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@ BEACHBODY STEP-BY-STEP NUTRITION GUIDE INCLUDES THE FAMOUS MICHI'S LADDER Plus! 'e Meal - Plans Na os 1 tS msn and you'll have the answers you need! 6 STEPS LOM lately your body. se), Ba 1] CONTROL your portions, Don't eat until you are fll; at until you'e not hungry. PAY ATTENTION fo everything you eat Fresh veggies, lean meats, and foods lower in fat ard higher i iver are the basis of our nutrition guide. CONSISTENT 5x-a-day eating schedule. IMPORTANT! Stick to the schedule so you do not get hungry and overeat, ‘and so your body has enough fue! to rebuild after exercise. HYDRATE AND CLEANSE your body by drinking water. at least 2 liters (8 glasses) per day. FORTIFY ‘your diet with a mutivitamin, ‘An exceptional multivitamin ensures that you get al the nutrients you reed when cutting calories. REFRAIN from eating at the wrong time: When you work out and especially when you sleep, you want your body tobe in “fat-burning mode.” Your body is around 70% water. Drink} GH] contro. your portions. In general, eat hal of what the chet serves you in a retaurant, An adequate portion for a meal is 3 ounces of protein (like chicken, tuna, or lean gound beef, which is about the se of your palm. Dont et Unt yu ae ful eat unl you'e not hungry. Same goes for salad dressing. Ona large sald, tt to just enough to taste. One or two tablespoons shot do the tick. ‘Control Your Calote intake and Portion size ‘This is what we call the “Classic Calorie Equation.” Your daily exercise routine wil increase the amount of calories you burn each day. If you also make sure that you eat fewer calaries than you burn, pool|— you burn excess stored fat. I's a simple, scientifically proven fact that never fails. And here's how to do it Calories in: First, regulate how many calories yu consume. We recommend that if “trimming fat is your goal, 1,200 to 1,500 calories per dayis | fF 2 low as you want to go. Any ' lower and your body wil think its starving and reset your metabolism. Targeting @ number that is 500 calonies per day less than you bur wil result in losing 2 ‘pound per week. We recommend staring wih 1,200 to 2,000 Calories per day, depending on your goal, which wl steer you ‘away from lage portions. Add ‘calories only when you feel you . ‘need addtional energy. After al, food is fuel (Trat'sa generat quite forte mons of pope who wi a6 tis, For mae specie ents sto your perso corned, we sugges) cal aed Gen or et ee) Calories out: ‘Second, approximate how many calories your body uses each day Using the following arid, which is calculated based on your body weight, your lifestyle, and the assumption that you will burn 300 calories in every rigorous 30-minute workout (Pts posse to bun 800 eae pr hau wth Beachbody pops, ut we ‘ecomanen you Sor wi 500-600 per hor, ass sae to underestimate at Wt) CALORIE EQUATION: ‘calories burned - calories eaten = calorie deficit ache a cee Now that you have an estimate of how many calories your body needs, you just need to make sure that you consume lass than that, and your body will be forced to access its stored fat to make up the difference. That's how you lose fat: Force your body to use stored energy by controlling the “energy” (aka calories) you putin. | “Above 200 pounds, 100 cles foreach addtional 10 pounds. ‘once you accumulate 0 3,500-coleriedetct, youve burned of 1 pound of ft! By conlin the calorie dete, you can control your weightloss: Ton rere eee cre: Pe eee eater enero 5 | Petre eee tr ee earn 11600 calories = lose 1/2 pound a day, 45 tbs of ft in 90 days This has been proven repeatedly in dlrcal trials, in Hollywood, and by the general public. The Daily Deficit works. If you want to hit avery specfic weight loss goal, this is how you can do it, to the pound, to the day. And we'e not taking water weight—we'e talking about ‘burning off significant stored fat. The trck s to be disciplined about calorie intake. E] Pay ATTENTION to everything you eat ‘What you eat has a dct effect on everything from the way your body works to your mood to the amount of fat your bady bums or stores. For long-term weight management (and health), we suggest that you pay attention to everything you eat and use the eyeball method” of controling portion size. Balancing the type of foods you're eating and always making sure you're geting enough protein** are also important. We recommend using Michi's Ladder to guide your food choices throughout the