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Hola Cami. Que gusto verte

Hola Vero
A qu escuela fuiste a estudiar?
Ingres a la UTCAM
Qu carrera elegiste?
Me decid por contadura
Te gust el plan de estudios?
Si, sent que era muy bueno para m. y t que semestre comenzaste en
la unacar?
9. Bueno, es que me cambi de escuela
10.Y en qu escuela continuaste tus estudios?
11.Analic mis opciones, lo pens mucho y ahora estoy en el liceo Jurez
12.Wow. Quin te platic sobre esa escuela?
13.Mi primo estudi ah y me dijo que l am desde un principio el lugar. A
m me pareci perfecta.
14.Ya conociste bien a tus compaeros?
15.Si, aunque cuando los vi por primera vez, no habl a ninguno
16.Me imagino que con el tiempo aprendiste a tratarlos.
17.Claro. Perd la pena y les habl
18.Qu bueno que te guste- tanto la escuela. Bueno, tengo que irme hasta
19.Si, hasta luego Verito

1 Hi Cami. Good to see you

2 Hello Vero
3 to what school did you go to study?
4 I joined the UTCAM
5 what career did you choose?
6 I decided for accounting
7 did you like the curriculum?
8 Yes, I felt that it was very good for me. Do you half started in the unacar?
9 well, it is that I changed my school
10 and in which school continued your studies?
11 I analyzed my options, I thought it much and now I am at the liceo Juarez
12 Wow. Who you talked about that school?
13 my cousin studied there and told me that he loved the place from the
beginning. I believed perfect for me
14 would already know well your teammates?
15 Yea, although when I saw them for the first time, didn't speak to any
16 I imagine that over time you learnt to treat them.
17 clearing. I missed the penalty and talked about
18 what good that you like so much school. Well, I have to go bye
19 Ok, goodbye Verito
20 Bye Cami

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