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Natasha DosSantos
Dutta Debashis
SOC 1070
February 2, 2016

Do not judge a book by its cover, is a quote often heard at different
times in life relating to the literal words of actual books but also in relation to
getting to know people. Similar to the term 12 dimensions we think about the
word dimensions and how people have different sides and factors, which
contribute to oneself and our interactions within society. Aside from our
personalities and how we react as members of a macro system surrounded by
factors in our micro system, there are many parts and choices made impacting
the individual who is reflected (Anzovino, Boutillier, 2015).
We live in a society revolved around one anothers values. The term
values looks at ones own set of rules or guidelines impacting our interactions
with one another in society (Anzovino, Boutillier, 2015). It is important to consider
the values of one another as we look at some of the similarities and differences
and learning how to interact when we may be faced with values which challenge
our own. A value I have learned passed on through my family is having respect
and honesty. Respect looks at not only learning to be mindful of others through
your choice of actions and words but also having respect for yourself. Respect
for me can be simple actions such as being home at a decent time living under
the roof of my grandparents, or learning to be confident with myself such as
being able to wear what I want and think what I want despite what others may
say. Values also for me look at my needs versus my wants. There is a need to
have a roof over my head, food and income to support. It is a personal want to be
able to have healthy friends and family, a good paying job and education. It is
through my own beliefs, strength and dedication that I am able to help these

wants become part of what I need and have. I believe that my values I create and
learn become a part of who we are and evolve with the support of those around
We entered into the world with our life held in the hands of those who
grow to love and take care of us as their primary possession. The life of a small
child we grow based on the environment we are raised in and the relations we
form from those around us being our family. It is learned that family to family
there is much diversity in regards to the roles and responsibilities and the varying
rules and expectations. In my family from a European cultural background
typically it is a male dominated society where much of the typical male roles are
filled by the men and vice versa for the females of the household. It is uncommon
to have a male in the kitchen cooking a meal for his family, but not uncommon to
see a male working to provide the income and support in this form for the family.
Growing up being able to look at my family and decide on the choices I want to
make moving forward I find that I strive to be more independent and more
separated from outlining the male and female duties. It is important to me that I
am able to have a good education and be able to find a well paying job to support
a family and myself. Working together as a family building trust and
communication is a key factor in ones growth.
My family growing up had basic rules which revolved around respect and
placing family first. Each member in my family strives for open communication in
order to feel comfort and support in times of celebration or challenges. This is
something which I have become use to and something that I find value in

bringing forward in relationships that I create within family and outside of family
as well. Communication can come in many forms, with my family's primary verbal
form of communication being Portuguese and English. Through living with my
grandparents who speak a lot of Portuguese in the home. I have learned a lot
about the language and I am able to understand it as well as speak it when
needed. I have learned that when I am put in the position where I need to speak
the language I am more capable than I often will give myself credit. Similarly,
when I went on a family vacation to Portugal for a month in 2012 I found that I
quickly had to adapt to the culture and my use of the language to communicate
with others what I needed and often gestures and facial expressions become a
symbol to use as well. It is a great skill to be able to speak the language I feel for
educational and career purposes in my future but from a family aspect its
important to be able to carry on the culture through to my own family.
Living in the 20th Century we are in the year of technology as new
advancements are constantly being made. Technology can be a great tool for
communicating with others but it can also be a challenge if it is not used properly.
Technology has given my grandparents easier access to communicating with
family who live in different parts of the world and has given me the opportunity to
be able to share my knowledge about technology with my grandparents.
Technology also allows me access to be able to speak with those who do not live
in the same household as me, such as my mom and sister aside from the basic
phone calls or face-to-face interactions. Another form of interaction and
communication in my life revolves around my religion and family celebrations.

