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It's uncommen on a Saturday atternoon in May to eee 230 persone ‘come, not ony to listan to a conference on mathematies, but aso to Participate, answer questions, In short think about mathematics and {get pleasure out of i. To be eur, the enthusiasm of the lecturer, the {energy which comes from him, and the care which he exercises to explain his subject and ideas can hardly leave an audience insenal tive, On the other hand, it seems clear tat the pleasure Is shared, First of all by me, but also by Serge Lang. One sees in him what ‘should be natural for any good teacher. satstaction in the face of Positive reactions by the public, and the relevance of the questone which come from nis audience, especially by some high schoo! stu ens. After the success ofthe lirst two conferences, one can easly Understand tha | wanted to invite him again, an that he accepted, ‘ot without some hestations because he sald that it would, be ifeutt to choose a. genuine mathematical topic which ‘would nevertheless be understandable by a broad audience. Two weak later, ne phoned me trom Germany fo tel me that he had found & Possible geometric subject, but that he would have fo learn i Ta my question: "in which books?” he answered: “I don't know how 10 ead... Or rater, | know how to read but | don't like itn @ book not everything Is of equal importance, but one doesn’t know it ut ‘one has read everthing. t goes much faster to ask a trend to ‘explain this stuf Its more ively, and I can ask questions" ‘During the course of the year. | then received successive versions his tak, which tested to his concern for clarity and simply, But itis hardy necessary fr me to say here that these versions ware only pale sketches compared to the faliowing text, which reproduces, {aituly the tape recording of his marathon talk, which lasted over tree hours 28. ‘The confergace ‘The first hour Mine het ie att coh, he Pla dee Dlzwver © Wttmais uh Jou Me Bc edit fs hme and eerie tee ites ew Fal ete who came a ine, How many wre ee tater ‘ou fy ha op Gone Ante ve ee, he eady ben hee oi, 0B aque Th hee hve tr pohap tener ot ‘else tring i cnence hed ose gh oa ok Sra ea cme te re na IER me glen mins oft uti dont knw ou me especies ete seat atic ieeslor nee eT etme ik se te aon osm ne town lags) “yum og canoes ment ad eae i st eo gms i Spi Sat a TiS pope chat neato ee ne a wd tovwork with numbers” Well, hose answers are forthe bd, Because tis iota bwht meu de maori nen eho jo eh fuente te shot shat te pent pies af mat Soeranl soy megevetted dee hen aye ite Ti sik wee led io sig ade oy parr ear tte vse oo iad ey reine od ote aa. Me pnd nance ach" be oan ae [Sug noua Silt wondered sheer won oe pone we do ‘Song sino oa ny eon peta on “Serene som wee pos ps tna a doh pose pee Thate ol the mathematics I wovaly do oysell Personally, 1 kan ton i nd ume tory Sol ou shew Par ita Games ngs dere on ehet fea ku Sar goo bine Heh evey ear be he at wen ene Jor each oases etc aad he pope he ee ‘nay mcd rome ic: aed soe of mand Tree tt twat be poset Uo ‘nets on some ae easy coat yaaa Winco, ccs yw ol te conferees in piss ning ind there do maton bebeen © Ban of Win in and awterpr-serebenie rea sass js at time" and tr at ip Re inca ane fa bs mahenaie and tat whe eee ee ee ea pene EEE rE Eee enero EE dvcoverc of guy namie Thurston I earned I thom Walter Neumann, We spent thee how infront of & Bch, and be uh me what Thurston had done. And toda, 1 pas it ont You realy don’t know if Tl be able w gon ike thi, Sing oer sue jects because it isn't s0 as). It must be veal mathematics done By rel Imathematicans. On the other hand, I mnt be able to explain it to & Saturday afernoon audience And also, ax in all esthete situation somebody may likes and somebody else may not like it So it may nol ‘work out TS a question of personal tastes, and the personal reactions Shick you may have toward any specie ope All ight so what I want todo, i to classify geometric objects, Weare immediately motivated for ths. Afterall, we lve i a space wth atlas three dimensions, like thi: But you all know that there may be more than three dimensions So we want to describe the hind of space we lve in we ‘want fo know what i loks like. Locally for instance inthis soom, is threeimensional space ‘Ava model ifs OK for this room. But we already know that if you took very far out, doesnt work. We know tht the cucidean model i serong I works in resncted cates, but it does aot apply im other stu ‘dons, So what do physicists do? “They ty to find ut which modes are pplcable. Bua mathematician, that & = pure mathematician, doesn. {ate whether the model he thks about cane applied or ot. He son Nrvets nice models, geometic model, and if they are beau that's What matters o him, He doesnt care whether these models can be used to Jeseribe the universe of not “And we can do such geometric