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Ryan Strain
English 12
Hour 2

Obamacare is very important, 9.5 million Americans have signed up in
2015(Luhby).Obamacare as known as the Affordable Care Act has been in effect since 2010 and
has changed the life of many Americans by making them have insurance it will also affect many
lives of different generations. You can renew it every year. (Tennet) A lot of the people who
signed up either had no insurance or got canceled (Charlie Rose). Its also has been affecting

the way middle-class live because of the heavier taxes on them. Everyone has to have insurance
or face penalties(Making sense of) It is also to be affordable, quality and to reduce the
spending of the U.S. Healthcare. Obamacare does come with some backdraws though.
Obamacare has problems with filing taxes and taxing the middle-class more than the wealthy.
The solutions to this problem are enforcing the Replacement Act and proposing a tax increase on
the wealthy.
Obamacare has problems with the way it taxes Americans and who they take it from.
Since everyone has to have insurance the ones that can pay for it has too and has no choice to not
to have it In order to have everyone have insurance Americans need to pay for it by taxes. Some
Americans can be penalized for not having insurance. If you can buy health care and you decide
not to buy it you will have to pay a fee for not having it. It is a pretty hefty price to pay.
Obamacare is taxing the middle-class when they are trying to make ends meet and having a hard

working lifestyle. That is the general problem with Obamacare and here are the solutions to
it(If you dont).
Obama has proposed to an increasing tax on the wealthy. This would be an excellent way
to put it back into Obamacare but also would help with many other things with government
spending. In a statement released by The White House, the proposals will seek to tax "hundreds
of billions of dollars" by closing inheritance tax loopholes for the wealthiest Americans. The
capital gains tax on the richest earners will be raised from 23.8 percent to 28 percent, the same
tax rate as under President Ronald Reagan(Pestano 1). Financial firms with more than $50 billion
in assets will face new fees to limit heavy borrowing by making it more costly for them
(Pestano 1). If Obama did increase the taxes on the wealthy it would really help the middle-class
be able to live without so much hardships. That is one solution that could help with Obamacare.
With this new proposal by President Obama he will set a goal to have $500 dollar credit for
working couples and have $3000 in child care tax (Pestano 1). That is one solution that could
help Obamacare get better for everyone. Lets check out the next possible solution
Another solution could be the Replacement Act. There are three main parts called
pillars to the Replacement Act that would make it work. A replacement program for
Obamacare must therefore move American health care away from open-ended government
subsidies and tax breaks, and toward a defined-contribution system. Under this approach, health
coverage would be provided through competing insurance plans; government's involvement
would come through the provision of a fixed financial contribution toward the purchase of
insurance by each beneficiary(Capretta and Moffit). It would make more sense with the way
taxes get paid by each person because people that pay for more expensive insurance would have

to pay it out of their own pockets. American taxpayers would have an easier time because they
wouldnt have to deal with everyone individuals problem they could just go to their employers.
The second part is about being already enrolled in Obamacare and something big medical
wise it should be good without paying a really high fee. The second pillar of reform should be
personal responsibility and continuous-coverage protection(Capretta and Moffit). Obama
should have people kept in the program to keep being covered.
The third pillar of reform must be a genuine partnership with the states. Under
Obamacare, states are treated as mere functionaries in a new centrally planned and federally
managed system. The law gives state officials a take-it-or-leave-it choice: They can implement
and administer the new policies under Obamacare such as state-level insurance exchanges
to the letter, without any deviation or adjustment, incurring the extra costs of these new programs
along the way. But in neither case are the states afforded any independence or flexibility, any
room to adapt the requirements imposed by Obamacare to the particular circumstances of their
populations, or to innovate to achieve greater quality or efficiency(Capretta and Moffit). It is
stating that states have no ability to change the policies of ObamaCare to their own state and
each state is different with populations, taxes, and etc. Defined-contribution financial support,
protection for Americans who remain continuously enrolled in insurance plans, and genuine
federalism are the essential overall concepts that must define any serious health-care reform. But
policymakers will also need to apply these principles to the transformation of today's funding
and financing mechanisms: the tax exclusion for employer-provided health coverage, and the
Medicaid and Medicare systems(Capretta and Moffit). This is could be a solution to better

My solution to Obamacare is to stay with the plan that everyone will have healthcare as it
is a great thing to have but to also make sure everyone have insurance without them having to be
penalized if not paying for it. I would not penalized them if they did not have I would
automatically put them into the system would tax the wealthy and only the wealthy because the
middle-class is working very hard to make it in life with their family. The middle-class needs to
feel like it wont hurt them because they have it tougher. The wealthy can certainly pay a heftier
load of the taxes more than the middle-class anyway. It would be helpful and it would really
assist the poor to get insurance easier and be more accessible without all the hassle of the
penalties. I would also make sure that it wouldnt differ from taking taxes from the wealthy I
would set a certain amount of money to pay so it is equal to everyone in the wealthy meaning no
one seems to be feeling someone would get less tax than them. My solution would really help
the poor and middle-class with assisting most of the tax off of them and taxing heavy on the
wealthy. Obamacare has already helped many with having everyone have insurance but having
taxes on the middle-class hurts Obamacare and really makes it look bad. If this happened many
lives will be affected under the program.

Works Cited
Capretta, James, and Robert Moffit. "How to Replace Obamacare." National Affairs. Web. 10
Dec. 2015.
Americans Are Enrolled This Morning For Health Insurance Under The

Affordable Care Act." CBS This Morning (n.d.): Points of View Reference Center.
Web. 1 Dec. 2015.
Pestano, Andrew. "Obama Proposes Tax Increases on Wealthy." Gale. Web. 10
Dec. 2015.
Luhby, Tami. "Obamacare Sign Ups Hit 9.5 Million." CNNMoney. Cable News
Network, 27 Jan. 2015. Web. 17 Dec. 2015.
"Making Sense Of Obamacare." Urology Times 41.9 (2013): 38-39. Health Source - Consumer
Edition. Web. 29 Nov. 2015.
Tennant, Michael. "OBAMA CARE Stifling Innovation." New American (08856540) 31.8
(2015): 10. Points of View Reference Center. Web. 1 Dec. 2015.
"If You Don't Have Health Insurance: How Much You'll Pay." Web.
22 Dec. 2015.

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