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Relationships Lesson Plan

Teacher Name: Rachel Neuman

Date and time lesson will be taught: September 23rd, 2015 at 9:38 am
Lesson Title: Relationships
Name of Secondary CTE Course: FCSI
Curriculum Framework Unit: 4: Relationships within the Family
4.1 Evaluate characteristics of strong relationships
Objectives: The learners will be able to..
1. Give examples of strong relationships by listing the different relationships they have.
2. Determine whether or not a specific scenario represents a strong relationship by having a group
3. Apply the dating and friendship tips by filling out incomplete statements on a worksheet.

Content to be presented in lesson:

Benefits of Strong Relationships
Meet emotional and social needs
Skills for getting along with others
Feeling of acceptance and approval
Provides feeling of security
Provides help for coping with life changes
Ways to build and maintain positive relationships
1. Develop trust and respect within relationships
2. Show a genuine interest with others
3. Be trustworthy
4. Be understanding
5. Be generous and unselfish
6. Avoid stereotyping and prejudices
7. Be considerate and respectful
8. Be positive
9. Be flexible
10. Strive to resolve conflicts in a positive manner

11. Communicate clearly!

Types of Friends
Acquaintances are people that you have met but you do not know very well. They can turn into
Casual friends are people that you share similar interests with and enjoy the same activities
Best friends are people that you have the closest relationships with. You share your secrets and
thoughts with them.
Qualities of a Friendship
Comfortable around each other
Being a Friend
Communication will help you get along with your friends
Share your thoughts and feelings with one another
Accept your friends regardless of their opinions.
Do not let jealousy get in the way.
Making and Finding Friends
You can never have too many friends.
Becoming involved will help you meet new people who have similar interests as you.
If you have a positive attitude, making friends will be easier.
Be friendly!
Something as simple as a smile can show others that you are approachable.
Ending a Friendship
Friendships dont last forever but its okay.
This can happen for many reasons
They move to a new school
Personalities change
Interests change
It may just be a misunderstanding and you should talk to your friend to clear everything up.
Dating is participating in an activity with a friend, typically, of the opposite sex.
Types of Dating
-Group dating is when many people may go to a movie or other activity
-Casual dating involves just one couple, not a group
-Random dating is when a person dates several people on a regular basis
-Steady dating, also known as going out, is when a couple doesnt want to date anyone
Is it love?
Love is a strong feeling of affection between two people that grows over time.
Infatuation, also known as a crush, is an intense feeling of attraction that begins and ends

Sexual Responsibility
Choosing to be sexually active comes with risks
-Teens Health
-Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD)
Abstinence is choosing to not have sexual relationships. This will help avoid any unplanned
pregnancy and STDs.
Breaking Up
There are many reasons for a break up.
-Being together may not be as fun anymore.
-They may not be as interested in each other.
-Communication may be lacking.
-Conflicts are a regular occurrence.
It may make a break up easier if both people talk open and honestly.
It is usually best if they can remain friends.
Even though it may be hard, use this time to focus on yourself by reviewing your goals and find
new ways to reach them.
Introduction to the Lesson/Hook:
Allotted time: 5 min
*Have the PowerPoint already pulled up and ready to go when students start to enter the classroom*
Good morning everyone! On your own sheet of notebook paper, I want you to take a couple of minutes
to write down every relationship you can think of that you are in. (Give the students 2 minutes to complete,
while they are doing this go ahead and pass out both pages of the guided notes/worksheet) Who would like to
share what they wrote down? Those are great examples. Who else would like to share? Great job. All of these
examples that you gave show the relationships you have with another person or people. (Click to next slide)
Here are some of the relationships that I am in. I am a daughter and a granddaughter. I have a younger brother,
which makes me a sister. I am also a niece and a cousin. Lastly, I am a friend. I wanted to start out class by
listing the different relationships that we are in because today we are going to discuss the benefits of strong
relationships as well as ways to build and maintain positive relationships.
Learning activities/procedures:
Allotted time: 43 min
(Click to next slide) Please flip to the front page of the guided notes that states benefits of strong
relationships at the top that I passed out a few minutes ago. Throughout the lesson you will fill in the blanks as
we go through the different slides. Benefits of strong relationships are the different things you can from having
those relationships. These are not just relationships that refer to boyfriend or girlfriend, but also the
relationships you have with acquaintances, friends, and family. The first benefits of strong relationships are that
they meet emotional and social needs. The second benefit is companionship. Having companionship means that
you have someone thats close to you to spend time and hang out with. The next benefit is skills for getting
along with others. By having strong relationships, you learn how to be around other people. Like you guys have
talked about in previous classes, getting to put into practice those verbal and non-verbal communication skills
will help you get along with other people. Another benefit is the feeling of acceptance and approval. I know
that I personally like feeling accepted by others for who I am and Im sure that you do too. Having strong
relationships will often give you that feeling. Similar to that is another benefit, provides feeling of security. The

