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Name: Allie Klein

Lesson Number: 1

Subject Area: Science

Grade Level: 6

Date: February 27, 2016

Start Time: 10:05

End Time: 10:45

Cooperating Teachers Signature:

Topic/Concept/Skill: Phases of the Moon

Related Standard (Common Core): Science
Describe and model how the position, size and relative motions of the earth, moon and sun cause
day and night, solar and lunar eclipses, and phases of the moon.
We have discussed in class some characteristics of the moon over the previous past few days,
such as size (1/4 of the Earth), topography (craters, marias, the dust that covers the moon),
gravity (1/6 of Earths gravity), as well as the history of the first moon landing (Apollo 11).
Main Objective of Instruction:
In order to introduce and practice learning the different phases of the moon, students will be able
to identify the shapes and names of moon phases (BT: Knowledge) by creating the phases out of
icing sandwich cookies (BT: Application), given pictures of the phases put up on the projector, to
be completed in a 30-minute time period.
Teacher Materials/Resources (for one period)

At least 160 Sandwich Cookies (Oreos)

At least 50 paper napkins
At least 50 plastic knives
Image of moon phases for projector:

Introduction Video clip:

30 copies of video clip Anticipation/Reaction guide & key (listed at end of lesson plan)

30 copies of Oreo Moon Phases worksheet:

Dry Erase board and markers for Bell Work questions
Projector and computer
Bell work review questions and answers (listed at the end of lesson plan)
30 copies of homework assignment worksheet (attached to end of lesson plan), including
a copy for the teacher!

Student Materials:

Science Journal to answer Bell Work questions

Anticipatory Set (Introductory Approach):

After Bell Work, I will explain to the students that today we will have an introduction to the
different phases of the moon, and what the shapes and names of these phases are. To start off, I
will give the students the Anticipation/Reaction guide to make true or false guesses on the
questions listed. I will then show a clip from an episode of Bill Nye, where he describes how and
why the moon looks different on different nights, and how these are called phases. The link for
this video is listed above in the teacher materials. After the video, the students will fill in the
reaction side of the guide and we will go over these answers together as a class. Total time: about
10 minutes.
Instructional Procedures (Whole Group):
1. Write Bell Work questions up on white board for students to start on immediately.
2. Greet the students as they come in for the period and tell them to get out their Bell Work
page in their Science Journals (Journals pg 81 in textbook) and to start on Bell Work
questions silently.
3. If there was any homework from the night before, have the students get the homework
out and put it in their periods homework tray up on the table at the front of the room.
4. Walk around and make sure students are answering their questions and help any student
that raises their hand.

5. After about 3 silent minutes of working, go over the answers to bell work questions by
asking students to raise their hands if they know the answer, and then calling on students
individually to answer the questions (BT: Knowledge). Seating chart is in my desk
drawer so names can be said. Check correctness and go over the questions with the
answer sheet I have provided for about another 2 minutes.
6. Have students put away their Science Journals as well as anything else they may have on
their desks, and tell students that we are now going to watch a short video clip
introducing the phases of the moon. (Link to video listed in teacher materials)
7. Pass out the Anticipation/Reaction Guide (pg 68 in text) and have students make true
or false guess on the Before Watching side of the guide, before watching the video clip.
8. Anticipatory: Pull the video (MI: Visual + Auditory) up on the computer and show the
video on the projector for the students to watch. (2 min 20 sec)
9. After the video is over, have the students fill in the After Watching side of the guide,
and then discuss the correct answers together. (Key at end of lesson plan) (BT
Comprehension) (1-2 minutes)
10. Have the students then pair up (MI: Interpersonal) ( with the person sitting across from
them at the table (6 to a table) and walk around to each pair distributing the materials
needed for one pair of students: 1 moon phase worksheet (link in teacher materials), 1
napkin, 1 plastic knife, and 8 cookies.
11. Once each pair has the materials needed, pull up image of moon phases (MI: Visual) from
the link listed in Teacher Materials, and show on projector as a reference for the students
to look at and use the whole class period while making their cookie moon phases. This
will be your answer key for the students Oreo worksheets.
12. Instruct the students to open their cookies to the icing on the inside, scrape off the icing
needed with the knife to make the 8 different shapes of the phases, and place them in the
correct spaces given on the worksheet (MI: Kinesthetic) (BT: Application). Give students
roughly 20 minutes to complete this task.
13. As the pairs are working on this task, walk around and help any students that need it,
praise students that are working efficiently and quietly, and keep students focused if they
are being distracted.
14. At the end of 20 minutes, after all worksheets have been checked, call on 8 different
students to come up to the white board and draw one phase of the moon each (MI:
Kinesthetic + Linguistic) (BT: Comprehension), including the name of the phase, and
briefly go over each phase out loud with the class for about 3 minutes.

