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Mussie Araya

EDUC 765

EDUC 765


Submitted: 02/26/2016

Mussie Araya

EDUC 765




Sponsoring Organization:

Silicon Valley Data Centers (SVDC)

Silicon Valley Data Centers is a data center that provides reliable power supply and optimum
temperature for the storage of electronic data where tenants store their servers securely. The
mission of the organization is to play a leading role in the ever booming high tech industry of
Silicon Valley by providing tech companies the safe, secure, and reliable storage place for their
confidential data.

Project Description
The project is needed as company management discovered that the recent
changes at the data center (the replacement of the previous tenant by
multiple tenants) has created unfamiliar work environment for the officers.
The lack of effective communication skills and poor identity verification
process used by the security officers is costing the company money, creating
a work load on the engineering department and is negatively affecting the
image of the company and its business prospects.

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EDUC 765

The officers lack both theoretical and practical knowledge that should be
bridged by training. The training will include basic customer service,
effective language skills and the use an intercom and camera to
communicate and verify identity.

Cost effectively manage the data center and avoid unnecessary costs.
Reduce the time wasted on verification through effective communication
Facilitate communications with internal staff and outside contractors.

Target Audience
The target audiences are the nine security officers of SVDC

Are of various background and various nationalities.

Gaps on language fluency among the target audience

Gaps on educational background

Age ranges from 22-57

Different length of time and experience in the job at the site

Probably require different learning styles.

Delivery Options
The instruction will be delivered face-to-face and will involve a written document, a copy of
which will be handed to the officers so that they can familiarize themselves with the content at
their own pace, power point presentations which will be saved on the lobby computer for all time

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EDUC 765

access, and practical demonstrations in the form of role play . The paper manuals will include
background information about the overall nature of the Data Center, its purposes and who it
serves. Important facts and figures to memorize will also be included. This method was chosen
as the knowledge of facts and figures should be memorized and the practical skills have to be
demonstrated by the officers.

Mussie Araya

EDUC 765

Front-End Analysis: Instructional

Instructional Need

The need for the project was determined after the changes at the site caused
high activity, confusion, delay, and work overload on some members of the
site which was once very quiet and hand only one big tenant, Datamart,
previously. Datamart was the only tenant for the last seven years and had
ten employees who worked on the servers from time to time and only two
contractors that provide food supplies for the employees. The security
personnels duty was limited to patrolling the premises of the Data Center
and reporting any unusual events or incidents. They never had to deal with
contractors or visitors and never did identity verification. They were well
acquainted with the tenants who have all times access to the site and their
regular contractors whose access were limited to the lobby; and only very
seldom did they sign guests in. After Datamart left the site in favor of a
competitor, Silicon Valley Data Centers was in search for other big tenants as
they prefer to wholesale the data spaces to one big company than multiple
small companies. However, Silicon Valley Data Centers lost out on the big
available companies due to competition from other data centers and was
forced to settle for the small ones. In an attempt to be competitive and more
secure, SVDC had installed an additional gate between the lobby where

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EDUC 765

security stays and the main street. A telephone system (an intercom) and a
camera were also added to the new gate by which visitors will have to call
security to be let into the compound. This means that tenants who forget
their badges or guests visiting for the first time cannot just walk up to the
lobby to get signed in as they once did. Instead they now have to contact
security through the newly installed buzzer for communication. Security
officers have to confirm the identity of the visitors or contractors by checking
with the contact persons for each tenant. Besides they now have to issue
badges and enable access to the different tenants and contractors from time
to time. They will have to activate, add, and remove access on badges too.
However, most of the security personnel have no experience of dealing with
such high activity and are having difficulty in coping up with the flow. They
are constantly calling the heads of tenants, the security supervisor,
engineers, and the VP of operations for assistance that is causing the parties
to suspend their duties to come to the security office to sort things out.
Besides, the way the officers communicate with the different parties and
language limitations by some of them is causing so much
miscommunications and complaints from the tenants and the contractors
who are being kept waiting at the gate until their identity was confirmed. On
more than one occasion the contractors and tenants who came in numbers
caused traffic at the gate while security was figuring out who was who. This
alerted management who are still looking for other tenants to rent spaces
out to and are concerned that the complaints might cost them as they might

Mussie Araya

EDUC 765

miss out on other prospective tenants. It was this that made management to
decide that security personnel need the training on effective communication
skills to deal with the changes. Five of the officers do not speak English as
their primary language. The others who speak it lack the proper way of
communicating and transferring information to the respected people.
Currently there are two new tenants. Each tenant hires contractors from time
to time to work in their spaces. As more tenants and their contractors are
expected, it is now an urgent need for management to have well trained
security officers. The first impulse was to replace the current officers with
others who are skilled in communication. However, the current officers are
well acquainted with the site and are familiar with all the equipment and
have been doing well for the last seven years. Replacing them will result in
hiring officers who lack enough knowledge of the site which might cause
even more problem which also means loss of money. Besides there is no
guarantee that well trained security officers will be available anytime soon.
As a result of this, it was found to be wise to train the current personnel in
the required field.
The problem identified is something that can be solved by instruction that
involves training. Upon completion of the training, officers are expected to
demonstrate effective oral communication skills that involve asking
particular set of questions to confirm identity and giving proper answers, be
able to list the names of current tenants and their usual contractors, be able

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EDUC 765

to identify the appropriate badges for each tenant and their customers, be
able to add or remove access to a badge as necessary.

