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Gemma Philbrick

1a) what do sources A and B suggest about the SA?

Source A tells us that that in 1933 there was infringements frequently reported in
Germany. This suggests that due to Hitler coming to power people thought they
could push his boundaries to see what he is actually capable of, which also
suggest that if the infringements didnt occur then Hitler wouldnt of been as
harsh as he wouldnt of had the inspiration to gain power in such an extreme
way. However source B tells us that on the Night of the Long Knives, Hitler
arranged meetings with Rohm and other SA leaders. Which suggests that Hitler
used this as a way to lure them into his trap to get rid of the SA because Hitler
feared that sooner down the line the SA leaders would eventually oppose him.
In addition, source A also tells us that the SA leaders carried out police to stop
the infringements. Which suggests that this was a way of showing the German
people what Hitler will do to clear up the streets which will help him get more
votes; however this also suggests how the SA did things without thinking which
would encourage Hitler to confirm the Night of the Long Knives to take place.
Furthermore, source B tells us that the SA leaders were arrested and taken to the
Munich where they were shot by heavily armed members of the SS. This
suggests that this was how Hitler would be using the SS in the future and to do
his dirty work for him (killing the SA leaders/ killing the Jews) which helped Hitler
with his rise to power as now the SA leaders were killed he had no longer had the
worry that they would turn against him and take over his power.

Gemma Philbrick
1b) what different view is suggested in source C and D about the SA? (6)
Sources C and D have a different view about the SA , for example source C shows
Rohm wearing his SA uniform which suggests that the SA are organised and are
formal and who would be willing to obey Hitler as he could help the SA gain more
power and rise with Hitler. However Source D tells us that Rohm said that Adolf Is
a swine who is betraying all of them which shows a different of view of the SA by
how it suggests how the SA feel they are being betrayed which mean they may
begin to go against Hitler to bring is power down; which would be a threat to
Hitler which encourages Hitler to get rid of the SA so no one can get in his way.
Another difference is that source D tells us that Hitler knew exactly what Rohm
wanted but didnt do anything about it. This suggests that the SA were getting
impatient with Hitler, which may suggest that Hitler was already planning the
Night of the Long Knives as he wasnt giving them what they wanted (power and
control) because from this they look weak and desperate; which is an advantage
to Hitler as he feels he can take down the SA as they are too weak to cope.
However Source C shows us that they have their own logo not the Nazi sign
which shows a different view the SA as it suggests that they are their own
organisation which makes them look strong and powerful which suggests that
they would be a threat to Hitler as they could just stop obeying Hitler and
creating their own political party which will lead Hitler to lose power and for his
power to be taken over.
Another difference is that source C shows us that by Rohms posture and
appearance he looks strong and powerful which makes to SA look strong enough
to take down Hitler as they have a strong leader; this suggests that the SA could
of taken down Hitler but didnt as they were scared of him and thought his
beliefs were right at the time. However Source D tells us that Rohm said in 1933
he told Hitler enough what he wanted and the generals are a lot of old fogeys.
This shows a different view of the SA as immature and having a childish tantrum
as Hitler wont give them what they want, which makes the look too weak to
Hitler and make Rohm look like a weak leader; this would then encourage Hitler
to plan the Night of the Long Knives as he would feel a weak and childish leader
will not help him gain power.

Gemma Philbrick

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