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Resources: (Specific to the challenges reference to equipment, teaching and learning resources (e..g
task cards), and ICT equipment)

1-6 weeks
2 lessons a week
Curriculum Aims: (Specific
the purpose of Physical education and
the which of the 4 aims this unit

Year 9

Bibs, Handballs, cones, flat spots, assessment cards, ipads, technique app and QR codes.


(first statement links aims to End of Key stage Statement; second statement links to specific elements that pupils should be taught
using the language of the end of key stage statement; final statement links to specific skills whole school curriculum aims and numeracy and maths / literacy
and language to be developed)

It will enable pupils to access
a broad range of activities.
Despite Handball being in the
Olympics it is an invasion
game which pupils do not get
exposed to in earlier years.
Pupils may also be physically
active for sustained periods
of time during competitive
situations and attacking and
defending situations.

Health & Safety: (link to 3

categories of risk management must be
accompanied by a full risk assessment

Ensure sports hall floor

is always clean.
Benches or other
equipment not in use
out of the way to
prevent trip hazards.
Pupils dressed
appropriately with the
correct footwear.
Check pupils for
earrings and piercings.
Ensure pupils are not
chewing gum

Pupils will embed on experiences from previous invasion games in Physical Education in key stage 1 and 2 and specifically
apply and learn new skills within handball. They will gain a basic understanding of the rules of the game with positions. Also, in
relation to skill, they will grasp the roles in attack and defence, applying this through understanding and practice.
Pupils will be taught to use a range of tactics and strategies in direct competition in handball in team games. Additionally, they
will begin to analyse performances compared to previous ones, demonstrating improvement.
Pupils will develop reading and understanding skills through engagement in task cards and peer assessment sheets.
Additionally, as pupils develop and understanding of rules pupils will be able to engage in officiating and using numeracy skills to
keep count of scores. Furthermore, numeracy skills within warm ups and stretches using times tables will be used to develop
numeracy skills.
Inclusion Strategies: (Link to National curriculum inclusion statement categories specific to unit)
Suitable challenges should be set for pupils and this is evident within the lesson ideas, whereby differentiation and progressions
are available. Also, teaching whereby higher ability pupils in the lesson work with lower ability pupils can aid progression and
inclusion by ensuring the more able progresses by being able to coach or help another pupil. And the lower ability can be taught
on a more relevant pupil friendly basis to make progress.
Handball in some respects is similar to basketball and just as accessible for pupils of both physical and mental disability.
Planning for both is critical. Indeed, knowing pupils and their needs before hand can aid this but using different equipment, being
the size of the ball, color of the ball. Or role of the pupil and distances involved in certain tasks.
EAL May consider LSA how they can aid their understanding of task set, so time can be used effectively. Also, physical copies
with diagrams of the task we are doing may aid explanations.

Outcome/Process: (Specific

Core tasks: Weeks 1-3

learning outcomes aligned to specific

aspects being taught in the unit aims
and objectives using the language of
the end of key stage statement)

(specific learning challenges that students will complete to achieve the learning outcome of that
phase of the unit)

Pupils will be able to apply

knowledge and practice of skills
in both defence and attack to a
competitive environment.
Eventually, pupils will be able to
play 'mini' games within a small
tournament in a lesson applying
skills and techniques learnt in
lesson and showing
understanding of rules.
Knowledge: Pupils will
understand basic rules and the
fundamental aspects of fowl
play. Furthermore, they will
begin to show some
understanding of the techniques
involved in defence, attack and
Skill: Pupils will be able to apply
the rules into game situations
and be competent in using
techniques in both attacking
and defending situations.
Knowledge: Pupils will be able
to understand and be confident
in applying rules and aspects of
fowl play in competitive
situations. As well as showing
competence in understanding
techniques and positions in
defence, attack and shooting.
Skill: Pupils will be confident in
applying the rules in to a
competitive game. They will
also display confidence in
applying a range of techniques