As a member of the Catholic Church I have grown up through the
Waterloo Catholic District School Board taking part in the Sacraments of the
Church. Although my family is not overly religious we do believe strongly in our
faith, being apart of the community and coming together as a family to celebrate
the religious accomplishments (i.e. baptism, First Communion, Confirmation,
weddings, etc.). Through the growth of my own family the expectation is when I
have kids I will have them going into the Catholic school board where they will be
able to share similar religious celebrations and be able to take part in family
gathering together to share the love and the support. I have gone through a lot in
my life and currently I struggle with close loved ones becoming sick. It is through
these difficult times that I turn to my belief in God and prayer which I believe
becomes even stronger as I stand beside loved ones during these times to help
look after and guide loved ones to strength. It is through these interactions with
close family and being able to look back on memories made that have me
looking forward to what memories lay ahead as more accomplishments are
It is evident that a lot of my life revolves around my family and the close
relations I have with each member and my ties with my culture. My grandma
came from Portugal when she was 10 as an independent woman who lived with
her Uncle here in Canada as she began to figure out life for herself and how it
would be for her own family which she would start here. It was through my
grandma who made it possible for other family members such as her mom,
brothers and sisters to be able to come to Canada to make a living, having 3

generations of family members now living in Canada. I know a lot of our
Portuguese culture is tied through the food we make and the traditions we try to
pass along such as during special holidays such as Christmas. However, I did
find that other than this I do not know a whole lot in regards to my history or my
families history. I know there is a large portion that lives in Ontario with a
Portuguese background, but the contributions I do not know much about. I
believe often the Portuguese culture is well known for its delicious food and the
importance of family. There tends to be a positive outlook on this culture but I feel
it can also be a culture, which finds it hard to adapt often to Canadian society.
The idea of technology, the easy access to foods, medicine and clothes I find are
factors which can be hard for older generations of this background to become
use to, when back home these were not so accessible, and only if you held a lot
of money. Education is a prime example, which typically is very different back
home, making it harder to get well paying jobs, on top of the language barriers,
which occur. My own personal goals for myself and as I build a family is to
discover more about the history of my culture but also working towards furthering
my education to become as skilled and educated that I need to be able to work in
a career beneficial to my independence and support towards my loved ones.
The small group interactions are a primary source of communication in my
family. They are a time to get together with not just immediate family, but cousins
as well as aunts, uncles and close friends. Within these interactions different
roles are filled from the women who mainly do the Portuguese food as often each
family will bring a food item to contribute to the meals, while the men do most of

the socializing and the children are playing. Often with gatherings there is the
idea of comfort and being able to let loose and have a few drinks. In my family an
acceptable age was always surrounded by family to supervise and of the
appropriate legal age, which never really was a huge deal to myself as I enjoy
mainly the social aspect of these gatherings. My beliefs gathered through these
interactions are creating a relaxed environment where everyone is comfortable
enjoying activities you are able to do in groups no matter what age, socializing,
and bringing culture through traditional food that is served. Often the interactions
can be held anywhere, typically at my grandparents house but as I enter further
into adulthood with my own family in the future I would enjoy being able to have
these interactions within my own home where my own children and family would
be able to see the importance of getting together to share laughter, love and
Although family can have a large impact on who we are, there are other
aspects of ones life which looks at ways in which we can express ourselves and
special interests or talents we may have. In my case I often turn to music as way
of expression and escape from what is going on around me. I enjoy a variety of
types of music I think because I was raised with many who had interests in
different types of music from Rock and Roll to Rap, Hip-Hop, Portuguese, etc.
Music I find can be calming and can help me to focus when needed. I often find
that depending on the mood I am in, my surroundings and what I may be going
through at the time that the particular type of music or song choice is reflected.
My enjoyment for music leads into my equal love for movies and television. I tend

