe Resurecion 1 have been forced, s I said, to violate the aesthetic formula, so 2s to introduce lengthy semi- conceptual, bt always symbolic, passages, which apparently break through the web ofa parallel world in order to situate themselves in another one ~ thus forming the arrows which assassinate time. Of course, they are the defects which are necessary for a grandiose ultimate diapason. (‘This face docs not have enough ugliness in ito be traly beaut”) EL/ELLA, Book of Megic Love, the work which preceded this ‘one, soughe the reintogration of isn and her, the primordial Cosmic Egg. However, inthe Initia 7 ‘hich NOS, Book ofthe Resurrection attempts to reveal (with great fear and difficulty), 1 am going beyond the Androgynous of the beginnings, in search of an absolute differentiation, the Absolute Personality. ! imagine that the ukiate solution is leap into che Void, over the Sahasrara chakra, from the peak of Mount Meru, where the Magic Wedding of Siva and Parvati took place. Their union in sacred matrimony is called Gandharba the Hiers-Gamos ‘or Mysterium Coniunctions. From there the intention is to reach ‘Suny, the seeming Void, the Non-existent Flower, the definitive separation of tantric ecstasy: Kaivalya, a opposed to Vedantic ‘Samadhi. Thats to say, the magician a opposed to the sant snd the ‘mystic. The ukimate aim of the Hyperborean Initiation of A-Mor. ‘The origins of this most ancient martial initiation are losin the ‘mists of time (ifindeed i ever did have any origins), and its based ‘on the Orphic Cosmogony, which is a Hyperborean revelation, belonging solely to the polar divinities and semidivinities, to the “White Gods’ who lived at both poles and were later submexged in the interior ‘Hollow Earth’. They are also the lords ofthe Ray of Green Light, beyond the Sim of Gold and the Black Sun, ‘According to the Orphie Cosmogony, Love drives the Cosmo- _gonic Eros to break the Cosmic Egg which encloses it, dividing the ‘Androgynous. Thus, Creation isthe dance of Him and Her seeking and losing each other throughout infinity. ‘There is a mystery which has rarely been spoken of, and then only in tremulous, almost inaudible voice. The Androgynous had a female companion who was not its “her” inside the Great Egg but had always been outside it, even before it was broken, before the Joss ofthe Paradise of Hyperbores (Hyperborea means “beyond the Ice and Storm),' The Book of Genesis calls het Lilith ‘The Book of Genesis is known to be an Atlantean stary which has been adulterated, expurgated, totally mutilated. Closer to what really happened is what Plato tells us about Adlantis in his Critas and Timaeus. In the beginning ‘x man issued forth out of the earth He was called Evenor and he married Leucippe, They had a daughter, Cleito. The god Poseidon fll in love with her. Perhaps this isthe fll ofthe divine extraterrestrial, of which the Book of Enoch tells us? The angels, ic says, fll in love with the “daughters ‘of men’ and consorted with them. From them were descended the semi-divine heroes, who were no longer immortal. From the union ‘of Poscidon and Cleito were born ten kings of Adantis, the eldest being Atlas, who supports the pillar of the sky. Aféer him comes Apollo, who protects the Oath and the Golden Law. Apollo, according to the Greeks, travelled to Hyperbores every nineteen | Hiyperborea is 2 mythical lost continent surcounding the North Pol Some people Beiove that twas the real Adan, years in order to rejuvenate himself. In reality, the Greek god are the heroes and kings of Adantis-Hyperborea. Poseidon and Cleito produced the five pairs of twins who were the ten kings of Atlantis, ‘The Dioscuri, Castor and Pollux (Pole) are one of these pairs. So also may be Jason. At the very least, he i a king of the Grail, lke Heracler Hercules, Iti important to beable to cast light on the mystery of the Twin ‘Kings of Atlantis. Is the twin a material entry or only the ‘double’ in an asta, parallel world? Te can be deduced from allthis that various levels of humanity exist. The divine humanity of the Hyperboreans, the semi-divine humanity ofthe heroes descended from the intercourse of the gods with the daughters of men, and that ofthe animal-men, the sda, the parn, ‘the slaves of Atlantis’, perhaps the ‘robots’ of Atlantis, ‘who somehow managed to survive its sinking, Plato tells us the story ofthe destruction of Arlants as it refers to. catastrophe which occurred a very long time after the immense tragedy that is only recorded in the aki register ofthe universe. Only the divine Fyperboreans eseaped from it in their vimanas, of “fying diss’, going to other planets (o Venus, the Morning Star?) ‘The axis of the cart shifted, the seasons were born, the Second Earth involuted. The First Earth became the ‘hollow’ Interior Earth, When the divinities returned, ages later (Lucifer was one of their leadess), they found everything changed. On the surface were strange, untecognisable beings (Evenor, Leucippe, Cleito?). Some of the extraterrestrials “fell in love with the daughters of men’. Lucifer and his hosts entered the interior, Hollow Earth, where they buile che cities of Agharti and Shambhalla. There they hoped to be able to recover those who had turned into semi-diviities through consorting with the errestrials. ‘Because ofthe impossibility of writing their real names, which ae in fact mantrams, we have given them names like Evenor, ‘Apollo, Lucifer, Jason, Leucippe, Cleito and Lilith, which are taken fiom the truncated mythologies of « more or less recent past. ‘The Fa refer to the same subject asthe Book of Enoch and the ‘Mahttharata, showing us that the Vanic and the Aisic have extraterrestrial origins. They are the ‘angels’ of the Book of Enoch ‘who taught men the ars of building, astronomy and agricultre, and women to adorn chemselves by making cosmetics. Did the Vanir or the sir consort with the daughters of men? Pechaps they 4 Nos: Book of the Resureton ‘both did? Jus like the Pandavas and the Koravasin the great war of| the Mahabharata, the Vanit and the sir, who were blood relatives, entered into military strife. The Vanir lived in the north the sir apparently came from the Caucasus, ed by Odin, of Wotan, the God of the Axe. They may have gone down into the ‘Second Earth from the peak of Mount Elbrus. With them they took the Goddess Friggs. The Vanir ad Frey. There is effectively litle difference between the two names. They also had Adas, who gave bis name to Atlantis. He was the supporter ofthe pillar ofthe sky above the North Pole, with his head touching the Pole Star above. Soon Atlas, too, worshipped Odin's axe. From the union of the ‘six and the Vanit came the Norsemen, worshipping their Hyperborean ancestors through the symbol ofthe Plat ofthe Sky, ‘whose real name is IR or ER, the root-name ofthe most important ‘of the Gods, Inmin, which means POWER. In the Nordic cul, the tree then became the symbol of the legendary pillar. It is the Irminsul (R-minsul), an ash which stood ia the Eresburg (ER- csburg), the Castle of ER. Charlemagne felled it, while the monk ‘Boniface cut down the sacropatriarchal Oak called Donar in the nousand-year-old grove. Both converted the ‘pagans’ by force ‘The Bia cell us that the sacred Tree, which was also called Yegdrasil, was destroyed in the Ragnarék, or Twilight of the Gods. Ie was the Tree of Life which grew in the Nordic, pola, Sacred Grove. Up its trunk climbed the vine Vid-Embla, like a ery Serpent, coiling itself round it. The Vitis-Vies. The crown of the tree supported the sky and was the sky. Its golden fruits were the star, In the Garden ofthe Hesperides grew Golden Apples, 25 they alto did in Avalon, the Inula Pomonum, the Island of Apes ‘Apollo and the divine Hyperboreans went there fo eat chem in forder to rejuvenate themselves and return to life as immortals. ‘They were the Aisi (Ask-Emble), ASA, Axe, support, axis ofthe ‘earth and the sky, Polar pillar and also Viis- Vie. "The way and the life, The pillar and the lf, The tree and the serpent. The pillar nd Kundan ‘The Tuatha De Danan in the Irish legend are also the Air, the extraterrestrial who came down from the stars. “The Nordic legends are closer tothe great mystery of the point ‘of origin than the Christan and expurgated ones, like the Book of | Enoch itself; because the point of origin is to be found at the pole, in Hyperborea, From there came the cult of the Magic, Sacred Introduction 5 Wedding, later called Gandharba in Aryan India, and which the Germans took with them to the Languedoc, where it reappeared ‘mong the Provencal troubadours and the Minnesinger ofthe High Middle Ages (Tristan and Isolde), along with che Azag (see the Dictionary of Initiation of A-Mor a the end ofthe book), the May Bride and the Countess of May. And also with the mysterious Weevre Saelée (Isolde?) whose sons the Minnesinger claimed to be. With regard to the Hyperborean Magic Wedding, it should be bbome in mind chat the name of the God Poseidon comes from the Greek poss, which means the married one. The husband of Cleito, the Betrothed. According to the Greek legend, he is the son of the God Uranus and the Goddess Gaia, the divine ancestors of the ‘Atlnteans, Euripides ssid ‘In the Land of Amber (Hyperbores), the King of the Gods celebrated hie marriage." "The belief in reincarnation is alzo estentilly nordico-polar (of both ples), being better expressed in the myth of the Eternal Return than in the rationally elaborated concept of Hinduism and Buddhism. ‘THE REVELATION Because of the proximity of a new cataclysm, within the Eternal Return, and because the places of those who will be saved by the Flying Discs of Light have almost been filled, Ihave been permitied to reveal certain pagct of the sacred book which refers to the “cosmogony of this Martial Initiation of A-Mor —thanke tothe same acceleration of time which forctold the catastrophe. Hire is what appears in the book which was salvaged feom the fire: How the Coumic Egg was broken “There was an Egg, which was all the non-created world, with transparent walls through which there could be seen no one and + ron-outsde, And this was where HIM-HER lived. In. the breathing of