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Plan: Mike Somebody

Transition Area: Post-Secondary Education

Future Adult Goals (What I want after high school): I have decided that I want to attend
a community college.

Present Level of Performance:
Mike has expressed an interest in furthering his education and attending a
community college. His parents and his teacher both agree that community college would
be a good place for Mike after high school.

Mike, his parents, and his teacher all completed their respective forms of the Future
Planning Inventory (FPI). The results indicated that all three parties agreed on Mike
continuing his education at a community college. However, there were some discrepancies
when it came to Mikes level of motivation and self-advocacy skills. Mike will need a high
level of motivation to apply to and be success in community college, as well as improved
self-advocacy skills.

Mike currently struggles with reading and writing, and receives supports in these
areas while in school. On January 20th, Mile was given the WIAT-III to assess his reading
recognition and comprehension. In reading recognition, he scored at a 5.3 grade level,
which is equivalent to a fifth grader in their third month of school. In the area of
comprehension, he scored at a 3.0 grade level. Mike shows strengths in sight word
recognition and decoding, but has trouble with comprehension.

Mike was also given the WIAT-III on January 20th to assess his math skills. He scored
at a 6.0 grade level. He shows competency in basics skills and calculation, but has trouble
with math application and story problems.

Based on the combined results of Mike, his parents, and his teacher filling out the
Self-Determination and Self-Advocacy Skills Questionnaire, there is concern in the area of
Mike being able to independently contact the adult service providers that will help him
reach his post-secondary education goals. He also needs support in learning to
independently request the accommodations he needs in reading and writing.

Transition Needs (What I still need to do and learn):
I need to explore my options for community college. I need to take tours of different
community colleges in my area to learn about the school and the programs that they offer. I
also need to begin identifying myself as a person with a disability, and making sure that I
request the reading and writing accommodations that I will need at school.

Transition Services/Activities (Student, Parent, and Professional):
1. Mikes teachers will help him explore his strengths in preparation of choosing a
degree program in college.
2. Mike and his parents will visit Jackson Community College.
3. Mike will independently contact the student disability office and arrange to meet
with them on his campus visit.

4. Mike will identify a list of at least three rights guaranteed by the law that he is
ensured as a person with a disability.
5. During his meeting with the disability office, Mike will discuss his disability and find
out the supports and accommodations that this community college offers.

Annual Goal 1:

Mike will complete a community college application by the end of his junior year.
(EE.L.11-12.1 Demonstrate standard English grammar and usage when communicating. a.
Use conventions of Standard English when needed. b. Use digital, electronic, and other
resources and tools to improve uses of language as needed.)

1. Mike will obtain applications from three different community colleges in his area by
the end of the first semester of his junior year.
2. Given the questions on the applications orally, Mike will be able to verbally produce
the answers to the questions by the end of his junior year.

Annual Goal 2:

Mike will choose a program that he wants to major in when he is ready to move into
post-secondary education.

1. Mike will sit down with the guidance counselor in his high school and obtain a
written list of commonly found associate degree programs in community college by
the end of his first semester of junior year.
2. Given the list of programs (accompanied by picture supports) offered by the
community college, Mike will independently select three different programs that he
is interested in learning more about by the end of the first semester of his junior

Transition Area: Employment

Future Adult Goals (What I want after high school): I want to work in a restaurant.

Present Level of Performance:

Mike has expressed interest in working in the food industry. Mike, his parents, and
his teachers have all completed the Future Planning Inventory (FPI) and expressed their
opinions on his future employment options. The results showed that they all agreed that
Mike was interested in the food industry, and that a part time position would be the best fit
for Mike. However, Mike does not have any work experience nor does he have any
information about working in the food industry. Mike is currently unaware of any part time
job opportunities in his field of interest.

Mikes teacher completed the Vocational Assessment Profile (VAP) and concluded
that Mike showed strength in being able to describe his own skills and his interest in
working with food. However, Mike needs assistance in creating a resume, as well as job
seeking. Mike has no experience with interviewing and needs to develop interview skills
along with practicing employment applications.