15. Ticket To Leave (pg 104 in text): Have students write on a piece of notebook paper one
question they have related to the content we studied today. Collect this as the students
walk out of class.
16. After this closing activity, tell students they may eat their cookies and that they need to
throw away all trash, including napkins, plastic knives, and the worksheet they placed the
cookies on.
17. Explain to the students that in the next days class we will be going more in depth into
how and why these phases occur.
18. Pass out the long-term homework assignment worksheet (attached at end of lesson plan),
explain to the students that every night for a month they are to go outside and draw what
the moon looks like if they are able to (BT: Application). Each day in class we will name
what the moon phase was the night before, and keep a class record on the teachers copy
of the worksheet.
19. Once all trash is thrown away and desks are cleaned off, students may then line up at the
door to leave once the bell rings.
20. Stand at the door to collect every students Ticket To Leave as they walk out.
21. After the bell rings at 10:45, this period is now over.

Provisions for Individual and/or Group Differences:

There is a Teachers Assistant in my class who is able to assist with any Special Education
students. Along with this, if I have any students who dont completely understand the
assignment, due to whatever reason, I will explain the activity in greater detail, one-on-one, so
that they feel more comfortable with the instructions. I can also physically assist any student who
may need help scraping off the icing or opening up the cookies.
The activity listed in step 13 will be my closing activity, just to give the students one more
opportunity to put the shapes and names of the moon phases together and see what they look
like, in order to prepare for going more in depth over the next few class periods. Also in this
category would be the students Ticket to Leave, to allow them to think over what we have
learned today and if they have any more questions over the topic.

Evaluation of Learning:
I will walk around and check each pairs cookies and make sure they have placed the correct
shape with the correct name. If they have not, I will quickly explain to the student the correct
positions of the phases and tell them to look at the image on the projector for help.
For remediation, students who have been struggling in science class will come to PAWS at the
end of the day (they already know who they are, from the beginning of the semester).
For students who seem to have exceeded expectations, I will ask them to draw in their science
journal for homework, the moon phases in correct order independently.
The students will also be evaluated at the end of the month, once they have filled out an entire
months worth of moon phases on the attached worksheet.
Independent Practice:
On the long-term homework sheet, students will independently draw what the moon looks like
each night and report back to class everyday with what they have found.
See step 16 and the independent practice section.

Bell Work Questions + Answers

1. What is the size of the Moon compared to the Earth? (1/4 the size of Earth)
2. What is the Moons gravitational pull compared to Earth? (1/6 Earths gravity)
3. If you were beamed up onto the moon right now, would your weight change? (Yes!
Because the Moon has a weaker gravitational pull, you would weigh less, 1/6th less to
be exact!

Anticipation/Reaction Guide
Before Watching

After Watching

(True or False?)

(True or False?)


The shape of the Moons orbit is round.

The phase where we cant see the moon at all is


called a Full Moon.


The Moons orbit is tilted.

The phase where the entire surface of the moon


is lit up is called a New Moon.

Anticipation/Reaction Guide (KEY)

Before Watching

After Watching

(True or False?)

(True or False?)


The shape of the Moons orbit is round.

__guess_2. The phase where we cant see the moon at all is

called a Full Moon.



The Moons orbit is tilted.

_guess__4. The phase where the entire surface of the moon

is lit up is called a New Moon.


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