Examples of intended learning objectives for a shooting lesson

(Weeks 1-3)
Learning objectives Pupils will be able to shoot implementing a shot in place
and leaning back shot in a variety of conditioned games to hit targets. They
will begin to implement tactical play through knowing where they should place
the shot.
All Gain success using basic techniques to score and hit a variety of targets.
S: Pupils will be able to hit a larger target area using the correct technique
K: Pupils will understand how to utilise the correct technique to gain accuracy.
Most Will be consistently successful with both the place and leaning back
shot throughout a number of conditioned games and begin to develop tactics
on where to place to the ball,
S: Pupils will be able to hit targets consistently with both place and leaning
back shooting techniques in conditioned games.
K: They will continuously utilise the correct technique and begin to
demonstrate tactical awareness when shooting for goal.
Some Will consistently be successful with both the place and leaning back
shot in conditioned games and start to become competent of shooting with the
weaker hand.
S: Pupils will continuously utilise the correct technique with both the leaning
back and shooting techniques and begin to shoot with some degree of
competence of the weaker hand
K: Pupils will consistently use the correct technique to shoot with and
demonstrate tactical awareness when shooting for goal.
Examples of warm up activities used:
Use of video and incorporation of ICT to introduce and show the pupils the
sport, as some of them may not have been exposed to the game before.
Begin with a game of end zone to get the pupils active and progress this to
being able to score you have to shoot the ball against the wall.
The pupils have to mirror what the teacher does to get them begin to react
and switch on and engage in the lesson. Actions that include a shooting
action can be used.
Teaching activities that can be used:

Compelling / irresistible
learning: (What environments,
teaching styles, interactive
opportunities, Out of hours learning,
extension / enrichment , themes will
be used to make this unit motivating
and exciting for the learners?)

Weeks 1-3
School name has got talent
relating it to a television
program. Incorporating
teaching points to get good
feedback and also using
EBI (even better if) and
WWW (What went well)
Incorporating QR codes
with task cards and
teaching points. This can be
used in relays pupils may
scan a random task card
when they get to the end of
a speed pass relay and it
dictates the type of pass
they use.
Incorporation of ICT
and iPads/ipods using the
app 'technique' formerly
known as Ubersense.
Pupils in groups can use
this in games such as
shooting alley where they
then become a group of 3
and one can
video/assess swapping
Weeks 4-6
Incorporating the use of ICT
- using the videos on this

that have been developed in

attacking and defending
Knowledge: Pupils will be
confident in understanding the
rules and fowl play in
competitive situations. They be
confident in using a range of
techniques taught in both
defence and attack. With the
addition of understanding
positions in the game and some
use of tactics.
Skill: Will display confidence in
applying rules and knowledge of
positions and some tactics
implemented in a competitive
situation. Pupils will also be
confident and consistent in
applying a range of skills in both
attack and defense.

A court can be split into two and pupils will have to hit particular targets in the
middle of the court. The team that wins is the one that has the most objects on
the other teams side. This will be an opportunity to feed in teaching points.
Progressions can be size of objects, being small or large.
Wall game in their teams they have to get the other person to lose a point by
getting the ball to bounce twice when throwing the ball against the wall allows
for mass practice as many pupils get the opportunity to practice as many walls
can be used in the sports hall.
Shooting alley, pupils in pairs one passes them the ball the other shoots. Pupils
move around the semi circle to gain different angles to shoot from.
Underneath an example of how to lay out the targeting hitting game and
shooting alley
Teaching points for shooting
Raise the throwing arm backwards and high
Weight transfer from back to forwards toes to nose
Aim using non dominant hand
Release the ball at the highest point aiming appropriately.
Intended learning objectives for passing (Weeks 1-3)
Pupils will be able to perform a wide range of passes in both activities and
competitive situations.
All: be able to perform the 3 different types of passes.
K: Pupils will understand how to perform each pass.
S: Pupils will be able to perform the 3 different types of pass passively and not
always consistently.
Most: Will be able to perform the 3 different types of passes consistently in a
variety of passive and game situations.
K: will understand how to perform each pass and when a particular pass maybe
S: Pupils be able to perform the 3 different types of passes consistently and
use them correctly in the right situations.
Some: Will be able to perform the 3 different types of passes consistently and
using a variety of passes for the demanding situation.
K: Pupils will understand how to perform the 3 different types of passes and
consistently choose the right type of pass for the situation.
S: Pupils will be able to perform the 3 different types of passes consistently
and competently apply the pass for the demanding situation.