Mike, his parents, and his teacher also completed their respective forms of the SelfDetermination and Self-Advocacy Questionnaire. It was concluded that Mike is not
confident in being able to independently contact the adult service providers necessary to
help him reach his employment goals. He is also lacking in the ability to understand his
rights as well as being able to request the reading and writing accommodations that he will
need on the job.

Transition Needs (What I still need to do and learn):

I need to explore careers in the food industry. I also need to identify what skills are
required for an individual to succeed when working in a restaurant. I need to look at
different restaurants in my area and figure out who is hiring and who offers part time
positions. I need to participate in a vocational education class that will give me the chance
to see what it would be like to work in a restaurant.

Transition Services/Activities (Student, Parent, and Professional):
1. Mike and his parents will visit different restaurants in the area and identify the
different jobs at each site.
2. Mike will identify which jobs he would need reading and writing supports for.
3. Mike and his teachers will compile a list of skills needed for the different jobs at a
4. Mike will identify which of those work skills he has, and which ones he would need
to obtain to be able to successfully do that job.
5. Mike and his teachers will identify the specific rights that Mike is guaranteed by
law in the work place as being an individual with a disability.

Annual Goal 1:

Mike will independently fill out three different job applications to three different
restaurants that are hiring part-time employees in his area.

(EE.W.11-12.4 Produce writing that is appropriate to a particular task, purpose, and


1. Mike will verbally recite the answers to the following questions regarding a job
application with 100% accuracy to his parents by the end of the first semester of his
junior year.
o Name?
o Address?
o Phone number?
o Social Security number?
o Previous work experience?
2. Given a computer, Mike will type the answered to these questions onto a key that
he can use for future job applications by the end of his junior year.

Annual Goal 2:

Mike will choose one job that he would like to specifically apply for as a part-time
position at a restaurant.

1. Mike will visit five different restaurants in his area, and speak with an employee
(using picture cards and question prompt cards for support) at each job site that
does the job Mike is interested in about the skills needed to do the job. Mike will
create a list of these skills using a computer and submit the list to his teacher by the
end of his first semester of junior year.
2. Mike will complete a task analysis regarding his chosen job with 100% accuracy by
the end of his junior year.

Transition Area: Home Living

Future Adult Goals (What I want after high school): I will live with my parents in the
year after high school.

Present Level of Performance:

Mike has expressed some interest in living independently, but it has been mutually
decided upon that living with his parents in the year after high school will be the best
option for him. Mike, his teacher, and his parents all filled out their respective forms of the
Future Planning Inventory.

The results showed that Mike could see himself living independently in an urban
area, such as having an apartment in Toledo, Ohio. He designated that he is able to
complete household activities like cleaning his room and washing dishes independently. He
indicated that he needed assistance when it came to activities like making simple meals and
setting the table. The results of the Parent FPI form indicated they believed Mike could
independently feed the dogs. However, he needs help when it comes to cleaning dishes,
preparing food, setting the table, and cleaning his room. His parents can eventually see him
a rural area, particularly in a college dormitory. Mike will need to strengthen his home
living skills before he can begin living independently. Mikes teacher completed the form
with the results that Mike could either live with his parents or in a college dorm. It was
agreed upon by all parties that Mike needs more information about housing, as well as
support in daily living skills.

Mikes teacher completed the Vocational Assessment Profile, and concluded that
Mike needs assistance in areas of daily living including recognizing safety and warning
symbols, making dental and medical appointments, preparing meals, reading recipes, and
exchanging money for goods. Mike also needs more experience with banking and should
look into creating and managing a checking account.

Overall, Mike shows deficits in important daily living skills that make it imperative
that he lives at home while he works toward becoming independent in these areas.

Transition Needs (What I still need to do and learn):

I need to develop skill in independently purchasing and preparing simple,
nutritious meals. I also need to specifically identify the skill set that I will need to be able to
live independently. I need to learn how to make appointments for myself, as well as
keeping my living space clean. I also need to learn the process of opening a checking
account and become comfortable in balancing my finances.

