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Reading Response #1: Exploring Genre

1. A writers voice is the distinctive opinion that is expressed in a writers work.

It shows their point of view, and knowledge on the topic that is being
2. We write in different genres to better express the purpose of our writing.
Certain genres are more likely to be used than others for different reasons,
for example, one might use a text message when asking a friend their
location oppose to using a research paper. In school I will most likely be using
a research paper/ report for most of my classes, as in my future career, a
therapist, I will most likely be using a website, email, or possibly note taking
3. In my major, the style of writing Im supposed to use most often, is MLA
4. A rhetorical situation is the context of a rhetorical act.
5. A particular genre can suggest that a writer is either very forward or passive,
if they chose to write a detailed and lengthy research paper, it shows that
they are more of a forward writer. Where if someone decides to write a blog
post for an assignment, it can show them as being more passive.
6. The purpose of the text and its relationship between the writer and reader,
can vary greatly, sometimes the purpose is to teach the reader the subject,
or simply provide an entertaining story. However, not always will the reader
agree with the authors opinion. Simply because you are reading a paper,
does not mean that you agree with its preference on an issue. Authors keep
this in mind when writing to a general audience.
7. The selection of a good topic and appropriate evidence is also essential to
choosing the right genre. An author must choose a genre that will effectively
support their purpose. For example, choosing to write a research paper for an
assignment but turning it in through a text message, is probably not the best
idea. Also, they must look for and use credible evidence to support their
purpose and genre. The writer needs to draw upon this research to
collectively write a paper that is both thorough and factual.
8. Following MLA format, a paper must have distinctive parts, a title, a thesis
statement, subcategories to support the thesis statement, and a conclusion.
It also needs to have a works cited page, so that all the sources used receive
their rightful credit.
9. Depending on the genre chosen. The author does need to stick to a certain
level or formal or in formalness. More forward genres, such as essays or
papers, should follow a more formal guideline, but in texts or emails this not
necessary. Also a writer should not use I or contractions in formal writings.
10.The genre I use most often, is texting or phone calls. I always send my
friends/family a text message to see how they are doing, where they are, or
to ask them simple questions. A phone call is also convenient when
discussing more lengthy issues.
11.My purpose is to stay connected to the people that are in my life through my

12.I do think of my audience while we are communicating. It is almost always a

two sided conversation, where we are both gaining some type of knowledge,
or getting pleasure from the others company.
a. For example, my roommates and I, have a group chat on our phones so
that we can discuss things that deal with our apartment.
13.My genre, texting, doesnt normally require me to need any kind of
14.Texting/Phone calls do sometimes require prewriting techniques. For example,
when trying to discuss a sensitive topic with someone, I might plan out what
Im going to say beforehand so I dont offend anyone.
Paragraph to You: My expectations for this class are, for it to be quite similar to
UWRT 1101. Just a further expansion on the topics discussed. I also expect the
online portfolio to be a lot of work, however I like the idea of being able to work on it
constantly throughout the semester and improving on it.
Text to You: I bet UWRT 1101 is gonna be just like UWRT 1102. I have to make
another portfolio to, but at least I have all semester to do it.
The two paragraphs differ so much because the way I talk to my professors, and
the way I talk to my friends are very different. I almost always use formal context
when discussing things with my professor, but almost never while talking to

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