che Great Egg, ftom time to time, like something ‘which happened before the seconds and the hours, there appeared the colour green, which might have become a star, or a ray of ight, but which remained as the motionless, coemogonic Great Egg. A music, 2 sound, took shape, or rather, the seed of 2 music, its, insinuated trembling. And the being which was there, inside the Great Egg, scemingly complete and eternal, gave off a green vapour, and in that tenuous muse the vapour condensed and She stood before Him, as iin the play ofa breath or the simulation of a dance, But She did not yet exist. Hurriedly He reincorporated Her, breathing in deeply, becoming HIM-HER once more. “Bot, the experiment had now been made, the time was foretold. Chance became Destiny within che Grest Egg. The breathing became rhythmic, although it stil stayed within the walls of transparent ice. And each time the Being breathed out, She ‘emerged and danced a litle, covered in a green placenta, until He breathed Her in a5 if He were drowning in a horrible pleasure, rapidly, rapidly, s0 as not to let Her escape, And a new chance destiny occurred. The green veils fell away from Her. And He saw Hee for the frst time naked in her body made of breathed time, play and dance. And all his eterity could not suffice Him co gize tupon her nakedness. In an ecstasy of green fear. And 2s this event ‘ocearred for the frst time, circular like his breathing which was ‘now spinning like a star, She became hard, retaining her substance and form, until She, roo, could gaze upon Him from outside. And although She tried to retum, She could no longer do s0, because ‘She didn’t ft, She couldn't get in. She was alone for s moment, bat in that moment She realised that being alone could be a pleasant sensation. And She began to dance more and more quickly. And ‘when He returned from his ecstasy, all his efforts to reincarporate Hier were in vain, because the entrance had become smaller or had closed, leaving the terrible female at liberty, uncontrolled, And 2s He came closer to Her, He experienced the vertiginous sensation of| his own flesh touching itself on the other side of a mieror. And it was She who took him into her body. Bu thi was nota all the sme thing. “Ie will never be known who smashed the walls of the Cosmic Egg, whether ic was Him or Her. The Egg turned into 4 star, 4 myriad of stars, into the music of the spheres. Someone stood waiting as if beside a spring, where the history of the Cosmogonic [Bg is guarded inthe secret depehs of its impenetrable mystery "Teas been stid that She was the one who smashed the wall of| the Great Egg, who was the active one, and that He remained motionless, 25 if paralysed. But, 25 we have seen, it was He who began to breathe Her, projecting Her like the image in a dream, so as to see Her unfold, beginning the uncertain separation and to believe that He loved. It was He who invented this almost-love But it has always been said that it wat She, the seductress, the igreen-veied ballerina, who gave 4 beginning t0 the flow of the ‘waters ofthe river of forms, tothe hallucinatory game oflooking at oneself in mirrors. "But, i¢ there not perhaps another hidden being, either inside or coutsde the Great Ege, who pre-insinuates the drama? Another being who has discovered the way to get in through the walls of, frozen glass? “Outside there is nothing but Eggs, more Eggs. Because this ‘drama takes place in only one of them. Inthe others there is still he ctemity of HIM-HER, like an inviolate act. ‘The Her of Hime “We are coming down from the Ray of Green Light, Gest to the inaudible music ofthe Black Sun, then to the audible music ofthe ‘Sun of Gold. And from its light which surrounds us, we have ‘managed to extract the knowledge that the externalised woman does not have a soul or a “pre"-existence which would make her immortal. Because she was projected. This knowledge drives her tosuck inthe man, drawing him inco hersel, repeating the original event, but in the opposite way, 2s an even more obscure act. He ‘will become the son, prolonging within the species the possi- bility of the Eternal Return, the turnings of the wheel, so that the hope of reintegration can continue. And the longing. She perpemates herself in reproduction, conserving the increasingly fentious hope of resurrection and of becoming immortal. How~ ever, solely through His immortality can She become immortal ‘This mystery is revealed only to afew in ce initiation of the Grail, that stone which fell from the Ray of Green Light, that cup of ‘ternal ie “There are two types of women: the seductress, who wishes to 1g0 on dancing outside s0 8 to imagine herself alive and with a soul {Enticing the warrior in order to desecrate him (Ecce Deus frtior me (qui veionsdominabitar mil and she who places her eternity inthe ands of her lover, who “dies so chat he may live", because she believes in him with fh and love, imagining that iThe regains his ‘eternity, he will make her immortal, to. “Whoever has the good fortune to meet this woman should 8 ‘Nos: Book ofthe Reswreton respond toe with loyalty and honour, and should one day try tod retumn trough the walls of tansparet kr, yond the cd sth orm, Dn seh sel er nme his oc bee the one who, hiving received the gift of ecm in the cup of det, wasnt loyal os Her and was ne tle ‘Her back to life! ™ mata nae “There ison on er for ach him, She has been singled out or im in some repute ofthe tniverse. This cmot be changed Decne Shes he Her who cane oat of Hi. Inthe tung of ‘cel ofthe Eternal Ream, rs nor alvays given to mex One or other migh av lt, oto ex. But tey do manage to mec, evrything mart be pt take vo beng her bck tie ‘hd it iss eie to cone loving. ves in coer owes Searches: Beco no one ocend in eplacing his He he Way of Ren ard oe Tee ong of he wire “onsite, There never was apasage, ‘And no one, Seca “ Eni te Fiore dacoveredit Neither by sano by dy This sence trend of crane wate, Wind and green ight “Tir sighing of his base ‘Thewsy nagonting Deepa the waters Otten Where © Lace, Shall we ros this immense se?” “With Lace we have Bi hse which nr goes ou 2 which leads us to a superhuman, irreversible destiny sant The Godt “Those Eggs whose walls of ice h s whose walls of ce have not yet been broken, within ‘which the Cosmic Eros has not divided, are the Gods who watch us, following our enterprise from within their frozen immobility, in their absolute darkness, their black holes, through their walls Of | Introduction ° real glass. They ate the pata-Hiim and the para-Her. The inviolate Gace However, perhaps they hope that from our movement, our foreseen chance-destiny, conscious light may emerge for them 25, ‘well, ke an imperious meaning which will force them to cross the ‘alls of real glass of their Eggs and which will smash them, so that the vibration projected by our drama, our dance of pleasure and pain, may illuminate-the darkness of the inviolate ones. HER-HIM “eis whispered chat there was nce a woman who did not emanate flom HINCHER, the Coomic Eros, and dd not escape from iin Got imagination and esc. And she was belived to have an Teicha tel Tha she wos the fet. companion of the ‘Rndtogynoss, being Androgynous herself. But this sno longer spokerr of Pe ‘the darkness of the primordial Egg. this darkness is only so for atoveris looking ait from outside, because this darkness i ‘Ghetea bind ofighe submerged in Gury. Whocvers inside only Stes trough lined ey, through the Eozen plas, rom one pole to te other. HIM-HER sees HER-HIM. -HIERCHIM, the fae companion ofthe Cosmic Bros, has never bees hosed of gain An it beter 0, The sion ofa rerun to TIMCHER od ehe possibility of reabsorbing her into ones coming omen for ever, was belived ine Has it ever been Succeily achieved? No, because il being sought on the outside of women, hts psi bodies It should be Keown then that, in reality, the cane ete be able to bring Her back to Bf, (6 resurrect Her svthin bis soa "flowever once the Great Egg has been broken, nothing can cverbe the cme again. The way back never reaches the sume point ithe arming ofthe spiral And She will never agin go back inside Fim, a She once was before the beginning of time, Now She will Ione heslfoutsce a speeds which reach te othe side of ight "Bar, eterna love has ben created The secret, “Theres no single species of woman in the World. When the Egg of HIM-HER was broken, HER-HIM watched the event from within her city of blue-green glass. She couldn’t ress following suit, and 0 she, too, smashed her wall and projected her own him. And now ‘we havea divine woman whois also seeking her lost totality within the Circle of the Returns. She is not the primordial and ‘kusory female, She is the woman who leads the elect to the heaven of Absolute Love HER-HIM has also put everything at stake, risking her mortal him, projecting him ineo the irreversible enterprise. She will never ‘get him back again inthe same way. And in the immensity of the universes, it is difficult to Know how this story will end and whether both will be capable of smashing sill other walls of even thicker matter, succeeding in loving one another in such a way that 8 para-Love which occurred on the othe side of space and time can reach an eternity of another light, thus modifying the Mond, ike luminating the darkness of the Primordial Egg in diferent way ‘And in the rebellion ofthis game from which thete is no escape, to succeed in etemalising the her of HIM-HER and the him of FIER HIM, clothing their images with immortal substance ‘The face ofthe soul “Only those who have recognised each other, thanks to a chance destiny, on the polar Mountain of che Revelation, in the depths of ‘midnight, can fulfil this mystery of love and “resurrection, supremely personalised, within the fatal circle of mestings and Tosses. ‘Someone is watching this drama, still attached to its him and its hher bya golden string. Someone who has been waiting a if beside 2 spring. And if love tciumphs, not only will they have been immortalised, reaching a world that i even more glorious than that of the Gods, but they will also have given a face to HIM-HER snd HER-HIM, illuminating the non-existence