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Brett Pisaneschi

Theory to Instructional Design

Throughout this project, I have been very thorough with the instructions and what each
employer will be doing while working security detail. Each employee should be able to complete
each learning objective without any problems. I am sure that each employee will be able to
complete the learning objectives because each learning objective was carefully organized stepby-step so that it was hard for the employee to mess it up. The learning objectives that were
made for the employees were described in so much detail that if the employees followed them
they would never have any problems. I envision all the employees having a successful career in
security detail because its easy to pick up on and once you get the hang of it, you wont have to
think about the learning objectives anymore because it will just come to you. Security detail is an
easy job once you get the hang of it and I have learned that myself.
This semester taking instructional design was not only fun but it was very interesting because
I found the class that I am very good at and is interesting to me. Some of the things I thought
were interesting is how for almost each model there is either something to remember it by. Such
as the ABCD model which stands for Audience, Behavior, Condition, and Degree. The ABCD
model is for writing learning objectives which is what I used in our final project to help
employees learn how to do security detail. While using the ABCD Model, make sure that the
objectives are observable and measurable to be effective. The A-B-C-D model is a classic
cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) technique developed by one of CBT's founders, Albert Ellis.
My most exciting learning experience was probably in Unit 2 when we did a project on all of
the instructional design models. Is was an exciting learning learning experience for me because
at the time I didn't even know what instructional design models were. I learned that a model is
not the real world but just an instructional design that helps us better understand real world
systems. One of the models that i thought was interesting was The Pebble in The Pond Model

Brett Pisaneschi
Theory to Instructional Design
which pretty much means when one thing happens there will be a ripple effect. The Pebble in the
Pond Model was proposed by M. David Merrill. There are six steps in this model and they start
with problem, progression, analysis, strategy, design, and production. Another model which I
also thought was interesting is the PIE Model. The PIE Model consists of three major elements
which are Planning, Implementing, and Evaluating. In this model the classroom instruction is
created and delivered by the same individual or small group with an emphasis on using media
and technology to assist them. After reading and discussing these models of instruction I have
realized that many of these models are using similar concepts but are worded a little differently
or have other minimal differences.
Some of the aspects of instructional design that I'm struggling with is presenting the projects.
I understand the information going into the projects but when it comes to presenting I have
trouble with reading what I write on the presentation slides and not coming prepared with
something else to read off of. This class you have to present for a certain amount of time and if
you don't then points get deducted off your presentation and that is where I loose a lot of my
I am curious to learn more about instructional design because we only got to cover so much
in one semester and I would like to see what other kinds of models there are and see what else I
can accomplish within this course. This course is interesting to me because I was raised with
technology in my life with everything I do and its all I use in todays society so i would like to
get a job where the society is struggling and maybe make good money and have a job that I
actually find interesting and like to do.

Brett Pisaneschi
Theory to Instructional Design

Brett Pisaneschi
Theory to Instructional Design


This lesson will be developed for beginner workers for security detail at a
football game. This program will mostly train men/women over the age of 18.
This training session is being developed to train the new employees in
checking tickets at the front gate, patting people down, checking tickets, and
making sure the crowd is under control.
1. Cognitive Characteristics:
visual literacy- The visual literacy will make meaning from information
presented in the form of an image, extending the meaning of literacy, which

Brett Pisaneschi
Theory to Instructional Design
commonly interpretation of a written and printed text. We will use this to
show you all the stations of where you will work. Many visual learners learn
best through this.
computer literacy We will use computer literacy to make sure each
worker will see where they will work. The computer will show you how to
make smart choices while working and making sure you are doing your job
correctly. There will be videos, pictures, and a pamphlet which will guide you
to be successful at every job you are put at.
learning styles- For learning styles we will use bodily because we want you
to work at the job by yourself and make sure you understand it. The bodily
learning style will put you in hands on situations where you will have to learn
as you work.
2. Personality Characteristics:
motivation to learn- The motivation to work here is money. It isnt that hard
of a job. If you come to work and do what you have to you will make a good
amount of money.
interests- With this job you are being a security guard at a football game
and sometimes you will be able to meet some of the players and watch the
game. This job also helps your communication skills with random people.
attitudes toward learning- Your attitude towards learning needs to be
dedicated because we take this job very seriously. If you are not doing your
job you will get fired right on the spot. There has been many dedicated
workers who took their phones out for a couple minuted and got fired on the
3. Social Characteristics:
attitudes toward authority- You need to be able to take construction and
instructions very well if you work here. We take everything very serious here
so when we say no phones, we mean NO PHONES. Listen to your boss that is
appointed to you and keep quiet.
career- This would be a good career because it involves the community and
being able to be sociable with other people. This career involves sports so it
appeals to more people. It is not that hard of a job and you make good
educational level- You dont need that much of a educational level to work
here. It doesnt involve that much education. You just need to be a U.S
4. Physical Characteristics:
fatigue- This job requires you to be able to stay on your feet for about 8
hours. You get 1-2 breaks each time you work. You will have to be here about
3 hours before the games starts and stay about a 2 hours after the game

