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DECEMBER 2, 2015

N.Khans Newsletter
Limited edition, Brief Essay Reports

The world is made up of

many kinds of people who
have stories of their own.
They turn to abortion because, not knowing, thinking that they are terminating someones life.

A world of
The thought of an abortion in the 20th century stirs
a lot of controversy. From teenage pregnancies to
medically ill women, abortion seems to be an option
for different reasons. There are many clinics
throughout the smallest country and hidden fake
clinics in the United States. (Tabor no.pag.).Abortion isnt something easy to discuss. It is a life
changing experience. Worldwide abortion stories
become breaking news, while the young lady with a
rapist cousin continuously harassing her daily when
he was supposed to keep an eye on her. (Dolak. no
pag.). Religious views and also cultural beliefs play
a big role in abortions outside of the United States.

Here in the United States

one in three women have
an abortion. (Advocates
for youth.). Its more like
a popular conversation
in a coffee lounge. From
being a teenager and not
looking forward to being
a mother to being a
mother of three and four
is too many to handle. It
seems to be a easy deci1

King Abdullah,the
sixth leader of Saudi Arabia.
Abdullah bin Abdul
Aziz al Saud was a
magnificent ruler of
one of the most populatedcountries in
the world. Born on
August 1, 1924 to
Abdulaziz Ibn Saud
and Fahda bint Asi
Al Shuraim. He was
the fifth son of King
Abdulaziz out of
fifty to sixty siblings
from the twelfth
wife of wed. He was
raised without a
mother at the age of
six. Abdullah lived a
simple life for a
Prince. (continued
on page 4).

Studies show that in Thailand

abortion is against the law but

sion when the woman is not ready. When she

feels alone, unstable, single or too young. Other
women feel upset from the term abortion. Because the word Abortion translate to termination
of early pregnancy, women feel they have the
right to have a choice. There are risks during this
procedure and women
need to make sure they
know about what is
about to happen.
Women from different
families, cultures and religions have a tough time
deciding to go through
with the pregnancy, to either keep it a secret or tell
their mother. A lot of religions do not accept abortion or even sex before
marriage. (Legal). So some
women feel threatened by
the fact that they are sexually active and having a
unplanned pregnancy.
Some are forced to have an
abortion and are put under pressure in their own
homes. The support that these women need take a
big part on the process of abortion. Mentally and
physically women have to be confident in themselves, to feel that they want to have children to
know that they can raise a child. (Legal).

only performed under certain

circumstances. There has to be
a lot of evidence if
a woman is
raped Lawmakers find it
unpleasant because Thailand is
a Buddhist country, abortion is
not favored by
religious beliefs.
(legal. no. pag.).
India on the other hand is
opposite of Thailand.
Women have abortions because they do not want to
have daughters as children.
(Gierstorfer. no. pag.). They
believe that boys will have a brighter future and also
have a better chance in supporting their families.
Girls are a burden to them because in some areas
women do not work and are not allowed to work.
Also because when the daughter is old enough to
get married they have to provide furniture, gold and
other amenities to marry their daughters off. (Gierstorfer. no. pag.).


Many horror movies have a story line about teenagers partying and lead off
to be killed. Some have some kind of love story where the hero turns out to
be a psycho murder. These seem to be the stories of the new century. We at
times forget about the classics. We forget about when the first apocalypse of
zombies were brought to out t.v. screens. The Night of the Living Dead was
a classic, and it still is. If you havent seen it then you havent witnessed the
start of horror movies.
This movie was made published in 1968 as a black and white film. This feature was directed by George A. Romero. With a very low budget Romero
only had a little over $100,000 dollars to shoot the film and also to hire his
actors. (continued on page 6)

Mentally this issue is not something that could be

talked about easily. It may be a popular talk with the
girls but is that what they want? Do they want to
bring this issue up? Some women feel embarrassed
when their friends reply with wide eyes and their
mouths hung open. This is not how any human
should be treated. Women need to be educated early
in life about sex education and know the circumstances when they are active. But how do we know
when it is the right time to speak to their daughter
about such a topic?
Many girls
grow up not knowing what sex it and what can happen when it does. They just feel that they are loved
and everyones doing it so why not? These types of
things are not happening due to lack of family
communication. Lack of love in the air. These
young girls feel that they need the love their parents
dont give them, they need someone to hold close
when they get in a argument with their brother.
Some women do get all the love, all the attention
and everything they desire but due to medical circumstances they have no other choice.(Waters. no
lag.).Abortion due to illnesses is very hard to decide.
They either have to chose their life or the life of
their child. The process is painful and they wished
that there was another way. They feel that because
of their illness their loved one doesn't get to experience the joy of being a parent. Because of a illness
the pregnancy must be terminated to continue any
treatments for the illness. Some of these women do
chose their own lives and fall into depression.
(Wood. no.pag.). This does not help the patient heal,
it kind of makes them mentally sick. All the emotions, the feelings just poor out. They feel that they
have no use in this world if they can not have children. So the question here is abortion always the
best option?
Many countries
around the world are against abortion. These countries have the force and power to make these laws
where in other countries they do not look into these
types of cases and leave these woman to choose for
their selves. Abortion is a worldwide issue and does
not have a solution. Women are put in these types of
positions and feel that they are being pressured.
They do not have anywhere to go, no one to talk to.
Abortion is an option for them, they have a choice.
But is abortion for everyone? Women need to be
heard and need to seek help. There arent enough