ofthe Black Sun with the light of this Other World. Because through drinking the liquor of Eternal Love in the Grail of green stone, they have been able to [penetrate the vingiity of ther own and exch other's Monads, The Circles of Retr “In the initiation ofthe warriors of A-Mar, the aspiration is not to achieve the Androgynous, but the Absolute Man and the Absolute ‘Woman. The woman dies. She is dead. She must die in order to return to life. She i the warrior's companion, existing only in his mind, in his spit. Only with che memory of his beloved in his heart ean the initiate achieve the Grail. Inthe warriors ofthe order, immortality pases from the species to the individual, accompanied by an incurable sterility. Because he who continues to procreate children of perishable flesh cannot resurrect The sign ofthe immorels is the square pupil. Look closely atthe ‘eyes of every traveller you meet, lest an immortal cross your path land you fil to recognise im, "You have the impression that you have heard these words, seen the fir that consumes and illuminates each ofthese pages, and had the vision of the Cosmic Egg before. And this ie £0, because the Great Egg is tobe found inside another stil larger one, which has never been broken. Because of this, the act of losing is eternally repeated, because the longing revolves within ehe walls stil ntact ‘bat limited ~ ofa universe without exit, repeating each image, each fragment, each sta, eternally. Until someone, some day, in the depths of midnight, reaches the Midday Sun and, with the sword of'a Ray of Green Light, succeeds in smashing the walls of this other huge Egg, opening the way tothe existence of reality which hhas never been imagined even by the greatest of the searchers of longing. "Drive your sword into the mirror beside the fire, so that asi is reflected in it, “everything looks a fit is in an upside-down sky", like an arm holding i, rising out of the waters. And passing your sword over the Bie, sing: “0 Sun of Gold that reflects the Black San! (© Black Sun that hides the Ray of Green Light! ‘Withdraw your luminous shadow, Rend your veils, so that {may see the hidden fae, Veiled by your disc, By che revolving of your swastika, [Because the one whois hidden there Is myze” ST Let forgetfulness never again fll upon us, let what we lived 2 Nos: Book ofthe Resurrection ‘through in the Eternal Return not find us again without memory, ‘without recollection, let us engrave it for ever Continve your search for the city, enter it, She, t00, is searching fori. “Draw your sword, unsheathe it, the moment has aived,” From this vision, one can deduce the following: loveless A-Mor consists of a reintegration of er in Him and him in Her, whieh Jung conceived of the reintegration of the Anima and the Animus, pychologising a sacred mystery. However, this does not imply 4 ‘return to the original Androgynous, aecomposition ofthe Cosmic Egg which had divided, beeause nour a face is being given to the soul, 35 the book explains. The face ofthe Lover and the Beloved, ‘of Her ‘him’ and His ‘her’. HIM-HER and HER-HIM have found ‘ach other again ina different way, with A-Mor, tht is, without seath, becoming tansfigured in’ a total Absolute Personality, achieving OneSelé Separated and united for all time in the separation of HIM-HER and HER-HIM, in the immortality of a resurrection which has this been invented and created, of a non ‘existent A-Mor, but more real than anyehing that exists. The A ‘Mor of HIM-HER and HER-HIM. Hoc et ego magnum sign in cus investigatone nonull peer! ‘Casa Camuz2 ‘Monagnola To the May Bride ETERNAL RETURN know that [will meet you again and that everything will happen ‘once again exactly 2 it did so long ago. Except that this time Iwill not allow you to die. Iwill hold you in my arms, defending you agains the dark waters of death. Because this time Iwill remember everything, [will remember that you have already ded. But... willl remember? A TURN OF THE WHEEL THE COMRADE For many years he had been travelling through these inhospitable, inpopulated regions. He had crossed forest, lakes, high snow= Covered passes, drawing ever closer to the Great South. Some natives greeted him reverently, others ran away when they $3 his blue eyes and golden hair. An Ancohuinca, they called him, an inhabitanc ofthe City ofthe Caesats. They didn't know that he was exactly the opposite: that he was, in fact, searching for that city His sword and armour weighed him down, Also, he was dragging a cauldron. It was some time since his horse, with a star fon its forehead, had leapt into a ravine. He had been able to save himself by grabbing hold of the branches of an apple tre that someone had planted in that wilderness He was approaching a hillside covered with stunted trees and a few sickly flowers which had been twisted by the southerly gales. ‘At nightfall, a shadow appeated on the rocky wall, becoming. dearer #4 he came closer t0 it. It was 2 cave. A febie light was ‘shining from inside it, The man decided eo spend the night there, protected from the prevailing cold "At frst, he saw nothing. Then he realised that it was a big cave, swith stalactites that gave offa crystablike brilliance in the reflected light of some flames. He stepped forward into a central square and saw a man seated ata round table which had been carved cther out of the rock or pethape out of gigantic stalagmite. Thete was 3 blazing fre and ewo lighted torches fixed to the wall. The man appeated not to have heard him arrive. His eyes were closed and he twas drawing cirles on the top of the table. On the ground were Seatered a number of scrolls; some were spread open and he could see that they were maps. 16 Nos: Book ofthe Reswrecion iit ssp Roepe soe "Sh tro oe ae pemee rer eee broad forehead and blac ir. eet Sud ocho ar ie ca oo re “ato ln pet weet Sant aoe mace are seen Sones pare tune eee is igre Rar cae eee ire yous ey have, wih the rele tha the ery enon of ge see Seaton lrenceenancae mo of oe as SESE goannas Aiplesscs the Second Earth lst teva fc bnoceg Wh Tew gare enc randaneaanat at See erate ets site Tay ureter wu pas eae rea toe pe ce a, Sapna ata ein Me ad ‘which is populated on its surface by the slaves who escaped from A Tarn of the Wheel 7 ‘Atlantis. But in that city for which we are searching, in that First Imerior Earth, the White Gods sil live. And the women who possess powers of healing. They are the Regions of Pleasure.” “Alas!” he sd, ‘I fel aa insatiable thirst.” “That isthe thirst ofthe pilgrim, which can only be quenched by Asinking from the Chalice of Green Stone. Its liquor alone can sate four longing for etermal love, comrade.” “Now I remember, your name is Jason, You were the fst ‘wartior-troubadour. And your dog's name is Leo.” “Now my dog's name is Aris.” “Oh! Speak to me of the Grail.” ‘Te is guarded in a sanctsary somewhere in this area. It was brought here by those who were defeated in the great war of the ‘worlds, on the sinking of the Polar Island, where the animals and the fruits conversed withthe humans, where my dog could answer mme with words that I could understand. ‘The apples of Avalon moved, coming close to our hears... . The Grails ajewel which fall from the crown of our guide, Lucifer, when it was broken in his batdle in the heavens, when he was struck by the sword of the enemy. Ie is said that possibly He himself carried it to the Noreh Pole, deseending like & bright light, like a fiery Dise. There he founded Ultima Thule, the cxptal of Hyperbores. Because ofthis, the Gril has been called the Stone of Exile. The armies that accompanied Lucifer are the defeated forces from a war between extraterrestrial, the outlaws, the exiles, who stil preserve the piece ‘of the broken crown of thir guide, in the form ofa stone on which is inserbed the Law and the Great Secret. Iti also an Emerald Chalice, in which liquor made from the blood of extraterrestrials is drunk. ‘The indecipherable signs protect the wisdom and the history of a great myth of love. When Hyperbores and Atlantis were destroyed, the White Gods, who had already emigrated to this other continent, entered the Interior Earth, the Hollow Earth, its “Double”. The mystery is guarded at the South Pole. The liquor is the blood of our guide, Lucifer.” ‘Thave heard tell, he interrupted, ‘that in the Polar Oases, our guide lies asleep and that he will be awakened when time has ended. Fieis alive and yet not alive, he is dead and yet not dead, Because the Grail Keeps one ina state of non-death, a5 if preserved in sleep.” “ies believed thatthe namne Grail was read inthe stars, in very ancient times. When the stars were scanned, this mime was discovered. Yes, the Grail fll from the stars.” “But we should not speak of this except atthe given time and in the appointed place. We run the risk of out faces changing colour and shape.” “Iecould be that this is the time and place, The Discs of Light that \We now see appearing and disappearing in the sky, moving athe speed of thought, changing shape and colour as Uacy cmit music and “seem to read the minds and feelings of men”, are the New Grail, the reincarnation of its legend. They have carried off our Buide, and they will recurn him cous. They ae all-powerful. They fem bring the dead back to life. If we do not forget to ask the “question”, like Parsfal, they will take us to our guide. But beforehand we must triumph in the great tests ofthe mystery of the Gril, The light from the Disc is blinding. When it appears, the lights of the city go out. The Disc rakes is outside time, it makes the sleep of centuries seem less than a second. Ini the White Gods came dow from the sky. . . . Ihave revealed the secret ofthe New Grail t9 you. ... Look at my face... . Do you recognise me *Yes,’ he ssid, ‘your name is Jason." “The Land of the Grail trembles. I temble. No other light in compare with the light of the Grail. He who has foreseen it, oF dreamed it, is lost to this world, because the Grail is the driving force behind every enterprise. It is a the origin of the war we ate fighting. Once we have stepped on to the road which leads tothe city where the Grail is kept, it would be better never to have embarked on the enterprise than to abandon it, Even falling and {geting up again, wounded, dying, we must go on until we find it ‘We must never tuim back; because the Grail is the medicine, the food of eternal life. It is transiguestion. Without God, without all the Gods, who do not want us to succeed, with only our ancient Hyperborean fury and the memory of the Beloved in our heart, we will achieve the Grail.” “The Gril isthe Stone of Light," he cred. ‘t quenehes our thirst, it mukiplies our food. It feeds us internally, creating inside us the light thar enables us to find the narrow passageways that lead ws to the room where our Beloved lies sleeping, Belore it was found there were no roads. The fire which has becn lt will never go out again... “Tlived in the forest like 2 pure madman. 