page as an example of what

a feint is. Teaching styles
whereby it is learner
initiated for some warm ups
allowing for pupils to be
creative.Incorporation of fun
games, such as cop and
Pupils will be able to use
whiteboards to initially write
down what they think may
make a good defence from
the start of the lesson. As
teaching points of good man
to man defence and specific
rules to netball are applied
they can then write this in a
different colour pen. This
allows for them to see
Assessment week pupils
will be effective at peer
assessment in using fifa
assessment for handball
sheets. Which allow for a
score out of 40. This allows
for it to be relevant to them.
Thus, making them more
engaged and proactive with

Examples of warm ups used:

Possession hand ball:
Pupils split into two even teams, pupils have to make 10 successful passes
against the opposition team to score a point. Progressions - use different size
balls to make it more difficult and change the number of successful passes
made to score.
All around the world pupils in a circle have to call out a player and run
across to their position after they have passed the ball. Progression, pupils
have to remember who they throw the ball to and then once they have
done that more balls can be added to make it more difficult and reaction
Examples of teaching activities:
Creative passing - as a starter activity get pupils to come up with the most
creative pass possible.
Speed passing - pupils pass the ball in a zig zag when the ball gets the end the
last person runs to the front first team to get to the end wins. This incorporates
a competitive element. Also, an opportunity to drip feed in teaching points to
the pupils.
Square - Four corners with an even number of pupils on each square. Pupils run
to half way on each corner and then make the pass to the pupil that is already
on the move. This can be progressed with pupils using a variety of passes and
more balls added to the activity.
Zones outside scoring - Pupils are in two teams pupils can score at the
opposition end. But additional points will also be given to pupils that score
in the outside area, the points can be worth less. Floaters can be
incorporated as well. Progression adds other zones and decrease/increase
size of the zones.
Dribbling lesson (weeks 1-3)
Example of I.L.O for a dribbling lesson in handball
All: Will know the three step rule when dribbling
K: Pupils will understand that they can not take more than 3 steps with the ball
when dribbling
S: Pupils will be able to demonstrate in practice that they cannot when
dribbling take 3 steps with the ball

Most: Will be able to demonstrate the correct dribbling technique.

K: Pupils will know they can only take 3 steps when dribbling and understand
core principles when dribbling such as using fingertips, bent knees and keeping
the head up.
S: Pupils can demonstrate they cannot take more than 3 steps and apply the
key teaching points to their dribble
Some: Pupils will understand the rules in handball when dribbling and use
teaching points to effectively outwit an opponent
K: Pupils will show understanding of the rules when dribbling and understand
the core teaching points with knowledge of how they can outwit an opponent.
S: Pupils will be able to apply the 3 step rule with key teaching points of the
dribble and show that they can outwit an opponent.
Examples of warm up activities:
Pupils getting use to the ball and this can be done using the mirror activity.
Pupils have to follow what the teacher does. This can be beginning with basic
manipulation of the ball around the body, for example around the waste and
can include teaching points of using the fingertips.
Progression to bouncing the ball, changing directions, introducing cross dribble
in the shape of a V.
Progression to bouncing the ball and gradually moving the body lower until
lying down on the floor and bouncing the ball
Differentiation size ball bigger ball easier small ball may be more difficult.
Differentiation Pupils who are more able encourage use of weaker dribbling
Follow the leader pupils in pairs have to follow what their pair in front are
doing one ball per person. Opportunity to stop pupils and introduce the
teaching points of the dribble.
Progression have one pair in the area that have to try and get other pupils
balls out of a certain area. More people on to make it more difficult and less
people onto make it easier. If pupils are out they have to dribble around the
outside before they can rejoin again.
Differentiation size ball bigger ball easier small ball may be more difficult.
Differentiation Pupils who are more able encourage use of weaker dribbling
Example of teaching activities:
Using the width of the sports hall in 3s pupils have to try and dribble past
their defender only allowed to use a certain number of passes. More passes
makes it easier with less passes. Encourage pupils to try and beat the