models in dimension 1, in dimension 2, in dimension 3, oF abo higher dimensions, like 4 8. or whatever thought for a moment that I cauld do something tay in higher mens Sons, but I realzed rapidly that I could not, atleast in an hour and & hale Te would have taken too much preparation. So il limit myself 10 dimensions 12 and 3 ‘So, one-dimensional objects are Hike this, they are curves. FR ALADY, What shouts sight ine? OTPULAT PROBLEMS OF GROMETRY AND SPACE s SERGE LANG. A sigh line i spesial pe of curve, Now if take 3 ‘irl, and ter euies like that they lok hike each other, OAS Should we consiger them to be equivalent? What common properties do SOMEONE, They are closed SERGE LANG. Yes they are closed, they turn around, If Lake just an interval ke this then t does’ tur around i's an interval But the thre curves are closed. For many properties, we dot want 10 istingush between these theee curves, So” we say these curves are cual. ‘What does “equivalent” mean, in general? Well I don't want to give & Formal definition, but rean sy informally that we suppose everthing made out of rubber. We are dealing with rubber geometry. We say that two object are equivalent if by pulling in one direction, pushing in nother, if these objects were made out of rubber, then I could deform ‘me iat the oer. This gives me a notion of equivalence. So if the curve isa rubber band, i's clear that U can deform iw the coher curve, oF that Tn deform it into circle, So these curves are ‘syuivalent I use the sgn ~ to denote equivalence. So I san write O-A-SP a {GREAT PROBL O1 GHOMRETAY AND NPAC 1 ea abo draw someting like this Is this thing closed or open? "THE AUDIENCE. Its closed SERGE LANG. Thea ist equivalent tothe others or not? Suppose its a rbber band. Who sys is equivalent to the others? [Some hands go up Who says itis not equivalent? {Other hand go up Who keeps a prudent silence? [Laughter] Yoo, for instance. [Serge Lang points olay nthe thd ro} THE LADY, Tes not equivalent. There knot, SERGE LANG. Yes here is a knot. When I said thatthe other curves tre equivalent, | could deform them into each other inthe plane. f mean, it they were rubber bands, I could make the deformation Entiely in the plane. But the knot, over thez, it ives in three dimensional space, nd our inition is ight T cannot deform it into the eicle in thre ‘imentionl space. In some Sease, the Knot i therefore dierent from the sil, and fom the other curves However, can you conecive a situation ‘when I could deform the knot into a circle? Antoine, what do you 3, ANTOINE, [The answer cant be heard on the tape A-LADY. Sometimes ou can make two kts which are oppaste ‘each other, and undo each other. e SORGE LANG. For now, the kaolin dimensional space. But her 's no reaon wo init ouslves tothe space It ue tat i fo dimensional space, we ean defor the knots hat hsomes # ae One cash pve ath wpe bce Alaghe rely on our intuition in Sno spaces whee proving things High dimensions ne sal hn wre thing wate Hama nd our init beens rather delieae also want 19 make you undes Sand that things aren that simple 'We now se that we ea ease two diferent questions {Can we deform the knot int the circle in Saimensonal space? (Can we deform it abstract na higher dimensional space? the anowers are diferent, depending on the space i which we embed the oe ‘Al fist, 1 did't say where you could make the deformation, when 1 defined the notion of equivalence. Now I sy that I allow deformations in spues of arbitra high dimension, bigger than 2 or 3. So the dimension fof tae ctl, wich tI, has to be regarded as entirely diferent from the ‘imenson ofthe space in which we consider the ce ‘Now I ant tony something ese about deformations. Take something which isnot ace, ay an interval, ke thi, with oF without is ends TFT include the ends, hen ¥ say thatthe interval is eosed. IF 1 don't includ the ends, then I say that the interval is open. Suppose the interval is made of rubber, and T-deform i lite ths. [Serge Lang dams os he pevks} ‘The points to the right, 1 move them up and the points the left, move them down. So | take the robber Band, and stretch it Up a6 T E016 the fight, but ister and faster. And when golf stretch down, als fas \erand faster Then we see thatthe inlerval sequent a curve which oes aber Fr away Which extends to int as one Sometimes ays [Some res the ad ™ {GRUAT PROBLEMS 00 CIHOMETRY AND NPAC LANG. Yeo ALADY. Is gong 0 elose up a iniiy SERGE LANG. No, infinity ota point ake a ine. ke this This ine does nt close up, GENTLEMAN. If fs made of rubber, one cam close i wp (Langhir Tes noc an terval, but with an interval, you ean also make Up 2 ele SERGE LANG, Watch out! Ifyou close up the line, or if you close up {he interval, hen You have to pul some points at the end over each other Take an iteval containing its end points. Ir join up the end points, then To get acne THE GENTLEMAN, Bt he imerval