last benefit of strong relationships is that it provides help for coping with life changes. One example would be
when I had a relative pass away not too long ago. Having strong relationships with my friends and family really
helped me to be able to cope. If I did not have those strong relationships, my coping probably would have
looked much different.
(Click to next slide) Now we are going to discuss ways that we can build and maintain positive
relationships. The first is to develop trust and respect within relationships. Next is to show a genuine interest
with others. The third way is be trustworthy. Who can explain what it means to be trustworthy? Thats great!
Being trustworthy means that your friends trust you and can confide in them. The fourth way is to be
understanding. You can be understanding by listening to what they have to say and try to relate to them.
Another way to build and maintain positive relationships is by being generous and unselfish. Next is avoid
stereotyping and prejudices. This one is really important but easy to forget. Have you all heard the expression
dont judge a book by its cover? Its as simple as that. No one likes to be judged from what they look like or
because they play a certain sport or enjoy a specific hobby. Give everyone a chance; you never know who you
may become friends with. Number seven is be considerate and respectful. Next is be positive. We all have bad
days and people are going to understand that, but if you are negative all of the time it is going to affect your
relationships with other people. Number nine is be flexible. Who knows what it means to be flexible? Thats
exactly right! Go with the flow and adapt to changes that happen. Next, strive to resolve conflicts in a positive
manner. Take the time to talk about the problems that you and your friends are having and come to a resolution
together. Last but not least, communicate clearly! Similar to what I mentioned earlier, communication consists
of verbal and non-verbal communication. You dont want to give off the wrong ideas to your friends because
you did not clearly communicate what you meant.
(Go to next slide) Now we are going to look at a few different scenarios and you are going to tell me if they
have characteristics of a positive relationship or not. (Next slide) When you tell someone that you cant go to
the movies anymore because you are sick, they get mad and do not understand. Does this look like a positive
relationship? I agree, this is not a positive relationship. What makes you think that? Correct! They do not
understand when they should be flexible. (Next slide) When you tell your friend a problem that you are having
they give you advice and listen to what you have to say. Does this look like a positive relationship? Thats right!
It is positive when your friend openly listens to you and talks to you if youre having a problem. (Next slide)
After you tell your friend a secret, they go and tell someone else what you said. Do you consider this to be a
positive relationship? Why not? Exactly! You wouldnt want your friend going around and telling other people
information that you told them in private. (Next slide) Lastly, when you and your friend have an argument you
talk through the problem together to come to a compromise. What do you all think about this one? I agree, this
would be a positive relationship.
(Click on next slide) Please go ahead and look at the other sheet of paper that I passed out which should say
Friendship & Dating Guided Notes at the top. First we are going to talk about types of friends. The first type is
acquaintances. Acquaintances are people that you have met but you do not know them very well. Acquaintances
can turn into friends later on. The second type is a casual friend. Casual friends are people that you share similar
interests with and enjoy the same activities. These are people that you go to the movies in a large group with or
hang out with at school. The third type is a best friend. Best friends are people that you have the closest
relationships with. You may go to the movies with them and see them at school but you also share your secrets
and thoughts with them.

Learning activities/procedures (cont.):

(Click on next slide) There are specific qualities of a friendship. Some of these include: loyalty, caring,
comfortable around each other, reliable, and trustworthy. What are some of the specific qualities that you want
your friends to have? Those are all great answers. (Next slide) There are some important things that you should
remember when it comes to being a friend. The first is that communication will help you get along with your
friends. This goes back to what we said with relationships earlier in the lesson. Next, share your thoughts and
feelings with one another. You should be able to do these things with your friends. That is what they are there
for. Third, accept your friends regardless of their opinions. You may have different opinions on topics such as
sports, religion, etc. These different interests and opinions are what make you unique. Dont let those different
opinions get in the way. Lastly, do not let jealousy get in the way. It is okay if your friends have other friends,
and the same way goes for you.
(Click on next slide) Making and finding friends can sometimes be hard to do but there are certain
things you can do to make it easier. First of all, you can never have too many friends. Becoming involved will
help you meet people who have similar interests as you. The best way to do this is through the school. You all
have so many different opportunities here at George to get involved. If you join a club or sport that you enjoy,
youll likely meet someone else who enjoys the same thing. Next, have a positive attitude. This also goes with
my next point, be friendly. Something as simple as a smile can show others that you approachable. You want
people to be excited to talk to you!
(Next slide) Along with making and finding friends, there also comes a time where friendships can
come to an end. Friendships dont last forever but its okay. This can happen for many reasons. One reason may
be because they have moved to a new school. Another reason may be because personalities change. Lastly
interests may change. Even though you may think that a friendship is coming to an end, it may just be a
misunderstanding and you should talk to your friend to clear everything up. This is why communication is
really important because it can help from any misunderstanding that may occur.
(Next slide) Now we are going to talk about dating. Dating is participating in an activity with a friend,
typically, of the opposite sex. There are many different types of dating. Group dating is when many people may
go to a movie or other activity. Casual dating involves just one couple, not a group. Random dating is when a
person dates several people on a regular basis. Lastly, steady dating, also known as going out, is when a
couple doesnt want to date anyone else. (Next slide) How do you know when it is love? Love is a strong
feeling of affection between two people that grows over time. Sometimes love is confused with infatuation.
Infatuation, also known as a crush, is an intense feeling of attraction that begins and ends quickly.
(Next slide) With dating comes the topic of sexual responsibility. Choosing to be sexually active comes
with risks. One risk is pregnancy. Another risk is the teen mothers health. Having children at an early age can
cause complications to the mother because they are not fully developed yet. Lastly, there is risk of sexually
transmitted diseases. Abstinence is the only true way to avoid these risks. Abstinence is choosing to not have
sexual relationships. This will help avoid any unplanned pregnancy and STDs.
(Next slide) Lastly we are going to talk about breaking up. There are many reasons that a couple may
choose to break up. One reason is that being together may not be as fun anymore. Another reason may be that
they are not as interested in each other. Communication may be lacking. And lastly, conflicts are a regular
occurrence. One way that it may make a break up easier is if both people talk open and honestly. This allows