1 was the son of a widow. Or peshaps you were? My first fight was against her for the independence of my soul. Bur how much T owe her! . ‘The light ofthe torches slowly dimmed. The night was drawing, con. Soon it would be midnight, The interplay of ight and shadow fn the walls ofthe cave and on the sharp edges ofthe stalactites had am almost hypaotie effect. His eyes were slowly closing. He heard him say: "You are the sword. She is the chalice. ‘Then, 2 melodious whistle, which seemed to come from his childhood. ‘And the dog called Aries came and lay down at his fet, in the rele, ‘THE DREAM pee onan, en pase ee eer eon tae enna down nht The ee eee wie oa Sepia mitts sot wie Te wy are ee ee i erin eterna a a dog. THE DOG ON THE FROZEN PLAIN ‘Why have you woken me? I was much happier there. Iwas living 0 Nor: Bok of he Resurrection inns dream. Don't you have anything better to teach me on this side of things? Jason had said. He vemembered having heard him say that, many years ago, in the past or pethaps in the fature. Bust now he was no longer hee, He had been sallowed up by a dream which was more real Gan any reality, A cleft hd epered beneath the stone circle, beside the Siege Perilous, along that path ‘of pure dreaming which he had chesen ina remote past, during the years of his youth, The man left the cave, followed by his comrade’s dog. e was ddawn in those icy regions. And he began the next stage of his journey as che Pilgrim of Longing. He looked for his star inthe sky. There was, twinkling genly, sending him is secret, as yet undeciphered message Ie seemed 0 him that, in is velvety and penetrating igh, ie was teling ‘Jeson isnot dead. In some pare of this world, his hfe has been transformed” He stoked the head of the dog, which shook its culy coat and stared a him, asking him the reason for its existence, why it wae there, why it was a dog. It was only fora second, because tinct. icky took over, the instinct of the guide dog, che dog which leads the blind, Ie began to sniff dhe sickly bushes. the rocks which stuck out of the snow. Now it would be the dog which would follow the non-existent read, inventing it for him, following the scent of that flower which is alo non-existent, called Calafate, which grows in the inhospitable regions of the south, where the ‘old and the light ofthe Black Sun of midnight andthe polar ices Degin co make themselves felt For weeks and months they walked on without meeting anyone. ‘They were rounding che edges of the peaks ofthe Condes of the Andes. A. delicate perfume wafted towards them, 33 if fom a border land or a universe cut off by the waters. "Then the dog ‘began to descend the mountainside. A frozen plain appeared, with {0 or three bushes on the horizon, bent by the wind. The dog ‘ame toa hale, panting, with its wer tongue hanging out it looked 2 him Gxedly ‘The man said to himselé “How can people say that dogs can’t speak? Ie is saying farewell to me with its eyes. | understand perfectly.” The dog sat down, therein the space between the peaks and the Sozen plan, Sei looking at him fixedly, it began to speak to htm A Tum ofthe Wheel, a in bis own language: ‘Ihave filled my duty towards you, Comrade, Tam going join fas, det ohm by hs enchanted ‘ohidpock, Hs while which scems to. come fom dian Uhildtood. They are eiling me. You don't need me outside you say more. wil bow side you, ke my bots the wolf, when {f2 hou of your Iaving ako comes, when you wil be eid with inthe Cry of Daw.” “And it bogan Co any dowly a fist, then fister and faster, suight across the fenen pin, Some lack bird sppened in the Skyand flew very lsc oe. Anda thy al faded int the distance, Spponcing the sed test on the horzon, i cere 3 the Ta ere swooping down on othe dog, on tot cost of golden tars. And then he Could seein long, beeatte a thick mist ove the pn Fora. ong ime ‘he walked in this mist, He never knew how he managed to com the psn eease he waked a ifn a dream. And thos twas tt venta he found bina eter inside 3 hose ‘vith an ld man ike gigantic moun, whose ce wos marked Sth crevies of mine and whose eyes hed square pupil, or srlking beside hi. ‘THE MASTER OF THE SPHINX. “The old man sat down beside the piled-up bones ofthe skeleton of the prehistoric Milodon,! “tet us til,” he ssid. “Question me st you would question youself. "The man stretched out beside him, “Yam surrounded by dead both men and animals. And as ifthat weren't enough, now there’ this skeloton. Can you ell me if any ‘part of us continues (o exist after death?” “Your question is badly put. What you should 2k is whether there is any reason to believe that anything survives deat,’ “ie there? “A child in whom the “ego” has not yet appeared, who tals in the third person, all bas the dreame ofan individualised being, with a clearly defined personality, which affect his whole adult ie. * A prohstorc nial fom the time of che gest eptiles, found fozen ina cave in Patagonia ia the south of Cie 2 Nas: Bookof the Resection ‘Where isthe “ego” which snot there, which is not yet conscious? Pechaps in his “Guardian Angel”, which has not yet lost its wings? 1 the mind is capable of functioning outside the mortal body, then itis inconruptbl, ic is outside the confines of time and space. Ie lives in the stars, in the Ray of Green Light. I it has once been ‘ouside the body, i willbe so again. Which does not mean ta s1y that you can rid yourself of your “ego”. On the contrary. Your “ego” can rid itself of your body, but you can never rid yourself of it. Tewill always be chee. Even in a moment of great ecstary, there isan “ego” which knows cae there was auch a moment. There will allways be an “ego” to know that you no longer exist." ‘The Master vanished. Hr remembered that long while ago, in fraway land, he had ‘met him beside the Sphinx. Then he had spoken to hitn of love and crime. He had told him chat it ie necessary to love like one committing a crime (On his finger, the Master ofthe Sphinx wore ring on which was carved 2 serpent THE MASTER WHO UNDERSTANDS THE LANGUAGE OF THE ANIMALS AND FLOWERS When the mise disperse, he fond himself standing beside fundsome old’ man, with dear eyes and’ sweet sme. He wat contemplating the mouotie and Bela set int lndsctpe ‘vhose vegetation feminded him ofthe Valle ofthe Flower the Binalyes “Thave lt my fends dg,’he explained, ‘But ely he was my dog" "He will have gone to eon Leo,’ he replied “Wha itso, Mase? “Leo the astrological age in which animals eonversed wih amen. Thote ate magi happenings nt worl. Tor aml a dog which fn ir'master’s howe wer being 2bandoned more than one hnded kometes way, Natte ‘wise. IF you item to you can hea the vole of Go, oll he Gos. Leo aso understand the language ofthe Nowets andthe las 7 “When I was a child, 1, too, could speak with the flowers. Ie is A Turofthe Wheel 2 abe tat ny “ego” wat diapered among chen, before i Entered my body. Perhaps profes remains inthe landespe ‘And thas my love of nature may be no mote than love of nyse "Hap ace those who, in old age, ate pexmited vo experience once agi the emotions of te enbet ftey, to fen tothe Sine lod “Thave just me the Master af the Sphinx. But he spoke to mein symbols I wold almost sy that he interpreted ther "He has the right to d0 0, he explained. “Becsse be isan "The sme ofthe Master who cold converse with the animals and flowers was so gel and his be eyes were o en hat the tan fl hs owt Bil with deep, melancholic presente dat {hs oeeting, to, was dawn ove. ‘THE SIGNS When fandameneal events ane close to reproducing themselves, hough they almost sways tke us by serps, there se gt sich shoal slut They artigos wich appentin ur solr and inthe Lndscape around ws Like a mored muse which appears in 2 ‘hy of ight and mnovesaros the waters "The sky was scold, pale ble, The snow and ice made walking, through he rocky pss ifele: Now and ther he saw some frm, looking sed snd limp ss they struggled to grow in crevices in the rocks fray of cold igh ilominaed a solitary stone on which hy 9 Cope! lke s bell of erysallaed blood, transparent i hs Sot ple igh The man pcked up the ower, because he knew that thd been eft tere for him. ‘And oa the stove he read the maisage “Come what may wil rocood Towal the way Ofteaury. “The way tat ads towards the height ‘That seams to touch Thesky. " National dower of Chile (Lapeer). % ‘Nor: Book ofthe Resureton the city. In your mind, in the memory of your heat, And when you have reached it, you will nd me waiting therefor you, to Inand you the chalice filed co the brim with the liquor of wrtality and Etcenal Love. This is the mystery, O Avtis!..” ‘Suddenly he was overcome by tiredness, as ifthe gree effort of travelling and searching theough many ages had exhausted him, and he stretched out beside the fire with his hes in his hands. She touched his forehead. Ie scemed to him at if« whole ie, 4 whole Tur of the Whee, and much, mach more, had come together in this momentous peak ofthe spiral. Through his clouded eyes he watched thefize, without speaking. Until he was again able to tell her about hie lost comrade and his dog. “This has happened so many times!” he exclaimed, “And Ihave ‘been unable to change a thing.” ‘To comfort him, she told him the legend oftheie anecttors, the seekers of the City of Dawn, ‘THE WHITE Gops "We area sola race; but from that San which lis om the other side ‘ofall the suns. Our stars close by nd