can be deformed into ise SERGE LANG. No, because if 1 deform it into & cise and 1 identity the two end point, then I do something which I don't want to allow in the defetion of + deformation. I want to use the word in the sense tha ‘do not allow ientieations. If two pointe are distinc, then they mst remain distinct during the deformation GENTLEMAN. Bur if you juxtapose them SERGE LANG. No, n. [don't want to! [Laupler| 1's a question of Aefntons For the applications which I want to make here, L want 10 ose ‘the word “deformation” to mean tha if two points are diferent, hen the) ist remain diferent unde the deformation: OK GENTLEMAN. Yeu SERGE LANG. Good. Of course, thee ate other notions where ‘entiation are allowed. Infact in a shor while, Fshall cuss such rotons and how to use them, But here, for deformations, 1 don allw i just wanted to show yu this specif phenomenon. tha can deform ‘an interval without isch points into a indnite band, which i ibell ‘equivalent to an infiite line. T cam Jaw an equivalence between this Innit thing athe itn ine ike ds So 1 can srgien out the curse 104 ie, And that te nodon of ost wit Sauience tht nant nor — nave hen ing swt things of ens a we ee ut ec ae some problrs You gh ink iharcveyng ikon, ba at ot he ce = cent Mme ging et ie wore vi Ome Maine Ta eed cares Obes of mension 2 Qe ofsers'And thre are sures with oendary Sint bonds a a oa sui ae the die inter of he ile pari gnc aie en tsa a Due, Tae Sa day we fea ot the cle, and 8 Boundary Seiad be dee vin boundary without boundary Now if he ie is made oh ruber then Team represent tin thee way » ‘UREA PROMEMS 01 GLOMEDRY AND SPAC1 For instance, 1 can take th imterir of «square. The boundary is the the perimeter he square everything is made out of rubber, re they equivalent? “THE AUDIENCE. Yes. SERGE LANG. Thats ight they ate equivalent, I can take the de sal serch i otto obtain a square, he interior of a square x And te boundary ofthe ds, tht i the ctl, wll become the bat dary ofthe sare 4 hand goes up) SERGE LANG. Yes? GENTLEMAN. But theres some diference, becaise ofthe derives, SERGE LANG. OF cours, there are corners, The genlmnan says there isa aifeence, and he is quite nigh. Thee sa diference, But not I the point of view of rubber geomedry. One can define ather kinds uf ‘suivalence, for which the two objects would not be equivalent, Pot When I sich out the dise ad created comer, then obvawsy tha ‘omer isnot smooth. You could even say that from a certain pot view, the comer i digusting. (Layghter] I's not smooth, andi at nicely curved. Is diferent n some sense. Thee fal # mathematic Theory of oeners, and now Jou see, we sated from something athe simp, and already we can ask a Tot of questons, which develop ihe a [ORDAT PRORLEMS OF INOMMTY AND SAC ” We climb up the te, and we find to, of even ever posits tg WS beptang ea ehh equaence lain you nsk wih, You will OnE “Mie eke fr the same suestion. Bu right wow, only wan ser Ane subber equfaence, Then the ae and he square are alent “Or course, this does not depend on their size. 1 ean make the square tig osama, I's made out of robber, twill sll be equivalent t0 the keh intr of thd, ior ec, hen et ne sens ano bowaay Ta ao Ce ad pins You resembet te interval ho ie inte Nek herr othe qs, oo tee Wh teed pst NO atthe bound and he lane whch extend at om Do yor tak that the nr of eS sen oe” Who sys yes? A GENTLEMAN. The plan indefinite? SERGE LANG. Is the plane, ys its infinite GENTLEMAN. The square i without boundary? SERGE LANG. Right, it does not havea boundary. | took it out, dha why I diew the dod lines. eee (GENTLEMAN. Then it’ alo indefinite? SERGE LANG. Like you say, i indent GENTLEMAN. Then they ae equivalent SERGE LANG. Thats righ The square without bound at boundary is equivalent to the pane. To summarize, every interval without boundary is equivalent to an infinite straight line, and every square or die without Boundary & ‘sivalent othe whole plane : But please note: if | take the square without houndar, 1 can sill add ‘he boundary if I want. Suppose however that I take a sper, ke this {he surface ofa sphere ee ea surfce, butt doesnot have a boundary, OK? And iP Tstreteh it i i poste fo stretch it in such a way that parts fH goa faraway as you INTLEMAN, You can blow up the ballon inetitly. SERGE LANG. Watch out! 1 don't © want (0 teat up the balloon, {Laughter The objects have to remain equivalent. [blow up the Balloon, tnd punch iin oF out some, lke rubber, bat Iam not allowed to tari up DoLit sic, won be possible fo do what 1 with the interval froth sad pots send pars of 1 as far away as you want? Who [Some hands yo up Who says not Actaly the answer eno. For instance. if Take the inter= {Rt nti end points, mould it be posible to stretch ts that it becomes ‘uivalent to something inate? ALADY, It would be bounded SERGE LANG, Thats right, one can prove that iti imposible, The