Mussie Araya

EDUC 765

Front-End Analysis: Learner

Learner Analysis

Primary Audience

Seven security officers

Security supervisor

Secondary Audience

Head of corporate security

General Learner Characteristics

Age range: 22-58

Gender: One female eight men.

Education: from high School drop out to Undergraduate degree

Security work experience: less than a year to 12 years.

Experience at the site: seven months to seven years.

Security certificate: All state licensed. None licensed in firearms.

Physical fitness: All able bodied.

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EDUC 765

Computer skills: All skilled in MS office word. Two with advanced

computer skills.

Entry Characteristics Prerequisite skill and knowledge:

All familiar with security protocols.

All familiar with names of the contact people of the new tenants but
not all their personnel and their contractors.

Only four proficient in English. Five speak English as their second

language. One has very limited mastery of English.

Most (8) not experienced in customer service.

Attitudinal and motivational characteristics:

Most believe the training will enable them to gain crucial skills in the
digital world.

The security supervisor and head of security think they dont need
the training.

Most believe they will get certified by the company.

Some think the certification will result in salary raise.

Some think the certification will enable them to apply at other high
tech companies.

Prior experience:

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EDUC 765

The data center was occupied by only one tenant for the last seven
years and security are not familiar with the new multiple company
tenants and their contractors.

Common errors made by novice learners:

Due to increased security, a new gate was built and security officers
will have to communicate, verify the identity, and admit employees,
contractors, visitors, and guests of the three new tenants. Since this is
new at the site, and since the officers are not trained well on this, they
end up calling the tenant contact personnel, head of security, and the
VP of operations which is causing confusion and delay at work.

Most of the officers lack effective communication skills and the use
of appropriate language.

Most of the officers ask unnecessary questions and make

unnecessary calls.

Most of the officers call the wrong people

Contextual Analysis

Orienting Context


Mussie Araya

EDUC 765

Learners believe they need the training to cope up with the changes
and new working situation, which will also enable them to gain
certificate in both customer support.
Learners believe their newly acquired skills will result in wage
Learners fear the result of the training will affect their stay at the

Most of the learners feel that they will utilize the new instructions
in their changed environment.
Some believe the training will help them acquire important
communication skills.
Learners believe that the training will be easy.

Learners perception of accountability?

Some of the learners (those who have been in the business long)
believe they will need to master the new instructions as they feel it is a
plus in their career.
Some of the learners dont think they will stay long in the job and have
less perception of accountability
Some learners fear that the results will be used to remove them from
the site.


Mussie Araya

EDUC 765

Learners believe dealing with the changes should be handled by the

office admin personnel.
Some learners feel that it is not part of their job to deal with

Instructional Context

The training will be conducted in three different shifts.

The security office is well lit. More lighting is required for the swing and
night shift training.

The noise from the chillers may affect instruction especially during the
demonstration stage.

The security office is well ventilated.

There are enough seats at the office.

Papers, pens, and the office computers will be used. Coffee breaks will
be given as needed.

Computers, telephone, alarm panels.

All officers drive their own cars.

Technology Inventory

Computers, power point presentations (overhead projector)

Transfer Context

Transferability: Audio, video and practical demo


Mussie Araya

EDUC 765

Opportunities for Using Learned Information: The changed environment

will provide actual opportunities for applying learned information.

Support: The PR person will mentor the officers for the communication


Mussie Araya

EDUC 765

Instructional Impact Based Upon Learner

Application of Learning Theories

Since all the officers are adults, they will be given ample time to review the
written manuals at their own pace. The practicality of the course and how it
directly affects their jobs will be emphasized. Learners will be asked to
contribute to the learning situation from their vast experiences. The learners
will be asked to help in the designing of the instruction and their input will be

Application of Motivational Theories

One of the motivational methods used will be the cognitive evaluation

theory. The topic of the course should make learners feel that it is with in
their competency and is achievable. Another motivational theory would be
the control theory. As people seek to get control of things and people around
them, the learners will be made aware that the training will give them more
control in their jobs. Besides, elements of the endowed progress effect
theory will be used. Each level of achievement will be recognized and


Mussie Araya

EDUC 765

marked on paper to show learners that they are on the right track to
achieving the ultimate goal s of the training.

