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AMPHIBIANS | OF ARGENTINA ; MONITORE ZOOL. ITAL. (N.S.) MONOGR, 2 - 1980 IT ISSN 039: This long-awaited, comprehensive work is a syninesis and critical evaluation of the present state of the taxonomy, viology and phys- iology of Argentine amphibians. The author pres -nts a systematic monographic treatise. He begins with a general introduction of the history, comparative morphology, physiology, eco ogy and biogeog- raphy oi the group, calling attention to the unsolved problems. He also integrates and reviews the existing deia and literature references. English and Spanish keys to the gerera and species follow, providirig a valuable practical aid to the identification of the living and preserved animals. This volume provi 'es a remarkable amount of information, and its extensive bibliogre shy will help all those who intend to go deep into the study of various aspects of systematics anJ biology of Neotropical anurans, No doubt additional knowledge in the future will require new commen’s, but the basic structure of this work wiil remain valuable for a long time. Esta obra, ampliamente documentada y durante muc 0 tiempo espe- rada, representa ura exposicion cuidadosa y una sin‘¢sis critica del estado actual de los conocimientos herpetolégicos sol re taxonomia, biologia y fisiologia de los Anfibios de Argentina. Fl autor pre- senta una vision monografica del tema, la que sé ivicia con una introducci6n general a la historia, morfologia comparada, fisiclo- gia, ecologia y biogeograffa de este grupo de vertebrados en la Argentina. Su preocupacién ha sido le de integrar y comentar los datos existentes, sefialando los problemas todavia no resueltos. Claves analiticas en inglés y en castellano, para géneros y especies, pretenden facilitar la identificacién practica de los animales, vivos © preservados. La bibliografia contribuye tambien a satisfacer las inquietudes del lector interesado en aspectos mas detallados de la sistemética y biologia de los anuros neotropicales. Las investi- gaciones en curso aumentardn sin duda los conocimientos actua- les, pero la sintesis ofrecida por esta obra no sufrira substanciales alteraciones, por lo menos en un futuro immediato, 02 J. M, CEL Color Pl. 1. — A: Elachistocleis bicolor female (Algarrobal, Jujuy), B: Dermatonotas muelleri male (Laguna Garay, western Formosa Province, central Chaco); C, D: Me- Tanopbryniscus stelzneri stelzneri male (E1 Voledn, Sierras of San Luis), Unkenreflex and veatral view, F: Bufo. spintdosus spinulosus male (Puente del Inca, Me q FP Brfo.spinadosus spinddases (Puente del Ynce, Mendoza), ventral view of a female specimen. Golor PL 1 504 JM, CEL Color Pl. 2. — A, B: Bufo spinulosus papillosus female (Epuyén, Chubut), dorsal and ventral view Cz Bufo paracnemis female (Los Puestos, eastern Tucumin Prov- ince); D: Bufo ictericus male (Ober, Misiones). olor Pl. 3 506 J. M. CEL Color Pl. 3, — A: Bufo arenarum male (Cordoba); B, C: Bufo arenarum female (Cordoba), dorsal and ventral view; D: Bufo arenarum female (Mendoza), yellow- spotted specimen. 