appears to the Walkers of the Dawa to show them the way, beyond the Sun of Gold and the Blick Sun, to the mansions of the Ray of Green Light, fom ‘whence love and dreaming come tow, 5 “The memory flight shows us tha the White Gods at the fallen warriors who sought refuge in that star. The story goes that they came down to ive at the North Pole, on the continent of Hiyperborea, which enjoyed » temperate climate during the Golden ‘Age: When that continent disappeared, when the etatrophe in the skies was repeated, the White Gods withdrew into the Interior anh, although a few of them went to « tansoceanie continent, (0 the west, where the Sun ofthe Golden Age had not ye se, becase that was where the Black Sun ofthe South Pale rose, at che point where Arcthus, Arthos, the Hyperborean bear, became Antac thus, the Beales bear of the Southem Continent, where Stone Ihenge, the Observatory of the Sun, became Tishuanaca, the ‘eansmitter of Venus, the star of Lucifer, America-Albania was the land of the White Gods after the disappearance of Hyperbores and ‘Ukima Thule. They moved from one pole to the other. They ‘atred a sword, a lance and a cauldron, together with the Soma A Tum ofthe Wheel, 2 plant. With them they also brought the stone which fll from the broken crown of Lucifer, the King of the White Gods, whom others have called Apollo, Abraxas, Siva, Quetzalcoat “The ancient Celes and the Vikings knew that che White Gods, their ancestors, came to this ancient twansoceanie land, where the “Midnight Stun rises and which i traversed by a river of liquid gold. ‘They came to search for them and buil their monoliths and towers hhee a signs for those who would follow them. Bue they didn't find the Enchanted City “Because the Blick Sun of Midaight doesn’t shed its light ouside the earth but inside it. That is where the White Gods, our guides, live. The green light that streams out from both poles isthe dream of the Black Sun as it longs for the Ray of Green Light, The {entrances to the Interior Earth ae t be found a the poles, 3¢ well tin the Antarctic Oases and possibly on the top ofthis mountain. ‘They can be reached by taveling cough the deep waters which ‘low beneath the ices. “In this Interior Earth are the Cites of Aghaesi, Shambhalls and the Cazzars, inhabited by the immortal Sidahas. There the Golden ‘Age sill exists. The Discs of Light, covered in erichaleur, fly out fiom there. They carried our guide off toa place of safery Its the invulnerable Paradise which our people have rediscovered, where the science of resurection and eternal love is guarded. Te is the starting point of the journey to our str “I, to, searched forthe path, the sgn, the gateway. Bue Iam a woman, and I know that t will noe ata the city by my own fort. Only in your mind, in your dreams, willbe able to do so. ‘What 2 great risk I rum and what great danger I face i you don't imagine me, if you don't recreate me, dreaming ital for both of Ifyou don't love me for ll eternity, if you don't bring me back to Bee, DON'T LOSE YOUR SELF-CONTROL “There must be purity in the defeats which lead to victory. Don’t allow your desire to reach the city to become excessive, You will Eadie when you have stopped searching fore when you think you have lost it. You will have reached it withoue realising it, carrying ‘me in your mose secret thoughts. Peshaps the gates of che cty are the guts of death. Peshaps you will have to change your body, ike 2 Not: Book of he Resection Steepisthe path, But filled with light From those that climbed ‘Before me, Who left on every jutting rock Alantem glowing ‘With eheir dreams." ALLOUINE ‘On s plateau on the mountainside near she unatsnable peak lay 2 small ake anda semi-petified forest of fir tree ad tll pines. The ‘water of the lake was partially frozen, so that in places one could ‘walk on it. In this lonely, icy landscape stood a cabin, The radiant summit of Mount Metimoys? stood out cealy, leaning at 2 pesilous angle ‘Alhough the lake was small, the man took months, maybe even ‘yeas, to walk round it and reach the entrance to the cabin. He opened the small door and found himself inside 2 crcalar room. On the floor were decrskins and some branches from ‘Ghnainon tee. The embers of « dying fire gave off a blue light Beside it dressed ins thin red gow, stood a woman. A headband ‘of the same colour held back her hai, which cascaded over her shoulders ike a golden waterfill. She looked at him fixedly. And he el ha, forthe first time, he was being stipped ofhis ‘ego’. It seemed to him ae if t oras dissolving in a sweet emotional “O Gods!” he said to himself ‘Ie is AUlouine” For a moment he lost himself in the magic of her eyes. “Tt ws look at cach other," she said. ‘We are Hyperboreans.” ‘Where had he heard this before? Then the woman began to temble. And he realised that she was about to fill into the fre. He managed to hold her up. “The earth was shaking,” she explained. ‘My horse lape into 2 savine. The branch ofthe apple tre couldn't support my weight. T ‘was brought here by 2 muacle, carted by 2 ray of light. Only because Thad to wait for you... The Gre, too, is burning 1 Mali = four: Moya = breast, A Tam of the Wheel, 2% He lider down on the skins, making her a bed of cinnamon and fr branches, He rekindled the fire, which quickly gave of its blae-green light again However, the room was not cold. The walls of ice, which appeared opaque fom the outside, seemed transparent ffom the inside, giving a view over the lake and the semi-petriid fore, ‘which from 3 distance looked like slender serated mountsns, and the white peak rising into the sky. “The nigh filled with stars. And i was traversed by those musical lights which can ‘read the thoughts of men’ WHAT SHE LOOKED LIKE Her forehead was ike the dite ofthe Moon, Her eyes shone ike the ‘Morning Sta, with a deep, dewy light. Her golden lashes were ike petals which had fallen from the san in autumn. When they were ‘loved, i seemed as ifthe wings of birds had shut out the light of day. Her neck was long, Uke that ofthe statues in a temple. Her delicate ans, he slender legs were lke the roads tha ead us to and from the Enchanted City. Her hands, with a tracery of dliate bine veins, gently stirred the air, a if weaving her dreams. Her golden bai floated in the breeze ftom the glaciers, becoming entangled in the branches ofthe Hypesborean oak trees. Stretched out beside the light of the green flames, she herself was “beyond the God of the (Cold and Storms Her voice was like music lowing from the depths of night ‘I ‘avr you attve riding astride an arrow. Therefore [shal call you ‘Avti which isthe mame of the God of our lot continent. Avis loved Allouine, the fith-bor daughter of the City of Transparent Tee, which revolves but says sil have the power to put you in contact with your star. Lam the roof which will shelter you from the storm. My love will give us peace and defend us fom all ‘danger. You will ind peace in combat, But i willbe | who wall fight within you. And your bravery will protect us tothe end, {am within you, Iam you, my fate i linked with yours. And you will have no other companion, now or inthe depts of che grave. Ill be content ae your side inthe Grest War and i you remain loyal to me till the end of time, if you believe in me steadfastly, bravery ‘nd good fortune wll never forsake you. Only with you can Tenter 2 Nor: Book ofthe Resumeton 2 piece of dothing, in order to enter it. Or, perhaps, navigate ina Ship with alts lights on, which moves beneath the surface ofthe ‘water and is crewed by ghosts. Or reach an island in che middle of the Ocean, surrounded by flames, or 2 xstle of dismond, which revolve ike the pol. That is where the women with supernatural powers live, They will give you a glove, a pair of gloves, which You must take when I die. They will make you invisible, And with Your incorporeal body, born out of the fames of tht isand, you ‘pill eros the walls ofthe City of Dawn like a wind blowing ftom the stars. “Listen, beloved, never lose your self-control. Don't allow Aesperation to enter your search If you fail at dhe gates of the cy, shen you have reached its wale, ¢ will vanish ina faction of = second. And i wil be as fit had never existed, ke a non-existent ower shedding its petals. And you yourself will become con- ‘inced that it was alan iusion “Then indeed, we will ave died for ever.” “THE NARROW PASSAGES’ He fl asleep beside the fire, listening t0 the musial sound of her words fading farther and further into the distance. She placed some branches as 2 pillow beneath his head and lay down beside him, turning her face towards the flames. Her eyes alo began to close, ‘And they both dreamed the same dream. Ta the lor ofthe cabin was a flagstone which could be ried to rive accets to 4 subterranean world. They began to descend 4 Stuircase which a fret was made of fe and then of marble. Te was Covered with the eaves of laurel and cinnamon tees. For 2 long. ‘while they continued their descent, and all the time there was this Clear white light from an unknown source which surrounded them. Finally, the staircase came wo an end. They heard sot, almost in audible whistle. Before them flowed the disk water: of a sub- terrancan river. On the wall ofthe rocky quay, he read: “Every seven hundred years the laurel will lower again” And he srw Carvings of a dove and of a man inthe form ofa swastika, toring in the opposite direction to time, "They began to bear » int melody which rose out ofthe water from a hallsubmerged object that was gliding slong lke 2 sea- WolE, In reality, it was 4 ship which was navigating beneath the A Tun ofthe Wheel » sunfice of the water, with all ts lights on. Ie was crewed by dead ‘men. Its captin climbed up on to the bridge. He was blind. However, he had a third eye in the middle of his forehead, which ‘was open and shone like 2 carbuncle “The captain ordered his crew, who wore strange garments, co lower two small boat into the river. Them he held spyglass this third eye and pointed it towards the region of the Ray of Green Light, And EI Caled! sailed away while its cxew sang: “To every slr the Gods Have given a comrade While one sleeps, ‘The other