Brett Pisaneschi
Theory to Instructional Design
age- Age doesnt really matter for this job. You can be young or old and still
work here. Younger people will most likely get important jobs and the older
people will get the more important jobs.
sex- For this job, it might be different depending on what sex you are. You
will be working with drunk people so if you are a girl they might come up to
you and try to hit on you or something else but if that happens just go to the
nearest supervisor or police. Guy will most likely be okay in that situation
but they will have to take control of any situations if they occur.

Instructions of what I'm teaching
Objective 1 : By the end of the lesson, new employees will be able to
follow the correct procedure for scanning tickets

Brett Pisaneschi
Theory to Instructional Design
A (Audience) New Employees
B (Behavior) Scanning Tickets
C (Condition) By the end of the lesson
D (Degree) Correct
Objective 2 : By the end of the lesson, new employees will be able to
locate correct seating by viewing tickets.
A (Audience) New employees
B (Behavior) Locate seating
C (Condition) By the end of the lesson
D (Degree) Correct
Objective 3 : By the end of the lesson, new employees will be able to
identify potential threat situations with 100% accuracy.
A (Audience) New employees
B (Behavior) Identify potential threat situations
C (Condition) By the end of the lesson
D (Degree) 100% Accuracy
Objective 4 : By the end of the lesson, new employees will be able to
follow proper observation protocol 100% of the time.
A (Audience) New employees
B (Behavior) Follow proper observation protocol
C (Condition) By the end of the lesson
D (Degree) 100% of the time


Brett Pisaneschi
Theory to Instructional Design
Project Title/Topic: Security Detail



By the end of the

lesson, new
employees will be
able to follow the
correct procedure
for scanning
1) Get a scanner from the
2) Turn the scanner on and
make sure its ready to scan
3) Position the ticket under the
4) Push the scanning button
5) Listen for the Go Ahead
6) If no Go Ahead sound, do not
admit individual
By the end of the
lesson, new
employees will be
able to locate
correct seating by
viewing tickets.
1) Find a spot where you will
help fans find their seat.
2) Walk up and down the isle
and learn where each row is
3) While in your spot, check
every fans ticket and help them
locate their seat.
4) Every ten minutes walk up
and down the isle to make sure
people are in the correct seats

Tools (if needed)

Brett Pisaneschi
Theory to Instructional Design
5) If someone is in the wrong
seat, check their ticket to make
sure and then escort them out.
By the end of the
lesson, new
employees will be
able to identify
potential threat
situations with
100% accuracy.
1) Find supervisor to put you in
a spot to watch the crowd
2) Keep your eyes on the crowd
at all times
3) Keep for hands out of your
4) Locate the people who have
been drinking and you think
might start problems.
5) If someone starts a problem,
you can use force to stop them
and then find the nearest police
officer or supervisor
By the end of the
lesson, new
employees will be
able to follow
protocol 100% of
the time.
1) Grab a partner
2) Walk around the venue
3) Help people when they ask
you questions
4) Make sure you are helping
people with a smile and not a

Brett Pisaneschi
Theory to Instructional Design
5) Keep your eyes out for
people trying to exit the venue
with alcoholic beverages
6) If fans leave with alcoholic
beverages, alert a police officer
or supervisor

Brett Pisaneschi
Theory to Instructional Design

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