day. The closer you are to the top, the better results you wil get. I's a direct relationship that cannot be overemphasized. No matter how much ‘you work out, if you don’t make smarter food choices, you will ‘ot see that layer of padding around your waist or thighs go ‘away. On the other hand, if you give yourself three solid weeks of eating at the top of Michi’s Ladder, the results wil startle you BEM ne eee ane Cea kant el on NT ae) eeu ue come from carbs, 30% from protein, and 30% from fat. Beachbody Rules for Choosing Foods > Use fresh vegetables to replace processed foods and you will lose weight > ‘Skinless white meat is generally a better choice than red meat > Egg whites have less fat than whole eggs. > When looking ata plate of food you suspects high in fat ike pizza) ‘or carbohydrates (ike pasta), eat half the heping you would normally eat. Do not overeat > Choose low-density high-ber foods whenever possible, “The “eyebat method means owing Mow mich ou shal et by ooking at & ord habe ol for ksi Faw much i noah oding tothe book The Zone by Dk, Bary Seas, you need 75-120 grams of Proteins: ‘= Choose lean meats (turkey, chicken, pork) vs. fatty red meats, ‘+ The portion of meat for a meal should be no larger than the palm of your hand (around 3 to 4 ounces). + Brol, gil, or bake—nover try! ‘* Avoid cream sauces and gravies. «= Ifyou don’t eat meat, substitute tempeh, tofu, low-fat dairy products, and legumes. Vegetables: ‘+ Alarge salad is great, but try to limit the dressing to one or two tablespoons of low-fat or nonfat dressing lke vinaigrette instead of a coating of creamy dressing, which can blow the whole reason for eating salad anyway. ‘+ Aside portion of veggies should be steamed or raw. Prepared this way, veggies have so few calories that you can pretty much eat them til you're full A plateful of raw veggies has. about 100 calories. Indulge! ‘void butter or cream-based sauces on veggies. Lemon juice, soy sauce, and mustard are good ways to add flavor without adding fat calories. ads, Pastas, Rice, and Fruits: «Be sure to eat whole grains and brown rice instead of refined grains and white rice. The fiber will iow sugar absorption so your body can better handle the sugars and not just store them as fat ‘Always choose whole fruits instead of juice. ‘* Foods in this category are calorie dense, so limit to three small servings per day. Fats: ‘= Avoid saturated and trans fats in red meats, full-ft dairy foods, and processed foods. Learn to read labels. ‘= Avocados, raw nuts, flaxseeds, and olive oil are great sources of essential fatty acids—just keep portions very small. Fat is, extremely dense and has more than twice the calories per gram. as protein and carbs. Beverages: ‘+ Aglass of water 30 minutes before a meal wil cub your hunger. '* Try nat to have a drink with your meals. f you must, tit to ‘glass of wine juice, nonfat mik, or your best choice, water. + Avoid soda, beer, and hard alcohol, a they are very calorie dense. Limit diet sodas to one per day, as too much can affect your body's pH levels + Coffee and tea (bette) are fine in moderation, just don't add cream or sugar When you'r confronted withthe dessert tray, remember the goal ‘you want to chisel your body as quickly as possible. Now, slowly step ‘away from the chocolate cake. Please—step away from the chocolate ‘cake. (Didit work?) Ityou MUST have dessert, on your birthday or ata social gathering where i's ivesistie, then be smart—a cup of fruit isthe best way to {90 to satisfy a sweet tooth. But if you still can’t avoid it, give yourself the leeway to enjoy it, and take about a third of what you would normaly reach for. That means i you're going to have a piece of pumpkin pi, have a “sliver of a sver," not a “slice.” Note: Be prepared for someone to make @ comment about the small portion size of your dessert so he can justiy the embarrassing mound he's abaut to consume. Your defense when this happens is your commitment to the goal. When you reach it, you'll be walking around feeling Great about yourself and your health, and your cothes will be fiting perfectly —if nota litle loosely. Soon you wil see that same person who gave you a hard time, and he'll be asking ‘or your advice about how to lose his soft belly. It's then that you've won! But don’t rub it in, Tun him on to and you've gota friend for ile LEHI. Gin him and in us). Ete TRE RR un Ca ao) CON cues eu ie Sere it een eat! My energy level ha: pp. 