support groups so these women end up thinking that

this is such a enormous burden they cary with themselves for their entire lives. In the end they hide this
from everyone and eventually it comes out. Abortions affects families, it hurts loved ones and these
women end up never forgiving themselves.(Jensen.
King Abdullah: The sixth leader of Saudi Arabia
(contd) He faced challenges and changes throughout his early age of life teaching him to be humble,
thankful, to learn his religions passions and beliefs
and also this lifestyle made him aware of how the
poor lived in the villages throughout Saudi Arabia.
This lifestyle helped him become a honorable, well
mannered King whom everyone adored.
In 1961 Abdullah was the Mayor of the city of Mecca. In 1964 Abdullah was selected to be the Commander of the National Guard. which consists of
children of the Mujahedeen (military force), who
served King Abdulaziz, and helped provide for the
expansion of the modern Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,
especially in bringing together the Kingdom. The
National Guard also comprises the sons of Bedouin
who helped bring up the kingdom of Saud with their
bravery. Continuing their sacrifices passing down
from one generation to the next to serve their country has become a family tradition. The National
Guard has so many soldiers that they make up for
the Army and the Navy combined. Abdullah was
hand chosen because of his familiarities of dwelling
the deserts of Saudi and also with history of tribal
affairs. He was a knight of the desert.
Abdullah built areas specializing in medical care for
his militants. He cared for his men and always made
sure they were well and kept up to date on their status. He helped as much as he could so his soldiers
could stay in combat, to be ready when they were
needed. After he was appointed commander, a few
years later he showed his natural ways and talents of
being in the National Guard. He proved that he
could make the National Guard into a military. Abdullahs father suffered from a heart attack on February 23, 1969 and passed away in his sleep. While
keeping himself in a the highest position possible he
was named Second Deputy Prime Minister in 1975
when his brother, Prince Khaled became King.

In 1980 Abdullah felt that he should be in charge of

stopping the war between Jordan and Syria, improving his position in both Saudi Arabia and in diplomatic foreign countries. Abdullah was against violence in the Middle East reminding them that the act
of terror will only make their countries more poor.
He pushed himself with all his effort to help neighboring countries settle in peace. He was known for
his patience and understanding. Shortly after the
death of his half brother King Khaled, Prince Fahd
took over the thrown in 1982. Abdullah was promoted to Crown Prince and First Deputy Prime
Minister of Saudi Arabia.
In 1991, after the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait during
the Gulf War, Abdullah was unwillingly supporting
the conveyances for the US troops in Saudi Arabia,
thinking of forming a treaty with Saddam Hussein
was a choice rather than going to war, but was disallowed by his brother King Fahd. Later Saudi suffered a major oil spill due to the dumping of barrels
of oil that were done by Iraqi forces to keep the US
marines from entering the country. At the time Saudi did not mention any major damages but this was
one for the books. This era was known for the
largest oil spills of all time.
As time went by Abdullah continued his studies in
Islam and resided in the countries of Saudi Arabia.
He did not like living the luxurious life. He didnt
feel that the luxuries were a must but more of a
want. He wanted to feel humble, safe and at home.
He liked the wilderness and the environment of the
suburbs. He also did not let his children use his
wealth as a luxury. He made them pay their own cell
phone bills and book their own flights on commercial air lines. He wanted them to see how it was
without the riches of the world. Abdullah and the
country of Saudi Arabia is ranked for the fifth richest person/country of the world.
In 2005 King Fahd ordered Prince Abdullah as a
temporary King when he fell ill. Prince Abdullah
performed temporary duties as King for six weeks.
He was then ordered by his physician to be on bed
rest due to his illness. Prince Abdullah was crowned
King on August 1, 2005 after the death of King
Fahd bin Abdul Aziz due to a devastating stroke.
The King of Arabia also plays a major role in the
Holy city of Mecca. There are two Holy Mosques

