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1. Guernica es la ciudad en la espaa norte.
2. En mil novecientos treinta y siete el nationalist y los germans utilizaron Guernica como sus
banco de pruebas (Testing ground) para las bombas.
8. El original objectivo de los bombas era el puente sobre el ro Mundaca a detener los
republican tropas.
3.El bombardeo mat mil seiscientos personas cul encabez Pablo Picasso para pintar uno de
sus pinturas ms famosos de todos.
4.Picassos Guernica es negra y blanca pintura que es una representacin de la muerte de las
personas de Guernica, Espaa.
5. Picasso tuvo cincuenta y siete aos cuando l pint Guernica.
6.Guernica es un ejemplo de un Cubism style pintura.

9. Guernica fue un smbolo importante a Picasso y cualquier otra persona que se opuso a la
guerra que se aproxima.
7. Guernica indirectamente representa una plaza de toros.
10. Hay muchos oculto imgenes y significados dentro de Guernica, acadmicos todava estn
tratando de entender su significado.
Esta pintura es un recordatorio de el bombardeo que ocurrido en Guernica, tambin
muestras la sensacin que Picasso senta de el evento que ocurri esa da.

1. Guernica is a city in Northern Spain.
2. In 1937 the Nationalists and the Germans used Guernica as a testing ground for their bombs.
8. Guernica wasnt the original target of the bombs, the bombs were destined to go to the
Mundaca River bridge to stop the fleeing Republican troops.
3. The bombing killed one third of Guernica's population which led Picasso to paint one of his

most famous pieces of art titled "Guernica"
4. Picasso's "Guernica" is a black and white painting that is used to represent the death of the
people of the small town in spain.
5. Picasso was fifty-seven years old when he painted Guernica.
6. Guernica is an example of Picassos Cubism styled art work.
9. Guernica was an important symbol to Picasso and anyone else who opposed the oncoming
7. Guernica indirectly represents a spanish bullring.
10. There are many hidden pictures and messages inside Guernica, scholars are still trying to
understand their meaning today.

While this painting is a reminder of the bombing that occurred in Guernica it also shows
the feeling that Picasso felt toward the event that took place that day.

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