'mno. DMR Tue SMa QUICKSTART, ‘oka "Ready, Fre. Aim Use this to get with the pra make sure to understan Ease into your new e with the moves. DVD player or VCR and TV, electricity Resistance (dumbbells or B-LNES" Resistance Bands) Enough space to jump around = Water and towel ~ Supplements (optional) [By scneduting workouts: ‘Try to get consistent withthe time and place you work out. Habit helps. Important: Take it easy with a new program. For at least te fst week (maybe even the ist two weeks), you should leave some effort behind unt you understand the maves and what your Body can hang, You will get sore to work out every day if you dont program to your body gradual. Take a photo Yes take a photo of yourself so you have a you started: Make a nate of your “day 1” and progres. Push “Play” Bo your routine and you'e done forthe day! Youre on way toa body transformation you won't beleve. Log on. We've found that success is much easier with moral support. [At it's free to get expert advice find “vrtuar" workout partners, exchange recipes, and stay motivated. Check out the Message Boards to join in! a Oo Thats it You'e ready to implement the strategies and tools that hhave transformed the bodies and the lives of people just like you! Ifyou stay with i, you will see dramatic results. “An important Note About Evolufon and Diei orcs From an evolutionary point of view, the human body has changed very litle inthe past 100,000 years. Genetcaly, there is vitally no difference between us and our cave-dwelling ancestor. In fact, our {genes have not changed much inthe past milion years—but our letary habits and ability to choose what and when to eat have changed dramatically [And there's the ub. The caveman was chasing after herds of antelope, laying to capture enough food to survive the winter. Today wee siting in the drive-thru contemplating the pricefun factor of “Super Sizing” ‘ur order. Then, when we wake up the next morning and decide to go ‘on a diet by dramatically cuting back our calorie intake, the body and its millon-year-old genetic processor senses this reduction and fires a ‘message off to the metabolism saying, “Our food supply has been ‘dramatically cut back. We think there might be a famine out there, ‘maybe i's winter. Whatever is, we've stopped getting fuel, so stop using so much energy. | repeat: Stop using so much energy. Conserve fat for later!” ‘And thus, the body's metabolism slows to conserve is resources— just like it did when a real famine or winter would force the caveman to go days or weeks without food. We call this process “starvation ‘mode,” since your body feels like i's starving. ‘The lesson in this evolutionary example is this: To effect long-term, healthy loss of stored body fat, you want to avoid sending the body a signal that it needs to “reset” your metabolism to conserve fuel. That ‘means while you limit calorie intake, do not reset it so much that ‘your body's built-in survival chemistry panics. That's why we are advocating that you consume atleast 1,200 calories a day. (That's, sill not a fot of calories, by the way) The secret to long-term fat loss is creating this “calorie deficit,” and it's a delicate balance. If you're ‘operating on a large calorie deficit and your weight loss has stalled, your body could be in starvation mode. Try bumping up 4 couple hundred calories to lessen the deficit. Odds are, the fat ‘burning will resume! Once you got inthe habit of disciplined portion control and regular exercise you can forget the battle ofthe bulge, because you vill win the war and be lean forthe rest of your fe. OTE: soot reember that no gutting can evr ele te ake ‘rom your physean or del. Aways low spre ac am mee ¢ Rests may vary. Exercise and prope st ae necessary to aeieve and mata woghtlos and mace defton [] consistENT '3x-a-day eating schedule. To succeet, itis very importa follow a consistant eating schedule Consistency wil actualy give you a profound sense of contol over your word, anit wil also assure two things (2) You won't get over-hungry, and thus overeat at the next ‘meal, and (2) You will encourage an increase in your metabolism (that's the Holy Grail). SCHEDULE: Bos 7) CoCr) lu Cento) oe cr) ee Cat) The most important aspects of ths eating schedule are that you DO eat breakfast, and that you DO stop eating 3 hours BEFORE bedtime. (You might start to get hungry before bedtime, butyou wil enoy 8 hours of soi fot buming if you can control yourself) By allowing your