Transition Services/Activities (Student, Parent, and Professional):
1. Mike will differentiate between healthy and unhealthy food options.
2. Mike and his parents will develop a list of meals that Mike will learn to prepare for
3. Mikes teachers will assess his competency in using money and exchanging it for
groceries at the store.

4. Mikes teachers and parents will facilitate natural opportunities for Mike to practice
using money at the store.
5. Mike will take a cooking/function meal preparation class at school or in the
6. Mike and his parents will visit family bank and sit down with a representative.
7. Mike will inquire about the steps he needs to open his own checking account.

Annual Goal 1:

Mike will open a checking account in his name.
(Content Standard 6: All students will identify, organize, plan, and allocate resources (such
as time, money, materials, and human resources) efficiently and effectively: 6. Understand
compensation practices and financial management and explain how financial resources can
be used effectively and efficiently.

1. Given time to sit down with a bank employee, Mike will be able to answer these
questions after his visit to the bank by the end of his junior year:
o Where do I open a checking account?
o Who do I call if I have a question?
o How will my parents be involved in the account?
2. Given the opportunity three times a week, Mike will successfully demonstrate how
to write a check with 100% accuracy by the end of his junior year.

Annual Goal 2:

Mike will prepare dinner for himself three times a week.

1. Mike will accompany his mother to the grocery store on three different occasions
and independently locate 50% of the items on the list each time by the end of his
first semester of junior year.
2. Given a Making Spaghetti task analysis, Mike will complete it with 100% accuracy
by the end of his junior year.

Transition Area: Recreation and Leisure

Future Adult Goals (What I want after high school): I would like to participate in a
community based bowling league.

Present Level of Performance:

Mike has expressed an interest in bowling, while his parents and teacher both
support the idea of a community based bowling league to pursue that interest.

Mike, his teacher, and his parents all filled out their respective forms of the Future
Planning Inventory (FPI). The results of Mikes FPI indicated that he likes to participate in a
number of social activities, such as bowling, going to the movies, talking on the phone,
dating, and hanging out with friends. Mike reported in his form that he would like to join
some type of club, including that he would need reading support. The results of Mikes
parents FPI showed a little discrepancy in the area of Mikes social behavior. Their forms
indicated that Mike enjoys bowling, reading, watching TV, video games, and being with the
family. They were concerned, however, about his interest in activities that involved
socialization. They believe that Mike should participate in a social group, and also
suggested a bowling club. Mikes teacher agreed that Mike should participate in a social
setting, like a club. They agreed that Mike would need reading support in whatever activity
he chose.

Mikes teacher completed the Vocational Assessment Profile (VAP). She expressed
that Mike routinely participates in activities such as watching TV and movies, but he would
like to participate in a bowling league. On the VAP, Mikes teacher also expressed that he
needs assistance in initiating, maintaining and concluding conversations. He needs
assistance making appropriate decisions and responding appropriately to affection, as well
as taking part in recreational activities.
Mike, his parents, and his teacher agree that he needs more opportunities to make
friends, and he can do this by joining a bowling league.

Transition Needs (What I still need to do and learn):

I need to learn more about what recreational bowling activities are available in my
area. I also need to see what type of reading would be involved in a setting like the bowling
alley so that I can express the type of support that I will need. I need to figure out the cost
and time commitment that a bowling league would require. I also need to find out the
equipment I will need to participate.

Transition Services/Activities (Student, Parent, and Professional):
1. Mike and his parents will visit the local bowling alley.
2. Mike will independently ask an employee about bowling league opportunities.
3. Mikes teachers will develop a social story for Mike to follow when he is interacting
with others in the bowling league.
4. Mikes parents will assist Mike in completing any necessary paperwork to join to the
bowling league.

Annual Goal 1:
Mike will independently develop a list of three personal goals that he wishes to
achieve during his first season in a community-bowling league. Mike will orally present
these goals to his parents and his teachers at the end of the first semester of his junior year.