508, J. M, CEE Color Pl. 4. — A, B: Bufo granulosus major male (Resistencia, austral Chaco}; C, D: Bufo fernandezae’ male (La Plata, Buenos Aires Province); 'E, F: Bufo. pygmaeus male (Resistencia, austral Chaco); G, H: Bujo rubropunctatus female (El Bolson, southwestern Rio Negro Province); "I, J: Bufo variegatus female (Pucaré, Lecar Lake,” Nenquén), Color PL 4 510 J. M. CEL Color Pl. 5 Color Pl. 5. — A: Bufo achalensis male (Pampa de Achala: Cérdoba); B: Bufo ichalensis female (Pampa de Achala: Cordoba); C, D: Bufo crucijer male (Misiones: central plateau); E, F: Rhinoderma darwini ‘male (Lacar Lake: Newguén), 512 JM. CEL | Color Pl. 6 Color Pl. 6. — A. B: Ceratopbrys ornata male, Chaooan diploid form (Loreto, San- tiago del Estero flats); C, ‘Dy Ceratopheys ovat female: southern ectoplotd form juenos Aires Province), Sit JM. CEL Color Pl, 7, — A, B: Chacophrys picrattii female (Totoralejos: salt flats of Cordoba); C, D: Lepidobatrachus Hanensis'(Llanos de La Rioja flats), male specimen and venttal view of a female specimen; E, PF: Lepidobatracius asper male (Saladillo, Santiago del Estero flats), Color PL. 7 516 J. M, CEL Color Pl. 8.— A, B: Telmatobiue patagonicus male (Laguna Blanca, Zapala, Newquén), aquatic form, lateral bagginess evident; C, D: Telmufobins praebasalticus preebo- salticus male (Teru Lagoon, near Laguna Blanca, Zapala, Neuguén); E: Telmatobius prachasalticus dobeslawi male (Piojo Lagoon, near Piedra del Aguila, Neuquén), details of ventral color patterns; F: Telmatobius solitarius male (Las Bayas rocky stream, southern Rio Negro Province); Telmatobius reverberii male (Somuncurd plateau, eastern Rio Negro Province); H, I: Telmatobius somuncurensis (Somuncuré plateau, eastern Rio Negro Province), male specimen and ventral view of a female specimen: Cole: PL 8 518 3M. CEL Color Pl. 9. — A, B: Telmatobius hauthali male (Tafi del Valle, 3000 m, western Tucumin Province), dorsal and ventral view; C, D: Telmatobius bauthali female (Tafi del Valle, 3000 m, western Tucumén Province), dorsal and ventral view. Color PL. 9 520 3. M, CEL i Golor Pl. 10 Color Pl. 10. — A, B: Alsodes pebuenche male (Pehuenche Pass, Mendoza), dorsal and ventral view; C: Alsades pehuenche female (Pehnenche Pass, Mendoza); D, Telmatobias marmorattes female (Abrapampa, Jujuy), dorsal and ventral view; F: AL sodes verrucosus male (Pucari, Lacat Lake, Nenquén). 522 JM. CEI Color PL. 11 Color Pl. 11. — A, B: Bafracbyla leptopus male (Pucaré, Lacar Lake, Neuquén), dorsal and ventral view; C: Batrachyla iaeniata male (Falkner Lake, Neuquén); D: Hylorina sylvatica female (near the Lacar Lake, Neuquén); E, F:_ Eupsopbus roseus male (Pucard, Lacar Lake, Neuquén), dorsal and ventral view. Color Pl. 12 524 JM, CE Color Pl. 12. — A: Odontophrynus americanus male (Rio Sali, Tacumén); B: Odon- rophrynus occidentalis male (El Volcan, Siettas of San Luis), C, D: Odontophrynus occidentalis male (Rio Agric, Neuquén}; E: Eleutberodaciylus discoidalis male (Force ‘Molle, Tucumén), 326 I. M, CEL Color Pl. 13 Color Pl. 13. — A: Pleurodema kriegi malc (Pampa de Achala, Gérdoba); B: Pleuro- dema m, marmorata male (S. Catalina, northern Jujuy Province); C: Limnomedusa ma- croglossa female (Misiones: central plateau); D: Leptodactylus latinasus anceps male (Yerba Buena, Tucumsn); E, F: Leptodactylus bufonius male (Chamical, La Rioja flats), dorsal and venttal view; G: Leptodactylus bujorius female (Chamical, La ‘Rioja flats), ventral view. Color Pl. 14 528 4M. CET Color Pl, 14. — A, B: Leptodactylus gracilis male (Bernardo Irigoyen, Misiones) dorsal and ventral view; C, D: Leptodactylus fuscus male (Obera, Mi fand ventral view; E, F: Leptodactylus mjstacinus male (central San Luis Province); G: Leptodactylus mysticinus male (San Pedto, Misiones) 530 1M, CEL Color Pl. 15 Color Pl. 15. — A: Leptodactytus ocellatus male (El Voleén, Siersas of San Luis); B: Leptodactylus acellatus female (El Voledn, Sierras of San Luis); C: Leplodactylus chaquensis male (Simoca, Tucumén); D, E:' Leptodaciylus p. podicipinus male (S. ‘Cosme, Corrientes), dorsal and ventral view, Color Pl. 16 532 J. M. CEL Color Pl. 16. — A: Leptodactylus labyrinthicus male (Eldorado, Misiones); B: Leptodactylus laticeps male (Ing. Jusrez, westetn Formosa Province, central Chaco) 534 3.M, CEL Color Pl 17. — A: Plewrodema nebulosa male (Pareditas, southern Mendoza Prov- ince); B: Pleurodema vebulosa female (Guaymallén, Mendoza); C: Pleuradema Incibhana male (Rio Sali, Tucumda)s D: Pleurodema gueyapae male (Catuna, southern La Rioja Province); E: Plewrodema borellii male (Yerba Buena, Tucumén); F; Plewro- denta bufonina male (Musters Lake, Chubut); G, MH: Plewrodema thaut female (Balkner Lake, Neuquén), variation of color patterns. Color PL. 17 536 JM. CET Color Pl, 18, — A: Pseudopatudicola falcipes male (La Plata, Buenos Aies Province); B, G: Pseudopaludicola falcipes male (B) and female (C), ventral view; D, E: Cros. sodactylus dispar male (San Pedro, Misiones), dorsal and ventral, view; F: Pbysa- laemus fernandezae male (Zelaya, Buenos Aires Province); G: Physdlacmus cuvieré male (ArisiGbulo del Valle, Misiones); HJ: Physalaemus biligonigerus male (Lorewo, Santiago del Estero Province), variation of color patterns and ventral views K, L: Physalaemus gracilis male (Irigoyen, Misiones), dorsal and ventral view; M: Phy. salaemus albonotatus male (Helvetia, eastern Santa Fe Province), sibling species of Physalacmus cuvieri. = Color PL 18 538 3. M, CET Color Pl. 19. — A, B: Pseudis paradoxus occidentalis female (Ing, Justez, western Formosa Province, central Chaco); C, D: Lysapsus mantidactylus female (La Plata, Buenos Aires Province]; E, PF: Lysapsus lamellus lanellus male (Parand iver, Corrientes), 540 JM. CEL Color Pl. 20. — A, B: Aplastodiscus perviridis male (S. Pedro, Misiones), dorsal and ventral view; C: Phyllomedusa iberingi male (S. Pedro, Misiones); D:_ Phyilo- medusa sauvage’ male (Rio Sali, Tucumén); E: Phyllomedusa bypochondrialis axurea female (Ing. Judrez, western Formosa Province, central Chaco); F, G: Argenleobyle siemersi female (Islas del Delta, Buenos Aires Province), dorsal ‘and ventral view. Color Pl. 20 Bae 3M. CEL Color PL. 21 Color Pl. 21. — A, B: Phrynobyas venulosa female (Ttuzaings, Corrientes), dorsal and ventral view; ‘C: Gasérotheca christian? male (Sierras of Calilegua, ‘eastern Jujuy Province); 'D: Gastratheca christiani female (Sierras of Calilegua, eastern Tujuy Province); E: Ceutrofenella vanzolinté male (Misiones: central plateau). 544 J.M. CEL Color Pl, 22. — A: Hyla faber male (Eldorado, Misiones); B: Hyla raniceps male (Ing. Jusrez, western Formosa Province, central Chaco); C, D: Hyla pulchella andina (Tali del Valle, Tucuman), different color patterns, male specimens; Ez Hyla p. polyac- ia male (Ober, Misiones); F: Hyla xsignata cringiophila female (La Plata, Buenos ires Province). 46 3.M. CEI Golas Pl, 23, — A: Hila albonunctata male (Plapadto, Concentes), Bs Hole pul- chella pulchella male (S. Fe, Parand borders); C: Hyla pulcbella riojana male (Chile- Gito, La Rioja); D: Hyla ‘pulchella cordohae male (Pampa de Achala, Cérdoba); E: 'Hyla berthae female (Punta Lara, Buenos Aires Province); F: Hyla punctate rubrolineata male (Resistencis, near Parand river, austral ). Color PI. 23 548 J. M. CE Color PI. 24 Color Pl, 24. — A, B: Hyle acuminata male (Ing. Jusrez, western Formosa Province, central Chaco), dorsal and ventral view; C: Hyla fuscowaria male (Horco Molle, ‘Tucumén); D,'E: Hyle x-signata nasica male (Resistencia, near Parand river, austeal Chaco), dorsal and ventral view; F, G: Hyla squalirostris male (Irveaings swamps, Cortientes), dorsal and ventral view; H: Hyla nana mana male (Ituzaings swamps, Cottientes); I, J: Hyla minuta male (Eldorado, Misiones), dorsal and ventral view.

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