interval wth its endpoints ot equivalent to an infite object LADY. Do you mean thatthe end points are ned? SERGE LANG, Oh no! They are not necessarily fixed, you can move vem, Fo instance, its equivalent to this thing here ‘sufies to pl push, and stretch a tle. But the problem sto find out team mech faster and faster, as Tid for the interval before, Whe Happens iT stcch laser and faster, i thatthe endpoints have nowhere to Before, the points of the interval which came closer and closer to the extremities went higher and higher: or lower and lower. Soto iclade the exremiie in the deformation, I would need 10 taro the end points. ‘And dot allow tht. [AGENTLEMAN, You cam pu the end points a ini SERGE LANG. No we have 19 remain it the plane there smo pot at inity inthe plane, there are jst pots which go ut as far as you want its mot the same thing, GENTLEMAN, Why it forbidden? SERGE LANG. I's forbidden in owder to define the notion of ceuivlonce, Ps nat forbidden in principle, i's aot absolutely forbidden Yalan add a point at infinity to the plane for other applications, Dut not forthe 1 want to make today ‘Sogou have to distinguish between things which have the property that une some deformations some parts of them can be seat arbiteay far ” CRHAT PROBLEMS OF OROWETRY AND APACT. say nd things wh lo no have this propery, So let mie write down 1 say that something is compact if it euntany is houndy (whenever the boundary exis), and fo deformation oth thing extends hie tray Tar away. In other words if every deformation of eh thing Is bounded All ofthis to come the point of saying that the sphere i comput (Of course, the thee-dimensional space in which we live goer to infinity [Aestating), at any’ eae the naive model that we have in mind {0c 1 lfnty But suppose you lve ona sphere, and tht you are very, ‘ery small. When you look around you, in any direction, i lok hike plane {hand goes wp} SERGE LANG, Yeu? ACOLLEGE STUDENT. But the sphere without boundary. You sid ‘ompuct without oundy” SERGE LANG. Abt if the surface bas no boundary, it means that it contains is boundary. The terminology must acept this way of expressing, Youre IPsomebing does have a boundary, then icant help but cone Ta its founda, because there iss any. [Laugher} You must allow this possibly, because otherwise, youl have avery hard time making simple mathematical statements Lets go back to peopl living on sphere. Maybe they wl see only = Plane, e¥en with good flescopes, and they will quickly come 1 the eon Susi tht the space on which they lve isa plane. But suppose that = Thousand years later, they make beter telescopes, hen maybe they will ‘Sacover some curvaire, they wil se that space is curved, and they cin star asking questions, This is precisely what happened unl Columbus, People thought every thing war Fat, except clever people, but there werent s0 many of tho THE AUDIENCE, So what’ new! [Lahr SHG 144. OK, ak i ta a we ca ask what pene ste keep ongoing whether we can conte hack where we started from, oF ‘ahuther me gt ini, The sphere a example of something which Comput Trgou sat fom some point and Keep going straight ahead of Sent ina given decom, then you come back where you started fom. ‘Can you give me examples of other surfaces like that, compact sr THE AUDIENCE. 4 cube SERGE LANG. Yes the surface of a cube, but itis equivalent to 8 sphere. Give mean example whichis not equivalent toa sphere AGENTLEMAN. A tons SERGE LANG. What? AGENTLEMAN. 4 tors, SOMEONE FLSE. You make a hole the sphere SERGE LANG, Are you a mathematician? "THE GENTLEMAN. A lite SERGE LANG, Tha’ already to0 much! I would like mathematicians rot to intervene, because otherwise, is cheating. [Laughter] OF cours, athens know th aes bt mnt Bing hy cone or them [Serge Lang tows he cha a he gentleman, Laughter ‘So, you dig-a bole, and you find this objet, which has 2 hole inthe vine ‘Then one ean show that this surface is not equivalent to the sphere, ‘ecutae ofthe hole, Now can you give me an example ofa surface which FPhot equivalent either tothe sphere ort the ors SOMEONE. A Kisin bo SERGE LANG, Some of you know foo much" AGHILD. A pyramid? {RIA ROHS OF GUOMIRY AND SPA SERGE LANG, Noy thi’ cit to the apie ALADY. A box without ts top? SERGE LANG. Yes, but it will have a boundary. F want = surface witout bonday The peeing one doe have ne he sheen yee Twat compact eae A COLLEGE STUDENT. You can make two holes, ike eyelaes. SERGE LANG. There you ate tha’ what I wanted you to 58). Buta you a mathematician? * THE STUDENT. Yes SERGE LANG. Ob a, 0, don hit Nataly i ou a snathatcan pol sy mac to hes But you a bt plaig the fame gue} Thay am sng ou mo tiaren Twa Eke peopl thnk fr tenses ‘Su po are gh can make to hols Like his o> ‘And it want stl another example, what do Ido? ASTUDENT. A torus wth knot A LADY. You can continue to make more snd more holes. SERGE LANG. Very got. You wer ete thes time madam? Two year ago? You doa tember T remeber you ey wal, Anyhow, Yoncat male we snd more hs. Aad tn no Int He nae Dots exept sn ony be tema xi sn, eg aes oY iS et Sie So thats theorem: Compact surfaces, without boundary. are completely characterized, up fo equivalence, bythe number of hols. And there ate no others. 