that are located in the city of Mecca and Medina,

located in the western part of Saudi Arabia. These
mosques are a Holy place for the Islamic religion.
Yearly pilgrimage is taken place in the city of Mecca at the location of the Holy Mosque, Al-Masid AlHaram. The duty of the Saudi King is to annually
washed down the Mosque twice a year. Once before
the holy month of Ramadan a second time during
the Islamic pilgrimage, Hajj. This duty is a very
special task
for the king
of the
Vaccinations are a part of human life from
the moment they are born. Some people
think that not all vaccinations are needed
King Abbut minimal injections should be required.
dullah had
They believe that too many vaccines
done this
brings more causes of diseases and disabiltwice a year
ities. Immunization debates have become
popular between mothers and doctors due
his rule in
to their requirements and understandings.
Saudi AraMore and more parents are denying vaccibia. He was
nations for their children and also for
nied by the
Recent studies have shown that the
King of
amount of mercury in the vaccine (cont.
Egypt and
leaders of
Saudi Arabia. After performing prayers directly in
front of the Kabba, the King will enter the Holy
Mosque and wash down the walls with Holy Water,
rose water and other blissful fragrances. While these
tasks are performed people from around the world
adore him and praise him because he is one of the
luckiest to perform the rituals of the Islamic
Prophet, Muhammad (PBUH). King Abdullah felt
love, prosperity and at peace while in the city of
King Abdullah was remembered as a righteous
peaceful person of the Middle East. He was the
founder of the King Abdullah University of Science
and Technology. One of the largest research campuses in the world. The University was built in the
year 2005 with 27 building and designed in no more
than 30 months. Abdullah felt that this University
will help the world bring up better researches of education and science all the way to technology. He

believed that education plays a big role in the future

of our lives. King Abdullah was remembered for
many different things in his life. One for being understanding other cultures and considering peace
with the world.
The year 2011 was one to remember. King Abdullah
signed the rights over to women for their rights to
vote. He felt that the new generation should follow
new rules. He wanted more for women, for his
daughters and their future daughters. This is one of
the biggest steps taken in honor of women in Saudi
Arabia, there werent any like this in over a decade.
In the year 2012, King Abdullah was recognized by
the United Nations and they awarded him with a
gold medal because of his actions toward the international intercultural. He was known for a person
that comprehends and seeks peace. He loved his
country and his people and did all he could in his
might to renovate and change the lifestyles of the
country of Saudi Arabia.
King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz al Saud suffered four
back surgeries and later fell ill. Because of his old
age he wasnt strong enough to fight anymore. The
King of Saudi Arabia passed away on January 23,
2015 due to complications with pneumonia. His funeral was simple. A simple Muslims burial, with
family gathered for a funeral prayer. He wasnt
buried in a fancy tomb or with all the luxuries. He
was buried in two pieces of cloth in the cemetery of
Al Oud. Visitors were to visit the palace, and
mourners were only allowed during a three day period. No businesses or shops were closed that day.
He was remembered as a great Islamic leader of the
Two Holy Mosques. Remembered but never forgotten.
The night of the walking dead:
The movie had been a great success giving a sense
of classical horror without sexual scenes or a beautiful scenery. The movie is about a girl who is visits
her fathers grave along with her brother when the
start of the ambush of the living dead start, The
Night of the Walking Dead.
The main character, Barbara, seems to be a great
actress but could have done better. I think she could
of acted more afraid and more mournful due to the
fact that her brother was killed by the walking dead.
Ben, is a African man who is helping Barbara stay

safe in a farmhouse seems confident in what he is

doing. He is more enthusiastic and outgoing while
trying to stay alive. The radio giving listeners updated news is interesting because you wouldnt
think to listen to the radio while youre trying to
hide without being afraid of the walking dead ambushing. Youd think any noise would be heard and
your lives would be at risk. The men who appear in
the house who show up later in the movie believe
that if they hide in the cellar then they would be
safe. Ben gets upset because he believes that because he boards the windows up and feels that they
will be safe for awhile. The argument between the
two gets tense and things become rough for both
sides. In the end no one survives, even Ben dies. He
is mistaken for the living dead and is shot to death.
This movie isnt the same as when I saw it when I
was younger. Because our generation is so much
different from the last. This movie didnt have an
understand and I wondered why someone would
watch a movie like this. Its black and white! But
now watching it again as an adult I feel that this
movie must have become a great hit. Because there
is a family hiding on the opposite floors of the
house arguing and risking their lives to save themselves and convincing one another the other is right
or wrong.
I cant imagine how I would react if I had seen this
movie when it first released. Because our minds are
so used to colored movies and digital videos I think
the 20th century would be a big surprise. The movie
does have a good story line and it reminds of the
modern day, The Walking Dead. The Night of the
Walking Dead could never be replaced because it
was one of the first movies which introduced zombies into the world. It gave us a chance to see how
one would be if they were to wake up from the
The movies layout was great but I am not a big fan
of black and white. In the beginning of the film during the cemetery scene you couldnt tell if it was
day or night. The way Barbara runs away, and also
the way her brother was killed didnt seem gruesome enough. When Ben was killing the zombies
there was no blood, no signs of damage. So if I had
to rate this movie with a 20th century horror movie
this movie would be a flop. But hey that cant hap5