1. Mike will interview three different individuals that have participated in a
community based bowling league (using picture cards and question prompt cards
for support) and discuss their personal goals in bowling in order to help him
develop his personal goals. Mike will use an audio recorder to record these
interviews and present them to his teacher by the end of the first semester of his
junior year.
2. Mike will spend one day a week bowling after school to practice his game until the
end of his junior year. Mike will then create a list of his strengths and weaknesses in
bowling by the end of junior year.

Annual Goal 2:
Mike will attend a community bowling event, and independently and appropriately
introduce himself to five different people. He will appropriately begin, maintain and close a
conversation with three new people by the end of his junior year.
(Content Standard 5: All students will display personal qualities such as responsibility, selfmanagement, self-confidence, ethical behavior, and respect for self and others: 9. Use
appropriate personal expression and relate to school and work settings.)

1. Given the social story that his teachers created for him about interacting with
others, Mike will read it everyday and verbally recall the information about
appropriate conversation pointers.
2. Given a two-minute interval at school everyday, Mike will independently complete
an appropriate conversation task analysis with his teacher at 100% accuracy.

Transition Area: Community Participation

Future Adult Goals (What I want after high school): I want to get my drivers license.

Present Level of Performance:

After high school, Mike would like to obtain his drivers license. Mike, his parents,
and his teacher all completed their respective forms of the Future Planning Inventory (FPI).
All three parties agreed that learning how to drive was an aspiration that they had for Mike.
Mike can currently ride his bike independently, but needs assistance in learning the skill of
driving as well as having a vehicle to practice in. Mikes parents and his teacher both
identified the family car to be available for Mikes use. There is some discrepancy in Mikes
ability to independently identify and complete the steps necessary for him to obtain his
drivers license.

Mikes teacher completed the Vocational Assessment Profile (VAP), and concluded
that when it comes to transportation, Mike is able to get to places on time with the
assistance of his parents, or by walking/riding his bike. The VAP also concluded that Mike
needs assistance with recognizing safety and warning symbols out in the community. The
form indicates that Mike needs to look into getting a drivers license.

Transition Needs (What I still need to do and learn):
I need to learn and understand the steps it takes to get my drivers license. I need to
practice driving and study for the drivers test. I need to visit the Department of Motor
Vehicles (DMV) to obtain more information. I need to communicate my disability to the
officials at the DMV and identify the supports that I need and am guaranteed by law to have
during my driving test.

Transition Services/Activities (Student, Parent, and Professional):
1. Mike and his parents will check out the local driving school or DMV and determine
the resources that Mike will need to obtain his drivers license.
2. Mikes parents will practice driving with him in the family car.
3. Mikes teachers will create a social story containing traffic signs and symbols that
will be important for Mike to learn.
4. Mikes parents and teachers will practice with Mike to help him orally recite his
legal rights to the accommodations he will need for the test.

Annual Goal 1: Mike will participate in a drivers education program before he graduates
from high school.
(EE.L.11-12.6 Use general academic and domain specific words and phrases across

1. Mike will independently contact the DMV and get the information necessary to
register for driving school and/or a study guide to prepare him for the certification
test before the end of his first semester of junior year.

2. Mike will independently communicate his disability to the DMV and the
reading/writing supports he will need during the driving program before the end of
junior year.

Annual Goal 2: Mike will pass his written and driving portion of the drivers license
certification test.
(Content Standard 5: All students will display personal qualities such as responsibility, selfmanagement, self-confidence, ethical behavior, and respect for self and others.7. Obtain a
driver license and demonstrate driving skills and safety and/or use public transportation.)

1. Given a written practice test biweekly, Mike will complete them with 85% accuracy
with reading and writing supports by the first semester of his senior year.
2. Given a ten-minute interval while practicing driving with his parents, Mike will
complete a Highway Driving task analysis with 100% accuracy by the first
semester of his senior year.

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