1 abo have to make an additional hypothesis in the statement of the cores should have sa an orientable surface, But I don't want to get Thos Kad of question now. So forget Usd it CT bad pt sat then (Rigen would have raged fas, ome mathematician [asher] Lis Serge Lang writes the safoment of the theorem on the blackboard spacer ut which forces hi terse another prt of the Backboard) ‘So. there is no space Ie! Thea you must all write wo the Secretary of tedection, so that he gives more finds to Mr. Brete forthe Palas de ia Decoumens soe eat get move Mackboards, and bigger ones in a big aasarnaad ie on. Now compact funds, f possible. [Laughter] You all Cote wo the Serer, afer he conference. I write the theorem: Surfaces which ate compact, without boundary and orientale us for thy sontenee) are chafacerized up t0 equivalence by the number of holes, That’ the general model for surfaces "Now let's look a sarees with boundary. GENTLEMAN. And when there ave only holes left? SERGE LANG. There always remaine some surface. 1am doing all his vs an iniodtion to object im three dimensions, when i going 10 rcome mich more serious. “Ok, ow I draw a surface with boundary. Someone had already men tioned esting. ‘What's he boundary ofthe eter? AGENTLEMAN. A cic SERGE LANG. Right, there isa cre om tap an 4 cite on the bot tom, The boundary ofthe elinder is compoued of two cites, ALADY. There are als some edges SERGE LANG. No, esause when the cylinder turns around, and yt look att sideways, you won't sce these edges LADY, Then there are two boundarie? SERGE LANG, Yes, or rather, there isa single boundary composed ‘wo dtles Nobody said thatthe boundary has 10 consist of oaly one Piece It doesnt have to be connected TNow Titdraw one which i hile more fun. Who can tell me how wo draw a surface with« boundary consisting of more than two pieces? (GENTLEMAN. A face SERGE LANG, Yes, for instance LADY. Asiove [Laughter] SERGE LANG. Yi, very good. Let me dra anther one What eis? GENTLEMAN. An upside down vase OTHERS IN THE AUDIENCE. A pair of pans SERGE LANG. Yes, a pair of pants. The boundary consis of the cite fon top, and the two cises on the bottom, So the boundary has th lees, ‘Now 1 am going to do something that mathemtisians like Mathematicins ike to combine things to make sui. Sup tw par ops, ‘What can fd to then? 1 take crete on each one of ther, Te slae them together. they Se itt rave dhe su, sain oething Tike thi, wih a hole and til UUMUAL PHORLEMS OF CEEMELY. AML SPACH Now Ham agin do sb, r © eliminate the crs, 886, OU deny the boundries of tw iti SYR LANG. You 9 distin objects. Hake two pairs of pants yous rami ane them sgt: euger] cl also make a sum by taking single pai ening theo pss ae cp surtace th hoe B® 1 the same thing as G6 Fad taken the son esti equivalent 1 would shea the ay. o pans ad boundary oh es Hake gis me of the surface with 4 64 hole, but there remains a singh it E Now his in at mia Hw have ts take : 1 do hae? What sans lint the Bondy sompteehy? You glue them together and you get something without boundary. That shat I wanted to show you. If ake surfaces with Pounaries, with ices 4 their boundaries, and { ake their sum, I can add them a certain ‘umber of times, and got a surface with hoes, but without boundary Take the pans again. {can ciminate the boundary rst by sewing the bottoms together, and then puting a exp at each end. gta tons. A STUDENT, ot you could alo have sewn them together along the eit ‘SERGE LANG. Yes | could, but that would have crated new hol Mathematicians love to do that, ifs one of the things they get ih con (lawghier| WE you get a high by making pants and sewing them together, then by tintin this eed ding etn hn by this calles doy tops. a yo ate @ Even if you don't have a boundary you can re !nother Kind of sum. Upto ow, we did ony Some surgery. Take a surface like this me dary, Then Peat ofa aise kone 4 dene sil ly swing. but Yow cana an stuoth, without oun Oo This ils hound, a ce whi be le which as ot there befor. Ivan the same thing with another surface, to create another circle. No | am i {he previous situation, I have two surfaces with boundaries, ir thet sum along these ees andtconae gpl ths may Ucn dine te sum of suas wi fo this sum, between any surface and the sper. th surface, up to equivalence, Ome ean tat ‘ment fr this kin : wt Boundaries 16 rT ind the sane the sphere the ental ee On the other hand, 31 have a surface with two holes, andl surface with one hole (4 a tons), and {take thie sum, then I obtain a surface swith three hoes 11 take the sum ofa surface