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New American Inside Out Upper intermediate

Unit 11 Test
Name _______________________

Score ______/50

Part A

Underline the correct words.


The only way to learn your multiplication tables is to learn them by marks / heart / brain.


James failed to / applied to / advised four colleges.


If you dont do / make / pay attention in class, you wont make any progress.


After school, Lena plans to make / take / apply a class in hotel management.


I always used to get / make / take low grades in science. I hated it!

(5 points)

Colloquial expressions

Complete the words to make expressions.


You need to be tough to make it in the business world.


Once Ben gets this crazy idea out of his system, hell be ready to get a real job.


Its up to you now to make this idea work.

(3 points)

New American Inside Out Upper intermediate Unit 11 Test

Photocopiable D.R. Macmillan Publishers, S.A. de C.V. 2010


Complete the sentences with the words in the box. There are two extra words.









When my cat got lost, I was out of my mind with worry.


Youll be in seventh heaven if you get that job, wont you?


I think Junes at the end of her rope , taking care of those three children all day.


That computers not going to last much longer. Its on its last legs.


Wow. That movie was amazing. It took my breath away.

(5 points)

Future forms

Complete the text with appropriate future forms of the verbs in parentheses.

Hayden Lewis is in his last year of high school. His final exams (1) (start) next week. Its a tough time for
Hayden, and hes under a lot of pressure to do well. If he (2) passes (pass) his exams, he (3) will be able to
(be able to) study engineering at Iowa State University. Hayden is hopeful that he (4) will pass (pass) and
get the grades he needs. I think I (5) will do (do) OK, said Hayden. Ive worked very hard!
By the end of the summer, Hayden (6) will know (know) if he (7) has gotten (get) into Iowa State or not.
But until then, he has plans for his free time. After graduation, I (8) am meeting(meet) some friends in
Las Vegas for a week, and then I (9)will probably get (probably / get) a summer job to help pay for
college, he told us.
And what (10) will he do (he / do) if he (11) fails (fail) to get the grades he needs? I (12) might go(go) to
the local community college for a year, or I (13)might take (take) a year off to work my way around the
world, but Im not sure.
(13 points)

New American Inside Out Upper intermediate Unit 11 Test

Photocopiable D.R. Macmillan Publishers, S.A. de C.V. 2010

Future time clauses


Underline the correct verb form.


The minute I finished / Ill finish / Ive finished this, Im going to have lunch.


He is going to call / has called / is calling them about that job right away.


As soon as I arrived / will arrive / arrive, Ill fix the car for you.


Once you got / get / are getting used to this new routine, it wont be too bad.

(4 points)

Useful phrases

Complete the conversation with the phrases in the box. There are two extra

Id like to gain some experience

Im very willing to learn

Id like to know a little about

Ive always been interested in music

Im ready to
I would say my greatest strength

I would say my greatest weakness

Ms. Craig:

Thank you for coming in to see us today, Jake. Tell us a little about yourself.


Well, I graduated last year, and since then Ive been working in a record store. (1) Ive
always been interested in music

, and Id love to work here.

Ms. Craig:

And why do you think youd be right for a position at this radio station?


Well, although Ive enjoyed working in the store, (2) Id like to gain some experience
in the broadcasting sector.

Ms. Craig:

I see. And what qualities do you have for radio work?


(3) I would say my greatest strength is my ability to get along with people. Im very
friendly. And I talk a lot!

Ms. Craig:

Thats certainly an asset in this job! What would you say your weaknesses are?


Well, (4) I would say my greatest weakness is my lack of experience. But (5 Im very
willing to learn.

Ms. Craig:

Do you have any questions youd like to ask us?


Yes, whats the pay like?

(5 points)

New American Inside Out Upper intermediate Unit 11 Test

Photocopiable D.R. Macmillan Publishers, S.A. de C.V. 2010

Part B

Read the text and choose the best words to complete the sentences.


The writers parents _b____ .

a) paid for her to go to boarding school

b) were ambitious for their daughter

c) were wealthy

The other girls at the private school ___c__ .

a) were all very clever

b) went home at night too

c) thought they were better than the writer


The writer wanted to go to her local public school because ___b__ at the boarding school.
a) she didnt expect to do well


b) she felt out of place

c) she failed her exams

The writers parents werent sure about the public school because ____c_ .
a) it was a very big school

b) they didnt like the students there

c) they werent convinced their daughter would do well there


Now that she is planning to be a teacher, the writer ____a_ .

a) wont be like the teachers at her boarding school
b) is sorry to have let her father down
c) wants to teach her students about life

They say that your school days are the best years of your life. But that certainly wasnt always the case with me.
When I was 11, I was awarded a scholarship to a private boarding school near my home. It was a very traditional, allgirl school, and it had an excellent reputation. My parents were very proud of me, but I didnt like it at all. Even though
it was a boarding school, because we lived so close, I went home every day, and so I didnt really make any friends
there. Most of the girls came from really wealthy, privileged backgrounds, and I think they looked down on me, as I
was just an ordinary, albeit clever, local girl. They all knew that I was there on a scholarship and that my parents
couldnt afford the tuition. Also, the teachers were really strict, and I was scared stiff of most of them! Although I was
doing well academically, I was deeply unhappy the whole time I was there.
Eventually, after two years, I persuaded my parents to move me to the local public school. They were really against it
at first. They had always wanted me to go to medical school and be a doctor, like my dad and my grandfather before
him. They didnt expect me to do well in the public school, which, unlike the private girls school, was full of students of
all different abilities, and didnt have the money, resources, or reputation of my boarding school. But I was desperate

New American Inside Out Upper intermediate Unit 11 Test

Photocopiable D.R. Macmillan Publishers, S.A. de C.V. 2010

to go there. I knew lots of my neighbors and old friends from elementary school who were there. I was sure I would be
happy there, and I was determined to work hard and do well in order to prove my parents wrong.
And I did! I had a great time at my new school, with lots of friends. I can honestly say that I think I learned more about
life than I would have done if Id stayed in my first school. When I graduated, I got accepted to a good college to study
history. I decided that Im not going to be a doctor, after all. I am going to break the family tradition and do my own
thing. Im going to be a history teacher. I think my dad was a little disappointed, but my mom was thrilled, as shes
from a family of teachers. My own experiences have made me determined not to be like the teachers I had at my first
school. Im going to be much less strict, for one thing.
By this time next year, Ill be looking for my first job. I really hope Ill be teaching in a public high school, just like the
one I went to.

[Track 25]

Listen to a conversation about a high school student named Darren. Are these
sentences true (T) or false (F)?


Darrens teachers always expected him to get good exam results. _T_


Darrens work isnt as good as it usually is. __T___


Darren has been causing trouble in his French class. ___T__


To go to college, Darren only needs to pass his exams. __F___


Darrens mother is angry that her son is failing. ___F__

New American Inside Out Upper intermediate Unit 11 Test

Photocopiable D.R. Macmillan Publishers, S.A. de C.V. 2010

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