Progress this to pupils doing a 1vs1 to get across the other side and beat
their defender. The other pupil can be observing and giving peer
assessment, e.g what went well and even better if.
Pupils in pairs have to try and catch the partner dribbling with the ball on
the outside of a circle. Set up more than once circle, this can be done by
showing the pupils and modeling the activity, then allowing them to
independently set it up. Encourage pupils to think about where they want
to dribble the ball if the inside of the circle was a defender.
Progress to pupils dribbling the ball in the opposite direction and using the
other hand
Progresses when the whistle is blown pupils have to change direction.
Teaching points:
Head up
Slight bend in knees
Dribbling in opposite hand to where the defender is coming from
Only 3 steps with the ball
Attacking skills (weeks 4-6)
Example of an intended learning objective for an attacking based
All: Be able to attack in situations, such as 2v1 and 3v2. They will make some
correct decisions, whilst applying some skills needed. Offer basic feedback
about the strengths of a performance.
K: Pupils will show basic understanding of how to apply the correct decision
within small attacking situation and offer basic descriptive feedback to pupils.
S: Pupils will be able to use passing and dribbling skills to apply the decisions
made within small games.
Most: Will be successful in attack in drill situations and in games. Pupils will be
more consistent with decisions and applying skills needed, whilst also showing
an awareness of getting into space. They will be able to give feedback on
performance and offer ways to improve.
K: Pupils will be more consistent with making correct decisions in attacking
situations. They will be able to understand the use of some tactics, such as the
feint to create space and the importance of getting into space.
S: Pupils will be consistent with passing and dribbling in attacking situations
and begin to apply some tactics such as a faint to create space.
Some: Will be able to create and implement imaginative and successful ways

to attack to score in drills and games. With a consistent awareness of getting

into space. They will offer constructive feedback with a range of ways to
K: Pupils will be quick to show understanding of the need to apply the correct
decisions in attack. They will also demonstrate an ability to be imaginative in
how they can score in games. By either knowing when and where to apply a
faint or block to make space.
S: Pupils are able to consistently pass and dribble making the correct decision
the majority of the time. They are able to apply tactics and imagination to their
play to generate space.
Examples of warm up activities:
Pupil led activity to come up with a warm up. Pupils in groups of 4. Cards as
a resource can be given to pupils as prompts, they can be relating to previous
lessons, such as passing, dribbling and general ball familiarization. Pupils have
to come up with an intuitive warm up. Encourage pupils to think about what
maybe need to be included in a warm up such as dynamic stretching.
End zone with a 3vs2 or 4vs3: can be in groups and have one pupil with a
different coloured bib on that becomes a floater (depending on numbers). This
can be taught as a whole part whole practice. Beginning with endzones and
then breaking attacking skills down and bringing it back to implementing them
in a game.
Progression for this can be conditioned at towards the end. For example an
extra 1 point scored for using a faint and passing to another pupil. Or an extra
2 points for a blocker used.
Differentiation More numbers in attack allows for more success in attacking
team. Space make the scoring zone on either side smaller or bigger and make
more or less of them to make it easier or more difficult.
Teaching activities:
Movement feints circuit Cones in a line heading towards a goal. Pupils will
have to feint at each cone whilst dribbling up to them (go one way and then
the other). At the last cone a goal can be set up and they have to feint and
shoot the last goal. Explain that the feint can be used to make more space and
the teaching points. On the way back pupils just perform the body feint.
Inclusion of ICT again can be used with the relevant youtube videos showing
examples of feints.
Progression incorporate a defender at the goal and then on each cone as a
passive defender.
Differentiation - Cones either side of the defender so a pupil can go to one