with three holes ands Tace with one hoe hen I get asusace with four holes, and 80 om ‘One sys that a surface irreducible if, when you expres i as asm cof two surfaces, one of them is necessarily a sphere. The torus an inedible surtace, and every suffice which is not equivaleat to the sphere can he expressed as a sim of toroses, x certain number of ‘otresponding tothe numberof holes inthe surface repeat that in everything I have said T meant the suefaces 19 be covienable. And we have jst done part of the theory of such sueaces, shih have dimension two, "Now {want to goon to objets having dimension three Awhile back, We spoke of people living in two dimensions, say on a surfce. They are very small, What they see around them iv also smal, tnd it looks ike a plane. But they could ask themaclver if we were able to se very far out. what would spe lok like? What about os? We are ‘ery small beings, on something which i thrce-ditensional Are we living fn something which is the analogue of the three-dimensional sphere? ‘What happens if we look far out in space, do'we fnd's hole? One can ko ask the question in dimension ‘wo, but for vs dimension thee 18 ‘more relevant. ‘We sce theee- dimensional space, and we ive tlesopes which are ‘more and mae powerful If we can see suliciently far, what are we going to find? Are we living on an object equvalem toa sphere? Or ae We boing to ind holes? This geting serious, You can realy rie this ques tion about the natre ofthe universe. So if you are dead set on wanting 4 ‘Phys nterpretation for what am doing fa. thee you re Trsarted in dimension 2 because it was easier to define the notion of| sum than in dimension 3 GENTLEMAN. Bt the pants had mension 3 a SpenEEREEE rece errno EEE SERGE LANG. No, no! ‘The surfie othe pans his dimension 2. OF ‘course, the pants exist in threeionemsioll ce, but the surge Holt has oniy two dimensions, You must distinguish between the dimeenon of the abject isl, the surface ise, ad the space in which it embedded, Now ifs the objects themseives which have dimension tho. “Take the bal for instance, dhe interior of he phere, the full all. I bas dimension three the sphere ‘he bat ‘This ball, without the sphere which its boundary. is equivalent to dhe Whole thee-dimensinal space, forthe same reason that the interior of the ds is equivaleat tothe plane Ror the interval without boundary is ‘equivalent the ine R. The leer R denotes the real line, the sight Tine, and I pt a small 2 on tp to indicate that the space has dimension 2 For hre-dimensinal space, I would write Something of dimension 1 is « curve. Something of dimension 2 is a surface What do you call something of dimension 3? AUDIENCE, A volume. SERGE LANG. Ifyou wish, ot the word “volume” has several mean- ings It can mean space il, of ican mean the numerical value of this space. For instance, the interior of »suitese, you might say that it is ‘volume, but you could alo say hat its theee cubic feat. You have 10 die ‘ingush th ¢wo notions. Tn rubber geometry, I dont measure 4 volume with numbers, because something ean be equivalent to something ele whichis much large. ust by pulling and stretching, ould go on king about thre-dimensiona things, but they have & ame in mathematics « technical name, They ae called: manifols, threedimensonal manifolds. I don't like this name, but thats the wy they are elle. Agnn I have the notion of rubber equivalence: Ihave the notion of compact manifold in other words, «manifold which doesnot go to infinity no matter how you deform it I also have the notion of Boun- ary, which willbe what? LADY. A sure SERGE LANG. Right, perfect. You have understood what Fm talking show, on ite meee qs sd pe aye am fa ute i ao fe its Thema fe mick L wa aan ada with the eassieatio of three dimensional manifls ne ne noesompt ee = Fame noma sing nurs: The ancien ges ith nar ané mote hoes. dimension tee i Steep, wh tema 0 ae TE ely Thurston's contribution, to have stated a con) 7 Fee reer here wil kobe sums, and there wil be hls Secret Toe Tars wht ant dot re one xe Spening ny l se an a hs he me gos dink 0 he wet ems eat pt frat fn mia] ‘The second hour Ue the tar, the room was jul with about 230 persons. Abou sree sonst have now come back fortis cond par Ton the Bako ome cam se he fllonng pcre, drawn BY nance in the audience} D sence, LANG. (Looking atthe perre] Ah very good drawing, 1s anatnans( the bot, but i fors. Do you ae ay questi that [have done so fa? (GENTLEMAN. Is tis surface equivalent toa torus SERGE LANG. Very good question, What do you tink SOMEONE. How many holes des this surface have! SENG LANG, Well i's 4 suice with one fle, embedded in three: imersional space, and one ean deiro in the tore if you ak tat the deformation tke place in thesslimensiantl pave, Het you to S! sa torus, 1 cll 7°, with T like torus, andthe 2 Beene it has dimension two ‘This notion of produc allows me 10 construct higher dimensional object and I can wate them dow. I don't ned to draw them any more ‘Now Teen get to bigger dimensions. Take T* fr insane, andi pro- duis with R, its product with a staight ine. would have a hard time drawing it but I cam represent i hy drawing a tors, straight lines ike that and I can consider the tras as a section of this thing, this three dimensional product. R OF course. this drawing isnot correct, whats happening Next I wunt to dea more complicated things rt gives you & good iden wf in three dimensions. 