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Zoe Eldridge

Tiger Pride
IDI Reflection (Pre-Test)
To me, intercultural communication is associated with the connection
between individuals from different backgrounds, cultures, religions etc.
The United States has become a melting pot of different cultures with
people who were raised by people of various backgrounds and pasts
that are unique and different. I find culture and ones unique
background very interesting and important when interacting with
others and also getting to know one and what you think and stand for.
IDI Results:
My IDI individual profile results indicated that my perceived orientation
score was within the acceptance range. This means that I recognize
and appreciate patterns of cultural difference in my, as well as other
cultures in perceptions, values and behaviors. My developmental
orientation my cultural differences were within Minimization. This
indicates that I notice the commonalties across cultures especially
highlighting commonality that masks equal recognition of cultural
differences due to less cultural self-awareness, more commonly
experienced among dominant group members within a cultural
community. I am aware that my culture (Caucasian) is the most
dominant in the United States but I do not always recognize it when I
am surround by a majority of Caucasians. When there is an equal
representation of people of different cultures and backgrounds, I find it
more noticeable than when my culture is dominant.
I definitely believe that intercommunication is an important skill to
possess as a teacher. A teacher has the opportunity to connect and
interact with students of different backgrounds and cultures every day.
An effective teacher is culturally aware of different cultures and
respectful of all the cultures that he or she comes into contact with. In
order to understand students and be influential in their learning, a
teacher should care about their background and where they come from
in order to gain their respect, as well as their parents. I have been
lucky enough to have ample experience with people of diverse
populations. I grew up in Chicago, the largest city in the Midwest. My
high school was extremely diverse with the majority of people coming
from cultures that are otherwise seen as minorities elsewhere in the
United States. Most of my friends were from Asian, Indian or Jewish
backgrounds. I was lucky enough that they introduced me to their
culture and invited me into their homes for events that highlighted
their culture. Through this, I was able to gain knowledge about

different backgrounds and cultures and what they value. There are
more similarities between cultures and what they think is significant
that one would think. There was somewhat of a difference between
things I perceived versus the actual orientation. Many of my friends
who were very studious, I thought would have very cold and strict
parents since my friends were always stressed about classes and
grades, but when it came to meeting the parents, most of my friends
parents were very warm and welcoming. A majority of parents were
extremely nice and invited me for dinners and events. When I got my
IDI results back, I was somewhat surprised. I believe I am a pretty
rounded individual in terms of knowing different cultures and
backgrounds but the results from my developmental orientation (DO)
indicated that I still have some room for cultural growth. The meeting I
had at the multicultural center definitely helped me with making sense
of my results. In the meeting, my results were explained and I started
to understand that many few people actually meet the acceptance or
adaption orientation. I am still young and have lots more to experience
and hopefully over time, my understanding of different cultures will
become even greater.
Strengths and Weaknesses:
There are a couple strengths and weaknesses I believe that I obtain in
terms of intercultural communication. Being Caucasian and identifying
as a majority is one of my weaknesses. I do notice different cultures
and beliefs but maybe not recognize all do to the automatic
assumption I have as being a majority and others noticing that I am a
majority. The notions that go along with be a majority does not help my
case either. Many people who are of the minority might automatically
think that I think of myself higher than them. This is definitely not the
case, but I sometimes think of this as a preconceived notion, which is a
weakness of mine. I definitely notice and try to learn about different
beliefs and cultures though. I am genuinely interested in what other
people think, where they come from and the beliefs that they have. I
think tiger pride might help be develop these skills. I feel like it will
definitely help me realize the income gap between people of different
backgrounds and how children of different backgrounds react with each
other these days. I would like to improve on my awareness of different
cultures. I would also like to figure out how to come about my culture
as one that is not overbearing or in charge of others. I also want to
learn more about the different cultures and see what is the best way to
approach different cultural opportunities that might come about.

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