body to sleep in “fasting mode"—meaning you are ‘nat nthe midst of gesting a meal—your body will acess stored fat for energy. What better time to be sighty hungry anyway than while you sleep? You wake up hungry, and you eat ‘breakfast on schedule! [2] HYDRATE AND CLEANSE ‘your body by drinking water. Drink atTeaiT@ Wert or 8 plaster of water a day. This isthe stop people seem to take for granted. But in conjunction with supplements, improved food intake, and exercise, the catalyst to flushing out the bad stuff and keeping your body healthy is water. I ‘also helps you feel full during the day. A balanced eating schedule with lots of water is a very manageable routine. [] Fortiry your cit with a matvtorin, ‘When you exercise hard and/or reduce your diet, your body can easily. Sufer rm viamindefilencies, Most ions: belve that mul “tins re absolely escent, espa for active sia, because t's det to get ncugh tures fom youre one. The Combinaton af day sress, processed fds, and net peed sols may leave your day cat wth defences, whch can teaen healthy muscle growth, energy procucon,proten metals, an fa Daring. Taking 9 good mitstamin wl ensre ht your body este nates trees to funcion propery, We recomend Act mu mis, bt thee are ther good brands 2s wel. The hey uty anc fesiness~ahen cones 0 wan, You ge what you py fat [] REFRAIN from eating at the wrong times. Don't eat just before you work out or right before bed. You want your body to be in “fat-buring made" when it looks for energy. Even avoid ‘energy bars and sports drinks in the hour before you exercise, as they ‘encourage your body's "carb-buring mode” instead. I's the secret enemy of exercise: the wrong food at the wrong time, While your overall dit is important, we also want you to maximize the cffect of exercise to bum stored fat. Controling the foods you eat belore you work out i the one step most people don't know about ‘And itis amazingly effective, Your body has two main sources of energy: stored fat and stored carbohydrates. When you eat or drink substances like energy bars or Sports rinks, which are generally high in carbs, your body's insulin levels ise to cope withthe addtional carbohydrates in your system. That means, during the time you process those carbs through your bloodstream, your body's hormones are focused on burning that type of fuel for eneray. Thus, if you consume those carbs before your workout, you wil bein the mode to burn the carbs in your body more than the stored fat around your waist and thighs! That's why we highly recommend putting your body in a semi-asting stat, ‘meaning you are working out with ite ton food in your digestive system. For hydration, don’t use sports drinks, use water. Your body will then be in “fat-buring mode,” and the results from your effort wll be maximized ‘According to some high-profile dieticians and trainers, if you exercised for ‘a month and didn't see the fat reduction you wanted, t's probably due to your insulin levels being too high while you were working out. That means your body wasn't attacking the fat stores, even though you were working your hardest. So ifyou limit your carbs before exercise and before sleep, your body has ‘more time to function as an effective fat-buring machine! Prout epranatem, | Seese ovata senea vps Tose ps, tad papa Sie a aon 2am toe sacs ‘pon ae "i fare me | E] questions should be answered. | How important is the “no eating within 3 hours of bedtime" rule? This is 3 great “ick” to kaap your body in Fat: burning made. As you seep, your body doest't realy need food, but it gets hungry because you usually feat every 5 or 4 hours. Your ‘body lots for carbohydrates to consume, but since you haven't eaten recently, there vile a storage. Then the ‘body loks to stored fat— BINGO! Aso, your body has a growth hormone spike while you sleo, which aids in the metaboksm of fat Food in your system can interfere with that spike. So it's your calwant to ose weight while you sleep? Sleep on an empty stomach! Dick C. BEFORE | Does the type of food really make a difference It you stl limit calories? Why do you give us Michi's Ladder and the other guidelines too? Mc's Ladder anks ods, but should’ be the be-all and endl for you. What ‘matters more i the makeup ofthe food: the percentage of cabs, proteins, and fats. For example, i your body doesnt get enough poten, ten it goes into “starvation mode" ae lowers your BMR (basal metabolic fate). Many people who eat ike beds, but eat