keeps watch On the bridge When one doubss, The othe gives him his faith + When one falls, “The other discovers the ons, (Office for both of chem.” And then: “Berend totaly the si, auton the brace tthe ind Take good advantage ofthe South Wid That makes us sai soil. ‘thousand delights that you willeverfnget Avie youindiame lands" ‘And the ghot ship sie off into the distance with lis ight on "The bow were very small They bad to rake ove exch Inside cach boat was love Tey realized hat when they potion they Soule oly pri ive, being able o move eqeally in two orl, inthis world tnd in the oter world hat lis onthe other “de oftheiphe ofthis earch Pesapein hie way they might beable ear hea ‘ach bout was draw along by purl curent wnt dey reached sme very arrow entates, et tthe rock, which Tooke tif tiey were made of shiny metal nd which temed 0 Be gpl ws of te Sut Pole ihe he Mf in the Nordic 20 Nor: Book ofthe Resuetion revolving. ‘Funnels of orchalcum, they thought, im which the tiny ‘bouts only jut Sted. And then they couldn't see each other any ‘more and didn’t know if they would ever meee agsin, nor if they ‘would land inthe same place atthe end of those narrow passage, Which appeared to have no exis. ‘THE SUITOR Early inthe morning, he went towards che forest in search of fod. Te was a coniferous fores. He ased to tun there frequendy, spending most of his ime in its dingy thickets. He experienced the sweet anguish of losing his beloved during the day and recovering har in the evering. OF going away from her so 2% to be closer © her, oflosing her so to recover her. He walked through the forest beside the lake, in an cesasy of love and desire, happy in the Jknovledge that she was clove by, that he had recovered hee within ‘that circle which cans endlessly, where che posbility of meeting again was always a hicky occurrence, And alo tertied by the lobe eat i¢ was only a dream, “He was walking round the fot of sacred mountain and sighing swith love. And with each deep sigh, he picked up 2 fistful of snow ad crushed i to his brest to coo! his ardour, 2 he called out her nname, If he had scen her appear a that moment, he would have {sked her: "Who ate you and what do you want of me2" And i she replicd: I am your beloved, and I have come beciuse you called tne’, he would bave sti: “Oh! Tam zo busy with this love that consumes me that Thave no time for you any more.” “This is what happens with the suitor. Until one day his sighs forsake him, THE FLIGHT ‘Again they dreamed the same dream. They were on the edge of the plateau on the great mountain, Below them were rocky precipice. Beyond, invisible, ly the immense Ocean. They took hold ofeach other's hand and, moved by the same impulse, leape inco the tbyss. But instead of fling, they found themselves gliding above the indscape, with feling of great freedom. They passed gently above the rorks and tried to decipher thet inscriptions, looking the signs, che carved faces, the tops ofthe res and the deep chasms ‘hat yawned open inthe earth apd the ice. He tried to discover the A Tum of the Wheel 3a ithost of the dog, the remains of its Golden Fleece. They Hew Southward and saw the City of Hunger and Thirst, the City of Petrus Sarmiento de Gamboa, appear on the horizon. ‘Then the Great Ocean. They continued ever farther southward until they saw an island on which stood 2 castle with twelve black towers, cach bearing the sign af revolving cross. A deawridge linked the towers with the central Keep. The castle was made of stone and shone brightly. The island was surrounded by fre ‘On the farthest borders ofthe south lay the Pole “There ie no Poe," she explained to him. ‘Look careful Ay higher.” "They could see an enotmous circular aperture. “The Pole isin there, inside thi aperture Ie docsn’e exist, i's an apparition. Let us go inside.” ‘As they went decper and deeper inside, chey saw flowers made of precious metal, vers of turquoise, gigantic animals ofa race which id disappeared from the surface millions of years ago. And they poke an intelligible language. the flowers, the fruits, the animals and the golden water, which invited them co drink ic. But they were unable to stop there or go still dccper inside, and they realised that they were not yet tobe permitted to reach the ct. “This is che impregnable Paradise where our guide lis sleeping and where one day he will awake.” "They went back, sil holding hands, gliding gently alongside the skuas andthe condors, unt they landed on the iy plateau on the ‘mountain from which they had taken off ‘THE WOUNDED KING ‘One midday he found himscl in front of @ pyramid-shaped rock, fon the edge of the lake, He had the vivid impression that he was ‘living something that had happened before. He knew that rock, he had been here before, during the eternal retum of these events. "He walked some way off o as to retrace his steps towards the rock and examine it more closely, concentrating intensely, with his eyes half-closed. And inthe clea light of midday, ewo figures appeared "the ancient Cindad del Rey Felipe, the City of King Philip of Spain, “Tolay it les in he prighbourood of Putas Area inthe mor Souter fart of Chile. I was founded By the Conquistador, Pedro Sarmicato de Eates 2 Nos: Boo ofthe Resurection CCuciously, the man was not wearing armour or a sword, but was dressed in strange, dark-coloured clothes and wa leaning on hin walking-stick. The clothes were from some future, fof time, whieh he had somehow foreseen. Despite this, he knew thatthe rman was a king. His eyes were feverish, sunken, surrounded by shadows. His forchead wat broad. The thick moustache of & warsior covered his ips. He bad ncovered his head and was speaking politely to dhe woman. She was also wearing 3 dark ‘coloured, cloe-ftting gown, She was tll and slender. While he spoke, a5 if terror.aricken, his whole body trembled. He realised that the couple coulda’ see him, because he was standing inside a sil- distant vibration ofthe light. His situation, inside this energy recurrence, did not coincide in time with the event which, owing t0 4 strange tick of the light from these ‘mountains, this midday, was mistakenly projecting these images. Bus, he thought, in some other law, or non-lw, he mast have encountered, or would encounter, eis king and this woman, when the images andthe realty coincided. Oh, let it be so! ‘And he was permitted fo listen with impunity to what they were saying. Perhaps that rock was a sensitive spot in the earth with 2 xpablity of projection, or a rent or an inversion in space, which coald make time travel towards the past and the fature come towards us "And what they were talking about was, precisely, the subject oF ‘the ‘ego’ and time. Or rather, ofthe ‘ego’ and eternity within time, ‘without going outside time, The man explained in a low voice: “Everything repeats itself cterally. Time i infinite, but energy is not andi as to reproduce its creations. The lat becomes the frst once again. The serpent bites its own ell And in this hallucinatory situation, ft is Impossible to free oneself from the “eyo” and ie recurrent ‘experiences. When the energy in your body becomes exhausted, it ‘ill be reproduced not once but ad infinitum throughout eternity, ‘hen the Will fo Power again crosses the sime circuit of light, beside tht Midday Rock. And this "ego" which fel mypelfto be, sil become “mysel™. And you will be "yoursell™. There is 20 ‘way to excape from this, When that extinguishing of consciousness that we call death occurs, and wil and energy abandon our exhausted bodies, time will also disappear. And although an A Tarof the Wheel 2 cecmity may pass before energy ropes, ill Seem only a Scand oon etmming consciousness. Becsse there was notte ‘Ra the sane rock tse tthe sae grass wil sl be here ‘Aad sp wil "you" and "The sme story. And wil again Tih icke Dick Art “And [wil po mud again athe only way to escape fom this her hi ego" whith bs away Bsn si a ema prone, even fan emit pss tefcen one carn ofthe whe Tet ancecr: And Wan “ege" will eye now othr aly ex, ifalthe egos” ae nut “mysel®™ The only way eo cseape rom my "ego" bes in mane. And {wl cl this he mid Sxpercning all the "egos", bring Cac, Alerander, Dion td the Cniied Ones! “The woman scemed io sense che presence of stanger. She turned towards whore he stood adie her hand in tga trate aif toasting him with» non-existent cp, She si: This $e king who was wounded by a crcl les His pai neeases Stoner Setun shines, You mer avenge hi, restore is rveped tind whim, Bnd him a way sts bres through the cre with out sword bende ths ook of vovaton, he depth of idday Arch abo the dep of hin midnight. This rook produces ‘Minin in whosove look tom within a feversh ext of Tight Thins wae happened eo this King” "The womar hand which war il ke, caught ld of igo gventby an eagle Stichng out her hand 5 hough the fein space and tne she psd the object over fo hi Tr fetter were io objet a fut and 2 ng. “Thats the Fri of Rem, she explained. “Do not ex it with yout Beloved. grows inthe wantlad, But you may wea he Tg, Teste Ring of Resection HE ASKS THE QUESTION He dida’t leave the cabin again. He could only find the Fruit of Return in these ltudes. And, secing the end: approaching, be prefered Gsting tothe horror that had been revealed f0 him. He tollected conifer rein nd turpentine, in te bli that ithe made a Stink fiom them ie would prolong his beloved’ life. Oh, if only they could drink gold and slver, Ambrosia, the liquor of eteral lige 4 [Nos: Book ofthe Resueton He didn't leave her side, Now he wanted to know, to penetrate ‘vith her the ultimate mystery of life and death, of reunions nd losses, of the longing of the endless pilgrimage, of the Eternal Rerum and partings. Now he was going task the question “When I vas walking through the mist, 2cros the frozen plan, I belive I met some Masters. I had lost my comrade and his dog. “The Master who could converse withthe animals and plans told ime the following: there is a basic note which is given at the boginning of lee Some people are hicky enough to be able to repeat it at the end. And the Master ofthe Sphinx completed the idea for me by explaining tha his note affects some people's