to enjoy movies and TV shows which reflect reality and society around us, as
well as those that have motivational characters and are based on true stories.
The movie Coach Carter for example I enjoy the motivations of the main
character who strives to bring out the best abilities and skills in his team mates to
teach them all how to be successful and to have confidence in themselves. In my
own life I have discussed throughout the course how much I love to work with
people and to be able to assist however I can. I ran a lot of recreational programs
for children and youth that gave me a sense of need and motivation to find what
interests others and to use this knowledge to help them succeed and build
confidence. My participation through the Human Services program and my
interest in furthering my education towards a field where I am able to work with
people of all ages and make a difference is my ultimate goal. It is through my
facial expressions, my body language and my general interest in getting to know
peoples stories that make me the right person for this field in order to help those
who need the support most. I want to be able to be apart of the change in the
community and know that I was able to make a difference in the lives of others.
Recreation is also another form of expression.
Recreation in my culture is something that is not really heard of with the
importance placed on working to support the family and the roles and
responsibilities to meet the needs inside and outside the home. Recreation to me
can be considered any form of social or activity that serves the purpose of
enjoyment rather than to foster skill. In the case of my family many from the
younger generations take part in sports teams. For myself I am not much of a

sports person aside from the enjoyment of watching the sports but I would
consider recreational activities as things such participation in social activities and
activities outside of work or school done for pure enjoyment.
Although I talk about music as one of my main forms of relaxation and
expression I think it is also important to consider other forms of healing or my
beliefs in regards to certain practices. In my family because my grandparents
were raised in Portugal, the access to the health care is quite different from what
we have access to here in Canada. I believe a lot of the healing was dependent
on what was natural that could be used and belief through prayer. I find this belief
has been reflected onto myself even though we do have a good healthcare
system but mainly because I believe in two main things: everything happens for
a reason and strength. I have both of these words tattooed on me as a
reminder during difficult times and accomplishments. This does not mean that I
do not believe in medicines at all but rather looks at the power of other greater
things and lifes choices mainly being in the hands of God. I think about some of
the major events I have gone through in my life such as an accident my mom
was in where her life was in critical condition. To say that medicine or healthcare
doesnt help would overlook how important these factors were in her survival.
However I feel that her strength and support from loved ones also played a huge
part in her successful unexpected recovery. I reflect back on my other quote
relating how everything happens for a reason because in the end my relation
with my mother has become stronger then it has ever been since her accident.
This became an eye opener around our relationship but also towards my general

outlook on life and my goals. I have become a stronger person through the
challenges I have overcome and the accomplishments I am working towards as
continuously build on my identity.
Society is composed of a variety of individuals who interact with one
another on the basis of each having their own identity. Throughout this paper I
have had the opportunity to share some of my own reflections on how the twelve
dimensions can be reflected in my self-identity. It is unimaginable to consider
how diverse I am and to consider the fact that I am only one person who is a part
of a much larger population of individuals. Through looking at the Diversity wheel
it is important to consider why it is critical to have an understanding of where I
stand in society in relation to some individuals who may share different aspects
within their own twelve dimensions (Anzovino, Boutillier, 2015). This section will
look at how my language abilities, physical ability, my age, level of education and
ethnicity each provide me with privilege and dominance over minority groups
within society.
Language can be a primary form of communication as many have become
reliant on being able to verbalize our feelings. As a young child we are taught to
explain how we feel using words to attach to our emotions. We ask young
children to use their words to speak to others when they need help or there is a
conflict to be solved. Language is used to help display other rules and
regulations throughout other social institutions such as in school, road safety, at
work etc. Technology has made language a factor that is even more important to
be able to navigate to wherever we need and to communicate through devices at

quicker speeds and to reach more locations. However with the importance of
language it is also important to recognize the primary language that is used in
our society that is English. Being an individual who was born in Canada, who
was raised by a generation who was born in Canada as well I have had much
access to the English language and I am capable of reading and writing fluently
in this language. The English language is a privilege to know because it allows
one to be able to communicate with the rest of the English language society.
Those with a language barrier face the challenge of having to try and understand
the language. This can come with many other challenges when it comes to being
successful in other areas of life such as education and work. In the school
system where English is the first language those who dont speak English require
a separate program often to help them learn and to accommodate to some point.
In the work setting it is difficult to compete when English is needed as the
Primary language. I cannot imagine the frustration of having to learn a new
language for the sake of being able to progress in society. I know personally I
came across an employment opportunity the other day where the job description
sounded great but then I wasnt a fit for the position as a requirement was to
know how to speak Arabic. In this moment I felt uneducated, which I can imagine
how difficult it is to find jobs when English is often a requirement to have.
I am physically abled, which again gives me dominance over certain
individuals as this allows access to a variety of environments. This means I have
access to being able to apply to jobs where some physical restrictions may occur
(i.e. having to lift heavy material), which otherwise may not have been the case