cone and the other to aid the faint and make it easier.
Cops and Robbers - The cops are not allowed out until the robbers have got
one ball from the D once they have the cops are allowed out to try and get
them back to the robbers base. The cops have to stop them.
Progression - The robbers then have to get the ball into the jail from the
robbers area.
Differentiation - Robbers can take more than one ball to make it easier for
them to score.
Defending skills (weeks 4-6)
Example of an intended learning objective for a defending lesson:
All: Will be able to defend in a basic drill situation. They may lack positional
awareness in game situation when tackling.
K: Pupils will understand the basic principles of defending and apply them to a
basic drill situation, they are inconsistently aware of their position and where
they should be.
S: Pupils will apply basic defending teaching points when they are defending
and not display competency in being able to tackle.
Most: Will be able to defend successfully in drill and game situations and show
knowledge of how to tackle a shooting player.
K: Pupils will be understand teaching points in relation to man to man defense
and understand how you would tackle a shooting player.
S: Pupils will be able to apply the teaching points in man-to-man defense and
apply the correct teaching points to tackling a shooting player.
Some: Will be able to defend successfully in drill and game situations, they
may show knowledge of defensive strategy and the ability to tackle.
K: Pupils will understand how to effectively mark man to man and understand
how to tackle the opposition in a variety of game situations.
S: Pupils will consistently apply the teaching points of man to man defense and
apply the consistently apply the correct technique to defend against a shooting
Example of warm up activities:
Sports hall lines - Pupils to be set in a defensive position; pupils have to
follow a certain colour line. Whilst doing these pupils should have teaching
points highlighted to them about a good defensive position and how they
should travel going up and down the line.

Progression: Pupils can then go into relays and mini competitions, when they
get to the end of the line they have to tag their partner by jumping in the air
and high tenning them. Encouraging a block in handball.
back-to-back - Pairs facing one another. One pupil being number one and one
pupil being number two. When one in shouted two has to try and catch number
one. Cross-curricular can be incorporated by division and minus used to make
the number two.
Progress this activity onto the pairs having a ball and they have to perform
torso twists. Both pupils standing and have to rotate their body with two hands
on the ball at all times when 5 passes are complete they then both take a step
back to see which pair can pass the furthest distance
Example of teaching activities:
The great bib tag - Select 2-3 pupils to be on and taggers. Other pupils tuck
their bibs in under their shorts. The taggers can only get a bib by defensive
slide and cannot run whilst trying to get others tags. Talk about teaching points
of the defensive slide.
Differentiation Size of area, larger area more difficult for defenders, small
area make it easier for defenders. Also, number of taggers increase of
Progressions pupils can only tag using their left hand, introduce a ball
bonus points if defenders can get the ball.
Tackling a shooter 2 lines of pupils. 1 in front of the goal the other to the
left or right side of the 6 metre D line. Defenders slide along the D line with
their hands up, then forward to meet the shooter. They then stop the attacker
from shooting, this will be modeled so pupils can see.
Progression Start at a slower pace so pupils can stop the shooter using
teaching points and without a ball. Progress to a faster pace, then include a
ball. Progress to allow pupils to shoot and then to 2vs2.
See below for simplistic ways to break down rules in defence and explain them
to pupils.
Teaching points for defensive slide:
Slight bend in both knees
Facing the ball
Hands up
Teaching points for stopping an attacking shot:

One hand on attackers shooting arm, keeping a bent elbow

Other hand on attackers opposite hip
Left foot forward if it is a right handed shooter and opposite for a left hand
Assessment and tournament play
Example of intended learning objective:
Pupils should understand the importance of effective communication with
others. They should be able to apply skills learnt in previous weeks to be
effective within a team and make good judgment in peer assessment.
Example of warm ups used:
Allow pupils In their organized teams to come up with a warm up inspired from
previous weeks and demonstrate the activity to the class. Allow a short time
for this so pupils get a maximum time spent playing the game and developing
their understanding of the game.
3 teams In small tournament:
Non-doers or the resting team in the tournament can be peer assessing with
sheets that are given to them in a fifa for handball style ranking of their
Additionally, pupils can referee the game, having 4 pupils on different parts of
the court looking for certain rules. If they see a fowl play then they can blow
their whistle and explain what was done wrong.

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