Impact of a Diverse Audience on Instruction

To accommodate differences in language proficiency, the instruction will

focus on the use of vocabulary and action verbs typically associated with the
job. While, all the officers will be encouraged to improve their language
proficiency overtime, they will not be required to pass any standard tests.
However, they will be required to master a list of vocabulary that they will be
expected to use in their daily operations. Regarding learning styles, the
instruction will involve both auditory and visual instructions with actual role
plays to involve practicality. Cultural differences will not be considered for
the training as the security industry is universal and the differences from site
to site or even country to country are more of protocol and the technology


Mussie Araya

EDUC 765

Task Analysis

Task Analysis Method

Based on the nature of my topic, and the fact that it has procedures and involves interpersonal
skills, I have chosen to do task analysis for the project.

Task Analysis

Initial contact:
a. Declare yourself and ask the person to identify him/her self.
b. Ask for the name of the person requesting admittance.
c. Determine if the person is an employee, a tenant, a contractor, or a guest.

For employees and tenants follow the following procedures:

a. Ask the persons to identify him/her self with his/her full name.
b. Ask why he/she is not in possession of his/her badge, and determine if it was lost,
forgotten, or whether it could not be accounted for.
c. Ask the person to look at the camera so that you get a good look
d. Confirm the identity the person.
e. Admit the persons to the site.

2. For contractors and guests follow the following procedures:

Approach: Assume control and impose authority. Be firm without being rude.
a. Ask for the name of the person.

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EDUC 765

b. Ask what company he/she represents.

c. Ask who his/her contact person is.
d. Ask what the purpose of his/her visit is.
e. Ask if he/she is expected.
f. Ask the person to look at the gate camera so that you can see the face clearly.
g. Ask the persons to remove glasses, hoodies, or beanies if he/she is wearing any.

Identification: Make sure the person requesting access is authorized.

a. Check your list for expected guests and match the name. If the guest is not
expected confirm with their contact person before granting admittance.
b. Match the name of the visitors company to the names in your list of authorized
c. Check the estimated time of arrival provided by the host company to the time of
the visit.

Check if the vehicle has a company logo of the host or the contractor company

e. Check the license plate of the vehicle and admit the visitor to the site.

a. Ask the visitor to approach the security window.
b. Ask visitors to show photo ID.
c. Check the name in the ID to the name on your list.
d. Check if person in the photo ID matches the person.
e. Enter the necessary information in the log in window and issue a badge.
f. Determine if the person is pre-approved by the hosts and need/dont need further


Mussie Araya

EDUC 765

Call the contact person for the visitor and inform them of the visitors arrival

h. Ask the contact person what access the visiting person should have
i. Give the required access on the badges issued.
j. Have the contact person escort the person to their respective places.


Mussie Araya

EDUC 765

Project (Instructional) Goal
The goal of the project is to equip security officers with adequate
communication and interpersonal skills that they will apply while verifying
identity and checking people into the site.

Terminal Objectives and Enabling Objectives

Terminal Objective 1

When dealing with customers on the intercom, the learners will

effectively communicate to verify identity in no more than two
Domain: Cognitive
o Enabling Objective 1a: Using the intercom, officers will speak
clearly and accurately to acquire information regarding the
names of visitors and their purpose of visiting in less than a
o Enabling Objective 1b: When dealing with a visitor, officers will
identify a visitor and decide if he/she is authorized or not without
asking for help from other staff.


Mussie Araya

EDUC 765

o Enabling Objective 1c: After admitting visitors to the lobby,

officers will check photo ID cards to match and verify names,
vehicle information and purposes of visits of visitors before
issuing badges.

Terminal Objective 2

While dealing with visitors, officers will demonstrate confidence and

act with authority.
Domain: Affective
o Enabling Objective 2a: While obtaining information from
visitors, officers will take control of the conversation by
demanding the required information in clear, loud voice without
missing any essential detail.
o Enabling Objective 2b: When identifying visitors, officers will
act with firmness without yielding to demands of visitors.
o Enabling Objective 2c: When faced with information
withholding visitors, officers will insist on obtaining essential
information of names, ID cards, and contact people without being

Enabling Objectives Matrix


Mussie Araya

EDUC 765

Pre-instructional Strategy: Pre-test and advance organizers

-Name the current tenants at SVDC (Recall)
-How would you find out who is who on the intercom? (Overview)
-Imagine someone you dont know asking you to open the gate? What would
you do? (Advance organizer)


Level on

l, or

ng for names
of people,
company etc.


Identifying a
visitor and
decide to
admit or not


admit, if not

identity by
matching /


Procedure (if
the right

Learner Activity

Delivery Method

(What would
learners do to
master this

self-paced, or small

In an actual
setting learners
will be asking a
set of questions
to acquire
names of
people and the
companies they
Recall the
names of
visitors, and
contractors and
match with a list
of expected and
Learners will
match photo ID
to a person and

Self-paced manuals
to study.
Role play where
one officer will be a
visitor and the
other a security

Self-paced manuals
, role play

Presentation, role


Mussie Araya
checking ID
cards on the

EDUC 765
issue a
badge, if not

decide to give a
badge as they
explain each


Information Processing Theory (G. Miller). (n.d.). Retrieved January 25, 2016,
Andragogy (Malcolm Knowles). (n.d.).Retrieved February 11, 2016, from


Mussie Araya

EDUC 765


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