1 aready have the sphere in thee dimensions, and the product Toi but 1 want things whieh corespond to surfaces. when t/ha hoes, Whe docs sucha thing ook ie? LADY, Theould be a pipe with thick wat SERGE LANG. Thats ight, want holes torses, and things which por (0 mii [Serge Lang des the flowing pctre | (avgher} So, here sa tee-simensional thing. What do tell it? AUDIENCE, octopus SERGE LANG. Precisely an octopus. In dimension Sw had pnts, dimension three. {have stops Ths sunsets Paro sess a ct ome the pus Woe sas Make SERGE TANG. ‘Ihe stops does aot have # houndary? HF Le ane of its egy I gt sting whose boundary will have dimension two, and which will he x Now suppose yon have some thesimensiona hing, whose boundary fsa tore, and you hive another thing whose boundary ako-2 tore You must have an ines ple to do someting therm What your esse impulse? You ipo 10 lad} LADY. To ge thom ogter SERGE LANG. Rip, jot like before with ci So. Lake two Jean, ‘gece Tn ay we he mace ean tees bundy at eee hes 1 cu eff cach ome gt te uns td pe theo ed When have taken the sum ott vets sky nee EE 1a abo doa similar upcration with yoo legs. and glocing the two ations, which se snes yeti Before we also had caps. What do we have now? I have a boundary hich sa tons, and T want to eliminate he boundary. Wha do I GENTLEMAN. You plu «rng SEMGE LANG, Very good, that’s Hight tng, the interior of «ton 1 lake the ring. and I glue it on the torus. isthe same wpe of persion na upping, but with one move dimension, So Thave einnated's the boundary. So T have eliminated a pie of -NTLEMAN. How many legs cama octopus have? SERGE LANG, An iy tumber. Two ocoptans an hive 4 dite ‘number of legs, i : ae ia whuh cnet ro een et GENTLEMAN. How do yout thm hat mater ap SERGH LANG. Ide sy that you had la al he es of one a ee oftheir Yous jar ge wget i SS es en You can cap the so of em nth a GENTLEMAN. What about 7 SERGE LANG. Wel TR. ifs. cuh ‘tout Bole hich a ny oe the sum of two octopuses if one uf and the other has an even number WS ike an octapiy WL cat 1 = ty aking ction, tho ge 8 houany hich torus Al steal ext expen wiht Bos, with several, Sst like for surfaces, one says that an octopus i iseducble i the only way to expres st asa sum of two octopus when one of the two fguivaleat to 7” > Ror when itis a capping operation, so glueing ing Tike the gentleman sid minste ago, TET take an cctopus and take iis sum with 7% > Ry then T get an ‘claps which is equivalent to the one I started with, From the point of ‘ew’ of equivalence, | have not changed anything, One can say that Toc R is the neutral clement with respect 10 this sor of addition, obtained by cating and slicing lee "Now its perfectly concivable that after faite number of ad like his cam eliminate all he lps. Let me write this down, [Alter afte number of ations one can eliminate in many ways al the legs. Then oe obtains a thee dimeasional manifold, compact, swthout hound. AADY. But there are hoes SERGE LANG. Yss, detail. We have eliminated the leps, but we have erated holes, and there can be many of them. This fone of the ways of constructing thece- dimensional manifolds, compact and. without boundary and oriemale, just so my conscience does aot bother me, and 30 nobody complains ‘Of course. the next time you are on the beach, you can try it out [Laughter take the legs of an octopus, and you can even knot them before you glue them together Im order to classy actopmsses, we must therefore casi the ied: ble ones, and then we must canily the way you can add them together, as di just now by cutting and glucing thei es. Upto now. Phave desrbed geometric models: rst models of surices, then? mele of theeedimensonal manifokls, octopuses, the thee i GREAT PROMLENS OF OROMBTRY AND RPACE. imemsional sphere 8", which is wot an acts a which is namething he AUDIENCE, t doesnot have any hs SERGE LANG. Right, no holes, Then one can rine the flowing que Take all compact, threedimensonsl manifols, without holes aml without boundary. Can you describe all of them? The problem is Unsolved. Poincare’sconjestre i that a threeimensonal manifold, act, without holes, without boundary is equvaleat to the sphere $" Presumably thee it 0 other, OF sour, one should make more pre Whats meant bya "hol". but let's leave this technicality ase for tay, ‘Many people have ied find the answer to Poincare’ conjctre, Put so far no one has suceeded. In 1960, Smale proved the analogous vice: ture in dimension bigger or equal to 5. After that, there remained he problem in dimension three and four. But the smaller the dimension, the ander ic esomes, because You have not enough room to move around ‘The case of dimension 4 was just solved by Freedman in 1981. Many ‘mathematicians conibuted tothe solution. They developed the teary 1 far as they could by "pare thought” without to many technical compe ‘sition, and then they got stuck And it was Fecdiman, after sx to te yeas of work, who got it twas sy dca and very technical, nd very compliested. It one of the edt real of comtemporary mathematic, ts ist ate result There remains the three dimensional ese, ‘Therefore I cannot state a complete casicaon fo three dimensional manifolds, because Poincar'sconestore i ot yet prove, For the other three-dimessional marifolds, there i conjecture duc ty ‘Turton, of which he has proved a good part himsclf it powsibe make up conerete list 01 to big, of erin maniols, seh tat very three-dimensional manifold, without boundary, compact and ‘ofiemtable, either inthis Isto sa sum of octopuses So far, [have carried out the part wanted to do concerning rubber comet. To make Thusto's conjecture more precise, and to desctibe "he st more precisely, Ihave to deal with ently diferent ideas "And i is tather interesting. i seven very intresting, that the ma folds i this Uist wll be constructed by the same method which wil ale allow us to comruct octopuses with les. In other words, we shall ne Struct Simultaneously, by the same process, manifolds wibout lepy and ‘manifolds with legs, To do this, we must leave rubber geometry, and de tn enbely diferent Kin of gcomety” Most of you probably have alrely head ft moncaean geometry. Bat ne vet i incon efore { g9 any farther do you have any questions? Hw ao gu ee soul hs? [AGAENILEMAN. Though any point of an exten, is ther only one tomas hore several WU? SERGE LANG It depends. IFT cut alg 40 make a section, them T gst a tor ut if Feat ehewhere, it depends. have to cut inthe right place to eta tous have to cut leg. A mathematician would say i this way ‘An cctopus is 4 thiceimensonal manifold, non-compact, without ‘oundary. with inte qumber of ends each of which is equivalent to Pek So i eat near a pin and ot» eg, 1 eewete esis an end Sch incquvlent oe then thre sn eson why Toul gta tora in tet isu near» pot cn eta al just kee you take an ice eam ball and ewes 2 tundary whch isan ordinary ‘pcre You ci aa think fan nr ubbe in a pce Svs chews WeSSin hng as for suracs tna eve, [eat hd, leaving a cle fos. and ta how Taine the sm of wo surfaces by sine ther tees veepy auling of balls, Lean add ops thee-imensional manifolds. cot shall inthe Rs eu ofa alin the her. eves a boun- Sym each one's spre in athe. ue the two sets ope. SSE 'otnin theta bine manfole One sys that s mands red Sic it when Tene far asm ke is, one oF the two must be Stuer toa spe 9°! In 1h, Minor pone that every compact ttrecahmenional maiokl witout boundary can Be expres as «sum (Cisse anf ssentaly in unigue way Thi rel edocs ihe claeaion of thrvdimensoal mantis to the chien of ‘edule mans Alvayy op to egualenes of eouse “ther ay thes usm? Not OK ten weg om and we come to te guomeny of dbtances, and noncicigeaa geomet Bul T hive Na viing orton bal wre What oT do wih the a0 {[SSlaan stu Do jou want lene? Have you had enough? 1 o hat you ean [ALADY, No, we say, you have stimulated ur eusosiy, We goal the way. ‘SERGE TANG. Oh, 1 have stimulated your curiosity? ‘Then the ‘ctopuses sank in. Good laughing do you want another five mute reset and we go Back to work? AUDIENCE. No, we are set t's 0 on 0 ‘OREAT PROBLEMS OF OROMETRY AND APACT GENTLEMAN, Now that we ure coming al gentleman makes a gesture meaning “keep ip" | SERGE LANG. OK, then, lt go. But yu hive wme stomach t0 da ‘mathematics! If any one wants to go, or has an appoiniment, don't be ‘fai to leave. [Laughter | Its aot that I want to hick you ou, bu tll (Several persons leave, and other wll continu to leave during this lst ow} Keep it up, [And she The third hour Now [eave rubber geometry todo the geomety of distances. On the real line, ori the plane, or in ordinary three-imensonal space, we have the notion of distance. We afe then interested ina new type of equivalence, ‘which preserves distances shal call motion a tansformation which preserves distances, We shall have motions in encidean peomety, and aso in non-eucldean geomet). but I want to suye with examples ithe euctidean ease, justo give You the idea. Using these movons, we can then do certain entifcatons, Which wil allow us to recover octopuses, andthe geometry of distances wil thus meet the rubber geometry, So we are going to do something ‘quite substan Lets art withthe straight ine R With 2,36

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