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Jamie Lau #12

Peer-assisted learning strategies


What is it?
Peer Assisted Learning Strategies (PALS) is a reciprocal class-wide
peer-tutoring strategy that has different versions to suit the needs
and levels of different age groups. It normally lasts 25-35 minutes
for three or four times a week and includes either math or reading
A child that requires help in a certain area (the tutee) is paired up
with a child that the teacher believes is appropriate to help the other
child learn those skills (the tutor).
The tutor and tutees are changed frequently, this way, the students
can get help on a variety of skills and all the students have the chance
to be the tutor and the tutee.
There are many different types of activities that can be used during
PALS. For PALS for reading, the activities include Partner Reading
with Story Retell, Paragraph Shrinking and Prediction Relay. For
PALS for math, students work through math problems through
coaching and practice.
It was proven that students with learning disabilities make greater
progress in PALS classrooms than their counterparts in a general
education classroom that does not use PALS as a learning strategy.

WHO is it for?
PALS has been proven to
enhance the learning of
disorders (EBD). It is also
proven to work just as well
for minorities from a variety
of backgrounds. It can run
from kindergarten (KPALS)
through 6th grade and for 9th
grade through 12th grade.
Math PALS is available from
kindergarten through to 6th
grade. Further research is
whether PALS is beneficial
for children with other type
of disabilities.

Lorem Ipsum

What are THE

PALS is a relatively inexpensive learning
strategy to implement into the
classroom. It allows children with
disabilities to be included into the
general education classroom, which
would not only benefit their academic
progress but also enhance their social
skills. Research has proven that peer
assisted learning facilitates the student in
disciplines, which is an area of concern
for many children with disabilities. It is a
great tool to enhance self-esteem and
create a more cooperative classroom
atmosphere. PALS allows the needs of
every child to be attended to instead of
the traditional single teacher-directed
activity which may not address all the
specific issues that children face.

Fuchs, D., Fuchs, L. S., Mathes, P. G., &
Martinez, E. A. (2002). Preliminary
Evidence on the Social Standing of Students
with Learning Disabilities in PALS and NoPALS Classrooms. Learning Disabilities
Research and Practice Learning Disabil Res
Pract, 17(4), 205-215.
Rafdal, B. H., Mcmaster, K. L., Mcconnell,
S. R., Fuchs, D., & Fuchs, L. S. (2011). The
Effectiveness of Kindergarten Peer-Assisted
Learning Strategies for Students with
Disabilities. Exceptional Children, 77(3),
Saenz, L. M., Fuchs, L. S., & Fuchs, D.
(2005). Peer-Assisted Learning Strategies for
English Language Learners with Learning
Disabilities. Exceptional Children, 71(3),

PALS Partner Reading with Story Retell step-bystep directions

Stronger reader (tutee) reads aloud from book for 5

Other reader (tutor) listen for errors including
saying the wrong words, adding a word, leaving out
a word or taking longer than 4 seconds to read the
If the tutee makes one of these errors, the tutor
either responded by saying Stop. You missed that
word. Can you figure it out?
If the tutee could say that word within 4 seconds the
tutor would respond with Good. Read that
sentence again
If the tutee could not say that word within 4
seconds, the tutor would respond with: That word
is _______. What word? and tutee would then
repeat the word. The tutor would then follow up by
saying Good. Read that sentence again
If both students do not know the word, they would
raise their hands up and ask the teacher for help.
The pairs switch roles and reads same text for 5
Exercise ends with weaker reader of the two
retelling the sequence of the story that was read and
the tutors would ask them questions like What
happened first? and What happened next?

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