for some individuals who may require assistance. Simple daily routines being
completed which may not seem to cross my mind being physically able need to
be a constant thought for those who do have some form of disability (Anzovino,
Boutillier, 2015). For example, an individual who is dependent on using a
wheelchair will need to make sure the location they are headed is wheelchair
Although age may seem like a factor where the older you are the more
knowledge and respect you receive, this may not always be the case. Age can
become a dimension of diversity that can be impacted in a negative way as
situations such as young age and young drivers being accused of increased
safety concerns on the road or increased cell phone use while driving. However I
feel there is also an aspect of age that creates a sense of dominance and
privilege over the other. In the case of technology and its use, age has a large
impact. It is seen more and more the use of technology in everyday settings such
as within schools and the workplace. Our society has become dependent on the
newest gadgets and toys and reliant on using technology as another form of
communication. This is a great tool and advancement for many reasons, but
when it comes to older generations they are at a disadvantage not having the full
training on the use of the technology. This can be quite frustrating for some who
may not have the knowledge they need in order to keep up with the rest of
Learning how to use a form of technology leads into the advantages of
having a certain type of education. I am the first of my family to be attending

College, which is a huge accomplishment. It has become difficult to become a
part of society when there is a lack of education (Anzovino, Boutillier, 2015).
Education allows more access to a variety of careers with the understanding that
the higher the education the greater the paying job which creates an ongoing
cycle of higher paid job, more of a stress free living environment. However
education is not accessible to all. It is a privilege to be able to attend school after
high school with the cost of post secondary education becoming quite high not
including living accommodations if needed. Further education may not always be
accessible for financial reasoning but also due to a culture aspect where this may
not be considered a primary responsibility or possibly because a language barrier
Lastly it is important to look at how my ethnicity has an impact on my
dominance over certain minority groups in society. Although I come from a
Portuguese family where much of my support comes from family gatherings and
the cultural traditions that we share, I was born in Canada, which leads to having
the privilege of being white. Although we live in a society that is suppose to have
moved away from discrimination and racism, unfortunately this is not always the
case (Anzovino, Boutillier, 2015). There can often be much hatred towards
certain ethnic groups based on the outcomes of certain life events that may have
occurred around the world.
Overall, it is important to look at the level of respect that we build for one
another as we reflect on our own dimensions and the dimensions of others in
society. As we grow older we become more and more aware of the differences

we each face and also the similarities. Sometimes it is easier to take a step back
and try attempting life from a childs point of view who often see many factors in
life as they same. However, it cannot be simply ignored how different we each
are in society and the different challenges we each face. Being able to reflect
about oneself and then about others allows us the opportunity to be able to work
alongside one another and to help breakdown the barriers that have been
created due to certain groups having dominance over others. This knowledge
allows us the capability to work side by side one another and to find ways in
which we can support one another and use the skills that we each have forward
(Anzovino, Boutillier, 2015).
It is important to recognize that we need diversity in our community to
have the community that we have. I believe if we were all the same we wouldnt
have people who specialized in certain areas such as Doctors, Teachers, Nurses,
Social Workers, etc. It is through the differences and the balances that we create
where we get to learn about how we can use one anothers strengths and
weaknesses to help each other and to help society become a better place,
unlocking each persons human potential and importance to this world (Anzovino,
Boutillier, 2015).


Anzovino, T., Boutillier, D. (2015). Walk a Mile. Toronto: Nelson Education.

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