pen because this movie was a hit! I would recommend this movie to someone who is looking for
something different for a change.
Thimersol has been blamed for the cause of autism.
(Mayo clinic pg.
2.). Because the
meaning has
been redefined
people believe
that this is the
reason why children are born
with this condition. But there is
no proof that
only this vaccine
is the cause.
Genetic factors,
or even exposure
to pollution during
pregnancy while the child is in the womb is also a
cause for autism. (Austism Speaks.n.pag.).
Vaccines do have side effects such as; fevers, rash
or muscle pain. (Brody.n.pag.). Rarely do we see
that children get a disability because of a vaccine.
Keeping an eye on your child during this time is a
good thing to prevent further difficulties. Some
people ignore the side effects and the child becomes
extremely ill and blame it on the vaccine. But did
they not know? If they had brought the child in earlier to be checked up on the child would not have to
feel ill or be hospitalized at all.If there is a serious
reaction, keeping a close eye on your child wont
keep it from happening.
After immunizations are intact there are procedures
that you could follow to prevent any of the side effects mentioned. When you come in for your appointment it would be nice to bring a ice pack along
with you. After your immunization an ice pack can
help some allergic reactions that are life threatening.
Continue using cold liquids to keep the area cool for
the rest of the day.
Thomas E. Levy, a certified cardiologist, suggest
taking Vitamin C helps vaccinations from having
side effects. It has been examined and tested that the

effectiveness from the chemical forms made from

the mercury in vaccines to counteract the poisonous
nature in the vaccine. Having Vitamin C in your
system before you take any type of vaccine with
these ingredients, Vitamin C helps lessen the risk of
having kidney
damage. Vitamin
C helps raise the
quality of the
intended dose.
(Levy. n.pag.).
Another way to
prevent the
blame for vaccines is to look
into birth defects. There is a
test that your
doctor would ask
you during your
pregnancy. There
are a couple tests
that could be taken to see if the child has any risks
of down syndrome The baby can sometimes be diagnosed before he or she is born by taking blood
test and genetic tests. So vaccines are not the cause
of down syndrome, I think its fate. If a child is born
into the world with an illness, is a vaccination really
a solid blame? Some studies show that because of
some vaccines the fetus inside the mother is affected
and there for causes delayed developments.
Vaccinations help you stay immune and not sick for
long periods of times. The flu shot minimizes your
chances by 70% from getting the flu, muscle aches
and the common cold. The flu vaccine also helps
prevent other sicknesses due to the flue that could
lead to pneumonia or even death. (Brody).
There are many ways you could look into vaccinations and there are so many different answers to
specific questions. It hasnt been a issue until studies were performed and children were found ill. Because of the new generation of technology, there are
more researches done and better explanations are
given by researchers who bring their studies to
classrooms across the nation. The studies also show
genetics, and post pregnancy issues. There isnt a
main cause for autism, and there arent fingers

pointed when a child is born with down syndrome.

I believe that God does work in his own ways. A
child is still a child even with disabilities. Vaccines
should not be blamed but they should be thanked.
Imagine how many lives would have been saved in
the past if these vaccines we have today were
Vaccines have been around for many years. Since
the out bring of vaccines there are lesser fatality
rates than there has been for many years. Autism has
many causes but there are no researches that lead
back to vaccinations only. I believe vaccines should
be done, if they are mandatory. But if someone does
not want a flu shot, that is there choice. Children
under the age of 14 should be getting their shots up
to date so when they do get sick or catch a disease
the vaccine will fight off the infection or disease.
But if the child isnt vaccinated at the time the disease is spread there is nothing a vaccine can do after
the person is already infected. We should educate
ourselves before we start blaming the things that
help us throughout our lives. Vaccines are here to
help. They are not intended to kill or disable anyone.
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