whole lie, noc just its bopinning and end, Theard icin what was almost sy earliest childhood. This is how it war given to me: suddenly 1 fale myself to be “me”. Before that, Thad fle myself to be dapersed in the lmdscape, and I could also converse with the animale and Aowers. They spoke to me and I understood them. Or did I speak ‘to myself through them? When the “ogo” Gnally took possession of ime, [believe I stopped being able to understand that language, although I'm not cersin, Ie posible that retained that faculty for some time: feling myself to be “me” and yet still being “them", being in "chem". But with human beings ie was diferent, The ppalnful question I asked myself was this: sit possible that ehey feel themselves to be “me” inthe same way as do? It was imporible for me to believe it I, feling myself to be “me”, in she middle of an octan of other “me's who alo fel chemclves to be “me”; but not “ne this “mc” that fel myself wo be... . Ot Tesimpossible fo explain this experience. Think for a moment: everything that happens in the univers is known only by "me", only "me". le sy “ego” chat registers it, “my” consciousness. What others 29, ‘what they write, the discoveries they pass on, "I" repistcr, “I” know. If the world comes to an end, if the Continent of Hypetborea is submerged, if our Grest Goide loes che war, I” am thevone who knows i&, How can Ibe sce that other people azo exist and that the world can continue if “I” disappear, if “my” ‘consciousness doesn’ register ie? Perhaps ll the people round me, ‘whe live and die, their faces, even yours which isso beauifal are projeced by my fevered imagination, dreamed by my “ego". And ‘when I observe them closely, in their almost infinite varieties, hnave to make an effort to recognise myselfin a hallucinatory hall of mirrors. Also, can I seriously believe that my “ego” cam perish? If A Tum ofthe Wheel, 35 am me", if am the only one who can feel myself to be thie “me” and no one els can fel like this, that is, to be this "me" of mine, ‘when I perish ~ if ever I do perish ~ somewhere, pethaps on this very spot, of somewhere ele in the immense universe, at som: time, someone will again feel himself co be "me". And this “ex ‘which feck like cis, will be “I” mysel€. Do you understand? Can yeu grasp ths? Can you comprehend this fecing? "We have heard tell of the Tulku, beings who are more than one ‘ego, who live in several places in the universe at the same time, With simultancous consciousnesses, and who do-noc say “I” bat we" when speaking sbout themselves, undecining ther parallel ‘existences in different bodies or in one single but ubiquitous one, in many centres of space-time. And even this is “I" who am saying ‘this, cing it~ ee Tulku theory ~and my “I” doesn’t feel it because ‘i cannot verify it fiom its own experience. The Master of the ‘Sphinx sated: "In the moment of greatest ecstasy the ego" were ‘ot present, there would be no one there to Know that there had ‘been a moment of ecstasy.” Iti impossible to escape from the ego”. The Matter of the Sphinne would say thatthe way out may bbe found through strengthening the "ego" until ie Becomes an absolute ego, an absolute personality. have seen the Wounded King. In order to escape ffom this cle drawn in the belly of a demon, he has gone mad. ... Thave thought about love, because that is my note which hasbeen sounding since my infancy, Might it bee possible that individualised, magic love could open 2 door through which I could escape from this cicle?... But i will always be "I" who loves, who sees the beloved. How can I not Believe chat I projected her if when I perish if ever I do perish — she, t00, will perish... Only if' my “T retums will she ‘Gently she interrupted him: ‘Look at me. Don't you se that half ‘my face is youts? Only half ofits still mine... . Beloved, don't fall asleep, because 1am going to answer your question. When the Twilight ofthe Gods began toll over the world and ion took the place of gold, Wotan or Odin whispered a great secretin th ear of| Baldar 2s he lay dying on his pyre of perfumed sandalwood. Let us imagine whae it might be. “Before you were “I”, what were you? You were nota anim, ‘nor were yous plant, although you could converse with them. You explained to me that even afer the emergence of your conscious 36 Nos: Book ofthe Resection “ego” you continued to converse with nature, For atime you did’ lose this faculty. So, when the “ego” was not inside your body, where was it? And you, havr did you fel without your “ego Were you a persona or not?” “Let me remember... . Yes, the Master of the Spin suid that vena chilé has the dreams of a matare person which can affect hi whole life... Whereis this persona when the child sill hat no sense ofthe individual “ego”? In my eae, I remember, when Twas 2 year old ox perhaps ls, I was leaning out ofa tower holding my grandfathers ving tightly in my hand. The women ofthe howse ran to take hold of me, because they were afraid that I would let it drop. But, Tremember, cha chil ele itself wo bea persona, ie knew theimportance ofthe ring and knew that it would never lett drep Te fee deeply offended by this lack of trust. That child was a very cold and wise man. And when the “ego” became defined, it wae philosopher who asked himeelt the question, That is the diference, Tioeleve. And tis i the ring. Ihave recovered i “Only dhe “ego” enters the body. The persona, which i very od, seems to remain outside, inthe landsape, in the animals and the plants. Or perhaps i only becomes parally incanate, the "ego" ‘being only 3 pare oft and the body its exact image, its reflection, 3 shadow of the light which has taken on a shape in order to travel round and gain knowledge in this world, What wat at one ime ‘outside you is your “guardian angel", who moves away a Your body and mind become hardened.” As your “ego” becomes stronger, the persona becomes weaker, it disappears into the distance, it dissolves, it leaves you alone. Your “guardian angel” hasabandoned you... And the “ego”, the “Tam!” Cau you ever gee out ofthat? Perhaps by feeling thatthe persona which you ‘were before you were “ego” still ests. And perhaps you may be able to become this persona again afterwards, Someone is waiting for you somewhere, asifbesde spring, awaiting your rtum. The person waiting for you doesn’t have a face, but dreams that you willbringitone. But you don't havea fie ether, your sul doen't hhave one. Because Iam the face of your sou “But Iam listening to you eling me allthis with my “ego".” “Yes. The road isirreversible, even if you walk bac along, you will never reach the same point. Although the spiral may seem to reach the same spot, i will have a different meaning, kis not 2 question of renouncing the “ego” but rather of making it eternal, A Tur ofthe Wheel, ” artaching it to the persons to make a form and consciousness that tan never be destroyed, In this way, the persona becomes 2 pesonality. You have become individualised, you have given your persona 2 fice “This i a struggle agsinst God, all the Gods and your “angel”. ‘Because while wishing you to be victorious, in reality they don’t with ic ties solitary struggle without quarter and you will ll {nd getup again many times, And you wall only have me in your Imind and in your heart, and Iam a double-edged sword, because | will pot you to the tests that coukd make you lose the battle, although [ned your vitory so much. Because Tam the “her” who fone day emerged from Him, and once ouside rebelled and put trerythingat take, including my nodhingnes. Tam the "her” who Tongs to be your Her. And even if you are victorious inthe harsh tests set inthis mystery, you won't be able to give a face to your persona unless you accompany ime to the very end, unless you bring me back to fe. Because Lrepeat: Iam the ace of your sou, just you ae the fc of mine. I ras projected, dreamed by 2 Great Him. ‘Bs you were by a Great Her. Neither of them had a face. Because ‘you are a man, you mist fight the bale asa warrior. T must fight 2s woman: by dying, giving you my nothingness so that you can ‘make it immortal, so that you ean bring me back to life with your fice. “Without giving up your “ego”, you will regain the faculty the persona has of conversing with the animals, plants and sts. Journey ever onward until one day you and your “ego” enter the ‘ity where Tait you. And we will pat on the mantle of Absolute Personality because we will ave escaped from the fatal crcl of retuns. We will be Nes” THE SUPPLICANT “Thousands of years ago, the Darkest Age, Kaliyuga, began. Kalki was 2 rst, with his White Horse, in the Interior City of Green Glass of is Ser. Here, beside the fire ina small dwelling made of blocks of ce, on a plateau near the peak of the sacred Moun Melimoye, im dhe deep South of the world, he and she were lying on beds of cinnamon branches 8 ‘Nos: oak ofthe Resection The sleeves of her gown were fall and her snow-white ams, covered by a soft golden down, were visible through them. Het Int hung down to her waist, like liquid gold, and the eection of the flames brought magiesl changing lights into it. varying fom copper t0 deepest gokd and finally pale gold. Her clear blue eyes were once agsin piercing into him af to ell him that thre, in some undefined place, their union would be posible. In an uunereated, non-existent cente, with love expresing itself in lance. Her lips were smiling sweetly, with an inconsoable sadness, Her chin was lke a frit of paradive, with tiny elf inthe middle, Her neck was long and sender. ‘How was it possible to crete s0 much beauty? he asked himself And he fle chara subtle emanation from her skin aa her veins was penetrating him, making him realise that she had always belonged to him, fasing with his cells, his blood. He could also read her thoughts “There is more than one body," she expined to him. ‘All of ours are enveloped in an identical substance, imbued with the water of love. They are the ones that love, The lst one to do so must be the fone you can now see, constricted fim the heavy materials ofthis exterior arth, Iris the visible double ofthe others which you as yet ‘cannot se. The closest thing to this