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La Bsqueda

A la izquierda:
Caldo verde de
mariscos, en
Acapulco, Mxico

Las reglas:
1. There must be a photo to correspond with each number. No
photo can be used more than once.
2. Your group must stay together.
3. In every photo, at least three members of your group must be
featured. In addition, every member of your group must
appear in at least 6 photos.
4. The ten photos must be uploaded under Discussions on
Blackboard, by 12:25. If not, no credit will be received for the
assignment. (This is a quiz grade.)
5. Only one person of the group needs to upload the photos, but
the post must include the names of all members of the
group, to ensure that all get credit for the assignment.
6. Every photo must have a caption, answering the question posed
for that number.
En campus, tomen fotos de cada de los siguientes. No olviden
1. Dnde puedes pedir almuerzo?
2. Dnde puedes encontrar un cuchillo, un tenedor, una cuchara,
y una servilleta?
3. Cul lugar en campus vende el major caf?
4. Cul restauraunte en campus es su favorito?
5. Cules restaurantes ofrecen una opcin vegetariana?
6. Qu frutas se venden en campus? (Incluye nombres
7. Cules comidas les gusta para acompaar un sandwich?

8. Cules restaurantes ofrecen una comida de una cultura

especfica? (por ejemplo: chino, arabe, hispano, etc)
9. Qu les gusta pedir en un sandwich? (Incluye vocabulario
Cul es el mejor postre que vende en campus?

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