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Belg J. Zool, 131 (I): 88-85 January 2001 SHORT NOTES The karyotype of the Formentera island garden dor- mouse, Eliomys quercinus ophiusae Maria da Graca Ramalhinho! and Roland Libois? "Centro de Biloga Ambiental, Museu Zoolgic e Antropoliglco, Universidade de Lisboa, Rua da Escola Polltcaea, $8, PC1260-102 Lsbos, Portugal * Unité de recherches zogéographiques, Institut de Zoologl. Université de Lidge, Qual Van Beneden, 22, B-4020 Lidge, Belgique and Museu Zaolgio ¢ Antropaligico, Universidade de Lisboa, Rus da Escola Pobtécic, S8 1269-102 LISBOA KEY WORDS: Eliomys quercius, Kayorype, Biogeography, Bales sland, The present terestrial mammal fauna of the Balearic archipelago is the result of human introductions having. fceured merely during the Holocene (1,2). Along with the wood mouse (Apodemas sylvaticus) the garden do ‘mouse, E. querinus, isthe most ancient immigrant mam- smal on the archipelago. Is presence has been reported on all the four main islands but tis now extinct in biza (2), ‘Subfosil remains date back atleast to 6000 y. BP in ‘Mallores and Menorca (23), Commercial exchanges are known to have occurred since that time between the ‘human populations ofthe archipelago and those living around the Mediterranean Sea, including African coasts (4), Therefore, the geographic origin of the populations inhabiting the various islands may be different a well as. their genetic characteristics. Tis assumption is reinforced by the fact thatthe endoparsitic spectrum ofthe garden

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