body is the aura. Lovee caress it All my other bodies will eli. He began to move closer her, exclaiming: “Allouine, Alloune! {nave always loved you, Ihave sought you through all the worlds, through all the turns of the wheel, through an eternity. Only you will give me eternal lf. Together we will tain it, by loving snd protecting one another. We will drink from the glorious cup, we will smash the walls ofthe ctcle of retars, we will open the doors ‘0. universe which not even the greatest dreamers of longing have fever imagined” He reached her side. And ashe caressed her aura, he whispered "Fist here, near your hai, the amber road which leads me to the primordial continent, to the nuptial homeland, where you hid the ‘moonstone inthe depehs of the glaciers of the dawn. ‘Then yout forehead, as wide as the dise ofthe Moon which fll upon the word ikea stone from the broken crown, And your eyes... Oh, do not close them, as my world would be extinguished and I'am already blind to al other light! Your exquisite nose is a ied which ‘utters in the sunshine and the scents of spring, Vout lips are dat! A Turi ofthe Wheel » ia Sp aeons ‘When ‘atlast they opened them and could see each other again, he ‘THE KISS She came even dose, so that conld fel the agitated rise and fll, ‘of her breasts, And she broshed his lips with hers. Te was like the touch of petal, or of honey stored in drifting icebergs, honey fom polar bees or the midnight sun; honey from 2 Copihue surrounded by a halo of light from the Morning Star. ‘Such a kis produces unewpected consequences in 2 man. Either it causes him to lose his spinel vity, his destiny as a sicred ‘wartios, his Hallowed reticence; or else ic instils such strength in him thst he i able to fre che giants fom thei prison in che rocks and tase the Continent of the Spizi, EL-ELLA, alongside the martyred coasts of the south ofthe world, ‘THE BODY OF THE ABSOLUTE WOMAN, She let he ed gown fl. And she tod med, while the Bes SNclped ber ima lghe which wat ncvertilessinapable of Slo het Absa Nakoins Tee bald mal the womans ep pone, ke a eth of soft foiny toms univese prstved for im oe. A whale ‘Sounct co eaplore, with ses bl, shadows, sare Sin sow be remembered ha onthe ober sie of height, when etist comemplted te woman, he warorbad soccmbed, te fring nae the nit ings ofthe wheel “ Nox: Bookof he Resueton He carried het to the bed of branches, beside the ire. He drew his sword and placed it berween them, She stretched out an arm over the blade and clasped his hand ‘THE SCABBARD OF THE SWORD "Beloved do not fal slept Watch with me dough thi Ton aight. Wevillbe wo sepwatkers allowing ounlvesto be gue ty the legend of eur White Gode.‘They wil show asthe pk ood impr Lets awahen tonight “How cold we seep! May thi sword protet us. My lve and deste for you se more powcr and inexingushabe than dt fre know tha hey wil not be elaed merely by my ching poseton of your body.” “Tam the stbbard of your sword, made of wood from he ple tre of Avalon, fom the Trev of Pate, rm the Hyperion ‘ks, rom the te whose ken thcad join he ato fay Yyousheate me easly, you wil bel me. How many tinea this happened ay te Cie of Retut We ny ae limited amoune of tine in which to pete pecs of te oes scitbard back ogee gui, afer which wer wil ne ech other atvorbed into HIM-HER and HERCHIM. Ad we wl hve sk uc only chance of resuncton, of giving facto out sul of Stsnng world beyond God, beyood all he ode in dna ich no ven the most inpassioned Walker of the Dew cad dam: to beak down the wale ofthe gest cele tad cathe tung fh wes Weave ited mambo of opposes 1 sound our notes in the pret orn, We mus do ereyhing a tur power to dink fom the cp of immetalty. score ie one of change. Tam read shal give you my death Lah pe iy etemiy in your hand and fll fo the umes dc Ni ot Fetainine Immoral You mus ako il the Myth of Vike Immortality. And roger we il ave tumphd” THE Test ‘Thus were completed the different stages of this most ancient Hyperborean Initiation of A-Mor, revealed in the mystery of the Gail, in the estericism of the troubadours and the Mimesdage of the High Middle Ages. Transported to the ey wastes of the south A Tu ofthe Wheel a oe ered Gone a agi a a jena Cee nga a i i tl ey ee ah He ola sot we ete er a ol al cel pel mo naronicee be Sen ee ech kee cee a en ct Sn at a ote oma ety Fe ee ec mete sel Co Sean et So cae Ce Ser oe ee te ae oe ag woe ‘eae a Soe ele i ake yon fom tte Col ene Ts en oes 7 a oy yr goo Me age el po eit a eof ek dea wei wlapeeds “The sty of he seed waror et A a pe taal wane ees oe i ee ee So bee on ace eT oe dt ene ed meee ea ca cc mi sell rane yO Bole ee pee ce i Yom ie bred sae ter i hr aceces Leth i et oon pe yim ks te cere meinen te pg bee cae an fe Tene oats alee sa Se aie sea Reet ae edie ce Soe at ere elbeanc fie Ca on 2 Not: Book ofthe Resurecion willbecomea woman you lor the body of women,” This: beause only by becoming effeminate could you rata de cee senbie ofa woman's physical body. The chase ocr ie sot vile one. To take phil postion of te bated eto Jose oe's soa. True poston i the mental posession ofl es ove bodies. With the memory of your bowel in your ors at Dil achive the ral. "The gemioe orgasm its tel ot tut stoter whic i ene, and whch predated ty yore contit with my invite bdis, where you wl bad tae prone of my visible body, the warmth of my ip, te tnorons Renee? any blod imensifed. As wil fedin Yous Were dans, love ogee, when we ate no longer made a mort fas Ear red, inperble mater By loving my body hich hes bese You, you willmake even more mate, you wil tart ess Body made of ed “In the Golden Age, men ved for more than 2 ousnd yeas They were dose tthe pot of orgy so hat they somone veryhing. In the Dark Age, dhe ron Age, we hae ee soe Shar isalmate impose to go back long he caret sed es tothe time when immorality was almostspesmanca pi hen heaven. So our combats moreheci, We hve lest man ten ot the wheel, my love. However, the cies of ioral sal ig Bens help the who sek thn ith courage snd ws tl possess the tiny spark”. They will esc thom fea te Dey Ane Before the final cata. Inthe Diss of oalens,otees gh hy wil cry them wth cy, where they wl esr ot fat nls onder whic, ial he works antax Som of Lie fights agains he forces of darks agus the Prine of Sine ad hin armies of sange bongs whe advance te the meee, Aiesion to our Myth of Resreton and Bla Love: Te bly ar asnsins the lane between the oppsing aniversa, We ol long co ths order even when we wil be immoral ono help those who bea he ign, giving inptaton othe Skee ot the Div, te heros, be weet ierening deel so eee tenagee the secre ode Th, wil dso flow yer ores when sm dea, wichout beng aw mrvene your cnebce Fei esting you, wil wih tose you tianph teach nae courage alone, breaking down the doors ofthese And we ws smo than the Gods, who wer not ohed by ts chance ‘hid Inuched us on ths catrpis of deat and eran A Turn of the Whee 8 “We are living dangerously, my love. You bear the sgn on your forehead, We belong to 2 diferent race. When we become fonscos of all our bodies at once, coming the most diverse Stbratons ofthe ctr, we will now how to love each other slely Sith the lance, withthe pare that never des” Shemmed ward him, wath eig go his hd ache seabbard of your sword. Shesthe me gen, softy, tonight. Do bot break me. Your sword is double-edged. Tes sabbard i called ‘Mone, Blood Memory. The memory of the love lst at the ‘egimsngofime lows through the blood. Seek me in your blood, ‘esp pe. When you remember what your blood tls you, sing i You willbe a watiorroubadour, « Minneige, who wil ave Sung our dram of resueton and eral love fr all tery “fr ‘THE “TINY SPARK inher lovaly Body, He stayed by her side, eying to Gght che ange oc getters free Siewert ee Sager “4 Nor: Book of the Reston tas a message through its deep, velvety light, filled with nostalgia forthe universes that lie on the other side of other suns, She raised herself up with dificuley on ber bed of branches. “Will the laurels lower again some day?,., Within us is 2 “tiny spark". [fle i Tight up lastnight, Hope awakens” ‘And in her musical voice, which was now very weak, she recited 4 poem which she would compose in another tirn of the whee “The tense melancholy ‘ts delicate web in the soul ™. ‘Anvdthe fled muro of memories Darker space. ‘The renewed certainty of eternal Development rises out of ininity, ‘And slowly impregnate each thread OF oven mist Allis death, conclusion, ead. ‘Ta eaves il resigned, pained By cheiimmensefailey, ‘Twisted by the strident clmour Ofte being which struggles To-scape the ineviable. ‘The soul tums and turns Within the black space, Conceiving a vague desire for self ‘The spark creates, The warm flame grows and grows, Cuackling and magica. “The mists disperse in its heat, Inthe silence ofthe white peaks, Blooms the Bry ly of eternal lave." ike wns den Weg, dn greden Und dre, die nicht ire geld (Lead us along the righteous path of those who do not er) A Tu of the Wheel, 46 ‘THE EXCHANGE OF HEARTS “Come, hurry! She asked him to kiss her. And with her lst remaining strength, she embraced him. Kissing him with open lips, she sighed deep ‘nto him and gave him her heat ‘Now you must breathe out inside me," she whispered. ‘Give me your heart, Don't lave me without a hear, my love." ‘He obeyed her and felt his hear de in hex, deep within her For the las me she looked t him intently. Then her head fll back and her eyes closed, Nove they would never seo again in this world He held her tightly and imploced her: ‘Don't go, don't eave me stone inthis house offs..." THE LEFTHANDED SIGN He put out the fire, collected the seatered branches together and ‘went out into the forest in search of resi. With his word, he made 2 et in the bark ofa confer tee and drew some off. He mixed it ‘with some water and ice fiom the lake and returned to the cabin He undressed the body of his beloved and began to covert with the resin, He imagined that by doing this he would peeserve it ‘hrough ll he tarsings ofthe whee, until he could bring it back to Hf, as beauifil at before. ‘As he went t spread the perfumed resin over her left breast, he

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