you to talk about how you feel instead of bottling it up inside. It is also usually best if the couple can remain
friends. Even though it may be hard, use this time to focus on yourself by reviewing your goals and find new
ways to reach them.
(Next slide) Now I want you to work on the other side of the first worksheet that I handed out that says
Friendship and Dating on the to. It asks you to complete different statements describing how you feel about
friendship and dating. You have now until the end of class to work on it, if you dont finish you can take it
home for homework and turn it in tomorrow.
Closure/Review of Content:

Allotted time: 2 minutes

Does anyone have any questions about the statements that you are working on? Dont forget that you
can think back on the qualities of strong relationships in friendships and dating and it may help you with ideas
for certain statements. If you have it finished, please go ahead and turn it into the basket on Mrs. Fortenberrys
desk, if you have not finished, take it home and finish it for homework so you can turn it in for credit tomorrow.
I hope you all have a good rest of your day!
Evaluation/assessment of student learning:

Allotted time: (N/A)

Informally: I would assess students during the time that I asked them about the different scenarios about
positive relationships. By listening to the students feedback, I can assess whether or not they understand the
information that I previously presented. If I believe that one student is not paying attention, I can ask them
directly how they feel about the scenario presented. Another way that I would assess students is by watching to
see if they are taking down the information. If students are present in the information then they are more likely
to retain it.
Formally: I will assess that students have completed their guided notes and the worksheet they finished
at the end of the class period or took home for homework.
Modifications for exceptional learners:
One modification that I would make would be having students who finish their worksheet before the end
of class make a family tree. This family tree would be up to the students on who all they wanted to include
because all students have different family structures but it must include a description of the relationship why the
relationship is important with each name. A modification that I made for students was to use the guided notes.
After discussing it with Mrs. Fortenberry, I felt that it was important to distribute the guided notes to all of the
students. In the future (in a larger classroom), I could distribute a different set of guided notes that has more or
less blank spaces for students to fill in.
Liddell, Louise A., and Yvonne S. Gentzler. Building Life Skills. Tinley Park, Ill: Goodheart-Wilcox, 1999.
Materials and equipment needed for lesson:
Smart Board
Guided Notes/Worksheet

Friendship & Dating Guided Notes

Types of Friends
are people that you have met but you do not know very well. They can
turn into

friends are people that you share similar

with and enjoy the same

friends are people that you have the closest relationships with. You share your secrets
and thoughts with them.
Qualities of a Friendship
| Loyal
| Caring
around each other

| Reliable
| Trustworthy
Being a Friend

will help you get along with your friends.

| Share your


with one another.

| Accept your friends regardless of their

| Do not let

get in the way.

Making and Finding Friends

| You can

have too many friends.

| Becoming

will help you meet new people who have similar interests as you.

| If you have a positive attitude, making friends will be

| Be

| Something as simple as a

can show others that you are approachable.

Ending a Friendship
| Friendships dont

forever but its okay.

| This can happen for many reasons:

{ They

to a new school


{ Interests change
| It may just be a

and you should talk to your friend to clear everything

| Dating is participating in an activity with a friend, typically, of the opposite sex.
Types of Dating
dating is when many people may go to a movie or other activity.


dating involves just one couple, not a group

dating is when a person dates several people on a regular basis.

dating, also known as going out, is when a couple doesnt want to date

anyone else.
Is it love?

is a strong feeling of affection between two people that grows over time.

| Infatuation, also known as a crush, is an intense feeling of

that begins and ends

Sexual Responsibility
| Choosing to be sexually active comes with risks
{ Pregnancy


{ Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD)

is choosing to not have sexual relationships. This will help avoid any

unplanned pregnancy and STDs.

Breaking Up
| There are many reasons for a break up:
{ Being together may not be as


{ They may not be as

in each other

{ Communication may be lacking


are a regular occurrence

| It may make a break up easier if both people talk

| It is


best if they can remain friends.

| Even though it may be hard, use this time to focus on

and find new ways to reach them.

by reviewing your

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