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Hannah Floyd
Sharie Richter
EDUC 121
December 9, 2015
My Virtual Child- Report 1 (Infant-Toddler)
My child, Elsa, sleeps for about two hours at a time as a newborn, which is
typically normal to start as a baby. She cries loud and rhythmic when she is tired or
hungry and I respond to her by changing, feeding, or soothing her. At 3 months she is
occasionally fussy but mostly relaxed and content which is very good for a baby only
being three months old. She shows a lot of interest in her surroundings and smiles and
interacts with everyone. At 8 months I introduce her to vegetables and make sure that she
digests it well. She uses her hands to communicate which is typical for a baby at this age.
She crawls a lot and gets very fussy at night when she is tired. She is a very active baby
compared to most so I do what I can to calm and soothe her at night.
At three months she studies my face a lot. She also tends to study anyones face
that comes close, so she knows who is who in her life by this point. She smiles at people
that are around her often and she also likes to interact with new people as well. At 9
months she is more comfortable with strangers and seams to interact more with anyone
that is close to her. I think this is good for a baby her age because she is learning to get to
know people that are not just family.
At 8 months she uses her hands to communicate with me in order to tell me what
she wants. She is a very active crawler and is very advanced in her motor skills. She
loves to crawl all over the place and likes pulling herself up in order to stand and likes to

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manipulate objects. At 9 months she is walking and climbing. At 12 months I begin to
take her to the park more in order to keep her more active she is clingy with me at the
park and does not want to interact with the other children. She pronounced her first word
and is starting to imitate sounds and actions of those around her. At 18 months she is
starting to play with blocks and puzzles often. She loves music, singing and dancing. She
uses her motor skills and is talking a lot more. She likes to play with dolls and telephones
and she is also very friendly.
Her temperament at 19 months is very easygoing compared to her at 8 months. At
19 months she is not as clingy as she used to be and wants to be put down to explore her
environment. She talks a lot more and is very friendly. She is not as fussy as she used to
be and is very easy to handle. As apposed to 8 months she was getting upset when I
would drop her off at daycare. She was a lot more clingy at that age than she is at 19
months, which is normal. She would also get fussy at night and would not want to be put
to bed even though she was tired. Things are a lot different at 19 months than they were
at 8.
She is very advanced when it comes to her motor skills. She is good at building
blocks and is talking a lot more. We are also working on potty training with her. She is
also very advanced when it comes to interacting with others. She is very friendly to other
people and loves to meet new friends when she goes to daycare or to the park. She is
beginning to say the word no a lot, which is not abnormal for a child her age.
Her language development is at a typical rate. She pronounced her first word at 12
months, which is about average for a child. At 18 months she began to talk a lot more and
started to use the word no. At the age of two her emotions are beginning to develop and

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her vocabulary is expanding, as well as her memory is getting better. The specialist said
that she is ready for pre-school.
She understands the word no and has been using it a lot to me and in the house.
I have been trying to get her to understand the word yes as well. She is very friendly to
the kids at daycare and new friends that she meets. She likes to play many games and do
a lot of fun things with me. She is still saying no to few things but I am practicing with
her to understand the things that she needs to know in the house.
In order to parent the way that I have chosen I use many of my own personal
experiences. I worked at a daycare for a while and that is pretty much parenting someone
elses child for the day. I thought about how would I want someone else to treat my child
while I am away. I would not want them yelling at them all day and putting them in
timeout away from their friends. If they are misbehaving all day then yes a consequence
is necessary but not when they do one thing wrong. That is why I do not believe in
shouting at my child. I think it is best to get eye level with them, and talk to them about
the situation and what happened. I think this would lean more toward Piaget because
every parent has their own way of how they discipline their child and what they think is
the right way to do so.

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My Virtual Child- Report 2- Early Childhood (Age 3-4)
I interact with her at home when she wants to do fantasy play. I encourage her to
use her imagination when she wants to help her think and come up with new ideas. We
also watch childrens television as long as I approve and make sure that it is educational.
I read to her every night to help her learn new vocabulary. She loves listening to the
books that I read every night. She is the most active in her class and she loves to ride her
bike. I make sure that she is active and outside as much as she can be. She also likes to
catch and kick the soccer ball. We also play board games as a family and she really
enjoys being a part of that. She has a train set that she plays with frequently that she likes
as well.
She is becoming more skilled at playing with the other kids at school so she is
beginning to pick up the vocabulary and new words from them. She communicates very
well, when I read books to her she asks what words are and I tell her what they are and
what they mean. This is helping her to understand what words are and what they mean.
At four she can write her own name and also read a few words. I think interacting with
the childrens television and the books every night helps her to expand her vocabulary.
At three years old she is afraid that there are monsters under the bed and wants to
sleep with us. She is up at night yelling my name and wanting me to sleep with her. To fix
this I came up with a monster spray which I put in a bottle and spray under her bed
before she lays down which is helping her a lot. She is becoming more skilled at playing
with her friends at school and she is the most active in her class. At four she is a little
different. She is not interacting very well with her friends at pre-school. She has just had
a new baby sister so I am beginning to think it might have something to do with that.

