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Hoy en da, nosotros todos sabemos de la gran importancia sobre el arte, en

especial, en la pintura. A lo largo de los aos, aparecieron muchsimos

artistas importantes y hemos visto la evolucin que ha tenido en el mundo.
Es esencial que podamos disfrutar de los cuadros en museos porque si no
tuvisemos esas referencias no nos informaramos sobre la vida de nuestros
antepasados, y de la cultura que tenan. Por otra parte, pienso que las
personas que se dedican a pintar cuadros no podran inspirarse en ningn
artista, y no podran seguir sus pautas para poder triunfar en el mundo del
Si no pudisemos disfrutar de los cuadros en museos, no existiran grandes
museos como EL Museo del Prado, y adems perderamos turismo, y por lo
tanto, beneficios para nuestra economa.
Debemos mostrar la belleza en el arte y compartirlo con todo el mundo!!

Nowadays, we all know of the great importance of the art, in special, of the
painting. Through the years, there appeared many important artists and we
have seen the evolution that the art has had in the world.
Is essential that we can enjoy pictures in museums, because if we hadn't
had these references, we would not report about the life and the culture of
our ancestors. Moreover, I think that the persons dedicate to paint, they
wouldn't inspire in anyone, and they wouldn't follow them guidelines to
triumph in the world of art.
In addition, if we cant enjoy pictures in museums, big museums wouldn't
exist, for example, THE MUSEUM OF PRADO, we would lose turism, and
therefore, we would lose benefits to our economy too.
We should show the beauty in the art and share it with everyone!!

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