only cars, have high body fat. That's why mary women are finding such great results when they add poten to their dit. They haven't been geting encugh for years, and suddenly they do and POW! Up goes the SMR. I Just had @ baby and | want fo go for stunning results by just using the top-tier foods. I'm finding it hard to make o workable menu. Any suggestions? Don't spat. Lots of moms have tumed th fitness around. Dont worry too ‘much about steking withthe Tir 1 category, especialy at fist. Try instead to keep tothe top tee ters! Stick witht, and don't be too hard on yoursel you occasional fall ff for a day or two. tat to physique: ee Climb MICHI’S LADDER... fai. Michi's Ladder is a guideline, not 2 mandate written in stone. Ifyou only ate from Tiers 1 and 2, you would have a near-perfect diet! Protein Tier 1: The Pious Tier Mak, sy © Ses. nr rosa Mesh aw, 0 sugar © lushrooms ‘Squash Stowberies @ Sweet potoes @ Tea, geen or Back Tempeh om Toh Tomato sace, no sugir @ Tomatoes © Vinegar Water Yams © Yogurt, nora, no sugar @m Tier 2: The Happy Tier ‘Apples, skinless @ ‘Cream cheese, nenfat Melon, honeydew @ Soy sauce @ Bananas @ Duck ee-range a Mik, 1% 04m Squid Biuedemes © Granola or energy bar @ Nuts ra String beans Bread, whole grin © Eggplant @ Ostrich am Sunflower seeds @a.m Cantloupe Fish, farmed Pancakes, buckwheat em Torllas, whole wheat © a.m Cheese, nonfat a Grapes © Papayas: Turkey breast m Chicken, skinless Homrrus a. Peaches: Vegetabe juice wine meat a Juice, resh-squeeed@ ‘Pineapple @ Veggie buger ©a Coffe, black or cappuccino wi pulp, no sugar Plums 8 Venison, fee-ange 'w nonfat mik om Kvn @ Raisins @ Watermelen © Come Mangoes @ Reotta cheese, norfatm Yogurt, no sugar @a m Cottage cheese, lowfat amt Meal replacementhar eam Soy nuts @a m Zucchini @ Tier 3: The Swiss Tier Al Steak Sauce Coffee, cappuccino Ketchup @ Pork tenderoin a a Angel ood cae ww! whole milk © a Lam, lean Am Potatoes, baked or Boted © Applesauce @ Crab Lettuce, ceberg @ Pretels @ Bagds e Cream cheese, low-fat am Lobster Refried beans, low-fat @a Beet, eye ofround am Eggs, hole alm Mayonnaise 4 Rice cakes @ Beef, London trol am French nes, Baked @ Mi eae Rice, white © Beef, top round am Fruit, cried @ Mucsh ea Sauerkraut © Cand ol a Granam erackers © Oatmeal, favored & Soup, camed broth ea. Cheese, low-fat am Granola Oysters m Steak, lean am Chicken, dark mest Honey @ Pancakes @ Sweetand-sour sauce (GidenSanduch brokkd @4.m Jam of marmalade @ Pasta, pain @ Veal cutet am Chicken taco, baked @am Jerky, turkey m Peanut bier, aw am Wine, ed @ Gams mt “Juice, ftom concentrate @ Popcorn, plain @ Yogurt, roten, nonfat © m Tier 4: The Dodgy Tier ‘Avra crackers @ Coconut 4 Margarine a Sherbet @ Beo, fet mignon am Gales, iced mocha lato. Meat oa! ait Shrimp m Beef, lean ground w ronfat rk om Mexican food ©4.m ‘Sloppy Joe, lean beet Beef, sion a m Cofce ate w whce rik ©a.m Mik, whole © m or turkey am Beet Stroganoff a.m Cottes cage @ a Mutins oa, Soft drinks, cet Beer @ Crackers Nuts, sated or roasted «Soup, canted creamy @a Bread, refined four & Griled ese sandwich @ 4 Peanut butte, notraw ex Spaghet w/ meatal ea m Buffalo a.m Ham a: Pepper, stuffed a Sub sandvich @a m Butter a Hot cog, turkey a.m Para, meatess or Taco salad, w/ chicken @a.m Caesar Salad, w chicken @aim ce cream, sugartce Hownon sve ©. Tort, refined Nour or com @ Canadian bacon 4: rlasree © Popcom, Ww! sat andbutter@a Tuna salaé or Cheese (ndluaing ° Potk chap am chicken salad Am bbe and goa) a “i ned © Potato salad or Vegetable oil Chili oa ‘amblehags 2 macaroni salad @ Wine, white © Chinese food #4. asagratigneat am Packing, wl lowfat ik @ Yogurt raten @ a.m Chips lowfat, toked’@ —-Macarom NB cheese @a Reuben sandwich am Tier 5: The Newburg Tier ‘cot, (Chicken offsh saqdwich, Doughnuts Pres Bacon a fred 4 French tres © Potato shins, ried #4 Baked beans. Chips, potato or came Gravy « Potatoes, ted © Beet, ground, regular am Chocobtgea Hamburger, fast food am Potpie Beef ac, ied am Grnarrof bun @ 4 Hot dogs a.m Refried beans, w/ lard © a.m Bok ren fet dam Cot pee, maciioo, cece cean © Sola desing, creamy 4 Cokes © eas bird apne, Upe caramel Jey bee, pork, verison m Sausage a Canoy @ ysis ea sock Sina oes Saft arnks, Cered, sugared © Cookies iobs Tater tots Chicken a King Creamithadse 4 Nachos © Toaster past Chicken, buffalo wings Creamed veggies Onion ‘ornugges 4 Creamer, nandasy & Paste INS NUTG BER 7/07

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