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I think that I have a combination of styles. I am more laid back and do not have
one specific way that I react to something that she does. It really just depends on the
situation for myself at the time. During infancy I was very paranoid and had to have
things very specific. I have become a lot more laid back since then and realized that I
need to wait and know the situation before I do something quickly.
Her three changes of behavior would be motor skills, vocabulary, and social
interactions. Her motor skills have changed by her walking and playing more. She rides
her bike often and plays with her soccer ball. Vocabulary would be that she writes her
own name and is starting to understand words in the books that I read to her at night.
Social skills would be that she interacts well with her friends at pre-school and when she
was younger she was very clingy and did not want to be dropped off like she does now.
I think that she is resilient. Sometimes when we don not do something that she
likes she is upset at first, but she is able to find something else to do within that short
amount of time. She is very good with understanding when we cannot do something all
the time or when plans change. She adjusts herself according to the plans that I make and
that is a very good quality to have for a child her age.
She has remained fairly stable when it comes to her motor skills. They are
continuing to grow every year. She started out moving her hands and now she is learning
to read. She is very active and loves to play outside and this is continuing to become
more frequent as well. One that has been unstable would be her friendship with people.
At daycare she has been a little up and down when it comes to whom she interacts with.
At three she was very friendly and loved being at school and now at four she wants
nothing to do with her friends at pre-school.

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If my child would be raised in a different cultural setting I think that things would
be very different. It would really depend on the culture that she would be in and who her
parents are. I know a girl that was from India that said she spends 4 to 5 hours a night
studying, something that I know most kids in America would not do. Some of it also has
to do with television. A lot of kids in America are watching television and playing video
games instead of doing their homework first, which is not good for them. Some cultures
do not even have television so it is hard for them to even become distracted or get off
topic on what you are doing. They also spend a lot more time with their homework and
outside of school studying and making sure that things are the way that they are supposed
to do. It is a lot stricter.

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My Virtual Child- Middle Childhood (Age 6-11)- Report 3
At 6 years old she has several friends at school as well as in the neighborhood.
She has always liked to meet new people and she adapts very well to others. Sometimes
she can be clingy to me but she is very well with meeting new friends and she always
comes home telling me about a new friend that she played with that day. I think that now
that she has a sister she is easy to paly with new friends because sometimes she can get
tired just playing with her sister. I think she likes going to school and knowing that there
will be someone new for her to play with that day. She has many things to look forward
to. She is also not jealous of her sister like she used to be so that plays a bug role in
making new friends as well. She is learning to share with her and do more things to be
involved with her as well.
My child is very smart when it comes to music. At 6 years she started piano
lessons and loved it. At 8 she was still in her piano lessons and she can even play by ear.
She even told me that she wanted something more challenging so we started her on violin
classes along with the piano. Even as a baby she would always sing and dance along with
the music and loved when I would play music around the house or in the car. She is also
very good at reading. She can read many books to me at night now and I help her with
some of the words that she might not know.
I think that when she wanted to be involved with dance and gymnastics that
showed that she is definitely a tomboy. In the past she had a train set that she loved to
play with but I did not take that away from her just because that was something that most
boys play with. She throws her fits now and then so that is also how I know she is my
girl. She gets mad at little things sometimes and does not understand why something is

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the way it is. She also loves playing with her dolls and playing tea parties. I do not think
that there is anything wrong with what toys she plays with. She is growing and trying to
figure out what she likes and what she does not like so I am letting her figure that out on
her own.
At age 6 her vocabulary is expanding very quickly. She picks up well on words
that she learns at school or at home. Her memory is also improving very well. We like to
play games at home that test her memory and even those are becoming very easy for her
to follow and understand. She is also reading first and second grade books and her
reading level is outstanding. At 8 years old she enjoys drawing and doing a lot of crafts
that help her artistic ability. At 10 years old she is able to concentrate very well with a
task. When she was 8 I had some concerns because she would get upset if she could not
do a certain task how she wanted it done, but now she has a lot more patience with things.
She is a very strong reader and is becoming smarter and smarter every day. I am having
her read books to me every night in order to improve her reading skills. I let her practice
math and we practice writing her name and other words every night as well. We do
flashcards with numbers and letters so that she can improve.
At 6 years old she has trouble falling asleep at night. I help her out as much as I
can by singing her a bedtime song or putting on soothing music to help her fall asleep.
We also read books every night and I think that helps her a lot. At 8 years old we let her
pick out a puppy to have at our home. I think it helps her understand the concept of being
responsible. I show her how to feed it and that it needs taken out every day and that it
needs played with in order to keep it happy. She also plays with her sister a lot. I think
that gives her the chance to understand how to share with her because she is a lot younger

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and her sister has a harder time understanding how to share than she does. At 10 years old
she is starting to get along well with others and is making a lot more friends every year.
She is easy to study with at home because she can concentrate for a longer period of time
and understands that if she gets her homework done she will be able to do the things that
she wants to do later on.
I think that I have become more relaxed now than the pre-school period. Mainly
because my daughter is at the stage where she is very independent with most things. She
knows her routine in the house and knows what she needs to do in order to get things
done. She knows the consequences when she does not listen and makes sure that she does
what she needs to do around the house. During the pre-school age I had to make sure I
reminded her of her routines and it was a lot harder to get her to do things around the
house and she did not always want to go to bed when it was time and sit with us at dinner.
She has become a lot more independent than she was at age 4. She was clingy
towards me then and would sometimes get upset when it was time to go to school but
now she likes to do things on her own times and loves going to school every day. She is
also getting smarter every year and is more interested in learning new things every day.
She loves to read to me and practice writing her name and other words. She is a lot like
me in that she likes books. I have always liked to read from when I was little even to now
and I think she gets that from me. She also gets her musical abilities from me. I have been
a singer since I was a little girl and I love to listen to music and I was also in dance for 6
I think some of the factors of her development would have to do with her teachers
at school as well as her peers. Teachers and friends have a lot of influence on the type of

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person that a child can be. If a child is around a peer that is nice to others then your child
is most likely to follow what their peer does as well. The same goes with their teacher. If
their teacher is constantly yelling and in a negative mood, your child might come home
grumpy and upset and they might not want to do the homework for the class. Those
outside of your home have a lot more influence on your child than you think. It is very
important that we are involved with the teachers of our students so we know how they are
as a teacher because some of the behaviors of or children might have something to do
with someone outside of the home.

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My Virtual Child Report 4- Adolescence (12-18 years)
At 14 years old she started to become involved with more activities and was
hanging out with new friends. She is starting to grow a lot more and you can tell that she
is becoming more interested in boys. She has her first date and she is nervous about it.
Her grades are very good and she also has made the dance team. She sometimes gets very
emotional and irritated over little things that really should not matter to her. She also gets
irritated with me when I ask questions about a new boy or her friends. She sometimes
says she just wants to be left alone.
At 12 years old she is participating in the band and is very involved in her
schoolwork. She is very good at spelling as well. At 14 she is continuing to get good
grades and is making new friends every day. She is on the dance team and is involved in
many clubs and after school activities. I think this is really good for her to stay involved
with as many activities as she can this way it will be a lot easier for her to stay out of the
wrong crowd. It also helps because it gives her an excuse if someone asks her to do
something that she knows is not right. She can just tell them that she has dance practice
or has a meeting for one of her clubs. I try to make sure that she is involved in many
things but also not too much that way she can still balance her schoolwork.
I think her way of thinking has become a lot different. She is very involved in her
studies and it has become something very important to her. She has a very broad mind.
She will always come home and tell me something new about her day and is excited that
she has been learning something new. It makes me proud that she is enjoying her time as
a student and that she is communicating with me about how she is doing in school. I do
not even have to tell her to do homework when she comes home anymore. She just sits

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right down at the table and does it and I make sure to check over it when she is done. She
is very interested in what she learns and she is always asking me questions about very
fascinating things that she wonders about.
At age 14 I think her friends were important to her, but not as near as important as
school was. I noticed though that she was starting to have more of an interest in boys
because she came home and told me that she had a date. I was surprised to hear this but
also excited for her as well. As long as her grades do not slip I think it is okay for her to
go on the date. At age 16 she is still getting good grades and good with her studies but she
is more interested in the boy that she has been seeing for two years now. She recently got
mono and got her drivers license. It makes me nervous now that she has all of this
freedom and is growing up. There is not much I can do except make sure that she is
continuing to do good in school and setting rules and boundaries for the house.
She has been very well with it. She tells me when someone offers her something
that she is unsure of and asks me about it and we talk. She knows about the risks when it
comes to drugs and drinking and I have talked with her about sexually transmitted
diseases and if her and her partner have been having sex. We are very open with each
other and I know that as long as she is involved with her same group of friends and it
staying involved in activities she will be just fine.
She is doing very well in school and she always has. There has never really been
an issue where I have had to tell her more than once to do her homework. She has not
always been excited about it but she does care about her grades and she likes coming
home with her honor roll report card to put on the refrigerator. I think that she has been
surrounding herself with the right friends as well that encourages her to do well on her

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homework and tests. They all seem to get good grades and study very hard for their tests
and I think this helps her to want to do well also. She got accepted into many colleges so
there were no issues with that. She ended up going to an art-design school and I know
that she will love whatever she ends up doing in the future because she is a very smart
and bright girl with many goals.
Her physical development is normal. She is normal in her height and weight
categories and is very active with dance and likes to do many things outside as well.
Socially she does very well. She has many friends and also loves making new ones.
Every year she comes home and tells me about a new friend that she met or someone new
that she helped. She has a very kind heart and it has taken her a very long way. She was
very emotional at the age of 14 but that was not as bad as she got older. She still had her
off days but it was not as near as bad as it was when she was about 14.
I think the household rules mattered for her development. If I had not set ground
rules from day one then she would just run around like nothing was wrong and most
likely would have gotten in a lot of trouble. She knew what the rules were and she still
knows that as long as she is under my house she has to understand and follow my rules.
She did a pretty good job at doing this for the most part. I think that her peers had
somewhat of a factor in this too because when she started to hang out with people that
were involved with more she was more and more interested in her schoolwork and
learning new things every day.

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